#finally watched the zane lowe interview
jmdbjk · 8 months
Bangtan weekly report
The surprise mini-concert in Times Square made up for what the Today Show lacked and also birthed "Times Square Jungkook" in tight black pants. The circle is circling back around (thank god). Watch it here.
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This is just a narrow view of the hordes of people who showed up:
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Bless his heart, he had no idea he would become a meme just by being happy. The pure joy... I love it:
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And Kookie at Barnes & Noble amazed they had BTS debut album. Looks like they had every album in stock. Watch the IG reel here.
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And his excellent interview with Zane Lowe that took place on the 19th floor of the HYBE building that BTS and BigHit built. Watch it here.
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Jimin and Taehyung aka Vmin:
Nothing says the holidays like an egg and a tangerine especially at 2 a.m. in the middle of the night... "just because."
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...asks THE most important fashun question in the history of fashun... snake socks, is it a fashun Do or Don't?
I'd say mostly a big fat don't at $850 a pair.
(This is more eccentric than Kookie's toe socks.)
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Yet to Come Busan concert on Amazon Prime with new edits AND ENGLISH SUBS and including (FINALLY) HD close ups of Jimin singing his parts in Butterfly:
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Those are our four who are still on the loose. I'm sure in about five minutes someone will drop something else. Never a dull moment around here lately.
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Matty Healy Blurb
Author's Note: This was the ending that I mentioned would be the blurb with my last imagine. Just one Matty Healy being cute and not being able to contain his love for you during an interview! Enjoy! I'm about to enter Ross territory, see you all on the other side! x
Warnings: Swearing if you all need that!
Matty Imagine
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Whilst the boys were in between records and tours; you and Matty had managed to get away with being together without your relationship being sniffed out by the fans. Your presence in their world as a whole had seemed to have gone undetected, this was probably due to the nature of the pandemic and being locked in your homes. But upon reflection was the best thing that could have happened to you both. It meant you could reacquaint yourselves without your every move being watched by the world.
I think the band appreciated the fact you weren’t in the industry because it came with no drama. George claimed the fact you could fight your way out of anything due to your job gave you the level headedness that came with dating someone like Matty. “Sometimes he needs putting in his place!”  You believe the words out of George’s mouth.
But now the boys were gearing up to to release their fifth record Being Funny in a Funny Language and Matty was doing more and more interviews and you were all left in the position of ‘what the fuck is going to say today?’ But that was the fun of being apart of his life. No day was the same as the last.
You were at work in an important meeting when your phone kept buzzing at the opposite side of your desk. Apologising to your client, you turned your phone on silent and threw it in your draw. Out of sight, out of mind. Whatever it was could wait until you had finished work or the very least once everything regarding your current client was done.
When you finally pulled your phone out of your desk drawer to order lunch to your office, you saw the group chat with the band going off, you also had messages from Ross, Carly and  Matty. What the absolute flying fuck was happening that they were all sending messages at the same time.
Opening Carly’s message first. ‘Your world is going to change in the blink of an eye babe. I’m here whenever you need someone x’ Your eyebrows furrowed as you opened the screenshot and caught sight of the headline.
What the fuck! You hadn’t discussed going public per say and you didn’t know if you had it in you to open his messages at the moment. So you bypassed the multiple messages in the group chat and opened Ross’ first. ‘No filter Healy strikes again! Don’t go online yet love. Just let it die down before you try navigate that shit. Trust me. Text me if you need me for anything x’
Fucking hell, if Ross the least social member of the band is advising you to not go online, that meant the fans were going absolutely mental. Their rockstar had become unavailable and that meant I was public enemy number one. ‘Is it socially acceptable to have a glass of wine at 1pm on a Tuesday afternoon whilst at work? Asking for a friend? X’ You replied to him before finally opening your boyfriend’s messages.
'I’m so sorry baby!’ 
‘You know what I’m like, I have no filter when I’m excited about stuff!
And Zane pointed out how happy this new record was and I just…'
'I want to shout from the rooftop how much I love you’
‘Because I do. I love you so fucking much!’
‘I also may have told him all of our best loved songs are about you.’
‘Fuck! I know I overshared. Please don’t hate me xxxxx.’
You furrowed your eyebrows at the last couple of messages. What was he on about? Yeah sure, you had figured out the wedding in Menswear was about the wedding you both met at and If You’re too Shy was about when he’d call you every night whilst on the 2019 US tour. So what did that even mean? All our best loved songs are about you/?
Texting Carly back, you thanked her for looking out for you and asked if she knew the time stamp for when all of this went down. When you got your response, you opened up YouTube on your laptop and skipped straight to this so called viral moment.
“I must say this new record, there are a lot of love songs on here. You seem happy. Are you happy?”  Zane asked, a warm smile etched on his face as they sat in a cafe you had ventured to many a time whilst you lived up North.
“I am mate. Never been happier!”  He grinned back at the radio host.
“They’re all about your girl, yeah?”
“They are.” Matty had the audacity to look shy as he confirmed it. “This new record is basically my love letter to her. I’m in Love with You, Happiness, Oh Caroline, All I need to Hear, When We Are Together… About you.” He gestured to Zane when he remembered. “She’s the love of my life. My muse.” He shrugged casually like that wasn’t heart tuggingly cute.
“Now you mentioned previously that About You was almost a continuation of your hit Robbers. Surely they’re not the about the same person?”
