#although is it really a happy ending if he doesn't end up with Luz?
What keeps me up at night is thinking about how the Wild Witch lured Caleb away from Philip but she wasn't able to stop him from murdering her lover and how it contrasts with Luz (also a wild witch) who lured Hunter (the Grimwalker that looks the most like Caleb) away from Philip BUT is able to save him from being murdered - and for the time being is STILL keeping him safe.
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fairlyang · 9 months
Amor de siempre 🕷️
amor de siempre by cuco but it's a little love story from Miguel's pov
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w/c: 1.6K
pairing: miguel o’hara x f!reader
tags: fluff fluff fluff
notes: I think these might’ve been my first pieces of fluff LMAO - but they’re so cute and heartwarming idk
part one
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Cuando veo esos ojos, ahí es donde quiero vivir
Si me besan eso labios, ay, así quiero morir
(When I see those eyes, that's where I want to live
If those lips kiss me, that's how I want to die)
Every time Miguel looked into your eyes he felt like home, he hadn't felt greater happiness than when you first begun to open up to him and he felt himself falling in love with you, very quickly.
He was so infatuated by you when you two met and now he was just obsessed. He loved everything about you and was a lovesick puppy, still chasing after you and always snatching kisses from you because it was all he wanted to do.
Mi canción de amor ahorita, cuando me dices te amo
Quiero ver esa sonrisa en mi cama al amanecer
(My love song now, when you tell me 'I love you'
I want to see that smile, in my bed at dawn)
The first time he told you he loved, you immediately repeated it and it made his heart jump. He was so giddy inside and outside, not able to contain his excitement and happiness he had picked you up and twirled you around. If he could he'd choose to hear those words escaping your lips for the rest of his life.
Although he loved hearing how much you loved him there was absolutely nothing he loved more than seeing the way you smile, especially the ones after waking up together. The shy smiles, the happy ones, the teasing ones. He could never get tired of them. The way your eyes would almost be hidden because of how wide you'd smile. You were so perfect.
Siempre en mi sueños vi una luz tan, tan bonita
Cantando pensamientos libres, siempre fue mi favorita
(Always in my dreams I saw a light so beautiful
Singing free thoughts was always my favorite)
Always thinking of you, even before he officially asked you to be his girlfriend. He couldn't help the attraction he had towards you and how you had him wrapped around your finger so quickly. He was whipped.
Ay, cómo me enamoré tan pesadamente
Tenía mil kilos rompiendo espina, pero no importa si estás presente
(Oh, how I fell in love so deeply
I had a thousand kilos breaking my spine
But it doesn't matter if you're present)
He didn't imagine he'd fall in love so fast, he felt he was in love with you after the first month being together. He then told you he loved you a month after that, but in his mind he already knew. His life got so much better since you were in it.
Unos cambios tomaron lugar en mi vida
Amorcito sonriente, entraste sin advertirme
(Some changes took place in my life
Smiling sweetheart you came in without warning me)
You had completely changed his life, he's never chased a woman before, usually always having women eat out of the palm of his hand or instantly falling in love with him. But with you, he loved the thrill of chasing after you, after all he did end up conquering your heart.
He'd always tell you he felt like he needed a warning from you but you'd simply reminded him he was the one constantly wanting your attention and following you like a puppy which would just make him scoff claiming he wasn't a puppy.
Pero no importa ya, tenemos nuevas historias que contar
Amanecimos bien contentos, ahora vamos a dormirnos sin dudar
(But it doesn't matter anymore, we have new stories to tell
We woke up very happy and now let's go to sleep without hesitation)
He always tell you how happy he is when reminiscing on your love story, he says it'd be a great story to tell your children as if you both aren't in your early twenties.
You ended up getting convinced by him to move in with him after six months of dating, he claims because it's a faster drive from his place to work than where you were living but it's really because he can't stand not being around you. He admires being able to sleep and wake up with you in his arms, looking oh so beautiful.
Cuando veo esos ojos, ahí es donde quiero vivir
Si me besan eso labios, ay, así quiero morir
(When I see those eyes, that's where I want to live
If those lips kiss me, that's how I want to die)
He'd usually wake up before you, he never moved and tried to keep his breathing steady to not wake you. Instead he'd admire every feature on your face until you woke up.
He looked down at your pretty lips and having the urge to kiss you but fighting against it knowing he'd feel bad if he woke you up, especially knowing you'd wake up grumpy. But then your eyes fluttered open, looking right at him and he felt his heart melt.
Mi canción de amor ahorita, cuando me dices te amo
Quiero ver esa sonrisa en mi cama al amanecer
(My love song now, when you tell me 'I love you'
I want to see that smile, in my bed at dawn)
He never grew tired of your voice, whether you were telling him how much you adored him or how annoyed you were at him for not waking you up early for a meeting then having the audacity to claim it was your day off.
Miguel knew that at the end of the day you'd be looking at him with love in your eyes and give him a small pout for acting like a grouch then tell him you love him before he wraps his arms around you not giving a care in the world just being so enamored with you.
Profundo como el mar, es el hoyo de mi corazón
En tus manos está llenarme con pura alegría
(Deep like the sea is the hole of my heart
In your hands it fills me with pure joy)
You were the main thing keeping him sane and happy, well really the only reason he was so happy. You never saw him without a smile on his face but given he always had one when you were in the room.
Yo jamás iba pensar que mi existencia podría traer más
Yo nunca vi lo bueno de mi vida hasta que me enseñastes a volar
(I would never think that my existence could bring more
I never saw the good of my life until you taught me to fly)
He was somewhat broken when you met him, unbeknownst to you, he didn't want you to know but it didn't matter because you changed his perspective on things, including love.
