#also the impact of that gesture when the clip is included in a video with all the other contestants who DO show their national flags
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bbceurovision: Say hello to all our incredible Grand Finalists!
"The reason why we showed a pride flag in that scene [instead of our national flag] is very simple: Waving the German flag is a sign that only partially stands for solidarity, tolerance and acceptance, because sadly there are still way too many people in Germany who do not uphold these values — as you can see currently in our comment sections. So we rather wanted to show a flag that does advocate exactly these values, and say: This is way more important than our national borders."
- Lord of the Lost, Shop Takeover Q&A
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hunter-sylvester · 8 months
Hi! I’m the anon who wrote the ask about Hunter’s parental issues and about his attachment to Kevin. Thank you for answering my asks, I absolutely love the way you write and how you explain everything! You’re extremely talented!🫶
I honestly didn’t notice how in love Hunter was with Kevin until I watched the movie a second time. It’s crazy how you can literally see all feeling in Hunter’s eyes when he looks at Kevin. I also loved how you said that their relationship fits a BDSM bratting dynamic, because I totally see it.
[and as someone who has ADHD and deals with RSD on a regular, I completely understand him. It sucks.]
Hey 🤘 [prev ask for context] Yeah I obviously couldn’t be 100% sure they were from the same person but it definitely makes the most sense lol
Thank you so much! I’m really glad you enjoy my rambling thoughts about Hunter as a character <3
If you do like my writing, I’m tempted to sheepishly gesture over to my actual Metal Lords fics over on Ao3 if you haven’t checked them out, even tho it makes me feel like a bit of a dick to do so 😅 (They are mostly locked to registered users, blame AI data scraping. The only Metal Lords fic not locked rn is a tiny ficlet. An Ao3 account is free tho 👀)
In any case, I really appreciate that you pushed me to do a bit of analysis again. Because sometimes I tend to forget that all the stuff that lives in my head as “obvious” isn’t always stuff I’ve said out loud on here lmao
There’s a lot to pull from the film if you’re willing to be a bit mentally ill about it.
And you’re absolutely right about the way he looks at Kevin, I mean, it happened enough for me to make a whole ass gifset of it lmao
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Look at him. The boy is smitten. Clueless, of course. But smitten.
Which I credit basically entirely to Adrian Greensmith, as it was a vision he had for the character. I really can’t imagine Hunter having been played by anyone else as he brought so much to the role. (Fun fact, if I remember correctly: Noah Urrea, who plays Clay, originally auditioned for Hunter. No harm but I'm very glad he didn't get that. He makes a good Clay and Hunter just needed to be played by Adrian.)
One of the key things Adrian brought to the role also being, probably accidentally, his anxiety.
"I spent a lot of Metal Lords feeling a bit anxious [...] and in hindsight I wonder if some of that was just a sign that Hunter was quite an anxious character [...] I mean his body's so tense all the time." - Adrian Greensmith.
I shortened that quite a bit so I'm including a slightly longer clip of the interview audio for more context. (I can upload a subtitled video clip if anyone wants that as well as link the video on yt but I'd have to do a bit of a search for that)
Aside: If I had to guess I'd say he's probably referring to Peter Sollett who directed Metal Lords when he mentions a 'Pete'.
And yeah the bratting thing was a little bit of a joke but mostly not a joke. Without going absolutely off the deep end, the mentality behind bratting is something I really see in Hunter.
Evie Lupine has a wonderful video about bratting and why people would be interested in it (and why some people hate it) but a short snippet that always spoke to me from that is the following:
"The motivations behind bratting are pretty varied. I think one of the main ones would be a sense of security and comfort. This is when the acting out is sort of a way to be reassured that even when you, break rules, even when you push at things, the partner that you're with is not going to abandon you." - Evie Lupine
Obviously, with Hunter's fear of abandonment, it's easy to see why this would appeal to him.
He also just...idk he has brat energy - sincerely, a brat.
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And Kevin does just play out the counterpart to that. He doesn't always have Hunter under control but he tries to.
And he does mostly act as that safe person to brat against, which again amplifies the impact it has when Hunter starts to think he's actually losing Kevin, destroying that feeling of safety.
Aside: I obviously don't think that these characters, in universe, negotiated for a bratting dynamic. In universe it'd be something that just sort of organically developed within their friendship/relationship. But even more than that it's an archetype of a dynamic that we as the audience can easily read into their interactions if that makes sense.
Can you believe the shit they will accidentally put in movies? lmao
And yeah, I have ADHD as well. And RSD is something that affects me pretty fucking severely. I've only really become more aware of it in the past year or so as my partner has pointed it out more and more.
So it's definitely something that I then noticed more and more in Hunter too.
Obviously this is all just my take on the character, and other people might have totally different interpretations. That's the beauty of art, we all get to find what we need in it and read it in our own ways, influenced by our own life experiences.
Thank you again for asking, Anon 🤘 (if you want to use a nickname or smth to identify that you're the same Anon, let me know. If not, that's totally okay too, but I might not always know it's you)
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kerikaaria · 4 years
If I Never Met You: Chapter 33
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(??? X Reader) Idol!AU, Manager!Reader
Genre: (PG13) Angst, fluff
WC: 2.9k
Warnings: Serious injury (NOT life-threatening)
Series Masterlist
Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34
A/N - Thank you to the lovely @ditttiii​ for giving this a beta read for me and helping to make this chapter better! I love you!
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You sat a distance behind the filming crew observing the music video being shot, Jimin snuggling close to you. You woke up way too early today in order to fit in as much filming as possible and the first scene filmed was Jimin’s, which involved a bathtub and a lot of water. Hence why he was stuck to your side, still looking for warmth even after drying off and changing into fresh clothes.
This video was by far the most ambitious one yet in the boys’ careers. The story beginning in this video and with this album had started being created almost a year ago now, and had been worked on and tweaked for the longest time until it was finally settled into what will be presented this comeback. Hardly any of you even had the story straight though – it was very interesting and really well-planned out, but also rather confusing and convoluted. It’ll be interesting to see what the fans come up with when they realize there’s a plotline to be uncovered.
“How many more days of filming do we have left?” Jimin asked, his voice muffled from where his face was tucked into your arm.
“I don’t know for sure, it depends on how well things go,” you said. “But since the majority of the outdoor scenes are done, I think it’s safe to say we’re getting close to the end.”
“I hope they don’t need me to do any more shots in that bathtub.” Jimin shivered. “It’s taking me forever to warm up.”
“It’d be quicker if you go into the dressing room where it’s warmer,” you suggested. A space heater had been turned on in the room earlier to help the boys whose scenes were less than comfortable to endure.
“Yeah, but then I wouldn’t have someone to cuddle with so that’s boring,” Jimin whined.
You smiled, letting Jimin stay where he was. Everyone here didn’t even bat an eye at Jimin being cuddly with you—it really wasn’t an unusual occurrence. Just as long as everyone stayed focused and did their work, that’s what mattered. And for you, all you needed to do for now was sit by and watch the filming take place. Rather boring on your part, really. You only needed to make sure things were going smoothly.
Yoongi’s scene finished, and he was immediately being wrapped in a blanket as he walked away from the set. In contrast to Jimin, Yoongi’s scenes involved being surrounded by fire in a burning hotel room. Being surrounded by intense heat, no matter how uncomfortable, meant that as soon as the heat was gone the drastic temperature change would make him feel incredibly cold – hence the blanket.
He walked past you and Jimin, looking like he was heading toward the dressing room.
“Hyung,” Jimin called out, “why don’t you come here? Noona is really warm to snuggle with!”
Yoongi barely glanced your way, shivering underneath the fabric wrapped around him. “No thanks, the dressing room is warmer.”
“Let me know if you need anything, Yoongi,” you yelled before he was out of earshot. He lifted his hand, hidden underneath the blanket, but it was enough of a gesture for you to know that he had heard you.
The next scene the crew was preparing to film was Taehyung’s. His scene was one of the more mature ones – most of it wouldn’t make it into the first cut of the music video being released next month. But there were plans to have a second version released with more clips to show the story which would include the bloody ones from Tae’s scene, making the video rated for adult viewers only.
In the scene, there would be two other actors portraying Taehyung’s father and sister. It was pretty intense, including a small fight scene with his character’s abusive father. Tae was a bit nervous about it, but if any of the boys could pull off this scene, it would be him. You knew he’d do well.
You wanted to watch the scene from a bit closer, much to Jimin’s displeasure, so he finally went back to the dressing room to finish warming up while you stood nearby as the crew prepped to film the next scene.
They began filming the opening of the scene where Taehyung walked through the hallway and saw his father hitting his sister through the open doorway. He grabbed one of the bottles on the nearby table and rushed in to defend his sister. 
They shot the scene a few more times to make sure to get the best take, along with a few other ones to set up the scene better. After that, the camera filmed from inside the room to get a good angle of Taehyung ‘hitting’ his father on the head with the bottle after rushing into the room.
The next portion to be filmed was of the father fighting back a bit by pushing Taehyung away, before Tae rushed back at him. Everyone got ready to begin filming the scene, which was for sure going to take quite a few takes.
During the second take, the actor ended up pushing Taehyung into the standing shelving unit against the wall. Since it was all acting, he wasn’t pushed hard and he immediately assured everyone that he wasn’t hurt while the actor apologized. You approached them, double checking with Tae to make sure that he really was okay and he smiled, assuring you that he was in fact, perfectly fine.
You backed away, giving everyone room to start filming again. His reassurances did ease your mind a little, but you still watched closely as they continued. You relaxed after a few more takes went by fine, and the director announced that the next take would be the last one before moving onto the next part of the scene.
The take began, Tae mimed the action of hitting the actor over the head with the bottle. Once he recovered, the actor pushed Tae back. He ended up knocking Taehyung into the shelves again, harder than the first time.
It all happened so quickly. All you knew was that the furniture was obviously wobbling from the impact, it looked dangerously close to falling over, and Taehyung was still standing right in front of it. You didn’t even think before you pushed past the filming crew to reach for Taehyung, pulling him away from the object as quickly as you could.
In your haste, you hadn’t accounted for yourself and before you knew it the heavy furniture was making contact with your shins, forcing you to the floor. The sound that left  your mouth when you felt the force of the impact was one you didn’t recognize as your own.
Your mind was reeling, still working on catching up on everything that occurred within the span of just a few seconds. It was only when the adrenaline from the situation began to wear off that you were able to feel the pain radiating from your legs. You kept your mouth closed to at least try and muffle the scream that you couldn’t hold back.
“Help me get this off of her!” you heard someone yell. Yourmind was too muddled by the pain and shock to recognize who it was. 
“And where the fuck is the medic?!”
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Taehyung couldn’t do anything as the events continued to unfold in front of him. One second he was acting, the next he was being roughly pulled away. Before he could even turn around to see what was going on he heard cracking sounds, and then came the godawful scream. That horrendous sound that he had never ever imagined he would hear come out of your mouth.
When he finally turned around and assessed the situation - seeing you on the floor and the shelving fallen over, having landed on your legs – Taehyung was frozen. You, his manager and friend, were hurt because of him. Because he didn’t pay attention, you jumped in and protected him. It shouldn’t be you that was hurt, it should be him.
He heard voices around him, but they sounded distant. It wasn’t until he felt someone pushing past him that he was knocked back into reality. It was Yoongi who, in his rush to reach your side, had bumped into Taehyung’s shoulder.
“Help me get this off of her!” Yoongi yelled as he stared at Taehyung, holding onto one side of the dresser. 
Taehyung quickly jumped into action at his hyung’s words, gripping the opposite side. 
“And where the fuck is the medic?!”
“Lift on three?” Tae asked, and Yoongi nodded. They counted in unison, using as much strength as they could to lift the heavy wood, placing it back where it belonged against the wall. Once it was safely back in place, both of them frantically kneeled on the floor on either side of you.
“Noona?” Yoongi asked gently. You seemed to be in a lot of pain, which wasn’t a surprise if the sound from earlier was any indication to how injured you were. “Noona, can you hear me?” he asked again when you didn’t reply. Taehyung slowly reached down, brushing some of your disheveled hair out of your face.
“Y-yes, I ca-an hear y-you,” you managed to say. Taehyung decided he really didn’t like hearing how pained your voice was.
Before they could say or do anything else, the medic rushed over carrying a medical bag and asked both of them to move so he could assess your injuries.
Taehyung felt like he was running on autopilot when Yoongi directed him away from the scene toward the other members.  He felt familiar comforting hands and hugs and barely registered mumbled words of concern. The whole time, he couldn’t pull his eyes away from where you lay on the floor. 
There has to be something I can do. I was the one who was supposed to get hurt, not her.
“Taehyung,” a voice called. 
“Yah! Taehyung-ah!” it called a second time, just loud enough to pull him out of his own head. He turned to the source of the voice to see his leader looking serious. “Don’t talk like that. It’s not your fault, okay? No one was meant to get hurt in the first place, so don’t you dare go saying you should be. Got it?”
He was confused for a moment before he realized he must have spoken his thoughts out loud. “But, hyung-”
“No,” Namjoon said. He didn’t say anything else, but he didn’t need to. The look on his face said it all.
“She’s going to be okay, right?” Jimin asked shakily.
“I doubt it was anything life-threatening,” Yoongi said. “So technically, yes.”
“How bad do you think it is?” Jungkook’s voice was hardly audible.
“It’s definitely not good,” Taehyung managed to say. “I heard… I heard cracking sounds. More than one.”
“I’m not surprised,” Namjoon said. “I mean, furniture like that can be heavy in the first place, and add the fact that it was small surface areas that made contact, combined with the force of gravity and-”
“Namjoon!” Seokjin interrupted him. “You’re nervous rambling, and none of your smart brain knowledge is helping anyone feel any better. Please, just stop.”
Ashamed, Joon lowered his head. “Sorry, hyung.”
“It’s okay,” Jin comforted him, squeezing his shoulder. “I know you’re worried, just like all of us.”
“I’m going to call Sejin hyung,” Hoseok said before walking away. He tried to hide the fact that he was starting to tear up, but they all knew him too well to not notice.
In a blur that Taehyung could hardly remember, an ambulance came to take you to the hospital, Sejin came to the filming studio and the on-site medic informed him that both of your legs were broken, filming was called off for the next few days, and Sejin got all seven of the members packed up to go to the hospital. It was a unanimous decision that they couldn’t just go home after something like that, they wanted to be as close to their manager, their friend as possible
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You were groggy and dizzy. As you felt yourself waking up, you tried opening your eyes but your eyelids felt really heavy. After a few moments, you managed to crack my eyes open just a little before they fell shut again. Trying a few more times, you eventually managed to get them to stay open, while your mind finished returning from wherever it had ventured off to under the effects of the anesthesia.
All you knew was that you did not like the feeling of waking up after being put under with that stuff. You hoped you would never need to do that again. As you fully woke up, you started to feel sore. You had an IV connected to your arm, which was no doubt delivering pain medication to your system, otherwise you were sure you’d be in a lot more pain. Despite the drugs, you still remembered what had happened.
