#i also included the random jude moment in here
saygracejude · 1 year
are they quick to violence? / when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it? / how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion? / what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears? / what is their most vivid memory from childhood? / do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of? / what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving? / do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self? / random angst headcanon? / what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
for jude pls thank you
oh boy, here we go
are they quick to violence?
often, yes. he tries not to but he has poor impulse control and will react to things before he can stop to think. usually when he does get violent, jude takes it out on inanimate objects than people. altho sometimes he does slip up and hit people too, every so often he’ll also punch or hit someone’s arm/chest if he’s excited & can be a lil too rough with it. but if someone is being an actual cunt or is being violent first, he has no problem hitting people - especially cos he loves a fight. he’s quicker to go to violence with strangers and people he dislikes where people he cares for, jude will make an attempt not to be violent.
when is their birthday? do they like celebrating it?
okay so i will admit that i had to think about an actual date. and it’s april 3rd! 🥰
also jude shifts between ambivalence to active dislike of celebrating his birthday. he would prefer to act as if it’s any other day because he doesn’t like the fuss & has some shitty bday memories from childhood so it’s not something he’s eager to pay much attention too. but jude doesn’t understand that people who love him want to give him a good birthday so he will celebrate it to keep the peace & ngl, the presents help him deal with it, that part he’s more open to. his preferred way to ‘celebrate’ his bday is to spend time with the ones he loves and spoiling them which jude is very good at coaxing lev & others to let him do.
how bad is their temper? is it a slow boil, or a instant explosion?
oh gosh, jude’s temper is pretty damn bad but it tends to come in peaks and valleys. when it comes to the people jude cares about, he’s usually a slow boil. to the best of his ability. he has a habit of letting his anger out in small ways, occasionally snapping or saying something mean or engaging in minor self destructive habits. every so often, he’ll go through a chaotic or messy phase and it’s usually around then that jude’s temper will finally boil over to start hissing and spitting making a god damn mess all over the stove top & he’ll yell and smash things and hit stuff, sometimes people. has often ended up unintentionally hurting himself in process of boiling over too.
however, when it comes to strangers or people jude actively dislikes, he’s a whole lot quicker to anger & depending on the situation that’s caused his temper, will easily go straight to oppenheimer.
what is their biggest fear? do they have any irrational / mundane fears?
his biggest is probably losing the people he loves in any way, i.e. death, abandonment, he fucked up, etc.
jude’s more mundane fears include losing control/someone trying to control him, the government, police, medical & social care professionals. he has a mild aversion to women he doesn’t know. also dislikes the idea of being in deep, open water and not knowing what’s beneath him but is mostly over it. really, really hates people coming up close behind his back if he can’t hear/see them.
what is their most vivid memory from childhood?
probably getting to hold gideon for the first time. it was the moment jude knew he had a reason to stick around. there are a lot of hazy parts to his childhood but that one is crystal clear.
do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of?
jude fucking loves having his picture taken and will happily be an absolute clown for the camera! his go-to poses usually involve making dumb and/or overly dramatic face & inappropriate gestures/poses like middle fingers, blowjob hand motion, etc. but he’ll also happily pose to actually look good too, you just gotta ask him nicely 😉
he also loves to take photos tho wouldn’t call it a hobby or something he’s skilled at. he loves to take photos of his family and loved ones (with or without himself in them) when they’re with him, whether it’s hanging out at home or on a special day out. jude is also the type who sends random pictures he’s taken of something he wants to show, which is usually something he knows the person likes; if he sees bugs when he’s out, jude will try to get a picture to show lev. but he’s equally as likely to take a picture of an overturned trash can and send it to his bff dima with just the words “thought of u”.
ALSO, jude has an intense uh, fondness for dirty pictures so he’ll regularly be taking pics of lev 😈
what types of presents would they be most happy to receive? are they good at gift giving?
jude loves presents more if they’re surprises rather than for a specific day and his favourite types of presents are things people have made whether it’s just a simple, small drawing or something bigger and more complex. he’ll also love presents that are activities like a day out or a meal at a restaurant!
he likes to think he’s good at gift giving & tries real hard to get something that will make the receiver smile. he’ll tend to look for things related to his loved one’s special interests or things that remind him of them. jude can go a little overboard with gifts tho cos he gets overly exciting about giving people things but he doesn’t pile on presents at bdays/etc, it’s more like he just impulsively buys shit he sees if he thinks you’ll like it & then just gives it to you.
due to his impulsiveness, lev has a lot of various bug teddies, toys, badges, entomology sets & also several plants.
oh, and jude also loves to buy his partners sex toys because he always gets something out of it. he makes sure he does. 😏
do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
oh god, so many lmfao. jude regularly drinks and smokes, does drugs, gets into fights, hurts himself hitting walls or smashing things. if he’s not doing too great, he’s also much more likely to engage in riskier behaviour & will get himself into all sorts of trouble.
jude has a lot of bad habits; he’s impulsive, chaotic, prone to violence, has mood swings & will regularly fuck things up for himself because of them.
random angst headcanon?
whenever jude has a big blowout fight with lev, the next day he’ll often wake up places he doesn’t know or remember going. regularly that place is the drunk tank 🥰
what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
if lev started acting like he never existed or forgot about him, that’d probably do it…
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flowers-and-fichte · 2 years
Warnings: a pinch of sensitive themes
Ever since Sergei and I arrived at Sophie's, the woman had been sending me out to run errands. "It's the blonde hair," she had explained the first time. "You will pass."
It is now two weeks after our arrival, and Sophie is pushing me out the door. "Buy some groceries," she says. "From anywhere you can find them. And please, don't get caught."
With that, she shuts the door in my face and I am left outside in the snow.
I look around, deciding where to go before settling on a random direction. I keep my head lowered for no particular reason at all. Sophie is right, though. My blonde hair helps me pass as German, or at least how the Germans think that everyone here should look. I don't know if they would tolerate my dark eyes, though. But I know of one guard back at Dachau who had eyes that were such a dark shade of brown that they were nearly black. I also remember how he had a sort of vendetta against Soviets, and he would harass Sergei and the other Russians at the camp just for "fun".
Pushing the negative thoughts back, I look down at the sheet of paper that Sophie has given me. It's a grocery list, not very long, and I stick it into my coat pocket as I bustle past groups of men, women, and children wrapped in scarves, hats, and thick wool coats. I look around for a store, my eyes landing on a building with shattered windows and the word "Jude" painted on the glass.  I shudder slightly at the sight, but notice that the light is on, meaning that there must be people inside, perhaps even other shoppers. 
I push the door open, hearing it creak as it closes. I look around, but no one is present. A single lightbulb suspended from the ceiling by a wire flickers above my head as I get to gathering items. Thankfully, Sophie provided me with a bag that was large enough to hold everything, which includes some sugar, fruit, and a large slab of meat. I figure that it's perfectly all right to steal, since no one is around to give money to or to arrest me. 
Thankfully, none of the food is stale or moldy, as the store was probably abandoned at least a week ago. As I leave, I hear a voice whisper, "Psssst!"
I gasp and turn around, but no one is there. Setting my bag down, I whisper, "Is anyone there? Please tell me."
A hand sticks out from the top of the old cashier desk and beckons for me to come over. Before I even have time to look around, the hand yanks me over the desk and onto the cold, hard floor. I let out a sharp cry before I hit the floor, rubbing my head to soothe the pain. 
I hear a soft whisper from behind me and whip my head around to see a tall, broad-shouldered, red-faced, young, blonde man staring back at me. I take one look at him and scream.
He's in the Gestapo.
He'd arrest me.
His expression turns from a smile to one of concern and he softly whispers for me to calm down. I stop screaming and he whispers, "Don't worry. I am not a Nazi. I won't hurt you." He reaches out and gently grabs my arm. I look into his eyes. They are a cold blue, but at the same time, there is some warmth to them. My breathing is now shuddery, and he lifts his other hand and gently places his fingers over my lips in an effort to quiet me down. His eyes flick to the windows.
"Keep it down or they will see you!" he hisses through clenched teeth. I raise a brow at his sudden change in demeanor. We stay like this until he lets go of me and lifts his head up before looking back at me.
Then, without a warning, he shoves me against the ground and I feel the floor against my face. I hear the sound of boots and the door opening and the sound of men speaking German. A minute later, the door closes and the men are gone. The officer comes back and helps me up. What happened? Is he going to kill me? Was he lying that he wasn't with the Gestapo? The uniform sure doesn't make it look like that. 
"You are safe now," he says, his German accent thick. "I apologize for what happened. I didn't want to hurt you. You are okay, yes?"
I nod, still speechless after the whole incident. "I don't know what to say," I breathe, which turns into a nervous laugh. 
"Do you live here?" I ask. He shakes his head.
"No." His voice lowers to a whisper. "I do business here."
"You work here?"
"I hide Jews here."
My eyes widen. "You...hide Jews?"
"Of course."
"Do you act alone, or do you do it with others?"
"I have friends, one of whom is an actual Gestapo agent. We take people from the streets who are headed for the camps, claiming to have 'other plans' for them, but we hide them in the rooms here in the store." He smiles proudly.
"Well, I guess I should probably tell you this, but..." I begin, but he beats me to finishing it.
"You're Jewish, aren't you?" he asks. I nod excitedly.
