#alucard & oc
qxuiara · 14 days
happy pride month!
ft. the boys
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nigelgraz · 2 months
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Drawing cool and overly detailed earrings is my passion
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hotmcrodz · 2 months
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Posting old art again sorry but I really want to share my drow vamp oc named soleil :3
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cry-ptidd · 2 days
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The gang goes out at Pride
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atomra · 18 days
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Atom meets Alucards Vlad form and is enraptured by the armour and craftsmanship of his outfit. Alucard doesn't take to it well to start— but he will eventually realize Atom is just admiring him 😌
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bonefries · 2 months
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he/they ok i think i finally know what i want from this look for my hellsing oc
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also hellsing yaoi poly ships lets go
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alucardfan · 3 months
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"Dont kill me...Master."
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nursekitties · 2 months
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“You stole my bounty, Alucard!”
Still heavy on the Hellsing brain rot atm… I still don’t have a name for my OC, but it’s probably between Constance, Minerva, or Maude. Thoughts?
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missmagicalelf · 7 months
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I’m very tempted to post some very sexy alucard fan fiction
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azulazenin · 5 months
Mihaela Karnstein-Tepes, my OC, and Alucard, from my story “The Blackest Day”. You can read it on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49552465/chapters/125063038
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Art made by punkedible on twitter
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novadoesartforfun · 5 months
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They are now Uncles.
At least Shamura is okay with it.
Lamb stole Narinder's clothes for a bit so he's in those grass skirt.
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ruiniel · 5 months
I noticed in two of your works you wrote of a 'bond' between Alucard and his s/o, could I make a request between him and a female s/o about that specifically? Like perhaps how it came to be between them?
Thank you and no pressure ♥
Vampire-human bonding is a theme I like exploring in fiction! When a deep connection is formed with mutual consent, transcending the usual predator-prey relationship.
Alucard's character is technically not a full-fledged vampire but I'll take a creative license here.
Will incorporate this in the next few parts of 'Hidden'. Speaking of which, here's part IV (mostly fluff).
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Fandom: Castlevania series (2017-2021)
Pairing: Alucard x fem!reader
Rating: T
Count: 1.4k
Tags & Warnings: fluff
Part I - Part II - Part III
IV. Stay
You make it up the stairway in a rush. There’s an urgency to your step, because all you had was a moment and it was not enough.
Adrian opens the doors to his chambers and enters, then turns around to gaze at you. 
You close the doors behind you, leaning with your back against the hard wood. The surrounding silence, compared to the earlier commotion, gives the impression of landing in a faraway place, removed from the daily storms and weathering of humanity. Your heart thumps in your chest, your torso rises and falls from the brief but intense exertion.
There is a small, unsteady smile on his lips, one that seems to ask ‘well… what now?’
Wordless, you spring from your place and throw yourself in his arms even as Adrian’s tighten around your waist, and he spins you around a few turns, laughing softly. 
He nears a couch and sits you both on it, ensuring you remain draped over him (not something you'll complain about).
You have so many things to tell him, so many questions and so many fears—the latter of which you refuse to allow purchase in your mind, but you will have to settle them at some point, you know this.
And what of him? You nuzzle his cheek, breaths slowing, enjoying the tension radiating through his muscles, the way your body fits so snugly against him. This space is removed from the direct all-encompassing light of the sun and as such your surroundings feel even more remote, even more of an escape.
“Are you… sure about this?”
Adrian’s hand stops its repeated motion of running up and down your thigh. “Considering I’d wanted to ask you to be with me weeks ago, yes. I’m quite sure, my sweet silly one.”
You scoff, but bury your nose against his neck, inhale a scent of skin that unleashes a restless heat within. 
“... are you?” His question is spoken slowly, carefully, and you feel the way his throat bobs against your forehead when he swallows. 
“I…”  your feelings of strangeness, of inadequacy rise to the fore as you clutch at him, feeling his clothing between your fingers in a repeated, uncontrollable stim. “When I realized my changing feelings for you, I worried. I tried to smother them. When it didn’t work, I despaired—after all, who was I to you? Sure, we’d become close, and our time together was always pleasant, both intellectually and emotionally. It enriches my days.”
“But?...” His hand resumes the slow glide along your thigh and the simple intimacy of it combined with the unexpected turn of this day—you, here, in his space and in his arms—makes you so very weak. 
“But… I mean…” You’re glad you don’t have to look at him. “You’re so… your family brought you up to be this wonderful, beautiful person.”
Adrian breathes through his nose, a soft blush tinting his cheekbones. “Oh, really, now…”
“You can’t deny it, Adrian. You’re quite… striking to the average eyes. And knowing you, the extent of your capabilities, well… who was I, but a fleeting soul in your path? I thought that you’d never share my feelings, and wanted—tried—to remove myself from your proximity, from your life.”
