#also sorry I'm late waaaaa
avid-adoxography · 2 months
Wait I'm so curious from your tag; Have I talked about Piers before?? :O I hadn't thought I did publically. (CrypticCupid)
@crypticcupid I think so?? Like. It probably happened thousand years ago, in a time that I'd like to refer as the Pre-Splatoon Era, but yeah?
Or maybe I've just been plagued by the visions. Who knows at this point ;3c
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oekaki-chan · 1 year
Hi! I got into TGAA only a month ago, but since I finished and went to the fandom to search for fan arts, your works simply astounded me! Your composition, coloring, expressions! Your style is literally perfection and inspired me to try my hardest in drawing again so I could be someday at yours level! (I literally scrolled your ask tag for a whole day >///<) But my problem is my impatience so I rush into drawing without setting all the forms, guidlines, etc and get depressed when it all feels wrong... And even if I draw something I like I should really take my time to do details, but even then the imagine in my head is different to what my skills can do... Do you have any solution for such problem? Anything is fine, thank you in advance!
WAAAAA I'm so happy you like them Anon!! Thank you very much 😭😭❤
If you're struggling to establish a coherent idea in your mind, try making some thumbnail sketches before working on the real thing! I know it may take time but I think it's a better way to solve the problem and you won't be left with polished art you're dissatisfied with.
I don't really do thumbnail sketches for looser work, but for zines and commissions I usually do thumbnail sketches to see which idea works best and how I'm gonna execute said idea! Thumbnail sketches don't have to be black and white lineart sketches, you can also add some colors and a little shading to them (I always skip the color choosing part because I hate picking colors ABDSHSDKJ) and keep in mind not to overdo it!
I hope you find this helpful Anon and I'm so sorry for the super late reply 😭
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marshmellopie · 6 months
How does one animate as good as you?? And what programs do you use?
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Honestly!! I don't recommend you animate like me AJSFHDKGH I only sketch out the keyframes, then I draw the lineart of those keyframes, and just kind of... wing the in-betweens from there AFHGHJWEFGD I've always had trouble with lineart consistency when drawing out the roughs so I abandoned them entirely, but it'd probably make my animations more fluid... I dunno! I don't really bother with making sure everything is perfectly consistent (though it's fine to do that as well), most likely I see the mistakes more than everyone else, so I don't worry too hard about little details. Personally I like to find an animation I really like, slow it down, and just analyze it in order to learn more techniques. Also animation memes, that got me into animating in the first place... I should make more in the future
For GIFS and animations not synced to audio (like the one above), I use Procreate (not Procreate Dreams, just the animation feature in the normal app). For animations that ARE synced to audio (like Lagtrain), I use Flipaclip (paid version, but not the subscription, the old payments when it was just one-time purchases). For editing I switch between Alight Motion, Capcut, and Adobe After Effects depending on if I can afford the subscriptions. I also sometimes do tweening/puppeting on AM and AAE! I would love to learn how to use Live2D too.
(also, am sorry for the late reply!! but i'm back home and can draw WOO)
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sulfurhotspot · 6 months
200 note special!! :D
Waaaaa sorry I'm so late on this! (I kept looking at the poll and yeahhhh)
Anyways! So I'm going to be talking about Ez (@saturns-ringg) and my au called, drumroll please!
(If its something you'd be interested in seeing us make an ask-blog please comment: "Pineapple" so yeah prepare for bad explanations :D)
(Also its kind of long so get ready to read ig lol)
•Piffala was the name of the concept of a video game that me and Ez came up with around 4th grade (I think.) We kinda gave up on the idea of making a video game because we didn't really have jobs and it's alot of money and work that goes into one, (plus we were like 10💀) which is why we are interested in making it an ask!
•Piffala has 5 other siblings and a mother named FeeFee. (FeeFee wont be talked about in this.) In order from oldest to youngest (between the siblings) it goes: Piffala, Shadow(also known as Sp), Devin, Nuke/Kasha (Twins), and lastly Neo.