"Yes! Yes!" I exclaim. "From Poland."
"Poland? How did you end up here?"
I don't answer. I don't want to tell him about Dachau. "I...was saved by a woman here. Her name is Sophie. She found me."
"That's very nice of her. She must be a brave woman."
"She truly is."
He gives me an understanding look.
"What's your name?"
"Werner Künzle."
"It's very nice to meet you, Herr Künzle," I say, and he smiles.
I pick up my bag. As I begin to leave, Künzle calls out, "Wait!"
I stop.
"Well, I suppose if this Sophie protects Jews, I should meet her," he says softly.
I bite my lip. "I'll see...I can take you with me, but I'm not sure if she'll believe you, because of the whole..." I gesture to his uniform. He nods.
"I understand."
I don't know why I'm bringing a complete stranger, let alone one in a Nazi officer's uniform, to meet Sophie. But I get the feeling that he is genuinely a friendly person, so I decide to act on my thoughts.
Taking my bag in one hand and Künzle's hand in the other, I lead him outside and onto the snowy streets of Berlin back to Sophie's house, hoping that she will indeed understand him and perhaps even like him. 
Then again, I find him quite attractive. I had never met a man like him before, and I somehow know that he is telling the truth. I don't know if it's bad that I began to fully trust him right after we met, but he seems like the right person besides Sophie whom I can depend on to protect my life. 
It's as we're walking home that I realize something.
I don't know if I've ever met the "right" person for me until Künzle...
0 notes
leiathesleia · 7 years
A Date I mean Business Lunch in Drellin
Leia- @leiathesleia
Alvin- @broadswordandpistol
Guest Interruption Appearance by Jude- @honorsstudentjude
Leia: Did you have your scarf when you woke up? 😉”
Alvin: "Dammit, Leia!" And he hadn't slept that late.
Leia: “The cutest darn ninja you ever did see.”
Alvin: "You've made your point, can I have it back now, please?" He rubs at the back of his neck.  (Not in the mood to look like a goof chasing her all over this morning.)
Leia: "Haha. Oh okay then. I'm sure you have important mercenary/fruit guy things to do”
Alvin: "Just like you've got important stories to scoop, right?" And smiles to create — which she's actually been successful at, despite his complaining.
Leia: (Teehee. How did she get in his house anyways?)
Alvin: (Everyone seems to be able to break into my Alvin's place. Apparently he doesn't worry about it because the only valuables he has are basically the things he keeps on him.)
Alvin:( And generally the breaking-in consists of crashing on his couch or making him dinner. O.o)
Leia: (even though he can't seem to keep track of his own scarf, at least when Leia is involved :P)
Alvin: ("Hey." He knows exactly where it is, Leia has it.)
Alvin: "You like it that much, maybe we oughta get you one of your own." Teasing. He knows it's about the game, not about the scarf.
Leia: "That's right!" Though she won't turn the offer down.
Alvin: "I dunno, a gift from an older gentleman — your mom might take that the wrong way." Wink.
Leia: "I live on my own, travel from country to country daily, and work a full time job. I'm plenty grown up."
Alvin: "Yeah, but you'll always be her precious little girl, too. Despite being all grown up." He tugs at her cap brim playfully.
Leia: "Maybe so, but remember, I'm not a little kid!" She ruffles his perfectly messy hair and then darts away before he can catch her.
Alvin: "Hey!" He rolls his eyes and fixes his hair, still smiling. "Are you trying to make me late for work today?"
Leia: "Maybeeeeeeee"
Alvin: "That so? Any particular reason?" A wiser man might not take a step into her personal space. No one ever said Alvin was a wiser man.
Jude: As everyone seems to be able to get into Alvin's house, same goes for  Jude's office
Alvin: (Alvin points out that it's not like Jude locks his office, sooooo)
Leia: Leia blushes now she's embarrassed "Um, b-because you are so perfect and adorable!" -Tries to flee-
Jude: "Even if I did, you'd all probably get in any way!"
Leia: "Jude?! When did you get here?" “Can't you see we are having a private conversation?" Leia pushes him out the door.
Alvin: Wait what Jude's here. Alvin stuffs his hands in his pockets and tries to look innocent. Fails entirely because he's never mastered that skill.
Leia: "Alvin, don't you ever lock this place?"
Alvin: "I did. My lock's as bad as Ludger's." Whose is notoriously unreliable; Alvin can pop his door open with a flick of the wrist.
Alvin: (casually all nope nothing to see here not flirting with your childhood best friend kid)
Leia: "You're gonna be late for work Jude! Byeeeee!" Jude didn't even seem to care what was going on. Just wanted to remind us that we bust in on him too. "And he says pride is my downfall. Ha!"
Alvin: "You mean you don't have work this morning too?"
Leia: "I'm a journalist! I set my own schedule. When there's a scoop, I'm there!"
Alvin: He laughs. "The scoop this morning is: "Journalist steals ex-mercenary's scarf. What happens next will shock you!" huh?"
Leia: "And what will happen next Mr. Ex mercenary? Hmmmmmm?"
Alvin: "That's a good question. Maybe the journalist oughta stick around for an in-depth interview." Did we mention that wiser men would not take another step into her personal space, and no one had ever claimed Alvin was a wiser man?
Leia: "Okay and what is this interview about? How you can't seem to keep track of your precious scarf ?" Hopefully Alvin didn't think she was ignoring him all this time. She was just on her GHS. He should've been able to see that clearly.
Alvin: "Heh. Riveting. How about a color story on the good and bad points of Elympian/Rieze Maxian business relationships, done over lunch in Drellin?"
Leia: "Now you're talking!" Leia loves food. "But I'm not able to pay for the food of the people I interview so you're on your own there! Now let's go! I'm starving!"
Alvin: "Hey, I wouldn't invite myself to eat on your nickel." He lets her lead, which gives him an excuse to hide the shit-eating grin.
Leia: -Leia skips along ahead of him towards the train station- "Come on! I'll race ya there!"
Alvin: "You're not getting my scarf as a victory prize." He doesn't wait for her to say "ready, go" — he's already off and running because he's definitely slower than she is.
Leia: Before she could say another word Alvin had started running ahead of her. "Oh no you don't!" She darts after him, jumps high in the air (does a few aesthetically pleasing midair flips) and lands—right on his back. He's not getting away.
Alvin: Apparently this kind of thing doesn't happen in Trigleph every day. Heads turn, but he laughs and grabs ahold of her legs as if he gives her piggyback rides all the time. She's not getting away, either. They slew into the train station at Alvin's top speed, which admittedly is nothing impressive, but faster than everyone else who's walking.
Leia: "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" This was way better than walking to the station. Even though they weren't going that fast, she still was enjoying the ride. They went past Technology drive where they received some strange looks but she didn't care. Finally they arrived at the station. Leia hopped off Alvin's back. "Thanks for the lift!" -wink-
Alvin: "My pleasure." He elbowed her gently in the side and went to pay for train tickets.
Leia: "Hey that tickles!" Leia realizes now that she should not have given up that information. She was sure she would pay for it later. Alvin came back with the tickets. "Okay let’s go!"
Alvin: Yep, she definitely should not have given up that information. He filed it away for later. He let her have the window seat; he was tall enough to lean over and look out, anyway, and it wasn't long before the bare Elympian countryside was zipping by.
Leia: Leia gazed out the window at the scenery. "Not too much longer to Drellin! I haven't been here in a while actually. What about you?" Heck yeah. Leia loves the window seat.
Alvin: "Last week, actually. I've been working a deal with that restaurant to bring in napples and poranges for their breakfast and dessert menus. Took some convincing, but it worked out okay."
Leia: "Oooh. That sounds good! You know, you can mix fruit with a lot of other foods and have it still taste pretty yummy!" Leia had a habit of putting two really great foods together and expecting something really great to come out of it. She has some success but more often than not it was a disaster.
Alvin: "Mhm, and real fruit makes a big difference. You know most of the fruits and veggies in Elympios are grown in a vat, right?"
Leia: "Oh wow! That's so different from Reize Maxia! I guess before the schism was gone Elympians didn't get as much nice produce." Leia shudders imagining her life without good quality fruit every day.
Alvin: "Everything was so depleted by the spyrix that getting things to grow was hard.  No blessings of Gnome and Undine here, remember? Which meant that a lot of stuff got grown in factories, using more spyrix. It's an ugly cycle, but hopefully things will turn around. You can't keep chewing up spirits to feed humans in the long run."
Leia: "Oh yeah. I'm glad things seem to be getting better. And I'm really glad we got to be a part of it too, you know? It feels really good having done something to help!" The train screeched to a halt. Startled, Leia grabbed Alvin's arm to steady herself. "Looks like we're here!"
Alvin: Her fingers on his arm should not tingle, Alvin reminded himself sharply. "Yeah, it does," he admitted with a small smile. "Have to admit I never pictured myself doing this a year ago." He backed up to let her off the train ahead of him before falling into step with her again on their way to the cafe. "Hope you're hungry, those portions are pretty huge."
Leia: "Heck yeah I am!" When wasn't she hungry? Leia was excited to be in Drellin again. It was so much different than Trigleph. There were a lot more food options and it had more of a natural feel to it as well rather than the big city vibe. "Hey there it is!" Leia grabbed Alvin's arm and pulled him towards the cafe.