You were taken to the hospital after the medic confirmed your legs were broken (something you could have told him yourself if you were capable of producing a coherent sentence at the time) and the x-rays showed that, of course, both fractures were displaced. The doctor decided it was best to do surgery to get the bones set into place properly so they could heal. Looking down at your legs, you felt relieved to see that they were able to forego any external fixtures, so at least you wouldn’t have to deal with that.
Now that you could lift my head enough to look around, you realized you weren’t alone in the room. To your right a mop of dark hair lay on your bed, a strong hand gripping onto yours loosely while its owner slept. Despite his face being turned away from you, you knew all your boys well enough to instantly recognize the figure as Taehyung.
You watched as his back slowly rose and fell with his steady breathing. Knowing him, he was probably blaming himself. You’d have to be sure to give him a good lecture about that once he was awake.
Just a few minutes later the door to the room slowly creaked open as a few of the boys wearing their masks walked in. “Oh, you’re awake,” Yoongi said quietly, trying not to disturb Taehyung.
You nodded. “Yeah.” Your voice came out hoarse. You cleared my throat a bit, hoping that would help. “I woke up just a few minutes ago.” That was a little better.
“How are you feeling?” Jin asked, coming to stand at my left side.
“Alright, I guess,” you said while Jin brushed your hair back. “I feel really sore, but I have a feeling whatever is in this IV is keeping most of the pain at bay.”
You felt Taehyung stir for a moment before he suddenly jolted awake. “Hello, sleepyhead,” you said with a light chuckle.
“Noona!” Tae stood up so quickly, you almost didn’t even see him move. “Noona, you’re awake.” His lip quivered. “I’m so sor-”
“Nope,” you interrupted him. “Don’t you dare do that. I know you’re blaming yourself, but stop it.” He looked taken aback by your interruption but didn’t say anything as you continued. “I made my own decision to jump in the middle and ended up getting hurt. I should have paid more attention to how close I was to it, so it’s not your fault.” You took in a breath, squeezing Tae’s hand with both of yours. “I’m just glad that you’re okay.”
Tae wrapped you in as much of a hug as he could with the awkward angle of you lying down and him standing next to the bed, quietly crying into your shoulder. “But I still wish you weren’t hurt.”
“It’s okay,” you assured him, stroking his hair. “I just need to heal, I’m going to be okay.”
Yoongi approached the bed, giving you a small smile. “He was really shocked,” he said. “He’s been acting almost like a zombie this whole time. I think he needs some more time to fully register it all.”
You nodded in understanding. “Is it just you three here?”
“No, everyone’s here,” Seokjin said. “We’ve been rotating in shifts. Except Taehyung, he’s been here the whole time. I can let them all know that you’re awake if you want,” he suggested.
“Yes, please,” you said. “I’m sure they’d be happy to see me conscious.” Jin nodded in agreement before leaving the room.
Yoongi moved closer now that he could, and before you realized what he was doing he placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You felt my face heat up at the gesture. You had gotten chaste kisses from some of the others, but Yoongi was never one to show his affection in that way, so it was a complete shock to you.
“We’re glad you’re okay,” he said softly. You felt Taehyung nod against your shoulder in agreement. “We’ll be with you every step of the way while you heal, noona. I promise.” He took your hand and squeezed it.
You squeezed back, smiling at your friend and leaning my head against Tae’s. You didn’t respond, but you didn’t need to. Words weren’t enough to portray what each of you wanted to say, but that was okay because you all understood each other perfectly without them anyway.
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 32 | Chapter 33 | Chapter 34
Tags: @calling-dips-on-j-hope @misohime @netflix-batman-sleep @smallbaby-cat @leitholdwithlove @ramyagovindraj @leesalts @rjsmochii @overtherainbow35
Send me a message or ask if you want tagged! And also feel free to leave comments or send asks to just talk to me!
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skia-oura · 5 years
The Pros and Cons of Surviving an Unstable Pocket Dimension
A/N: I haven’t worked on any Bentley & Co stuff in almost a year. And yet, I found myself wiping the dust of an old WIP a few days ago. Enjoy.
         “All right, we’re going to need to take you aside for further investigation,” the security agent said, gently guiding Bentley to another room. “Your luggage will also have to be searched through.”
           The first time this had happened had been in a grocery store, and Bentley had just about fled the scene after they were done checking for stolen items. He and Torako had also decided to never go to that particular store again—not that it mattered much, because it was closed a week later. Dipper denied any involvement. Bentley knew Alcor better than to believe that particular declaration. Torako had been seen discreetly high-fiving the perpetrator. Bentley had pretended not to see it. Life went on.
The second time, he’d entered a museum exhibit on the rise and fall of civilizations and how their technology had influenced their lifespans and lifestyles. The alarms had blared, he’d been pulled aside and interrogated about what piece he’d just stolen from the museum. When he said he’d just come in, it took two hours and an extensive check of their inventory to decide that he was telling the truth. In all, he’d just been incredulous and frustrated.
Now, on the third major incident—he was just numb to it.
           “I have a doctor’s note,” Bentley said. He gestured back at the luggage checking terminal. “It’s on my phone, in my bag.” He’d gotten it after the museum incident.
           “We’ll bring it to you after we’ve checked everything out,” the security agent said, frilled ears fluttering. The door shut behind them, and Bentley pushed down hard on the nerves that it caused. His therapist, who had not been told nearly everything that had occurred and was under the strictest of non-disclosure agreements as concocted by Torako and Dipper, said that it was fine to react poorly to being shut in a room. Bentley understood that. So did Torako and Dipper, who often took to leaving the doors in their new home open. Sometimes they even took it a little too far. Unfortunately, understanding it was fine to react poorly didn’t really change the fact that he was reacting poorly—heartrate up, breathing short, patchwork hands gripping the fabric of his long skirt.
           The door opened. “Can I see some ID, please?”
           “Of course.” Bentley worked his fingers out of their stiff grip on his clothing. “It’s on my phone, however.”
           The agent squinted at him with her three eyes. “Why do you keep asking for your phone so much?”
           “All of my important information is on it,” Bentley said. He was really going to have to look into analogue options, apparently, if he wanted to have any kind of expediency in his life. “Usually I have my phone on me to clear up misunderstandings.”
           She continued to squint at him, but nodded and left the room. The door clicked shut behind her. He couldn’t tell whether or not it was locked. Bentley closed his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing. It actually halfway worked, which was pleasantly surprising. He opened his eyes, and looked at the room. The room which was bare, save for a lonely, somewhat drooping poster in the corner about alerting the authorities to suspicious behavior in the terminal. It was faded. The section visible behind the poster was darker than the surrounding wall.
           The door opened. Bentley turned his attention away from the sad poster to the agent, who passed his phone over. “Please pull up your identification.”
           Bentley complied, pulling up the code that would allow the agent to access his public ID. She passed a fancy new flat scanner over it, shimmering with magic, and it chirped before lighting up his ID in hologram form. He had a second to think everything will be fine before the next half-second, in which he saw his photo and thought oh right fuck.
           The agent squinted her already squinty eyes further. “…skin tone seems different.”
           “There was an accident.” Bentley made a mental note to get his photo updated. Soon. As soon as possible.
           “Face is also differently shaped.”
           “Accident included weight loss,” Bentley said, frowning. He’d been very comfortable at his previous weight, thank you, and putting it back in a healthy way was taking much more time than usual. The wardrobe situation was unideal. Over by the door, a corner of the poster suddenly gave up and drooped down. Bentley empathized.
           “One of your eyes is…gold now?”
           “Same accident. It’s very frustrating.”
           “I’m sorry, I’m not sure this is sufficient,” the agent said.
           She dug out an attachment to her scanner and passed it over to Bentley. “Please rest your right forefinger on the print scanner.”
           That should work. Maybe now he’d finally be on his way to his work conference, where he could take out his frustration by tearing apart presentations by people who made mistakes they should have known better than to make. Bentley pressed his forefinger to the screen. It played a jaunty, tinny tune while it analyzed the results, and then beeped ominously. Bentley stared at his finger in betrayal.
           The agent peered at the screen. “…fingerprint also seems slightly off the record.”
           Bentley tried one last time to turn her attention where it really belonged. “Can I please show you my doctor’s note?”
           She huffed and put away the scanner and its fingerprint reading attachment. Energy like dust motes trailed in its wake before fading into nothing. “Sir,” she said, folding both of her arms, “I’m going to need you to stay in here while I call terminal police to get to the bottom of this situation.”
           “Okay,” he said, screaming on the inside. “I understand.”
           It took him five hours, several phone calls, and a set of lackluster apologies from all parties involved before Bentley was through security. He had missed his transaction time by a long shot, but still managed to be on his way quickly thereafter.
           The fourth time a similar event happened was two days later, at the terminal he’d transacted into. It took him seven hours, that time, and three different translators who tried to disagree on fiddly translation bits.
           The following day, Bentley went down to the police station. He updated his biographics, his address (which had also been an issue), received analogue documents in duplicate, and endured a lot of awkward small talk from Officer Akuapem. There, he thought to himself. Nothing bad will happen now.
           Then he entered a nearby bookstore, having remembered Torako’s birthday coming up, and single-handedly sent the entire store into siren-blaring lockdown.
             One thing that Bentley hadn’t anticipated about constantly emanating magical energy was that his phone never lost charge as long as it was in his hand. He noticed this a week after they’d moved into their new house, having confused and possibly terrified the poor realtor in charge of their case.
           “Huh,” he said aloud in the living room, lounging about after work with Torako—who was not lounging around, and instead was researching leads into her very first case as a private investigator. She’d moaned about the piles of paperwork the whole time, but had done it anyways. Such were the perils of working for yourself.
           “Huh?” Torako echoed absentmindedly. She twirled the tablet stylus between her fingers, energy become solid. Bentley knew that if he lifted his special reading glasses, it would be shimmering with magic more than it already was.
           “How long have we been sitting down here again?”
           “About two hours, I think?” Torako underlined something, then slid the tab out into thin air to interact with the 3-D image attachment. She mumbled something to herself about plausible cause and environmental influences and then worried at her lips.
           Bentley stared at his phone battery. It was at 97%. He’d been doing some heavy-duty stuff on his phone, like watching dumb videos between watching relevant TADtalk clips about things like the impact of magic on people’s lives or one argument against non-disclosure agreements. He was currently paused on a video discussing Alcor the Dreambender. It had some very strange ideas about how many souls Alcor consisted of.
           “Huh,” he said again. Then he opened his mouth and said, “You know, I think I’ve actually charged my phone sitting here.”
           If it had been one of his coworkers, they might have challenged that notion, or laughed it off as a joke. Torako, on the other hand, paused, turned her attention away from her case, and raised an eyebrow. “Charged your phone? Where’s your charging pad?”
           “In our room.” Bentley frowned at his phone. The percentage ticked up from 97% to 98%. “It…literally went up just now.”
           Torako gasped and rocked up from sitting to standing. “You’re the charger!”
           Bentley pursed his lips. “The phone is a bit on the old side, the software might be going buggy. I doubt it’s me.”
           Instead of seeing sense, Torako thrust her tablet into his face. He leaned back a little and blinked the brightness out of his eyes. “Do mine next!”
           He looked at the display. 11%. “You should really charge this more often, you know,” he said, like a person who put his phone on its charging stand every night before bed.
           “It runs until it dies,” said Torako, who often forgot to charge hers and therefore had a stash of portable energy clips stashed in odd places around the house. Why she needed two in the bathroom was a mystery. “Or rather, it runs until it is resurrected by your literally magic hands.”
           Bentley sighed. He took her tablet in his ‘literally magic’ hands and stared at her with the most deadpan expression he could muster. In response, Torako stared very intently at the percentage icon in the top right corner. In the space above the tablet, an image of a fairly normal looking townhouse loomed over them, apathetic to the tension of the moment.
           Two minutes later—Bentley kept an eye on the clock as well—Bentley sighed. “Look, Torako. Nothing has happened.”
           “Keep holding it, buddy,” Torako said.
           “But nothing has happened. I told you, it’s a quirk of faulty software on my phone.”
           He’d just shut his mouth when Torako let out a whoop of victory and punched a fist into the air. “Take that, it went up!”
           Sure enough, when Bentley glanced over to check, the battery icon was displaying a damning 12%.
           “Your software is bad too,” Bentley said, weakly.
           “My tablet is seven months old,” Torako cackled.
           “It’s faulty,” he tried. “Bad tech. You should get a refund.”
           Torako ruffled his hair. “It’s top of the line and you know it. I ain’t afraid to spend money on quality things.”
           “Good things sometimes don’t work right?” he said, knowing he had lost and still unwilling to face reality. The gleam in Torako’s eye scared him.
           “Give it up, sucker. Your magic hands are magic charging hands now.” She sat down on the couch right next to him and turned the tablet around in his hands. “Now, keep still so I can keep working longer.”
           Bentley dropped the tablet and felt vindicated by the way she squawked. “Can’t have my hands if I’m using them,” he said, and promptly walked away to go take a shower.
           The next day, he came home having mostly forgotten about the incident and felt tired enough to take a nap on the couch. When he woke up, Torako’s tablet was propped up against his bare stomach, and she was working again.
           “You’ll be pleased to know,” she said, grinning and scribbling down some notes in a tab laying across her legs, “that the more direct contact a magitech device has against your skin, the quicker it charges.”
           Bentley smacked her with the couch cushion. She cackled, smacked him back, and very soon the tablet was forgotten on the couch as they hurled pillows at each other like children.
             Lucas Onderon was a smart person. Very smart; it’s why he had a job in the thinktank of one of the first viable sigils research centers. He churned out ideas and made connections at a speed that sometimes made Bentley feel jealous. Unfortunately, whenever he tried to apply his theories, things inevitably went wrong.
           Bentley, glasses perched on his forehead, pointed at a sigil combination that was sparking dangerously to his left eye. “That’s going to explode in your face if you don’t change it.”
           Lucas rolled his eyes and flapped his hand in Bentley’s face. “I get it, you think you’re all hot stuff with your special face and your special eyes, but I know what I’m doing! Everything’s fine. Go pay attention to your own souped-up basic shit.”
           Across the room, very far away, Ziyi flicked her very large, very sensitive ears and looked up from her own work. “Uh, you might actually want to listen to Bentley? The Bentley Farkas? Who literally has a magic eye now and therefore is extra listenable to?”
           Bentley very carefully did not react to the thought that he was surrounded by people who called his body parts magical. Torako had very suddenly wondered aloud at how the magic affected his reproductive system was before freezing and hiding her face in her hands. The fact that it had embarrassed her as much as it had embarrassed him was the only thing that saved her from some nasty prank later on.
On the other hand, Dipper had cackled for all of five seconds before Bentley snapped that he had Dipper’s sister’s soul, and did Dipper really want to think about that? Dipper shut up very quickly after that. Dipper had also woken up in the middle of the night to ice-cubes being slipped down the back of his neck. The screech was very satisfying.
           “Who even cares?” Lucas said, consulting his notes for reference as to where he planned to set the severance line. He drummed his painted nails against the surface of the table next to the special sigils testing paper before him.
           Bentley sighed. It was his job as supervisor, he told himself. He had no room to judge right now, he told himself. “Seriously. It’s going to explode, and you will not be happy. At least move your notes to a safer range so that you can review them later?”
