#also the first gif just had to be big for reasons 🥴 sorry if it looks weird idk how i feel about it but anyway
minzbins · 1 year
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the-kr8tor · 1 month
God ProwlerHobie! my beloved.
All cuts and bruises, strong hands who kill but are so gentle with you that it almost hurts.
Him showing you how to punch, making sure you're safe even when he's not around. He tries to be, he really does. And yet the house is still cold most of the time
Getting roses or flowers randomly delivered at your doorstep, there's no name but do you really need a name to know who they're from by now? (Hell maybe he even goes around learning a bit of flower language just to leave messages w every small bouquet. "I'm sorry" "I miss you" "love you forever")
Prowler Hobie who absolutely still listens and makes punk music. He's unsure as to whether it does get better, but when he's in your arms all bruised up and healing he thinks there might be a small chance to make it out.
You who probably has had to learn so much about first hand care it's unfunny. "S'alright dove" "OH IS IT? YOU HAVE A GUNSHOT WOUND?"
He usually steals mostly for gray/good reasons in my book. But what's a little jewelry theft for his beloved in the end (you would rather he be there, you'd probably trade a whole lot of the jewelry he's given you so he just stays and sticks around longer)
Motorcycle? He's leaning on it and making heart eyes at you as he waits for you to slide your (his) jacket on.
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We need more prowler Hobie content!! There's so much angst potential and also fluffy stuff!!!!!
I love this hc sm it really screams prowler! Hobie 😍
Ah yes big strong man doesn't give a shit about a gunshot wound even tho he's literally bleeding out (he only cares that you're dirtying your hands with blood) Love this trope sm
The last bit gave me such good visual 🥴🥴 (he's definitely checking you out in his jacket)
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destinyc1020 · 16 days
What a truly weird comment from that Robert Daniels guy (and he is someone who hasn't even seen the show to decide for himself). To say that Tom's only 'life experience(s)' have happened in show business. That is a really callous, to act like he hasn't lived like a human in love and loss and disappointments and achievements outside of his work, like we ALL do. To dismiss him as just some one dimensional product of the industry with no life is just gross to me? And the same critic replied with laughing emojis to someone who said it was generous to even call him an actor. Just a huge, huge yikes. I am really getting just a nasty, nasty vibe from some of these critics. Even IF Tom was someone who acted as poorly as someone on a soap opera (which he certainly doesn't, he has turned in some truly fantastic performances in his career and thats just a fact), no one deserves to be spoken about like that from people who are supposedly professionals. People seem to take a really disrespectful kind of joy in insulting him, I know that people can be absolutely vicious to anyone in the public eye, but this just seems truly WAY too much.
The positive reviews from actual publications outweigh the negative. Someone did a review roundup where the count was 17 that had 4-5 stars, 5 with 3 stars, and 3 with 1-2 stars. The narrative I'm seeing on twitter just does not reflect the reality of the reception - it was received WELL. Anyways, sorry for the rant Destiny, but I expect this kind of behavior from trolls, but from professionals living their Twitter mean girl fantasy it gives me a big ick. I'm just glad the audience reception and the majority of critics have appreciated him and Fran's performance and Jamie's production, and I'd just like to see more clickbait about THAT instead of this strange negativity that's cropped up.
Also, am thinking about you and sending you lots of love and condolences, I hope that fandom can be a positive distraction for you in a tough time. Thank you for your discussions on this blog, and I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost
Also, am thinking about you and sending you lots of love and condolences, I hope that fandom can be a positive distraction for you in a tough time. Thank you for your discussions on this blog, and I hope you take care of yourself first and foremost
First of all, thank you so much for this.🙏🏾 I really appreciate it 🥰❤️
Re: Robert Daniels....
I assume you must be referring to this comment he made on Twitter?
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Yea girl, I felt like his critique of Tom was just kinda cruel?? 🥴 Like, it's one thing to critique someone's acting, but when you start making all kinds of ASSUMPTIONS about someone and what kind of life they've had, etc, I'm sorry, but that's hitting below the belt imo. 🤨
And I usually don't resort to going in on people's looks and outward appearance when I'm trying to do a rebuttal to smthg I didn't like that someone said, but whew chiiiiilllle..... 👀
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Talk about a face only a mother could love lol
I really do hope that Tom just doesn't even pay any mind to the critics and just continues on to enjoy doing this play as simply a passion project for himself and himself only.
Idk what people's obsession is with hating on him on Twitter (I guess he's become Twitter's new "Whipping Boy".... it happens to MANY actors 🙄), but whenever I see ppl en masse hating on someone for seemingly NO GOOD reason, my spidey senses start tingling and I figure that this person must not be as "bad" as people claim, cuz if he were, you wouldn't need such a mass mud slinging and hate campaign against this person. Everyone would be able to see with their own eyes how awful this person is. Jmho 🤷🏾‍♀️
You don't need to convince people so hard when there's actually smthg to really hate about a person imo.
Tom's acting is fine. Don't worry, the stans came after that Robert guy lol 😆 😂
If he's a real, valid, professional critic, then he was kinda unprofessional imo.
But, then again, that's not uncommon for critics. Critics can sometimes go for the jugular if they don't like you, or don't like your work.
Unfortunately, this isn't the first time a critic has been harsh about an actor. 😔
Thankfully, Tom has a HUGE fanbase (just look on IG!), so we don't have to worry about the people who don't like him or his work.
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mikereads · 1 month
“I’m terrified of roller coasters” Um…
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“It’s not too late. We can turn around and leave her now.” Wow Eddie what a heterosexual thing to say….👀 but seriously Eddie break up with her already. Seriously there is always a little truth inside a joke just saying. Also it’s just about s’mores which in itself is odd she’s never had. Like everything else about her is off.
“You two aren’t going anywhere”… wtf like yes it’s a joke but literally no the way this scene was so awkward like everything was said aloud how they truly felt but said in a joke so it’s okay… right 😬…. Yeah no Eds! Also damn girl leave them alone he’s not that into you Jesus. Eddie/Ana had no chemistry so to say Eddie has even less with Marisol is saying something there is literally nothing there not even like oh a good friends vibes and we are supposed to think they are dating… no ma’am. If someone told me they just met and were strangers I’d believe it. This little game also proved he knows nothing about her… you don’t know me huh you don’t say.
Also the way she hugged them like girl let my boys go but also wtf loosen your grip. Like this is literally Marisol with Eddie and Chris
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I know they won’t last but the way they are trying so hard and making it even more awkward. Also the forces laughs like Eddie sweetie 🥴 no just no
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“Everything’s fine I promise” he says as he lies through his teeth. Like okay I’m not gonna lie not a fan of this storyline seeing someone that’s identical to his dead ex wife sorry not sorry it’s way to soap opera to me but if it gets Eddie to realize they had a bad relationship/ marriage and stop romanticizing it okay good finally like enough
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Also I’m sorry but people saying Ryan and the actress that plays Shannon has chemistry like where? Is the chemistry in the room with us because nope. Eddie and Shannon were never good together/ supposed to be together but now this proved that they don’t have good chemistry even outside of the characters because now she’s someone else and well it ain’t it. (Yes I’m biased I don’t want Eddie with anyone but Buck but the two can coexist)
“Are you looking for anything specific? I’m not sure” the way this says so much about where Eddie is in his life and what he wants. Also she’s so freaking corny like yes she’s making a sale but also um no pls stop
This is our best selling candle it smells like nothing and coasts a hundred bucks it might also burn your hand but whatever
“Do you trust me? I don’t know you.” Like I know this is supposed to mean something big to Eddie and it cuts deep on the trust thing but also this relatively is just a woman trying to make a sale because she’s a sales woman and this isn’t Shannon so it’s honestly really just him getting closure and sorry can’t help but remind me of Buck and Abby and how she can back in s3 but also how he got with Taylor because she reminded in of Buck 1.0 in s2 but also reminded him of Abby because of her red hair (absolutely nothing else)
“Oh no uh just me and my son Christopher. Single dad” literally just proved in one scene, sentence that him and Marisol are done literally giving her the Ana just friend treatment and worse cause he didn’t even mention her at all and the sales woman gave him the opportunity when asking who he was shopping for a friend or girlfriend etc…
It’s also interesting how this episode has so many call backs. Maddie and the call which goes back to Doug (more on that) also the call she had in s3 and how she flinched when Chim placed a hand on her shoulder.
Maddie and Eddie having flashbacks of there abusive exs and yes it’s different abuse but still
Them recreating the Eddie/Shannon sex scene is sick I can’t 🤮 I barely wanted to watch it the first time around but the significance to Eddie. Still sneaking around but for a very different reason. I swear if he has her sneak out the same way I’m done. Like so many thoughts not only is he trying to relive and romanticize what they had but he also knows his current relationship is bad for him so not only is he trying to ruin it on purpose but he’s going back to bad behavior and this time it not only adds another level to it cause he’s actually cheating but so much as happened since then.. like she died! And it’s not her - oh wait it’s him imaging it as he sits with her which somehow makes it even worse?