Alvin: He obligingly allowed himself to be dragged, noting that despite his own internal protests, that small tingle had not gone away. Oh boy. A wink at the receptionist earned them a table outside with a great view of the plaza, and they settled in with menus and drinks. "Whatcha in the mood for, Sunshine?"
Leia: Somehow Alvin managed to get them a great seat outside. The view of the plaza was spectacular! Leia sipped on her lemonade. She got distracted for a moment by the view. Then she heard Alvin ask her what she was having. "Huh? Oh right! I think I'll have a large French Toast and a Small Fruit Salad. What about you?"
Alvin: "Hmmm. Man does not live on steak alone, despite the temptation. Curry for me." ... Which ... still had beef in it. What could he say, he was predictable when it came to food. "Theirs is good. Not as good as your dad's, though," he added, when the waitress was out of earshot.
Leia: -Leia giggled.- "You don't have to try so hard to get on my good side Alvin. But I mean, yeah of course. Nothing is better than my dad's, well, everything! You should really come have dinner at the lodge sometime! I'm sure dad will make you all kinds of delicious food!" Leia took another sip of her lemonade. "Hey, you really like steak right? Dad makes a really good one with a peach glaze. Mmmmm."
Alvin: At that, he cracked into a chuckle. "And you don't have to, either, Sunshine. But it does sound pretty good." Better than soda rice, for sure. "Wouldn't mind seeing your folks again. They're good people." Assuming, of course, that Sonia hadn't found out about what had happened in Hamil. Then he was a dead man. Urk.
Leia: "Yeah! Maybe next time we can go there and see them!" Wait. Next time? Did that sound like a- a date ? "I mean, we could invite the others too?" Phew saved yourself on that one, I think. (No you didn't Leia) "I don't think Jude has been home in a while and I know Ga- I mean Erston was eager to see my mother again. Something about comparing sparring tactics? Oh look! The food is here!"
Alvin: Did that sound like a date? ... Maybe, but it could have been purely innocent. Alvin could convince himself of that; he was all too good at lying to everyone, including himself.
"Heh, that's a fight I'd pay to see from a safe distance," he chuckled, digging into his curry. "It'd probably do Jude some good to get out of the office anyway. I swear he's turning into a mushroom, never seeing the sun."
Leia: Leia chuckled at the thought of the King and her mother sparring. "Haha yeah, I wonder who would win though!" Leia poured some syrup on her French toast and cut a piece to take a bite. "Mmmff thith ith tho good! Althin thu need th twy thith!" She swallowed her food and then held her plate up to him. "Come on, try it!"
Alvin: "Heh. Good question. Erston might have had a real fight on his hands had they met in the Coliseum." He waved her plate down so he could cut off a bite, and chewed appraisingly. "Hm, not bad," he agreed thoughtfully, and passed his plate back in turn. "Try this, see what you think."
Leia: Leia grabbed her unused spoon and dipped it in the curry. She took a bite "Mmmm. That's pretty good! Not too spicy, and, is it beef curry? I'll have to remember to order that next time!" Next time again?! Leia you've got to stop saying those things it's going to be taken the wrong way....
Alvin: "I could take it a little spicier, but the balance is good." Alvin caught himself winking at her. Had he intended to do that? He hurried past that traitorous thought and settled down with his food again. "So overall, Miss Reporter, what do you think about those complicated international business relations?" Yes, apparently he had intended the wink; that question came out playful and maybe a touch more loaded than he wanted.
Leia: "Huh? Wha?" Leia had been spacing out. What was he saying? Relations? She snapped back to reality. "Business relations? Oh! The interview!" Of course. That was the whole reason they were having lunch in the first place. Or was it? Also, did he just wink at her? I mean it was something he did often enough but why was he doing it this time? Whatever, she needed to respond. "Well it seems that there is still some tension between both Rieze Maxia and Elympios. They don't entirely trust each other, right? Do you think they ever will?"
Alvin: "A tricky question." Alvin chewed thoughtfully and set his fork down. "Suppose it's hard for either side to trust each other. Their cultures are pretty different, and it probably didn't help when Elympios attacked Rieze Maxia out of the blue." He flicked a glance at her from under lowered lashes, a cautious smile lingering on his lips. The parallels to their own situation had not escaped him. "But I think with some time to get to know each other, things'll work out in the long run, as long as no one gets too hasty."
Leia: "I hope so too. And I think it will also really help once Jude perfects his spyrite research. He's going to help so many more people someday!" She glanced up at Alvin and smiled before she went to take a bite of her fruit salad. "It seems like we have a long way to go still, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to bring both of these sides together! I'm hoping my articles are helping a bit too. I want people to see both sides of the situation and not just their own"
Alvin: "He and Balan really have been burning the midnight oil on that one. I just hope they get it done in time." The fresh growth in Elympios with the Schism down was both exciting and worrisome; Alvin could see where people would resist the new technology, refusing to understand that what they had now was only there because of the fresh infusion of mana from the Schism.
Hopefully that wouldn't happen.
"Hey, I think you're doing a pretty good job of it," he teased. "All those articles you've been getting published, and I saw the guest column they let you write the other day. People can tell this is an important thing." He flicked her a teasing smile. "Not just a job but part of your personal life too." There was a subtle, lingering question in that sentence, and the gleam in his eye was not entirely innocent.
Leia: Hearing Alvin's sweet words caused Leia's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "Oh, y-you read my articles? Thank you Alvin, you don't have to do that just because I wrote them though. I don't want you to be biased." She looked up at him but once she saw him looking back at her she quickly looked down and twiddled her thumbs. "But really, thank you. It really means a lot to me that you care so much about my work."
Alvin: Alvin shook his head. "It's not like that. You know I don't waste my time, right, Sunshine? What you're doing is important, and how people are reacting to it is important. It's good to have that perspective. It's not just about finding out what you're up to." Not that that didn't factor in. It was hard to keep track of everyone when he was always on the move. Leia's articles were a touchstone that he deeply appreciated when he was on the far side of Elympios or deep in Xian Du.
Leia: Leia perked up at Alvin's response. "Yes, exactly! I want to continue sharing with both sides about everything that's happening! Someday we will have peace. I'm sure of it!" Leia smiled at him. Her emerald-green eyes beaming. "Now then, there are important matters to discuss." She looked up at him with a serious face. "Are we getting dessert?"
Alvin: "That's a matter of serious international relations. One poor dessert choice could lead to a war over Gaius dumplings versus Drellin gelato." Alvin put on a mock-serious face. "I don't know how anyone could survive that catastrophe. Better get two and share, just to be on the safe side."
Leia: Leia laughed so hard she snorted a little. "Hahahaha!" Two desserts?? Leia liked the sound of that! "Okay, that sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't want to start an international war or anything!" she said as she winked at him with a playful gleam in her eye. She picked up the dessert menu and looked it over. "Oooh! I think I'm gonna have a chocolate parfait! What about you Alvin?"
Alvin: "Hmmm." Alvin pored over the dessert menu, upside-down from his angle. "I'm thinking that blackberry cobbler sounds good." Nothing wrong with chocolate, but he'd never lost his appetite for the fruits that were so rare in his childhood. "Maybe a little ice cream on top." Yeah, that'd do the trick.
Leia: "Oh yum! That sounds so good! You know I can't say no to fruit!" Leia delicately set the menu back on the table. "I'm having a really great time Alvin! Thank you for suggesting we do this!" I am having a really great time. Who knew Alvin and I could hang out like this. It just feels so right . "And thanks to you I also got some great information for a future article! I'll be sure to credit you of course."
Alvin:  He flashed her a grin, a shade on the smug side. Truth be told, Alvin was having more fun than he'd initially bargained for, too. "Heh, thanks for taking me up on it." A year ago, even the thought of doing something this simple and (mostly) innocent would have been next to impossible. "Any time you wanna work on those pesky Elympian-Rieze Maxian relations questions, I'd be glad to." Another wink.... y'know, he pointed out to himself, the odds were good that he was headed to a very special hell.
-End (for now)
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laequiem · 4 years
No tricks, only treats [ONESHOT]
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/ Cardan and Jude join the rest of the family to enjoy Halloween in the Mortal World.
Part of Tales from the Mortal Realm, a collection of random moments in the lives of the Queen and King of Elfhame.
"Is it strange that I find you attractive dressed as such?"
I was looking at myself in the mirror, assessing my outfit, when Cardan sneaked into the room. His training with The Ghost was paying off, he was as silent as ever.
"Strange? Yes. Surprising? No."
Read it on ao3
"Is it strange that I find you attractive dressed as such?"
I was looking at myself in the mirror, assessing my outfit, when Cardan sneaked into the room. His training with The Ghost was paying off, he was as silent as ever.
"Strange? Yes. Surprising? No."
I saw him prowl towards me through the glass. He slid his arms around my waist, staring at me through my reflection.
Today is October 31st and Oak insisted we join him in celebrating Halloween. Of course, this means we all need costumes. I decided to go as the one character I knew more than anyone else.
I looked through his wardrobe for my outfit. It was quite hard to find a top that was loose enough to account for my breasts, as most of his clothes were tailored to fit him perfectly. I also found a dark blue coat, its collar covered in iridescent feathers. I gave up trying to find pants in his collection, as my hips would never fit, and just wore a pair of black leggings with black combat boots.