Siempre veía a los contentos y más que nada a los enamorados
Jamás pensé que un día me harías uno de ellos
(Always I saw the happy couples and more than anything the enamoured
I never thought that one day you'd make me one of them)
He'd always see happy couples around the city, at uni, hell even at work. He didn't think dating was gonna be his thing and only relied on hookups for the affection he thought he craved. But deep down he knew he wanted more than just intimacy, when he saw you walk in on your first day of work, he did not imagine such a pretty person with a kind smile would change him so much.
Y ahora estamos aquí, tú y yo en la luna
Espero que todos algún día tengan mi fortuna
(And now we're here you and I on the moon
I hope that everyone someday has my fortune)
He felt at the top of the world when he was with you, his heart always beating, the butterflies in his stomach never leaving. He felt very fortunate that he found you, even more that you rejected him at first otherwise he wouldn't have fallen head over heels for you. When talking to single friends or coworkers he always wishes them the best and tells them they can find love anywhere, and that patience is a virtue.
Cuando veo esos ojos, ahí es donde quiero vivir
Si me besan eso labios, ay, así quiero morir
(When I see those eyes, that's where I want to live
If those lips kiss me, that's how I want to die)
It was now two years since he asked you to be his girlfriend, now celebrating your anniversary and Valentine's Day for the second year in a row. He'd memorized every detail of your face like all the little moles you had on different corners, or the way your eyes would sparkle when he'd tell you how much you meant to him.
He even loved the way you'd look at him when you were mad, he contained himself from saying you look cute, not wanting to anger you more because he knew better. But the thought never left his head, he just loved you so much.
Mi canción de amor ahorita, cuando me dices te amo
Quiero ver esa sonrisa en mi cama al amanecer
(My love song now, when you tell me 'I love you'
I want to see that smile, in my bed at dawn)
"Happy anniversary amada." He whispers in your ear as you stretched and slid your head against his chest before leaning up to kiss him. (Beloved)
"Happy anniversary amor de mi vida, te amo tantísimo." You murmured before pulling away, letting out a yawn. (love of my life, I love you so much)
He grinned so wide, you couldn't help but lift a hand up to pinch his cheek, instantly feeling it grow warm under your touch. He melted into your fingertips and you just sighed happily, looking deeply into his eyes.
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gakriele-lvs-blog · 1 year
My thoughts for the last episode [Spoilers]:
---The beginning(approximately 5 minutes) was paced quite decent, they manage to cramp the Collector's development in all of that and it kinda works because the guy was never bad, just innocent and unaware of the bad things they had done.
---Belos as a whole was spectacular. The bastard really lives up to his expectations. And as a villain, he is one of my favorite characters by far. Possessing the Titan? We saw it coming, and they execute quite well for my perspective.
---They pull out an Anne Bounchoy in reverse here. They killed Luz to bring her back in an overpowering form. Not sure how to feel about that one. On one hand, it was a beautiful and climatic final confrontation. On the other, It undermines Luz's own achievements by giving her what she needs instead of finding it herself. Yet, I can see why they choose to do this, is just cool and considerating what she was against what else was she supposed to do?
---They really give Raine a protagonistic role on this, not unwelcome but feels a little out of the blue. Still their inclusion and relevance feels organic enough as to not to feel oppressive.
---The Hexsquad and Camila really get sideline in this one! Like, they weren't even relevant through the whole episode! Truth be told, they got more than enough development from the last episodes so I can understand why that was the case. Eda and King deserved and needed a lot of screen time to compensate for their lack of relevance through the third season. Still... Something like Hunter being present for Belos's death or Camila's reaction to Luz's "death" would have been a welcome addition
---The Collector leaving was to some extent unexpected and personally unnecessary. They kist learn a lot in a couple hours and them just leaving instead of staying and learning more feels kinda anticlimactic, let Eda be the mother's figure they need!
---The conclusion was just as expected, reunions after reunions, what else was meant to happen? It worked perfectly and it was quite a peaceful and hopeful resolution. And Luz losing glyphs magic was the perfect bittersweet closure to it. With the true death of the Titan, it makes sense that she would lose said magic, a noble sacrifice.
---Time Skips... Honestly, I hate those for a lot of reasons. Especially if they take place through multiple years. Luz's quinciallera a couple days/weeks should have been the ending, allow everyone's family to gather to celebrate together, give us as many small interactions as possible
-Vee hugging Camila and Luz upon their return and for the former to call them mom and sister
-Eda and Camila's proper introduction to one another (and the latter's reaction to harpy Eda)
-Have Lilith just randomly getting harpy form just for the giggles (the owl beast is just that happy)
-Have Hunter together with Vee, and King during the final parts of the Quinciañera giving Luz a tearful speech about how much she changed their lives for the better (They are siblings!)
-Willow and Hunter could ask at the same time to become partners (Maybe the same with Matt and Gus?)
-Have more and more people coming through the portal to see Luz (She changed a lot of lives after all)
---Basically, let the audience materialize their own far-away future. Time skips have the drawback of leaving too much development in between. Using one for Thanks to Them was understandable. But here it feels unnecessary. Instead of Luz's incoming stay on college, let's us see a open ending focus on showing us the many adventures and mysteries left unresolved, letting your audience's imagination go rampant with everything that was left to cover and wish for more!
Still, just because I have my own opinion and vision doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the episode. Although the shortening will forever taint my joy for the show, eternally wishing to see the missing potential we never got to see... I love it and nothing will change that.
