#alternative nairobi
kondoomwitu · 8 months
Messing around
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espresso-ships · 6 months
I'm curious!
For me - It's both!
I've made OC's which I feel fits both Nacho and Nairobi but they're very much based on my personality etc!
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akkawi · 8 months
The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 2 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
why is your paypal account owned by a random man from nairobi, kenya? also, PAYPAL IS NOT AVAILABLE IN PALESTINE. all donation posts i've seen with paypal links have someone else hosting their paypal and sending the money with proof to a palestinian account VIA MONEY TRANSFER.
There are a LOT of these scams going around lately and it's so disgusting. It happened in 2021 and it's happening now. this is a brand new tumblr account with no photographic proof that they are from gaza, suddenly posting a paypal link and spamming people with it.
listen. if you can 1) physically prove that you are in Gaza and post ANY sort of picture of yourself showing you're a real person connected to this account, and 2) explain who the hell "Samuel Obiya" is and how he's gonna get the money to you, then I will personally donate you $100. everyone else reading this, DON'T FALL FOR THESE SCAMS! there are a lot going around right now so make sure you're donating to help actual people.
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By: Stephen Knight
Published: Feb 20, 2024
There was a time when you could count on the left to defend science with the sort of zeal that would make a religious fundamentalist blush. Scientific knowledge was once gleefully wielded to expose and mock the magical thinking of creationists, anti-vaxxers, Flat Earthers, astrologers and homoeopaths. However, this staunch commitment to scientific empiricism has recently begun to waver. It is now increasingly coming into conflict with the new tenets of the ‘diversity, equity and inclusion’ (DEI) agenda.
You can see this clearly in the Biden administration’s proposed new guidelines for the US Department of Health and Human Services (HSS). As the Washington Free Beacon reports, staff working in public-health agencies like the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDA), which are overseen by the HSS, could soon be instructed to consider ‘multiple forms of evidence, such as indigenous knowledge’ when going about their duties.
Put simply, advocates of ‘indigenous knowledge’ argue that various cultures throughout history have their own ways of understanding the world. And these alternative, indigenous ‘ways of knowing’, they say, should be utilised alongside more established scientific methods in research and in policymaking.
Yes, some DEI advocates really do think that public-health bodies should seek the input of tribal elders and spiritual leaders – alongside, say, qualified physicians and epidemiologists. What’s more, they believe that racism is the only reason it has taken so long for indigenous knowledge to be utilised in this way. They argue that science is a ‘Western, colonialist structure’ that has only come to dominate our thinking thanks to white supremacy. This nefarious falsehood began in academia, with calls from activists to ‘decolonise’ science. Now it has reached the highest levels of the US government.
The Biden administration is not even the first Western government to sacrifice science to the DEI agenda. Last year, the government of New Zealand decided that science classes in schools should teach that Maori ‘ways of knowing’ have equal standing to ‘Western science’. Scientists who objected to this found themselves under investigation by the Royal Society of New Zealand. Three of them, including one of Maori descent, resigned from the society in protest.
The claim that science is ‘Western’ is absurd, of course. One of the many wonderful things about science is that it does not discriminate. Science is a universal, cross-cultural concept. It invites anyone and everyone to participate and contribute to our growing understanding of reality. Science does not care about what you look like or where you come from. All science cares about is whether your methods and conclusions are sound enough to survive scrutiny. This clearly cannot be said for indigenous knowledge.
This is why there aren’t any ‘indigenous’ ways of flying an airplane that supersede our scientific understanding of aerodynamics. Or why the NHS doesn’t offer exorcisms as part of its mental-health services. A blood test administered in a clinical setting will yield the same results whether it’s carried out in London or Nairobi – because science actually works anywhere you do it. It’s about the ‘how’, not the ‘who’.
If every single piece of scientific knowledge were erased tomorrow and we had to start all over again, we would eventually come to the same conclusions as we have today. This is not true of indigenous knowledge, because, unlike science, it is not underpinned by logic and reason.
We all know that treating indigenous knowledge as akin to scientific evidence is a bit silly. But I suspect that is probably the point. Like with trans-rights ideologues, today’s self-professed ‘anti-racists’ like to frame statements of the obvious as akin to acts of bigotry. It gives them enormous power over the rest of us. We are all essentially being dared to say that relying on indigenous knowledge is a terrible idea. Of course, if you do say this in the wrong circles, you will be accused of racism and you will be silenced.