           Instead of listening to Bentley’s very good advice, Lucas stuck out his tongue and started to draw the line.  Bentley, because he wasn’t a saint, shut up and moved to a safe distance as he watched the magic spark higher and more violently with every other second. Ziyi groaned and slid one four-fingered hand up her face. Lucas faltered right before crossing the problematic sigil combo, but then continued. Incompletely cut sigils had even odds of either just going dead or exploding with energy, so Bentley felt it was a pretty fair call. Except for the part that, you know, he had told Lucas not to in the first place.
           As he thought, the moment the line cut through the sigil combo, the magic pulsed, Bentley closed his eyes, and there was an explosion that shook the room. Bentley felt the hum of the room’s containment sigils as they absorbed most of the shock and prevented structural damage. He counted to two, then opened his eyes.
           Lucas blinked, eyes wide, freckled face red from heat exposure and pink-dyed hair blown into disarray. He looked so utterly surprised that Bentley couldn’t help snorting in laughter. When Lucas’s attention snapped over to him, Bentley turned around and tried to muffle his amusement in his hand.
           “Stop laughing!” Lucas said. “This was—this was—this was terrible! A disaster!! My work is all gone!” The explosion had damaged his notes, as well, and Bentley wouldn’t be surprised if they were largely illegible now.
           “He warned you, you know,” Ziyi said.
           “He probably made it worse by standing so close!” Lucas said. Bentley’s laughter faded in his chest. “If he wasn’t here, it probably wouldn’t have even exploded.”
           “Holy shit, dude,” Ziyi said. Bentley’s hand stayed over his mouth. Guilt roiled in his gut—what if it had been his fault? What if he’d influenced an already unsteady sigil combination into instability? “Stop blaming your explosion on the dude who tried to help out?”
           “You know he’s throwing magic out everywhere, all the time,” Lucas argued.
           Ziyi scoffed. Bentley wondered how fast he could make it out the door. “And you know that you have a tendency to think too fast and overlook important factors! You should check over your own damn work after letting it sit for a while.”
           This was true, Bentley thought. Lucas did think too fast, and he didn’t proofread nearly enough for his own projects. From his sputtering, Lucas was also aware of this shortcoming, and that gave Bentley enough strength to compose himself and turn around. And not head straight for the door like he wanted to. Anyways, that was behind Lucas, and he didn’t want to go past Lucas at this point.
           “Hopefully,” Bentley said, burying his insecurity and slipping his glasses back down onto his nose, “this finally teaches you to take a bit more time with your work. You really are smart, Lucas. Just take more time.”
           Lucas blinked, and then his youthful face clouded over with resentment even under the exposing white lights of the sterile room around them. “That’s easy for you to say,” he sneered. “You’re already established and important.”
           “And it took time to get there,” Bentley said. He held his hands behind his back to hide how they were trembling. “Time, and care, and a lot of frustration.”
           “Lucas has got that last one pinned down,” Ziyi snarked. Bentley threw an exasperated look over to her, and she ducked her face with a sheepish grin. The white lights of the room slid over her single giraffe-like horn, dulled by the overlying coating of stubbly fur.
           In response, Lucas threw up his hands and stood. “I’m done! You have what you want! I’m leaving the practical testing room and going back to where I belong, on the drawing board.”
           “Okay,” Bentley said, because there was no reasoning with Lucas when he was acting like this. “You go do that.”
           Lucas swiped the remains of his notes up and glowered at Bentley on his way out. If the door hadn’t hissed shut, he might have slammed it. There was silence for a long moment, during which Bentley stared over at the wisps of burned paper, ashes spread over the table and the floor. He didn’t want to see whether or not they glittered with magic.
           “I’ll go get a vacuum,” Ziyi said, finally.
           “No, no, I’ll go,” Bentley said. He smiled over at her. She didn’t look like she thought it was sincere, which was unfortunate because he was trying very hard to seem sincere. “I have to…think,” he said.
           Ziyi leaned back in her seat and folded her arms. Scales glittered iridescent along the curve of her cheekbone and down the bridge of her nose. “He doesn’t actually hate you, you know,” she said. “He’s just…frustrated and jealous. Don’t stitch what he said into your soul, yanno? It’ll just give your reincarnations inferiority issues or something.”
           Bentley smiled again at her. “I think my reincarnations are already screwed,” he said, thinking of Alcor.
           “Hey, I know plenty of people who think having a magic eye would be cool,” she said, unfolding her arms and leaning forward. “Your reincarnations aren’t screwed for that, silly.”
           “I don’t think that’s how reincarnations work,” Bentley said dryly. Otherwise, he’d be a lot more like the Original Mable Pines (or whoever was first, if there was a first). “I’m going to go get that vacuum, okay?”
           If it took him twenty minutes and a fifteen minute rapid text exchange with Torako in a supply closet several doors down, then that was clearly a lie and never happened. No, his eyes were not red and he wasn’t suddenly congested, thank you very much. And yes, he was wearing gloves because he was just conscientious about keeping his hands clean, not for any other reason.
           He couldn’t resist lifting his glasses and glancing at Ziyi’s current project, though, trying to make something that shrinked and unshrinked on command. “Ah,” he said, pointing his finger. “You sure you want to make that combination there?”
           “Is it going to explode?” she asked, peering at the combination in question. “It’s just longevity and size, you know. It won’t stick it there, will it?”
           “But linking it to that change sign might not be the best idea—look, that change is also the one used for instability, isn’t it? It might make something that’s been made small suddenly become large again.” Bentley stayed very carefully as far away as he could while still looking at the sigils.
           Ziyi groaned and slapped her hands on her face. “Nooo, no you’re right, I completely forgot about that change sigil.”
“You might want to combo fluctuation up with a standard kind of sigil with a mid-level small sigil, and then link it to longevity.” Bentley suggested.
“That’s so many though,” Ziyi said, fingers dragging down on her cheeks enough that Bentley could see the pink skin under her eyes. For a moment she was silent, staring down at her sketchpad. Then she jerked up straight, dragged her sketchpad towards herself, and started scribbling down unbroken sigils and ideas. “But if I—Bentley you’re a lifesaver—if I set the combo up concentrically, then—”
He grinned a little. “I’ll leave you to it,” he said. Bentley turned around, tiny vacuum in his hands, and narrowed his eyes at his worktable a few steps away.
Time to wrestle with the basics again.
 One quiet Sunday evening, when Torako was gone to speak with a client, Bentley sat in the living room on the couch they’d had since college and stared down at his hands. Ostensibly, he was supposed to be relaxing, or cooking, or getting the garden outside started as Torako and he had planned. That obviously wasn’t happening. Instead, he sat in the golden-orange light filtering in past the translucent inner curtains hung over the French doors leading outside and stared down at his hands.
They were patchworked in different tones, in slightly different textures that didn’t quite blend into each other seamlessly. When he turned his palms over the patchwork wrapped around, crossed his palmar creases and rounded through the whorls of his fingerpads. His fingerprints weren’t the same as before, he remembered. How deep down did the changes really go? How far had the pocket dimension embedded itself in him, in his DNA, to change the smallest parts of his body so subtly? The doctors had said there was nothing physically wrong with him but—he was so cold, and his fingerprints were different, and his eyes were different his skin was different he could feel magic—
He curled and uncurled his hands, slowly, watching the light slide over his skin, watching the shadows bloom before creeping away. Bentley bent his head closer, brought his hands up, and inspected the beds of his fingernails, ran his thumbnails over the surfaces of them. He’d never paid this much attention to his hands before, he thought. That being said, he was—pretty sure that they had never glittered before. When he shut his left eye, the glittering disappeared. A sudden lump in his throat, Bentley closed both his eyes and leaned back. The sun shone dim through his eyelids until he squeezed his eyes shut and counted the seconds for each inhale and exhale.
There was a sudden thrum of energy, like friction skittering over the exposed skin of his arms and setting his hair to stand on end. Bentley opened his eyes just as an arm settled slowly over his shoulder. Only the knowledge that it was Dipper stopped him from jumping, and even then he couldn’t not stiffen just a little.
“Hey Ben,” Dipper said. “It’s been a while?”
“It’s been seven hours,” Bentley drawled. “How was it at Batoor’s new place?”
“Peaceful,” Dipper said. “He’s doing well, excited about college life next month and all that. Haji says to say hello. I also stopped to say hello to the Pines, and they were wondering when you and Torako were going to come out next. Lata especially.”
Bentley pursed his lips. He flexed his fingers, then gripped his legs with his hands and stood. Dipper’s arm slid off him in a rasp of not-quite-real fabric. “I’m going to take a shower.”
He threw a quick smile over his shoulder, but Dipper looked far from convinced. “It’s fine, I just was reminded I needed one.”
Fortunately, Dipper didn’t follow him into the bathroom. He didn’t protest when the door shut, or the lights turned on, or when Bentley said nothing else. Bentley chewed at the inside of his lip and looked at himself in the mirror.
Haji had never apologized, he remembered. Not in words, at least. Bentley leaned forward, putting his weight on his arms, and traced the contours of his face’s reflection. Haji didn’t seem to want to look at Bentley for very long, the two times that Bentley had interacted with him after the pocket dimension incident. Not that Bentley blamed him for that, he thought. His face wasn’t exactly his anymore.
The thought struck his breath in his chest for a few seconds before Bentley gritted his teeth and shoved it away. He thought he’d been over this. He’d thought that he’d come to terms with his new look. With the new needs that came with it, in the forms of two kinds of moisturizer and an extra delicate facewash. His gaze flicked between both of his eyes, the dark eye he had inherited from his parents, the light eye he had inherited from his trauma. Magic sparkled over nearly everything he saw. He suddenly wanted his glasses, wanted to try to forget that his body was no longer one he recognized. Bentley stared at himself in the mirror and was hit by a longing for the him of last year that had him biting his lip and ducking his head against the tears in his eyes.
Bentley sunk to the cold tile floor, the heels of his palms digging into the wells of his eyes and wiping away the water springing forth from them. He curled his body into itself, bare feet dragging against ceramic patterned like ocean waves.  Torako had loved them when they’d first looked at the house. The breath sucked into him was almost immediately dispelled. He ran his fingers through his short hair and tugged as hard as he could, baring his teeth against the pain in his chest. “I’m still me,” he whispered into the stillness of the bathroom. His heart beat out, no you’re not, no you’re not, no you’re not, and he curled in tighter on himself.
“Bentley just—let me in, please.”
“No,” Bentley just managed to say. “I’m taking a shower.”
“No you’re not,” Dipper said. The door opened, and Bentley did his best to hide his face, but it didn’t help. “I can read auras, you know.”
Bentley hated Dipper, very suddenly. It wasn’t right to, but he did. “Go away!”
“No,” Dipper said. He slid down the wall to sit next to Bentley, close enough that Bentley could feel the heat of him but far enough that they weren’t actually touching. Bentley wasn’t sure what he would do if Dipper touched him right now. “You need somebody. You don’t need to be left alone with your thoughts.”
“You wouldn’t understand,” Bentley said like an absolute child.
“Try me,” Dipper said, echoing that age-old reply. “I’ve lived for like, millennia, I’ve experienced a lot. Maybe it’ll help.”
Bentley sniffled loud and wet and tried to calm down by counting breaths again. “I don’t like talking about it,” he said.
“Take your time,” Dipper said. He shifted. When Bentley sneaked a glance, Dipper had stretched out his legs, one ankle crossed over the other, the hems of his pants cut a few centimeters above his ankles and tailored tight around his calves. The fabric shimmered blue—not with magic, but because Dipper was a showboat.
So Bentley nodded, pressed his face into his knees and covered his ears, and just tried to be. He counted his breaths—one to three in, one two three out, over and over. He focused on the pressure of his knees against his forehead, the coolness of the tile against the soles of his feet, the subtle hum against his skin that he always got now when Dipper was around. He was there. He was alive.
It was strange to think that, all those months ago, he had planned to never be alive again. It was even stranger to think that he’d made it out of that death hole. He never managed to talk about this with his therapist for obvious reasons. Maybe he should have, just—in the barest terms.
“Better?” Dipper asked.
He sighed. “Don’t just read my aura, will you?”
“Can’t help it,” Dipper said. “I barely remember when I couldn’t.”
The thought that Dipper wasn’t able to at one point shocked Bentley just enough that he lifted his face and looked Dipper in the eye for the first time since that morning. “You couldn’t?”
Dipper grinned, shark-teeth sharp. “You know I was human once, back before the Transcendence. Even fewer humans could read auras then, and I certainly wasn’t one of them.”
That’s right, Bentley thought. He looked over Dipper’s features again, eternally young and smooth. Dipper was human once, too. He’d had a human sister, human parents and friends and relatives. He hadn’t had sharp teeth, or black sclera, or brown hair—or maybe he had? How much of his appearance was rooted in reality? Had he had brown eyes, back when he was human?
Bentley sniffled again. Maybe Dipper could understand. “Remind me how you became Alcor again?”
“That old story?” Dipper’s eyebrows raised up a bit higher than most human eyebrows did. “There’s not much to it.”
“Humor me.” Bentley crossed his arms over his knees and rested his head there, face turned towards Dipper. “If you want.”
“I mean,” Dipper said, bending a knee and slinging one arm over it. “It wasn’t on purpose. We—my sister, my friends, my Grunkles and I—were trying to stop a demon from starting the apocalypse. It eventually became the Transcendence, but it was better than it would have ended up. Long story short, I got into a tussle with Bill, the demon, and—somehow, I won. Then everything changed.”
When Dipper didn’t continue immediately, Bentley pressed on gently. “How? Did it change, I mean. For you.”
Dipper hummed and tilted his head. “I guess the best way to describe it is that things stopped and happened all at once to me. Time was—I was always going to look thirteen unless I took it upon myself to look different, for one. The eyes and the wings and the teeth were definitely different. I didn’t used to have gold blood, obviously. I was also just…mentally different.”
Bentley blinked, slow, eyes tired. “Oh.”
“Parts of me were changed completely,” Dipper said. He looked down at the tile at Bentley’s feet. “Bill became part of me even as his soul was excised from the energy that made me become a demon. His proclivity towards formal clothing, the knowledge he had of the universes, his masochistic and sadistic streaks, his disregard for life and his desire for chaos are all a part of me, now. Demons are not kind, and I’m no different.”
“Yes you are,” Bentley found himself saying. “Because otherwise you wouldn’t be in here, helping me.”
“Would I?” Dipper asked. He smiled at Bentley. His face became just a little rounder, eyes just a little wider in his features. “I’m not sure. You are Mizar, after all.”
“Would you care about Mizar if you were just Bill?”
Dipper laughed a little. “Not in any good way, so I guess no. I guess you’re right. Why are you asking, anyways?”
Bentley worried at the inside of his cheek. “Would you say that you’re trapped in a body that isn’t…isn’t yours? That you don’t recognize yourself in the mirror anymore?”
After a second, understanding bloomed over Dipper’s face like the summer sunset outside. “Not often, no,” Dipper said. “Maybe once every few years, at most. But I’ve also had a long time to get used to my situation. It was much worse at the beginning.”