Eddie it wasn’t incredible stop lying and yes it was unexpected sir wtf but also the way this sort of in a way mocks the storyline the first time around and how him sleeping with Shannon the first time around was unexpected not in the way of storytelling it’s sadly been done so many times but for Eddie it was unexpected
“When no one else is home!!!” Did I call it or what huh
“Recreating the moment? Looking for a new wife” oh come on especially out of context. Which ends in a car crash oh come on. Tim did this all on purpose to remind us of who Shannon actually was and not Eddie’s romanticized version of her. ( clarifying she wasn’t as bad as Doug or this guy but she also wasn’t good) for the last time stop comparing how she left to how Eddie left it isn’t the same thing
Buck slamming the guy to the floor must have been cathartic.
Good Cop vs Bad cop callback but also to have a Henren family scene to then go to the Buckley-Diaz family I see you show
Henren family scene > Buckley Diaz > Madney family scene really oh come on
Oh Eddie back to your old mistakes. Sorry but this just proves him and Marisol will be over before the season is over. We knew they were breaking up but now we have an idea it won’t be prolonged until next season or….
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Sorry!! That was my same ask about the drunk sex that I had to send twice because for some reason Tumblr told me that it couldn't send the first one?? Thats embarrassing, sorry about that. But now all I can think about is Steve and Bucky both wanting to be stuffed and drunk and filmed at the same time, but because they're unable to take care of each other and need help getting more alcahol and food and fucking and stuff, they call in Natasha for the night, and she helps them out with all their feeding, fucking, drunken desires.
this ask
Oh no, it's okay!
I answered both just because I wanted to be sure that on the off-chance they were from different anons, they'd both see. You don't gotta be embarrassed tho, I know, extensively, just how stupid this hellsite [affectionate] can get! And I also think it's pretty interesting to see the difference in the two asks because I feel like I can see the building between them- the longer one vs the shorter one.
Good, good thoughts right there though... if you can't do it by yourselves 👀 why not bring in a third to do it for you? 🤷‍♂️🥴
Unbeta'd stevebuckynat under the cut. Warning for alcohol consumption, funnel feeding, bloating, double-penetration, etc.
Why not bring in Natasha, consensually naturally, to set up their cameras and deal with their funnels and fill them up together. Why not especially if Natasha sets them up on chairs that are turned to face each other... chairs that make them sit like Bucky and Sam did in TFATWS-
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Their wide thighs slotted together and their stomachs already spilling over their waist bands - the weight can't help but pile on when you're stuffing and drinking yourself silly every opportunity you get, getting off on the most sinful kind of gluttony- when the night begins but as it goes on and on and on...
Eventually their stomachs are big enough to come together between their bodies.
Like, at first their stomachs just barely brush when they arch their backs, trying to make room for more food and drink, uncomfortable as they sit for so long and only get heavier and heavier. Bumping against one another gently. Brushing past as they expand and gurgle. Getting tighter and tighter. But then... THEN their stomachs start to actually touch when they're just sitting there, not moving and trying to get a little closer to one another. It's the widest part of the domes of their guts that touch for now. After a while longer though, their stomachs start to press into each other. Fighting for room between them that doesn't exist. If Natasha wasn't forward thinking enough to get nice, heavy wooden chairs that she decided to set down on carpet, making them even harder to move, the pressure between their inflating guts as they squish firmly together would force the chairs farther and farther apart 🥴
There's so much pressure.
So much pressure that it feels both bad and good. The pressure hurts. It's making them each feel too full, fit to burst, much earlier than normal. It's forcing burps out of them. Steve keeps hiccupping, stomach unsettled in how it wants to unround but isn't able to, and it is making Bucky's tummy slosh as a result, sloshing until he's whining. It hurts and it feels good. The pressure feels good. It feels a little like a very intense belly massage. Pressing in. It feels good, like, knee weakening good. Knowing that they're both so fat and full. Filling up so much that they're unable to reach each other, their guts hanging between their spread thighs, bellies pressed flat at the front because of the competition of the other feedee's growing belly and instead of inflating those guts out farther forward into yoga balls, they're rounding out at the sides. Getting wider and wider. Growing sides and lovehandles until the handles of the chairs press painfully into them.
And once Natasha finally, finally listens to their slurred, drunken begging to free them of their chairs and lay them out on the floor of the bedroom so they have as much room to fill like water balloons, Tasha has to use all her strength to un-wedge them from their chairs. They are practically stuck in them. Drunk and too fat. No help when Tasha has to lift their much, much heavier bodies and dump one so she can get the other. Totally worth it though. Totally worth it when they both drunkenly grapple for her, moaning and burping under panting breaths, thanking her and telling her that they want her so bad. She's so gorgeous and so good to them, satisfying them. They want to do something nice for her too. Not that they're sober enough to do much except for slur out needy sounds and clumsily touch her. But that's okay, squirming in between them, feeling both of their heavy, tight, plush bellies on either side of her, totally dwarfing her and almost suffocating Tasha.
She's so tiny compared to them. 5'3" (Google tells me that's how tall Scarlett is lol) to their 6'0".
She's drowning in tummy, barely able to drape herself over one of their huge guts, legs and arms splayed. Let alone able to get herself around both tummies. And if she motorboats Steve and Bucky's moobs while she's laying on top of their bellies, one then the other? Well, who can blame her? Who wouldn't do the same, in feeder heaven. Her big, big boys.
She totally comes over later to watch the footage, at which point they - Steve and Bucky - give her a gift: satisfying her own version of gluttony.
Bucky gets Tasha ready for them with that wicked mouth, charming her and fingering her. Stretching out her ass and her cunt for them between licking and kissing and tonguing her center while Steve takes charge of her mouth and tits. Sweet on her compared to Bucky's lush, wicked ways.
When she's nice and wet for them and as stretched as needed, Bucky goes first.
Bucky slides into her ass. Dick thick and heavy inside her. Over her shoulder, his belly rests on the small of her back. And Steve fucks into her creamy, wet cunt. Dick curved and throbbing inside her. His belly presses to hers, making hers become concave as his belly dominates the space, heavier and fattier. All the while their chests fight for room with Steve's heavy moobs and Natasha's perky, dense tits.
Like that, Tasha is once more in heaven between their heavy bellies. Less bloated this time around, but more coordinated. Which is good when you're fucking. Natasha goes as boneless as they were when blackout drunk and stuffed. Boneless and squished incredibly between them
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Some Kind of Stranger
Part 3: A First Time For Everything
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 1-Season 9 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: SMUT—loss of virginity, oral female receiving, fingering, unprotected sex, general sex??? idk, mild swearing ❧ Word Count: 10k (BIG OOPS)
❧ Requested by @zasher
❧ Request: “reader is ricks daughter (18/19 during the outbreak) and secretly dating daryl, rick catches them eventually. (maybe smut? 🥴) I’m idea was kinda like a few short bits from when they first met and the gradual changes and how their relationship grows, which leads to the main part where reader a daryl are together in some way (cuddling? kissing? smashing?) and rick catches them, chaos ensues.”
❧ A/N: So... um... I wrote my longest smut yet??? I got a little carried away with the word count but also like I was trying to make a relatively accurate portrayal of a woman losing her virginity? I wanted to make it kind of a more slow, detailed sex scene, with lots of talking and him making sure she's all right, because that's the way to do it! Always check in with each other. Only responsible, communicative, completely consensual smut here (the hottest smut there is imo). Also simply couldn't resist using this gif of Daryl I'm so sorry.
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For all intents and purposes, you were homeless.
The farm fell not long after the strange encounter with Daryl in the stable, and you had no idea what to make of it. You felt as if you were right back in the same situation after the CDC—awkward and afraid to speak to him again.
The only positive of losing the farm was that it distracted you from the issues you had with Daryl, and plunged you into survival mode during those seven months you were on the road.
Of course, Daryl made it out of the farm alive, too, and had even rescued you from the clutches of walkers nipping dangerously close to your flesh, but he never said a word, just pulled you up on his bike and drove away as you peered over your shoulder to see the whole place going up in bright orange flames.
Out on the road now, you had noticed Daryl watching over you like a hawk, finding any excuse to keep you safe without so much as making eye contact with you or, God forbid, touching you.
Unbeknownst to you, he had been trying to reconcile his care for you with his desire to avoid his… desires. It worked for a while, though it was hard for him to forget what had come over him back at the farm. Every inch of his body was on fire when he thought of that feeling, and all he wanted to do was to continue what he had started, though he just couldn’t.
That is, until he could.
At some point, you had lost track of how long you’d been on the road, Daryl asked you to hunt with him. It was strange, since he usually asked your dad or one of the men to go with him, if anyone at all, but that day, he needed to speak to you—for the first time since the farm.
He couldn’t muster up the words for a while, just walked through the woods with you until he stopped abruptly, nearly sending you into a state of panic as you were unsure of what he might do. You couldn’t quite tell if he was going to yell at you for whatever reason, or if he was going to kiss you again. He didn’t do either.
