leiathesleia · 7 years
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A reminder to myself that I arted once and didn’t hate it when I was at my friend’s wedding in June.
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emily-lotus · 7 years
SHIPPING INFO // answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. don’t reblog.
Torn between GaiusxEmily and MalikxEmily
Quite a bit so long as my partner is up to it.
Pretty big, but then again I have another pairing where it’s like 20 years-old vs 1,000 sooo I guess if the character’s are of consenting age, the gap isn’t a factor
I try to be. Chemistry is a must, so if there is a bit of chemistry, I sadly tend to jump
Depends. Typically its when the clothes are off that I consider that nsfw. 
For right now it’s Malik, Velvet and Guy. I made this blog with no real shipping intentions because the Gaius I originally found isn’t really one for women which were fine by me because well, I wanted a friendship side to it instead. Those three though...talk about hitting me like a freight train, I did not see it coming.
Typically yes. I’d rather map it out to see if it can happen instead of just ship off the bat (but if we do ship off the bat as a pre-establish relationship, I like to get a backstory for it.)
I’m a ship whore so you tell me.
Ship obsessed I cannot lie about that.
If going strickly off Tales of, JudexMilla, AlvinxLeia
Just start rping with me and we’ll see where it goes from there. If it’s there cool we can discuss it. If it’s not there, we can discuss what kind of relationship it could be.
tagged by: stolen from rexcrystallis (i’m not going to tag them, not a mutual so I’m not going to clog their activity) tagging: @cfastralmvses , @wysiwyg-muses @only-time-will-tell , @otsukaleia @timidplum anyone else who would like a meme
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insomnia-dreamers · 8 years
Alvin and Leia have a daughter together and Alvin is overly protective and won't let her around boys
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dariuc · 11 years
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I'm going to make a doujin of these two, I so want to omg.
This was so fun to make omg.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
A Date I mean Business Lunch in Drellin
Leia- @leiathesleia
Alvin- @broadswordandpistol
Guest Interruption Appearance by Jude- @honorsstudentjude
Leia: Did you have your scarf when you woke up? 😉”
Alvin: "Dammit, Leia!" And he hadn't slept that late.
Leia: “The cutest darn ninja you ever did see.”
Alvin: "You've made your point, can I have it back now, please?" He rubs at the back of his neck.  (Not in the mood to look like a goof chasing her all over this morning.)
Leia: "Haha. Oh okay then. I'm sure you have important mercenary/fruit guy things to do”
Alvin: "Just like you've got important stories to scoop, right?" And smiles to create — which she's actually been successful at, despite his complaining.
Leia: (Teehee. How did she get in his house anyways?)
Alvin: (Everyone seems to be able to break into my Alvin's place. Apparently he doesn't worry about it because the only valuables he has are basically the things he keeps on him.)
Alvin:( And generally the breaking-in consists of crashing on his couch or making him dinner. O.o)
Leia: (even though he can't seem to keep track of his own scarf, at least when Leia is involved :P)
Alvin: ("Hey." He knows exactly where it is, Leia has it.)
Alvin: "You like it that much, maybe we oughta get you one of your own." Teasing. He knows it's about the game, not about the scarf.
Leia: "That's right!" Though she won't turn the offer down.
Alvin: "I dunno, a gift from an older gentleman — your mom might take that the wrong way." Wink.
Leia: "I live on my own, travel from country to country daily, and work a full time job. I'm plenty grown up."
Alvin: "Yeah, but you'll always be her precious little girl, too. Despite being all grown up." He tugs at her cap brim playfully.
Leia: "Maybe so, but remember, I'm not a little kid!" She ruffles his perfectly messy hair and then darts away before he can catch her.
Alvin: "Hey!" He rolls his eyes and fixes his hair, still smiling. "Are you trying to make me late for work today?"
Leia: "Maybeeeeeeee"
Alvin: "That so? Any particular reason?" A wiser man might not take a step into her personal space. No one ever said Alvin was a wiser man.
Jude: As everyone seems to be able to get into Alvin's house, same goes for  Jude's office
Alvin: (Alvin points out that it's not like Jude locks his office, sooooo)
Leia: Leia blushes now she's embarrassed "Um, b-because you are so perfect and adorable!" -Tries to flee-
Jude: "Even if I did, you'd all probably get in any way!"
Leia: "Jude?! When did you get here?" “Can't you see we are having a private conversation?" Leia pushes him out the door.
Alvin: Wait what Jude's here. Alvin stuffs his hands in his pockets and tries to look innocent. Fails entirely because he's never mastered that skill.
Leia: "Alvin, don't you ever lock this place?"
Alvin: "I did. My lock's as bad as Ludger's." Whose is notoriously unreliable; Alvin can pop his door open with a flick of the wrist.
Alvin: (casually all nope nothing to see here not flirting with your childhood best friend kid)
Leia: "You're gonna be late for work Jude! Byeeeee!" Jude didn't even seem to care what was going on. Just wanted to remind us that we bust in on him too. "And he says pride is my downfall. Ha!"
Alvin: "You mean you don't have work this morning too?"
Leia: "I'm a journalist! I set my own schedule. When there's a scoop, I'm there!"
Alvin: He laughs. "The scoop this morning is: "Journalist steals ex-mercenary's scarf. What happens next will shock you!" huh?"
Leia: "And what will happen next Mr. Ex mercenary? Hmmmmmm?"
Alvin: "That's a good question. Maybe the journalist oughta stick around for an in-depth interview." Did we mention that wiser men would not take another step into her personal space, and no one had ever claimed Alvin was a wiser man?
Leia: "Okay and what is this interview about? How you can't seem to keep track of your precious scarf ?" Hopefully Alvin didn't think she was ignoring him all this time. She was just on her GHS. He should've been able to see that clearly.
Alvin: "Heh. Riveting. How about a color story on the good and bad points of Elympian/Rieze Maxian business relationships, done over lunch in Drellin?"
Leia: "Now you're talking!" Leia loves food. "But I'm not able to pay for the food of the people I interview so you're on your own there! Now let's go! I'm starving!"
Alvin: "Hey, I wouldn't invite myself to eat on your nickel." He lets her lead, which gives him an excuse to hide the shit-eating grin.
Leia: -Leia skips along ahead of him towards the train station- "Come on! I'll race ya there!"
Alvin: "You're not getting my scarf as a victory prize." He doesn't wait for her to say "ready, go" — he's already off and running because he's definitely slower than she is.
Leia: Before she could say another word Alvin had started running ahead of her. "Oh no you don't!" She darts after him, jumps high in the air (does a few aesthetically pleasing midair flips) and lands—right on his back. He's not getting away.
Alvin: Apparently this kind of thing doesn't happen in Trigleph every day. Heads turn, but he laughs and grabs ahold of her legs as if he gives her piggyback rides all the time. She's not getting away, either. They slew into the train station at Alvin's top speed, which admittedly is nothing impressive, but faster than everyone else who's walking.
Leia: "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" This was way better than walking to the station. Even though they weren't going that fast, she still was enjoying the ride. They went past Technology drive where they received some strange looks but she didn't care. Finally they arrived at the station. Leia hopped off Alvin's back. "Thanks for the lift!" -wink-
Alvin: "My pleasure." He elbowed her gently in the side and went to pay for train tickets.
Leia: "Hey that tickles!" Leia realizes now that she should not have given up that information. She was sure she would pay for it later. Alvin came back with the tickets. "Okay let’s go!"
Alvin: Yep, she definitely should not have given up that information. He filed it away for later. He let her have the window seat; he was tall enough to lean over and look out, anyway, and it wasn't long before the bare Elympian countryside was zipping by.
Leia: Leia gazed out the window at the scenery. "Not too much longer to Drellin! I haven't been here in a while actually. What about you?" Heck yeah. Leia loves the window seat.
Alvin: "Last week, actually. I've been working a deal with that restaurant to bring in napples and poranges for their breakfast and dessert menus. Took some convincing, but it worked out okay."
Leia: "Oooh. That sounds good! You know, you can mix fruit with a lot of other foods and have it still taste pretty yummy!" Leia had a habit of putting two really great foods together and expecting something really great to come out of it. She has some success but more often than not it was a disaster.
Alvin: "Mhm, and real fruit makes a big difference. You know most of the fruits and veggies in Elympios are grown in a vat, right?"
Leia: "Oh wow! That's so different from Reize Maxia! I guess before the schism was gone Elympians didn't get as much nice produce." Leia shudders imagining her life without good quality fruit every day.
Alvin: "Everything was so depleted by the spyrix that getting things to grow was hard.  No blessings of Gnome and Undine here, remember? Which meant that a lot of stuff got grown in factories, using more spyrix. It's an ugly cycle, but hopefully things will turn around. You can't keep chewing up spirits to feed humans in the long run."
Leia: "Oh yeah. I'm glad things seem to be getting better. And I'm really glad we got to be a part of it too, you know? It feels really good having done something to help!" The train screeched to a halt. Startled, Leia grabbed Alvin's arm to steady herself. "Looks like we're here!"
Alvin: Her fingers on his arm should not tingle, Alvin reminded himself sharply. "Yeah, it does," he admitted with a small smile. "Have to admit I never pictured myself doing this a year ago." He backed up to let her off the train ahead of him before falling into step with her again on their way to the cafe. "Hope you're hungry, those portions are pretty huge."
