#also the cake in his card looks like it has fondant on it so it’s not like it will even make a mess beyond sligjtly sticky hands if the
thrilling-oneway · 1 month
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Cool fact i only realised that apparently just picking up the slice of cake and eating it is not a thing people do when people started insulting rui’s pimh 2* card
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musekicker · 1 year
So as said I would put together, some notes on the games masters and some other characters in Games Galaxy.
Eloise : a gold colored woman with a very much Marie Antoinette/Palace of Versailles look to her and very, very tacky (and that's saying a lot in this place) and opulent district. She changes her look a lot, always so over the top. Like a wig with a bird cage with living birds in it.
She's wasteful, judgmental, and snobby. Most other game masters aren't really fans of her but she's one of the richer game masters so they have to play nice with her.
Also the number of points one has to pay to get a simple éclair in this district? Criminal!
Others in her  district
Sweet: A sentient monkey. Her fur is a pale cake fondant like blue with white paws, tail tip, and around the eyes and muzzle. Wears a pink bow around her neck.
She's one of Gold's pets and is actually use fine with the situation. In fact if you endanger her position as favorite in any way she will make your life hell. 
But that changed in a encounter with the monkey members of the team. It wasn't easy at first, but she has been learning more about a life outside of what she had known, and learning that she has interests and skills that Eloise never encouraged (like designing clothes) . Has made good friends with Otto.
Rosie: A being based of a pink fairy armadillo, having the armor going down her back and a bit of armor of her cheeks. She is the head gardener of Eloise's gardens. She does love working with plants (despite her situation) and is happy to spends hours working in the garden. At least she doesn't have to interact with the court itself a lot.
Domino : an alien with a kind of squarish head with a domino like markings on him. Was the one who had Hermes as a "piece" (beings in a game masters "employ", often in some points debt.) . He owns the bigger casino on the planet.
Shark : A pale white Shark like alien with tattoos based off of playing cards on him. ( some red and black diamonds on his back fin, a red spade around one eye, black club on the back of his neck and a red heart on his chest.) one of the casino owners in the area. Smaller influence then Domino and slightly resentful of that.
Keeping in with his aquatic look his casino is a big aquarium.
He decides the fate of those in debt to him with a shuffle and picking out a card from his ever present card deck. Get along with Saw because they both have terrible sense of humor.
 Saw : Basically vampire crypt keep. Gaunt and kind of greenish with bat ears and wings on his back. His district is a giant castle with a bunch of death traps and monsters (both natural and scientifically made. ) .
He has major "Tales from the crypt" and this video game called "Illbleed" vibes. Very dark humor and full of puns. Only Shark thinks he's funny really.
Myst: A grey fox like alien with multiple eyes. Has the place just filled with flowers that he can control when they bloom. The fragrance from them can alter perceptions or just out right put people in trances until the fragrance effects wear off.
Tech: No ones ever really seen Tech's true form. When others talk to them, they are generally talking to one of the many screens in Tech's territory, a shadow shown on it. She (or what everyone guesses is she) is behind the technology behind lots of game elements and various other inventions. Her recent discovery of her own form of alchemy (or as she's calling it, magic tech) could be a problem.
The Director: has a tv screen head that often has a big eye on the screen. In charge of media and video entertainment in the games galaxy.
Huntsman:  A sharp toothed being that I'm still trying to nail down a design for. But his thing is a sort of wild hunt type theme. His territory is mostly artificial nature. Except for the giant fancy hunting lodge in the middle of it all. 
There are a couple of other beings, including a games master referred to as Circus (you can guess what his theme is) but they belong to @halloweennut and not my place to make a post about their ocs I feel.
Random other being in the games galaxy.
Finch: a purple, four armed alien with white, slits for eyes. Very newsies theme going on with him. Mostly plays some small luck games to earn points to eat and live.
He's got that heart of gold thing going though and tries to help others with less points be able to eat and avoid going in debt to a game master. Because of this the game masters don't like him very much.
He is referred to a Rex of his species (there are also Empresses (who tend to be a lot taller) and Stardusts. 
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Part 1 of ?????
Started writing this fic a while ago and then lost faith in it. Should I continue? Feel bad for not posting much lately so I thought I'd share this. Read on and weigh in.
You don't have to fucking shout?
Said the pot to the kettle?
Oh you grandmother The caps were an accidental by-product of voice-to-text Blame Siri if you're going to blame anyone
You have a Samsung Galaxy S20.
HAD. It got smashed. Worst luck. Listen, come out with me tonight.
Urghhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm tired!
Hah (indifferent)
Just come out with me! Isaac has to go see some godawful student performance of the Antigone in wherever the fuck Chichester is and it's Sirius's flatmate's birthday party so I have to go and I don't know any of his weird mates
You don't HAVE to go.
Have to/want to Semantics
I'm not in a birthday party mood. I'm having a stressful week. My arse has been tense since Tuesday.
I will wade into the deep and massage your arse if I have to, just come It's a swank pad in Belgravia! I bet they'll have all sorts of expensive nibbles!
I read that as expensive nipples.
Those too!
Partying it up with the children of wealthy Tories. Sounds super fun.
Just come out with me, for fuck I'll pick you up at 7 and we can steal their silverware if it's boring as the grave
URGH I'll go but I'm NOT dressing up!
You don't have to dress up!
take the drawings down please i'm begging you i'm actually begging you
Nah mate
siriusssssssss pleeeeeease
PLEASE ffs it's MY birthday!!!! there are going to be PEOPLE there! standing around! AT EYE LEVEL
I don't see what the problem is.
EVERYONE will see what the problem is! they literally will not be able to IGNORE what the problem is!
Sounds like a recipe for lively discussion to me tbh
that is NOT what i want people talking about at my birthday!
If I take them down, I'll have to take all the nails out and that'll leave nail marks all over the walls. It would be unsightly.
My dick is bewitching.
She walks in expecting to find herself the infiltrator of a Made in Chelsea/Royal Ascot/Henley Regatta netherworld, filled with a gaggle of giggling, SW-postcode socialites wielding suspiciously powder-edged Harrods Amex cards in the place of horses and boats, but that's not what actually greets her on the other side of the lacquered front door.
What greets her is really quite ordinary.
Aside from the naked drawings of Kingsley's mate, which aren't.
Otherwise, the whole affair is pretty relaxed. People her age are clustered in their small groups, swigging beers. There's a table of oven-heated party foods, salty snacks and rapidly depleting ramekins of guac. She spies more band shirts than there are dress shirts. There's a round of Fortnite in full swing on the TV.
It's all just...startlingly normal. A normal birthday party.
And that's sort of embarrassing, really.
Where are all the visible Tory toffs, she wonders? Where is the braying laughter? The Eton alumni reunion? The glimpse of hunting-happy tweed and shotgun barrels as a coat cupboard door swings shut? Where's the indelible air of sneering superiority, of "we're richer and more privileged and better than you, so fuck the NHS and death to foxes!" that she'd been expecting? There's a fucking Henry Hoover in the corner of the hall, for Christ's sake. Lily came here to smile through her teeth at them all, to listen to the champagne problems privilege that bubbled from their lips and tell herself that she was the one who knew better, who thought better. Her plain white tee and skinny jeans and scuff-toed, high-top trainers were supposed to be a statement, a subtle setting-apart, but she's not even the most underdressed person in the room.
She pre-judged a house full of people. What's that about?
There's a lesson to be found in this. Perhaps.
James covered all of the dicks in Paw Patrol stickers that he bought from the newsagent on his way home from his mum's, but Sirius peeled them all off while he was taking a soothing lavender bath, so what's the bloody point in birthdays anyway?
It's early in the evening, and he's wedged—against his will—between the dining room bar and Shane Ruttle, who has just pointed at one of the many lamentable dicks and asked, "Is this one of yours?" which James kind of wants to thump him for. It's bad enough that he looks like a madman who stuffed his house with naked drawings of his brother, now people are actually assuming that he drew the damn things, even though most of the compositions are appallingly far beneath his skill level. He's a professional illustrator, for the love of god, and Shane is really standing before him like the posturing prick he is, asking him if he's the one who drew Sirius with one arm disproportionately longer than the other.
He knows that he should cheer up.
It is his birthday. There is cake.
Good cake, too, not the kind that gets buried in too-thick fondant that he has to pick off before he can eat what's underneath.
The problem is, there's also a party, and his friends are his friends, Peter and Sirius included, and Peter and Sirius can both get drunk much faster than James can. When Peter and Sirius get drunk, serious injuries tend to follow, Remus tends to fuck off in a flash and James tends to be the one who calls for an ambulance or mothers them back to health—physical, mental or otherwise. He has just turned twenty-six, and these repeated, drunkenly dramatic medical emergency scenes are starting to wear a little thin.
Can't a man get comfortably drunk and have a laugh at his own birthday party?
No, he can't, because Peter's already halfway to trashed, wobbling unsteadily towards the French doors that lead to the terrace, wearing that look on his face that says I'm definitely going to vomit or maybe even shit myself like I did on that one night we all spent in Munich with the Belgian handball team and the creepy tour guide who couldn't keep his sleazy hands to himself. For the sake of sparing the lawn such a punishment, James hastily removes himself from Shane, grabs Peter by the collar, shoves him in the direction of the downstairs loo and retreats to the safety of the living room, where there are, at least, no naked drawings of Sirius gracing the walls.
Most of the people in here are transfixed by Saffy Stephens, who is down to the last three in her Fortnite game and cursing like a sailor, but there are a small pile of birthday cards on the end table where James and Sirius normally keep their keys. He perches on the sofa arm, sets his half-drunk beer bottle on the carpet, pushes his dark, disheveled hair away from his forehead and begins leafing through them. It's a necessity when one lives with Sirius, who thinks nothing of swiping gift cards when the mood strikes him and he's had enough to drink.
They're mostly from his female friends, and all pretty standard, until he reaches the middle of the pile and finds a card bearing a picture of a moustached tabby and the caption: Have a Purr-fect Birthday!
The inscription inside is written in a lovely, swirling hand.
To Jasper/Jack/Jason/maybe Ja Rule?/J-something idk
(see above: everything I've learned about you from the friend* I came here with, verbatim)
(*who can't remember your name)
Happy Birthday! Thank you for (not) specifically inviting me, a stranger, to your party to celebrate this momentous event in your life. Please enjoy this festive card/social nicety/convention from me to you. My friend brought rum which you may prefer.
I'll be around. Not that you'll know.
James lowers the card and twists on the sofa arm at once, eyes darting around the room in search of its author, as if they might be laying in wait to watch him read it and see how he reacts. Nobody appears to have ducked behind the couch, however, so the situation merits further scrutiny.
Obviously, he needs to meet this person.
A mystery! At his birthday party!
He perks right up after that.
She's coming out of the downstairs loo when a short, blonde man in a garish Hawaiian shirt barrels past her and pukes all over the chequerboard tiled floor, narrowly missing her jeans.
"Oh no," he moans into his wet hands. "Oh no—"
"There there, mate," says Lily consolingly, never one to judge somebody for getting drunk early at a party. She pats him on the back before squeezing past him and rejoining Kingsley, who is standing in one of this meandering Georgian house's many hallways, chatting to a bloke in a houndstooth sweater vest and holding two glasses of something very, very sparkly that she must try at once.
"It's like...it's like everything and nothing at the same time," Houndstooth Bloke is saying when Lily draws close, gesturing to a huge canvas painting of a rain-soaked fairground at night.
"Is it?" Kingsley asks.
"Mmm. Very." Houndstooth shakes his shoulders like he's slipping out of a robe. "Meant to be esoteric, I suppose."
That sounds suspiciously like pretentious bullshit to Lily, who doesn't find the concept of a merry looking fairground all that difficult to absorb. Kingsley knows more about the art world than she does, but he must agree with her assessment because he grunts and shoves her glass into her hand when she stops beside him, and more roughly than she deserves, as if she's the one who landed him in this mess of a conversation to begin with.
Trust him to find himself stuck with the only dick (not etched by a 4B Steadtler graphite pencil) in the building, and trust her to be stuck with the person who got himself stuck with King.
"What are we talking about?" she asks brightly, just to fuck with him.
"Drink your champagne, there's a good little hen," King mutters, his teeth clenched together, hallway lights bouncing off the smoothly waxed dome of his bald head.
