#also warden and some of the others feel like. idk. its weird
feralcleric · 5 months
according to the in-game stats im 57% done w DAO and now considering starting it all tf overrrr
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bat-gwuck · 17 days
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lmao so these two games have like nothing in common other than they’re both in my top 5 re-occurring hyperfixations but idc I’m having fun 😼👍
ong rdr2 and dragon age (esp origins) are my two all time FAVOURITE games so I thought ykw fuck it im gonna make a crossover AU - never done an AU before so NGL there’s a lot of kinks to iron out but I’m kinda digging it
started off with a lil’ character sheet for Arthur - I flip flopped between what I would make him (Templar, warden, keep him as a street thief/outlaw etc.) before finally settling on a mix of both warden and street thief/outlaw!! idk Arthur just gives me really strong Grey Warden vibes - a tragic hero (sometimes on a path of redemption depending on the origin/how they played it) who also has smth in them that will eventually kill them, despite having some weird benefits (in Arthur’s case, mentally)?? they’re twinning fr
I also just fucking LOVE the grey wardens so…
so it starts off relatively similar to normal: Arthur joins up with the gang at a young age, becomes a thief yada yada, and after a disastrous robbery, they end up camping in Ferelden, just before the Blight starts (unlucky)
for the purposes of this fic, the gang is only comprised of the camp girls (minus Sadie, for now), Dutch, Hosea, Arthur, John, Jack, Swanson, Pearson, Micah, Bill, Sean, Lenny and Javier - Sadie and Charles appear a bit later!!
shit goes down as normal but for story purposes, a heck of a lot faster, and the gang starts to fracture
seeing this, and wanting better for everyone, especially in the midst of the now upcoming Blight, which Dutch, for whatever reasons, does not acknowledge the danger of, Hosea (WHO LIVES IN THIS SCREW YOU ROCKSTAR) gathers as many people as will listen to him (everyone minus Dutch, Micah, Bill, Javier) with him and splits from the gang and heads towards Denerim in hopes of finding safety/starting anew
during their travels however, the group ends up getting caught up in a battle between a group of grey wardens and dark spawn - in which, because he has the worst luck, Arthur is nicked by a darkspawn which only means one thing: death.
(Literally just realising this is basically carver in the deep roads)
Luckily, or unluckily, depending on how you view it, the grey wardens offer to take Arthur back to Ostagar with them, they were impressed by his fighting skills, and arguing that the only way for him to live was to become a grey warden
after a lot of hesitation, and a bit of arguing, as he doesn’t want to leave his family behind, Arthur agrees to go with them and parts ways with the remains of the gang, promising that, once this was all over, they’d find each other again
SO I feel like this is enough for now! I definitely have more to write on this and NGL I might even write a full blown fanfic of this BC ITS SO MUCH FUN??
if anyone is wondering, Arthur will meet Sadie n Charles at Ostagar
I’m not entirely sure if I want Arthur to be the HoF in this AU?? I am very much planning on him being a prominent figure in the fight against the Blight and the Archdemon but idk?? ALSO there will be characters from both games in this AU bc I love some of them too much to leave out (I’m looking at you Morrigan and Shale…)
I did kind of want him to be a Blackwall type figure but like if Blackwall acc became a Grey Warden 💀
I hope you liked this and if anyone has any ideas for this AU PLEASE let me know I’m so lost 😭
I’ll be doing some more of these character sheets so keep an eye out for them!!
also Arthur absolutely nicked the fur collar off a rich noble
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foolgobi65 · 3 years
i really wish the writers of lucifer hadn't turned chloe and maze's friendship into such an afterthought! like ok:
- when they start in season 2, both of them are in pretty isolated places socially. chloe, already a pretty introverted workaholic, is just newly divorced and has exactly one (1) friend: lucifer. maze has finally split off from lucifer and has two (2) friends: linda and trixie, but for the purposes of this comparison linda really is maze's one friend. maze has just accepted that she's not actually going back to hell, that this time on earth isn't really just a lunch break before they go back to the real world (hell) and so she now has to figure out how to build a real life in LA.
- basically, both maze and chloe are kind of in similar positions in terms of being isolated and really only having a singular overwhelming relationship with someone as opposed to having a network they can rely on so that all their eggs aren't in one basket. you can see where this backfires on both of them throughout the series when linda spends the week not talking to maze after seeing lucifer's face, and when lucifer runs off to vegas and suddenly chloe is stuck with all these feelings she can't express (and crucially can't talk about to him, her best friend.) ofc lucifer and maze's relationship transcends friendship just based on their immense history and is its own weird thing that i also kind of wish they had given more thought to, but w/e.
- enter: maze and chloe's friendship! i think for both maze and chloe, the other person is as "far" as you could get from themselves, but is fascinatingly still someone they can like, respect, love, and be loyal to. for a good while (and this is something i REALLY wish they had maintained) chloe, maze, and dan are basically raising trixie together which takes so much respect and trust that the other person is someone you want having a hand in influencing a kid you love! i think what's interesting is that, unlike lucifer who is trying to answer existential questions about his place/purpose in the universe, maze is really just focused on the people she cares about and having a good time (which is rooted in her doing meaningful work as a bounty hunter.) chloe is someone who pursues duty to the point of self-sacrifice, and obviously her friendship with lucifer helps her loosen up, but the pedestal he places her on/reverence he sometimes feels for her prevents him from really popping that bubble in the same way maze does. also chloe and lucifer's relationship gets SO much more complicated around the time maze enter's chloe's life so the role that lucifer once had to shock chloe out of her comfort zone kind of goes to maze once chloe has to draw some personal boundaries with lucifer.
- i think the key to maze and chloe's friendship is that they're both people who desperately need someone who embodies the other person's best trait. while this tendency isn't always healthy, maze is fundamentally someone very loyal to those she believes deserves it. obviously she's also betrayed people a billion times but at her core she's deeply committed to those she cares about which is something that i can see chloe find really appealing. at this point chloe has spent so much of her life in this weirdly precarious position where, since her dad's death she hasn't been able to fully trust anyone or open up to them. obviously she loves dan, but its clear that even when they're still "good" he doesn't trust her instincts or potential like he should, and when he spent those months gaslighting her the issue for her even beyond the fact that he shot malcom would have been that he didnt support or trust his wife. the appeal of lucifer is that from the beginning he identifies that she's smart and moral with good instincts. he trusts her, and strangely over the season she begins to trust him too! and then he runs off to vegas, etc etc lol. maze's primary loyalty probably isn't to chloe, but we see that to the best of her capacity she wants chloe to be happy -- she gets the prison warden killed, she "tries" and then really does listen to chloe venting about lucifer, attends the parent night chloe was stressed about, sets aside her grudge with lucifer to find chloe.
- in turn, chloe's best trait is her ability to accept people as they are and see their potential. of course she doesnt really have that many friends, but the people she is attracted to are all works in progress (dan is obvious, as are lucifer and maze lmao, but there's also ella who confesses something very personal and scary to chloe and gets a hug in return, and even charlotte who chloe's had clashes with both as charlotte and Mom for years but still gets the benefit of the doubt.) maze does have to change when she comes to live with chloe and trixie, but we see trixie grow up heavily influenced by maze in ways that makes it clear that chloe must genuinely like maze, or those influences like the handshake and the passion for gore and the knife training wouldnt have been allowed. we know that the reason maze is so loyal to lucifer is that he was the first person to ever accept her for who she was unconditionally, without shame or judgment. we see that for lucifer chloe is that person, especially because she sees his potential for growth just as she sees maze's. because she doesnt have preconcieved notions of what they're supposed to be she only sees them as people going through a difficult period of growth and supports them as best she can: reminding maze that they're friends, worrying about her in canada, trusting her with trixie who is the most important person in chloe's life.
- of course, chloe and maze have lucifer and linda but narratively lucifer and linda become so much MORE for chloe and maze. the show sunk linda/maze lmao but linda's clearly the adult maze cares most about just as lucifer is chloe's. and for both in s3 this person they each place so much of themselves into suddenly hurts them and they both spiral. i think there was real potential for chloe and maze to become each other's support and develop into a really steady, enduring friendship in contrast to the chaos of their individual romances (you will NEVER convince me that triangle was about amenadiel rather than linda lmao.) even post s3, they don't really address that maze really hurt chloe by pushing her towards pierce, and that chloe hurt maze by lying to her. i really think there could have been a lot of growth from maze going back to living with chloe and trixie after making full ammends and chloe realizing that actually, yes she can deal with this and it isn't that scary and then the tragedy of her maybe missing her shot with lucifer becomes more stark. we see chloe and maze teaming up in the first episode of 5A but then they blow that up too! i get that chloe needs space and its clear they're both using the other as placeholders for the people they really want, but there's no reason that they couldnt have come back together later and re-established their friendship on screen. obv they wouldnt work together after lucifer comes back, but to me this is where i believe they should go back to living together. without that, maze's connection to trixie in terms of what they can show on screen becomes tenuous and chloe's home life just becomes less interesting/worthwhile to see bc it'd just be her or maybe her with trixie. without that, it feels like we just see a lot of chloe either at work or in relation to lucifer (bc thats the best bang for your buck in terms of interaction!) we do get to see maze with linda, which is nice, but idk just feels like a step back from early s3 when maze felt more embedded in a community of people who liked, accepted, and cared about her wellbeing.
