#also the flynn backstory šŸ˜­
graciehart Ā· 6 months
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Every Episode of Timeless ā¤·Ā 1x06Ā ā€œThe Watergate Tapeā€
When you find Flynn, maybe you can blind him with that suit.
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fortemelody Ā· 3 months
there are a couple universally hated sonic characters (for example chris thorndyke). but do you know who i think deserves to be shitted on more? DULCY. IM SORRY BUT SHE ANNOYS THE SHIT OUTTA ME. LIKE ESPECIALLY BECUS THEY JUST RANDOMLY ADDED HER TO S2 OF SATAM?? AND HER RUNNING GAG WITH HER MOM IS NOT FUNNY TO ME LIKE GIRL STFU
she got a whole episode named after her too šŸ’€ i do kinda appreciate that they at least attempted to give her a backstory and the concept was sorta interesting but it felt like too little too late yknow
but the weirdest part is that this is coming from someone who LOVES antoine. he is legit my 5th fav character in the whole franchise. they literally both just serve as comic relief characters but idk antoine is just so much better to me. i think a lot of it is his design and VA tbh. but lowkey they did my man dirty later on in S2 becus the two episodes that mainly focused on him were the ā€œodd couple/robbeccaā€, in which his house gets invaded by sonic and then he gets chased by a horny ass robot. this then lead to him just screaming the whole time (also his animation style change wasnā€™t my cup of tea either). this is like the equivalent to a squidward torture episode LET MY MAN CATCH A BREAK šŸ˜ž
okay anyways back to dulcy sorry this just turned into an antoine ramble
but yeah i feel like she is there to just help the freedom fighters get to their destination faster and be a ā€œnew typeā€ of comedic relief, one that isnā€™t really driven from fear like in antoineā€™s case. i also will admit that sheā€™s probably more useful than antoine seeing as though he canā€™t fly but legit i still could not give two fucks about her. maybe itā€™s the lack of a personality and the randomness factor idk. and this is a more serious topic but istg if people think iā€™m hating on her just becus sheā€™s a woman like the whole lanolin situation imma be so upset. i am afab myself and my first fav character is amy so like donā€™t even try to tell me that šŸ˜­ i would never stoop so low to say some of the awful things people say on twitter about sonic women (ā€¦or just women in general sometimes).
ALSO iā€™m solely referring to dulcy in SATAM, not the archie comics. based on videos i watched i remember she had a pretty big story arc and then was later rebooted as a normal sized mobian. iā€™m sure sheā€™s much more bearable there cus i trust ian flynn but i havenā€™t actually read those for myself. double also i still have like 4 episodes left of SATAM to finish so if she possibly can somehow get better in the span of 4 episodes than ig iā€™m wrong
okay rant over basically fuck that dragon i hate her with a burning passion
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honeybumpkins Ā· 1 year
Garten of BanBan Rewrite:
The Story and Stuff
Right, so I should probably write down the actual story. Itā€™s not fully fleshed out this is just like basically how it goes.
So thereā€™s three chapters(because we pretending this is a book lol), excluding the prologue and epilogue.
The prologue would open with mc driving on a Highway, itā€™s about midday, and text appears on screen giving you some nice exposition. That basically just it, youā€™re introduced to mc, his self-hate, and his mission and itā€™s purpose. Thatā€™s about all you need. If this were a real game/comic or something the main story would be mixed in with flashbacks, because i am not intelligent enough to convey his backstory a different way /lh. Things like youā€™d learn he almost drowned as a kid and is scared of water, then flash to the present where heā€™s in a flooding room, that kind of thing, Yā€™know?
Anyways the first chapter is dubbed, ā€œReturn To Hellā€ because I thought that sounded kinda cool. Itā€™s all about him exploring the main floor of the Garten and then some of the underground parts, just to like introduce you to the setting and things.
Also the reason mc went back to the kindergarten is that he used to be an employee and there have been a lot of recent disappearances documented from the town around the kindergarten, and he knows what was going on there and itā€™s not hard to guess whatā€™s happening. So he takes it upon himself to destroy the mascots before they hurt more innocent people. Something something self-punishment something something repenting for past sins.