•Piffala- Three tailed spotted wildcat
•Shadow- Three tailed black wildcat
•Devin- Polarbear-Bird
•Nuke- Octopus-Spider
•Kasha- Cat-Camelion
•Neo- Iguana-Viper
•Piffala- She/Her/They/Them
•Shadow- He/Him/They/Them
•Piffala- Aro-ace
•Shadow- Gay
•Devin- Straight/Ally
•Nuke- Questioning
•Kasha- Lesbeian
•Neo- Pan
•Piffala has a hot-headed personality matched with anger issues, She's the least trusting of humans out of the 6, she's also the first to kill on sight, shes almost always on edge. Cares very deeply for her siblings.
•Shadow is almost the exact opposite of Piffala, He's laid back, chill, and is quite trusting towards humans (not as much as his siblings however), Both him and Piffala are very cunning. Loves puns (and coming up with them with Kasha.)
•Devin is very cold and distant, He's a big brute who doesn't find much interest in anything. He's quiet and only truly follows Piffalas orders, he is only second to having trust issues (of course behind Piffala.)
•Nuke is chill but not as chill as Shadow, he is more of the voice of reason to the group, making sure everyone doesn't go running off and killing anything, he's a silly guy who love to pull pranks with his twin and hang out with Neo.
•Kasha is quite and likes to observe more than engage in anything. Their the brains of the operations when it comes to pulling pranks with their twin. They are an excellent killer but can be pretty funny, pulling pranks and telling puns.
•Neo is the youngest and most trusting of the group, despite being part viper he really hates killing things, he looks up to Nuke as his role model. He's a hard worker and despite being trusting towards humans, he isn't as naive as he appears to his siblings.
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(I'm lazy so I only did sloppy head shots. I felt the need to do it on Ibis so yeah!)
Ok so that's the intro to Piffala, uhm yeah! Me and Ez might make a blog later tomorrow but thats up to him. Happy Holidays everyone!! :D
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Hi!! Uhm, may I ask for a matchup for Twisted Wonderland? If you're not busy that is-
I'm Southeast Asian who's around 5'2 with long black hair and dark brown eyes(the ones that kind of look black? Idk) I usually wear a shirt and shorts
I'm an INTP 9w8 and my sign is a Leo! I don't really know what I am or want to be yet hahaa- I'm an introvert and I'm good with socializing and pretty loud when I feel like it. I'm not very confident in anything either,,, I think I'm a quick leaner? I sometimes sleep(not that I stayed up all night, I can't stay awake past 11-12) or draw in class but it hasn't really gotten that bad yet or maybe it's too easy?? I have a bit of a short temper and I get get sarcastic and passive aggressive usually,, I sort of don't like it too much cause I most of the time regret it an hour ish later while thinking it over,, also very stubborn, but a bit easygoing with what people want. I'm trying to be more understanding and more openminded but yeaaah,, I tend to worry lots about the future and I get stuck in the past,, my hopeless romantic ass 💀 oh and I have to mention that I'm a someone who's scared of everything 🤡, including the dark, uh I think my mood is all over the place? Definitely not 100% sane but not insane (you can trust me 🤭(laughs in trust issues)) I'm a big crybaby who will cry over something little like not being listened to. I always say I am or am not going to do something but I do the opposite like I'll say I won't study but end up studying on the weekends in the morning,,,
My hobbies are drawing, writing, reading and singing! I love drawing characters or little chibis of my favorite characters and give them to my friends or writing short stories for my closer friends to read! Back then I would probably say only singing,, but I think that was cause I had a confidence boost that time,, I don't really think I'm that good but not exactly bad? I'd love to perform if I didn't have stage fright,, I have once or twice but still (๑°ㅁ°๑)‼
My likes? Uhm I like stickers? But I usually give them away,, I love flowers and flower language esp being on the giving end! Just imagine the reaction waaaaa I prefer staying inside but I'm not too against going out if it's not too far or late. I'm not really the best at my language but I love when I see it used, I think it's v v funny when I see my favs use it!! I sometimes talk to them in it when I'm too shy(?) to say it in English
I really don't like people who are narrow minded and people who bs alot since I prefer things short and clear. I have a complicated relationship with cheaters and people who ask questions during exams since I'm against it but don't really know how to feel when my friends to it. Not really a rule breaker but will complain and ask why if I don't see a point or reasoning behind it. I hate assumptions and being ignored. I get sensitive and petty when that happens- I esp don't like being treated like i'm weak (even tho I prob am) due to my emotions. I rant a lot and I hate when they don't really listen, start comparing and say I'm weak for it :( I know it's not rational but I can't control how I feel damn. Other than that I hate not being acknowledged for my skills, not that I have anything special but it's not completely 0
Oh wow that was pretty long, I keep rechecking- uhmm thanks if you did finish reading this!
