#also these are admitedly good questions
homoeroticvillain · 11 months
🎧💕❤️‍🩹👀 SORRY thats so many i like these questions. for ummm maybe dottore or midori
for dottore <3
🎧: i dont have as many dottore songs as i do for midori but hmm maybe mad iq? or terry's taxidermy
💕: do lapin and dottore love each other? thats umm complicated? dottore doesnt really do or understand love, any of them. he does obsession. as for lapin? whether or not something is love has never really concerned him. i think to an outside viewer, they love each other. as for them, they never even really considered it?
❤️‍🩹: has dottore ever heart lapin? yes. hes a doctor, a scientist. he has tried his fair share of experiments on him of course. hell, a few more rabid segments have bitten him for the hell of it. lapin bounces back, under dottore's tender care and lapin has tested his fair share of things on dottore as well, its only fair.
👀: is there anything im nervous to share about my selfship? i mean yes, there is plenty i dont share for privacys sake [sex, im talking about sex here. obviously] and also im just generally shy about selfship posting. but in the context of what this is asking which is stuff being too dark, well yes i think so. mostly due to the fact i call my s/is well s/is despite them being more akin to ocs and i dont want people to think i would actually do the things i might have my s/i do or support.
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(Maybe a bit too much complex ? You’ll tell me)
Kaede had enough~! Ever since kokichi somehow convinced tsumugi AND the headmaster that his new uniform should be a ultra lewd playboy bunny costumes that accentuates way too much his twink but ultra cute yet strong body, his immense boy butt, and his crotch! Not only that but he’s been bothering everyone! The number of spanks he gave to the other fat ass femboy (Shuichi) friend of Kaede that embarass him on a daily basis, the way he sometime gets behind Kaede and "hug" her pressing her (admitedly massive even if hidden behind a sweater) boobs, the time he mixt an aphrodisiac in everyone’s water just before an exam!… she will convince him to end his lewd pranks! … what the naive ultra thicc bimbo bod pianist didn’t realized was that 1) it was kokichi, a VERY good manipulator especially for airheads like Kaede 2) is lust is way bigger than that~
Basically they make a deal that he stops bothering everyone IF she hangs with him every day and "play" with him every night for a week~!
Basically a 7 day/step corruption, at the end Kaede is completely kokichi’s bimbo bitch, she gets sluttier as the corruption progress, and they do lewder and lewder acts.
I don’t remember but I Think NTR is one of your top stuff, so you can put some here BUT it has to end well, like Shuichi being also a fat ass ultra hung twink just way more submissive than kokichi, so under kokichi impulse and manipulation he joins at some point. (Or not)
If a 7 part corruption is too complicated for you you can tone it done to 5, 3, or heck even 1 and turning it into an instant lost if you’re not in the mood for that, it’s fine!
Warning: lewd content below
Day 0:
“So you gotta let him sleep in your room for a week?” Shuichi questioned his best friend as they were having breakfast together in his room. The pianist nodded, seemingly frustrated at the situation. “I mean hey, if it gets him to change out of the playboy bunny clothes can't be that bad, right?”
“Of course it's that bad! It's about the principal of the matter, Shuichi! That little bastard can't keep doing whatever the hell he wants. I swear, after these 7 days I'm putting in a notice for him to be suspended.” Kaede was fuming. Shuichi had never heard the blonde so angry before. He placed his hand on her shoulder to help calm her down, a gesture she seemed to appreciate as she began to smile. It was just one week, how bad could it be?
Day 1:
“So how was last night?” Shuichi questioned Kaede, who blushed at the mere mention of the night before.
“Ah well, y'know.” Kaede seemed embarrassed. “I think I was a little too harsh on him.”
She nodded. “I thought he was gonna prank me or do something weird to me, but no. All he did was sleep normally. In fact, I was being a jerk to him, making fun of his night terrors and all.”
“Night terrors?” Shuichi questioned. He never heard Kokichi bring up those before.
“Yeah, they're pretty bad. Normally he clings onto a big stuffed animal or something to help calm him down, but there wasn't anything like that in my room. So he just clung into me.” Shuichi was about to raise an objection, but Kaede cut him off before he could get the words out. “But he wasn't being mean! He didn't play any pranks or pull any cheap tricks. He just…hugged me tightly. It was…I dunno, nice I guess? Still don't like him, but it was refreshing to see a human side to him.”
“Maybe that's why he wanted to sleep in your room? To find a way to tell you.”
“Maybe.” Kaede thought, reflecting on last night. Until suddenly, her face became beet red as she remembered something else. “But uhh, the funniest thing happened while we were sleeping. Apparently, I need new pajamas, because the buttons totally busted while we were sleeping. So I woke up to find Kokichi motorboating my boobs, hahaha….” Kaede sheepishly recalled as both she and Shuichi felt the embarrassment.
“Y-yeah that's…certainly awkward.”
“Y-yup, what are the chances, right?”
Day 2:
Shuichi and Kaede ate breakfast together in silence. Normally there'd be a lively conversation between the two of them, but for some reason Kaede was dead silent. Shuichi, sensing something was wrong, tried to break the ice. 
“Soooo…how’s been sleeping with Koki-”
“I saw him jerk off yesterday.” 
“H-HUH?!?!” Shuichi nearly fell out of his chair upon hearing what she said. He grabbed his own seat as he stared at her with intensity. “What the hell are you saying?!?”
“I-it wasn't on purpose!” She defended. “I guess he just…forgot to lock the bathroom door. I-I only saw it for a second though. After that I ran to the bed and pretended nothing happened.” Shuichi sighed in relief, grateful his friend wasn't a complete degenerate. Kaede sighed as well, for an entirely different reason.
“H-hey!” Kaede opened the bathroom door to find Kokichi jerking himself off. However, before she could reprimand him, he finished, shooting his thick semen which splashed directly into her pajamas, face, and of course, her bare tits that her broken pajamas failed to cover. 
“Don't blame me, I need to do this. My nightmares get reeeaaalllly bad if I don't empty my balls before bed.” Kokichi nonchalantly explained. Kaede merely humphed at his response, before her eyes widened. He still wasn't flaccid. Kokichi smirked. “Yeah, typically one nut doesn't do it for me. I need to go for a whiiiiile.” 
“T-that’s nice, but w-what am I going to do?” Kaede angrily complained, as her and her clothes were still soaked in Kokichi's cum.
“Go shower. Don't worry, I won't peek. I'll just be dealing with this before bed.” Kokichi spoke slyly. “Unless you want me to jerk off on your bed instead?”
Kaede balled her fists before stripping out of her now ruined clothes. Kokichi was going to pay for this. She stood naked in front of the boy, who stared at her while he jerked off. Something about him looking at her with such list driven eyes while touching his big…no! Not today.
Kaede practically ran into the shower and drew the curtains. She turned on the hot water and worked to scrub all of Kokichi off of her. She stared at his silhouette through the curtains. He kept true to his word and did not peek but…did his dick really need to be that big?
That night, a naked Kaede slept with Kokichi. He clung to her chest seemingly tighter than the night before. She huffed. He was so getting reported after the week was over. She just needed to remain pure until then.