“It is actually!” Matty laughed at Zane’s shocked face. “Funny you say that and she’s going to kill me when she hears this because I’ve never actually told her this but almost all of the band’s most loved songs are about her. Robbers, The City, Menswear, Somebody Else, If You’re too Shy. They’re all about my girl.”
You paused the video for a moment, your eyes glossing over as you tried to process this information. The City made sense buthe’d had girls since you, girls he was with longer than you that you were positive Somebody Else was about. There had to be, there were years between when he would have wrote that and when you broke up. You’d had never made that connection but your composure was quickly diminishing as the tears finally slipped down your cheeks. Your entire will power being tested so you didn’t sob loudly in your office as you thought about how heartbroken Matty really was over you, that it hurt him just as much as it did you.
But Robbers. When the boys finally released their long awaited (in your eyes anyway) self titled debut album. Even though it hurt to know you’d never see them again to congratulate them, how little did you know. When you heard Robbers for the first time, yeah it was beautiful but when the video came out, you just assumed it was about the characters of True Romance and his love for the cult classic. Not once did you put two and two together and realise it was about your rapidly failing relationship.
When you finally had the courage, you pressed play again.
“Shit man! Robbers and About You, really are the same girl? And Somebody Else, damn! She most be one special lady!”
“Yeah, she is! We dated before the band. You know me, love me some drugs and we used to fight about it all the time. Then I didn’t see her for seven years and she went on to bigger and better things. She’s a hot shot lawyer like the smartest person I know. Smarter than me and the band put together! But yeah, I thought about her a lot during our time apart and then fate brought us together again. Or at least Hann did, he bumped into her as we were on the way to an event back in 2019. I don’t think I’ve ever been speechless mate but I knew. I knew that I wanted her back if my life depended on it the moment I clapped eyes on her again. Eighteen months later, she’s still letting me love her and you’re getting our best record yet! So you’re welcome!” He finished with a giggle.
You paused the video again. A shaky breath leaving you as you tried to get oxygen back in your lungs, the temptation to just cry at how much you fucking loved this man. This completely ridiculous, irritatingly talented man. You could sit here and be mad about it but what’s the point. It’s not his fault, anything negative that finds its way to you wasn’t on him, but the person sat behind the keyboard and with that knowledge settling you knew you couldn’t ever be mad for sharing that he loved you with his mate.
You finally text him back.
‘You are the biggest pain in my ass Healy! You’re lucky you’re cute!’
‘I love you so fucking much!’
‘But we are definitely talking about Robbers and Somebody Else when I’m home!’
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kiwikiwiandkiwi · 2 years
whats your all time favourite larry moment? or multiple if you cant narrow it down :) looks/mirrorings/hushed words?
anon thank you so much for this, you sent me on a journey through my tags and my cheeks are actually hurting from smiling <3
this is in no particular order ok (because I can't pick just one moment nor even rank them) but here it is:
I'm starting with this kind of dumb moment. this VIOS interview is just awful and awkward but this part right here always gets me!!!!!! the interviewer asks what makes them want to go to a talent show and louis being his incredible self whispers jokingly "the VIOS" and both harry and louis burst out laughing, it's so adorableeeee, I even looked for the video and exact minute so you can watch for yourself, and also have this gif:
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there's also this small moment that I simply adore because it just screams intimacy - harry goes to grab the phone case in between louis' legs and louis doesn't even flinch!!!!!! seriously!!!!
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this moment!!!!!! they! were! falling! in! love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *screams*
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can't believe they were mortal enemies here, imagine being forced to laugh with your enemy because of an inside joke you both have (that you were also forced to create):
look the FOND!!!!! (and the nose scrunch) on harry's face listening to louis talk about how they met:
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BOTH TIMES HARRY SANG STILL THE ONE!!!!!! the first time he sang it holds a special place in my heart because the boy was fonding hard!!!! and louis was obviously there BUT he sang this fucking sappy song only four months ago!!!! in the year of 2022 harry was out there singing about the one and people think they ever broke up like... tumblr won't let me upload more than one video per post but here, watch this:
this embarassing moment. louis was having water fights with liam every show but when he was supposed to throw water at harry this is what he did instead. EMBARASSING:
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this actually needs its own post but I have to mention it, of course:
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this interview where louis said he finally had a good night of sleep and coincidentally, coincidentally!!! harry had returned to london the day before. louis looked so well rested and the fond (and something more) was, yes, you guessed, showing:
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I'm gonna give a shout out to these moments because it's too much to ignore it:
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and I'm going to finish with this one because what were the odds of zane lowe mentioning people that've broken their bones during tour when louis just happened to have broken his own elbow!!!!! harry's reaction is priceless. I'll forever be in debt with zane lowe for giving us this moment:
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so yeah, there you have it anon. I could go on and on but I think this is a good summary.
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sneaking in at the end of evermore day to say how much i love marjorie
i lost my gram when i was the same age as taylor was when marjorie died (13-14ish) but when i first listened to the album i really… didn’t *let* myself connect with the song. the song was beautiful, but my pain over that loss has always felt so unique and lonely, and i didn’t believe that anyone else could ever understand it.
it wasn’t until last year that i watched that hour long interview with zane lowe where taylor talks about marjorie that i realized. the way she described that loss— that when it happens when you’re so young, part of what you’re mourning is what you never got to have with that person, is exactly how i feel. since then i’ve finally let the song into my life and be the comfort (and outlet for my tears) that i’ve always needed.
the bridge gets me every time… “and i complained the whole way there, the car ride back and up the stairs, i should’ve asked you questions, i should’ve asked you how to be”
it’s also been so healing to connect with this song and know that my grief is a shared experience with the same person who has also helped get me through other kinds of heartbreak, and i just wanted to share in case others have ever felt the same 🧡🧡🧡
(p.s. when she says “all your closets of backlogged dreams, and how you left them all to me” i know this is referencing her music career, but i’ve always wondered if maybe she used this metaphor because she inherited/wears some of marjorie’s clothes? like the 50s dresses she would wear in the red era?)