Leia: "Heck yeah I am!" When wasn't she hungry? Leia was excited to be in Drellin again. It was so much different than Trigleph. There were a lot more food options and it had more of a natural feel to it as well rather than the big city vibe. "Hey there it is!" Leia grabbed Alvin's arm and pulled him towards the cafe.
Alvin: He obligingly allowed himself to be dragged, noting that despite his own internal protests, that small tingle had not gone away. Oh boy. A wink at the receptionist earned them a table outside with a great view of the plaza, and they settled in with menus and drinks. "Whatcha in the mood for, Sunshine?"
Leia: Somehow Alvin managed to get them a great seat outside. The view of the plaza was spectacular! Leia sipped on her lemonade. She got distracted for a moment by the view. Then she heard Alvin ask her what she was having. "Huh? Oh right! I think I'll have a large French Toast and a Small Fruit Salad. What about you?"
Alvin: "Hmmm. Man does not live on steak alone, despite the temptation. Curry for me." ... Which ... still had beef in it. What could he say, he was predictable when it came to food. "Theirs is good. Not as good as your dad's, though," he added, when the waitress was out of earshot.
Leia: -Leia giggled.- "You don't have to try so hard to get on my good side Alvin. But I mean, yeah of course. Nothing is better than my dad's, well, everything! You should really come have dinner at the lodge sometime! I'm sure dad will make you all kinds of delicious food!" Leia took another sip of her lemonade. "Hey, you really like steak right? Dad makes a really good one with a peach glaze. Mmmmm."
Alvin: At that, he cracked into a chuckle. "And you don't have to, either, Sunshine. But it does sound pretty good." Better than soda rice, for sure. "Wouldn't mind seeing your folks again. They're good people." Assuming, of course, that Sonia hadn't found out about what had happened in Hamil. Then he was a dead man. Urk.
Leia: "Yeah! Maybe next time we can go there and see them!" Wait. Next time? Did that sound like a- a date ? "I mean, we could invite the others too?" Phew saved yourself on that one, I think. (No you didn't Leia) "I don't think Jude has been home in a while and I know Ga- I mean Erston was eager to see my mother again. Something about comparing sparring tactics? Oh look! The food is here!"
Alvin: Did that sound like a date? ... Maybe, but it could have been purely innocent. Alvin could convince himself of that; he was all too good at lying to everyone, including himself.
"Heh, that's a fight I'd pay to see from a safe distance," he chuckled, digging into his curry. "It'd probably do Jude some good to get out of the office anyway. I swear he's turning into a mushroom, never seeing the sun."
Leia: Leia chuckled at the thought of the King and her mother sparring. "Haha yeah, I wonder who would win though!" Leia poured some syrup on her French toast and cut a piece to take a bite. "Mmmff thith ith tho good! Althin thu need th twy thith!" She swallowed her food and then held her plate up to him. "Come on, try it!"
Alvin: "Heh. Good question. Erston might have had a real fight on his hands had they met in the Coliseum." He waved her plate down so he could cut off a bite, and chewed appraisingly. "Hm, not bad," he agreed thoughtfully, and passed his plate back in turn. "Try this, see what you think."
Leia: Leia grabbed her unused spoon and dipped it in the curry. She took a bite "Mmmm. That's pretty good! Not too spicy, and, is it beef curry? I'll have to remember to order that next time!" Next time again?! Leia you've got to stop saying those things it's going to be taken the wrong way....
Alvin: "I could take it a little spicier, but the balance is good." Alvin caught himself winking at her. Had he intended to do that? He hurried past that traitorous thought and settled down with his food again. "So overall, Miss Reporter, what do you think about those complicated international business relations?" Yes, apparently he had intended the wink; that question came out playful and maybe a touch more loaded than he wanted.
Leia: "Huh? Wha?" Leia had been spacing out. What was he saying? Relations? She snapped back to reality. "Business relations? Oh! The interview!" Of course. That was the whole reason they were having lunch in the first place. Or was it? Also, did he just wink at her? I mean it was something he did often enough but why was he doing it this time? Whatever, she needed to respond. "Well it seems that there is still some tension between both Rieze Maxia and Elympios. They don't entirely trust each other, right? Do you think they ever will?"
Alvin: "A tricky question." Alvin chewed thoughtfully and set his fork down. "Suppose it's hard for either side to trust each other. Their cultures are pretty different, and it probably didn't help when Elympios attacked Rieze Maxia out of the blue." He flicked a glance at her from under lowered lashes, a cautious smile lingering on his lips. The parallels to their own situation had not escaped him. "But I think with some time to get to know each other, things'll work out in the long run, as long as no one gets too hasty."
Leia: "I hope so too. And I think it will also really help once Jude perfects his spyrite research. He's going to help so many more people someday!" She glanced up at Alvin and smiled before she went to take a bite of her fruit salad. "It seems like we have a long way to go still, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to bring both of these sides together! I'm hoping my articles are helping a bit too. I want people to see both sides of the situation and not just their own"
Alvin: "He and Balan really have been burning the midnight oil on that one. I just hope they get it done in time." The fresh growth in Elympios with the Schism down was both exciting and worrisome; Alvin could see where people would resist the new technology, refusing to understand that what they had now was only there because of the fresh infusion of mana from the Schism.
Hopefully that wouldn't happen.
"Hey, I think you're doing a pretty good job of it," he teased. "All those articles you've been getting published, and I saw the guest column they let you write the other day. People can tell this is an important thing." He flicked her a teasing smile. "Not just a job but part of your personal life too." There was a subtle, lingering question in that sentence, and the gleam in his eye was not entirely innocent.
Leia: Hearing Alvin's sweet words caused Leia's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "Oh, y-you read my articles? Thank you Alvin, you don't have to do that just because I wrote them though. I don't want you to be biased." She looked up at him but once she saw him looking back at her she quickly looked down and twiddled her thumbs. "But really, thank you. It really means a lot to me that you care so much about my work."
Alvin: Alvin shook his head. "It's not like that. You know I don't waste my time, right, Sunshine? What you're doing is important, and how people are reacting to it is important. It's good to have that perspective. It's not just about finding out what you're up to." Not that that didn't factor in. It was hard to keep track of everyone when he was always on the move. Leia's articles were a touchstone that he deeply appreciated when he was on the far side of Elympios or deep in Xian Du.
Leia: Leia perked up at Alvin's response. "Yes, exactly! I want to continue sharing with both sides about everything that's happening! Someday we will have peace. I'm sure of it!" Leia smiled at him. Her emerald-green eyes beaming. "Now then, there are important matters to discuss." She looked up at him with a serious face. "Are we getting dessert?"
Alvin: "That's a matter of serious international relations. One poor dessert choice could lead to a war over Gaius dumplings versus Drellin gelato." Alvin put on a mock-serious face. "I don't know how anyone could survive that catastrophe. Better get two and share, just to be on the safe side."
Leia: Leia laughed so hard she snorted a little. "Hahahaha!" Two desserts?? Leia liked the sound of that! "Okay, that sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't want to start an international war or anything!" she said as she winked at him with a playful gleam in her eye. She picked up the dessert menu and looked it over. "Oooh! I think I'm gonna have a chocolate parfait! What about you Alvin?"
Alvin: "Hmmm." Alvin pored over the dessert menu, upside-down from his angle. "I'm thinking that blackberry cobbler sounds good." Nothing wrong with chocolate, but he'd never lost his appetite for the fruits that were so rare in his childhood. "Maybe a little ice cream on top." Yeah, that'd do the trick.
Leia: "Oh yum! That sounds so good! You know I can't say no to fruit!" Leia delicately set the menu back on the table. "I'm having a really great time Alvin! Thank you for suggesting we do this!" I am having a really great time. Who knew Alvin and I could hang out like this. It just feels so right . "And thanks to you I also got some great information for a future article! I'll be sure to credit you of course."
Alvin:  He flashed her a grin, a shade on the smug side. Truth be told, Alvin was having more fun than he'd initially bargained for, too. "Heh, thanks for taking me up on it." A year ago, even the thought of doing something this simple and (mostly) innocent would have been next to impossible. "Any time you wanna work on those pesky Elympian-Rieze Maxian relations questions, I'd be glad to." Another wink.... y'know, he pointed out to himself, the odds were good that he was headed to a very special hell.
-End (for now)
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
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アルレイ漫画 by どすこいゴンザレス
Some translator notes (since I'm assuming most of you haven't played Xillia 2):
- 'GHS' is the name of the cellphone-like mobile devices that the characters get in Xillia 2
- 'Stop encrypting your messages' is based on a conversation Alvin and Leia have in Xillia 2 about Leia's excessive use of emoticons to the point where Alvin can't understand what she's saying
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
So I started up my first chaptered Alvin/Leia story! You're welcome to go read it if you so desire; I'm not going to post it on Tumblr because it's chaptered and I feel that would be silly. However, I guess I can post a link here when I finish each chapter?
I don't know. Self-promotion makes me feel like an awful human being.
That being said, if you do take the time and energy to read, I do sincerely hope that you enjoy!
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
Poll Time! - Which Should I Translate First?
So, I've been gathering all the Alvin/Leia doujin I can get my hands on. I've been muddling my way through them, but today I realized that I want to sit down and do a full, clean translation of them so that other fans can enjoy them as well.
