#also? the fact ‘management’ never came to tell us directly that we’re doing a shit job tells.
percontaion-points · 1 year
TOWB chapters 49-52
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Chapter 49
She’d banked everything on tonight, on making Ongrum see reason and swaying her to their side.
Your entire plan hinges on convincing a manipulative narcissist to do what you want them to do?
They’re all going to die. 
“The Kerth they injected—we found her before the winalin managed to kill her. And she’s still alive.”
She might be alive, but what condition is she in? 
The narration hasn’t mentioned that the witch is still alive. Ranka literally doesn’t give a shit if it’s not about her. 
Together they moved to the center of the room.
Chapter 49 summary: At the party that night, Ranka still can’t find Ongrum. Galen is dancing with some other witches, and from across the room, he tells her that she’s standing out by not dancing. So she turns to the nearest witch and asks to dance. 
The witch is a leader from another tribe, known for their brutality at sea; kind of like vikings, if you will. The witch wants to hear Ranka’s pitch, so Ranka begins to talk.
One of the two witches that Ranka and Aramis saw being tested on by the Hand council, the one who didn’t survive, was from this tribe. Ranka asks the woman about her, and then presses her about how many others have died from this mysterious sickness. She tells them that they’re super close to finding a cure; the second witch hasn’t died yet. She’s still comatose, but she’s alive. The tribe will not help themselves if they suddenly run off into the night. The tribal leader tells Ranka that she’d suspected that this was the reason why Ranka suddenly showed up to accept her role as the Bloodwin. That it’s the only reason why they’d come. 
The song ends and the two of them break apart. Aramis shows up, and asks Ranka to dance. 
Chapter 50
“Do you think we’re stupid?” Tafa snapped. “I just saw you dancing, Ranka —what are you doing, making moon eyes over Aramis Sunra? Following her and her brother around like some loyal puppy? We sent you here to do a job.”
These people never gave a shit about Ranka. They probably held a big party the same night Ranka left. The fact that Ranka continues to refuse to see this is infuriating. 
Behind Ranka came the soft click of the ballroom doors being locked. And then the screaming began.
Chapter 50 summary: Ranka dances with Aramis. The other girl tells Ranka to not talk about anything, and to simply live in the moment. They dance to the edge of the ballroom, where they kiss each other. Aramis says that she’s going to go check on the patient, but Ranka should stay there and keep an eye on Galen. 
Ranka then goes to find her old girlfriend, Tafa, who was a witch with the tribe where Ranka used to live. Tafa is basically like “You were sent here to kill Galen, and he’s still alive. So we’ve decided to take matters into our own hands.” And then Ranka realises that this indoor party is a goddamned death trap, with her old coven members literally lying in wait to start murdering their human oppressors. 
Chapter 51
All she could think of was Aramis. Aramis, who would sooner die than let the Skra destroy her work. Aramis, alone.
Chapter 51 summary: So yeah. Murder is currently happening. Ranka finds Galen amongst the carnage and manages to get him out of the room.
But one important fact right now: Ranka’s magic is all locked away because of her little vision quest to her trauma. And if she does use it, she’ll fucking die. So not only is Ranka useless, but she’s also relying on a man to save her. 
They’re cornered by Ranka’s old coven-mates, who refuse to listen to reason. Percy shows up and starts blasting everybody with his own fire magic, which has been hinted at but never spoken about directly. The only thing Ranka can think about is how Aramis went down to the lab, and is alone. 
Chapter 52
Ranka raised her hand. And Ongrum stepped through the door.
Chapter 52 summary: Ranka rushes to Aramis in the lab. Aramis is upset because the patient died while she was away at the party. Despite the fact that it seemed like her condition was improving, she still died.
Ranka tells her that they have to go, that she’ll explain later. It’s only then that Aramis realises that Ranka is covered in blood. She starts to shove her notes into a bag, while Ranka promises her that they’ll keep working on it somewhere else.
It’s then that some members of Ranka’s old coven come in then. Ranka tries to make them see reason, and then she finally understands what’s going on: she thinks that after she’d left, the other witches staged a coup against Ongrum because she wasn’t getting shit done fast enough. That these witches are now so blinded by their rage and whatever lies the Hand fed them that they’re literally going to destroy the only known cure for the thing that will literally kill all of them in less than five minutes. 
But then Ongrum shows up. Because there’s still way too much story left. 
0 notes
stopeatingwhales · 3 years
football hysteria x damon albarn
I LOVED THIS SM LMAO !!!!!!!! football obsessed damon is so cute
Pairing: 90s damon albarn x reader
Warnings: noneeee
Word count: 2.281
Requested by anon <3
"Who you supporting?" Graham asked me, handing me a beer as he sat himself beside me on the couch next to me in the middle, Damon sat on the opposing side. Damon had dragged me over to Graham's house to watch the Man City and Chelsea game tonight, and knowing just how competitive Damon came to football, I knew it was better that I simply went along with things rather than moan about how much I really didn't want to spend two hours watching two teams pass around a ball for entertainment.
"Erm, Man City." I replied, quickly flicking the can open to taste the bittersweet barley flavouring of the heineken beer as it embellished the walls of my mouth.
"You don't support Chelsea?" Damon questioned, his eyebrows furrowed.
A small chuckle left my mouth. “Of course I don't, they're shit." I sneered, aware of the havoc that my statement was going to cause. Immediately, Damon's mouth fell agape; stunned by my malevolence, as well as partial shock from the new-found information surrounding my opinions on football.
Graham's laughter rang through the room and my ears as my eyes continued to burn into Damon's piercing gaze, him just as amused as I was. Nobody was as big a football fan as Damon had become. "They're anything but shit," he continued, eyebrows now raised as he scoffed. "You're telling me that you support Man City? Gallagher-brother-Man-City?"
"Okay I'm going to sit between you both,'' Graham announced, swiftly standing up, shoving my body to the side he had just accompanied, placing his body between me and Damon, a blockade to prevent either of us going at each other's throats. "Just so we can all be alive by the end of it."
“Well I wouldn't have fucking invited her over if I knew she supported those manic twats, Graham."
"Piss right off Damon, we're in Graham's flat, not yours." I bit back, completely unphased by his childlike behaviour. It had been made quite apparent to the media that Chelsea were indeed the band dominated by the south, as well as Blur, and Man City were celebrated in the north by Oasis. However, it was quite comical noticing the immediate flush of anger that filled Damon's face after my sly comment. Leaning back into the loveseat, my back adorned the soft feel of the cushion behind me. "Graham, who do you support?" I asked, curiosity laced in my words as the football pitch came into view on the television screen - initiating the beginning of the match.
My eyes were focused on Graham as I watched him toss his glasses onto the coffee table in front of us, which had been cascading with countless bags of crisps and other treats to keep us stuffed as the ninety-minute match played through. "In all honesty, I'm not that phased with football," he began, reaching over to open a bag of crisps. "It's Damon here who's completely obsessed with it."
As the match began, tensions were already built to a high degree between the three of us. Small but meaningless comments had been thrown into the atmosphere of the apartment, merely portraying our silliness and how neither of us had seemingly outgrown the competitive side of our personalities, something that would be more apparent during teenage years. Unfortunately however, very early into the game, Damon's supporting team had decided to skillfully snatch the ball from one of the players, eventually managing to get it into the goal - portraying the first goal scored subsequent to the game's start.
Damon instantaneously rose at the goal, shouting loud enough for the neighbours to hear every single word that rumbled out of his throat. "Told you we were bett-" he said, smugness intertwined between his words so effortlessly, though shamefully his words had been cut off by the sound of the cushion, once placed behind me, now hitting his face. I couldn't help but allow a tiny smirk to illustrate itself on my facial features as I admired his face dripping in absolute bewilderment towards my actions. “What the fuck was that for?” he scoffed, falling back into his side of the sofa, as I sustained the grin on my face, watching him. The atmosphere that was once overflowing with hostility was now completely serenaded with Damon's egocentric giggles, forcing my body to hunch into a sulk at how quickly my team had been warranting for a loss so early into the match.
Mid-way through the game, Graham had decided to go to the corner shop by his apartment to get more beers for us to share, due to us having run out to share between the three of us. I dreaded being alone in the room with the game ongoing with Damon present, full-well knowing that his upbeat jolliness would attempt to torment me upon the fact that he was winning, which, to my demise, was exactly what had occured. The air fell still in the room once the sound of the door slamming etched through the flat walls, my gaze focused entirely on the match following on the screen, attempting to focus my mind on anything but the room that I was currently occupied in - though my peripheral noticed Damon's head almost instantly turned to look in my direction once it was made evident that Graham wasn’t inside the flat anymore. As if reading my mind, he decided to shift his body weight, which was once adorned to the other armrest of the burgundy couch, right next to me, where he attempted to wrap his arm around my shoulders, warming me into an embrace. In spite of this, I could feel his intense stare on my features. Using all my strength to avoid connecting eyes with him, I wasn’t going to admit defeat so easily, my stubbornness proving a point.
Once Damon realised, he carried on watching the game, however his body had continued it's embrace with mine. At one point, I was thinking that the match was going to be a lost cause from the performance shown by Chelsea, However, things began to turn around, and Man City managed to score a goal, to Damon's consternation. The sudden win resulted in me lunging from my seat, swiftly detaching myself from Damon, my whole body cheering towards the goal as it replayed on the screen. What was amusing was that, after I had finished my applause, I noticed that Damon had moved back into his seat by the side of the couch, distancing himself from me. "Aw, you don't want to sit with me anymore?" I sarcastically questioned, not waiting for an answer as a small smile crept on my lips. It was very amusing, pissing Damon off. I must say, watching his ego deflate into nothing but a simple sulk at the corner of a room was really the sight.
"What did I miss?" The sound of graham's voice sounded through the room, paired with the clank of multiple beer bottles as he reached into the plastic carrier bag to place them on the table. Each and every one had an individual water-streak pattern, indicating that they had just been chilled - when they taste best.
"Man City scored!" I exclaimed, reaching out for one of the glass bottles as I got the bottle opener to unfasten it from its metal clasp, promptly taking a swig from the beverage. The intent was, of course, to provide Graham with the extra knowledge upon the events that occurred during the match whilst he was absent, however knowing myself, I had also wanted to remind Damon of said occurrences, to surge him to the edge of his frustration. Exclaiming it at the top of my lungs held just enough power to do just that.
A chuckle immediately left Graham's mouth from my enthusiasm. "Need me to sit between you both again?" He jokingly asked, yet an element of seriousness was laced between his words.
“Depends if Damon's gonna stop sulking or not.” I replied, focusing my view on the game playing on the screen.
"You're the one who was fucking throwing the cushions!" Damon shouted, reaching over to grab himself a beer.
"Because you were pissing me off!" I answered, shifting my gaze onto Damon, who was, to my surprise, staring directly at me. There was a certain look of annoyance glazed on his features, though the agitation seemed to subside as soon as we locked stares, as if he was longing for my eyes to bear their sight toward him, as if it was an examination, an analysation to confirm whether we were still on good terms or not; of course we were, while conflicting preferences drew evident tears between us during that moment in particular. After a few seconds had passed, Damon leaned back into the cushion, carrying on watching the game unfold, satisfied with his response from my eyes. Switching my gaze over to Graham, I took notice of a look of question illustrated on his features, to which I decided to mime that it was alright, in order to move myself next to Damon once again. It would've been a lie, and a mere understatement, to say that I hadn't missed his arms around me.
Bunching up next to him, enough space was made to allow graham to sit himself down next to me, though that thought was the last passing my mind; my body was shivering from nervousness, the close proximity between us, regardless of our romantic acquaintance, never failed to bloom butterflies at the pit of my stomach. Due to my body's weight pressing down onto the cushion next to him, it was obvious that he was aware that I moved to sit next to him - but at a cause of his stubbornness, him averting all his attention onto me, admiring me as if I was the only living being in the apartment, a home that hadn't even belonged to me, would never happen - it would take much more to result in his feign of irritation to melt away. Placing my arm around his shoulder, I granted my hand to reach up to his beautiful head of hair, my fingers caressing his strands gently as I brushed any parts that were sticking out on the sides of his head. His arms were wrapped around one another, like a child encompassed in an angry stupor at their parent due to them not allowing them a packet of sweets from the grocery store, though I was playing at his heartstrings, aware of just how much he adored me playing with his dirty blonde locks.
For a short sum of time, we both sat there, my hands never halting their actions. The next few minutes of the game played out of continuous dribbling and passing to other teammates, oftentimes resulting in the other team taking hold of the ball and running around with it for a while until their attempt to score. Randomly, Damon's arm had released itself from its shared embrace with the other, engulfing my body with his as he encased his left arm around my shoulders. We were in a sense of comfort with one another, though from Damon's avoidance of my stare it was made obvious that he was still in the least carrying a small element of annoyance, nevertheless, as I allowed my eyes to linger onto his delicate, paradisiacal features, holding back a grin was seen much easier said than done, a small curvature sneaking itself on his lips.
"Look who's won." Graham mumbled, his voice detaching me out of my trance that I was enamoured in.
A laugh rang itself out of my throat as I admired the lengthy team cheering as they enveloped one another in a massive embrace. "Told you they were better!" I grinned as I diverted my gaze onto Damon, the same look of frustration painted on his demeanour, still avoiding his eyes on me. "You want a kiss?" I asked, tilting my head in order to make sure I was the main thing in his sight, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep up his facade so easily. "Kiss kiss?"
I continued until his eyes met mine. It was as if, for a short segment of time we were frozen in place, momentary seconds passing of us merely marvelling at the view illustrated forth one another, my hands snaking their way around his neck as I leaned in slightly, noticing his blue orbs fall onto my lips, his teeth sinking into his bottom lip as his mind wandered through fields of appraisal. It was then where I couldn’t hold resistance for any longer, and I doubted that Damon could, bringing my head forward as I let my lips latch onto his, allowing time to flow as they lingered still before he kissed me back with gentle force, enough to notify me of his desire that encompassed him just as much as me. The kiss held innocence, portrayed adoration in its true beauty, nevertheless, also embodying eagerness, a yearning of lust.
"I'm going to be honest," I mumbled, removing my lips away from his, panting as I attempted to recollect my breath. "I don't actually support Man City."
"Of course you fucking don't." Damon laughed, our lips connecting once again as he perched his head forward, intoxicating me with the very thing that I desired most in that significant moment.
"If you're gonna shag, please go home." Graham groaned, causing our bodies to jolt at the sudden awareness that we weren’t alone together. Pulling away instantly, a wave of embarrassment covered my cheeks as we looked at one another, infatuation the single thing flowing out of our eyes.
“Sorry Graham.”
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vendettaparker · 4 years
Tom Holland x actress reader
Where are there in the same movie together and the cast goes out and Tom and reader really likes eachother maybe smut and after it’s really awkward between them fluff with a sprinkle of angst
Not In Love [T.H]
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Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: sexual themes, cursing, slight angst, probably some typos
a/n: hi hi! i’m so sorry but i don’t write smut, so i hope it’s ok that i just implied it! i will probably start writing smut in the future but for right now i find it a bit awkward for myself to write. also, sorry that this took so long to get out, i planned for this to only be like 800-1k words, and obvioulsy, it just kept going. hope this works well for you!
                             ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
     (Y/N) (L/N) does not fuck around with co-stars. Ever since you started acting at the young age of eight, you were always told by your mom, manager, and others in the industry to avoid casual, co-star related hook ups. As your career progressed, even through puberty, you remained faithful to your vow. No mingling with co-workers in a non professional manner. Sure, some of your previous co-stars and you remained good friends, even after filming. But the main internal lesson always stayed the same: don’t fuck your co-stars. 
     In your long and glorious career, the only hindrance to your resolve was Tom fucking Holland. His stupid British charm and playful wiles always had your knees buckling and the butterflies in your stomach going haywire. And when he called you darling? In that stupid, yet honey-like accent? You were done for. 
     Tom had the absolute pleasure of working with you in The Devil All The Time. He watched all of your movies and practically grew up watching you on Disney Channel. To say he was simply starstruck would’ve been an understatement, he was enamoured. Practically in love. And when he got to know how kind and sweet you were in real life—not just on screen— he just had to turn on his British charm, just to watch you squirm. 
     Every little comment he made caused your skin to tingle. Your stance on co-star relationships had never been so harshly challenged. He would constantly call you whatever cute pet name he could think of at the time, and unluckily for you, they always seemed to just roll right off his tongue. He even went out of his way to grab you a coffee if he went out to get one, or he’d ask his brother to make sure to bring back your signature order: caramel macchiato with almond milk, two pumps of vanilla, and extra caramel drizzle. How he knew that was your go to order was a mystery to you. 
     It’s not like you didn’t retaliate with your own antics though. Sometimes during his scenes you send him a wink and a smile, just to watch him lose focus. Or maybe you’d tease him about the way he says croissant, but then also say it in the over pronounced way he does, just to bug him. On days when the sexual tension between you two was especially palpable, you’d kiss his cheeks after his scenes and say “good job, babe” or something else to rile him up. So no, you weren’t innocent in this matter at all. 
                   ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
     This build up of tension was bound to boil over at some point. But why the fuck did it have to be during the fucking full cast and director dinner?
     You all arrived at the fancy restaurant, all 40+ of you. You sat next to Eliza and secretly hoped that Sebastian, Harry, or even Robert would take the seat next to you, anyone but Tom. He had been especially touchy that day, and you knew if he continued his ministrations, especially under the cover of a table, your resolve would surely fade away. 
     Unfortunately for you, Tom practically bolted to the seat next to you. You scooted a bit closer to Eliza, who nudged your shoulder playfully. 
     “You should just give in.” She stated, smirking the whole time. “Look at him, poor thing just wants some love and attention.” she giggled, nodding her head to where Tom was whispering with Harry on the other side of him. 
     “Stop it, you’re insufferable.” You rolled your eyes, but still smiled at the joking banter. 
     “(Y/N), hon, he’s one of the hottest celebrities in Hollywood right now, and he wants you.” Eliza pinched your makeup covered cheek, “you’re telling me you don’t wanna just jump in his pants? Do you not find him hot or something?” 
     You smacked her hand away, “No, I do find him attractive, I just d—”
     “Find who attractive, love?” Tom interrupted, smirking at the comment he heard. No, he didn’t know for sure you were talking about him, but one can hope. 
     “Nobody,” you dismissed, “I was just telling Eliza here that I think her dog is cute, right Eliza?” 
     “Sure.” She mumbled, rolling her eyes dramatically, then winking directly at Tom, just out of your view. 
     “Ah, I see.” He chuckled, “Yes, you find her dog attractive then?” 
     “No!” You defended, red faced from being backed into a hole, “I didn’t even use that word; you’re just hearing things.” 
     “Don’t worry, love. I find you absolutely, without a doubt, drop dead gorgeous.” Tom winked, before returning back to his conversation with Harry. 
     Eliza pinched your side, causing you to yelp. “See, I told you!” she whisper-yelled, a knowing smirk dawning her face. 
     “You didn’t tell me shit.” 
     “Ugh, whatever, you’re hopeless.” She sighed, just as the waiter was coming around to take your orders. 
     The majority of the evening went by just as simply and smoothly as possible, it was when dessert arrived that Tom stirred up trouble once again. His damned British charm made him the perfect devil in disguise.  
     “Darling, you have some cake right—” he licked his thumb before drawing it over your bottom lip, slowly, “here.” 
     He smirked at your surprised gaze and wiped the chocolate cake from your rose-painted lip. Never breaking his gaze, he drew his thumb back to his mouth and sucked on the digit, gently humming at the sweet taste of chocolate and strawberry lip gloss that flooded onto his tongue. This bitch. 
     You cleared your throat and ceased your—more than obvious— gawking. He wasn’t going to win this time. You sat quietly, smirking as he watched your every move, simply waiting for retaliation. And it came soon enough, when you knocked your water off the table into his lap, on accident, of course. 
     He jolted up the second the cold water hit his slacks, cursing, yet still keeping that charming smirk on his lips. You immediately started the steady stream of apologies, a faux look of remorse etched on your face. The rest of the cast simply looked on, none the wiser. 
     “Oh Tom! Gosh, I am so sorry.” You stood up as well, taking the napkin from your lap and dabbing his torso where the water splashed up. “I’m just so clumsy, forgive me.” You looked up at him with false serenity in your eyes, but a devilish grin. 
     “No worries, love.” He mused, “I’m just going to go dry off in the washroom. Could use some help though; it’s the least you could do.” The rest of the cast went back to their desserts and conversation, so they failed to notice the hidden glint in Tom’s eyes or the lustful insinuation behind his request. 
     “Sure.” You smiled up at him, determined not to lose this game of cat and mouse. You followed him to the large family restroom in a dimly lit corridor. He opened the door and gestured for you to go in first. What a gentleman, hm?
     He closed the door behind him and locked it before undoing the buttons on his dress shirt and removing it. His toned torso also damp with freezing droplets of ice water. 
     You sucked in a shaky breath, taking in his less than professional, disheveled look. “You gonna come help me, princess?” He reached for paper towels and grabbed a handful, dabbing the wet spot on his lap, right over his crotch. 
     “I—um, sorry,” you snapped out of it. Following his movements, doing the same but to his wet torso. 
     “You’re okay, love.” He looked at you, the close proximity of your bodies creating the most delicious heat in the bathroom. Tom leaned in slightly, just until your noses were brushing against one another. “Though, I’ll admit, the fact that you're not giving me an apology kiss right now, makes this a little less than okay.”
     You didn’t even process your actions completely, the second those words left his mouth yours lips were on his. You held his face in your hands, rough passion seeping through your entire body, and he was just the same. He kissed you fervently, holding your waist with one arm and the back of your head with his opposite hand, tangling his fingers into your hair. The tension and desire that had been building up for almost as long as you’ve known him finally boiling over. 
     Tom gingerly inched his hand up the side of your leg, under your dress. 
