#also to be clear the vampire one is mad horny.
ceilingfan5 · 8 months
[vampire meal deal au]
Kravitz, still dazzled, tucks a little closer, and Taako can’t resist letting his head accidentally fall against his chest, can’t resist bathing in the warmth of his living body, can’t resist tuning into the symphony paced along by the newly undomesticated drum in his chest.
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dotlookstired · 3 months
I’m very embarrassed to admit this but I have written a Daniel/Armand egg preg fic
Not sure what the proper etiquette is for this kind of thing on tumblr, I migrated here a few years ago and never did or posted much until recently so here’s a warning.
‼️this is mature content‼️ as in 18+
It's vampire mating season. Daniel notices a change in Armand and is worried. Armand explains the cruel joke that is mating season: vampires can’t reproduce by mating, but every century, they feel this deep, instinctual desire to try. Soon, he will feel the need to build a nest, mate with Daniel, and then lay an egg. However, because of the hormones still in his system, he'll still want to care for it and will become very depressed when he finally comes to his senses and realizes it will never hatch.
Hello, I'm a little embarrassed that I wrote this. I kinda got into an angsty/horny mood and this happened. I also wrote this in one go, and I haven't written smut in years. Grammarly sort of had a stroke towards the end, and I really couldn't be bothered to correct it myself, so I apologize for that. I appreciate comments and constructive criticism.
(See the end of the work for more notes.)
Armand had felt off for a few days now. The symptoms crept in slowly at first: persistent tiredness, irritability, and a slight fever. His joints ached in a way that was both foreign and alarming, given he is an immortal vampire. The mood swings were the worst, though. One minute he would be calm and collected; the next, an overwhelming sense of anger would wash over him. possessiveness would grip him, making him growl at anyone who came too close to Daniel.
Daniel noticed the changes but had no idea what could be the issue. He thought maybe Armand was somehow sick, or angry at him for some unknown reason. The uncertainty gnawed at him until he couldn’t take it anymore. One evening, as Armand lay listlessly on the couch watching Phil Swift cut a boat in half with a chainsaw and then fix it with flex tape, Daniel decided to confront him.
“Armand,” he said softly, sitting beside him and taking his hand, “what’s going on with you? You’ve been acting so strange lately. Are you sick? Or… are you mad at me?”
Armand blinked slowly, the fog in his mind clearing slightly as he focused on Daniel’s concerned face. It took him a moment to process the question, but when he did, a wave of realization washed over him. “Oh,” he murmured, squeezing his hand gently. “It’s not you. It’s… it’s that time of the century again.” he said more to himself than to Daniel
Daniel frowned, confused. “What do you mean? What time of the century?”
Armand sighed and sat up, running a hand through his messy auburn hair. “Vampire mating season. It’s a cruel joke, really. We can’t reproduce by mating, but every century, we still feel this deep, instinctual desire to try. The symptoms you’re seeing… are because of that.”
Daniel’s eyes widened in shock.
Armand took a deep breath, trying to steady his nerves. “Basically It means that for about a week, I will feel the need to build a nest and have lots of sex. It’s intense, and we become very territorial. Afterward, the vampire who was on the receiving end, in this situation me, feels a painful pressure in their lower abdomen, as if an egg is forming. Eventually, they’ll feel the need to push and… lay the egg. Of course, there will be no baby but the vampire who lays it will still feel a strong need to care for and protect it until they come to their senses. It’s a delusion our bodies force upon us. And then… then we grieve over what can never be.”
Daniel listened in stunned silence, his mind racing to comprehend what Armand was telling him. “Other than the intense sex part that sounds kinda awful, there’s nothing we can do to stop it?”
“No,” Armand replied softly. “But I’ll understand if you don’t want to be here for it. It’s… a lot to handle.”
Daniel shook his head firmly. “I’m not going anywhere. We’re a couple we should both have to suffer.”
As the days passed, Armand’s symptoms grew worse. He became increasingly restless, driven by an uncontrollable urge to gather soft materials and create a nest. Daniel watched as Armand collected blankets, pillows, and even some of Daniel’s worn clothes from the basket in the bathroom. Daniel thought it was kinda gross at first but Armand explained that Daniel's lingering scent on the worn clothes was incredibly comforting to him. Armand meticulously arranged them into a cozy, safe space in their bedroom.
The rest can be found on my ao3
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Ppl are (understandably) upset abt fae shit taking over YA/NA romance but I think getting mad at the very concept of fae and why it's popular won't really do much. Mainly because the "fae" we see in popular books are just the same flavor of guy, with minor variations based on author appeal. The "fae" are no different from the vampires back in the Twilight ripoff era (in fact they can be traced all the way back to Twilight itself), they're just using a different word for that specific flavor of Straight Romance Guy and his associated tropes, which is what you're really mad at.
Usually the main fae guy is a bigstrong man, there's some sort of mating system, potentially some gender essentialism, and everyone's a model. It's a generic but "appealing" (to mostly straight women) enough concept that it can be pretty much anything you want it to be, all while tapping into that high fantasy/"political intrigue"/enemies-to-lovers buzzword soup. I think the only reason this trope is specifically called fae and not elves is because you want to be darker and edgier, and elves have a cultural association with being more ethereal and sexless. So we have these guys, who are really just the same guy, who are really just elves who fuck, and we call it fae because it sounds more mysterious and, well, fey than elves.
(It could also be argued that fae and elves are the same guy also, but most girlies are not ready for that conversation.)
I think it's understandable that it became this way, as the concept of "fair folk" exists across different cultures and has fewer set rules compared to Tolkien/D&D elves. It has a bigger and more varied pool of inspiration for writers to take ideas from. However, instead of actually taking ideas from any folklore, a lot of the current fae shit is just repackaged vampire/werewolf stuff: these are guys who are better than you, they have superpowers, they fight and fuck like animals, and they claim your weak human body with their bites, and the ultimate upgrade is becoming one of them. It's the same old shit under a different name.
The reason it feels like an epidemic is because smaller authors are just cribbing shit from the bigger ones and using the same names for the same guys, the same tropes, the same plots. Like "oh this made me horny, so I'll just repeat it!" and this echo chamber has begun spawning its very own lore and mythology, and newer authors are assuming that this is based on real folklore and not some woman's personal wank bank, and don't bother to check because this is good and made them horny, so why change what works? Like, I've legit seen authors claim that SJM didn't invent fae mating because "it's part of the original mythology." Which, to be very clear and admirably restrained, is not the case. SJM didn't invent mating, but it's not becuse it's "original folklore." It's just the same old stuff but with a different name, and unfortunately, the fair folk and associated folklore is a lot more vague than, say, werewolves or vampires, and that's why these tropes are now becoming "canon" lore.
We've basically taken a vaguely defined existing concept, slapped its name on the old paranormal romance tropes of yore, and because there's no cultural understanding of fae the same way there was vampires, there's no "vampires don't sparkle" pushback, and we've begun adopting a few women's fetishes as the Universal Truth, and that's the part you hate. The part where it's the Same Guy again, but he's wearing a different hat.
And while I get why you'd be tired of this shit specifically (I am also tired), I think to dismiss fae in general is like dismissing vampires back when Twilight was popular. It's a type (or types, rather) of supernatural creature that has a rich history across cultures and it's a well of inspiration for writers that has been used before and will be used after. I think to blanket-dismiss the concept of fae in a book is counterproductive. You want to encourage writers to tap deeper into that well if you want that generic samey-ness to go away. What you want to dismiss are the tired tropes that are forced on otherwise interesting folklore/mythology that's open to endless different interpretations.
At the same time, I do fully understand why wouldn't want to do that, because as much as writers like to complain that readers just don't get their flavor of unique, sometimes there's just not a lot to get. It's the same fucking guy, girlies. You wrote the same guy again! To find one unique and interesting take on the fae, you have to sift through a thousand of That One Guy, and it's just not worth it.
(There are also and will always be really cool books about fae that aren't romance as well, but I'm specifically talking abt romance because it's infested with fae shit right now and I get it. I really do get it, I get both sides of the issue. I'm part of the problem, I wanna see cool fae shit with romance so I keep reading them, but it's the same guy again, so I'm writing my own, but it might be the same guy again because I'm also braindead!)
Anyway, I look forward to years from now when fae get their renaissance and we get wacky and interesting takes on them. First we had Twilight, now we get What We Do in the Shadows. First we got ACOTAR, and eventually we'll get ... ??? We'll see! We can only go up from here!
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inbarfink · 2 years
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The thing about Brad and Janet’s very contrasting reactions to Frank and to their transformation, is that it’s kind of a subversion of their original ‘Horror\Sci-Fi Movie Lead Couple’ Gender Roles. Cause, like, it probably doesn’t apply to all of the 50′s-60′s era sci-fi B-Movies out there - but Brad and Janet are referencing the popular image of how the leads in these kinda movies were potrayed gender-wise: the ‘Hero’ is balancing a vibe of brave-but-not-brutish and scholarly-but-not-wimpy which is a very 50′s type of ideal masculinity. The ‘Heroine’ is pretty-but-chaste, easily-frightened and quick-to-scream.
And Brad and Janet play these roles fairly straight in the start of the movie. Janet is the one who hesitates and gets creepy vibes and always asks to leave and screams and faints. Brad is the one who acts confident and tries to calm her down and reassures and insist everything is fine and that they should venture forth. Even in the early parts of the movie you can get the Vibe that they are a parody. Like, it is Brad’s ‘confident’ dismissal of Janet’s concerns that netted him the moniker ‘Asshole’. (And outside of wearing nerdy-looking glasses, he’s really not that smart).
But the dynamic only starts to shift once Frank shows up.
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Even if the Time Warp has some Horny Vibes, it is Frank that makes it clear to Brad and Janet that they are not in a regular horror story about spooky castles - but in a story about queerness and sexuality. And Brad can pretend he’s the big brave hero man if all they’re facing against is a mad scientist or a vampire or something, but not if what he’s facing against is understanding his own sexuality.
So after Frank’s introduction and espacially once they get to the lab, there’s this shift. It’s not immediate, but it is noticable. Now, Janet tends to be the one that goes with the flow of the Frankenstein’s Place, join in on songs, laughs along with Frank’s flirtations - and Brad gets more insecure and befuddled and defensive. I think it’s obvious both of them were pretty immediately attracted to Frank, and like... neither of them were fully comfortable with it at first - But Janet was slightly more open to the idea than Brad was. 
(Of course, it’s a little more complicated than just a matter of ‘bravery’. I mean, I don’t want to downplay the amount of slut-shaming and misogyny Janet might struggle with considering her background. But also I think it’s safe to say that out of the two, it is more dangerous for Brad to admit that he enjoys wearing fishnets and sucking dick) 
But yeah, that little bit of extra confidence when facing the mysteries of her own sexuality (rather than the mysteries of the Big Spooky Horror Movie Castle) is what led her to embrace her own ‘sluttiness’ and sleep with Rocky - and become, like, the only Non-Frank-Person to have nothing but good thing to sing about in the Floor Show. In a total contrast to Brad, who at that same time became the most confused and frightened he’s ever been. 
