#although lbr
starboundanon · 1 year
The recent ask about Foundling Luke and your answer gave me a visceral need for a De-Aged Luke being fiercely protected by Artoo 😭 I'm just saying but in your WIP where both Luke and Vader are De-Aged i can see Artoo being ambivalent about Vader because it's Friend Ani but it's also Enemy Vader so he settles with Must Protect Little Angel (Luke) as a compromise and goes from helping Vader to mend things and all to purposefully fucking him over at the drop of a hat😭 i just need my favorite disaster husbands (namely Artoo and Threepio) to be given some love too
- 7 AM Anon, just as excited about all your other WIPs as I am with SotF
Rest assured, my friend, if protective Artoo is where your heart is, both the Mando Foundling au and the deaged!Luke & Vader au will be right up your alley. ☺️
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blorbocedes · 10 months
the way he just kept going 😭 with a smile on his face
"Race Winner ☝️Lewis 🥰 amazing job, he did phenomenal. [...] and Vettel, my god, what a dark day for him. 😃 surely one of the darkest in his whole career, to put it in the wall here at his legendary home track, where he's never won before."
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ooihcnoiwlerh · 5 months
Buck: [watching the news]some idiot tried to fight a squid at the aquarium Bucky: [covered in ink] maybe the squid was being a dick
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captainkirkk · 1 year
If Tim goes dark and turns into a villain, Kon might try and talk him out of it, but he knows he'd go with him. And he knows he'd end up having to defend Tim from the people who came after him including Batman, and that's NOT a fight Kon is winning.
So in Kon's mind, Tim turning into a villain = Kon getting his ass beat by Batman
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prudentfolly · 8 months
what sky are you...?
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Overcast Sky... ☁
you've built up some walls around you. you're careful with whom you give your heart and your trust. you feel like you're waiting for something, but you're not sure what it is. there's something telling you that there's more to life for you than what you have now. but until then, you're content to let the days pass. you're not in any rush, but some days you can't ignore the sense of restlessness that comes with waiting. you are a calm but intimidating presence
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][ quiz: what sky are you? ][ ][ tagged by: no one i just thought it was fun! ][ ][ tagging: you (: ][
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spxnglr · 9 months
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This is giving the Busters in 1984 2024 vibes.
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crosbyism · 1 month
10 favourites, 10 fandoms
thanks for the tag @othellho ❤️❤️
rules: list your ten favourite characters from ten different fandoms, then tag 10 people
HRPF, Nathan MacKinnon
One Piece, Monkey D. Luffy
Star Trek, James T. Kirk
Dragon Ball (Z), Son Gohan
M*A*S*H, Dr. “Trapper” John McIntyre
Taskmaster RPF, Alex Horne
Community, Troy Barnes
Sense8, Nomi
Lie To Me, Dr. Gillian Foster
Kingsman (Movies), Roxy Morton | Lancelot
tagging (somewhat less than 10 lol): @sidsthekid @imafriendlydalek @dadvans @grimmsche @plethoriall
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ghcstcd · 2 years
Drawing prompt for the Ghoulies and Ghesties: Draw your favorite ghoul (or papa) in your current outfit.
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back up your favorite fics, kids
like i did this gorgeous series by @elderflowergin after staying up until ungodly hours to read it. it's been on my mind all day today and i knew i had to preserve it just in case, so i downloaded the epub files and merged them for convenience
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im-a-king-baby · 10 months
Joined tumblr just so I could read your ELYN snippets, after rereading the fic over the past few days.
Just wanted to say thanks for it. It's still one of the most vivid fics I've read. It's still amazing.
Will you be writing anything else in the YR world, do you think?
Hi, thank you for the lovely comment <3 Welcome to tumblr!
There is not a definite answer to this. I would like to write more, I really enjoyed doing ELYN, the fandom has been great, but I am a very slowwww writer who would like to publish a novel one day so my fic writing time is very limited.