"We've been discussing this piece." Houndstooth nods to the painting, but his limpid eyes narrow on Lily's face. "Christ, you're very redheaded, aren't you?"
It's decided. She'll wait 'til Houndstooth is drunk and trip him up with Henry Hoover's hose.
"Ergo soulless, yes," she agrees.
"And you...enjoy that?" he asks, as if being redheaded is her profession.
"Very much, thanks."
"Hmmp. Well. I came here with Saffron," he announces, pronouncing it Sef-ron. As if Lily is supposed to know who that is. "Platonically, of course. Actually, we're some sort of cousins, I think. What do you think the artist is trying to convey?"
He's very pointedly asking her, so Lily blinks at the painting, her eyes on the outstretched arm of a child on the carousel.
"I like the pretty colours," she decides aloud.
"Right," says Houndstooth, "but that's not—"
"And the lights, too. The lights are really pretty."
"I love funfairs, actually," she brightly continues, finding a strange satisfaction in playing dumb in front of Houndstooth and his overbleached fade. Although she does really like the colours. "Haven't been to one in years!"
"Yes, good, whatever, but what is the artist trying to convey?"
"What artist?" comes a voice from behind them.
Lily glances over her shoulder and finds herself looking up at the man whose penis she's spent the past thirty minutes avoiding eye contact with, though he is taller, better proportioned and infinitely more beautiful than any of those crudely drawn depictions could possibly convey. He is also beplumed and bejewelled like a pirate, wearing a sumptuous velvet jacket over a loose white shirt, numerous rings on his fingers and an assortment of silver chains around his slender neck, while his grey eyes and elegantly high-set cheekbones are framed by a tumble of black hair that genuinely looks like silk.
The man is so beautiful, in fact, that Lily immediately wonders why he's been taking sketches home from the life drawing class that he and Kingsley pose for—hence their acquaintance and Lily's presence at this party—when nothing she's seen tonight has done him any justice.
Most happily, his penis is tucked safely out of sight.
"Alright, Sirius?" says King.
"Alright, Marvel?" Sirius claps a hand to the taller man's massive shoulder. Kingley's muscles bulge in a way that cannot be hidden by modern habiliments. "What are we talking about?"
"Not much." Houndstooth looks put out by the arrival of yet another person. "We were just mesmerised by this piece."
Lily refrains from gesturing to the painting with both hands and a "ta-dah!" choosing instead to sip her champagne.
It's very good champagne. Mmm. Yes.
"Oh, yeah, it's really something," Sirius agrees. He brushes past Kingsley and runs a finger over the illegible squiggle of a signature on the canvas. His nails are beautifully manicured. "Local guy, young up-and-comer. I assume you've heard of Algernon?" he asks Houndstooth, fixing him with a steely-eyed stare.
"Er, yes." Houndstooth's gaze slides from Sirius to the painting. "I know him."
Sirius's eyebrows lift. "Know him personally?"
"That's so weird, I heard he never speaks to people."
Houndstooth chews on the inside of his cheek, weighing up the challenge. "How…funny."
"Oh, nothing. It's just, I know I've spoken to him before, and since you've bought his painting I assumed that you'd have—"
"That is funny, actually," Sirius interrupts, "because the artist is my brother, and Algernon is the name of his cat."
Kingsley has been tugging on his earring and almost rips it out of his ear as his body convulses, champagne spraying from his nostrils, while an alarming red flush sweeps across Houndstooth's face and he begins to sputter on his own self-importance. Sirius has clearly decided that he's done with all of that noise, however, because he turns back to Lily instead, looking her up and down with great and sudden interest.
"Who's this then?" he asks Kingsley, cocking his head to one side. "James's present?"
The champagne glass swings down and Lily fixes him with a deadpan stare. "Excuse me?"
Sirius slants a grin at Kingsley, a quick flash of teeth. "This one's queenly, isn't she?"
Kingsley wipes his nose with the back of his hand and laughs again. "Hardly."
"This is Primark, mate," Lily retorts, tugging on her t-shirt.
"Queenliness is a state of mind," says Sirius, "not a state of wardrobe."
"You had me marked down as a prostitute not ten seconds ago."
"Oh, that. I was only joking," he sighs, and grips her arm at the elbow, his long fingers cool against her skin. "But still, you're far too attractive to stand here talking to this clown. Come with me and I'll find you someone better."
James's friends are useless.
And drunk. Useless and drunk—or sort of drunk, in Saffy's case. Remus is certainly already pissed, but Remus is on meds so often that he drinks but once in a blue moon. One cocktail is usually enough to set him off, and he's been hard at the gin since he turned up with Peter at six.
"I don't know anyone with those initials," Saffy declares, once she has read, examined and even sniffed the birthday card for clues. "Except for Lisa Edelstein."
"Who's Lisa Edelstein?"
"Cuddy from House," says Remus, lowering the negroni from which he has been drinking deeply.
James pulls a face. "What the fuck is a Cuddy?"
"Oh, actually, it could mean le?" Remus suggests.
"Yes!" Saffy points at him like he might be onto something. "Like the French word for the?"
"Exactly, like—"
"It doesn't mean that!" James interrupts, unwilling to allow such profanity in his home. "That doesn't make sense, why would somebody sign their name as the?"
"Now you're asking me to explain how French people think?" says Saffy derisively, adjusting her bra strap beneath that burnt orange waistcoat she loves, the one that makes her look like she's directing a pornographic movie in the 70s when she pairs it with her tortoiseshell-framed aviators. It clashes wildly with her electric blue buzz-cut. "Am nooooo drunk enough for that."
"They could be one of those one word moniker pop stars, I suppose," Remus pipes up, smiling slyly. "You know, like Madonna?"
They think James doesn't realise that they're taking the piss out of him, but neither of them are sober enough to attempt their gambit with any kind of subtlety or grace.
"You know that's actually her real Christian name?" says Saffy.
Remus turns towards her with interest. "What, Madonna?"
"Yeah!" Saffy repeats. "I thought it couldn't possibly be her real name because, I mean, Madonna, yeah? But then I looked it up and apparently that's the name her mummy gave her, just goes to show—"
"I'm sorry," James interrupts, "but is Madonna relevant to this conversation?"
"Yes, always," says Saffy.
"She's an international pop megastar," Remus seconds.
James stares at his friend incredulously. "Drinking really chips away at your wit, y'know?"
"Does it?" Remus grins lazily and jiggles his cocktail in the air. "Oh, well, I'm negronly joking."
Saffy does a spit-take without the spit and clings helplessly to Remus's shoulder as she laughs, knees buckling, bangles tinkling, but James fights his own urge to start snickering.
"It's not that funny," he lies, and Remus eyes him with an alarmingly teacher-like shrewdness, despite the tellingly intoxicated flush that has crept into his thin, freckled face.
James's love of puns is tragically well known.
"You didn't get it." Remus points at his drink. His speech is starting to slur. "This is a negroni, what I said was—"
"Yeah, I got that part, I just—"
"Jesus fuck, look at her!" Saffy suddenly hisses, staggering sideways into Remus and sending him into the wall in a flurry of giggles—Remus giggling?—her voice hushed and urgent. "Who the hell is that?!"
James does look, following the direction of Saffy's gaze. Sirius has just entered the living room, casually clutching the elbow of a……
An actual. Like. Goddess.
A goddess. In James's house. In his living room. In the place where he eats his chocolate boulder cereal and rewatches Scrubs (even season 9, which is hilarious, and very unfairly disparaged by Joe Public) on Saturday mornings.
She's a goddess. A real one, and cleverly disguised as a mortal, sure, with her slouchy white t-shirt and her big hoop earrings and her light blue jeans that are torn at the knees, wearing her shoulder-length red hair half up, half down and slightly messy, but that doesn't hide what she is.
"Oh my god," he murmurs. His heart is pounding all of a sudden, which is so...utterly bloody stupid, but Saffy's right, bloody look at her, Jesus fuck.
"Surely she can't be with Sirius?" Saffy murmurs back.
"No, she—" He watches Sirius lean down to mutter something in the redhead's ear. A ghost of a laugh flits across her beautiful face. "She's not his—he isn't—"
"D'you think—"
"No, I—"
"Good," says Saffy firmly. She lets go of Remus and rises, lengthening her spine. It is a battle stance of some sort, presumably. "Because I saw her first."
"No!" James cries, wounded, and the redhead shoots him a curious look with a pair of eyes that are startlingly emerald green, even from all the bloody way over here. He spins to face Saffy and lowers his voice, face burning. "It's my house!"
"What are you arguing here, ownership rights?"
"No but it—it's my birthday!" James retorts, jabbing at his own chest. "And, actually, and—"
"It's in the bloody post!"
"—you didn't get me a present!" he finishes in triumph, not that he knows what he's arguing for, because the likelihood is that his tongue will glue itself to the roof of his mouth if he even dares to look in her direction one more time. "Plus I set you up with Vanya Petrich, with whom, as I recall, you enjoyed four years—"
"Stop throwing that in my face!"
"—four blissful years—"
"Is it my fault that you've never fancied any girl I've set you up with?!"
"—promised me an Easter ham for setting you up with her and I never got it—"
"So now you'll trade a woman for a ham?" Saffy accuses, though her face is too lit up, her brown eyes too crinkled at the corners—she's having fun with this and she isn't going to fool him and she knows it. "That's so low, even—"
"Don't start with that," James scathingly cuts in. "You offered me Sean Connery's autograph for Bonnie Grogan's number—"
"Which you never gave me!"
"Because you forged the bloody signature!"
"And now she's bloody married!"
"Yeah, well, Isabella wouldn't give me a counterfeit present, would she?" he retorts, and Saffy lets her shoulders drop, smirking. "This is pointless, Saf, we can't—"
"She's just left with Sirius," Remus informs them, and burps.
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ohhicas · 3 years
hey I got bored at work and made a KH Cafe ‘Menu’ but entirely Org13 themed some are suppose to be the ‘main’ things while the others are me panicking and like “WELL, SHIT,” throwing ideas out against the wall
all for funsies cause im fully aware these won’t look cute on a plate, but hey. it’s the org. they’re the edgy emo kids.
   Meal: Hayashi rice with pickled ginger on the side and the cream swirl. The rice is dyed yellow and in the molded to the shape of a heart. Complimentary clear red chopsticks come with the meal.    Drink: Shaken espresso served in a martini glass. Lightly flavored with vanilla and a cinnamon sugar lip    Dessert: Affogato with vanilla ice cream, cinnamon sugar dusting, and shaved chocolate. An acrylic of his weapon (however hard it is to make two laser swords look cool) comes laying against the serving plate.
   Meal: Pumpernickel, cream cheese, and salmon half-sandwich. Side of a spicy cucumber salad and toothpick skewered tomatoes. The acrylic of the arrow gun is attached to a toothpick, which is holding the sandwich closed.    Drink: Black peppercorn infused blackberry syrup with club soda. Served not stirred for layering effect. Comes with an acrylic of his arrowgun attached to the stir-stick       Dessert: Two slices of roll cake, chocolate outside with an anko cream filling. Plated so they're half laying on each other with a thick chocolate drizzle going across the left side of both cakes. The plate is dotted with whipped cream with a fanned strawberry leaning against it. 
   Meal: Chicken omurice with three strips of seaweed across the egg. Comes with three mixed skewered vegetables on a small bed of lettuce.    Drink: A delicately layered drink with blackberry puree at the base, a rose jelly and syrup layer,  and carefully topped with soymilk. Stirring with the provided berry skewer on a themed Xaldin lance stick will blend the flavors.    Dessert: A single slice of a dense chocolate cake with edible, dried rose petals. It’s more of a torte than a true ‘cake’, and has three blackberry glaze drizzle stripes across the slice.