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As my first post at this page i wanted to do something simple but special
At this kind of point you didn't even know what was going on, you just woke up at a very dark place, scared you scream for help, no one, only a dark and masculine laugh that you know very well who was the person in the dark, Ruki, you always had something for him, his body and dominant personality drives you crazy, you took a time to finally realize that you were nude, completely nude, not even one piece of clothe, you try to speak and ask him the reason why all of that were happening, but he stopped you whit a finger on your mouth "Stay quiet livestock, you don't need to understand what is going on, just submit to me, as the good piece of livestock you are", hearing those words you felt your lets trembling a bit, and the boy got comments about it "What a perverted piece of livestock, getting turned on, but that's great it only means that you've learned your place, submeting to your master, good girl", if you were not horny before you had some sure that now you're on flames and Ruki was the only one who could satisfy your dirty desires, by that the boy said "I'm not going to punish you today thanking to your nice behavior in this whole month, master is proud of you, choose your reward", you thinked about it really well, but that was indeed, you already know what you wanted "Master, i want you to plasure me, and also give plasure to you", you said in a very clear tone, you know that Ruki loves whem you're honest, "Very well livestock, recive your reward", ending this phase the boy knew down and opened your legs wide, showing the perfect view of your pussy, while the room got clear, by a lamp that illuminated the place, revealing be Ruki's room, you here tied in his bed at this point and his tongue was exploring every little piece of you, of couse you couldn't help but moan, saying his name, and whem he stopped, living you next to your edge, he kissed you "Does livestock likes the way she tastes?", not leaving time for you to answer he started to suck your tities, in the same time he was fingering you, harder, but again leaving you to the edge, you couldn't help again and made a face of disapproval, already pulsating for him, deep inside of you, again the boy teased you about how perverted you were, "Getting mad wouldn't help you now livestock, tell me exactly what you want", you already mad and desperated to release told him "Master please make me cum really hard using this cock of yours", we laughed, you wondered what was so funny but before asking you felt something big and huge inside of you "Such a perverted piece of livestock", the vampire told you fucking your insides hard and faster, right after that he told you " If uou really want to cum today, you'll have to beg, start doing it right now." then you started moaning hard by the extreme pleasure that Ruki makes you feel and now saying exactly those words repeatedly, "Please master cum inside, please let me cum" whit a estimated 30 times of you saying that and Ruki fucking you hard as fuck, his cook hitting your g-spot repeatedly, he said "Prepare yourself ", you moaned hard as his rhythm of thrusts increased a lot more whit his final thursts and your legs wrapped around his hip both of you came to your climax, and you thanked Ruki for this rewards, havind his seed inside of you was a very unique and addicting experience, we told you "Very well livestock, such a good girl, don't spill any single drop of it".
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danmeiljie · 2 years
Advance Bravely But its a Vampire AU Part 4
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Read Part 3 here!
1,628 words, Teen Rating
Yuan Zong leaned over the writhing, sweaty body of Xia Yao, his legs becoming entangled in the sheets Xia Yao was kicking. The young man was being driven mad with desire as Yuan Zong's hand moved rhythmically between his shaking thighs.
"Ah…!" Xia Yao gasped, his eyebrows pinched in a perfect grimace that was full of desperate pleasure. Yuan Zong was right. Having another person touch him in the way he often touched himself, was comfortingly familiar, yet also far more stimulating. Xia Yao's head lolled back and forth on the pillow as he bucked his hips into Yuan Zong's hand, trying to somehow urge him to go faster, but Yuan Zong was cruel, and forced him to endure a moderate pace that made his toes curl and scalp tingle with need.
"Yuan Zong!... Why are you teasing me…?" Xia Yao mumbled his words through his panting breaths. Yuan Zong remained stoic and calm.
"Do you not tease me every night? Dancing around on those long legs, stretching your thin waist? Craning your neck at me?" Yuan Zong listed off Xia Yao's alleged sins.
Xia Yao managed a half smile as his gaze slid over to Yuan Zong's burning eyes.
"Maybe I should tease you more!" He thrust his hand between Yuan Zong's legs and groped around for a telltale bulge. He palmed at Yuan Zong's underwear, his long fingers clumsily fumbling with the curves there. Yuan Zong jumped, and his moving hand tightened automatically around Xia Yao.
"Hey! Ow!"
Yuan Zong immediately let go, and Xia Yao sat up, perched on his elbows, his briefs askew against his hip bones.
"What, you can touch me, but I can't touch you?" The sweat glistened off his furrowed forehead; Yuan Zong wanted to lick it off. He leaned away from Xia Yao, turning his back to him.
"I think you ought to rest now, Xia Yao."
Yuan Zong threw back the blankets and got out of the bed. He began tugging on his clothes.
"What the fuck…? Where are you going?" Xia Yao's voice had a hint of anxiety in it behind the anger and it made Yuan Zong clench his teeth together. Shit. His canines were lengthening.
"I will be just outside, don't worry." Yuan Zong said, biting his words. He shrugged on his jacket and left to stand watch on the balcony, leaving a horny, confused Xia Yao on the bed.
What the eager young man did not fully realize, was that those of Yuan Zong's kind couldn't physically rise to meet sexual occasions. Well, at least he had not been able to direct his blood in that way. Sure, the life-giving substance he drank from people sustained him, and allowed for unusual feats of strength and sense, but for him, sex was not a matter of survival, and therefore nonessential. Upon becoming this thing that he had been for years, his body changed to be viciously efficient at one task: drinking blood.
It did not exactly embarrass Yuan Zong, but he was not ready to discuss the finer points of what his existence meant to Xia Yao. Hell, Xia Yao was still figuring out how he felt about his attraction towards another man, never mind a man who had become a supernatural creature of the night.
Yuan Zong scanned the immediate property and suburban street, his long-sighted gaze sweeping left and right, ready to detect any movement in the shadows. He had lived in this modern townhouse suited for rich Beijing bachelors for a few years now, and while the neighborhood was not known for crime, Yuan Zong was on alert for his own reasons. He could hear the faint movements of Xia Yao rustling in the sheets just beyond the bedroom window inside. His heart ached.
Yuan Zong hoped she wouldn't come tonight, but he couldn't be sure. Yuan Ru, his beloved younger sister, had made it clear the last time they met, she was not willing to give up her designs on Xia Yao. It was partly why Yuan Zong was loath to part with him. The other part he still was still trying to figure out.
He bit back a bitter growl as he berated himself again for asking Yuan Ru to approach Xia Yao on his behalf. He had hoped a pretty woman would seem less threatening, and he could gauge whether Xia Yao was firmly fixed on women, or would he be receptive to getting close to a man. What Yuan Zong didn't anticipate was that his sister would turn the tables on him, and pursue Xia Yao herself.
Luckily, Xia Yao was not interested, and maybe a little afraid of Yuan Ru. Yuan Zong loved her, but if he was honest, he was a little afraid as well. She was stronger than him.
That was common for their kind, since the one who creates, is always stronger than the one created. Yuan Zong no longer resented Yuan Ru for turning him. It had taken him a little time at first, but he realized she needed him. Yuan Zong had raised her when their parents had died, and they were always close. 
Yet, while she had never shared how she had become what they both were, or even when it had happened, it was easy for Yuan Zong to see she needed her big brother by her side. And he was not unwilling to continue being her companion and protector, as he had been for her in their previous lives. Yet clearly his vigilance had waned, since she had been able to become a creature of the night without him realizing it for a few years. It was something he still worked towards repaying.
Yes, he loved his sister, but she was testing the bonds of that love with her stubborn fixation on Xia Yao. It bothered Yuan Zong that he could not articulate what it was about him that captivated him so much. He just knew that there was his life before he met Xia Yao, and there was his life after he met Xia Yao. The only son of a wealthy family had become the epicenter of Yuan Zong's world.
Yuan Ru drummed her long polished nails against the circular table of her private dining room. A man stared blankly back at her, his head twisted at an odd angle on the surface, his reflection shining in the pool of blood that still flowed thickly from the gash across his throat. She frowned at her other hand, which still held the steak knife that had sliced her date's neck open. Blood had dripped onto her fingers and it was making her skin itch.
"Hmph! I told him not to touch me like that!" She mumbled to herself, already crafting a perfectly legitimate reason for exploding in violence. She dropped the knife with disgust and picked up a beautiful red and gold napkin and dipped it in the water pitcher that still had ice floating in it, and cleaned off the offending blood. She pouted a little, frustrated that she seemed to be in less and less control over her emotions lately. It was that Prince, Xia Yao!
Her big brother rarely denied her anything, so why was he being so stingy about this one man? Had he not taken many a college boy or lonely office paper-pusher to his room to be persuaded and fed from? His preference for men had been shocking at first, but she decided it was ultimately a benefit for their new lifestyle together. He would find the handsomest men in Beijing, and then she would sidle up to them after they would wake up wondering how they ended up drinking so much the night before, and then find themselves in a strange hotel room. With a beautiful, modelesque Yuan Ru waiting for them, most did not think about it too hard, favoring instead to thank their good luck they were with a woman who was rather eager to get to know them.
She was ready to receive Xia Yao as her next gift from her doting big brother, or as she now increasingly saw it, tribute from a childe to his supernatural senior and sire. Yet he was keeping him jealously all to himself.
After she was satisfied she had removed all traces of the dead man's blood from her hand, Yuan Ru fished her expensive cell phone from her tiny purse, and speed-dialed Yuan Zong.
"Ge! My sweet Big Brother! I need your help - I might have made a teensy weensy little mess at the apartment downtown." She pitched her voice to be pleading and syrupy sweet. After listening for a moment, she ran her clean fingers through her luscious long hair with satisfaction.
"Thank you thank you! Mwah! You're the best!" She exclaimed happily, and clicked off the call. She sat back in her chair to wait, and pursed her red lips at the dead man.
"What a shame. And I only had one drink from him!"
Yuan Zong returned his cell phone to his jacket pocket and sighed. Another human mannerism that he picked up from Xia Yao. He silently entered the bedroom again, and saw Xia Yao was sleeping, his bare chest rising and falling gently; his beautiful hand resting limply between his legs on top of the blankets. Yuan Zong indulged himself a lingering look at him, before turning to lock the window tight, and retreating to his black SUV to drive away downtown. Xia Yao would be safe in Yuan Zong's home, and he was going to the one he was most worried about anyways. He had to remember not to grip the wheel too tightly, or it would be crushed beneath his strong grip.