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
based on your Raeda wedding post, I think King COULD OFFICIATE the wedding because of his status as a Titan but imagine if it's someone else like Principal Bump lol. But also, I think Darius and Lilith could VERY MUCH be the best witches, and then Luz and Amity and Willow could be the bridesmaids or the BI equivalent of it, and the ring bearer could DEFINITELY be Hunter or Gus too
BUMP WAS LITERALLY MY SECOND THOUGHT AFTER KING HSBSJDBFK. Does it make sense for their highschool principal to be officiating their wedding? No. Does it feel right though? Yes, absolutely. He'd be so tired but supportive. Finally. He can rest now
Amity, Luz and Willow are definitely in the bridal party for sure (though I wonder if marriage on the Boiling Isles would be as gendered as it is here? Since there was never an expectation for marriage to be between a man and a woman. Marriage traditions might look really different there!)
Although on the ring bearer thing- I can't find the source (90% it's the reddit ama Dana did BUT if anyone wants to correct me/link the source that'd be very appreciated) BUT APPARENTLY Dana said that the boiling isles doesn't have wedding rings? Hence why characters like the Parks or Gwen and Dell don't have them. Which- Tragically, imo- means no ring bearers at the raeda wedding😔😔😔
I'm sure Hunter and Gus would find other jobs instead- I wouldn't be surprised if Gus either ended up in the bridal party with the other girls or did some mc-ing similar to what he did at Grom. Maybe he does the whole "releasing doves at the wedding" thing but with illusions! But the doves have like. Three heads. Or he releases, like, bats. It'd be cute, he'd go so hard with it. Add a little pizazz!
Raine and Hunter friendship exists solely in my head BUT I think they'd be more than happy to have him as one of their groomsmen (I don't think they'd call themself the groom though. Tbh I'm not even sure on Eda calling herself the bride. I know ppl have passed around broom and bridegroom as a gender neutral alternative? Typing this out is making me realize how silly all these words are, including bride and groom). Darius would also insist on it if he was, in fact best witch
Anyway my only other raeda wedding thoughts are that the BATTs are in charge of music and act as the orchestra for part of the ceremony (that is their MENTOR and their MOM!!!) And when it comes time to pronounce Eda and Raine married, the officiant (either king or bump) says...
"~you may now kiss the bard~!"
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thein273 · 1 year
A Rebuttal to Criticisms About The Owl House Finale
Spoilers below the cut.
I totally understand criticisms about Belos' ending, but I disagree on most points I've seen raised in those posts. I just watched a video that agreed with me on the front of Belos' ending being unsatisfying--Belos was a sad, pathetic ingrate who was shown a beautiful world of diverse people and wanted nothing more than to destroy it. He was a manipulative monster with a martyr complex. He was a very compelling villain, certainly, and he served the messages of the show perfectly but he knew, on some level, that he was selling his soul to destroy the Boiling Isles. He thought it was a noble sacrifice--forfeiting his humanity to destroy a "great evil." It feeds directly into the same damn narratives that drive fascism, the seeds of which were planted in Philip Wittebane's time on Earth. Puritanism can be directly traced to the fascist attitudes of today; fascism may not have existed as such at the time but the roots were there, the hero narrative was there. If Belos hadn't gotten some glorious, dramatic end then that would have validated his every delusion. He would have gone out gloriously in pursuit of something noble. What he wanted was not noble. It was vile. He was the truly evil one, and he made himself such over and over through every choice he refused to do different. Luz, Amity, Hunter, Eda, Lilith, Amity's father--they all changed their perspectives and their approaches when the time called for it. They knew how to make different choices. Belos didn't. He didn't deserve a dramatic end. He deserved a sad, inglorious, miserable one, moaning about how he's really the victim and everyone else is evil, going all the way to his grave without ever questioning his delusions. He dug that grave. I'm glad he tripped face-first into it.
The slightly more understandable criticism that Hunter should have been there to see him die I also understand, but I raise this counterpoint: Hunter made his peace with Belos in Thanks to Them. Belos violated him completely and Hunter asserted his autonomy and personhood with a genuine heroic sacrifice Flapjack gave him a second chance from. He said it in his speech before throwing the vial, probably doing that Belos would throw himself in after it and drown: "I'd like to never step foot in that throne room again."
Hunter was done with Belos. Belos hurt him, over and over again, but Hunter built his life despite that. He found himself, he found his family, he grieved Flapjack and he moved on. Yes, he was bound and determined to stop Belos when he did make it through the portal to the Boiling Isles, but I think there's a very good argument to be made that Luz could take the opportunity to stop Belos without exposing Hunter to additional trauma. I think he found his peace. He didn't need to deal the final blow. Maybe it would have been more narratively symmetrical, maybe even a little more narratively satisfying, but I think Hunter had a right to wash his hands of the bastard in that lake. He was obviously happy three years later in the flash-forward.
Belos doesn't get to access the boy he tortured ever, ever again, even though he'd love to. Hunter gets to be done with that. He deserves that.
As far as Lilith deserving to kick Belos' ass, she did punch him in the past whether she knew it or not. Also, Lilith just...stopped being a major character after season one. It would have felt kinda awkward navigating things so she was there to stick it to him in the end.
Also. Also, biggest one: Eda and King maybe weren't the most narratively compelling to finally end Belos, but Raine? They gave up freaking everything to stop that monster. They sacrificed their morals, they sacrificed their happiness, they were about to sacrifice their life, they were going to sacrifice the life of the woman they love (although I like the idea of Eda and Raine being romantically-complex in that there are queerplatonic flavors to their relationship, shut up, let my aroace butt have this). They braved crippling anxiety. They struggled hardest of anyone to stop Belos from hurting more people than was absolutely necessary to navigate into a position to shut the bastard down. Heck yeah Raine deserves to stomp on that little turd. Crush him, honey. You earned it.