     “Wait, wait,” you pulled away, breathlessly, “we need to get back, they’re probably wondering where we are.” 
     Tom was about to concede when a knock rang through the room. 
     “Hey guys,” It was Eliza, “Seb paid for all of us, so we’re gonna head out. Take your time! Oh, and use protection!” You could practically hear the smirk on her face.  
     Tom stopped your little scowl by returning his attention to kissing you, “How lucky are we?” he mused, repositioning his hands, starting to fumble with the zipper of your dress. 
                   ✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
     The next Monday at work was hell. You spent the whole weekend internalizing your little rendezvous in the bathroom. Tom texted you nearly fourteen times over the two day break period where you didn’t see each other, and you ignored every single one of them. The first ones were simple ‘hey’s’, ‘hi’s’, and ‘good morning’s’, but they soon progressed to show Tom’s concern over you not responding. The last message being, 
Tom: I hope you know, I don’t regret it, but I’m sorry if you do.
     You didn’t mean to ghost him, but your feelings were so confusing. You liked him and the things he did to you. But you had a code. And maybe the ‘don’t date your co-worker’ was a bit old school and shitty, but you’d been able to stick to it for this long and your work has never been better. Then again, all your previous boyfriends have been assholes; constantly upset over how busy your schedule was. Maybe a fellow actor would be more understanding? 
     The second you arrived to set Harry was on your ass. 
     “(Y/N), hey!” He called to you from the snack table where he was talking with Tom. You gave him a small smile and wave, but proceeded to your makeup chair. He motioned for you to join them, but you waved your hand in dismissal and gave him an apologetic look. Whether or not you regretted your night with Tom, you were absolutely not ready to confront it just yet. However, you didn’t miss the disappointed look on Tom’s face or the way Harry gave his brother a reassuring shoulder squeeze. 
     Harry even came up to you asking how your weekend was and if you were busy or not, no doubt trying to gauge your mood for Tom. You were friends with Harry so you didn’t mind talking to him, but when it was becoming apparent that you weren't giving much away as far as how you were feeling, Harry resorted to more ‘less than subtle’ questions. 
     “So… are you seeing anyone, currently?” He asked, playing with his fingers, the question struck you as extremely off-putting, especially since Harry said it with little to no confidence, like he really didn’t want to be asking that. 
     “Why? Are you trying to ask me out?” You teased. Watching him squirm was almost as fun as when it was Tom. 
     “No! No, I mean— I’m not opposed, you’re very pretty—no wait, I don’t mean it like that, I just—uh, I think you look nice, but not too nice—I’m gonna go.” Harry painfully stuttered out. Cursing under his breath as he walked away, back to where Tom was standing, watching on. These idiots were the most obvious divs in the whole world. 
     After you finished with your stylist, you were ready to start running lines for your scene. You have the majority of your scenes with Tom, so as per usual, you were acting opposite him. As the director was explaining how he wanted the scene to go, Tom kept glancing over at you, raising his eyebrows a bit, obviously wanting to clear the air. 
     The scene went by fine, but it was clear to many of the people around you that you were not on the top of your game today. It even got to the point where the director needed to ask if you needed a break. You said you didn’t and persisted. The scene was finally done to perfection, but it took almost double the amount of time it usually would for you. 
     Tom noticed you struggling the most and couldn’t help but feel guilty. He was quick to give you words of encouragement between takes, but you only responded with a quick ‘thanks’ and moved on. 
     When lunch time came around, the caterers were all set up and prepared on a different part of the lot. You quickly made your way over, running into Eliza on the way. 
     “Oh, hey (Y/N)!” she beamed at you. “Did you finish your scene?”
     “Yeah, are you going to set right now?” 
     “Mhm, I’m shooting the scene at the church with Robert.” 
     “Well, good luck.” You smiled at her, about to move along when she grabbed your wrist. 
     “Wait, did something happen between you and Tom? He’s at the lunch table moping, even Seb is trying to cheer him up.” 
     “Um well no, I mean, maybe? I don’t know, I guess I’ve been avoiding him a bit.” You shrug, now not really wanting to go to lunch, but you know you have to. If you don’t show up then it’d be all too clear to Tom that you were definitely avoiding him. 
     “Oh, well, maybe just talk to him?” Eliza comfortably put a hand on your shoulder before walking away to set. 
     You continued to the lunch set up, seeing club sandwiches, soups, and cupcakes set up. You grabbed what you wanted and went to sit by Tom and everyone else. Yeah, you may have been avoiding him, but you didn’t want to make it that painstakingly obvious. 
     As soon as you sat down, Tom put his arm around you like he always did when you had lunch together. Only this time you stiffened up, not because you hated it, but because the action felt so different after what you both had done, it felt like it meant more. Tom noticed, of course, and removed his arm, frowning. 
     “Can I talk to you, (Y/N/N)?” he whispered to you, the rest of the table in their own little world, too caught up in their interactions to notice yours. 
     “Um, sure,” you mumbled in response, “but maybe when I have free time later? I’m just really hungry right now.” you gave him a small smile, trying to keep up the amicability. 
     He nodded and continued his conversation with Seb, who looked completely uninterested, but still continued responding since he could tell Tom was feeling shitty about something. 
     Later that evening, the entire cast had a one hour break since the next scene they wanted to shoot needed to be done at night and it wasn’t dark yet. That’s when Tom took you to his trailer to talk. 
     “Look, (Y/N), I don’t want to jump to conclusions, but I can’t help but feel like you’re avoiding me.” He stated, once the door was shut and you were already seated on his couch. 
     “I’m not.” 
     “But you are. I can tell. You didn’t talk to me at all today, even when I made a joke that I knew you’d have the perfect come back to.” He sat next to you, but kept more of a distance than usual.
      “I don’t have to talk to you, Tom. You can’t rely on me to keep you entertained.” You rolled your eyes, annoyed that you’d been caught. 
      “That’s not what I’m saying, (Y/N), and you know it.” Tom pointed a finger at you, equally annoyed now. 
     “Fine, so what if I was avoiding you? You’re a grown man, you can handle rejection can’t you?” You spat. The argument was quickly becoming more heated. If there was one thing you hated the most in the world, it was being called out, especially if you knew you were in the wrong. 
     “What the fuck is your problem today?” Tom asked, exasperated at how defensive you got so quickly. 
     “Tom, I’m sorry, but I don’t do this,” you motioned between the two of you, “I don’t do the cliche Hollywood, sleeps around, one night stand scenario, so back off.” 
     “So you regret it.” Tom looked down, trying to keep his emotions at bay. He really did like you, but maybe it was naive of him to assume that sleeping together would open the door to something more. 
     “No, I just—it shouldn’t have happened. I liked it, but I’m not that type of girl. I’m a relationship type of person. I never wanted to be another girl for you to mark down on your list of possible hook ups.” You sighed. Tom wasn’t necessarily notorious for random hookups, but he was a famous actor who just so happened to also be single. It was hard to not go there with your thoughts, so in your mind, you had him pegged. 
     “I’m a relationship person too, though. I wanted all of this. All of you.” Tom inched closer, gingerly taking your hands in his. “I may have gone about it wrong, I should’ve asked you out first or something.” 
     “Tom, stop.” 
     “No, (Y/N), because you’ve got it all wrong. I didn’t flirt with you or spend time with you just to get in your pants.” Tom pulled you closer. “I surrounded myself with you because I wanted you. And I think you want me too.”
     You looked in his eyes, searching for any sign of insincerity, small as it might be, but Tom was being the most sincere he could possibly be. Tom cautiously leaned closer, just wanting one more kiss, even if it was the last. However, you were the one that took the final plunge and pulled him in, kissing him. You both moved together so fluidly, like you were made for each other. 
     When you did pull apart, Tom was the one to break the silence, “So does that mean you like me or…” 
     “I kissed you, didn’t I?” 
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prioritysope · 3 years
Reader: Female
Character: Hawks
Rating: Explicit
Summary: After a long day, you arrive home, finding a letter saying that your fiancé. Takami Keigo, is cheating on you. So you decide to confront him, he denies these accusations and he decides to fuck those thoughts off of you.
Tags: Established Relationship, Angst, Mirror Sex, Vaginal Sex, Breeding, Oral Sex (f. receiving), Degradation, Dacryphilia, Slight Orgasm Denial, Slight Praise, Edging, Swearing, Dirty Talk, Overstimulation, Choking, Daddy Kink.
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At this rate, you no longer knew how many hours you had been crying, but when you looked at yourself in the huge full-length mirror that was in the corner of the room, you noticed your eyes already swollen and red. Just remembering the reason for your tears, more fell on your cheeks and you were already physically and emotionally tired to continue.
When you got to the apartment you share with your fiancé, Hawks, you noticed an envelope as soon as you walked in. Frowning, out of clear confusion. You looked at the clock that was in the living room.
7:15 pm
There were still a couple of hours until Keigo returned from his patrol. You looked doubtfully at the envelope that was in your hands. It had your full name in some ugly handwriting. Inside you felt a hunch, because the letter did not contain the address of the apartment, so the person had to know where you lived and bring it themself. You went to the room you shared with Hawks.
“I hope this is joke from Keigo or some neighbor.” You whispered to yourself while looking for a razor to open the envelope. Finding it, you sat on the edge of the bed. Your hand was shaking a little, but you were able to tear the happy envelope and remove the paper that was there. You left the torn piece of paper on the bed, keeping the letter. With some fear you opened the letter.
You read everything calmly. The tears did not stop falling down your cheeks until some fell on the piece of paper. You couldn’t believe what you just read. Hawks cheating on you? It was impossible. You doubted with all your heart the fact that your boyfriend, now fiancé, from five years ago is unfaithful to you. However, you were also beginning to think that it was true, so you decided that you would face him and have him confirm it himself.
You were in a complete trance, still standing in front of the mirror; however, the sound of keys and a door opening pulled you out of it. You felt an electric current run down your spine, knowing that Keigo came from his night patrol.
“I’m here, baby!” You heard Hawks voice. You went to bed, took the letter, placing it in the back pocket of your shorts. Each time you heard his footsteps approaching the room, which caused more nerves in you. You swallowed hard when Keigo walked in, his face was relaxed, but as soon as he saw your face, it changed drastically. “Y/n, love. What’s wrong? Are you feeling bad?”
You felt like you were short of air. Seeing his worried face made your blood boil. Your lips parted, as if you were going to say something, but nothing came out. Although you are almost nowhere to explode from anger and sadness, the nerves would not leave you.
Hawks approached you, standing a few inches from your body. His right hand rested on your waist, trying to get close to his body. However, with some force, your right hand hit Keigo’s cheek, making him turn his head to his right. The impact was strong, that his cheek began to turn red. He looked at you confused at your action. He brought his left hand to rest on his own cheek, gently massaging it.
“What was that for?” His voice was deep, it sounded mad, but there was still a hint of concern in his gaze. His golden eyes sparkled.
You let out a sigh, relaxing a bit.
“How much longer are you going to pretend you love me?” You let out almost screaming as the tears threatened to come out again. You wanted to swallow everything and be strong, but just imagining your partner kissing and touching another person in the same way that he does with you, it hurts like a thousand daggers in your heart.
“Pretend? What the fuck are you talking about?” There was clear confusion on his face at your accusation. He tried again to get closer to you, but again you pushed him away. You needed a lot of explanations. “Love, tell me what’s going on. You’re worrying me.”
“You have a minute to explain this shit to me.” You snapped, throwing the letter in his face, which he took a long time to take. He opened it with some curiosity in her golden eyes. She read everything calmly, frowning at hers. Her gaze shifted from the piece of paper to you. He gulped loudly. “Time is running out, Takami.” You warned.
“Y/n, babe. I can assure you this is false. You know I hardly have time for you in general because of the many missions the Commission orders me to do. You have to trust me, sweetie.” Keigo whispered, as he took your hand again, this time you let him. He pulled you close to his body, feeling a certain warmth to wrap you around. It was incredible that you had a few words from Keigo and you were already believing him, but this time, you felt a great distrust in all this.
How did he pretend that with that you would already believe him? How did he pretend that with that you would already believe him and everything will be as if nothing? Although you hated yourself for mistrusting him so easily, for he never gave you reasons to doubt him. However, it was not so easy when it would not be the first time you were cheated on. and everything will be as if nothing? Although you hated yourself for mistrusting him so easily, for he never gave you reasons to doubt him. However, it was not so easy when it would not be the first time you were cheated on.
“I know I shouldn’t doubt you, but this is all very weird, Keigo. This came to me today. Who is going to want to separate us when we’ve been together for four years? At this rate, I don’t think anyone.” You said against his chest, letting a couple of tears fall down your cheeks, again. They both stayed like that for a couple of minutes, totally silent. After a while, Hawks attached you more to his body, being able to feel something hard brush your thigh, causing you to abruptly separate from him. You looked at him with an arched brow, gently denying him. You couldn’t believe this. “Please tell me that you haven’t been turned on by this whole situation.”
“Can you blame me? If you look extremely sexy while you’re angry and with tears on your beautiful face. It makes you want to rub your face on the mattress while I penetrate your tight pussy like there is no tomorrow.” Hawks murmured, a smirk on his lips.
Your cheeks turned a crimson color at the words that came from the hero’s lips. No matter how long they were together, you were always surprised by the fact that Keigo turned almost everything to something sexual and many of the times he managed to get you where he wants you. You wanted this time to be different, you wanted to stand firm.
“The real question here is. Why the hell do you think about those things? We’re practically in the middle of an argument over alleged infidelity on your part. But you act like you don’t care in the least.” You said with clear annoyance in your voice.
“Come on, princess. It pains me to know that you doubt me, when I have never given you reasons to think that I am truly unfaithful to you.” Now it was Hawks who seemed irritated with the whole thing, which pissed you off even more. “Let me show you how much I love you and that you are the only one in my life.”
You felt it was stupid for him to get mad. The one who should be furious is you, and so you were. You felt your blood boil with each word and attempt to touch you that Keigo gave. Your hands made fists, but it was so strong, even the knuckles looked a little white. Your mind was blank, your throat felt dry.
Keigo approached you again, but this time you stayed still in your place. She grabbed you by the waist to turn you around and get back to the mirror. You felt his hands walk through your curves. From your waist, he went down to your thighs, which he spread to your breasts. You kept your gaze on the ground, you wanted to keep your dignity.
“Look in the mirror.” Hawks said with a commanding tone. You bit your lower lip, trying to suppress any sounds that wanted to come out of your mouth. Then you felt your fiancé’s hand wrap around your neck, making you look at your own reflection in the mirror. You felt the various rings on his hand. “Don’t play hard, baby. I can bet how wet you are for me.”
With those words, your boyfriend slid his free hand down your side. You cursed wearing only your boyfriend’s shirt and your panties. Hawks’s hand went straight to your crotch. You tried to close your thighs, but this one did not allow it. His hand wandered under your shirt, so he could touch your hot skin more directly. Going up to your chest, taking one and squeezing it a bit. He also pinched your nipple to continue his way south. He reached for your panties, entering slowly. His long fingers trailed over your wet folds, drawing a gasp from you.
Your breathing began to shake at such stimulation. Sometimes Keigo brushed your ignored clit, making you moan. You hated the fact that he had so much power over you and your body. A big part of you wanted to push him and continue the discussion, but your other part wanted to play along. And the way things were going, it would all end with the second option.
“You look so beautiful in my shirt, too bad you won’t last long with it on.” He whispered in your ear, kissing your ear and then biting the lobe. Such action elicited a somewhat high-pitched moan from you, quickly flushing with embarrassment. You practically threw your dignity to the ground, all because you were weak to the blonde’s touch. “Keep making those sounds for me, princess.”
As the minutes passed, everything became too hot, you did not know if it was because of the heat or the situation so compromising. Hawks slid his hand out of your underwear, then down until he could throw it across the room. With care, he began to spread kisses down the back of your thighs, also sliding his tongue and leaving some bites.
“So beautiful… so perfect. I don’t know how you can believe that I have been cheating on you, if all I want is to get home so I can see you and fuck you against the mattress.” He whispered towards your skin, leaving one last bite in your soft skin.
“N-no, s-stop.” You begged still with heavy breathing. You didn’t even know why you kept asking him to stop, when deep inside you wanted him to go on and fulfill his promise to fuck that idea out of your head.
“Come on princess. I know you’re a good girl, don’t be a brat.” Keigo whispered against your ear. You could feel his breath against your neck, making you squirm under his touch. He moved away from your body for a while. Out of the corner of your eye you could see Hawks making his way to the speaker in the corner of the room. He turned it on, quickly connecting his phone and going to Spotify. “I hope you’re ready, baby. Because I won’t stop until you understand that you are mine and I am completely yours.”
With the first few seconds of the melody playing loudly, you could easily recognize the song: Into It by Chase Atlantic. Currently now everything was more in the mood.
You heard soft footsteps behind you until you felt your boyfriend’s hands on your waist. Then he took the shirt you were still wearing, pulling it off easily. You were completely naked in front of his eyes, which were filled with lust. You felt like he was fucking you just by seeing you, which made you a little flustered. Keigo is usually extremely passionate, but when he’s jealous or angry, everything gets wilder. Leaving you without the ability to walk the next day.
With both hands, Hawks spread your butt cheeks, giving himself a good view of your dripping pussy for him. He slowly licked his lips. He desired to devour you as if you were his last meal. There is nothing more Keigo loves, than eating your pussy with devotion. Also adding his fingers, to ride your orgasm, seeing your legs shaking and moaning his name as if it was the only thing you could say.
With the music still going, Hawks decide to continue. With his right hand, he brushed against your womanhood, making you gasp slightly and throwing your head back. His hand felt cold, but it felt good. With two of his fingers, he traced soft, slow circles across your neglected clit. You bit your lower lip, you felt faint with something so simple, causing you to hold the mirror tightly.
Takami scooped up some of your fluids, bringing those same fingers to your mouth. You opened your mouth, taking both digits. You moaned as your fluids made contact with your tongue. You ran your tongue through both thick fingers, until you felt like you were choking because Hawks introduced them to your throat.
“Taste your own juices, darling.” He murmured, his voice huskier and deeper than normal. “Your lewd expressions… so sexy.” You let out a surprised gasp at a new sensation until you lowered yourself to your breasts, seeing Hawks’s other hand with one of his feathers circling your nipples. If before with only his fingers you were already twisting, now it was more. Keigo pulled his fingers out of your mouth, spreading some of the saliva on your cheeks and going down to stroking your clit again.
“K-Keigo-” You stifled a groan when your boyfriend pinched your clit, sending you waves of pleasure mixed with pain. You arched your back a little, moving towards him a little, looking for more contact and only received a spank from him.
“Use your big girl words.” He groaned, spanking you again, leaving his five fingers etched into your smooth skin. You tried to speak, but now Keigo began to stimulate your clitoris more, probing those same fingers through your wet entrance; but without penetrating you. “I told you something.”
“I need your fingers, please. Fuck me.” You begged, letting out a sigh. You lowered your gaze to the mirror in front of you, seeing your own face. Totally flushed, strands of saliva running down the corner of your lips and onto your cheeks. Also some tears running down your cheeks, because of the pleasure that was beginning to invade your body. “Please.”
“Your wishes are orders, princess.”
By the reflection of the mirror you saw the malicious smile on his lips. He circled your entrance, then inserted his index finger. He slowly thrusted that finger in and out, enjoying your tightness and wetness. You were so wet, even your own fluids were sliding down your thighs. After minutes, he added a second finger, to make his thrusts harder and deeper. His fingers touched places you thought were impossible. You tried to suppress your moans and gasps, but it was impossible.
“You’re taking my fingers so well.” I have let out a deep growl, without stopping the thrusts. With his thumb, he made circular motions on your clit; giving you an immense surge of pleasure. You lifted your pelvis, riding his fingers, seeking more pleasure. “My dirty little slut so desperate.” He continued with his work inside you, while with the feather he had in his other hand, sliding it down your stomach.
Little by little you began to feel the familiar knot in your abdomen, you arched your back. Your moans were more constant. Every second your orgasm was getting closer and closer, and you were hoping that the fact that you were clenching around your boyfriend’s fingers would notice and make you cum. However, when you were about to, Keigo pulled his fingers out of nowhere, leaving you feeling empty inside and clenching around nothing.
A whimper escaped your lips, giving the blonde a pleading look, but he only gave you a mocking smile.
“Were you going to cum? Oh, I didn’t realize, do you want me to continue?” His tone of voice was sarcastic, totally making fun of your state as he admired you in the mirror. He slapped your sloppy cunt a couple of times, eliciting a high-pitched moan from you.
However, Hawks didn’t even give you time to respond when he already had you lying on your back in the center of the bed. Fully open legs. Your boyfriend looked at you just like a hunter to his prey. He was still wearing his hero clothes, pulling a pout out of you. You wanted to see his bare naked body.
Keigo stood in front of the bed, his eyes glued to your body. He loved to admire every inch of your body before devouring you. He slowly began to remove his clothes, tossing them to the sofa that was on the corner of the room. Once naked, with a smirk on his lips, he climbed onto the bed. He leaned between your legs, taking your thighs in his hands. He deposited a bunch of kisses and bites on them, before coming face to face with your throbbing cunt. With two of his fingers, he parted your folds, revealing your entire core. You heard how Hawks spat on your clit and with those fingers he scrubbed everything.
You arched your back when you felt the blonde’s tongue pacing from your entrance to your nervous little friend. Then the same two fingers enter your interior again. The movements were slow, while he kept playing and stimulating your clit with his mouth and tongue. You tried to hold back the moans, not even biting your lip could do it. Hawks was like this for a couple of minutes, constantly driving you to orgasm, but stopping just in time. Which made you whimper as you squirmed under his hands.
“So fucking good.” He moaned against your clit, his voice rough with lust.
A high whine left your lips as your back arched. Your hands reach down and dig into the messy blonde hair you loved so much. Dragging his fat wet tongue up and down your slit.