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No hate to the creator of this summary
But I love watching videos like this sometimes even though I disagree with most everything
Because it's obviously made by some maybe misogynistic dudebro with clear biases that get into the way of whatever media literacy he has, and dillutes or distorts whatever interesting observations and analysis he makes
Like I'm sorry, you can't just say nothing happens in the books that mostly cover Ciris perspective because they don't cover Geralts perspective much, and then even worse talk at length about all the stuff that happens. Like??? Hahaha
It also reeks of not understanding themes and core messages, something that's pretty apparent from the way he talked about the short stories (though there definitely are issues with them, no way to denie) and for example when he says that the books make a big deal out of Angouleme looking like Ciri but it not mattering. (Because he views Yennefer as Ciris mother more than Geralt as Ciris father)
There's also some factually wrong stuff, mostly inconsequential details like Reiges giving Milva a pill when he made her a potion, but also claiming that Reiges isn't dead because only higher Vampires can kill higher Vampires (nothing like that is ever said, and there's no reason to doubt that the single most powerful individual in Vilgefortz can't kill Reiges when it's textual not even literal that his molten down remains fused together with stone/marble)
Speaking of Vilgefort, he says Geralt gets wounded by him when in other instances he had no issues calling Geralt severely wounded or such. Which obviously is a massive fucking understatement, Geralt gets owned and almost dies. And, again purely textual, Geralt becomes permanently disabled as a result of the magical treatment that saved his life, but also because his hand can't recover full functionality anymore.
Then there's weird stuff like calling him one and also comparing Dandelion to faggots. But near the end of the video making fun of people who listen to right wing talking points too much. And that last one was what truly broke me, I needed to share all of this.
There's so much in here, I can't remember everything, you'll guaranteed find stuff I missed or overheard. This is art to me.
And yeah, dude said stuff like "wow no wonder a story is much more interesting when you follow the main character" when he switches to book 3 I believe. Because he can't stop complaining about Ciri being important in books 2 and 4, or rather getting more page time than Geralt does. Because he just likes Geralt more and it's awesome because something always happens and there's epic action and stuff. (Anyone else things he's horny for Geralt?)
Idk it's a beautiful mess of incompetence and predetermined judgements and I can't even be mad. But saying that CD Project Red wrote better stories with the games than Sapkowski did with the books, something he actually said in the video completely unironically, is pretty fucking wild. Immmagine. Dude doesn't even understand why Sapkowski wrote the book the way he did, any messaging is lost, hates 70% of the story because it doesn't show off how cool his big bad crush Geralt is. It's hilarious
I'll stop, no more
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noa-ciharu · 2 years
Fai’s post eyeloss vibe shift:
Alright. So after eye loss Fai's official arts became like this:
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Very beautiful, very detailed, very subtle but also - slutty energy. That eyepatch isn't helping at all. Also this is probably most kurofai shippy art we got - and it's around Infinity angst arc.
And it's not just art, but Fai's general behavior:
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You're really hopeless "Kurogane" - Fai plz stop with this vampire divorce thing. But since "no sex before divorce" is a thing in Clamp mangas, it's forgivable Infinity angst banging
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It's us fans, don't mind us, keep on going 👀
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Fai and his slutty blood drinking. It's all innate instinct to him to lick wounds like this so ho genes
And it's not just behavior, outfits too:
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What is that collar Fai plz wear more of it.
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Yes. Like that. Slutty outfit. Excuse the angst for a moment, this is Fai vibes appreciation post. I was about to say how that O-ring has no practical use but:
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BDSM arc. Thank you for this Kurogane. I'm sure there's at least one fic that explores this concept. And it's not just infinity angst arc, it happens after it too:
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Fai asked for private room for him and Kurogane, undressed him and licked his blood while looking like that. Talk about being subtle. That half lidded eye tells enough. Fai get a ro - oh you already did :D good :D
He always had a bit of slutty energy around him, but how did it come to this I have no idea since -
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oh. I think i have an idea after all.
Kamui’s blood is responsible for Fai’s slutification! There’s no other - Fai signed up for slutty vampire divorce the moment he changed into a vamp!
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He woke up felling sassy and divorcey; them slutty vamp vibes be doing him good. For mental health purposes I’m not including “good morning Kurogane” panel. Seeing it once in lifetime is enough.
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Fai lying with sus face and slutty black turtleneck; and Kamui’s genes. Fai makes such obvious lying face that mostly consists of either half-lidded eyes + flat smile combo or plastic grin + closed eyes combo (like in that cursed panel).
So basically this one panel set Fai’s slutification in motion:
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Y’all just know it wouldn’t have been the same if he was given Subaru’s blood instead. Fai would half angst and half serve wet sad sad kitten looks; with Kamui’s blood he half angst and half serves slutty stubborn kitten looks. Infinity arc wouldn’t be nowhere near BDSM as it was. Because:
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Yes Syaoran, there’s something not normal about him. It’s the succubus slutty vamp vibes. Also it’s the same slutty black turtleneck Fai has later on; clear as day whose vibes he picked up along genes.
But Kamui went a step further and:
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What is that leg garter?? What purpose does it serve boy?? Looks? Being sexy? Do I even wanna know?
Canon facts that he’s the slutfier:
1) that one pic with Fai. It’s one of sluttiest official arts of Fai and Kamui contributed to it at least 80%; rest of 20% are Fai’s natural ho genes.
2) This twincest vibes:
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Sluttiest pic of trc!Subaru we have (maybe even tb/x!Subaru?) and it’s with Kamui. Plus them earrings. Coincidence - maybe but? It’s all Kamui’s vibes and he’s rubbing of on his not nearly innocent as he seems but still naive brother.
3) No thoughts, just whatever they have going on:
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Fuuma’s expression seems so tender here... and horny. He’s only like this around Kamui so? Also on unrelated note, how did Kamui feed for 3 years in acid Tokyo? Did he bite random people or maybe slashed enemies during fights or maybe - alright, sin stops here. Moving on.
So yea... it’s all in Kamui’s genes, no wonder Fai became a whore along with vampire :D I want main crew to meet with twins in TRC and have Fai thank Kamui for passing on his sassy genes :D Kurogane both suffered and benefited from those genes so he’d probably be conflicted about entire thing
TW: Seishirou
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Bastard rectangle priest with vampire fetish is giving Fai vibe check here: if he attacks and Fai yields - it’s Subaru’s blood (oh would he be mad as high hell, i’d pay to see it 👀🍿). If Fai retorts back - it has to be Kamui’s. Since Fai took defensive stance instead of dropping to his knees, bastard man safely concluded it is Kamui’s blood.
So to bring conclusion to this senseless 300% serious brainrot:
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connorhasaknife · 2 years
big theorypost for episode 3 of hunter the parenting
there was a lot in this episode! goddamn, not even just for d either. i have a lot of stuff for d, kitten and potential foreshadowing from pyotr. specifically pyotr, there's some cool stuff there that i've been thinking about. schizoposting commence BIG D more fuel to the idea that the credits sword/d's sword is a title being manifested in the fact that he clearly summons it and desummons it in the episode, and the fact that he does nothing which lines up with the legend thing
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also lol get shat on idiot
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where did his sword go? where did it go. it was flung in this direction. where is it. where is it dont have much else for d this episode other than that nothing contradicts the theory. it isnt less plausible, but it does only get a little bit more plausible unless ive missed things. there'll probably be shit next episode there is also the fact that he doesn't seem to know how to use an icepack- or, alternatively, he was a beast-like changeling that finds chewing on it comforting? it would line up with how he deformed last episode, but i've been considering a d fairie custodes characters (krakus, potentially waamudes and custodisi) changeling thing which might work. We'll See! KITTEN
byeah kitten is a werecat check THIS shit out
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he's punched by a vampire who just committed diablerie and he's like, completely fine, which would make sense if he's a werecat considering how massively powerful shapechangers are in wod.
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here's kitten with clear back hair. you may say connor those are blur lines you do animation you should know this WRONG idiot, the next few frames confirm it isn't as he uh
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he's either a bastet or the worlds most dedicated catboy.
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also, his 'hissing' is translated, which would make SENSE considering that bastet have a language that sounds like animal noises but is, like.. speech. i say bastet but i mean every shapechanger ever. now that we've clarified that kitten is a bastet, what does this mean? wouldn't he be hunted by the team? WRONG
before i ramble about what this means, i first need to clarify something. bastet come in tribes- most tribes are built around big cats, like lions and tigers. kitten clearly isn't one of those. even in this more catlike form, he's still very small compared to what you would expect from a bastet of any other tribe. he also lives in europe, alongside a fae.
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the ceilician are a commonly thought extinct tribe of bastet. commonly found in europe, they allign themselves closely with the fae- they are smaller and weaker than most other tribes of bastet, but are exceptionally fast, intelligent and skilled with blades. due to their close proximity with fae and fae-aligned creatures, most ceilicians are skilled with some form of magic. they're also unusually skilled with computers... mmmmyeaaah but im sure it means nothing the more i theorise about this the more i feel like i'm losing iiit aaaaaaaaaaaa PYOTR
firstly; pyotr put kitten in the Shovelhead Hole to turn him. like almost certain about this, he even implies he's going to kill kitten (by turning him). pyotr horny moment
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in the eyecatcher its explained how the sabbat crew got embraced. pyotr, the nosferatu and scrungly meow meow, got embraced during a deep sea mining operation. a nosferatu being embraced. underwater the concept of antediluvians is a muddled one, particularly in old world of darkness where everything has been retconned and where original books are hard to come across. what IS concrete though is the relationships that certain bloodlines (hah) have with their antediluvians. it's always absolutely awful, like completely without fail. for example, the malkavians were driven mad and are essentially waiting for malkav to eat their consciousness and assume control of their bodies. the nosferatu have a particularly bad relationship- to make a long story short (let me know if you want me to explain the lore in another post lmfao) the nosferatu antediluvian wants to kill every single nosferatu for being ugly and ruining his reputation. he's enlisted a group of nosferatu to hunt down and kill every remaining member of the clan. he can't do this himself, because he's sleeping like every other antediluvian. he's currently sleeping at the bottom of the pacific ocean, according to the gehenna (vampire apocalypse) sourcebook.. where, uh pyotr was embraced, apparently? why was a nosferatu EMBRACED down there??? of all things he should have died, what the fuck was the sabbat doing too? something fishy is going on here. maybe he was recruited to kill off a group of nosferatu, but that makes.. less sense? i don't know. something's going on there but i dont know what because i'm stupid.
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also he ended up dying because he diablerised everyone, lol. eat shit enjoy the extra souls in hell pissboy
yeah thats it for now. let me know if anyone has anything else to add. loving how the werecat theory actually ends up helping the d fairie theory. if any of the ogre poppenang staff is stalking the tag ily so much babygirl please canonise my theory <3 tysm
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yandere-daze · 3 years
Horrortober Day 12
Ahhh I´m late but here wo go!! Ritsu day!! I love this funky little vampire man so much <3
Also why did this lowkey get kinda horny in the end, this is supposed to be scary jdkdqbd
Prompt and challenge by @pastelbirb and @yandere-sins!