Sorry but I already closed the matchmaking I'm just writing the ones that were requested before I closed it:(
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ask-andante · 3 years
Hello. Do you have any advice for someone who is freshly making a character with DID ˙˚ʚ(´◡`)ɞ˚˙?
sorry am late..! i don't check here that often smh
ended up long WOOPS
Honestly I wouldn't consider myself a great source even if I found out abt own system last year aha aha aha...............
Your best bet is to check DID resources/information blogs, but also especially to ask other systems abt your plot/characterization/motivations/etc if it directly involves the system. Gettin a second opinion from several different systems could help u out a lot, I don't remember too much from 2015/2016 but I was in a Discord server years ago w a few systems who I asked w their permission..! https://did-research.org/ iirc this site is good and that's all i got for text stuff ABABABA. sorry i don't have many links, used to just return to them from history or seeing the already clicked on links on google and stuff instead of saving em 0(!
Anything that uses MPD or split personality please take w a grain of salt, those terms are outdated and I've become very wary of anything using them. It could be likely the information they're using is just as outdated as the term [which it was changed in 1994 btw]. i'm sure u prolly know this tho but fer anyone who may not..!
I'd say also check out actuallyDID or similar tags on tumblr and see what people are postin about. I'd warn that there could be vent posts w heavy topics in there tho, that is a big side of the disorder after all. Ofc remember to view those things critically. But gettin an idea of day to day life or struggles and whatnot isn't somethin that typically shows up in a disorder symptom outline list.
https://www.youtube.com/c/DissociaDID/videos this a good channel tho most of their videos had to be privatised, and they can no longer post for the most part. 0( it was really shitty to see happen
https://www.youtube.com/c/TheRingsSystem/videos this system's channel hasn't posted in forever but is also one i liked!! iirc they're going into the field [i can't remember if it was psych or therapy] specifically to learn abt and spread better awareness abt systems! sometimes they even bring other systems onto the channel!! WAAAAA
oh and ofc if u can find one, a meme group abt having system. the one i'm in is on FB tho haha.........
ofc in the end i'd say anythin you might stumble upon, if u have the ability to, ask another system or two if it's pretty accurate or not. but one system doesn't speak for all experiences either, ofc. bit of a tricky situation..!
but ultimately as long as it's respectful and u don't do spooky murderer alter u should be more or less ok haha. it's hard to even just get a character that's even researched honestly.
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haha funny meme https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/820137453587005470/912029857834213406/257668227_3181076982120727_1098319046758256954_n.png HAHAHA this one too
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actualbird · 2 years
Waking up to a new fic was an absolute delight and reading through it only made everything better.
Man I really feel Ria with the long weeks. And the extra long weekend because that's a brutal series of minor inconveniences. Did she ever manage to open the jar?
Absolutely love the reference to the latest chapter dfhigojg bashing reinforced plexiglass has nothing on not being able to open a jar. At least the exercise will help Ria in whatever new life threatening situation she ends up in.
Artem listening to My Heart Will Go On dtidtid I adore this.
Artem's Wordle noooo. It's such a frustrating feeling that one's. Not valid it's not a shame-inducing thing but slightly more understandable!
I absolutely adore the shift from romance to Artem tripping over a crack in the pavement. The natural conclusion to seeing nothing but your crush.