   Meal: A small bowl of cold cucumber soup with four cream cheese tea sandwiches. Each tea sandwich has two to three small heart-cut pink radish across the top.    Drink: Blue cream soda carefully layered to fade to clear on top. It’s topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and some white snowflake shaped sprinkles.    Dessert: Two scoops of coconut flavored ice cream dressed up with whipped cream and coconut shavings. The ice cream balls have a stripe of strawberry preserve and a few dots of mango to pose as buttons to theme it like a snowman. An acrylic standee of his Snowman shield is stuck in the whipped cream
   Meal: Curry plate with chicken katsu cutlet. Instead of laying on a bed of rice, the chicken lays against side vegetables with the rice is shaped into a mound, placed center of the curry. An acrylic image of Lexaeus's skysplitter is placed into the rice, handle sticking up.    Drink: Hot orange spice tea. Nothing too special, but there is a slice of orange pressed to the bottom of the shallow cup that can be eaten after, if you’re in to warm fruit.    Dessert: A caramel cake baked in a rock shaped mold. It sits on a bed of five banana slices and drizzled with caramel sauce. A few dark brown and orange candy chocolate rocks are also scattered around the base.
   Meal: An open face sandwich on toast, layered with lettuce, cheese, and ham. The top of the ham is decorated with the Organization's logo in mayonnaise. Comes with leafy side salad and fruit.    Drink: Blueberry fruit syrup layered with club soda and edible pearl powder to give the drink an illusionist shimmer. Topped with just enough cream to reach the top of the glass and a dusting of dried blueberry powder.    Dessert: Six small shortbread cookies decorated in icing fondant to look like the cover of his book. Served with dipping chocolate. Comes with an acrylic souvenir of his book.
   Meal: Hamburg steak plate with a decorative X shape of mayo across the sauced top, served on a small bed of rice. Comes with a side salad of mixed vegetables and crescent moons of baked kabocha squash. An acrylic of the Claymore is pressed into the center of the steak as if it was slammed in.    Drink: Lavender syrup mixed with American lemonade only until the drink resembles a light grey color rather than a heavy lean into yellow or purple. Decorated with a lemon slice cut to resemble a moon.    Dessert: Dome mousse cake with a deep blue finish. The mousse is lightly lemon flavored with a center of blueberry jam, and resting upon a vanilla cake base. The cake is decorated with a fondant crescent moon and a dusted golden X. Comes with a candied lemon wedge.
   Meal: A slice of pepperoni pizza, piled high with small cupping pepperoni, and dusted with chili flake. A side of a tossed, leafy salad is provided to help cut through the heat. A chakram acrylic comes attached to the salad, skewering a tomato wedge.    Drink: Tomato juice and beet juice layered together to make a light gradient-- heavier on the tomato than the beet. Top is sprinkled with cayenne for a little bit of an added kick. Decorate with a small celery leaf.    Dessert: A blood orange flavored cake, square cut and layered into three small tiers with raw edge sides. The top is sugar crusted and crisped in a brulee, with a sun fondant decoration wedged into a few peaks of cream. A twist of candied orange is also placed as decoration
   Meal: Small dish of seafood doria with a side of green vegetable to cut through the heavy dish. No broccoli is in the doria itself, and is instead decorating the side leafy salad. An acrylic of his sitar is laid across the salad.    Drink: A tall glass with a clear, bubbly ramune flavored soda. Blue soda-candy jelly is at the base. It’s served cream soda style, with a scoop of vanilla ice cream balanced at the top and a long blue straw.    Dessert: A raindrop cake with a soft blue-green gradient. The top is dusted with kinako powder. For how simple the dish is, it comes with a side of seasonal fruit and a plastic spork styled at the top to resemble his sitar's handle that you can take home.
   Meal: Caprese bites on a bed of lettuce. The cheese and basil base remains the same for each, but the cherry tomato on top varies between a bright red tomato or a dark purple skinned tomato. The salad has a balsamic drizzle and card suits cut vegetables.    Drink: An espresso served with a small container of cream and two sugar cubes, chocolate-dotted to be dice.    Dessert: Chocolate lava cake with a deep red filling, dusted with powdered sugar. It's served alongside thin cookies decorated into playing cards. It can be turned into a meal set with the drink option. 
   Meal: Salad full of mixed greens and colorful radish. Designed to be incredibly colorful, it’s got a few little blooms of edible flowers wedged around the plate. Comes with a few flower shaped breaded chicken ‘nuggets’ along the rim.    Drink: Rose syrup infused sparkling lemon soda, decorated with dried rose petals. There’s the smallest bit of strawberry syrup at the bottom of the cup to really make a pink color. A wedge of lemon decorates the rim.    Dessert: A thin, crisp almost crepelike shell in a low dish holds mixed berries, mint, and thick soft chunks of pound cake. The whole thing is drizzled with a sweet rose syrup. An acrylic of his scythe hangs out among the cake bits.
   Meal: Two skewers of karaage laying on a bed of cabbage with tartar sauce and two wedges of lemon. The other side of the plate has fries with a bit of mustard drizzled across the tips.    Drink: Layered cream soda, blue syrup at the bottom that fades into a pale yellow. It's topped with whipped cream and comes with sour popping candy meant to be mixed into the drink to activate the light carbonation. Comes with an acrylic charm of one of her daggers.    Dessert: Shaved ice with yuzu and orange drizzle. It’s a stretch to include it under the Larxene umbrella, but the sour notes should bring forth thoughts of lightning and shocks.
Roxas & Xion:
   Meal: Roxas and Xion share the same half sandwich, as if it was once part of a whole sandwich and split into two meal plates. They differ in that Xion gets a side leafy salad with radish and carrot, and Roxas gets french fries. [ and then i gave up makin them desserts & drinks, since they have the seasalt milk ‘drink’ at the actual cafe ]
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lihikainanea · 3 years
What are Bill and Tiger’s Valentine’s plans this year?
Ohhh baby, bullseye. Come closer, I want to tell you a secret--but you have to promise not to tell anyone else, okay?
I love Valentine’s Day.
I know, I know. It’s a stupid commercial Hallmark holiday with seemingly no other purpose other than to make single people even more alarmingly aware of their loneliness. It is silly and stupid and elitist and tacky--but I’m sorry, I just love it. I love the pink and red colour scheme. I love the cheesiness of it. I love the little Valentine’s Day cards that we used to send each other in elementary school, I love the secrecy of having a timid, anonymous Valentine, I love the chocolates, I love everything. And though I am eternally single, I have always treated Valentine’s Day as an opportunity to be incredibly sappy and to celebrate love, in all of its forms. I bake my friend small Devil’s Food chocolate cakes in the shape of a heart, I drape them in fondant and I decorate them like those tacky little candy hearts with the sayings--Be Mine, Sweetheart, etc. I overdose on cinnamon hearts. I hand deliver those tacky, heart-shaped punch out Valentine’s Day cards with sappy messages. My dad gets me a rose, every year. Sometimes I get myself a dozen roses, splurge on a little heart-shaped box of my favourite pralinés from an authentic Belgian chocolaterie. I plan an elaborate, decadent menu even though I am eternally single--I go all out. Expensive champagne. A 4-course dinner--usually lobster. A decadent dessert. And I put make up on, I put on some of my best lingerie, and I sit there with my badass self and just enjoy the euphoric feeling that an empath gets when the whole world is celebrating love.
I recognize that I am the minority.
But listen, Bill and tiger? These two sappy idiots, I swear. And maybe the thing is--the thing is, both of them are pretty gourmand, you know? I’m drunk  tired so I’m losing some of my English words, but even then I don’t think I’ve ever really found an English equivalent to “gourmand.” Foodie doesn’t quite cover it, because it’s also about the finer things. Tiger is low maintenance and not impressed by wealth, absolutely, but the way to tiger’s heart is food. And sometimes the haute gastronomie restaurants they like to try fall flat--why is everything foam? Seriously--but sometimes, it is well worth the money and both of them really love those nights. But those nights are hard to come by on Valentine’s Day. Restaurants have fixed menus, and they’re anticipating 5x the normal crowd so maybe the seating is not only crammed but it’s also timed, like you got two hours to eat and then you gotta get the fuck out. The food at even the best restaurants is mass-produced to try and save time and accommodate the unusually high rush of people, and its often 3x the price. So while both tiger and Bill love a good, extravagant meal at a restaurant--both know that Valentine’s Day is like, the WORST day to try and indulge in that. It just ain’t worth it.
So maybe they kind of do an extended Valentine’s Day. Bill will absolutely book a real nice restaurant, he’ll absolutely get his girl feeling’ herself, maybe book her a blowout and a little makeover, get her a new dress, and he’ll get dressed to the nines in his best casual suit. He’ll make sure he smells real nice, he’ll make sure the restaurant gives them a table hidden away, and he’ll make sure it lasts hours--starting with a leisurely cocktail, and then an entire tasting menu that he probably pre-arranged with the chef on special request. But he’ll do that like, WEEKS later. When it’ll really be worth it.
The night of? The night of, they do what both of them love even more: being sappy dorks, cooking together. They plan the menu ahead of time. Bill is on alcohol duty, because that way he can spend a lot on a (few) real nice bottle(s) of wine and champagne and tiger doesn’t ever have to know. Tiger is in charge of overall menu planning--a general idea of appetizers, sgroppino(god what the fuck I’m so tired that all of my first languages are coming out), a general idea of a main dish and dessert. From there, her and Bill refine it until they have actual meals--and then Bill is in charge of sourcing the ingredients. He hits up the farmer’s markets while tiger is at work. He has the lobster shipped in from PEI (Canadians--I will literally fucking fight you that PEI lobster >>>> Nova Scotia lobster, and I’m a Bluenoser. Americans--I will literally fight you that Maritime lobster >>> Maine lobster). He spends entire afternoons sniffing citrus at the stands in the market, trying to find the best blood oranges for the salad. He has the cocoa for the dessert imported from Belgium, because he’s a snob like that (he’s unapologetic--kladdkaka is nothing BUT cocoa and it needs to be the best). He somehow finds the most perfect raspberries in the dead of February. Tiger doesn’t ask questions, she just gets even more warm and fuzzy as they approach the 14th.
And tiger ain’t no bitch about it either. She gets herself a real nice second Merida-inspired lingerie set. Hell maybe she’ll even be real good to her Big Dude and don the wig the whole night too. Does Scarlet make an appearance later on that night? Maybe, but I also think maybe that is reserved for when they go out to the restaurant. Either way, Bill is treated the entire evening to his girl, cooking with him, getting giggly off good wine and champagne--all dressed in lingerie and looking like a fucking bombshell.
And that’s the night, you know? These two idiots, with some expensive champagne and wine. Some incredible food, that they cook themselves. Dessert gets abandon halfway through, because tiger is biting her bottom lip and her tatas are spilling over her corset and Bill grabs the bowl of whipped cream and slaters it on her instead of on the gooey chocolate cake. Tiger thinks that’s just a great idea, tearing his clothes off him and grabbing a handful of whipped cream, smearing it on his junk just so she can lick it off after. The dishes can wait. The actual dessert can wait. These two are drunk off of champagne and each other, and they absolutely fuck on the kitchen table, surrounded by dishes.
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merakiui · 4 years
So you know that subtle rivalry hinted between Theo and Nine, like especially about the piano and stuff? I've seen their mini rivalry in personal stories too, but like I think it's pretty funny, cause the calm, peaceful Nine with the cool and collected Theo. What things do you think they would "fight" over? If you do small stories, like maybe a small story over it??
(Absolutely! Their relationship on the AFTER L!FE website says both of them believe the other has “ulterior motives,” which is definitely interesting. I ended up writing a small story/oneshot for this, and I hope it was good enough in terms of what they would “fight over.” Theo and Nine are so fun to write for when it’s in this format.)
Cake (Nine and Theo)
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The manager is like cake, Theo thinks as he walks down the hall, a few documents held securely in his gloved hands. Everyone wants a piece of their time, but there’s only so much to go around. I guess it makes sense. They’ve always been sweet when it comes to the Reapers in the 14th Department.
Cake has an expiration date, as does any food. Along with that, it’s messy. Perfect frosting, fondant flowers, and a moist sponge that gets all over silverware and on clothes. Nevertheless, it’s a dessert for any celebratory occasion. Theo knows a lot of the Reapers can be compared to cake. Take innocent Ell and his happy-go-lucky personality for example. If he were a cake, he’d be the most overbearing slice of sugar. Such a simple cake is an insult, though. If you’re going to indulge in something unhealthy, at least make it overly presentable so you won’t have to fuss over the consequences of such a treat in the near future.