- i think one of the issues is that chloe and maze's friendship might have seemed like a knock off of their "main" relationships with lucifer and linda bc they have similar dynamics with them, but idk! there's a sense of fun that we get from their friendship that we dont really see from the main pairings because those are so serious and passionate and the main mechanisms by which the 4 grow so there isn't as much room for the lighter stuff. i know i said that chloe sees the potential for growth but she's not really pushing maze to talk about her feelings. she's doing the dishes maze won't, smiling at maze and trixie's handshake, shrugging off the fact that maze is throwing knives at their rented walls. maze and chloe create space for each other to be seen as themselves, good or bad, in ways that linda and lucifer can't for whatever reason. they don't really push each other, just let the other person be. it wouldnt be the ideal dynamic if they were the only person in each other's lives, but i think its vital to have someone in your life who can, in chloe's case, gently push you outside of your comfort zone and in maze's case offer acceptance, friendship, and trust.
idk this is just going in circles as i repeat the same points over and over and over but i really wish they had put more thought into sustaining the maze and chloe friendship throughout s4 and s5 because it would have brought out notes in both of them narratively that i think are lost otherwise. also its just sad for trixie that someone who was basically part of her family who she was living with is just...not there anymore and that's never addressed. : (
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lavellander · 3 years
more bc i am unstoppable now
I Am Thinking About My DA Protagonists’ Taste In Romantic Partners both their “usual” type and why they’re drawn to their canon love interest (and the hypothetical ones from other games). i expect no one to give a shit abt this except me lsdfjd but im on a roll and its a good exercise or whatever. i’m sure i’ll use it eventually?????
once again. i know no one gives a fuck but if anyone DOES happen to want to torture themselves and read this pls know all my ocs are bi except zaniyah, who is a lesbian<3
general disclaimer that “in the circle love is just a game” etc etc etc so while she definitely is more inclined to romantic relationships, she only really had friends w benefits at most
she likes smart people! she likes fun people, she likes people who can get on board with her fucked up sense of humor. she’s witty and charming and loves to flirt just to flirt, and in the circle that wasn’t much of an issue lol. leliana is the first person she ever feels like...foot-in-mouth around, bc suddenly she likes and is attracted to someone and...that’s allowed? it’s all very foreign to her but she falls Real Hard, Real Fast
in a hypothetical da2 romance obviously isabela is extremely hot but also sarenan canonically has a foursome w her, leli, and zev so dLFKKDS it makes sense that bela’s the love interest of choice<3 (but also i think it would be like...friends-to-friends with benefits-to-lovers lol)
in a hypothetical dai romance once again josie is very hot and also so sweet and cute and delightful !!!!! idk if its just me but i see similarities bw origins leli and josie so again it just makes sense to me that josie is the LI for an inq romance :’)
(BUT for the most part. it is pretty hard for me to imagine sarenan w anyone but leli, bc they are the only couple i have that like. makes sense. lmfao)
actually doesnt often have romantic relationships? she has ~flings~ and rarely catches feelings. she describes her type as “anyone sexy” 
(her and isabela do in fact have a brief Thing but strictly no strings attached; this is bc i was very very adamant about romancing isabela when i played da2 and then anders fucking SNIPED me. so i incorporated it into canon i guess. lmao)
her attraction to anders is originally just “sexy tortured man” and then “sexy tortured man that gives free healthcare to poor people!!!!” and then - after it’s clear it won’t be a fwb situation - she realizes she has Actual feelings for him and is like well. its been a good run. guess i’ll die! until he reciprocates dflksdjf then they are kirkwall’s weirdest couple to everyone except themselves :’)
in a hypothetical dao romance her and zev would be classic fuckbuddies who accidentally start having a crush on each other, absolutely refuse to acknowledge it, then someone else in the friend group is like “oh my god PLEASE just kiss we are all going insane watching yall do this” <3
in a hypothetical dai romance im still torn bw sera and bull. maeve would just keep hitting on sera until sera did something about it; bull would be similar to zevran in the fuckbuddies-accidentally-caught-feelings dynamic
i feel like (depending on the size of the clan etc) alani was prob mostly involved w people she’d known almost all her life. she’s obviously attracted to other ppl who like to learn and stuff, but other than that it’s equal opportunity crushes ykwim. she doesn’t even Know she has a thing about people who are like. puzzles to be solved until solas lol
in a hypothetical dao romance she’d be drawn to alistair bc...who wouldnt be. hes adorable. they’re both warm friendly charming sunshines and i think it’d be natural for them to be drawn to one another. once she realizes he has Baggage she’s like oh. OH. i have to defend you against the world now
in a hypothetical da2 romance i thiiink it would be kinda similar to solas. like oh this bitch has a lot of emotional walls up, he’s got some real shit going on. I Like That. also mage rights, hes a sad sexy doctor, we love a revolutionary, etc. it makes sense imo
similar to maeve i think she’s more of a fling person than a relationship person, but she has had a couple gfs. she’s not very comfy being super serious but she’s a good gf and is very devoted. generally speaking i think she just likes Hot Ladies but is esp drawn to quirky / weird ppl lol
in a hypothetical dao romance she’d like morrigan bc 1) she’s hot and 2) she’s standoffish lol. she’d take it upon herself to get morrigan to like her as like, a personal triumph, but then along the way realize she has a real crush on her and be like shit? fuck? (the same goes for morg. it would be an oh shit oh fuck moment on both ends)
in a hypothetical da2 romance i think her and merrill would be more like friends to lovers :’) zaniyahs immediately like “youre weird. i like you” also they bond bc dalish etc, and over time she starts liking her more and more. eventually zaniyah just cant take it anymore and kisses merrill, apologizes profusely, etc, and merrill’s like “oh. i thought we were dating?” sldkfjsLDKFJds i care them
(josie is kind of an outlier bc she’s so graceful, collected, knows what to do/say always, etc. i dont believe in love at first sight but if i did thats what zaniyah and josie would be<333)
she doesnt like. have a type really. because she’s just been in love w her childhood best friend since forever and doesnt think of what she might like in other ppl bc well. he’s right there? she assumes they’ll be together forever, even if only platonically :( 
when she meets morrigan she’s like oh i like women too apparently. cool?? when she meets alistair shes a little put off by the fact that hes a golden retriever, then clings to him bc Trauma, then VERY begrudgingly realizes she has a crush on him but feels like shes betraying tamlen 
eventually she comes to terms w the fact that like. theres nothing she can do about tamlen unfortunately, and alistair is here and Loves Her and he’s been the only person to make her truly happy in a very long time. it takes a lot for her to think she deserves that, but she does, and the rest is history :’)
in a hypothetical da2 romance it makes perfect sense to me that she’d latch onto the other Elf Who Is Full Of Rage immediately. they are both very intense and it can put other people off sometimes but they dont really care! die mad about it, shem! etc
in a hypothetical dai romance she’d be drawn (platonically) to blackwall bc grey warden stuff, but subconsciously they both kind of feel like frauds, like they dont deserve happiness, etc; theyre both kinda brusque, at least at first, too. she just kinda sees him as a buddy til she watches him bonding w sera or with some kids or something and then shes like  😳 😳 😳 and then angry that shes like that lmao
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nghtmrsndydrms · 4 years
My theories on the most dreaded? awaited? ending for Lucifer (Deckerstar):
So first, Immortal!Chloe and Unredeemed!Lucifer.
So how will she become immortal?
Some say the ring might help Maze with her search for a soul but I don't think so because that ring holds Lilith's Immortality and I don't think Immortality = Soul?
So if Luci gives the ring to Chloe and gives Lilith's immortality to her then Immortal!Chloe.
Some people say Chloe wouldn't be happy with it because we've already seen Pierce suffer and Lilith chose to give it up because she said and I quote, "it's knowing there is an end that makes the rest of it count" and also there's Trixie. Which is yeah, point, but humor me.
Didn't Pierce regret becoming mortal again? Charlotte died in the first place because he was going to kill Amenadiel to have his mark back he got scared of the possibility of finally having an end even tho that was what he thought he wanted in the beginning and didn't Lilith seem to regret her decision giving it up? When Maze saw her Lilith said she tried something and it didn't work out and when she died Maze presumed she died lonely & alone in her apartment. I think they actually found being immortal 'convenient' (for the lack of better word choice on my part). She's a detective, her life's always in danger, it'll be 'convenient'.
Also, if it's true that Hell doesn't really need a warden anymore (i doubt that tho i think Michael pulled that one tho I'm leaning on my gut feel that there would be changes when it comes to Hell's management soon) and Lucifer is still banned from Heaven then where else would he stay? Earth, right? Because Chloe is his home. So once Chloe dies (again, assuming that Lucifer won't get unbanned from Heaven) our dude would be a Mess™. He'd probably wage a war just to see a glimpse of her in Heaven and Chloe going to Hell wouldn't even be an option 'cause Luci would probably, again, wage a war for Heaven to open its gates for Chloe. So to avoid Unredeemed!Lucifer from waging a war have Immortal!Chloe. (With what army would he wage a war if he's not a King anymore, you ask? He alone would wage it he wouldn't care if he has an army or not the devil is in love and he would fight for her)
What about Trixie? Based on the interview with Lesley (Maze) there's a scene where it gets gory and will make Maze release her demonic side and as a mother herself she felt the pain of the scene and cried during the shoots. I think its either one of the kids dying (Trixie/Charlie) or Dan maybe (Luci drinking from his #1 Dad cup foreshadowing him being a Step-devil?) and Lesly was simply sympathizing with the pain of a parent saying goodbye to their child.
Anyways, if Trixie dies and she goes to Heaven maybe, just maybe, it'll be okay for an immortal to see the dead? Like Amenadiel can carry her to Heaven to see Trixie and still be able to spend her days with Luci on Earth as immortals. If Trixie doesn't and dies in her old age, again, take Amenadiel Airways to have them see each other once in a while. She'll see Trixie and still be together with Luci.
Okay next, Mortal!Chloe and Redeemed!Lucifer.