With modern-day anti-racism, the goal is not to address actual inequalities or to improve the material wellbeing of oppressed minorities. The real aim is to tear down anything that is perceived to be ‘white’ or ‘Western’. And the fact that science is now being placed in the firing line, thanks to racial identity politics, should worry us all.
The suggestion that the gold standard of science is a uniquely white or Western standard is as ludicrous as it is racist. It perpetuates the deeply prejudiced idea that non-Western or non-white groups cannot grasp the basics of science, and therefore it would be unfair to expect them to. This is tantamount to claiming there is an innate quality possessed by white Westerners that makes them uniquely suited to the study and advancement of science. This notion would not seem out of place at a KKK rally, yet it is a depressingly common view among so-called anti-racists. This is the bigotry of low expectations.
The push by the White House to incorporate indigenous knowledge into public-health policy is unbelievably reckless. It arrives in a post-pandemic context when public trust in our scientific institutions is already at an all-time low. Surely, that trust will now only fall further. After all, how can we possibly trust that those tasked with looking after our health are doing so effectively, when their objectivity has been so clearly compromised?
Science often gets things wrong, of course. But unlike indigenous ways of knowing, science rewards you for catching errors. It incentivises the pursuit of truth over accepting received wisdom. There are no religious commandments or cultural dogmas dictating the scope of scientific investigation. Science simply finds out ‘what is’ – and to hell with any sacred cows that are slaughtered along the way.
Standards of objectivity are essential when it comes to science and public health. We should make no apologies for defending them from the encroachment of pseudoscience, whatever form it comes in.
Stephen Knight is host of the Godless Spellchecker podcast and the Knight Tube. Follow him on Twitter: @GSpellchecker
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humanrightsupdates · 2 months
Kenya/IMF: Align Economic Reform with Rights
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(Nairobi) – The Kenyan government and International Monetary Fund should work together to ensure that the IMF program and its implementation align with human rights, Human Rights Watch said today. The focus should be on progressive revenue generation and accountability over public funds.
Following the recent nationwide protests, President William Ruto declined to sign Finance Bill 2024, which included regressive tax measures that risked undermining rights. Any alternative measures should relieve economic pressures by addressing the root causes of protesters’ anger.
“The widespread outrage sparked by proposed taxes on goods like sanitary pads and cooking oil in a country where corporate tax evasion is endemic should be a wake-up call to the Kenyan government and the IMF that they cannot sacrifice rights in the name of economic recovery,” said Sarah Saadoun, senior researcher on poverty and inequality at Human Rights Watch. “Economic sustainability can only be achieved with a new social contract that raises revenues fairly, manages them responsibly, and funds services and programs that allow everyone to realize their rights.”
Finance Bill 2024, in the context of an IMF program with Kenya, was expected to raise US$2.7 billion in additional revenues in the upcoming fiscal year, in part to meet IMF targets. The bill included several new tax provisions, such as removing exemptions from certain food items and a mobile money transfer tax, that would increase the cost of essential goods and services and fall heaviest on Kenyans with lower and middle incomes, as well as already marginalized groups such as women.
The IMF program was approved in 2021 to support Kenya’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic and global inflation, as well as devastating cycles of droughts and floods made worse by climate change. An increase in interest rates has also forced the government to spend upward of half its tax revenues to service debt.
The Kenyan government has other options to raise revenue progressively and enhance trust in the government, Human Rights Watch said. Kenya’s tax-to-GDP ratio is around 15 percent, which is the minimum threshold according to the World Bank for a viable state and economic stability.
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alphatree · 2 years
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Building Footprint Detection/Segmentation in Africa
Building footprints for Africa are mainly available via the Google Open Buildings and Microsoft Building Footprints datasets. Both are known to be of limited accuracy and hard to refresh due to the very high cost associated with VHR imagery at a continental scale. The African Building Foot-Print (ABFP) layer of Atlas AI is a low-cost alternative computed from high-resolution multispectral base-map imagery refreshed on a monthly basis.
