#also the sith that's a biggie
sullustangin · 1 year
So ridiculous question: Did Valkorion ever come out while Eva and Theron were having sex?
This made me laugh out loud! Thanks for the larf; I've needed it due to IRL stuff. <3
Ok, so, the short answer is NO. Valky is repulsed by Theron and tends to go mope in his prison in Eva's head whenever our favorite spy shows up. He wants NOTHING to do with her private life. Theron is icky to him, and he'd rather gargle razor blades and iodine than get an eyeful.
The slightly longer answer in my universe: I imagine that Valkorion screwed up when he picked Eva to be his host. At the time, a Force User made sense, but he's done that before -- booooring. Plus there's no crueler way to further fuck up your not-favorite son than to create a vessel that can kick his ass -- and can't even use the Force naturally. Smugglers are greedy and weak-minded -- this will be easy.
Valkorion didn't anticipate that the vessel could not only hold him but trap him. He thought he could just take up residence, upgrade Eva's arsenal and give her Force abilities, then take the Throne back. No biggie, even if Arcann did chuck her in a freezer for five years. ....but then Valkorion found that he couldn't just take control. He couldn't do what he did on Ziost.
Is he weaker? Is she stronger than Jedi Masters (at least the Hero of Tython in Act 2 and the Sixth Line)? In my universe, it's a bit of both.
Valkorion picked the most stubborn, Force-null, immune-to-manipulation criminal in the galaxy. This is known in the game since we see at least 2 instances (one on Tatooine and one in an FP) where the Smuggler laughs off an attempt to influence them, much to the Sith's consternation. Combine that with the loss of power that the Emperor had when the Valkrion body was slain; I don't think all of the Emperor's power went to the Outlander in a 1:1 transfer.
Valky lost something when he died, and Eva is particularly resistant to the Force. She can tossed around by it, like any visible object, but her own presence in it isn't particularly strong. I've headcanoned that Force Users can't just sense her Life Force, reach out, and grab her; Miraluka have trouble perceiving her and extensive cyborgs like Arn (another headcanon of mine). Direct line of sight in the same room? Yes, she can be acted upon, but it's not as easy as it could be. Force Users also can't do stuff like Force Choke her across a commlink, like Vader does. Eva is difficult to act upon, if that makes sense. Valkorion can talk to her, but it takes a lot of effort; this is why he's sometimes there, sometimes not.
We see in KotFE several instances where Valkorion exerts himself to save the Outlander's life -- because it saves his life. I imagine that he does exhaust himself in these expenditures, which causes him to go silent for much of the six months between KotFE and KotET. As much as Eva is stuck with Valkorion in her head, Valkorion is equally unable to leave, and he is NOT HAPPY about Eva's lifestyle overall.
Valkorion is not going to waste his energy and make himself want to drink bleach by interrupting sexy time. Also, if he was going to do a body hijack prior to the Throne, the last person he'd do it in front of would be Theron. Theron may be an inferior being for lacking the Force, but he is perceptive. It's a combination of Theron being brilliant at analysis and observation (spy and operations manager), but also the love factor. I do imagine Valkorion loved Senya at some point, and people in love notice their partner -how they move, what they do when they're in a mood, etc. Valkorion is just smart enough to know Theron would catch on fast if Eva wasn't herself. He was human, once, after all.
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pentacass · 1 year
Was Eva separated from her sister as a child or did Eva discover she had a sister later in life? Does Ves have a plan for if things go wrong when knowingly knocks back a poison drink or is Ves just a dumbass? Does Roziq and Elara's reunion happen more or less like a romanced Elara in game or does it go differently?
*head rattling sounds continue in the distance* <3
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Was Eva separated from her sister as a child or did Eva discover she had a sister later in life?
Eva was close to her older sister, Elarin - who is Force-sensitive. When it manifested, their family kept it tightly under wraps for years, until Elarin couldn't control it anymore. She was 'gifted' to the Sith to build relations with the Empire.
Eva was heartbroken when Elarin left, and devastated when they received news of Elarin's demise a year later. The family probed, but all they got was a vague 'Jedi ambushed our Sith acolytes' story. They recognised the smokescreen, but only Eva decided to pursue it further. She wanted to believe her sister is alive; if not, then she would give Elarin proper last rites.
To get closer to the truth, she needed get into the Empire. She spoke to the family's Imperial contact, who knew of her espionage training, and got her into Imperial Intelligence...where she eventually became Cipher Nine.
She'd only found scant info about her sister's acolyte group being 'ambushed' by Jedi, before her life was fucking ruined turned upside in the class story. Even after she set herself free with the Black Codex, Eva was too busy dealing with trauma and galactic affairs to resume the search for her sister proper.
Fast forward to when Task Force Nova is formed, Eva offers her services in the search for Jedi, thinking to scrape info from them after getting nothing in the Empire. Then - she catches Elarin's name falling from a Jedi's tongue, pursues that lead with dogged fervour, until she has her Jedi sister held tightly in her arms.
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Does Ves have a plan for if things go wrong when she knowingly knocks back a poison drink or is Ves just a dumbass?
You look at this fucker's face and tell me if anything goes on in her head before she puts anything in her mouth.
To be (a little) fair, she'd already tested the drink discreetly and taken a sip before Eva told her it was poisoned. At that point, there were two possibilities - either Ves' detection had failed, or Eva was lying. But she had already ingested the poison, and if Eva's warning was true, she'd die anyway. So in a Supreme Dumbass moment, she went 'fuck it. can she really kill me if even I can't kill me??' and downed the rest of the drink.
Honestly, Ves was betting that Eva's lying; if Eva wanted to get into the Alliance, and Ves was her best hook, then why would Eva kill her? Eva never tells, and Ves never knows. Eva did slide her a pill at the end of their chat, but for all Ves knows, it's just a sugar pill to keep up the illusion.
Also something something Force techniques, Ves has some ways to slow poison in her body until she can get an antidote from her stash. Darth Avriss has probably seen multiple poisoning attempts by now. No biggie. Just don't tell Lana she fuckin. slammed back a poison drink like she was doing shots.
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Does Roziq and Elara's reunion happen more or less like a romanced Elara in game or does it go differently?
Gonna be honest, I haven't thought much about Roziq and Elara! Since Roziq wasn't with Aelirra on Iokath, they'd reunite on Odessen, when Elara returns with the Commander.
They would be happy to see each other safe and sound, Roziq lifting Elara from the ground in a bear hug, while Elara tries to hide the blush on her face. They'd have a rowdy time in the cantina with the rest of Havoc Squad, before sitting down in private to hash out what's happened between them.
I mean, they did part ways when their goals weren't aligned, despite wearing on their fingers the vow to always be there for each other. It'll be okay though, don't worry!!!!!
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starringbaguette · 2 years
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fanfic-phoenix · 2 years
Drinking on Coruscant
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 3663
Read on AO3
Read the whole series on Tumblr
Obi-Wan is fine. Mace is dubious. Qui-Gon is dead.
It’s hard, and Mace definitely isn’t qualified, but he is checking in on Obi-Wan.
Despite all available evidence to the contrary, Obi-Wan Kenobi would like to argue that he was, at this particular moment, completely fine.
Absolutely fine.
Brilliant, actually.  Perfect.  Perfectly perfect.
And also drunk.  Perfectly drunk.
So kriffing drunk.
He huffed at himself.  He was more than drunk.  He was a knight.  A Jedi Knight.  The thing he’d wanted to be since he was three years old and first learned what a Jedi Knight was.
And he had his nice jeans on.
He was a drunk Jedi Knight in good jeans.
That, he decided, chewing contemplatively on his straw, is not a bad thing to be.
Maybe he was just a little tired, but that was fine too, because he had a Padawan now and he was fairly sure exhaustion just came with the territory.  Anakin Skywalker, Hero of Naboo, former slave and current Chosen One.
Alleged Chosen One, anyway.
A wonderful mechanic for certain, a terrifying pilot, and a reluctant reader, even in Huttese.  Obi-Wan hadn’t even started teaching him to swim, yet, more focussed on getting him to wash without panicking about the waste of water.
It was a work-in-progress.
He was a drunk Jedi Knight in good jeans with an adorable, work-in-progress Padawan.
A very adorable Padawan, actually.  Anakin’s first padawan-cut had gone slightly awry and Obi-Wan was nervous of trying again.  In the meantime, his growing hair had gone soft and feathery - like a duckling, Obi-Wan thought but wouldn’t say - and Anakin, who’d spent nine years full of sand, would spend a long time running his fingers through it, wide-eyed and silent.
Obi-Wan had never got on particularly well with children before.  He largely found them confusing, overly enthusiastic and easily upset.  Given his existing problems with the general populace, he most often opted to ignore them.
Anakin was the exception.  Anakin was his Padawan, and that made him acceptable.
Today, Anakin the Acceptable was spending the night with Quinlan and Aayla because Quinlan hadn’t wanted to come out with him.
For reasons.
So Obi-Wan was a drunk Jedi Knight in good jeans with an adorable, work-in-progress Padawan, who may or may not be in a fight with his boyfriend.
And also his Master was dead.
That was the biggy.
But even though Qui-Gon was dead (very dead, in fact, with a lightsaber in his stomach that haunted his nightmares), and even though he was half-convinced Anakin wished it was him who’d died that day, and even though he wasn’t always one-hundred-per-cent convinced that it wouldn’t have been better off that way, he was coping.
It was easy to tell he was coping because he had a rainbow-coloured drink and a purple curly straw.  Those were fun things.  Fun things for coping people.  People who were coping.
He was a drunk Jedi Knight in good jeans with an adorable, work-in-progress Padawan, a dead Master, a rainbow drink, a curly straw, and a boyfriend who didn’t want to go out with him.
And he was fine.
Knight Kenobi was absolutely not fine.
Mace had been meaning to check up on him for a while.  Losing a Master was always hard.  Being knighted immediately after was worse.
Taking a Padawan on top of all that was essentially unprecedented, never mind a Padawan so old, and Mace didn’t consider it particularly paranoid to suppose Kenobi might burn himself out with it all.  Jinn had mentioned more than once that the boy was allergic to taking a break - Mace had no desire to meet the consequences.
Council business, however, was all-consuming at a good time and, given the re-emergence of the Sith after a thousand years of peace (a Sith dispatched by Kenobi, because of course it was, the hypercompetent, danger-magnet bastard that he was), it was not a good time.  Before he knew it, days had turned to weeks, weeks to months, and he still hadn’t checked on Kenobi.
Others had, of course.  Kenobi’s friends, who were likely more welcome and more helpful than Mace.
Even so, he wanted to see him with his own eyes.
For Jinn’s sake, if no one else’s.
He wasn’t sure, exactly, why he’d picked tonight.  There was nothing special about it, no difficult anniversary looming on the horizon, no bad news creeping from the shadows.  An ordinary night by all accounts.  
(He ignored, determinedly, that for the moment there was no such thing as an ordinary night.  Every night was an anniversary.  Six months ago today, Jinn had a blazing row with Master Yoda in front of the whole Council.  Seven years ago next week, Jinn had burst into Mace’s rooms to complain that Kenobi would one day be a better man - a better Jedi - than Jinn would ever be, but that the boy would never believe it.  All nights could be marked like this.)
He felt the Force as clearly as if it was tugging on his elbows, urging him forwards towards Kenobi’s rooms.
Kenobi’s empty rooms, as it turned out.
With narrowed eyes he’d pivoted, making his way instead to the rooms of one Quinlan Vos.  It went against his personal policy of not acknowledging Vos and Kenobi’s… active relationship outside of Jinn’s vent sessions (and what a sting, to realise such a thing no longer existed), despite nearly the whole Temple knowing by now, but the Force had escalated from shoving elbows to prodding at his tender temples, and he was loathe to leave it dissatisfied.