"What do you mean, dear Jude?"
"The only thing you love more than booze is yourself."
He raised his brows, making a show of looking offended. 
"Your capacity to lie to yourself will always impress me,” he said then plucked a kiss to my temple, “I love you more than I love wine."
I don’t think I will ever get over him being  caring . It felt as if he was a completely different person from the boy who would disturb lessons just to get attention.
Cardan turned me to face him, then inspected my face. “Something is missing.” He took my hand and directed me to his personal vanity. He opened the drawer and pulled out some cosmetics. He lined my eyes with kohl and coated my lashes with dark mascara. I suppressed my laugh when I saw he was so concentrated that he had stuck out his tongue. Then, he took out some glittery gold powder and applied it on my cheekbones. 
He took a step back to look at his handiwork and smiled.
“And the final touch,” he said as he plucked his crown off his head and put it on my head at an angle, “Voilà!”
I looked at myself in the mirror. I did not bother with any kind of wig. I put my hair up in elaborate braids, letting a few short curls hang in a few places. Yet, even without his signature dark hair, I still looked like him. I made faces at myself in the mirror, trying to get his grin right. 
Finally, I got up. “Your turn now, dearest Cardan.”
When Heather learned that Cardan would be coming too, she started suggesting outfits for him. She even went as far as drawing some of them. Something about his otherworldly looks inspired her. Maybe it's the tail, since a lot of her designs included it: a devil, sexy cat man and my personal favorite, a cute puppy.
In the end, I chose my own, petty idea. I walked in the closet and pulled out the outfit I had the servants clean for the occasion. 
“A King needs his Queen,” I grinned as I revealed the Queen of Mirth dress and crown.
Cardan threw his head back laughing. “You sure know how to hold a grudge.”
Thankfully, my husband was a team player, and he went with it. Even in this, he looked strikingly handsome. Or pretty, I guess. Unfair.
We landed in Maine in the early afternoon. It was strange to be awake so early, but Cardan did not seem bothered at all. We met up with Vivi, Heather, Oak, Taryn and Garrett at the entrance to FallFest, some kind of harvest festival that was held every October in the local park. It had everything from harvest contests to food stands, a section with typical carnival games, a small hay maze and even a haunted house.
I was not surprised to see my eldest sister dressed up, she went crazy for Halloween every year. Vivienne would dress up for a week straight before Halloween, even when she still lived in Elfhame. She was wearing a tight black bodysuit with a tail and claws as well as a black leather mask with cat ears. Heather dressed up as some kind of … plant lady? She had a short bodysuit made of green ivy leaves, green stockings and a long red wig. Oak was with them, wearing a reddish pink shirt with a big yellow star on it. I can only assume they went for pop-culture references I am unfamiliar with.
The real surprise was seeing my twin Taryn and her quiet lover also dressed up.
"What are you dressed as?", Cardan inquired, cocking his head to the side, "You ought to have dressed as Jude, you have already proved to be so good at it."
I snapped my head at him and slammed my foot as hard as I could on his. He was joking, of course. But the peace between me and Taryn was still fairly new. We mostly kept to ourselves and rarely talked. Garrett was back with the Court of Shadow and we were friendly, but he kept his professional and personal lives completely separated.
Cardan was hopping on one foot, scowling at me like he did not understand why I was upset. Taryn understood, though. She was sheepishly looking at the ground.
"I… I'm sorry for tricking you, Cardan."
I tried finding something to say to end the awkwardness. I wanted Cardan to apologize for what he said, but I knew he would not. Fae don't apologize.
Thankfully, Vivi broke the silence. "C'mon guys, we're here to HAVE FUN!" she complained, "What ARE you two dressed as?"
"Phantom of the Opera." Garrett replied.
"Says the one dressed up as Catwoman." Garrett mocked.
The bickering continued, though less mean-spirited than Cardan’s original comment, as we walked down the main path. Our first stop was the pumpkin carving station. Each couple got their own pumpkin to carve, though Vivi and Heather’s pumpkin was mostly Oak’s handiwork and the couple making sure he did not stab himself. Taryn and Garrett made some intricate flower design on theirs, Garrett being the one doing the carving of course. As for us, well… Cardan had creative ideas, but no skills with a blade, and my skills were more of the  stabbing  variety. We settled on giving our pumpkin a traditional jack-o-lantern face. 
After the effort of carving pumpkins, we were starving. Oak was complaining, dragging his feet on the ground so much that Vivi and Heathers were holding both of his hands to pull him along. Behind them, I saw Taryn with her arm looped around The Ghost's.
I was suddenly very aware that Cardan and I were the only ones not holding hands.
Nobody knows us here. We needn't keep the appearance of the power couple, together to rule and nothing else.
I took my hand out of the pockets of my borrowed coat and tentatively brushed my fingers against Cardan's hand. I saw him whip his head towards me, and I blushed when I witnessed the surprise in his face. Soon enough, he smiled. One of those smiles he kept for me and only me, blissful and happy. The smile he gives me when we have the time to spend hours cuddled together in bed, enjoying each other's presence.
Cardan took my hand and squeezed. I squeezed back.
We spent the rest of the afternoon eating good food, trying to guess the weight of giant pumpkins and visiting a haunted house. Cardan was fascinated by the weird human traditions and absolutely ecstatic about the food. Pumpkin-spiced flavored food will become the new trend in Elfhame, judging by his reaction.
When the sun started to go down, Taryn and Garrett left for Madoc’s, who decided to try giving out candy to the trick-or-treaters. Heather and Vivienne had initially volunteered to take Oak trick-or-treating himself, but when one of their friends invited them to a party, we offered to take him instead. Oak was excited to spend more time with me and “Uncle Cardan”. 
I had not gone trick-or-treating in...10 years? Maybe 12? Since my parents died. Cardan, obviously, had never gone. So, dressed up as each other, with Oak dressed as some cartoon character, we roamed the residential streets of the city to beg for sweets.
“If it is called ‘trick-or-treat’, does that mean I can make bargains if someone refuses to give me candy?” Cardan asked as we watched Oak go up to a house.
I gave him my best ‘I’ll-strangle-you-if-you-do’ stare. “No. No turning people into cats, no curse making them hear imaginary insects buzzing around their ears.”
“Why is it called trick-or-treat, then?”
Vivienne told me they had to explain this to Oak, too, a few weeks ago. Someone at school had mentioned being excited to go trick-or-treating and my brother had been very confused.
“I don’t know.”
Cardan hmmed and smirked, “Perhaps the Folk were involved when the holiday was first established.”
I crossed my arms.
“If that’s the case, not all traditions need to be brought back.”
He laughed at that, then reached around me and pulled me closer to him.
“You win. I won’t trick anyone,” he crooned in my ear, “but I want a kiss for being well behaved.”
I rolled my eyes dramatically. “So needy.”
Once again, I had to remind myself that nobody knows us here. Nobody recognized our costumes today: in the mortal world, dressed as each other, we were only The Guy In An Ugly Dress and Fashionable Emo Boy. Nobody knew we are King and Queen of Elfhame, therefore there are no expectations to be the hedonistic king and his murderous wife.
I slid my hand behind his neck and pulled him down. I felt him smile as I captured his lips with mine.
“Ew, gross!” Oak’s voice came from the other end of the driveway, “Stop that, come here.”
Reluctantly, we pulled away from each other and looked towards the house. Oak was in front of the opened door, talking with a couple. 
“Honey, look,” the tallest woman exclaimed as we walked down the driveway, “She’s dressed as High King Cardan!”
“Oh my god,” the other one replied, sounding so very human, “that sounds kind of profane. Do you think he would have her hung for this?”
As I looked at the two women, I realized that Oak had stumbled upon the house of a Fae couple. They saw through his glamour, and he saw through theirs.
“This is my sister Jude,” Oak started, “and this is my Uncle Cardan.”
Both females had gone completely still and were staring at Cardan with wide eyes. Simultaneously, they bowed deeply. 
“Forgive us, Your Majesty. We weren’t expecting you.”
“We so rarely see our kind around here,” the shorter one said nervously, “we… wanted to meet who little Oak was with.”
“We have tea, if you would like.”
I dared a glance at Cardan and noticed he seemed amused. Was he delighted to make them uncomfortable?
“That won’t be necessary,” he said as he took my hand, “My  wife  has us on a tight schedule, we have other houses to visit. Have a nice evening.”
I caught the emphasis on  wife  and realized they only recognized him as royalty. ‘  Your Majesty ’, singular. I could tell from the two females’ expressions that they also understood their mistake. I felt bad for them knowing they had no ill intent, probably unaware of the situation in Faerie. Yet, I could not help the grin that crept on my face. I worked hard to become High Queen. I fought and killed my way through the ranks, almost dying. Multiple times. I made decisions that will haunt me until the day I die. I am High Queen, and the Folk must know. 
“It was nice meeting you,” I say as I take Oak’s hand, “You are welcome to visit us at the palace if you wish.”
My memories from before Faerieland were to blurry, I did not remember getting so much candy. Did Taryn and I get that much? How could we possibly have eaten all of that? Cardan and I each had a smaller bag, only accompanying Oak to some of the doors, but Oak had multiple full bags. Once he went to sleep, Oriana was more than happy to give us some. She had learned how bad candy was for children’s teeth - even little Fae kids. She filled little bags for us to take back to Elfhame. 