The images showcase the results on model inference over Nairobi, Kenya. The colored heat map shows model confidence, and white polygons infused, show the corresponding findings from the Google Open Buildings dataset. Both results are superimposed on Airbus VHR imagery over the targeted area.
Note the frequency of regions in the ABFP heat map for which no white polygons are present.
Disclaimer: the ABFP is not a commercial product. It is a layer produced for research purposes only.
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sheltiechicago · 1 year
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‘I was intrigued by how ballet, often associated with privilege, was being used as a form of self-expression in Kibera, one of the largest informal settlements in Nairobi,’ says Ugandan-born Kenya-based documentary and portrait photographer Sarah Waiswa. ‘I wanted to offer an alternative to the stereotype of the poor African child from the slum’
Photograph: Sarah Waiswa
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Petition Text:Born and raised in Kenya, Irene Gakwa emigrated to the United States in May 2019, hoping to launch a career in health care. Being the only daughter and the last born, her parents resisted their introverted daughter's plans to move to a faraway country. They worried about how she'd adjust -- she was so shy, she barely left her room in their suburban Nairobi home to go outside.
Gakwa settled first in Idaho to be near her brothers, with dreams of attending nursing school and working in a hospital. In 2020, Gakwa confided to Abatey, her sister-in-law, that she was dating Nathan Hightman, whom she met on a Craigslist forum. Irene and Nathan eventually moved in together in Meridian, and she started nursing school. In the summer of 2021, they relocated to Gillette, where she transferred schools. Gakwa's parents were not aware she was living in Gillette, Wyoming.
Irene Gakwa's last WhatsApp video call with her parents hinted that something was off. When her face appeared on the phone screen, her dad teased her that she looked hungry and tired. Her smile was more subdued and her short hair, usually braided, was rumpled. That was February 24, the last time anyone in her family saw her.
On March 20, 2022 her brothers, Chris Munga and Kennedy Wainaina, reported her missing to the Gillette Police Department. This was after Gakwa's brothers could not reach her and looked through her phone records and called a close friend she'd talked to numerous times. Her close friend is the one who informed her parents that Irene had moved to Wyoming with Nathan. However, her brothers were under the impression that they had broken up.
On the same day an officer talked to Hightman, in relation to a separate criminal case against him. Hightman told the officer he last saw Gakwa in late February, when she came home one night, packed her clothing in two plastic bags and left in a dark-colored SUV. He told police he hadn't heard from her since. He also said he withdrew money from her bank account so she would be forced to contact him if she needed money.
Hightman has not been charged in Gakwa's disappearance, but is a suspect in financial crimes against her after she went missing. Hightman transferred nearly $3,700 from Gakwa's bank account to his own and spent an additional $3,230 on her credit card. In addition, he allegedly changed her banking account password and deleted her email account after she vanished. The Gillette Police Department said it has executed approximately 24 search warrants and during one of the searches, investigators recovered a shovel and boots Hightman bought at a Walmart in late February using Gakwa's Visa card.
Despite the evidence accumulating against Hightman, the Wyoming Police refer to Hightman only as a “person of interest.” He has pleaded not guilty to all charges and was released on a $10,000 bond.
Gakwa's family is still holding out hope that somehow she'll contact them or come back home. The alternative is too hard to bear. Gakwa's 33rd birthday was in July and they held a Zoom vigil. Her friends and family shed tears and shared memories and photos of her, struggling between using past or present tense.
Irene’s father remains optimistic she'll make it home for Christmas. But most days, not so much. "I just want to know the truth. I'm still hopeful, but my hope is dwindling. She knows my number. The fact that she has not called …” Her father’s voice trails off before he can complete his sentence.
This petition calls for the concerted efforts of Gillette Police Department, the Gillette City Council,Governor Mark Gordon, Gillette WY, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kenya Embassy Washington D.C to make known the whereabouts of Ms. Irene Gakwa.
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ao3feed-berlermo · 2 years
Before the Paris Plan
Before the Paris Plan https://archiveofourown.org/works/43131046 by @achillesfilms
Before there was Palermo, there was Martín Berrote.
