#also the amount of people who fully misunderstand H and his music is insane
itsokbbygrl · 2 years
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kates-sweet-escape · 6 years
For the longest time  [ HW | F ]
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pairing: Hyungwon X Reader (Gender neutral)
genre: Fluff
word count: 3.8k
summary: You and Hyungwon have been friends for the longest time. But a night out in Seoul might change that forever. 
cover: Made by me. Picture credit to Naver Dispatch.
song: “Jealousy” by Monsta X
lyrics:  “There is nothing between us. So what is this? Why do you keep getting on my nerves?”
“You’re aware of the fact that you’re being extremely petty right now?” You almost had to scream at the top of your lungs to make your voice heard over the loud music that was blasting from the huge high-end speakers. You were in one of Seoul’s hottest nightclubs to party. Because you had something to celebrate. Your best friend’s first gig as a DJ. But instead of dancing the night away to the songs that Hyungwon was mixing so perfectly, you’d somehow gotten yourself caught up in this mess.  
You looked at Minhyuk who was standing right in front of you being way too close for comfort. You’d been friends with Minhyuk for a while now, but this… You could clearly see the barely visible pink highlights in his grey contact lenses. Even in the dimmed lights that were illuminating the bar right next to the dance floor. That’s how close he was. And if you hadn’t been that used to Minhyuk completely ignoring your personal space, you might have really felt uncomfortable.
He looked at you with a stern expression on his face before he nodded. “Yes. 100%.”
So he was serious. Great. “Then why do you-”
“Because that’s the only way Jihye will realize that she has done something wrong.” Minhyuk looked over his shoulder and towards the VIP booth across from the dancefloor where you had been seated upon entering the club with Hyungwon. Jihye was sitting at the table surrounded by Hoseok, Hyunwoo and Kihyun. Usually she loved all the attention. But today she didn’t seem too happy about it. Her big brown eyes were transfixed on Minhyuk, not minding Kihyun at all who seemed to be talking to her. Her expression had hardened, making her look almost angry as she was watching Minhyuk very closely. You shouldn’t take part in any of it. You weren’t on good terms with Jihye to begin with. You should just pull out of this whole show that Minhyuk was putting on for her to see. And not only because this was childish and stupid. But also because you knew what it felt like to be eaten alive by jealousy.
Minhyuk smiled a little before he leaned in a little further towards you, making you able to clearly smell the cologne he was wearing. “She’s looking this way. Laugh. Like I said something funny.”
You scoffed as you saw Jihye clenching her jaw. This was just ridiculous. “I don’t think you’re very funny.”
“Well, that’s because you have a rotten sense of humor.” Minhyuk pouted a little, fully aware of the fact that you were weak to him playing cute. “Come on Y/N. Please!”
“Minhyuk, this is insane.” Yet you still faked a laugh, even placing your hand on his shoulder just to really help him with his little charade. You were definitely way too smitten with that guy. “You're both grown-ups. Just talk it out for Christ’s sake.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried that already?” Minhyuk, who was known for being a tease, took your hand from his shoulder and held it for a lot longer than he should have. “I did. Countless times. But this is the only way she’ll even notice that I am angry about something. You know how she is.”
Yeah, you knew. That’s why you shouldn’t get involved in this. Because that woman was borderline crazy. You sneaked a peak towards the booth. Jihye looked really angry, her plush lips pressed together into a small line. You let go of Minhyuk's hand and took a small step back. That should do the trick.
Jihye and Minhyuk where the kind of couple that you’d seen in countless movies. They were always fighting. And if they weren’t fighting, they were in the process of making up. At first, you’d thought that it was kind of funny. But after two years with front row seats to all their drama, you were just tired of it all.
“Gosh. How are the two of you even still together?”
Minhyuk smirked a little, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Dedication. Loyalty. And lots of-”
“If you want me to play along, you better not finish that sentence.”
“Love.” He giggled a little. “And lots of love, Y/N.”
You clicked your tongue in annoyance. You knew what he’d really meant to say. You’d been friends with him for long enough to know what was going on in that funny little brain of his. “You’re the worst.”
You were looking for the bartender who’d taken your order a while ago, but since this place was packed, it seemed like you’d still have to wait for a little longer to get your drinks. You’d wanted to go alone, but Minhyuk had tagged along. And now you knew exactly why. Gosh, you wished that Jooheon hadn’t been busy tonight. Then you wouldn’t have to play the decoy. Those two were usually flirting with each other anyway. But since he was caught up at work, you’d just have to play Minhyuk’s flirt of choice.
Great. Just great.