Vos opened the door immediately, before he had time to take his hand from the doorbell.  Something prickled on the back of Mace’s neck.
“Is Obi-Wan alright?”  Vos’ voice was pitched low, hardly audible over the giggles of two Padawans from somewhere within, but it did little to hide his anxieties.
“Why do you ask?”
“Why else would you be here?”  It took a moment, but Vos relented.  “He’s not here.  He’s gone out.  I haven’t heard from him since he left.”
Mace hadn’t asked why Kenobi was out and Vos was not.  He assumed it was more than a matter of babysitting, given that Bant Eerin was currently on leave, but quickly surmised that it was none of his business.  Instead, he laid out his mission.  “I want to check on him.  Do you know where he’ll be?”
“I’ll send you the address,” Vos said, already reaching for his comm.
And that, all told, was why he was here, standing in a smoky bar deep in the lower levels.  A bar far enough from the Temple that, if he tried, a Jedi could go unnoticed - even one so recently lauded as one of the heroes of the Battle of Naboo.
Music thrummed, the bass thick enough to choke on, thick enough that if it were louder, it’d thrum right through his bones.  Thankfully the Force - or DJ - had chosen mercy, and it was just low enough to talk over.
Overall, it was the sort of place that Mace could well imagine Kenobi enjoying.  The boy might have carefully cultivated his reputation as the perfect Jedi, nurtured the idea that he was polished and refined and more than slightly vain, might have weeded out any lingering hints of his Stewjoni lilt and buried it beneath the poshest, most senate-friendly of Coruscanti accents, might have washed away memories of his youngling escapades with more and more reports of his exemplary conduct and ridiculously high success rates, but Mace had been the confidante of Qui-Gon Jinn.
Mace knew better than to fall for that.
He’d heard all about Kenobi’s habit of blasting ear-rattling playlists when he studied, his ill-fated experiments with black nail polishes, his far more successful forays into the wide world of eyeliner.  He’d hidden a smile behind his glass as Jinn recounted catching his Padawan halfway out his bedroom window, wafting away the smoke of a smuggled cigarra.  
And, of course, he sat politely through Jinn’s countless laments on the subject of Kenobi’s love life - namely that he had one, and that Jinn was occasionally exposed to it.  His irrepressible flirting, which was bad enough with allies but far worse when directed at people trying to kill him.  His dreadful - though in Mace’s opinion, slightly amusing and vaguely impressive - habit of sleeping with strangers and finding out a few days later that they were a dignitary he and Jinn were supposed to be negotiating with.
Naturally, Jinn had plenty to say on the subject of Kenobi and Vos.  The horrors of finding them in the living room together.  The distress of their protracted farewells.  The eventual decision to loosen Kenobi’s curfew the nights before they went off-world, just to get the pair out of earshot.  (Mace hadn’t mentioned his firm belief that that had been their aim the whole time.)  And, finally, his fervent belief that no one - least of all Quinlan Vos, renowned and unrepentant mischief-maker - was good enough for Obi-Wan Kenobi, beloved Padawan and (as Jinn frequently insisted) future member of the Jedi High Council.
How strange, given all that, that he couldn’t find Kenobi anywhere.
He looked again.  Kenobi wasn’t at the bar, wasn’t hovering near the speakers, wasn’t part of the tangle of bodies on the dance floor, wasn’t…
Mace blinked.  Looked again.
Kenobi wasn’t at the bar, nor the speakers, nor dancing, nor…
He wondered, idly, if the mind trick was accidental or not.  Either way, it was powerful.  More than powerful.  Even aware of it, he could feel the gentle press of it against his shields, the quiet suggestion that he ignore the sticky table at the back of the room.  
Really, it asked, what could be there that’s more interesting than your drink?  Why would you sit all the way over there, so far from the bar?
Still, now he knew it was there, he looked past it with ease.
There, alone, was Kenobi, face down on the table beside a half-finished, half-melted, multi-coloured monstrosity of a cocktail, shoulders shaking with silent tears.
Mace sighed.  He wasn’t quite as surprised as he felt he should be.
Kenobi didn’t look up as he approached, not even when Mace slipped into the chair next to his.  It was a far cry from his usual observant self, but Mace was almost relieved when he compared it to the jumpy, hyper-vigilant young man who’d returned from Naboo.
“Knight Kenobi.”  He winced at himself and quickly corrected, “Obi-Wan.”
Obi-Wan looked up with wide, teary eyes.  He sniffed, scrubbing his cheek against his shoulder, smudging eyeliner so dramatically he went from fashionable to battered.  “Master Windu?”
“You came to check on me?”
There was no point in denying it.  “I did.”
Obi-Wan’s face crumpled and he sniffed again, biting so hard on the inside of his cheek that Mace could see the divot.  It did nothing to stop his tears welling and he surrendered quickly, strangling a sob and flinging himself into Mace, who barely had the time to open his arms before all the weight of a twenty-five-year-old man crashed against his chest.
Oh dear, he thought, rubbing a circle on Obi-Wan’s back and shushing mindlessly, like the boy was a crèchling again.  Of all the reactions he’d expected, this hadn’t been one of them.
“Alright,” he said, more than a little awkward.  “It’s not that bad.”
Pulling back, Obi-Wan gave him an outraged look, though it was perhaps slightly diminished as Obi-Wan went slightly cross-eyed, glaring at a man so close to him.  
“You came to rescue me,” he said sternly, which was perhaps pushing it slightly.  Mace didn’t exactly have time to disagree before Obi-Wan, with the same stubbornness, placed a firm kiss squarely on his cheek.  “This is why you were Qui-Gon’s favourite.”
Slightly stunned, he watched him settle back into his seat, all tears forgotten.
“Master Yoda’s my favourite,” Obi-Wan went on, though Mace still wasn’t sure what category of favourite they were discussing, before wrinkling his nose.  “That was rude.  Sorry.”
“That’s alright,” he said.  “He’s my favourite, too.”
That was a lie.  If Mace had a favourite - which he didn’t, but if he did - it would be his Padawan.  Still, it made Obi-Wan smile and nod approvingly.
“He’s just… the best.”
Mace laughed, caught off-guard, but Obi-Wan was thankfully unoffended.  “I happen to know he’s very fond of you, too.”
This was true, and well-known amongst the Council.  Coruscant’s sky was blue, Master Yoda had a soft spot for his great-grandpadawan.  It was simply a fact of life.
The boy’s face lit up like a life-day tree.  “Really?  He said he was sorry to lose me, once, but then he said I have Qui-Gon’s defiance, and I don’t know if that’s good or not.”
Mace didn’t know what Yoda thought of it, but he knew what he thought.  “It is.”
“Oh.”  Obi-Wan seemed surprised, just for a moment, before he shrugged.  “Good.”
They lapsed into silence.  Obi-Wan looked contemplatively at his increasingly melted drink.
Mace, meanwhile, tried to decide the better course of action.  Take Obi-Wan home and put him to bed, or talk to him about why he was crying and then take him home.
“How’d you even find me?” Obi-Wan asked suddenly, evidently deciding against drinking more.
“Knight Vos told me where you’d be.”
Obi-Wan’s bottom lip wobbled dangerously.  Mace cursed everything, including Jinn, who’d never thought to warn him that his Padawan was a weepy drunk.
(Years from this moment, Mace would learn that Obi-Wan was not, actually, a teary drunk.  He was simply a drunk who felt whatever he was already feeling very strongly.)
“Are you alright?”
“I think we’re fighting.”
“You think?”
“He says we’re not,” Obi-Wan sighed, slumping back in his chair until he was decently slouched, “but it feels like we are.  Normally we spar until it’s better, but he won’t-”  Obi-Wan’s breath caught.  “He won’t even spar with me!”
Why?  Why me?  For this?  The Force, he decided, had a peculiar sense of humour.
“Why do you think you’re fighting?”
“We’re-  I-”  Obi-Wan groaned, digging his palms into his eyes.  “He wants to talk about Naboo.”
Mace… was struggling to see the problem here.
“I don’t want to talk to Quin about Naboo.  I’ve already told him the facts.”  Obi-Wan said the word facts like it ought to be capitalised, weighted.  Like the facts were something sacred.  “He wants me to talk about the feelings. ”
“It’s important to talk about these things,” he hedged.
“I do,” Obi-Wan groaned, dropping his hands to give Mace a plaintive look.  “With the mind healer.”
That was… surprisingly healthy for a Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn.  Mace found himself oddly proud of his old friend and the knight before him.
“I know Quin thinks it’ll help to talk to him but it hurts - it hurts, Master - and I don’t…  I just want to feel normal with him.  I mean, what am I supposed to say?  Master’s dead, my Padawan kriffing hates me half the time, and there’s nothing to do but keep going - what’s Quin meant to do with that?  Nothing he can do.”
Oh, but Mace really wasn’t qualified for this.  He kept his face carefully neutral: “Have you told him that?”
“I don’t…”  He sighed again.  “I don’t know how to say it… nicely.  I don’t want to make it sound…  I don’t want to hurt him, make him think I don’t trust him, because I do.  I do trust him, but-”  He broke off with an aggravated noise, hand moving to tug on a now-absent braid.  His fingers grasped the empty air and fell, instead, to the collar of his shit.
“Talk to him,” Mace said.  It seemed like decent advice.  “Nine years can survive a clumsy phrase.”
It took a long, long moment of Obi-Wan twitching at his t-shirt, but Obi-Wan eventually smiled down at the table.
“You give better advice than my Master,” he said.
“I should think so,” Mace sniffed, perhaps playing up his reaction slightly, if only to avoid another bout of tears.  “The only sound advice Jinn ever gave was on plant care.”
“Not so,” Obi-Wan said.  The phrase hung awkwardly in the air for a moment, as if he was waiting for a reply, before he barrelled on.  “He told me ‘never get so drunk you can’t cheat at sabacc’, and it’s the best I ever got.”
“You think you could cheat at sabacc right now?”
“No, but I could filter enough toxins that I could cheat pretty quickly.”
“Well-practised,” he confessed.  “I cheat my way out of hangovers.”
“That’s not how that works,” Mace said.  In truth, he had no idea.  He just wanted Obi-Wan to elaborate.
Obi-Wan hummed, placed his chin in his hand, and gave Mace a look surprisingly similar to a kindly old man observing a naive child.  “Was I hungover the morning after my nineteenth?”
“Until you asked me that, I was under the impression you spent the night meditating on the nature of attachment, as you said when you reserved the meditation room.”
Obi-Wan smiled, projecting a definite feel of told you so!
“May I ask what you actually did?”
“Meditated on attachment,” he said innocently.  “From a certain point of view, at least.”
“And from another?”
“Quin took me on a night out.”
“Then why-?  Ah.  I see.”  On Obi-Wan’s nineteenth, Quinlan Vos had been undercover in one of Coruscant’s numerous smuggling gangs, supposedly out of contact.  “I suppose the sudden mysterious boost to his cover’s credibility was his apparent seduction of a Jedi Padawan.”
He tapped his nose, a little clumsily, and Mace smiled.  He’d spent comparatively little time with the young man compared to his Master, but it was gratifying to know that Qui-Gon’s evaluation of his humour was accurate.
“How did you leave the Temple unseen?”
“Windows.  Booked the room with the biggest ones.”
“Impressive,” Mace admitted.  “Most impressive.”
“Master would’ve liked it,” he said, “but I didn’t tell.  I thought he wouldn’t want to know about Quin being the inspiration.”
“Likely not.”  Mace could imagine the rant.  “Most decidedly not.”
“Quin baited him,” Obi-Wan looked hopelessly fond.  “Master fell for it every time.  Half the time I think he realised but wanted a reason to complain.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised.”
“I miss him complaining.”  He let out a small, wet, incredulous laugh.  “I never thought I would.”
There were many responses Mace could give.  