Link to my Horrortober masterlist here!
Day 12 : Mark --> “With this, you`ll never forget”
tw yandere, tw possessiveness, tw biting, tw blood
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„Alright Rei, I´ve brought the papers for UNDEADs´ upcoming live performance with me. I´ve already gone over them for you and underlined the most important parts. There are also some handwritten comments in there from me that I thought might be helpful while reading”, you calmly explained as you handed the stack of papers weighing down your arms to the older of the two Sakumas.
You´ve come over to their house many times to spend the day with your boyfriend Ritsu, but today was purely for business. He had been whining the whole day that you should go on a date with him today but you regrettably had to refuse as you just had too much work to take care of. He had clearly not taken your refusal very well and proceeded to sulk and mope around which is why you needed to be quick now. You knew he was out for practice at the moment but if he were to come home now and see you there was absolutely no way he was going to let you go again. You still had so much to do today so that was not an option.
Rei gratefully took the papers from you, nodding appreciatingly before giving laughing. “How very considerate of you to help a grandpa with his paperwork. You see, when you get to my age your eyes start straining if you have to read too much small text, so your little pointers are very much appreciated.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at his usual old-man talk, having long since grown used to it after many UNDEAD practice sessions where the 20-year-old had complained about his poor creaking muscles. It was a funny little quirk of his and you thought it was quite charming when you weren´t trying to be productive.
“I´m glad I could be of help to an old soul like you”, you joked back just as playfully. The older Sakuma just laughed again and smirked as he gently pat your head. “How very adorable, y/n. If you keep being so cute like that I´ll be tempted to eat you right up~”, he cooed directly into your ear, then backed away again with a smirk after he had glanced behind you for a second.
You blushed a bit after his teasing words but didn´t pay them any more mind afterwards. You knew fully well that he was just trying to get you embarrassed, he didn´t actually mean any of it. No he was way too supportive (and noisy you might add) of your relationship with his younger brother that he would actually try anything with you. Rei just wasn´t that type of guy, something that Ritsu didn´t seem to believe.
Your boyfriend was usually clingy around you but it was always worse when his older brother was around. He was scared of you leaving him after he had already been left all alone once before and the thought that the very person he claimed to detest most could take you away has been plaguing him since the day you two started dating. You should be glad that Ritsu wasn´t home right now to witness this because he would surely misinterpret what was happening and get upset.
“Yeah, yeah”, you mumbled with a pout, “anyway, I´ll have to leave now. I´ve still got a lot to do”.
“I don´t think that´s going to happen anytime soon, y/n”, the older Sakuma chuckled again and when you shot him a questioning looked he motioned for you to look behind you. And so you did.
And what greeted you were shining red eyes staring right back at you from the doorframe.
Ritsu was here.
And from the dark look on his face he had seen what had just happened. For a moment, you didn´t know what to say, he was obviously mad, you could tell with just one glace at him but what should you say to clear up the misunderstanding? Well you needed to say something eventually so hesitantly, you decided to speak up.
“Oh Ritsu! I didn´t realize you were here! You see, you´ve got it all wrong we-“
“Come with me, y/n”, he interrupted you with a snappy edge to his voice you weren´t very familiar with. So he was really mad, huh?
When you weren´t reacting immediately his eyes narrowed and he walked over to you with quick steps, devoid of his usual laziness.
“Now that´s no way to talk to your lover”, Rei commented unhelpfully. At this point he was just playing with you, he must have known that any further words from him would only trigger Ritsu further. And it seemed to have it´s effect, seeing as your boyfriend grabbed your wrist to immediately snatch you away from the reach of his troublesome older brother and instead pull you towards himself.
“Don´t talk to them. They´re mine!”, Ritsu snarled at his smirking brother and proceeded to haul you along as he left the room.
You only saw Rei wink at you one last time, mouthing “good luck”, before he disappeared behind a slammed door.
Ritsu didn´t speak a single word until you two had made it to the privacy of his room. There, he pushed you down on his bed, leaning over you.
“Say, y/n”, he lazily whispered close to your ear but the supposed normal tone couldn´t fool you to think he was okay now. No this was far from over.
“Why did you so heartlessly reject my proposal of hanging out with me and then go to my house when I´m not there to let my brother hang off of you? Am I not enough? Do you like my brother more than me?” His breathing grew ragged as he stared right into your eyes with his own crazily distorted ones. He actually looked kind of scary at the moment.
“Tell me y/n, do you like to have my brother´s attention on you even though you know you are all that is on my mind? You are part of my every thought and yet you deny my affections all the time. I want to be with you every second of the day. So why would you do this?”
Ritsu then slowly lowered his body so it was pressing up against your own as he put his arms between your back and the velvet mattress of his bed to trap you in a hug you couldn´t escape from anymore. You felt your heart speed up and your cheeks flush at the very close proximity and the physical contact you were experiencing.
Sighing dreamily, the frown on his face loosened up a bit and he got even closer to rest his head in the nape of your neck. You could feel hot air fanning against your skin and you could feel the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest pressing against you with every breath he took and you shivered at the sensation.
“This is how it should be, how it should always be. Just the two of us with no one else interrupting us. You´re all mine y/n, hehe~”, Ritsu purred against your neck and further nuzzled against you as you squeaked. “And you´re blushing so adorably too~ You like having your boyfriend so close to you, don´t you?”
He really just liked teasing you, didn´t he? And then you screamed internally when you felt lips against your neck as Ritsu lazily pressed kisses all over you. “You´re so beautiful, and all mine too! I want you to never even think of anyone else, do you understand? No one else is allowed to give you this sort of pleasure.”
He kept kissing your neck and when you started squirming under him he just held you down with applying more of his own body weight, resulting in you being even more pressed up against him, if that was even possible. Eventually, he stopped trailing kisses everywhere and instead focused on a single spot at a time. Then suddenly you felt a wet sensation and when you tried to turn your head to see at least a little bit of what was going on, Ritsu whined and turned your head back with one hand to keep you in place. “Don´t move your head, darling, I want to properly mark up your neck so everyone knows you´re taken.”
Then with newfound determination he started licking and sucking at a single spot on your neck, intent to leave a hickey for everyone to see. And he didn´t stop at just one, with a few quiet moans from you he continued on and placed several of them all over your neck, some purposefully in spots that would be hard to cover up with a scarf.
Then, presumably satisfied he leaned back for a moment to properly appreciate the masterwork he had left on you. But he seemed only happy for a second before he once again frowned and sighed.
“What´s wrong, Ritsu?”, you asked in a meek voice, still a bit shaken from the amount of affection displayed for you previously.
The younger Sakuma childishly clicked his tongue before telling you what had been bothering him. “These marks, they´re undeniable proof of our love but they vanish way too quickly for my taste. It´s fun to fresh them up like this sometimes because you make such cute noises when I claim you for my own but I want a more permanent proof of your relationship.”
He tilted his head, then went back down to your neck. You once again felt his hot breath on you as he leaned close to you. Then you felt two pointy teeth almost penetrating your skin. You grew a bit scared at this prospect. Was Ritsu going to bite you?
“I- I don´t know about this Ritsu. Isn´t biting going to hurt?”, you voiced your fears with a slightly shaking voice. Sure, with his whole vampire thing going on, the topic of biting you and drinking your blood had come up before when he was playfully teasing you but now your boyfriend looked completely serious.
“ It´ll sting a bit but it could never compare to the pain I feel when you spend too much time with my loathsome older brother. With this, you`ll never forget who you belong to, darling ~”
And then, his teeth sunk into the flesh of your neck and you screamed in pain as he kept piercing your skin without mercy. All you could think of was the burning red pain you were feeling. He was taking so long, it was almost like he wanted it to scar, which you didn´t doubt at all at this point. Ritsu only hummed against your neck and gently rubbed your stomach to try and distract you a bit from the pain.
Then after what felt like an eternity, Ritsu finally let up and retracted his fangs to instead marvel at the crimson blood that was now freely streaming from your fresh wound. His eyes contracted a bit and he licked his lips as he leaned down once more. You flinched a bit when you felt his rough tongue brushing against the bite mark as he eagerly lapped up every last drop of blood he could get. When the bleeding eventually stopped, he raised his head again to take a proper look at his handywork, now obviously more satisfied than the first time.
You couldn´t quite meet his eyes, instead you felt your stomach doing flips when you saw smears of your own blood still running down his chin. The fact that you bled so much didn´t make you feel very good, you had to admit.
“Now no one´s ever going to doubt that we belong together. I´ll make sure this mark won´t disappear, it will be like an everlasting mark of my love and desire for you~”
Then, breaking the intense atmosphere, Ritsu yawned heavily while his eyes got a bit droopy. “Haah receiving such a wonderful meal from my wonderful darling made me sleepy. Let´s keep laying around here for the rest of the day, okay? You´re not going to leave. Never. Not until I say so!”
And without any protest from your side, he wrapped his legs around your waist and curled up against you, essentially trapping you on the bed. His head was resting on your chest as he kept snuggling closer.
“Your chest is just the most comfortable pillow there is~ Now sleep tight y/n. You better dream of me, alright?”
And with that, he quickly fell asleep on top of you.
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mikalara-dracula · 3 years
Sharing a bed with their s/o
ft. Yuma and Subaru
Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor.
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Yuma doesn’t really sleep a lot.
He’s far off from being like a certain narcoleptic blonde vampire we all know.
Tbh, he uses his bed more for sex than sleep.
Like, he’s always doing something in general and doesn’t rest too much due to how much endurance he has through being a vampire.
For example, he’ll be up for days straight and not rest at all--that’s how productive he is.
But when he gets tired, he will use his bed to sleep.
So when he wanted to rest, he decided to crash in your bed since he thinks that sleeping beside you will guarantee him a good sleep, but this is really just an excuse to lay down next to you.
Despite him being your boyfriend and you loved being with him at any time, you really didn’t want him to sleep next to you because he was known to snore.
“Yuma, why can’t you sleep in your bed?” You’d ask.
“What? You don’t like me sleeping in your bed?”
“Yeah, you keep me up all night since you snore.”
“Hey! At least I’m not the one who drools.”
“I don’t drool!”
“Oh really, why do you wake up with a wet pillow then?”
“I do not!”
While laying down next to you, if you’re facing in the opposite direction of him, he likes to pull you close to him and nuzzle his face into the back of your neck.
And you’re always the little spoon, he never changes this because he thinks you’re too small to be in charge. Plus, Yuma likes it best when he’s the one having his arms around you.
He gets mad when your back is turned to him honestly.