Like anyone eating candy for the first time, Cardan went a little crazy. He wanted to try everything. Faeries might be different in a lot of ways, but I now have proof that chocolate is addictive even to them. 
The High King of Elfhame ate so much candy that he fell asleep on the couch, to the former General’s dismay.
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formeandmyfics · 3 years
Jugenea Fic
just a short, random, fun one
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New Frontier Hotel
It was nearing 4 a.m. when Judy turned out the lamp on the nightstand and snuggled into the feather-down comforter of her hotel bedroom. The darkness, along with the fresh, cool sheets, made her immediately drift off into sleep. As she did so, her mind replayed tonight's events.  
She was nearing the end of her contracted show at the hotel. Every show had been a success, and with such a great audience, she was having a blast. Unfortunately, that morning, she had come down with laryngitis. She could speak alright; singing, even a slow melody, her voice had come out raspy and trying any loud or high notes sounded like a good impersonation of Mickey Mouse. She panicked. She could not cancel that show, not just because of financial aspects with the hotel, but because she didn't want to have newspapers write more false claims as to why she cancelled, which some columnists had gotten almost venomous since she left MGM. Most importantly, she also didn't want to disappoint her fans.  
With Gene's quick thinking, he contacted their buddy Jerry Lewis, whom was in town, and begged him to help Judy out. Fortunately, he came through, but told both of them, "I'm scared shitless. I don't know what to do out there." Judy was nervous, too! She didn't know how the show would pan out or how the audience would react.
Gene had said to her, "They just want to see you. That’s all. You can sit at the edge of the stage and talk to them about the weather and they'd be happy. That's how magnetic you are, so go and use it. Go out there with Jer' and just have fun."
Jerry did his comedy bits, bantered with Judy, leaving her in hysterical laughter, and they interacted with the audience. Jerry also sang some of her songs, in her normal arrangements, including 'Rock-A-Bye' with Judy as his personal cheerleader by his side. The crowd didn't mind at all that she couldn't perform. It was a very intimate evening, and all-in-all, a smash. She was so very grateful.  
After the show, she had a late dinner with Gene and a few friends, including Frank and Lauren, who surprised her by showing up to the show. By 2 in the morning, more people started coming around their booth in the bar and the noise was too much for Judy's exhaustion. Gene wanted to stay there with Frank a bit more so he told her to get some sleep. Giving him a kiss goodnight, she went up to the room. After reading a book, she finally got sleepy and head to bed. And boy, it felt marvelous.  
In the downstairs lobby, Lauren shook her head, annoyed, as she walked hastily up to the front desk in the hotel's lobby.
"May I use the house phone, please?"
The receptionist nodded, "Here you are ma'am," then placed the phone on the corner for her.
"Thank you." She immediately dialed the Kelly's hotel suite. When there was no answer, she dialed again, but no answer.  
"Dammit, Judes," she murmured as she clicked the phone down. She hoped Judy hadn't taken a sleeping pill.  
The Kelly's suite was quiet, and dimly lit, as Lauren entered with Gene's key. The double doors to the bedroom were shut, no light coming from beneath them, so Lauren knew Judy was dead asleep. Still, out of curtesy, she knocked before entering. Walking over to the empty side of the bed, she turned on the lamp there.
“Judy,” with no response, Lauren kneeled on the bed and leaned over to softly shake her friends arm, “Judy. Wake up, hun.”
She stirred before turning, a puzzled look on her face, clearly still more asleep than wake, “Betty?”
“Yes, it’s me.”
“What are you doing in my room,” she asked sitting up.
“Something’s happened. Are you awake?”
“What time is it?”
“4. You gotta get up. Gene’s got himself in a dilly,” Lauren said getting off the bed to grab Judy’s silk robe which hung over the vanity chair.
“What do you mean,” she asked alarmed.
“Some drunk asshole kept running his mouth and Gene kept antagonizing him. It ended in a brawl and Gene cut his arm pretty bad.”
Judy bolted out of bed putting her robe on, “Oh my God. Is he alright?”
“He’s okay, but the cut’s pretty deep. He won’t stop bleeding. The bartender gave him a rag to hold on his arm. I told him he needs stitches but he won’t stop arguing with me,” Lauren said as she followed Judy into the living room.
“Where is he now?”
“Downstairs with Frank talking to the house detective.”
“Oh, wonderful,” Judy said upset, “What should I do? I can't go down there like this. Lord knows what would come out in the papers if someone saw us.”
Just then there was a knock on the door and Lauren went over and opened it. Gene came in first, and irritatingly nudged Frank’s hand off his back, as he did so.  
“Gene, what the hell have you done now?”
“I’m fine,” he said upset himself before he plopped onto the sofa.
“You’re not fine. You need stitches.”
“I don’t need fucking stitches, Betty. I told you that.”
“Please don’t talk to her like that, let me see,” Judy said sitting next to him.
“Don’t worry about it,” Lauren replied unphased, “He’s cranky and has a gash the size of the Grand Canyon. I think it’s all the blood loss that’s messed with the tone in his voice.”
Judy tried not to smile at Lauren’s sarcasm, but Gene shot her a dirty look as if they were siblings. When Judy got the rag off of his arm carefully, she looked at her husband horrified.
“For Christ sakes, Gene.”
“Baby, I’m okay.”
“You’re not okay. You’re still bleeding. Look at the damn rag. It’s soaked,” she cried out.
“He needs a hospital.”
“He’s not going to a hospital because that’s dramatic and a waste of time,” Frank cut in, “Just call the house doctor.”
“I’m not taking him to the hospital or calling the house doctor,” Judy said getting up and walked across the room towards the phone, “If this gets out, people will think he came down with a Judy Garland ailment.”
“Judy,” Gene yelled shocked, then shot her a look over his shoulder, “That’s not funny.”
With the phone to her ear, she waved him off, clearly had been poking fun at her own expense.
“Who are you calling,” Frank asked.
“Tom Jacobs. He came to see the show tonight and is staying at the hotel,” she said of their doctor friend, a prominent Beverly Hills physician, “Maybe he can come look at Gene.”
“You’re going to wake him up at four in the morning,” Gene asked.
“Yes, so my husband doesn’t bleed to death...Hi, Tom? Hi, it’s Judy. I’m so sorry to wake you up, but I don’t know what to do. I’m alright, but Gene’s got himself in a pickle. He cut his arm pretty bad and we think he need stitches...”
“I DON’T NEED STITCHES,” Gene yelled interrupting her.
Judy continued, looking at her husband upset and yelled back at Gene covering the receiver with her hand, “He DEFINITELY needs stiches! Ok. Yes. Room 209. Thank you, darling. Buh bye.”
She walked on back over to Gene and sat down next to him again, “Why did you antagonize him, especially when you know he’s a drunk. You know I hate that stuff,” she said in a stern, wifely manner.
“If you heard the things he was saying, you would have thrown your martini in his face,” Gene retorted leaning his head back against the couch tired.
“Judging by what he was saying, she would have thrown it on his crotch,” Frank agreed.
“How hammered are you,” Judy asked.
She sighed impatiently, “1-10.”
“I highly doubt that.”
“No,” Lauren interrupted, “He didn’t drink that much.”
“I can attest,” Sinatra added.
When Gene rolled his head to look at her with a ‘see’ expression, she smiled, softening.
“What did the house detective say,” Lauren asked her buddy next to her.
“Threw the guy out and I sweet-talked him and he let us go,” Frank quipped quite proud.
“Are you in pain,” Judy asked sweeping some of his hair back with her fingers.
“No. Can't really feel my arm right now.”
“Can you feel this,” she asked and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
“That I can definitely feel.”
When the doctor came, Lauren and Frank said their goodbyes to give them privacy. Tom looked Gene over and took his vitals.
“Well, here’s the deal, bud,” Tom said, “Your vitals are great. Your blood pressure is just a little high but that’s to be expected after what happened. And your wife is right. You definitely need stitches.”
“Fuck,” Gene said to himself.
Judy looked at Tom and whispered, “He hates needles.”
“Tell ya what, pal, I’m gonna give you some happy juice so while I suture you up, you won’t feel a thing.”
Judy lit herself a cigarette as the doc worked on Gene’s stitches, who looked like he was asleep. She paced slowly back and forth. The movement caught Gene’s eye and his head slowly rolled to look at her. He tried focusing his eyes a moment, and when he did, he made a silly grin.
“Hey, you.”
Judy stopped in her tracks and looked over at him, exhaling.
“How are you feeling?”
“Come here,” he said and reached his free arm out towards her, lazily.
“Gene, don’t move, please,” the doc said looking through his magnifying glasses.
Judy immediately went over and took that hand so he wouldn’t continue to move.
“You’re beautiful.”
Judy let out a surprised chuckle, “Even at the crack of dawn, huh?”
“Is that what it is?”
“Pretty much.”
“You look familiar.”
Judy’s eyes widened and she looked up at Tom who just smiled not lifting his eyes, “Don’t worry about him. It’s the same effect as if he’s coming off anesthesia. He’ll be fine.”
“Well, you look familiar, too,” Judy played along.
“I’m Gene Kelly,” he stated proudly, but still with a slurred speech.
“Nice to get reacquainted, I’m Judy Kelly.”