Choice 1:
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Choice 2:
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Choice 3:
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Choice 4:
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Choice 5:
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Choice 6:
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Choice 7:
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Choice 8:
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(P.S. It may take me a while to post the translations. I don't have ready access to a scanner, so we'll just have to play it by ear)
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
1) AruRei 2) travelling through modern day europe (like paris, verona or something) looking forward to your mini fanfiction huehuehue
In Berlin, they held hands for the first time.
Alvin was the instigator this time. One moment they were walking through the crowded streets of yet another Berlin Christmas market, Leia pressed against him due to necessity of not being plowed over. The next moment, he took her hand in his own in an attempt to not lose her to the press of bodies. When they finally emerged into an open area, their fingers had become interwoven at some point causing an odd hint of surprised pleasure to tinge Alvin’s smile. Now free to move about wherever they wished, it would have been logical and within the purview of their relationship as best-friends-for-years to end the contact there. Instead they lingered. It was only when Leia became distracted by a stall selling paper lanterns in the shape of stars that their hands broke apart. Alvin found himself missing the already comforting warmth in his own palm.
In Erfurt, they hugged for the first time.
Leia was the instigator this time. She hadn’t been planning on doing it, but when their attempts at a day of random sight-seeing around Erfurt dissolved into an intense snowball fight, she wasn’t really thinking rationally any more; her biggest concern was grinding Alvin into the dust. So when she tackled him to the ground and lay laughing on top of him, to her it wasn’t anything outside of another tally added to her side of the chalkboard. But when she felt Alvin’s arms wrap around her back and force her face into his chest, it quickly became much more. This was not something best-friends-for-years did. She felt warm all over and her lips began to form Alvin’s name when something cold was shoved down her coat, changing the whisper into a screech of displeasure. The rest of the day was spent repaying the cheating bastard for such a dirty trick. Yet no matter how she tried to wipe it away, that moment of intimacy lingered in her chest.
In their hotel room, they kissed for the first time.
Neither of them were quite sure who instigated it this time. They were packing their bags, the ultimate signal that their extended weekend vacation had come to an end. Leia was to return to her home and Alvin to his; they would stay in contact but it would be several months before Leia once more called him out of the blue and proposed that they go visit here or there. Leia was the first to finish, her suitcase bulging from all the souvenirs she had bought to the point where she couldn’t close the zipper. This was another routine the two of them were used to - like every other time, Leia sat on the luggage to compress it as much as possible while Alvin fought against the zipper and finally got it to cooperate. Yet, unlike every other time, as he raised himself from his work he realized how he was mere inches from Leia’s face and, more important to him in that moment, lips. The best-friend-for-years response would have been to tease her and then return to his packing. Instead they both started leaning forward and in a few brief seconds, their lips found one another. Both of their bodies flushed with warmth as the kiss deepened.
Back home, they both realized that perhaps best-friends-for-years wasn’t quite extensive enough to describe their relationship.
A/N: It’s totally only three sentences… with an extensive paragraph after each sentence and an extra one sneaking in at the end hahaha…
To fraeulein-zaslavski: I realize that you live in Germany so placing the story in Germany probably isn’t “traveling through Europe” for you, but Germany is the only place in Europe where I’ve done any sort of extensive traveling…I’m really sorry for my incompetence! But I do have to thank you for giving me my first prompt, so…thanks!
Written in response to this.
(By the way, everyone should go request something [even more AruRei if you wanna] ‘cause man was this fun to write).
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
Unnecessarily Necessary Messages [Tales of Xillia Fanfiction] [Alvin/Leia]
A/N: I had originally planned on publishing this one solely in my one-shot collection on FF.net, but then I remembered that they don't allow symbols over there and symbols are important to this story. So...it gets dumped here instead! I should probably warn you that it's teeth-rotting levels of fluffy.
I'm serious. Turn back if you want to retain your dental hygiene.
Description: Leia loves to annoy Alvin by sending him messages even when they're in the same room together. What she doesn't expect is for Alvin to turn a game of teasing into something far more serious.
[I love u! (^_-)~♡]
Alvin stared at the screen of his cellphone for several seconds, his eyebrow arching and his face contorting into an odd mixture of bemusement and annoyance. Closing the phone with a definite click, he looked up from the paperwork he had brought home with him from work to look instead at Leia. She moved busily about the kitchen, the sweet smell that wafted through the air indicating that she was cooking one of her favorite fruits-based courses for dinner. No matter how long Alvin stared at her back, she didn't turn around to claim ownership for the message she just sent him.
"Leia, you do realize that I'm in same room as you right?" he finally spoke up, "There's this amazing thing called opening your mouth and talking. You should really try it some time."
Even though she obviously heard him, she just continued to bustle about her work as if he wasn't there. Alvin did, however, notice that her shoulders were shaking with barely contained laughter; she was still getting the biggest kick out of her cellphone and the myriad of ways it allowed her to bug him even though she had it for months now. He really had no one to blame but himself - he was the one who had purchased the cellphone for her after all.
But how in the hell was he supposed to know that would lead to a flood of text messages abusing cutesy emoticons and symbols even when they were in the same room?
He should have seen this coming.
The two of them had been living together for several years at this point, leading both to know the other and all of their odd quirks intimately. Add in the fact that when he first brought home his cellphone for work purposes, she had almost immediately commandeered it to play with it and he really should have seen this coming.
He just didn't expect her to be so enamored with the technology that she would use it to send him messages even when they were in the same room together. Or maybe she was just enamored with how she could tease him with the technology. That was probably more likely.
"Are you seriously refusing to talk to me until I send you a message back?" He asked after several more minutes of waiting for her to make some form of response. She had done this before, but sometime he could get her to break down simply by speaking to her aloud.
He was greeted solely by the sound of something frying in the skillet and Leia's shoulders shaking even more violently. She was getting way too much enjoyment out of this.
"Really? Nothing?"
Apparently the answer to that was 'yes'.
With a sigh of defeat, he snapped the cellphone open once more. He would play along...for now.
[Love you too. So what are we having for dinner?]
A second later, he heard a series of chipper chimes issuing from Leia's phone before her flipping it open ended the fanfare. Alvin turned his attention back to his work - Leia may have gotten him to respond through messaging rather than words, but that didn't mean that he would allow her the complete victory of snatching away all his attention. A moment later, his phone buzzed with her response.
[U cant tell by smell? (・。・)]
[It's fruit something, but you have quite a few favorite dishes with fruits.]
[~☆Fruit yakisoba!☆~ youll luv it 2! ( ^^)人(^^ )]
"Didn't we have that yesterday?" Alvin asked, speaking aloud rather than typing. Once again, Leia made no response and gave no indication that she had heard him. A haggard sigh escaped Alvin's lips - staring at the screen and Leia's inability to type without her beloved emoticons was starting to hurt his eyes. If he wanted to win this little war, he was going to have to get creative.
And what was more fun that defeating her with the very weapon she had chosen to start this little battle with?
A smile spread on his face as he gathered together his work papers and set them aside. They could wait for a little bit; now it was time to enjoy making Leia squirm.
[Cravings huh? Is it finally time for us to welcome our first little one into the world?]
This time he watched as she picked up the cellphone and read over the message. That one made her freeze which in turn made Alvin's smile spread all the wider. Even though he couldn't see her face, he could tell by her body language that she was blushing like mad. However, a second later the moment passed and she furiously typed her response.
[That was rather vehement of you. Sure you're not hiding something from me?]
[Im not pregnant alvin (-_-) theres just lots of fresh fruits now so im using them anyways theyre tasty (^o^)v]
She was retreating back into her emoticon ways. He would have to do something drastic. However, he stopped halfway through typing his response before he deleted the message and opened a new one. He was no longer sure what was driving his motions, but somehow this just felt right. He had been waiting for the 'perfect' moment, but damn it if their relationship was anything but unusual; wasn't it only fitting that he carry that idea to its logical extreme?
As soon as he clicked the 'send' button, he placed the cellphone back on the table. He wouldn't be needing it.
When Leia picked up her phone, there was a five second pause as she read over the message and an additional five second pause as her brain processed what she just read. This was immediately followed by exactly what Alvin expected to hear:
"Are you...are you serious?"
Her voice was little more than a hoarse whisper and her body was shaking once again, but this time Alvin knew it wasn't from laughter. He stood from the table and approached her from behind, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into a hug. His voice was low as he settled his chin on her shoulder.
"Of course. I would never kid about something like this."
Silence fell once more as his eyes fell on the still open message on Leia's screen. He knew that she was doing the same and re-reading it over and over again in an attempt to absorb the reality of the message and everything that it implied.
[Leia, will you marry me?]
The two of them stayed locked in this position for several moments before Alvin watched as Leia clicked the reply button. Trepidation filled him as her fingers hovered above the keys for several seconds without typing.
"...Close your eyes for a minute."
He had no idea what that was supposed to imply, but he silently obeyed. As he stood there feeling Leia move within his arms as she typed her response, it was the most vulnerable and frightened he had felt in years. Her movements stopped a moment later and Alvin's nerves reached such a height that he had no choice but to open his eyes.
Leia clicked the send button a second too late.
In one movement, he spun her in his arms and crashed his lips onto hers; she immediately reciprocated with a passion that easily matched his. Alvin was aware of the sound of her cellphone crashing to the ground and his vibrating on the table, indicating that Leia's message had arrived.
He didn't need to read it.
He already knew what it said.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
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One of my favorites, because Tales of Xillia x Vocaloid? Yes please.