But Theo isn’t interested in cakes that have basic layers. He’s much more intrigued by those that have stacks of unique combinations, such as pineapple, vanilla, and even coconut. Each layer can be carefully picked apart, and every flavor dissected before his blue eyes. People are like cake. They’re either sickeningly sweet or spoiled with a rotten attitude, and they fall victim to their own natural expiration dates with the course of time. They can be broken down and devoured as easily as one does to a slice when they’re hungry. More importantly, their ingredients are always different. Opposing backgrounds, conflicting lifestyles, and even the people with whom they associate. When mixed together, it creates a person who holds their own morals, judgements, and rules based on the cards they have been dealt.
Perhaps that’s why children are so territorial when it comes to snacks; they believe it’s their right to be granted the best treat. In a group of three, who is most entitled to the last slice of cake? The two warring sides or the one unknowingly trapped in the middle? Sharing is cast aside in favor of getting the final piece. No one wants one-third of something. You can’t have one-third of a person. But Theo’s not of that age where you assume the world will be given to you on a silver platter. He knows when to choose his battles and when to surrender.
He knows when to savor every bite of cake he can get.
Theo almost drops the files he’s holding when he hears the upbeat staccato being played in rhythmic succession on the piano. That piano. The piano he should’ve found with the manager. If only they’d asked for his help. If only Nine hadn’t ruined it by impressing them with his dexterous talent. If only—
“You’re amazing, Nine!” the manager praises, a grin on their face. “I wonder if the other Soul Reapers have any sort of musical talent, too.”
“It’s nothing special,” he says, politely deflecting the compliment as easily as one discards a slice of moldy cake. “But I’m pleased you enjoy it, Manager.”
Of course, Theo thinks bitterly, drawing his lips into a thin line. Nine’s playing for them again.
“Can I try?”
Nine nods, sliding over on the bench to make room for (Name). While they tap certain keys at random intervals, sheepishly attempting to knit a comprehensive melody, Theo looks on in dissatisfaction. It’s Nine who senses the presence of a third individual, and he cranes his neck to confirm his suspicions.
“Oh, Mr. Theo. A pleasant surprise seeing you here.”
“You’ve been playing a lot lately. Won’t Nyang Lead Manager get angry if he catches you slacking off?”
“He doesn’t have to know,” (Name) says, rescuing Nine from any criticism Theo might have at the ready. “Besides, the day’s been slow enough.”
His heart sinks when he notices the bento boxes, evidence of two meals that have been thoroughly consumed. One for (Name) and one for Nine... They ate lunch together, and now they’re on the piano—the one he should be playing—acting completely chummy. Why? he thinks, his mind attempting to wrap itself around the concept of work relationships. Why are they so close?
His instincts tell him it’s all part of Nine’s master plan to have you to himself—to take all of the cake and leave nothing but crumbs for the others. It’s so selfishly enraging. Luckily, Theo has reason to stay in the spotless storage room. He sets the files on the lid of the piano, nearly swiping the bento boxes out of the way. There was more than enough room, and Nine doesn’t miss the calculated abruptness in Theo’s actions.
“Hm? What’s all of this?”
“Reports from this week’s patrol shifts,” he explains in a matter-of-fact tone. “I was told to bring these to you for review.”
“Right! I forgot about that. Thanks, Theo. What would I do without you?”
Just as fast as it sank, that familiar cardiovascular muscle skips a beat. Sneakily, he eyes Nine to gauge his reaction. The calm Noctu Reaper is staring right back, a partial smile gathering at the corners of his lips. If a pastry chef adds poison to the meringue of his cream horn and it incapacitates an unsuspecting customer, is he at fault? Does the issue lie with who sold him the poison? Were his intentions outlandishly harmful or driven purely by revenge? In this situation, who would be the chef? Theo’s certain it must be Nine. After all, he’s infecting you with a skill that should be reserved only for him. Playing the piano has always been his speciality. Nine is just a copycat baker whisking all sorts of notes in hopes that it produces a suitable tune.
His talent is poisoning the chances Theo has of impressing (Name) with his flawless playing.
Like a garden that’s been infested with weeds, stripping its sprouts of their needed sunlight, Nine has planted ugly hemlock.
“Is everything all right?” Nine questions, seeming concerned at Theo’s stretched silence. “Mr. Theo?”
“Everything’s fine. I’m flattered you’d worry about me.” Despite the fact that Nine’s older and that Theo ought to respect his seniors, he can’t bring himself to willingly trust the Reaper who’s been stealing the manager’s heart with his dexterity.
(Name) pops up from the seat at once, startled to have caught sight of the time. “Sorry, Nine. I've got to supervise Day and Kati’s cleaning shift. You can never be too careful with those two...” As they grab their empty bento box and the pile of documents, exchanging serene farewells with Nine, Theo opens his mouth to say something.
I’ll go with you, he wants to add, and yet the words evade him.
The manager turns to address Theo, a radiant beam in their expression—the sight of a flower that has wilted once and sprung back to life with a little bit of water and sunlight. “There’s a book I found that I think you’ll like. I’ll lend it to you if you’re interested. Let’s talk more next time, okay?”
His heart just about flips into cardiac arrest. How can his manager be so mindful and generous despite the minimal conversation they’ve shared? Such a gesture is sweeter than any cake the other Reapers may resemble.
“Let’s,” he echoes, watching as they make a swift exit. And suddenly the once dusty, overcrowded storage room becomes a haven. Observing it from his angle, he realizes just how much work the manager and Nine have done in terms of cleaning. That could’ve been a task suited to him. Now it’s as though you and Nine have started meeting up periodically in this room.
Nine rises from his spot on the bench, gingerly closing the lid over the piano keys. “Is there something on your mind?”
Theo raises a brow. “Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?”
“I was only curious. You seemed quite attached to the manager’s reactions. Though that’s just a speculation of mine. Please forgive me if I assumed incorrectly.”
“Well, I don’t want them to disapprove of my work.”
“I understand. You always do your best, Mr. Theo, so don’t let the pressure of appeasing Manager weigh you down.”
“I won’t. Thank you for your concern.” His words are hollow—lacking a soul—but he delivers them anyway. A faux cake needs no decorations if it’s role is not to be enjoyed. It’s merely a placeholder in his acquaintanceship with Nine. Stale enough to be recycled for future use, but also courteous in case of an emergency. “Then, I’ll be taking my leave now.”
Nine bids him a professional goodbye, friendly against the powerful tide of passive-aggressive distrust Theo’s built up. The disarming Soul Reaper closes the lid of his bento box, listening to Theo’s even footsteps as they grow distant with each passing second. He isn’t a fool, and neither is the picture-perfect Reaper in the Day Team. Something’s amiss. Anyone would be able to recognize the tense atmosphere that has ensnared the storage room in its vicious maw. Nine isn’t a stranger to formulated schedules. Ever since (Name) asked to meet him in the storage room for a few coveted minutes of listening to him play, Theo’s been in the distance, looming like a shadow in a child’s nightmare.
His finger taps at the colorful plastic while the gears in his brain turn. Nine doesn’t know Theo well enough to make any rash claims, and he certainly wouldn’t say any of that outright. Perhaps he just doesn’t know how to approach others, or he might want a chance to practice on the piano. If that’s the case, it would justify his lingering near the storage room. Nine has noticed the pattern, though. Theo’s always there when the manager observes his skillful fingers dancing across the keys. He’s never there for anyone else.
“I suppose anyone would think it’s an ulterior motive,” Nine murmurs to the empty air. “I’m not too sure.”
Green-eyed monsters don’t have blue eyes, so what does that make Theo?
Said Soul Reaper waits outside the door of the storage room, pressed against the wall with his ears alert and his mouth shut. To be blunt, Nine’s taken too much of the cake, and Theo’s not going to allow that. Crumbs are messy, and he despises messes. For a moment, the darker side of his thoughts conjure other messes. Crimson messes. Accidents that involve choice words and measured actions. Everything should be exemplary for a delicious result. But there won’t be any cake if he’s lacking the ingredients. The only recipe that makes is regret with a side of loss.
Theo slips away from the wall, quietly moving in the other direction. There are many layers to Nine that he must separate for intense study. The closer he gets to the center, the more personal he’ll get. And if the perfect cake involves a book, a piano, and the layers of a certain someone, he’s willing to forsake cleanliness.
Nine is there in the doorway wearing a faint smile as he witnesses Theo leave for a second time.
Something is definitely amiss with Mr. Theo.
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Or the One where you pretend to be Engaged (Joe Mazzello x fem! reader oneshot)
Summary: You and Joe fake an engagement to get wedding cake samples
Word Count: 2895
Warnings: some mild swearing, I guess, but pretty mild. Cake and marriage. Kids are mentioned. Shenanigans.
A/N: Hello there @assembledherethevolunteers​! I am your Secret Santa! And this was written in your honor for @yourlocalmusicalprostitute​ Possessed by Love celebration! I hope you enjoy it! Also shout out to actual goddess @joeneslee​ for helping me with ideas when I got writers block!
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“Are you ready?” he asks eagerly.
“I don’t know…” you reply, shaking your head.
Both of you sit in the car parked outside of the cake store. It is a small building, painted pastel pink building with a white roof. There is a wide glass window that reads “Let them eat Cake!” in a heart slathered on with white paint. It looks like a Hallmark Valentines Card, but were you ready to enter that place? With Joe?
Joe has always been your friend, and most especially your baseball buddy. The stadium was your safe place with him, not anything flowery or romantic. Both of you would discuss everything under the sun until pipe organs blared out chords when the teams ran on the field. You were used to the ballpark, the sun beating down over the rim of your cap. The taste of hot dogs right on your mouth and both of you eating ice cream cones at the last stretch as bats cracked the balls louder than anything on earth.
“Hmmmm” he would say in a Fake Commenter voice, thick with a nasal accent “numbuh forty-three hit that ball and ooooo he’s going!”
“Uph! He missed it! The ball rolling!” you would throw in, watching the action.
“Ooooo! Too baaad so saaaad!” Joe would continue with the voice.
But even at the stadium, you couldn’t even eat a regular meal with him. He would make silly faces, gulp stuff down, or shove his arms in his shirt as if he was a velociraptor. How on earth would you last through a wedding cake tasting?
“This is a lot for just wanting some desert,” you commented.
“Yes, but it’s free dessert. And how long until we have to pay for every good thing, Y/N?” He argued, smiling fearlessly at the place.
“But, what…it might be wrong…” you advise.
“Ok, what’s the worst that can happen?”
Thinking through, you throw your hands in the air in exasperation.
“Food poisoning,” you say.
“In this kind of store? I doubt it,” he shrugs.
With a deep breath, you go “okay…I’m ready…”
Both of you get out your boxes and place the rings on your left ring finger, but still in the car, where no one can catch you. You said a little prayer for a bit of normalcy. As much as you were hoping for.
The entire store is painted pastel pink and white with flowers on each counter and white cupids all over the walls. Cutesy love songs play on throughout the speaker. As soon as you walk in, a perky young woman with pale skin and a brown ponytail walks up and cheerfully greets in a Disney Princess voice, “Is this the future Mr. and Mrs. Mazzello?!”
“Yes it is!” you say with an equally cheesy smile.
Joe leans down and hugs you from the side as you lightly kiss his cheekbone. When your hand goes up to hold his, you make sure the ring sparkles in the employee’s direction.
“Yes, and we’re thrilled!” he adds.
You pop your hand forward to show and she squeals on cue.
“Wonderful! Let’s get started then! When will your wedding be?” she asks. She pulls up an Ipad from the counter and begins to tap enthusiastically on it.
Joe answers perfectly, “Next April.”
“So a Spring wedding! Are we thinking florals then?” she asks, glancing up.
You nodded “yes…”
As she turned around to take more notes, Joe whips his head to you and says in his smoothest, Streep voice “Florals in Spring?”
“Groundbreaking!” you finished with a repressed laugh.
“A floral cake would look beautiful! Let me get our expert and our baker ready with the flavors today!” she explained.
Zipping around, she leads you into the next room that looks like a small café with plenty of wooden tables and chairs. Already you can smell the chocolate baking in the next room. Sitting you down, she serves you some water from a crystal pitcher and Joe insists he pours your cup.
She keeps grilling you about everything under the sun where you both had to come up with stuff and wound up with the most cliché, cheesy wedding you could think of. Anything that would turn someone away. Not get too much attention.