“I’m sweet on ya,” he said abruptly, his lips quivering as if he’d just vomited.
You shook your head a little in shock. “Um… what?”
He palmed his face and crouched down to the ground. You could tell he was quite frustrated. “Said I’m sweet on ya,” he repeated. “I got some kinda… feeling for you. S’why I kissed you, why I can’t do anything about it.”
You felt quite faint, and stumbled forward a bit until you could also settle on the ground in front of him, so you were face to face. “What do you mean you can’t do anything about it?”
He looked up at you, his anxious eyes darting across your face like he was trying to connect some imaginary dots. “I’m too old for you. Ain’t right. Don’t know what to do about it… Do ya… still feel the same?”
He wasn’t looking for you to tell him it was all right, but for an empathy link between the two star-crossed lovers, never meant to be.
“Yes,” you said. “I do… I wish I didn’t. Well, I mean… I wish there was something I could do. I’m scared, because I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.” You lowered your head in an attempt to avoid making eye contact with the man as you revealed such intimate things, things you’d never thought just an hour ago you’d ever reveal to him, even if he already did know you wanted him. “But I’m not a kid. I know what it is, and it feels right to me, even if it isn’t.”
He nodded and chewed the inside of his bottom lip. “I know you ain’t a kid,” he said after a while of silence. “Know you enough to take ya seriously when you say stuff. Jus’… if you want somethin’ with me, like you said, don’t want ya feelin’ like I’m takin’ advantage of you. Maybe it’s takin’ advantage of you anyway, I don’t know. All’s I know is it’s killin’ me, ‘cause I want somethin’ with you, wanted it since the beginning, jus’ afraid of it. You should be with someone your own age, and I should be worried about protectin’ you, and everyone else. Not… this weird thing.” He could never articulate himself as well as some people, but you understood every bit of what he meant, and to you it only made him seem more good than you already knew him to be, because he really did care about you.
You knew it the moment he refused your advances at the CDC, when you knew what you were doing, but he didn’t want that with you, because he couldn’t be sure if you were sure.
Your shoulders sagged and you let out an exasperated sigh. “Well, what are we going to do, then? If I’m reading this right, I’m… attracted to you, and you’re, I guess, somewhat attracted to me. You said it’s killing you, well it’s killing me too. Why can’t… why can’t we try it? I mean, besides whatever moral dilemma you have.”
He chewed on his lip as he looked at you. “‘Cause your dad would pop a cap in my ass,” he said frankly. “And he’d be right to do it.”
“No, he wouldn’t,” you said. “I… I don’t know how he’d react, but maybe it could be… like, just between us, or something.”
His eyes widened. “What, you want this? You want… you wanna…”
He trailed off, and you filled the gap of silence by leaning forward and wrapping your arms around him, causing him to stiffen and freeze. Still, you held him, albeit cautiously as you weren’t sure how he’d react, though he seemed docile, almost at peace despite his stiffness. You eventually began to feel his hands upon your shoulder blades, accepting your embrace.
It was the most innocent gesture you’d ever made to him, a mutually understood expression of sympathy and compassion, but most of all, of love. You felt strange now, as you often did when you were around Daryl. It was the epitome of first love, that unknown wave of emotions coursing through you, and that hint of fear and excitement that came with it.
Daryl might’ve been much older than you, but he felt just the same way. He’d never loved anyone before, and he wasn’t entirely sure if this was love, either, but he knew it was special, and beyond his inexperienced grasp.
Above all, the gesture symbolized an even playing field, upon which two people who seemed different in age and mindset were actually quite similar—they were two lonely, bashful souls, who happened to have very strong feelings for each other in the midst of a fallen world.
You leaned closer to his ear, where you mustered enough boldness to say one thing: “I want you.”
It echoed the very words you spoke in your naked state, and though it was tinged with the more carnal desire you had for him, there was more there—a desperation that indicated the care you had for him, the love, the respect.
“I’ve never wanted this ever before,” you continued. “I don’t think I’ll ever want anyone as much as I want you… In every possible way. I know I’m young, but I know what I’m saying. I know what I want, and I’m not a child. So either tell me you don’t want this with me once and for all, or tell me you’ll be with me, in whatever way we can, so I’m not fooling myself.”
He pulled away to look at you, stunned at your maturity. It was always evident to him that you were a grown woman, and that you acted as such, but he didn’t expect you to want such a straightforward answer.
In a series of nervous gulps, you hoped he’d tell you he wanted you, too, or at least that he’d let you down easily if he said he didn’t want to have a relationship. In any case, you wanted the truth, and for Daryl to make the final decision.
Of course he wanted a relationship with you. It was all he could think about, but was he willing to actually take the opportunity, now that he had it?
Damn right he was.
“I’ll be with ya,” he said. “I want to, I got to. It ain’t even an option for me anymore. I need ya.”
Your eyes portrayed a sense of shock, but your lips widened in a joyous grin. “Really? You’re not messing with me, are you?”
He looked at you seriously. “I’d never, ever mess with ya,” he said, and he meant it. That was what someone would do if they wanted to take advantage of a young woman like you, but he wouldn’t ever dream of doing such a thing. Your heart was much too pure and sweet, not because you were young, but because that’s just how you were, and he would always try to preserve that, if he had you or if he didn’t.
“Well,” you huffed, with your arms still awkwardly clutching to his firm body, “how are we going to do this? I’ve… never had something like this before.”
His lips quirked in a small smile. “Like ya said, ain’t gotta tell no one. Jus’ you and me, if that’s all right.”
You nodded frantically. “Oh, yes. No one needs to know, for now. I mean, not that I’m ashamed, but… I don’t know how they’d react.”
“Yeah,” he said. “Just… between us, when we’re alone.”
The next three or so months passed uneventfully, with your group moving from house to house, and you spending more and more time with Daryl as you began “dating.” Well, it was more like going out with him to hunt everyday, during which he’d teach you how to make traps and catch animals, and somewhere along the line, you both allowed yourselves to kiss each other, and touch each other…
Daryl made it clear that if this relationship would continue, he wanted to take it very slowly, and so did you, since you were quite nervous you’d do something he didn’t like.
Not long into getting to know Daryl on those daily hunting trips throughout the winter months, you realized that he was almost as inexperienced with the opposite sex as you were. He’d opened up to you bit by bit, eventually telling you that he’d only slept with women in drunken stupors, and that what he knew of sex was mostly from stories of his brother’s exploits.
It eased your anxiety much more, knowing he was going into this quite the novice as well. Still, he had a strong sexual desire for you, and you for him, and the hunting trips became noticeably longer in duration the more you got to know each other.
No one else in your group noticed, much to both of your relief. Your father was proud that you were receiving hunting lessons, and seemingly forming a strong friendship with Daryl, as you both spent quite a lot of time talking with each other even when you were with your group.
Soon, however, the hunting lessons would cease, when you found the prison.
A cold, grey shell of a building, with guard towers and layers of chain link fencing that made for the perfect fortress against the walkers. Truly, you never felt safer since the beginning of this mess than you did behind the walls of that prison, and when it became really safe, after dealing with hostile neighbors and various other ordeals, it became, seemingly, a permanent home.
A home in which you could finally share with Daryl something much more intimate than your regular rendezvous in janitorial closets where you’d desperately paw at each other’s bodies any chance you’d get.
Now, with the prison finally set up to be a real home for your group, you could convince Daryl that it was the right time to make love to you for the first time.
Maggie had informed you about her and Glenn’s tendency to enjoy their intimate moments in one of the guard towers overlooking the field, so you pulled Daryl aside one night at dinner and led him there. Standing at the base of the guard tower with his hand in yours, and him looking around nervously to ensure no one saw you, you whispered in his ear: “I’m ready.”
He looked at you curiously. “For what, sunshine?”
You smiled sweetly at the little pet name he had given you. “You know,” you said. “Come on.” You pulled him forward as you opened the door to the tower, but he let go of your hand and looked at you seriously.
“(Y/N),” he said, “are ya sure?”
“Of course I’m sure. I love you, Daryl.”
He was taken aback. Of course he knew you loved him, but this was the first time you said it out loud. Sometimes you’d write it on sticky notes and toss them into his bag when he’d leave, which he had to open in secret so no one could see, but never before had you said it in your own voice. It was a beautiful phrase on your lips, especially coupled with his name on the tail end of it, just so he knew you were talking especially to him.
“I… I love you, too,” he said, unable to hold back a rather wide smile. “I love ya so much. Don’t deserve you.”
You shook your head and crossed back over to him to take his hands in yours and kiss the backs of both of them. They smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, though you couldn’t scold him for it, since you were much too excited to be with him in a way you’d dreamt about for so long.
“Yes, you do,” you said. “Every part of me. Come on.”
You ascended up the tower, and upon entering the highest point, Daryl locked the door behind you, double checking it a few times and eliciting a laugh from you as you adjusted the lantern to a suitable dimness.
“What?” he asked, noticing your giggling. “You might like people walkin’ in on ya naked, but I ain’t partial to it.”