After hanging around you for a while, he removed his fingers from inside you and brought those same fingers to his mouth, letting out a growl.
He settled between your legs, lifting them until the back of your knees were in his arms. You were totally open to him, which made you blush.
“I’m gonna fuck you dumb. So dumb that all you’re to do is moan nothing more than my name.” Hawks growled. Hi slips found yours once again in the night.
The pair of you moaned as his tip slid along your entrance, but once you felt him bottom out inside, you couldn’t hold back your loud moan. The pressure of his cock against your cervix was all encompassing.
“God dammit…” Hawks moaned, teeth sinking into your neck as he rocked his hips into you. His eyes were glowing with determination and awe.
Hawks’s soft groans filled your ears as his thrusts grew in strength and pace, his cock pistoning into you with enough force to shove your back onto the bed.
“Oh god.” You cry out, trying to catch your breath as the brutal warmth from before returns. Your entire body was trembling with need of reaching your precious orgasm.
Hawks snapped his lips onto yours. His mouth moved in sync with yours, making it hard to breathe but you could care less as his sweet taste coated your tongue. You let yourself become lost in his touch.
He continued to whisper naughty things into your ear, his hand eventually wrapping around your throat as he makes sure you look into his eyes when you stumble over the edge.
“Such a cockhungry slut.” He hisses under his breath.
You feel the pulsation of his cock against your spongy walls, his hands nervously roaming your body and groping one of your tits, as he continues to abuse your throbbing cunt.
“S-So good…so fucking good, nngh-” Your little whimpers and whines are slurred, barely coherent as the feeling of being filled to the brim pushes you into a haze of pleasure.
A deep, guttural moans leaves the both of you when he pulls himself out of your tight hole, dragging his huge cock along the walls of your little cunt in the most deliclous way possible before he almost brutally shoves himself back in again.
“Just like that, you little slut.” He grunts, sitting up on hus knees, his eyes focusing the way his fat cock stretches your hole just how you loved.
As time went by, you wanted to try to drive him crazy. And the only thing you thought was to slowly caress your boyfriend’s feathers, eliciting a high-pitched moan from him and making him look at you badly. Just when you wanted to continue, he took both of your wrists and with his quirk, he held your wrists over your head. Keeping you still onto the bed.
“Let’s see if this would keep you still and without touching my wings.” He grunted low.
His thrust went back to a steady rhythm, hard and so, so deep.
“Open your mouth.” Hawks grunts. He see how you obey him and later a single drop of spit get in your tongue. “Swallow my spit, whore.” And so you did. The loud, lewd sound of it rings in your ears in the best way possible and acting like a literal aphrodisiac in combination with the delicious taste of his saliva coating the hot musle of your tongue.
A row of loud, high pitched whines and a combination of sobs and moans are the only thing you manage to respond with, your brain clouded with the feeling of his thick cock dragging along the spongy walls of your cunt.
“Now go on, angel.” He growls, pushing his hand in between your legs to rub circles into your hardened clit. “I want you to cum for me. Be a good little dumpster for Daddy and show me what only I can do.”
You can barely process his words, the lewdness just fueling the fire in the pit of your stomach as you lose yourself in the feeling on your upcoming high. But you still start nodding, cringing at the feeling of your saliva dripping down your jawline.
And with one last thrust, you feel your high crashing down onto you with such a heaviness, you’re left absolutely breathless while your cunt keeps gushing your luquids onto the bed and Keigo’s abdomen.
Your whole body is trembling as the waves of your orgasm hit you, a row of incoherents words leaving your lips.
“That’s my baby.” Is the first thing your brain manages to process again, everything still a blurry mess and when you look at Keigo, you realize you’re still cumming.
Your cunt is almost painfully spasming around his big cock, your juices dripping down the sides of his length as he helps you ride out your orgasm.
“You’re such a good, good slut for Daddy, aren’t you?” His thrust a little sloppier than before and from the way he’s digging his fingers into the skin of your waist, you know that he’s also quite close.
“You’re also going to take all of Daddy’s cum, right, baby? We gotta make sure I fill you up nicely.”
You take a deep breath, your slightly overstimulated cunt sending shivers down your spine as your eyes focus on Keigo’s parted lips.
“Please, Daddy…need you to fill me up with your cum.” You encourage him and his body tenses up as his grip on your waist becomes firmer before he starts cumming inside of you with a deep, raspy moan; coating the walls in several shades of white with three thick spurts of his cum.
Hawks buries his face in the crook of your neck as he slowly calms down, loud breathing and rushed gasps for air the only thing to fill the insides of the empty room.
“I love you so much.” He whispers and gives you a soft kiss, his cock still firmly buried inside of your sensitive cunt before he shoots you a soft smile; looking almost boyish with his glossy eyes and flushed cheeks. “Promise me that you will not mistrust me again, baby.”
“I love you, too, D-Daddy.” you whisper, gulping harshly as the words leave your lips, feeling his strong yet comforting gaze. “And I promise you that I will trust you.”
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hyunjilicious · 4 years
3:11am [captain syverson]
Summary: you’re just an army medic so in order to have your voice heard you need to go straight to the captain with your ideas, right? And what better way to do it, if not at 3:11am in his room? (SMUT) 4.3k
Warnings: daddy kink, size kink, unprotected sex, Sy is a little bit of ass, dirty talk, manhandling, a tad bit of humiliation/degradation.. :) I didn’t go too far.
Feedback makes my day! Maybe tell me what you thought? Please? :)
Danger loomed at every corner. And you couldn't have been oblivious to it. Every one was either panicked or enraged, both emotions driven by the ongoing terror forced upon your group as you have been caught in the crossfire. The conflict you found yourselves stuck in was generations old, and the fact that you had hidden eyes, watching your moves from every shadow, was as unsettling as it could be.
You crossed the camp on high alert, even if those were supposed to be safe grounds. Laughter was audible from the tents nearby, yet the fear never left your bones. Palms cold but still damp with nervous sweat, you counted the steps you had to take until you reached your destination. Ever since you left your designated bunk, you've been picturing the stairs that led down to Captain Syverson room, and now they were mere meters in front of you, but you still felt like you couldn't breathe. 
Even when you reached the door, you still couldn't swallow the lump in your throat. And the fact that it was unlocked, made you all the more nervous. 
You didn't want to knock. The lights were all off, and you were afraid the sound would draw unnecessary attention. So, going against your gut, you slowly pushed the door open, cautiously stepping inside.
Dead silence.
Only a pair of red glowing numbers were visible in the thick darkness, showing you just how late and unacceptable it was for you to be there. 3:11 am. Not only should you have been asleep for hours, but you were also pretty sure that if you were to be awake, the bunk was the place where you should be counting the sheep until you dozed off. 
From memory, you turned to the left, picturing inside your mind where the door that led to the hallway was supposed to be. You probably managed to get about two steps in before, from the suffocating darkness to your left, a loud clattering noise was heard, before a pair of strong arms restrained you. 
Only a gasp managed to escape your lips before your mouth was forced shut by a hand, aggressively making it impossible for you to make any sound. Realising kicking and squirming in this person's hold would be of absolutely no use, you raised your left leg in the air, gathering momentum for a strategic hit. But the blow was never delivered.
Despite threatening and capable of making anybody's blood run cold, that southern accent was impossible to mistake. 
"Don't fucking move" he said again.
With your brain soaked in adrenaline, obeying his command sounded near impossible. You fidgeted against his rock hard chest, and all it did for you was get him to tighten his hold.
"I don't know if your eyes got accustomed to the dark yet" captain Syverson said through gritted teeth, "But at about 2 o'clock, MacGregor is sleeping. If you wake him up, we're both dead"
You swallowed the information with difficulty, but it relaxed you to some extent. However, despite calming down and not showing any signs of wanting to put up a fight anymore, Sy didn't let you go.
Instead, with high precision, he dragged you through the darkness, and across the room, right where you were initially planning to go. Clutching the hand that was still roughly pressing down against your lips, you stumbled obediently in every direction he dragged you to. When you reached a plain black door, he opened it with maximal caution, and pushed you inside, before turning around to close it in the same silent manner.
You stumbled a few steps forward before regaining your balance as your knees have probably never been weaker. Struggling to catch your breath, you saw Sy turn and face you, the coldest of death stares plastered on his blue eyes.
"The fuck you doin' here, hm?" he growled, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I-" you said, squinting in the neon light of the tiny room, "I have an idea for the crew, it's-"
"Don't fucking care what idea you got, darlin'" he shook his head, taking another step in your direction, "Do you even know what time it is?"
"Late" you sighed, stating the obvious.
"Damn right it's late" he nodded, "What I wanna know now is why you were stupid enough to sneak all the way over here, when you know-"
"No one saw me, Sy" you exclaimed.
A grin tilted the corner of his lips upwards, "I fucking saw you"
"Yeah but-" you stopped to frown as confusion hit you, "How did you see me?"
"Listen here, little girl" he taunted, each word more threatening as he started to close the distance that was keeping you apart, "You're a doctor, not a soldier, fixing our shit is none of your business. Two, you don't report to me-" he said, nodding his head to the side, "And three, I'm sure no idea was too urgent that you couldn't wait until the morning"
Calling you out like that was completely unnecessary. You had been lying to yourself, claiming the reason for your late night visit was purely selfless, however when you heard the words come out of his mouth, you realised just how strongly you had been bulshitting yourself.
"Fine-" you huffed with annoyance, getting ready to walk past him, "You want me to leave? I'll leave"
"Nuh-uh" he shook his head, grabbing you by the forearm. He didn't move any other muscle of his body and continued talking without turning to look at you, "You're a smart woman, tell me why you're really here"
"Because I wanna help!" you rolled your eyes - a lie you almost believed yourself.
"Try again, doll" he commanded, tightening his grip. The fact that you felt a bruise already forming riled you up, but it wasn't enough to get you to cooperate in the way he wanted you to.
Once you realised what he was waiting to hear, you shook your head in disbelief, "You got no class!"
After spitting the anger filled words in his direction, you tried to free your arm, and walk away, but he wasn't having it.
"Well-" Sy took a deep breath, harshly spinning you around and slamming you face first against his desk, "If you had any, you wouldn't be here now, would you?"
Knees weak under his heavy presence, you gathered all your strength into your arms, planting your palms against the metal surface of the desk in order to push yourself up.
All it took him to cancel your intentions was an effortless shove against your upper back. He got you back down in under a second with a loud thud, but this time he bent down too, towering above you.
"Now that you saw your antics don't work with me-" he growled directly into your ear, his thick beard tickling the skin of your neck. Sy lodged his hand into your hair, curling his fingers around your roots and forcing your head back, "Mind telling me why you're really here? We can do this until the morning, I ain't tired"
"You're enjoying this, aren't you?" you huffed through gritted teeth.
"What? Seeing you squirming under me with absolutely no say in what's about to happen to that sweet little pussy of yours? Yes, very much so"
"Fuck you"
"Isn't that why you came here?" Sy taunted.
He grunted, shaking his head in disbelief. "Try again" 
This time, he didn't pull your hair anymore, and the sting you expected to reach your scalp never came. However, he bucked his hips into yours, pressing your body even harder against the desk. With every time and every way his body brushed against yours, the pain between your legs grew stronger and stronger. But still, you didn't want to word your need, instead just settled for milking every last drop of this unexpected turn of events. About 15 minutes before, when you had just left your room, you weren't sure you would even get to talk to him, let alone end up in this situation. Under him. His cock shamelessly pressing up against your ass, as every word that came out of his mouth only managed to make you crave him more.
"Are gonna tell me, hm?" he moaned into your ear, the weight of his body on top of yours becoming difficult to bear. "Or am I gonna have to force the words out of you?"
The way he talked, honey sweet yet goosebumps worthy, his tone managed to crack your self control. Against your better judgement, you breathed out slowly, the pleasure in the back of your throat materialising into the softest of whimpers.
"Oh" Sy grinned, his right hand groping its way down your body, "Can't hide it anymore, can you?"
If until now you did a fairly bad job at hiding your true emotions, when he grabbed a handful of your ass, his fingers threatening to leave purple bruises, you dropped the facade all together.
"Fuck" you moaned, forehead pressed against the desk as you arched your body back, harder against his palm.
"That's my girl" he laughed.
Much to your dismay, after his deep amused tone reached your ears, he pulled away. Upset at the sudden loss of contact, you choked back a whine, turning your head to look at him over your shoulder.
Even with the lights turned on, he was facing away from the source, so that soft shadows contoured his features perfectly. His eyes hooded with greed looked down at you, and as soon as he saw the hungry expression on your face, his lips curled into a devious smile. "No, sweetheart. Face the wall", he said, nodding his head.
Reluctantly, you did so. Delectable anticipation washed over you when his calloused hands grabbed your waist. It was only for a minute, though. He roughly pulled you back until your hips passed the edge of the desk. You didn't get a chance to put two and two together before Sy forced your pants open, and pulled them down your legs, along with your underwear in under a moment. 
Flushed with embarrassment at the full, sudden exposure, you clamped your thighs together.
Without a word, he lodged his boot between your feet, forcing your legs open. "This could've been avoided" he stated, "But I don't think you wanted that. I think you wanted the slut fucked out of you"
"Come on…" you pleaded, lodging your teeth deep into your bottom lip.
Your entire body fired up when his bare fingers connected to your opening. He moved agonisingly slow, teasing his way along your lips, intentionally applying the perfect amount of pressure to have you crying for more.
"You know you're gonna have to do so much fucking better than that, don't you?" Sy chuckled, dipping his fingers into your wetness. "I know you can beg."
"Fucking hell-" you cried, squirming under his influence, "Please"
"No, baby. Tell me, use your words. I wanna hear you tell me how to fuck you. And don't bother holding back 'cause you know I won't"
"Come on, Sy-" you whined, trying your best to grind down against his fingers, "You know I want- I want you-"
A rough slap that echoed around the room attacked your ass, delightful pain propagating in waves across your whole body. You let out a tortured yelp, but it wasn't enough to impress.
"You already made a mess on my fingers. You're dripping wet, love. Why try to hide just how big of a slut you are?"
"I'm a slut-" you panted, breathing heavily through every word, "I'm a slut, please, I need you"
Another blow. This time, his palm landed on already inflamed skin, doubling the pain that fueled your pleasure.
"Need me to what, baby girl?"
"I need you to fuck me" you whimpered, tears running down your cheeks. Digging your nails into the underside of the edge of his desk, you squeezed your eyes shut, trying to concentrate around the ecstasy he had running through your veins. "I need your cock, Sy, please. I fucking need you really bad right now, please. I'll do anything you want"
"All you need to do, pet, is learn your place" Syverson said, greedily caressing your ass. "Did you come here just to get that cunt used?"
"Yes" you nodded, not even remembering that in the beginning, you really did have something important to talk to him about. "Yes, I only wanted your cock. Please fuck me, I promise I'll be good forever"
"My good slut forever?" he questioned, the perverted enthusiasm audible in his tone.
As he spoke, Sy slid his middle finger inside your pussy. "Is that all you want, whore? To be my property?"
"You want me to own you?" he taunted, sliding another finger into your pussy, just for the sake of pushing your buttons, "Want me to use your whore body for my pleasure whenever I feel like it?"
A rush of electricity coursed through you.
"That's all I want, Sy" you whispered.
"Are you sure, baby girl?" he taunted, bending down.
His immense frame hovered above your shivering body, his haunting presence enough to get you drunk on the ecstasy of what was to come. 
You swallowed thickly, pained tears stinging your eyes. Cupping his cheek over your shoulder, your words came out as a ghostly whisper, "Please-" you breathed out, "I need you now, Sy. I wanted you since I met you back home, you know that. Please, I can't wait any longer"
His daunting chuckle sent shivers all over your body. He pushed himself off of you, but his breath still tickled the back of your neck. It was enough for you to know that you were to remain in place and wait for his next move.
"Of course you can wait, angel" he said, moments before the metallic clank of his belt being unbuckled fueled your senses, "You're lucky I don't want you to"
You released a weak chuckle, shaking your head in disbelief at the way he managed to carry the situation. Your shoulders were dangerously tense as you waited. For anything. For him to say or do something, but he forced you to sit and boil in anticipation. But the build-up was worth the frustration, as when you felt his touch against your pussy, adrenaline started to pump through your veins.
"You know how long I thought about fucking you like this?" Sy asked.
It was then that you realised it wasn't his finger probing your folds, but the tip of his cock. Slick and solid against your pussy, he expertly teased all your right spots.
"You flaunt this fucking tight ass all day long, panting in the heat, sweat dripping down your tits-" Sy exclaimed, his need and hunger for you audible through every word, "and now you're telling me-"
He paused to bend down above you, hands planted on the desk on either side of your shoulders as he spoke lewdly in your ear, "And now you're telling me I got you naked and whimperin', beggin' me to empty my balls inside your pussy?"
Refusing to use your words, you settled for a better answer - the only answer your dazed mind was able to give. Arching your back as you moaned his name, you pushed your ass back, his massive cock inching inside your pussy.
Syverson grunted, low and guttural, pleasure erupting from the depths of his throat. Goosebumps arose across your body.
"Fuck me, Sy-" you cried, your voice breathy and seductive, "Rough me up, come on"
And he did. You managed to push all his buttons and get him to lose the self control he tries so hard to put on display. He did an excellent job, judging by how hard his cock was when he slammed his hips into yours. Your walls spread beyond what you ever thought would be pleasurable, yet he had you crying out his name as your eyes rolled back. 
His immense hands held your hips with damaging force, planting bruises all of your skin. Not that you had any choice, but you let yourself go limp, and allowed him to manhandle your frame to his will. With ever powerful thrusts of his body against yours, the desk underneath you rocked, slamming into the wall, making a sound loud and obnoxious enough to awake just about anyone who was sleeping there. 
But you didn't care. And neither did Sy.
The only thing you had on your mind was the killed ecstasy he fucked into you, his cock slamming balls deep into your aching pussy. You rolled your head, whined and dug your nails into your palms, in what was probably the most pathetic attempt to keep yourself grounded. 
Syverson wasn't far behind. His breathing aggravated, turned into guttural groans that made the hairs on your body stand up. 
"Fucking hell" he cursed, his fingers sinking deeper into your flesh as he picked up his pace, "FUCK"
You moaned, a wave of pleasure coursing through you, "Harder please"
Those words went against all your senses, against the pain you felt between your legs, the strain on your back or the lack of air in your lungs. But you wanted more. Needed more.
With one long, hard thrust, Sy pushed his cock all the way inside your pussy, his balls pressing against your clit, "Wouldn't wanna break you, little girl"
The teasing side of you awoke. You pushed yourself up and threw your hair back so that you could turn and look at him over your shoulder, "You couldn't if you tried"
His whole frame darkened. Not just the look in his eyes. He now seemed taller, more dangerous and menacing as your words tickled his lust. Syverson shook his head, and in one swift motion, lodged his hand in your hair pulling you all the way up with your back against his chest.
"I don't want you talking to me like that," he groaned.
If you hadn't felt his cock twitch, fear would have definitely enveloped you. 
"You're in no place to undermine me, ok?" he growled, voice deep, ringing against your ear, "You're so small and powerless. It's fucking clear I call the shots. Be a good little girl and don't piss me off" he threatened, his free hand wrapping itself around your neck.
"Or what?" you whispered. 
"You're a soldier, right?" Sy laughed, "Wouldn't it be a shame if for a few days you wouldn't be able to walk straight. Or sit down?"
You swallowed thickly, his words turning you own even more as your pussy clenched around his cock just thinking about it, "Sounds more like an offer than a punishment"
Sy took his sweet time answering. Before he opened his mouth to speak, his hand traveled down your body, all the way over to your clit, where he began to apply pressure in the form of experienced, delicate circles.
You whimpered in return and only then did he answer. "Turns out you're a bigger slut than I thought, but don't think it will take me long to have you crying and begging"
You nodded yes. He never asked any kind of question, so you had no idea why you responded that way, you just did, and Sy took it as his cue to resume his work.
This time, he held you against his body. With each thrust, the tip of his cock applied more and more pressure to your sweet and overly sensitive spots, braiding pain into the pleasure he created for you.
But it was what you wanted. How you wanted it. Because it was a matter of time until he had you moaning and crying, expressing the pure ecstasy that was surging through your body. You were approaching your high at such a dangerous speed that the strain in your back was no longer of importance, and the force with which Sy pulled at the roots of your hair, wasn't even passing the threshold of discomfort anymore.
All your thoughts had been flooded by his breathing, low and guttural, against your temple. The simple fact that his pleasure was audible in his tone, aggravated your arousal. You've never in your life been so eager to please someone. But now, you were beaming proudly, your stomach in knots.
You came soon after that. The orgasm came down crushing on you, blurring your thoughts completely. Your muscles spammed uncontrollably, and the cries that escaped your lips were sure to wake up everyone in the compound. But neither you, nor Sy cared.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck-" you panted, seconds before your eyes rolled back in pleasure, your body remaining weak and consumed in his hold.
"Come on, darling" Sy chuckled, readjusting his hold around your body, pressing you even harder against his chest, "Daddy's gotta finish too. Otherwise we did this for nothing"
"Yes" you moaned. 
The way he forced his cock in and out of your sensitive and overly-used cunt brought tears to your eyes. You knew he was close when he slowed down his pace, now his thrusts becoming deeper and less regulated. Each slam of his hips into yours rocked your whole frame, until your toes barely reached the ground. Sy held you up into his massive arms, guiding and handling your body to fit his needs perfectly. 
And it fucking worked because in a matter of seconds, he lost control, aggressively riding his high until there was no amount of cum to be released. When he pulled out, panting and exhausted, he moved to the side, planting his hands on the edge of the desk to catch his breath.
Determined to not piss him off anymore, you gathered yourself much faster than him, ready to dress yourself back up and bolt.
"What are you doing?" Sy asked, looking at you over his shoulder with confusion in his eyes.