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jadeisbetterrrr · 2 years
lumity fluff
(amity stayed in the demon realm and they reunite and runs new hexside)
its a regular day, well, not too regular since the world is on fire. amity is walking around and making sure the place is secure since she's the "ruler", although she doesn't like that term.
"everything is running smoothly matt." she said. "well i was wondering if i could bring up a new idea" matt said as they were strolling down the halls. "what is it?" "me and jerbo were thinking that we could keep a track of food of non perishables and perishables to make sure students are well fed." "i like it, so it would be like a pantry/storage?" "exactly like that." "well i say let's do it, pleasure doing business with you capitán tho lo mule" amity said very dramatically.
"as do you lady blight." matt said bowing down. amity and matt then laughed for a bit since happiness wasn't common now since the day of.... you know. after the two were done giggling like two little kids amity heard a familiar voice, a voice of a human.
"AMITY?" amity then whipped her head around and saw her favorite human. they ran towards eachother as amity jumped into her arms as luz twirled her around as they both giggled, followed by crying. "l-luz i thought you were in the human realm what are you doing here?" "oh you know me, im a mystery whisperer and decided to pop up, why are you crying?" "you're crying too! and im js really happy." amity then cupped luzs face and swiped the tears away as luz bent down to kiss her. it wasn't for long because it was interrupted by another human.
"ahem" camila coughed. luzs face then turned a cherry-red as amity got the hint as her face went red two as they put both their hands behind their back, almost in sync. "don't worry i don't bite, nice to meet you" camila said. "u-uh nice too meet you too, my names amity" as she brought a hand out to shake camilas but then felt camilas hand on top of her head. amity then felt luzs hand clutching hers, the moment was then ruined by two green haired- twins walking over here. "hey luz! we haven't seen you in a while!" ed said. "hey ed, hey em" luz then waved and smiled.
"what do you guys want?" amity said, annoyed. "what we can't say hi to our baby sister?" em said, then smirked as she cupped amitys face and made all these baby noises. "ugh em get off of me!" amity then pushed her hand away. "these are you siblings?" camilla asked. "unfortunately" amity responded. "cmon mittens were js messing around with you" ed replied. "whos this?" em said, her trust was a little harder to earn then ed's. "i'm luzs mom" camila responded. emiras expression softened when she realized she wasn't going to be trouble. "awe mittens, you didn't tell us your girlfriends mom was hereee" ed said, he giggled a bit at the end and teased mittens.
"oh shut up" amity said, glaring the two. "cmon amity they're not gonna do anything." luz said nudging her girlfriends, amitys expression softened and then turned around to say hi to her bsf willow, "oh wow, you turned mittens soft" ed said, looking genuinely shocked. camila and luz then joined willow and amity as luzs hand found her way to amitys. "hey so who's the ruler here?" luz whispered into her gfs ear. "oh uh- heh, me, although the term ruler seems a bit dramatic, i just supervise teens." amity said brushing it off.
luz then looked at her with widened eyes and a blush on her face, she could not believe how cooler amity could get. "w-well i-i uh" luz stuttered through every word as willow, gus and camila laughed at her. amity then felt a lightbulb go off in her head. "oh!, i forgot to show you guys, follow me!" she motioned for the rest to follow as she clutched luzs hand and ran through the halls. luz then seemed dazed, her heart beat was going 100 mph as she almost tripped just looking at amity. "okay, gus we'll start with you first!" amity then knocked on a door.
"perry?" gus's ears perked up as he saw the door open which revealed his father sitting, reading a book. "yes?- AGUSTUS?" perry then threw his book on the floor as gus ran to his dad as he hugged him and cried. amity then closed the door and went to the next one, she then motioned for willow to come close as she knocked on the door, revealing her parents as well. "gilbert? herb?" "DAD? PA?" willow then ran toward them as they did a group hug. amity then did the same for hunter, showing him darius. "i swear he never stops asking about you hunter. "
amity then reached the final room, only knocking once then said "eda?" luz then felt her heart beating a billion miles per hour. amity then opened the door, revealing eda, blabbing about apple blood. eda then turned to see luz as her face dropped. luz ran towards eda as she sobbed and hugged eda as eda, well eda was appalled, she needed a sec to process. "luz?" eda whispered. camila then leaned on the doorway as eda said "hey boots" amity then waved and looked at the floor, feeling happy for her friends, but she wanted her dad. how foolish is she to be 16 and wanting her dad, she has way too many things on her agenda to do then sit her and cry for dad.
2 hours later -
amity was now in her pjs, laying down in bed, she couldn't sleep, it was about 2 am. she kept staring at the ceiling, she had tried everything to sleep, but she just.....couldn't. she then heard her door open as she sat herself up and saw luz. "hey ams, did i wake you?" "no, im still up." "can i stay here? i havent seen you for a while and i missed you." amity was glad it was dakr because her face turned a bright red as she nodded and made space for her girlfriend. luz then laid down as they looked at eachother. "you look so sleepy hermosa." amity then gave a soft chuckle "i am, i think i have been for a very long time."
luz then caught amity off guard as she repositioned her and held her, "well im so glad i'm here because now you can have the luz moved expirience of being held." amity then felt herself pull luz closer as she gave her a soft jaw kiss, they then told eachother goodnight as they drifted off to sleep.
my tags won't work what the freak
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edoro · 2 years
I wonder how king reacts to Baby bel I mean he'll probably be happy having someone in the owl home being 'near his age'
that's an interesting one!
so i think at first he's probably very wary, like Eda. he may not exactly know what all went on or how mindscape stuff works or who this Weird Kid is, but he picks up pretty easily that this is some version of Emperor Belos, and he certainly doesn't like Emperor Belos. he doesn't trust Babybel at first at all, even as Luz is reasonably convinced this is kid!Belos and different from evil!adult!Belos.
i think that after distrust there would also be jealousy? we've seen King get jealous before - he's a kid who has some serious abandonment issues, due to a bunch of traumatic stuff that happened in his early childhood.