Words: 1689, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa, Palermo | Martín Berrote, Professor | Sergio Marquina, Marseille | Jakov (La casa de papel), Original Characters, Tokyo | Silene Oliveira, Rio | Aníbal Cortés, Nairobi | Ágata Jiménez, Helsinki | Mirko Dragic, Bogotá | Santiago López, Oslo | Radko Dragic, Denver | Daniel Ramos, Moscow | Agustín Ramos, Stockholm | Mónica Gaztambide, Lisbon | Raquel Murillo Fuentes, Tatiana (La casa de papel)
Relationships: Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa & Palermo | Martín Berrote, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa & Professor | Sergio Marquina, Berlin | Andrés de Fonollosa/His wives
Additional Tags: Fluff, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Slow Burn, Slow Romance, Pre-Canon, Pre-Relationship, Eventual Romance, did this because alex pina is a coward, Tags Are Hard, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Sergio is tired, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
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kondoomwitu · 1 month
From Juanco to Nyayo
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repelprotect · 5 days
Choosing the Right Pest Control Service in Nairobi: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Pests can be a significant nuisance, whether in your home or business. In Nairobi, the need for reliable pest control services is paramount, given the city's tropical climate, which provides the perfect environment for pests such as cockroaches, ants, termites, bed bugs, and rodents to thrive. If you're dealing with a pest infestation, it's crucial to select the right pest control service to ensure your problem is handled efficiently and safely. This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of choosing the best pest control company in Nairobi.
Pest Control Services Nairobi
1. Identify the Pest Problem
Before seeking pest control services, you need to know what type of pests you're dealing with. Different pests require different treatment methods, so understanding whether you have termites, rodents, cockroaches, or bed bugs is the first step. Once you've identified the problem, you can focus on finding a pest control service that specializes in that area.
2. Research Local Pest Control Companies
Begin by compiling a list of pest control companies operating in Nairobi. You can do this through online searches, recommendations from friends and family, or checking with local directories. Make sure the company is well-established and has positive reviews and ratings. Look for companies with a strong reputation for professionalism, effective pest control measures, and excellent customer service.
3. Verify Credentials and Certifications
In Nairobi, pest control companies are regulated and must adhere to specific guidelines to ensure safety and efficacy. Always verify that the company you’re considering has the necessary licenses and certifications to operate. Licensed companies are more likely to use safe, approved chemicals and follow proper procedures, protecting your family, pets, and the environment.
4. Ask About the Company’s Experience
Experience matters when it comes to pest control. Companies that have been in the industry for several years are more likely to have dealt with a wide range of pest problems and will know how to handle your specific issue. Ask how long the company has been in business, what kind of pests they specialize in, and if they have experience with pest infestations similar to yours.
Pest Control Services Nairobi
5. Inquire About the Methods and Products Used
Different pest control companies use different methods to eliminate pests. Some might offer chemical treatments, while others may use eco-friendly, non-toxic alternatives. It’s essential to ask the company about the methods they use and whether these methods are safe for people, pets, and the environment. A good pest control company should also be transparent about the products they use, so you can be sure they’re compliant with health and safety standards.
6. Compare Costs and Get a Quote
The cost of pest control services can vary widely in price depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of treatment required. The cost of pest control services can vary widely in price depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of treatment required. Get quotes from several companies to compare costs. However, don’t be tempted to go for the cheapest option, as lower prices could indicate lower-quality service. Ensure that the quotes include a detailed breakdown of what’s covered, including follow-up visits if needed.
7. Check for Guarantees and Follow-Up Services
A reputable pest control service should offer guarantees for their work. This means that if the pests return within a certain period after treatment, the company will come back to resolve the issue at no extra cost. Make sure to ask about their guarantee policy and any follow-up services to ensure you’re not left dealing with recurring problems.
Pest Control Services Nairobi
8. Assess Customer Service
The quality of customer service can say a lot about a pest control company. From the moment you make contact, the company should be responsive, courteous, and willing to answer any questions you have. Pay attention to how they handle your inquiries, whether they provide clear and detailed information, and if they take the time to explain the treatment process.
9. Ask About Preventive Measures
Effective pest control is not just about eliminating the existing pests but also preventing future infestations. A good pest control company will offer advice on how to prevent pests from returning, such as sealing entry points, improving sanitation, and recommending preventive treatments. This holistic approach ensures that your home or business remains pest-free in the long term.