"I'm- uh, I was gonna-" you mumbled, pointing to the door but he stopped you.
"Hop on" he said.
He pointed to the desk, and although unsure, you did as he told you. You barely managed to stay awake while he was in the small bathroom attached to his room, but when he returned and placed a damp washcloth between your legs, your mind buzzed awake.
"I hurt you" he said, massaging your thighs as he softly cleaned you up, "I got-"
"No, it's fine" you stopped him, "I'm just exhausted and probably very sore, god, but I'm good"
Sy just nodded, something obviously still bothering him. But he didn’t say anything, and instead, proceeded to clean you up, ending with a gentle kiss against your sensitive opening.
You hissed unconsciously, but then ended up smiling widely, amused with your own reactions. Sy helped you off the desk and guided you to his bed, his hand on your ass as you leaned into his side for support.
“It hurts, right?”
“I’m just sore, it’s fine” you tried to dismiss his concerns, but he wasn’t having it.
Sy grabbed your face into his hands and forced you to look into his eyes, “It’s gotta, darling, you understand that”
You shook your head, smiling, but he wasn’t waiting for your approval.
“Come on” he said, guiding you to lay down, “We have about 2 hours of sleep left, and god knows, you’re gonna need them”
“Fuck yes” you sighed, plopping down next to him.
Although every fiber of your body begged for closeness, you stopped yourself, afraid to not cross any lines. But, much to your surprise, Syverson didn’t waste a second before pulling you into his arms and tucking your head in the crook of his neck. It gave you a sense of security you never felt before in your life - the way his heart beat against your skin. He fell asleep with his arms fastened around your frame, tightening his hold every time you tried to move.
It was just a matter of seconds until you both drifted off. Considering your whereabouts and the circumstances you’ve lived though, it was safe to say this was probably the best night’s sleep you had gotten in months. That was why, when you were pulled awake by him getting ready around the room, you were so disappointed.
“Is it 6 already?” you mumbled, rolling over only to land face first into his pillow.
“Go back to sleep, darling,” Sy said, fastening his belt, “Got some paperwork to do. I’ll cover for you and then I’ll come back with coffee in about 2 hours or so, how’s that sound, hm?”
“Mmm” you moaned, “Perfect”
The last thing you heard was Sy chuckling at himself, and then, you fell back asleep. You had no idea how much time passed until a loud, redundant noise woke you up. It took you about a few seconds to realise what it actually was that you were hearing.
“Y/n?” a grave male voice echoed from behind the door, “You in there?”
After that, he knocked a few times more, before starting to repeatedly slam his fist into the door.
“It’s open, what the fuck-” you groaned, not even standing up from the bed.
Instantly, the door flew open, Sgm. MacGregor bursting into the room, features ablaze with pure anger.
Your face fell.
“Sergeant, I-” you tried to speak, hurrying to find a way to explain what exactly it was that you were doing naked, in a room other than yours, when in fact you should have already been on post for god knows how many hours.
“Don’t even wanna hear it” he groaned, waving towards you, “This is about Captain Syverson”
“What-?” you muttered, “What happ-”
“Shot” he said bluntly, “3 times. You need to move. Now”
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t0wnspersonb · 4 years
I Got You (Sugawara Koushi x Reader)
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Anonymous said:
Are you taking requests? I was wondering if you could do a smut with sugawara. Like they get a little drunk, and YN sits in Suga’s lap. Then Suga says something like, ”i know we're just friends, so I'm sorry if I get hard.” and then you can finish it however. Thank you so much!
Anonymous said:
Hiiii I justo read tour Tsukishima post! Is just great! Would It be posible to request a scenario with suga and his S/o un which she is a bit "scared" of being intimate with him because her first sexual contacts weren't good. she was sexually harrased when younger and so She is a bit reluctant of intimate Contact or sex being afraid that it just the same she has experienced. Also being afraid if she doesn't do the do with him he Will leave her. And how would he respond to that?
Word Count: 3,124
Warnings: SMUT, mentions of sexual assault, drinking, alcohol, Suga being a fucking precious bean, my shit writing
Summary: It’s been a couple of years since everyone on the volleyball team have been together, one night during a get together you end up having one too many drinks, resulting in Sugawara taking you home and confessing his feelings to you. But a situation from your past might prevent you from reciprocating those feelings. 
So I decided to incorporate these two requests together, I hope you guys don’t mind! I also apologize in advance if the writing is terrible😭😭😭 also another note for you guys: IF MENTIONS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT IS TRIGGERING FOR YOU PLEASE DO NOT READ. SAME IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE ABOUT THE DRINKING. I NEVER WANT ANY OF MY READERS TO FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE SO PLEASE DO NOT READ IF ANY OF THIS STUFF MAKES YOU UNCOMFORTABLE.  This blog is all about feeling safe and being welcoming. So please do not read if any of those warnings make you uncomfortable. Thank you all for the love and support and I can’t wait to continue writing:)
The team reunion was everything that you thought it would be. 
 Complete chaos.
 It had been several years since you all had graduated from Karasuno, naturally you guys had stayed connected with everyone despite the different lives you all lead now.
 But it was like it had never changed.
 Currently Daichi was yelling at Hinata’s and Kageyama’s rivalry, both deciding to see how many shots they could take.
 Team reunions and alcohol definitely didn’t mix.
 You sat beside Asahi, watching the madness unfold before you, debating on if you should sneak out now.
 “If Tanaka and Noya aren’t careful, Daichi is going to lose his mind on them soon too.” Asahi laughed nervously as he stared at the other chaotic duo causing a scene.
 “The youth these days can’t handle their liquor.” you sighed, shaking your head.
 “You’re drunk too Y/n.” Sugawara said in amusement, taking in your flushed face and slightly dazed expression. “And what youth? They’re only a year younger than us.”
 Well… he got you there. You weren’t super drunk per say, but you were definitely feeling the effects of the alcohol you had consumed. 
 But in your defense, you were also a light weight. 
 “Don’t be rude Suga-kun.” you pouted staring at the grey-haired male. “I’ve had a long day.”
 “And I haven’t?” he teased. Sugawara was a teacher at Karasuno, and the faculty advisor for the volleyball club.
 It suited him; you had thought. Sugawara was always kind and smart, the fact that he had chosen a career where he could display those characteristics was wonderful.
 He was wonderful.
 Out of the entire team, you had remained the closest to him after you all had gone your separate ways.
 That was to be expected though, considering that you two had been close since before high school, childhood friends.
 And let’s be honest, you still harbored an enormous crush on him.
 “- Shut up you two! You’re disturbing the people around you!”
 Daichi was now yelling at Tanaka and Noya, although the people around you consisted of the old volleyball team. 
 More commotion could be heard from Kageyama and Hinata, and then suddenly you found yourself being pulled onto the lap of Sugawara; a volleyball now resting when you had just been.
 You blinked in confusion.
 “Oi! You almost hit Y/n-chan! Where did you guys even get that ball!?” Daichi yelled.
 “Boke! Hinata! Boke!” Kageyama screamed.
 “Maybe you should just sit here for now.” Sugawara murmured next to your ear, his chin resting on the top of your shoulder as he stared at the scene(s) unfolding before you guys.
 “... Yeah.” you finally uttered out. “Were they always this bad?” you asked, thinking back to your days as a Karasuno manager.
 “Definitely.” Sugawara mused. “But maybe we shouldn’t have met up at a place that serves alcohol.”
 “No kidding.” You muttered under your breath, unconsciously shifting in Sugwara’s lap, making yourself more comfortable as you leaned into his strong chest.
 You both were oblivious to the eyes of Kiyoko and Asahi. They smirked slightly at the sight before them.
 Everyone knew of the crush you guys had on each other. It was obvious. But the fact that you guys had never dated, even after high school, baffled them completely.
 Maybe tonight would change that?
 You couldn’t help the laughter that began escaping your lips as the chaos increased, Daichi had all but given up lecturing everyone and now sat beside Ennoshita.
 You were completely unaware of the way that Sugarawa had stiffened underneath you. The hands that were wrapped around your waist carefully began shifting you, so that you weren’t resting directly on his crotch anymore.
 He could feel the slight race of his heart, and - well - the rising in his pants. He prayed that you didn’t notice.
 But it was just Sugarawa’s luck.
 You could feel the heat in your face rising rapidly, your heart beating just a tad quicker as you felt a growing hardness against the curve of your ass.
 “Suga.” you whispered; your mouth felt incredibly dry right now. “Is that -” “I’m sorry Y/n.” he interrupted you. “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” he said gently, attempting to move you off of his lap.
 You shook your head, waving him off. “I-It’s okay. Y-You don’t have to move me… unless you want to.”
 Both of you visibly froze at your words. Shit, maybe the liquid courage you had in your system made you too bold.
 “Okay.” he murmured, and carefully tugged you closer now. This caused your bottom to slide against his growing member as he attempted to adjust you comfortably on his lap now.
 Despite the growing tension and nerves between the two of you, you didn’t move. His arms were wrapped around your waist carefully, his chin returning to your shoulder as you guys continued watching your teammates/friends create havoc in the room.
 This felt natural, this felt… right. Being wrapped up in Sugawara’s arms was quite literally heaven on earth for you.
 His body heat felt extremely pleasant, despite how overheated you were feeling. The mouthwatering scent of his cologne filled your nose, you could feel his breath against your cheek as it stirred your hair, and the gentle rising and falling of his chest.
 “Kiyoko-san! Marry me!” Tanaka cried, reaching for the dark-haired female. 
 “Kiyoko-san is gonna marry me!” Noya said, shoving at his friend.
 This time it was Ennoshita that began yelling at them. 
 You could feel the rumble of Sugawara’s chest as he laughed quietly behind you. Unconsciously he pressed his face into your neck to muffle the noise. You gasped softly as you felt soft damp lips gently brush against your neck as he attempted to quiet his laughter.
 But he had heard the soft noise that escaped your mouth, his grip on you tightening just slightly.
 Sugawara couldn’t help but wonder what other noises you could make.
 This was definitely going to be a long night.
 All too soon the night had ended, but you found yourself being accompanied home by Sugawara. 
 He and the team were slightly worried about getting you home safely, considering that you were still a bit drunk, and lived the furthest away.
 But by the time you had gotten home you had sobered up dramatically, now you were just tired.
 “Would you like to come in for a bit?” you asked, gazing up at the male.
 His eyes searched your face for a moment before nodding. 
 Sugawara had been over to your home before, but for some reason it felt different. There was that slight thrill that you shouldn’t have invited him in, the air between you two still held that sexual tension.
 As you sat in the living room together, sipping on the tea you had made, it got worse.
 Should you… confess? Should you say something about earlier? 
 You were a grown ass woman for Christ sake, and you still couldn’t muster up the courage to tell your childhood friend that you’ve been in love with him since you were kids.
 “Y/n.” Sugawara said suddenly, pulling you from your brooding thoughts. He was staring at you seriously, shifting closer to you on the couch.
 “Y-Yes.” you answered back nervously, biting your bottom lip as you stared back. 
 “Can I… can I try something?” He asked softly, gently cupping the side of your face.
 Your lips parted at his sweet touch, nodding softly.
 And then he was kissing you. 
 It was gentle and sweet, his lips incredibly warm and soft as they moved carefully against yours.
 You melted against him, threading your fingers into his hair as the kiss deepened, the softness melting into something extremely passionate.
 You found yourself on your back, Sugawara hovering over your body. You could feel his hands sliding under your shirt, his soft fingers gently trailing upwards on your skin. His touch burned in a pleasant way, it left you breathless and trembling.
 A familiar burn began igniting in the lower pit of your stomach. 
 Until you felt him cup your breast carefully.
 An image you thought you had buried in the deepest pit of your memory came to the forefront of your mind, causing your body to break out in a cold sweat, you flinched hard and began shoving at Sugarawa, feeling trapped underneath his body.
 You yanked yourself away from him, feeling tears sting at the backs of your eyes as you sat up, carefully wrapping your arms around yourself.
 And then you froze, your eyes snapping over to Sugarawa who was staring at you in confusion and worry.
 “Y/n -” “I’m sorry!” you interrupted him, biting down the hysteria as you fought back the painful memories that wanted to invade your mind.
 “For what?” he asked gently, carefully moving closer to you, he gently placed a hand on your shoulder in comfort. “I shouldn’t have gone that far, I’m the one who should be apologizing.”
 You shook your head, wiping at the tears in your eyes. “You don’t need to apologize Suga… It wasn’t your fault.”
 “I find that hard to believe.” he said quietly, carefully moving the hair over your shoulder. “I shouldn’t have forced it, you should’ve told me no if you didn’t feel the same way.” he said, smiling sadly at you. “I should go.”
 Panic overtook your body and you grabbed his hand tightly, preventing him from leaving. “Don’t go!” you cried. “It’s not like that! I... I’ve liked you for a while now Suga. Please don’t go.”
 His eyes widened at your sudden confession, and then softened dramatically as he took in your hysterical form.
 “Well what’s going on. Talk to me.” he murmured, taking your hand in his. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the top of your hand.
 You could feel your heart racing in fear, if you told him would he leave you? Would he be sickened by you? Knowing that you were broken, tainted. 
 “Hey.” he lifted your chin, forcing your eyes to look at him. His expression was soft and sweet, understanding. “I’m not going anywhere. Talk to me. Let me take care of you.” he breathed, his thumb gently dragging against the bottom of your lip. “You’ve been in my life since we were kids. I’d like you to be in my life more than that now. So please… just talk to me.”
 The sincerity in his voice, in his face, sent warmth throughout your entire being. It sent away the coldness that you felt creeping into your heart.
 “My first boyfriend…” you said quietly after a moment of silence. “He wasn’t… he wasn’t always so nice to me. Of course, no one knew.”
 Sugawara stayed silent. 
 “His touch wasn’t like yours. It wasn’t wanted at all. But it happened…” you trailed off, lips trembling slightly at the memories.
 Sugawara inhaled sharply at your words, anger piercing into his heart. He remembered that boyfriend, he had almost lost his friendship with you because of that guy. The volleyball team almost lost one of their precious managers because of that guy.
 “It was never good… he was so rough and… it always hurt. I -um - I haven’t… been with someone like that since it happened.” you finished, blinking back tears. “But… if it means that you’ll keep liking me… then I don’t mind…” you trailed off.
 Sugawara had never been more upset in his entire life. Just the idea of someone touching you without you wanting them to, hurting you intentionally… he couldn’t even fathom it. Couldn’t even begin to sort out the rage that he felt.
 But this wasn’t about him. This was about you. This was about making sure that you were taken care of, that your needs were being met.
 He carefully tugged you onto his lap, gently cupping your face as he stared at you with such an intensity it left you breathless.
 “Darling, don’t you ever, ever, say that.” he breathed out, the anger in his eyes simmering down to something sad and soft. “I would never put you in a situation where you ever had to feel that… that the only way to keep me is by…” he squeezed his eyes shut for a moment.
 He took a shuddering breath in before opening his eyes and continuing. “I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do. All I want from this… is to make you feel loved and happy. I’ve waited years to hear that you like me too. And now that I know you feel the same way… I just want to make you happy.” 
 He rested his forehead against yours tenderly, your eyes fluttering shut automatically. 
 “So, we don’t have to do anything that you aren’t ready for yet.” he finished. “But if you do… I can promise you that I will make you feel good… I’ll always make you feel good. Okay?” he asked, his hand gently cupping the back of your neck.
 He stared at you with so much love and adoration, it caused your heart to clench tightly, the fear and worry dissolving from your body and replaced with a feeling of warmth and safety.
 “Suga.” you whispered softly, “I want… I want to try. Please?” 
 He nodded before leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss against your lips. The kiss you two began to share never escalated to something that you couldn’t handle, it remained sweet and tender. An unspoken promise of never-ending gentleness.
 Before you knew it, both of your guys’ clothes had found their way to the floor, you had ended up in your bedroom, entangling yourselves on the bed.
 “You’re perfect.” Sugawara breathed, his eyes dancing across your naked body. He was rock hard already, but right now his priority was you. It was always going to be you.
 “Can I touch you?” he asked sweetly, gazing at your face with a loving expression.
 You nodded, swallowing thickly as his fingers began dancing across your skin, to your most intimate area.
 Sugawara watched your expression closely as he trailed his fingers over your mound, brushing softly at the top of your slit. He watched as yours fluttered shut in pleasure, his fingers gently running up and down against your soaked entrance.
 “You’re so wet for me.” He breathed in awe, carefully pushing a finger in. You gasped at the unfamiliar intrusion, but then began to melt. You were actually starting to feel good. 
 It didn’t take long until you were trembling and whimpering in pleasure at his gentle touches. Sugawara cooing to you about how beautiful you were and how well you were doing the entire time.
 Without any warning you began unraveling beneath him, the tight coil in your stomach snapping, you moaned loudly as the pleasure overtook your body. Leaving you a trembling mess as you came down from your high.
 Sugawara couldn’t tear his eyes away. You were fucking beautiful, and the fact that he was able to give you so much pleasure, the fact that he was the first one to ever give that kind of pleasure, well, he had never been more satisfied in his entire life. 
 “Do you want more?” he asked softly. You nodded in a daze, but that previous fire began igniting once more at the thought of Sugawara giving you more.
 “Can we try something?” he asked, his fingers rubbing softly at your hip. 
 “Okay.” you whispered. He tugged your body in a sitting position before laying down beside you. His member standing up painfully tall, aching for attention, for relief.
 But again, this wasn’t about him. This was about you. Which was why he wanted to do it this way. He wanted you to set the pace, wanted you to take control, wanted you to feel in control of this situation.
 “Ride me.” He breathed gazing at you with half lidded eyes. “I’m all yours.”
 Something deep within your belly twisted pleasantly at his words, and carefully you climbed on top of him, your hands resting on his strong chest as you stabilized yourself. 
 You could feel his cock brushing against your entrance, causing you to gasp loudly at the feeling. His hands rested lightly on your hips as you settled yourself and then you began sinking down on him and -
 Holy Fuck. 
 The stretch that Sugawara provided left you breathless as you sunk all the down, his cock completely engulfed in your velvety walls.
 You sat still as you began to adjust to the size of him, to the new intrusion. Your gaze found Sugawara's face and your tight walls seized up in desperation.
 His eyes were closed shut, his mouth parted in deep pleasure as he felt your walls squeeze him deliciously.
 You were warm, and you were so fucking wet. 
 “You… can… ngh… you can move if you want.” Sugawara groaned out, his eyes fluttering open. He could’ve cum at the mere sight of you, sitting on top of him, looking absolutely sinful with how beautiful you were.
 You started biting your lower lip as you began to move, gliding your hips up and down and - oh. It’s never… it’s never felt like this before. Pleasure began rippling through you as you slid up and down Sugawara’s cock. 
 Soft zaps of pleasure shooting up your spine. Sugarawa’s hands were resting on your hips, helping to guide you up and down. He knew he wasn’t going to last long, not with the sounds escaping your lips and your sweet expression that was twisted in pleasure.
 “I got you.” he breathed out. “I can feel it… just let go. I got you. Cum for me darling.” you were drastically getting tighter and tighter, your body readying yourself for another orgasm.
 So, you did.
 The euphoria that erupted within your body had you gasping for breath, your entire lower body locking down, causing Sugawara to release himself deep inside of you.
 He moaned your name out loudly, carefully bucking his hips up as he spilled into you. 
 You collapsed onto his chest, both of you trying to catch your breath. He gently began pushing your hair to the side, his hands rubbing up and down your back. Sugawara pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head as you murmured his name softly against his neck.
 “Sleep. I’ll be here when you wake up. Just sleep.” he cooed.
 You could feel your eyes fluttering shut at his warm touch and softly spoken words, you had never been more comfortable, more content, in your entire life until now. 
 You weren’t sure what was going to happen when you woke up, but one thing that you were sure of, was that you were hopelessly in love with Sugawara.
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thanksjro · 4 years
More Than Meets the Eye #33: In Which I Write the Word ‘Quantum‘ 19 Times
Dang, I forgot what happened at the end of the last issue. It was pretty important, too, but I don’t have time to reread. Maybe the establishing shot can help me out?
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Oh, that’s right, Rewind happened!
Everyone’s pretty jazzed that Rewind is here, non-exploded, and supposedly alive. Megatron carries this ridiculously small man over to a table, while Skids is busy admonishing Nightbeat for trying to put the pieces of this mystery together.
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That’s one of the two first canonically, openly gay Transformers, Megatron. You bet your ass he’s important.
Nightbeat’s dragged Nautica over to look at that poster for Crosscut’s play they saw last issue. Together, they discover something interesting, and it’s not that Nightbeat’s chin has elongated to the point of absurdity. On this future ship, the play was completed and produced a mere few weeks after the initial launch of the Lost Light.
While this is going on, Rewind wakes up and asks Skids what the hell is going on. Skids, likely not wanting to poke at farm-fresh trauma, glosses over the fact that everyone on this ship was violently murdered, and that they found Rewind blacked out inside the hollowed torso of his brother-in-law.
…This is a dark story line.
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You see, the joke here is that “Dark Cybertron” sucked major chrome.
Megatron reminds everyone that they’re still in grave danger every moment they stay aboard this ship, but Skids is more concerned with Rewind’s mental health. Which is sweet, but maybe not the thing to prioritize in such a precarious situation.
Rewind takes the fact that Megatron is an Autobot now pretty friggin’ well, as well as the introduction of gender into his species. That is, until Nightbeat, the king of social graces, saunters up to the scene to ask Rewind what the hell happened to the ship. He does get his answers, despite Rewind being horrified to the point of speechlessness.
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Over at the hole in the wall, Nautica and Riptide are taking a gander at the quantum drums, which house the quantum foam for the quantum engines so quantum jumps can happen.
As Nautica explains the process by which quantum travel works, she realizes that the answer to what happened to everyone who disappeared was right in front of them this whole time.