Minhyuk let out a deep and drawn out sigh. “Don’t you think I feel pathetic for doing this? Because trust me, I do. And I know that you don’t like her an-”
“What are you two talking about?”
You were glad that the loud music completely swallowed up the loud yelp of surprise you’d let out. “Changkyun!” You pressed your hand against your heart that was beating rapidly inside your chest as you looked towards the youngest of the group. He was rocking a pair of round glasses, black nail polish and a man bun. “Hell, don’t ever do that again!”
“Do what again?” You were met with Changkyun’s usual expression of faked innocence that just gave away the fact that he’d done this on purpose just to annoy you.
“Creeping up on me like that!” You hated being surprised. Which was exactly why Changkyun had done it in the first place. That little bastard. Why were you friends with him again? Oh yeah, right. Because you adored all of Hyungwon’s friends. “Make a noise if you move, would you? You’re not a friggin’ cat.”
“I make plenty of noise. You just can’t hear it because of the loud music.” Changkyun smiled at you smugly before pointing towards the DJ booth where Hyungwon was playing one amazing set after the other. “By the way, is it just me, or is Hyungwon on fire tonight?”
“You bet your ass he is.” Minhyuk let out an impressed whistle and you couldn’t help to feel an immense amount of pride as you watched the crowd cry out in approval upon the smooth song transition that you knew Hyungwon pulled off effortlessly. “Those beat drops and song transitions? The crowd is going nuts over them.”
You looked at Hyungwon who was staring down towards his DJ gear. He seemed to be lost in his own little world again, with those giant headphones dangling from his neck. He was wearing a black T-Shirt and his hair had this surreal silver color you’d helped him apply in the bathroom only a few hours ago. He looked up at the crowd again before he initiated another beat drop, jumping up and down with them as it kicked in.
Seeing him like this, at the DJ booth, working diligently while the crowd went wild over what he did, was still foreign to you.
It was like he wasn’t Hyungwon anymore. It was like he’d completely transformed into H.One. And even though you hated to admit it, you kind of liked it. Because you knew how much he loved this. How much his music meant to him. You’d talked about it with him countless times whenever he came over to your apartment to show you a new song. You would both lie on the floor, right next to one another, and just listen to it in the silence of your apartment.
And those moments were some of your most treasured memories.
You smiled as Hyungwon suddenly looked up and your eyes met for a few seconds over the large crowd that was separating you from him.
He was looking right into your eyes. You still needed to get used to this new look with the blue eyes and the silver hair. But no matter which colored lenses he wore or what hairstyle he was having you’d always be able to recognize him straight away. Because he would always be your best friend Hyungwon. And nothing would ever change that.
You really shouldn’t stare at him for this long. People would misunderstand. So you nodded at Hyungwon one final time before you refocused on your conversation with Minhyuk and Changkyun. “I told you guys that he’s that good.”
“How were we supposed to know?” Minhyuk sounded a little offended. “He never talks about his music.”
Changkyun cocked up his eyebrow before looking at you intensely, which you chose to ignore. “Well with us he doesn’t”
“And we are his roommates.” Minhyuk narrowed his eyes but his lips were still showing a hint of that proud smile he’d had on his lips ever since Hyungwon had told them about this gig. “That little traitor.”
Okay, that was enough. You turned towards Minhyuk. “First of all, he’s taller than you, Minhyuk. So you shouldn’t call him little.”
“And second of all, are you really surprised that he doesn’t want to talk about his music with any of you?” Because you sure as hell weren’t. You loved these idiots to bits, but they could be a real pain in the ass. “You always tease him for being a DJ.”
“No, we don’t.”
“You do.” You’d seen it for yourself on multiple occasions. And you were so over it by now. Hyungwon wasn’t like all those countless college kids that thought of themselves as the next David Guetta just because they had seen some DJ Youtube tutorial once. No, Hyungwon had actual skill. “And I swear to God if I ever hear any of you call him H. Aoki ever again, I’m gonna start throwing punches.”
“You know, Y/N” Changkyun was looking towards the DJ booth before suddenly leaning into you, his lips brushing over your earlobe as he started speaking again. “You’re kinda hot when you get angry about something.”
You rolled your eyes, completely unfazed by any of it. Changkyun was as much of a tease as Minhyuk was, flirting left and right wherever he went. You’d seen him have countless flings in the past. With men and women. So you knew he was only playing around to annoy you. Because if Changkyun had really wanted to flirt with you, he’d be a lot smoother about it.
You shoved him and Changkyun let out a dry laugh as he stumbled backwards, only missing some poor fella by a mere inch.