There is no death, perhaps, or death, yet the Force.  Jinn had mentioned once that, though Obi-Wan showed a marked preference for the standard edition, he was fond of both versions of the code and liked to compare the potential meanings.  
He wouldn’t want you to be sad could work, too.  Though more secular, it was true enough that Jinn would’ve hated to cause his Padawan pain.
“I miss him too,” he heard himself say.
Obi-Wan startled, stared at him, but didn’t say a word.  Instead, he radiated an encouraging sort of warmth.  Gentle, quiet - not imposing, not insistent, but there.  Like a ray of sunlight slipping through a forest’s dark green canopy.  A light waiting patiently to be followed.
“He was a stubborn son of a bantha,” Mace said, knowing damn well that was an understatement.  “Completely incapable of admitting he was wrong.  Convinced of his own rightness.  Arrogant, smug, and reckless.  And a dear, dear friend.”
“He used to plan his arguments in advance,” Obi-Wan told him, grinning.  “He practised some of them on me.”
“Of course he did.  Of course he did.”  Mace rolled his eyes and appreciated Obi-Wan’s sudden, determined interest in an off-white wall.  “Nerf herder.”
Laughing, Obi-Wan kept his eyes averted.  Mace still appreciated it.
He appreciated it even more as Obi-Wan gave him the silence to collect himself.
“There is no death,” Obi-Wan said at last.
“There is the Force.”
Another moment to rebalance himself, before Mace let out a breath.  “Come along, Youngling.  The Master of the Order cried - that means it’s bedtime.”
“Right.  Hometime.”  Obi-Wan looked for a moment like he might resist, flicking his curly straw, but decided against it.  “Want to try it?”
Mace considered it.  Once, it might have been attractively rainbow coloured, but by this point it was a muddy-brown mush.
He threw it back in one rather than taste it.  Obi-Wan whooped, clapping furiously as Mace coughed.
“That’s disgusting, Kenobi,” he said, wishing he had water to wash the taste away.  “By the Force.”
Obi-Wan cackled, throwing his head back.  “Isn’t it?”
“Why do you drink that?  It’s horrible.”
“Highest alcohol content on the menu.”  He stood and, forgetting himself, clapped Mace on the shoulder.  “I can forgive a lot for that much spatchka, Master Windu.”
The snort that escaped him could only be called undignified, but Mace let it go.  He gave Obi-Wan’s hand a pat.  “Get moving.  Time for all good Jedi to be sobering up.”
Dutiful as ever, Obi-Wan spent most of the taxi-ride home with his eyes shut, working silently on filtering.  He’d gone from noticeably drunk to just past tipsy by the time Mace dropped him in his bed to sleep the rest off.
Obi-Wan hummed, immediately curling himself into a ball, face planting his pillow.  “G’night, Master.”
He hesitated at the doorway.  Somehow, instinctively, he knew that Obi-Wan hadn’t been talking to him.
“Goodnight, Knight Kenobi,” he answered anyway.  The man was already asleep.  Knowing that, he allowed himself to laugh.  “I’ll tell this story the day you make Master.”
(Many years later, a council of Jedi will take a night off from the war to celebrate the ascension of their newest member and find refuge in a smoky bar deep in the lower levels, far enough from the Temple that a Jedi can go unnoticed, even one so recently titled Negotiator.  There, their newest Master will bury his red face in his hands, laughing along with the others as Master Windu, deep in his cups, recounts venturing out in the middle of the night to bring a wayward knight home and receiving a single kiss as prize.)
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isleofancients · 2 years
a faint thwip thwip of a not entirely hidden cherry, coupled sith soft chirps, assures Edwin that they're very happy by his welcome, formal or not. they don't go quite as far as fluffed feathers- partly because they're still distracted by thoughts of Rasse, unable to shake the concern for their biggie, or the certainty that he shouldn't have to be alone right now... but also aware that there's nothing they can do about it, so for now, focus on what is here, and good. they are concerned that that text might not get sent-
Bells knows exactly what they're mother is doing, and makes no effort to call them on it, largely because they're doing the same thing. "to your place then, angel," they straighten, pressing a kiss to his cheek, "I don't know when I last slept, but I'm pretty sure it was before my surgery- and I don't know about the rest of you? But I am tired as hell, and ready for much rest and snuggle."
"We are getting you a proper sleep schedule." Huitzi tuts, lifting Umbra and Aiden despite their huffy grumbles and startled squeaks.
"As a nurse in training I very agree." Edwin nods firmly, smooching them back. "D'ya want me to carry you, Fresh?"
"Heck yeah dawg." Fresh nods. "I can't really ride on shoulder's as easily with my lil eggy dude here."
"Yeah, thats what I figured." Edwin says, giving Bells another nuzzle as he steps away to very carefully lift Fresh, clutching them safe to his chest. He looks back to the group. "Follow me, its not far."
Huitzi nods, giving Umbra a nuzzle and chuckling as he's half-heartedly swatted at. He steps around the ink summoned chair as it dissolves back into the ground, following Edwin out the doors.
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brachiosaurus-on · 3 years
Brachio, friend! Hello! How are you?
I know you are reading the High Republic books, and I have to wonder, has any of it given you the impression the Jedi of that time have a significantly different experience from the Jedi of the late Republic? I hear a lot of people implying that lately, but I don't quite buy it, and so I figured I would consult you.
Mon, friend! Hello! I'm well, thanks! How are you? I hope you don’t mind that I turned this answer into a bit of a rambling meta.
So, the short answer is no. Their experiences are a little bit different due to the circumstances outside of the Order being different, but I wouldn’t say that their experiences are significantly different until the Clone Wars start. The philosophy and culture within the Order is the same, and I can easily see the characters trading places or recognizing each other as Jedi. The biggest difference is the fashion.
I think that this perception may come from big differences in how they are presented.
The scope of the story is different. High Republic gives us a broad scope through several points of view; the Prequel Trilogy gives us a narrow scope through only a few points of view. The Prequel Trilogy only includes what’s relevant to either the fall of the Republic or Anakin’s fall (which eventually become intertwined themselves), and has a small cast of characters. High Republic has many concurrent and overlapping plots and subplots with twice as many main characters. The scope and focus of the stories are very, very different. You may have heard that High Republic suffers from having too many characters, which is valid, but the upside is that we get a very full picture of what’s going on around the galaxy.
The audience’s perspective is different. High Republic is told from the perspectives of Jedi who love the Order and enjoy the lifestyle. The Prequel Trilogy is told largely from the point of view of Anakin, who does not find the lifestyle fulfilling.
The structure of the story is different. The prequels are very plot driven and most of the story happens during important events; we see limited exposition, resolution, and downtime between major events. High Republic spends a lot of time in characters’ heads before, between, during, and after important events. There’s a much fuller picture of what these characters are going through and how they’re reacting to it.
The explanations of Jedi philosophy and internal workings of the Order are different. High Republic is very direct about explaining Jedi philosophy and internal workings, taking time to elaborate for the audience. The films primarily use Yoda to explain Jedi philosophy; Yoda does not elaborate and is intentionally indirect to encourage the audience to think for themselves. The films show some internal workings but are rarely explicit.
It’s also worth mentioning that the trilogies show us more ideal Jedi because they’re establishing & introducing the audience to what the Jedi actually are and using narrative foils for Anakin’s story. Because High Republic doesn’t have this burden, they have more freedom to write more relatable characters (slutty Elzar rights) with more common flaws.
In High Republic, the story is about the Jedi working with the Republic, all of the Republic. We spend time with everyone, and I mean everyone: not just the main characters, but the side characters, and the background characters too; the worldbuilding is very detailed. We see plenty of Jedi with differing skillsets, opinions, experiences, and the story gives the audience breathing room to get to know them. They have many moments that are irrelevant to the plot, but tell us more about the characters themselves. We bounce between several Jedi Masters, who each play a different role in the Order, several knights who each have a different experience, and several padawans who are at different stages in their training. We have a broad view of the Order. We also get into the heads of the Chancellor, the Nihil, different politicians, diplomats, civilians, scientists, business people, reporters, an event coordinator, I could go on; aside from the Nihil, characters outside the Order are working with the Jedi and operating in good faith. We also know that the heroes are in a game that they can win, we know that both the Order and the Republic survive this era.
The Prequel Trilogy gave us the same huge galaxy and world building, but we saw most of it in the background. It’s extremely focused on the plot and Anakin’s character; if it’s not relevant to the fall of the Republic or Anakin’s fall, it’s not included. Even some things that were very relevant to the fall of the Republic were cut in favor of things more relevant to Anakin. Because it’s mostly about him and we don’t get the perspectives of other Jedi very often, we have a narrow view of the Order. We only spend time with Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, Mace, and Yoda even though there are plenty of diverse Jedi in the background that we never meet. We see diversity within the Order, we know other Jedi are doing other things in other places, but we don’t interact with them until Order 66, when they become relevant to the story. We rarely meet other characters outside of their interactions with the main characters. The outside perspectives we see are Sith Lords, Padmé, other politicians, the Naboo, the Kaminoans, bounty hunters, crime lords, and a few civilians. Most of the characters outside the Order are working against the Jedi or operating in bad faith. We also know that the heroes are playing an unwinnable game, the Order and the Republic will not survive this story.
In High Republic the audience is spending a lot of time with the Order and mostly seeing things from the Order’s point of view; we bounce between several different Jedi who all find the lifestyle fulfilling in different ways and the story is about all of them. The primary viewpoint characters have a broad, positive, perspective of the Order. When we’re reading from Elzar’s point of view we see his satisfaction when he uses the Force, how much he cares about others, how much he gets wrapped up in his own issues; when we’re reading from Stellan’s point of view, we see how much he loves teaching, how much he relaxes when he gets a chance to teach, how much he loves Elzar, how much he cares about the Order, how he wants to help; with Bell, we see how much he loves his master, we see him grieving, we see him reach these milestones where he figures out what it means to be a Jedi and how it frees him from his pain. The main characters actively participate in the Order’s community. Even when the characters are frustrated or upset with the Order or other Jedi, we know that they still love them because we’re in their heads and we get the characters’ full train of thought.
In the Late Republic, the story is told mostly from Anakin’s point of view. We see his frustration with the Order, his longing to be with Padmé, his desire for more power, his love overshadowed by his attachment. We see Anakin’s respect for the Order clouded by his disillusion (spurred on by a Sith Lord) and we don’t see him look outside his own perspective. We see him finding the lifestyle unfulfilling and not committing to it. The primary viewpoint character has a narrow, negative perspective of the Order. Another big thing is that Anakin is a Jedi who didn’t grow up in the Order and doesn’t have that inherent trust in the community, so we the audience don’t have complete trust in the Order. We see more of Anakin’s point of view than we do of Obi-Wan and Yoda who do reflect a positive experience. In the films, we’re in the room with the characters, not in their heads. We have to deduce what they’re thinking and how they’re feeling; we do not have the characters’ full train of thought.
The High Republic books have much more spread out pacing. There’s more exposition and we’re already familiar with the characters before they’re thrown through the narrative and then we spend more time with them afterwards. We get their reactions to major events and we see them struggle through recovery. The Jedi in High Republic have time to catch their breath, they are not moving from crisis to crisis the way the Order is in the Late Republic, and we are shown the time in between crises.
The prequel trilogy jumps right into the plot. We’re introduced to the characters briefly and we get to know them as they move through the plot. We don’t see much aftermath of major events, and we don’t see the process they go through to recover. They move from crisis to crisis and we do not see the time in between.
Here’s a summary of the different structures: High Republic shows us Reath, Bell, and Stellan all grieve in different ways and come to terms with their grief, but the prequel trilogy shows us neither Obi-Wan nor Anakin coming to terms with their grief over similar losses.
The High Republic authors explain the philosophy of the Jedi more explicitly within their stories; they’re very direct. They also elaborate on what they’re saying for the benefit of the audience. I speculate that they do this to clear up some misunderstandings...