His smile faded and he furrowed his eyebrows, “We have the same last name? Oh, no, you're not my sister are you?”
Judy let out a laugh but quickly cleared her throat, “No, darling, I’m your wife.”
“What’s your maiden name?”
“What an odd question. You want my maiden name or my given name?”
“Well, you probably remember me more as Judy Garland.”
“Wait,” Gene went to sit up but Judy pushed him back, “I married Judy Garland?”
“Yeeeees,” she teased.
“Holy shit,” he mumbled to himself which made her laugh again.  
“Oh my goodness,” she giggled.
“How long we been hitched?”
“5 years.”
“How can I not remember this? Where have I been this whole time?”
“You’ve been with me...dancing me off my feet and giving me two little Kelly’s.”
“We got kids?”
“Yes, sir,” she said reaching for her cigarette again, “A four-year-old girl and a one-year-old boy.”
“Can I see them?”
“I’m sorry, darling,” she giggled feeling a tad uncomfortable with her husband’s temporary amnesia, “Your parents came and took them home with them a few days ago. We’ll be with them again next week when we leave here. Tom,” Judy said a bit worried, “How long is this going to last?”
“Oh, it’ll wear off in about an hour, if not sooner. It’s a completely normal reaction, Judy, don’t worry yourself.”
“I’m worried he’ll want to re-do our honeymoon and have two more kids in that next hour since he can’t remember,” she teased.
They both suddenly heard Gene softly snoring and Judy felt relieved.
“I don’t think you’re going to have to worry about that. He’s going to have a very restful night’s sleep.”
“He’s such an idiot sometimes,” she said looking at her cute, sleeping husband, “But he’s my idiot.”
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technoskittles · 4 years
Pure Feeling Playlist
Okay, so I had someone on twitter express interest in the songs I have for my playlist for Pure Feeling and figured, yeah, I could share it. I don’t have a spotify (I don’t like the interface plus the music selection is way too limited for my taste) and the playlist itself is on Youtube Music. It’s also private because I don’t really want random people seeing it or other people messing with it if I unlocked it, so I’ll just type up all the songs here with links that way y’all can scroll through and listen to what you want.
I understand there’s probably an easier and faster way to do this probably, but hey, with the quarantine I clearly have some extra time on my hands so why not?
Though, couple of warnings:
1. It’s LOOOOOOONG (it’s 300+ songs in total) (don’t worry I’m gonna put this under a cut)
2. Some of the songs aren’t going to make much sense in terms of the AU. This is for two reasons: a) Some of the songs allude to events/characters that haven’t shown up in the story yet (there’s a LOT of songs regarding Mara’s father) and b) some of them are just general songs that I use to get a basis of emotion/vibe when writing particular types of scenes.
3. My music tastes are all over the place (and this doesn’t even include some of the other genres I listen to just because it doesn’t fit this AU lol)
But this playlist is my main muse and is probably one of the best insights to my process/inner thoughts so, without further ado.....my full playlist.
(I grouped the songs from the same artist together for the easiest convenience)
(And some songs might kind of be repeats if I listen to multiple versions for the purpose of this fic)
Got any favorites? Any songs that worry you about the future of this fic? Or just something you might want more clarification on? Feel free to shoot me ask about it!
South London Forever by Florence + The Machine
Patricia by Florence + The Machine
I Will Be by Florence + The Machine
Too Much Is Never Enough by Florence + The Machine
You’ve Got The Love by Florence + The Machine
Never Let Me Go by Florence + The Machine
Dog Days Are Over by Florence + The Machine
Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
Ship To Wreck by Florence + The Machine
St. Jude by Florence + The Machine
Over The Love by Florence + The Machine
Pure Feeling by Florence + The Machine (hey look it’s the fic title)
Heavy In Your Arms by Florence + The Machine
What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine
Stuck On You by Meiko
Stuck On You (Acoustic Version) by Meiko
Adventure of A Lifetime by Coldplay
Sky Full of Stars by Coldplay
Hymn For The Weekend by Coldplay
Simple and Clean by Hikaru Utada
Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence - FYI - Hikaru Utada
Be My Last by Hikaru Utada
Colors by Hikaru Utada
Distance (M-Flo Remix) by Hikaru Utada
Without You (Justice Skolnik Remix) by Oh Wonder
Rockabye by Clean Bandit ft. Sean Paul & Anne-Marie
In The Rain (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by David Russell)
Stone Heart (an unofficial rendition from Miraculous Ladybug by sxrlove06)
Lost In The Moment by Daniel Lee Kendall
Fragile by ARCADES
Daddy Issues by The Neighbourhood
Scary Love by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood
Sweater Weather (Vaski Remix) by The Neighbourhood
Honest by The Neighbourhood
Alleyways by The Neighbourhood
Stuck With Me by The Neighbourhood
Lights by Ellie Goulding
Goodness Gracious (The Chainsmokers Remix) by Ellie Goulding
Still Falling For You by Ellie Goulding
Starry Eyed by Ellie Goulding
Don’t Need Nobody by Ellie Goulding
Candy-Coloured Sky by Catmosphere
‘Till We’re In The Sea by RKCB
affection by Jinsang
summers day v2 by Jinsang
Let Go by Frou Frou
Must Be Dreaming by Frou Frou
I Just Want You by Robert Duncan
Forget by Alicks
Dinner & Diatribes by Hozier
Nevermind by Dennis Lloyd
Let It Happen by Tame Impala
Think About You by Kygo ft. Valerie Broussard
First Time by Kygo ft. Ellie Goulding
Fragile by Kygo ft. Labrinth
Feel Your Love by Nyquill
I See You by MISSIO
Learn To Let Go by Kesha
Praying by Kesha
I Love My Life by Justice Crew
Sex by Cheat Codes x Kris Kross Amsterdam
Everlong by Foo Fighters
Party Like It’s Your Birthday by Studio Killers
The Disappearance of The Girl by Phildel
Soul On Fire by Mystery Skulls
we’ve never met but, can we have coffee or something? by in love with a ghost
What is Love? by Y//2//K & Yung Death Ray ft. Jaymes Young
A Manner to Act by Ra Ra Riot
Suckers by Ra Ra Riot
Do You Remember by Ra Ra Riot
You And I Know by Ra Ra Riot
Oh, La by Ra Ra Riot
Can You Tell by Ra Ra Riot
Consequence by The Notwist
Anyone Else by PVRIS
Dead Weight by PVRIS
Can You Hold Me by NF ft. Britt Nicole
Young Folks by Peter Bjorn and John
No Fear by Dej Loaf
I’ve Been Waiting by Lil Peep & ILoveMakonnen ft. Fall Out Boy
Give U Up by CALVIN (I’m sorry in advance for this one)
Heartbeat by Scouting For Girls
Keep It Simple by Tove Lo
Sweettalk My Heart by Tove Lo
Glad He’s Gone by Tove Lo
Not On Drugs by Tove Lo
Got Love by Tove Lo
Crave by Tove Lo
Paradise by Tove Lo
Moments by Tove Lo
Talking Body by Tove Lo
Habits (Stay High) by Tove Lo
Scars by Tove Lo
Out Of Your Mind by Tove Lo
Vibes by Tove Lo
Lies In The Dark by Tove Lo
Come Undone by Tove Lo
dont ask dont tell by Tove Lo
Cherry Blossom by ALA.NI
Feels Like Home by The Him ft. Son Mieux
Quiet by Lights
Skydiving by Lights
365 by Zedd & Katy Perry
Left to Right by Marteen
Could You Love Me? by Black Saint
Midnight City by M83
Marble Soda by Shawn Wasabi
Crystal Dolphin by Engelwood
Pusher (Shawn Wasabi Remix) by Clear ft. Mothica
She’s A Riot by The Jungle Giants
Stranger by Jay Hayden & King Vodka
Now That I’ve Found You by Carly Rae Jepsen
Marty McFly by Luke Christopher
Rocks by Imagine Dragons
All Day And Night by Jax Jones ft. Madison Beer & Martin Solveig
Run Free by Deep Chills ft. IVIE
Maps by Maroon 5
Feelings by Maroon 5
blue by Pools
High Hopes (The Lucifer Edit) by Quails
breathin’ by Ariana Grande
Into You by Ariana Grande
Shy Girl by Kedam
Something Good Can Work by Two Door Cinema Club
What You Know by Two Door Cinema Club
Sleep Alone by Two Door Cinema Club
This Is The Life by Two Door Cinema Club
Do You Want It All? by Two Door Cinema Club
Sun by Two Door Cinema Club
Eat That Up, It’s Good For You by Two Door Cinema Club
Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club
Sunflower by Post Malone & Swan Lee
Señorita by Shawn Medes & Camila Cabello
Her Morning Elegance by Oren Lavie
Everybody’s Angel by Down With Webster
All Fall Down by OneRepublic
Counting Stars by OneRepublic
Jenny by Walk The Moon
Youth by Daughter
Get Lucky (Cover) by Daughter
Love by Daughter
River Flows In You by Yiruma
Girls And Boys In School by Neon Trees
Girls And Boys In School (EP Version) by Neon Trees
Helpless by Neon Trees
In The Next Room by Neon Trees
Beings by Madeon
Dried-Out Cities by Fallulah
Bloodline by Fallulah
Almost Home by Mariah Carey
Headlock by Imogen Heap
Closing In by Imogen Heap
Lifeline by Imogen Heap
Goodnight And Go by Imogen Heap
First Train Home by Imogen Heap
I Am In Love With You by Imogen Heap
The Walk by Imogen Heap
More by Kaskade & Felix Cartal ft. Jenn Blosil
Lay Down by Kaskade & Late Night Alumni
My Distance by Kaskade
Lessons In Love by Kaskade ft. Neon Trees
Kill The Lights (Audien Remix) by Alex Newell ft. DJ Cassidy, Nile Rogers, & Jess Glynne
Fall In Love/Lie by INNA
Cola Song by INNA
Caliente by INNA
Iguana by INNA
Ruleta by INNA ft. Erik
I Like You by INNA
Love by INNA
Shining Star by INNA
Bebe by INNA
Bebe (Yaniss Extended Remix) by INNA
Better Not by Louis The Child ft. Wafia
Living Island by Pogo
Still Into You by Paramore
Hard Times by Paramore
Emergency by Paramore
Ignorance by Paramore
I Caught Myself by Paramore
Letting Go by HERB x Kendall Miles
To Be Human by Sia ft. Labrinth
Big Girls Cry (ODESZA Remix) by Sia
Elastic Heart by Sia
Angel By The Wings by Sia
If You Didn’t See Me (Then You Weren’t On The Dancefloor) by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.