When Bentley didn’t respond apart from looking away, Dipper reached out to slide his hand over Bentley’s cheek, slow enough that Bentley could move away if he wanted to. Instead, Bentley leaned into the warmth of his palm and closed his eyes.
“But it got better,” Dipper said into the quiet of the bathroom. “It got better, and it will get better for you too.”
Bentley tugged his lip inside of his mouth and found himself blinking back more tears. “Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. I feel like I was stolen from me, you know?”
“I did,” Dipper said. He shifted closer, and Bentley turned to press his face into Dipper’s chest almost eagerly. “And you have a right to feel angry. But it will get better. I promise, it will.”
Bentley wrapped his arms around Dipper, and tried his best to believe that it would.
 The sun beat down warm on his skin through his gauzy overshirt and the wide-brimmed sunhat on his head. His hands dug down into the rich earth, moist and cool from the previous day’s summer storm. Bentley pulled away more loose soil from the hole he’d just dug, before tugging the decomposable plastic from the base of the tomato plant and setting it into the ground. He piled cool soil back around it and patted it down just firm enough to hold without restricting. The plant was barely tall enough for the cage—which he picked up and snapped into three-dimensions before setting it down into the ground. It ground, metal against dirt until the lowest ring of it was a mere seven centimeters above the earth. Bentley smiled down at it, then shuffled past a basil plant over to the next spot—the last spot for their tomatoes—and dug in his spade.
“How’s it going over there, Ben?” Torako called from the other side of the house with Dipper.
“Fine!” he said, pushing up his glasses. “How about you?
“It’s going peachy!”
“But you’re planting apples?” He dug a well big enough and deep enough into the ground, and then set the spade aside. He couldn’t help touching the earth with his bare hands, feeling the natural energy of it thrum up into him. It was like he was all the more alive for it. It was—it was rejuvenating.
“Exactly!” Dipper yelled, which either meant that things weren’t going nearly as well, or that they were settling for a weak pun on the basis that peaches were fruits too. There was a clang, and Torako cursed. Bentley set the tomato plant in the ground and piled the dirt over it, shaking his head. Standing, he winced at the crack of his knees before shaking out another cage and setting it down.
“How has it even taken you this long to get that taken care of?” he yelled over. Squinting his eyes against the glare of the sun, he set his dirty hands on his hips and surveyed the small plot they’d just developed. Basil interspersed between tomato, beyond them two lines of carrots. Peppers and chives just beyond those, all the vegetables ringed by a protective barrier of nasturtiums and marigolds. “You just had three trees!”
“Don’t sound so high-horsed, you only planted the tomatoes and nasturtiums today,” Torako hollered back. “Don’t think I don’t see you standing over there like you’re surveying all of your work.”
Bentley laughed, heart light in his chest. A pleasant breeze blew by, sweeping the hem of his overshirt up. He turned around. “Do you need my help over there?”
“Sure,” Torako said, wiping her brow with the back of her arm. She grinned at him, dark eyes warm under the shadow of her arm. “You’ll do more good than Mr. Dipper himself here.”
“Hey!” Dipper protested, feet flat on the ground, eyes white and brown and black and ears rounded. He stuck out his tongue past (slightly too sharp) human teeth at Torako and leaned on the shovel he’d shoved into the ground, gardening glove thick on his hand. “I’m plenty helpful. This casing is just being more difficult than the others.”
“Let me see,” Bentley said, walking over and wiping his hands off on the apron he had on.
Behind him, though he didn’t know it and hadn’t seen it, the magic from inside of him had seeped into the ground. It would travel slowly up into the roots of those plants, soft and imbued with care, the desire to grow and grow well. Those plants would grow into abundance, tomatoes ripening sweeter despite being planted just a little too late, chives taller, peppers longer than they would have otherwise—if only by a little. The marigolds and nasturtiums would bloom brighter and longer. The carrots would dig into the ground, greedy for more until they were pulled up in the fall. The apple tree Bentley helped plant would be just a little hardier than the other two. Torako would look at him slyly, tell him that his green thumb had certainly improved in leaps and bounds and was he sure his hands weren’t magic, before getting a pillow to the face and falling down to the floor laughing. Dipper would cackle and join in, and they would fight until the morning, when Bentley would get up and go to work for his first full day since being kidnapped.
But he didn’t know all that yet, so Bentley went over to Dipper and Torako, took the apple seedling by its base, and tugged the wrapping off in a couple quick motions.
Torako stared. “You really do have magic hands.”
“Oh shut it,” he said, reaching out and smearing his dirty hand down the side of her cheek. She gasped in false affront, hand on her chest. Dipper laughed, Bentley crouched down to set the seedling in the ground and cover it, cool dirt on his hands and the life of the earth trembling up into his skin.
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0613magazine · 2 years
210806 People
BTS on What Inspired Their 'Permission to Dance' Challenge: 'We Knew This Song Will Uplift Everyone'
In July, YouTube announced it was teaming up with the music superstars to help promote YouTube Shorts with a worldwide dance-off
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You may not need BTS's permission to dance, but the stars are scoping out their fans' moves as part of a social media challenge — and opening up about what it means to them.
The members of BTS have teamed up with YouTube to promote its new short-form video format, YouTube Shorts, and promote their new single "Permission to Dance," by asking fans to share 15-second clips of themselves performing the choreography from the music video. The members will even choose some of their favorite submissions to be included in a compilation.
PEOPLE asked RM, Jin, SUGA, j-hope, Jimin, V, and Jung Kook about what inspired the Permission to Dance Challenge, which launched July 23 and runs through Aug. 14, and how they hope it will spread some positivity around the world.
"We knew that this song will uplift everyone the minute we heard it," says Jung Kook, 23, of the track, which was co-written by Ed Sheeran and debuted at No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in July. "We want to tell everyone that they don't need to ask anyone for permission to dance. Just show your moves!"
The dance is fittingly joyful — and surprisingly simple.
"Since this is a song that we wanted to enjoy with everyone, the performance is easier to dance along to," says RM, 26. "Our choreographies reflect our message, so each has its own charm and fun aspects. Choreographies that are easier to emulate do enable us to have bigger fun since you have all these people dancing with you."
At the end of the music video, for example, a crowd including BTS's bodyguards, makeup artists, video producers, and managers jump in to dance it out with the group.
The approachable choreography also incorporates International Sign Language hand gestures meaning "joy," "dance" and "peace," an inclusive move that was important to the members.
"'Permission to Dance' is a song that we wanted to share and enjoy with as many people as possible. So naturally, we got to think about how to make this more enjoyable for everyone," explains j-hope, 27, the group's dance leader. "Incorporating the International Sign gestures enabled us to spread the positive energy of our music to a wider audience that maybe we haven't reached before."
Should you still need a little help with the steps, the members have offered up a handful of tutorials, available to view on Shorts alongside the countless fan submissions.
The members say they have already been surprised by the Shorts rolling in.
"We noticed that people of all ages and professions hopped on this challenge. It was a pleasant surprise!" says V, 25.
Adds Jin, 28, "I didn't expect for this many people to participate. I could see from the backgrounds that they all come from different places. Thank you for all the love!"
The "Permission to Dance" music video includes nods to Covid-19, frontline workers, and the hopefulness of having a possible end to the pandemic in sight. And the message of goodwill isn't unfamiliar to ARMY, BTS's fanbase, who after much of the group's 2020 world tour was canceled or postponed by Covid, followed the stars' lead in redirecting their energy to things like supporting those impacted by the pandemic and social justice causes. (In June, they famously raised $1 million for Black Lives Matter in a single day after BTS made a donation in the same amount.)
"It's always been mutual—ARMY are inspired by us and vice versa—and it will always be," says SUGA, 28, of their relationship with their fans. "We prioritize our fans when it comes to our music and performances, so I think naturally, ARMY really connects with what we do. Seeing them enjoy our works, that in turn, inspires us to do more."
Adds Jimin, 25, "Thanks to ARMY's love, we got to see these amazing things happen with "Butter" and "Permission to Dance." Getting unbelievable feats on the Billboard charts and launching this fun challenge is because of them."
Source: People
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Video Email Marketing: 8 Things You Need To Know Before Jumping In
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If you’ve been attending Zoom meetings since last year, you’ve probably received the email below. The “Welcome to Zoom” email is not just a great introduction to what is now a must-have app for everyone who works remotely. It’s also a great marketing tool, primarily because of its video content.
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Emailing has always been one of the most popular and effective modes of marketing. Email marketing boasts an incredible 4400% ROI, but unfortunately, not everyone knows how to get the most out of their email strategy.
Adding videos will help you get your brand in your audience’s mind - and keep it there. If you’re using video email marketing for the first time or have already tried it without much success, it’s time to go back to the medium basics and learn what works and why.
Keep reading to jump-start your video email marketing strategy the right way.
Why video email marketing?
Compared to other forms of content, email marketing videos are a lot more effective in achieving their sender’s goals. According to HubSpot, 80% of businesses use video in their marketing, and it’s becoming even more popular every year.
While there are other mediums marketers can use to promote their businesses, the combination of video and email marketing is simply unmatched in its effectiveness.
Here are some reasons you should get into video email marketing:
It captures viewer attention
When it comes to capturing maximum viewers’ attention via email marketing, videos can be a great addition to your toolbox. Viewers find videos far more interesting than plain text and images.
According to Wistia, the human mind takes around 13 milliseconds to understand a video, and visual content activates 50% of the brain. This means that a well-made video can latch on to the viewer’s consciousness and make it think faster.
How does this apply to marketing? Because your marketing emails are competing with hundreds or even thousands of other emails, yours has to stand out if you want it to be noticed and read. If you want to make your email newsletters more engaging, creating high-quality, informative videos will help you get there.
It saves time
People are so busy these days that everyone wants quick information. With a video email, you can save both your and receivers’ time by providing details about your products and services in a couple of seconds and minutes. It always helps you to make people understand complicated subjects easily.
Video boosts your marketing.
Adding videos to your emails boosts your marketing efforts and helps your brand stand out in the crowded marketplace. You can spread the brand message and relevant information instantly and attractively to viewers through it. When viewers enjoy your content, they are likely to take a positive action that benefits your business.
Video content improves your search engine ranking.
If your embedded email marketing video is interesting enough and has a catchy call to action, it leads to higher click-through rates. This results in more traffic for your site, an essential factor in determining SEO performance, along with bounce rate. Increasing traffic and captivating the visitors with relevant content has a significant impact on SEO domain visibility growth. A good marketing video will translate equally well to email and on-site, resulting in quality backlinks from high-authority websites.
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8 points to keep in mind before starting your video email campaign
With videos, you can showcase your brand via marketing emails and increase your click-through rate (CTR). More clicks mean more chances of converting, whether your target is to make a sale, drive up your subscriptions, or generate interest in a product.
Here are a few things that you need to consider before initiating your video email campaign:
1. Educate with how-to videos and product demos
People prefer video content from reputable brands the most. When you educate your customers about your products and services, you earn their trust. Sharing advice, information, and valuable tips will reinforce that trust and result in customer loyalty.
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Make a tutorial clip to teach them how to solve their issues related to your products or other relevant things. This tactic always works in video email marketing. You can also include product demo videos showing your products used in real life. Highlighting the features and benefits of your product will generate sales.
Let’s say you run a makeup company. You can email your subscribers a video showing your customers trying your new products to see which shades go with their skin tone the best. This kind of video will help drive demand for your product and give your customers valuable hints for their next purchase. Make sure you also avoid these video marketing mistakes.
2. Personalize your message
Add a personal touch to your email videos to impress and influence maximum receivers. It’s not necessary to talk only about your brand and its products through a video. Try to engage them emotionally! Something as simple as using their name in the subject line and first sentence of your email will catch their attention right away.
You might find that many users didn’t watch the full video on your website during web data analysis. Send it in personalized emails to them. This gesture makes your customers feel special. Thus, they are likely to click and view that video!
Building a buyer persona will help you come up with campaigns that speak to different market segments. A buyer persona will include your target audience’s common characteristics, including their age, gender, location, interests, preferences, role, industry, and needs. You can create different versions of your marketing video to appeal to different personas.
3. Align your video strategy with the broader campaigns
A video marketing email doesn’t exist in a bubble. It has to align with your brand's business objectives and KPIs, such as website traffic, conversion rates, and daily/weekly/monthly sales.
For instance, if your business aims to grow sales by a certain percentage in the coming three months, your content should be designed to drive sales. This may take the form of humorous video content with the potential to go viral or a promotion for a sale, or extended discounts.
Formulating a video marketing plan that considers your end goals will help ensure that you achieve your specified time frame targets.
4. Create a variety of video content
Customers enjoy watching different kinds of videos in the emails they receive. Sticking to only one type can bore them and drive them away from your brand. Don’t be afraid to push the envelope with your marketing. At the same time, your videos should suit your business goals and address your audiences’ interests.
Here are some of the common video types that you may use for email marketing:
Explainer videos are versatile. These videos introduce or elaborate on an initial concept, narrate how your product works, or illustrate your product used in a real-life situation. Either of the three purposes will go a long way as far as introducing and promoting your product are concerned.
Video Ads and Promos
Use video ads and promos in different formats to talk about your brand, business, products, and services at every step of your sales funnel. Emphasize your brand values and vision at the awareness stage and your value proposition and CTA in the conversion phase.
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Source: Think with Google
The table above shows us how effective video ads are at every step of the funnel. Video ads lead to a boost in consideration, favorability, and purchase intent across brands. Furthermore, the longer a person watches an ad, the more likely they are to buy a product. This proves that video ads effectively bring qualified leads closer to a purchase, wherever they are in the customer journey.* *
Sales Videos
Sales videos are a great choice when you want to clear stocks immediately or offer attractive discounts on your products. Highlighting the deal along with product visuals and a convincing call to action (such as “Shop Now” or “Offer valid until…”) will encourage your recipients to avail of your offer and drive up your revenue.
5. Include “video” in the subject line
People read the subject lines of the emails they receive before they decide to open them. Adding the word “video” to the subject line tends to get subscribers intrigued, convincing them to open the email and watch the attached video.
So, how effective is this email marketing hack? According to MediaPost, using the word “video” in the email subject line increased to 13% compared to just 6% for emails that didn’t have the word in the subject line. Telling your subscribers that there’s a video waiting for them will help you get the most out of your video marketing budget. Conducting A/B testing on the subject line will strengthen it further.
6. Use videos to announce products or events
Your subscribers want to be the first ones to know about a new product or update. Sending an email blast to announce a product or event will make them feel like valued members of your community and give them the news ahead of time.
Using a video marketing email is an effective way of announcing new products or events to your subscribers. Partnering with influencers, including the influencers creating content testing new products or inviting your subscribers to an online event, will get your customers even more interested.
Coupled with a call to action linking to a site where they can pre-register for a purchase or event invites, email marketing videos effectively get the news out and amping up the excitement.
7. Add text to the email
While video content is desirable to your subscribers, many spam filters seem to think that an email is spam if it only contains a video or an image without text. Some email marketers commit this costly mistake more than once, but they still wonder why their emails aren’t as effective as they expect. Don’t be that marketer!