“Shut up, Kyun. Seriously.” You felt a light tap on your shoulder and turned around towards the bartender who’d finally gotten your order ready. You reached for your money, but Minhyuk was a lot faster, handing the guy a 50.000 Won bill before picking up Jihye’s martini and Hoseok's coke and his own vodka-energy and heading towards your booth.
In the corner of your eye you could already see how Changkyun tried to escape, but you grabbed him by the ear and dragged him towards the bar. “You aren’t going anywhere.” You nodded in Hyungwon’s direction before handing Changkyun the water you’d ordered for him. “Bring him his water.”
Changkyun let out a deep sigh, but he took the glass of water off the counter before grabbing his beer. “You know that I’m not your slave, right?”
“You're the youngest,” you said with a smirk on your face as you picked up the rest of the drinks, including your own. “That’s basically the same as being a slave.”
“Can’t you give him his water?” Changkyun glanced nervously towards the DJ booth. “I don’t wanna get close to him right now.”
“What?” Something was seriously wrong with this kid.
Changkyun bit down on his lower lip, looking a lot less tough even though the tattoos on the side of his neck usually made him seem like a total badass. But when it came to his hyungs he was really just a nervous mess sometimes. “He might kill me.”
“Why?” You laughed a little. It was always fun to watch the guys putting Changkyun in his place. God knew that cocky kid desperately needed it. “Did you tease him again?”
Changkyun looked at you in utter disbelief before he started giggling like a preschooler. “Wow. You’re so dense.”
Changkyun took a huge step forward. “See you later, Y/N!”
“No! Hey, Kyun! What are you talking about?” You stretched out your hand to grab him by the collar, but Changkyun was already out of reach, sticking out his tongue as he disappeared within the crowd.
“The show tonight was really great. The crowd loved you.”
“Mh.” Hyungwon seemed to be completely lost in thought as he was walking right beside you. He’d been oddly quiet ever since you’d said goodbye to the others at the club. They’d stayed behind because they’d still wanted to keep on partying but you’d been tired. Work had been tough lately. So you’d been grateful when Hyungwon had suddenly shown up at the booth, telling you that he wanted to leave because his gig had just ended. And since it had kind of become a tradition that he’d walk you home after a night out, usually taking you on a little stroll around town to sober up a bit while talking to you, you’d left with him immediately without thinking twice.
But now you were kind of second-guessing that decision. Maybe you should have gotten a cab instead. It would have been a lot less frustrating. And a lot less awkward.
“What did the manager say?” You tried your best to keep the conversation going. If you could even call it that. Because it was mainly just you babbling on and on while Hyungwon kept his mouth shut. “Will you be able to have a gig there again?”
Slowly you were starting to get angry. At least you’d be home in a matter of minutes. “I bet he’s gonna make you a regular in no time. He’d be a bloody idiot if he didn’t.”
Your apartment door finally came in sight and you let out an annoyed sigh. You’ve been friends with Hyungwon for over 6 years now, meeting him in your first year of college and becoming best friends in a matter of months. And in all those years, you’d never felt uncomfortable around him. Until tonight.
There had never been that much awkward silence between the two of you. And you hated it. But there was nothing you could do about it. Because apparently, Hyungwon had just chosen to act like an utter idiot tonight. Maybe his first big gig had already gotten to his head. Or maybe he just didn’t feel like talking to you. But whatever was going on with him tonight, you sure as hell weren’t having any of it.
“You know if you don’t feel like talking just say so, instead of acting like a complete prick.” You came to a halt in front of your apartment, eyeing Hyungwon who finally seemed to actually look at you for the first time ever since you’d left the club. “Newsflash: I don’t need you to walk me home. I’m a grown up and more than capable of protecting myself.” You could see him clenching his jaw in anger, but you didn’t care. You were just as angry as him. Maybe even a little angrier. You’d looked forward to him taking you home. You liked those little late night strolls you shared because that was the only time you actually had him all to yourself. Where you could openly and freely talk to him. But he’d taken that away from you by acting this way. Which made you furious. “So next time you don’t have to force yourself to come along.”
“Oh give me a break.” Hyungwon narrowed his large eyes, the cold and angry stare sending shivers down your spine. But you weren’t backing down. Not this time. “I didn’t force myself to come along and you know it.”
“Do I? Because you’ve given me the silent treatment for the past thirty minutes and I don’t even know why.” You crossed your arms in front of your chest. “Care to explain now?”
Hyungwon opened his mouth, almost as if he wanted to start talking, but after a few seconds, he shut it again, staying as silent as he had been for the past thirty minutes.
You’ve seriously had enough of this. “Goodnight, Hyungwon.”
You turned his back on him, punching in the code to your apartment with so much force that you feared you might break the number pad. But you just couldn’t get yourself to care. You were still way too angry to focus on anything else.