He tips your chin up then, all bashfulness gone. “It hurts to hear you speak this way.”
“But do you understand?”
He smiles no longer, his gaze saddened, lowered lashes shadowing his eyes. “I’m trying. But… it’s not as though I ever accounted for my feelings to spread like wildfire either. I never thought I’d come to a point where the mere sight of you brought so much joy, such feverish yearning. I want to be in your life.” He pauses. “If you wish it.”
Emotion grows and spreads like flowered vines inside you, spilling through your chest. “My fears got the better of me. Please…” You know what you want to say, but the words struggle to leave your mouth. “Stay in my life.”
Adrian smiles winningly, sucking on your bottom lip with a velvety ‘mmm’ that leaves you dizzy. He hoists you up in his lap with a tighter grip. “How about this? We take it slow.”
“Slow,” you repeat, palm pressed to his fast-beating heart.
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Ripe light washes the valley in a warm glow as you climb, following Adrian on a barely beaten path uphill. As you’d agreed, you left your studies and daily chores for this short escape, to take some time for yourselves.
You can’t but stare as he walks ahead, a bag slung over one shoulder containing a few basic necessities and tools for your trek through nature. Your own bag is significantly smaller, but there’s not much you needed to bring. You’re on the second day of your trip, and Adrian guided you through landscapes of such beauty they left you yearning for faraway places you’ve never been. The air is breezy, balmy to your heated body.
“We’ll be there soon,” Adrian says, half turning with a smile. 
“There? There… where?” 
“You’ll see,” he adds, tone conspiratorial enough to make you wonder. 
To your right, the lands are garbed in nature’s colors of evening, a long river with fast waters throwing itself in a long sweep at the horizon. Mountains lie sleepily beneath a westering sun, its disc glowing reddish gold. 
Being here, with him, is all you need at the moment. Since your tense confession, things have changed, but it all felt so natural: the shift in the way he glances at you, the way he takes your hand or caresses you when you fall asleep tucked against him. 
Your gaze moves from the scenery to Adrian’s figure, his booted feet soundless as he walks ahead with a determined grace you always found devastatingly attractive. You’re grinning stupidly, probably, but couldn’t care if the gods themselves saw it. For a few sparse times in your life you’ve taken decisions that you knew, deep down, were right for you, whether scary or complicated seeming—and this is one of those times.
It’s not a treacherous path at all, you think as you take another step. Your right foot slips just slightly over a rounded stone, and you catch yourself, hand reaching for the earthed wall to your left for leverage. You grab hold of a root, breathe in relief, and go your way. 
“How are we doing?”
He keeps checking on you, and by ‘we’ of course he means ‘you’, but you can’t fault him his concern. Adrian tends to fuss over people he cares about, in that adorable, unobtrusive way of his. “We’re doing well,” you say, eyes on the harmony that is the line of his shoulders, “Very well, I’d say.”
You climb up, and up and up, and before you spreads another valley: an emerald green view, the clear eye of a lake staring back at you from below. “Is that where we’re heading? I could use a bath.” 
“So could I. We’ll have the opportunity soon.” He says the last word softly, a shiver on the wind.
Certain images take their place in your imagination, much less metaphysical than before: such as, what he looks like without that shirt. 
Slow, he’d said. Need pools to your core at the many meanings of that one word, and lost as you are, the ground loses your focus—you slip again, this time finding no purchase as you reach out to right yourself but tilting your body just so, evading a precarious fall.
You glance ahead at Adrian, hoping he hasn’t heard. The last thing you want is to lengthen any worries he might have, because you want to be here.
“I beg you to watch your step.” 
You freeze, stopping your climb. “You… you heard?”
Adrian looks over his shoulder at you. “I'd like to avoid a repeat of that time in the library… might you want to walk in front?”
“I…” The look in his eyes is strange; something tells you he would’ve been at your side in the blink of an eye, but went to some lengths to keep to himself and not be overbearing. You appreciate it. “Sure.”
As you walk past him you’re drawn into his side with a fluid but firm grip, followed by a hasty, hot press of lips. “Not helpful,” you murmur, knees turned to mush as you fall into him. 
His smile is both dangerous and beatific. “I’ll be sure to remember that.”
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Part V
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vanerchest · 7 months
happy birthday me
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thank you for watching me ~
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cry-ptidd · 7 months
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Outfit swap
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atomra · 2 months
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Some very indulgent alucard and atom stuff 😎💙 Love them so much ✨
If you wanna know more about hellsing Atom, you can find it HERE
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joeanus1 · 8 days
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crying alucard😕😕😕🤤🤤🤤
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