(another thing i love about the trauma in TOH - King's trauma might not be as big and flashy as Hunter's trauma, and indeed aside from the recent ep it's largely over with, and he's been raised in a stable, loving home by Eda, who is not the world's best parent but who has made sure he knows, 100%, that she will always be there to care for and support and love him, but it still affects him in a variety of ways because what happened - losing his essentially before birth, growing up alone/feral, being snatched from his home by a stranger - is something that really seriously affects a child's development!
he was toddler-age when Eda got to him, so he spent his first few years alone, with no real guardian to attach to other than an automaton, and then he got taken away from it - ultimately better for him, but it was a sudden and traumatic separation from the closest thing he had to a parent. that causes some pretty significant and long-lasting issues in being able to securely attach! which we see demonstrated in King repeatedly.)
he's a bit stand-offish to Luz when she first shows up, bc she disrupts his usual life with Eda. then he gets super attached bc she's great, and we see him start getting jealous towards her friends. even once that's resolved, he's still super clingy with Luz and very anxious and upset about the idea of her going back to the human realm. and that's persistent! it's not just a one-and-done King Learns A Lesson episode, he consistently dreads and fears abandonment by the people he loves even though he knows they love him.
so, anyway - i think King would be jealous of Babybel getting all the attention. classic youngest sibling suddenly getting a younger sibling story really - here's this even littler kid (who is maybe also the guy who tried to kill you and your mom?) who has some developmental and emotional issues, who therefore needs a lot of time and careful attention paid to him to figure out what he needs, what's going on with him, how to communicate with him, and whose behavior ends up being really disruptive.
(i'm sure King is not thrilled to be on the other side of one of his own tantrums, lmao! although at least Babybel's screaming can't shatter stone.)
however, i do think he'd end up enjoying having a kid his own age around. and in fact, once he got over the rude shock of no longer being the baby of the house, i think he might go a little mad with older sibling power (a kind he has not tasted before!) and try to lord it over Babybel - who is, in fact, a baby brother, and is therefore quite used to this dynamic.
(and knows how to deal with older sibling power trips in ways that are probably also going to be a rude shock to poor King. this is all so new to him, but Babybel has an advantage!)
so one thing i noticed about Hollow Mind, right, is that rope trap he makes for the palisman soul amalgam, and the fact that it's a clear callback to the same rope trope he made while playing witch hunters with Caleb - and we see that as an adult, Philip seems to have a knack for making contraptions and devices and such.
so i like to imagine that he had that type of mechanical/engineering bent, it was something he was good at and enjoyed even as a kid - coming up with weird devices and making traps for games (and probably repairing stuff around the farm/house and trapping animals etc as he got older) and all that - WHICH
well. you can see the obvious intersection of that interest + King's persistent interest in wargames, right?
so once King and Babybel start getting along, they just absolutely terrorize the entire fuck out of this whole house.
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wingsyliveblogs · 2 years
Eda doesn't seem to be against the 'club' aspect of the coven system as much as she does the 'forced inclusivity and restricted magic with it' parts. She's fine with a 'coven' that doesn't force you to join or have a 'no backsies' rule on changing your mind, and as a showing of that, she allows Luz to partake in the educational system despite disagreeing with the end result of 'restricted magic' because she trusts Luz - and Bump somewhat- to not be as restrictive of Luz's potential.
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1. Hmm, that's a good point! It's not covens themselves that Eda hates, it's what they stand for.
2. I definitely got the impression that as much as Eda dislikes Hexside itself, she did enjoy herself while she was there... in her own way. Her fond smile as she pages through the incident reports at the end says volumes.
One thing I particularly appreciated about this episode was that it felt like a natural continuation of not only Episode 3, but of Episode 5 as well: bringing back Luz's insistence on making up her own mind about the system, and having Eda come to the understanding that she has to support Luz in making her own choices - and not only that, she wants to.
3. Principal Bump was having so much fun in this episode, and it was great to watch. I think it's the juxtaposition of taking a character you'd expect to be all stiff and formal all the time, and filling them with childish glee. But he definitely had reason to be happy, what with Eda recognising the importance of the school, and going the extra mile to clean up her old messes. It must've been a dream come true for him.
4. Luz is definitely becoming a great influence on Eda without even knowing it. And I can certainly imagine that Principal Bump might have agreed to enroll Luz at Hexside so easily - and even come around pretty quickly at the end of the episode when he got mad - because it's a small concession to make compared to what Eda was willing to do for her student.
5. I'll admit that the "protagonist dissection" part of Principal Bump's introduction didn't make for the best first impression, but after he elected not to punish Willow for cheating and then growing vines all over the school, and instead transferred her to the track she really wanted to be in, I did get the idea that he was a fairly reasonable guy.
With regards to Eda, I think it's pretty interesting that although Eda says she never finished school, it hasn't been explicitly confirmed whether Eda was ultimately expelled from Hexside or chose to leave on her own... and I'd be more inclined to believe it was the latter, given what we know about her and about Principal Bump.