The girl looks dreamy-eyed at the details of wedding planning. Thinking of one of her own in her daydreams, perhaps. But once the baker- a short, pudgy man with dark hair and glasses with an apron, your breath hitches. Especially since he is already holding a few plates of cake samples.
You feel Joe’s arms wrap around you as he sets the plates down. One plate has a cake with icing, and one has fondant.
“Fondant or Buttercream?” the baker asks.
“Buttercream! Please! Fondant is disgusting!” you insist.
“I need a cake as sweet as my sweetie pie is,” Joe says in a disgustingly saccharine tone. You can’t help but smile.
“What about the design? Simple or ornate?” he asks.
He folds his arms and eyes you over his glasses. You grit your teeth. Both of you begin to say the opposite thing, then Joe blinks, his face is red. Looking over, your eyes widen, and you nod furiously.
“Uh, simple! Simple is better! I’d like something my nieces and nephews can eat!” he requests.
The baker shrugs and confirms. He walks away saying he will get the buttercream samples.
Joe turns to you and rubs his hands together happily.
“This is it, Y/N! Here we go!” he cheers.
The young woman and the baker pop in from the back. Their arms and hands are filled with cake samples of every color and flavor you can think of. Each one is cut into perfectly square pieces as if done by machines. There is a chocolate cake, a vanilla cake, a lemon cake, and a carrot cake. The woman settled her plate down, her white blouse stained with the pink icing, and then hurried back.
The baker handed you several disposable white plastic forks from his apron and pointed to the trash can next to your table.
“Okay, are you ready to dig in?” he asks you.
When you look his eyes are soft, his hair is a little scruffy, and his smile makes your cheeks feel hot.
“I’m ready!” you declare
Joe’s phone goes wild with buzzing as you stab your fork into a vanilla piece.
“Sweetie!” you say, almost through gritted teeth, worriedly looking at his pocket.
Joe turns to his phone and looks at it. Numerous notifications are asking what he was doing and how it was going from…of all places…the band group chats.
“Oh my gosh, they’re all talking,” Joe sighs. The fork goes in and he gets a generous bite of the chocolate sample. But there is so much it gets on his right pointer finger.
He huffs like a kindergartener. He sets his fork down with a bit of a scowl, then his thumb presses the button on his phone, and it goes into Speaker mode.
“Guys, I am just at my fiancé’s cake eating, okay?” he speaks into Siri and sends in an instant.
As he takes a second bite, his brown eyes go wide.
“Oh, my go…. This is incredible!” he exclaims with a mouth full of cake.
The first bite of your lemon sample is moist and yet dense. Sweet enough to perfection. You love it. Right as you plunge your fork into it again you hear Joe’s phone continually buzzing. When he finishes it, he wipes the icing from his finger on the napkin and pulls it up.
“Oh…uh…” Joe spoke, he bit his tongue looking at the line of notifications scrolling down.
It won’t stop buzzing.  And the lights blinking you can’t help but notice as well. Peeking over his shoulder, the band is on fire asking about the engagement.
“Why don’t you turn it off, let’s be in the moment and enjoy this together!” you suggest, touching his forearm.
He nods promptly and turns it off, putting it in his pocket to deal with later. He then stuffs the vanilla whole inside his mouth. He chews, and nods, going “mmmmmmmm!” in approval
“Ohp! I got too much buttercream in mah mouth!” Joe cries. He sips his water, moving his jaw as if it was peanut butter.
“Need me to take care of it, sweetie?” you ask.
You heard the loud whirl of the mixer in the back and the bell right over the door ching with the entrance of another couple
“Anytime, babe.”
You lean over and kiss him, tasting the frosting. His lips are soft, and you can smell his shampoo too. He smiles and goes in for another one with more pressure, with a hand pressing your shoulder. You start giggling.
“Woah! Save some for the wedding night tiger!” you chirrup demurely, pushing him away.
“Anything for you, wifey,” he says, and the pink on his cheeks are impossible not to notice.
But when you look behind you in curiosity your heart picks up at the sight. Your college friend and her fiancée had just walked in.
“Y/N!” she half-screams, “oh my god, you’re engaged! Oh my god!”
She hurries over to you in a loud squuuuuueeeeee and tackles you into a hug. But you’re silent. Not sure what to do or how to react.
“Now we can BOTH have our big day! Ohmygod, I’m so happy for you! Let me see?” he begs.
She points a hand to your left hand and finds the old ring.
“Awwww, it’s beautiful!”
You and Joe share a look, unsure of what to do. His eyes go wide, and you could see a bit of frosting still on his face, getting whiter and whiter until it looked like the buttercream frosting on the plate.
“Ooooo, and who is hee?!” she asked, going over to inspect Joe.
Her fiancée is in the corner, hands in his pockets, and swaying on his toes. Waiting.
“Oh, this is Joe. We are just deciding and trying out wedding cakes.” You answer firmly.
“Oooo! When is the date! I have to go! I just have to see it! I’m gonna cry but it’s gonna be worth it! You deserve nothing but the best, honey! When did you get engaged? I saw nothing on Insta!” she queries, head tilting in light confusion.
Crap, crapcrapcrapcrap you think.
You looked a little to the left at Joe, shrugs with a wide jaw.
“He proposed…at a game. Yesterday.” You say. “But we…we just wanted to get some details right before anything gets public.”
Joe gets up to put an arm around you.
“And my little snuggle bug here is so modest and didn’t want to overshadow anyone on their big day. Wedding Season, you know!” he adds.
Looking up, you give him a small grin and he grins back.
“Ooooo, but it’s your big day too! You should feel special!” she comments,
“We just want to get everything planned….and besides, I’m a local fringe celebrity. And I…I don’t want to get the media too riled up,” Joe responds, moving his free hand for her to be quieter about it.
Her fiancé walks forward, he takes her under his arm, and they lean against each other in a half hug. But he keeps squinting at Joe.
“Wait…I swear I may have seen you before…weren’t you in…uh…” he mumbles, scratching the back of his head.
You turn Joe’s head to the cake samples, eyes darting down to them.
“Hey…I think we have more cakes to taste we need to make decisions, we can talk later!” you say, tugging on his sleeve.
“Yup. Decisions. Big ones.” Joe agrees. Both of you turn your backs to continue.
“Okay, buy Y/N!” your friend says, she gives you a sweet hug and a genuine smile before she goes over to discuss her wedding with the employee at the front desk.
But right as you begin to work on the third sample of rich chocolate, you look up and saw of all things, another friend of yours walking in the café area while tying an apron around his waist.
“Y/N! Oh my god! You’re engaged!” he gasps, letting go of all professional courtesy.
He runs up and hugged you.
“Uhhh, yeah. I am. Surprise!” you shrug.
“Wait, let me help you. I just started working here and I’ve been binging Great British Bake Off for a month, I am a cake expert!” he says.
He plops down uninvited on the chair across from you and Joe, looking at them.
“That one needs to be cream. Not white. Cream. Though adding a few red flowers would be nice. Blue might be pretty, but red is romantic and passionate!” he advises.
As Joe looks down, ready to eat a third sample of chocolate with blue icing he snatches it away.
“No! Not chocolate!” your friend scowls.
“Oh, come on! Chocolate is the best!” Joe argues, he grabs the plate and pulls it back
“Chocolate gets dry! And this isn’t a birthday or kiddie party, this is a wedding! It needs to be mature and professional with some decoration!” he says. “It needs a refined flavor! I have one I made this morning, let me cut you both a bit!”
He dashes to the back, returning with two samples of a red velvet slice. Once you and Joe eye each other, taking a pensive bite both of you grimace. It tastes more like a stale piece of toast than an actual cake.
You chug down the rest of the water and give him a half-hearted thank you. But right before you can change the subject, he gets out a notepad in his pocket filled with cake designs.
“This one would fit a wedding too…and so would this one…and this one!” he lists, flipping yellow lined pages of tiered cakes full of flowers and swirls. You can feel Joe starting to tap his foot.
“And all in that flavor you just tried!”
Standing up, you smile and shake his hand in thanks.
“Wow! That’s a lot well-I gotta get back on the -uh-juice diet for the wedding dress fitting I’m going to next Friday.”
Joe gets up to hug you from behind. He kisses your cheek and you feel a genuine smile grow on you.
“Not that you need it, honey bear. You’re gorgeous no matter what. You could wear a paper bag on the aisle and I’d still be blown away,” he compliments
“Thank you.”
He pecks your lips, “anytime.”
His ginger head turns toward your friend, gathering leftover plates.
“We’ll consider the designs and if we decide it’s what we want, we’ll call you!” he says, slowly backing away to the door.
Both of you scuffle out without a word and got into the car. As soon as you drive away, far enough to where no one near the store could hear you, you both burst out laughing.
“Oh my god, Joe…we did it! We did that!” you laugh, catching your breath.
Joe nods, his hand crunching part of his hair as he leans back into the car seat. You both park near a coffee shop just to get out and release more laughter. Wiping away tears, he turns on his phone to face the music. It was dinging like mad from the Groupchat and he smiles, amused.
“You won’t believe this…the band’s all amazed and…they’re asking for proof!” he tells you.
“What kind of proof?” you ask, sighing as your breath was slowing to normal.
“Ben says he wants to see a ring and a kiss in one pic.”
“We can ignore him,” you dismiss.
“I dunno…now Gwil wants one…and Rami…and Lucy…and Allen…and everyone…”
Sighing, you say “mmmk, mmmk, just a quick one.”
Looking down, you realize that the ring was still on your finger. You position your phone in the right place, put it on selfie mode, and set a timer.
He’s gonna kiss me again, oh my god, he’s gonna kiss me again, you think almost retreating your head, like a turtle in its shell.
Keeping your outstretched left hand just below your face, you both lean forward. There is a nervous twitch in Joe’s eye, and you hold your breath in place. The camera’s screen flashed “2…1….”
Then you both dive in for the kiss. Your teeth awkwardly touch together with a slight “clang.” Your lips match top to bottom and you can still taste the chocolate cake on him. But your eyes are closed, and your breathing slows. You feel him exhale through his nose. Both of you stay there. You feel your heart go fast with excitement and nervousness, as if this was a fever dream and not what was happening right now.
But you look at each other in the eyes and let go. You realize that the photos had already been taken for a few seconds. The actual kiss was longer. He gives you a sheepish smile at yours. He never looked at you like that before. Not that you had seen. You look back at him.
Now you are sure. There is a tenderness in his expression, and he blushes until he is the color of his hair. He is too.
“Y/N…I…I always thought…”
You went in for another kiss. No photo required.
Taglist: @stardust-killer-queen​ @queenlover05​ @bens-jawline​
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howlingowl-wra · 3 years
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Unsure of when they should have this ready for since there was not a february 29th this year, the leaders at the howling owl just decided that the first day of March was good a day as any.  Wrapped up in the same paper they always use for any of the owl staff member’s birthdays, there were several presents of varying sizes in a larger box with some stacked on top of others.
On the very top of one of the piles is a small box, and on the inside he would find a number of small, shiny blue daisies that were hand crafted by Syn.  The pins were all placed so that it actually looks like a daisy themselves.
The next box down on that same pile is a rather light box and inside of it is a pillow that was made by Bella with an embroidered frog on the front of it and has more embroidery on it saying “Leap day is my birthday”
The final box in that pile is quite a bit heavier than the other two.  Inside of that one there is a wood carving of an owl with the words carved into it’s base saying ‘Hello Tanner, we’re sorry we went to another woodworker for this piece, but we wanted something special to give to you, and we know how much wood things make you happy so it seemed a good fit to give to you.  Happy birthday, Saeil and Lian.’
Then in a separate pile there are two more things that were unwrapped but still set into boxes to keep fresh.  The top one was a whole batch of Yainah’s fresh baked nanaimo bars.  With a number of ingredients that tanner had enjoyed putting on his own, along with orange flecks of glitter and orange chocolate cover the top.
Then the last box inside of a cake box is a cake made by Aubrey that has several layers of angel food cake and in the middle of the cake is a lawyer of whipped cream and strawberries in the very center of it.  Then covering the entire cake is a fondant sheet in blue and a tree with two little owls made out of fondant on top.  