Day 3:
“We're not going to eat together anymore?” Shuichi repeated dumbly, confused by Kaede's sudden change of heart. “Why? Not that I'm mad but, weren't you the one who wanted to eat in my room with me?” 
“I-its not you! It's just…Kokichi had methods to help him mitigate his nightmares and…he wants me to help him with them during the morning.” Kaede sheepishly admitted. “S-so I'll be doing that now. But only for the next few days! After that he gets suspended and we'll go back to normal.”
“Well, you're your own person so, can't really fault you for that. Just, try not to take him too seriously. He may have issues, but he's still a jackass at heart.” The boy swore uncharacteristically. Not that Shuichi disliked Kokichi (okay, he definitely did), but even he could see that something fishy was happening. Kaede nodded her head before digging back into her food. She ate with her hands, which was a fine but a little messy cause of the sauce-
Wait a minute.
“Kaede, there's something on your hands.” He pointed out while Kaede froze. “It seems like some type of…white liquid?” 
“A-ah! Yeah, that's just…white sauce from last night.”
“Last night!?! What on earth did you do then!?”
“W-well Kokichi asked me to jerk his…j-jerk his…jerk his bottle of white sauce! He was trying to have some last night and the bottle wasn't dispensing it, and I guess some got on me without realizing it.”
“Oh, okay. That makes sense.” Shuichi realized. I mean, there wasn't anything else that could be on her fingers, right? “Was the bottle broken or something?”
“N-no, it was just…really big. A lot bigger than you’d think. I mean I saw it before and I was like ‘wow’ but once it's in your hands it's even more like…‘wow!’. Can't believe he just has that. And it was so messy too. Like he could've been a gentleman and offered to clean me up but noooo. He even seemed to like it when it got on my face and chest. Ugh! He's the worst. He even got some in my mouth.”
“Did it taste good?”
“The white sauce.” Shuichi explained. “I heard some recipes even include things like eggplant or heavy cream depending on the purpose. So, was it good?” 
“O-oh, uhm. I-it was whatever I guess.” Kaede blushed, but Shuichi knew her for too long for her to hide things from him. He chuckled to himself. She definitely loved it. 
Day 4:
“Hey Kaede!” Shuichi called out to his friend in the hallway. Kaede jumped a bit, before quickly waving back at Shuichi. She pulled down the hem of her skirt as the boy ran up to her. 
“Hey Shuichi…how's it going?”
“Eh, the usual I guess. How about you? Kokichi any easier to manage?” 
“O-oh!” Kaede's expression changed when Shuichi brought up Kokichi's name. She rubbed her thighs against each other and blushed. She broke eye contact with Shuichi and stared at the ground, trying to recall…something. Her face grew even more red before she answered. “W-well to tell the truth he's been a bit…wild as of late. He's been keeping me up super later into the night with his…before bedtime habits. I get he has issues sleeping without it but…fuck.~”
“H-huh?” Shuichi gasped at Kaede's uncharacteristic swear/moan. Kaede clapped her mouth shut before responding.
“S-sorry, I've just been really tired as of late because of him. Don't even have control over myself anymore…hahaha.” Kaede's statement was more accurate than Shuichi or even herself could've known. But to quickly cut off a curious Shuichi, she removed herself from the conversation. “I need to go, Ko-i m-mean Ms. Kirigiri needs me for some help. Bye Shuichi!” 
“That was weird.” Shuichi spoke to himself as his friend ran off. “I get that she's tired, but who moans when they don't get enough sleep? Oh well, I mean, all ultimates are a bit eccentric so I guess it's not the weirdest thing that's happened here.” 
Day 5:
“Heeeeey Shumai!” Kokichi called out to Shuichi this time, as they were the only two in the dorm room lobby. They rarely speak, but for some reason, Kokichi is convinced that he and Shuichi “have a lot more in common than he knows.” 
“What's up Kokichi?”
“Noooothing much. Just looking to have some dude time. A true man to man talk. A bro-down hoedown. A slightly homo rodeo. A-”
“Just say what's on your mind.” Shuichi sighed, already exhausted before the conversation even began. 
“I'm just trying to act like dudes with you man. I feel like we lack that strong male bond between us. Talking about cars, screaming about sports, acting only a little gay in the locker room, bragging about not sex partners, the complete guy package.” 
“I don't want your package Kokichi.”
“Pffft, nonsense! You just haven't had proper guy time with me yet. Check this out~.” Kokichi shows a video of what looks like a blonde babe bent over, getting fucked by a shocking large cock. She was completely naked, aside from the pair of white panties pushed to the side of her phat jiggly ass. Her face wasn't visible, but a muffled voice could vaguely be made out, screaming Kokichi's name like a pornstar. 
“K-kokichi! Is…is this real?” Shuichi asked, curiosity and lust getting the better of him. 
“Of course it is! I really lucked out finding a girl like this. She was a little reluctant at first, but she ended up being a bonafide slut! I knew I picked right with her.”
“Who is she?” 
“Hey, Shuichi, if we're going to be bros that means you gotta respect the bro code. You can't ask me things like that.” Annoyingly Kokichi stood up with a cheeky grin. It was obvious from the start he only wanted to tease Shuichi using this information. “I'll see you later, Shumai! Let's have some more bro time later, okay?” 
Day 6:
“And then he says he was looking forward to spending more ‘bro time’ with me. Can you believe that?” Shuichi ranted about Kokichi to Kaede, who was busy looking under the desk for the pencil that she dropped at the start of class. He conveniently left out the part about the pornography he was shown, as he still had fantasies about that mysterious blonde woman.
“Ah, well, I don't think Master was in the wrong there.” 
“I said I don't think Kokichi was in the wrong there. She responded, not bothering to get up from looking. “I think you just need to be more open to him.”
“Yeah right, he's a complete- KAEDE!” Shuichi was caught off guard, nearly getting the two caught in the middle of class. For the first time he looked down to talk to Kaede, however while he did expect to find her still searching for her pencil, he never thought he'd see her bare ass! “W-where the hell are your panties?!?” 
“Oh, those. Kokichi and I were talking the other day, and he brought up the point on how tight my panties must feel, and told me to start going without them. And I feel much, much better. See.” Kaede stood up, and without a hint of shame, flicked up her skirt for Shuichi to get a face full of her phat ass. 
“K-Kaede. Put that down. He's just trying to trick you!” Shuichi pulled her skirt back down to normal, causing the pianist to pout.
“Trick me? Why would he do that? I think you're the one that’s tricked Shuichi. You don't understand why I love Master the way I do.”
“What on earth are you- wait….” Shuichi paused to think for a moment. The video, Kaede's attitude, Kokichi sleeping with her. It was technically possible, but did he really manage to-
His train of thought was cut off as Kaede scotched closer to him, rubbing his cock with her fingers as she whispered in his ear. “Master ordered me to take care of you, so he's willing to share his toys with you if you don't talk. What do you say, Shumai?~”
Day 7:
“F-fuck.” Shuichi moaned as Kaede sucked his cock. She looked up at him with mini hearts in her eyes, her brain completely rotted by sex. Behind her, Kokichi spread her ass cheeks apart, sliding in his giant bitch corrupting cock inside of her. She moaned into Shuichi’s dick, sucking it even harder now that she was being fucked from behind. 