You scoffed. “You walked in on me! I never said I liked it, anyway. I just liked seeing you naked.”
He rolled his eyes as he crossed over behind you and grabbed you by the waist, pulling your back into him. “Ya know how much I wanted ya back then?”
“No,” you said. “You rejected me, Dixon. And I was so ready for you…”
He flicked your earlobe, to which you let out a small faux yelp. “I got morals,” he said.
You turned to face him and cupped his cheeks with one hand, the other holding his as he caressed your stomach absentmindedly. “What about now?”
“Still got morals,” he said. “But you’re mine now.” He turned you around to face him, and pressed his lips to yours. With a whimper, you received his tongue and felt him swirl around the inside of your mouth even more passionately than he had before.
Of course he’d kissed you before, outside of that kiss at the farm. In fact, since you agreed to be a couple, you’d become an expert at kissing, and so had Daryl, but nothing ever went much further than that. There were times when you let your hands wander, and they just so happened to palm the outside of his clothed privates, where it was so warm and so hard… But Daryl often took your hand away, and told you it wasn’t time yet.
He wanted to, and so did you, but he was worried you were out of your mind, as if the very prospect of you wanting him still seemed unbelievable, even though you told him nearly everyday. He simply couldn’t believe a woman so much younger would want him, and that things had worked out for him in some way at all. He couldn’t even believe it when you were standing right in front of him, naked and asking for him to touch you.
“Daryl,” you sighed against his lips, caressing his face and relishing in the warm air of his breath dancing around the entrance to your mouth, “I’m yours, but you need to make me yours… Now. Ever since I first saw you, all I could think about was this… You making me yours.” You pulled his face closer and ghosted over his lips with yours, darting your tongue out a bit to taste him just a little, as if to tease yourself. In your panties, you could already feel that wetness pooling, and the tingling sensation that you always got when you let yourself think about him for too long.
“Sometimes,” you continued to whisper, as he began to breathe heavily, “my legs go weak just from thinking about you, about what you’d feel like inside of me.” He tightened his grip on your hips, wanting desperately to throw you against the bed and have his way with you, but he knew he’d have to tread carefully. He’d never taken anyone’s virginity before, and from what he knew of the process, it could be uncomfortable if not done with patience and care. The last thing he wanted was to hurt you or cause you any trouble, so he’d have to go at your pace, even if he was already feeling his pants tighten around him.
“I want you to be the first, and I don’t want anybody else after that,” you said. “No one could ever make me feel the way you do.”
Daryl’s vision blurred for a moment as everything went hazy. Every word, every syllable on your dulcet voice was like a beautiful symphony that was too heavenly for any earthbound being to comprehend. It was made for the angels, and finally he felt like he was really meant to hear it.
Both of you were rendered speechless when he pulled you against his lips again and opened wide to devour every inch of the trembling tissue. He breathed heavily, pulling you by the waist until your bodies hit, and he couldn’t stop himself from rutting against your core. You tried to match his rhythm but he moved fast, almost stumbling over himself as he pushed you over to the small twin-sized bed.
So much was running through his head, so many worries about whether or not you would enjoy it, and what positions would be best for you considering your inexperience, and even his own inexperience. He knew a lot about sex and women’s bodies from his brother’s stories, but he also knew Merle was rough, and he wanted to be gentle with you, even if his desire was so strong that he felt like he was going to rip off your clothes already as he laid you down.
You became lost in a tangle of limbs, wrapping your legs around his waist and frantically moving your arms up and down his back, where the fabric of his sleeveless black shirt moved and crinkled enough for you to grasp at his bare lower back. He growled into your mouth at the feeling of your trembling, nervous hands feeling around on his muscular, work-worn back.
He concentrated on the immense pressure of his cock rubbing against your clothed thighs. The kiss became even more impassioned and desperate the more he felt around your body, bringing his hands to the small space between your chest and his to fondle your breasts. The soft, pliant tissue moved so naturally underneath his strong, warm hands, and you let out a moan that surprised even you when he pinched you there a little.
“Ah!” you cried into his mouth, your eyes closed and your nostrils flared.
He raised his head and stopped pinching your nipple, removing his hands and feeling like he’d gone too far, even though he knew it was going to go much further than that. “Sorry,” he panted, looking at you with downcast, almost shameful eyes. “Did that hurt?”
Your eyes fluttered open, and you pulled him back down by his head to kiss him once again, this time filling his mouth with your tongue and crashing your lips against his over and over again. You simply couldn’t get enough of his taste. Your lips separated with a sense of bittersweet parting as you said, “Not at all. Touch me. Everywhere. I don’t want one part of my body to go untouched by you.”
He rested his forehead on yours, and delicately trailed the back of his hand over your cheek. Moving into his touch, you kissed his hand and laughed a little, utterly delirious from how much you loved his touch.
“Thank you,” he blurted out, and you opened your eyes in confusion.
“What for?”
He kissed your lips, parted softly for him as you breathed heavily in anticipation. “For trustin’ me.”
You smiled and laughed a little, a sound which he swore he’d often hear in his most pleasant dreams. “I trust you more than anyone,” you said. “I trust you enough to show me something I’ve never had before… and share something with you I don’t ever want to have with anyone else, because I love you.”
“I love you, too,” he said, and cleared his throat after a while of just looking at you, admiring your lovely face. “Do you… ahem, do you wanna start now?”
You nodded your head and smiled. He was so sweet to you, always asking you about your boundaries and how far you wanted this relationship to go. For such a usually impatient, impulsive man, he was almost unbearably patient with you, and you with him. There had been times when you were ready, but he wasn’t, and times when he was ready, but you needed more time. In any case, there wasn’t any question about waiting until both of you were in the mood to really make love the way you wanted.
“Yes,” you said, though with a hint of apprehension, not because you weren’t sure, but because you had absolutely no idea how to start this… process. “Um, what do we do first? I mean, how do we… start?”
He searched your face to see if you were joking, and when he realized you were serious, looking at him with the most innocent ignorance, he smiled. “Well, ya know how sex works, right?”
You rolled your eyes. “Of course, Daryl. I’m not that clueless. I know the basic premise, I just don’t know the… mechanics, I guess. Like, what do I do?”
He sighed. “Jus’... lay there, and move when you wanna, when it feels… um, good. I’ll guide ya. Ya know, I ain’t done this much myself.”
You tilted your head and raised your hand to curl your index finger around his hair, which was becoming maddeningly long. Maddening in that you could hardly control yourself around him anymore, given the fact that he looked so damn good.
“You’re a virgin too, Dar?”
He bit his lip and shook his head. “Nah, lost it a long time ago, and done it since, but ain’t ever been with someone like you.”
“A virgin?”
“Well, yeah, but I mean, ain’t ever done it with someone I loved.”
You smiled and shrugged your shoulders in flattery. “That kind of makes you a virgin then, too.” He let out a quiet chuckle and shook his head in amusement. “What is sex without love, anyway? I don’t think I could ever be with someone I didn’t love.”
He nudged his nose against your cheek, and shifted his core to rest more snugly between your thighs. “I hear it’s a lot better when you do it with someone ya love,” he whispered into your ear, then ventured to lick the helix of your ear, hesitatingly at first, until he heard you let out a small moan of pleasure, then tongued a little at the piece of flesh below your earlobe. “I’ll be good to you,” he said softly. “Make sure ya… feel good.”
He trailed his hand down between your breasts and over your stomach, until he reached your crotch, where he gently rubbed his hand over the warmth of the outside of your aching pussy.
“Mmm,” you hummed in appreciation as you massaged his scalp and your fingers became interlaced with thick bundles of his soft hair. “Do whatever you want to me.”
With a grunt, he sat up to begin unbuttoning your jeans, and unzipped them to reveal your white panties, with a noticeably fresh wetness pooling from your vagina. He licked his lips as he rubbed your thighs to pull down your pants, and rose to his feet briefly to pull them off of you. He palmed himself over his jeans in an effort to calm down his arousal, but the touching only exacerbated how much he wanted you to touch him.
Still, you had this blissfully confused expression on your face, that signalled to him that you had absolutely no idea what to do, and that he should lead the way.
Repositioning himself over you, he let his finger trace around the wet spot on the outside of your panties, and watched you squirm a little as he did so. When he moved his hand a little further to rub on your clit, he watched your thighs close together, and heard you let out a high-pitched gasp of surprise.
He relinquished some of the pressure from his hand, and looked up at you. “You all right?”
You looked down at him, and he felt his cock ache just looking at your face. “Mhm,” you said. “It was just… It felt weird, but good.”
He bit his lip as he thought, still keeping his hand on you and petting you lightly. “You ever touch yourself before?”
You swallowed hard. “Um, a few times… Lately. I never get very far though… And I’ve never put anything… up there.”
Masturbation eluded you for most of your life, except for the occasional curious touching and grazing of your fingers when you laid in bed at night. When you met Daryl, that changed, and you found yourself gravitating more and more to touching that area, and thinking about him. The problem was that your hand often got tired, and you couldn’t get past the fact that it wasn’t Daryl touching you.
