#aka i probably wont be able to update in the next day or two again dlkfjsldkfj
orcelito · 1 year
in other news, sight's next, & what i have planned for it is gonna take a Lot more effort than the previous chapters.
0 notes
jonspurpleskirt · 4 years
An Unlikely Befriending
Summary: Jon gets kidnapped. Jon gets bored. And Jon makes very unlikely friends because of it. Aka: Pen and Paper saves the day (world) and Jon finally gets to have a band. A/N: This is pure fluff, no warnings apply I think. ___
The worst thing about being kidnapped by a crazy mannequin murder clown monstrousity and sitting in a cold, room with creepy wax works, tied to a chair was not the ever present terror. True the fear of Nikola finally deeming his skin good enough and skinning him alive was quite potent, but it wasn't as bad as boredom.
Jon had never taken well to waiting. His mind needed to be occupied 24/7, needed something to latch onto, to obsess about. It's why he became a researcher in the first place. Having most of his freedom taken from him made occupying himself very hard.
At least they still let him eat and drink here and there. Nikola always visited personally, her overly cheery voice bubbling forth as she chattered away while slathering him with lotion or shoving bits of take out food in his mouth. His diet those last two weeks had been very varied and healthy and he had never drank so much water before.
He still probably looked a mess, what with no access to a shower and barely being able to sleep at all. And the constant terror. Oh yeah and the boredom.
Oh the boredom.
Jon was currently sitting in his chair as he was wont to do. Thankfully not nailed down despite all the nagging from Sarah Baldwin. The coffin was singing or moaning with a slight melody behind it, depending on who you asked. And somehow Jon found himself humming along, trying to find a good melody to go with the haunting tune. It wasn't like he had anything better to do and if he didn't start doing something creative his mind would start eating itself soon.
So he hummed, experimenting with the notes, twisting them into something that was reminiscent of circus music and airships. And then he kept humming the melody over and over, forming words in his mind to go with the tune. Once the spark was lit a fire started to burn, the story branching out and out into a twirling mass of chaos and fire.
He had gotten lost in his imagination, hadn't noticed how loud he had become, hadn't heard Nikola approach. Jon screeched when she leant down over him and grinned at him upside down, nose nearly touching his.
Nikola had the gall to laugh at him, no breath fanning over his face as she did so.
"Awww Archivist! I didn't know you had such a nice voice!"
"Yes your singing was also quite good!" She straightened herself, back cracking in several places. Striding around his chair she towered over him, tattered, bloody ringmaster uniform filling his field of vision.
"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to sing, of course! And the broken repeat is lovely."
"Anyway water time!"
With gleeful cackling she ripped the tape from his mouth, amused enough to not immediately shove the bottle between his teeth.
"There are words to it, too." Jon rushed to say, not exactly sure why. What was he offering her here? A solo performance?
"Oh?" she at least didn't tape his mouth shut again. For now.
After waiting several beats where both stared at each other and nothing else happened Jon dared to speak up again.
"I ah... well I wrote it myself? Not wrote, of course. My hands are tied at the moment-" He was rambling. Nikola had given him the freedom of speech and he was off like a shot, telling her everything about what he had been thinking about before she had interrupted his impromptu jamming session, terror completely terminating his brain to mouth filter.
Nikola, for her part, took it all in stride. She even settled on the floor in front of him, blinking every now and then to indicate that she was still present.
"It's such a shame." she finally spoke, holding the water bottle to his mouth, letting him drink of his own volution for once. "You would have made a perfect piece for the choir. Hm maybe what will be left of you will do."
"I could sing for you now." Jon offered as soon as his mouth was free again.
Nikola startled at the offer and Jon just shrugged as much as he was able to. He'd rather sing to a creepy murder doll than spend one minute longer alone and bored out of his mind. And if he could delay the Unknowing (and the violent removal of his skin) by keeping Nikola entertained than even better.
That sounded like he almost had a plan. Which was untrue. He only had a very strong desire for entertainment.
"No sneaky questions." Nikola warned.
"Promise. I can't guarantee good quality rhymes, though. I'm still workshopping."
Singing out loud what had been in his head was always an awkward affair. He had wanted to start a band with Georgie in uni. But it was exactly because of this that he had never bothered.
"That was fun!" Nikola screamed after he was finished nontheless. Clapping her hands in delight, which created a horrible cracking noise.
"I'm glad? I also DM."
She tilted her head at him. "What's that?"
Jon explained the concept of pen and paper games to her while she rubbed lotion into his skin and had her hooked immediately.