In the films, George Lucas prioritized concision and used Yoda to inform the audience; Yoda speaks in riddles to encourage the audience to think about what he’s saying. He speaks indirectly and without elaboration. 
If you don’t have a background knowledge of Buddhism (or at least mindfulness), it’s not terribly difficult to misinterpret the prequel trilogy because there’s so little explanation. It’s also a little difficult to balance that within a film and there’s more room to do it in the novels.
Internal Differences within the Order
The most significant internal difference is the fashion: High Republic Jedi have fancy formal robes in addition to their day to day robes. My personal headcanon for why this is different is that as time went on and the golden age faded, the Jedi became busier, and didn’t have as much time for the fashion anymore (which is tragic, I love the concept art for their fancy robes) and by the time of the prequels we see it only in the Temple Guards, or the Order decided to dress less extravagantly to show greater humility.
We get descriptions of different career paths within the Order. This is probably where it seems most different from the Jedi in the Late Republic, but I don’t see any incompatibility. There’s nothing in the prequel trilogy or TCW to contradict the existence of these career paths, and in fact I’d say there’s evidence to support their existence. I’ll write a separate post about these because it’ll make more sense with examples and this is already quite long.
There are some other things that are different, but based on external factors. There’s one line about how Jedi don’t get killed in the field often, masters aren’t killed leaving a padawan behind, that it’s just not something that happens. I think it’s supposed to tell us about the time period, but then it happens at least 3 times, so I personally take it with a grain of salt. There’s one bit about how lightsaber dueling is primarily exercise because no one else carries a lightsaber and no Jedi would ever fight another (apparently Anakin missed that memo) but this is consistent with the culture shown in the prequel trilogy when they’re blindsided by Dooku’s betrayal.
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OC list of the MMO LESBIAN
SarapAlexandria Duvel <3 Vette
Sith Warrior
Human, brown short hair, 1,78, D cups, she likes dressin on armor that is bulkier than a tank or in a tank top and leggings. Dark eyes and light skin
Lesbian. LOVES toys in bed
Has a personal Dreagnough that she uses as a colliseum. She has taken into training new sith in combat. More than her apprentices they are more of gladiators for her to fight.
Kinda crazy. Likes to bounce around and do Tons of damage. She is feroucios about defending the Empire and believes that the republic is doomed. Has archived the impossible more than a dozen times so no plan is to crazy or stupid for her. Gratefully, her wife knows what is too stupid or too crazy and so she fixes those plans so her big sith girl can go fight monsters and other people.
Married Vette. Only she can make her laught so much that she forgets she is angry. The tiny girl is so adorable and so cute and jsut so horny for Alexandria that the two of them spend 3 months on a horny induced honeymoon. Even now after the war with zakuul they keep having more honeymoons whenever they get the chance.
She wasnt all that hurt by Quinns betratal. Like, hey man fatman told you to kill me so no biggie- But from now on you are my bitch and i will bully you over all this k?
Jaesa kinda bugs her. She is Dark side but not SO crazy but still she is kinda...tiny. Alexandria likes to challenge her to crazy stuff and she always gets on trouble with her, but Jaesa is so young and sometimes weak that 
Pierce is her best freind. A total madman when it comes to battle, a blootthirsty man that will not doubt in choosing violence but also super trusthworthy and she knows he will stop her from getting killed in stupid ways
For her Broonmark is her fluffy monster! Just point release and watch blood by spilled. She makes him shower after every bottle and use proucts on his hair cause she likes how soft he gets.
She remains a free agent causing chaos everywhere. She is not quick to kill always tho. If she got a good fight with someone she will usually let them live so they can fight again.
She is the most sexually proactive girl around. She will get every pair of cute or hot tiddies on a bed along side Vette. She is a bit dom and doesnt like playing sub, but she will play passive.
Master of Shien and Juyo, she likes to go crazy with a lightsaber and destroying the place but doesnt really like dual wielding
Seraphine <3 Temple
Sith Agent. New code name: Specter
Cyborg, mostly internal components on her eye, brain and bones. 1,96M, Long hair, usually red but she likes dying it. C cups, She wishses to get more tits but she has to be stealthy. She likes using loose clothes with lots of cleavege. She isnt a fan of bras.
Lesbian Switch. Likes bondage and public stuff. She can and will play any part on roleplay. From the scared virgin to the cruel dominatrix
A master of hidding on plain sight. Seraphine is the kind of woman who blends everywhere. She likes attention from the spotlight just to let it go 5 minutes later. She has the talent of being so likeable that any girl that gets close to her on bed, never gets mad with her for leaving or just going for another girl. She also has a perfect memory and will remember how you like to be touch, how much you moan or what kind of cnadies you like when you are on your days. She is as soft as she is Ruthless. She has never regret killing anyone for more than an hour. Unless she kils someone she has slept with she will pull the triger no matter what. This includes civilians, wounded and allies. After Chapter 3 she left the identity of Cypher 9 and became a shadow agent for the Empire. Her new code name: Specter. 
After the War with Zakuul she was left on charge ofthe Alliance by Darth Nox. Both the Ex Imperial Wrath and the Supreme Huntress stayed behind with her. 
She doesnt like Kaliyo. No. She is no fun. She likes to hurt and doesnt look after girls. She was particulary angry at her at the start because she would try to get on the way of her time with other girls. So Seraphine got Kaliyo a cute chasity belt and allowed her to focus on chaos outside the bedroom. That way they both can get what they want. Chaos and attention.
Vector is her special little guy. Confident. Trusthworthy. But really fun to mess up with. Seraphine tells him to do weird stuff just to get a laught at weird situation. She also helps him send money for Killik Joiners. She likes that he is simple
Lokin is a weird guy for Seraphine.He could do a lot of stuff with the ragkghoul virus but she likes that he is quiet and calm. She likes trying tea with him
Ensign Temple is the only girl that has kept Seraphine attention span for more than 1 night. She likes her a lot because she cant read her as well as other people and so she makes her angry just to learn more about her. She forgot how it felt to get to know someone through time and so she likes to keep her around. She also likes Temple is super organized and loyal
Seraphine can never choose fast between either a big rifle or a tiny blade under her dress. She likes how chaos erupts after a person gets shots down but she also likes to be close when her target takes their last breath
Arthemys Delos <3 Mako
Built like a tank, She likes lifting Mako to train her big guns. She is a cyborg with lots of internal components and a cybernetic leg (left) She isnt the tallest girl, she is 169 (nice) but she has the biggest tiddies. She carries two E cups that she loves to put on Mako’s face. She has black short hair
Total top but wont say no to being topped every know and then
Money,gambling, explosions and pretty girls, Arthemis cares for little more than that. As long as she can fire guns, gamble money and have a bed with a pretty girl on it she will do an job. She loves hunting animals and will almost never reject a bounty. What she wont do, is just say yes to any quest or mission. She can get money as easy as she can waste it and so throwin credits at her doesnt work. Only if the work isnt something she dislikes or too easy or boring she will do it. She has a few internal implants after playing with grenades when she was young.
Mako is hers. Hers alone. She wont let her go beyon her sight and will actually get restless for being away from her too long. Arthemis is possesive which Mako kinda likes.
The two of them likes being on top of eachother as much as possible but a extra pair of hands or tiddies make them both pretty happy. Most of the time, is actually Mako who gets the girl.
Gault is jsut too fun not to keep around. Arthemis wouldnt call him his best friend becuase she suspects the guys can be bought but he is fun either way. She like getting a lot of money with him and then wasting it all or just not taking the pay,just to mess up with him.
Torian is fun. Sometimes. He is a mandalorian and she likes fighting strong people. But Torian is a bit more serious that she would like. She doesnt like people dying because then she cant fight them again and so she doesnt like some decisions of the mandalorian. But at the end of the day the trust that the two share is one of a brotherhood.
Blizz. God Damm Blizz. When Arthemis got Mako on her bed and then into her family she thought she coulnt be happier. She was wrong. The little jawa makes everything better. As chaotic as her and even weirder than Gault, Arthemis just cant stop keeping the jawa around
Selendis likes using two big guns to shot down her enemies. She doesnt really enjoy going around in huge armor so she keeps herself kinda light. But her armor is still a bit big. Why you ask? Cause she loves the feeling of having not only a flamethrower but also grenades, missiles, hooks and electric weapons all stuffed in her body. 
Selendis <3 Lana and Senya
Sith Inquisitor
Sith girl with piercing orange eus and long amazing black hair. She is 182 and as sith that focus on range combat, she took the luxury of enhancing her breasts to a nice DD cups. She doesnt like jewelry but she has a few tattoos. 
Lesbian. The one to dom them all.
No amount of girls is too much when it comes to Selendys
A proud, stylish and master manipulator Selendis believes that the empire can be improved but even in its current state is better than the republic. She is patient and ruthless and wont stop until the galaxy is back on order. She left the alliance and took overthe sith empire after letting Acina step down. Seriously, no killing her just “Try and stop me from getting the throne”
Khem Val is her personal monster. A warrior of another time which she swears wont ever be forgotten. She has taken into redacting whatever information the dashade gives her. She has task him ith protecting everyone she deems worthy of her interest
Andronikos is a fun and interesting man. He is a pirate with experience and a code. Hard things to find. Selendis enjoys him being slipery and smartass. She also enjoys the acces to the underworld the man provides. Over all she likes that the betrayed man has once more put his trust on someone. She wont abuse it but she prides herself of it
Ashara. The little puppy. She has learn about the dark side and the sith and yet she keeps herself on a reaching point from the jedi order. Still she has a point of view that is useful and welcome. She has teached her everything useful that she could learnt.
Talos. Oh Talos. A men of science and interest. Selendis has swear to protect the smart man just so he can see for once history being made instead of being discovered. Most of the time she has free, she will spent researching stuff with Talos and discussing history
Xalek. Selendis attack dog. A simple desire of the young Kaleesh allowed Selendis to craft a magnificent Student. Xalek belived that she was a god. And so Selendis tasked Xalek to forget about being a kaleesh god, and instead become a sith god. Strength, power, and victory.
Lana Beniko. From the first time Selendis met Lana she was intrigue. A sith that kept her rage and hate deep withing her, so she could serve the empire better. Selendis wasted no time in seducing the sith and keeping her under her control. But soon Selendis lost control and ended up loving her. Lana became her source of power. She would burn the galaxy for her. She also fancid her cute ass and the way she lost control.
Senya Tirall. Selendis doesnt do well with betrayal. And so after defeating Arcann, she was left quite angry when Senya saved him. So, after the war with Zakuul, Selendis threw Senya into a prison and slowly made her crumble. Telling her that both Arcann and Vaylin were death, Offering herself as the only ally, and then leaving her alone. Selendis broke Senya and put her back together in a way that she would enjoy. Despite being more of a pet than a lover, Selendis does love her in her wn special way, and wont let her be hurt.
Cassandra (Cassie) Jedi Knight <3 kIRA She tiny! She is 165, amber eyes,C cups she likes to hide on a sport bra and to fight, she has a few scars over her back and shoulder (horny origin) She specialies on Djem So but likes using two lightsbaers instead of one Lesbian Total Bottom girl. Tsundere (will be all agressive but you pet her once and she will melt on your arms)
T7-01 The crimemaster, Teseven will always be there to push Cassie towards any female individual just so Cassie can stop winning about not having a girlfriend. Each time it works, but Cassie ends up lossing the contact or getting pulled out from plannet by the council
Kira. Or like Cassie likes to call her, babe! Cassie was sweap of her feat by how chaotic her padawan was an how incredible persistent she was on taking baths together, giving eachother massages and just being close. Cassie lasted 2.6 seconds the first time she gave her a kiss and fron that day on, she is either fighting or on her girlfriend’s arms. Kira likes to tease Cassie and on nights she makes sure to give her all of her love
Doc. The best partner. Doc is always there for Cassie, wherever she is doing good or bad. Or doing ilegal or legal stuff. He knows Cassie will jump towards danger and he will be there to help her make the galaxy a better place Rusk. There are few things that Rusk hates more than the empire and one of them is how Cassie jumps on top of his back because she is to tiny to get food by herself. Even then, he will die for his little sister becuase he knows she will defeat the empire some day
Scourge. The big old sith might have forgotten what means love, pain or feelings, but he respects Cassie. He knows that despite her size the little jedi is more than capable of busting whatever walls appear on her way, even if it means tapping on the dark side. 