“I told you Shumai, you and I should definitely spend more time together. After all, we have so much in common~.” Immediately after his taunt, Kokichi and Shuichi came inside of Kaede, filling up their shared pocket slut together.
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oriistar · 5 days
Hiii I'm so nervous to talk to you but i think you're such a good artist and writer!
I saw your post about how the first chapter of the sun and moon fic is like 8k words?!?! How did you manage that! Honestly i wouldnt mind reading the whole thing either but i guess some people might not like super long chapters :') if its recived well would you possibly do long chapters often? I know that will probably mean a longer wait until uploads but your writing is so descriptive i just know it would be amazing! I cant even imagine getting bored of it haha
Also are you going to post more sun and moon fanart from different aus or even their original designs? You did mention that you'd draw how you see them in your fic so im just wondering how thats going for you so far!
Hi anon! Thank you so much for your sweet words wow <3 I love, love, LOVE getting longer messages in my inbox they just feel so much more personal!
To answer your questions though, I am shocked that the first chapter of my fic is so long actually. I don't know how okay it is to say this on main but i'm admitedly a bit of a stoner and I write/draw usually while high so i'll have the basic plot points of each chaper pulled up to reference but I let vibes take the reigns more than anything else so my writing does run away pretty often! I'll still break this upcoming one up a bit but It will still be quite long and if it's a hit and people like it enough then yes i'd love to do longer chapters!
I have so many Sun and Moon sketches its crazy. I'm stockpilling them as of right now though bc I like to tag the creators of the AUs I draw fanart of and i'd hate to clog up someone's inbox by tagging them every other day! Some of the sketches are from a few AUs i've seen floating around since I joined the DCA fandom and I hope they're well recieved by the creators. Yes ofc i have drawings of the og boys as well, i'd never forget about them!
I am still working on the designs for the fic i'm currently writing though and they are looking so adorable right now. I hope everyone who's looking forward to the fic dropping will be just as excited to see what i'm envisioning and I do hope everyone thinks they're just as cute as I do :3 I'll most likely add a link to the fic masterlist once I do post it though so it will be easy to find :D
Thank you again for your lovely message, I hope you're having a wonderful day!
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I'm wondering what would it even take for Emily to start caring about the fact she is not a good person. Does she know she's not a good person right now? Doubtful. She argues that she's not, and she gives all her reasons, but to me it's denial for the sake of appearances, which is Emily's whole thing (that's why she laughs when Nica tells her she could drop out of the Mayor's race, that people could like her for her - no, that's not what the people WANT) ; she grew up rich, most definitely entitled as heck, she went into business in college. I don't think Emily ever really dropped the appearances. She doesn't do it in the council for evil (and oh man, suddenly want to discuss the difference between Emily "of course we're not evil!" and Oliver's "er, yeah, we are" and how that might come from their different backgrounds--), and she doesn't do it in narration either, so not to herself.
Except. Except when it comes to Ethan. The over-the-top lovesickness is appearances still, but the love is genuine, even if at this point I think it's pretty clear both she and Ethan are in love with what they were in appearance too (or well, what the image is reflecting back on them now. Ethan with memories of when Emily was devoted to his projects, and Emily on the day of their wedding, the genuine joy of that single day, but i think it says so much that Emily fought for the image of that wedding, and then embraced it as a marketing ploy -- admitedly that her opposants were going to kind of use already --. She became the bride of Red Line. The wedding, probably a real moment of happiness, turned also into appareances).
Anyway, my point is, the only time she drops the veil is when Ethan hurts her - the day she shows up in the wedding dress at the beginning of s4, when Ethan COMES AND FUCKING ASK HER ABOUT REPROGRAMMED LIKE A ROBOT WHICH IS STILL THE WILDEST AND MOST HORRORY THING EVER - or when she admits, to Nica, how miserable it makes her that Ethan doesn't seem to care anymore. But all of that is still not enough to shake her off, to admit that she's doing horrible things, and I think it's cause... Well, when it comes to Ethan, she's mostly a victim (from what we've seen in the story so far). You could argue her worry about Wonderland and selling it was her big betrayal to her husband, but since then, Ethan has been nothing but awful to her. The only time he's nicer is to manipulate her or for his own interests.
So how to get her to realize and understand? Can she? Maybe with a push, and I don't think it'd be a kind push. I'm thinking - perhaps if she annoys the Narrator a day too much, and he forces her not to hide from her own deepest thoughts anymore? Or are we going to see her loose her mind and she'll never get the chance to perhaps try and do something - different, even if i don't expect her to become a good person in one season? (although. hey. I didn't guess they'd go there for Oliver, he did terrible things too, and what do you know, those last scenes made me fucking cry so). That would be a sort of tragedy, and not every villain is the sort to be ""reedemeed"" in some way.
... I hope we get to see her with Nica again, because if anyone can get through her, I assume it'll be her. But I think it would also be very good to see Emily with someone else entirely, someone unexpected, that gets to her long enough for her to start questioning, at least, if it's all worth it - maybe not change her morals, but at least shift her selfish interests away from hurting people so violently. I dunno.
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Karai in Ghost Splinter 2 is more likely than not going to have the horrible realisation that her and Splinter's childhoods were very similar.
Like her and Splinter are taking a break from one of their training sessions. Splinter is still in his ghost form, but he looks more like himself than usual, which they've figured out means he's in a good mood + has enough energy to remain stable. They're just talking and the subject of his childhood gets brought up.
Karai notices that his father doesn't appear in many of the stories at all. She's curious why that is - she knows grandma Atsuko died when Splinter was very young, so her absense is explained by that, but her grandfather didn't die until Splinter was in his mid 30s.
So she asks about Yuuta. Karai wants to know about all of their family, and that includes her grandfather, who admitedly she already has a low opinion of due to him kidnapping Shredder. (She hates Shredder, but she was also kidnapped as a baby and raised by a man who claimed to be her father, all while lying to her face everyday, so this is something she can't help but empathise with.)
Splinter seems uncomfortable and is quiet for a moment, trying to pick a story to tell her. He settles on one that he thinks is a humourous story from his youth... emphasis on thinks. To him it's a story about when he did something he shouldn't have and got caught by his father. When he finishes the tale, he turns to look at his daughter and is confused to see that Karai is horrified.
The Shredder raised Karai, but she's since realised that he was not a loving father, far from it. There is a word for what he did to her, and it is not parenting. She doesn't know what to think about the fact he learned that from Yuuta.
Or that Splinter's childhood wasn't that different from hers.
Suddenly, Splinter and his most questionable decisions make a lot of sense.
Whilst she's thinking all of this, and struggling against the impulse to grab a Ouija board and drag Yuuta to filth, Splinter is just, so confused. He thinks he did something wrong but doesn't know what - he has no idea why Karai is upset. Sure his father was a... difficult man to get along with, but he wasn't that bad! Maybe Splinter just didn't tell the story well?
