#also. if u want Spoilers. i will gladly share more but it must be over dms :0c
sweaterspoons · 2 years
i can't rememnber if you have a maze tag and a separate labyrinth tag but im so curious either way. what the fuck are you talking about please elaborate *kicking feet in the air twirling a phone ckrd*
GRABS YOU!!!! THANK U FOR ASKING i will now be typing for four hours<333
the labyrinth is the maze!!!!!! The Maze refers both to the play-by-post d&d campaign im running, and its setting :D
the pitch, essentially, is this:
the maze is a very little-known legend. and even if you're among the few who learn about it, it's incredibly difficult to find... and even fewer people ever make it back out.
but those who DO make it out return with their heart's greatest desire.
riches, power, immortality, knowledge, a cure for all disease, a really fucking awesome sandwich... it's all possible in the maze :)
the maze itself is its own world, with... maybe its own consciousness? it bumps up into other planes of existence every so often, and when that happens, it creates Doors, which one can enter the maze through.
the challenge, theoretically, is simple. you enter through your door. the door locks. you go find your desire. when you achieve that, you ALSO get a key! the key unlocks your door. you go home.
in practice, it's.. well... a little more complicated <3
the maze is composed of an endless series of little worlds. some parts of it are pretty classic winding tunnels, hedges, what have you. some parts of it are... cities. forests. graveyards. oceans. etc etc etc. the dream is to feel a little bit infinity train : )
geeenerally you'll get pushed in a direction that'll get you toward your goal, but. you're gonna have to work for it baby!!!
we have FOUR player characters, all from different worlds <3
the guy, played by @spookyhetero ; a warforged barbarian, a father, an all around very strange fella from a very strange world. his face is an orb. his dad is a frat boy wizard. his son is a cactus. he's friends with the maze.
mara, played by @fia-bonkginya ; a half-elf oathbreaker paladin + undying warlock!! also the love of my life honestly. they're trying to get out of their warlock pact and it's going... swell :)
nadzeya oja, played by @eldathe ; a goblin druid, my darling, my angel, my emotional punching bag. she just wants to help. she just wants to prove herself. she just wants to find-- um... who... who was it she was looking for, again? (she can't remember. why can't she remember?)
and last, but CERTAINLY not least, is doctor charles jefferson atelier, played by @electricpoolshark ; a human artificer, former army medic, current engineer and rat enthusiast. he has a giant metal rat named algernon and she's his best friend. he's just here to learn about the maze, and accidentally doomed his own ass to walk its halls forever in like... the first five minutes.
honorable npc mentions include clementine, who's been here for quite some time; titan, whom everybody hates but is also the biggest and the sexiest and is my number one committer of nonbinary wrongs; and tetsuya, who is probably not a ghost but IS a little bit haunting the narrative right now.
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ollieologys · 5 years
Hey could you please write something for the reader where she is a fan of Tom and the other avengers actors and she wakes up in a different place (turns out she got teleported to a different universe) and sees Tom walking around and she goes Tom? But really it’s peter And the other avengers come and they r all confused and try to help her back to her universe im so sorry if this is hard to understand 😬
Title; Peter Holland
Summary; You never thought you’d meet Tom Holland, and you never thought you’d meet Peter Parker, either. But here you are.
Words; 4k
Pairing; Avengers x Reader, Peter Parker x Reader
Warning; far from home spoilers! and minor swearing because.. it’s me lol
Notes; thanks for the request! this is kinda like my summertime (with you) series, but different, so go check that out! love u lots also, lets just assume that everybody was okay after civil war and the snap hasn’t happened or anything and domestic!avengers is alive and well.
     “I literally want to strangle Mysterio. Like, genuinely strangle him.”
Evening overtook the city as you left the movie theater, smiling gently at the concession worker and thanking her for providing you with delicious popcorn. You had just seen Spider-man: Far From Home for the fifth time - this time with your best friend - and still couldn’t seem to fathom how Peter was going to handle this newfound trouble.
Thankfully, you had the internet to discuss your concerns. And, of course, how amazing Tom Holland looked in his most recent stand-alone movie. That you saw five times. Because, why not?
Your friend laughed at your protective nature and draped her arm over your shoulder, stumbling down the sidewalk to your car.
“You know, Y/N, maybe you should like - make an Anti-Mysterio blog,” She suggested with a laugh. You rolled your eyes, a smile creeping on your face.
“You know what?” You tested her, eyes daring. “I just might.” She laughed at your declaration and opened the passenger door. Somehow, you always ended up leaving the theater with this conversation rising. You’d been a massive fan of Tom ever since he appeared in ‘Civil War’ a few years ago, and had followed his career ever since. You had grown to love his portrayal of Peter Parker and would gladly argue with anyone who challenged his acting.