Ugh. Right in my feels. Thank you so much for sharing this personal moment for you! I am not remotely close to anyone in my family, including my grandma, but "marjorie" still makes me cry every single time I listen to it? Especially that line in your P.S. which I do think is a handy double meaning to reference both!
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earlgreytea68 · 1 year
Hi! Ok, first of all, congratulations on the new fob album! I don’t have anyone irl to talk about it, so I’ll talk in your ask box ) second of all, your blog was my literal happy place in the last two days (like, it’s always awesome, but right now it’s the major serotonin source for me) all of your analysis is so spot on, and I can fully appreciate it now, when I finally listen to the THING!!! And omg, that’s where I started losing my plot, I really don’t know how many times can I be surprised by how GOOD as a singer Patrick is. I’m stunned every single time. At one point I was on my bike, and so damn glad for my sunglasses, I literally started crying, because of the sound of his voice, mixed with this beautiful melody, layered upon this incredible lyrical piece… all of it combined is so beautiful it made me super emotional. I’m glad for all of us, that we are getting to hear this, to experience it, I’m glad for them for the same reasons. Also I’m in love with your thoughts on an interview they did, please, I would really like more of this, because watching them talk is such delightful experience. I think one of the reasons why Pete looks so radiant lately, might be because of how many beautiful, lovely things Patrick said about him in the past months. He might already know how his friends feel about him, but I think, it’s always so much better to fave a vocal confirmation from time to time ;) I hope you have a very enjoyable weekend, cheers for the boys!
Welcome! Look, I am happy to talk to ALL the people in my Ask box about this album. My friends are patiently bearing it, but I'm happy to give them a break hahaha.
Okay, this album also made me cry, and I'm so glad I wasn't alone hahaha. And Patrick is so, so, so good. So, so good. I love that part of the arc of Fall Out Boy is Patrick Stump learning that he's an actual singer. I know in interviews he still kind of wrinkles his nose at it, but he trusts his voice to flourish more and more on every single album. And, on this album, he leaves us all with his voice leading the chorus out, it's just so much hahaha.
I do think it's got to be nice to have Patrick be so loudly full of love for him all cycle (and, of course, presumably before). I just think of how often Pete has written in the past about fake friends. I mean, Patrick probably thinks about the same thing. Patrick is, as the Zane Lowe interview makes clear, acutely aware of the type of person Pete is, and equally aware of how much people like that need someone to keep reminding them that not everything is fake. When Pete says, as he often does, that Patrick is the person who understands him best in the world, I think some of it is definitely that.
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handelplayssims · 1 year
It’s 5AM! The usual time I break off for the evening! But it’s an hour until Ashlynn needs to go into work. Annnd Zayne woke up in a clingy streak. Welp.
It’s All Haunts Day! Zane is real excited for the holiday, he’s a kid! All the things about spooky stuff, mischief making, costumes and candy is an excellent holiday! Santiago is pleased to decorate.  Ashlynn just wants candy, while Kiara likes the spooky things, trick or treating, and making costumes! Anyway, Zane’s up and being mopey before school so uh...have some fun doing art? Art is some of those sad outlets. Also works towards his aspiration and all that. Anyway, Santiago has the day off. The whole weekend off as Editor-in-Chief! Social need is low so let’s go and invite someone over to chat. I see a neighbor! A family oriented one who’s somehow a friend! Hmm. Let’s change that.
Let’s argue with Noel Grey, a single mom who’s family-oriented and active, about parenting and children in general! She’s the neighbor right across the street and despite her average normal appearance, she has a hidden history...also another townie who was adopted into a household. Lots of arguments happening! All to lower their relationship down to aquantences and disliked. Well not fully disliked but in the red. But in that time, Ashlynn actually came home from work! She’s now here to chat and be friendly, at least a little bit.
The kids are finally back! After they sort out their needs, we’ll get all costumed up! Also I keep sending Ashlynn to go and wash dishes, and she keeps going to the bathroom where Zane is taking a bath. Bah.
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I’m often not pleased with the options given for costumes in the base game so I go with the ones added in Spooky Stuff Pack. Or Get Famous, if I feel they have the skills or wherewithal to get movie set-esque quality stuff. Like Kiara is creative so that would be soon for her but when she’s out of being a teen perhaps. Huh. And just putting on the costume and having the house decorated was enough for Kiara to have a fantastic holiday. Huh. Ah well.
So I’m looking at Ashlynn’s whims and it’s to win a competitive game. While I do have video gaming or chess, she seems like a scrabble sort of gal. Alas, that’s another expansion pack. So let’s go for not!Jenga, Don’t Wake the Llama! ...the problem with the Trick or Treat tradition is that it’s more about serving the kids dropping in rather than the kids themselves going out and trick or treating. So we got kids trapsing through the house to get to the candy bowl I set up. Alas.