Splinter apologising does not help.
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inawickedlittletown · 2 years
I am not over several things. 
First and foremost seeing Dean within the first few minutes of the episode...and then having connect the Dean I know with that outfit and then Bobby’s voice coming in like another punch to the gut. 
Baby showing up sans Dean after all the Baby baiting we’ve had all season (admitedly because most cars just look like Baby in that time). Glad Baby got the respect and admiration she deserved including the implication that Baby is the reason Dean could take detours into the multiverse. 
Mary making the choice to sacrifice herself for the better good. 
Baby returning with Dean as the driver. Ahhh to see him step out of his car again. 
Every word that came out of Dean’s mouth. Just...he was there and he was talking and we got so much information. 
Jack!! Fully did not expect to see him
Ramble on!!! Did half the budget for this show go to getting the rights? lol. 
Most of all, the fact that it leaves so much room for more story not just with The Winchesters, but with anything else that they may want to explore...like we’re left with questions (a few iterations of where is Cas), but also with the possibility that we’ll get answers whether within a S2, or a different spin off. 
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i-think-im-braindead · 5 months
So, crazy day.
Wanna read a real crime story?
I am now writing how I'm supposed to, with all the ups letters, because the story I have to tell today is kind of, I don't know, normal overall, but the first time it has happened here.
Early in the day, around 12 PM, I went out with my mom and little brother to get groceries. All good, all normal.
When we got back at around 3 something PM there was some commotion. Neighbors were arguing in the other side.
Not like, next door neighbors. Here we got some condos, two lines of condos, a fence from the start of the whole place to the end, and in the other side the same, two lines of condos.
They were fighting on the other side, in their homes but it was pretty loud. A lot of noisy neighbors were poking their heads out the window or going outside to catch what was going on.
I'm not sure how to call it, but like, some safety organization came to make sure everything's good (which it wasn't). They left shortly after.
Then the police arrived, so my mom went out to see what was going on so I was left home making lunch.
When she came back I already got lunch done. She said that the neighbors were arguing, they were both drunk and intoxicated with some illegal sustance. So, I guess it got so heated that one grabbed a knife and stabbed the other one.
An ambulace arrived, they took him in a bad state, like, severly injuried.
The other guy (the one who did the stabbing) ran away, and police were looking for him.
My uncle said that a relative of the stabbed guy went to see him, and he's dead. He got stabbed in the chest and died.
It seems that the parents of the guy who stabbed the other were hiding him.
I mean, I thought of writing it someday, tell it to someone who didn't knew. But I went out an hour or so ago, and PDI (police of investigations) were on the scene, taking pictures and everything.
Like normal, it was a crime scene, it would be pretty weird if they just left it there like nothing had happened.
Some minutes ago I heard a knocking on the door, my mom told me to open, but I said no, I didn't recognize that knock (I know, stupid lol), so I just waited till she opened.
It was a police guy, a detective most probably. He asked to come in, my mom said yes, and they talked.
My mom said that we went to get groceries and all that. He asked if she knew who the stabbing guy was, she said that it was the son of one of our neighbors. You can kinda see where they live by looking out the window.
He asked names and the condo number. She answered, and the guy took some photos.
My mom was kinda nervous, like, is she gonna get on trouble? Will they reveal she answered those questions? He said no, and that there was nothing to worry about.
He left, and my uncle came saying that he was making questions to the neighbors too, and he went back to question again the first floor neighbor. Kinda weird.
Is this gonna be on the news? How long will that guy stay in prison?
I don't know, it sucks he died. I mean, he was truly an awful guy.
Like, some months back, he took the money his mom got to eat and pay bills, and used it to drink. He also hit his mom very bad.
She ended up suiciding. Sucks, she also had a little kid. But the kid's gonna be good, he went with some relatives to the south, and they seemed to have quite some cash.
That and being a general danger to everyone around.
Still, no matter how awful some people can be, killing someone it's always bad.
Uuh, I don't know, crazy stuff. Long post too.
I'll probably come back to say if it comes up in the news.
My mom and uncle are talking right now, seems that he got caught or something.
I mean, you got to read a real crime story, but admitedly, I am not the best writer.
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leafyerin · 1 year
college Writing process thing.
I picked my topic (Indie pop/Alternative Rock) for the simple reason of not knowing what else to pick. I'm not good at analyzing film, making that not worth the time spent for how it would turn out. Musically, I have pretty generic tastes, but do know that Indie pop and alternative rock have unconventional aspects, which applies to a few bands I listen to. Such as AJR or Mystery skulls. It overall is unimportant, and admitedly a means to an end, while also using a topic I enjoy enough to keep my attention. So far in the little research i've done, I have learned Indie pop infact evolved from subgenre's of Alternative and indie rock. I plan to research more on the types and examples of unconventional techniques used in Indie pop, as I find it intriguing how the instruments are used. It was very difficult deciding on a topic for the writing, but once I narrowed it down, it was easy to find both a band, and a song that fit the genre in question. Not much has changed since highschool, other than minor formatting and grammar adjustments. Mostly consisting of changes to schedule and working speed. The college work is a lot more general focused, and works on helpful skill, compared to the simple reading and summary or review writing of high school. My next steps consist of relisting to the songs ive picked, and narrowing down which best fits my listed criteria, then beginning to write a short introduction to the band, as an introduction to start off the essay. Then flowing through the notes I will have at the time, using them as needed to create the assignment. The most difficult steps of the writing process for me are most certainly the gathering ideas/forming thesis, and the revision stage. Often struggling in the choosing of topics, over worrying about the difficulty of different options, or having a hard time coming up with ideas without a idea to stimulate thought and build off of. Additionally being overly lazy with revising, option to often keep similar to the first draft, and only adjusting grammar, punctuation, and sentence layout. Quote: A working thesis is different from the thesis found in a final draft: it will not be specific nor as narrowed. I considered a thesis as a central idea, and will now consider it more akin to a base idea.
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yellowsugarwords · 2 years
S4 reaction to tall young reader?
let's goooooo
Clementine: Clementine's eyes would widen. Her arms were crossed, an eyebrow raised and her gaze curious. "Nice to, uh, meet you?" It came out more like a question than a statement. It wasn't a total lie - she was pleased to meet someone new in their shitty world - but their height was a little alarming. At least they could be put to good use.
AJ: AJ would glance up at the stranger, giving a small asp. "Woah," he hushed quietly, "you're tall." "AJ--" Clementine turned to him, giving him a stare. "It's not a bad thing." AJ said, defending himself. "It's,' he paused, trying to find the right word, "cool." The stranger smiled, liking AJ already.
Marlon: Marlon glanced up and down, smiling at the sight of Y/N. "It's nice to meet you," he said kindly offering a hand to shake. "Welcome to the team. We're gonna need some extra hands." "And legs." Louis mumbled from behind him. Admitedly, Marlon was excited to have someone so tall on the team. Who knew how useful that could prove to be. "Make yourself at home."
