#also this is not moshang idk why some people seem to be thinking that??
k0mmari · 15 days
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Update #2 on the sillies, now with more stuff!! yay!!!!!!!!!!
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jin-guang-ow · 5 years
hello im the moshang anon!! ur headcanons r too cute im soft ;;;; pls tell us more if u have any (angsty or fluffy or otherwise) i am All Ears 👀 hope you enjoyed your holidays!!!
owo anon thank you, I try to deliver the fluff haha. My holidays were good and I hope everyone else had a wonderful time as well as we prepare to enter the new year :)
I don’t really have any angsty ones though… orz I’ll leave that up to the experts hehe I just think if that was your thing, idk maybe it would be easier to write??? SINCE ALL OF THE SCUM VILLAIN COUPLES ARE LIKE WHAT??IS??A???TAAALK???? MISUNDERSTANDINGS CENTRAL!!!!
Anyways, continuing on to our regularly scheduled fluff:
Mobei Jun was told about the concept of couple’s clothing from SQQ (who, of course, desperately tried this hide this very same concept from Bingbing uwu) and immediately gifted Shang Qinghua black robes that match his own. SQH doesn’t really understand why at first and just puts them on because MBJ insists. He gets really excited because, omg, he could try to look like a demon lord now!!!! But, uh… it doesn’t work. SQH just looks cute. MBJ is very pleased.
Only a bit later does SQH realize that the robes match MBJ’s, and he’s like all excited like “Hey, look we match!”
“Is that not the point?”
Shang Qinghua has a child of the internet type of humor. He sometimes jokes about dying and those sorts of things. It really baffles Mobei Jun, who often sees SQH clinging to his thighs as he begs for MBJ to save him… Eventually he begins to think it’s just a human quirk since SQQ does it, too.
I could really imagine SQH cutting himself while cooking, getting frustrated, and just kind of going “Wow, I could really fucking die right now!” and MBJ is like ??? Do I need to protect him from everything??? EvEn CoOkInG???? (but if anyone is bad at cooking, it’s definitely MBJ so he can’t really help there)
I want a jealous MBJ who, when SQH talks to someone else (who seems a little too interested), he’ll just PICK UP SQH and move him to the side lightly. Like, please remember that I, his extremely powerful and extremely handsome demon lord boyfriend am here, and you must go through me to talk to him! His overbearing demon lord aura really comes out in these moments uwu MOBEI JUN IS THE FINAL BOSS IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO SHANG QINGHUA AND THIS ISN’T EVEN HIS FINAL FORM
But I also want a jealous SQH, so probably around the time he realizes all of his children somehow fell for SQQ, he starts to wonder if MBJ did as well??? It gets even worse when he realizes that MBJ has been visiting LBH and SQQ a lot recently…
Of course, out of everyone Shen Yuan has ever met, I think he’d want the least to do with MBJ!!! Please keep your demon lord to yourself, I have my own thank you very much!!!
To make matters worse, when MBJ was trying to gift wonderful and rare items to woo SQH, he obtained a large amount of ornate and beautiful fans. MBJ was under the impression that humans were fond of fans. SQH is certain that MBJ has actually fallen for SQQ… especially since he spent so much time carefully inspecting them…
I COULD REALLY IMAGINE SQH CONSTANTLY TRYING TO COVER UP MBJ’S CHEST!!! “Your Majesty, please cover up your chest properly. Some people may get the wrong idea.” and of course, I just want MBJ to misunderstand this and wonder if SQH thinks it’s ugly/unattractive???
Speaking of MBJ’s exposed chest… I could really see SQH, whenever he gets hot, just rests his head on MBJ’s chest with no warning. MBJ is too embarrassed to push SQH away.
Shang Qinghua finds out that Mobei Jun is weak to him acting cute uwu. Whenever SQH catches the demon lord staring at him, he’ll make finger hearts (OF COURSE HE HAD TO EXPLAIN WHAT IT WAS IN THE FIRST PLACE AND COME UP WITH FAKE ORIGIN afterwards of course MBJ says it’s stupid but is absolutely weak to it)
I’m weak to couples feeding each other, so SQH will oftentimes feed MBJ delicious foods and THAT’S FINAL
MBJ gets really used to this and will sometimes just open his mouth, expecting SQH to feed him. It’s awkward when SQH isn’t paying attention…
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