Bella Jedi consular <3 NADIA
She is a curvy girl. D cps on a tallish girl, 178, with a dump track ass. She is thick and she is SHY about it. She likes baggy clothes so her body doesnt show too much. She feels that healing people with her skills is the best call for her but she also agrees that sometimes throwin a massive bould to minnies is good
Qyzen.  Qyzen and Bella are good frends. Mostly, because Qyzen will gladly shoot anyone who calls Bella on her fat ass, and Bella will drop a boulder on anyone who calls him green skin or lizard. The two of them are the type of people who fixate on stuff and they enjoy their hobbies
Tharan. To be honest. Bella didnt think it thorugh when she got Tharan to come with. She was doing it mosly out of pity and because she needed some help. But mostly she just liked Holiday and would be more interested on keeping her rather than him. 
Zenith. Oh dear Zenith. Bella enjoys Zenith attiude. There is little more than that. She isnt as extremist as he is, but she knows that he will do everything on his power to defeat the empire and protect the inocent
Iresso. Oh Ireso is fun. Bella likes to bully him in little wyas. Sometimes she will just pick something ilegal to do to get on his nerves. Thats alls. Well he is all good and good for fights but Bella likes how correct he is and that she can make him mad
Nadia: Her love. Her mistress. Her everything. Everyone has thirsted for her body, and so Bella usually isnt ready to believe most words of love and affection, but Nadia persisted for months, being almost addicted to her body. And so one day Bella let her padawan into her bedroom and cried over her love. Nadia is the type of girl who will devote her heart and soul to her love. She CANT keep her hands off Bella’s body tho, which makes it hard for her to keep clean underwear around
Sarah Novadust
The lead singer and dancer of the Imperial Idol group “Royal Novas” 
A tallish girl (175cm) a bit petite looking but upclose you notice she has a good pair of thighs and some nice ass. She has GOLDEN hair. Not blonde. Golden. She keeps it on a long ponytail that reaches all the way back to her ass. She is a human girl of 22 years old with Purple eyes due to some alien grandparents
She leads the Royal Nova an Idol Group originated on the Empire. The group is formed by her, 3 back up singers, 5 back up dancers, 2 guitars, piano, drums, violin, and 1 trumpet. The 15 girls are all REAL close to Sarah.. More on that later
Sarah was born on Sarapin. She worked on being an artist since she was young, but when she was around 15 she was blacklisted from most musical firms on the republic over a incident with a manager that wanted to taste her body. Sarah left to spent some times with friends back on Balmorra when the empire attacked. FOr a couple of years she layed low working on some cantinas singing to earn a living. It was there when some sith lady saw her and brought her to Kaas City. Sarah would keep singing for more and more excentic public until she had the favour of enough people that she could stay safe and solo. Then after saving up for some time, she went and convinved a few sith lords and sith officers to put some credits on for a full on idol group. She invited friends and scouted for talent all over the galaxy
As an artist, Sarah likes mixing her young excitement with imperial overconfidense. She knows that playing it safe wont work and so she makes every song and perfomance into a way to improve herself more and more. With a big group of girls to help her she has managed to perform or even Dark council members and Senators from the republic. 
As a young woman, Sarah attracts a lot of people. She isnt the most strong willed person, nor she is particulary aggresive. That is excaclty the reason why each and every member of the Royal Novas is madly in love with her. Each girl looks over their leader as a little kitten to be protected. Of course, Sarah doesnt mind the attention and as long everyone plays nice, she will open her heart to the entire group. With 22 years old, a massive fallowing, more credits that she can count and a polyamourous relationship with 14 girls, Sarah's life is just the best
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killscreencinema · 3 years
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (PS4)
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I feel like Star Wars is going through a bit of a renaissance, thanks largely to the efforts of Jon Favreau with The Mandalorian, a show that made us remember the wonder and awe that Star Wars used to make us feel before movies like the prequels and the new sequels replaced it with cold, hard cynicism. The Mandalorian showed how to properly tell a Star Wars story without pandering or rehashing iconic moments from previous films.
I can't help but feel like the creators of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order took inspiration from this as they put together the story for the game, because like Mandalorian, Fallen Order, if nothing else, is a testament to the richness of the Star Wars universe when in the hands of a capable storyteller.
In Fallen Order, developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by EA in 2019, you play as a Jedi Apprentice named Cal Kestiss, who has been in hiding for five years after the Jedi purge by the Empire. After using the Force to save his friend, which gives away his location to the Inquisitors, a group of Dark Jedi in service to the Empire, Cal goes on the run with a ragtag group of rebels to find a hidden treasure that may bring the Jedi Order from the brink of extinction.
The game that Fallen Order is compared to the most is Dark Souls (what game ISN'T compared to Dark Souls nowadays...), if only because of the sprawling level designs, difficult combat, and primarily having to respawn at the nearest save point after dying, with the only way to regain the experience points that you lost being to hunt down the enemy that killed you. So in those ways it's similar, but it's a lot easier than any FromSoftware game, so much so that it's more like Baby's First Dark Souls... but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I enjoy a challenge like anyone else, but it's nice to play a game where I can mostly relax, with occasional spurts of difficulty along the way.
Fallen Order also has a little bit of Uncharted and Metroid sprinkled in, or to use a more modern example, it's also like the Batman Arkham games. In fact, I would say it's more like those games than Dark Souls period. It even shares the Batman Arkham games problem of having lame ass boss fights. There's no real strategy to beating any of the bosses beyond dodging and attacking. In fact, it's when you try too hard to come up with a more complex strategy that you tend to lose to the bosses, when simple brute force is the key. It seems like a game like this, above all, would take the opportunity to have boss fights that involve clever solutions for victory, which is more inline with the Jedi code, than wailing away at your foe with unbridled ferocity, which is more like a Sith.
My biggest gripes about the game though are:
1.) The items that you find don't boost stats, or offer bonus effects, or anything. They're just cosmetic changes, which is really, really lame. I stopped getting excited whenever I found a lightsaber part when it dawned on me that it wouldn't boost my strength, speed, or Force power - it will just make my lightsaber handle look really steam punky.
2.) This is a biggie, especially for completionists - there is no way to fast travel through the map. This is an incredibly annoying quirk, especially when the game encourages exploration by placing chests, secrets, and other power-ups all over the HUGE maps. So get ready to become achingly familiar with every world and its enemies as you painstakingly explore the fuck out of them just to find a chest you missed the first time that contains a sporty poncho for Cal to wear.
Other than those complaints, the game is as solid a playthrough experience as one would expect from a Triple A title. The story, as I mentioned before, is really well done, with likeable characters that you become invested in and don't want to see anything bad happen to (even though you KNOW the fate of these characters can't be good since Cal and his crew aren't around for the movies, unless they do yet another special edition where they are added to the background). Cal experiences a flashback of the Jedi purge that really paints that moment in Revenge of the Sith in a whole new light, as we never got to experience truly how fucked up that was.
I haven't played a Star Wars game this good in awhile and would eagerly play a sequel!
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Fictober Day 4
“That didn’t stop you before”
Prompt Number: 4 Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic Rating: General Warnings/Tags: None appplicable! Word Count: 363
Oops, I fell a little behind. No biggie! Here’s day 4′s prompt for @fictober-event! Just something short and sweet! Can also be found over here on ao3!
Rhae belongs to @abyss-wolf. 
Since they had returned from Ziost, mornings had always been difficult for Alanaera. Beyond the exhaustion, the dread of having to go work, the effort of dealing with anyone beyond her loved ones - she shared a bed with Rhae now; and woke up next to her every morning. It was nearly an impossible task getting out of bed when Rhae was right there, sleeping soundly, warm and welcoming in even in her rest. This morning, for the first time in a little over a month, Alanaera didn't fight the urge to stay in bed, instead rolling back over and cuddling up to Rhae, draping an arm around her. This gesture, though gentle and soft, caused Rhae to stir with a groan. "That time already?" She asked softly, her voice still thick with sleep. "Mhm." Alanaera said softly, resting her face in the crook of Rhae's neck and closing her eyes. She felt an arm come around her and pull her closer, if that was even possible. "Gonna have to get up, huh?" There was soft, sleepy disappointment in her voice. The sith didn't move, breathing in deeply. The scent of the gentle soaps Rhae used to bathe with still lingering on her. "Mmm, nope." "No? Don't you have work, Ali?" "Mhm. I do. But you're warm and you smell nice." She laughed softly. "I mean, thanks. But that didn't stop you before. Why is it today?" Alanaera would pull back to look up at her, smiling a bit. She'd brush stray salt and pepper strands out of Rhae's face. "I've been working entirely too much this last month, and not spending nearly enough time with you. Think I can flex some of that sith privilege to take a day off." She'd pause. "Or two." "Wow! Two whole days!" The Echani said with a laugh, humour in her tone. "I feel special." Alanaera would shift, so that she was laying atop Rhae properly, lighting pinning her to the bed. She'd dip her head down to lock Rhae in a kiss, and not let her go until she was quite in need of air. "You should." "Now, lets make the most of it, shall we?"
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arabian-bloodstream · 5 years
Why I love ‘Attack of the Clones’
I think that Attack of the Clones is the underrated gem of the Star Wars universe. Yeah, I said it. And here is my review of the film and why I think so!
The beginning of the film sets up the rest of the film so well. It's beautifully done. We begin with Amidala's attack, which is a neat reference to how Padme had her bodyguard/double all throughout The Phantom Menace. From that we get the concise, digestible explanation of the Separatist vs. the Republic, and why the Jedi Knights are needed and why Amidala specifically needs Jedi protection as well. It wasn't ham-handed, it wasn't confusing, it flowed so naturally. By the way, it also proved how wrong the Machete Cut is (which cuts out TPM). You *need* TPM for the moments between Amidala/Palpatine to work, and boy, do they work.
Speaking of Amidala needing Jedi protection, what that scene also gave us what further insight into Anakin and Obi-Wan's relationship. Further insight because our first introduction to the two with Anakin as a young man was fantastic. Say what you will about Hayden Christensen's acting–and, no, I don't blame him, I've seen him in other things, he's been good–but he and Ewan MacGregor are fantastic together. Great chemistry, wonderful ying and yang. Their quick ride in the elevator showed a bit of sibling, but also a touch of a father/son vibe, with a dose of mentorship. Overall their friendship shone through. Ah, until that scene with Amidala when the mentorship came into strong play and whoo, boy! that little "discussion" about what a Jedi mandate is and is not right in front of Amidala and her entourage was the very definition of AWKWARD! It set up the differences right off the bat between Anakin and Obi-Wan and really Anakin and the Jedi.
OK, fine, the scene could have been better (as so many in this film--but the same could be said for Revenge of the Sith) had Hayden Christensen done a better acting job. However, as I wrote above, it's really not that Christensen is a bad actor, it's that he's an actor who truly needs direction. For example, Samuel L. Jackson is not a bad actor. At all. And, yet, he's kinda dreadful in these films. Frankly, I never thought I'd think that SLJ is a bad actor. However, He is in this Prequel Trilogy and that's because George Lucas is not a strong director for actors. So Christensen's acting woes can be laid at the feet of Lucas. MacGregor, Natalie Portman, Ian McDiarmid are simply the types of actors who can deliver a performance without the aid of director to guide them. Some can do so better than others. Christensen isn't one of them. So essentially I just accepted that I could harp on the less than stellar acting coming from the co-lead thanks (or no thanks) to the direction or enjoy the overall storytelling, the brilliant weaving together of the threads and how well the characters, the plots and the action pieces worked.