Artwork by: つぐ
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
Let's Play Pretend [Tales of Xillia Fanfiction] [Alvin/Leia]
A/N: I suppose this is my take on how Alvin and Leia's relationship would develop if the apologies/discussions (or lack thereof) at the end of the game were all that occurred between the two of them to resolve their issues.
It's not happy, let me tell you that.
Description: They're both incredibly talented at hiding away all their issues behind a prepackaged smile. However, sometimes instead of making the situation better, a fake smile just makes it all the worse.
Let's play pretend.
Neither of them will admit that's what they're doing. After all, he is well into his adult years and she is rapidly approaching hers; years ago they made the conscious decision to abandon the childish game of play acting. However, on a sub-conscious level, the two of them continue to play it every day.
Let's pretend that the flimsy apology delivered on the Nia Khera Hollowmont by an emotionally bereaved man to an equally emotionally bereaved young girl is enough for everything to be forgiven.
Let's pretend that her speaking with him after an extended period of icy silence is a good indicator that they are starting to patch their friendship.
Let's play pretend.
After all, we're both so great at it.
He's had a lot of practice in his life. He's learned to smile in order to gain trust and, more importantly, secrets; he's learned to force non-existent anger into his voice when one of his 'friends' is injured; he's learned to fake an honest sounding laugh when inside he's nothing but a mess of disorganized, dark emotions.
So once more he'll call upon his amazing powers of pretend - of carefully practiced deceit - to trick a friend.
And she's just as quick to return the favor.
She's had a lot of practice in her life. She's learned to smile through the pain, even when she's both physically and emotionally bruised; she's learned to pretend that Jude's lack of romantic interest doesn't bother her in the least and she's content to simply stand at his side; she's learned to be energetic and enthusiastic even when her worries of inferiority constantly eat away at her confidence.
So once more she'll call upon her amazing powers of pretend - of carefully practiced smiles - to trick a friend.
Let's put on a show.
Yes, a pretty little play with well-rehearsed lines and natural seeming expressions; they are both masters of their craft and will use all the tricks they had built over the years for this particular role. Deeper and deeper into their roles they sink until the play has gone on so long that everyone forgets they were watching a performance in the first place and instead mistake it for reality.
Except for the children playing pretend; they know it's all just a game.
Yet they'll keep putting on the performance because it's easier, so much easier, to just pretend that this is reality; to pretend that they can get away without a proper apology and a proper discussion of what happened.
Smile wider, smile brighter, strain harder for normalcy, and maybe your imitation can become the real thing.
But no matter how talented the actor or how vivid the child's imagination, a farce can only go on for so long. Someone will break character or forget a line or have childish squabbles about the direction in which the story is progressing.
And after it has ended, both will go their separate ways.
He's the first one to break character, but she's the first one to destroy the scene all together.
A letter unexpectedly arrives from him. It's filled with the usual character traits that mark Alvin's assigned role - semi-serious speech peppered with teasing and crude remarks. However, this letter is different somehow, she can feel it. For several moments she simply stares at the letter trying to puzzle it out before it finally clicks in her mind. Within the world they've created, there's no reason for Alvin to send letters to Leia.
This letter is a message from the actor, not the character.
She knows the character Alvin plays so well, but she knows nothing about the actor behind the character name. At first she knew nothing because he was hiding within his role as a mercenary; now she knows nothing because it's easier to pretend than to face reality.
Normally she can muster a smile at any time, no matter the situation, but today as she stares at the letter, she struck with something worse than anger or sadness.
Her eyes continue to trace the letter from the man behind the character and her heart is void.
She feels nothing for the actor.
He's just another face in the crowd of people that she will never know.
So she places his letter at the bottom of her desk drawer and tries her best to forget about it as she goes about her day at the lodge. No longer burdened with the task of maintaining a character, she suddenly finds herself able to smile brighter and the letter in her drawer is quickly forgotten.
Another letter never comes.
She should be sad.
She knows that she should be sad.
However, all she feels when her mind occasionally snags on the letter is that feeling of apathy once again. They were only tied together by the play that they kept performing for their friends. Now that there was no need for their performance, there was equally no need for them to associate with one another.
He seems to agree because he never tries to contact her again.
They simply drifted apart. It's normal. It's okay. It's inevitable. It doesn't hurt either of them.
Yes, that's right. All true statements. All true.
Let's play pretend.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
gehehe I will give you a ship-- do I even need to say what it is though? akjskgjfdk ARUREI. /slithers away.
Who cooks: I imagine that they both would and they’re both pretty good cooks. However, Leia has a bad habit of being distracted by other things and forgetting that she has things cooking (in a spyrite oven that she has NO idea how to work no less!). This usually results in fires and ordering take-out or hitting up a nearby cafe for dinner. Alvin has started taking it upon himself to get home earlier so that he can cook dinner for the two of them without fear of the apartment burning down. He has the sneaking suspicion that Leia might have planned it that way, but she hasn’t fessed up to it…yet.
Who does the laundry and other chores: Once more the both would, but Leia would probably do more of them by virtue of the fact that her work schedule isn’t as hectic as Alvin’s. Although every weekend, they have a sparing match to determine who has to do the laundry for the week.
How many children do they have: I imagine that they have a daughter first (that Alvin dotes on) and then a son (that Leia dotes on). Although he would never show it, Alvin’s pretty determined to never have the things that happened to him in his childhood happen to his children. Additionally, Leia’s trying her best to teach her children to fight their own battles so they don’t get picked on like Jude was in their childhood. Also, Alvin likes starting to tell the kids dirty stories before Leia shuts him up with a staff to the face.
Who’s more dominate: This is another one where I can see it going both ways. They both have their moments of dominance, although I can see Alvin having more of them because once he’s in a dominant position, he refuses to give it up.
Favorite nonsexual activity: It amuses me that we have to specify that it’s nonsexual Leia likes sending Alvin text messages even when he’s in the same room as her. Also, the two of them love getting into teasing matches and refusing to budge. Neither of those are real “activities” though, per say, so I’ll say that they like going shopping together. It’s a great way for them to spend time with one another and it provides ample opportunities for them to poke fun at each other.
Their favorite place to be together: that itty bitty playground in Trigleph.
Any traditions: Uhm…besides Alvin constantly teasing Leia about her fashion sense (or lack thereof) I can’t really think of anything. Oh, and for each birthday, Leia bakes Leronde Chicken and Alvin bakes Peach Pie. I guess that the two of them also frequent a cafe in Trigleph, a remnant of the time when they were eating out near every day thanks to Leia’s mishaps in the kitchen.
Their ‘song’: ‘Transcontinental, 1:30 AM’ by Vienna Teng OR ‘Tricked the Machine’ by Abney Park. The first one ‘sounds’ more like their song just with the instrumental bit (although the message of the song also holds) and the second one just…fits somehow.
What they do for each other on holidays: Well besides the aforementioned Birthday practices, they don’t really have any set things. The biggest thing is that they just spend the whole day together since it’s getting increasingly rare for them to both have days off of work. Alvin would probably get her presents but make her work for them in some way to which Leia usually responds with just tackling him and distracting him with kissing and then stealing the present from his hands.
Where did they go for their honeymoon: Haven’t really thought about this one, but I imagine that Alvin would make it super lavish for her.
Where did they first meet: Leia was in a barrel. That’s all that needs to be said.
Any pets: Hm…well since Leia’s a dog person and Alvin’s a cat person, they would probably compromise and get a rappig…which would then be stolen away by Elize. They don’t have pets any more.
What do they fight over: They never really have serious fights, just general teasing and the occasional sparring match for fun. Although if they did get into a serious argument, I imagine it would stem from both of their personal insecurities and their tendencies to hide their problems behind smiles (and snide remarks in Alvin’s case). They would be mad at each other for a while, but never for long because they both remember how awkward and terrible it was when they weren’t speaking to one another.
Do they go on vacation, if so where: When they can both manage to get the day off they do! Usually it starts as visiting one of their friends, but then Leia starts talking about this new place that she read about nearby and Alvin just goes along for the ride.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
The Nursing Student and the Business Man [Tales of Xillia Fanfiction] [Alvin/Leia]
A/N: Inspired by thinking about Leia being a nurse in the modern setting and realizing that it would be significantly more difficult than what she does in the game (A.K.A. walking into the local clinic and telling them you want to be a nurse).
This one's dedicated to Mels 'cause she's awesome and speaking with her allows me to dork about this couple a lot.
The uncharacteristically warm autumn air was stagnant with humid heat that chose to linger rather than break via a  rainstorm. That alone made Leia’s skin prickle with displeasure, but as her steps continued to lead her past several of the college dorms, her discomfort and irritation only rose. The tireless noises of suburbia ringing through the air; the tell-tale sounds of a throbbing base line accompanying a Friday night party; an occasional car taking advantage of the 2 AM timestamp to ignore any and all traffic conventions and plowing through the neighborhood  – all of it only aggravated her stress-induced migraine.
A sigh escaped her lips as she rounded the corner of the sidewalk, officially leaving the campus and entering into a small neighborhood. She had chosen to go for a moonlit walk in an attempt to escape the well-meaning but painful prodding of her roommate, but the noises of a regular life kept shattering her tenuous illusion of calm. To make matters worse, the moisture laden air made it feel as if she were inhaling a lung-full of water with every breath, only intensifying the sensation that she was slowly drowning.