While driving her home, you daydreamed what meeting Tom would be like. Maybe you’d be vacationing in London - freely roaming the streets and searching for anything familiar when suddenly you bump into his chest and spill your coffee. You’d apologize profusely, bending down to pick up the now empty cup, and your fingers would touch, and he’d fall in love with you instantly. Tessa would cuddle at the edge of your shared bed, you’d follow him on press tours, and he’d introduce you to his family. Your best friend would be your maid of honor. Everything would be just perfect.
“Uh, hello? Y/N?” She snapped in front of your face, and suddenly you jumped and gripped the steering wheel. “What?” You questioned, looking at her.
“I said goodnight, you little shit,” she laughed, your face still puzzled as you returned from your land of dreams. She opened the car door, leaning down to give you a final wave goodbye. You waved with a smile, wishing her sweet dreams before driving home.
You made sure to quietly close your front door - the resident just beside your apartment always slept early, and he hated loud noises waking him up - and slowly stripped yourself of the trash from the movie theater before falling into your bed. The clock read a quarter past eleven.
Just as you were about to fall asleep, the notification sound of your phone went off. You groaned, tossing and turning to get to the sleep-depriving device. Your annoyance turned to joy as you saw Tom had posted a picture on Instagram, which turned out to be a selfie from the set of Far From Home. Your heart swelled, admiration for the actor filling your chest as you drifted to sleep. 
The next morning, your routine hadn’t changed much. You got ready for the day with your phone in your hand, scrolling through your social media to catch up on what had happened while you were asleep. Surprisingly, no messages showed up. You hadn’t thought much of it, though. It was a calm Sunday - your friends were most likely asleep still.
While you didn’t work on weekends, you decided to bring yourself out of your house and into the city that was New York. Just for a short stroll, you told yourself. You’d take the Manhattan-bound train and eat at your favorite cafe, or perhaps go visit your friends. Either way, you wanted to get out of the house. Daydreaming was always better while you were in motion.
While sitting on the train, you scrolled through your playlist of seemingly endless songs and waited for your stop to be announced. By now it was just past one, and you couldn’t choose a song to listen to. Even so, your regular Sunday morning changed drastically when you finally decided a tune and looked up from your phone.
There stood, quite literally in front of you, Tom Holland. He wore a plaid dress shirt with a navy blue sweater over it, white earbuds sat still in his ears, a Jansport backpack over his shoulders. You wondered why no one else on the train noticed, or why he was here so casually. 
Your stop was announced. You stood, and amazingly, Tom got off the train as well. Your heart pounded against your ribcage, the crush you had developed over him quickly arising, and you remembered how your dream of meeting him was nothing like this. Suddenly, you realized you had just been standing there and watching him make his way up the stairs and into the streets.
“Fuck,” you whispered to no one in particular. “Okay, relax. Just go ask for a picture and try not to die.”
You whispered quiet encouragements to yourself up until you tapped his shoulder. 
“Uh, yes?” Tom turned to you, his eyebrows slightly furrowed. You mouth ran dry, fumbling with the phone in your hand. It was almost as though you had forgotten your name. “I was wondering if I could get a quick picture with you?” Your voice was soft and polite, eye contact unbreaking. He wasn’t with family or friends, so there was no harm in asking for one picture, right?
Seriously, how was New York not freaking out over the fact that they were breathing the same air as Tom Holland?
He looked at you, confused. “I’m sorry,” He started, turning fully towards you. “I think you have the wrong person.” You shook your head, looking down. Now, you weren’t one to pry - especially on your celebrity crush - but was he genuinely trying to play off the fact that he wasn’t an actor belonging to one the of the largest franchises to exist?
“Tom Holland, right? You’re an actor for Marvel.” You stated questioningly, doubting yourself. Maybe he was a lookalike.
“No, I’m not,” He says, clarifying your confusion. “My name’s Peter.”
You blink. Once. Twice. Three times and shake your head. Had he just said his name was Peter? “Peter?” You repeated him, glaring lightly. “As in Peter Parker?” His eyes widened slightly. He sized you up, possibly to see if you were some sort of threat, but his senses hadn’t gone off in any way. 
“How do you know that?” He demanded, his voice grew to become defensive. In an instant, your heartbeat had no longer sped up from the fact that you were standing in front of your celebrity crush, but rather from the concept that he might not be your celebrity crush. Of course, that was a long reach. If this were Peter Parker standing in front of you, you were undoubtedly dreaming. Then again, everything felt so incredibly real. Lucid dreams you had before hadn’t even felt this real.