Then placed directly on top of all of the packages is a card with matching owls to the cake and inside is a handwritten note.  
Dear Tanner,  We weren’t really sure when we should give you all of this, but also didn’t want to wait for three more years to do so since than is when your birthday lands on it’s proper date.  But we all wanted to wish you a very happy birthday and hope you have a wonderful day.
Sincerely yours, 
The leadership of the Howling Owl.
@mremaknu(for tanner)
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I just saw that post you reblogged with the insane chocolate shenanigans that MC did, and it’s absolutely wild. I love it. Can I request that with the RFA and V (let’s spare Saeran and Vandy because they deserve a vacation from the poly trio’s bs haha)
I forgot to add your babies to the prompt! Minji and Judas shall also feel what the confectionery gods can do. Lila is safe because she should be protected from the horrors of chocolate warfare 
You are unstoppable. 
You are a force that none of the RFA members can control whatsoever and it is starting to feel like they’re all slowly losing their minds. It was one thing when it was Seven, his pranks, they can handle and get through but they were never ever going to be prepared for what hit them out of the blue one morning as you set off a plan that no one would ever suspect. 
Yoosung wakes up early in the morning to get ready for class, his instinct is to log onto his game and collect his daily boosters before he heads out but when his fingers touch the mouse, he is horrified as it comes apart in his hand due to warmth. He thinks that he has finally lost his mind, but when he raises it to his face he realizes that it is... chocolate. 
His mouse was replaced with modeling chocolate. 
Jaehee gets up that morning to get ready for work. She’s got a busy time stamp of things to get done and the first thing that she does in the morning is get her morning coffee. When she goes to her pot to set down the glass of water, her fingers touch the button, it almost crumbles in her hand. She is horrified when she applies a stronger force and cake is all she sees in her hand. 
Zen has a lot to do, there’s a big role waiting for him and a lot of script-reading to be done that morning. He sits down at the table and lifts up his phone where he had left it the night prior, it was time for a morning selfie to show off to the others for the true start of anyone’s day. Well, he never expected for the phone not to work nor did he think that it would snap apart in his hand because it was not a phone, it was peanut brittle covered in fondant. 
Nobody had gotten into his apartment, so where the hell was his phone? 
Jumin got up that morning and went through the motions. He had a steady time card and did everything that he needed to do. The only thing that made him pause was when he entered the shower and found that something was just the slightest bit off visually. Well, he suspected that Luciel may be pranking him so he tentative touched the “bottle” only to note that it was not a bottle at all. It was a clever recreation made out of some kind of pastry. 
Luciel is in so much trouble right now if this was him. 
Jihyun got up that morning and found himself staring at an easel that had what he suspected was not his own set of brushes. He cleared up his workspace and he left nothing behind. These brushes seemed off to him so it was his instinct to lift it up and inspect it. Well, it seemed like a biscuit. He glanced around to see if anyone was looking, and took a bite.
“...I’m not even sure how someone is capable of this.”
Seven has been awake nonstop for days doing a task so Vanderwood does not wring his neck like a wind-up doll. He may not be an agent anymore but that doesn’t mean that the ol’ Vandy doesn’t get onto him for not doing his work, even to this day. He only slept for maybe an hour or two but when he woke up to check everything, he was horrified to see that his monitor was not coming to life when he hit the button. He investigated, poking it and then decidedly taking an entire fucking bite out of it after noting the texture. 
Judas got up that morning and quickly discovered that something was very-very-very wrong in his space. His vanity was slightly ajar and there was the sense that someone had been in this room and they had tampered with things by moving them two centimeters to the right. Well, he rose to his feet to inspect his things and he found his face creams not where he left from. He opened one up and lifted it to his face. 
Minji was a pretty good baker and she knew when something wasn’t right. She got up early that morning for her run but when she got back and noted that the kitchen seemed... off. She had to pause and inspect everything. Saeyoung was no stranger to pranks, so she thought perhaps it was him. Yeah, she just did not expect to see that all the pots and pans were cake, chocolate, and all sorts of advanced techniques. 
People flocked to the chatroom to point fingers and make demands of where and what had happened to their items and why they were all cakes and cookies and creams. Well, everyone pointed at Seven, but it was plain as day that it was not him because he had been pranked too. It couldn’t have been Judas or Minji, neither of them had left the bunker that night, that was confirmed. It would not have been Saeran or Vanderwood... and it couldn’t have been Lila. 
So, who the hell could it have been? 
You entered the chatroom. 
You: Hi guys! I hope you enjoy your surprise. It took me a few days to bake everything but I finally got done! 
You: Anyways. Text me later with how you thought it tasted! K Thx Bai!
Well, needless to say, the RFA was not pleased but honestly, you had left their items in their houses and not taken a thing, you had merely replaced them and moved the items to another spot in the house. At the end of the day, people still eyed you suspiciously. You were on thin ice and Saeyoung was thinking about pulling you into his pranking team. 
Perhaps, it was for the best that you avoided the members for a few days just to ensure they didn’t scold you. 
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Valentines Day Images
💝 Happy Valentines Day 2019 Images, Pictures, Wallpapers 💝
Thank you for the special joy I’ve found in loving you. An Engraved Butterfly Photo Frame could be just the gift in which to display a holiday snap or perhaps you have a photo of you together illustrating an occasion which is special to you both. Beautiful Valentines day images with romantic quotes to wish your special someone a very Happy Valentine's day and let them know just how much you love them.
We all know very well that sending Valentine Day Image, Valentine Day Photo is best to compare Valentines Day SMS, Happy Valentines Day Messages, Valentines Day Wishes, Valentine Day Quotes. I love you so much happy valentine. You'll never truly know just how happy you make me and how much I love you so. Can you kiss me and make my problems go away, can you love me as much as I love you. The old Greeks called love “the franticness of the divine beings.” contemporary analysts signify it as it the effective urge for enthusiastic union with someone else.
This sentimental occasion commends love as aura. Single one the best quotes and wishes and send it on the upcoming Happy valentine’s day 2019 occasion. Romantic cards are not controlled to only giving one to the most beloved person only while on dates. In Valentine’s Day there is admiration to exchange heart touching romantic valentines day images, gifts to the people we love. Share valentines day images with quotes on this romantic event. Share with your friends! Hello Friends welcome to this beautiful page. So you use these Happy Valentines Day Images to send to your friends. I think friends like you are pretty important too. If you have placed orders on the website, and are a regular customer, it shouldn't take more than a week, however it will take longer if you are first time customer with them. When the world seems more beautiful, and life even more worth living, I find I've been thinking of you.
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You can use these images in your e-card design, send as Happy Valentines day messages on your social media platforms and use the valentines day images as your wallpapers. Permit your husband to realize how tons he means to you with those valentines day messages for a husband. Said that, we hope that you liked our site and these Valentines Day Rose Image, Valentines Day Teddy Pics, too and had fun to be here. If you are looking for the Happy Valentines Day images 2019 keep reading the interesting things. Then we are posted best Valentine Day Status for Girlfriend/boyfriend. Replacing social id’s DP with Happy Valentine Day Images. So we say that Valentine Pictures is the best way to wishes Valentine's Day to Lovers. I love you my princess, happy valentine. I love your window paintings! Every time I see you, I fall in love all over again. I was knocked over by the news tonite! I miss you so much, whenever I think of you, my heart breaks into pieces and just a quick “hello” from you brings the broken pieces back.
You can design and print sophisticated, elegant cards for your Valentine without resorting to the tactics you learned in your elementary school art class. You can have the flutes engraved with your own unique message. Happy to see that this lens received LotD. This lens was a pleasure to view with your perfect suggestions. Great Valentine's Day idea. What a really cute idea! Love from pure soul. The smile that cleanses my soul. To carry all my love for you. Happy Valentine, my love! Love is in the air! But the fact is it is not the only day where people used to celebrate. Valentine’s Day is also known as St Valentine day. About Teddy day the inventors gift their girls a adorable teddy. But now the technology differs and allows sharing the wishes whenever in need of all the time. Perhaps she has a stressful job and needs to unwind and chill out from time to time. Stamp a flower into fondant, cut it out and decorate cakes or other goodies with it.
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musekicker · 3 years
So now that post on the games universe.
The games universe is where the "game" of planet smasher originated from, just one of the many games started from this place.
It's a whole galaxy based on the theme of games as a way of life and earn a living. From things as tame as simple little things like video games set up in pubic areas to more terrible like fighting for ones life and having that bet on.
The worst and more terrible of the people here are the Game masters. The ones who tend to be the one in power. Most often have a theme to their areas of influence (called districts. ) .
 Quick list of the current games masters on the hub planet for the games universe. Some of the names here are just quick place holders until better names are thought of.
Gold (place holder name currently. ) : a gold colored woman with a very much Marie Antoinette/Palace of Versailles look to her and very, very tacky (and that's saying a lot in this place) and opulent district. She changes her look a lot, always so over the top. Like a wig with a bird cage with living birds in it.
She's wasteful, judgmental, and snobby. Most other game masters aren't really fans of her but she's one of the richer game masters so they have to play nice with her.
Also the number of points one has to pay to get a simple éclair in this district? Criminal!
Shark (place holder name) : A pale white Shark like alien with tattoos based off of playing cards on him. ( some red and black diamonds on his back fin, a red spade around one eye, blade club on the back of his neck and a red heart on his chest.) one of the casino owners in the area. Smaller influence then Domino and slightly resentful of that.
Keeping in with his aquatic look his casino is a big aquarium. 
He decides the fate of those in debt to him with a shuffle and picking out a card from his ever present card deck. Get's along with Saw because they both have terrible sense of humor.
Myst:  A grey fox like alien with multiple eyes. Has the place just filled with flowers that he can control when they bloom. The fragrance from them can alter perceptions or just out right put people in trances until the fragrance effects wear off.
Domino: a alien with a kind of squarish head with a domino like markings on him. Was the one who had Hermes as a "piece" (beings in a game masters "employ", often in some points debt.) . He owns the bigger casino on the planet.
Saw (place holder name) : Basically vampire crypt keep. Gaunt and kind of greenish with bat ears and wings on his back. His district is a giant castle with a bunch of death traps and monsters (both natural and scientifically made. ) .
he has major "Tales from the crypt" and this video game called "Illbleed" vibes. Very dark humor and full of puns. Only Shark thinks he's funny really.
Circus (place holder name)  isn't my oc, belongs to @halloweennut so you’ll have to ask her more about him if interested.
Just my in a nutshell description of him since it's not my place to go really in depth on him, basically a lion type alien with a circus theme to his district.
There is also a kind of wild hunt based game master but i haven't worked them out yet.
A couple of not games masters ocs of mine but live in this place.
Finch: a purple, four armed alien with white, slits for eyes and just always has a cigar. Very newsies theme going on with him. Mostly plays some small luck games to earn points to eat and live. 
He's got that heart of gold thing going though and tries to help others with less points be able to eat and avoid going in debt to a game master.
Random tidbit, has two sets of lungs
Sweet:   A sentient monkey. Her fur is a pale cake fondant like blue with white paws, tail tip, and around the eyes and muzzle. Wears a pink bow around her neck.
She's one of Gold's pets and is actually very fine with the situation. In fact if you endanger her position as favorite in any way she will make your life hell. Has major Darla from "cat's don't dance" and Lucy from the peanuts comics vibes.
Also will not use the right name for anyone she doesn't respect.
Sweet: Now Olaf-
Otto: Otto.
Sweet: Don't care.
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simmyseo · 4 years
Best Birthday Cakes in Parramatta
What is a festival?
There are lots of definitions on the internet regarding festivals but according to us, the festival is not only for religious causes but it unites the people of all religions and gives a message of brotherhood to the world. Birthday is also that kind of festival which integrates people. Birthday is celebrated for one particular human being but lots of people of your community, involved in your function so nothing can be better than this thing that people are participating in your happy moments and making you feel special and sharing your happiness. You will know it very well that how Birthdays are celebrated around all over the world. What is the special thing without that a birthday celebration is incomplete? That thing is called Cake. Almost all the people of all age groups love cake so much whether they are children, young and old people. Different people have different tastes and flavors regarding cakes. If you are situated in Parramatta and looking for a Cake Shop for a birthday celebration then we are the Best Birthday Cake Shop In Parramatta waiting for you. We are known as Cherry Cakes in Parramatta. if you are curious to know about Best Birthday Cakes Near Parramatta then this article will be helpful for you.