“Why are you always turned in the other direction? I can never see my babe that way.”
“You don’t need to, I’m trying to sleep unlike you who only wants to make kids.”
“Hey! Our childern would be beautiful, there’s no arguing that.”
“Good night, Yuma.”
“Oh come on, don’t tell me you don’t wanna make little pigs?”
“They wouldn’t be little pigs.”
“Alright, you don’t like that word--piglets then.”
Likes to also lay his hand on your hip, having his hand travel down to your thigh and grip it if he’s feeling playful.
He’ll even go as far as to clutch your ass or give it a small smack, making you jolt up and scold him.
“Yuma! I’m trying to sleep.”
“It’ll be just a few minutes, little pig.” He’d smirk, implying his need.
“But Yuma, I’m sleepy.” You’d whine.
“Seriously! I’m tryin’ put you in the mood and you’re just gonna sleep?”
“I’m tired, it’s been a long day. Why not tomorrow?”
“Oh my god, you’re really turning this down right now?”
“Fine.” He’d say, giving up as he’d turn away from you and face the opposite direction.
However, him facing the other way won’t last long since he’d get another idea.
“Okay fine, you can sleep, but it doesn���t mean I can’t do this.” He’d say, grabbing you by your waist and pulling you on top of him, feeling his rock-hard body against yourself.
“Yuma! I can’t sleep on top of you.”
“You did it all those other nights. What’s the problem with it now?”
“I wasn’t sleeping.”
“Oh really? Then why did I wake up with all that drool on me in the morning.”
“I don’t drool!”
“Quit lying!” He’d say, clutching your ass to tease you further.
If you’re the type to get cold, he warms you up but he hogs the blanket but will say that it’s you that is stealing it all the time.
Since Yuma’s quite tall, he obviously weighs a lot more than most people, which causes a big shift in the bed when he turns.
When this happens, you usually end up rolling to where he sinks his weight upon and crash into him, and if he’s asleep, he’s not even awakened by you crashing into him--like, he doesn’t even flinch and only continues to snore.
He sometimes like to put a leg of yours, and when this happens, it’s hard to get out.
If he has an arm wrapped around your waist, good luck getting out of that.
You’ve tried, but it honestly never works.
In fact, if you try to get out of his grip while he’s sleeping, he just tightens it due to instinct since his dormant mind thinks that you’re slipping out.
Always tells you to not fall of the bed, but there have been times where you’ve found yourself on the floor in the morning due to these restless nights.
If you fall asleep first, he’ll look over at you to check if you’re sleeping, or mostly if you’re drooling, and will wave a hand over your face to see if you’re actually there.
If your hair is in your face, you can count on him to adjust it.
Thinks you look cute when you sleep.
“Heh, now I don’t have to hear your smart mouth until morning.” He’d tease, a smirk on his face as he’d fall asleep sooner than later as well.
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Since he’s a pure blood vampire, he mostly sleeps during the day, but will also sleep in the middle of the night if he feels like it.
He prefers to sleep in his coffin but doesn’t always since you’re around.
He’ll act like he’s annoyed about sleeping next to you, but secretly, he loves the fact of you sleeping next to him since it gives him a sense of comfort, something he isn’t too familiar with.
Plus, we all know it’s all about him having the excuse to be close to your ass xDD.
Likes to pull you into him, and prefers if you’re facing him when he does this.
But loves it even more when your back is facing him and he can feel your ass press up against him.
Mostly because he’s an ass man xDD.
He'll share a few soft kisses with you, or might have a small makeout with you depending on what he's in the mood for.
Might place a small kiss on your forehead while you’re sleeping in hopes that you don’t wake up.
Since he sleeps very close to you, he likes to have his legs entangled with yours.
Secretly loves it when you fall asleep holding hands--like he loves this feeling.
If you’re curled up against him and are face to face, he likes being able to view your complexion.
Will move any stray locks from your face since he wants a clear view, causing a slight tint of rose to rise to your cheeks.
If he’s in a certain mood tho, things are a lot different.
He’ll whisper lewd things into your ears to make you blush and get a reaction out of you.
If you’re wearing sleep shorts he’ll mess with the band of your underwear with his hand to annoy you.
He’ll even go as far as traveling his hand up your leg to cup your crotch area.
“Stop it!”
“Stop it!” He’d mock, a smirk on his face, only finding your plea funny, leading you to playfully hit him.
Apart from him being horny on some days/nights, you two also have wholesome moments too.
Depending on the day/night, you guys might share deep and meaningful conversations that lean into being emo.
Subaru likes to act like he’s dominant and in control, but would seriously be into being the little spoon.
However, this is only on occasion, and it usually happens on day/nights where he wants to be held.
He finds the bed to be a place where he can open up to you about a lot of things, and since you’re his s/o, you two have shared quite a lot together about each other.
Even though he’ll act like he’s annoyed, he likes it when you kiss him unexpectedly.
It honestly melts him on the inside.
Likes it when you run your hands through his hair and smile at him while doing so.
It honestly gives him such a great feeling since it’s hard for him to open up and accept affection of any sort.
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loudstan · 4 years
A collection of  NCT werewolf AU stories.
Doyoung (pt.1) (pt.2) (pt. 3) (pt. 4) (pt. 5) (pt. 6) (pt. 7) (pt. 8) (pt. 9)
Summary: The wolf population kept decreasing and those who were left had a hard time trying to fit  into society. Sure, people didn’t consider them as dangerous as vampires, but wolves could still sense some hostility every time they did as much as go for a walk in a public place. Thanks to wolves’ natural magical abilities, NCT (one of the remaining packs) found a safe place among witches in a town where no one knew their secret, allowing some members to finally get a job, study and interact with others without fear of being rejected.
Life seems to finally be peaceful for them… except that wolves have needs, and one of those needs is finding their mate.
Pairing: Werewolf! Doyoung x Witch! female reader
Warnings: future smut
Before you got to finish your sentence, your phone was removed from your hand. You turn around to see Doyoung standing, staring at your phone in his hand, before turning it off and throwing it to the couch.
“Don’t talk to other males when your mate is right here.”
 You opened your mouth to say something but finally decided against it, waiting to see what he would do first. Would he act the way he did that time when he bit you? What was he thinking? Could he even think coherently while in heat? 
“Y/n,” his voice called for you.
“Y-yeah,” your throat felt so dry you had a hard time formulating a simple reply like that.
“Let’s talk,” he said and sat down again.
 Now that is something you didn’t see coming. Wasn’t he supposed to be horny? Wasn’t he going to make a move? Why were you disappointed? Control yourself Y/n! You’re mad at him. If he’s willing to talk now then it’s a great chance for you to break the bond and end things.
“Okay,” you said sitting on the opposite end of the couch. “Is there anything you want to say?”
“When did you and Taeyong become close?”
 “Seriously? That’s what you want to talk about?” you stared at him in disbelief, but he just stared back, his normally dark eyes showing a slight reddish shade. It was better not to anger him in this state. “He helped me get home that day when we...uh, you know.”
“When we what?” he asked.
“You know what I mean,” you said rolling your eyes.
“I’m not sure. Why don’t you remind me?” he was teasing you for sure, but his expression remained serious. You were not going to humor him.
“The day you ran away with cum in your pants,” you finally said. You thought he would be embarrassed or at least pissed, but he just continued staring at you, his fingertips tapping on his knee.
“Ah, yes of course. I remember now; you had a very intense orgasm too, didn’t you?” his voice lowered an octave and you visibly shivered, frustrated that he had this much effect on you with his voice only. He closed his eyes and inhaled slowly, “Oh god and you smelled just like this.”
 Great.Now you were wet. You just looked away like that would make the embarrassment disappear.
“It felt good, right baby?” you heard him shifting and even without looking you knew he was slowly crawling towards your end of the couch. “Imagine how good it woulf feel without those stupid clothes in the way-”
“You left me, Doyoung,” you spit back, finally looking at him. He halted his movements and you continued. “Yeah, you made me feel all those things but then you abandoned me. If you were not willing to take responsibility, then you shouldn’t have started anything in the first place.”
 He moved back to his end of the couch, but said nothing. He knew it was your turn to talk.
“Taeyong helped me, listened to me and took care of me when you should have done it. So yes, I got close to him while he was cleaning after your mess!” you yelled.
“But that doesn’t mean you can let him bite you!” he yelled back.
You stared at each other in silence for half a minute. 
“What?”, you finally asked. “Why would he bite me?”
“He told me you asked him for help to break our bond,” he said bitterly.
“Yeah, so?” you still didn’t get his point.
“So you know by now that being bitten by a… stronger alpha,” he said the last part through clenched teeth and cleared his throat, “like a pack leader, would mean he claimed you as his mate and nullify my mark.”
 You furrowed your eyebrows and looked at his beautiful face. He seemed as tired and frustrated as you, but what surprised you was that he could be this insecure when comparing himself to another werewolf.
“You got it all wrong, Doyoung. The reason I want to break the bond is not because I would rather be Taeyong’s mate,” he visibly flinched at that, but remained silent. “It’s because I respect myself enough to not want to be with someone who doesn’t want me.”
“I do want you-”
“I’m not finished,” you warned him and he closed his mouth and bit his lip. It was almost adorable how almighty TA Doyoung sat on your couch, so vulnerable and obedient. “If you wanted me you should have valued me.”
 He looked down at his lap, but said nothing.
“Still, I wouldn’t ask Taeyong to bite me,” you said and he quickly raised his head to look at you, almost relieved. “Not because of you, but because that would deprive him of the opportunity to meet his real mate. I guess you forgot a full moon potion can also get rid of an unwanted bond.”
 Doyoung stared at you dumbfounded as you stood up and went to the kitchen. He was so blinded by jealousy, he forgot there were potions out there that could solve basically anything.
 “Taeyong helped me make this,” you said, showing him a little jar containing a black liquid. “If I drink it I won’t feel attached to you anymore and I can go on with my life.”
“Then what should I do with what I feel?”
“I made one for you too, I’m not that cruel. Taeyong was going to deliver it to you, but I guess since you came all the way over here I can give it to you directly,” you handed him the potion but he didn’t take it.
“I don’t want it,” he said, blinking away some tears and looking away from you.
“Doyoung,” you sighed, leaving the jar on the table, “why would you torture yourself like that? Just drink it and start over.”
“Start over?” he asked incredulously, “You are my mate, I will never feel this way about anybody else. A potion can’t change that.”
“That’s your heat talking.”
“It 's not!”
“Yes it is! Just like that time; you only bit me because you were horny!”
“Because YOU make me horny. Do you think I just woke up feeling like fucking a random person? IT HAS TO BE YOU!”
 With a growl, Doyoung grabbed your arm harshly and pulled you on the couch, hovering over you. His face was so close you could feel him panting heavily against your lips while his now red eyes scanned you predatorily.