I think this might be the end they might go with. They might just deal with the fact that Chloe will age, grow old, and die with Lucifer (hopefully with an ageing glamour because then that would be just weird) at her side being her devil shield as long as she's in service as a detective. She'll die as a human sure but if Lucifer's redeemed what will stop them from spending their days in Heaven? Together?
Last one is tricky - Human!Lucifer.
I really can't see Lucifer giving up his 'Devilness/Angelness' to be 'with' Chloe. Some say this is a possibility because it might be a parallel with Lilith and Luci. However, we saw what happened with Lilith (regrets?) and how he reacted when he lost his desire mojo and then when he both regained his invulnerability and desire mojo. He was thrilled. He probably felt "invincible" and worthy to be at Chloe's side (see: "My mojo is the reason I'm useful to her in the first place" he's still insecure they'd probably talk and deal with those issues later on). Still, it's his identity. It wouldn't make sense for someone like Luci who struggled a lot during the entire series asking himself (subconsciously) who/what he truly is (good or evil) at his core for him to give up a very big part of himself.
"But he's in love!"
Yes, he is, but just like they said being in love is about sharing and gives-and-takes not gives-and-gives or takes-and-takes. Also, in their kind of partnership if Lucifer gives it up it would just change everything in their dynamic - no more desire mojo, no more devil shield, simply no more Lucifer's 'Luciferness'. Because, ya know if Chloe's still going to die why not go with just a Redeemed!Lucifer and be her devil shield right?
So in summary the endings might be among these three (ranked based on what I think is the most probable):
Lucifer gets redeemed stays on Earth with Chloe and when her time comes spend the rest of their lives in Heaven.
Lucifer doesn't get redeemed might or might not be the King of Hell anymore (somebody else *ahem* Michael *ahem* might take his place) gives the ring to Chloe and live as immortals on Earth.
Lucifer gets redeemed but choose to become Human!Lucifer (WHY!?) spends the rest of his days with Chloe then ascends to heaven with her when their time comes.
Final thoughts: I can see option 1 and 2 happening? Tbh I think those are the endings I can accept. I can see 1 as the most doable and acceptable (on my part). I just hope that Luci can glamour himself and make his appearance age tho 'cause if they do go on this route Chloe getting older with a constant 30s aged Luci at her side would just raise a lot of eyebrows soon the longer they're together. While 2 might be a bit hard and complicated because like what would they do? Pull off a Pierce and change their identities every 30-50 years because they don't age? Well it can be easy, maybe, since Luci has connections but yeah that's tiring. Then option 3 which some might prefer just doesn't sit right with me. We saw Luci with his issues on Chloe 'taking' his mojo, on his fear with the Silent Killer when he was incapacitated, and how happy he was when got both of his 'arsenals' back (i.e. invulnerability and desire mojo). It just won't make sense with me considering how their partnership works. Also, I think Chloe wouldn't also like Luci giving up such a big part of him just to be with her. I can only see option 3 happening if Luci's given an ultimatum of being redeemed if he lives a life of a human/mortal. But idk man I think he 'lived' as a human (vulnerability issues) enough for me and for all the actions and choices that he made throughout his journey in the series - I think he redeemed himself enough.
okay im done rambling if this gets any attention please be kind lol
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kirkwallgremlin · 4 years
OK so I’ve been thinking about Thaddeus Amell a lot over the last few days so here’s a whole bunch of random facts about my idiot circle mage son 💜
He’s a fucking dumbass and I love him. Literally exists because I was like “hmm I should make a himbo oc sometime” and despite not wanting any new ocs at that time, he turned up in my brain the next day and was like what’s up I live here now
He’s not a warden till around the time of the Landsmeet! he just kinda... follows my other wardens + the companions out of the Circle and is like pls keep me I want to come too 🥺 its a lot like the dog’s recruitment tbh lmao
I keep changing my mind on how he actually becomes a warden but it definitely involves some kind of major almost fatal injury, Morrigan realising o shit I actually really like him, and Morrigan being Very Distressed (she says some Very Angry things directed at Wynne). Currently thinking they’re like “well.... hes gonna die so we may as well help him die with honour as a warden like he wanted to” and work out some kinda joining ritual but then he doesn’t die and oh look nobody has to be forced onto any kind of ritual they’re not comfortable with. He’s very excited about waking up a warden and going forward he’s often like “idk the joining wasn’t that bad” and somebody has to point out that he was literally unconscious, of course it wasn’t that bad for him
He’s low key traumatised by some of his experiences Circle but he’s so good at brushing everything off and remaining cheerful about everything that he doesn’t even realise? And then he has a full blown panic attack when they go underground in Orzammar bc he can’t see the sky and feels trapped and is like huh maybe it fucked me up more than I realised and then locks away that little issue to not think about it again until he has to again
He’s actually pretty good at magic, but he also doesn’t realise! He’ll do something kinda powerful or complex and when somebody is like “wait what was that?” He’ll be like “magic? I’m a mage??” But he’ll also do stupid stuff like accidentally set fire to himself or freeze his own hand to a wall on a pretty regular basis
He has three kids with Morrigan - Kieren, and the twins Roberta and Darcy! Kieren is very solemn and serious, he always has his head in a book and he’s a little bit odd. Darcy is pure chaos, she’s the one that do anything that comes into her head just because she wants to know if she can. Thaddeus is usually there waiting to find out if she can while Morrigan is like “Thaddeus did you just help our daughter climb up that tree to see if she can shape shift before she hits the ground?” And he’s like “YEAH she’s gonna be a bat!!” Roberta is fiery and her siblings annoy her constantly but also she Will fight anyone who even looks at her weird serious brother and chaotic sister the wrong way.
He also has a much older daughter he doesn’t know. He had a thing with another mage in the circle when he was like 18 (he’s early 30s in Origins), she got pregnant, and they transferred her to another circle before the baby was born. He assumes the kid is still alive out there somewhere but he even know if it was a boy or a girl. He acts like it doesn’t bother him that he doesn’t know (and tbh he probably believes that) but he’d love to meet them one day. I kinda like the idea of her ending up in Ostwick and being friends with my Trevelyan tbh but I’ve never got further into working out the details of that yet.
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thegreenalien · 3 years
You should do all of them questions and 90 is true
I love you!!!!
1. Favorite instrument?
I work at a music store u can’t just ask me this. When my coworkers play it’s the saxophone or the flute, when the boys in the repair shop are testing repairs and they harmonize with each other or try to outplay one another it’s the bassoon or the trombone or whatever they’re fixing at the moment. When I hear 🎺 give his lesson on Wednesday afternoons it’s the trumpet, and when I think about middle school it’s the clarinet, the flute, the French horn. When I hear the nutcracker pas des deux is the oboe and when I hear edith piaf l’accordeoniste it’s the remarkable human voice. Really my favorite instrument is all of them, it just depends.
2. Favorite fic trope? Mutual pining 🥺
3. Sport you played for the longest amount of time? LMAO I wasn’t a sporty kid but I did ballet
4. Shoe size? 10-11
5. Most recent (good) dream? Uhh I had a dream last night about my coworker 🎹 it wasn’t bad though I can’t really remember what it was about
6. Last person in your DMs? smugg
7. Can you do a handstand? Nooo nooo lmaoo nooooo
8. Unpopular food opinion I don’t like oranges or red meat
9. Conspiracy you believe in? There’s some kind of weird weather dome in my hometown around the military base that makes most storms pass around us
10. Is your hair its natural color/style? Most of it is I dyed the bottom layer of my hair tho so it’s blonde rn
11. state a useless fact all that’s coming to mind is outright lies rn hold on. The inventor of pringles is buried in a pringles can that’s so fucking nasty omg
12. most interesting gossip you’ve heard? Idk I don’t really care for gossip uhhhh have u heard tho rin dippindogs is a huge gay hah she uhh she like men AND women lmao gaaay gaaaay
13. Middle name? Carolyn
14. Sexuality? Bisexual
15. Amount of sleep you got last night? Idk actually I think like 9-10 hrs tho I slept in until 11
16. Opinion on ice cream cake? Tasty!!!
17. Opinion on (cup)cake frosting? It’s depends buttercream is usually too sweet for me in large amounts so I prefer whipped cream frosting
18. Last board game you played? Idk??? We played hunt a killer tho last Thursday me n my family I guess that counts kinda
19. Project you want to start? I need ideas first baby
20. Project you’re working on right now? HAHAHAHAHAHA
21. TV show you’re watching? nothing rn I just rewatch bojack a lot if I watch anything
22. Last movie you watched? Lego batman I think
23. Ever left anon hate? Not legit hate
24. Ever left anon love? Yes all the time. Sometimes to strangers it’s my favorite thing to do
25. Best Disney movie? The princess and the frog
26. Best Pixar movie? Soul or Up I can’t decide
27. Best Star Wars? Um. Empire strikes back
28. Last thing you consumed? Fuit gumy
29. NoTP? Idk I don’t really hate ships unless they’re gross like pedophilic gross
30. story behind your (nick)name? When I was a fetus my great grandfather had a dream that my name should be Carolyn Marie but my parents were huge dweebs so they named me Marina after the actress of Deanna Troi in Star Trek. Idk about my nickname ive just always been Rina/Rin as long as I can remember
31. ice cream order? Lately it’s lemon sorbetto I know it’s SO high in sugar but I love it
32. describe your blog in <5 words I love you
33. how many blogs do you follow? 436
34. Describe your voice it depends usually I sound like a sick child but my customer service voice is really pleasant
35. Describe your smile it’s cute :)
36. What is the place you live known for? LMAOOO LMAO we have a military base nearby and like. I could go on abt that one but also like. There’s a lot of gang violence and a lot of the other consequences of poverty. People from the cities around us see us as “””ghetto””” or violent but it’s just. It’s more than that it’s always more than that. And idk what else there’s nothing really particularly special about this town except that we’re all here and not anywhere else
37. What is the place you’re originally from known for? (if they’re different)
38. pronouns? she/any idc
39. Languages you speak? English
40. first friend you made through tumblr? Idk. I probably don’t talk to them anymore :(
41. Person on tumblr you know in real life? my brother
42. First dog breed you think of shih tzu I have 2 next to me rn
43. room wall color? Purble!!!! The paint color is called grape juice that’s why I picked it!!!