Violet: Violet scoffed the second she spotted them. "You have got to be kidding me. Marlon, they aren't our age." Hearing that they were naturally that tall, Violet laughed. "We're not stupid. That's impossible." All Violet wanted was for them to get away from their safe haven. Deep down, she knew that wouldn't happen.
Louis: Louis crossed his arm and raised a brow. "Is this your real height?" "Louis, how could it be fake?" Violet quipped back. Louis waved his hand, silencing her. "Just let me ask the questions I need to." Really, he just wanted to know how a person their age was able to get this insanely tall.
Mitch: Mitch would cross his arms, sizing the stranger up. He smirked and nodded as if approving of them. "Welcome to the team," he said, wandering forward and slapping their shoulder in a friendly manner. "I'm sure you'll get adjusted quickly." He just had a gut feeling everyone was going to love them.
Willy: Willy's jaw opened and his eyes widened. At first, he said nothing. He didn't know what to say. Was this real? He gulped and turned to Mitch, silently communicating his confusion. Eventually he turned back and fairly nodded. It was so small Y/N could barely see it. He was just nervous. He always was with new people. He would warm up soon.
Tenn: Tenn glanced up, locking eyes with the stranger. He blinked cautiously, sizing up their newfound teammate. "Hi," he said plainly. He wasn't afraid, he wasn't taken aback, he was just amazed. How did they find their hideout? And how did they get so tall? Tenn was desperate to know their secrets. He'd always wanted to be tall.
Brody: Brody would nervously glance up and smile, alarmed by their size. She also felt oddly comforted by it. After all, who would want to mess with someone who was double their size? Maybe it was an intelligent safety move. "Hi," she said faintly. "Welcome to the team."
Ruby: Ruby would smile at the stranger, nodding politely in their direction. "Nice to meet you, stranger." She said kindly. Yes, their height was startling, but it wasn't bad. Besides, Ruby had a strong opposition to commenting on physical appearances, especially these days.
Aasim: Aasim jumped upon meeting the stranger. When Ruby said they were tall, he didn't think she meant ginormous. "Uh," he cleared his throat awkwardly. He knew the deed was done. He had clearly shown his thoughts. "Welcome." What else could he have done? There was no way this person was their age.
Omar: Omar would pause, eyes wide as he studied their height. Slowly, his awe turned into a smile. "Nice to see a new face," he said simply. After introducing himself, he turned around to the others, seemingly trying to not make a big deal of it. The last thing he wanted was to make their new friend feel uncomfortable.
James: James didn't believe it. He didn't believe they were being honest for a second. He raised a brow and scrunched his nose. "Hi." Was all he said. Anythign else would be rude or upfront. Maybe he should sit this one out and let someone else ask the questions he had.
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘮 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 💌☕️♡
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Could I tempt you into some fluffy pre-gamefuna fuckery headcanons for the lost souls AU? Like what were the (older) kids like growing up?
It's gonna be a long boy so I'm putting a read more
Gonna focus on the scrybes because they're the ones Blue and I most thought about, but lmk if you want any other chars! (Admitedly there's. Not a lot of info about the others yet)
P03/Poe and its family:
They were very close with their siblings. The 5 of them stuck together coz their parents...weren't the greatest, and if anything their older siblings Philip and Ari were more parental figures than their biological parents. It was a pain trying to keep in contact because their parents eventually kicked the two eldest out and forbade contact with them for "being a bad influence", but once Poe, Golly and eventually Uriah got out of that place they grew even closer to each other and their older siblings. But congrats to their conservative Christian parents whose children somehow all turned out to be trans and definitely not straight either. Task failed successfully.
Zoey was Poe's entire world but she was definitely a surprise. Very much a miracle baby, as Poe already had low fertility because it has turner syndrome and was taking T at the time which lowered it even further. Their partner completely dipped on them and at first, Poe didn't even want to keep the kid, but ended up growing attached over the few months and in the last weeks decided to keep Zoey, even picking out a name for her before she was born. It came as a surprise to their siblings, who were helping them a lot during all of it, but it wasn't a negative surprise at all. Poe's siblings were a big part of Zoey's life as she grew up and were a great help to them. Just a very close-knit family unit.
Poe was an employee of GameFuna, which is how it met Kaycee and the two became close friends. Both were loners and considered weirdos by others, so they just kind of...stuck together. She got Poe into card games and was pretty frustrated by how good Poe was at them, poor Kay kept losing. Since Poe had a toddler to raise, Kaycee understood it didn't have much time to hang out one-on-one so she didn't mind Zoey tagging along with them or hanging out at Poe's place and helping take care of Zoey while at it. Zoey got very attached to her and would call her her auntie, and Kaycee grew to adore Zoey and dotted on the girl. She even pitched in to help Poe take her to Disneyland on her 3rd birthday, the three of them went together and Poe still has a picture of all of them from that day framed.
Lech/Leshy and his family/friends:
Lech's family immigrated to America when he was in elementary school, he never really got along with other kids and so didn't have many friends; except for his cousin, Nikolai, aka the Prospector. Nikolai was born there but as his Polish parent was an immigrant and came there alone and his American parent was an only child, he didn't have any kids close to his age in the family to speak of. So he was ECSTATIC when his cousin who's the same age as him came to live near them. At first, it was mostly Nikolai pulling Lech along on his weird adventures, but eventually, Lech warmed up to him and the two of them became inseparable, and have been ever since that day.
Trapper, Trader and Angel (Angler) became a part of their friend group eventually too. Trapper was the last one to meet the others through his girlfriend back when they were in college. They were also kinda questioning her choices in men, like "I like that one" "Oh honey...We have classes together and last time I talked to him he asked me if caterpillars were animals. I'm fairly certain he actually believes coconuts are mammals" "I like stupid". Nikolai and Lech would eventually open a landscaping company together, which the others joined.
Lech was a pretty young father, just 17 and didn't even finish high school when his first kid was born. Despite this and being very inexperienced with kids, Norm was his entire world and he dotted on that kid so much. He ended up marrying Norm's mother and they had a second kid, a daughter, a few years later. The marriage didn't end well as they really didn't feel anything for each other, more so married out of a feeling of obligation, so eventually, they divorced but stayed on good terms with each other. Lech wasn't a perfect father, but he did his best and he adored his kids more than anything in the world. When Norm was 16, shortly before the whole GameFuna incident, they started a band and Lech was more than happy to help them set up a recording room in his garage. He was SO proud of his kid.
Grimora/Morana and her family:
I'll be honest, Mora's life wasn't the best before this, she was married to a rat bastard of a man and had to cut most of her old friendships off because he was so damn jealous. But in all of this, she had her three kids whom she adored and spent as much free time with as she could. Even as they grew older they'd try to make time for their mum. She was just very close with them and enjoyed spending time with them, she was extremely proud of them and would always brag about their accomplishments to her coworkers.
Speaking of her work, she was a pathologist (the guys performing autopsies) and she loved what she did. Considering she didn't really have friends, she mostly talked about it with her kids once they were a bit older, and they were always morbidly curious about her work.
She took up sewing in her free time, and would sew elaborate sweaters and booties for their old cat and dog. Her favourite thing must have been putting booties on the dog and watching him take biiiig steppies.