Later that day (or maybe the next day, really Jon had no concept of time anymore) Jon was for the first time allowed out of his chair, carefully rubbing circulation back into his hands. Nikola had only briefly left him alone after watering and lotioning him. They had hashed out what kind of world and system they wanted to use (a horror setting, of course) and then Nikola was off and dragging Breekon and Hope back into the room so they had enough people to play.
Either Breekon or Hope sat down behind Jon, large hands lightly clasping his arms, squeezing every once in a while to remind him that should he try and escape he would only end up in pain.
Jon shifted awkwardly in the grip, unused to gentleness even if it was supposed to be threatening.
"Alright. First, character creation. Who do you guys want to play?"
It became a daily thing. The three beings in his group quickly became addicted to his story telling and to the characters they were allowed to play. Nikola tore through characters, trying on different personalities like pieces of clothing. She had a beautiful eery singing voice, Jon was surprised to find out when she had decided to play a member of a steampunk band.
Breekon and Hope were less manic, too attached to their twins to play anyone else. They changed voices and accents every session, though. Jon deigned to ignore their shenanigans, scared to make them angry. He hadn't had this much fun in ages, he didn't want to loose that.
The two delivery men took turns holding him down while they played, Hope holding onto his arms and Breekon using him like a child would a Teddy bear.
Eventually the three lingered after their sessions had ended, the ropes that tied him to his chair less tight. Jon tried to keep the conversations casual, to not ask all the questions that burned at the tip of his tongue. He found that he didn't need to. Tongue loose from goofing around Nikola was often chatty, Breekon and Hope throwing in their two cents every once in a while.
Eventually the topic about Tims younger brother came up.
"Danny Stoker? Grimauldi skinned him? Hm..." Nikolas head nearly dislodged as she stared at the ceiling in thought. "Noooo." She giggled. "We didn't skin anyone that night, silly! We were scoping out locations for the dance! Danny's little group stumbled into us and got a little confused~"
"But Tim saw Grimauldi rip Dannys skin off of a puppet."
Nikola shrugged. "An illusion. We're good at making you people see things that aren't really there. Yet."
"So Danny is alive?"
"I believe so!~ If he didn't die in a ditch somewhere."
Jon was very careful to keep his voice as soft as possible with the next question. "Could you find him again and bring him to the Institute? To Tim and... I don't know... maybe that's a stupid idea given that he can't be sure it's really him..."
"If I track him down do I get inspiration for my character next session?"
"That's cheating." Breekon complained under his breath behind Jon.
"I... yes?"
Nikola grinned. "Wonderful! I see what I can do!"
Days went by like that, Nikola or Breekon or Hope updating him on Dannys search, which had turned out to be harder than they had thought. Well at least Jon was keeping them busy.
They were in the middle of racing a burning train into the central bank of London when a door creaked behind Jon, bathing the room in technicolour and spiral shapes.
"That is not what I thought I'd find here." A voice that wavered between confused and gleeful mused.
Jon twisted in the grip Breekon had on him. "Hello Michael."
"Hello Archivist. You've found yourself in an interesting situation." The grin Michael shot him was a knife glinting in the light before striking.
"Yes. Why are you here?"
Nikola had let him practice after Jon had explained his lack of training, much more lax with her hostage now that he fed her fascinating stories of blood and gore. So there was no trace of compulsion in his voice when he asked the question.
Michael answered truthfully anyway. "I came to kill you of course!"
"I have dips on that!" Nikola said, voice pleasant and grin feral.
"I'm sorry about that. Would you like to join the game instead?"
Michael stared at him as though he had grown mad. Impressed, curious and lightly terrified. Then it laughed that horrible, headache inducing laugh.
"There's a lot of lies and delusion." Jon coaxed, heart beating out of his chest with nerves.
"He's a good storyteller." Hope added, Nikola and Breekon nodding along.
"Hm alright. I guess I can play for a bit."
It didn't stay just for a bit. Michael stayed through the finale of the story and then demanded to start another, their little ragtag group of definitely not heroes causing more chaos than any other player group Jon had ever DMed before. And that was saying something. Hours upon hours passed, Michael disappearing and reappearing to get Jon coffee and tea to keep his voice from giving out.
In the middle of it all Michael began twitching and twisting, glitching in and out of sight before slumping to the ground with a groan, form for once near comprehensible. Another door opened and out walked Helen looking down at the Distortion in disappointment.
"Oh that didn't destroy you. Shame."