44. Song that’s stuck in your head right now? It’s tricky to rock a rhyme to rock a rhyme that’s right on time it’s trickyyyyy
45. Favorite number? 5, 34
46. Color you associate with your name? Red
47. Favorite jolly rancher flavor?watermelon
48. Pets? 2 dogs rocket and groot and 4 cats loki danni who r from the same litter and we raised from kittens, miss kitty who we adopted from a shelter after my boy blue moon passed away and ben (his real name is Kylo Ren thanks to my mom but I refuse to call him that) he is my little baby and he has 7 toes on his front paws
49. Collections? Hot wheels
50. Character outside of your fandom you’d marry? Girl what lmaooo idk
51. Character outside of your fandom you’d kill? That’s mean :(
52. Have you met any celebrities? NO thank god id have to kill on sight
53. Favorite time period in history? Itslian Renaissance & Romantic Era
54. What time is it right now? 2:35 am oops
55. History or future? Future but like . A good one. Or prehistory
56. Space or ocean? Space
57. Fears? Abandonment
58. Command + v and post. It’s this list of questions u don’t want that
59. Favorite season? Spring
60. Describe your aesthetic. Messy just a mess, neon and old buildings and things, antiques, countryside if there weren’t so many trump pence flags still lmaoo give uppp give up, nature just al of nature and space and places humans can’t touch and places they used to touch but can’t anymore
61. MBTI? Infp but I haven’t taken it in a few years
62. What’s your relationship with your family like? Normal.
63. “Biggest fan” in your tumblr activity? I’m in mobile hold on acc to tumblr it’s akky
64. Favorite musical? Sweeney todd
65. Comfort book? Idk how to read 💔💔💔 wuthering heights tho
66. Comfort movie? Whisper of the heart
67. OTP? Girl idk
68. BroTP? Joey and Tristan yugioh
69. AUs or canon compliant? Canon ig idk
70. Opinion on the person who’s sending the ask? It’s an anon!! But I love them
71. FMK + 3 characters anon didnt leave any characters and I was going to say something very bad but I won’t
72. Dream date? I’ve wanted to do this for a while but ideally it would be after we’d been together a while maybe even engaged or whatever, I wanna go to like a Home Depot or a furniture store and pretend to be married and looking for house paints and furniture and plan what our home is going to look like I wanna do that so bad. But idk for a first/early relationship date i really want to go to the zilker botanical garden it’s one of my favorite places, we could also go to the natural gardener which is a plant nursery in Austin I really love it there too and it’s not that far from zilker.
73. Relationship status? Single
74. Ever dyed your hair? Do you plan to? Yes and perhaps. Maybe
75. Dream job/career? Idk anymore I used to have big girl goals and I haven’t had any in a while. But when I was younger I wanted to be a game warden
76. Favorite band/singer? Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky
77. Something that makes you soft/that you find adorable? My cats
78. The first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Buy a house
79. Are you superstitious? Yes
80. Character you project onto? Shizuku tsukishima
81. Fictional character you’ve had a crush on? Vergil devil may cry. Forever husband
82. Celebrity crush? LMAO
83. Person on here you’d date? my mutuals
84. Person on here you’d marry? 🥺 my mutuals
85. Person on here you’d throw into the void? Smugg
86. Other social media you have? I’ve got a photography insta that I barely use and a Twitter that’s just nintendo switch screenies that’s it
87. Finish the sentence: Due to personal reasons, ___________i will be passing away
88. Bad habit? I find it rlly hard to say no or like to say when and why I’m upset I don’t feel like for the latter I don’t feel like I should bring something that’s upsetting me up because I know I’ll get over it on my own and I don’t really trust myself to be upset about rational things. Idk I’m working on it
89. Three things you like about yourself? I’m hot, I’m kind, I’m resilient
90. Ily and you deserve the world I love you!!!!! YOU deserve it too!!!
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candydos · 4 years
...am I the only one that would have preferred AOAW as a season finale?
+ maybe extended post-credits scene to show some belos stuff idk
I just feel that the stakes at play weren’t... high enough? or at least it didn’t feel like the stakes presented were as high as they were because of how quickly they were resolved (see: petrification -- which had a weird sense of time btw but that’s a different story) 
More under the cut, and an important note at the bottom before you reply. 
The most I felt watching the episode is seeing Luz give up her only way home and saying “lo siento” (i’m sorry) directed at her mom before giving it up and THEN destroying it. That shit Hurted. but even this thread didn’t stay long enough because surprise, Belos is actually reassembling it by the end of the episode so... it wasn’t really destroyed. the strongest I really felt, walking away form the episode, I’ll talk about these things below.
Don’t get me started on how I was a little irked that Amity, Willow, and Gus were just... there. Amity did get a timeout because she got a LOT of material from Grom and WILW so I understand, but I guess after seeing WIllow and Gus trying to fight by Luz against Lilith, it made me psyched for a full team battle of sorts in the finale. Maybe we save it for another time, I hope.
and now that I’m writing this out, I have a big bone to pick with the finale:
Everything felt a little too touch-and-go.
Firstly, I will say that I appreciated the flashback and reveal of motivations + the most heartwrenching realisation that Lilith cursed Eda for NOTHING because either way, Eda would have forfeited for her sister because she knew how much being in the Emperor’s Coven meant to her. 
And as much as I love sibling tropes, we have to remember that she gave her sister a terminal curse in her sleep because she wanted an advantage, didn’t realise the consequences but kept quiet about it for about 20 odd years and still doesn’t relay any of this to the cursed sister in question.
On the flip side, I don’t want them to be too bitter about it because deep down they really do care for each other and I believe that. But it just felt, weird.
The main grievance also stemmed from how the layout of the episode was very, Not What He Seems-esque. No surprise there, Stephen Sandoval directed both episodes, but this ties into a little fear I have that TOH will try to model itself too much after Gravity Falls which doesn’t feel right because it’s not the greatest fit. I want TOH to establish it’s own storytelling but the ending really felt very Gravity Falls-esque and right now, I don’t know if that’s a good or bad thing (could be both, why not).
It felt like things happened and resolved real fast, and while I understand the 22min limit, I can still have my grievances about it. 
Before you go into the replies and start angrily rebutting things, I wrote these as my initial thoughts. I am back after rewatching the episode and I think these grievances are... still grievances but forgivable ones. TOH is still on its first season, I’m interested to see how things turn out. 
And with that out of the way, I will say this episode brought good things:
- I love Luz, King and Eda’s “ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind” moments, warmed and hurt my heart a little. 
- More things on the Day of Unity! 
- Gus’s last name is Porter (his dad is Perry Porter, the reporter! Ha!) 
- The most criminally insane thing Luz and King could think of was stepping on grass with a “Do Not Step On Grass” sign next to them shdfgjhdf
- the Warden’s return!!
- Luz’s Very Visible Hatred for Lilith,,, us @ Lilith in AOAW
- Luz kicking ass with her glyphs!! cinnamon roll WILL kill for owl mom!!
- “Us weirdos have to stick together, remember?” Luz you will not catch me crying in the club rn p-pls im gonna cry-
- Luz going OFF ON LILITH + bonus points for “talk to the glyph, WITCH”
- Giving Lilith some humanity, she really knew she messed up.
- Luz lingering on the human world, bean misses her ma
- the townsfolk just relfecting on Eda’s impact on them, bonus for Bump’s “after she left the school” HA
- in seeing how Willow and Gus riled up a crowd, I am getting a LOT of Take Back the Falls vibes. ah, sweet memories. let my beans lead a rebellion pls pls pls pls-
- Luz SNIPING Belos’ right eye. Actually the whole mini fight sequence, I’m proud of how far she’s come.
- just. Just Keith David. he... wow.. chills.
- Luz and Belos are officially Enemies. season 2′s gonna be Interesting.
- she about to TORCH A BWITCH
- EDA’S BACK!!!!!
- Eda and Lilith now having to workaround their magic handicaps, gon be fun
- “we’ll learn together” HGAFHGJHG AAAAAAA
- her vlog to her mom,,,,,,,,
- P O R T A L. just PORTAL.
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rivetgoth · 5 years
Okay, the verdict is out, I finally got to watch THREE FROM HELL after anticipating it for ages and I got some thoughtz.
First, some full disclosure, so y’all know where my biases are:
1. I genuinely adore House of 1000 Corpses and I consider The Devil’s Rejects one of my favorite movies of all time. In general I really adore a lot of Rob Zombie’s work — I also loved 31. That being said, he’s been hit or miss in the past and there’s some stuff of his I really detested too, but overall he’s not only impressed me but stood out as the creator of some of my absolutely favorite films. I wanna clarify this because I’ve seen a lot of people write up scathing reviews for this film that literally start with “I HATE ROB ZOMBIE’S MOVIES!!!!!” and that just seems like a really unfair way to approach a review specifically for a sequel. Idk what you’re expecting to get out of it.
2. Speaking of that, I love good horror sequels and some of my favorite movies of all time are specifically sequels. I fall in love with characters and concepts and I love seeing them expanded on in fun ways. I have no inherent negative feelings towards sequels at all.