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When you write the body text for your email, there’s no need for you to overstuff it with keywords. Instead, keep it short, straight to the point, and descriptive. Using simple, active language will help your readers understand your video. Many video marketing tools allow you to add some sort of introductory text to your video before you send it out, so there’s no reason for you not to add text to your email.
8. Include a clear CTA
The call to action (CTA) is crucial in email video marketing. It provokes recipients into taking your desired action, whether you want them to buy an item, follow your social media accounts, or share the video with their friends. Make sure it is clear and actionable. Otherwise, it gets lost.
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Source: Wistia
It’s not enough to stick a CTA at a random spot in your video. Choosing the right location will have a direct impact on your video’s ability to persuade the viewer. Placing it at the start of the video, for example, will feel too much like a hard sell, while placing it towards the end will make it seem like an afterthought. Inserting a CTA in the middle of the video is more natural and effective. CTAs in the middle of content have the highest conversion rates.
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Wrapping up
Email marketing contributes a lot to your business success. However, other businesses are doing email marketing too. To stand out among your competitors, you need to step up your efforts by adding informative and immersive videos to your emails.
Video email marketing helps you to capture a lot of attention from your recipients. With enriching videos that offer actionable insight or advice, you can increase email open rates, promote customer engagement, and drive sales significantly.
To do video email marketing correctly, you need to be strategic. Knowing your customers will allow you to personalize your messages while creating various videos that will help you serve relevant content to the proper recipients. Paying attention to subject lines and email body content will increase your videos’ effectiveness even further.
As with all other forms of email marketing, testing and experimenting with different combinations will help you find a mix of content that works for you and your audience. Good luck with your video email marketing campaigns!
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Written by our guest writer Oli Bridge, CMO at Bonjoro.com
Bonjoro is an app for sending personalized videos to convert and support your customers. He joined Bonjoro in 2016 and has helped build Bonjoro into one of Australia’s fastest-growing startups, with over 50,000 customers using the tool today.
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aircoil50 · 4 years
Looking for Inventive Specs in Today's Cell Phones
In the event this year’s front runner cellphones have made anything at all crystal clear, it’s that just about every mobile phone in our pant pockets is very dull. Every single mobile phone is expensive. Just about every gadget is powerful. Every single mobile phone provides a nice display screen and an impressive camera. Phone creativity has come to slow crawl. Important sector players are scrambling to justify the every year enhancements they’ve, devoted almost 10 years normalizing. Women and men are transitioning less than previously. We are hearing rumours that we’ve hit top smart phone. Every that’s still left are software and environments related to the cell phones. Apple’s most innovative iPhone XS launched distinctive features like Smart HDR and adjustable depth options. Google’s -pixel 3 touts Top Shots, Super Move, and contact screening. Samsung’s devices have raw gaming power and Huawei targets trendy technology.
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High priced components have sprung up as a side-effect of the increasing difficulty of selling smartphones on their own. For your Apple iPhone, you’d better obtain the AirPods. Oh, yet don’t forget the Pixel Stand, the HomePod, and the House Hub for your Google Pixel 3. What about the Samsung Equipment VR or super fast Charge Cordless Charging Stand? There’s also the Huawei EnVizion 360 Camera or maybe the Moonlight Selfie Stick,  who can live with no those? There is a reason 2018 is the time of new form factors, giant screens, color choices, and quirky notch-based methods to stretch the screen. All of these are fancy upgrade lure for regular people still keeping onto their old mobile phones. None of that is poor, necessarily. Dull or boring smartphones are a testament to their utility and pervasiveness. The pcs within our pockets are becoming better at lasting much longer. The environment  and your budget gains when you hold on your phone longer. Soon after ten years of the first mobile phone (iPhone) release, the equipment parts of mobile phones have at last swept up with the program’s capability.
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The annual new product (phone) discharge from each and every phone machine can't exhibit any amazing mysterious feelings and are not able to create an excessive amount of excitements for customers to imagine. In the early times of the mobile phone, software was waiting for hardware to accelerate in order to enjoy in the same recreation space to make gadgets better. Immediately after 10 years of the first mobile phone (iPhone) inception, the hardware components of mobile phones have finally caught up with all the software’s capability. Therefore , it runs quicker and better. Also, all of the magical tricks that software program can give to hardware are starting to be given to most of the mobile phones from mid-range to the high-end devices. The yearly cool product (smartphone) discharge from every single smartphone manufacturer cannot exude any remarkable magical feelings and are unable to create too much excitements can be to expect. Generally there isn’t any revolutionary “the next big thing” is present anymore. Every single product discharge has been an pregressive hardware update or, even, simply a software refinement or trick. As we mentioned that the hardware advancements together with the software improvements on the mobile phone turf allow leading mobile platforms blend in the middle of the road in a sense. iOS has been ruling in the high-end mobile phone segment and the hippie circle as well as fashion target segmentations despite the fact it was missing in features (hardware) and capabilities (software) in the early days. Android has been thriving across the most segments thanks to its technique similar to the early days of the computer vs Mac pc war period. Although google android has been acquiring market shares all across segments, it fails to really enter into the core high-end gadget users. Of course, those end users buy and try range topping android mobile phones but they do not use google android phones as their daily drivers. Worse, they used android telephones because their beloved iPhones could not do a handful of certain items that google android gadgets can do. Right now, what google android has, hardware-wise, iPhone has as well. All of the advanced equipment enabled the application to factors all the benefits that android phones got but iPhone didn’t into both systems products. iPhone owners are no longer needing to bring an android telephone for a handful of features only android phones have. For android users, iPhone has turn into a lot more like its two brothers and sisters not only they alike yet act alike (gesture control on each of those devices). The mobile phone war is over to the eye of consumers because it is not important which system they select, the shifting cost is getting cut to a minimum. Usually the ones who suffer are the businesses that produce the device. Mobile phone earnings are decreasing, and companies like Apple almost specifically count on that revenue to pad their particular balances. To make on with the slow down, price ranges are gradually sneaking upward. You can view this change in technology corporations’ keynotes. Once eagerly awaited (and reported), these notifications are barely holding onto their viewers. Instead of concentrating on how insane that new camera is, notifications describe how augmented reality can make bouncing blobs hang-out in your living space, or enhance your photos following the fact, or maybe the way your mobile phone interacts with you via tone of voice, and so on. They are about functionality bumps, other features, or other software-based additions. Probably some of all of them will matter, but the majority would not. All of them point to one thing: the end from the smartphone wars. I do not believe there’s an additional big revolution around the corner, simply arguing more than notches, camera lenses, and several other banalities that are little intended for the end user. Ten years following the launch of Apple’s iPhone, you'll find killer hardware anywhere you appear. Do you miss the old days any time a subsidy iPhone only cost us regarding 99 dollars or the priciest one was only $399? We perform miss those times. However , all those good old times were over for a while (thanks to T-Mobile); in the present day, an mid-range smartphone will run you as much as the premium devices used to cost you during the smartphone subsidy model period. If you want to get a flagship gadget from idol brands such as Samsung, Goggle and Apple, you’d better get around $1,000 USD cash ready for these devices. Sometimes from self-proclaimed "Flagship killer" names including OnePlus and Xiaomi, the cost of gadgets from those companies are about $600 USD. It is a small fortune to trim from potential customers to get only a minimal update device compared with the model a season in the past. Even as we referred to that mobile phone market previously reached the grown-up stage in terms of the hardware plus software enhancements from about 2 years ago. The annual cool product release is just a minor equipment upgrade along with software marketing tips. Then again, it’s another one thousand bucks purchase if you opt to update your mobile phone. For that reason, we now have our marks to give to determine if you should update your device every 12 months or not. In case you are a parent and you take tons of photos of your child then . You ought to upgrade your smart phone each year. Keep in mind, the give-in the following is that we imagine 1000 dollars won’t break your bank. Really, it’s not because of the photo or video clips characteristics are going to be totally distinctive in case you upgrade your cellphone. It may be the emotional feeling that if you don’t own it, you would not grab the best of it when you take photographs or movies of the kids. That thought can actually make a huge impact on some couples’ thoughts. For this reason, in case you are a parent, you ought to consider to do so. If you don't take a lot of videos and pics, in that case there is no rush to pay for the most recent smart phone. You should not look at upgrading your mobile phones every year even though you have the funds to do so. Seriously, why throw away $1,000 USD to pay for a telephone with some photograph upgrades that you cannot even see? Or pay one thousand us dollar bills to upgrade your telephone to get a different design of display (top notch or a little bit more curved)? Honestly, it is best to just use that 1000 bucks looking after yourself for something better such as a trip to Las Vegas just for the holiday weekend or just to visit a very good cafe for a night. You really will not care the between the new iPhone and the iPhone you simply bought 12 months ago in case you aren’t the lover of the smart phone. Therefore … why do so? Because of this, the decision seriously goes down to the mind of users. In the event you psychologically will feel you are in an inferior placement if you do not have a most current cell phone in hands, you must fork out the cash and move forward and upgrade your gadget. If not really, you ought to happily make use of that one thousand dollars someplace else. If you mentally will feel you are within an second-rate position if you don’t possess a most up to date cell phone in your pocket, you should spend the money and just proceed and update your device What we’re experiencing now is an ecosystem clash. What happens next is anyone’s guess, and I suspect it is about to get crazy,  though not inherently significantly more wonderful.
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tech-battery · 4 years
Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 Review: Surface Pro 7 competitor with only a few weaknesses
The idea behind the tablet with a cover-keyboard isn't new but continues to be popular due to its slim form factor, good mobility and flexibility. After all, who wants a Windows tablet without a keyboard? You might as well get a more affordable Android device - even if this means getting to now a new user interface.
Microsoft has proven how successful and popular a good docking tablet can be. What's more important, manufacturers can actually charge a good price for this kind of device. This alone is reason enough for Lenovo, Dell, HP, Acer and Asus to want a slice of the cake.
After the ThinkPad X1 tablet from 2018, the Yoga Duet 7 13IML05 has now been launched as a consumer option for a more affordable price. The Duet is equipped with the very new Comet Lake processor while the older X1 tablet still has to make do with Kaby Lake - and still costs a lot more.
The 13-inch Duet 7 competes with Microsoft's Surface Pro 7 (Comet Lake), Dell's Latitude 7200 (Kaby Lake) and Lenovo's ThinkPad X1 tablet from 2018.
The case is well-made. It can't be warped, has a rubberized surface on the back (good grip) and can't be pressed in anywhere. The kickstand on the back is connected to a tight hinge that keeps the tablet in position even when you press your finger against the screen when making inputs. The stand can be opened to a maximum angle of around 70°.
The thin keyboard is also well made. It is flexible (only about 5 mm thick) but still rigid. The textile fabric material that covers the bottom of the keyboard looks elegant and still offers a good grip. It links the keyboard with the moveable docking strip that connects to the tablet via a magnet.
We did notice one irregularity that is worth mentioning, although this might not be a serial issue. The tablet is warped. This starts at the bottom edge (hardly noticeable) but becomes more and more obvious further up, towards the webcam. This creates a gap of two to three millimeters on the display. The warp is also visible on the back when you place it alongside a straight object. We presume that this is a one-off problem as the bend is too small for it to qualify as a curved display.
The Duet 7 weighs 1180 g or 802 g (tablet only), whcih makes it just a little heavier than the Surface Pro 7 with a Type Cover. The keyboard cover itself weighs 378 g. It is made of aluminum and is equipped with a small battery for the Bluetooth function. Microsoft's Type Cover only weighs 292 grams; this explains the difference in weight.
The ThinkPad X1 Tablet G3-20KJ001NGE weighs 900 grams on its own while the Dell Latitude 7200 weighs 851 g. Both are heavier than the Duet 7, even without a keyboard.
Lenovo has included a microSD slot - even if this isn't apparent at first. The micro SD can be inserted into a tray that you can open up with a SIM tool or a paper clip.
There are no Type A USB ports, only Type C including DisplayPort 1.2 and PowerDelivery 3.0. While the UBS standard is 3.0 according to the technical specifications, the device manager displays USB C 3.1.
We used our Tohiba Exceria Pro SDXC 64 GB UHS-II reference SD to test the card reader in the Lenovo Yoga Duet. We measured a maximum transfer rate of 73 MB/s when copying jpg image data (each around 5 MB large). The AS SSD test results in a slightly higher rate. Overall, the speed is decent but not the best.
The Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201 speeds are slightly below average, at least when receiving. We repeated the test in order to exclude any temporary issues.
Neither of the two cameras offer a particularly impressive resolution (both 2592x1458) but at least they have a good focus. Nonetheless, image noise is still noticeable, even on pictures taken in daylight.
Videos turn out well at maximum resolution (CPU utilization 40%), but focusing is a little slow, which becomes noticeable when the camera moves.
As there is no difference in image quality nor in DeltaE results (day and night), we assume that the front and back camera are both equipped with the same CMOS chip.
Remember that this device also features face recognition with Windows Hello. This works with the in-built infrared camera, which records three-dimensional structures together with the webcam.
Lenovo has equipped the device with a Base Pen II - a pen that is not available for purchase separately, which is why we don't know anything about its specifications. Lenovo also highlights its E-Color pen, which haven't been able to find available for purchase either so far. The power supply is a Type-C adapter. There is no other way to recharge the tablet.
Lenovo gives a two-year depot warranty for its Duet 7. This means that buyers will have to refer to the local service center should any issues occur. Another option is to contact the dealer who will send the device in for repairs. Unfortunately, shops often claim no warranty for these devices, with the aim of encouraging customers to buy warranty extensions.
Input Devices
The type cover (Duet 7 BT Folio) is only 5 mm thick and has a Bluetooth 5.0 keyboard that can be used online and offline, which means that if you dock the keyboard onto the tablet, it works without Bluetooth, but if you activate Bluetooth when the keyboard is not connected to the device (there's a slider on the keyboard), then the keyboard can be used wirelessly via Bluetooth. Lenovo has included a small battery for this feature. The keyboard can be used wirelessly up to a distance of around 10 meters.
The keys have a clear stop, a short travel and they are relatively dull without a concave curvature. The keyboard has three-level backlighting. Feedback when typing is limited and the keys make moderate noise. All in all, this is a keyboard that is suitable for everyday use and can be used for fast typing, but that isn't quite convincing in terms of feedback. We were definitely happy with the layout of the large keys that are all positioned in their standard places.
Lenovo has added several special functions that occupy the top keyboard row. You have to press the Fn key to access the F function. One of the special keys deactivates the microphone, one logs you out of Windows. Another opens up the calculator while the next one opens the snipping tool. Lenovo Vantage is also accessible via one of these keys, which can be used to find updates or check the warranty. Finally, users can see all the open tasks by clicking on another key. Overall, the functions seem quite useful.
The ClickPad has a diagonal length of 12.4 inches, which makes it very big. Unfortunately, the travel is very short and it is difficult to trigger clicks in the top third of the pad as travel becomes shorter towards the top. The smooth surface offers no resistance when gliding, which enables fast cursor movements. The pad is sensitive even at the edges and supports multi-touch gestures (Precision touchpad), which you can set up to trigger specific actions.
The touchscreen can be used with your fingers or with the active digitizer pen, which comes included with the device. The Lenovo E-Color Pen and Digital Pen are also supported.