For not the first time since her semi-impromptu walk began, her fingers began to move, slowly untangling the wad of paper she held in her hands. She tried to will the motion to stop, but it was as if she were watching a movie play out; no matter how she screamed, she was just fighting against the inevitable. A few seconds later, the several sheets of paper had been smoothed enough so that she could read both the neat printed letters provided by the professor and the messy scrawl provided by her.
She wouldn’t look at it.
She couldn’t look at it.
And yet she felt her eyes wander to the top of the first page and settle on the large number written in glaring red ink. Just like the first time she saw it, her heart sank. She was used to less than stellar grades – for all her strong points, studying and schooling was not one of them – but this one really hit her hard.
What would Jude think if he knew?
When she received her acceptance letter from the nursing program at the nearby college, Jude was the first person to know, even before her parents. Of course he congratulated her, but he also gave her a well-meaning tongue wagging about how difficult it was going to be. Much like Jude gave his typical response, she gave hers: brushing him off with an eye roll and calling him her overbearing mother.
In her head though, it was a different story.
She swore to herself that she would study hard enough to put her past marks to shame. Even though it wasn’t her normal modus operandi, hours were spent writing notecards, reading and re-reading medical texts, and falling asleep at her desk with her face pressed into a textbook. Everywhere she went her head swam with trivial medical knowledge that was apparently supposed to help her care for potential patients and her imagined image of the proud/surprised expression that would cross Jude's features when she showed him her amazing exam grade.
Her seniors in the program warned her that Nursing 101 was one of those classes used to weed out those not serious about the program. This particular tidbit only made her all the more determined to stick around as stubbornly as possible and prove just how serious she was about this.
And apparently, it had been all for naught.
The moment her first fifty-percent-of-your-grade midterm was placed in front of her, her mind went complete blank. Struggle as she might she wasn’t able to recall information that mere moments ago she could have recited by heart; panic and doubt easily stole away any confidence she had come into the test with.
As she stared at the questions, all she could see was Jude’s disappointed expression.
A week later, she was handed back her test and any enthusiasm she had prepared to fake in order to hide her mediocre grade was snatched away by the shock. For a singular moment, the large red ‘F’ boldly dominating the corner was all that existed.
Staring at the grade once again, she found her vision swimming, muddling the bad mark into an angry red blob. She wiped furiously at her eyes, but they simply wouldn’t clear. Energy seemed to rush from her legs as she collapsed to the ground and simply kept staring at the now indecipherable mark. Despite her best attempts to fight it off, a sob escaped her throat. She hated how weak and broken she sounded.
Goddammit, she tried – she tried so hard. Every time she chose studying over hanging out with friends, she kept reminding herself that it would pay off when she got that first test back and she could make Jude proud with the grade she had received. Now she could only laugh at the bitter irony of her hopeful optimism. She wanted to crumple the paper in her hands, but her body was no longer heeding her commands. Instead tears just kept falling onto the page, smearing letters until they were no longer recognizable.
She had to try harder, she had to try harder, she had to try harder...
But wasn’t she already giving it her best? Why wasn’t it working?!
“Goddammit,” she hissed into the night, her frustrations finally working into a tangible form, ���goddammit!”
“I would appreciate it if you don’t damn my front lawn; I’m pretty sure that I’m going to want to sell the house at some point and having a lawn doomed to damnation will probably hurt my property values.”
At the unexpected sound of a voice, Leia’s head shot upwards. Through her tears, she found herself staring at an older man wearing a formal business suit, but rather than a tie, he had a fanciful scarf tied around his neck. As her gaze settled on his face, she found him giving a lopsided grin. That smile made her body flush with anger as she stood abruptly and pushed the tear stained exam to her chest. She still couldn’t bring herself to crumple it.
“I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll just be on my way.”
She made to rush past him, only for her endeavors to be halted when she felt an iron like grip on her arm. Suddenly shoved into close proximity of the stranger, she instantly picked up the distinctive stench of alcohol addled breath. Self-pity was pushed aside as self-preservation took its place. Leia set her feet in an open stance as her muscles stiffened in anticipation for a struggle.
“Don’t do anything you’ll regret,” her voice was hard and measured, an intimidation strategy she had learned thanks to her mother.
“What? Where did that come from?”
“You’re drunk. I can smell the alcohol on you.”
“You think I’m going to ravish you or something?”
“A drunk finds a crying girl on his front lawn – sounds like a good set-up for a courtroom case, don’t you think?”
“Hate to disappoint you but you’re not really my type.”
“Then why haven’t you let go of my arm?”
“Well you’re not going to get out of this that easily,” he said from behind her and even though she couldn’t see his face, she just knew by the tone of his voice that he was smiling, “I come home after a night of drinking and find a kid bawling her eyes out while swearing into the dirt; there’s gotta be an interesting story behind that one.”
The smell of alcohol was making Leia’s headache worse and judging by how she was seriously considering his proposal, it also seemed to be affecting her judgement. Her still rationally thinking mind chimed in that anything allowing her to escape the grip of the crazy man faster was probably something she should take advantage of. Besides, she was pretty confident that outrun a bumbling drunk if the conversation took a turn for the dangerous wouldn't be difficult.
“Fine,” she conceded after an overly pregnant pause, “But you’re…not allowed to laugh.”
“I can’t make any promises. Like you said kid, I’m a worthless drunk. I don’t really have a clear head right now.”
Leia felt the pressure on her arm release and she almost bolted for it. However, she happened to glance over at the stranger and the expression on his face somehow cleared away any thoughts of running. He was still smiling, but rather than making her want to punch him in the face, she felt a distinct desire to console him and ease his worries…whatever they happened to be.
“I…didn’t say you were worthless,” Leia stated almost defensively, “Just that you might end up doing something you'd later regret.”
“Your words didn’t say it, but your tone sure did.”
“Oh…” Leia stated slowly before once more trailing off into silence. She prided herself on her ability to make friends easily and keep a conversation happy and chipper but with this odd stranger, she felt out of her depth – he had found her at her lowest point, a time she didn’t even want to share with her closest friends, and was asking her for the story of how she got there. Just where the hell was she supposed to start?
“If you want to stand all day you’re welcome too, but I’m going to sit down. Drunken legs aren't the most reliable thing in the world.”
The stranger’s voice broke her from her fretting and she turned to find him sitting on the grass. It took only a second of deliberation before she joined him, the dew on the grass pushing into her clothing as she settled her exam into her lap. The feelings of uselessness that had been momentarily pushed aside returned in full force as her eyes once more traced the ‘F’ at the top of the page. She expected the man to look over her shoulder to find the answer to why she had been crying, but he just continued to look silently ahead.
Apparently, she was required to be the story teller for this little tale.
“I’m studying to become a nurse,” She ventured as an opening explanation.
“Oh? Are you a student at the nearby college?”
“Mhm, I’m a freshman right now.”
“Only a freshman, huh?” He muttered, almost as if to himself, “You really are just a kid.”
“Yeah, yeah, and when I’m old like you I’ll realize how stupid it is that I’m crying and that this event really didn’t have that big of an impact on my life.”
“Just remember that you were the one who said it, not me.”
He was smiling that smile that made her want to punch him again.
“Maybe that's true, but right now I just want to cry a little bit. Of course, you foiled that little plan.”
“Hey, I just wanted to come home and pass out for a couple of hours, but instead I got a crying kid on my lawn.”
“You could have just left me alone.”
“Like you said – a drunk finding a crying girl on his front lawn sounds like the setup for a good court case. You know how it is; the cops suspect me right off the bat. Dealing with the police sounds like too much of a pain to me.”
“I suppose I should thank you for looking out for me, Mr. Drunken Knight.”
“But of course; don’t worry about it Miss. Kid Princess.”
Despite herself, a tiny smile slipped its way onto Leia’s face as she looked over at the older man. Of course the moment she turned her attention back to her exam and the story she was required to tell, the smile fell off her face.
“I was crying because I failed my midterm,” She said as she examined all the red marks dotting her page. Even though her tears had diluted the color, they seemed to be only more glaring now, “And it isn’t so much that I failed – I’ve never been very good in school, so I’m used to barely passing. It’s just…I tried so hard. I spent so many hours studying and reading and doing everything right for once, but when I got the test it was like I couldn’t remember anything. Normally I would just keep trying harder, but I gave it my best effort, I really and truly did, and it still wasn’t enough. My whole life I’ve dreamed of becoming a nurse and now I’ve already utterly failed at the first hurdle.”
By the end of her confession, tears were once more pricking at the corner of Leia’s eyes. The knot of frustration in her chest was only made worse by the fact that her failure was staring her in the face and just like watching a train wreck she couldn’t bring herself to look away. She gripped the paper tighter and waited for the man next to her to respond.
“Why do you want to become a nurse?”
The question was so unexpected that for a moment, all she could do was stare at him. He wasn’t looking at her. Instead, his eyes seemed to be fixated on some point far away. The desire to comfort him once more rose in her chest, but she pushed it aside; that could be addressed another time.
Why did she want to become a nurse?
It wasn’t really a question she had ever seriously pondered. After she nearly lost the use of her legs to a terrible accident, she became friends with Jude, the son of the specialist she was seeing. Even back then, Jude was always talking about becoming a doctor someday; it seemed only natural for her to make the decision that she would be a nurse at his side. Then just what was the catalyst that drove her to pursue her decision to the point of actually entering nursing school? Her mind was surprisingly quick to answer.
All of it was so that she could stay with Jude. Her childhood desire continued to pursue her to this day; it was his smile that she was constantly chasing after.