I say all this to point out that I was genuinely looking forward to this movie without any unfair biases, it didn’t have to change my mind on anything larger than itself, like “convince me that Rob Zombie is a capable film director after all” or “convince me that sequels have artistic merit” or anything like that.
My overall thought, before I explain anything else, is pretty much that I feel like the first half of the film is extremely promising and fun, and the second half of the movie is so bad that I more or less wish I’d just turned it off halfway through and pretended that was the whole film. And, given the fact that so many of the developmental issues with the film that led to its shakiness came from Sid Haig’s declining health, I almost feel like this wasn’t a movie that had to be made at all — at least in this form.
I read one review that pretty much said that for Rob Zombie to revive this series he needed a damn good reason, and he never managed to make that reason clear. And I feel like that’s exactly what my overall takeaway was here. The ending of Devil’s Rejects is pretty much perfect. In order for that to be retconned and expanded upon, something really mind blowing had to happen. In general, even when you’re not taking the risk of retconning an ending of such epic proportions, if a sequel is made to something I want to see it do something new and uniquely memorable in its own right. Devil’s Rejects itself is a perfect example of this; one of the things I completely adore about it is the fact that it expanded upon the very classic retro slasher feel of 1000 Corpses to center the attention on the killers and recreate them as antiheroes with an entirely different tone. Similarly, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 stands out to me as one of the great horror sequels, partly in the way it so fearlessly completely shifts it’s tone away from the total frenzied isolation horror of TCM 1 and does something entirely different. Other series try less for “perspective/atmosphere shift” and more for “just go bigger” and that can work too — I think the increasing extremity of gore and complexity of the traps in the Saw series (which I love) is a good example, especially through the first three films which are by far the best as a coherent trilogy.
The WEIRD thing about Three From Hell is that Rob Zombie has clearly proven that he 1) understands the idea of sequels that build upon original films in unique new ways 2) has no qualms being increasingly and shamelessly extreme and shocking and horrific. But instead, I felt like Three From Hell is... jarringly tame, actually, compared to what we got from Rejects. And I mean, in some ways that’s fine, I didn’t necessarily miss the way-too-long graphic rape scene in Rejects, which is a miserable chore to get through in just how sickening it is. But there’s no moment where I felt that we get anything more extreme or intense than what’s seen in Rejects. It all feels like it’s been toned way down, which is bizarre to me. The victims aren’t people we’re sympathetic towards like the traveling musicians we meet in Rejects, and their deaths aren’t particularly gruesome - The majority of the deaths in this movie are “shot in the head” or “stabbed.” That’s it. The climax of the film is extremely similar to the opening shootout of Rejects, with significantly lower stakes and less memorable artistic direction, meaning that one film’s introductory scene is able to create a more intense moment than this one’s entire two hour duration.
The thing is, I feel like the first half of the movie really has potential. There are things I could nitpick — for example I love Richard Brake and I feel like Foxy is fun but flat — but the majority of my complaints would be things that, if the movie had a stronger second half, could easily have been further developed and solved. In fact, the first half of the movie feels like it’s gearing up to pretty much be exactly what I’d want out of a Rejects sequel. It’s weird and engaging and markedly different from its predecessors. It focuses on Otis, Spaulding, and Baby’s survival and arrest after the ending of Rejects, the subsequent trial, and then Otis’ escape and attempt to save Baby (after Spaulding is given the death penalty; more on that later). There’s a ton I love here, mostly Otis and Baby’s relationship being given more time in a really interesting way. The stakes are high and Otis clearly cares about his sister to a degree that feels like a fitting continuation of Rejects’ attempts at showing sympathetic or relatable aspects to these characters that makes them very three dimensional and complex. Bill Moseley is the fucking greatest and his ability to make Otis so completely depraved and unrestrained while also clearly caring about his family is one of my favorite things about the series and this played it up really well. You get the feeling that Otis is genuinely concerned for Baby, even after she’s freed, although it mostly comes out in yelling and deadpan snarking. Baby, meanwhile, gets the beginning of a completely fascinating character arc that included my favorite dialogue and scenes through the entire film as we’re shown that after a decade in prison she’s gone completely off the deep end. She rambles on about being Snow White and saving kittens and cries while hallucinating ballerinas with cat heads. By the time she’s free even Otis is expressing vocal concern for her. We get to meet the first half of the film’s main antagonist, Warden Virgil Harper, who was memorable and fun and felt right at home in the Rejects canon. We got the chance to see him developed into a character you almost start to feel sorry for; he’s cocky, but he clearly has no idea how in over his head he really is. On top of this, the scene when the clown shows up at Harper’s house while Otis and Foxy are torturing him and his friends and family is the best torture scene in the film in the complete absurd awfulness of the clown trying to put on a funny show while everyone is sobbing and a man is bleeding out.
At this point, the movie is going in a direction I totally dig. By the time Baby is finally free and able to reunite with Otis and he’s picking up on how fucked up she’s become, I’m genuinely excited to see how things will develop. It feels like Rob Zombie was setting up a film where we get to explore the siblings’ dynamic in a way that’s new and intriguing but developing from the things people loved in Rejects, which is that perfect blend of “utterly irredeemably despicable people” and “genuinely likable, oddly human characters.” Baby and Otis only really have each other at this point (Foxy is there, but even in the movie itself they allude to the fact that he really barely matters — a bit of a copout of a running gag, but whatever), and Baby actually voices this. It hit me at that moment how all of their family has died, and considering how much family has been a driving force for these characters, they were literally initially introduced in 1000 Corpses as the classic murder family and that’s all been taken from them, it’s genuinely sad. Spaulding’s death feels like it could be the final catalyst for... something to come from this, as that was Baby’s father and such a hugely important member of the Firefly family. We have Otis and Baby, alone (well, accompanied by Foxy) in the late 1980s (also a COMPLETELY not utilized detail), on the run as the country’s most wanted serial killers and trying to cope with the weird scenario of being merciless murderers who’ve had their entire family taken from them.
But we don’t get any of that in the second half. At all. Instead, we have Baby suggesting they all run away to Mexico. They do, winding up in a little hotel in the middle of nowhere full of prostitutes and alcohol. Baby wins a knife throwing contest against some big misogynistic guys. Then Danny Trejo’s character’s unmentioned son shows up (oh yeah; Danny Trejo was here for about 5 seconds, he died early on), has about 3 lines of dialogue, sends in 20 masked luchadors to kill Baby and Otis, they have an extremely long low stakes shootout, and with the help of the second half’s most interesting but still underdeveloped and shockingly unironically sympathetic character they burn Danny Trejo’s son alive and the movie ends. And that’s it. The characters regress even further backwards than their Rejects counterparts. They don’t really do... anything, actually. Otis fucks some women and then lays in bed flirting with them until the luchadors show up with their machine guns. My favorite moment was Otis’ attempts at saving Baby’s life by telling Aquarius (Danny Trejo’s character’s son) to let her go because he was the only one responsible for his father’s death, and they share a brief exchange about family. But that was one interesting moment amidst an extremely stale and low stakes plot separate from anything I care about after the intensity and high stakes present in the previous movie’s climax, and even this movie’s first half. A lot of things are recycled here, like the revenge plot driving the antagonist, but Sheriff Wydell’s descent into righteous insanity in Rejects was given way more time to develop, or a character betraying the Fireflys’ trust, but instead of the extremely memorably shocking, selfish betrayal from Charlie who was a longtime acquaintance clearly considered family (plus he actually attempts to “redeem” himself in the end), this is betrayal from a random hotel owner we do not know or care about. When the credits roll and we see Otis and Baby and Foxy driving away to... somewhere, I don’t even know where they’re going, I’m not even really sure what I’m supposed to feel. I chuckled a little at Baby being allowed to drive after an earlier argument where Otis asserted she shouldn’t, but that was it.
I hadn’t read anything about this movie before watching it, because I didn’t want anything to be spoiled for me. I was really excited for it! I learned that Sid Haig, who of course passed on only very recently (RIP), was dealing with very serious health issues that made him unable to film the movie, when originally the film had been written with the original infamous three - Otis, Baby, Spaulding - as the leads for the whole thing. Rob Zombie wanted to honor him with at least a cameo, knowing that the movie wouldn’t be the same without the Captain, but aside from a brief few minutes of screen time he had to rewrite the whole rest of the film with Spaulding removed. I feel like that’s where a majority of the problems with the movie lie. It’s why Foxy is as flat as he is and it’s why there’s an awkward uncertainty in how to deal with the loss of the Captain as the patriarch and why the whole idea of Otis and Baby’s aloneness is so awkwardly glossed over, like Mr. Zombie noticed the elephant in the room enough to address the turmoil but didn’t want to rewrite the entire movie from scratch to account for one of the most important characters in the franchise (maybe THE most important) being unexpectedly killed off.
Now, I LOVE some films that have been to developmental hell and back and came out as solid movies. In fact, there’s an extremely special place in my heart for films that fought tooth and nail to be made. It inspires me as a creator myself and it’s why indie low budget horror is my favorite genre of movie. I absolutely love seeing creators fight to bring their artistic visions to life against the odds. There are fantastic sequels out there where major actors either died or refused to/were unable to return and the stories were reworked or the actors replaced. I feel like something went wrong here. The moment he realized that Sid Haig would be unable to return, Rob Zombie should have set the whole thing aside and done a total rewrite. Right now, the knowledge of what was going on with Sid Haig behind the scenes makes the movie’s shortcomings go from “poor writing and storytelling decisions” to “genuinely extremely sad.”