The IPS display has an oil-resistant surface. We tried it out with butter and fingerprints, but did not notice any improvements.
The 13-inch 3K panel has a resolution of 2160 x 1350 pixels (196 PPI) and a 16:10 format. Its average brightness is 411 nits and 450 nits in the center of the screen. This is very bright. Brightness is not impacted by the device running on battery.
The display also offers very good blacks with no backlight bleeding visible to the naked eye (even with the camera's shutter speed set to 1 second). That's black as it should be - and explains the contrast ratio of 2045:1.
The screen functions without pulse-width modulation (PWM). However, the response rates are slow. This should not be a real issue for office users.
The Delta E value (color precision) is not particularly good with a result of 6.6 ex-works. The grayscales show a significant beige cast in all segments. This can be dealt with by calibrating the display with the color spectrometer, which reduces the DeltaE values to 1.0 (grayscales) and 1.1 instead of 4.1 (colors). The color cast is no longer visible after calibration.
The Duet 7 covers 98 percent of the sRGB color space. The Dell Latitude 7200 and ThinkPad X1 Tablet G3 can do this too and Microsoft's Surface Pro 7 isn't far behind.
The screen's glare doesn't make using the device outdoors easy, although the high brightness does a lot to improve the situation and makes the Duet 7 usable in most scenarios outdoors. Our photos show the display in slightly cloudy weather.
The viewing angles are very typical for an IPS display and remain good even at very wide angles.
Lenovo has equipped its Duet 7 with a cooled Intel Core i5-10210U (4x 1.60 GHz). Another configuration option is the i7-10510U (4x 1.80 GHz), which also comes with an SSD with double the capacity (512 GB). RAM remains the same at 8 GB.
The hardware is made for office users, not for people who regularly do intensive image processing or 3D modelling. The CPU is too week for such applications.
The Intel Core i5-10210U is an energy-efficient 15-Watt model that offers a very high turbo clock rate. At least in theory, it can reach up to 4.2 GHz (max 3.9 GHz when all 4 cores are running). Thanks to hyper threading, the chip can work 8 threads simultaneously.
Do not confuse the i5-10210U with the faster Core i5-10510U. The latter has more L3 Cache (6 vs. 8 MB).
With the right cooling system, a i5-10210U can score up to 700 points in the Cinebench R15 - and that's the average. The Duet 7 doesn't reach this level of performance; we measured an average of 563 points, which is around 20 percent less. However, you can't really compare this SoC in a notebook with a flat tablet. Taking this difference into consideration, the i5-10210U actually does a good job that definitely fulfils its specifications. Put differently: Other devices with the chip don't offer better performance either. A Lenovo ThinkPad L13 Yoga, for example, only reaches 506 points.
You can take a look at the CineBench R15 (which runs in a loop for 15 to 30 minutes) results in detail in the diagram.The usual spike at the beginning flattens out more slowly than on other devices. In other words: The Yoga Duet 7 13IML05 uses the turbo clock rate intensively and continuously.
The Logfile from HWinfo confirms this. The average clock rate is 1850 MHz on all cores. Reminder: The base clock rate is 1.60 GHz.
System Performance
The system performance is average according to PCMark 10. The Duet 7 is on par with its competition in all areas. Only the Microsoft Surface Pro 7 Core i5-1035G4 manages to set itself apart by doing up to 11 percent better in every sub group.
DPC latencies
The system seems not to be suitable for real-time applications such as audio. We measured high latencies that are created both by the network driver and by the DirectX kernel.
Storage Device
The UMIS SSD (model: RPJTJ256MEE1OWX) does a fairly good job and scores record results when reading and writing large blocks of data.
The UHD Graphics 620 is an integrated graphics chip for basic applications and also functions as video support when decoding. Its test results are modest at best with some benchmarks not delivering any results at all. Other devices show that a UHD Graphics 620 can actually reach better results (up to +10%) even in a thin tablet (ThinkPad X1 Tablet G3). However, that all is just a drop in the ocean and doesn't make the iGPU a high-performance solution.
Gaming Performance
The performance when gaming is as one would expect from this graphics unit - subpar in all games. We suspect that this bad performance is caused by the low clock rates, as they are 30 percent below the values of an average UHD Graphics 620. Again, this value is based on notebooks that have more cooling capacity. In short: Gaming is not an option.
System Noise
The system noise is low - actually it is very low. The Duet 7 has an active cooling fan, but it only ever produces 30 dB(A) max. That is hardly audible in an office surrounding. The fan doesn't even turn on while idling. The ThinkPad X1 makes more noise while Dell's Latitude 7200 is similarly quiet.
The surface of the device remains cool despite the inactive fan while idling. The average is just about 24 °C, which was 3 °C above room temperature at the time of testing. Only very few devices manage this when their cooling fan is inactive.
The values increase to around 30 °C under load with hot spots reaching a maximum of 34 °C. This already indicates that the temperatures can't be that high on the inside, even during the stress test. The HWinfo log file confirms this: The processor cores are continuously limited to 600 MHz. We use this test, during which we run Prime95 and FurMark simultaneously, to find out how the system deals with extreme load. This isn't an everyday scenario. As the Cinebench loop earlier showed, the chip is definitely able to deliver suitable performance over a long period of time without throttling.
The small speakers are hidden in the top area of the tablet, on the right and left of the device. They produce a rather thin sound that is too strong in the mids and basically eradicates all lows. At maximum volume, music basically sounds unacceptable: thin, distorted and unnatural. Instead, the device offers Dolby Atmos headphone sounds. That's a way better alternative and can be accessed either via Bluetooth or via the combined audio jack.
The Dual Array microphones do a good job. Whether you talk from half a meter or from three meters away, voice is recorded at almost the same volume and with very little noise. Overall, voice still sounds rather hard and not quite natural. It's acceptable for conferences, though, where clarity is more important than sounding natural.
Energy Management
Power Consumption
The power consumption is particularly low even compared to tablets that are already very energy-efficient. These low values are especially noticeable under load and during the stress test. The Duet 7 only requires about half of what the competition consumes. Strong throttling might explain this during the stress test, but not under normal load. The latter was calculated with the 3DMark 06, which mainly stresses the iGPU, which is rather weak in this device. This is the reason for the 20.5 W consumption rate. CineBench R15 Multi increases consumption to 42 Watt.
Battery Life
The battery has a capacity of 39 Wh, which is not a lot lower than that of the competition. Only the Surface Pro 7 offers 45 Wh. Despite its low power consumption, battery life isn't the best. However, you can only compare a A12Z Bionic Apple processor to an Intel chip to a limited extent. If you take Apple out of the comparison, the Duet 7 does fairly well.
For everyday use, this means that you will get through a work day with one battery load provided you set the brightness to 150 nits and don't continuously render 3D models.
The Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 13IML05 really puts pressure on Microsoft's Surface Pro 7. We have nothing to complain about the stable, high-quality case or the high-contrast display with sRGB coverage.
Despite having a cooling fan, the tablet remains quiet or silent (idle) at all times. Its performance fulfils our expectations for this SoC and there is no noticeable throttling under continuous load. Only the iGPU performance is below average, so gaming won't be an option on this tablet.
The Bluetooth keyboard with a battery is a cool addition, although users will probably spend most of their time using the virtual keyboard on the screen. Lenovo has managed to make space for a microSD card reader. The tablet also features the fastest WIFi chip currently available as well as an IR camera for Windows Hello face recognition.
The Lenovo Yoga Duet 7 13IML05 is available for around $1600. This certainly doesn't give you a Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Tablet G3 or Latitude 7200 2-in-1, which are both still equipped with the older Kaby Lake hardware. The closest competitor in terms of price is Microsoft's Surface Pro 7 (Core i5-1035G4, 256 GB).
Microsoft offers better face recognition, higher resolution, a battery that lasts an hour longer (WiFi test), better cameras and a USB Type A port. Its SoC is just as fast but gets by without a fan (i5 version). Lenovo's Yoga Duet 7 on the other hand has more ports (albeit only USB Type-C), a better contrast ratio and it remains cooler. All in all: Microsoft wins.
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asoenews · 4 years
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Where and How is 3D Animation used?
When you want to expand with 3D computer animation solutions, you make sure to win. 3D animator's invention products and also characters that are near the real world. Just a thin line distinguishes between actual and computer-animated characters. The wise animation methods that make any product smooth, shiny and also alluring are the creative thinking of 3D animators or artists.
If you imagine any type of ad or a video clip, you can notice that there are a great deal of video as well as audio impacts that make visitors love it. Many on the internet sellers utilize 3d Animation studios to attract consumers as they can have a sight of the product from all angles.
Right here are a few of the fields that use 3D computer animation to succeed as well as go aloft
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Advertising and marketing: The field of advertising and marketing is one of the most recommended media for mass communication. The 3D animators create entities that offer a brand-new and also mesmerizing want to the item. The free streaming fluids, the stunning flying flowers, the ambient locations, the fine gestures and also lots of other effects are included by computer animation to make the promotions eye-catching.
Design Engineering: The attractive structure styles, as well as patterns, are all made using 3D computer animation. As a benefit, the designers can quickly figure out the style as well as other strenuous calculations to make sure strength as well as high quality. The style produced by 3D Animation studio from India computer animation offers a clear view of what the structure will appear like after the conclusion.
Mechanical and Car Design: Production makers, as well as cars, is a task of major responsibility. A minor mistake can bring about significant accidents. 3D animation is very practical in developing also the most precise parts and checking their extent. This saves a lot of loans that would certainly have been utilized while producing dummies at the time of creating.
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Game Growth and Designing: Video gaming is a part, as well as parcel of each, 's life nowadays. One of the most fascinating video gameplays is an outcome of penalty as well as creating a 3D movie studio.
Medical care Industry: For every one of us, health precedes as well as to keep it, all of us need the best healthcare services that are upgraded and durable. The healthcare market uses Cartoon Series Animation in Delhi on a big range to view inner organ performances and also illness. Not only this, they make use of computer animation to understand and also research study various surgical procedures, the influence of medicines and also various other future potential customers.
A couple of devices that are the primary contributors to performing 3D computer animation are:
3D's Max
Revit as well as many more.
E-mail: [email protected] Address: Citrus Ink Studios Pvt. Ltd. D-59 Defence Colony, 2nd Floor New Delhi, India Phone: +91-99584-14747 / 95602-07000 Website: http://www.citrusinkstudios.com/
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caydenzrqj829-blog · 4 years
A Straightforward Plan For Showbox Android Apk Download
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This operating system provides flexibility of action without customer arrangement verification necessary. The process of installing this application is very comparable to the setup of various other significant applications. The weight of the program has actually additionally been minimized as a result of exterior web links as well as the redirection to any kind of third-party solutions. Download ShowBox for the most recent and much boosted version effortlessly via the devices previously discussed. Customers can currently arrange motion pictures as well as television series by category, titles, as well as score.
This nonetheless depends on the nation territory that you stay in. In some nations it might be illegal for the audiences as well. The Movie Association of America (MPAA) collaborated with officials in Vietnam to close down the initial 123Movies. While the original site closed down, numerous other web sites have because shown up. There is no challenging the fact that 123Movies is illegal in the USA.
Cellphone using just those abilities are known as function phones; mobile phones which provide significantly advanced computing capacities are described as smart devices. Smart devices integrate a mobile phone and a handheld computer right into a solitary device.
Japan's Capcom Co. has actually sold 12 million copies of its Street Competitor games globally and also numbers that 25 million Americans have played the video games in your home or in games. Not authorities; the numbers were approximated adhering to a Vapor API data leak in July 2018, which gave player possession estimates for video games on the system that have accomplishments. The preferred fight Royale video game PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, additionally called PUBG, currently has just as numerous players as Fortnite at over 200 million users. According to The showbox Edge, PUBG for Mobile now has 200 million customers and also regarding 30 million active everyday customers.
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Apps provide user to perform a task better with the help of the gesture. It is very easy to navigate through, unlike the website. A well-designed application can perform tasks much faster than a website. Apps usually store data locally on mobile devices, due to this reason data is hardly extinct in apps.
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When it comes to efficiently handle the tons of undesirable texts that individuals recieve all day, SMS Coordinator is made by Microsoft and the app transforms out to be a fantastic aid. he number of apps in the Google Play Shop has actually expanded to around 2.8 million by September 2019.
What are mobile applications?
Native apps include Android, Windows Phone, and iOS. Hybrid apps are designed for platforms including Xamarin, Angular Mobile Sencha Touch, React Native, Iconic and others. On the other hand, web-based apps are responsive versions of websites designed in order to work on any mobile device.
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Nevertheless, the films are a few years (and also decades) old, so you're not going to locate the most recent and best from Sony on Crackle. There are great ones in nearly every film genre though, consisting of (however not limited to) drama, scary, and sci-fi. Nonetheless, you have to see advertisements every 20 mins or so throughout movies.
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Gangstar Vegas They have amazing features, and you can play them offline. Though the story mode in Gangstar Vegas can be played offline, being connected to the internet gives you access to loads of amazing features.
Metro Surfers Was one of the most Downloaded Game of the Decade.
While the old-fashioned comedies and also motion pictures are wonderful, these streaming firms are pushing new and also original material that takes advantage of 4K HDR playback as well as informs a few of the most effective stories. After that others provide you a system to make your very own video clips and share them with the globe. Having an information application to accumulation what is essential to you while also offering you a concept of what's going on in the rest of the globe is essential.
Firebase is built on Google infrastructure and ranges instantly, for even the largest applications. Don't choose your phone's integrated application-- offer these leading calculator apps a shot. Facebook seems to be testing a Dark Mode for its Android application, evaluating by records from Android customers. Excel, Word as well as PowerPoint, and also a bunch of mobile productivity functions, have been arranged right into Microsoft Workplace app. Every two weeks we include a new app to this list as well as you'll locate the latest enhancement listed below.
Desires assess and also talk to-- video game building set.
PowerDirector works as a complete movie manufacturer right from your phone. Modify several tracks, include video clip impacts, shifts, and also voiceovers, and utilize the built-in chroma vital function to produce 4K top quality phone video.
Popcornflix has more than 1,500 motion pictures that consist of comedy, drama, horror, activity, romance, household, documentary movies, and also international films. These high-grade flicks look magnificent on whatever dimension of display or screen you're watching them on.
0 notes
michellelewis7162 · 5 years
Start Along with iOS App Advancement
Start Along with iOS App Advancement
 Path for a Successful iphone App Development
 If you do not have growth capabilities, you could get online tutorials as well as classes to learn the most up to date methods. After receiving enough training, you may prepare to plunge right into making your mobile application. Stand by! Creating and also development is simply one step on the significant step ladder of a successful mobile function development IOS App Ratings. Buy App Ratings
 Whether you are organizing to develop applications for Android, iphone or even Windows, it is important to find out the need for development as well as other essential variables cited below:
 Why you are creating the use?
That will utilize it?
What is actually the specialized and also just how will you establish?
Exactly how it will assist users?
When is the deadline for fulfillment?
This may seem taxing and also absurd for you, however seeking to generate an iphone application without determining the procedure, objective as well as USPs of your request feels like walking when driving at twelve o'clock at night without any factor.