There was no way that she was willing to admit that to a total stranger; she was barely able to admit it to herself.
“I…don’t know,” She lied lamely as her cheeks flushed with embarrassment being far more honest than her spoken word.
“You’re a terrible liar you know.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Guess I can’t blame you for not telling me. However, you should try to always keep that reason in mind; if it’s not strong enough to make you keep going no matter how you fail, then give it up and find a new dream to pursue.”
Silence followed the man’s statement. From the way her refused to look at her, Leia wasn’t quite sure who he was talking to: her or himself. She stared down at the angry red marks on her page and thought of Jude. All this time she had been pursing nursing because it would allow her to see Jude smile which in turn would make her smile. But honestly, her passion didn't lie with nursing. Where it lay, she couldn't quite say, but suddenly, she felt as if she had been given the freedom to explore the possibilities.
An honest smile crossed her lips as she crumpled the paper in her hand.
“Well kid, looks like you’ve got your answer. Congrats.”
Leia was aware of the figure next to her rising from the grass and heading towards his house. She watched his retreating back for a few moments before she stood up, her smile spreading slightly wider than before.
“My name is Leia Rolando,” She called more boisterously than necessary. She watched as the older man stopped and, without turning around, he raised his hand into the air and gave a casual wave.
“Alvin. Nice to meet you.”
“Thank you for everything Mr. Alvin.”
“First, drop the mister. Second, I didn’t do anything; I just didn’t want to have to deal with a murder or rape investigation.”
With that comment made, he once more headed towards his house. As she watched him, she noticed that his steps were unsteady and although the path to the house was perfectly straight, he kept wavering into the grass; apparently he was drunker than she had initially thought. Under the weak glow of the porch light, she watched him fumble for his keys as he muttered to himself.
“Hey Alvin,” she called suddenly, “I have a question for you.”
“Yeah? What is it?” He responded, even though he didn’t turn to look at her nor stop his current course of action.
“Why did you get drunk?”
That one made him stop. Leia watched as he stared at his front door. She couldn’t see his face, but she had the sneaking suspicion that he was wearing that oddly wistful expression she had seen earlier. Her brain was quick to remind her that she barely knew the man; there was no way for her to accurately guess what kind of reaction he was having.
“Sometimes adults just need to get drunk.”
He must have found his key at some point because he inserted it into the lock and a moment later, Leia found herself staring at a closed door. He had given her a far from satisfactory answer, but then again she supposed that was to be expected – the two of them were nothing more than strangers after all.
And yet as her steps led her away from the house, she found herself wondering when the two of them might meet again. Maybe it was completely on accident, but he had given her a new outlook.
He had been right. It wasn't the failing grade on the nursing exam that had left such an impact on her. Instead, it was the conversation shared one night with a drunken business man.
And whether he liked it or not, Alvin would be seeing more of her, even if it required a few more 2 AM walks and a healthy dose of inebriation to do it.
A/N: This could probably be made into a longer series. I'm not sure if it'll ever happen though because I'm not sure if I like it enough for that.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
Name Game [Tales of Xillia Fanfiction] [Alvin/Leia]
A/N: Well arslnarndr expressed interest in another one of my Alvin/Leia stories being posted here, so this one is dedicated to you!
This story is one of the few  that I've already posted on FF.net that I like enough to post here. I really need to write something new for these two...
Well anyways, I suppose the only thing you really need to know for this one is that Alvin and Leia are in a pre-established relationship. I know how they got there (in my head at least) but I don't really think that's pertinent information to the story.
Title: Name Game
Description: Technically, they may all be referring to the same person, but sometimes the name you choose to use can have a big impact.
And there she goes again, using that nickname for the umpteenth time. Ah, and just like usual, there's her oh-so triumphant smile - it's the one that screams 'I've already won this argument'. Gotta admit that it's kinda cute how she thinks I'm that easy to take down. I've had more than one tête-à-tête with women far more cunning and well versed in the art of espionage than her so really, winning this little battle of wits should be just another walk in the park.
I'm sure that she knows by now that just because we're dating doesn't mean I'm going to go easy on her. Hell, if anything, it probably means I'll just get even more enjoyment out of completely grinding her into the proverbial dust. After all, in our time together I've learned lots of fun ways ways to get under her skin that most people wouldn't even guess exists.
Though I do gotta admit that her opening gambit is a pretty good one. Maybe she's been learning how to get all her own little digs in. Oh she can quickly become dangerous if she starts to learn too much.
She's evoking the first nickname she's ever given me (and oddly enough, the only one that's managed to stick around for a long period of time); it's got all types of interesting memories tied up in it. Biggest one is her shoving her face into mine on our first meeting and energetically calling me by that ridiculous nickname. Sometimes I wonder what she would have called me if Elize, or more accurately that little spud of hers, had introduced me like a normal person.
But it's not all sunshine and roses - that nickname also reminds me of the rest of our journey and everything that implies. Good, bad, happy, sad: it's all wrapped up in those two little words. I wonder if she realizes this or if she just keeps using it because she likes it or finds it cute or something like that. Or maybe its because she knows it's a good way to get a reaction out of me.
Too bad for my sweet little Leia that I'm not in the mood to lose.
Two can play at this game.
Two can play at this game indeed.
"Oh ho, so the cheeky teenager thinks she knows everything, huh?"
There he goes again with the whole 'cheeky teenager' schtick. Any time he uses that nickname, my body's immediate response has become to roll my eyes and sigh; I honestly can't help it any more. There's something about the way he says it, all grins and always over-emphasizing the 'cheeky' part, that kinda makes me want to punch him in the mouth. I bet he's ninety percent patronizing and only ten percent sincere.
I can't help but wonder if that's still all he sees me as. I mean sure, if I ever voiced that opinion, he would tease me to hell and back before getting all serious in the end and saying that he loves me or something - I know because he's done just that before. But still, it's possible that somewhere deep, deep underneath all those layers of suave charm he's still kind of disappointed that he ended up with someone like me.
After all it's obvious that he had feelings for Presa and she's about as different from me as they come. Putting aside the obvious...physical differences, she was mature, composed, and always able to carry herself with such a distinct air of poise. And me? I'm clumsy, slow, and constantly running off hurting myself in my over enthusiasm. The two of us are on complete opposite ends of the spectrum.
Dammit, I really am just a cheeky teenager, aren't I?
No, I can't think like that! After all, not all the feelings associated with the name are bad! Every time he uses it I get to see that stupid little grin of his that I can't help but love. Also, I get the special bit of knowledge that he's smiling honestly - it's not force, it's not fake. He's smiling because he's happy. So in the end I can't really be too angry when he calls me by that ridiculous nickname.
Though I do gotta wonder just what he'll call me when I'm not a teenager any more; twenty isn't that far away after all! Part of me suspects that he'll keep calling me that even when we're both old...if we're still together at that point. I hope that we are. Will we have kids...?
Gah, enough worrying about the future! I've got to think of a comeback for this one! No way can I admit defeat this easily!
"Really? 'Cause last time I checked, mister mercenary, I was correct."
Man, she must really be getting pissed off; she only ever pulls that card when she wants to end the argument as quickly as possible. She picks the most random things in the world to get all wound-up about.
It's been a while since she called me that name. I think the last time was when she got ticked off enough to not speak to me for three days. Those were definitely some of the most trying days since the two of us started dating; it was like I had gone back in time and all the progress the two of us made was simply gone. I was burning bridges all over again.
Thankfully though she eventually forgave me after I pestered the hell out of her. I can't even imagine what it would be like if we reverted back to the time when she refused to even look at me. Funny how I never realized how important my time with her had become until it was dangerously close to coming to an end. I really should have realized the importance of relationships considering everything I put myself through for the sake of my mother, but actual committed romantic relationships are something I just can't get my head around.
Loving and leaving is so much easier and far less messy.
And yet somehow I've found myself unable to leave her. Damn does she have me wrapped around her little finger and she doesn't even realize it.
But that doesn't mean this little game is over. Oh far from it.
It's time to turn on the charm and see if she can survive.
"And just where did you get that information...Leia?"
I hate how he can do that; it's so not fair. All he has to do it take that two second pause before he says my name and whisper it in that quiet way of his and suddenly my knees feel like putty. I've been trying really hard to build up an immunity to it, but he just keeps making that pause slightly longer and the whispering huskier and dammit does it make me love him.
And he knows, I can just tell that he knows, just how big an impact he has on me. The message is in the little things that he does, like holding my hand the entire time any of our friends are around (the first time Elize saw us together, it looked like her eyes were about to fall out of her head) or giving me impromptu kisses out of nowhere...it's like he knows all the buttons to push and just delights in hitting them as much as possible.
I would be lying though if I said that it didn't make me happy.
Sure it's embarrassing as all heck at times, but it also shows just how okay he is with dating me. All the myriad of ways in which we 'don't work' together just doesn't seem to bother him - I hope some of that confidence can rub off on me some day. For that to happen though, I guess I'll have to spend a lot of time hanging out with him. Not too much of a bum deal if you ask me.
Oh wait a minute...maybe I've already been spending lots of time hanging out with him already, because I know just what to say to win this argument.
And maybe get him to feel a little weak in the knees as well.
"I have my sources Alfred."
For a moment, I'm back in Xian Du, the smell of sickness heavy in the air as I look down at a woman who is both my mother and a complete stranger. She's smiling at me and saying that name - Alfred. It was something I threw away a long time ago; she was the only one who still continued to call me that. And she always had that sickeningly oblivious smile on her face.