 “Say his name one more time. I fucking dare you.”
You wanted to give yourself to him completely, but you didn’t want to repeat the same mistake.
“What now? Are you going to use me to get off and leave me again?”
“Quite the opposite. I won’t lay a finger on you,” he replied and stood up, walking towards the kitchen. “Is it okay if I get a glass of water?” he asked as he looked for a glass without waiting for an answer.
You sat up and stared at him with your eyes wide open and your heart beating like crazy. What the hell was that?!
 “You look confused, y/n,” he said when he came back with his glass of water. “Are you disappointed?”
“O-of course not!” you lied, “It’s just...You’re in heat-”
“And you think that means I will just fuck anyone to satisfy myself. Just like you think a wolf can’t make his own choices when he’s imprinted,” he said and took a sip of water. “But I’ll show you my heat doesn’t take my free will away from me.”
“Well, it’s not something you can control.”
“We’ll see about that,” he replied as he left his now empty glass next to the full moon potion. He looked down at you with eyes full of determination and said:
“I’ll spend my heat right here, looking at you, smelling how wet you are and pretending I can’t hear you touching yourself at night but, like I said, I won’t lay a single finger on you.”
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Max Philips and Werewolf Wife hcs
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@honestlystop @corrupt-fvcker @captainsamwlsn @thesadvampire @humanransome-note @biharryjames @max--phillips​
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Alright so let me start this by saying max philips is a combination of an absolute perfect husband and father but also a goddamn M E N  A C E
He’s loving and attentive, but mf will grope you in public, not to be a dick but because his internal monolouge is like “my wife is so cool and sexy all the time i love her so much” and then he grabs your ass while youre in a whole foods. 
Often times he’ll do that cliche “honey, im home!” bit when he comes home because he KNOWS it annoys the living hell out of you and he’s been doing it since yall got married. 
He is def one of those dads who will take any moment to boast about his kids. Some employees miss when he first started working there because now if you talk about sports he’ll bring up his son’s soccer team and you’ll be stuck there for the next thirty minutes as he shows you pictures of the boys at their last game. 
That obnoxious proud dad. If one of his kids does theatre? He’s whooping and cheering their name and you have to pull him down into his seat with a sharp hiss of “sit the fuck down”
Probably has started fights with the refs at soccer games when they miss a CLEAR foul or is somebody pushes his kid?? and they don't do a goddamn thing?? Vamp dad is shouting at the ref to get their head out of their ass before he does it for them. 
Because of this Max is no longer asked to bring orange slices for the boy’s soccer team. 
You have two kids. Both boys and both elementary school age. (idk their names yet tho) and they are your babies. Pride and joy. Light of your life.
They are also tiny agents of chaos that run you both ragged. 
When it comes to allergies, theirs coincide with being werewolves+vamps. 
Your vampire son is allergic to garlic and your werewolf son is allergic to wolfsbane. Luckily the extent to this allergy is just sneezing and breaking out into hives, not, ya know, death. 
But max still has to race downstairs at three a.m. because he can hear munching and now has to wrestle garlic bread out of his son’s mouth as he has an allergic reaction while still eating it because “WE CAN’T KEEP DOING THIS ALEX” 
Meanwhile you’ll go to the park with your son and see him sneezing with every step while picking wolfsbane because “It’s just so pretty mommy.” 
Safe to say you guys are constantly exhausted.  
Now lets be real here. You're just as fiery and protective of your family if not more and goddamn he does love it. 
He takes off every full moon, drives you and the family up to the cabin where you and your son can shift in peace. He thinks its a great bonding moment for you all. Your son is just barely a pup that trots after you, and more often than not you're just making sure he doesn’t get lost, start playing in mud, or eats trash (he has done this multiple times)
Your son shifts into a lil wolf pup and it’s adorable. 
But at the same time he has that puppy energy so he’s all over the place. Running after rabbits and play biting you, you take it all in stride of course but once he tries to get back to the house covered in mud Max brings out the hose. 
“Does this count as child abuse?”
“I don’t think so, look how much fun he’s having!” *cut to your son jumping and trying to eat the water as mas sprays him down with the hose*
                                 (A few nsfw headcanons as well)
You've got that mama bear strength combined with werewolf strength that max finds insanely hot to the point that anytime you tell off some bitchy mom for making a snooty comment about your kids he has half a mind to find a closet nearby and pull you in for a quickie. 
speaking of strength, the sex? World changing. More often than not yall have to resolve to quick screws in the morning before the kids wake up and he has to go to work. But when the boys are at a sleepover or their grandparents house for the weekend? You might as well warn the neighbors cause they won’t be getting any sleep with ya’ll fucking all night lmao. 
Max doesn’t feel pain much since he’s turned, but with your strength? the feeling of your nails raking down his back just teeters on the edge of painful and he fucking lives for it. 
Any time you visit him at the office? Office sex. He’ll have that look of like barely contained excitement as he asks about your day and shows you off to his employees but he is literally shaking to get you ontop of his desk. 
you take heat suppressants because nobody has time for that shit. But when yall were first dating and you forgot to renew your prescription?? 
Max literally broke like three traffic laws driving to your place. 
You basically called him and said “im in a horny frenzy and im gonna want to fuck you stupid for the next week.”
Homeboy was like “say no more” and left his job with zero explanation to his boss before getting to his car and driving like a mad man
Max is vv touchy. Not always in a sexual way. Sometimes he just wants to lay with his head on your lap or on your chest because he’s naturally cold so he loves feeling close to you cause youre all nice and warm. Sometimes hell just hug you and grab your ass. 
“You having fun there?”
“Shhhh honey im coping with a hard day at work.”
“By holding my ass?”
“It’s a magical ass, what can I say?”
Fang pals. Idk what else to say for that one but yeah. 
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Dazai, Mozart, Isaac.
Prompt:  “Say my name,” “Louder,”
Pairing: Dazai, Mozart, Isaac.
Fandom: kemen Vampire
Your date with Dazai had been wonderful, he’d taken you for a stroll around the gardens followed by a picnic full of your favourite snacks and treats. Spending time with him was one of your fondest things to do at the mansion, he was a perfect gentleman. Which was great but also highly frustrating. He’d taken you out a few times now, expressing his fondness to you with flirting and teasing motions, only never going further than kissing you. A few chaste kisses followed by more a passionate glide of his lips with a slip of his tongue into your mouth causing a breathy moan from you. He parted from you leaving your knees weak and ache between your thighs for more. “God damit Dazai,” You huffed, turning in your sheets, even since he kissed you the heat brewing inside you refused to calm down leaving you as Arthur would say ‘a horny mess’. You skirted your hands up your thighs, pushing up your night dress and letting out a slight gasp to feel how wet you were between your legs. You’d not had sex a long time before stumbling into the door, now living in a household of handsome vampires whilst in the beginnings of ‘courting’ one, you had a lot of pent up sexual tension. You let your finger graze your folds, spreading your lower lips before circling you clit and letting a finger dip into you. You gave into your own pleasure, biting your lip to hold your moans, letting yourself indulge in where you knew you liked to be touched best. The heat rose within you, stomach knotting and unexpected “Dazai”, “Dazai more please,” fell from your lips as your orgasm began to take over your body. Just as you was about to hit peak a “Say my name again,” hungrily groaned from the corner causing you to shoot up. Dazai purchased on your window ledge, lust filled eyes fixed on you as he inhaled the scent of arousal in the air, “Louder this time,”. No need for questions of embarrassment, you continued, whimpering his name louder and louder, knowing he was watching you as you came around two fingers with your back arched off the bed. “That's it little dove, let yourself go,” He hums, encaptivated by the way you tense over your own digits, singing for him with your heels pushed into the mattress. 
“Dazai, what are you doing here?” Panting slightly as you recovered, pushing down your nightdress as your sense came flooding back to you. 
“I was taking my nightly stroll when I heard the beautiful crys from my name coming from a certain songbird, and well, I simply couldn’t resist come to see why she was singing,” Smirking as he pushed himself up and strolled to your bed, the mattress dipping as he sat beside you stroking your hair, “You know you shouldn’t leave your bedroom window open, unless you want someone bad like me to enter,”. His hand slowly made its way down your jaw before following the curve of your neck, he hesitated at the hem of your nightgown top before moving his hand down to cup your breast with a nod of your head. He shuffles around to be kneeling between your thighs, spreading them and pushing up your dress to lick his lips hungrily to see your core slick with your release pooling onto the sheets below. “I was trying to be gentlemanly during our date,” His fingers dancing over your thighs before grazing over your clit and pushing one inside you. He pushed another finger into you, watching you once more breathlessly call out his name and for more, “Dazai fuck me… please,”. “But if I’d have known your wanted me to just as much as I want you,” Stripping himself off his clothes, leaning atop of you to press his lips to yours for the first kiss this evening, his cock pressing against you, “I would have fucked you in the garden,”. 
The aphrodisiac should have worn warm off by now, major on emphasis of should. But as you rocked in Mozart’s lap, bringing yourself to another climax and willing for more, the effect of it still clearly pumping through your veins. “Wolf… wolf please,” You whispered, unsure what you were begging for as you fisted his white hair for support, the sound of the piano bench creaking with each and every roll of your hips. “Say it again, meine liebe,” He whispered softly, one hand stroking your lower back before cupping the round of your ass. You whisper his name once more, thighs trembling as you continued to softly rock. Mozart softly whimpering as you tightened more around him, himself nearing his peak for the first time this evening.
A simple slip up of gifts from Arthur to a fellow friend caused you to drink the aphrodisiac bottle, now suffering the effects of it was you. The heat bubbled inside you all morning, Leonardo keeping Arthur far away from you once they discovered the mix up in case he tried anything. Comte demanded you be sent to your room but you assured him you would be fine, you was fine. You was doing really well at just ignoring the surging heat inside you, the dull ache between your thighs until you was alone with your best friend. Mozart. It didn’t help you was madly in love with him anyway but being alone as he softly played for you, whispering sweet words of song as you sat  beside him. It wasn’t until his hand his hand accidentally brushed over yours as you reached for the same key and a shared needing look between you did a spark within you light. The next few minutes were a blur, little words exchanged as you kissed, finding yourself in his lap as you both worked to rid each other of clothes. “I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage,” You whispered, the wetness pooling between your legs pressing against his naked thigh. “Fraulein, do not fear what you speak,” He cupped your face as he pressed kisses to your jaw, “Your guard maybe down because of Arthur but you know I would never pursue anything to harm you, if you wish for us to stop merely say, if not let me indulge you in what you need, I have want to give you nothing more than the pleasure you desire”. 