Butterfly In The Still by Iwasaki Taku
Dare (La La La) by Shakira
Me Enamore by Shakira
Loca by Shakira ft. Dizzee Rascal
Te Aviso, Te Anuncio (Tango) by Shakira
Addicted To You by Shakira
Whenever, Wherever by Shakira
When A Woman by Shakira
Can’t Remember To Forget You by Shakira ft. Rihanna
Better Than Yesterday by HollySiz
This is What You Came For by Calvin Harris ft. Rihanna
Sweet Nothing by Calvin Harris ft. Florence Welch
Rain by Pueblo Vista ft. .Eehlou & Shiloh Dynasty
G.B.D. Pressure (Extended) by Chillster
Valentine by Aether ft. Veela
Lemme See by Usher ft. Rick Ross
Promises by Aly & AJ
Like Whoa by Aly & AJ
Silence by Aly & AJ
Find A Way by Safety Suit
Ordinary Day by Emilie Mover
Green Light by Lorde
Don’t Feel Like Crying (MK Remix) by Sigrid
Crazy in Love by EDEN ft. Leah Kelly
Broken Girl by Matthew West
Crazy in Love by Sofia Karlberg
This Is What Makes Us Girls (The Confect Remix) by Lana del Rey
1901 by Phoenix
Lisztomania by Phoenix
Please Don’t Touch by RAYE
Island In The Sun by Weezer
God Is A Dancer by Tiesto & Mabel
Tighten Up by The Black Keys
Do I Wanna Know? by Arctic Monkeys
Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups
Don’t Play by Halsey
Bad At Love by Halsey
Young God by Halsey
Now Or Never by Halsey
Hurricane by Halsey
Drive by Halsey
Eyes Closed by Halsey
Eyes Closed (Stripped) by Halsey
Haunting by Halsey
Strangers by Halsey ft. Lauren Jauregui
100 Letters by Halsey
Ghost by Halsey
Break A Sweat by Becky G
Little Talks by Of Monsters And Men
I wanna be your girlfriend by girl in red
Run by Alison Wonderland
I Want U by Alison Wonderland
Peace by Alison Wonderland
Peace (Acoustic) by Alison Wonderland
Dead To Me by Kali Uchis
Good Enough by Evanescence
Go Slow by Gorgon City & Kaskade ft. Romeo
Feel Good Inc by filous & LissA
All I Need by Within Temptation
A Lot Like Love (Oliver Heldens Edit) by The Voyagers ft. Haris
Hideaway by Kiesza
Memories by KSHMR ft. Sirah
American Sadness by XYLO
One Step At A Time by Jordin Sparks
Your Shirt by Chelsea Cutler
Hope Of Morning by Icon For Hire
Collect Call by Metric
Flowers On The Grave (Acoustic) by The Maine
Fabulous by Ally Brooke
Falling (blackbear Remix) by Trevor Daniel
You by Petit Biscuit
Unlove You (Drop G Remix) by Armin van Burren ft. Ne-Yo
Formation (R-TRAX Trap Remix) by Beyonce
Schoolin’ Life by Beyonce
Simmer by Hayley Williams
Ruby by Foster The People
Moral Of The Story by Ashe
Colorblind (Left/Right Remix) by Karma Fields ft. Tove Lo
Don’t Stop The Music by Jamie Cullum
Goody Two Shoes by Adam Ant
Don’t Stop the Fancy Footwork (Chromeo vs. Rihanna)
She Wolf (Falling To Pieces) by David Guetta ft. Sia
Slow Burn by Audiograf
Write My Story by Olly Anna
1 Thing by Amerie
I Like That by Janelle Monae
Your Favorite Place by Joey Pecoraro
Beauty Mark by Parov Stelar ft. Anduze
Dead Hearts by Stars
Change of Seasons (EP Version) by Sweet Thing
Larger Than Life by Pink Zebra ft. Benji Jackson
Are You With Me (Pretty Pink Remix) by Lost Frequencies
Nothing But by Skin
In Common (Kenny Dope Remix) by Alicia Keys
Resonance by HOME
All Stars by Martin Solveig ft. ALMA
Lavender’s Blue Dilly Dilly [From the Cinderella (2015) OST]
Besame Mucho by Jorge Blanco
Touch You Right Now by Basic Element
Dinero by Trinidad
Icon (Reggaeton Remix) by Jaden Smith ft. Nicky Jam & Will Smith
Make Me Sweat by Kat DeLuna
Sombredosis by Kat DeLuna ft. El Cata
Real Love by Memory Tapes
Feelings by Hayley Kiyoko
This Side Of Paradise by Hayley Kiyoko
Wanna Be Missed by Hayley Kiyoko
Gravel To Tempo by Hayley Kiyoko
Pretty Girl by Hayley Kiyoko
Fiesta (Remix) by Bombe Estereo ft. Will Smith
Love by TeZATalks
Had by TeZATalks
Heal by Loreen
Analyser by AlunaGeorge
Attracting Flies by AlunaGeorge
Damaged by Plummet
My Kind by Hilary Duff
Sparks by Hilary Duff
Talk by DJ Snake ft. George Maple
First summer without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
First birthday without you by Outgoing Hikikomori
2 Heads by Coleman Hell
Mathematics by Little Boots
Hearts Collide by Little Boots
Meddle by Little Boots
Parachute by Cheryl Cole
When she went away by Max Richter
When she came back by Max Richter
Who Knew by Pink
Lash Out by Alice Merton
Back To The Start by Mr. Little Jeans
Perfecto. by Ayo. & .Disfnk ft. Daniela Andrade
service by j^p^n
I’m In Love Again by tomppabeats
Close by Nick Jonas ft. Tove Lo
Falling Apart by Michael Schulte
Dusk ‘Til Dawn by ZAYN ft. Sia
Pillowtalk by ZAYN
Minimal Beat by Lindsey Stirling
Perfect Illusion by Lady Gaga
Do I Wanna Know? (Cover) by CHVRCHES
La Familia (Guy Sigsworth Remix) by Mirah
Broken Parts by The Ready Set & Mokita
Invisible Chains by Lauren Jauregui
Lonely Gun by CYN
Cartier by Dopebwoy ft. 3robi & Chivv
Boss Bitch by Doja Cat
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hello, it me
the obligatory "about me" page lmao
who are you?
um existential crisis much lmao, but hi, i’m kate, i’m a scottish 21yo (she/her) with a love for coffee, writing, and a variety of fandoms. 
what’s your blog about?
this thing is a hot mess lmao it’s an amalgamation of ALL my fandoms I’M SO SORRY - except harry styles. he gets his own (th3finalshow)
it’s reblogging memes and writing fanfic and generally laughing at this shitshow we call life
what fandoms are you in?
on here you’ll see a LOT of merlin and a little of torchwood (hence the URL!!!), a dash of marvel, a bit of sherlock, and a sprinkling of jude law, as well as the odd reblog of other actors and shows i’m interested in
do you take requests/concepts/etc? (OR: what can we send into your inbox?)
i’m currently writing a jude law series that’s taking up most of my time, as well as a sir gwaine (merlin) series in between - so at the moment i can’t commit to anything else extensive which would require a lot of thought/planning.
however, you’re more than welcome to send in short concepts or blurb requests for people, or characters, in the fandoms above, or asks about characters in my fics etc. but please be aware that it may take me a long time to answer it if i’m working on one of those above-mentioned projects, or that i may not answer at all if it doesn’t inspire me - this is not personal !!! i simply can’t write something that doesn’t inspire me; that doesn’t mean your idea isn’t good, it’s just not for me, and someone else, in that instance, would do a much better job. (and i ALWAYS say that if you can’t find the fic you want - write it yourself ;) )
you’re also more than welcome to send me other asks about random, general real-life things - i’m a pretty open person on here (within reason) and am willing to be a listening ear/give advice to those in need, although that being said i am NOT a doctor or a licensed counsellor (i am a very dramatic leo-sun-sign drama-graduate) (i know, omg) so please treat any response from me as you would a friend you would vent to and then ask to hype you as you thrive, for example; and not a medical professional.
if any of your asks contain sensitive topics, please include trigger warnings. i have to look after me, too - and so if you have sent me an ask surrounding a particularly sensitive topic and i have not responded to it, please consider that perhaps i was unable to do so for the sake of my own mental/emotional health
what do u do???
i’ve just graduated from uni - ur gal has a whole-ass degrEE!!!!! in DRAMA!!!!! who’d have guessed it (literally everyone i’m so sorry) 
but thanks to covid-19, i’m also currently unemployed - however, eventually the plan is to get paid for all the plays/screenplays/stories and novels i’ve written and actually be a Real Writer, and maybe go into journalism too; but we’ll see!!! that decision is for another, covid-free world.
basically all i know is that i wanna write and get paid for it - details still to come
so???? stay???? tuned?????