I do have things I would like to write! I have a vague outline for a soulmarks fic, I made the mistake of talking to a friend about werewolves and now there is a werewolf AU starting to take shape in my brain. But at the moment nothing has grabbed me to be like 'write this right now' in the way ELYN did in the weeks after season 2 came out.
...Maybe when season 3 comes out!
(if anyone got excited about a werewolf au and would like to read more longfic by me in general, I have a very long werewolf les mis fic that requires no canon knowledge and shares similar themes to YR in that it is about class differences and overthrowing the system. Also there are werewolves and everything is better with werewolves.)
((tiny bonus YR soulmark snippet below))
“Okay,” Rosh says. “But say you’re in a long term proper relationship, then one day you wake up and bam, you’ve got a soulmark. You'd still leave your partner?" “Of course," Ayub says. "Like, that’s your soulmate, you can’t argue with that shit, man.” Markus slings an arm over Simon’s shoulder. “Simme and I don’t believe in soulmates,” he says, like that’s something they’ve ever agreed on or even discussed. “We think who you choose to be with is more important, don’t we?” Simon gives a vague noise that could be counted as agreement, and then after he’s seen Markus to the door and invented an excuse for not being able to go back to Markus’s place - “I’ve got a test tomorrow I need to study for.” - he walks back into the room and pushes Rosh over into a pile of pillows. “You’re a dick, you know that?” She snorts. “You kept saying you were going to tell him! Did it come back?” Simon hesitates for a moment, then rolls up his left sleeve to reveal the constellation of black stars tracing across his wrist. Ayub freaks out, grabbing Simon’s arm to see it properly. “Oh my god, is that real?” Simon doesn’t need to look. At this point he knows it by heart, has traced lines between the dots so many times he’s almost surprised they're not permanently etched onto his skin. Somewhere out there, someone else is watching the same marks fade away on their own skin, as they drive away from Bjarstad. Again.
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chopper-witch · 5 months
Crying sobbing so happy Barriss found peace
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Sasuke @ Sakura: no babe ur still cute just the way you threatened to rip out that guy's spinal cord and jump rope with it when he accidentally bumped you at the market kinda surprised me
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calamity-unlocked · 1 year
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To get rid of the Doodler, they needed to be radical. Code Purple was that radical plan, and it had worked. For a while. It just needed to work again. Which it would. Lark was convinced that it would. You’re either with us or against us, Nicky. Welp. Guess that by that infallible logic, I’m against you. Sorry, guys. Lark was sorry, too. But feeling sorry had never been too big of an issue for him.
Or: Lark and Nick spend one last night together before shit hits the fan.
Dungeons and Daddies - Nark - Rated T for Teen - 5.2k words
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swissmissing · 7 months
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I just saw this on X and honestly it sounds like a Johnlock prompt to me.
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o-wild-west-wind · 11 months
honestly, I’m convinced that at least half the upset about the whole [redacted] situation (other than the reactionary tension of living through a world that is the way it is, but that’s the internet in general) is anger at max for forcing a shorter season that is instead misplaced towards the creatives for trying to execute their full vision under the threat of cancellation. the pacing issues are totally valid, and I get feeling that there was no breathing room for the emotions to sit, and that those factors may have led to the feeling that it was poorly done. just…please don’t harass the writers about that 🙏🏽
if you think they should’ve handled it differently knowing the budget was cut I totally get that, but genuinely—if you had a three act story fully outlined and then were told after act i aired that you only had maybe 70% of your anticipated screentime and resources to execute it, would you rewrite the entirety of your story to adjust to the constraints, or try your best to fit everything in anyway? not saying either option is superior, but I think picking the latter is a reasonable creative choice under those circumstances that anyone would at least consider. and whether or not it worked with the pacing it had is a fair critique, but that’s still not a reason to harass or guilt-trip people. let’s try not to dunk on the person who got a plastic straw while ignoring the billionaires setting the world on fire (and yes that metaphor is extreme but I’ve seen too much homophobia/racism/etc. come out of this echo-chamber to ignore the real-world implications)
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buryme-withmyspurs · 2 months
it's "i miss outlaw" hours
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