Yes, the actions pieces... like the chase sequence with Obi-Wan, Anakin and Amidala's would-be assassin. That was awesome. Thrilling, sharply-directed and I just loved the humor. The banter was just top-notch between Anakin and Obi-Wan. When Obi-Wan asked what took Anakin so long, had he stopped with just saying he was looking for a speeder he liked it would have been eh, a one-liner without any punch but he kept it up while Obi-Wan was giving directions, with bits about what he liked in a speeder which gave just enough resonance that it had the feel of a long-running joke. This gave it a touch of realism, familiarity to their relationship. It was great, and, again, Christensen and MacGregor are just so good together. Lucas wrote these two so, so well.
And he knew how to twist the knife! Obi-Wan to Anakin: "Why do I think you're going to be the death of me?" {SOBS}
OK, so I wrote above about how if one can put aside Christensen's acting issues it is very possible to see the good of this film. A shining example of this is the juxtaposition of Kamino and the Lake Country on Naboo. Firstly, let's just talk about the awesome of Kamino itself. I simply cannot get over how GORGEOUS everything about Kamino is. The aliens, the design of the infrastructure, the costuming, it's just all top-notch gorgeous. I love every single, solitary moment of the Kamino stuff. The creation and history of the clones, Boba Fett's backstory, him being a clone of Jango–the one who wasn't changed or accelerated, how it so naturally fit into the introduction of the Clone Wars. So brilliant. And also how Jango and the clones were tied into that exhilarating open sequence/attack on Amidala. Aah, just so good.
Now, let's tie that brilliance in with Lake Country... because it *does* tie into Kamino and that is a big reason why I just can't hate on the love story as presented in Attack of the Clones. Because of *how* it's presented. By giving us Anakin and Padme falling in love in the Lake Country at the same time we (through Obi-Wan) learned about Kamino and the clones we saw love and war side by side. It made perfect sense juxtaposing the Lake Country and Kamino. You have the two young lovers falling on the one side, and the Clone army, set up for war, on the other. We know that Anakin falling in love with Padme is going to eventually lead him to take the Dark Path, and the Clone Army is going to turn on the Jedi somehow. Having the introduction of the clones and the introduction of the love story juxtaposed is brilliant because here you have the two key forces that BRING THE JEDI DOWN: Order 66 and Anakin Skywalker falling in love. It's so perfect.
Yes, yes, again, the love story section probably features Christensen's worst acting, but again, I blame Lucas. As for the actual scenes themselves (outside of his acting), well, I like them. I'm fine with the over-the-top dialogue. I don't think there was anything wrong with it. Was it extra? Yes. Is he a Skywalker? Yes. Are Skywalkers extra? Is the sky blue? It's who he is, he's gonna go overboard with his exclamations. It's completely in character for the Skywalkers and for Anakin Skywalker. Totally. Also, in addition to his over-the-top exclamations of love, these scenes also showed us that before he went fully Dark Side, yes, Anakin already did believe in the idea of someone like the Emperor. That idea was something he was for.
Oh, and biggie here, I absolutely think that the "I don't like sand" was a fantastic line. It was about Tatooine and all that it represented, and like he said the opposite of what Padme was. It just meant so much and was (a) a callback to his childhood as a slave, being owned by someone, and the freedom that his mother never got, and (b) foreshadowing for what was to come with Shmi's death because "sand" was representative of Tatooine. *sigh* Yeah, Shmi. Man, oh, man. Shmi's death scene just guts me every time. Seriously, it makes me cry. Now, this... this is easily Christensen's best acting in the entire trilogy. The love and connection is just immediately there between them and when she's gone his devastation is so real and that switch from pain to anger is just ON! Ugh, and when he starts killing and then it swipes to Yoda and we hear Qui-Gon crying out "Anakin! Anakin!" it just breaks my heart. This is one of the best scenes in the entire Saga.
And then were back to the action. The "machines making machines" set piece and the arena sequence are both awesome and fun, with Anakin, Padme and Obi-Wan showing off their skills, wit, bravery, bravado and just overall awesome. And in between the two, oh, I loved, loved the scene between Anakin and Padme before they were brought out into the arena where she confessed her love ("I truly, deeply love you"). It was a beautiful scene, my favorite Anakin/Padme scene. I don't think that Christensen and Portman had the best chemistry or that Anakin/Padme love story was the best written, but this scene was one that I think showed the best promise of what could have been had a better director (sorry, George) and a better love story writer had taken on that aspect. Anyway, back to the action, past the arena battle where the trio were losing despite a valiant effort before the Jedi showed up was awesome, but then they were losing too... until Yoda showing up with the clones and took over and that was awesome!
OK, we're reaching the end now and still we're continuing to get those signs of what's to come. Anakin is truly caught between love over duty, wanting to save Padme over going after Dooku and Obi-Wan is witness and has to really push to keep him on the right path. But wait there's more goodness ahead! Oh, yeah, the triple header of a lightsaber duel between Anakin and Obi-Wan and Dooku! But wait! There's even more! And better! I just... man... I will never not love the Yoda/Dooku lightsaber fight because, dude, Yoda in a lightsaber fight is AWESOME!
Finally, we reach the end and for those who have seen the Original Trilogy we know where this all leads and so it's perfect. This wedding of Anakin and Padme with no dialogue, just the two at the Lake Country on Naboo where they fell in love. It's perfectly done because it should be a happy occasion, but it's a somber affair. Even during their wedding kiss, neither is really smiling. The final long shot of the two, with R2 and C3P0 as their only guests on the balcony where they shared their first kiss against that gorgeous backdrop is so lovely... ah, but we know, we know there is no happy ending here. As the overall feel of the scene tells us despite the visual beauty of it.
So, yeah, this is why I love this movie. This is all the good, the great I see in it.Attack of the Clones: Underrated gem of the Star Wars universe.
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sullustangin · 3 years
Socrates and the Echoes of Oblivion
After re-playing Echoes of Oblivion, I’m thinking that this part of the patch is a massive Socratic Problem.
Disclaimer:  I think the Flashpoint was under-written (not enough time/money/vocal talent due to COVID) which led to no major new revelations about any of the characters.  If we had found out new stuff, then I think I would be more inclined to say it is what the game says it is: an adventure in Satele’s mind.  But since we didn’t, it wasn’t.  This is me going off on a lark again, so enjoy the theorycrafting.
What is the Socratic Problem?
So, when Socrates was condemned for 'impiety’ and ‘corrupting the young’ -- aka, stirring sedition and civil unrest against a corrupt government - not only was he put to death but all of his works were destroyed as well.  Essentially, all we know today about Socrates and his philosophy come through his students.  Plato is a biggie.  He claims many times throughout his works that a certain opinion was Socrates, and he also used him as the ‘hero’ or main character in his philosophical dialogues - Socrates almost always wins. 
Here’s the Socratic Problem:  is this a true representation of Socrates, as he was?  Or is this the fond memory of a dear student of a lost master?  Is Plato telling the facts, telling the truth, or making  Socrates fan fiction?
....what the hell does that have to do with Echoes of Oblivion?
I think we’re dealing with the same problem here when we supposedly go into Satele’s mind.  I don’t think we do.  I think this is just another exploration of the mind of the player character and their trauma from the last 10 years.
Is Satele sick with a virus?  Yes.  Is the Emperor trying to grow a collective being that he can manifest in?  Yes, preferably Satele-shaped and powered by her students’ life force. 
But the second that the player goes into that trance with Kira and Scourge, everything is only happening in the player’s mind.  Nobody else is in there.  Darth Marr suggests as much.  When the player chooses “You seem very insightful,”  he replies, “I know only what you know.”
It’s like writing your own fan fic -- your characters know what you know, as the author. If they make a mistake about their own biography, it’s because you lacked the knowledge.  In turn, if they are aware of something other characters are not, it’s because of you.  To me, that line says that everything we see happen is the Alliance Commander’s ‘mental fan fic’ about killing the Emperor. 
There is no revelation of information about the characters that the player works with.  We learn nothing new about Scourge, Kira, the Emperor’s family, Revan -- we’ve met all of them, but there’s no ‘secret past’ uncovered....
Not even for Satele... whose mind we’re supposedly in. 
And indeed, the only things the character sees are their own memories.  Remember that little padawan on Tython?  That’s not Satele; Satele re-discovered Tython -- she was never a student there. 
Why do all of the possible player character classes have memories of Tython?  Because of the Tython/Korriban incursions.  (I know mechanically, this is skippable in game, but work with me here.)  The Outlander becomes the Outlander because they caught the eye of the Emperor at Ziost, which only happens because of Yavin 4, which only happens because of Rishi, which only happens because of the conspiracy discovered at Tython and Korriban.
This makes me want to conclude that we’re never in Satele’s head, actually; there is nothing revealed about her that we don’t already know. So who is the padawan?  Maybe the player saw one of the little kids cowering after the incursion -- maybe that stuck in their minds for good or bad.  But historically speaking, that is absolutely not Satele.
And Marr let us in on that secret... but that’s not Marr. That is our memory of Marr.  Marr the realist.  Marr, who confronted the truth that his approach to the Force had been wrong in life -- and admitted it.  Marr, the truth teller.  Marr the Socratic Problem.
In fact, all the people we see in that dream/vision/mind adventure are our Socratic images of people we’ve encountered before. That includes Revan, who the player met during the Yavin 4 op and appears as a Force ghost before they go into a trance. 
...ok.  So what was the whole flashpoint, by that logic?
The flashpoint isn’t Satele’s mind.  It’s the playable character’s mind.  Everything that happens?  Essentially the player’s fan fic about how they really killed the Emperor.  Everything is representative and completely controlled by the memory of the player.  Remember, “My mind, my rules” in the finale of KotET.
That is, until the very end when Satele ‘wakes up’ and reveals that she and her students have been playing dead, essentially; they let the Emperor think he had consumed and dominated them.  They let his arrogance think they had toppled easy, with Satele barely hanging on by a thread.  While she dangled, the Emperor turned his attention to the player character.  The second that the player entered the trance, Satele, the students, and the Emperor all ‘changed instances’ to the player’s mind, not Satele’s mind.  The only things there are things that that the player knew. 
What purpose does the Commander serve? 
Remember that the door swung two ways on the whole Emperor’s occupation of the Outlander’s mind.  Not only could the Outlander not get rid of Valkorion, but Valkorion could not get out. He never does regain the power to use the Outlander as a meat puppet; the Outlander fights too hard for Valkorion to get up off that throne and kill Lana/Theron/Senya/Arcann. 
Basically, Scourge and Kira are using the Commander as a cage.  Remember that the imprint of Tenebrae (the so-called virus) doesn’t know anyone.  Valkorion, Vitiate -- they’re manifestations of a personality that is currently running on a backup file that was made once and not updated.  Valkorion ‘knows’ thanks to Kira’s memories that he lived in the Outlander.  Vitiate ‘knows’ he controlled Kira and the Jedi Knight in the past... but neither of them remember how that worked.  They have the facts, gleaned from sources after the fact, but they have no active memory of doing these things.
That means Valkorion doesn’t necessarily ‘know’ or ‘remember’ how trapped he was in the Outlander’s mind.  He sees this powerful person, he wants that powerful person to control... and can’t remember what happened last time.
The Emperor is all too keen to run into the trap that is the Commander’s head.  Another big powerful creature like Satele Shan he can dominate and control -- and off he went to try to consume the player’s mind.  But he forgot what happened at the end of that story! 