10. Evaluate Their Safety Measures
Pest control treatments often involve chemicals, so it’s important to choose a company that prioritizes safety. Inquire about the measures they take to protect occupants during and after the treatment. This includes asking if they use eco-friendly or low-toxicity products and if they provide any instructions for safety precautions.
Pest Control Services Nairobi
Choosing the right pest control service in Nairobi requires careful consideration and research. By following these steps, you can find a professional, reliable, and safe pest control company that will address your infestation and help prevent future problems. With the right service, you can ensure a pest-free environment and peace of mind.
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elioratechno25 · 27 days
The Revolution of Online Education with Eliora Techno A New Era of Learning
In today's fast-paced digital world, online education has emerged as a game-changer. The traditional way of attending classes in brick-and-mortar institutions is evolving, and more students are opting for flexible, convenient, and affordable online learning solutions. Eliora Techno, a leader in online education, is at the forefront of this revolution, providing cutting-edge courses that cater to learners worldwide.
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What Makes Online Education the Future of Learning?
The shift towards online education has been rapid, and it is here to stay. But what makes it so appealing? Here are a few reasons:
1. Flexibility and Convenience: Online education allows learners to study at their own pace and convenience. Whether you're a working professional, a stay-at-home parent, or someone with a busy schedule, online courses fit into your routine. Eliora Techno offers flexible course structures that let students access lessons anytime and anywhere.
2. Cost-Effectiveness: Traditional education comes with many additional expenses, from commuting to accommodation. Online education eliminates most of these, making it an affordable alternative. Eliora Techno ensures that its courses are competitively priced without compromising on quality.
3. Global Reach: With the internet connecting millions of learners across the globe, online education breaks geographical barriers. Whether you're in Nagpur, New York, or Nairobi, Eliora Techno provides access to the same high-quality education, giving students a global perspective and opportunities.
4. Variety of Courses: Online education offers an array of courses that cater to different interests and industries. Eliora Techno specializes in IT courses like Frontend Development, Graphic Design, Java Development, Digital Marketing, WordPress, PHP Full Stack Development, MERN Stack, React JS, and NodeJS. These courses are designed to equip students with industry-relevant skills, making them job-ready.
How Eliora Techno Enhances the Online Learning Experience
Eliora Techno has redefined the online education space with its learner-focused approach and advanced technological integration. Here's how:
1. Interactive Learning Platforms: Eliora Techno leverages modern technology to offer interactive platforms where students can engage with instructors and peers. Live sessions, recorded lectures, and interactive quizzes make learning dynamic and effective.
2. Expert Instructors: All courses at Eliora Techno are taught by experienced professionals who are experts in their respective fields. The focus is on practical knowledge, ensuring that learners are industry-ready upon course completion.
3. Comprehensive Support: One of the key challenges in online education is the lack of immediate support that students usually get in traditional settings. Eliora Techno bridges this gap by offering comprehensive student support through live chat, email assistance, and dedicated mentors.
4. Certifications and Job Assistance: Upon completion of courses, students receive recognized certifications, giving them an edge in the competitive job market. Eliora Techno also provides job assistance and internship opportunities, especially for students looking to break into the IT sector.
5. Personalized Learning: Each student has unique learning needs, and Eliora Techno recognizes this. With personalized learning paths and assessments, students can focus on areas where they need improvement, ensuring a more tailored and efficient learning experience.
Eliora Techno and the Growth of IT Education in Nagpur
Nagpur is rapidly growing as an IT hub in India, and Eliora Techno is playing a crucial role in this transformation by offering specialized IT online classes in Nagpur. The demand for skilled IT professionals is soaring, and Eliora Techno is providing world-class training to meet this demand. By offering courses that are aligned with industry standards, Eliora Techno is helping students from Nagpur and beyond secure well-paying jobs in the global IT market.
The future of education is digital, and Eliora Techno is leading the charge. With its range of courses, expert instructors, and a focus on providing practical, industry-relevant knowledge, Eliora Techno is preparing students to succeed in a competitive global market. Whether you're looking to upskill, change careers, or start your journey in the IT world, Eliora Techno’s online education platform is the gateway to a brighter future.
Embrace the power of online education today with Eliora Techno and unlock endless opportunities!