Requirements of the Birthday Service according to the people
Birthday is not only a special day for a particular human being but his or her family also has lots of excitement regarding birthday. Suppose you are a father and your son’s birthday coming after Two or three days then you will have a question in your mind that how can you make that day special for your son?? Lots of things come in your mind together like the house decoration, what should be the decoration theme, arrangement for party food service, and the cake cutting celebration. Then you have no need to worry about it because we have all the arrangements for making your son’s birthday special. We are providing the Best Cakes Near Parramatta for the best taste of the customer. If you are an office going person and not have that much time to come to our shop then do not worry, you can order online cakes through our website. You have to fill some basic information and mention the date of delivery in the message. We have almost all kind of cakes according to the taste of a customer and we can provide a cake for you according to your special instructions.
Now, for the other thing like the catering system, party system, home decoration we are providing the various combined packages for these kinds of services. You have no need to hire all these services separately from different places. We also have various kinds of event styling according to your demand. If you are celebrating at night time then we have different kinds of lightening system that will increase the beauty of your house. These event packages are provided according to the presence of the people participating in your function. Children are usually very excited y for their Birthdays. They demand various kinds of cakes and they also want to celebrate their Birthday with their best friends. So for these kinds of little parties, we have an option for the cake that is called Cupcake. We provide the Best Cupcakes in Parramatta for little children’s party. We have different flavors for different tastes of people. The list of flavors is given below:-
● Chocolate ● Straw berry ● Black forest chocolate ● Caramel ● Dark chocolate ● Banana cake ● Orange
And we also have different cake fillings like dark chocolate, milk chocolate, coconut, Nutella, chock mint, cherry ripe, etc.
Cake Pricing
If you are planning to order a cake for your upcoming birthday then we will be the Best Birthday Cakes Shop In Parramatta to fulfill your requirement regarding cakes. if you are the kind of person who always cares about food wasting and does not want to waste the ordered cake because of the excess of the quantity then we understand you and your concern very well. We have arranged a menu system of cakes on our website according to the quantity and the price Like single tire cakes, 2-tiered cakes, 3-tiered cakes, and 4-tiered cakes providing different variants like fondant cakes, frosted cakes, naked cakes, and brownie items at affordable prices. So you can visit our web site and choose your favorite cake according to your capacity, this will save your money as well as the cake. It is important to know that we always pay complete attention to the quality of the product and serve only fresh edibles. Our charges are also very affordable as compared to peers.
Why we are known as the Best Birthday Service Provider In Parramatta?
In the market, no one wants to be the last, everyone wants to be the first but everyone can not get success every time. Success is the result of hard work, patience, honesty in work and constant progress of work. And we have all of these qualities that’s why we are on the top. Here are some specialties to our service which will attract you:-
● We provide the best, tasty and freshly made cakes with maintaining hygiene. ● We have a feature of cake pricing which will save your money and cakes from being waste. ● Suppose you want to give a surprise to your friend by gifting him a cake then you can go for our online cake shops. You have to fill up the address of the house where you want to deliver the cake. ● We are providing the best cake decoration and designing according to your requirements. ● Our all cake delivery services punctual to the time, you will never face a problem regarding this. ● We accept all the payment methods during the online ordering like PAYPAL, COD, CREDIT & DEBIT CARD, etc.
We are trying to make you feel special on your Birthday by providing our quality services.
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pieridesofbillions · 7 years
More Rip, Less Legend - Aruba-con and why we can’t all get along.
Rip, oh, Rip - just when I think you’ve learned your lesson about working with others, you get more douche-like and do things like form a Time Bureau and cut out the Legends completely. The Legends who have saved the world from evil dictators, your former bosses and people who use ancient Christian artifacts to change the entire makeup of the reality as we know it, with your consent at breaking the one rule about time. Ironically, you don’t remember your time as a fondant chef, because it was where you were the most useful, or at least, you don’t remember that actual two seconds, you were a proper Legend because you learned how to work with your damn team and realized you were not the greatest Time Agent on the face of the planet.
But of course, it’s a new season and we need a new “Rip’s being the stupidest stupid head ever with his dumb secrets,” plot because God knows, you haven’t learned that sharing is caring and the Legends will have to save your ass eventually anyway. Even if he has a plan in play, it isn’t working because he’s keeping it secret.
The problem with Rip Hunter is twofold – number 1 - He does not know how to work with people or be a part of a team.  2- He needs power or he is an unhappy, desperate, sad puppy.  I choose to look at problem two first, because we have the Time Bureau – he’s working with a team of people there, right?
To give you a little bit of my process here, the first step in examining a character for me is stripping them down to their core. I get inside their head and take away all the layers that they have built up over the years (that I know about anyway) and find what they are inside of all of that. For instance – Sara Lance - despite what she’s suffered, despite all the blood of people that she’s killed, despite all the rage at­ the people who have killed her, despite the responsibility of being captain of the Waverider, at her core- she is the embodiment of joy. She delights in a good fight, in a good joke, a good game of cards, a nice beer, a romp in the sheets. Even in the sadness of the memories of her sister, she tries to find the joy in everything no matter what situation she’s in.
Rip, on the other hand, was almost impossible to figure out until I compared his behavior to Ray in Season 1. Ray assumed he knew what was best in any given situation, always needed to be listened to and validated, didn’t understand any point of view or lifestyle but his own as the “right” one and deemed himself right in any given situation and his wrongness had to be slowly explained to him or he didn’t understand. In fact, behaviorally, the only difference between the two is that Rip was more jaded, more experienced, more ruthless, and more morally neutral. While at his core, Ray wasn’t privilege (at his core, he is a tinkerer- someone who cannot stop messing with things no matter how much they need to be left alone), he was the perfect example of privilege.  So why was it so hard for me to identify the same things in Rip? Ray’s privilege (while also being white and male) came almost completely from money (knowledge as well, but in season one it was also proven Ray was brain smart and street dumb, while Leonard was both brain and street smart, but still not inherently privileged, hence me taking it off the table.)
The problem was my brain was temporally locked, for lack of a better word. Rip’s core is power, but it’s extremely hard to recognize because that kind of power almost always exclusively comes from money, but a time traveler has no need of money, because it is so very temporary. Grab a penny from the 1800’s, jump to the twenty-first century and you’ve just made yourself a rich man. We hardly ever see that kind of completely and utter disregard and/or use of others in people who are essential broke, but because he travels through time, he has more power than we will ever know. That’s why some of Rip’s best, kindest moments come from when he’s feeling powerless, because he can finally see past himself and what he thinks and can finally empathize with others and use all of the other layers that he’s learned and knows to truly help.
But making a powerful person feel powerless eventually has its repercussions. After erasing his own memory, being mind-jacked by the Legion of Doom, protected by Gideon, returned to his own ship where he found Sara had finally made the Legends work (as much as the Legends will ever be functional), then trapped for God knows how long making fondant cakes in a tiny baby Waverider and being partially erased by time, he’s more powerless than he’s been since losing his wife and child due to the organization he had dedicated his life to. So Rip did what Rip always does when he’s pressed against a wall – he takes control of everything in front of him despite the fact that it is inherently uncontrollable – in this case, Time. When his wife and child died, he tried controlling the uncontrollable with the Legends in the first place, despite being time manipulated, despite being defeated time and time again when he tried to save them by himself, he decided to draft the moteliest crew of people who clearly have issues with authority. Then, he lied to them, had no problem using their guilt and camaraderie with Carter to keep them around, but was surprised when they didn’t bow to his every whim and demand and bonded with each other over hating him. And they still became a team, somehow, despite the odds.
So, then he had to do the stupid thing of stranding his team in various points of time to hide a secret, powerful artifact , kept its origins secret again and instead of asking for help, he left the Legends to backtrack his steps, which inevitably left them three steps behind, and eventually, in a situation where they had to break the most cardinal rule of time and obviously, if the Legends had to break the most cardinal rule of time travel to save the world, no matter what happened as consequences, something must be done. By him, obviously, because none of that was his fault in the first place (the fondant loving chef of the tiny Waverider was a time remnant that disappeared completely erasing his memory of contributing to this plan and before that), of course, he was busy stranding his team and then he had to kill George Washington. 
Which is how we wound up back at problem number one – Rip doesn’t know how to work with people or be a part of a team. I present as evidence exhibit A – the Time Bureau. Again, I was unbelievably confused at how Rip Hunter – who has not only traveled with the Legends, but has been saved by them innumerable times created an agency that uses them as a guide of what not to do when confronted by time aberrations. I can understand why he wanted to create the antithesis of the Time Masters and from what we’ve seen so far that is very much what he did– living inside of time, centered in 2017 (and supposedly beyond), adhering to a more modern, office like look, being connected personally and training to work together, using mobile devices instead of ships when  captains had been travelling as their own law, using centralized agency with checks and balance and different levels of power, one that doesn’t disguise itself according to the time period, but with technology.  All of this is inherently opposite the entire look and feel of the Time Masters, which is entirely appropriate and at first glance, very impressive.
What I find incredibly appalling, however, is how he used the Legends as not only example of what not to do, but how everything they did was wrong, which yes, breaking time bad, but here’s the problem one in action. All the people he recruited believed him. Why would someone supposedly effective as Rip work with the Legends so long if they were such awful, bumbling idiots? Why did he entrust his ship to them and hide in the past? Because instead of recruiting those effective in their own fields (but unknown) as he did with the Legends, he chose people that could be molded to be similar to him. Structured, rule following, type A personalities, people who follow plans and protocol to the letter and are endlessly trained in every possible scenario that could possibly happen, instead of the kind of people who would break down his logic or empathize with the conditions the Legends were under. He’s equipped them with devices that used surprise and disorientation as their primary method to fix their aberrations and voila, problem solved - incredibly effective Time Bureau. But despite how quickly they’ve cleaned up the huge mess of Time that the Legends made, they’ve only existed approximately five years, less if you count making protocol, staffing and training. Essentially, everyone is basically a baby agent just getting their feet wet.
All that training was useless after one call about Julius Caesar from a Legend. Based on the wonderful stories Rip has been instilling in his trainees, they barely believe in a possible aberration and outright dismiss the evidence because they didn’t actually look at their surroundings and notice a huge toga party or bother talking to Mick. Then when the Legends return Caesar, albeit roughly, when they go to “fix” the Legends’ horrible mistake, they are baited into a trap that is used as a basic shoplifting lure at box stores.
Instead of recruiting people of many different styles and methods to work with, Rip has created a Time Bureau of tiny little Rips. He could have built a new more functional version of the Legends, finding people who had their skills without as many of their hang-ups or he could have used the Legends as teachers after he fixed time. He didn’t even let Gideon have a say in how the new teams were formed which says a lot about how much control he wanted. Gideon is a mostly impartial party who has just as much if not more knowledge about time travel and yet, he shut down her mind and used her body as a training simulator. (Let’s not forget, Gideon was the only thing that kept Rip sane inside his own mind at one point.) No, Rip Hunter has just trained a lot of people to follow his lead and act just as he would in the field. He’s made mini drones. That may be effective against your average aberration, but they don’t know how to improvise. He’s built them up with a great success rate but he hasn’t shown them the truth of time travel – things go wrong. Things always go wrong. The field isn’t like a simulation and when you’re in the middle of a situation, protocol doesn’t always work. Mistakes get made and you have to make tough decisions very fast. The only mini-drone exceptions we’ve seen to this are extremely anti-Legends and the individual thought they have had is “Don’t use Legends.” (Wonder where they got that idea from?)
The Legends aren’t perfect, but they are effective because they’ve learned that each of them brings something different to the team and all of those things should be valued. While Rip values the Legends as an asset, he hasn’t learned how to value them as people– he’s taken everything they’ve done for him, Time and each other and made a mockery of it because one, it gives him power and two - it restores his faith in himself and in his righteousness. In his mind, the problem for Rip was never him, it was them. He still hasn’t learned that they have things teach him. He didn’t try to find his place on the team where he belonged amongst all these different personalities with all of their weaknesses and all of their strengths. While he was extremely grateful for what they did for him, he still hasn’t come to understand how they did it. To this day, they still mystify him because he hasn’t truly seen them as equals, and sometimes, as betters. They look at failure and learn, while he looks at failure and becomes defeated. He gives commands instead of asking questions. He orders instead of requests. He talks at people instead of listening to people and he blames others instead of taking responsibility. He had a chance to use the opportunity he had once given them to change his destiny when Sara invited him to stay on the team. But he made a decision when he took that time ship and left his former team behind, he chose to be a great Time Agent instead of becoming an incredible Legend.