You began to consider the possibility that something happened. You didn’t quite know what - because you swear it was just confirmed that a multi-verse was in fact not real - but something must have happened. Tom – or Peter – didn’t seem to be joking when he established his real name. You began to wonder how much power you possess. Not superpower, but the power of knowledge, as you knew exactly what happens in the Marvel Universe. If you told him too much, you could mess up his entire world. 
Then you realized that sounded absolutely insane. You were definitely dreaming. Nonetheless, you needed to get out of the dream before you say something you shouldn’t. So, you ignore his question and ask your own. 
“What year is it?” You lowered your voice, careful as to not let passersby hear your unusual question. 
Peter’s face became increasingly puzzled, but he answered nonetheless. “It’s 2019. You didn’t answer my question, though - how do you know my name?”
You nodded to yourself, not bothering to answer quickly. If it were 2019, that means that Thanos hasn’t happened just yet. You were almost entirely sure that the Avengers had moved upstate, though. 
“Listen, Peter,” Your voice took more initiative as confidence flooded your system. You were almost sure you were dreaming, but you knew exactly what you needed to do to wake up. “I need you to take me to see the Avenger’s upstate. Like, right now.”
His mouth parted, shocked. Questions and ideas poured into his mind, and he looked side to side before stepping towards you. “How do you know my name, and who are you?” He questioned you more, and the proximity to him allowed a blush to form on your cheeks.
“I promise I’ll answer your questions if you just take me to where I need to go,” You promised.
He refused. “I’m not taking you anywhere.”
You sighed as he turned away. You knew he wouldn’t merely forget you, probably do some research on who you are and find absolutely nothing, so you chased after to him and pulled his arm toward you. He opened his mouth to say something before you interrupted.
“I know you’re Spider-Man.” You whispered.
His eyes widened more, and he checked to see if anyone had heard you. Then, he stepped backward and let out a nervous puff. “I-I’m not Spider-Man.” His voice sounded the exact same as to when he told MJ the same thing, and you mentally laughed to yourself. He was the cutest boy on the planet. Or, in your dream. Or in fiction. You weren’t quite sure.
“You don’t have to lie. I’m not gonna say anything, trust me,” You thought back to Mysterio and glowered at the thought. That dick. Then, you thought back to Mysterio’s claim of the multi-verse. Peter loved that theory, you remembered, and he accepted it with open arms. Even if it was made up, you knew it would be the only explanation to get him moving. Nonetheless, Peter was hesitant to accept you as anything but a threat. Despite his senses quiet as ever, you still knew his only secret, and he didn’t even know who you are. 
“Please,” you begged, your voice wavering. He could feel your sudden fear. “I don’t think I’m in the right place, and I need your help getting home.” Peter’s face softened as you spoke. No matter what, he always wanted to help people. You seemed to already have the ability to hurt him, but you didn’t, and your heart ached at the idea of how trusting he was. Even so, you felt grateful for his help.
With his new-found information, he walked with you back to the subway, and you began your journey to was what you assumed his apartment. You quickly realized you would have the pleasure of meeting Aunt May - but you decided to introduce yourself formally. You didn’t want to freak him out or anything. 
You told him all about your life. Where you lived in New York, where you went to school, how much you loved your best friend and how much of a fan you were of him. You decided not to talk much about Tom Holland - you thought about how you would feel if someone described your life as merely a movie they watched whenever they felt like it. Peter listened intently, taking note of your unusually quick heart-beat and flushed cheeks as he sat just next to you. 
He walked you up to his apartment, and you soaked in the scenery as best you could. After all, it wasn’t every day something like this happened. Even if you didn’t quite understand what this was. Peter told you little about himself, but you didn’t need much anyway. 
He pushed the door open softly, calling out a greeting to May. She popped her head out from the kitchen and waved. “Hey, Peter, I thought you just left?” She asked, stepping out in full as she noticed you. “Oh? Who is this?” She asked. You stood in awe of the apartment - everything appeared the exact same as it had in the movies. Peter answered for you, noticing you examining the apartment.
“This is Y/N, she’s a new transfer student from school, and we ran into each other.” He lied easily. Probably from all the practice with lying about being Spider-Man - even if May knew now. 
“Actually, May, we aren’t staying long. I’m gonna introduce her to Happy.” Peter stated, looking back at you for reassurance. You quietly nodded your head with a smile as your gaze shifted from Peter to Aunt May. She indeed was a beautiful woman. 