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drankitdaveortho · 28 days
The Benefits of Arthroscopy: Faster Recovery and Less Pain
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Have you been advised to undergo arthroscopic surgery to treat your orthopaedic problem? If so, you’re undoubtedly curious about what makes this process unique. In the field of joint health, arthroscopic surgery is a game-changer, not just another medical advice. Imagine having a surgery that can solve your issue with less discomfort, less invasion, and a faster recovery. Sounds good, doesn’t it? An arthroscopy may be your best option for recovering from a sports injury or persistent joint discomfort more quickly and comfortably than you might think. Arthroscopy has revolutionized the field of orthopaedic surgery, offering patients a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgery. This innovative technique allows the orthopaedic surgeons to diagnose and treat a wide range of joint problems with smaller incisions, resulting in faster recovery times and less postoperative pain. In this blog post Dr Ankit Dave, considered as one of the best doctors for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi, shares the numerous benefits of arthroscopy and why it has become the preferred method for many joint procedures.
What is Arthroscopy?
Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure that uses a small camera (arthroscope) and miniature surgical instruments to examine and treat problems inside a joint. The arthroscope is inserted through a small incision, providing the surgeon with a clear, magnified view of the joint’s interior on a video monitor.
Key Benefits of Arthroscopy
1. Minimally Invasive Procedure
“One of the primary advantages of arthroscopy is its minimally invasive nature”, says Dr Ankit Dave, one of the best doctor for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi. Unlike traditional open surgery, which often requires large incisions, arthroscopy is performed through small incisions, typically less than a centimetre in length. This results in:
- Less tissue damage
- Reduced scarring
- Lower risk of infection
- Decreased blood loss during surgery
2. Faster Recovery
The minimally invasive nature of arthroscopy translates to significantly faster recovery times compared to open surgery. Benefits include:
- Shorter hospital stays (many arthroscopic procedures are outpatient)
- Quicker return to daily activities
- Earlier start to rehabilitation
- Faster return to work or sports
3. Reduced Postoperative Pain
Patients undergoing arthroscopy generally experience less post-operative pain than those who have open surgery. This is due to:
- Smaller incisions causing less trauma to surrounding tissues
- Reduced manipulation of muscles and ligaments
- Less inflammation and swelling
The reduced pain often leads to:
- Lower reliance on pain medication
- Improved comfort during recovery
- Better sleep and overall well-being during the healing process
4. Improved Diagnostic Accuracy
Arthroscopy provides the best orthopaedic surgeons in Nairobi with a magnified, high-definition view of the joint interior. This allows for:
- More accurate diagnosis of joint problems
- Ability to assess the extent of damage in real-time
- Opportunity to perform additional tests or procedures during the same surgery if needed
5. Versatility in Treatment
Arthroscopy can be used to both diagnose and treat a wide range of joint issues in a single procedure. The best doctors for arthroscopy surgery in Nairobi use this technique to:
- Repair torn cartilage or ligaments
- Remove loose bodies in the joint
- Smooth out damaged cartilage
- Trim inflamed synovial tissue
6. Lower Risk of Complications
The minimally invasive nature of arthroscopy generally results in a lower risk of complications compared to open surgery. This includes:
- Reduced risk of surgical site infections
- Lower likelihood of excessive bleeding
- Decreased risk of nerve or blood vessel damage
7. Cost-Effective Treatment
While the initial cost of arthroscopic equipment is high, the overall cost of treatment can be lower due to:
- Shorter hospital stays
- Reduced need for pain medication
- Faster return to work, reducing lost productivity
8. Applicability to Multiple Joints
Arthroscopy can be used to diagnose and treat problems in various joints, including:
- Knee
- Shoulder
- Hip
- Ankle
- Elbow
- Wrist
This versatility makes it a valuable tool for addressing a wide range of orthopaedic issues.
9. Enhanced Rehabilitation
The less invasive nature of arthroscopy often allows for:
- Earlier start to physical therapy
- More aggressive rehabilitation protocols
- Faster restoration of joint function and range of motion
10. Improved Patient Satisfaction
The combination of faster recovery, less pain, and improved outcomes often leads to higher patient satisfaction rates compared to traditional open surgery.