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Quantum, quantum, quantum- doesn’t even sound like a word anymore, does it?
The data slug Rewind made corroborates this theory, showing a series of events that definitely didn’t happen to the Lost Light we’ve been following throughout this story so far. The data slug contains this Rewind’s version of dead Rewind’s “Little Victories”, the travelogue that was never completed, where the question “are you happy?” revealed just how emotionally unhealthy most of the crew is. I’d like to imagine this Rewind’s film is called “Small Achievements”, or perhaps “Dear Fucking Lord, We’ve Been on this Trip for Three Hours and the Captain Has Been Killed by a Goddamned Soul-Vampire”, or maybe even “Where the FUCK is Our Therapist”.
The DJD came into the equation by way of someone having led them to the Lost Light. We get a flashback panel of the gorefest, in which Tarn appears to have learned how to fly, given the angle he’s coming from.
Because Rewind’s big thing in this series is being the guy who records stuff, the DJD take the opportunity to make some movies of their visit to the space yacht.
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James, why do you keep getting Rewind involved with snuff films? I’m starting to get concerned.
Now, the thing about Rewind is that he’s almost always accompanied by his other half. Where is Chromedome, anyway?
He’s dead, that’s where.
Turns out, when you tell the DJD that you won’t do the thing they want you to do, they have a habit of doing nasty things in retaliation. Chromedome got stabbed in the friggin’ visor with his own finger needles, because Vos enjoys ironic deaths, I suppose. There’s some other stuff that’s implied to have happened, but we’ll get to that once we learn a little more about the DJD themselves.
While Rewind recounts the grisly tale of his husband’s demise, Riptide notes that the quantum foam has begun to spread at a remarkable rate. This is a bad thing, because that shit can and will explode, given half the chance, and this wreck is floating right above a potentially-inhabited planet.
Though I could have sworn we established that this planet was a Smartplanet, and therefore very much populated by students and staff. I don’t know. Maybe we conveniently forgot that, so we could make this a learning moment for Megatron.
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Jiminy Christmas, Megs, do you even listen to yourself?
Skids, who has had a very long day of finding corpses and learning about quantum theory, snaps at Megatron, telling him that in order to actually be an Autobot, you have to have a little frickin’ compassion for those outside of your peer group.
Which is sort of contradictory to the Aequitas trials, the Killswitch debacle, the POW situation back on Cybertron, and whatever the fuck Prowl’s whole deal is, but maybe Skids is speaking about his own, personal relationship with being an Autobot. Hopefully so, otherwise he needs a class on critical thinking, STAT.
Never mind all of that though, because the problem just got a lot worse- the quantum foam has expanded to a point where any holes in the stuff are too small for the Rod Pod to get through. We’re going to have to get creative if we want to save the day.
Luckily, we’ve got a quantum duplicate of just about the tiniest little dude in the franchise here to do the job. Now we just need another, equally tiny little man, so the quantum drums can be shut off at the same time. Nautica commits more microaggressions, and this gives Getaway inspiration for a witty quip, which in turn gives Skids a brilliant idea.
The gang heads down to Brainstorm’s lab, to look for the mass displacement gun that was used for treating Ultra Magnus’s nanocon infestation back in the 2012 Annual. While they search, Nautica explains just why the hell the Lost Light disappeared in the first place. You see, quantum duplication acts on the Cain Instinct— it’s fine, as long as the duplicates don’t perceive each other. However, the moment contact is made, it says “oh man, guess I’m gonna have to end you” to one of the duplicates. The contact in this case happened when the Coffin Rodimus was brought aboard the ship.
Anything that wasn’t aboard the Lost Light at the point of the takeoff/explosion was never duplicated, and thus wasn’t erased from reality once shit started going to hell. This is why the Rod Pod is still around, and why the remaining cast are— well, the remaining cast.
While this conversation is going on, Nautica and Nightbeat uncover yet another dead body; it’s Brainstorm, and he’s a little underdressed.
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…Someone run a paternity test, I think Cyclonus might be the father.
Also, Brainstorm’s a double agent.
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Fucked up.
Getaway is furious that a Decepticon has been living on the same ship as him for the last six months, right under his proverbial nose. Even Megatron’s surprised, stating that Brainstorm isn’t usually who the recruiters aim for.
So, no mass displacement gun, and now they’re aware of the fact that there’s a traitor on the ship who’s had access to a LOT of weapon tech. It’s at this point that Megatron decides to stop lying by omission and tells everyone that he can mass-displace, since he used to turn into a handgun.
Smashcut to Megatron and Rewind floating out in space, the former now not much taller than the latter, as they traverse the web of quantum foam to get to the drums. Nautica instructs them from the Rod Pod. If this works, anything produced or connected to the quantum engine will be neutralized, and maybe we’ll even get the other Lost Light back! YAAAAAY!!!
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Y’all really let this man go out there to fuckin’ kill himself for the greater good, didn’t you?
Rewind is honestly pretty chill with ceasing to be, seeing as he watched 200/+ people die today, including his long-time spouse.
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Jesus. I’d say get him a therapist, but in order to do that, we’re going to have to wipe him off the map anyway.
Rewind asks Megatron if the Chromedome that isn’t his and his duplicate are still together. And I mean…
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Luckily, Megatron has the good sense to lie.
With that, they flip the switches, and deactivate the drums.
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And that’s a series wrap on Rewind! Congrats to Mr. James Roberts for the esteemed honor of burying the same gay twice!
Later on, everyone is back inside the Rod Pod, as their disappeared shipmates return from being nonexistent. Chromedome pops back in, and Skids is on him like a shark, telling him to go on the roof. Skids doesn’t even try to explain why. Which, fair. How the hell do you explain to someone that their dead husband’s quantum duplicate survived both a terrorist splinter cell attack, and the laws of quantum sci-fi bullshit crashing down on his tiny, tiny body, and that he’s right there on the roof waiting for them?
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Welp, there goes the Chromedome/Dominus endgame. Shame, that.
Looks like Chromedome finally hit the threshold for having earned Roberts’ pity, and won’t be directly targeted by the plot for a little while. This isn’t something you see very often, so let’s really soak this in.
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…Someone had to have told Rewind what happened to the other Rewind, right? I wonder what that conversation was like.
Back inside the ship, Blaster gets word that the Lost Light has reappeared. As they navigate towards it, Megatron requests that an encrypted call be made to Rodimus, to discuss the Brainstorm problem.
In the interim, Ravage is offered the opportunity to be a part of the crew, so he doesn’t have to keep skulking around in the shadows. We don’t get an answer from him, as our focus shifts over to Nightbeat and Nautica.
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Nightbeaaaaaaaaaat, stop stating the themes of the comic verbatim! People are going to start thinking you’re a shonen anime protagonist!
Nightbeat’s somehow managed to keep ahold of the briefcase that they found on the other Lost Light. Unless Brainstorm’s boyfriend is in there, I don’t think this one was the work of Huey Lewis and the News’ hit single from the Back to the Future soundtrack.
Over on the Lost Light, specifically in Swerve’s, Brainstorm’s making his way through the crowd, briefcase held gentle like hamburger as he goes. He makes it to the bar, where Atomizer tells him he can’t have his briefcase in here. Brainstorm has what most would accept to be a healthy response to being told “no.”
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It’s what I would do.
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stellocchia · 3 years
This is part 5 of the Comprehensive Analysis of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship during the Exile Arc
Part 1 -  Part 2 -  Part 3 -  Part 4
So, this time I’m condensing together 2 streams, so It may be slightly longer then Parts 3 and 4... 
Also from here on out as usual we will be talking exclusively about the characters unless stated otherwise and we will be treating some heavy themes, so keep that in mind
So, first stream we’ll be talking about is: TommyInnit Is Actually Depressed in Exile
So, as I mentioned at the end of the last one, once the party stream was over Tommy seemed to dissociate and go underwater until he had only one air bubble remaining and then logged off. This stream starts with Tommy drowning and being extremely confused as to how that happened. Also Tommy moved to the second fase of his exile Minecraft skin.
“I held a party and the only person who showed up was Dream. But it’s okay because he’s great! He’s- he’s cool...” 
*Tommy sees a Tubbo statue holding a ‘Your Tommy’ compass* “Tubbo is the reason that I’m out here... ‘Your Tommy compass’? Dream told me that Tubbo lost his compass!” (once again absolutely trusting what Dream says)
“If Tubbo wanted to be here then he could come here and he’s chosen NOT TO! Even if he didn’t get fucking invited to the party, which he did! He’s not shown up once... not to say ‘hi’, not left a gift, not left me anything... he’s just been... Tubbo” 
“Everyone keeps coming to me out of pity and no-one comes in just to say ‘hello’, no the only person who’s- *long pause* the only person who’s done that is Dream... he’s the only person” (this is a bit of an insight on Tommy’s mindset regarding others)
So, now the mailing chest has been moved to underneath Tommy’s bed, because Dream kept intercepting Ranboo’s and Tommy’s mails. Also Ranboo writing “Jesus Christ Dream is scary” in this mail is a mood.
“You know, if it was Tubbo that got exiled, which he wouldn’t have in the first place, everyone would be visiting him everyday. Even if I was the president and I was the one who had to exile him I would have visited him everyday, everyone would have... if the roles were reversed... but the roles aren’t reversed” 
It’s interesting that by now he has internilized that Tubbo would not have been exiled because he’s much more obedient when Dream never cared about that (he did care, but only to the extent of: Tommy not following his orders is the most probable reason for Dream’s obsession with him). He would have pushed for the exile (also known as Glorified Kidnapping) no matter what sooner or later. If Tubbo was the one to be unfortunate enough to attract Dream’s obsession nothing would have changed from that point of view, except, would Tommy have been as afraid of visiting Tubbo as Tubbo was of visiting him? 
Also then Tommy tries to make 2 Screaming Stations. One near the sea and one in the neter (coincidentally directly above the two liquids he almost died from in exile). Neither of them worked, the nether one only resulting effective once a ghast shot him. Also this is the stream where Tommy drops Jack Manifold into lava (though he had no idea that that was a canon kill) and Jack kindaps/kills Tommy’s pumpking girlfriend as revenge? It’s a weird one. Another thing to point out is that Tommy just doesn’t wear armour at any point.
“Why did I just do that? Why did I just kill him?” *joins Jack vc* “Listen, I’m really sorry” (just to specify Tommy did apologize multiple times right after doing it, since a lot of people seem not to remember how things went)
“For some reason I just can’t let it out... why can’t- why can’t I scream?” (said right before a ghast fireballed him and he screamed)
After that Ranboo comes to visit. Tommy also breaks a bit more of the Nether path and then he makes the signs: “You are now entering Logstedshire, population: 1″ and “You are now entering Dream Smp, Happy Place. They’re all happy. It’s not quiet, just happy”. 
“Aside from maybe Dream” *seeing Ranboo* “And also I guess a bit Ranboo no-one’s came to visit me and when they have they’ve been live so that they can go ‘Oh he’s in exile guys, come and look at this! Come and look at this!’” (a good canon interpretation of this is that Tommy is feeling like a carnival attraction as he put it a while ago. Also Ranboo is now his strongest connection aside from Dream)
“I would actually go and get pets since pets are the best thing for sad people, but so far all my pets have just been used to be tortured in war so I don’t wanna- I don’t wanna put them through that...” (that’s a really f*cking grim take that just so happens to be true that was shoved in the middle of a random stream...) 
“Ranboo I’ve had a bit- you know ‘cause Dream isn’t on?” “Mhm” “I reckon I’m gonna- I’m gonna- one day Ranboo I’m gonna fight back, but for now he’s my only friend. Other then you” “Heh, yeah... wait!” “What if I make a little... heh a room”
This bit is quite an important one: Tommy’s first (and last) real act of rebellion against his situation. He’s still confused about it because he thinks of Dream as a friend, but he knows that his situation cannot last forever and that he will need to fight back at some point. He never gets to build a sort of “resistence in exile” type of thing, but he does manage later on to snap out of Dream’s control.
“I’m not gonna fight back now, because I owe everything to Dream. He comes and sees me and he gives me armour sometimes and he makes me happier and he gives me his trident” “Isn’t he the reason why you’re in this situation?” (now Ranboo is the one who took on the role of the one poking holes in Dream’s retoric)
“I made a bee sanctuary or whatever it’s called” “Oh shit! Can I come and see it?” “Oh yeah when you- you come back. When you’re allowed to come back. Which hopefully will be soon” “Oh... you’re like the others” (I’m not entirely sure how to interpret this exchange, but it is the point where Tommy starts loosing trust in Ranboo)
“Apparently Tubbo got a compass” “Yeah! Oh yeah the compass... it got accidentally, like, it was very terrible timing with a charged creeper” “He let it go?” “He didn’t let it go!” “He let me go?” “No he didn’t- he didn’t purposefully let it go, he wouldn’t do that” (this conversation is very much NOT about the compass...)
“But Ranboo, listen, at some point I’m gonna have to do something about this and I don’t know if that’s gonna be... someone’s gonna die” (pretty sure he’s referring to himself there...)
“So recently my buddy Dream has been doing this thing where he um- it makes sense though! Because I’m not in his land anymore, but he ta- he takes shit from me so I need to make sure that I keep them in that chest down there” (it is indeed quite typical for victims of abuse to justify their abuser’s actions and that’s what we’re seeing)
“Everyone in this world you think cares: probably doesn’t”
“You didn’t come to my fucking party Ranboo and I invited everyone!” “You did?” “I didn’t, I didn’t, Wilbur did! And everyone could have came and you didn’t” “Wait what do you mean? There was no invite!”
So, up until now it was of course only speculation that Dream had tampered with the Party invites, but, of course, this is the first proof we have of that fact. Later on Ranboo reiterates his point during the Bedrock Boys Arc, since this time Tommy was still too hurt by it to actually try and listen to him.
“I know that, whatever happens, I’m not gonna be here forever. Wether it’s in exile or wether it’s just here [alive], I’ve no idea how long I’ve got left” (in case it wasn’t obvious: Tommy in exile was suicidal)
“Ranboo everyone always tells me I was the- the- the hero of this server, the one that came and fucking fought Dream and the only one that ever spoke against him but... maybe I was just- maybe this was just meant to be...” (Tommy also very much resents the idea of being a “hero”)
“Doesn’t Dream, like, take your armour? Is that what you said?” “I don’t know I just- hey man, I just follow the boss” (Ranboo was quite aware of at least part of what happened in exile)
We then have Tommy labeling his chasts: ‘don’t let yourself down’ and ‘keep calm and carry on’ and stored away 13 enderpearls. Also closing speach, because it was really good:
“Is it worth it Ranboo?” “What? What worth it?” “Is this [trying to fight back] even worth it?” “I’d say it is. I mean, it’s gonna be tough, it’s gonna be- I mean, I couldn’t even imagine it, but it’s definitely gonna be worth it in the end when you can come back” “In the end...” “I mean at the end of your exile” “*sigh* It’s never gonna end”
Moving on to the next stream we have: Tommy's Exile Is Coming To A Close, which just so happens to not be about Tommy’s exile ending, despite the title, but just about Tommy getting EVEN MORE depressed...
Once again, this stream only has Tommy and later Ranboo and Niki in it, and it’s not too important, so I’ll try to be quick about it. 
The stream starts, once again, with Tommy drowning. This time a bit further away from the coast.
“I don’t think I’ve got very long left. I’m not getting better. I’m not (...) and I- I can just feel it: if this- if it keeps on going how it is right now, if- if this keeps on and I keep being alone and my only friend *pause* is Dream, I don’t have very long- I don’t have very long left” (his mental state just literally plummeted after the failed beach party)
Tommy builds the Thinking Palace and the second Nether bridge to Logsteshire (out of cobblestone and lime green concrete, though he wanted to make it out of clay, how’s that for subtle symbolism?) during this stream. Also, may I point out that Tommy is canonically aware of his eyes becoming less and less blue? Also the response mail that Tommy writes is quite worrying here:
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*Tommy falls into water* “Why did I just do that? I don’t think I- I don’t think I chose to dr- *sigh*” (pretty sure this is another instance of dissociation)
“How can I be with other people and still feel so alone?” (that’s because loneliness has nothing to do with how crowded a certain place is and more to do with feelings of alienation)
Either way the stream ends with Niki and Ranboo helping Tommy out with the bridge a bit and that’s it! 
“‘Please speak to Tubbo’? My time with Tubbo is come and gone. He had weeks to come and visit me. He chose- he chose against it. And that’s okay... that’s okay” (we have a second time fram indicating that it’s now been definitely over 2 weeks in their time, considering the last time we got one it had been 13 days)
I reckon the next post will be 3 streams together (since the Mexican Dream and the Drista one are... mostly non-canon and I don’t remember Quackity’s visit being too serious) and then I’ll make one on the final one and that’ll be it, I'm pretty sure...
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touyota · 4 years
Hoe Hoe Hoe
☁️ Summary: Satoru Gojo *cough* *cough* I mean Santa Claus jingles your bells on Christmas Eve.
A/N: y’all this fic whooped my ass literally, but i think it came out pretty good. i think my smut is getting better, so hopefully i keep the momentum going for all my future fics. (also ik i’m late for the holidays but better late than never!)
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☁️ Pairing: Gojo Satoru x Elf Reader
☁️ Warnings: Size kink, bulging, slight breeding kink, gojo’s massive 🐓
The holidays were always an overwhelming time at the workshop. You and your fellow elves worked overtime to fulfill the yearly abundance of Christmas lists that were received, and to be quite frank; you were due for a fucking break. As a head elf, you spent your days monitoring the shop floor and managing quality control. Everything and anything went through you, especially before it got to Santa.
You were handling a crisis on the floor, something about a particular video game console shortage, when you received a message from the big man himself.
“I swear... if I hear another word about how we are out of stock, I will personally shove a candy cane up your ass. We’re fucking elves, just go make some more.“ You shooed the elf off before taking a deep breath. You wanted to tear your hair out, every minor inconvenience didn’t require your assistance, yet they always found a way to you. In a last-ditch effort to keep your composure, you began to practice a method you learned in your weekly anger management meetings.
“One….two….three….four….five” You exhaled, opening your eyes to see a particular pink-haired headache, elf approaching waving and skipping towards you. You started counting faster; hopefully, he’d be gone at the end of your count.
“Boss! Oh, boss! I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” Fuck he was getting closer. You braced yourself, hoping he was referring to another supervisor standing near you.
“What’s with the counting boss? You must be counting down the hours before we give everyone the best Christmas ever!” Yuji cheesed, barely able to contain his giddiness. Oh, bless his heart, Yuji was somewhat new to the shop and was a hard worker, but a few screws were missing upstairs.
“I have a bomb ticking inside my head.” you deadpanned, hoping to spook him off so you could go hide in your office.
“Oh…..Oh no, boss, you need to get checked out immediately, we need to call the police, the ambulance, the bomb squad, we might have to cancel Christmas. If we cancel Christmas, they won’t get their presents, and they’ll all be upset an-“ It was truly endearing. You could almost see the steam pouring from his ears as he panicked about you and your well-being. You pinched his lips shut before he managed to alert the rest of the workshop.
“Yuji, I was lying…what do you need?” The panic drained from his face, a relieved smile taking its place.
“The big man wants to see you, something about squashing a few last-minute details. He trailed off, focusing his attention on someone in the distance. “Nobara, stop drinking my eggnog, and don't touch my cookies!” Yuji ran off, thankfully abandoning your conversation.
You began your trek to the big man’s office, the big man being Satoru Gojo, direct descendant of Kris Kringle and newly appointed Santa Claus. Gojo was indeed an enigma, barely leaving his office only for special occasions such as Christmas Eve and Christmas itself. The only way you could speak to him was if he requested you directly.
The walk to the office required dragging yourself up to three flights of stairs before you reached the red door decorated with brightly colored green tinsel and oversized candy canes.
You made sure to knock, you weren’t completely devoid of manners, and you wanted to keep your job. A sultry voice sounded through the door.
“Come on in.” You gently open the door, almost tip-toeing in before slowly closing the door.
“You don’t have to walk on eggshells around me. I don't bite unless you want me to.” You scurried towards the desk, not wanting to waste any more of his limited time.
“......Sorry, Mr. Claus, I came as soon as Yuji told me he said something about a few last-minute details.”
“He was right; come sit right here.” As inviting as he looked, patting his lap, you took several hesitant steps before perching yourself on his lap. “Get comfortable; we have a few things to discuss, nothing outrageous, just a few... things.” You played the velvet fabric of your skirt as he droned off about the minor details that could’ve been dealt with by any other elf. You grunted in response to the open-ended questions asked. “I think that’s it. Did you get all that?” He skimmed through his never-ending checklist to confirm.
“Oh...um, yes, I did, in fact, I’ll go deal with that right now.” You dust your lap off and lean forward to push up off of the oversized chair. Only to find that you haven’t moved an inch. “Um…...Mr. Claus…I can’t move, and I need to….” you trailed off, disrupted by a gloved hand tilting your chin, forcing you to look directly into those soft blue eyes.
“Tsk tsk tsk, I knew you weren’t paying attention, puddin’.” He faked a face of hurt before using the arm that wasn’t wrapped around your waist to swipe his cluttered desk clear. “I said that-” Pausing to slam your form down unto the oversized desk. “I said that all I want for Christmas is to fuck you until this desk breaks.” He whispered, pressing several gentle kisses along the column of your neck. The room temperature had increased tremendously, and the red wool suit pressed against you made it no better.
“Uh...wow...um, it’s getting kinda hot in here, don’t you think?” You pulled at your collar, hoping to put some kind of separation between you two. You were in no way trying to reject his advances. You were just entirely ambushed by how fast things were moving. Another urgent concern was the sheer size of “Santa.” You were already genetically disadvantaged in the height category as an elf, but this behemoth of a man towered over you. It left you to believe that he was more than proportionate in the nether regions.