Ooh! I spotted ghosts wandering around the neighborhood! Time for the spooky tradition to be fulfilled! You can pester either ghosts or vampires to fulfill that tradition. Sadly, not werewolves. So I’ll send Kiara out to pester a ghost! Oh, and Zane got trick or treat fulfilled. Because that works with mischief tradition. Could get rid of it and just focus on trick or treat but eh. I still think it’s important!
Anyway, Santiago is sad because whims haven’t been fulfilled! I can’t get a job promotion but I could go for the work task, which is to write articles! I need to interview sims and write about them. So let’s interview your wife’s friend! Mizuki Medea! The person we challenged to Jenga! First we interviewed about her life, which gave us all of her traits. Very handy thing to have, and then we interviewed for a story! That only got us just started on the work thing. Three more people it is then! And then I send everyone to bed around 10. Everyone except Ashlynn! Still needs to have a little mischief thanks to her tradition of trick or treating. A few pranks on a few ghosts and its off to bed for her.
Also got door knocked on by a vampire and Greg ran across the street but what you not don’t notice when you’re asleep won’t hurt you!
Neighborhood Watch!
Nothing of note has happened recently. Check back tomorrow.
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g1deonthen1nth · 1 year
finally watching the zane lowe pmore interview and the fact that zac and taylor both fucking hated you first im losing my mind 😭😭 my little haters
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itsokbbygrl · 2 years
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honeypie-styles · 2 years
harry’s voice scratches parts of my brain i didn’t even know i had
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astranva · 2 years
Lights, Camera, Action! | Harry x Actress!Y/N Universe
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Main Masterlist
Each can be read alone.
The Graham Norton Show -  Harry meets his celebrity crush of years, actress Y/N for the first time on The Graham Norton Show and it goes embarrassingly well.
 Deuxmoi -  Actress!Y/N and Harry’s relationship is mentioned in Deuxmoi’s podcast, and they both listen to it.
Movie Premiere -  Still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship, Harry attends actress!Y/N’s movie premiere.
Zane Lowe Interview -  Harry talks about his relationship with actress!Y/N during his Zane Lowe interview.
Vogue Beauty Secrets -  actress!Y/N does the vogue beauty secrets video, and Harry decides to help.
Stand Still Like the Hummingbird -  actress!Y/N is Zendaya’s older sister in Euphoria. Harry watches his girlfriend’s performance in episode 5 and he gets emotional.
Lie Detector Interview -  3 years after being together, Harry and actress!Y/N take Vanity Fair’s lie detector test.
Wired’s Autocomplete Interview -  After 3 years of being together, Harry and actress!YN are finally costars and do WIRED’s Autocomplete interview.
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It's Okay To Cry, Harry
AN: my brain thought of this after watching the Zane Lowe interview and of course i had to write it. this concept also won in my google form poll by a long shot. it got over 65 votes compared to the other option that had 9 votes. so i hope you enjoy.
This story contains: crying, comfort, mild angst, mentions of sex once
{ husband!harry - softrry - harry's house harry era }
word count: 1,785
Harry suppresses his emotions after the Zane Lowe interview but finally breaks down in your arms after you keep questioning what's wrong with him.
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Harry has just wrapped up the interview he did for Harry's House with Zane Lowe. You sat off to the side and quietly watched, not wanting to be in the way, and thought the interview went very well. Harry shared some very intimate things that he's never shared publicly before and you're very proud of him for allowing himself to be vulnerable in front of a camera like that.
After saying goodbye to Zane and grabbing all of your belongings, you and Harry get into his Black Range Rover and make the drive back up to Los Angeles where your shared LA home is. Coachella was finally over and you're glad to be able to get out of this dusty desert.
In the car on the way home, you notice Harry's not his normal chippy self. The one that blasts music down the California freeway and has a hand perched on your thick thighs. Instead he's driving with stiff posture while both hands are on the steering wheel and has an emotionless face, like he's deep in his thoughts.
You look over and nervously ask your husband, "Everything okay? You seem upset or something."
Harry turns his head for a quick second to look at you with a small, fake grin and replies, "Yeah, just tired s'all." You can tell he's lying. You've been together for about six years and in those six years have learned when each other are lying or when something is bothering the other. But you don't want to push Harry right now by forcing him to tell you what's wrong if he doesn't want to.
See the thing about Harry is he's never been afraid to show his emotions. You've seen him cry more than any other adult in your life and you think that's great. It's never cries in a whining manner. He usually always has a reason. Whether that reason is a sad film, him allowing hate to get to him, or pushing back emotions for so long that they all come bubbling out at once.
You arrive home about three hours later and now its completely dark outside. When Harry was doing the interview, it was late in the afternoon so now it's around ten at night. He parks the car in the garage and you both head inside to get ready for bed.
There is still something bothering Harry and you hope to get it out of him before you fall asleep. You hate to end the day with issues not resolved or things not talked through between the two of you. It's one way you maintain such a healthy marriage. Communication is key.
In the master bathroom, you go about doing your normal nightly routine. But before you can change into your pajamas, Harry gently grabs your wrist and asks in a monotone voice, "Will you shower with me?"
You look up into his tired eyes and softly answer, "Yeah, of course." You still know something was off with Harry but you hoped the shower would help him confess whatever it was to you. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen.
As soon as you're in the shower together, Harry starts washing his hair and body just as he would when he showers alone. You don't really mind and you sure as hell wasn't expecting shower sex beings it's so late and you're both so tired. But a warm, naked embrace would be nice from your husband. Even if it only lasted a second. It almost feels like Harry's ignoring you and you're starting to feel maybe he's mad at you for some unknown reason.