And so the first chapter would end with Mc getting conked in the head by BanBan and being taken deeper into the kindergarten. So the second chapter would start with mc discovering heā€™s trapped on a gurney and trying to find a way out. But something distracts him. woah!! Another human!! Yeah he meets a girl whoā€™s also trapped there, sheā€™s actually a mother of two whoā€™s going through a divorce and trying to get custody of her children, but none of that matters because BanBan rips her heart out a little bit later, after BanBaleena tries to take MCā€™s. And then BanBan tricks BanBaleena with it and tears her apart, so like, the heart also went to waste. Rip. šŸ˜­
Anyways Mc escapes and then like not much other events are planned out in the timeline, like Mc gets trapped in a flooding room where he has to face his fear of water, and then also gets attacked by Stinger Flynn and almost drowns. And then NabNab attacks Stinger Flynn who gets killed when they break a hole into the roomā€™s wall and it drains completely, with NabNab escaping back to the water before he also dies. But this isnā€™t planned out in the timeline of events so itā€™s just kinda there right now.
Onto chapter three, which ends with the final face off against BanBan in the main Givanium mining cave, or ā€œThe Cavernā€. This fight is actually split up into two parts, part one, which takes place earlier after MC confronts BanBan about him being a monster, which ends when Mc imbedding his axe into BanBanā€™s chest, causing him to run away. Mc then has to run because sheriff toadster shows up and he is defenseless against him. The fight resumes after Mc finds his axe and follows BanBan into the cavern, where epic fight ensues.
Mc gets beat the fuck up but so does BanBan, who is also having several mental breakdowns. /j. Anyways, BanBan finds himself in a position to kill mc, but before he can, mc swings his axe and pretty much decapitates BanBan. Rip big red guy, no one liked him. Mc knows heā€™s not going to survive much longer because of his injuries and calls Brooklyn, his bestie, to hear him one last time. Mc accepts his death and then dies, succumbing to his injuries. Mc is actually satisfied with dying because hey, he wasnā€™t that great, but at least he got to do one good thing before he bit the dust.
Several hours later, Brooklyn arrives and witnesses the aftermath of everything that went down, and mourns MC, burying him outside the kindergarten. The end.
Thatā€™s basically what happens, gonna flesh it out as I go along.
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pennumbra Ā· 3 years
I just have to ask...and maybe I'm just so dumb I never noticed...I was watching Tangled the series season 2 with my toddler (parenting win??) and I just now noticed.
Edmund is missing his right arm?!
I mean I guess that never gets mentioned because its a "kids show" but it got me thinking....
Do you think the energy blast from Edmund trying to grab the Moonstone is what killed his wife? I guess he does indirectly say that trying to destroy the Moonstone is what killed her but it just got me thinking of that.
I guess this is just a rambling wish that they would have delved more into the Dark Kingdom.
(Parenting win!!)
I love that Edmund missing his right arm is never really brought up! It also took me (and I think other viewers too) a while to notice that aspect of his character design, b/c they never draw attention to or comment on it in the show- and I think that's neat? It's just a part of who he is.
(Tho now you've got me wondering if that was a deliberate choice or b/c they simply couldn't acknowledge him losing a limb violently. Can never really tell w/ the Mouse...)
Based on the flashback from BtCW, Edmund's 'this stone has destroyed too many lives', and Quirin telling him he wasn't thinking clearly, I always kinda assumed that his wife/the DK Queen had already died, and he was lashing out at the moonstone in grief?
(My personal hc is that she was killed in a cave in or an earthquake- something related to the moonstone and black rocks, but indirect. But maybe it couldā€™ve been Edmund blaming the moonstone for smth out of their control, as a form of rationalizing/coping?)
However, the 'Rise of Flynn Rider' novel has a pre-series prologue set in the DK, and in that version of events, the blast from Ed trying to destroy the moonstone IS what directly kills the DK Queen- the castle starts to collapse and she falls to her death when a bridge gives out. The moonstone is even described as 'angered'. (And the idea of the moonstone having semi-sentience or punishing Edmund for his recklessness and arrogance is a very interesting one to me.)
The book was written with some consultation from Chris, and the author included other series elements- so even if it's a secondary source, I think it holds water as an idea he at least liked or approved of, and it's the closest to a canon backstory on the DK Queen as we'll probably get. (Tho it also has the evacuation taking place immediately after the blast amidst a lot of chaos, instead of Ed taking some time to recover and ordering it later on- so there were still some liberties taken/it's not a definitive 1:1 of events.)
I guess this is just a rambling wish that they would have delved more into the Dark Kingdom.
I dream about the good timeline where we got a flashback episode focusing on the Brotherhood and the rest of the DK crew- or maybe more scenes of the Corona chars making their way through the derelict kingdom and exploring the castle, finding clues about the people who lived there and the lives they led- but man I'd settle for at least knowing the Queen's name?? šŸ˜©šŸ˜­
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trappedham Ā· 2 years
Oh boy, strap in
Okay so it's potentially not as bad as I led on at first- potentially being the keyword here.