6. Yeah, I feel as if this sums up my thoughts pretty well!
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theaudemon · 3 years
Me: feels like I don't have enough angst in the au ideas I already have
My brain: okay hear me out, owl house and omori crossover
So that's how I got here
With a very angsty crossover au focused on hero and kel from omori getting to the boiling isles....and not how you expect.
So let's start from the beginning. Kel is born and Hero gets to see him when he's brought back home. Hero promises himself that he'll be the best brother he could ever be to Kel while his mom is singing them both a lullaby. (Cause I've been in an encanto loving mood I've decided that currently that lullaby is dos orugitas and you can't stop me)
That night something fun happens, a portal to the boiling isles somehow opens up and a sleepy 4 year old hero thinks it looks cool and doesn't hesitate to walk through it. Good news it brings him to a really cool place called the boiling isles, bad news is that he has no way back home.
Of course tiny hero doesnt realize that and decides to explore the halls of this cool castle he found himself in before kikimora finds him. She thinks about what to do before bringing him to belos who's like, oh perfect a new pawn to use/sacrifice for when the day of unity when it arrives.
Hero at this point is very scared and crying, asking where his mom and little brother is. Belos tries to be as gentle as possible and explains where he is and promises him he'll get him back as soon as possible (LIES). Hero finally calms down.
Over the years he learns more about the boiling isles and by the point he's 8 or 9 he has completely forgotten about his life back on earth and simply believes he's a witch who has to use artificial magic due to some issues he was born with. Due to Belos' manipulation and generally growing up somewhere else than he was supposed to. (He also has the tiniest of point in his ears due to using so much magic) He calls Belos his uncle/father most of the time when alone and doesn't often leave the castle without someone from the emperor's coven being with him.
Kikimora likes him because he's a people pleaser who does his best to be the best he can be, although maybe she's a bit worried about the kid overworking.
Belos wants to have Hero being a part of the emperor's coven as soon as possible so around his 15th bday Belos is like you're ready to become a member and uses one of those magical coven brands.
Before that though when hero was 12, Hunter is taken in cause of reasons unknown to Hero. However he gets very attached to a 8 year old hunter for reasons even Hero himself can't really explain. He just assumes he's finally happy that there's someone like him around. Not remembering the promise his four year old self made to a baby kel.
So where's kel you may be asking?
Simple, he's growing up in the human world. Knowing he had an older brother who just disappeared and never came back. Of course he's sad about this and hopes he could meet Hero, even though basically everyone assumes he's dead.
Since there's no one older then him, he's the only who has to deal with his parents expectations. It sucks but he's somewhat used to it at this point, still he prefers to play basketball instead of studying because he doesn't want to be a doctor.
On his way home one day (while he's 16) he ain't happy cause his parents are sending him to somekind of camp made to spur interest in studying medicine and stuff. He really doesn't want to go so when an owl with a bag of stuff tuns past him, he's of course immediately interested and follows it instead.
That's how he ends up on the boiling isles. At first he thinks it's a dream until he pinches himself, nope this weird horror fantasy world is apperantly real.
He meets Eda, King and Luz. Who he immediately becomes friends with and decides eh, what's the worst that can happen? This is more fun than that camp so it's time to skip it.
Idk yet if sunny is there too, if he is then he gets a cool basilisk sibling like Vee to Luz. Probably called Omori and Mari is a bit suspicious of him but hey Sunny had always being quiet and awkward.
Anyway back to kel, he learns glyph magic and unlike Luz he adopts a palisman on palisman adoption day.
His deepest desire and wish that gets him one while everyone is silent for a bit?
I want my parents to have the son they deserve
Which...ow but what kel is thinking is that he somehow finds Hero and bring him home. But without realizing he means his own growth too.
So he gets a palisman and is sad Luz didnt get one. He would go with Eda and king but he has a feeling he knows Luz is going to something impulsive (which he wouldve done too if he didnt get a palisman). So he stays up and silently follows Luz to school.
Seeing she just decided to stay with the palisman he's about to leave again when the golden guard shows up to.
Of course they both know about the golden guard and have heard lilith talk about the golden guard's older brother that's usually addressed as the hero or silver guard.
Imma stop here since I wanna write a fic about this so imma just yeet some bullet points in here:
Hero unlike Hunter doesn't get a palisman, he knows about his "brother's" new buddy though after the boiling blood episode. He never tells Belos because now he himself is confused about where he truly comes from.
Hero has repressed memories of his childhood on earth and meeting baby kel and the lullaby. So whenever kel sings the lullaby to himself to calm down around Hero, he begins to remember and often also panics because what the hell is this?
Kel is finds Luz and hunter in the palisman episode and learns that yeah the hero is Hunter's adopted brother who usually comes along too to make sure he doesn't get hurt.
Kel is the main lumity wingman and is very happy to see his found family sister getting the girl
What does hooty help kel with in the hooty episode? Either feelings of depression and homesickness oooooor
Kel gets cursed by hero because belos told hero that this spell (that's a curse) would make sure to stop all the interruptions to his perfect life
So yeah hooty would help him cope with the fact he's cursed now
Kel is not a happy camper when hero finally shows up at the owl house door like: "so um...I'm sorry? Realized below isn't the best....I don't expect to be forgiven for not being there and cursing you"
What caused hero to finally leave and realize belos is awful? Not sure yet but at the moment it's cause of Raine whispers who was like a teacher and parental figure to hero
Kel of course doesn't forgive hero for ya know CURSING HIM, but does give him a seco d chance while being very suspicious.
Since kel is older then Luz he's usually in the class of older kids with edric and emira who he becomes pretty good friends with.