Magnificus/Maggie and their family:
Aight I'll be honest, there's not much about Mags, I mean the man's an accountant come on.
He was a professional larper though, very dedicated to his little roleplay games and costumes. He'd always make these elaborate costumes with his sister, which were mostly wizard costumes. His sister had a thing for knights though.
Speaking of his sister. Mags had a few siblings, but he was very close to her since they shared a passion (of being nerds). After his third divorce, he gave up on his love life and just decided to focus on his hobby and family.
He also had a white bunny rabbit who he named Mrs Hopps. She had an almost free range of the house; minus places that had wires.
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lillylunala · 2 years
Hello teo questions
What programs do you use to draw and animate?
And did you buy them?
I use Paint Tool SAI for all my drawings! For animation, I make each frame and part on SAI, then compile it together in Sony Vegas 14 (which admitedly isn't an animation program at all, just a video editor lol! A big reason animating takes way longer than it probably should tbh)
I do also have TVPaint, but I still haven't figured out how to draw good lines in it. Everything always comes out wobbly and unprecise
As for payment... Uh.
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thewordworrier · 3 years
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? ✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer? 🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try?
👀 Do you have any words/phrases you use habitually? God damn. Yeah, I know I do; I know I fall back on a bunch of things but now that you've asked me that, I literally cannot think of a single bloody one! 🤔 What’s one genre you’ve never written that you’d like to try? Hmmm. I'd like to do more of the Time-Travelling stuff, but I'm out of ideas. I think I'd like to experiment with like, Fantasy and magic and all of that a little more? Not quite sure where I'd go with it, but I think it would be fun. Not sure if my VampireAU counts too much as that's more of a modern setting? (I know I need to get back to that at some point.) Also, I know it’s not a genre per say, but I’ve seen some SoulmateAU ideas that’ve... Caught my interest. Along with others. ✏️ What is your fave fic from another writer? LONG ANSWER AHOY Okay. So I’ve thought about this, quite a lot, and I’ve come to the conclusion that a lot of what I read decends into smut. I’m gonna have to let that realisation sit and sink in, and question my life choices. That’ll be fun. ANYWAY. I have a fic rec tag. But I also know I’ve got a bunch of fics saved in my ‘likes’ that I haven’t reblogged and added to that tag yet. Bad me. I’m also not gonna pick ones that I know I requested, or ones that might’ve been sparked from a conversation I was involved in because reasons. I toyed with the idea of putting fics for the other fandoms (mostly Criminal Minds or Supernatural, sometimes the MCU) on here but... Nah. Just a quick note that, just because I haven’t mentioned it, doesn’t mean I didn’t like it! I read pretty much everything I get my hands on, and I’ll admit I’m awful at reblogging things most of the time. I can’t list everything or I’ll be here all day and... No one wants that? To be honest, you could ask me the same question on a different day and I’d have a list of fics for you, even if you told me I had to keep to the same authors because my favourites change and sometimes it’s hard to pick just one. RIGHT I have three from the lovely @mcrxreader The first two live in my head rent free because, jesus they made me cackle and giggle when I first read them. Admitedly the first is a weird dream/nightmare situation for most writers, or readers, I think? The third is just... Heart eyes, you know? We gotta remember that first and foremost our favourite vocalist is a nerd and this one is so cute.      ~ S-I-N, I S-I-N      ~ There’s A Place In The Dark (Where The Animals Go)      ~ Let’s Use Our Magic Powers With The Children A few from @xxfanfiction-emo-trinityxx That first one? The format, like - positive things, positive things, slap in the face with feelings! Yes, give it to me. The second is just like... I identify with this so hard. And who wouldn’t want Gerard taking care you of when your morning is the worst? The third... I have mixed and complicated feelings about LynZ herself as an actual real person, but, we brush those aside for fic. Also we need more girls loving girls positivity y’all.      ~ I Lied      ~ Not Every Morning Is Good      ~ Not Straight Third; some from @hellofanimagination The first, again is one that lives in my head rent free because, hot damn. There’s some lines in there that just stuck with me, and not just because it’s a little smutty. The second - c’mon. If you know me, you know I’m a suckerrrrrrr for that kinda fluff. The third - It’s a Dallon fic, it’s fluffy and it’s Robin’s fault that man is even on my radar.      ~ Urie’s House, 11 Tonight      ~ Marry Me      ~ You Stole My Head Obviously, I’m gonna have some fics from @robinrunsfiction I’m gonna point out first, that I know how much work she puts into her writing - she looks up correct locations and correct dates and hotel room visuals and all of that kinda fun stuff. Details yo. I dig that. (I’m not saying that others don’t do this, I’m sure some do but I don’t know for certain like I do here.) Whereas I make that up as I go or gloss over it because... Reasons? I appreciate that kinda thing. Anyway. The first is an idea I’m so mad that I didn’t write first. But we all know I’d write it with Gerard, ‘cause c’mon, you should all know me by now BUT that’s not the point. I’m glad she got there first because Frank is a little shite [affectionate] and this is perfect and <3 Second - it’s beautiful okay. It’s beautiful and romantic and makes me feel soft, and gives me those... Losing a day, sitting in a bay window with a mug of tea, a snuggly blanket and a good book while it’s raining kinda vibes and I don’t even know how else to explain it. The third - (I spent like five minutes letting a couple of titles fight it out for this spot, not gonna lie) it’s fluffy and cute and you just need that sometimes. Plus, teacher x teacher is so... Uncommon? Rare? And I just... Heart-eyes. [plus this is the first, original and best compared to some others kthxbi don’t @ me] ~ To The Vows You Take ~ Ivy ~ I See Stars
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Post about Jonah and luck just made me think about MORE Jonah and Jon stuff... the way both of their stories are centered around agency and choices... but whereas Jon constantly wonder if he had a choice, if he didn’t, if he was set up, if he can even break free, questioning himself at every turn and having bouts of impulsivity in the mix, Jonah decided long ago that no. He has agency and he will keep agency and everything is his choice
and the THING IS, I think maybe that’s why Jonah, despite seemingly a good fit for the web, is ultimately not, because the same way Basira logic her way out of the unknowing, Jonah determines his own free will and doesn’t let doubt pester him.
Cause in my head at least, the web is all about choices and agency, but what feeds it is your own fears and questions about free will and choices and such. A good avatar will have ever given up the idea of the answer being given (is there free will? who knows!), a victim might slowly fall prey when they fully stops believing they have free will at all, it’s not even a question anymore, and therefore it makes it “true” and turns them into puppets. Inescapable fate, self-fulling prophecies, etc.
JON is perfect for the web because he keeps pondering, -- and admitedly was set up (ha.) -- not to trust hs judgement, his feelings, his free will. S4 is all about that!