Really, it has to do with the ret-conning of Shadow's backstory in the Totally Super Really Good 2005 game Shadow the Hedgehog. They. They give him a gun in this game??? Look at this stupid gif
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Look at this stupid mf with his stupid fucking gun he looks so silly I love him so fucking much
I can't find the other one but if you haven't heard his origin story this one should do.
Okay but for real? This game is a huge fucking mess let me tell you. You can kill Sonic, you can kill Eggman, and I think... yourself/Shadow? Idk there's one ending where he says some stuff and sorta "disappears" oh yea and there's an ending you can kill ur alien dad after he comes back from his milktrip. I think thats the Canon one bc well.. you can't have Sonic without Sonic and Eggman. This game is responsible for so much character regression, my boy deserves better than whatever this was trying to be :(
Okay, rant over- so you want to know about E G G D O N E R :)
Okay before we start I think you deserve a pic of this man
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This is from Archie sonic I believe (drawn by Ian Flynn? I'm not sure) and this is the greatest that he's ever looked. Look at that Space Daddy I so desperately want to like him but stupid fucking SHADOW THE HEDGEHOG (2005) WONT GIVE THEY KNEW THEY KNEW SEGA FUCKING KNEW FUCKING SIMPS LIKE ME OUGH
I desperately want Black Doom to give a single fuck about Shadow beyond just bending him to his will. Like I want Black Doom to care but in a kinda fucked up n evil way AND I WANT IT TO HURT GOD DAMN IT
E G G D O N E R is less like a draft name for something and more an idea. And nows a really bad time to ask this and I know (egg)-xactly how this looks... but you ever heard of a xenomorph, yā€™know from fucking. Alien. (Spoiler: they lay, get this, EGGS)
I promise it's not that bad I promise I promise I promise šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
I just want this stupid fucking space dad to kindly "donate" an egg to Grandpa Robotnik's fucking science experiment for funsies and come back 50 years later to see what came of it. And also world domination. Man's really saw Earth and went It's Free Real Estate huh ya that's fun.
Ugh these two have so much potential I'm going to love playing with šŸ˜©
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athenagrantnash Ā· 3 years
Omg I adored Timeless and completely agree with the underwhelming finale. I also took issue with the fact that, imo, the og villain was by far the most developed and layered character (as well as acted šŸ˜³). I loved Garcia Flynn and was 100% on board with Garcy as a ship šŸ˜­ I just couldnā€™t with Wyatt. Thinking about it now, Flynn and Bobby totally share the same tragic backstory of losing their families and then making dark choices in their following despair but eventually with the help of their found family, becoming a little more whole and doing whatever they can to protect their families. šŸ„ŗ
SERIOUSY! Like I get all of the choices that they made in that movie finale they did (other than that hideous blue filter. Somebody PLEASE explain that one to me because it will haunt me to my dying day), but I do think it could have been a lot better.
And yeah, Garcia was 100000% the most interesting character, and if the show hadn't been canceled prematurely I genuinely was looking forward to the tangled web that he and Lucy were going to weave together.
There were so many story threads that they needed to tie up, and as underwhelming as the final product was I'm legitimately impressed that they were actually able to tie all of them up. But also... it still could have been better.
And OMG! I never mad that Garcia/Bobby connection before but yeah... there is something tragically similar about the two of them šŸ„ŗ
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johnsmitha110nsy Ā· 3 years
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This is Empress Rinaszlyerr, sheā€™s a trans woman (she/her) and has survived a war against those who rebelled against her (not sure who yet) and feels a deep sense of guilt to this day for everyone who died fighting with her so she wears bandages constantly on her arms in memory of them. (āš ļøwarning: a little gruesome ahead so if youā€™re not ok with that please donā€™t readāš ļø) She was also kidnapped by the same rebels in another attempt to take over the kingdom where she was tortured by them cutting her wings off but escaped eventually but it added to the trauma and pain she had already been suffering. Although she has become a stronger character through this pain she still covers the scars on her back with a cape.
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I havenā€™t really sorted out Deltaā€™s story yet but theyā€™re non-binary (they/them). Theyā€™ll have a similar kinda character and backstory to like, Flynn Ryder from Tangled for example lmao. (P.S. Iā€™m already in love with them help Iā€™ll show you the sketches Iā€™m simping over later šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)
And here they are together like the power couple they are šŸ˜Œ:
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