“Okay,” he said. “We ain’t puttin’ anythin’ up there yet. I’m just gonna touch you, maybe… lick you. That okay?”
You nodded, and were suddenly very happy that you took a shower that day, if Daryl was going to be putting his mouth on your privates. “Yes… You’re—you’re going to… put it in me, though, right?”
He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, ‘course.” He took your hand in his and led it to touch his clothed cock. “Gonna put this in you, real soon.”
You practically moaned at his declaration, in that deep, gravelly southern voice that twirled your stomach many times before. The feeling of his hardening cock beneath your hand only increased your excitement, and your curiosity, as you had never touched him underneath his clothes before, and you couldn’t wait to feel the weight of that warm, hard cock in your hands, and in your aching pussy.
He moved his hands up to the waistband of your panties, and began tugging them down, keeping his eyes on the prize as it revealed itself—your perfect pussy, raw and unhindered by the fabric of your garments. You lifted your ass so he could them down more effectively, and let him maneuver your legs until he could pull them off your feet and throw them behind him, in an almost humorous display of eagerness.
He lifted his eyes to look at your mound, and noticed the hem of your light yellow button-up blouse was preventing him from seeing more of you. He looked at you with questioning eyes as he raised his hands to finger at the top button.
“Take it off,” you whispered.
He did just that, unbuttoning the first few slowly at first, then becoming more and more impatient with the garment, even breaking the last button and causing it to fly off and clatter against the concrete floor of the guard tower. You laughed and sat up a bit to let him pull the shirt off your arms.
He leaned back a little to see your breasts tucked away in a white bra, which was a little too small for you (after all, you couldn’t be picky in the apocalypse), so your breasts seemed to spill over the lining a little, and that combined with the heaving of your chest from the hard, deep breaths you were taking made it seem as though they would spring out at any minute.
Despite desperately wanting to remove your bra, he returned his focus back to your wet pussy, lowering himself again and grabbing your thighs to spread your legs until they were on either side of him. His knees were bent and his thighs tucked under your calves, spreading them even more until your pussy was splayed wide open.
He could already tell you were going to be very tight, since your hole was still quite covered by the tissue he knew he was going to break. He swallowed hard, taking in every aspect of your private parts that he’d only gotten a cursory glimpse at once before.
Raising one hand to your core, he slowly traced his fingers up and down your slit, lightly grazing your labia and trying not to overwhelm you too much whenever he passed over your clit. Still, he felt your inner thighs squeeze against his outer ones, and the intense tingling was enough to cause you to throw your head back a bit and arch your back with the sensation.
“Oh,” you moaned, and it sounded less surprised this time, so he kept moving along your slit, faster with each pass.
The more he rubbed you, the more your hips seemed to jolt upwards, and you almost began to rock up into the palm of his hand, grinding against him desperately as you figured out a rhythm that felt good. He smiled a little to himself, knowing you were enjoying his touching.
“That feel good, sweetheart?” he asked.
You opened your eyes and smiled deliriously. “Y-yes,” you stammered. “More… Please.”
He shuddered, adoring the sound of you begging him, and the fact that you wanted him to go further, which was all he wanted at this moment.
More was exactly what you got when he leaned down to kiss your mound, nudging your pubic hairs with his nose and softening his tongue against your skin. He felt your thighs wrapping tightly around the sides of his head, so much so that he was almost trapped, so he brought his hands up to spread out your thighs again.
“You’re gonna suffocate me, baby,” he said with a laugh. “Just relax them legs.”
You tangled your hands in his hair as you raised your head to look at him. “Sorry,” you said bashfully.
“Don’ be,” he said. Really, he liked the feeling. If he had to be suffocated by anything, he was happy for it to be your warm, soft thighs.
With your legs open again, he trailed his mouth down to your clit, then all the way down your slit, where he began to lick up and down, pulsating his tongue at a slow pace to get you used to the feeling.
“Ohhh,” you moaned, arching your back and neck, with your hands tangling deeper and deeper into his hair.
He started to suction his lips a bit, alternating between kissing and licking you over your hole and your clit, where the tingling sensation was getting so intense with each wiggle of his hungry tongue.
The sounds of his lips and saliva intermingling with the wetness of your arousal were echoing all around you, and you could feel his warm spit dripping down your outer lips.
He moaned with each thrust your body instinctively made against his mouth, sending vibrations through you that could only be described as heavenly.
When he felt your thrusting become more rapid and demanding, he decided it might be time to test the waters by inserting one finger inside of you.
He pulled his lips away momentarily, leaving a parting kiss against your lips. “Baby,” he said softly, his voice vibrating against your aroused core, “can I put my finger in you?”
You propped yourself up on your forearms and looked down at him, and affectionately trailed your foot along his leg.
“Oh, God, yes,” you replied with a slight laugh at his question. Laying down again, you brushed some of the hair from his face. “As long as you keep doing that.”
He nodded. “I could do this all night... You taste so sweet.”
Returning your fingers to his hair, you felt him return his lips to your clit, sucking and licking at it as he raised his index finger to your entrance.
With a gentle push, he entered you, centimeter by centimeter, groan by groan as you vocalized your pleasure. The combined feeling of his tongue and his finger filling you with a warmth and ecstasy that was so strong it sent a blissful confusion through your body.
The tingling sensation seemed to tighten, and more and more you felt like you were climbing to some kind of peak where you’d explode and release all that tension inside of you.
“Mmm,” you moaned, massaging his scalp and watching his lips engulf you.
When his finger was as far as it could go, he attempted to move it back and forth a bit, just to loosen you up a little more. Even around just one finger you were incredibly tight, and he felt the soft, fleshy walls of your pussy squeezing around him.
The feeling of his finger there, pumping gently back and forth, felt odd, and slightly painful, with a pinching feeling every time he passed it by your opening, but it seemed to become a little less uncomfortable the more he did it, and soon you could only feel the pleasure of having him inside of you.
“That… that feels nice,” you cooed. “Keep going, Dar…”
He moved his head side to side, spreading his flattened tongue between your folds and lapping up whatever juices were leaking out of you from his finger being plunged into you. Returning to your clit, he noticed you thrusting so much harder now, and your moans and whimpers becoming much louder and closer together. He knew you were getting closer to orgasming, and he wanted to get you there with his tongue.
He increased his speed to match your thrusts, and held your hip with his free hand as he kept moving his finger inside of you, now with a little less tightness.
With his tongue wiggling wildly over your clit, you grasped his hair in your fingers and sent your head back in a fit of pleasure, arching your back and continuing to grind against his mouth in the most pleasurable rhythm.
“Oh, oh,” you moaned. “Oh, Jesus… Daryl…”
He looked up at you with those cool blue eyes, still sucking on you and now drenching your pussy in his saliva.
“Mmm,” he moaned, loving the taste of you.
Your breathing became much more rapid, and the tightening felt unbearably wonderful as you approached your orgasm, though you had no idea what it was, you only knew it felt good, and you felt like you were about to lose all control as he massaged you with his sweet tongue.
“Uh! Daryl?!” you cried in blissful confusion, your eyes shut tight and sweat beginning to drip down your forehead. “Oh, yes! Oh, oh, oh!”
Your thighs squeezed his head and your calves wrapped around his torso, trapping him between your legs as you hit the very top of whatever pleasure was threatening to cascade over you in a landslide of ecstasy.
When the orgasm hit, you moved your hands to his shoulders and squeezed them tightly as you threw your head back and let out the loudest sound he’d ever heard you make—a beautiful, deep, husky groan of pleasure that sent tidal waves of arousal through him.
You thrusted up into him uncontrollably now, and he felt your calves shaking against his back. His finger felt the pulsing of your pussy as his other fingers felt the convulsing of your lips. He kept his tongue on your clit, circling it with the need to keep hearing you cry out for him.
“Daryl… Daryl… Ahhh…”
When he pulled his finger from you, he saw the clear liquid arousal shimmering in the moonlight that poured through the windows, and he raised it to his mouth to suck on his finger, wanting every last drop of you.
Looking down at you, your eyes were still closed in bliss, and you were biting your lip and smiling deliriously.
He smiled to himself, adoring how cute you were, then lowered his body to kiss you.
You whimpered in surprise to feel him kissing you as you opened your eyes, then giggled against his lips, which tasted of your soaking wet pussy.
“Mmm,” you moaned.
He nudged your nose with his before speaking. “You taste so good.”
“I… I think I had an orgasm!” you exclaimed with a laugh as you rubbed his shoulders.
“You sure as shit had an orgasm,” he confirmed, a sudden burst of confidence making him much more smug than usual. “I made this tight little pussy come so good.”
Your eyes widened at his vulgarity, but before you could tease him about it, he pressed his lips to yours again to kiss you sloppily, dancing his tongue around your lips and devouring your mouth.
When he removed his lips he became more serious, like the Daryl you were used to. “Did my finger hurt ya?” he asked.