You opened your door as soon as it was unlocked but just as you wanted to step inside your dark little hallway, you were shoved forwards, struggling to stay on your feet as you stumbled inside.
“What the hell?” You looked back at Hyungwon who was coming in right behind you before he closed the door with a loud thud. “I don’t remember inviting you in.”
He didn’t seem to care much for your words because he didn’t make any move to leave. He even had the nerve to take off his leather jacket. “This isn’t over.”
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You pointed towards the door while taking off your shoes. Right now you really didn’t want to see his face any longer than absolutely necessary. “I have nothing more to say to you.”
Hyungwon grabbed a hold of your wrist as you tried to get away from him. “But I do.”
“Well, you could have said it on the way here.” You scoffed. “It’s four in the morning. Just-”
“Why the f*ck was he standing so close to you?”
Hyungwon’s sudden outburst of anger left you speechless. You’d never heard him raise his voice. At least not towards you. But now he was looking at you, with a fire in his eyes that you feared could be used for mass destruction. He was obviously really angry. And you had no idea why.
“What? Hyungwon, you aren’t making any sense right now.”
“Minhyuk.” Hyungwon suddenly took a huge step towards you, his chest almost touching yours as he looked down at you, his eyes not leaving yours. “He was this close to you, wasn’t he?”
Suddenly you had trouble breathing. Since when was it that hot in your apartment? Was the AC broken?
“I…” You stopped, unable to focus on anything but the distinctive smell of his cologne and the warmth of his body. “Could you take a step back?”
“Why? You seemed to be pretty comfortable with the other guys coming that close to you. Changkyun too.” Hyungwon snarled. You’d never seen him like this before. “He was even closer to you, right?” He took another step towards you, his hand grabbing you by the waist as you tried to take a step back. “Like this.” He leaned in even further, making your head spin with the feeling of his lips touching your ear. You could feel his breath on your skin. “I could see his lips touching your ear.”
“Hyungwon, stop.” You placed your hands on his chest, pushing him back a little. You had a hard time forming coherent sentences. You’d had a crush on him since day one, but since you’d become friends you’d always suppressed it. But having him this close to you wasn’t really helping. Quite the contrary. It was dragging all your pent-up feeling right back to the surface. Which was very, very dangerous to say the least. “What’s gotten into you? They were just messing around and you know it.”
Hyungwon shook his head, his fingers digging into your clothes even harder. “No, I don’t. And you shouldn’t just assume that either.”
“Minhyuk is in a relationship.”
“But Changkyun isn’t. So you shouldn’t let him this close to you.” You couldn't believe your ears. Did he really just say that? “That kid might misunderstand.”
Your brain didn’t seem to be able to focus on anything Hyungwon said, so you just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “That kid is only two years younger than you.”
By the way Hyungwon’s expression hardened, you knew that you’d said something terribly wrong.
Hyungwon’s voice sounded more like an angry growl than anything else. “You really shouldn’t take his side right now.”
“Seriously, what has gotten into you?” You tried to push him away but he just wouldn’t budge. He used to be a paper doll! What the hell was going on right now? “You’re acting really weird right now. If I didn’t knew any better, I’d say you’re jealous.”
Your words were followed by a heavy silence. You couldn’t possibly be right about this. That would be just ridiculous. Hyungwon wasn’t-
Hyungwon suddenly started speaking again. “What if I were?”
You could feel your heart sink in your chest. Was this some sick joke? Some prank that he pulled on you? “This isn’t funny.”
“Do you see me laughing?” He sounded dead serious. And just by your heart rate suddenly increasing, you knew you were in serious trouble.
Okay. Time to reason with him. And with that stupid heart of yours. “Hyungwon, we’re friends.”
“What if I don’t want to be just friends anymore? What if I want to be more than that?” Hyungwon suddenly lowered his voice. Now he was almost whispering. “What if I want to be able to be this close to you whenever I damn well please?” He came closer again, his nose brushing against yours as he was staring straight into your eyes, not even budging an inch. “What if I want to have the right to tell those two idiots off, when they’re too close to you again?”
Your brain had a hard time processing his words. “Why would you want that?”
“Because I like you, Y/N.” Hyungwon didn’t even flinch as he said those words that you’d secretly wanted to hear since the first day you’d met him. “And I have liked you for a very long time.” His lips brushed over your cheek ever so slightly, making your head spin and your stomach clench with anticipation. His next words shattered your friendship into a million little pieces while at the same time they opened the door to a whole new world of possibilities you’d always thought of as being tightly shut.
“So what do you say? Should we stop this little game now? Because I’ve been waiting for you to be mine for the longest time.”
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