"Hello Jon! I was coming to rescue you given that Michael got a little distracted. Do you want to come to the archives with me?"
Honestly Jon should have been shocked, probably angry. He was definitely sad. And yet the most he felt was just an overwhelming sense of whelp.
Jon vaguely gestured towards Nikola, as much as Breekons hold allowed him to. "Ask her."
"We're not done yet."
"Later then?"
Nikola considered Jon for a long moment, both staring unblinking at each other. "Give us an hour."
To Jons great surprise Helen just nodded and delicately sat on the chair Jon usually frequented in his "freetime" all prim and proper except for the long sharp fingers curling at the edges like corkscrews.
"Now where were we?"
Michael groaned from the floor for once not smiling. Jon felt a twinge of sympathy for him.
"Are you alright?"
"Been better. Been worse. Let's burn this village down!"
There was no end to the tale they had been playing, not with just one session of playtime. Jon felt a bit bad about that, especially because he had left it at a cliffhanger. No one seemed to be angry at him for it, though. Michael had recovered fast and was again his usual ominous cheery, albeit lightly aggressive self. He poked and prodded at Helen like a curious cat while Nikola massaged lotion into Jons skin for the last time and handed him several expensive looking bottles, rattling down a step by step skin care routine he was to follow to the t or else she would break into his house and do it herself.
Hope patted him on the head. "See you around, Archivist."
"You're really letting me go? Just like that?" Jon still couldn't believe it.
Nikola shrugged. "I found another option. And I'd like to keep doing this after the Unknowing."
"Will that be even possible?"
The grin he got from was not at all reassuring. "I don't know~"
Well that was probably the best he would get from her. Jon gave a hesitant tiny wave and, flanked by both Michael and Helen stepped through their door.
Back at the archive no one had even questioned his disappearance. A fact that made Michael and Helen laugh, even though they both refused to leave as Tim, Melanie and Basira questioned him about his whereabouts.
Martin was the only one who took Jons forced vacation in stride. Maybe he even was a little too happy about a group of mannequins harassing him to take better care of himself.
"You're not compromised now, are you?" Basira asked when Jon had settled back into his office after a long shower.
"No? Because I still don't want the world to end?"
Somehow Jon knew that she would still keep an eye on him from now on.
When the day came to blow up the ritual site Jon hadn't slept a wink in three nights and was overcome by guilt. Despite how aweful his initial time at the circus had been and despite him knowing what horrible things Nikola and her kin did in their freetime, Jon still felt bad about probably killing her.
He tried to rationalize his feelings away, connecting his rising anxiety with the fact that Danny still hadn't been found. It was a flimsy denial.
Tim stayed by his side the whole time, resolute in his burning desire for vengeance. Jon was scared that he would loose him to this, too. Had confessed as much to Michael and Helen, who had taken to keeping at least one door manifested somewhere in the tunnels at all times. The two had started to get along well after some initial disagreement. The Spiral, split as it was between the two of them, was weaker in its influence now, leaving more of Michael Shelley and Helen Richardson to make decisions.
They weren't here now. Daisy, Basira and Tim were, setting up explosives and arguing about rescuing people that were already long dead.
And then Nikola appeared and the dance started and nothing made sense anymore.
Jon woke up six months later, Georgie calling him a monster and Basira giving him a statement to "eat" catching him up on everything he had missed. Tim had miraculously survived, having been dragged through a door by either Helen or Michael. Daisy and Basira had encountered Breekon and Hope, who had argued about what they should do with "Jons feral friends" and in the end had led them savely out of the building before it could go boom, muttering about possible inspiration points.
The only one who hadn't been saved was Jon. He tried not to feel too hurt about that.
Coming back to work was as anti climatic as it had been after the kidnapping. The only one who seemed happy to see him was Martin. He had apologized profusely for the hug and promptly stopped doing so when Jon dashed forward and back into Martins warm embrace, finally breaking down.
He had been too caught up in his crying to make a note of the little kiss Martin pressed into his hair.
They all were a little lost after averting the apocalypse, normal everyday life eluding them. Elias might have been out of the picture for the moment, but Peter Lukas had taken over and fighting against the isolation was taking its toll on everyone.
They were all huddled in the breakroom, faces grim and stewing in silence so as to not break into an arguement when they got their delivery.
Breekon and Hope stepped into the small space with their usual nonchalance dragging a scared young man between them, who had a lot of resemblance to Tim.
"Delivery for Jonathan Sims. Nikola says hi."