Considerations and Limitations
While arthroscopy offers numerous benefits, it’s important to note that it’s not suitable for all joint problems. Some complex or extensive injuries may still require open surgery. Additionally, the success of arthroscopy depends on factors such as:
- The skill and experience of the surgeon
- The specific condition being treated
- The patient’s overall health and adherence to post-operative instructions
Arthroscopy has transformed the landscape of orthopaedic surgery, offering patients a less invasive option for diagnosing and treating a wide range of joint problems. The benefits of faster recovery, reduced pain, and improved outcomes make it an attractive choice for many patients and surgeons alike.
If you’re facing a potential joint surgery, consult one of the best orthopaedic surgeons in Nairobi to understand whether arthroscopy might be an appropriate option for your condition. While it’s not suitable for every situation, when applicable, arthroscopy can provide a smoother, more comfortable path to recovery and a quicker return to the activities you love.
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cheflink1 · 2 months
Elevate Your Business Gatherings with Corporate Events Catering Services in Nairobi
In today's dynamic business environment, hosting a successful corporate event can significantly impact a company's reputation and relationships. Whether it's a formal conference, a product launch, or a team-building retreat, every detail matters. One of the most critical components of any corporate event is the catering service. In Nairobi, businesses are increasingly recognizing the importance of hiring professional corporate events catering services to ensure their events are memorable and impactful.
Why Choose Professional Catering?
Organizing a corporate event involves meticulous planning and execution. The choice of food and beverages plays a crucial role in defining the event's success. Professional corporate events catering services in Nairobi offer a seamless blend of culinary expertise and logistical precision. These services are equipped to handle everything from menu planning to execution, allowing businesses to focus on their core objectives.
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Corporate events catering services in Nairobi are renowned for their ability to cater to diverse tastes and dietary preferences. With the city's vibrant culinary scene, catering companies can provide a range of cuisines, from traditional Kenyan dishes to international delicacies. This variety ensures that all attendees, regardless of their culinary preferences, have an exceptional dining experience.
Tailored Solutions for Every Event
One of the primary benefits of hiring corporate events catering services in Nairobi is the personalized approach they offer. These services understand that each corporate event is unique and requires a tailored catering solution. Whether it's a small board meeting or a large-scale conference, catering companies in Nairobi can customize their offerings to suit the specific needs of the event.
For instance, if the event is a formal dinner, the catering service can provide a sophisticated menu with multiple courses and exquisite presentations. Alternatively, for more casual events like workshops or team-building sessions, they can offer a buffet-style service with a variety of finger foods and snacks. This flexibility allows businesses to create the perfect atmosphere for their events, enhancing the overall experience for attendees.
Beyond Food: Comprehensive Event Support
Corporate events catering services in Nairobi go beyond just providing food. Many of these companies offer comprehensive event support, including setup, service staff, and equipment rental. This all-inclusive approach ensures that every aspect of the catering is handled professionally, leaving no room for last-minute glitches.
Moreover, experienced catering services prioritize hygiene and safety, adhering to stringent standards to ensure that all food is prepared and served safely. This commitment to quality and safety is crucial, especially in today's health-conscious world, where the well-being of guests is paramount.
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Making a Lasting Impression
In the competitive business world, making a lasting impression is essential. Corporate events are an opportunity to showcase your brand, values, and commitment to excellence. By partnering with professional corporate events catering services in Nairobi, businesses can demonstrate their attention to detail and dedication to providing a superior experience for their clients, partners, and employees.
The choice of catering service can make or break a corporate event. With the expertise and versatility offered by corporate events catering services in Nairobi, businesses can ensure their events are not only successful but also memorable. From tailored menu options to comprehensive event support, these services provide everything needed to elevate your corporate gatherings and leave a lasting impression on all attendees.
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dopetidalwavesong · 3 months
How to Find Cheap Flights to Africa
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Finding cheap flights to Africa can seem daunting, but with the right strategies, you can score some incredible deals. Whether you're planning a safari adventure, a cultural tour, or a business trip, this guide will help you navigate the process of finding affordable airfare to this diverse and beautiful continent.