The shower only lasted ten minutes and there was no physical touch involved. Harry bathed himself and you bathed yourself, switching positions to alternate who got under the shower head. The silence was killing you.
After the shower, you both dry off and get dressed for bed. Harry puts on a pair of his normal boxer briefs and you put on a t-shirt and cotton panties. Then you brush your teeth and get into the cozy bed together.
Before snuggling closely to Harry like you normally do at night, you want to make sure he isn't angry with you. You can't stand the thought of him being mad at you and you not know why. So you turn on your side to face him as he gets situated on his side of the bed and ask, "Are you mad at me? Please Harry, talk to me. You barely said a word on the way home and then you ask me to take a shower with you for you to completely ignore me in there. I'm confused, babe."
Harry lays on his back, staring up at the ceiling and can feel tears threatening to make their way out. You get worried when he doesn't respond back so you sit up on your elbows and get a better look at his face. From the dim lighting in the bedroom due to the lamp still being on, you can just barely see how glossy his eyes are getting. Just how they get when Harry's about to cry.
This has you scooting over without second thoughts and you carefully cup the side of Harry's jaw with your small hand. You force him to look at you by turning his face to the side a tiny bit and as soon as his eyes meet yours, he's done for it. Harry knew the minute he made eye contact with you, the dam holding his tears back would crumble.
His chest rattles as his lips quiver and tears flow down his tanned cheeks. Harry can't take it anymore. He needs your comfort, needs your familiar embrace. He wasn't trying to ignore you all night and even thought the suggestion of showering together would help him feel better, but it didn't. It made him feel even more sad because of how much he loves you and being around you. But now he says fuck it. These emotions need to be let out.
You're taking back for a second when Harry's body lunges forward and forces you to fall flat on your back with him on your chest, but soon welcome his strong body with loving arms. Harry sobs and sobs into your neck while his arms tightly encase around your back, as if he's afraid you'll vanish.
The tears he's shedding stim from a variety of different things but mainly from the interview. Not that the Zane Lowe interview went badly or he felt uncomfortable but the conversations he had. Harry didn't realize having things brought up from such a dark time in his life would cause him to get emotional.
Harry honestly felt fine during the interview and had no trouble answering Zane's question about his new album and parts of his peronal life. He expected those type questions. But as soon as the interview was over, it hit him like a ton of bricks and ever since then was trying to hold it together.
He doesn't mind allowing you to see him cry but for whatever reason, he felt like a baby for getting emotional about all the memories the interview brought back.
"Shh, Harry," you whisper while gently stroking his bare back, "gotta tell me what's wrong so I know how to help you."
Through shallow breaths between sobs, Harry stutters against your skin, "Just....... just having all those..... those memories brought back, they just made me feel emotional. Tried to keep it together and not get upset. Couldn't help it. M'sorry. Not mad at you, promise. Love you so much." When Harry finishes spewing out his words, he continues to cry with his face shoved inside your neck, inhaling the sweet smell of your body wash.
Your heart breaks at his confessions. But you also know letting him cry it out will be good for him. You've noticed for the past few weeks Harry has allowed his emotions and stress to build on top of one another and for him to finally break, its understandable. You kiss the side of his damp face and lay back while cries rack through his body.
"It's okay to cry, Harry. We all need a good cry every once in a while." you coo, feeling his hold around you only getting tighter. The fact that he finds his comfort with you makes you beam with pride. Harry may be some international popstar but at the end of the day, he's just a wonderful husband who love his wife and has regular human emotions.
Slowly but surely Harry's cries lessen and his breathing starts to regulate again. His body seems a lot less tense and his muscles are relaxed, causing his full body weight to be added on top of you. You don't mind though. But eventually Harry decides to roll off your chest and lays on his side, facing you.
You follow his lead and turn on your side so you're face to face now. Harry's face has dried tear staines on his cheeks as well as very red and irritated eyes. He looks at your face as you look at his and all you can see within his eyes are love. The love he holds for you.
From under the duvet that's drapped over your bodies, Harry fumbles his left hand around until he finds your left hand and conjoins your fingers together. The metal of your wedding rings clash and you get a warm fuzzy feeling all over your body. One that can only be defined as being in love.
Leaning forward just a bit, Harry puckers his lips and places a soft yet gentle kiss to your lips. You can taste the saltiness from his previous tears but don't pay no mind to it. The kiss only lasts a minute before he's pulling away and mutters with a hoarse voice, "Thank you for comforting me. You make me feel so safe and loved all the damn time. So happy I married you."
With a smile on your face, you whisper back, "I'll alway be the shoulder you can cry on. Love you more than anything else in this entire world, babe. And I'm happy you married me too. Love our little life we have together."
Not much words were spoke after that. You reached over and turned the lamp off, making the bedroom dark. Staying on your sides, Harry wraps his arms around your frame and holds you to his chest. Or should you say you're holding him to your chest. Your legs are tangled together from under the covers and you slowly drift off to sleep. Holding each other tightly and finding comfort in each others presence.