.. and in the light of that (yes i’m thinking as i write), you COULD interpret Jonah in S3 telling him that it is, in fact, all his choices, trying to lurr Jon closer to beholding and further away from the web (I feel S3 Jonah was trying to make Jon a mirror, he was trying to be as much a mentor as he could be while still using Jon for his own purposes. Hence why he tells Jon about discarding relationships - might get Jon in the end - , hence why he tells him no jon don’t doubt this was all you - because that possibly removes the fear of the spider, hence why he helps him grow his powers further, even if it means having to be away from him later on). AND EVEN WHEN HE TELLS JON THAT JON IS JUST THAT, SOMEONE HE CHOSE, he’s also giving Jon the ... choice not to doubt anymore. He’s giving him a proper answer about free will;
the comparison between Annabelle’s first statement, when she feeds Jon’s fear of lack of free will, and Jonah’s 160 statement, when he tells him, so clearly, no jon, there is a free will, no destiny except the one i make, the one WE can make, it’s just so FASCINATING
(how did i not think of that before... fuck. now i’m having feelings again over Annabelle and Elias fighting in backstage for Jon .........nngh.)
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thetimelordbatgirl · 2 years
Admitedly, Braly did do some damage control on Twitter by saying Anne and Sasha still remained close friends even if they didn't hang out 24/7 like before and Marcy did visit many times in the timeskip (but she waited ten years to ask on Anne/Sasha in high school due to not wanting to pry in such a sensitive topic). Does that also fix things a bit?
I mean....I guess??? But that's on twitter. Why couldn't it be done in the show??? Why only now do damage control on twitter??? How good is your finale if you have to answer these type of questions on twitter???
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icasttourniquet · 4 years
Common Misconceptions: Raising the Dead (CPR)
Let's start with the bad news: basically all the CPR you've seen in movies and TV shows is performed terribly.
Here's the good news: most CPR is performed on dead patients, which means even bad CPR is better than nothing.
What is CPR?
CPR stands for (googles hurriedly) Cardio-Pumonary Resuscitation. It has two parts: 1) chest compressions and 2) rescue breaths. Here's a video in case you're still confused, but most people have seen CPR performed a ton of times during the climaxes of medical shows. It comes right before either a) the nurse yells "Clear!" and the patient comes back to life or b) the EMT says "I'm not losing you" and injects the patient with adrenaline right to the heart, and then they come back to life.
Raising the Dead
CPR is generally performed on dead patients. That is, patients without a pulse. In the first responder business, the situation doesn't really get worse than dead, so it provides a unique opportunity for authors because you can't really get it wrong.
Here are some questions I've heard people ask while learning CPR:
Should I perform CPR on pulse-less patients who have chest wounds?
Can I continue performing CPR if I break a rib?
Should I perform CPR on pregnant people?
What if I can't give rescue breaths? Should I still give CPR?
My patient has a lot of broken limbs. Should I fix those before performing CPR?
My patient was electrocuted. Should I give CPR?
Here's the trick to answering all your CPR questions. Is my character dead (no pulse)? Does performing CPR put a) the first responder, b) another patient, or c) a bystander in danger?
If you can answer (yes) (no, no, no), congratulations! Your first responder can perform CPR, even really crappy CPR, even CPR that is ineffective, for as long as the plot requires (ModN's WFR instructor tells the story of a 6-hour CPR session on a dead patient during a journey to care that included a toboggan ride).
(NOTE: there's actually one solid contraindication: if the patient is severely hypothermic, their heart rate may be so slow and weak as to be undetectable. In this case (and pretty much only this case) chest compressions may actually do more harm than good. Other than that, obvious signs of death like decapitation or rigor mortis indicate you don't need to start resuscitation, but there are still plenty of compelling interpersonal reasons to do it – at that point you're doing CPR for the responder and survivors rather than the patient.)
Otherwise, your character should go for it!
The bad news about CPR
Time for the bad news (other than you having a dead character on your hands). In general,* CPR is not enough to bring someone back. Its role is to continue circulating oxygenated blood while you wait for a defibrillator like an AED to arrive. The AED or manual defibrillator is what actually convinces the heart to stop fluttering/beating erratically, and allows it to resume something like a normal rhythm. That means that in the wilderness, CPR is almost never going to work. That said, ModN's WFR instructors had a couple tales of AEDs falling from the sky (via helicopter, not under their own power), so it's worth trying regardless.
* The exception: lightning-struck patients can at times restart regular rhythms with just chest compressions. This leads to interesting triage considerations when dealing with the aftermath of lightning, but that's a subject for another post.
How to perform non-crappy CPR
There are a million videos on YouTube that can talk you through every sort of CPR. Keeping in mind, of course, that some CPR is better than nothing on a pulseless patient, here are some quick tips that could indicate your character has some training:
Your character distinguishes between adult and pediatric CPR. Because children don't tend to get heart attacks, pulse-less children almost always have a trauma or respiratory cause. This means responders give children more rescue breaths.
Your character keeps their elbows locked. Here's a playlist of some examples of bad CPR (and some are really quite bad). Actors generally can't lock their elbows because they'd risk injuring or even killing their scene partner (so, okay, fine, that's a decent excuse), but people with real training will know better.
They do not always give rescue breaths. Any CPR is better than no CPR. Rescue breaths can put the first responder at risk because they can involve lip-to-lip contact, assuming no PPE is available. I once had a paramedic say bluntly that he really only gives breaths to children—it's just not worth the risk to him for anyone else. If this sounds callous, remember, CPR is (almost) only performed on dead patients, and the number one priority in any disaster is yourself.
(ModN edit: in a professional setting your character will always have some sort of PPE for rescue breaths: a face shield at the minimum, or in the front country a full-blown bag valve mask (BVM) that allows them to use their hands to get air into the patient.)
Your character does a blood sweep before staring CPR in a trauma injury. You may have heard the rule no pulse = chest compressions immediately. This is almost always true, especially in the frontcountry, when most pulse-less patients you encounter will have had a heart attack. However, in the wilderness, we can run into a bad situation: chest compressions that pump all my patient's blood out the gushing wound in their side.
Maybe you're thinking, hey! I thought you said my character could always do CPR on a dead patient and they'd be fine! And yes, I did say that—thank you for listening. If your character performs CPR on a patient with no pulse and arterial wound, they have not killed their patient. This is because the patient was already dead. They have not "sped up" the bleeding out process because this patient has basically already bled out. So, I'm not blaming your character for anything.
That said, the pro-est of pros will do a blood sweep after finding no pulse and stuff/apply direct pressure/tourniquet as necessary. As an added note, your character with no pulse and the arterial bleed? Probably not going to survive.
This leads me to...
Writing more realistic necromancy
If your character's CPR is successful, your character has just raised the dead. Thinking about it this way can help you write more realistic resuscitation scenes. Here's the number one thing that will make all your CPR more realistic:
Your dead patient does not go from dead to walking and talking in a few seconds.
When the body has no pulse for a while, it gets unhappy. This is because all its internal organs are dying and also because it is dead. CPR replicates the pumping of a heart, but not particularly well. Most people whose organs are all dying don't get that shot of adrenaline to the heart (this is not part of any WFR or EMT protocol but whatever) and then go back to swashbuckling adventure after a quick sip of water.
In fact, in real life, checking the pulse of your patient is an important part of performing CPR because sometimes they come back to life and you don't notice.