“I think you’re right. See, that’s exactly why you’re my right-hand puddin’.” Before you could blink, you were almost instantly rid of your gown, leaving you in your unfortunately modest black undergarments. You pouted, wishing you were given some kind of warning in advance. “Poor baby, next time I’ll let you get all dolled up for me, maybe I’ll wrap you up with a bow and leave you under my tree.” You couldn’t contain your whimper at the thought, roping your legs around his waist, mimicking the same motion with your arms around his neck.
A loud horn sounded off, signaling Santa’s departure was nearing. “As much as I’d love to sit and ravish you till dawn, duty calls.” You were drawn into several more gentle kisses before Gojo deepened the kiss, nearly smothering you. You were on the brink of suffocation when he finally eased up, allowing you to catch your breath. when you felt your panties tugged to the side. “You have such a pretty pussy puddin’. I could sit here and play with it all day long.” Two callused fingers daintily drew circles around your clit, stopping to pull at the sensitive nub causing you to whine at each tug.
“Ah- p-please...Santa” You couldn’t wait anymore. Each stroke brought you closer and closer to your peak.
“Please, what pretty girl? I won’t know until you tell me.” Purposely speeding up his ministrations.
“Please...please...please...fuck me.” You cried out, you could barely contain yourself, and he wasn’t making it any better.
The air knocked out of your chest as the blunt tip of his cock breached your entrance. There was a brief pause before Gojo’s hips slammed forward, setting a brutal pace. You couldn’t form any thought, only incoherent mumbles, and whimpers leaving your mouth. The desk was rocking with each thrust, nearly throwing you off.
“Y-you feel so fucking good, ugh...this sweet little pussy sucking me in. You like that, huh? Using you like a little fuck toy? Y-yeah, you’re Santa’s little fuck toy, you just lay there and look pretty, and I’ll fuck you full of my kids. I’ll make you Mrs. Claus, and you won’t have to work in that shitty little workshop anymore. How does that sound?” Gojo’s cock pounding away at your cervix, blurring the lines of pain and pleasure.
You could almost cry because it all sounded fucking amazing. You were floating on a cloud each stroke. The rhythm was slowing to deep, deliberate thrusts when you felt an oversized hand rest on your belly.
…….Holy shit.
You nearly fainted seeing the outline of his massive cock bulge through your belly. You could tell Gojo was close, skin slapping as his thrusts sped up again. The final press of his palm forcing you over, and Gojo the same with his final thrust. Both of you were murmuring and moaning as he nudged into another breath-taking kiss. The desk finally loses its bearing and falls apart, leaving you both as panting messes on the ground.
You had wood chips in places that they shouldn’t be, and the chuckling giant next to you wasn’t helping. Your quirked an eyebrow up and questioned him. “What’s so funny?”
“I think I need to add a new desk to my Christmas list.”
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hmslusitania · 3 years
I see we're going ape over buddie and Choices tonight so
Yknow in 2.07, when Shannon comes back and her and Eddie have their first scene together? The argument at the end, after Eddie says it wouldn't be a good idea for her to see Christopher bc she left them, she says she needed him, she needed a husband and a co-parent - and "I needed someone to have my back!"
To which EDDIE says, "I always had your back"
*insert Incredibles "coincidence? I think NOT" gif here*
(Also side note, I do like that the show doesn't try to sugarcoat what Shannon did being messed up, and that Eddie's own actions weren't really the right thing either[thinking about his conversation with Buck where he says he got to pretend he left for a noble cause even tho he was running], and that it was just a sticky situation that neither of them were equipped to handle in any way, and snowballed. I do kind of wish we could've gotten post-divorce Shannon and Eddie and Christopher interactions, figuring out how they fit together, if at all, bc I like those intricate and messy situations but I could see how that might get too close to retreading old ground re: Michael and Athena's divorce. But I do hate how ive seen the fandom like. Seem to oversimplify things with Shannon sometimes? And make her the ultimate villain, and Eddie Did Nothing Wrong, Ever)
Hi Anon!
The decision to have Buck and Eddie's first bonding moment end with "You can have my back any day" and "or, y'know, you could have mine" only to then six episodes later find out that at least a contributing factor to Eddie's marriage dissolving was that he "didn't have her back" is like. Such a galaxy brain chaos move for them to take, honestly. Like?? They could've had the phrasing be literally anything in 2x07 but instead they had it directly echo Buck and Eddie in 2x01. What was the reason? Why did they do this?
As for the rest of your ask:
(gosh this got long and, uh, opinionated. It is Not Pretty below the cut)
One of the things I really liked about Eddie Begins is that we did get to see him at the beginning of his journey in being Chris's dad because it gives us an opportunity to appreciate how amazingly he's grown as a father. Like, he didn't start out as a perfect dad and he was definitely kind of lost in the woods at the beginning there when it came to the whole "how do I parent" thing. And before Eddie Begins, we'd only ever seen the end result of the growth he's gone through, where he really is a fantastic dad whose son is basically his entire reason for being. Before Eddie Begins, we get to hear him say things like "I left first" and "I've failed that kid more times than I can count but I love him enough to never stop trying" but we kinda have to take that on faith? Because we hadn't actually seen him be anything besides a good dad until we saw his Begins episode. (And even then in his begins it's like "area man in his early 20s unsure how to care for small child while also coping with PTSD and a toxic support system" which like. yeah. no shit. there's one hell of a learning curve there)
The thing about Eddie and Shannon as a couple and as parents that always gets to me is that they were so fucking young. We don't know exactly how old Eddie is in the show, but we can guesstimate pretty safely that he's around the same age as Ryan which would make him between 23 and 24 when Chris was born, and it seems reasonable to believe Shannon was around the same age. It's also a pretty common reading in the fandom -- although I'm not sure how much canon support there is for it because we really, really don't know anything about their relationship pre-Christopher unless I'm forgetting something -- that they got married because Shannon got pregnant and that was the Done Thing. And when you're 23-24, baby on the way, freshly married, that is just like. So much. It sure as hell ruined my parents' relationship when they did that exact thing, and then they disliked each other until they were 27 and then they got divorced, and no one was happier than me about it, I have to tell you.
Back to the show, I can only give you my impressions, obviously, but the impression I have always gotten from the whole "I left too" conversation and the context that goes into it and the different behaviours we see exhibited by the characters is that Eddie "left" first and it comes across to me that he was basically an early twenty-something kid running scared from the abstract concept of being a father in general, and then when he was forced home by an honourable discharge, and was confronted with the reality of Christopher, he managed to step the fuck up and become Christopher's dad. It's there in 2x02, right? "Oh, you've got a kid? I love kids!" "I love this one." Eddie doesn't strike me as a Swiss Army Knife all-purpose Dad(tm) the way Bobby is. Eddie is Christopher's dad. (and like, of course, he's obviously moved by kids when he's on a call, we've seen that enough times to know that if there's a child who can even glancingly remind him of Christopher, Eddie's sense of self-preservation goes out the window, and I love that about him as heart-stopping as it can be in practice)
Shannon, on the other hand, didn't run from the idea of being a mother -- at first. When she left, it wasn't from the abstract. She left Chris (and "gave up" on Eddie, thanks Helena). She was not running from a concept, she was running from a reality. I think Shannon is a fascinating character to include in a television show as a side character, because she really isn't a one note character. Like, she was unarguably a bad mother, and from what we saw, she was a questionable romantic partner to have (but as you said, anon, Eddie was also not 100% the best romantic partner when he was with Shannon either; their entire relationship so far as I can tell was built on sexual chemistry which, uh, super does not sustain a relationship), but she also seems to have been a devoted daughter? I mean, yeah, it's entirely possible that her mom being sick was a convenient excuse to bail -- and obviously she didn't come back after her mom died, and didn't, y'know, contact her son or husband in the interim, so yes, I can see that being a valid way to read the situation. I don't think she's the Ultimate Evil, because she strikes me as a very human character in all the ways that people are more often than not really fucking flawed.
But then we get back to the actual break-up scene. The first time I watched it (and second, and third; then the fourth time the person I was watching with was like "I mean, sure, but it could also be read in this light") her "I'm just learning how to be someone's mother" speech really bothered me? Partly because it was the abstraction of it, right? Eddie doesn't like kids, he likes Christopher, and Shannon sort of had the inverse journey there, I guess, where it went from she didn't know how to be Christopher's mother, to she didn't know how to be a mother. And that speech bothered me because it always sounded to me like she was bailing again. She begged Eddie to let her back into Christopher's life (guilt? I guess?) and like, straight up bribed him with sex which was sure a choice, and then decides -- for a second time -- that she's out. It sounded, to me, she was handing Eddie papers and maybe, in a few years, possibly, once she'd had "time" to "figure out how to be someone's mother" she would try again. Just like she had in the interim between leaving when Christopher was little and the time of season 2.
And like, that could totally be a misunderstanding of the scene and what she was saying. It's what I took away from it, but that could very well be influenced by the fact I was raised by divorced parents and my dad had custody and if you count up all the time I spent with either parent when I was a minor, I was predominantly raised by my father and have had an especially tempestuous relationship with my mother that is mostly (sometimes) repaired now that I'm in my late twenties and have not lived with her since I was sixteen.
Back to the show, and to your comment that the fandom tends to treat Shannon like the Ultimate Evil and act like Eddie Did Nothing Wrong, I mean. Yeah. Fandom as a rule tends to shirk nuance. We're all fools here on the internet sitting in our blue industrial waste container crying about a wee woo show. I personally believe a more nuanced take on that might be that Eddie has shown a great capacity to learn from his mistakes (sometimes to make fun, shiny, new ones, but for the most part, just like ends up doing better the next time) and Shannon did not show that capacity in the time we knew her.
I think, depending on what they did with it, there was potential for an interesting storyline if they'd played through the divorce. I don't think it would've been rehashing ground covered by Michael and Athena's divorce because I can't see Eddie and Shannon having reached a point of amicability and friendship. The only thing we know they had in common was Christopher, and frankly, when you boil it down, the ways they engaged with Christopher as a person were so disparate that -- to me -- it really didn't seem like they had Christopher in common when you get right down to it. But I wouldn't have wanted to see Christopher and Eddie dragged through an ugly divorce process. They deserve better than that.
There's also a conversation to be had about Shannon's blatant ableism towards her own son, but that is extremely not my lane since I am not disabled myself. But even from an outside perspective, basically their entire parking lot conversation in Haunted, uh, haunts me with it's repugnance and the fact that instead of calling her on any of it, Eddie "Chronically touch starved" Diaz's response was to kiss her? Gosh golly do I wish that was one of the mistakes he learned from properly instead of finding a new, shiny version.
ANYWAY this got long, tl;dr (although if you clicked on the read more, you probably read it) version is No, Shannon is not the Ultimate Evil, she's a shitty mom not a demon in a skin suit and a pretty yellow sundress; and No, Eddie is not a flawless human who's never done wrong in his life but holy fuck is he trying and he'd be the first person to tell you he's made mistakes (and often has been); and no, sorry, I don't want to see the divorce storyline play out because we probably would've had to see either Eddie Bashing, Shannon Redemption, or Shannon turning up again like a cardboard cut out of a cartoon villain the way Eva did and I want to be witness to exactly zero of those things.
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He did? Umm.. what happened exactly?
(referring to this post)
my 11th grade chemistry teacher had an associates degree in liberal arts.
you know how in virtually every class you’ve ever had since middle school, your teachers made a big stink about the syllabus? she didn’t have one. this was her first teaching job, which she got because of her length experience as a substitute, not by her licensing qualifications. we were, at first, excited to have her, because she was a “fun sub” and we were 17 years old and stupid as all shit. we were the “normal chem” class in a system where the only other options were “honors chem” which was filled with children who actually know how to study (or cheat) and have an air of proper student activity, and “AP Chem”, which is clear enough if you’ve been an american student in the last 15 years.
she followed the mcgraw hill chemistry book in order of chapters, despite the fact that our state standardized tests did several of the chapters out of order. ever notice how you’ll suddenly be looking at chapter 11 when just last week you were on chapter 5, then the next week you’re on chapter 8? standardized testing is the reason. anyways by asking my friends in other classes who had chemistry teachers of relative competence, i was able to discern which chapters i should focus on, and while she was distracted with literally watching youtube videos all period, I was turning around in my seat and walking across the classroom helping my friends and enemies with the packets. (she was a two-packets-a-week kinda teacher.)
yes i said enemies too. the people i hated, i hated because they were sons of bitches i wouldnt piss on to put out a fire. i hated them so dearly i used to pray to god that they would bump into me so i could throw myself into the concrete and split my forehead open and get them expelled due to the blood-clause of our “zero-tolerance policy”. two of the kids in my class had, only the previous year, attempted to set my hair on fire.
i hated the teacher more. 
it gave me extreme pleasure to see her fume and clench her fists when a student would say “i need help” across the classroom and she would move to get up and they would say “oh not you miss, im waiting for vicky.” jesus christ the only time ive ever felt a comparable high was when i was at a halloween party in college where i was literally so zooted i couldn’t move.
it got worse over time, her getting more and more angry, my ego growing larger and larger. i was a huge bitch in high school, i really thought i was the smartest bitch in the room at any given moment. severe main character syndrome. imagine that kind of person actually being right for 45 minutes out of every day. can you even comprehend the kind of frustration that would create? in a room full of little sociopaths who dont give a shit about anything but getting this joke of a class over with so they can graduate? your first real teaching job and they look right past you, the teacher, to this annoying little shit whose grades are completely abysmal? how are they managing to learn anything from a child who can barely speak in front of more than 10 people? who turns cherry red in the face of literally every authority figure in the building except you? who can’t concentrate and stay still in one spot for more than five minutes? all of your other classes behave! they listen! they sit down and shut up and do the packets! so what fucking gives!!!
so you say “fine, since you all HATE ME so much i just won’t teach then!!!” on literally week fucking ten of teaching. and instead of prostrating themselves before you, begging you to like... point at transparencies and read directly from powerpoints i guess.
and they all collectively say “okay” and let the chipmunk child flutter between desks and help them memorize formulas and mnemonic devices and shit. surely her grades will suffer if she’s constantly dealing with other people and you’ll have justification that her horseshit is “distracting” and “a detriment to her studies”. she got bored gave up on that after two days after nothing changed.
then we did the midterm.
except at the end of the exam packet was something we never learned because again, she was going through the book chronologically. because i actually enjoyed the chem book (so much that i stole it when the year was up lmao), i knew the material.
it was about lewis dots/structures. i couldn’t tell you a damn thing about it today but in december 2010 i absolutely knew that shit. i didnt have too much of a problem with it in the exam, but the students who had gotten to that point were complaining and at first she pulled that “you should have been studying independently uwu” shit but the class was about to get loud during exam period so she shushed us and said that when we get to that point, just stop, and she’ll mark it correct during grading, no harm no foul just keep it quiet. one of the more confrontational students called horseshit and said theres no way we’re trusting that and there’s definitely no way anyone will keep an entire classroom cheating at the instruction of the teacher quiet.
i offered to teach it.
she scoffed, rolled eyes, said “sure fine but you can’t get your exam back” and i said “okay.” so when everyone was to the point in the exam, we piled them all on her desk and i used the whiteboard to briefly and quietly explain lewis dots, used the book examples and problems, and helped the other kids understand. there were a couple exam questions that were lifted straight from the book problems so i skipped those. while teaching i realized i had gotten a couple wrong which sucked :( it was an incredibly stupid experience overall, and no teacher worth the paper their certification is printed on would have allowed that to happen. and fucking yet.
anyways everyone but me got their exams back and finished it and many of us passed, only a few of them did particularly well.
discussing the chem exam with friends who also took the chem exam, many students found their anecdote about the lewis dots to be confounding, for you see, the exam we took was not, in fact, the midterm, but the god damned final.
she had us taking the fucking final because she didnt read the fucking folders which read “midterm” and “final exam” on them
she was reprimanded severely and we all had to take the exam on different days, in different classrooms, sitting very far apart. after that she hated me even more. like girl it was your fault lmao i am literally a teenager grow up lol. anyways you can imagine how much more fucking insufferable i became, knowing how miserable she was.
it all came to a head in february when some students were giggling quietly following a minor fuck up on her part regarding bellwork. they were making fun of her like “are you sure thats not tomorrows bellwork lol” and a friend next to me did the “hey i need help wait no miss not you sorry” thing and when i answered him, she solidly snapped. blah blah YOURE SOOOO DISTRACTING blah blah YOU THINK YOURE SOOOO SMART DONT YOU blah blah blah and she was like demanding i leave the room and shouting at the top of her lungs at me “ YOU POISON THE MINDS OF EVERY OTHER STUDENT HERE. YOU’RE POISONOUS VICTORIA, YOU’RE A VIRUS IN THIS CLASSROOM.”
i will never forget that line as long as i live. it was like crack to me. i moved to open the door to leave and the vp opened it first. he escorted me to the office and asked me what happened, then told me to keep my head down in class from now on, and that if i wanted to help my friends i should give them my number and help them out on our own time. i was like “bro thats really stupid” and he was like “thats all we can do right now but i promise we’re working on it”
i lasted the rest of the year giving smug smiles as we did packet after fucking packet for the rest of the year. they were all take-home work. i wasnt comfy giving my number to my enemies. the class camaraderie ended.
the final was altered. my class took a different final than the rest of the normal chem classes.
i started 12th grade and got a solid case of senioritis. i told that story to anyone who would listen. while it was happening, i obviously told my favorite teacher everything as it happened. when i mentioned it senior year he was like “oh yeah i forgot about her,
she was fired over the summer.”
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guigz1-coldwar · 3 years
Always for the greater cause... : an new COD What if?... fic is out !
Plot :
What if...Bell was never a Perseus agent but became one...not by her own will?
In this rewriting of the Cold War campaign, Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin and the Perseus Collective discover during an operation in Turkey, the resurgence of the old nemesis of Stitch, Russell Adler nicknamed 'America's Monster', responsible for many problems to the Collective and now, giving to Stitch, the time of vengeance for what Adler did to him years ago.
But at the same time, Stitch also discovers that someone survived in that operation after having been shot by one of the targets of the operation...an opportunity for him to take.
To read it on AO3, click here!
Taglist : @snowgoldwaylon , @clxudtea , @efingart
13th January 1981
Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin, Perseus
A little shack near the Trabzon Airport, Turkey
Arash Kadivar...I knew that he was a traitor to the cause, along with his friend Qasim Javadi, always been jealous of my men or myself. Working with the Americans for money & glory, what idiots those two men are. As I thought the day before, Javadi took only a minute to crack after Naga threatened him to make him fly in one of the numerous cars of Amsterdam and he gave up the location of Kadivar before Naga decided to make him fly nonetheless for his betrayal.
Our preparation was in no time, Kadivar hiding right in Turkey at the Trabzon Airport to make a weapons delivery but also meeting with some agents from the West, probably to tell them that he's planning to defect to the West and surely going to work with the CIA's dogs. To make sure the job was done perfectly, I took the same men that were with me in Amsterdam to get Javadi: Naga & Jackal.
"Please, don't do this." I was in the little shack after neutralizing a little patrol of Arash's men as one of the men that were having a knife in his chest was pleading with me to let him live as he was trying to crawl away from me but as I am, I wasn't going to let him do this freely. "Sir, I ain't liking Arash at all." The man breathed as I grabbed him to make him look right into the only eye I got left, my face hidden by the black mask and the hood, showing proudly the Perseus necklace to the man.
"You work with a traitor, you die a traitor," I told him in a threatening voice before I pulled the knife out of his chest but not to let him go. In a second, I used it to slash the man's throat all along it, filling the knife with blood and a bit of it, going off like a fountain on a part of my clothes. "Traitor," I said, cleaning up the knife on my right sleeve before I start to walk out of the shack to join Naga & Jackal. "Naga, you're good?" I asked him as he was checking one of the bodies on the ground near a pick-up.
"All good, Stitch," He replied, going back on his feet to grab his Pellington 703 leaned on the pick-up.
"Fine, let's go, Arash should be here now," I ordered in a clear voice, moving to take the AK-47 that I left near the front door of the shack as Jackal was also getting ready, cleaning up his knife too.
"Let's go find this shithead," Naga scoffed, talking to Jackal as I was walking away from the scene to join up the little ridge that was going to give us a good view over the airport to look for our traitor before I arrive on the site, discovering a cargo plane guarded by Arash's loyal men...all traitor to Perseus now.
"Seems that Arash is still appreciated by some," Jackal remarked as we all laid down on the ground to stay hidden from the sight of the airport, looking at the numerous soldiers on site. "I'm going to take a closer look to see if he's here," He added, taking binoculars from his outfit to use them as Naga was using his sniper rifle to look closely at the runway.
"Why are we chasing that guy, Stitch?" Naga demanded to me in a curious voice even if he was already knowing of it since I've talked about it a lot before.
"Maybe because he's ready to unleash intel about your operations in the Golden Triangle," I responded, looking at him with a deadly glare to make sure that he was going to comply with my orders. "Or about your moves in Africa," I addressed myself to Jackal this time, him less questioning our motives but still wanting to make the two remember. "If he talks, it will be only a few days for the West to start to pursue us all over the world and the three of us doesn't want this to happen, am I right?" I added, looking back to Naga, seeing his eyes through his sunglasses.
"Yes, you're right," Naga chuckled, a bit uncomfortable until he starts to look back at the runway through the scope of his rifle, the three of us trying to find Arash between the men on the airport. "Looking like Arash isn't even here," Naga commented, a few seconds after my words to him & Jackal.
"Wait, I got eyes on him, he's coming out of the plane," Jackal corrected him as I could see that Iranian arms dealer coming out of the cargo plane on its ramp, along with one of his men who was holding a card box.
"Stitch, permission to shoot?" Naga asked me, his finger right on the trigger of his rifle, ready to pull it to put a bullet hole between Arash's eyes and I was ready to give him the order until Jackal nudged me at the shoulder.