 This piece will assist you on apple iphone application growth in addition to explain the value of determining why, what, that, exactly how as well as when of application creation.
 1. Why and Who?
 Why are you building this application? Who will utilize it? I understand, you might have a straightforward solution, "Everybody, considering that this is actually going to be actually the next huge trait." The solution appears alright, yet you need to have to reveal what is that "large point," only after that users are going to get your production.
 You can easily not thoughtlessly claim "Everyone." Your application should have a function and target audience. In basic phrases, why would individuals spend your application, if it is of no worth to all of them? Hundreds and also hundreds of iphone applications already feeds on iTunes. Unless all yours possesses something excellent and enticing, nobody will download and install and also undoubtedly won't obtain it! Offer a function to your advancement.
 2. What as well as How?
 The moment you are actually comprehensive with why and who, the next action is to define your app tip as well as progression procedure. You probably have an approximation about your use, but available primitive or overall idea does not work!
 For iPhone treatment progression, you require to specifically understand what will you just like to develop like defining the attributes of your application as well as being compatible, as well as just how will you impart those components IOS App Ratings.
 3. When?
 As soon as you are very clear along with what and just how, it is actually time to specify when. A development program record needs to have to become made to list down your choices - the procedure, target market, attributes of the application, your routine, devices you will definitely need to have, added help you could need (might be actually a developer) and also the anticipated price.
 The planning requires not be a book along with many thousand webpages; it must be short in bullet factors. The development program are going to help you meet your targets without going out of budget.
 There are tons of excellent ways out certainly there to discover iOS in today times. The fantastic point is that a lot of those information are on call as well as free of cost quickly internet!
 In the early days, the only resources out there were actually publications that you must acquire as well as read by means of. That is actually how I learned iOS. Due to the fact that one of the ultimate learning sources readily available today are the Stanford apple iphone Programming Course videos that are actually free of charge on iTunes, I wouldn't encourage knowing this way today. There have to do with 50 videos and also they are actually essentially the training program speaks videotaped and offered complimentary so that you may install them as well as see them as if you were being in the classroom at Stanford University!
 Despite this fantastic source, make sure that you carry out some real html coding and method workouts throughout enjoying the video clips. When I found out iOS development, I review the entire book coming from frontal cover to back as well as realized that when I beinged in front end of the keyboard to create code, I really did not know where to start!
 Much like reading guide front end to back, if you enjoy all the talks without ever carrying out any workouts, you won't absorb the component as well as by the end of the lectures, you'll possess a scamming confidence in your own self IOS App Ratings.
 Only when you sit facing XCode (the growth atmosphere where you write code to construct iOS apps), you'll understand that checking out online video lectures is not the exact same trait as really doing the coding!
 The various other point you may look at are actually YouTube video recordings where individuals show you just how to code. The many things to be careful of, having said that, is actually incomplete video series or video recordings where the writer does not instruct as well as only informs you what to click on or even type. In that case, you're not actually knowing; just observing a dish.
 Lastly, Apple likewise supplies fantastic tutorials and flying starts for new developers. When you enroll as an Apple iphone designer, you'll have access to these sources along with their developer online forums where you can inquire and respond to questions IOS App Ratings.
 One of the most important point, despite which method you pick to use, is actually to engage in as well as neglect swiftly; because simply via stopping working and exercising will definitely you increase as well as know! Do not fret if you don't recognize everything. The most ideal way I located to find out was really to start coding and afterwards when I came across one thing that I really did not recognize how to accomplish, I would merely search for how to accomplish it online and include that knowledge into my repertoire IOS App Ratings.
 Look at the 3 iphone applications of the time - High Voltage, NBA Jam, Soccer Superstars 2011.
 High Voltage:
 It's inactivity the zombies. Install this game for free of charge and also obtain involved in a severe exciting. Shake your phone to lure zombies to electrodes. This way, zombies will get eliminated. The setting performs not stay the very same as the electrodes changes their place after at some time. Furthermore, zombies watch your tactic as well as discover a way out of it. You have to make use of more of your mind to locate another way to kill all of them.
 This video game looks different from all previous zombies' activities. You do not need to fret about the graphics as they are definitely trendy. Given that sound effects are also best, you can not complain concerning the sound impacts. Cope the zombies by using your skills and also acquire awards. Later on you may upload ball game on the net as well as you can easily tell the planet how many skills you have. Chart made for this activity is ideal according to the game style. If you really love activities than you have to try this one.
 NBA Jam:
 If you enjoy basketball, this is actually an essential iphone game for you. Developed by EA Sports, select from 30 NBA staffs to enjoy like you never ever have in the past. You may open the folklores of this activity and also some secret players too. If you don't want to wait for a succeed to uncover all of them, you can easily additionally acquire them whenever you desire from the JAM retail store IOS App Ratings.
 You never acquire worn out while playing it. It possesses 3 modes available. Either you may play through picking a crew or you may possess a match along with your friend through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. It has obtained trendy interface. You possess 2 control choices like D-pad and also gesture-based, you can easily decide on any type of one you prefer. Happen fire. This activity has acquired cool and also basic user interface, remarkable graphics, truly good prudent effects and other attributes. Yet it bills $9.99. Therefore cash in and possess this impressive game in your phone.
 Soccer Superstars 2011:
 Having 6 various modes, this game is a real enjoyable. This activity consists of 60 clubs, 3000 players and 79 races. You have a whole lot of gamers readily available from which you may choose whichever you prefer to. New variation has produced the updates like it consists of header and free kick etc
 . You can easily also produce as well as build a gamer of your own. Service provider of your player starts from Rookie level. Participate in with different periods, boost his capabilities, train him and also compete against AI to strengthen his carrier and also make him a superstar. You can additionally buy different things for your gamer. This game is actually really addicting. You can individualize your player at anytime that consists of adjustment in his label, physical body components and so on
 . Ideal Tips for Hiring an IOS App Developer
 For the individuals, who have created their thoughts and are interested in creating an iphone request to meet their organisation demands (whether they wish to advertise their company market values by means of an app or even wish some enterprise document to enrich the productivity of their business/organization), it is actually critical to comply with some resourceful suggestions to work with a dependable creator for their project IOS App Ratings.
 There are a number of variables that need to have to be taken into consideration while tapping the services of specialist professionals for generating an iOS request. Though, there is no lack of skillful iphone application programmers in the marketplace, you may quickly discover a well-suited one for your task. What you require to accomplish is actually merely follow some crucial and also particular recommendations while employing all of them to ensure a fit creator.
 Make A Proposal:
 Before starting the working with procedure, the quite initial thing that needs to have to become carried out is actually producing a detailed file that will definitely exemplify the proposition along with elucidated development periods. Your plan should include the task details, and target dates for every development phase IOS App Ratings.
 It's advisable to pay for the application growth volume along with the completion of each development period, rather than paying the comprehensive amount initially. This will definitely help you always keep the creators encouraged to meet the said plan and also hence, will enable you to get your project achieved punctually.
 Where to situate them?
 After designing the plan, you are going to need to explore the developers. The Internet offers a terrific medium to look and situate practically everything easily. You may use internet sites like Elance, Freelancers, Guru, and so on, they serve a substantial checklist of very skillful developers. You can upload your job over there and fascinated developers can easily press on it. And after that you can easily pick an ideal creator, nevertheless it's recommended to accomplish certain crosschecks (discussed in the complying with factors) just before closing the deal to ensure that the chosen specialist is excellent for the project IOS App Ratings.
 Check their live instances carefully:
 You have to evaluate their work premium prior to hiring them. It has to have done particular tasks in the past times if it is actually a skilled firm. You can test all of them by taking a look at their online projects. Download and install any type of current task (if it's on call free of cost) and also operate the venture thoroughly; additionally check out whether it has actually carried out some task on the most recent model of iphone or otherwise, this are going to aid select a provider that is updated and also possesses the skills and also expertise about ongoing application establishing patterns. If you like the high quality and also locate it pleasing good enough to proceed, proceed further just.
 Evaluation Client testimonies and also review:
 To acquire a precise as well as very clear image of the service top quality and also to receive aware of the operations that a provider displays, there are actually 2 tools that make it possible for one to effortlessly examine these elements as well as these are actually customer testimonials and their collection. It is actually highly suggested to review these 2 points for understanding the solutions of a firm in a far better means.
 Make certain that the selected programmer is registered on Apple App Store:
Given that, Apple doesn't make it possible for programmers to discharge an Apple app publicly without getting authorized from the App Store, it is vital for designers to have a registered account with Apple. Work with a developer that has a registered profile IOS App Ratings.
 Making an iphone function will certainly gain you. To receive its own perks for boosting your business, a helpful, distinct and resourceful application is actually required. And for producing such function, it is actually consistently a worthwhile option to work with an expert and also expert iphone developer. You can follow the above stated recommendations while hiring a qualified to make certain a worthwhile investment.
 Podcasting has been a prominent tool for listening to radio and also world wide web broadcasts for a long times currently. The principle is straightforward: each time you plug your MP3 player into a personal computer, bunch it along with the most recent incidents of your beloved podcasts and also pay attention to them later on, when you're out and also about. Numerous phones now act as MP3 players and numerous MP3 players are actually currently internet-enabled. Shouldn't it be actually achievable to pack the latest podcasts without a link to a computer? That is actually where Podcaster comes in. Podcaster was actually the initial feature-rich podcast download customer to stand for the iphone system, first as a jailbroken application, after that in reduced functionality in the App Store as RSS Player, at that point finally as the full-fledged valid Podcaster iphone application. Continue reading to discover only how effectively it works.
 Podcaster has a wide range of really valuable and novel components, featuring:
 Supports audio as well as video podcasts
Downloads podcasts without iTunes
Downloads podcasts without requiring a WIFI connection
Downloads podcasts in the background for 10 minutes after the app is actually closed
Resumes partially-downloaded podcasts
Downloads coming from password-protected podcast feeds
Look for new podcast incidents at pre-programmed opportunities of time and includes all of them to the download queue
Inspections all feeds for brand-new podcast episodes on-demand
When brand-new incidents are readily available for download, push alerts
When downloads are total, optionally available audio impacts suggest
Flow incidents without installing at all
Retina Graphics
Custom playlists
Resumes participating in instantly after disruptions
Plays podcasts in the background
Sustains iPod-compatible cordless and also wired remotes
Assists bluetooth sound speakers
Portion via email, Facebook, Twitter as well as Dropbox
Exports as well as bring ins OPML backup files
Bring ins podcasts from iTunes or the iPod app
Supports external displays
Obtainable along with VoiceOver
Sleep timer
The History of Podcaster
 I'm going to go off on a tangent from the typical review here to enter into Podcaster's troubled past as I know it. Podcaster was initially filled in the very early days of the App Store, yet was actually swiftly denied by Apple. Apple's reason for this was that Podcaster broke App Store policies by replicating attributes featured along with Apple's operating system. While it is actually real that the iTunes app therefore (as it performs today) possessed the capacity to downlaod podcasts directly to the gadget, it was actually a quite cumbersome procedure that involved finding as well as downloading and install podcast incidents one at a time, each time you wanted to get new ones. This was actually a dreadful answer. Feel me, I tried it for some time. I at some point acquired supplied up, and this was among the things that led me to jailbreak my very own tool, however I digress. After breakdown in the application outlet, Podcaster's author released it as a jailbroken app, and there it remained for a long time. At some point, the writer created an additional application phoned RSS Player.
 RSS Player was actually an application designed to track world wide web RSS supplies and also enable audio web content in those feeds to be used the tool. It is important to keep in mind listed below that a podcast is actually described (in technical terms) a listing of audio files encrypted into an RSS feed; the author had actually found a sly means to receive a podcast gamer in to the app shop through redefining what the application was actually intended to do. RSS Player was actually not rather. It was actually such a stripped-down version of Podcaster that frequently it rarely operated whatsoever. It underwent several improve patterns, yet while those updates taken care of a few of its concerns, they consistently presented extra. I definitely would not have highly recommended RSS Player to anybody however one of the most die-hard podcast enthusiasts.
 Then after what appeared like permanently, the time lastly came that Podcaster was allowed into the App Store. The writer must make a handful of compromises (some of which I'll explain eventually), and the application obtained refused a married couple a lot more opportunities prior to it was ultimately approved, but factors have been better ever since.
 Operation and also Ease-of-Use
 Several of Podcaster's interface has a little bit of a learning-curve to it, once you identify the fundamentals, it may be very simple to use. The first thing you'll likely would like to do is add your preferred podcasts to the feed. To carry out this, tap the directory icon under of the app. There certainly, you have numerous choices to discover your podcasts, yet one of the most valuable are actually 'Search by Title' as well as 'Import'. Look by headline looks a directory site of podcasts. This directory site is inadequate as well as occasionally includes unreliable relevant information. This is not the fault of Podcaster's writer; the podcast directory needed to be actually put together in such a way that performs certainly not break Apple's App Store policies, and also a directory kept through Podcaster's author is among Podcaster's couple of staying planned attributes of which Apple does not approve. Podcaster attracts upon a directory generated by the application's customers, for this reason the flawed relevant information. If you find yourself not able to locate a podcast there certainly, or even need to access a password-protected feed, make use of the 'Import' area. There, you can load feeds coming from an internet deal with or import all of them from an OPML data.
 Stability has actually been traditionally skimpy along with Podcaster, and while it is actually globes of enhancement over its forerunner RSS Player, there are actually still lots of infections and also hiccups to be possessed. While the application attempts to spare the area you were at in your podcast when you close it or get a phone call, it doesn't regularly prosper. The download errors from previous variations appear to be long-gone, however there are actually still some chronic shadiness bugs that you may obtain. I've gotten stuck into a setting where Podcaster would certainly participate in every audip documents definitely fast, creating everyone sound like chipmunks. I had to totally reset the settings to fail to correct that. I've obtained penetrated a setting where it would not advance to the next episode after one ended up unless I did it by hand. I could not take care of that without re-installing the app. Updates regularly seem to deal with some bugs, but launch more. And every when in a long although, something will certainly go wrong with my podcast list, which once more needs me to clean everything and start from scratch. The training: Podcaster is a great resource, however if you utilize it, back up your podcast list on a regular basis utilizing the Backup icon (in the 'More' section).
 Final thought
 Podcaster has stood firm through a questionable background to end up being the wonderful app that it is today. Though there are still a couple of snags that appear on a relatively frequent manner, I will still advise it to any avid podcast audience. I'll offer this application a 4 away from 5.
 Designing and also growth is simply one measure on the large ladder of an effective mobile application progression IOS App Ratings.
 There is actually no dearth of skilled iphone app programmers in the market, you may conveniently locate an appropriate one for your job. Podcaster was actually the initial feature-rich podcast download client to appear for the iOS platform, to begin with as a jailbroken application, at that point in lowered functionality in the App Store as RSS Player, then finally as the full-fledged legitimate Podcaster iOS application. After breakdown in the app shop, Podcaster's author launched it as a jailbroken application, and also there it remained for a long time. It is actually crucial to note here that a podcast is determined (in technical terms) a list of audio files encoded right into an RSS feed; the writer had actually located a shifty means to obtain a podcast player into the application outlet by redefining what the app was wanted to do.