“Oh, oh, okay,” She smiled, nodding her head back to you and moving back into the kitchen. Peter brought you over to the couch and sat with you, pulling out his phone and calling Happy. You sat beside him quietly, heart calmed. Everything felt so real. The feel of the couch, the smell of Aunt May’s cooking, and Peter’s Queens accent flowing through your mind. 
You overheard Peter telling Happy he needed him here as soon as possible - describing the situation as ‘dire’ and ‘urgent.’ By now, Happy took Peter seriously, and soon enough, you were in the back of an infamous Audi and driving two hours to upstate New York. 
Peter sat on the opposite of you in the backseat. You hadn’t talked much - not past introducing yourself to Happy and smiling knowingly as he briefly greeted May. Peter didn’t make much conversation, either. You hoped he wasn’t too concerned with trusting you so quickly. He should work on that, in your opinion. Before it’s too late.
Eventually, you were given a guest badge by the receptionist and soon stood in an elevator with Happy and Peter. Soft elevator music played while your shoulders barely grazed Peter’s arm. He looked at you silently, and you returned his look with a smile that whispered: thank you. 
The moment the doors opened, your heart drop. 
In all their glory, the Avengers were sprawled across the living space as though they were one giant family. Natasha and Steve sat on the couch with a bowl of popcorn as their attention laid on the movie in front of them. Bucky and Sam sat on the floor, talking amongst themselves quietly. Bruce and Tony were on the other side of the room in the kitchen as they engaged in conversation. Pepper and Wanda seemed to be preoccupied with something on a 3D table but occasionally glanced at the TV. Thor was there as well, even with his brother Loki, and they watched the movie intently as though the plot was more intriguing than being a literal God.
They were entirely domestic. 
Your eyes seemed to be blown out of their sockets. Not only were you in the presence of superheroes and Gods, but you were in a completely different universe than what you expected. Peter noticed your tensed form and laid a hand on your shoulder. “Hey,” He whispered comfortingly. “You’re fine. They won’t hurt you or anything.”
You nodded, a frown formed on your face. Despite your worries, Peter’s comfort helped more than you had expected. A blush rose to your cheeks again. God, was this really the time for your inevitable crush on Peter Parker?
Tony turned as the three of you stepped out of the elevator. He noticed Happy and Peter first, greeting them with a warm smile before his eyes landed on you. His smile faltered slightly - he was confused. “Who’s this?” Tony asked, motioning towards you with the butter knife he held in his hand. The Avengers turned at the question, and you swore you almost passed out. You gasped lightly as Peter grasped onto your hand.
“This is Y/N, she needs some help.”
You sat quietly in the conference room just down the hall from the living room. You and the rest of the Avengers sat around the oval table, most eyes on you and Peter.
“So, you’re from another dimension?” Rhodey confirmed, his arms crossed skeptically. You nodded slowly, looking at Peter for reassurance. He nodded with a smile, and instantly, you felt at ease. “I think so,” you said, even though you were lying. This was clearly a dream - not another universe, or dimension, or Earth. “Honestly, I think I’m dreaming.” You admitted, the admiration of the world’s greatest heroes sitting in the same room as you flowing through your chest.
The team stayed quiet, questioning the truth of your words. Even though they had heard of unusual circumstances, you showed up out of nowhere. Trustworthy wouldn’t exactly be the word they used to describe you. You knew that, they knew that, and everybody knew that.
“Listen–” you started hesitantly, hoping they’d listen. “I know that I’m a stranger, and you have no obligation to help me, but I really want to go home. I don’t know how I got here, or why I’m here, or anything else - but I do know that I’m not meant to be here right now and that you guys are the only ones who can help me.”
The team looked amongst themselves, and not even Tony - the most talkative - spoke up. Your stomach dropped in fear of rejection, and for the first time since you had woken up, you were genuinely afraid that this was your fate. Unexpectedly, Steve spoke up.
“Y/N, we are obligated to help you - and we will. You did the right thing by coming to us,” His voice was stern, but a soft smile rested on his face.
Nat spoke up next as Bucky and Sam nodded in agreement. “Steve’s right. You’ll get home safe, don’t worry.” Your smile widened at that, and you gripped Peter’s hand tight and quietly thanked him as Bruce and Tony began to speculate how to get you home.
Hours passed. You explained over and over how your day went before you went to sleep, what you were doing before you went to sleep, and how your morning went when you woke up. Peter was beside you the entire time, and eventually, the team broke off to take breaks while Bruce continuously worked on getting you home. Despite wanting to keep your knowledge of their lives quiet, you couldn’t help but bond with the heroes as you sat amongst them comfortably. 