That's what I have so far, wanted to get all these ideas down before I forget. Not sure what Kel's palisman is so I'll have to think of that. Also I'm hoping to turn this into a fic so yeah.
Hope you all liked the idea and feel free to critique and give ideas ^^
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owl-house-lover · 4 years
I've wanted to talk about the relationship between Willow & Boscha for awhile now.
Long post is long (accidentally posted it too early. My bad!)
Boscha the Bully
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According to the Inner Willow, Boscha (along with the other popular girls) picked on Willow for years.
We don't find out why tho.
Compared to when Amity would insult her, Willow didn't seem to have much of a reaction to Boscha's bullying.
Which could mean Willow possibly didn't see Boscha as much of a problem until Wing It Like Witches.
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Boscha's bullying only got worse when Willow (unknowingly) became more popular than her.
- Note: Boscha's fully aware of how great Willow (as well as Luz & Gus) can be. She must really want Willow to not be aware of her greatest just satisfy her own ego.
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How long has this been going on? On to the next part.
Are Willow's Dads aware of this?/Willow's history with Boscha
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Willow's fathers love her very much & could be quite protective of her (I headcanon that they put her in the abomination track cause she got mad & hurt herself with plant magic by accident).
How do you think they'd react to their daughter coming home crying about the mean girls that hurt her? They wouldn't be happy about it.
Don't think her dads would like Boscha very much...
On the subject of them as kids, I think the nickname "Half-a-Witch" came from Boscha (noticed how no one calls her that anymore tho?).
Now we're getting into these two as people.
Willow's only getting better
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At her first appearance, Willow had no confidence, but look at her now!
She's also a lot happier with her friends and is actually well liked at school (even by Boscha's friends).
She's now even aware that she's stronger and smarter than Boscha too!
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She's taking a stand for herself and others in need. Which is what I really like to see & I wanna see more of it in later seasons.
Boscha could have problems of her own
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It's clear to anyone that watches this show that Boscha's not a good person.
She's egotistical, sadistic, a brat to her mother, rebellious to the point it's harmful to others, & really petty for pretty much no reason.
We know she was a mean kid (thanks to Understanding Willow), but why is this?
How she thinks she's better than others & how she thinks she needs to be feared to get her way (as will as be good at sports), I think she has both a superiority and a inferiority complex.
Now to the other people in Willow's life that clearly wanna protect her from Boscha.
The Willow Protection Squad
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- Amity: Willow's childhood friend who stopped being her friend to protect from her parents. Never really liked Boscha to begin with. So she has no problems standing up for Willow against her.
- Augustus (Gus): Willow's genuine friend that cares for her so much, he's willing to stand up to kids older than him to help her out (including Boscha).
- Luz: Willow's new friend that would absolutely become a human shield for her if Willow asked (which she obviously won't do of course).
Why did I bring them into this? Because all of them wouldn't hesitate to wipe the floor with Boscha, but Willow won't let that happen because...
Willow's so nice (even to Boscha)
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Willow could've ended Boscha's popularity at Hexside anytime after she became more confident in herself (& her magic skills), but she didn't.
Even at the end of WilW (after Boscha ruined her whole day), Willow showed her mercy when Boscha never thought of doing the same to her.
Maybe this'll cause a change in Boscha (a "Maybe I don't have to be worse to be better..." type of deal)?
Or Boscha could double down on her awful ways & want to get revenge on Willow?
Either way, I want these two to interact more in Season 2.
And now, something I've wanted to talk about regarding these two for awhile.
Willow and Boscha from a shipping POV
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The ship between Willow & Boscha is quite popular in this Fandom & I get it!
- The want for Boscha to get a Redemption Arc (she doesn't seem as bad as Belos, it may be possible?).
- The want for Willow to be a big part in said Redemption Arc (although this would be a good idea, I don't want Boscha to dump all her problems onto Willow nor do I want Boscha to be Willow's responsibility).
My favorite fanon dynamic with these two is Boscha thinking Willow would say yes to dating her (cause of her ego), only to get rejected (Willow looks so done with Boscha's BS in the fanart, it's hilarious).
- Also Willow would kindly reject Boscha (baby girl's just too nice).
- But if Boscha is too pushy, Willow will have to hurt her a little (The Willow Way is a strong way).
- Also Willow's (clearly protective) dads should be in more Boschlow fan pieces. Just shocked & angry that Boscha's at their door, demanding to speak with Willow (I don't think it'll go well for her...).
I wouldn't be surprised if these two did become a thing in canon.
In conclusion
Do I ship Boschlow? Mixed feelings about it to be honest.
Do I get why people ship it? Yeah.
Do I think Boscha's good enough for Willow? Now, of course not!
Do I think she can be? Maybe... It all depends on what the writers want (the show has great writing as it is).
Tell me what you guys think!
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
Here's my idea for a drabble. Kikimora is desperate for the chance to take Hunter down, so desperate she tries to team up with Luz. Luz agrees and Kiki is so crazy she doesn't even realize she's being sabotaged at every chance
The Long Game
Luz whistled a happy tune as she walked to the Owl House. Willow was helping Gus find a new club, and Amity needed to head straightaway to work, so it was a rare occasion that Luz was all by herself when leaving Hexide. Not that it bothered her. Her friend's and girlfriend's lives were important, and it's not like Luz needed to be near them twenty-four-seven.
Besides, if put into a dangerous situation, Luz can easily protect herself without anyone else being by her side for protection.
That is until a giant gloopy hand took Luz by the leg and pulled her through the trees.