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @japanchrry // @harryhoney-bee // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @elenagilbert01 // @bohogothic // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesthings // @softmullet // @meetmyblondemuffins // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles // @wherethehellhaveyoubeenharry // @stallrry  // @skyangel57  // @harry-is-my-little-spoon  // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin  // @gublerscherry // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss // @kissmyaxe140 // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore1 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @harryistheonlyoneforme // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar // @golden-elodie
let me know if you’d like to be added on my tag list in my next post by telling me HERE (let me know if i forgot to add you)
My Masterlist Masterpost
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4loyalist · 3 years
Fic Recs For Harry Styles
July 10, 2021
Other Fic Rec Lists
'It's None Of Your Business’ by @inahazzze
Summary: You’re passionately singing along to Harry’s album in your car while stuck in dead-stop traffic on the way home from work. You don’t know, but Harry is watching from the car next to you. (Fluff)
‘Two For The Show’ by @nationalharryleague
Summary:: Jeff plans for Harry’s new opening act to be more than that. (Fluff)
By @gucciwins
'Roses and Romeo' || Summary: Harry and Y/N come back to their hometown after eight years to open up a time capsule they buried ten years ago as high school sophomores. (Fluff, Angst)
Leather and Lace || Summary: The one where Harry goes to the Grammy's and Y/N is his date (Smut)
‘Dream A L ittle Dream Of Me’ by @oh-honey-styles
Summary: “You can do it, love. He’s almost here.”
Ah, that voice. That deep, calm, melodically slow voice brought your attention to the vibrant green eyes locked on yours. His steady gaze, brightened with excitement and glistening with tears, was the only thing that made you forfeit and finally give that one last push. (Fluff)
by @svnflowervol666
'An interview during self-isolation with Zane Lowe ' || Summary: What a quarantine video with Harry and his family would look like. (Fluff)
‘Pinky Promise’ || Summary: Harry introduces a certain special someone to the newest addition of his family. (Fluff)
'Another World' by @sunflowerstache
Summary: The story of One Direction with a twist. (Fluff, Angst, Smut) (28 part Series)
By @watchmegetobsessed
'Grammy Winner Husband' || Summary: “Honestly?” he sighs. “I just really want to kiss my wife, that’s gonna be my celebration,” he chuckles shyly, making every woman close to him swoon at his sweetness. (Fluff)
'Baby Grammy' (Pt.2 to ^) || Summary: “Can I… Can I post this?” he asks shyly, sitting back next to you. His hand runs down your stomach as you place the award back to the table. (Fluff)
‘Mother Tounge’ || Summary: “I have to find my…” you stopped in your tracks as the word didn’t come to your tongue, thinking hard to remember what the device was called. “The, um… what is it called, cork… puller? Opener?” “You mean corkscrew?” he smiled at you as you grimaced. (Fluff)
'Go Big Or Go Home' by @harrystylesandharrypotter
Summary: "Hi!! could you write about being pregnant with Harry but no one knew so you guys show up to the Grammys together and everyone can see your baby bump through your dress?" (Fluff)
'Grammy Award Winner & Co' by @iguessweallcrazyithinktho
Summary: "Hiiii can u write dad!Harry where he takes his daughter to the Grammys and they like both go on stage and except the award and she’s being cute???" (Fluff)
'Tomato - Tomato' by @theonewiththefanfics
Summary: One is an international rock-star. The other is his loyal assistant. Both are complete morons in love. Also - she’s allergic to tomatoes, and it is important. (Fluff, minor Angst)
'Little Black Book' by @harriefromtheblock
Summary: You’re a famous writer dating Harry, and he finds the notebook you’ve had since you were thirteen. (Fluff, minor Angst)
'Hum' by @bfharry
Summary: He sneaks in behind her while her eyes are closed, fingers messaging around her face to increase the blood flow. She’s swaying slightly, her head following the soft note she’d been quietly holding. (Fluff)
'Tastes Like...' by @tobesobri
Summary: Harry has a reputation and Y/N is curious. (Smut)
‘To The Man Who Loved Her First’ by @kind-heart
Summary: Where harry writes a song for y/n’s boyfriend that had died and talks about it in Behind The Album (Fluff)
'This Is Love' by @harry-writings
Summary: The one where Y/n is left at the altar and has a hard time dealing with her emotions (Angst, Fluff) (3 pt. series)
'Pong Master' by @softforcal
Summary: You’re Harry’s best friend and he invites you down to the tropics while he’s writing his new album. You’ve always been secretly into each other and it comes to a climax over a game of Strip Ping Pong. (Fluff, Smut)
'Work Of Art' by @justice4canyonmoon
Summary: You’re an artist, and you’ve had quite a few muses throughout your life, though you might be partial to a few. (Fluff, minor Angst)
‘Interviewrs Harry Styles’ by @mysweetcreaturestories
Summary: "Actress!YN sitting down to do an interview about a new movie she's in where she plays the leading lady in a romance—only to find out her interviewer is harry, pretending to be a serious interviewer asking her a bunch of questions about the leading guy her character falls in love with XD" (Fluff)
'Freckled Constellations' by @beggingforfics
Summary: I work at a flower shop and you’re a tattoo artist from across the street and you always come in here to practice drawing flowers and you’re really hot (Fluff)
'Perfect' by @iwriteforharry
Summary: To think about you loving someone gave Harry a slight pang in his chest. He didn’t want to think about anyone having the privilege of calling you theirs. He didn’t want to think about anyone having the honor of feeling your lips against their own. (Fluff)
'The Royal Series' by @harrylilies
Summary: Having been a fan of One Direction since she was a teenager, the 23-year-old woman decides to go to Harry Styles’ concert in Los Angeles in 2017, meeting the man himself after the show.  From friendships being born, to sneaking out and sneaking kisses, to compromises being made, this is how The Princess and Harry grew into one. (Fluff, Angst) (8 pt. Series)
‘Ride’ by @hewearsgucci
Summary: Actress!Y/N sits on Harry’s lap for a car ride. This gets the both of them riled up. (Smut)
'CamBoy' by @harrys-titties
Summary: Y/N loves her best friend, and Harry’s just good in front of a camera, isn’t he? (Camboy!Harry) (Smut)
'Watermelon Sugar' by @jojparasol
Summary: The one where Y/N is pregnant and Harry shoots the watermelon sugar music video. (Fluff)
'Inches' by @sunfleurry
Summary: She ran her hands through his hair then paused. “Your hair is getting really long. Almost like you’re twenty-one again.” When he opened an eye to look at her, she said, “I like it.” He nuzzled his face into her neck and kissed her right there. “I don’t. I need to cut it soon.” (Fluff)
'Taste On My Tounge' by @adashofniallandasprinkleoflunacy
Summary: “Wanna taste you.”