But Satele says it’s her mind and her trap.
And so it is.  I do think Satele was containing the Emperor until Scourge and Kira arrived with the player character.  As I say above, I think there’s a moment where everyone ‘changed instances’ into the player’s mind, which is the cage of Valkorion.  Otherwise, I think we would have seen things and done things that would reveal more about Satele.  We only see and hear things that the player knew before they went into a trance. 
Ultimately, the spirit/essence/soul/whatever of the Emperor is defeated by the Jedi Force plan thing that Scourge and Kira and Satele cooked up. They just use the player as a holding pen, essentially; worked before, so why not now?
Also, the end scene of the the flashpoint (the one with Satele) can be very self-indulgent.  Want to kill Satele?  Oh, if only you could.   You want to confess how you regret your decision regarding exiling/killing Theron?  Forgive me, Mother, for I have sinned.  Want your mother-in-law’s approval, if you romanced Theron?  Here you go.  Want a Grand Master to say what a great and powerful Jedi/Sith you are?  You get a compliment, you get a compliment...  It’s whatever the player wants Satele to say to them.  So again, this is all a happy coda to the flashpoint that the player in their own mind dreams up. (Granted, is that not the function of video games?  Us being the hero?  Us getting a little wish fulfillment?)
Can that still be real, if we 'change instances’ back into Satele’s mind once the Emperor is defeated?  Sure. If you believe Dream!Satele is real (and reusing her campground on Odessen), go for it. 
As I said at the top, I have a feeling this is more of a product of under-developed writing than a deliberate deep dive in to Socrates.  I wish we did find out more about Satele; Theron indicated he didn’t want to go in because he didn’t want to dig deep into her psyche.  He didn’t know what we would find -- turned out to be nothing, but... there could have been something. 
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royaliity · 5 years
W A N T E D   C O N N E C T I O N S
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Hi there, fellas! Below the cut, I’ve included some wanted connections & filled connections too. Please, do not be afraid to reach out to me on any of them! I’m seriously open to anything, even if it’s an idea not listed or filled! (updated: 04/01 @ 1:51AM pst)
M A V E R I C K   S T A R K ( Son of Tony Stark & Pepper Potts )
Best Friend - Someone that knows him inside and out. They’ve been friends since childhood and could be complete opposites or absolutely the same. Either way, this one has to come from the MCU! | PETRA MAXIMOFF
Littlest Sister - His weak spot, his bright spot. These two are attached at the hip and he would do anything for her. He has a hard time teasing her but he will definitely randomly tackle her and “beat her up” like older brothers do. |  MORGAN STARK
Dependent - Someone that he has to constantly defend. He wants to make sure they’re safe and sound always by picking them up and moving them out of the fight before he kicks the ass of whoever decided to mess with them. | EVERY MCU CHILD TBF
Ex - He knew it was a bad idea, he did it anyway. Now they’re in each other’s lives forever for better or for worse. They just stick to him and maybe get him on a weird different level. | OPEN
Childhood Crush - He had a crush on them and they just never knew it. Even today he still has feelings for them, but pushing it down until it no longer exists still feels like a decent option. Worthless, but a decent option. | AUDHILD ODINSON
Friendenemy - Someone that really annoys the heck out of him and has extremely contradicting views but they work together so they have to make things work too. Definitely a Steve Rogers / Tony Stark kind of relationship. | OPEN
Labmate - Someone that keeps him from doing something stupid with his experiments. They keep him grounded, but hey, maybe they like to have some fun too. Who cares what they break? The Starks can fix it later, right? | OPEN
Enemy - Anyone against the family or anyone that tries to hurt his friends… Or maybe they hate him for the opportunity he got just for being Stark’s son. | SACHA BELOVA
T H E O D O R E   L I D D E L L ( Son of Alice Liddell )
Best Friends - People that are ultra-close to Theo and understand all the other crazy sides of him. They may not know about the whole “spirit” thing, but they know he’s a nerd trying to make it in the world. | OPEN
Older Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always secretly looked up to them. They were the glue that held the family together and he just wanted to be as talented as them. | GEMMA LIDDELL
Younger Sibling - Maybe they never believed in Wonderland or maybe they did. Either way, Theo always kept  the beliefs of  fairy tales alive for them, even when they started to grow up. They’re much more mature than he was at that age, but that wasn’t a bad thing either. | OPEN
Ghost Pal - Someone that has stuck to him for one reason or another. He might be sharing his body with them every now and again or maybe he’s just someone they can talk to without manifesting and losing energy. Maybe they’re just helping him work out his powers. | KIERAN GRACEY
Guardian - Let’s face it, his big heart is a big target. He’s gonna need someone to keep him from getting thrown in the nuthouse or getting hurt because he trusts too easily. | OPEN
Crush - He stumbles over his words when he’s around them. He just can’t help himself. If he wasn’t so awkward, maybe he could manage to be with them someday. Either way, he still wants to be around them 24/7. | LYNETTE DESCHAMPS
Wonderland Buddies - Anyone from Wonderland that managed to sneak into the real world. They haven’t seen each other since both of them were kids. | ALL THE BUDS
K Y R A   K E N O B I ( Adopted Daughter of Obi-Wan Kenobi )
Best Friends - She’s always wanted the experience of getting dolled up and telling secrets like a normal girl. | OPEN
Partner in Crime - Someone that she can get in extreme amounts of trouble with. Whether it be pulling pranks or breaking some laws, it doesn’t matter, they’re game for it. | TOBY FITZHERBERT
Mentor - Someone to help her understand the force and how to be better with it. She’s chaotic, so whether it’s good or bad, she needs some help to get better. | OPEN
Good Influence - May go along with sibling or mentor or even friend, but someone who is constantly telling her she can be better and follow Obi-Wan’s good lessons. They help to chill out her firey emotions sometimes. | ARIN TICO
Bad Influence - Tells her to go for her emotions and that what she’s feeling isn’t bad if she channels it all into the dark side instead. She believes them, she just knows it isn’t a good idea... | BEN SOLO
Sibling Figure - Doesn’t matter if it’s brother or sister, anyone that she could consider an older or younger sibling would be amazing. She’s always wanted a family like that and envies it in many ways. | BRYN DAMERON
Friends w/ Benefits - She’s definitely open to a relationship with benefits! It’s kinda a thing for her to be with someone just for fun and enjoyment. She just likes to feel close to someone. | OPEN
Crush - Someone who develops a crush on her or maybe she finds she likes this person a lot more than she should. Maybe she’s afraid she’s gonna lose them too. Maybe they’re someone that makes her feel like she can make her Father proud. | DARYAN CRESSE
Enemies - Let’s face it, Obi-Wan had many enemies on the Sith side that may not like that Kyra exists and may want to take her out. | OPEN
B E A T R I C E   F I T Z H E R B E R T ( Daughter of Rapunzel & Eugene Fitzherbert )
Best Friend - Closest to her and knows everything she tries to hide. They can read her like a book and while they probably won’t call her out on it, they do try to keep her safe. | OPEN
Siblings (2) - She feels incredibly close with both of her siblings and is always putting their welfare above her own if she can. They make her life less lonely and she trusts them completely. | TOBY FITZHERBERT & OPEN
Guard or Stable Friend - Perhaps a child of Maximus or Pascal maybe? Someone who could have tried to teach her to protect herself and others and relied on her ability when they met as children. | OPEN
Ex-Friend or Ex - Someone that she thought loved her but she figured they didn’t after everything that happened. They were the one to make her wary of friendships at all. | OPEN
Corona / Arendelle Friends - More friends from Corona for her to adore or possibly become acquainted with. I would also like to see possible Arendelle connections! | OLA BJORGMAN
Controller - Takes advantage of her kindness and uses it to their advantage simply because she’s naive and easy to control once she trusts someone. | FELIX WESTERGAARD
Unique Friend - Someone to teach her that not all people are out there to be good and kind. Maybe they’re taking pity on her. Maybe she slightly annoys them. It’s flexible. | OPEN
H E N R Y   W A L T O N   J O N E S,  III ( Son of Indiana Jones & Marion Ravenwood )
Companion - Someone to follow him on every adventure, big or small. He would consider them one of the only people that don’t get offended by him and actually understands his thought process perhaps. | OPEN
His Little Sister - He took her on too many mini adventures when they were both kids. She’s one of the only people that knows when he’s faking it. Maybe a little more street smart where he can be a little book smart too. | OPEN
Ex - The initial person that broke his heart. Could have been when they were young or maybe things got too serious and he had to run away like dear dad? Either way, he tries to avoid them but he’s unable to. | OPEN
Enemy - Many people could fill this position. Especially if they’re greedy and disrespectful of culture or hurt others. | OPEN
Flirtacionship - He’s a pretty face with a little charm and they’re willing to put up with his bluntness and obsessive talk of history. | Adrien Solo
Apprentice - Someone he’s showing the ropes to! He doesn’t ever underestimate them, but definitely doesn’t want them getting hurt and he’ll do everything he can to make sure that doesn’t happen. | OPEN
M I K A S A   K O P O L I ( Daughter of Kiki & Tombo )
Coven - I would love it if the witches got together and created a coven of super diverse but interesting talents! The more power they have the better. Did someone say powerpuff girls?? | EDEN DALLOWAY-PIPER & OPEN
Customer - I would love it if she had a frequent customer that always required a certain potion or elixir… Or maybe they’re just addicted. Either way it works! | OPEN
Bad Influence - They’re so nice and pleasant to her that they convince her to use her magic for bad instead of good. Yikes, now they’re making drug-like concoctions or something. | KAL BARR
Best Friend - They realize her potential and push her to keep doing good and trying! They may go on adventures with her on the broom too! | OPEN
Big Brother - Someone that she looks up to more than anyone. She’s always pushing herself to be at their level. I would imagine they’re pretty close and work together well. | OPEN
Mentor - Maybe someone that wants to coach her more and make her better at being a witch! She could definitely use one at times. | OPEN
Apprentice - Someone she happens to be teaching about the magic world that she sees a spark in... She’s not a perfect teacher but they’re just starting out anyway! No biggie. | OPEN 
Attraction - She trips all over herself when this person comes near but she knows she shouldn’t ever fall for someone again. She would probably write them secret letters with flowers too. | OPEN
C H A R L E S   H A T C H A W A Y ( Son of Constance Hatchaway & Frank Banks )
Mortal Friends - People he can finally be friends with and helps him understand the mortal world just a little bit better. He may have been wary to trust them in the beginning but now he enjoys being around them. | AIDEN FUSSELBOTTOM
Macabre Delights - This person enjoys the darkness as he much as he does and delights in just talking poetry and sitting there in the comfort of the dark with him. They may talk a lot about their lives. | OPEN
Bright Side - This person brings out the light in Charlie. They make him feel happy like no one else had before. Maybe they make his life (or afterlife) a lot better than it ever was. | OPEN
Intuned with Ghosts - A mortal who’s sensitive to ghosts that he tells information to. He feels comfortable around them and will reveal information to them about the afterlife. | OPEN
Ghost Pals - Anyone from the mansion that managed to get him to talk and be social! | TAKEN
C L E M E N T I N E   N O R T O N ( Daughter of the Blue Fairy )
Her First Charge - Her felt as though he was falling in love with them and no matter how hard she fought to save them, she lost them. Most likely a ghost or vamp or something?? We can figure it out. | OPEN
Her Rival - An evil entity who Clem is strangely fascinated with and whom she would never say so. She likes to engage in banter with them and will fight them on occasion. Especially if they decide to come after her charges. | ALEKSIS CHERNABOG
Her Best Friend - Another fairy whom Clem admires greatly and finds to be much too good to ever be her best friend. They have history together and it seems as though they are always there to protect her at the most convenient of moments. | OPEN
Her Current Charge - Someone that is in need of a guardian angel and is alright with them having a very interesting empathetic connection. | OPEN
Her Older Sibling - Someone she trusts more than anyone and leans on more than they probably like. She learned a lot from them and sees them as a kind of equal and friend. | OPEN
His Younger Sibling - They’re little and therefore, they need protection too. They treat them how their older sibling treated her and is not embarrassed to make sure they’re okay. | OPEN
O L I V I A   F L A V E R S H A M ( Daughter of Hiram Flaversham )
Her Guardian - She’s bound to get into some kind of trouble and she really needs someone to stop her before she gets hurt. | OPEN
Her Mentor - They have a difficult relationship but she would do anything for him. Sometimes she feels like he’s the only one who knows exactly what’s going on with her and how much she actually needs people. | JOHN MOUSE
Her Best Friend - Call them the Dawson to her Basil. She needs a good partner that can keep her grounded and eating actual food. | OPEN
Her Rival - Someone that matches her wits and is out to hurt the people she loves the most. | OPEN
Her Confidant - Someone that understands how her mind works and listens to her babble on because they know they can help her and she can help them. | OPEN
Her Dependent - This person just needs someone’s protection like she did when she was little. She sees a lot of herself in them and wants to keep them safe. | OPEN
Her FWB or Ex - This is someone she probably trusted quite a bit and then they let her down in some way. She’s still drawn to them completely but she tries to stop herself from being with them to no avail. | OPEN
Her Mystery - Probably someone that she wants to expose as a fraud but can’t and while it frustrates her, she’s just too intrigued to give up. | OPEN
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Battle of Star Wars - Batch#3 Heats (featuring Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Darth Maul & Darth Vader)
Well, as I run this Battle of Star Wars, I somehow managed to not post on Star Wars Day!  That was silly, wasn't it?!