Since returning to Elympios I've heard it several time thanks to Balan, but it still throws me. For so long now I've been Alvin rather than Alfred. Alvin is a suave dashing mercenary and Alfred is a scared little blubbering kid. I've been trying to run away from the latter and towards the former.
So then why in the hell do I feel like I'm going through cardiac arrest just because she called me Alfred?
No idea, but the next thing I know I've got my arms wrapped around her and I'm squeezing the daylights out of her. It's obvious that she's surprised and she wonderingly calls me by that name again - Alfred - and damn does my heart jump in my chest. I honestly thought I could never be happy to hear someone call me Alfred.
Maybe it's because she's the one doing it.
Maybe it's because it means that she accepts me for everything that I am: little buddy, mister mercenary, and even Alfred.
I knew that she could be dangerous if she started to learn all the ways to get her own little digs in, but I never thought she would learn this quickly. It's a good thing she can't see my face because even now, I can feel a slight heat rushing to my cheeks. I think the last time I blushed I was more Alfred than Alvin. She would exploit the hell out of that if she knew. It's possible that there's more of Alfred left in me than I originally thought.
Fine, I suppose I can let you win the game today, but don't get used to it.
A/N: What are the two of them arguing about? I have no idea. Most likely something silly. Please feel free to use your imagination.
Also, if you happen to read this both here and on FF.net, you may notice that the two of them are slightly different. The reason for this is that I re-read everything before I post it anywhere and this practice led me to changing around some stuff a little bit. Hopefully it doesn't throw you off too much.
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flamingo-bubbles · 11 years
The Most Important Thing [Tales of Xillia Fanfiction] [Alvin/Leia]
A/N: I, like pretty much every other person that ships this couple, was dissatisfied with how the game refused to give any sort of satisfactory resolution to the whole Alvin and Leia issue. So I decided that I would write something with the two of them working through their issues in the post-game.
Side note: bits and pieces (namely the bits and pieces involving Leia's hairband and Alvin's coat) of this were inspired by an in-game skit titled "Item Steal".
"Welcome to Leronde Lodge!" Leia greeted with an energetic smile as she spun around at the sound of the door opening, "How may I help…you…"
The end of her sentence trailed into silence as her gaze settled on the guest entering the foyer. Her still rationally thinking mind yelled at her to finish her greeting – after all, a few short weeks ago, she had decided to give up pursing nursing and was now working at the inn; at the time, she had promised herself that until she found a more definite direction in life, she would give her all to assisting her parents. However, the voice of rationality was quickly shoved aside for a much stronger emotion: shock.
Standing in the doorway was Alvin, a characteristic smile plastered on his face. The several months in which she hadn't seen him seemed to have little effect on him, although her semi-medically trained eyes did pick up that his face was more gaunt than normal and he had mild dark circles under his eyes.
While it was true that the two of them had occasionally sent one another letters, they were largely sent out of a sense of obligation. Messages from both sides were clipped and lacking in any form of familiarity; anyone stumbling upon the letters would believe them to be business correspondences rather than friendly exchanges. In her more cynical moments, Leia couldn't help but wonder if that's exactly what they were.
As much as she tried to force herself to forgive Alvin, it wasn't so simple. Every time she saw his face, a phantom pain would sting in her shoulder and a feeling akin to fear would catch in her throat. She had been slowly working towards being able to speak with him normally once more, but as she stood there, all her training fled her mind. She simply had no idea what to say.
"Hey there Leia, long time no see," Alvin suddenly greeted as he stepped deeper into the inn and allowed the door to click shut behind him, "How have you been?"
The sound of Alvin's voice rang oddly in Leia's ears and she realized that she had heard that tone once before – it was when he first tried to apologize to her. It was only then that she realized Alvin was just as nervous as she was. For some reason, this fact was what gave her the ability to smile as she responded.
"I've been busy! We've had all these tourists flooding the area wanting to see the birthplace of the great Jude Mathis. Honestly, you think he would stop by sometime to actually help since this is all his fault."
"Haha, yeah, but the kid's busy with the very research that made him famous in the first place. I bet you our little honors student can't find more than a few moments to himself every day."
"I guess that's true, but a girl can dream, can't she?"
"Even if I told you that you couldn't, you would just keep on doing it."
"You've got that right!"
And then the conversation died down once more and the almost amicable feeling that had been rising between them dissipated as if it were never there. The uneasiness that had been permeating their interactions since the day he had shot her settled heavy over both of them once again. Leia found herself unable to maintain eye contact. It was only when she turned her back on him and began to bustle about as if cleaning that she was able to find her voice once more.
"So what are you doing here Alvin? I thought you had been busy setting up that business of yours. What could a great business man like you want with our little village of Leronde?"
Her voice came out sounding more accusatory and harsh than she had intended, but there was no taking it back at this point.
"Can't a guy just stop by to visit his friend on a whim?"
Under normal circumstances, the answer would have been 'yes'. However, they were both aware that their tenuous friendship, if it could even be properly termed as such, was a far cry from normal circumstances. With everyone else around, it was a simple task for Leia to put her attentions towards one of the others, allowing her to escape the awkwardness that hung between them. This time she wouldn't be allowed the luxury.
Instead she forced herself to smile as she turned around to face him once more.
"Oh, are you sure that your skirt chasing just hasn't gotten you in trouble and now you're trying to hide out until it all blows over?"
"What can I say; the girls simply can't resist me. So think you can help me lay low until it's over?"
"Sure," Leia responded before turning to the ledger, quickly finding Alvin a room, and ushering him away with her forced smile still in place. It was only when she closed the door to Alvin's room that her expression fell and a tired sigh escaped her lips. She had a lot of practice hiding her pain, but seeing Alvin again so unexpectedly had drained her more than she expected. The only silver lining she could find to this situation was that within a few days, he would be on his way once more and she would be free to forget about their still broken friendship until his next letter arrived.
Yet days passed into weeks and still Alvin would not leave. To complicate matters, he seemed to be making it a point to speak with her every day, completely foiling any plans Leia had of avoiding the situation. Even though their conversations lasted no more than a few minutes each day and were awkward and artificial, Alvin continued to seek her out.
The stress was beginning to drive her crazy. Try as she might, she just couldn't feel 'normal' around Alvin. At the back of her mind, there was always an innate fear – he was the man who shot her and he could very well do it again. As much as she tried to rationalize the voice away, it would not be denied.
Around Alvin she was frightened.
She was aware that she had to do something soon – she couldn't stand living her entire life with a lingering fear of someone who was supposed to be her friend. Even more unthinkable was to break off their friendship. Sure, their relationship was uncertain now, but Leia was not one to give up half-way on anything. That Alvin had sought her out seemed to indicate that he too wasn't quite willing to give up yet.
What exactly she was supposed to do to begin confronting the situation, however, was the problem. When she wracked her brain, the only inter-personal problem she had experience with seemed to be the childhood squabbles her and Jude used to fall into on occasion. Back then, the two of them would fight (often times her being the one to escalate it to physical blows) and then a few hours later, she would stop by with mabo curry and all would be forgiven as they ate together.
Sure, it was childish and maybe it only worked in select situations, but Leia was at the point where she was willing to try anything.
So on the fifth day of the third week of Alvin's stay, it was Leia who approached him as he descended the stairs in the morning. She was surprised to see a look of genuine shock cross his features as she approached before it was carefully packed away in favor of one of his easy smiles.
"Oh now this is something," He began as she approached, "It must be my birthday if you're the one approaching me."
"Don't count on it. I actually came to pose you a challenge."
"That's right. Do you remember how when we all journeyed together we talked about the winner having the right to steal whatever they want from the loser? Well, I've been eyeing that coat of yours for a while now and I think this would be a great opportunity to get my hands on it."
It was a lie that she had prepared and even practiced beforehand. When she first decided that she would lie to get Alvin to agree to the match, she couldn't help a wry smile from slipping onto her face – now she was the one resorting to lies to cover her true intentions.
"And if I win I get what, your hairband? I hate to break it to you Leia but flowery headbands just aren't my style; they tend to mess with the mysterious rogue vibe I'm going for."
"Didn't you say that you're trying to be a business man now?"
"I'm pretty sure they don't wear flowery headbands either."
"Then just use it as a present to a girl or something like that. Come on Alvin, you're just trying to run away!"
She was aware that her voice had taken on a suppliant tone, but she found herself unable to care; this was her last ditch effort. Even if she had to beg her way or physically drag Alvin behind her, she was going to make this work.
"Alright, alright, don't look so desperate. I'll take part in your little challenge," Alvin said, holding his hands up in defeat, "So what exactly did you have in mind?"
"A sparring match."
For a moment, Leia was thrown off by the vehemence behind Alvin's words. Then she felt her fists tighten at her side as she regained her stubborn determination.
"Why not?"
"Because it's a stupid idea. Now drop it."
Leia wanted to continue to argue, but the glare that he shot her was filled with a harshness she rarely saw from him and it froze her tongue. As she continued to stand there, Alvin turned and began to head back up the stairs; Leia listened to his footsteps and waited until she counted to five before speaking again.
"I'm fine Alvin, there's no need for you to treat me like I'm made of glass. Jude took good care of me after I was injured; I've made a full recovery at this point."
Silence settled between the two of them as Alvin stopped ascending the stairs. This time, Leia could feel how heavy the air was with unresolved tension. Despite herself, her mouth grew dry as she waited for his response.