So how might you accurately describe someone who's just come back from the dead via CPR (possibly plus defibrillation)? May I recommend some of the following words (no need to cite me—just plop 'em in your writing):
Weak pulse
Non-responsive to pain
Not dead!!!
An added point: absolutely no one whose heart stopped is now "okay" because their heart restarted. They are "not dead" because their heart restarted. Admitedly, not dead is pretty good in the first response business, but they need to see a doctor. As soon as possible. This is because something caused the heart to stop and CPR did not treat that underlying cause. Many people who come back from the dead die again soon after, and could come back and die multiple times before picking a state more permanantly.
Wilderness-Specific CPR
In the wilderness, we have get one (1) special CPR-related ability and that is the ability to stop.
In the US, there's a thing called patient abandonment that can get folks in trouble. Basically, if you start treating a patient, you need to keep treating them until 1) they are dead, 2) they are conscious enough to refuse further treatment and do so, or 3) someone else with an equivalent or higher level of training is treating them (ModN: as a W-EMT this is tricky – it's hard to find people more qualified in the wilderness to hand a patient off to!).
Because WFRs and EMTs cannot declare patients dead, and a dead or unconscious patient cannot refuse treatment, that means you are treating them until someone else is treating them. (As a side note, my first first-aid instructor told the story of performing CPR for 30 minutes in an ambulance on a patient missing part of his brain [this is bad] because the police officer at the scene didn't want to declare him dead on the highway, which would mean shutting down the road for a few hours).
CPR is unique, however, because it's performed on dead patients. The law doesn't want a poor WFR to be stuck in an endless CPR loop because they can't abandon their patient, so in the wilderness only, your character can stop CPR:
After 30 minutes of sustained pulselessness.
If another patient needs more help.
If continuing is dangerous to self or others.
Otherwise, backcountry and frontcountry CPR are pretty similar.
CPR is generally performed on dead people.
It is difficult to get worse than dead.
Garbage CPR is better than no CPR.
Recovering from being dead takes time and always warrants more care.
WFRs have a superpower and it is called stopping CPR.
Good luck raising your characters from the dead!
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a-dusty-emerald · 4 years
First of all, happy Ravenclaw day to all Ravenclaws and happy hogwarts pride day to all potterheads. Two days ago was my Hogwarts house's pride day, Slytherin. I started a HP marathon then, and I was deep into thoughts about my house. I know everyone says how slytherins are misunderstood and not the evil house, and I also know the stigma is still there: its just unfair. First, let's think how the Slytherin stigma existed only in Voldemort's era. Merlin himself, after all, was a slytherin.
Slytherins are cunning, loyal to their circle, smart and ambitious, their element is water, which shows their actions are dictated by their emotions. We can actually see that.
Snape was driven by his emotions, Draco's emotions were the ones that held him back from fully being a Death Eater-the mentality and all. Pansy seemed like an easily aggravated person. Slughorn still felt horrible about the fact that he unknowingly helped Tom Riddle, and he is definately on the good side. All Slytherins that were simply coexisting, were normal kids.
Kids that got booed at when they were 11 because a hat said they had ambition. Kids that lost previous friends and were then alone - with their other alone slytherin friends. How can they not stick together? How can some not grow to despise the others?
I love all houses, wholeheartedly. But admitedly, Dumbledor's treatment to Gryffindors is biased at its best. Harry killed a teacher (though I understand it was inevitable), he and his friends knocked out a troll, broke about ALL of the school rules, going through forbidden passages, and they get rewarded, finishing at 1st place for the House Cup that would have been won by Slytherins fair and square. Now I am not saying that this only happens towards Slytherins, Snape is hostile to Harry most of the times. It is just that the Slytherins always are the ones portrayed as evil and get the short end of the stick.
Now, Draco. Draco is the epitome of misunderstood, and I know some people who hate him - or have been all over dracotok and seen the obsession about him being seen as someone he is not - are rolling their eyes and scrolling now. I love Draco's complexity and character because it shows not everything is black and white. I hence get why many people are annoyed because he is being fetishised as a bad boy. Understandable, I'm with you. Draco is not a pure angel, that's for sure, its inaccurate when people portray him as a soft guy that is open about his feelings and that wouldn't harm a fly. He is not that. Period. However, he is also not pure evil, and it shows. He is a boy who had no choice, and for people who say he had one, I do not consider blackmail a choice, purely because I myself don't know what I would do if my choice of being on the good side of a war meant my family (and probably me as well) were to be killed. Call it cowardiness, I see it as being afraid to die, and that is not an unjustified fear, its trying to be a survivor. Draco lied to the Death Eaters faces knowing Harry was the dismorphed guy in the Manor, freed the Slytherins from the Dungeons (of course it was deleted :) ffs. ) and who can also forget the epic deleted scene of throwing Harry his wand. I understand they are deleted though, so I'll talk about his bad actions.
First, the bullying. He was a bully. We see the movie from Harry's perspective and knowledge mostly, and we see him bullying the trio. He and his crew wanted to be the schools "bad boys", doing whatever they wanted, always behind teachers eyes though. Draco was an exceptional student and always seeked extra credit, either by good means, like getting good grades, or by joining questionable squads (inqustorial) just to get on a teacher's good side. This and his bullying tantrums definately are a product of Lucius. I do not expect Lucius to be an understanding father when his son came back with a bad grade, and also its clear that the bullying stems from his father's ideas. Draco wasn't born knowing about muggleborns and calling them mudbloods.
We also see his reaction when he cursed Katie bell. This is not a reaction of an evil person. Its a reaction of a trapped person, forced to do something they really, really don't want to do. We also see this with Dumbledore. He never got the guts to kill him or anyone else, and when Dumbledore tried to calm him down, he said "You dont understand... I have to kill you... or he is going to kill me..." -and his family.
Snape is another grey character, not a dark wizard but cannot be considered on the good side because of the Dark Mark. He was a double agent, unable to show Harry his true feelings, but wanting to protect him nevertheless. He also took the unbreakable vow for protecting Draco, and seemed eager to help Narcissa even before Bellatrix suggested the vow. Lots of people say that its pathetic how he was obsessed with Lily so many years later, however he wasn't a guy that acted upon his wants. He was no stalker. He was just desperately in love with her, and hence wanted to keep Harry alive no matter the hatred he has for his father. Snape is not perfect, because he is human. He despised James, he felt negative feelings, but still, was on the light side (in secret). Basically he gave his life for not only Harry, but Draco as well. If loyalty and love are crimes, yes, he is a criminal. Lastly, lets not forget that behind Lucius's back, Narcissa Malfoy helps her son, and in the end lies to Voldemorts face, saving Harry, her family, and the future of Hogwarts.
All in all, sorry for the long post. I just felt I needed to share these thoughts because I feel like so many people still believe that being a Slytherin means being a Death Eater. Most Death Eaters shared a house with Slytherins because they were ambitious too. I would expect that Slytherins that had nothing to do with Death Eaters hated them even more than the other houses, since they were labeled as evil because of them. Harry potter fandoms do not need more hate: Your house does not dictate your moral compass.
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