One of the things I totally love about the writing of Devil’s Rejects is the way Rob Zombie inserts seemingly random moments that do nothing but add to the overall atmosphere and tone of his world. Random arguments, random character quirks, random shots of random things that simultaneously add a gritty “anything goes” realism as well as a surreal absurd humor. I’m also ALL for disjointed, nonlinear, or otherwise experimental and strange plots with a lot going on in them, I don’t think a big genre shift halfway through a movie is inherently bad. In the past, it’s been Rob Zombie’s fearlessness with experimenting with strange, often shameless storytelling decisions that have made his films so memorable and enjoyable and even inspiring to me. But in Three From Hell, there’s just a sense that everything feels kind of... disconnected and unfinished. It feels like two different movies were trying to be made and neither were fully developed. It just ends up sort of feeling like a kind of sad mess.
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hollowboobtheory · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons that explain the whole Anders Vigil's Keep fiasco? I'm trying to write fanfic but I guarantee if my Warden was still alive and anywhere within range of Vigil's Keep there would be no force powerful enough to stop her from straight up destroying anyone who tried to take Pounce or impose Templars on her super pro free mage warden keep. Where was she? How could this happen? How did they avoid invoking her wrath? I just can't figure out a good explanation.
ok strap in there’s a lot here.
i’m gonna level with you, i’ve never read the short story, and i never plan to. i think i’ve gathered everything i need through osmosis and it sounds, quite frankly, dumb as fuck. not to mention like, if that had happened, i feel like anders would be a lot less in favor of bethany joining the wardens tbqh
so i decided that instead of all that bullshit, anders left because he couldn’t handle being surrounded by death 24/7 because let me tell you my warden (ashirril mahariel) LOVES being a warden. she kinda resented duncan for conscripting her at first because he basically told her there were two ways to go, either she takes the joining and becomes a warden, or the taint will run its course and he’ll have no choice but to do his duty. because she had been fully turned for like a week by the time duncan found her. like gone full darkspawn. totally succumbed to The Calling. but she was able to stop herself from tearing into him and ask for help and he was amazed that she was so far gone and still able to come back and show some lucidity. also i’ve switched her and alistair’s roles because with their dynamic ash should have been the one who was already a gray warden. she’s just like, the universal big sister. 
but yeah anyway there was a point in bownammar after two weeks straight of nonstop killing and living off of tainted deep mushrooms and raw lyrium after she succumbs to exhaustion and she’s being force fed dwarven flesh and hespith is begging for death and ash literally has to use it as a bargaining chip to get her to tell her what’s going on and she finds alistair and she gets that second wind and kills every darkspawn and broodmother in the trenches and she’s like fuck it this is my calling it’s what i was put on thedas to do so she just like. THRIVES on death and darkness. and she just kind of assumed anders would eventually turn that corner as well since she sees a lot of her younger self in him. (i’m also fucking with the timelines so that he was 20-ish when he joined and she was 24-25) (kinda young for a commander but she killed an archdemon and lived so nobody’s questioning her) (bc during the blight she decided ‘well as the highest ranking surviving gray wardem i’m promoting myself to commander’) (also he was with them for 4 years before leaving for kirkwall and living there for another year before he met hawke who had been there for 6 years)
also keep in mind the way i build anders, he gets NO offensive spells. pure healer. he’s not a Death person, he’s a Life person. in-universe that translates to “yeah i know the basic elemental summoning spells they teach every kid in the circle but other than that i’m useless in a straight fight.” and this is a deliberate choice on his part because he knew the less offensive magic he knows the less he’s going to get forced into being a human weapon in the Chantry’s next crusade. because anders does not want to fight, he does not like fighting, and he definitely does not want to be used as a weapon. and he never turns that corner. (neither does alistair and that’s why ash made him king) 
also the gray wardens are a hivemind and can hear each other’s thoughts which is why they tend to travel in smaller groups and it also means they get REAL close REAL fast in a sibling kind of way so there’s virtually no fraternizing within the wardens but also the warden stamina and the warden appetite go beyond just fighting and eating ifyouknowhatimean and a) it’s weird that everybody can “hear” you having sex and Knows. he’s not embarrassed because, hey, Circle, but it’s weird and b) it fucking sucks hearing everybody fucking else having sex EVERY. NIGHT. FOR GODDAMN HOURS ON END. WHEN HE’S JUST TRYING TO SLEEP. 
so he starts thinking “what if i leave, go to kirkwall, bust out my boyfriend, start a real clinic, and thrive?” 
and so he tells her “Hey commander? i’d rather get spitroasted by 2 ogres then have my spine pulled out through my ass than ever set foot in the deep roads again.” 
and she tells him “that’s tough but we need a medic for this so pack up. we’re leaving after breakfast tomorrow.” 
then in the deep roads they get separated and there’s a cave-in and justice gets his body crushed under a falling boulder and he’s like “well guess i’ll die.” but the hurlocks are closing in and anders knows a few shields and that’s the closest to actual battle magic he can do. so he’s like “hey i have an Idea” 
and nate and velanna place bets on whether he’s alive. anders is hurt when he finds out nate bet against him but touched that velanna believed in him
i’ve actually been considering writing a fic where the commander is the one they run into in the deep roads.
so short answer, no, i have headcanons to circumvent the whole thing. idk if any of this helps at all bc i’m at the point where my canon is practically an au. 
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dykedteach · 5 years
okay here we go, episode 2 second watch
(I think this is my longest liveblog I’ve done, but then again I feel like this is the most emotional a tv episode has made me since I finished Black Sails so like?)
so uhhh they’re really gonna hide all the valuable people in the crypts huh, they’re really following through on that
“women and children first” to DIE??? I M EAN
i’ve been thinking about this non stop since i first watched the ep and my growing dread is nigh unstoppable, if i had any doubts that the winterfell dead might rise, their whole repeated thing of “everyone will be safe down there” shot them straight down
i’m lowkey annoyed we missed out on what would have been an incredibly awkward introduction scene between jaime and literally everyone, but i’m glad his “trial” didn’t drag out
i want sam’s opinion on dany’s bloodthirst vis a vis avenging her father BC LIKE????
“i’d do it all again” honey be QUIET 
L O Y A L T  Y 
l      o   yal     t e  a
lmao daenerys’ look of anger and disgust at brienne hopping to jaime’s defense alone makes me want her dead tbh
sansa being a better strategist, ruler, negotiator, and peacekeeper than both of her parents combined, is my weakness tbh
also He R  aRmOuR drESs !!!!! what a LOOK! 
d: “what does the warden of the north say about it?” j: [has dissociated solidly through the past six hours, is only now just realising it’s daylight and he’s in the great hall] uhhhhhhhhhhhh cool i guess?
tyrion finally breathing after daenerys lets jaime live is ridiculously endearing, i love the brothers’ relationship so much
baeworm death-glaring jaime is also ridiculously endearing tbh
i dig the gendarya love theme, i do i do i do
everyone keeps saying that the fact they had sex means one of them will die next ep but honestly? out of all the non jonerys pairings (missandei/greyworm, sam/gilly, jaime/brienne) i think they’re most likely to live through the battle, and the fact they have their own theme makes me doubt as well that they’ll end next episode
that poor guy who got in the way of arya and gendry’s dragonglass throwing foreplay, so close yikes
i can’t believe that out of everyone who bran has been weird to, jaime was the one to take his weird shit best
“how do you know there is an afterwards?”           sd;kjlas
                               bran stop
   please be fuckin w us bran
this brotherly love scene is great and it hurts me to think it might be their last solo scene
although the way they keep talking about how sure they are they’ll die....idk? and with bronn on the way with his crossbow? to have both, or either, die at winterfell with the battle seems a waste. plus, one of them needs to be the valonqar so?
i’d be satisfied seeing a dead tyrion rip cersei apart though, i’ll admit that
pod has come so far in his fighting i love him so much i love brienne’s proud mama expression hes. he’s 100% going to die. for sure. 
“we have never had a conversation that’s lasted this long without you insulting me, not once” KJASDKLASJDKALSJDALKSD 
“i came to winterfell because...” Y OU LOVE HER DUMBASS
i still ship jorah with dany more than jon, fight me
i love the confirmation that all the bad blood between them is under the bridge, i love that he convinced her to make peace with tyrion and sansa, i love that he’s made peace with tyrion taking up his position, made peace with his house, with his relationship with his father...........
he’s absolutely toast and i hate it.
he’s going to die for dany with one last “khaleesi” and it’s going to break my heart
“we have other things in common” yeah you both have jon in your immediate family trees lmao
i’m confused by the “someone taller” comment, who’s she talking about? everyone else hurt her or betrayed her at some point. is it barristan? is it baeworm? it should be baeworm
ok so. i don’t need or want sansa to end up with anyone. 
that said
if it had to be a man
my heart almost jumped out of my chest when she and theon hugged, i didn’t expect her to get this emotional at all, shit i didn’t expect MYSELF to get this emotional
soup dad can’t die i forbid it
let’s talk about gilly for a second, how far she’s come, from a scared abused girl to a strong, caring, confident woman and mother, i’m so emotional please protect her
i’m super surprised edd and beric survived the hearth, i thought there would be more of a fight there
i know people crack ship them, but like, they’d almost be better suited than jon and daenerys
while i adore the idea of theon making amends for taking winterfell from bran by defending winterfell and protecting bran from the night king, i know in my heart that all it’s going to result in is a very dead theon (and probably a dead bran)
why do i feel like while well intentioned, having dragons near the godswood is.....a mistake
i’d love for bran and tyrion to both survive, i’d love to see them talk more as equals because they’re so similar intellectually (i know they had scenes when bran was a kid, but that doesn’t count)
missandei and greyworm are too good and pure for this earth, i want them to leave, i want them to go to naath and never come back, i want them to find a little house by the water and eat fruits and find missandei’s family and take in some stray children, some street cats to lay lazily on the stones of their porch, maybe missandei teaches the children of their village every morning under the rising sun, maybe greyworm becomes a tradesman, makes shoes or ale or binds books for the locals, they grow old and content together and the children they took into their home, now grown adults with their own children, bury them side by side underneath carved stones, i want them more than almost anyone to have a happy ever after because if anyone deserves it it’s those two
but there are dreams that cannot be
and greyworm is almost certain to die next episode
maybe missandei too, but i’m not sure
until then, i will live in my fantasy.