"I'm not worried about you old wounds; I'm worried about making new ones."
So that was it; he was just as aware of the shaky nature of their friendship as she was. Leia found herself wishing that she had simply resorted to the yelling 'sparring match' tactic she had employed on Jude in their childhood; she was never much good at trying to get her way through lies.
Which meant there was only one thing for her to do in this situation – stop lying and cut to the chase.
"Alvin, please. We both know we can't go on like this; we've got to resolve this some way and if the past few weeks are anything to go by, talking isn't going to cut it. You can use a practice sword and I'll use a wooden baton. Everything will be perfectly safe."
Once more, silence defined their interactions as Leia waited for an answer. She watched as he gave an exaggerated shrug of his shoulders before turning around once more. He was smiling, but she knew him well enough by now to realize that it wasn't completely honest.
"Alright, if you really want my coat that much, I suppose we can have a little sparring match."
A grin split Leia's features as she ran off towards the dojo, only slowing to throw back a hasty 'thank you' at the mercenary. As her feet pounded against the floor, her heart thudded in unison, but what drove the physical response she couldn't quite say. All she knew was that maybe, just maybe, this fight would give her some sort of closure. Perhaps it would lead to the falling out of the friendship or perhaps it would lead to strengthening it. Either way, the painful feeling of not moving anywhere was going to end today.
When she arrived at the dojo, she hastily prepared, grabbing the proper weapons and turning around just in time to see Alvin enter through the doorway.
"Catch!" She called as she threw the sword to him, which he caught in one fluid motion. Wasting no more time, she set her stance and waited for him to do the same.
"Are you really sure about this?" He surprised her by asking, "I mean, sure it's a practice sword, but it does still hurt if I whack you with it."
"Oh, so you think you can land a hit on me? That's a rather big claim," She taunted as she shifted her weight from foot to foot in anticipation.
"Sheesh, I'm trying to be serious here."
"Really, because judging by the way you haven't taken a stance, it seems more to me like you're treating this like a joke."
With that declaration made she shifted her weight forward, brought the staff to bear, and dashed towards Alvin, aiming for his ribcage. Unsurprisingly, she found her staff crashing into a wooden practice sword rather than her intended target. On instinct she jumped out of striking range and brought her staff into a defensive position.
"A surprise attack; that's rather unlike you."
"I figure since we've been fighting together so long it might be a good idea to change up my strategy a little bit."
"And you decided to ruin that strategy by telling me about it?"
"Ah! Shoot!"
Leia's moment of shocked surprise was swiftly interrupted by Alvin dashing forward and swinging his sword broadly in her direction. She barely had time to block before a series of quickly slashes followed on the heels of the initial attack. It was all Leia could do to keep retreating as she defended against his surprisingly nimble attacks. There was no longer any more time for banter; they were both fighting for real.
As the two of them broke apart once more, Leia felt her heart pound in her chest. It took her several seconds to process that it wasn't simply a result of exhaustion – her heart was pounding because she was terrified. Even though logically she knew this was nothing more than a sparring match, when she looked at Alvin standing across from her, she couldn't help but remember the first time the two of them had fought.
Then, the fear had been real; she honestly believed that Alvin would kill her if she didn't fight him off. Back then, her mind was blank and the only reason she could successfully fight back was ingrained practice and the desire to protect Jude. It was the most terrifying encounter of her life.
Because she wasn't supposed to be afraid of him; he was supposed to be her friend.
"I was scared of you," She spoke aloud suddenly as she gripped her staff tighter, "When you attacked Jude I knew that you would kill him if I didn't stop you."
She interrupted her own thoughts by lunging forward and making another swipe at Alvin, only to be parried once again. Her assault didn't stop however, as she continued to take jab after jab at unprotected spots on the mercenary's body. He blocked most, dodged a few, but not once did he try to strike back at her even though she knew he had ample opportunities.
"So I fought back," She continued, allowing her adrenaline to carry her words, "I fought with everything I had because I just knew that you would kill Jude and me if I didn't."
As she spoke, her words were punctuated by the twang of their wooden weapons clashing. She didn't dare look up into Alvin's face; she had no idea what kind of expression she might see.
"And you know what? I'm still scared of you. I'm trying so hard not to be, but every time I see you I remember that look you had in your eyes. You were going to kill me."
As she continued speaking, her voice rose in volume and her attacks became more vicious and sloppy. Alvin stopped dodging and simply kept flinging his weapon wherever she brought the next blow raining down.
"I'm sorry," he said so quietly that it was almost drowned out by the sound of Leia's furious attack. For some reason, this stoked Leia's ire even higher and she redoubled her efforts to break through his guard. She gripped the wooden staff so hard she could feel it biting into her palms; the dojo rang with the sound of wood connecting with wood over and over again.
Leia didn't know how long this went on for – it could have been minutes, it could have been hours – but when she finally stopped, she realized that she was exhausted. Hastily, she jumped back from their deadlocked position, fully intending to return to the fray after she caught her breath. Instead, she felt her footing fall from under her and suddenly she was sprawled on her back, her lungs greedily consuming oxygen.
The next thing she knew, there was a gentle tap on her forehead.
When she opened her eyes, she found Alvin staring down at her, an unreadable expression dominating his face. The tip of his wooden practice sword rested on her forehead.
"Looks like I win."
She wasn't sure how to react at first, but a moment later, she found herself smiling and closing her eyes in defeat.
"Looks like it. Man, and here I was all prepared to wear that coat."
"Sorry, I can't give it up that easily – it's a special one-of-a-kind coat made for only the finest of gentlemen."
"I dunno. I think I could make a pretty nice 'the finest of gentlemen'."
"Ah yes, I can see it now. Leia, the perfect gentleman; an energetic young girl in a coat three times too big for her."
To her surprise, Leia found herself laughing. It was just another one of Alvin's remarks, but for some reason she couldn't stop herself. The next thing she knew, she was laughing so hard it made her sides ache in protest and tears run from her eyes. Then just as suddenly as the laughter had arrived, it dissolved into sobs.
Time lost all meaning as she cried unabashedly, tears pouring from her eyes and sobs wracking her body. If pressed, it would have been impossible for her to name just why she was crying, but as the sobs gradually died off and she began to regain her composure, one emotion coursed through her stronger than the rest.
"You'll ruin your pretty little face if you keep crying like that."
The voice issued from near her shoulder. She looked to find Alvin sitting on the ground and staring at her, a care-worn but honest smile decorating his face. Instead of returning the gesture, she felt more tears bubbling at the corners of her eyes.
She wasn't afraid.
When she looked at his face, the trill of fear that used to run through her system was no longer there. Her body had never felt so light before and her head felt like it was swimming in a giddy whirl. There was no more need for false smiles and artificial amicability because now it could be real.
"…Thank you Leia. I mean that sincerely."
His gratitude was completely unexpected and just like the first time after she finally started talking to him again, Leia felt a dark flush decorate her cheeks. She wanted to voice some kind of response, but she couldn't think of the proper words. Instead, she allowed her tears to dry as she stared up at the ceiling, realizing for the first time how physically and emotionally drained she is.
A second later, something fell over her face, blocking her view. When she sat up, it fell heavily into her lap and as she registered what it was, her eyes went wide in surprise.
It was Alvin's coat.
Her eyes moved to Alvin, who was already halfway to the door.
"Wait a minute!" She called as she scrambled to her feet, "I'm the one who lost, you can't just go handing the loser the prize."
"Aren't you the one who's always saying effort is far more important?" He responded, without even bothering to turn to look at her, "Just think of it as me recognizing all that effort you put into the fight. My arm is going to be feeling this for the next couple of days."
Leia watched him for a few more steps before she ran after him while hastily tugging out her hairband. In one swift motion, she shoved the flowery ornament onto Alvin's head before throwing his coat over her own shoulders. It was so big on her that she was practically drowning in it, but she hugged it to her chest as he turned around. Already his hand was hovering near his head, poised to remove the hairband as soon as possible.
"No removing it!" Leia scolded instantly, "It's your prize for winning, so you have to wear it proudly. Besides, it's my absolute favorite so you're not allowed to just throw it away. That would just be poor manners."
Slowly, Alvin's hand dropped away from his head and an honest smile crossed his face.
"You know, I can't help but feel that this is more of a punishment than a reward. Just… going out on a limb here though."
"Well you'd best get back on that tree because this is most definitely a reward; remember that I had to save my allowance for weeks to get it? That means you're not allowed to just throw it out. Besides, it looks really great on you!"
"Somehow I get the feeling that you're the only person in the world that thinks that."
"Nonsense! I'm sure that my mom and dad will agree with me! Speaking of which, it's probably close to lunch time. How about some mabo curry to celebrate our mutual victory?"
"'Mutual victory'? Technically, wasn't I the one who won?"
With that cryptic remark serving as her only response, she headed out of the dojo and towards the kitchen. Behind her she heard him sigh before following after her. Her grip on his jacket instinctively tightened as she listened to the sound of his following footsteps. The stagnation that had defined their relationship was no longer there. For the first time, the silence between them didn't feel heavy. It may have been baby steps, but the two of them were moving forward.
That was the most important thing.
A/N: Alvin doesn't have his coat in TOX2; Leia doesn't have her headband. The totally obvious (my weird brain only) conclusion is that they gave them to one another. So uh...should I transfer over some of my other Alvin/Leia stories from FF.net?
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