0 notes
almeidaagui98 · 5 years
Morphology - The New Innovation Lingo
I encountered this book entitled “The Morphology of Modern Linguistics” at the just recently concluded 2006 World Book Fair in Singapore. Interested, I searched Wikipedia, my preferred individuals’s encyclopedia, for “morphology” which is included under linguistics, mathematics and even biology. 
   What about innovation, particularly in the present middle of pattern modifications, and specifically when it comes to infotech? 
   In addition to all the above, the most recent I have actually become aware of is that you might also alter your cam image, without even a requirement for a cam while live chatting. Individuals are now able to include animated texts and photos to the cam image, or phony it with another face accompanied by genuine gestures and expressions, which is enabled by something that may be called web cam morpher. 
   And, right in the heart of that incredible marvel lies the morphology of innovation, which indicates the adjustment and adjustment of end-results by computer system jobs. 
   Another info front that represents this brand-new morphology idea is the individual absorption of multimedia clips. Forget the dispute over Blu-ray DVD or HD-DVD; this has to do with the listeners and audiences being empowered to modify audio and video quality at will. More technically stated, DVD morpher software application uses a capability to change music and motion pictures, including unique audio and video impacts to the tracks or eliminating undesirable scenes from preferred videos. 
   The method computer systems are used to the world has, because the huge building and construction of undersea fiber optic cable televisions and the continuous advancement of complementary software, been changed into more than simply a regular work-study design template, however an experience of networking and home entertainment. 
   Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is one apparent platform that experiences the technological morphology. No longer should VoIP users be restricted to their own voices while speaking to households, going over organisation matters or carrying out long-distance interviews. Voice changers might easily change natural voices throughout numerous varieties, like age, gender, or both. 
   About the Author: 
   He might be called at [email protected] (Attention to Josh Nowell). 
   Josh Nowell is a press reporter for Media Morpher. He is an observer of innovation patterns and likes evaluating how innovation might improve the human life.
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riverzrds735-blog · 5 years
How Executive Coaching can Save You Time, Stress, and Money.
Digital photography drones permit individuals to record images that formerly can just be drawn from helicopters or aircrafts. An increasing number of digital photographers are purchasing drones and also attempting their hand at aerial photography. If you're new to both drones and digital photography, begin by reading the Best Cam Drones Acquiring Guide. It introduces all the crucial elements to take into consideration when picking a photography drone, consisting of trip security, image systems, transmission systems, smart attributes, transportability, and also solution.
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This additionally puts on aerial photography drones. In the drone market, a 1-inch sensing unit is arising as the brand-new gold requirement being utilized by customer drones like the brand-new Mavic 2 Pro as well as specialist photography drones like the Phantom 4 Pro V 2.0. One of the most powerful specialist photography drone, the Inspire 2 (with a Zenmuse X 5 electronic camera), makes use of a 4/3-inch CMOS sensing unit.
According to our examinations, the Mavic Pro and Phantom both offer top quality images during daytime capturing. The video resolutions of drones can vary from lower-quality HD to 4K. If your video editing entails adding a filter and uploading to Facebook or Instagram, shooting in 1080p suffices. Yet if you are a vlogger or you wish to fire motion picture video clip, you 'd much better work in 4K.
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If you're beginning with 1080p source material, the resulting video may be significantly less sharp. 4K video offers you great deals of added pixels to play with. You may additionally see frameworks per second (fps) noted in drone specs. Fps determines the amount of unique consecutive pictures a cam can manage each secondly.
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Nevertheless, for unique impacts like slow-moving movement, you may need 60fps. If you do not do your post-production with Lightroom or Photoshop, ignore this area. However virtually every photographer edits their pictures somehow. If a photography drone can shoot RAW/DNG images, this enables a range of editing and enhancing options in post-production.
It's specifically useful for nighttime shoots. RAW/DNG layouts develop even more opportunities for airborne digital photographers. (The left is the Raw photo I shot with P 4P. The right is the last work.) Stable floating is immensely vital for picture top quality. If the drone can't hover, it will continuously increase, drop, or drift, leading to blurred pictures.
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Hereof, lots of pilots agree that DJI drones are far-and-away the leading designs on the marketplace. Don't believe me? View a number of DJI drone videos on You Tube as well as look into their hovering feature. It goes without saying, Flicker's hovering functions are specifically good. A gimbal is an essential tool for constant video clips.
Without a gimbal, shaky video clips are inevitable. Constantly keep in mind to choose a cam drone with a placed gimbal to prevent this. Regarding I recognize, the DJI Phantom collection was the very first customer drone collection to be geared up with a 3-axis gimbal. The brand-new Mavic 2 likewise uses a tiny 3-axis gimbal created for smaller sized drones that is confirming to be an evolutionary criteria in placed gimbal technology.
The drone market doesn't have an option to this yet. Drones with trip times over 20 mins are considered high-level in the market. It's certainly much better to select a drone with a longer flight time, such as the Mavic 2, which includes a max flight time of 31 mins. Nonetheless, the more crucial thing is discovering exactly how to finest use every 2nd, as well as to purchase least two extra batteries.
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Not just because they have good photo top quality as well as an excellent trip control system, however likewise because they come outfitted with smart features to sustain capturing. Drones can track you instantly, fly along waypoints, take selfies with a gesture, and also extra. Various photography drones have special functions. The Mavic 2 Zoom, as an example, has two-times optical zoom that enables users to go in for the close-up shot without disturbing their topic.
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( Vertical capturing) There are many advantages to possessing a popular drone. For starters, it makes it much easier to obtain responses to your questions. Let's claim you locate a trouble with your drone. With prominent drone designs, you can promptly find a remedy via various other pilots on on-line forums or social media groups.
You can also acquire an entire host of third-party devices. The Mavic 2 is DJI's most current front runner consumer drone that's best for experts and lovers. Users have 2 powerful lens options to select from with the Mavic 2: Pro and also Zoom. With Pro, you'll obtain a Hasselblad video camera with a 1-inch CMOS sensing unit, while the Mavic 2 Zoom has a 1/2.3- inch 12 MP sensor with two-times optical zoom.
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Quick realities: Two lens choices: Pro and Zoom Up to 31 min of trip time 44 mph (72 kph) max rate 4.97 mi (8 kilometres) transmission array Sensing units on all sides for sophisticated challenge evasion Imaginative shooting options like Dolly Zoom and also Hyperlapse The Mavic Air is a professional-grade drone packed right into a little, mobile package.
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mariolibq250-blog · 5 years
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Digital photography drones permit individuals to record photos that formerly might just be taken from helicopters or aircrafts. Increasingly more professional photographers are acquiring drones as well as trying their hand at aerial digital photography. If you're brand-new to both drones and digital photography, beginning by checking out the Ideal Video camera Drones Getting Guide. It presents all the crucial elements to consider when choosing a digital photography drone, including trip safety and security, photo systems, transmission systems, intelligent attributes, transportability, as well as solution.
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This likewise puts on aerial photography drones. In the drone market, a 1-inch sensing unit is becoming the new gold criterion being used by customer drones like the new Mavic 2 Pro and also expert photography drones like the Phantom 4 Pro V 2.0. The most effective professional digital photography drone, the Inspire 2 (with a Zenmuse X 5 camera), utilizes a 4/3-inch CMOS sensing unit.
According to our examinations, the Mavic Pro as well as Phantom both give top quality pictures during daytime capturing. The video resolutions of drones can differ from lower-quality HD to 4K. If your video editing and enhancing entails including a filter and also submitting to Facebook or Instagram, capturing in 1080p suffices. Yet if you are a vlogger or you wish to shoot cinematic video clip, you would certainly much better operate in 4K.
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If you're beginning with 1080p resource material, the resulting video clip might be noticeably much less sharp. 4K video offers you great deals of extra pixels to have fun with. You may also see frameworks per second (fps) listed in drone specs. Fps determines how lots of distinct successive pictures a video camera can deal with each secondly.
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Nonetheless, for special impacts like sluggish activity, you might require 60fps. If you do not do your post-production with Lightroom or Photoshop, disregard this section. Yet virtually every professional photographer edits their images somehow. If a photography drone can shoot RAW/DNG pictures, this allows for a variety of modifying choices in post-production.
It's particularly useful for nighttime shoots. RAW/DNG formats create even more possibilities for airborne digital photographers. (The left is the Raw image I fired with P 4P. The right is the last job.) Secure hovering is significantly crucial for picture top quality. If the drone can't float, it will constantly rise, fall, or drift, leading to fuzzy photos.
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In this respect, numerous pilots agree that DJI drones are far-and-away the leading versions on the market. Do not think me? See a pair of DJI drone video clips on You Tube and also take a look at their hovering feature. It goes without saying, Flicker's floating features are specifically great. A gimbal is a crucial tool for consistent videos.
Without a gimbal, shaky videos are unpreventable. Constantly keep in mind to select a video camera drone with an installed gimbal to prevent this. As much as I know, the DJI Phantom collection was the first customer drone collection to be equipped with a 3-axis gimbal. The new Mavic 2 additionally utilizes a little 3-axis gimbal designed for smaller drones that is confirming to be an evolutionary criteria in installed gimbal innovation.
The drone sector does not have an option to this yet. Drones with trip times over 20 minutes are thought about high-level in the market. It's most definitely much better to choose a drone with a much longer flight time, such as the Mavic 2, which includes a max trip time of 31 minutes. Nonetheless, the more vital point is discovering how to finest use every second, as well as to purchase the very least two extra batteries.
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Not just due to the fact that they have excellent picture top quality and a good trip control system, yet additionally since they come outfitted with intelligent features to support capturing. Drones can track you automatically, fly along waypoints, take selfies with a gesture, as well as much more. Various photography drones have unique functions. The Mavic 2 Zoom, as an example, has two-times optical zoom that allows individuals to go in for the close-up shot without interrupting their subject.
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( Vertical capturing) There are lots of advantages to possessing a preferred drone. For starters, it makes it much easier to get answers to your inquiries. Let's claim you find an issue with your drone. With preferred drone designs, you can swiftly discover an option with other pilots on online forums or social networks groups.
You can additionally purchase an entire host of third-party accessories. The Mavic 2 is DJI's most current front runner customer drone that's best for professionals and also enthusiasts. Individuals have two powerful lens options to select from with the Mavic 2: Pro and Zoom. With Pro, you'll get a Hasselblad camera with a 1-inch CMOS sensor, while the Mavic 2 Zoom has a 1/2.3- inch 12 MP sensing unit with two-times optical zoom.
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Quick truths: Two lens options: Pro and Zoom Up to 31 min of flight time 44 mph (72 kph) max rate 4.97 mi (8 kilometres) transmission range Sensors on all sides for innovative challenge evasion Innovative capturing options like Dolly Zoom as well as Hyperlapse The Mavic Air is a professional-grade drone loaded right into a little, portable package.
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lorenzoofum631-blog · 5 years
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Digital photography drones enable people to record images that previously can just be extracted from helicopters or planes. A lot more and extra photographers are acquiring drones as well as trying their hand at aerial photography. If you're brand-new to both drones as well as digital photography, beginning by reading the most effective Electronic camera Drones Purchasing Overview. It introduces all the crucial elements to consider when selecting a photography drone, including flight safety and security, image systems, transmission systems, intelligent features, portability, and also solution.
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This likewise puts on aerial digital photography drones. In the drone market, a 1-inch sensor is emerging as the brand-new gold requirement being used by consumer drones like the new Mavic 2 Pro and also specialist photography drones like the Phantom 4 Pro V 2.0. The most effective professional photography drone, the Inspire 2 (with a Zenmuse X 5 electronic camera), utilizes a 4/3-inch CMOS sensing unit.
According to our tests, the Mavic Pro and also Phantom both give top quality pictures during daytime shooting. The video resolutions of drones can differ from lower-quality HD to 4K. If your video clip editing includes adding a filter as well as uploading to Facebook or Instagram, shooting in 1080p is sufficient. But if you are a vlogger or you want to fire motion picture video, you 'd better function in 4K.
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If you're starting with 1080p resource material, the resulting video clip might be noticeably much less sharp. 4K video offers you great deals of extra pixels to play with. You may also see frameworks per second (fps) noted in drone specs. Fps dictates the amount of distinct successive pictures an electronic camera can handle each secondly.
However, for special impacts like sluggish movement, you might require 60fps. If you do not do your post-production with Lightroom or Photoshop, disregard this area. However almost every photographer modifies their pictures in some means. If a digital photography drone can fire RAW/DNG photos, this allows for a selection of editing options in post-production.
It's specifically helpful for nighttime shoots. RAW/DNG layouts develop even more possibilities for aerial digital photographers. (The left is the Raw picture I fired with P 4P. The right is the final job.) Secure hovering is enormously essential for photo top quality. If the drone can not hover, it will continuously increase, fall, or drift, leading to blurred images.
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Hereof, many pilots agree that DJI drones are far-and-away the leading versions on the marketplace. Do not think me? View a number of DJI drone video clips on You Tube as well as have a look at their hovering function. It goes without saying, Spark's floating features are especially good. A gimbal is a crucial piece of equipment for consistent videos.
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Without a gimbal, unstable video clips are unavoidable. Always remember to pick an electronic camera drone with a mounted gimbal to avoid this. Regarding I know, the DJI Phantom collection was the very first consumer drone collection to be outfitted with a 3-axis gimbal. The brand-new Mavic 2 also uses a tiny 3-axis gimbal developed for smaller sized drones that is verifying to be an evolutionary standard in placed gimbal technology.
The drone sector doesn't have an option to this yet. Drones with flight times over 20 mins are considered top-level in the sector. It's certainly better to pick a drone with a longer trip time, such as the Mavic 2, which features a max flight time of 31 mins. Nevertheless, the more vital point is finding out just how to best usage every 2nd, and to purchase the very least two additional batteries.
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Not only due to the fact that they have good image quality as well as a great trip control system, yet also because they come equipped with smart functions to support capturing. Drones can track you instantly, fly along waypoints, take selfies with a gesture, and also extra. Different photography drones have distinct features. The Mavic 2 Zoom, as an example, has two-times optical zoom that permits users to embrace the close-up shot without disturbing their subject.
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( Vertical shooting) There are several benefits to owning a popular drone. For beginners, it makes it much easier to obtain answers to your concerns. Let's state you discover an issue with your drone. With prominent drone versions, you can rapidly find an option through other pilots on online discussion forums or social networks groups.
You can additionally purchase a whole host of third-party devices. The Mavic 2 is DJI's latest flagship consumer drone that's ideal for experts and fanatics. Individuals have two powerful lens options to pick from with the Mavic 2: Pro as well as Zoom. With Pro, you'll obtain a Hasselblad video camera with a 1-inch CMOS sensor, while the Mavic 2 Zoom has a 1/2.3- inch 12 MP sensing unit with two-times optical zoom.
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Quick realities: Two lens options: Pro and Zoom Up to 31 min of trip time 44 mph (72 kph) max rate 4.97 mi (8 km) transmission variety Sensing units on all sides for sophisticated challenge evasion Creative shooting choices like Dolly Zoom as well as Hyperlapse The Mavic Air is a professional-grade drone packed right into a tiny, portable package.
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