#also works with friendship dynamics like rosie and alastor
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sageourplanetmeow · 2 months
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Aro Ace Alastor Headcannons
He doesn’t know the term ‘aro ace’
He believes that he hasn’t found the right person yet but he doesn’t mind not being in a relationship
But he does have an idea that he might not be as interested in romance and s*x as others
If you want to lean into the angst then maybe he would deny it if anyone explained what ‘ace in the hole’ means.
Or for comedy’s sake he might make a bunch of aro ace jokes and puns.
Radiosilence. It happened. Vox thought he was disgusted by him liking men. Alastor just got disgusted by the romance and thought that Vox didn’t value their friendship. Neither explained this however and instead parted ways and had a battle at some point.
I think he could get a good character dynamic with Angel due to him probably knowing the modern terminology for queer stuff.
Alastor reads murder mysteries and already knows the murderer, their motives and how they committed the murder very early on. I think if there’s romance in them he probably gets interested in the plot that’s involved with it.
I have a feeling he attended Rosie’s divorce party after she killed her husband (or something) and asked her “Why did you even marry him in the first place my dear?”
I think back in the day he would have defended queer people who were being discriminated against. That idea is from ‘Cuttin’ On The Ritz’ on AO3.
It would be interesting if for Valentine everyone got a lesson from Charlie and Vaggie about healthy romantic relationships and Alastor would be confused for a lot of it and would ask a few questions that would seem a bit dumb. Maybe Vaggie would think he was joking but Angel and Charlie might have gotten an inkling that Alastor was at least aspec. Part way through Charlie asks everyone what their romantic/s*xual orientations are and it goes:
Nifty= straight (she’d probably also say some funny stuff)
Husker= guys, girls and other genders and Angel tells him that’s probably pansexual
Charlie= bisexual
Vaggie= lesbian
Sir Pentious= bisexual
Lucifer= Pansexual but he’d probably say straight
Angel Dust= F*ckin’ gay toots
Cherri Bomb= Bisexual
Alastor= Straight
“Al didn’t Rosie say you were ace?”
“I am not a dollar bill my dear, was she telling a joke?”
“Er- I thought she meant asexual”
“I don’t believe I am a terribly s*xual person”
“No as in-“
“Smiles, she means that you don’t experience s*xual attraction”
“Impossible, I may not have experienced it yet but Rosie knows that I haven’t found someone to match myself in perfection”
“Not even romance?” (Lucifer)
“Well, I certainly do not understand this ‘fluttering’ feeling you describe. It seems awfully similar to some ailment”
Ahem, here are some aro ace fanfics, comics, dubs and animations that I interpret (or are explicitly stated) as having Alastor as aro ace or aspec.
That is to do with Alastor’s mother, it has hints of him being aro ace.
That is some nice Alastor and Charlie father-daughter time I guess.
Angel explains the ‘ace in the hole’ joke to Alastor
Aro ace stuff again, it’s great
And I have reached the limit for videos… *sigh* but there’s ’Radio Pride’. There was a comic dub of it done by Lou’s Dubs 3 years ago.
My fanfic shall include aro ace Alastor moments and there will be a character arch involving him discovering that so stay tuned.
My plans are also to include some more characters that are aspec. For example, Velvette as an asexual lesbian. I think having Rosie as aromantic would also make sense because that would explain her finding out that Alastor is very likely aro ace after doing digging for her own sake. I remember seeing it in a fanfic so yep. I’ll do another post about other queer headcannons for characters.
And here are the informative stuff I found regarding aro ace topics:
Now I do want to say… I don’t like how Vivziepop handles it. I love the characters and the show is my favourite show of all time but… it’s just some things she’s said. A lot of things she’s said but I’ll only focus on the things she has said regarding Alastor being aspec. She has said problematic things like not wanting to confirm that Alastor was aromantic as well as asexual because she didn’t want to ruin the fan’s fun. Yet, basically every other character has a confirmed sexuality and people still ship them with a character whose gender they’re not attracted to. Fandom will still ship Alastor. I’m fine with it personally so long as it’s done respectfully and I guess for now since we don’t know if Alastor is aromantic due to Vivziepop’s refusing to confirm it then I think romantic relationships are cool so long as people remember that he’s very likely also aromantic. Amir Talai said it but I think he took it back so who knows. But I think it’s disrespectful to say what she said because it connotes that aromantic people/aspec/aroace people ruin people’s fun, it might not have been what she intended but the wording was pretty awful. Anyways please don’t hate that’s just my thoughts, this is mainly a fun little post including some aro ace Alastor content of my own as well as sharing some content that other people have made.
However, I do think the whole ‘ace in the hole’ joke was clever so well done to the writers. It means people can go search it up and learn about aro ace people yippee. Also, due to Alastor I figured out that I’m aro ace so YAYYYYY.
After this post I’m doing one for Vox so stay tuned~
There’s also gonna be an aro ace Alastor animatic which is meant to be comedic more than anything but yeah have fun cya.
(No hate to shippers, if you’re respectful about him being aro ace then it’s all cool, but also respect aspec people who don’t agree with Alastor ships, they’re also in the right)
I like ships, they’re fun, the fanart is great, the writing and the storylines are great, I just want a bit more aro ace Alastor content which I’d like to create more of myself.
If people genuinely don’t know, I don’t blame them, I get it could be a show you just watch casually and by some chance you don’t know that he’s aspec.
Don’t take this with offense, please, thank you, goodbye, have a nice day/night.
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