The music swelled right when Ria caught him too I just realised dgidit
He's made worse excuses than "for charity"? Now I'm curious about those other excuses.
It's the all caps respectful in Artem's search that gets me the most.
You know what I can understand Marius' reaction. That was hot and I'll be unpacking why I think that too.
Teach Davis about creativity :(
Oh my god she knocked Luke out. What workouts is she doing I need those too. Absolutely adore Luke's reaction too xfuxu
Vyn using his universe-assigned accidents to his advantage is something I'm adopting as canon now.
Cgkcjg nice jab at Artem there Vyn.
I adore Davis and his stalker tendencies. Also he's right that the four boys are extremely entertaining to watch.
Excellent fic again!!!! Absolutely love the premise and all the boys swooning over a buff Ria. Thank you for writing this! I'm sorry if this seems a little messy cgidgk I'm not quite fully awake yet.
waaaaa gmorning, milkyway!! thanks for reading "baby, you're the man, but i got the power" OwO
pls dont apologize for anything omg, im HONORED u read this fic not 100% awake, kinda like a morning newspaper but theres no information about the world's events, just convoluted swooning over strength
ria's long week was honestly me projecting how ive been feeling lately kJBKJSDKJFSD!! sometimes weeks are just Like That :( tho unlike her, my weeks Like That never made me decide to start working out, LMAO.
SHE DOES EVENTUALLY OPEN THE JAR! in my mind, i assume that she took a frustration nap after the whole ordeal and when she woke up she had more strength to open it but she already committed to Operation Get Shredded
artem's wordle shame is also me projecting //SOBS. i havent done wordle in a while but it was my dream to have 3rd Row as my highest solves, but im not as smart as artem so my current standing is this
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a knockout isnt too hard to do! a strong enough right hook to the jaw or temple is enough to jostle a person’s brain into temporary sleepytown. actually, most well placed blunt force trauma hits can result in a knockout (take it from me who had balance issues growing up and bashed my head EVERYWHERE at school for a few years. i basically lived in the clinic, i was always getting temporary sleepytown) 
usually, knockout punches actually just knockout a person for a few seconds, which is what happened to luke, and it’s super common in like, UFC MMA fights which i used to watch a lot as a kid. it’s this split second unconsciousness that leaves the opponent unguarded for a much stronger punch that can knockout for a much longer time. the head is just That Fragile and thats why guarding it is the most important thing to do in any kind of martial arts
but luke did not do that because hes a dumb dumb who underestimated ria and being completely unguarded and not braced for impact? SLEEPYTOWN, BOIIII!!! 
vyn got THE MOST shoujo anime romance scene in this fic, the lucky bastard!!!!!!!
thank u sm for the lovely ask, milkyway <3 im rlly glad u enjoyed the fic :D
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fanfic-chan · 2 years
And woah, i have a tag now!! :O
(also youre profile is Razor from genshin, right? i got into genshin about a week or two ago :D)
—☯️ anon
Omg I am soooo, so sorry this is so late! I've been busy all day preparing for a church trip and spent most of the time in the car on the way there asleep pfft. I literally just got out of church service like, ten minutes ago XD
You really did!! I've been in such a writing funk lately, and hearing that really inspired me a lot, and I'm so glad you like the tag!^^ (It is! He's my absolute favorite character in the game!! ❤️ Welcome to the genshin community woooo!! 🎉🎉🎉)
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ppangjae · 3 years
Hey Alex! It's me again (it's been a while and I missed you TT). Congrats for your 3k!!! (let's get it gurl!). I've read NVMLBU and oh. Jiho. Ahhh I kinda want to kick her (sorry waaaaa). It's so good. Your writing is on point...*sighs happily* Man, we have NCT 2021!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm excited and dissapointed because Winwin and Lucas are not participating and also we don't have new members but the concept chef kisess. They want to give us a heart attack.
oh my gosh hi love! so sorry for the late reply! i saw your ask but i've just been swamped with assignments that i couldn't answer them right away :(
THANK YOU ahh 3k is a huge number i still can't believe it
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