"There's a car coming into the runway," He stated, pointing his finger towards the direction he saw that car, revealing a military car with what I can see, 3 people inside of it. "A driver and two persons on the backseat," Jackal added, giving more details about what was inside of it.
"Must be the agents of the West coming to talk with Arash," I suggested, gesturing to Jackal to give me his binoculars to allow me to have a better look at the situation: the three persons were all masked but at the look of it, there was a woman judging with the uniforms the people on the backseat were wearing. "Two men and a woman, the man behind left the car," I observed the scene, seeing the man that was on the backseat with the woman going out of the car to meet with Arash, shaking hands with him.
"Bet that they're talking about how to fuck us," Naga joked, his rifle still aiming towards Arash as it wasn't the time to joke actually.
"Or about how they can fuck you in particular," Jackal scoffed in a humorous tone with his muffled voice due to his mask, taking his Krig 6 in his hands.
"Just stop joking now, you will have time later," I ordered in a serious voice as I could see the man that left the car, taking in his hand a pistol that Arash was giving to him, and suddenly, out of nowhere, the same guy instantly aimed towards the car he came in, shooting 6 bullets into it, killing without any reasons, the woman and the driver that was waiting for him.
"Shit, why the fuck that guy did this?" Jackal cursed, not understanding the whole situation in front of him along with Naga as for me, I was thinking that it was surely something very strange to see without showing it on my face.
"Naga, you got the order, execute the mission," I told Naga, giving him the order to shoot Arash down as he was walking with the man that shot his former colleague on the plane ramp to get inside.
I & Jackal were now waiting for Naga to pull the trigger of his rifle, having only a few seconds left to do it, and then, after a deep breath through his green mask, he fired the shot...a shot that couldn't be missed to silence Arash for good but instead, the only thing I saw from afar was only the guy that was in front of Arash who received the bullet behind his skull...he missed.
"You missed!" I raised my voice against Naga but it was not the time to put my voice up against him. "Not the time for this, we're doing this from up-close," I said, cocking my AK-47 and going up back on my feet as the alarm of the place was going off, alerting everyone of our presence before I slide down the ridge to get into the fight that was now inevitable for us to do.
I was the first one to go down to fire the first bullet towards Arash's men that were trying to ripost against me, Naga & Jackal who were following me to get the job done but these guys...Arash's men...They were maybe loyal to him but these guys were also too much incompetent to battle against us and to make sure that we show that we weren't joking, the three of us decided to get out of cover to bring the fight from up-close.
As Naga was taking on a soldier & Jackal doing the same, I was facing two soldiers that were struggling to reload their guns without any success from the...Pathetic...I didn't even want to use my rifle, going directly to dispose of them with only the knife I used before, slashing the first guy neck and letting him bleed while for the other, I stabbed him more than 10 times in the chest, enough to spit his guts on the runway ground...
"Shit, the plane's taking off!" Naga shouted to me & Jackal as we were both done with the guys we were fighting with, pointing towards the plane's engines that were starting, making a loud noise around the place. "Quick, in that pick-up!" He suggested, running towards a blue pick-up and its driver seat.
"Jackal, get behind, I'm getting with Naga," I said loudly, taking back my AK-47 in my hands as I start to run to install myself quickly at the passenger seat next to Naga as Jackal was getting behind in the loading part of the pick-up.
"Let's go!" Jackal tapped on the window behind us and in the second that followed, Naga immediately started the pick-up, launching it right to chase the cargo plane, trying to find a way to stop it to take off "Damnit, reinforcements are coming in," Jackal yelled, making me look through the mirrors and seeing some cars arriving behind and near us.
"Give me your hand cannon, you take care of the cars," I ordered to him, having a plan in my head. He complied instantly, managing to give his hand cannon as I was getting my upper body out of the car to grab it in his hands before he turned around to shoot at the upcoming cars. "Stay steady, Naga," I demanded, trying, in fact, to aim down the back of the cargo plane at its wheels, and with that gun in my hands, it was sure that I could make big damage to the plane.
That gun wasn't easy to aim with but with some luck & strength, I managed to fire three shots on the wheels and a four on one of the engines on the right-wing, and those caused the plane to come back on the ground, starting slowly to get on its side as I returned inside the car.
"You did good, Stitch," Naga commented towards me, staying focus on the road as he was getting around the plane to avoid its wreck. "I can say that...." He was interrupted then by a car that decided to take us out of the runway, hitting us right behind us, causing the pick-up to deviate before Naga got his revolver out to shoot down the driver that tried to make us crash, a bullet right into the head. "Oh shit!" He said as he couldn't manage to get us back to normal as the pick-up start to roll over, causing me & Jackal to be ejected out of the car, Naga still inside before we start to roll on the runway right in front of the wreck.
"That wasn't part of the plan!" Jackal yelled as the right-wing of the plane was going to fall on us but luckily, we both managed to avoid it by chance, landing only a few meters from us.
It was almost hurting to have slid on this runway after been ejected from a car but I've seen worst in my life, making this little ejection like it was only nothing compared to what I've experienced during my life. I was the first to get up on my feet, looking around me to see the flames & the burning wreckage of the plane. I checked up myself to see if I didn't have any cuts or wounds after that before I walked to get to Jackal who was getting up, his red mask on the ground, seeing for the first time, the man behind the mask.
"I didn't see anything," I took the mask in my hands to give it back to him, knowing that Jackal preferred to stay hidden behind it, respecting his privacy about and he grinned, putting the mask before I helped him going back on his feet.
"Where's Naga?" He asked me, adjusting his mask to make sure it was correct.
"You should have stayed with us when you had the chance!" We both heard a voice coming behind us and we turned around to see Naga, not even hurt at all on his uniform, having grabbed a wounded Arash by the collar before throwing him at my feet.
"Here you are, Arash," I muttered, seeing him on his knees below me.
"You fucking douchebags, you were always the top guy of Perseus," He said, feeling the angriness on his voice towards us as I was getting out of my holster my own pistol. "But don't worry, Adler will soon find you all," He revealed, making me stop in my moves.
"What did you say?" I demanded to him, cocking the pistol to him, having heard that name from his mouth...
"I said that Adler will put an end to your organization," He spit right at my feet before he starts to laugh at me. "He will surely pull the other eye out..." He tried to continue in his annoying voice before I decided to not listen to him anymore, preferring to silence him for good, the rage inside my body doing it and his body went limp, touching the ground with a bullet hole in the head.
"Let's come back to where the shooting started, now," I ordered to Naga & Jackal, putting my pistol back in my hostler before I start to walk away.
"Who is Perseus?" I heard Naga talking to Jackal but no one, even me responded as I was continuing to walk away.
Adler...Russell Adler, the man that humiliated me long enough to make me betrayed by the state I swore allegiance to, getting put inside a gulag before Perseus saw the potential in me, the man that makes me suffer in 1968 in Rebirth Island, removing my left eye off me and now, I knew that one day, I will have to face the man again but this time I was the one who was going to make him suffer, it's not only a simple fight I'm bringing to him...it's a war...
All of my thoughts were on that man while I was walking back to the place the shootout occurred, Naga & Jackal still wondering who was that 'Adler' but I wasn't willing to respond to that question for the moment, they will both know at the right moment who is Adler as for now, we came back to where it's all started to make the first cleanup of any intels before the cleaning crews were going to come to the runway to get rid of the bodies.
"Damn, guess with who that guy was working?" Naga demanded as he was checking the body of the man he managed to hit with his sniper rifle before the fight as for me, I was checking one of the boxes, finding only some weapons in it.
"I don't know? CIA?" Jackal proposed to him and Naga shook his head.
"Nope, this man was working with the British, MI6," Naga told him the right answer, credentials in his hands handing it towards Jackal who came closer to see it perfectly. "Seems that the CIA didn't want to get the dirty job," He commented.
"Put the credentials with the useful things, it can be useful for us," I suggested before I walked back to them. "I'm going to look up in his car, take a last look around," I said to both of them before I start to go near that car, trying to find anything that can be useful for Perseus. I looked at the backseat, seeing a file on the body of the woman "Interesting..." I muttered, taking the file in my hands to take a look at it, it was mostly encrypted things, giving work to our men back at Solovetsky but then, I saw the woman's head move a little, her eyes narrowed to the max...shit...
"Guys, we have a live one!"
18th January 1981
Vikhor 'Stitch' Kuzmin, Perseus
Perseus base in the Solovetsky Island, Barents Sea, North of Russia
"Russell Adler...the biggest threat of our Collective." I was making a briefing for the highest members of the Perseus Collective in the meeting room of the base: Vadim Rudnik who is our KGB officer & Robert Aldrich who is our spy inside the CIA. Volkov was the only one not here since he had deliveries to make around Europe, the most important person here was Perseus himself, sit on the other side of the table. "Been a threat to us since 1968 after Fracture Jaw and Rebirth Island." I continued before making a sign to the soldier to open the sheets from the windows
"Come on, Stitch, Adler's just a legend inside the CIA, even them doesn't acknowledge that he exists," Rudnik told me, sounding sure in his voice, putting his arms on the table as the sheets of the room were getting opened, letting the light from outside coming back inside the room.
"You don't know too much about him, Rudnik," Aldrich called him at the other side of the table. "He's not a legend and certainly not a myth, I know that because someone in his room knows what he did and I also talked with him once," He added, mentioning briefly about what Adler did to me.
"As Aldrich said, I know well what Adler is capable of," I clenched my fists on the table, giving a deadly glare towards Rudnik. "If you still not convinced, I'm going to ask you what's your best eye to make you believe me," I threatened him clearly as he chuckles in fear at me
"Stitch, I think that you convinced him," Perseus spoke up, making me stop to threaten Rudnik to pull an eye out of him. "We all know what's the risks of letting Adler around to risk our operations around the world and it can't continue anymore," He exclaimed, joining his hands together on the table. "Give Stitch whatever he wants!" He advised Rudnik & Aldrich who both nodded to him, giving me full powers.
"Sir, as you advised, I already make my requests for the team I will be having to make operations against Adler," I explained to him, putting my hands behind my back.
"I know, I received the files this morning before your briefing,' He confirmed before he took a deep breath. "I wanted to talk about...the asset you can use in your team, can you tell me more?" He asked me, knowing that he will do.
"Well, the asset's state is still recovering and we've been thinking to use an extreme way to persuade to work with us," I replied to him in a good tone. "'Wraith' has been able to grab files about the MK-Ultra project thanks to Aldrich's help," I turned my head to Aldrich who nodded to me, a smile on his face. "She knows the project well during her time in the NIS and her skills are needed for the mission,"
"I understand, we need to use every way to make sure that our vision can be realized for what we want to build," Perseus exclaimed, remembering us of our common & precious goals towards our Russia. "Everyone, we are fighting for our way of life that's in danger, the world will soon know about our work and the glory of our Collective," He continued, looking at everyone in the room before his eyes went back on me, looking proudly and sure of something that I knew well...
"I know that you will not fail us, Stitch!"
"Normal forms of interrogations aren't working on her,"
"Breaking the subject's mind & will is a difficult & painful process but we know that well,"
"Do you want me to talk about my time in Rebirth Island and the gulag?"
"Finally, we need to find a name for the subject,"
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cloudsnbones · 3 years
Here is a selection for your lovely self to choose from <3
50, 63 or 110 please 🥺 For Kerry...Susan...the wives - you know ofc.
My Hidden Angel
prompt 110: just pretend we’re okay, just for tonight
warnings: mild alcohol consumption, touches on topic of 'outing', some references to suicidal ideation
other tags: kerry x sandy (before), kerry x susan (implied), kerry & susan, hurt/comfort, hugs
Kerry’s eyes traced the mulberry patterns intertwine then separate then briefly meet together again followed by a small gap before they finally made themselves whole, ending in solid semi-circles at the opposite end of the duvet, striking loud against the cream which predominated the piece.
She was supposed to be happy, finally released loud and proud into society, herself - different, yet still beautiful. So what was wrong with her? Because she didn’t feel like that. She didn’t feel like that at all. The burning in her throat came in waves of strength whilst her heart felt like a large block of ice that had plummeted into her stomach. As for the rest of her body, it all just felt numb. Numb and useless. For the first time in a long time, she felt small, really small. Peering eyes had followed her throughout the ER as she tried to pretend that everything was ok, that she had wanted that to happen. That… what they thought didn’t matter to her. She was their boss after all. It shouldn’t.
But if she couldn’t even convince herself, how on earth could she convince anyone else?
After leaving work she had stormed over to the Fire Station where Sandy worked to give her a piece of her mind, chew her, and spit her out as Sandy had done to her. Returning the favour. But she had been left feeling even worse.
Even more hated and alone than she had before which was something considering… everything.
And she knew that if she passed away in her sleep, no one would care. No one would come to her funeral, no one would mourn. And as devastating as that is, she felt at peace. For once in her damn life, she wanted to be quiet. To hide. To return back into her bulletproof shell and never leave.
There was a light tap on the door.
Kerry ignored it. It could wait. Probably a door-to-door salesperson. Not worth her time.
A slightly louder knock followed, and then a loud buzz.
This now seemed more like a person, perhaps… Sandy?
Kerry’s heart fluttered in hope. And it was this alone which eventually forced her to get one and then two legs out of bed, wrapping her body tightly in her silk dressing gown before slowly making her way to the door, leaning on nearby furniture to do so.
When Kerry got to the door she took in a small breath, closing her eyes to rack up the courage to be able to speak coherently in front of her again. She didn’t want to relax her guard, or to let her anger completely ease off but what she really didn't want - was to be alone. And it was this sole urge for companionship that drove her resolve to forgive Sandy. She had found herself in the past year and despite her still wavering confidence in her sexuality she couldn't deny that she had never felt more complete, more understood, lighter, and happier since she had discovered she was a…
In one quick movement, she turned her key in the lock and pushed down the door handle pulling it towards her, she opened her eyes expecting to see Sandy on the other side apologetic and soft but instead she saw someone whom she did not expect. Dr. Lewis.
“I-” Kerry started, her face dumbfounded.
Susan just smiled, 75% convincingly, holding up a bag to her face filled with a lovely aroma of spices.
Kerry looked at her suspiciously.
“I’ve brought you dinner,” Susan said, after a beat, trying to ignore the deep feelings of anger and frustration which she had always associated with Kerry.
“Oh thank you,” Kerry replied eventually, peering at the bag from where she was standing, frozen to the spot, “Why don’t you come in?” She added awkwardly her voice catching on the words and she squinted her nose and eyes slightly in embarrassment of herself, letting out a small sigh.
Susan just continued to smile and stepped into the door as Kerry shuffled out of the way before she closed the door.
“Please come on through.” Kerry said, “oh, and shoes off before you come in please.”
Susan had expected that to be the case, she smiled playfully to herself as she slid her shoes off.
Kerry stood, watching her uncomfortably, wondering what she would do and also questioning as to why this had happened in the first place. She bit her lip and curled her right ankle around to scratch at the back of her calf, which wasn’t the best idea as within seconds she began to lose her balance. Before she really had the opportunity to fall or to steady herself, Susan caught her outstretched arms ensuring she stayed strictly upright.
Kerry was shocked. Not only by the sudden contact but also of the position she was in with regards to Susan. She was staring directly at Susan’s chest. Well, where her chest was below her periwinkle jumper. Her eyes widened and she raised her head to look at Susan before shaking herself back into reality and straightening up allowing Susan to let go of her arms. Despite this, the place where she had touched her, burned.
When Kerry looked back at Susan she noticed her empty hands. But where was the food? Oh, Susan had just placed the bag on the floor. She needed to get a grip.
Kerry made to brush off her slacks only to find silky material there instead and that is when she realised that she was in fact not wearing her day clothes at all but her night-time things, and her cheeks began to glow red.
But Susan didn’t care, she just picked up her takeout bag and gestured towards the entrance to the living room, “This way?”
Kerry swallowed and then nodded, a bit too fiercely. Susan smiled and Kerry followed her into the living room.
“Do you have any films?” Susan asked as she sat herself down on the sofa.
“What do you mean?”
“Just… films.”
“Yeah, I mean, uh… kinda, maybe not the type you’re thinking of though...” Kerry’s voice tailed off.
“That’s alright, we can just watch whatever’s on.”
Kerry stood, passively watching Susan turn on the tv and set out the food she had brought with her onto the table before her. After a moment it registered that this may appear strange so in a hurried shuffle made her way to sit down next to Susan. She placed her hands politely on her knees and looked pointedly at the carpet in front of her. Susan glanced over.
“Are you alright?” She wondered aloud, a touch of a laugh in her voice.
Kerry furrowed her eyebrows, her mouth twitching in tandem, “Yeah, I-” she let herself process what she wanted to express before she turned abruptly round to Susan and queried, “Why are you here?”
The harshness of her voice and the absence of friendliness in Kerry’s general demeanour led Susan to feel as if she was being interrogated, as if she wasn’t welcome in Kerry’s home, and by breaching this unspoken contract of keeping distance between employer and employee she had perhaps angered the beast without intending to. It would not be the first time. But as she took her time to consider Kerry’s apparel, the soft plea in her eyes, and her stiff, clunky posture, the way she glanced at her leg every so often as if she was worried something would happen to it. But what could it possibly undergo? Except… judgement. Kerry’s defensiveness, her ferocity, so present in Susan’s life as a constant adherence and annoyance was down to experiences like she had had today. Susan could see that now. She knew that in the past she had only helped contribute but today maybe she could change that, but first, she needed Kerry to trust her.
Susan relaxed her shoulders and placed the empty take-out bag onto the floor underneath the sofa before she began.
“To cut a long story short; I’m bi.” She looked up to catch her eyes with Kerry’s as if to prove she was telling the truth before she continued, “And, when I was in high school, there was this most beautiful girl, she had dark hair and the pinkest lips and her voice always sounded like she was singing.” Susan closed her eyes, reminiscing.
“We were best friends, her and I, and we did everything together. I was intoxicated, but there was nothing I could have really done about it. I had a massive crush on her. I don’t know how they knew, perhaps I hadn’t hidden it as well as I’d thought but some of the boys in my year started teasing me about it, asking if I was a ‘lesbigay or whatever, and when I obviously didn’t respond and got embarrassed they um, they decided to announce it to the whole school.”
Kerry’s mouth opened, stunned into silence. This wasn’t what she had expected at all! Setting aside the fact that Susan was also gay, Kerry listened to her story with deep compassion, and horror. She tried to express her sympathies but only managed to stare at Susan wide-eyed and she hoped that the empathy she felt in her heart managed to express itself well enough on her face.
After looking at Kerry's face, Susan continued, “Yeah, it was pretty terrible, I lost a lot of friends that year. But um...” She paused for a second, considering her next words. “The thing that happened to you today reminded me of that and I couldn’t rest easy staying at home and thinking about it so I came over and did what I wish someone, a friend, or a parent even, had done when I was in that state. Because it is tough, and it is lonely. And no matter the shit that’s happened between us in the past, no one deserves that, no one. So as allies, I guess, let’s just pretend everything’s okay, just for tonight.” Susan smiled at Kerry then, and the redhead began to understand how much she had needed a friend, someone who would accept her, and understand why she had to hide. Someone to let her know she wasn’t alone.
“But anyway!” Susan clapped her hands together with a new-found cheerfulness instilled in her, disrupting the melancholy mood immediately. “Let’s eat!”
Throughout the evening they talked very little, making mild comments on the hallmark movies or about the food, and Kerry eventually found the strength to thank Susan for her kindness. Once the meal was over, Kerry produced a bottle of Pinot Grigio for the two to share and despite Susan’s inner voice telling her to ‘go home’ she accepted the offer. The alcohol loosened Kerry’s tongue and she was no longer sat like a meerkat on the lookout but instead as if she was spending an evening with a friend. Susan let Kerry cry and rested her head on her, oh the softness of the cashmere against Kerry’s cheek as she buried herself deep in Susan’s softness.
They stayed in that position for a while, even once Kerry’s crying had ceased, Susan would rub her hand up and down her bank comforting her and reminding her that someone was there. Someone who cared about her, who understood her.
The intimacy and the alcohol and the events of the day meant that once Kerry ultimately did lift her head up and came face to face with Susan, so close she could almost feel the light hairs on her face, she was overcome with this urge to kiss her. Not a rough kiss, nor a gentle kiss, more a kiss goodbye or hello, a kiss saying thank you. Her hand tenderly stroking Susan's jawline, suggesting the act was about more than just lust or circumstance.
At first, Susan lent into it, Kerry’s taste being much calmer than she had expected, but once she realised what was happening she pulled herself out of it, gently, so as not to potentially hurt Kerry.
Susan smiled a sweet smile, slightly flushed as if she was sixteen once more and encountering her crush in the cafeteria. “You’re a really good kisser,” she observed trying to relieve some of the deep mortification evident on Kerry’s face, “But not tonight.”
She helped Kerry to her bed before setting herself down on the couch and continued to grin, touching her fingertips lightly to her lips where Kerry had kissed her.
Not tonight, but next time...?
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darksiderssin · 4 years
Keter Duty
This is gonna stay as a oneshot for now, I think. I want to make it longer and eventually make a more official looking entry like something off the SCP Wiki, but here we go. Tagging @imagine-darksiders because this was their idea. I promise there’s some semblance of a plot I’m cooking up for this, but it’ll be posted up on Ao3 if I write more.
“Enter the chamber, D-091337.”
You hated that voice on the P.A system- cold, clinical, uncaring. Just another Tuesday for these people, for you it could be your last day alive, like so many forced into the dens of the monsters they kept here, and it felt like you’d been marched to the gallows. You sighed- could be worse, you supposed. You could have been forced into the femur breaker, waiting for the unimaginable pain that heralded your impending death. You could have been put on 173 duty, having to rely on two other strangers in order to survive cleaning the mess that thing in there- you’d done it before and you never wanted to do that again. You took a breath to choke back the fear, only to have it knocked out of you as the butt of a rifle struck you between the shoulders, forcing you to stumble through the door as it slid open.