But yes– yeah, that’s definitely what he wants right now. It was probably side effects of the drinking that caused for such a sudden change in mood but he doesn’t care. He wants to taste her. (Fluff, Smut)
'Hate Fuck' by @helladirections
Summary: A moan. A fucking moan. Harry fucking Styles let out a fucking moan while she was working on his thigh piece. (Smut)
‘Adore You’ by @lovingyouangel
Summary: Y/n is prince Harry's maid who he adores more than anything. (Fluff)
‘The Beach’ by @songbirdstyles
Summary: “so basically someone sent me an ask for dad harry at the beach with his bub and i fell in love with it! unforeseen circumstances caused the ask to disappear but.. here it is!!” (Fluff)
By @let-me-write-shit
‘Paparazzi’ || Summary: can u do one where harry+y/n+bby paxton are out and about but all the sudden get swarmed by paps and then one of the cameras accidentally hit the baby and the clip goes viral and celebs and ex-1D members and stans all start coming to the defense and share stories about how awful the paps are? (Angst, Fluff)
Their Masterlist
‘Just Let Me Adore You’ by @anabsolutetrainwreck
Summary: a holiday in italy involves an unusual amount of shampoo and lusting... (Fluff, Smut)
‘Kissy’ by @parkersroses
Summary: You simply just adore harry and his kisses. (Fluff)
‘Hidden Mistletoe & Snuggles’ by @bouquetofkissesxo
Summary: Turning around, Ava grinned up at the pair with both her hands clasped under her chin as they looked down at her with questioning gazes. She sighed, dropping her hands in frustration. “You’re supposed to kiss!” (Fluff)
By @haaarry
‘Demon!Harry’ || Summary: Harry is a kind demon and meets human Y/N on Earth. (Smut, Fluff)
‘Praise Kink’ || Summary: I know for a FACT that harry has a praise kink i just know it! you could probably get him off on compliments alone! (Smut)
‘Cus Y’laugh Is Pretty’ by @meetevieinthehallway
Summary: In which harry gets his wisdom teeth removed. (Fluff)
‘Pearls // Adore You’ by @thinkingoutlouddblog
Summary: Y/N has a gift for Harry on Adore You day. (Fluff)
‘So Lucky’ by @academiaghosts
Summary: Can you do one where he cries a bit during sex or maybe after and you worry about that and ask him about it later and he explains that he really feels lucky to be in love with you and to be with you and so the cry bit. (Fluff)
‘40 Weeks’ by @harryforvogue & @softforcal
Summary: “Are you flirting with me so I’ll let you see your kid?”
Elise grins “Is it working?”
“Not really. Too many people flirt with me for it to affect me.” (Fluff, Smut, Angst)
The End…
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daydreamrry · 2 years
Anon, do you know why Harry always does the same interviews with the same people? Yes, one part is because he feels comfortable with “friends” but the main reason is: they can control the narrative. We all know how private Harry is, they protect Harry so much, they are going to avoid all the intrusive questions about his personal life. I hate this because his interviews are getting boring and repetitive. But I hate even more the manipulation. Let’s not forget that Nick was the one who introduced Camille (I’m sorry, but in my opinion hamille was fake and just for Fine Line background), Zane Lowe was the one asking him about WS and Cherry, how convenient. James Corden, Ellen all of them are Full Stop buddies/clients. I was very impressed for the Howard Stern Interview because WOW, that man has not filter but if we delete the last 20 minutes, that interview was good and we learnt more about Harry than any other interview with his full stop friends. So, yes he is comfortable with them but there is a reason for those staged interviews *cough Zane Lowe cough* and it feels more false. They are the ones asking him about his “girlfriends and meaning of songs” meanwhile if you watch the buzzfeed interviews, those are funny and light, they ask funny and cute questions and never uncomfortable questions. That’s why I don’t understand why Harry and his team keep giving us the most boring part of promo and not cute interviews. It’s a shame because this could help Harry with his image for those people who hate him because those kind of interviews are the ones who go viral and not the boring ones, he is so charm and funny, let him be free and open, and we will see how those haters finally can see his personality and not the one who is always reaching hits and charts every week… idk it’s like they want to pretend he is private but at the same time all the promo revolves around his private life, ohhh and never with straight answers because they need to leave the interpretation for the media and public.
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My Shy Little Boy reminds me of my nephew so much I CAN.NOT. bc I haven't seen him in so long and I miss him so much. 😭😭 But I have, like, 3 different ideas for the series but sending all might annoy you so there's one that I really really want to see: how fans react to y/n and Artemis, either on social media or in person. Maybe they're out on a stroll or shopping and meet fans that are super nice and respectful to them or on Artemis' birthday, they trend a nice hashtag.