Or maybe I'm just in shock.  Shock at how Batch 2 went.  Han Solo got knocked out, and now we have Kylo Ren joining Princess Leia in the VIP lounge as we start our search for a champion in Batch#3.
16 more characters raise their heads and prep themselves for you to whittle them down to one victor.
This one is a biggie too, some big names coming up against each other early!  Let's see...
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Our first hero.  The first STAR WARS trilogy was very much about Luke Skywalker, as played by Mark Hamill.  We saw him trained up under Obi-Wan Kenobi, then trained up further by master Yoda before he took on his own father - Darth Vader.  Hamill returned for the new films, and THE LAST JEDI saw Luke die - much to the upset of many fans.  Personally, I didn't mind it.  Do you think he'll be a blue force ghost in THE RISE OF SKYWALKER?
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In ROGUE ONE, Jyn Erso found herself in league with the likes of Cassian Andor, a pesky rebel against the Empire.  Diego Luna is expected to reprise his role in a sky thriller for Disney's streaming channel.
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Alas, just a couple of days ago Peter Mayhew died. Just before Star Wars Day.  Mayhew played Chewbacca, everyone's favourite Wookiee, since A NEW HOPE.  Chewie was Han Solo's co-pilot on the Millennium Falcon, and continues on in THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, now played by Joonas Suotama.
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Aka The Emperor. Aka Darth Sidious.  He was the shadow lurking behind Anakin's transformation to Darth Vader. Ian McDiarmid  played the role (properly) from RETURN OF THE JEDI, in all the prequel movies, and is set to return - somehow - in THE RISE OF SKYWALKER.
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Old Ben, as we first meet him in A NEW HOPE (played by Alec Guiness), is the one that sets Luke on his way to being a Jedi.  From THE PHANTOM MENACE, Ewan McGregor played the role, as we watched him rise from young Padawan, to Jedi master himself.
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Ben Mendelsohn played this villain, working for the Empire, that went after Galen Erso in ROGUE ONE. He was in charge of Advanced Weapons... aka the Death Star.
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Jyn Erso's father, and also the creator of … the Death Star.  A good man, pressed into villainy. He was played by Mads Mikkelsen in ROGUE ONE.
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Jango was the man from which all the clones in ATTACK OF THE CLONES came from.  He kept one back for himself, to raise as his son - Boba Fett.   Jango Fett was played by Temuera Morrison.
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Liam Neeson has played Zues (who is essentially God), Aslan (who is a Lion, but essentially God), R'as Al Ghul - the guy that trained Batman, and here... Qui-Gon Jinn... the guy who trains Obi-Wan Kenobi... and (almost) Anakin Skywalker.  Saldy, Qui-Gon didn't make it out of THE PHANTOM MENACE.
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Can't say too much about Val, other than she's the love interest of Tobias Beckett, and they're both thieves - that a young Han Solo gets caught up with.  Val was played by Thandie Newton in SOLO.
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Lupita Nyong'o played Maz, a friend of Han Solo in THE FORCE AWAKENS, She's over 1000 years old and used to be a smuggler.  When we met her, she was looking after Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, and attempts to give it to Rey.
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A leader of the Rebel Alliance, she later becomes Chancellor of the New Republic following the fall of The Empire.  Initially played by Caroline Blakiston (RETURN OF THE JEDI) and then Genevieve O'Reilly (REVENGE OF THE SITH and ROGUE ONE).
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Luke Skywalker was expecting something different when he was to meet with this great Jedi Master. A fan favourite, the little green guy has switched between puppet to CGI and back again, but always voiced by Frank Oz.
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Played by Ray Park, and voiced by Peter Serafinowicz in THE PHANTOM MENACE, Darth Maul was the one responsible for killing Qui-Gon, before Obi-Wan cut him in half.  It was a bit of surprise when it turned out Maul was the figure head behind Crimson Dawn in SOLO.
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When we first meet her she's a Queen, but things change and the becomes a senator. She also falls in love with young Jedi Anakin Skywalker. She dies during childbirth of their twin children - Luke and Leia.
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When we first meet him in A NEW HOPE, we only know him as Darth Vader, the big evil across the galaxy. It is revealed in THE EMPIRE STRIKES back that he is Luke's father,and during the  prequel trilogy we get his back story as the young innocent Anakin is seduced by the dark side.
There we have it, your 16 Batch#3 candidates.  Only 8 of them can advance to the next round, and there are some tricky pairings.  Head over to twitter, follow procrastinalien, and vote for your favourites.
You've got three days.  Go!
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chubbyooo · 6 years
Okay, I've wanted to do this for a long time, but... I was nervous. :D // How about... E8, G1, I2 for Gacen and L3 for you? // I apologize if anyone has already asked about this... :
no worries :D i still can’t believe anyone gets nervous over asking my nervous ass stuff and i always appreciate an ask no need to be sorry :D
E8: oof this is a biggy, Gacens greatest regret is letting his sister (Kyradia) be taken by the nightsisters, evrything changed after that. He blames himself for what happened to Kyradia and the whole village for not stopping them.
G1: Gacen is no longer close to his family, his mother died at a young age and he hardly knew his father. Kyradia got taken by slavers to become a sith inquisitor (maybe there was some in between there still haven’t decided) and he hasn’t really been able to connect with her again, at least not yet 👀
I2: Gacen has tried on occasion to be vegetarian but has never stuck with it 
Me: Gacen does reflect a lot of my qualities more than any of my other ocs. He is a goofball like me and also quite anxious but we differ because he’s more confident then i am, much more but yes he is definitely rooted from me.
Hope i answered all your questions thanks for the ask super enjoyed answering these ones :D
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crackinwise · 7 years
why Prequels disappointment =/= TLJ disappointment
Yes, i saw that twitter thread.
You guys now have millions of easy access videos and posts and memes highlighting the Prequel problems frame by frame. You all creamed yourselves waiting for Plinkett to dismantle them. You got to have Family Guy and Robot Chicken influence povs. You get to laugh at the “bad” cgi that was actually the best we had seen at the time. 
With the exception of Jar-Jar (that kids loved for a while), we became fond of every new character no matter how small, and that fondness only grew thanks to new books, comics, and shows. We drooled at the lightsaber battles that were SUPER fast and stylized (shout out to Nick Gillard for showing me my sexuality)! We were in awe of not just locations but whole worlds that were vast and plenty! Yes, yes, constant green screen environments and aliens got old after a while, but we could look past it. When the Phantom Menace was released in theaters, the world was hyped. Every age: HYPED. I saw it at least 9 times myself, and even my father who had seen the OT in theaters and was a lifelong fan LOVED it. Everyone agreed Attack of The Clones dropped in quality mostly because of the boring, awkward “romance”; then we got satisfyingly hyped again for Revenge of the Sith. (Okay, we snickered even then at certain parts but overall it was considered the best of the three.)
 I’ll give the post title’s reasons step by step.
1. The Prequels did not touch any of the characters we grew up loving or idolizing. The “worst” we got was cgi Yoda bouncing around like a pinball in a fight, the Jedi Order kinda being elitist pricks that separated families, child Boba which literally coulda been and done anything and his worshipers would’ve complained, and Vader coming back at the verrrrry end only for legendary James Earl Jones being paid to yell a “nooooOOOOOooooOOOOooo”. The movies focused on Anakin, not Vader. They focused on a young Obi-Wan, which brought excited fanboy Ewan Freaking “I Make Lightsaber Sounds With My Mouth While Filming” McGregor into the mainstream and that man is a gift in talent and body. Even when he’s dragging the weakest points of his Prequel experience he’s still SO damn proud to have been a part of it.
The Prequels didn’t take Luke, Leia or Han and change their personalities or make their lives miserable and lonely. Each OT film built on the last and gave the characters growth that the Prequels did not take away. A fan that hated them could just ignore the prequels completely and not affect any of the OT. Established fans were even used to ignoring what stories they wanted to in the EU additions, so no biggie.
2. Yes, Prequels had bad dialogue and racist aliens and inconsistencies from the OT, but within itself had consistent characters and an overall arc that progressed. Lucas at least had a vague idea how each movie would play out, instead of doing one film then ditching to toss it to a whole new person’s ideas. Also remember this was released at a time when social media wasn’t as popular and wide open. You joined/followed mailing lists for fans, chatrooms for fans, livejournals for fans. (Or the opposite types if you weren’t a fan or had deep criticisms.) You went to cons and SWW, and no one was gonna pay money if they were gonna b*tch the whole time. You didn’t see EVERYONE’S posts unexpectedly and widespread. You couldn’t reblog; you just commented on someone’s post about your thoughts, and even then they could lock the comments to friends only. Fan videos had to be downloaded ON DIAL-UP so in-depth video analysis wasn’t a thing. Of course all fans had little nitpicks, but nitpicks that could be joked about akin to the infamous OT bloopers.
3. As i said: Good Lawd the dialogue was bad cuz Lucas had always had corny dialogue only great actors can pull off. That being said, we had fantastic actors for the Prequels. Liam, Ewan, Natalie: they can make things like “See Spot Run” sound important and dramatic. We didn’t care and we loved them. It was only really noticeable with Jake and Hayden. (Poor Jake i loved him as little Anakin and fanboys were and still are so fucking awful.) Hayden... Idk how he got the part but my bro and i still stiltedly mimic the “what. things. ?” from time to time. 
But corny lines are different from plain bad writing. And lack of direction (Lucas) is different from direction from someone who seems to not know the characters or care to (Rian). The actors we have, both young and old, in the new trilogy are fantastic, but they can still only do so much. They were jerked from knowing their characters to being disappointed and unsure between the span of two movies. 
That’s the difference in the two trilogies. Let people be critical. Let people be disappointed and angry. You don’t like it: fine. But they’re entitled to feel how they feel and you don’t get to feel superior because you think you’ve sat through worse. You’re not a better fan for deciding you’ve suffered more when you were probably just as excited back then as the rest of us. You’re a cliche, and a bad one.
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authorjcalamy · 7 years
they are retiring these so get em while you can!
The dark spiciness packs a punch (just like his face), but then he tries to lull you in with sweet notes of fruit (do not be deceived!). 
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