"Gah!" Luz screamed, pulling out an ice glyph and freezing the hand that held her. Ice surrounded the goopy form, and it shattered instantly with a good kick. After tucking and rolling onto the dirt, Luz spun around and pulled out even more glyphs at the ready, glaring at the source of the goop. Only to feel frozen herself as she stared right at an Abomiton. Which just so happened to have a certain passenger on top of its shoulder.
"Well, well, well," Kikimora said threateningly, "If it isn't Luz, the Human."
"Yes, it is I. The most respected and feared member of the Emperor's Coven! And you, Ms. The Human, have caused a lot of trouble while you were here. Initiating jailbreaks at the Conformitorium, causing excessive damage to Hexide, testing illegally made weapons from Blight Industries--"
"Technically, the last one's Odalia's fault."
"--and CRACKING my poor, innocent Emperor's mask with a spear of ice, no less. Any one of those offenses should land you in years of imprisonment. But doing them all at once? Those are crimes punishable by extreme measures! And I should, on good conscience, eliminate you right now for all that you have done!"
Luz gulped, remembering how well a fight with an Abomiton went the first time.
"...But I'm not going to," Kikimora simply stated, shocking the human girl in the process.
"Wait, what?"
"You see, I require your unique assistance."
"...Again, what?!"
"We have a common enemy, you and I. The insufferable and downright annoying menace that is the GoLdEn GuArD..."
"...You mean Hunter?"
"Is that his name?" Kikimora blinked out of her anger, "Huh. Never cared to check."
"Personally, I wouldn't say Hunter's my enemy," Luz shrugged, "More like an occasional inconvenience. Although he did try to kill my girlfriend..."
"Ah-ha! You see? Common enemy."
"Yeah, but so have you! And-and you almost petrified Eda. If anything, you're more of my enemy than Hunter is. In fact, why should I help you when we could fight instead?"
"So that you'll go free instead of forcing me to do this." The coven witch then snapped her fingers, to which the Abomiton punched a tree in half on command.
"...You make a convincing argument, Ms. Kiki."
"Thank you," The demon in question clapped her hands and allowed the Abomiton to gently put her on the ground so she could walk up to Luz. "Now, I have a question for you, Ms. The Human: How do you do it?"
"...How do I do what?"
"You and your ragtag team of riff-raff have faced the GoLdEn GuArD several times and still manage to live to tell the tale. I'm curious about how someone such as yourself could manage such a feat."
"Dumb luck?" Luz shrugged.
"That can't be it. Nobody is that lucky this many times. There must be a secret, and I must have it so I can destroy that brat once and for all!"
"Wouldn't Belos be mad that you killed his right hand?"
"Yes, but that can be future Kiki's problem. Current Kiki just wants the pleasure of holding his bloodied corpse in her hands while laughing maniacally. I even practiced my laugh. Watch:"
And as the little demon got lost in her evil laughter, Luz got lost in her thoughts.
On the one hand, she didn't want to die at the hands of an Abomiton.
But on the other, she didn't really want to kill Hunter. He's a jerk, sure. But that doesn't mean he had to die.
'If only there was a way out of this...' Luz thought.
"Hey!" Kikimora yelled, her laughter ended. "Are you going to help me, or am I going to have to destroy you?"
At that moment, a lightbulb of an idea came to Luz's head.
"Ms. Kiki," she grinned, "How good are you at playing the long game?"
Two weeks later, Luz was walking back to the Owl House, this time with her best friends and awesome girlfriend at her side.
"So, how's the magic chess club going, Gus?" Luz asked.
"It's going really well! The strategy, the warfare, who knew it would all be so much fun!"
"And out of curiosity, how is magical chess different from regular chess?"
"Well, you see--"
"Luz the Human!" a high-pitched voice screeched, bringing the group to come to a halt. Standing ahead of them was Kikimora, a top of an Abomiton's shoulder.
"Kikimora!" Willow shouted.
"With an Abomiton!" Amity added.
"Again," Luz said with a groan, making the others look at her with shock. "Ugh, hang on. I'll deal with this."
Surprising the trio of witches even more, Luz strode up to Kikimora and her Abomaton, more annoyed than terrified.
"What's wrong this time?" she asked.
"He refused the cake you told me to bake him!" Kiki complained, "He kept saying that he wasn't stupid enough to eat something that was clearly poisoned."
"Was it actually poisoned?"
"Of course it was! How else am I supposed to kill the GoLdEn GuArD if I keep doing this stuff to befriend him?!"
"I told you, you're killing him with kindness," Luz explained as if she was talking to a child, "By becoming his friend, he will slowly learn to trust you to eat something you made him. Just as long as you put of poisoning it for, well, let's say a couple of years."
"But I don't want to kill him in a couple of years! I want to kill him now!"
"It's called the long game."
"I know..."
"If you know, that why do you keep complaining?"
"..." Kikimora let out a groan. "FiNe..."
"You see, that's the spirit. And remember, the best way to make a friend is to talk to them. Ask what he likes and what his interests are, and he'll be easier to sway."
"I suppose so. Carry on, Ms. The Human."
Luz cleared her throat.
"Er, I mean, Ms. Noceda."
"Thank you."
And with that, Kikimora commanded her Abomiton to walk away, with Luz walking back to her trio of slackjawed witchlings.
"Sorry about that," Luz said to them, "For someone so dangerous and insane, she's really not the brightest ball of light casted. Still, I'm hoping after a few years of faking being Hunter's friend, she'll at least, you know, become his friend. Am I right?"
"...You are...something else," Amity was the first to say.
"Aw, thank you," Luz cooed, "Now, Gus. Magic chess. Is it, like, the pieces kill each other, or do the witches simply move the pieces by magic?"
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