You shook your head. “No. Well, a little, but it didn’t hurt for long, it just felt… tight, and kind of like… burning. I don’t know how to describe it.”
He nodded. He knew there would be some discomfort, and that he couldn’t completely get around that, but he was going to try to minimize it as much as possible.
“Wanna try more fingers ‘fore the real thing?” he asked.
“No,” you said quickly, and lowered your hand to grab his package. He hissed a little in surprise, but glared down at you with an animalistic desire. “I want the real thing.”
Grabbing your hand and bringing it up to his lips, he licked your palm, then unwrapped himself from your legs to stand up at the foot of the bed, where he began to unbutton his shirt.
You bit your lip, and absentmindedly rocked your shoulders back and forth in anticipation for him to strip in front of you. You hadn’t seen Daryl shirtless for a while, not since he last hurt himself and you had to help him clean his wound. Even then, you were practically drooling, admiring the broad-chested man and his strong shoulders, as well as the hairs upon his chest, and the cursive tattoo on his pec. He was perfect, except for the scars on his back, but they were part of him, and you loved every part of him.
He smirked when he noticed your eyes trailing all over his bare torso, and focusing on the obvious tent in his jeans.
He reached down to unbuckle his belt, and stepped forward with a bit of a confident swagger you hadn’t seen from him before. Something about you staring at him like that, with so much lust and carnal need, made him much more sure of himself, and it was incredibly sexy.
Before you knew it, his jeans were off, and he was only in his underwear… And then he had taken those off, too, leaving only his taut, beautiful body in its wake.
You hadn’t seen his cock since the awkward encounter at the CDC, and even back then you were drooling over it, when it was flaccid and limp. Now, seeing it standing on end and bouncing with his body as he moved, you were entranced.
He crawled over you and straddled your waist, with you licking your lips as you studied his appendage.
You only looked up at him when he held your head with his hand and pulled your hair a little to look him in the eye.
“My eyes are up here,” he said jokingly.
You swallowed hard. “Sorry, it’s just… I’ve never really seen one before, I mean, except for… at the CDC.”
He scoffed. “Ain’t much to look at,” he said, looking down at his cock. “Gets the job done. No one ever said they were pretty.”
“I think it’s beautiful,” you said, admiring the now pronounced veins and reddened head. “Can I touch it?”
He smiled. “It’s all yours, sweetheart.”
You swung your legs underneath you to match his stance as he sat on the bed, watching you marvel at his penis like it was one of the seven wonders of the world.
Tentatively, you ran your fingers along his shaft, eliciting a slight hiss from his lips. He hadn’t felt anyone touch him there since long before the world ended, at least a few years, and your touch was the one he wanted more than anything.
You smiled to yourself with every vein your fingertips passed over, and when you reached his tip, you traced the skin of his glans in a circular motion.
In a moment of curiosity, you wrapped your hand around the shaft to pull it down a little like a lever, and let out a giggle when it immediately sprang back up.
He shook his head and laughed. “Ya done playin’ with it now? Jesus Christ, it ain’t a toy.”
You sighed and shrugged your shoulders. “It’s adorable.”
In all his life, he’d never heard anyone describe the male genitalia as “adorable.”
With a burst of need, he lunged his head forward to kiss you, and devoured your mouth with his tongue as his hands moved to your back to undo your bra.
Peeling it from your body, he watched the fabric give way to your supple breasts, the ones he hadn’t stopped thinking about since he first saw them, beaded with droplets of warm water and pressed against his chest when you told him you wanted him.
Both of you were now completely naked, sat on your knees atop the small twin-sized mattress and running your hands over each other frantically. He kissed you so hard that the force made you have to adjust, laying yourself down again and allowing him to climb on top of you.
You became practically limp as you laid your head down on the pillow, letting him move your legs however he wanted with one hand as he began stroking himself with the other. You couldn’t even feel your legs being spread apart as you watched his hand slide up and down his length.
He bent your knees, and you flattened your feet against the bed, with your toes curling and grasping at the sheets below you. He lifted your legs a bit to tuck his thighs under yours, and his cock became dangerously close to your entrance, where your eyes were transfixed and eagerly waiting to see him enter you, but also a little terrified.
“Daryl?” you asked, looking up at him with wide, innocent eyes.
You swallowed hard. “Is it going to hurt?”
He stopped stroking himself, and leaned down on his forearms to kiss you. “It might hurt a little,” he said softly against your lips. “But I’m gonna try to do it slow, and you gotta tell me if it hurts so I can stop, all right?”
You closed your eyes and sighed, resting your chin upon his shoulder and stroking his back needily. “I won’t want you to stop.”
He kissed your cheek. “I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said. “You’re real tight down there.”
He lowered his head and looked down between your bodies to find his cock. He raised his hand to his mouth and coated it with spit, then lowered it to his cock, and then to your pussy, causing you to arch your neck and groan. You were by far the most sensitive woman he’d ever been with, maybe it was because you hadn’t ever been touched before, or maybe it was because you were just so aroused by him, or maybe a combination of both. Either way, he loved how you responded to him, especially your moans.
He wetted his hand a few more times and prepared himself to enter you. Thrusting forward a little, he let his cock moved along your slit, back and forth several times to massage you with it.
“Ohhh,” you sighed, feeling his cock on you for the first time and loving the hardness of it.
He kept hanging his head, watching his cock rub against your lower lips and feeling the sensitive skin on the underside of his shaft begin to tingle. “That feel good, baby?” he asked.
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. “So good.”
He swallowed hard as he lowered his hand to move his cock to your entrance, where he gently let the tip graze your hole. “I’m gonna start goin’ in, okay?”
You lifted your head a bit to watch him as he began to insert the very tip of his cock into you, pushing aside the little bit of flesh shrouding your entrance that he knew he would have to rip.
You grimaced in slight discomfort at the feeling of the expanding as he entered you so maddeningly slowly. You almost wished he’d just bottom out inside of you, even if it would be so much more painful. At least you wouldn’t have this terrible anticipation as he inched slowly inside of you.
The further he got, the more stinging you felt, but he went so slowly and gently that your body seemed to be adjusting to him with each centimeter. Still, when he got about halfway in, you inhaled sharply and clawed at his back, your body tensing up and hugging him into you.
“Ah!” you cried, feeling the snapping reach a much more intense peak.
He stopped moving immediately and looked up at your face, which was clenched tightly and worried him terribly. “You all right?” he asked. “It hurt?”
You shook your head. “N-no, it doesn’t… hurt… It’s just… a little sting. Keep going, Daryl.”
“You sure?” he asked shakily, his own arousal hardly able to take being this far inside of you without moving anymore.
You nodded your head and opened your eyes, then broke into a wide smile when you saw his face, assuring you that he would never hurt you. “Keep going,” you repeated. “I want to feel it.”
He bit his lip and looked back down to see what he was doing. He grunted a little just from the sight of his cock halfway inside, and in his tip he felt a terrible aching that begged him to move inside your tight canal.
He finally obliged, moving slowly forward again to enter you deeper. You clutched his shoulders tightly again, and he responded by grabbing your hand moving it to your clit.
“Touch yourself,” he said softly, guiding your hand and moving it in circles on your clit. “Might loosen ya up a little.”
You nodded, your face dripping with sweat and your eyebrows furrowed as the stinging continued, but was interspersed with bursts of pleasure from the pressure on your clit. He kept his hand on yours, and began to pull himself back a little, though not enough to exit you.
It felt like a yo-yo as he started slowly moving back and forth, and sure enough, after several slow movements, your tunnel became loose enough for him to move more fluidly, and for him to go even deeper without hurting you.
Still, the stinging was there, but you began to feel the pleasure of just having him inside of you, and the deeper he went, the feeling became more potent, like he was scratching an itch you didn’t even know you had.
“Mmm,” you moaned at the strange new feeling.
Now feeling like he could move more freely, he lowered himself down again to kiss you, tangling his hands in your hair and dancing his tongue inside your mouth while his cock moved back and forth, increasing in speed.
You whimpered into his mouth, in both pain and pleasure at the tearing you felt at your entrance, and the tight squeeze of his thickness. Daryl growled into your mouth at the feeling of your narrow, unexplored passageway squeezing him, massaging his length as you clenched around him.
It was the best feeling he’d ever had during sex, and he wanted more, so he lost control and sped up even more. His thighs began to crash against yours, making a fleshy slapping sound with each impassioned thrust into you.
“Ah!” you cried against his lips. “Daryl!”
He raised his head to look at you to see if you were all right, and was surprised to see you smiling in bliss with your eyes closed and your head back. “Oh, God!” you groaned.
Looking down, he reached his hands back to wrap your legs around his waist in an attempt to get even deeper, and to hit your clit more. Meanwhile, you kept your hand on your clit, beginning to rub it furiously as your lust overtook you.
“Ooo,” you whimpered, and threw your hands around Daryl’s neck to bring him down to you again.