Tim was the first one up. "No... No no nononononono that can't be. He's dead. Jon. Jon tell me is that really him?!"
Jon looked at the scared man, who had his gaze locked on Tim, recognition slowly dawning on his face. He Looked and he Knew.
"Yes. No one was killed the night Danny disappeared. His group encountered Nikola and her troupe during a rehearsal, got confused and then lost. And was lost ever since. Nikola told me of this. She promised to find him for me, for you."
That was all Tim needed to rush forward, catching his brother in his arms and hugging him close. "Danny!"
Danny clung back just as tightly, awareness barely back. Still obviously shaken and confused.
Jon smiled at the two delivery men. "Thank you. Will he... will he be alright."
Hope shrugged. "Dunno. Nikola said to make him remember bit by bit. Been not Danny for a long time. Might need to get used to it again."
"We'll take it slow." Tim promised, silent tears streaming down his face.
"Good luck. Hey Archivist, do we get inspiration, too?"
Jon laughed, incredulous. The others in the room watched the exchange with varying degress of exasperation and outrage.
"You know what? Yes. Yes you have. And I'll give you all advantage on your rolls next session. Only that one session, though! Same for Nikola. How is she, by the way?"
Breekon made a so-so sign. "Restless. We've waited over six months to find out what happens after  that cliffhanger you gave us."
"Right." He still couldn't believe it. "Tonight 8 o'clock, my flat?"
Twin grins, the most excited he had ever seen them. "See you then, Archivist."
Tim was still gently hushing his brother, rocking back and forth on his feet to try and calm him down a little. And he still had tears streaming down his face, looking like an absolute wreck. But he still managed to join the unimpressed stares that were thrown his way by everyone but Martin, who at this point had just started to roll with the punches.
"You really befriended the clown club and made them rescue literally all of us?" Basira asked in a deadpan voice.
"I kind of feel cheap now." Daisy muttered. "As though those clowns let us win."
"Look, what can I say? Pen and Paper games are fun. I can't blame them. And Nikola did want to start a band."
"Oh my god." Melanie groaned, her head thunking onto the table. "I can't believe it."
"A band?" Basira asked, suddenly much more alert. They really had gotten quite desensitized to the whole monster thing, hadn't they? "What, you can sing?"
"As a matter of fact, yes. But really. Shouldn't we... I mean shouldn't we focus on Danny? There's a cot-"
"I know." Tim interrupted. "We all know there's a cot. I'll take him home, you keep talking about your weird band plans. Monster boss? We talk later, but... thank you."
Silence reigned long enough to follow Tim out of the Institute before Martin piped up, cheeks reddening before he had even opened his mouth. "Could we... Could we have a taste?"
"A taste? Of what? My voice?"
"Hold up, if Sims is going to sing I'll have to record it." Melanie tapped on her phone and held it into the room as one would do a microphone. "Alright go."
Jon sighed, what he didn't do to keep up the group morale.
"Aww shit." Was Basiras conclusion when he was done. "What kind of music were you thinking of playing?"
"Count me in."
Today had been weird, Jon thought, mind reeling from the whiplash of... kindness? That had happened after the delivery of one Danny Stoker. Granted the last month, no
had been weird. But this had topped it all. At least it had been a nice weird.
Jon had nearly forgotten about his appointment with a certain group of Strangers when he got back to his flat, overworked, hungry and still processing. So he should be forgiven for the scream he let out when he saw three large figures huddling on his too small couch.
"You haven't been taking care of your skin at all!"
There was no time to duck away from the cold, hard hands that fluttered all over his body. Nikola squished his cheeks like a proper grandmother, clearly unhappy about their elasticity.
"I was in a coma for six months."
"And awake for a few weeks now." A cheerful male voice said from behind him, bringing the smell of pizza with it.
"We were there he didn't take care of himself at all!" Helen added, putting down several cans of soda and what looked to be instant coffee.
"You're horrible!" Nikola wailed, manhandling him until he was squished between Breekon and Hope. "All my beautiful work! Ruined!"
"Uh... sorry?"
"You can make it up to us with weekly sessions." Michael suggested with a grin.
"Both on Saturday and Sunday!" Helen added.
"I actually planned for Sunday to be band day." Jon lied. "Basira wants to join, by the way."
They were all settled around the small coffee table now, food and drink on the floor so they had enough place to roll their dice.
"Wonderful! What did you think we'd name it?"
Jon tilted his head given the illusion of thinking it over even though he had known what to name his band since highschool.
"The Mechanisms."
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