“Louder meine liebe, please,” Gentleness in his voice, holding the side of you behind, letting you work yourself to the height of your own pleasure. “Oh-Mozart,” Head buried into his neck, fingers digging into his shoulders as your wrapped your arms around him, his own release hitting just from the way you called his name. He cradled you close with his arms around you, shallowly thrusting as he helped you through your high, gentle kisses pressed to your sweating skin. “Geht es dir gut, meine Liebe?*” His native tongue slipping through as you panted in his arms. “So good wolf… I feel so good,” You hummed nuzzling against his skin, leaving kisses along it. His softening cock still buried in you, arms embracing each other, “If you wish, I’d love to continue this in my room, let me indulge you fully my meine liebe,”. The normal harshness of his persona fades away as he melted into your hold, light lavender eyes staring lovely into yours. “But if you come with me,” He tucked a stay hair behind your ear, “I won’t be able to share you or let you go,”. “Oh wolfie,” You whisper cupping his cheek, “I’ve always been yours,”.
“Say my name” Heat pulsing from Isaac as he pulled your hips back, his words almost drowned out by the sound of skin slapping together. Theo had been teasing you at dinner, getting a little too close for your boyfriends comfort. Isaac deciding the minute he had you alone that he would remind just exactly whose you were. 
“I-Isaac!” Arms collapsing so you rested upon your elbows, hips anchored in place by Isaac's iron grip as he continued to push into you, the bed beneath you creaking with each movement.
A growl left your lover, “Louder!”.
“Isaac!” The air in your lungs leaving your body as Isaac pounded into you in a pace that made the bed frame shake, threatening to break. The shunt of the headboard against the wall, a loud slap filling the room as his hand collided against your skin causing you to whimper. Never had Isaac done such an action before, the sudden shock of it causing you to climax instantly, gripping his cock tightly as you compulsed around him. “Oh… oh… oh Isaac!” Tears falling as you came over him, back arching as he drove home with his thrusts, his self control losing with each second. He fucked you brutally through your orgasm, your normally shy lover driven mad by lust as his pace never faulted. A following strangled cry of his name came out as his fangs bit into your shoulder as he leaned over you, a second orgasm blending into your first, a third threatening to happen as he Isaac continued to hit your g-spot, overstimulating you to the point you was seeing white and drooling from your mouth. He continued throughout the night, until “Isaac” was the only world you could form, leaving you mind-blown and boneless. A smirk on the normally reserved physicists face, his claim to you heard loud and clear to the other residents, especially to anyone who dared try to get close to you again. 
1000 Giveaway Masterlist
*Are you okay my love
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Hello Stranger
Summary - You were going through a rough patch in your life. As you were drinking away your problems, you met with a green eyed man who acts a little too nice towards you.
Pairing - Dean x Reader
Warning - Mentions of crappy life, swearing, drinking, angst, fluff-ish, plot twist.
Word Count - 2.1k
Square Filled - One Night Stand ( @spndeanbingo ) - it is just mentioned
A/N - This is written for @impala-1979’s Words for Love challenge. My word was Viraag in Hindi. Viraag - The emotional pain of being separated from a loved one.
The divider is by the amazingly talented @talesmaniac89
This is also my 5000th post on tumblr. Woah! Also I am back to my angsty self *evil laughs*
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Rolling your eyes, you check your phone for the thousandth time that evening for any message.
“Bitch,” you grumbled, thinking about how your best friend had ditched you, again. You had waited for almost two hours for your friend to show up before you decided to leave the bar at first but then you decided to stick around for a couple of drinks.
Life has been kicking you in the ass lately. Maybe staying home and binging F.R.I.E.N.D.S for the hundredth time suddenly didn't seem like a bad idea considering the girl who you had thought to be your best friend had left you alone in a bar full of drunk and horny dudes.
Staring at the glass of whiskey in front of you, you sighed aloud grabbing the attention of the man on the stool beside you.
“What's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?” You looked to your right towards the source of the sound and saw a man staring at you with a creepy little smile on his face. You shuddered at the thought of answering the man.
“Not in the mood. Back off,” you grumbled, downing the glass of whiskey in one go. The sleazy person got up from his seat and stalked his way towards you.
“Fuck off,” you growled, as he placed his hand on the small of your back.
“Back off! That's my wife you're talking to,” A deep voice growled from behind the man, taking you by surprise, “Hey honey. Sorry to keep you waiting, I had to work an extra shift.”
You looked up and a freckle faced, flannel clad man staring at you with his beautiful forest green eyes. Your heart started to beat loudly as the man put a hand around your shoulder.
“Whatever dude,” the drunk grumbled and went off in another direction, probably in search of another person who can keep his bed warm for one night.
“What a creep,” you mumbled, the ominous feeling finally leaving you, “thanks for coming to my rescue.”
“No problem,” he said, removing his hands from your shoulder and taking a seat on the stool beside you, “So can I buy you a drink?” The green eyed man smiled.
“I just told that man to fuck off, what makes you think I will let you touch me?” You said, your eyes narrowing at him, “I am not your wife.”
“I don't do relationships and who said anything about touching? You look like-”
“Shit?” You joked.
“I wasn't gonna say that,” he smirked, “maybe tired was the word.”
“Gee thanks. Life's been tough, boss is an asshat, people who I thought to be my friends turned out to be nothing but snakes,” you said, signalling for a refill, “now, look at me rambling about my fucked up life to a stranger.”
“You need someone to talk to and I'm a good listener,” the man had a soft look on his face, “Name's Dean.”
“Y/N,” you smiled.
“See I am not a stranger anymore,” he chuckled.
“What am I? Four? You say your name and you're suddenly not a stranger, huh? Stranger danger, I hope you know that,” he played along.
“You're something else, you know that?” Dean smirked.
“I know. Heard that a lot. So different that no one sticks around,” you said.
“Then they don't know the real you.”
“Why are you wasting your time?” Dean tilted his head at you, confusion evident on his face, “I already told you I'm not in the mood. I just wanna get drunk tonight.”
“You seriously think that I am acting friendly just because I wanna get in your pants?” You kept quiet sending him a clear message that it was exactly what you were thinking. “You need a friend tonight and not a one night stand.”
“Why? I just told you the reason.”
“Dean, there are other girls in this bar who have been ogling you the whole night and giving me the side eye. Why are you wasting your night with me?” You asked.
“Because I know how it feels to hit rock bottom in your life when all you need is someone to talk to,” Dean said. You nodded slowly at the man’s words.
“What about you Dean? How's life goin’ on for you?” You asked.
“Full of crap.” He gave a dry chuckle.
You took a glass of drink and raised it, Dean mimicking your actions. “Cheers to crappy life.”
“Sometimes I think what if my life was a little different. More adventurous, more exciting,” you wondered.
“Trust me, sweetheart, this life is what you want,” Dean said, taking a sip of his drink.
You didn't realise how much time you had spent talking to the green-eyed man in front of him. You were slowly succumbing to the charm of the man and there was this nagging voice in your head telling you to get away from him as fast as possible but in your heart, you couldn't believe that Dean would have a single bad bone in his body.
“Tell me about yourself.” You asked, hoping you could find out more about him and stop being paranoid.
“My life's pretty sucky like yours, no offence,” he chuckled.
“None taken.” You giggled.
“There are days where I just wanna give up, like today but then I meet this beautiful girl who effectively makes my day better,” Dean said with a cheeky grin on his face.
“And who might be this beautiful girl?”
“She is sitting right in front of me,” he smirked, making your heart flutter in your chest. Maybe Dean was genuinely a good man.
“I am happy I could make your day better because all I did was ramble about my stupid life,” you smiled.
“You have no idea how lucky I am to see you tonight. Did I help you?”
“You did. Thank you for tonight, Dean.” You said, leaning into kissing him on the cheek.
“You thinkin’ of going back home now?” He asked politely.
“I am, considering my friend will never show up and I don't want to waste anymore of your time. You want to….come with me?” You hesitated, a little unsure about taking him to your home but you were quite surprised when he shook his head.
“I already told you that I don't wanna get into your pants. Just holding up my end of the promise,” he smiled, signalling the bartender to let him know you would be leaving, “You sure you're okay to go home alone?”
“I'll call a cab,” you said.
“I can drop you off, I have my Baby parked outside,” he said, waving his hand towards the exit.
“Baby?” You cocked your head.
“My 67 Chevy Impala, she is my Baby,” Dean beamed, puffing his chest out.
“You have a nice taste in cars, Dean,” you smiled, “but you do know this kind of feels like the start of every roadside horror movie?”
“So I got an upgrade from the creep to a psycho killer machine?” He asked, a cocky grin plastered on his face, making you shrug.
“Just sayin’. Who knows maybe you're David freaking Yaegar,” you teased.
“Why don't you get in my car and find out? Maybe it's my time to slice and dice,” Dean grinned, your eyes widening at the reference.
“You have good taste in movies too,” you said, “but let me tell you if you kill me, I will come back to haunt your ass, Mister.”
“I will gladly have a cute ghost like you haunt me my entire life,” Dean chuckled, and guided you towards the exit.
“Damn, she is one sexy car,” you let out a low whistle and saw Dean smirking at you.
“Time to slice and dice. Get inside the car now,” he chuckled.
After an hour, with proper directions, the black Chevy had come to a halt in front of your house. Dean had previously told you that he was in the town for a couple more days at the “Red Motel” with his brother.
“You sure you don't wanna-”
“Nah. I'm a man of my words, Y/N,” he flashed you a smile.
“Okay. Thank you for tonight,” you said, “You're a good man, Dean. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, handsome.”
Dean squeezed his eyes shut, a lump forming in his throat as he heard you call him handsome.
“Don't be a stranger if we cross paths again,” You gave him a quick hug before climbing out of the car.
He gave you a small wave as he revved up the engine. You looked as he turned his car and drove out of your place. You smiled as your mind replayed the moments from the evening. You went inside your house, closing the door behind your back.
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“What?” Dean grumbled as he saw his brother staring at him, the moment he entered the motel room.
“Where the hell were you? I called you so many times,” Sam frowned at his brother who stumbled into the motel room.
“At the bar.”
“Why are you doing this?” Sam asked, “This is the third time in two weeks that you drove to this town.”
“Forgot the huge vampire nest we hunted?” He said, opening the cap of the beer bottle.
“Was it just about the case? I don't think my memory is failing me but doesn't Y/N live in this same town?” Sam raised his voice, “Did you or did you not go to the bar hoping you would meet her?”
Dean kept quiet.
“You can't do this to yourself Dean. It was your idea - you pushed her away!” It took Dean by surprise as he heard his brother yell at him. It was rare that Sam got this mad, “now you can't just waltz back into her life!”
“Don't ‘Sammy’ me, Dean. You-you did this to her, to us. Instead of dealing with the situation, you ran away from it!” Sam shoved his brother.
“I know! I know because I was the one who told Cas to erase her memories - give her a new life! I know it, Sammy. I know it better than anyone because I was the one who almost got her killed!” The green eyed hunter's voice broke at the end.