Fun fact, a lot of Artemis is inspired by my niece who, just like you with your nephew, i haven’t been able to see... btw, send all the requests you want! i really enjoy writing this <3
you can find more of my shy little boy here
I think that in the beginning, they wouldn't know Y/N had a son. Their first dates were very private, both of them wanting to keep it as intimate as possible as they didn't know where this new relationship would go. 
But, we're talking about Harry's fans. They know everything. After someone took a picture of Y/N and Harry holding hands, soon all the world wanted to know who Harry's new beau was. 
Fans found Y/N's social media and although she didn't use her accounts much, they were still public. That's when they found out she had a son.
And because the world’s favorite content is Harry with children, the fans started to look forward to seeing more of Y/N and Harry together. 
Whenever Harry went out with them in London, people would usually leave him alone. But when a fan did approach them, they would usually say how cute Artemis was. Harry would joke about how his fans like Artemis more than they like Harry. 
The first time Harry went out alone with Artemis, was to do the groceries. The two of them were going to cook Y/N dinner that night because of mother’s day so Harry drove them to the grocery store to get everything they needed. 
He was talking to Artemis, who was sitting in the trolley when he heard a camera go off. He sighed, knowing someone had just taken a picture of the two of them. He turned around to see a girl looking directly at them, she put down her phone when Harry’s eyes landed on her. 
Harry didn’t like sneak pictures. Especially if he was out with a literal child under his watch. So he approached the girl and kindly asked to delete the picture because there was a minor in it, but the fan still posted it. 
On Twitter, fans started to defend Harry. Saying his and Artemis’ privacy shouldn’t be invaded like that. And since then fans learned how to be more polite with them. 
On this day I think Y/N has a good relationship with the fans. And Artemis and Harry content became their favorite thing ever, not just for the fans but for the internet in general. 
He’d often be asked in interviews about him, and even talked about him with Zane Lowe when he did that interview before Fine Line was released. Overall, the fans received Harry’s new family with open arms, and they were happy for him because after many failed relationships and broken hearts, he'd finally found someone who can make him happy.
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep
@la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland
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zot3-flopped · 2 years
I think with songs like LNT, yes it was the first song written for the album, which means in LA in summer 2020 but he never said it was finished then. They could have written the melody and the music and maybe a few lyrics but he said in ZL that they would get together and write and then break apart, go and live their lives and have experiences and then come back and write more.
He was very specific about songs like Daylight being done in 1 day (he said they stayed up late one night to finish it and then watched the sunrise). He even gave a timeline for Boyfriends since it was written during Fine Line. He never gave a timeline like that for LNT. But we know he was still writing the whole time and then final mixing was done in late summer 2021. So he could have had the basics down for LNT in summer 2020 and then kept working on it and adding in lyrics or changing them throughout the process.
I honestly think that song has very specific Olivia references so I tend to think he was thinking about her while writing it. I also think it’s fairly obvious he and Olivia met (or at least had some zoom meetings) in summer 2020 as he was finalizing the role in DWD (it was announced he was taking over for Shia in early September 2020) He wasn’t just given the role out of thin air - she/her team would have to approach him to see if he was interested and available and he may have done a quick script read for her. And judging from some of the other songs, he seems to have had a crush or been infatuated right from the start. And I think that song kind of confirms it. He was crushing on her (and didn’t really “know” her very well) and there was the time building up to filming starting (September/October 2020) when they definitely would have been in contact and doing rehearsals, costume fittings and table reads. We know filming started October 25, but it’s not like he met her for the first time that first day they walked on set - they definitely knew each other prior to filming starting. That’s almost an undeniable fact.
Anon 2
Seen some speculate that Harry reworked some of LNT, certainly lyrically, at a later point. Just watching the Zane Lowe interview (I see a lot of you didn’t like it, but I’m finding it quite interesting) and he does mention writing songs in one session and then working on them further /refining them in later sessions, so it’s possible that he changed or finished LNT at a later stage, hence it’s suspected parallels to his relationship with Olivia.
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lamaisongaga · 3 years
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After her insanely successful Westfield performance and the drop of her and Tony’s album ‘Love for Sale’, Lady Gaga sat down with Zane Lowe for an intimate interview. Watch it here!
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Gagaloo looked stunning in a dress from Polish designer Magda Butrym’s Fall/Winter 2021 collection ($1,595).
The silk mini dress features a the double-lined ruched body and a subtle sweetheart neckline, with a crepe overlay that extends over the chest to create a round neckline and long sleeves with shoulder pads. Finally, the chest incorporates a subtle keyhole opening and a flower detail.
Magda Butrym Mini Dress ($1,595.00)
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Gaga’s earrings and ring were provided by Effy Jewelry. She wore a white-gold version of the D’Oro 14k yellow-gold diamond swirl earrings ($7,696.50)...
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...and the limited edition 14k white-gold and diamond cross-over ring ($6,370).
Effy Jewelry “D’Oro” Earrings ($7,696.50)
Effy Jewelry Cross-Over Ring ($6,370.00)
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Both of her 3 sided diamond bangles ($12,900) are by Graziela Gems. To my knowledge, this is the first time she’s ever worn something by the high jewelry label!
Graziela Gems 3 Sided Diamond Bangle ($12,900.00)
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She finished her interview look with the Stuart Weitzman Anny X metallic silver leather d’Orsay pumps with metal heel!
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