i love my nights watch boys, i love that they talk about grenn and pyp, i miss those lads
sam being the playful, banter-full, confident guy he is, i love him so much i’m so happy for him he better fucking survive (and maybe become lord of horn hill who knows? he has a wife and a son so ? 
honestly the idea of tywin knowing jaime and tyrion are defending winterfell is so wonderful
ha ha h ah ah  ah h a i love tyrion and jaime so much that i. i forget. temporarily. about tyrion’s first wife
brienne stopping pod from drinking and then tyrion just.......fuckin pouring a large one out for the lad
please, let him drink, it’ll be his last
davos is such an old man i love him
jaime looking between brienne and tormund with amusement is the best thing ever
davos’ concern over ten year old tormund hopping into bed with a giant is incredible. dad mode. always on dad mode.
hound’s not gonna die yet, not until cleganebowl, he’s safe next ep for sure. so he’s allowed to be a grumpy old git for a bit
beric is straight up gonna die tho
“might as well be at a bloody wedding” g o d i dont like that foreshadowing
beric is so cheery and amicable im gonna miss him
i’m so glad that they gave arya agency, and a sweet, un-sexploited, in-character sex scene, there’s so few really good sex scenes in this show and i’m glad she got one of them
(no matter how long i spent the first time around watching through my fingers and cringing, i KNOW she’s an adult and maisie is an adult but god she’s still such a kid in my eyes)
as soon as the gloves started coming off i screamed
he is a sweet sweet boy and i wouldn’t want my murdering badass fave to be with anyone else
i appreciate them showing her scars as part of it, i can’t quite put my finger on why but it was nice to see that
i feel like once i get over the weirdness of like, “hey that’s arya”, it’s probably one of the hotter sex scenes in the series? just for passion and use of consent and stuff
i can’t even begin to elaborate on how perfect brienne’s scene is
it’s immediately one of my favourite scenes in the whole show, i honestly don’t have the words
it’s better than any marriage vows that have been taken in the whole series, and to see brienne proud and happy is just...incredible.
the mormont scene i wanted!!!
this is such a touching scene between two of my faves, i want jorah and sam to be pals forever but i know its just....not happening
the fact that sam starts in the crypt but i know he ends up on the battlefield is....concerning to say the least
god. that song. that song is everything
im too in my feelings to care about jonerys, sorry
i can genuinely believe that jon loves her, and doesn’t care about the iron throne or any titles really for that matter. but the other way around? i’m not so sure.
ok so my survival list: dany, jon, sansa, tyrion
everyone else is at risk please pray for me
oh also i bought the download of Jenny and already cried to it three times this evening, so the credits are making it a round four
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avaquet · 6 years
Describe your OC as they are described by their companions.
Show us what they look like!
Tag at least 5 (or more) followers and 5 blogs you follow! :)
Enjoy writing!
Thank you so much @dirthara-mama ! This was a nice writing exercise for me! Also every response is pretty long and sorta encompasses what Evelyn did throughout the Inquisition, but I thought it easier to have them sorta react to the choices she made? Idk! And sorry if any sound OOC! This is the first time I’ve posted dialogue from anyone in the DA universe :D (excitingly scary I might add lol!)
Tagging: Oof, idk who’s already done this, and of course no obligation! @ironbullsmissingeye @underthedreadwolfsgaze @felorinbailenshield2 @nemichen and @wardenofmyheart !
I put things under the cut cause it be long
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How the Inner Circle views Evelyn Lavellan!
(Real quick! There’s mentions of a character named Veil, she is my qunari OC that I HC in my canon that she’s part of the inner circle, though I do not do a reaction from her because well yeah) (I also pictured this as the characters telling a close friend about Ev, and not like a strange interviewer or something)
Blackwall: “Despite the lie I lived, she brought me back and made me a proper Grey Warden. That girl gave me a second chance I never asked for, but perhaps the one I needed. I feel stronger for having joined the Inquisition, came out a better man. I’m not the only one with that story here, she has that kind of influence on a person. I’ve been present for every judgement she judged and she had found a way to make the prisoner work for us or sent them off for a second chance. Like that one Avaar that threw goats at our walls, Maker that one was the first person she judged and he walked out a happy man! Exiled to hunt Venatori, then a while later his tribe got their own land and didn’t become bandits! (chuckles) Like I said, that girls leaves you a better person. I wish she’s see how helpful she’s been. Evelyn never feels like she’s done enough. But I’m grateful to her.”
Cassandra: “Evelyn as the Inquisitor has been...interesting to say the least. I know she means well, I just don’t know if it’s really the right choice she’s made at times. I’m thankful that everything worked out the way it did, though. She convinced me to rebuild the Seekers, she...ugh, she helped get Varric’s next book for me. She knew I liked his series, and I’m flattered. Evelyn has told me that she admires the energy I emit and asked how I do it. (chuckles) I asked her how she made the hard choices, and we both responded to our questions as we just improvise. She’s definitely grown on me, I’m sure of it. Evelyn’s been, thankfully, respectful of everyone’s beliefs. Well, except believing that she is the Herald, that time was frustrating for all of us to say the least. But, she doesn’t believe in either the Maker or the Elvhen gods as gods, which surprised me, but I...(sighs) she doesn’t need my judgement. Evelyn’s a good person, a good friend.”
Cole: “Screams that aren’t heard. She keeps screaming but nothing comes out. Hushed whispers from invisible scars haunt her. A weight no one sees. ‘Help me. Please.’ whispered into the pillow. Once petrified by dreams but in wake is more terrifying. She escapes, only coming back to help. Like me. I cannot make her forget, or anyone, but I feel more. She likes knowing someone wants to help. Smiles more now, genuine. Her friends finally heard her screams. A warm embrace fills her, the urge to yell dies down like a starving flame. Safe. More confident, she helps more, wants others to feel the same calm. I’m more human because of her. We like to garden and feel the earth beneath our feet and against our hands. Too busy to think of bad thoughts. It helps.”
Cullen: “The Inquisitor can change her mind too quickly in my opinion. Though, she’s hardened over time. She did help me overcome my lyrium addiction and support me through the process. I could feel she felt nervous around me at times, maybe it was because I’m an ex-Templar and she’s a mage. Which is why it surprised me that she was supportive during my recovery and how many chess matches she partook with me. We’re either matched at wits, or she just lengthens the game to keep me on edge, which, she’s always won. I wish I could’ve gotten to know her better, though, and despite my advice she would always use the Inquisitions forces as a last resort which I hardly agreed with. But, what’s done is done. Might I add, she has a companion dragon? Do you know how nervous that made me? A dragon!”
Dorian: “Evelyn? She’s one of the truest friends I’ve ever had. At first I was wary since she conscripted the mages. But she changed for the better, no doubt under my influence. I question her taste in literature, but I dare say she reads more than I do. How she can find time like that baffles me. She gets extraordinarily excited to fight dragons mind you, despite my protests. I...I think her and Bull consider it to be a date? Hardly romantic, maybe she got the idea from reading Varric’s books (scoffs). Ev told me about the meeting with my father and accompanied me to Redcliffe. She didn’t have to, she could’ve ignored it, she made time to help me personally. Though, she’s helped everyone personally, but my situation wasn’t dealing with a qunari alliance or a certain dwarf’s girlfriend from leaking red lyrium to Corypheus. I...I’m (sigh) grateful to call Evelyn Lavellan a friend. She’s kind and accepting and treats everyone with a kind of equity that is so rare.”
(slight nsfw in this one) The Iron Bull: “On the field, it’s like having a raging lightning storm with a fire tornado working with you. The look of determination and concentration on her face during battle is just so...(grunts). She’s my Kadan, beautiful, strong, intelligent, and I’m proud to be her Vhenan. We’ve shared many moments of all kinds together, helped me in many ways, realize things, helped me become the best I can be. I only hope I’ve helped her in the same way. The Chargers have already considered her a part of us with how much she hangs around, and fuck, if it wasn’t for the Inquisition, I’d ask her to join. Ev’s always fun to be around, she’s got the best jokes, Krem groans ‘cause she’s strengthened my pun game. And damn, does she have a fantastic body, and I get to see it in all its glory almost daily. The scars, her tits, the faces she makes when we go rough, yeah, she’s great. We’re great.”
Josephine: “Madame de Fer and I have to constantly remind her about her presentation to the world. Oh, I remember the stress at the Ball and having to watch over everyone almost like children. It’s also surprised me on how much culture she had not experienced before. Did you know, she’s never been to a full theater performance before? I made sure to change that as quickly as I could. I feel honored to be the first to introduce her to a variety of customs, she did help me annul the contract on my family after all. And on top of that, she respected my choice to doing it my way. She’s been amazing and got to witness me annihilate Cullen at Wicked Grace, and applauded me for doing so! I adore her and love the challenge she gave me during our time in the Inquisition. She came to me a lot for my use in diplomacy which, obviously, is something I respect. Even if...even if it didn’t save her clan, I thought she would hate me for failing, but she didn’t. I still feel awful and I apologize whenever it comes up, but she’s the one reassuring me? Don’t get me wrong, she avoided me for a bit after I told her, well, no one saw her for the rest of the night...but...oh, that got sad, I am thankful for her kindness.”