Now feeling more in control, you tightened your legs around his waist and began rhythmically thrusting your hips against his, the movement allowing you to feel more pleasure and to get him deeper inside of you until he hit your hilt.
“Ahhh,” he moaned into your shoulder, deeply and full of pleasure from the feeling of you moving with his body. “(Y/N)… Shit…”
As he thrusted more and more quickly, you reached down to feel his ass, which flexed and clenched with each hit. You caressed the slope of his buttocks lovingly, sending him your appreciation for his movements.
He kissed your cheek, and sloppily licked his way to your mouth where he plunged his tongue between your tender lips.
Every inch of your body was on fire, with the heart of the conflagration deep inside you where Daryl’s cock was hitting you. The pain of the torn flesh was still there, but could hardly compete with the pleasure his body was giving yours.
Letting go of your lips, he whispered in your ear as you moaned his name repeatedly. “Ya like my cock, sweetheart?” he asked, almost hissing in a strange tone of voice you hadn’t heard from him before, mischievous and almost sinister, but still tinged with desire to make you feel good.
You smiled and kissed his cheek, your body moving up and down between him and the now squeaking bed. “I love your cock,” you said, feeling absolutely filthy but unabashedly sexy as you squeezed his ass. “It feels so good.”
He trailed his mouth sloppily all over your cheeks, unable to keep still as he penetrated you with such force that you could feel his balls slapping against you.
The more he hit into that deep spot inside of you, and the more his body put pressure on your clit, you felt that tingly tightening returning in your core, and soon you found yourself thrusting upwards with such force you didn’t know you had as you wanted him to give you that high again.
Your breathing became faster and your moans came in quick succession as the next impending orgasm came barreling towards you.
He felt your walls twitching more rapidly around him, and he knew you were close as you became breathless and wildly whimpered for him.
“Oh, Daryl!” you cried out. “Yes! Yes!”
He bit your shoulder as he thrusted harder and harder, demanding you to come.
“You gonna come again, darlin’?” he asked, and knew the answer. “You gonna come all over this cock?”
You whined desperately, seeking relief as he purposefully began to slow down, putting less pressure on you.
“Y-yes!” you cried, scratching his back with your blunt fingernails. “Make me come! Please!”
He sucked on your neck as he sped up again, humping you relentlessly until you felt your orgasm just barely reach the edge, until it did, and you wriggled uncontrollably under his weight as your body experienced hit after hit of release.
“Oh, oh…”
As you came all around him, your walls moving like tidal waves and massaging his cock rhythmically, he felt his high coming, too, and he couldn’t wait anymore to jackhammer into you.
He reached back to tighten your legs again, and then thrusted faster than he did before, wrapping his arms around you and tucking his head into the crook of your shoulder as he tried to find his orgasm.
“Shit, I’m gonna come,” he groaned, and as you were still coming down from your high, moaning in pleasure, you realized the reality of the situation—that Daryl had to pull out.
You tapped his shoulder frantically. “Pull out!” you cried.
He raised his head, his hair a disheveled mess and his face drenched in sweat. He kissed you one more time before reluctantly removing his cock from you, and sitting up to jerk himself until he let out a deep, strained groan and a spout of white exploded from his cock.
You looked at it eagerly, entranced as you watched it come in several more spurts onto your stomach.
It was truly a marvel of nature that you’d never seen before, and it fascinated you so much that you didn’t even notice the viscous globs of cloudy red upon his shaft.
He did, though, and he quickly wiped his cock with his hand to remove the blood from the flesh he broke.
Throwing your head back, you sank into the mattress and panted as you tried to regain your breath, and Daryl collapsed beside you, laying on his side and watching your breasts heave with each deep, exhausted breath.
You turned to look at him with a wide grin and a look of adoration in your sparkling eyes. You raised your hands above your head and opened your mouth to speak, but he unwittingly interrupted you by kissing you again.
You let out a surprised giggle into his lips as he drenched your mouth in his saliva, and left sweet parting kisses all around your lips.
“Mmm,” you sighed. “Now I know what all the fuss is about.”
He bit your lip and then kissed you again, pecking your nose and cheeks over and over again. “Yeah, ya had two orgasms,” he said, with a hint of pride in his voice. His goal was to at least make you come once for your first time, since a lot of women don’t have any orgasms their first time. He must’ve done something right.
You giggled and twirled his hair around your finger, letting your eyes wander around his handsome face. “All because of you… and that gorgeous thing between your legs.”
He rolled his eyes, then shuddered a little when you grasped his limp cock by surprise and stroked it needily. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his chest. “Easy, girl,” he laughed. “Give the old man a rest. I ain’t no spring chicken.”
You bit your lip as you trailed your fingers around his chest, circling his nipple and playing with his chest hairs. “You’re the sexiest man alive,” you said.
He scoffed and pulled you in to cuddle him before kissing your forehead. “Ain’t many men alive,” he replied. “I’m just glad I’m lucky ‘nough to have the sexiest woman alive.”
You laughed. “I love you,” you said before kissing his chest.
“Love you, too.”
You were wrapped in each other in silence for a while, your naked bodies keeping each other warm against the chilly spring night as a thought occurred to you.
“Do you think they’re wondering where we are?” you asked.
He huffed. “Hope not… Knowin’ your dad, though…”
You sighed and nuzzled against him. “We should tell him.”
He looked down at you with wide eyes. “No way in Hell.”
“Why not?”
He shook his head, and felt his body tense up at the thought of Rick knowing about the two of you. “‘Cause he won’t like it. Don’t care if he’s pissed at me, but I don’t want him pissed at you.”
“He won’t be mad… I mean, he might be mad, but he’ll get over it. He loves you.” You traced his jawline with your index finger. “You’re like his brother.”
“Yeah,” he said. “That’s one reason why he won’t like it, that and I could be your dad.”
You rolled your eyes. “But you’re not, and you’re a great person. He knows you’re not a creep.”
“Till he finds out I’m sleepin’ with his kid. Then he’s gonna think I’m a creep.”
“Hey,” you replied sternly, “I’m not a kid. You know that.”
He gazed over your body and caressed the curve of your womanly hips. “Nah,” he said. “Ya ain’t.”
He leaned forward to kiss you, and you returned it eagerly, massaging his lips with yours and holding his cheek as the kiss became more impassioned and your bodies moved closer together until your breasts were pressed against him.
Daryl flinched a little as he swore he heard the sounds of footsteps approaching, but he couldn’t pinpoint where exactly, since his senses were focused only on you.
Soon the steps became louder, but neither you nor Daryl could hear them in your trance as your bodies locked together in a swelling heat of renewed passion.
The squeaky door of the watch tower began to swing open out of the corner of your eye, and you couldn’t believe someone had opened the locked door.
But then, of course, someone must have had the key.
“Oh!” a familiar voice yelped, and Daryl sat up swiftly and tossed the sheet over both of your bodies as it was the only thing he knew to do.
He couldn’t hide. Whoever had just walked in was bound to see exactly what was going on, and exactly who was in bed, naked, embracing each other, and about to make love for the second time.
When you nervously peered over Daryl’s body to see who had stumbled upon you two, you were shocked, and yet somewhat relieved, to see Carol’s shocked face.
“Oh,” she said, stiff and frozen in place at the door. “Um… I was just coming to… I had… Never mind.” She shook her head, as if trying to rid herself of what she’d just seen, and closed the door behind her before descending from the guard tower.
You both sat in silence for a few moments, looking between each other and internally panicking before Daryl let out a rather appropriate yell: “Shit!”
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
Series Masterlist Part 4 ➳
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destinyc1020 · 10 months
Honestly for me, sadly, it's the fandoms that have ruined other actors for me. Orrr more specifically, an actor (TC I'm sorry!). I was on twitter once a while back and pointed out the hypocrisy that his fans had when they needlessly dragged Tom in an extremely catty way that also made fun of his dyslexia. Two of those stans took issue with me pointing out this problem and continued to harass me, making new accounts to impersonate other people and to talk to me again. It was so disturbing, and these people were incredibly obsessed with TC to the point where it was just worrisome. I seriously concerned that they would try to hack into my account because of how harshly they spammed me with threats. It was just a big bummer of an experience because it was legitimate harassment (I reported it and at least two of their spare accounts were suspended, at least), but it put a huge, huge dampener on any kind of interest I had in seeing his projects or supporting his work.
And having kind of surveyed the twitter situation from afar for the past few years, I think the majority of the utterly rude hate for Tom does come from a bigger percentage of Tim's fans. With Tom, the toxic ones to Tim on twitter I can count on with one hand. But with Tim, the amount of his fans who truly detest Tom on an unreasonable level are really up there and it seems normalized among a pretty good amount of them (strictly speaking this is on twitter, I think the situation on tumblr is much different thankfully!). And the sad thing is that if I didn't have that experience with the harassment, I wouldn't have any strong feelings about TC one way or another, maybe I would have even come to like him. Now I can't look at him without thinking about the online harassment I received that honestly messed with my mental health for a bit. Stans that behave really inappropriately like that NEED to realize that even though they want to 'defend' their fave, what they are actually doing in some cases is turning others OFF to their work! Thankfully I have not been bothered since their accounts were suspended, and I certainly spend MUCH more time on tumblr than twitter these days which is so much more positive for my headspace, but I really urge fans of all actors to BE KIND most of all.