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Discovering Applicable Halloween Costumes For Teens
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Halloween costumes come in many different varieties available in the market. Nevertheless, selecting out the appropriate one for teenager is just not a simple job. That is primarily as a result of teenagers are grownup sized however most grownup sized Halloween costumes truly don't fit proper on them. Then the way to get appropriate Halloween costume for teens? Under are some recommendations which may be of help. It is a good idea to add a layer into your teen Halloween costume. Both online and local shops have this kind of costume on provide. Choose your favorite one and alter it for a proper fit. This can be achieved by adding street clothes to it. Teenagers can put on dance leotards beneath the teen superhero costumes to tone them down. Design a teen costume by your self. You can also make use of bits and pieces of a ready-made costume and redesign it through the use of objects out of your wardrobe or a thrift store.
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For instance, in case you have a brief disco gown, you'll be able to create a pleasant teen costume by including a pair of denims with broad leg bell bottoms to the gown. Make certain to chop a strip of fabric from the underside of the dress and set it to the jeans or use it as a belt so that the costume match nicely with the jeans. Create a teen costume by including costume accessories to your clothes. In case you want an angel Halloween costume, pick a pair of white denims and white sweater from your closet and wear them with wings and halo that may be found in lots of stores. It is common to gown like a television or film star. Typically speaking, it can be much simpler should you choose a personality who put on regular costume. To make your Halloween social gathering memorable and enjoyable, you'll be able to choose Tv or film stars like Oprah Winfrey and Rachel Ray to gown as. In addition to, costumes for characters from traditional films resembling Gone with the Wind can be made by yourself through the use of your imagination. Keep the concepts above in mind and yow will discover fabulous teen costumes to vow your friends on the Halloween celebration. Wish you may have an amazing time!
A Superhero Birthday Get together! This previous month we celebrated Andrew's 4th birthday. If you realize my little man, you already know that there was completely no query of what the theme could be! I was so excited to get began on this get together, there are so many amazing ideas out there and it was really laborious to restrain myself from attempting them all! I wished to keep the decorations as "DIY" as potential, there are numerous items that may be bought, but the associated fee can actually add up. I've a large supply of card stock on hand and lots of ribbon. I only had to purchase the balloons and two comic books! Our new place has an important large mantle which is fabulous for decorating for occasions. I used Andrew's big batman, some balloons and the cake and cupcakes to decorate this space. If you have any kind of concerns relating to where and how you can utilize anchor1, you could call us at our own web site. I used rolled fondant for the buildings and Superman brand getting my inspiration here and the cupcake toppers were discovered on-line (here).
I used a couple of comedian books to make some colourful banners by reducing every page into triangle and stringing them on ribbon. When choosing the comics I looked for shiny pictures with applicable content material (some could be pretty grotesque!). I strung these banners across the mantle, across some mirrors and alongside the counter. They added a variety of colour to the celebration! We snapped some priceless photographs of Andrew modeling his new superhero underwear, on Christmas morning. I could not resist printing a bunch and adding them to the decor. His associates thought they had been fairly superior (in all probability not an possibility for future parties!!). I also used one to make this little sign that his mates may sign and had it prepared with some markers for their arrival. We gathered all of our Superhero toys and books and had them ready for the little ones to play as they entered. I always discover this to be a chaotic time and having an exercise that youngsters can be part of at any time when they arrive may be very helpful.
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simmyseo · 4 years
Best Birthday Cakes in Colebee
What is a festival?
There are lots of definitions on the internet regarding festivals but according to us, the festival is not only for religious causes but it unites the people of all religions and gives a message of brotherhood to the world. Birthday is also that kind of festival which integrates people. Birthday is celebrated for one particular human being but lots of people of your community, involved in your function so nothing can be better than this thing that people are participating in your happy moments and making you feel special and sharing your happiness. You will know it very well that how Birthdays are celebrated around all over the world. What is the special thing without that a birthday celebration is incomplete? That thing is called Cake. Almost all the people of all age groups love cake so much whether they are children, young and old people. Different people have different tastes and flavors regarding cakes. If you are situated in Colebee and looking for a Cake Shop for a birthday celebration then we are the Best Birthday Cake Shop In Colebee waiting for you. We are known as Cherry Cakes in Colebee. if you are curious to know about Best Birthday Cakes Near Colebee then this article will be helpful for you.
Requirements of the Birthday Service according to the people
Birthday is not only a special day for a particular human being but his or her family also has lots of excitement regarding birthday. Suppose you are a father and your son’s birthday coming after Two or three days then you will have a question in your mind that how can you make that day special for your son?? Lots of things come in your mind together like the house decoration, what should be the decoration theme, arrangement for party food service, and the cake cutting celebration. Then you have no need to worry about it because we have all the arrangements for making your son’s birthday special. We are providing the Best Cakes Near Colebee for the best taste of the customer. If you are an office going person and not have that much time to come to our shop then do not worry, you can order online cakes through our website. You have to fill some basic information and mention the date of delivery in the message. We have almost all kind of cakes according to the taste of a customer and we can provide a cake for you according to your special instructions.
Now, for the other thing like the catering system, party system, home decoration we are providing the various combined packages for these kinds of services. You have no need to hire all these services separately from different places. We also have various kinds of event styling according to your demand. If you are celebrating at night time then we have different kinds of lightening system that will increase the beauty of your house. These event packages are provided according to the presence of the people participating in your function. Children are usually very excited y for their Birthdays. They demand various kinds of cakes and they also want to celebrate their Birthday with their best friends. So for these kinds of little parties, we have an option for the cake that is called Cupcake. We provide the Best Cupcakes in Colebee for little children’s party. We have different flavors for different tastes of people. The list of flavors is given below:-
● Chocolate ● Straw berry ● Black forest chocolate ● Caramel ● Dark chocolate ● Banana cake ● Orange
And we also have different cake fillings like dark chocolate, milk chocolate, coconut, Nutella, chock mint, cherry ripe, etc.
Cake Pricing
If you are planning to order a cake for your upcoming birthday then we will be the Best Birthday Cakes Shop In Colebee to fulfill your requirement regarding cakes. if you are the kind of person who always cares about food wasting and does not want to waste the ordered cake because of the excess of the quantity then we understand you and your concern very well. We have arranged a menu system of cakes on our website according to the quantity and the price Like single tire cakes, 2-tiered cakes, 3-tiered cakes, and 4-tiered cakes providing different variants like fondant cakes, frosted cakes, naked cakes, and brownie items at affordable prices. So you can visit our web site and choose your favorite cake according to your capacity, this will save your money as well as the cake. It is important to know that we always pay complete attention to the quality of the product and serve only fresh edibles. Our charges are also very affordable as compared to peers.
Why we are known as the Best Birthday Service Provider In Colebee?
In the market, no one wants to be the last, everyone wants to be the first but everyone can not get success every time. Success is the result of hard work, patience, honesty in work and constant progress of work. And we have all of these qualities that’s why we are on the top. Here are some specialties to our service which will attract you:-
● We provide the best, tasty and freshly made cakes with maintaining hygiene. ● We have a feature of cake pricing which will save your money and cakes from being waste. ● Suppose you want to give a surprise to your friend by gifting him a cake then you can go for our online cake shops. You have to fill up the address of the house where you want to deliver the cake. ● We are providing the best cake decoration and designing according to your requirements. ● Our all cake delivery services punctual to the time, you will never face a problem regarding this. ● We accept all the payment methods during the online ordering like PAYPAL, COD, CREDIT & DEBIT CARD, etc.
We are trying to make you feel special on your Birthday by providing our quality services.
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simmyseo · 4 years
Best Birthday Cakes in Glendenning
What is a festival?
There are lots of definitions on the internet regarding festivals but according to us, the festival is not only for religious causes but it unites the people of all religions and gives a message of brotherhood to the world. Birthday is also that kind of festival which integrates people. Birthday is celebrated for one particular human being but lots of people of your community, involved in your function so nothing can be better than this thing that people are participating in your happy moments and making you feel special and sharing your happiness. You will know it very well that how Birthdays are celebrated around all over the world. What is the special thing without that a birthday celebration is incomplete? That thing is called Cake. Almost all the people of all age groups love cake so much whether they are children, young and old people. Different people have different tastes and flavors regarding cakes. If you are situated in Glendenning and looking for a Cake Shop for a birthday celebration then we are the Best Birthday Cake Shop In Glendenning waiting for you. We are known as Cherry Cakes in Glendenning. if you are curious to know about Best Birthday Cakes Near Glendenning then this article will be helpful for you.
Requirements of the Birthday Service according to the people
Birthday is not only a special day for a particular human being but his or her family also has lots of excitement regarding birthday. Suppose you are a father and your son’s birthday coming after Two or three days then you will have a question in your mind that how can you make that day special for your son?? Lots of things come in your mind together like the house decoration, what should be the decoration theme, arrangement for party food service, and the cake cutting celebration. Then you have no need to worry about it because we have all the arrangements for making your son’s birthday special. We are providing the Best Cakes Near Glendenning for the best taste of the customer. If you are an office going person and not have that much time to come to our shop then do not worry, you can order online cakes through our website. You have to fill some basic information and mention the date of delivery in the message. We have almost all kind of cakes according to the taste of a customer and we can provide a cake for you according to your special instructions.
Now, for the other thing like the catering system, party system, home decoration we are providing the various combined packages for these kinds of services. You have no need to hire all these services separately from different places. We also have various kinds of event styling according to your demand. If you are celebrating at night time then we have different kinds of lightening system that will increase the beauty of your house. These event packages are provided according to the presence of the people participating in your function. Children are usually very excited y for their Birthdays. They demand various kinds of cakes and they also want to celebrate their Birthday with their best friends. So for these kinds of little parties, we have an option for the cake that is called Cupcake. We provide the Best Cupcakes in Glendenning for little children’s party. We have different flavors for different tastes of people. The list of flavors is given below:-
● Chocolate ● Straw berry ● Black forest chocolate ● Caramel ● Dark chocolate ● Banana cake ● Orange
And we also have different cake fillings like dark chocolate, milk chocolate, coconut, Nutella, chock mint, cherry ripe, etc.
Cake Pricing
If you are planning to order a cake for your upcoming birthday then we will be the Best Birthday Cakes Shop In Glendenning to fulfill your requirement regarding cakes. if you are the kind of person who always cares about food wasting and does not want to waste the ordered cake because of the excess of the quantity then we understand you and your concern very well. We have arranged a menu system of cakes on our website according to the quantity and the price Like single tire cakes, 2-tiered cakes, 3-tiered cakes, and 4-tiered cakes providing different variants like fondant cakes, frosted cakes, naked cakes, and brownie items at affordable prices. So you can visit our web site and choose your favorite cake according to your capacity, this will save your money as well as the cake. It is important to know that we always pay complete attention to the quality of the product and serve only fresh edibles. Our charges are also very affordable as compared to peers.
Why we are known as the Best Birthday Service Provider In Glendenning?
In the market, no one wants to be the last, everyone wants to be the first but everyone can not get success every time. Success is the result of hard work, patience, honesty in work and constant progress of work. And we have all of these qualities that’s why we are on the top. Here are some specialties to our service which will attract you:-
● We provide the best, tasty and freshly made cakes with maintaining hygiene. ● We have a feature of cake pricing which will save your money and cakes from being waste. ● Suppose you want to give a surprise to your friend by gifting him a cake then you can go for our online cake shops. You have to fill up the address of the house where you want to deliver the cake. ● We are providing the best cake decoration and designing according to your requirements. ● Our all cake delivery services punctual to the time, you will never face a problem regarding this. ● We accept all the payment methods during the online ordering like PAYPAL, COD, CREDIT & DEBIT CARD, etc.
We are trying to make you feel special on your Birthday by providing our quality services.
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