1. Be Flexible with Your Travel Dates
One of the easiest ways to find cheap flights is to be flexible with your travel dates. Flight prices can vary significantly depending on the time of year, day of the week, and even the time of day. Use fare comparison tools like Google Flights or Skyscanner to explore different date combinations and identify the most affordable options.
2. Book in Advance
While last-minute deals can sometimes be found, booking your flight well in advance is generally the best way to secure the lowest prices. Aim to book your tickets at least three to six months before your intended departure date. Airlines often release their cheapest seats early, so the sooner you book, the better.
3. Use Fare Comparison Websites
Fare comparison websites like Kayak, Momondo, and Skyscanner allow you to compare prices across multiple airlines and travel agencies. These platforms also offer fare alerts, which notify you when prices drop for your preferred routes. Make sure to use these tools to ensure you're getting the best deal possible.
4. Consider Alternative Airports
If you're flying to a major city in Africa, consider checking prices for nearby airports as well. For example, if you're heading to Nairobi, compare prices for flights into Jomo Kenyatta International Airport and Wilson Airport. Sometimes, flying into a smaller or alternative airport can result in significant savings.
5. Fly During Off-Peak Seasons
Traveling during off-peak seasons can help you find cheaper flights. For most African destinations, the high season typically coincides with the best weather conditions, which can vary depending on the region. Research your specific destination to determine when the off-peak season is, and plan your trip accordingly to take advantage of lower airfare.
6. Use Points and Miles
If you have frequent flyer miles or credit card points, consider using them to reduce the cost of your flight. Many airlines and credit card companies offer travel rewards programs that can help you save money. Check your rewards balance and see if you can use your points to cover part or all of your airfare.
7. Keep an Eye on Deals and Sales
Airlines frequently offer sales and promotions, especially during major holidays or off-peak travel periods. Subscribe to airline newsletters, follow them on social media, and sign up for deal alerts from websites like Secret Flying or The Flight Deal to stay informed about special offers and flash sales.
8. Book Connecting Flights
Non-stop flights are often more convenient, but they can also be more expensive. Consider booking connecting flights instead, as they are usually cheaper. While this may add some travel time, the savings can be substantial. Be sure to check the layover duration and ensure you have enough time to make your connecting flight.
9. Use Budget Airlines
Several budget airlines operate routes to and within Africa, offering lower fares compared to traditional carriers. Airlines like Fastjet, FlySafair, and Air Arabia can provide cost-effective options for travelers. Keep in mind that budget airlines often charge extra for checked luggage, seat selection, and other services, so factor these costs into your total budget.
10. Clear Your Browser Cookies
When searching for flights online, airlines and travel websites can use cookies to track your search history and potentially increase prices. To avoid this, clear your browser cookies or use incognito mode while searching for flights. This can help ensure you see the lowest available prices.
Finding cheap flights to Africa requires a combination of flexibility, research, and strategic planning. By being proactive and utilizing the tips outlined above, you can significantly reduce your travel expenses and make your dream trip to Africa a reality. Happy travels!
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xnewsinfo · 3 months
When Kenya's Gen Z took to the streets of Nairobi, they anticipated the federal government to take heed to them. As an alternative, police responded with tear fuel, water cannons and stay ammunition, ensuing within the deaths of 39 protesters. The preliminary outrage was sparked by a regulation generally known as the Finance Invoice 2024, which sought to extend taxes on a number of primary commodities. Many Kenyans say day by day life is already unaffordable. The notion was that the federal government was forcing younger folks and the poor to bear the brunt of the nation's debt disaster, after years of monetary mismanagement and spending that solely advantages these in energy. Activist Boniface Mwangi was among the many protesters as gunfire rang out and the size of the safety forces’ crackdown turned clear. Mwangi’s on-line nickname is the “Individuals’s Watchman” as a result of he fights to get justice for folks whose plight would in any other case be ignored. Now, he's searching for justice and accountability for the households of the victims who had been shot lifeless, whereas demanding dignity. That is the story of how Kenyan youth fought and received, however at an immense human value of dozens of lives. Credit Director: Tierney Bonini Senior Producer: Tierney Bonini Native producer: George Kihara Writer: Antonia Perello Director of Pictures: Joe Mwihia Editor: Antonia Perello Sound mixer: Yago Cordero Domenech Senior Editor: Donald Cameron
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