Thank you for the space to rant Destiny, and for your blog! It really shifted my fandom experience to find this corner of the internet, things are so much more balanced and reasonable on tumblr compared to twitter, it feels very healthy and fun to follow things here. I think the word count on tumblr makes a big difference, here it's more about deep thoughts than just quick one liners!
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Wowww..... 🤯
First of all Anon, can I just say??? I am SO sorry to read what you went through with re: to Timmy's fans. I'll just say right from the outset that online bullying and threats are NEVER okay. 😤
Idk why some fandoms feel like they have to be so unhinged like this. 🥴 If it's getting to the point where you feel the need to have to bully someone or make threats towards them online, then hun....you need to either STOP stanning whoever you're stanning, or take some LOOONG breaks away from social media, because I promise you, it is NEVER that deep. 🤨
I don't even think Timmy (or any of these actors for that matter) would feel happy that some of their fans are attacking people like that online on their behalf. 😔
Thank you for sharing your story Anon... I am SO glad that you're now doing so much better now that you've left Twitter and stay mostly on Tumblr now. 🥰
In regards to your feelings about Timmy....I'll say that you're definitely not alone. I know some other fellow fans of Tom have felt completely turned OFF from Timmy simply (and largely in part) due to his FANDOM. I know not all Timmy fans are like this (of course not), but based on what I've been hearing from others, it seems that for some reason, there's a large segment of his fandom who IS like this towards Tom or Tom fans. 😔 Honestly? I think a lot of it goes back to the fact that they both auditioned for Spiderman. Maybe some of Timmy's fans feel threatened by the fact that Tom got the role over Timmy?? Idk.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
Against my BETTER judgement, I took a little gander at Twitter sometime after Ep 8 aired, and I just did a search on Tom's name in tweets, and BOY was THAT a mistake.... 😒🙄🤦🏾‍♀️ I totally understand what fans mean by Tom gets way more hate on Twitter than most actors in his age range. I even did a search on Timmy's name just for comparison.
Granted, I don't think Timmy is in the same fame/popularity bracket as Tom, but it was just interesting to see the stark contrast. While most tweets were about sightings, thirst tweets, pics, fan encounters, filming news, upcoming projects, and other random postings for Timmy, with Tom ,it seemed like a lot of the tweets were jokes/memes at his expense, film bros hating on him, random jokes regarding Tom and Zendaya, and just overall IMMATURITY honestly.🙄
It was very heartbreaking to see. 😭
I think the hate on Tom is actually very multi-faceted, and that's what makes it somewhat unique. I mean, ALL actors/celebrities get hate at some point or another...that's just an unfortunate part of the business. 🥴😔 But I think with Tom, the hate on him comes from SO many different angles, and I think that's why fans seem to feel it more.
There's the hate coming from:
Twitter Film Bros
People who hate on Tom simply because of jealousy and the fact that he's so popular and successful
Tomdaya Antis who don't like Tom and Zendaya together
Zendaya Stans who DON'T like Z with Tom
People in the GP who just don't like him for whatever reason 🙄
Spider-Man fans who ONLY like Tobey
Spider-Man fans who ONLY like Andrew
Spider-Man fans who ONLY like Tobey OR Andrew
Timmy Chalamet Stans who hate on Tom with a vengeance for some reason 🙄
Members of the gp who think he's too "ugly", "too short", too "WHATEVER....
People who just don't like Marvel films PERIOD lol
Immature fans/meme-generators who just use Tom's name for likes and clicks in order to be "funny" or go "viral" on Twitter 🙄
Have I missed anyone?? 😅🤣
Anyway.... I think THIS is why the hate is so prevelant...It seems to be coming from ALL angles, and I honestly don't know if any other actor (in our generation at least) has ever had to deal with this level of hate before....at least, not on a social media level. 😔 I'm pretty sure this is probably one reason why he got rid of social media.
So yea, it's very sad.... 😭 Why do you think I stay away from Twitter MOST of the time?? It's because, it's VERY negative, and I don't need that energy disturbing my spirit and positive vibes. 😌
I know I sound like a broken record, but I still urge fans to PLEASE stop going on Twitter..... Ignore that nonsense. People are immature on that app, and they run jokes into the GROUND.
We can't control what people say or do unfortunately, but if you DO see something that seems to really just cross the line on that app, definitely report it!
Anyway, sorry for this long dissertation Anon...If you made it this far, I hope you are now in a better place. 🥰
The last thing I will say is, please don't allow immature Timmy fans/or other fandoms to ruin you of enjoying an actor's work. You have to separate the actor from his fans. It might even be a good idea to just watch the work and ignore the fandom(s). 🤷🏾‍♀️
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
I don't personally see race being a big factor with Z, some of Tom's fans just have a weird vendetta against her
Anon I get what you’re trying to say, but I’m fairly sure the weird vendetta and the assumptions about how she treats him are mainly because of her race. I think it might have a little to do with a lot of tom’s fandom babying him a bit as well, but the fact of the matter is most of the people trying to paint her as evil and cruel would not be doing so if she was a white blonde girl. It makes me hate to think what they’d do if Tom was dating a darkskinned black girl
Anon I get what you’re trying to say, but I’m fairly sure the weird vendetta and the assumptions about how she treats him are mainly because of her race.
This is what ppl aren't understanding. Look, I get it.... on some level, ALL celebrity guys who are popular will have fans hating on their gf no matter WHAT race she is. 🙄 Look at MBJ and Lori Harvey. Ppl just hate on her for no good reason, and they're both black. Even O and N got hate. It just comes with the territory I'm afraid whenever a popular male has a huge fandom in the industry.
But the thing is, most of these other girls Tom dated ppl barely even knew, but yet when it comes to Z who is way more transparent, more visible, and there are years upon years of videos, receipts, and we also see how Tom obviously feels about her, these fans STILL don't let up with their negativity. They make these negative assumptions, and paint Z into being this mean, cold-hearted person, when NOOOOBODY has ever described her as such. 😒
If you're preaching about "respecting" Tom's other gf's or flings, then you should respect Zendaya as well. Whether you think they're dating or not, she's someone who's obviously special to him in his life, and vice versa. He basically said it himself! 🤷🏾‍♀️
It makes me hate to think what they’d do if Tom was dating a darkskinned black girl
Here's the thing.....I actually think fans would prob embrace her (at FIRST) just because she's someone who's NOT Zendaya (believe it or not). 🙄 But the thing about ppl regarding woc is that their tolerance level for them is very SMALL. So the girl would have to be darn near PERFECT, coz as soon as she "messes up" or doesn't live up to what THEY think a gf should be in their eyes, she will be dragged through the mud as well. 🥴 The same thing happened with Meghan Markle. They were fine as long as she and Harry were just dating and whatnot. But as SOON as things started getting more serious, then they set out on a defamation campaign against the girl, dug up all kinds of dirt on her, bullied her in the media, tried to pay ppl to get dirt the crazy father's side of her family, etc. It's just crazy. 🥴
The bar is super low for white girls on the other hand. N could even make a shady IG story basically telling Tom to go to hell, and some fans STILL prefer her and want them together to this day.... 🥴 Some even delude themselves into thinking that she and Tom are still dating or still even thinking about each other. 🙄 I'm sorry, but if a man was with you and then FREELY chose to go BACK to who he was with before, then hunny, he didn't choose you.
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Could there be a rekindling in the future? Maybe? I always say with exes there's ALWAYS a chance. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But the point is, it's definitely NOT happening right now, so it's time to leave those dreams behind.
Then there are the phantom gf in London claims. 🙄🙄 Again.... all these claims and 'what if' scenarios, with absolutely ZERO PROOF! Some of Tom's fans wanted him to be spotted out in London with another girl so bad. They were basically creaming their pants waiting for it to happen. But when that didn't pan out, they had to make up all kinds of 'what if' scenarios about Tom. I had one Anon try to claim that Tom had a hookup with models in Monaco, even though there was NO evidence to that whatsoever....😒 And when I brought up the fact that Tom wouldn't be filming Tuwaine coming into his hotel room from his BED if he had a woman with him in it, they tried to claim that he still could have had a woman in his bed that he just didn't photograph. Wth???!?! 🥴 Anyone who knows Tom knows that he would NOT be posting from his bed if he had someone in it. 🙄 When has he EVER done that?
But nooo.... let's all still believe that Tom has some ghost gf in London that nobody has ever seen, and who he's NEVER been spotted out with... not even through tweeted sightings. 🙄
And the weird thing is, some fans would rather believe THAT, then what's going on right before their very eyes!
If Tom were to be visiting the set of anther female costar of his, fans would swear that they are dating. But if it's Zendaya he's visiting, then they're "just friends" 😏
Chiiiiile the double standard is real.
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