“You could have talked to her. She would have done anything to help you. It wasn't you.It was the mark.,” Sam said.
“It was still me,” he whispered, “she was the only one who could have talked me out of it but I didn't want that. This life - it's not for her, man. She deserves to have someone who is not ninety percent crap-”
“No. You don't get to say that. She was family. You shouldn't have made that decision for her,” the younger Winchester scoffed, “She would have stayed unlike you running from the problem because she loved you.”
Dean swallowed, “I loved her too. I still do but at least now she is safe….alive. She now has to deal with stupid bosses and asshole friends instead worrying about monsters, thinking about everyday to be your last.”
“Then let her go, man. Y/N’s not yours anymore. Y/N’s not your wife anymore,” Sam said, patting his brother's shoulder, “She was like a sister to me. I miss her. Everyday. I know you do too. But you gotta let her go.” Sam walked out of the room, tears pricking at his eyes.
Nursing the bottle in his hand, Dean stared at the bland wall in front of him. Closing his eyes shut, he remembered the intoxicating smell of yours entrapping him when you had hugged him, the way you were continuously playing with a loose strand of hair while talking to him. Looking down at his right arm, his left hand reached into his jeans pockets.
“I still love you, sweetheart,” he mumbled.
Twirling the wedding band between his fingers, he scoffed, “Till death do us part.”
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Feedback is appreciated!
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grayhouse3 · 4 years
SJTR is my villain origin story
So I finished Stalking Jack the Ripper.
Originally I told myself that I was going to just stick it out and read the next one (“Oh, it’s about vampires and Dracula. It’s probably more fun. You can forget all about the pain this one inflicted on you"). No. I got 12% of the way through and had to DNF. So here are my messily compiled thoughts on the book, basically expanded from the last post. Honestly, kind of feel free knowing I won’t be writing more about this series. (Also I am adding some TWs down below but don't know if I am doing them right!)
More on the exoticism, weirdness with Audrey Rose's Indian mother, and the British Empire:
In chapter 14, we read, "Dark strands of hair were piled atop my head, my eyes more mysterious somehow with the dark liner, and my lips were the bright crimson of freshly spilled blood … I thought of my mother and the saris she’d brought me to wear from Grandmama’s homeland. I felt just as stunning now as I did then, and the memory warmed me.” I am still trying to figure out why Maniscalco made Audrey Rose mixed race. Why is Audrey Rose’s grandmother from India? Literally, what did it add to the story? Was it nothing more than just a cute lil quirky fun character trait to her? I don’t think I missed any key moments where there were important conversations about race, imperialism, British occupation, etc., mostly because Audrey Rose’s father (a big fancy rich lord) is a white man and because Audrey Rose is white-passing. I can’t recall any moments in the book where she faces the realities/consequences of being a socially mobile POC WOMAN in LONDON IN THE 1880s. Honestly, if someone else can point out a passage I glossed over or explain some nuance I missed I would actually really appreciate it, because this drove me CRAZY.
(Audrey Rose and her brother also go visit a circus in town in chapter 15; of course these events existed purely for England/colonizing countries to exercise and display their power and to exoticize/exploit the communities/cultures that they came into contact with. Audrey Rose sees silks, beads, etc. that remind her of her grandmother’s saris, smells the foods of her family’s “homeland,” etc. Also in the same chapter there’s this great scene where her brother is describing their mother and father’s marriage: “Grandmama told me she’d refused him twenty times just for fun,” Nathaniel replied. “Said he squirmed like a cobra in a basket. That’s how she knew he was in love.” Uhhh … Is that supposed to be romantic?)
On the feminism stuff:
I am too *gestures vaguely* to write much more on this. Yeah, it’s heavy-handed. Yeah, it’s cringey. But at the end of the day, it’s not really that harmful, I guess. Here’s just a fun sampling of some of my favorite lines from the book:A few of my favorite bites from the book:
***“close-minded society” (chapter 21) Okay
***"Why turn a murderer of women into front-page news?” (chapter 15) Bro do you know how the media works
***"But what of her [mother’s] insistence that I could be both strong and beautiful? Surely Father had to be wrong.” (chapter 21) Yes girl you are strong and beautiful!
***"There would be no skirts or bustles to wrangle with anymore. I was through with things confining me” (chapter 22) Ugh down with corsets just another tool of the patriarchy amirite
On the violence against women, weird classism, and stuff about prostitution:
I was bound to be uncomfortable about a lot of this because I have weird feelings about true crime stuff, and this is historical fiction set around the Jack the Ripper murders. It was going to go sour somewhere.
Consistently Audrey Rose wants to be sympathetic, but is unable to connect all the parts of this situation together: she struggles to imagine the women (very real-life victims) beyond their lives of prostitution, poverty, squalor. When she does, we see something like this: "The women he murdered did matter ... They were daughters and wives and mothers and sisters” (chapter 28). Oftentimes she wishes she could continue to cut cadavers open in peace (women in science!) without having to think about how those cadavers came to be on her examination table: “I needed to get away from those women and their tragic lives before my emotions got the better of me” (chapter 25). Perhaps Maniscalco deserves more credit here, and perhaps I’m just being a bitch, because Audrey Rose is a very privileged girl and her actions and thoughts make that clear. It’s just that the conclusions she comes to in the name of feminism, justice, etc. weren’t at all satisfying to me.
Also: OH MY GOD. Oh my god. There is this one moment that is BRANDED AGAINST THE GRAY MATTER OF MY BRAIN FOREVER and I will never forget it. At one point, Audrey Rose and love interest Thomas decide the best thing they can do is go out and—yes—stalk Jack the Ripper. To do this, they know they need to “blend in” with the crowds in East End. So … like … cosplaying as poor people? Audrey Rose manages to find and wear the dress of ONE OF THE MURDER VICTIMS (long story short her medical doctor uncle was in a relationship with this woman and when she died he acquired her worldly possessions). It’s like, so fucked up, I can’t even describe my reaction when I read it. In chapter 25 we read, "The dress was a little too old, a little too ragged, a bit too big. If I were to wear this ghastly dress out, I’d look as if I belonged in the East End, begging for work to feed my addictions … It was absolutely perfect.” Oh my god. And THAT’S NOT EVEN THE WORST PART. While they’re “stalking Jack the Ripper” on this incredibly stupid mission, the two main characters just … make out in an alley. Like, okay. People are being murdered and you’re wearing a dead woman’s dress and you suspect your father of being guilty, but yeah, that kind of stuff makes us all a little horny. Super relatable. Absolutely no concept of reality or consequences or anything at all.
Another random note on class: I noticed the only time Maniscalco writes in dialects/accents, she’s writing seedy/working-class characters. Not saying this is a problem unique to Maniscalco’s writing by a longshot, but ... something to think on. (I think it’s ingrained in a lot of author’s writing habits/minds at this point.)
Weird stuff about the dad, the brother, and what justice means to Audrey Rose:
I had to add a whole new highlighting color for this stuff!
Any growth Audrey Rose might’ve shown over the course of the novel—anything about how these women mattered, and how they deserved justice as any “highborn” individual might, simply by dint of being humans—goes away when she and Thomas come to the conclusion that the Ripper murders must have been committed by Audrey Rose’s father. She realizes her moral dilemma when she contends with the harsh reality: if her father is the Ripper, can she turn him into the authorities? Audrey Rose worries how that might impact her own moral virtue: "They’d hang Father. Given who he was, they’d make it as public and brutal as possible. Just because blood might stain his hands did not mean I wanted his on mine. No matter if it was right or wrong” (chapter 24). First of all, BITCH. You have to. You have to report this kind of thing. No ifs, ands, or buts. I HAVE to imagine Maniscalco’s intended audience would feel the same? It’s? Serial murder? Second: Audrey Rose, baby, sweetie, honey. This is just a reminder that ACAB. I actually don’t know a whole lot about how the late Victorian criminal justice system functioned, but something tells me her family's public outlook would’ve been less bleak than she imagines here.
Lucky for Audrey Rose, her dad isn’t guilty in the end—but her brother sure is. He’s a mad scientist, using the brutalized bodies and souvenirs of his victims for Frankenstein-style experiments. Ultimately, he wants to reanimate the corpse of his and Audrey Rose’s long-dead mother, and he believes he can achieve this by transplanting fresh organs into ? Her dead and decomposed body? The thing is that, this moral dilemma persists for Audrey Rose—and her dad, too. He pressures her not to bring the little matter of Nathaniel’s issue—you know, his casual murder of a number of local women—to Scotland Yard: “They’ll have your brother hanged,” he said quietly. “Could you honestly watch that happen? As a family, have we not suffered enough?” (chapter 29). Nathaniel electrocutes himself to evade capture by the authorities, and Audrey Rose and her father feel relief. The book ends by confirming that "Lord Edmund covered up Nathaniel’s involvement, I didn’t ask how. One day I’d let everyone know the truth, but the pain was too raw now” (chapter 30).
((Side note: Listen. I knew Nathaniel had something sinister going on from the GET-GO (I’m not trying to be obnoxious) because he basically started some nighttime vigilante group called the Whitechapel Knights of Justice or whatever bullshit, I don’t know. All I know is that my red flags IMMEDIATELY started going off because that sounds exactly like the terrible and awful Crusader cosplay clubs from my (bad) Catholic childhood, where everyone thinks they’re a knight for Good but really they’re the bad guy.))
Overall, kind of ...
I think one of my biggest issues with this ending was … You have already stepped into a realm of fantastical revisionist history here in writing such a fictionalized version of these real-life events. (I know Maniscalco is far from the first to do it.) That means that the rules you are playing by are essentially your own—evidenced by the liberties she points out in her Author’s/Historical note (dates changed for convenience or storytelling purposes, real-life individuals changed for narrative purposes, etc.). So WHY would you not conclude this fantasy retelling of the Jack the Ripper murders by meting out some form of justice? I hear the counterargument: "Well, because we still don’t know the culprit today. This book would ring hollow if it named someone since historians, forensic scientists, etc. still don’t know who committed these crimes." My question: is that really a problem though? This is a work of fiction. Nothing in history happened the way it is written here. Is it crueler to the women who were murdered and who remain spectacles for true crime junkies and authors like this, less satisfying to readers who want some more concrete kind of closure, to not offer that up? I am asking this in earnest here, because I don’t know. Maybe it is insensitive to make up a murderer, to fill in the gaps in order to make sense of the violence that happened. But in my brain it feels almost like a responsibility at this point, since these murders served as the backdrop for the romance between Audrey Rose and Thomas, for the background to Audrey Rose’s empty feminist diatribes, and as inspiration for a book that went on far longer than it needed to. To me it kind of feels like the least an author could do, but I have no clue.
Anyways, I'm just glad I get to put this series to bed. No more.I truly lost sleep over it this weekend. Onto something better, please, for the love of god.
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