“If you turn around, you will be shot,” Says the gruff voice behind you. “Get in there, now.”
You wanted to give the man a nasty look as the door closed behind you, if you weren’t expecting your painful, bloody death. Your eyes were closed, still cringing from the developing bruise in your back as you hissed through your teeth, though you forced yourself to look up, deciding you wanted to at least see what was going to kill you, only to find four pairs of eyes from four different, humanlike individuals looking back at you- four very tall individuals, three of them male, and one female. One of the males, who was pale as a corpse and wore a skull-like mask, had a shaggy, mangy looking crow on his shoulder, that stared at you curiously with its beady little eyes, almost like it was judging whether or not you were a threat, much like the other individuals were doing as they watched you straighten up and press yourself against the door.
“A human?” One of the males piped up, this one wearing a silver helmet that only showed two amber eyes that looked you up and down, from your orange jumpsuit to the white sneakers to the dark circles under your eyes. He glanced to the others in the room, the fluorescent light glinting off the silver plated armour he wore. “Didn’t they say they were gonna send someone to talk to us?” Amazingly, their English was perfect, and the others responded in similarly perfect English.
It was the skull-masked male who spoke next, his wiry frame hunched in the way he sat, his eyes like smouldering embers. “No weapons,” He observed with a voice like a rattling sigh, a last word on a dying breath, and he glanced briefly to the panel of one-way glass before he spoke again. “What is your name, Human?” He almost sounded as if he was bored. You had taken a breath to reply, when the voice of one of the scientists gave you a warning over the P.A system.
“D-091337, you are not authorised to speak.” You froze, pressing yourself further against the door. “You are unauthorised to interact beyond the instructions we give you.”
The female, her dark lips pulled in a scowl, glared at the one-way glass with eyes like glowing moonstones. Despite the feeling of danger emanating off of her, she was beautiful, her olive skin smooth and unblemished, hair the colour of wine floating freely behind her. “They can talk when they decide to talk to us themselves,” She growled, the armour she wore clanking together as she shifted in her place leaning against the wall by the third male, a man built like a mountain who wore a red cloak around his shoulders- you couldn’t see his face past the massive pauldron on his shoulder. “I think we’ll decide who’s ‘worthy’. Now, answer my brother’s question.”
Well. The scientists wouldn’t like that. At first, it was hard to speak. You tried to say the first syllable, but your voice won't come because of your shock at what happened. Their eyes were all on you now. Eventually, you managed to croak it out, audible enough for them to hear. "(Y/N)...it's (Y/N)."
The skull-masked male nodded slowly. “Why have they sent you, Y/N?”
"I don't know." Your voice still croaked with nervousness and trembled as badly as your knees were. You'd seen other D-Class like you getting thrown to these monsters, and though you knew that some of them weren't bad, you knew that Keter classification sign outside the cell meant bad news. "Maybe to see if you'll turn my brain into mush, or eat me alive."
They all blink at you, then look at the one-way glass, then to each other, almost as if asking the same question. Finally, the helmeted male looked back at you, his voice sounding slightly disturbed at the suggestion. “Why would we do that?” He asked. “We said we weren’t here to kill any humans.”
"It's what these people do," You tell him. "They feed regular folks like us to monsters for their 'experiments'. Just to see what happens."
The skull-masked male hummed thoughtfully, pressing a hand to the one-way glass and pushing slightly to test how solid it was- you took some pleasure in imagining the scientists and soldiers shitting themselves at the sight. “Do they really think this is going to hold us?” He wasn’t really asking you, but you answered anyway.
"They say that you guys are Keter class. I think that means they think you're here to kill people." Usually the scientists said these things, and you swallowed a nervous lump in your throat as you mustered up the courage to ask, "...If you're not here to hurt humans, what are you here for?"
The female gave a derisive snort, the helmeted male choosing to answer instead. "We're just here for the monsters. Tall dark and sulky over there--" He jerked his chin in the direction of the other male with the skull mask. "He told us not to hurt anyone when we turned up to get the job done." The remark was met with a glance from the masked male, but not much else. Not much of a talker, you noted as you looked between them all, shuffling your feet awkwardly- they didn't seem like they were as much of a threat as the red sign outside the cell had made them out to be, if what they said was true. Maybe...
"D-091337. You are to leave the cell immediately. We're going to get someone to interview the subjects."
You jumped as the voice came over the P.A system, followed by the sound of heavy boots behind the door. You figured that meant they'd throw you back in your own cell and send in one of the scientists, but the skull-masked male stepped around you first and pushed you back with a large hand that paled against the bright orange of your jumpsuit as the door opened, causing the crow to squawk and flutter away, landing on your shoulder. The female dragged you further back by your arm, looking like she was ready to rip apart the guards as they levelled their rifles, but the skull-masked male was very calm.
"There's no need for those." He set his hand on the muzzle of one of the rifles and gently lowered it. "We've already made it clear that we're not here for you or your Foundation."
The guard shook his rifle away from under his hand, then raised it again. "Standard procedure," He remarked gruffly, then looked to you. "If you don't get over here now, we will shoot you."
The female didn't seem to like that, putting you behind her and reaching for something on her hip. The other two males looked ready to fight as well, slowly rising to their feet. "We'd prefer there be minimal conflict," The skull-masked male explained slowly, looking directly at the guard who had spoken. "We were in the middle of a conversation. It would be rude to shoot our guest."
"Not like you'd get a shot in anyway," The helmeted male added, and you swore you could sense a smirk behind the metal. "Fury's good with that whip, and your run of the mill bullets don't exactly work on us." That made the guards wary, a few of them looking between themselves as if reevaluating the situation. "Also," The helmeted male pulled a pistol, seemingly from out of nowhere, and held it up for the guards to see. "I'm a much better shot." You turned your eyes away from the door to look at the pistol, ornately engraved with beautiful spiralling patterns along the barrel.
Tension hangs heavy in the air, so thick you swear that the cliché of being able to cut it with a knife might actually be able to be proven if you tried. Eventually, one of the guard turns his head, one hand to his ear, and it takes a long moment before he motions to his fellows to stand down. “They’re sending in a researcher. The D-Class can stay.”
The helmeted male chuckled as the guards filed out and the door shut again, and he holstered the pistol. “Wise choice.” His eyes glance back at you. “You good?”
“Yeah.” You glanced at the door, then at the helmeted male. “Thanks.”
“What did they mean, ‘D-Class’?” Asked the skull-masked male as he turned to look at you, the crow fluttering off your shoulder and back onto his.
“It’s what they call us.” You shrugged and gave him a lopsided smile. “D-Class, D-Boys, the Disposables. Some of us are criminals, some are just folks down on their luck who were promised a hefty paycheck if they survive the month.”
“Criminals?” The helmeted male cocked his head. “What’d you do?”
You held up your hands defensively. “Nothing! I needed money!”
The tall individuals all look between each other again, their faces sharing an equal measure of concern, and you wish you could say you hated it. You’d never really known the things they kept here to care about humans, so why did they, when they were the dangerous ones? It almost seemed like an insult.
Eventually, it was the skull-masked male who spoke. “And all you have to do is...survive?” He asked, looking down at you with a gaze that made it seem that he was thinking about something.
“Well...yeah. I don’t think they’ll let me remember what I saw, though...” You sighed. “They...have ways of making people forget. And maybe that’s good. There’s nothing but nightmares down here.”
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kyogre-blue · 3 years
Kokomi, chapter 1
It’s bad. To no one’s surprise. 
I complained about Ayaka and Yoimiya, and Mihoyo wrote this just to punish me. Yes, that’s right! I’m saying their stories are better written!
To quickly overview, this is basically “one step forward, three steps back” or some kind of monkey paw situation. 
I relate to Kokomi being an introvert who is forced to deal with all this against her will. But Kokomi’s writing is absolutely awful, she’s completely incompetent. Additionally, she’s forced to do all this because the Divine Priestess is always someone from her bloodline. Are we supposed to relate to that? Get rid of the bloodline nonsense, or have a relative do it. 
We actually get follow up on the war (and the mandated date is an introvert’s hangout at home). But the political writing is completely abysmal as always. It’s like far worse tax evasion. This is why Ayaka and Yoimiya are better off, incidentally. Their stories don’t have the scope, so the writing isn’t as awful. The overall direction of the issues is also just really bad. 
There’s some gameplay, but the gameplay is bad. The main takeaway is tick tick tick tick tick tick as you change the in game clock endlessly. 
Specific thoughts: 
Kokomi is a completely crazy level of micromanager. It’s no wonder no one except Gorou listens to her. Her directives are absolutely insane, and no one (except mega simp Gorou I guess?) would ever be able to actually use them. As expected, they are worthless at the climax. 
She also does the Jean school of chasing every lost cat herself. This is ridiculous. No wonder you’re so tired girl. Learn to delegate. 
Her supposed brilliance suffers wildly from the writers being totally braindead. And I do mean this. They can’t apply basic logic, much less create a genuinely genius character. Her way of thinking is extremely shallow. For example the entire mess with the stolen goods. Her island just came out of an extreme shortage (people were starving during the war), but she never considers that even if the collusion is false, the Tenryou Commission could just directly harm them by buying up and exporting/destroying necessary items. There is also a weird and confusing point where the soldiers say the merchant was buying things up, but then his goods are marked by Tenryou crest, so like...??
She’s also just utterly incompetent as a leader. We cheerfully hit the third time her troops lie to her and disobey her. She’s so incompetent she can’t even manage to arrange a loyal retinue for the peace talks. 
She asks the Traveler, a total outsider, to get intel. She literally has this little control over anyone among her people. She has NO reliable support at all! 
She also hilariously contradicts various points about the game so far. Like telling us we can’t take 3 whole Fatui through brute force. Girl, we beat Osial. We beat two Harbingers. We faced down Raiden Shogun. And you think we need complex strategies to fight three Fatui? She says that Watatsumi must seem alien to the Traveler because it’s different from the rest of Inazuma, but the Traveler isn’t from Inazuma at all. It’s ALL alien. Etc. 
In general, the writers continue to be utterly incapable of keeping track of their own writing. One soldier reminisces about how glorious the Traveler looked while fighting Shogunate samurai as captain of Swordfish II. Except we never did that. We fought brigands and Fatui, that’s it. Someone wants to go back to front line, but there IS no frontline at this point. Kokomi says they have strong trade ties with “other areas (aside from Nakurami)” but what areas would that be? We’re under Sakoku, there are literally only four populated islands, Yashiori is a ghost town with no residents, and Kannazuka is under Narukami control. There’s literally no one for them to trade with. 
ALL of this makes Act 1′s sudden refusal to help Ayaka look progressively stupider and stupider and stupider. Did they consider at all that every single time the Traveler helps people from here on out, it will be compared to that? We couldn’t be bothered to help when the Shogun was murdering people, not until we heard three more sobstories, but we sure have time to screw around with all this. 
Of course, the entire business with the Fatui makes it clear that Sara is pretty much just as incompetent. 
Kokomi is different from the previous girls in personality, to some extent, but her treatment is really about the same. We still get a date (just staying in her lovenest), we still get the required scene of all the NPCs expressing how much they love her, her leadership woes are Jean reshuffled, and then at the end, she naturally hits on us, asking that we stay with her and watch her grow as a priestess. She is indeed another Genshin dating option. 
She... implies that there were Statues of the Seven back when Orobashi was struck down. This is very hm. 
I don’t even know where to start on the actual plot involving, uh, soldiers in the army who want to go back to war. It’s, it’s dumb. It’s really dumb and the most boring idea they could have run with, when it comes to “post-war.” The soldiers are also fundamentally right. There is absolutely nothing to stop the Shogun from enacting another stupid decree. We’re STILL under Sakoku. And in fact, parts of the Tenryou Commission WERE colluding with the Fatui. They were right! I guess Kokomi just doesn’t want to tell them, “Hey, we can’t do shit against Raiden and she can cut our entire island in half whenever she feels like it, so we need to take the carrot while it’s being offered, because we can’t survive the stick,” which is the cold hard truth here. 
Kokomi lectures them about the horrors of war, how they haven’t experienced how badly most people suffered. As if they didn’t lose comrades left right ad center and don’t all have families on the island... nearly starving... Yeah. I’m sure they, the common rank soldiers, don’t know anything about how much people suffered during the war. 
Anyway, it was bad. Genshin really, really, REALLY needs to stop trying to write politics or anything with a scale above interpersonal issues because they are simply incapable of it. 
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keelywolfe · 4 years
FIC: Drifters ch.2 (spicyhoney)
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Summary:  Edge doesn't exactly have a plan, here, now that he's hit the goal of getting to Underswap. Luckily, an unexpected person is ready to take over.
Tags: Spicyhoney, Violence, Rescued Child, Medical Experimentation, Babybones
Read it on AO3
Read it here!
Stretch had never struck Edge as the person to turn to during any sort of emergency. His laissez-faire attitude about life was one generally matched by his own brother and by Sans, but Red at least understood when some urgency was necessary, at the very least in the interest of staying alive. Unfair as it was, Sans was also given something of a mental pass for simply looking so much like Red and if he’d been thinking clearer, Edge might have chosen a flight plan to Undertale instead. Typing in the coordinates for Underswap was more an automatic reflex on his part than any direct decision; he was simply here more often and while he might not mind sharing a bed with Papyrus, putting it to use the same vigorous way he often did with Stretch didn’t have quite the same appeal.
So it was something of a surprise for Stretch to immediately take over.
Once it became clear that questions would have to wait, he got moving immediately, his slippered feet going far faster than Edge had seen before. In short order, Edge and the baby were wrapped in a heavy blanket that was ripped right from Blue’s bed going from the cheery rocket ship pattern. Red was firmly tucked into another, snoring underneath it before the blanket was even settled.
“i gotta hit the store real quick, we don’t have anything in the fridge for a baby,” Stretch panted as he made another mad dash down the stairs, this time directly to the front door. He didn’t wait for an answer, already kicking off his slippers and stuffing his feet into his sneakers, the door slamming loudly behind him.
Well. That was…unexpected. Edge might have more room to spare for astonishment and perhaps a touch of guilt over his assumptions if he weren’t so exhausted; such emotions would simply have to wait.
The house was silent except for the baby. Now that she was warming up, her little pleading snuffles were slowly resuming in volume.
He drew back the corner of the blanket, carefully keeping his hand out of reach of her tiny grasping fists before she tried stuffing his fingers back into her mouth. As uncomfortable as the gnawing had been, he was more concerned with her accidently hurting herself on his sharpened fingertips than her little teeth.
It was the first chance he’d had to really look at her since that first moment in the lab and he took the chance to study her carefully. Her eye lights were pale white, offering no hint to the color of her magic. Perhaps they’d stay that way, Stretch and Sans’s were white when they weren’t using their magic, or perhaps they’d change as she grew older and they would be more like Blue’s…or his own. It was possible, she was from Underfell, but there was no sign of that in her. Her teeth were blunted, except for the little points of her canines, and her skull softly rounded, giving her the appearance of chubby cheeks.
She was merely a child, a skeleton child, there was nothing remarkable at all about her, and Edge knew very little about children. That was a fact very quickly proven when her small face suddenly screwed up into a ball of anger and she began to scream.
“Don’t do that…!” Edge began, then trailed off, cursing his own stupidity. Yes, a stern talking-to would certainly calm a bawling child. He shifted her awkwardly in his arms, giving her into a little bounce as he tried to coax her instead, “Shh, shh, it’s all right. It’ll be all right, baby.”
The child was having none of his lies. Her hands were clenched into tiny fists, her little face sufficed with bright pink that had nothing to do with her magic and everything with the purity of her anger as she shrieked her rage for all to hear.
Exhaustion gave way to panic. LV maddened Monsters attacking him, Edge could handle, a howling baby was far, far out of his area of expertise.
At the other end of the sofa, his traitorous brother didn’t even stir, not even when Edge gave him a kick. He only lay with his mouth open as his snores competed with the baby’s screams in volume, and Edge couldn’t even accuse the bastard of lying; he’d used a lot of magic in their escape and was as exhausted as Edge, more so.
Tears were beginning to roll down the baby’s chubby cheeks and humiliatingly, Edge felt a faint prickle of his own tears. He hadn’t cried since he was a child himself, how ironic that it was another child dragging it out of him. That was all he needed, the two of them blubbering together on Stretch’s sofa for him to find, while his brother snored away, that would certainly be an impressive sight. Why had he ever thought for even a moment he could manage this, he knew next to nothing about babies. All he’d done is drag the child from one horrible situation to another.
The door opened just as he ran a hasty arm over his sockets, wiping away any revealing moisture as Stretch stepped inside, juggling numerous bags in his arms as he kicked the door shut.
“okay, back, sorry it took so long, the dogs dug some baby gear out for us, said they’d bring more later…woah, hey, what’s all this?” Stretch dumped the overflowing bags by the door and before Edge could protest, whisked the baby into his arms, settling her on his hip with a practiced bounce. “c’mon now, princess, got a broken volume control? you’ll be waking up the folks in new home if you keep up at that level.”
The screams faded into pitiful hiccoughs as the baby looked up at Stretch with wide sockets and when he gave her a playful little chuck under the chin, she let out a watery chuckle. Stretch grinned back at her. “that’s more like it, sugar butt. let’s get you something for that empty tum, yeah?”
If he hadn’t been so relieved, Edge might have resented how easily Stretch took over. As it was, in only moments the baby was propped up in a nest of pillows, gurgling happily as she drank from the bottle Stretch gave her. She was swimming in one of Blue’s t-shirts, the arms rolled up enough to let her easily grasp the bottle. Her eye lights were following Stretch’s fingers as he broke up a cinnamon puppy into bite-sized pieces into a small plastic bowl with colorful animals painted on the side.
Edge frowned. “Isn’t she too young for that?”
"nah," Stretch said carelessly. He slid from the sofa to the floor, long legs folded under him as he set the bowl in easy reach for little hands. “we’re born with teeth, may as well use 'em.”
"Nonetheless, the sugar—"
“relax, edgelord, these ones are meant for her age,” Stretch reassured him. “i promise, i’m not about to turn your little sweetheart into a sugar fiend on you. not until she learns how to brush, anyway.”
The baby was already inspecting the bowl, her discarded bottle close by as she happily stuffed bits into her mouth, smearing crumbs over her small face. Not that he’d expected Stretch would do anything to harm her, but the promise, unnecessary as it was, was comforting. It did bring up another point, however, ‘his little sweetheart’ was entirely his responsibility, he’d chosen this, and now he needed to find their path, in whatever direction it might lead.
Stretch was watching the baby eat and his smile might be careless, but his watchful gaze was not. The instinct to come here was the right one so far, Edge could only hope it remained so.
"I must ask that you let us stay here for a while," Edge said stiffly. "If not my brother and I, then at least the child. We…can’t go home right now." Or ever, but that wasn’t information that needed shared just yet. If he couldn’t care for her, at least he trusted that the Swap brothers would. Sleeping in the rough in Underswap would at least be relatively safe, certainly in comparison to their universe.
Stretch’s head whipped around, his mouth dropping open as he stared at Edge. "are you serious right now?"
The question stung. He’d assumed Stretch wouldn’t mind caring for the child for at least a little while. "Yes, of course, I am. She's an infant, she needs a roof over her head. She can't possibly—"
"shit, you really are,” Stretch interrupted, and his expression was torn between irritated and incredulous, “yes, dumbass, you're staying with us, why is this even a question? you ain’t getting off that easy. besides, you really think you'd be able to get little miss here away from blue when he sees her?"
Edge smiled reluctantly, already imagining Blue’s starry-eyed excitement when he saw the baby. "I suppose not."
The baby chose that moment to add to the conversation, offering a loud, razzing, “brrrr!” and spraying Stretch with a fine mist of slightly used cinnamon puppy crumbs.
“thanks, kid.” Stretch said wryly as he wiped his face on his sleeve. He crawled over to one of the bags and pulled out a stack of cloths, using one to wipe the baby’s face clean despite her vigorous protests, “so. you gonna tell me where the snow princess came from?”
"She's not mine,” Edge said automatically, then winced. “I mean, she is, she’s my responsibility, but she’s not mine, not in that way."
Stretch slanted him a glance, “yeah, uh, i saw you two days ago.” His faint smirk was fraught with memories of that particular meeting. “you weren’t hiding a baby bump under your shirt then. unless you not only solved the problem of getting pregnant but also how to bypass the waiting period, i figured she wasn't. sooooo?”
It was lightly said, but he’d seen Stretch’s smile falter when he was changing the baby’s clothes, peeling away her plain, sterile blanket to reveal the similar gown she was wearing beneath it. Not the cozy warmth of pajamas that a child should wear or even a borrowed shirt like the one she was in now, but a hospital-style gown with brusque ties in the back for easy access.
The story needed told, but Edge found he didn’t want to tell it. The scars he knew were on Stretch’s lowest rib were faded, scrubbed and sanded down until the numbers were barely visible. But they were still there, just like his brother’s were, and both were a match the fresh ones that were stark on the child’s own fragile rib.
In her little pillow nest, the baby was beginning to drowse and Stretch took the bottle, pulling it from her sleepy mouth and wiping away a trickle of milk. He tucked a blanket gently around her, not the discarded one from earlier, but one from the seemingly endless depths of those bags, soft and fluffy, cradling her tiny, precious skull in fluffy warmth as she slept.
But the pointed lack of further questions were a quiet demand of their own, giving Edge time to answer, but still needing one.
Edge slipped down to sit on the floor next to Stretch, wrapping up in the warmth of his borrowed blanket as he stared down at the baby. Watching the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed easily, safely asleep for perhaps the first time in her extremely short life.
“It started this morning,” Edge began, slowly, and kept his gaze on the baby, watching as she slept on, completely unaware of the turmoil she’d caused in his life, in all their lives. “When my brother said that he had something important to show me.”
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