While you hadn’t had much alone time with any of the, you managed to give them words of encouragement you knew would benefit them further down the line. You told Bucky that he and The Winter Soldier were not one and that no matter what anyone said, it wasn’t his fault. You promised Steve that it’s okay to move on in life - not mentioning a name, but he knew what you meant. You went along in almost a circle formation and uplifted the team the best you could.
You had gotten attached, and a part of you felt sad imagining leaving.
It had gotten late. Just five minutes after eleven, and the team was ready to go off to bed. Though the group jokingly protested, Peter suggested you stay in his room for the night. There was a bed-like couch in his room anyway, and he had no problem sleeping on it. You protested, insisting he take his own bed, but he refused. Eventually, you complied and allowed yourself to relax. 
Just as everyone planned on going to bed, Rhodey spoke out with an idea.
“Wait, you said that you woke up here, right?” You nodded in response, glancing at Peter before shifting your eyes back to Rhodey. “So why don’t you just go to sleep at the time you went to sleep last night, and then you’ll wake up back home?” The team, not for the first time that day, responded with silence. You nodded your head slowly, looking at Bruce to see his reaction.
“Well,” Bruce stated, “It’s worth a shot. I’m not getting far in my research anyway.”
You agreed to try it out, noticing it was almost time for you to fall asleep. Luckily, you could feel yourself tiring out. “If this works, thank you all for being here with me. I’ll miss seeing you - I mean, I will, but not– you know what? I’ll just leave it at that,” You laughed, as did the rest of the team, and as they all departed for the night, they either patted your back or hugged you full on. 
Peter showed you to his room, and you appreciated how much quieter it was upstate than in the city. You sat on the edge of his bed, watching as he pulled a spare blanket from the closet and took a pillow from the bed. 
“Peter,” You muttered, your body exhausted. You suspected it was your atoms acting up from being in a different universe. Possibly - this still may very well be a dream. 
“Yeah, Y/N?” He asked, turning toward you. For a moment, you didn’t respond. Peter looked at you, expectantly. Deciding to break your rules slightly, you stood and walked toward him. Your eyes met his, and your heart exploded in your chest. He was so cute, especially in the moonlight. 
“I just want to say thank you,” Your voice was merely a whisper, and while he responded that it was no problem, you weren’t finished. Your heart ached as you thought about what was possible to come for him. After seeing how the Avengers were with each other, you weren’t entirely sure if the timeline would play out the same anymore, but you knew that Peter would eventually face obstacles alone and he’d need someone there for comfort. It was naive to think you could be that person, but you wouldn’t mind leaving an everlasting mark on his conscious. 
“I want you to remember that everything will be okay.” Slowly, you stood on your toes and pressed a soft kiss on his cheek. Even with the minimal light, you could see the blush on his cheeks matching your own. You smiled and almost felt yourself tear up at the thought of never having this experience again. Not many girls back home could say they kissed Peter Parker. 
Peter smiled, pulling you into a hug. “I don’t know you very well, but I’m happy I met you.” You hugged him back tightly, feeling his warm body against yours and doubted that this was ever a dream. Nothing could feel this real and be a dream, and so while you finally let him go and lie down in the bed that he insisted you take for the night, you smile to yourself.
Your phone dings, but you don’t check the notification. Instead, you look out onto the field and slowly close your eyes - a part of you wishing to go home, and another begging to stay.
You were awoken to the sound of a new notification, and the bright light of the sun streaming through blinds. A groan left your lips as you tossed and turned. Eventually, you grasped the phone beside you and scrolled through the number of notifications you had.
All of them were missed calls from your best friend, your family, and hundreds of text messages. You sat up abruptly, taking in your surroundings and calling out for Peter. You quickly realized from the honking horns and the small room that you were back home, and from the sudden amount of notifications, you realized that you were just back where you needed to be.
Thoughts swarm your mind. You wondered how long you had been gone, and you felt terrible for how much concern you most likely caused your friends and family when suddenly you thought back to the night before and allowed a smile to grow on your face.
“I kissed Peter Parker.”
Notes; honestly that was really long and not very romantic, but I hoped you enjoyed anyways
general taglist:
@devin-marie , @imagine-lovebug , @nedthegay , @magicalturmoil , @poc-gotbang , @zabdisamor , @romance-geek , @hollandshearteyes , @jackiehollanderr , @etudaire , @spiderperalta , @mapreza1
peter parker taglist:
@really-lucas , @exquisitebts , @pastelastronomy24 , @eridanuswave , @snowxbarryxendgame , @s-ecret–garden , @obsiidio , @lost-in-translating , @awokenfandoms @estate-euphoric , @night-girls-world , @notanicekid , @guccixuxi ,
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