Leliana: “I won’t lie, at first I thought her compassion and mercy were a weakness, but she taught me otherwise. Ever since the death of her clan, I’ve been trying to get information on any survivors, she doesn’t deserve such a devastating loss, especially when it was during the middle of the Inquisition. She was always keen on listening to my suggestions at the war table and used my forces whenever possible. I think she was interested in adopting a nug from me before she started to raise a dragon! We all kept eyes on Elyana the dragon but somehow things just worked out. (chuckles) She did ask me to train her in becoming a bard, though I think she’s much more interested in what Maryden does than being a spy. Evelyn reminds me so much of the Hero of Ferelden. It took some convincing to get her to realize the severity of the oppression of mages and annulled the conscription. She was quite sheltered from the rest of the world in her clan and didn’t know much about the mage-templar situation. I think that’s why she listened to both Vivienne and I like mentors and (chuckles) parental figures as she’s called Vivienne mom a few times. All in all, Evelyn is precious and great, and I’m glad to have known her.”
Sera: “Oh her? Yeah, she’s fun to be around ‘n stuff. Elf, though, yeah. Not too elfy, so that’s good. Got too into her own glow, though. Rift mage or whatever, that’s too mage-y with that weird magic shite. And it’s a bit unnervin’ innit? I mean, she’s good, helps stick it to nobles in the best friggin’ way. (giggles) And we got to prank her whole lot, she don’t mind my cookies of shite on the roof either. Ev wants to be like people people, I can tell she’s different that way, but Viv keeps makin’ her wear that friggin’ sash and shite. Makes her, Ev, not seem like people, right. I like her and I don’t at the same time, yeah? Isn’t too elfy, good, but she’s too mage-y. Fun ‘n funny but can’t seem to make up her mind for shite. Like, listenin’ to Viv but also pieing nobles in the face. Look, she’s nice an’ all and she’s gettin’ there, but I think she needs a bit more pies to the face, yeah? (giggles) Or Bull to set her right when her arse needs it. (giggles) Get it? Eugh, never mind.”
Solas: “It took time to warm up to the Inquisitor, for she always kept people at a distance. For a time I thought...no. Perhaps she changed her mind. It was for the best anyways, I’m partially grateful that things did not escalate further. I got to train her in the ways of the Rift Mage, and in doing so I learned just how wise her spirit is. How adaptable and intelligent, it made me rethink about the Dalish, but she assured me it wasn’t them that made her that way. She has a tendancy to infuriate me, but I respect her will to listen as to why it does. Evelyn still has much to learn, and it’s been interesting to see her grow from her experiences. I know she abhors the Vallaslin on her face as she did not wish to partake in that tradition. Maybe...hopefully in time, there will be a way to safely remove it. As for the choices she has made, there are a few I have questioned. Thankfully, she took my advice on how to proceed with the Vir Abelasan. Evelyn Lavellan is young and ignorant, but I hold her to a high respect for her willingness to learn, help, restore, and fix her mistakes.”
Varric: “Blossom has been through a ton of shit. Made a lot of choices that she regretted. When Hawke came by, she talked Blossom into rethinking on her choice to deal with the mages and went back on the conscription, letting the mages be free within the Inquisition. I know Hawke’s been keeping in contact with her and they’re friends. Which is great! I taught her how to play Wicked Grace, heh, she’s not very good at it but she plays hard. Well, as in, she bets a lot and usually loses it all but weirdly, she doesn’t mind and is very enjoyable company. Her, Veil, Buttercup, Tiny, and I play cards regularly together. We all exchange stories, chuckle at her and Veil’s bickering and shitty pun wars with Tiny. Best parts of those are when Buttercup groans and usually leaves at that point. I feel bad for Blossom because she’s so nice, merciful, forgiving, and caring an this damn world of events keep forcing her through tough and impossible shit, and it’s broken her a few times. We helped pick up her pieces and continue on. She’s young and inexperienced. Shit, before the Inquisition, she’d never killed a person before. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful to have a hero in this mess, I just think Andraste or luck or whatever chose unfairly. Or maybe her kind heart is exactly what we all need. That part about her hasn’t changed despite everything and I respect that deeply. I hope she’s able to live a happy life after all this.”
Vivienne: “Oh, Evelyn is a dear, very sweet and respectful. She listened to my teachings very well, especially on etiquette and it surprised me how much she already did out of habit considering she was raised in a Dalish clan on different customs. Though, she did say she didn’t follow Dalish traditions. We share many evenings together and hold conversations while she lets me braid her hair. I found it amusing when I helped her get ready for the Halamshiral Ball and had to teach not only her, but Iron Bull as well, on how to dance. Evelyn was easier to teach because she knows how to dance solo, but never had a partner. I remember she hated the Ball because she had to fight in a dress, with tight braids in her hair, makeup, and various accessories without messing any of it up lest she becomes suspicious or scandalous to the guests. Sadly, she despises The Game, though she’s very good at it. It was glorious. At the Winter Palace she went from being seen like a glorified servant to being on top and holding everyone at the court on strings like puppets along with their respect. Oh, a great sense of fashion and a good eye for decorations, though she dislikes constantly looking and dressing as nobility and I must remind her consistently on why it’s important. I do enjoy her company and I wish we saw more eye to eye on the subject on Circles and mages. At first we did, but as time went on she started agreeing more and more with our dear Spymaster.”
lol all in all, Ev is kind, caring, and smart. She got along with basically everyone, even if they didn’t see eye to eye on everything. Though other than Bull, I think she’s closest with Vivienne, Varric, and Dorian ( and my OC Veil, but I don’t post about her often)
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vanilladella · 6 years
how about uuhhhhhhh 2,5,7 and 29-39 it’s only fair (but honestly i love getting many questions)
ok i deserved that asdfghjkl tHANK U
AAND we’re going under a read more
2: Which origin is your favourite? 
HMMM gameplay wise i rly like the mage origin, but i have such a soft spot for elves that its a tie between the dalish and the city elf
5: Did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden?
ophelia amell: YES, ABSOLUTELY. she had a major case of starry eyes and she wanted to be a great war hero who lives on in history and songs.
hallen mahariel: absolutely not. he begged for the keeper to let him stay, duncan had to drag him away. he cried the whole way to ostagar, feeling homesick, heartbroken and survivors guilt all at the same time.
meri tabris: she hated leaving her family, but was happy to rub her immunity in the shems faces lmaoo. she was also v pleased to finally get out of the alienage and do things that amtter ykno??
7: What was your Warden’s first impression of Duncan? 
ophelia: she was a bit “huh. ok.” when they were introduced, but the second she heard he was a grey warden commander looking for recruits she shadowed him the whole time in the tower. she was so nervous and determined to be the one who was picked to go.
hallen: he was v sick and in abd shape when he first saw him, but when he kinda got a hold of himself hallen was scared of him. wardens leave and never come back, wardens are in war, wardens die. hallen was terrified of being taken away by duncan, and did not trust his motives at all.
meri: “who the fuck are you.” were her first words to him, and p much what she thought of him lmao. she didnt care much for him, but threatened to slit his throat when he talked abt looking for recruits.
ie. ophelia adored him, hallen was terrified, meri gives no fucks
29: What is your Warden’s favourite color?
ophelia: purple and dusty pink
hallen: forest green and like... navy blue
meri: cyan and bronze
30: What is your Warden’s favourite food?
ophelia: spicy food with lots of protein
hallen: stews and soups (esp w rabbit)
meri: kalakukko ! its fish baked inside a ryebread
31: How old is your Warden?
ophelia: 19 when conscripted
hallen: 20 when conscripted
meri: 22 when conscripted
32: What is your Warden’s gender identity (this does not have to match gender chosen in the character creator, of course!)
ophelia: woman
hallen: man
meri: woman
33: What is your Warden’s romantic/sexual orientation?
ophelia: bi woman w a HEAVY preference for women
hallen: gay man
meri: lesbian
34: Does your Warden end up with one of the companions in any way?
ophelia: alistair had a major crush on her, small flirty weird thing w zevran, endgame a happy ever after w leliana
hallen: ...alistair had a crush on him, morrigan expressed interest, engame married w zevran in antiva
meri: idk actually! in game i romanced morrigan but idk if meri could actually hold a relationship, so for now its a maybe w morrigan?
35: Is your Warden a warrior/rogue/mage?
ophelia: mage!
hallen: rogue!
meri: warrior!
36: What is your Warden’s weapon of choice?
ophelia: staff with a cickle on the end
hallen: two big ass daggers, hes p good w a bow too but prefers daggers (dual wield)
meri: sword and shield! shes good w two-handed too but likes precision more than raw power
37: What are your Warden’s specializations?
ophelia: shapeshifter and bloodmage
hallen: assassin and duelist
meri: champion and berserker
38: What are some of your Warden’s strenghts?
ophelia: shes very headstrong and passionate. shes v empathetic and caring, not to mention shes generally good-willed and humorous.
hallen: hes v v gentle and caring, not a mean bone in his body. hes optimistic and tries to keep a positive outlook.
meri: VERY strong-willed, never willing to back down when she feels like theres more she can do. protective as shit, maybe the most selfless of my ocs.
39: What are some of your Warden’s weaknesses?
ophelia: shes got a v strong sense of her own morals, and follows those no matter who it hurts. she does what she wants. she has a bad habit of creating a mess or taking on a responsibility and running away from it.
hallen: he has barely no sense of independence. hes not a leader, hes a follower, he cant make decisions on his own and is easily influenced by others. hes very sensitive, quick to anger and tears. he also kinda.... disregards his own morals whenever the dalish are involved. they come first, no matter the cost.
meri: shes very cynical and a nihilist. shes very.. harsh and doesnt sugarcoat anything. she speaks before she thinks, and usually prefers violence over diplomacy.
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