(2021 UPDATE: I'm now studying a Master's in Journalism!!! get it life plan LMAO)
other random facts
chaotic as hell, loves an exclamation mark or ten, avid reader, old-timey jazz enthusiast, my caps lock is OFF AS IT SHOULD BE (the irony lmao), and like all good bi/pan people, i cannot express a single emotion without use of the word “lmao”.
happy to have u, enjoy ur stay, ty and goodnight x
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latefrequencies · 5 years
I just started listening to From Home and I am soooo excited, I've been really getting into noise lately and this is the sort of thing I want to make! How'd you make these noises? And also, do the numbered titles of the tracks hold any significance? Thanks for another awesome release Jude! :D
oh thank you!!!! people’s reception of that album has been much more positive than i would have expected (not that i expected people to hate that album outright but i rly only know two people who i knew for sure are into noise, and one of them is going to be in a noise band with me and the other is already a noise artist), so i’m very happy that people like the album as much as they do! also i’m going to put the answers to your questions under a cut if that’s okay, i’m going to basically answer Every Question Anyone Could Ever Have About This Album, including the ones you’ve asked directly:
so the equipment i used (outside of the non-musical items i used to produce the sounds) was the following: an iPad, GarageBand (which was run on the iPad), a bass guitar, this cord thing called an iRig that allows me to plug the bass into the iPad so i can use the amp simulator stuff, earbuds that had a microphone on them, and headphones that did not have a microphone on them. the headphones that didn’t have the microphone on them were important because, when you use earbuds or headphones that have a microphone on them and the microphone is too close to the earbuds themselves (which is the case with most if not all earbuds you get in stores), you record what you’re listening to along with what you’re recording on the track you’re recording. this might not be a problem if you’re just trying to get as much sound as possible, but that wasn’t what i was going for on this album.
i personally see all of the sounds on the album as being in one of five categories: musical synthesized sound, non-musical synthesized sound, bass feedback, intentionally-produced non-synthesized sound, and background sound. which is hella pretentious but let me break it down further:
musical synthesized sound: i used the synth settings in GarageBand to produce things that sounded musical (anytime there’s chords or a melody perceptible on any of the tracks)
non-musical synthesized sound: i used the synth settings to produce things that didn’t sound musical (mostly i used settings that are categorized under “sound effects”. a good example of a track featuring these would be track 4, “68454″, where there’s sort of a mechanical buzzing noise and a slamming noise that sound like they’re reacting to each other. those were both produced with GarageBand and weren’t actual sounds I recorded from my environment)
bass feedback: i plugged my bass, made some custom amp settings that were meant to make the feedback sound like ungodly loud and awful and just let it record. sometimes i did actually do things with the bass, such as touching the neck or body to produce generally non-musical sounds or touching the strings in a way that produced musical sounds in that each string is tuned to a note but where i wasn’t really playing a note on purpose (very audible on track 1, “593045″). anytime there’s the sound of something churning (for lack of a better description), that’s bass feedback (and I’ll get into how that works in a bit)
intentionally-produced non-synthesized sound: i took objects around me and made them make noises (”68454″ has this sort of crackling sound in the background that was produced by doing and undoing the velcro on a plush toy I had with me, there was a point at which i just recorded myself photocopying and putting together a zine and the low whining sound on “182495″ came from the photocopier and the scraping sort of sound on the same track came from me handling the paper afterwards because i recorded both processes on the same track)
background sound: i just plugged in the non-microphone headphones and let things happen. this picked up sounds intentionally 
a lot of the time, with the intentionally-produced sounds, i would try making them while listening to how they’d be recorded through the amp simulator and i messed with the settings to make it so that they’d be less recognizable or sound stranger or more discordant. a lot of the idea behind what i did was to take sounds that would have been normal and make them very abnormal. you don’t hear sounds like what you hear on that album in your everyday life. the world would be bloody chaos if everything sounded like that all the time. everyone would have to wear industrial-strength earplugs. it’d be awful. part of the concept was to take the familiar and make it as unfamiliar as possible. i presume you’ve looked at the album’s description, and if you have, then you’ll know the context in which it was made was one of really just a lot of unfamiliarity while also having with me individual things which were familiar, so that’s where the idea to make noise in that specific way came from.
now here’s where i get into the exact methods and if you don’t have access to GarageBand, this might be a bit useless for you, but if you’re using a program where you can use an amp simulator and it has the ability to let you simulate effects pedals, you’ll probably find a way to do the same as what i’m describing here.
the first thing i do with the amp settings is i turn the gain up real high (usually at maximum) and i put a fuzz pedal on it and turn everything on that up to the highest setting. sometimes i let there be a bit of variation (like sometimes the tone is a little bit down, sometimes the fuzz setting isn’t completely up, etc.) but those are the primary things i do. i choose the fuzz setting because that produces the most amount of additional noise while also distorting the sound (which is why i choose it over, say, overdrive)
i get the churning sound by turning both the knobs on the tremolo part of the amp way up. if what you’re working with allows you do to so, experiment with having the speed and depth be at different places, because i find that sometimes having them always be equal to each other or having them always be on maximum doesn’t get what i want for a particular track or moment. i’m not sure if screwing with the tremolo like that is the exact thing Sunn O))) are doing on all their albums but i bet it is and regardless it makes it sound just like Sunn O))) when i play a note and the amp is like that and I like sounding like things that i like.
other effects pedals i like include the phaser one, the vibe one (there’s a lot of fun to be had there since there’s different kinds of vibrations you can play with), the echo one (that can get you some REAL fucked up sounds if you play it right), and the chorus one.
where the synth is concerned, i use settings from the Alchemy Synth options (again, not very helpful if you’re not using GarageBand but what you’re using may have something equivalent to what i’m about to describe). the reason for this is that there’s all those knobs and that x- and y-axis thing you can control to get a really precise sound, and you can mess with those while you’re playing the note, meaning that the note will record the exact way you’re hearing it change. (i make that distinction because messing with something in real time with something from the amp settings doesn’t do that.) this was useful for getting strange sounds from the more musical sounding settings.
i think the reason the synth parts of the tracks are more emphasized than the non-synthesized sounds was because the synth was the stuff i had more control over. there was a lot of incidental sound (random things like me typing or drinking water got recorded, and i mentioned my housemates on the album credits because i did end up getting them recorded, not on purpose but because they were obviously in the same space as me and they were producing sounds so onto the tracks they went). i’ll probably do things differently as i work more with noise because there’s a world of potential where the non-synthesized sounds are concerned that i haven’t scratched upon at all yet. really the non-synth sounds on From Home were more like background things for the synth parts. or maybe i’m downplaying those parts too much. either way in the future i’ll be looking out for more naturally-occurring noises, i’m just describing the role they played in that particular album
really i just made the noises either by doing stuff with the synthesizer, recording whatever normal things i had or that were happening and processing them to hell and back, or plugging in my bass and letting fate take care of the rest.
also there is no significance to the number titles at all. i had just been titling files by the number track they were supposed to be on the album and then i went “this doesn’t look right” but i also had no interesting or intelligent things to call them, so i tried making keymashes for titles but they just looked wrong for some reason, so sticking solely to numbers for the keymashes somehow did the trick. chaos within intentional boundaries. i guess that’s a good descriptor for how i did the album really. 
anyway thank you for asking these things and i wish you the best in the world of noise and your exploration in the genre, frankly i’m excited to explore it too and if my work inspires somebody else to try out something like this, that’s honestly one of the most exciting things i can think of.
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thewolfisawake · 5 years
The Tales series if you haven't gotten it already
Favorite character:
Undeniably goes to Yuri and Velvet. What can I say? I’m into the dark-haired protagonists that ‘aren’t like the others.’ I can get onboard with why they come to the conclusions they do even if I don’t think it’s write. With Yuri, I admire the ability to do when others cannot. And can’t deny, he made me laugh the most with his sense of sarcasm and panache. Plus that voice...Troy Baker, they did you dirty. Meanwhile with Velvet I was like ‘yes, let’s be married in this quaint little town together’ in the beginning. She was just cute. Then it became attraction of ‘I don’t give a damn what happens to this world so long as I get what I want’ and ferocity. 
Least Favorite character:
Emeraude. Like what the fuck is your problem lady? You’re getting jealous of a child. Your feelings towards someone should be directed towards that person, not abusing some third-party that doesn’t even understand what you two have going on. 
Cumore. Fuck him too. For a side character that you don’t even really fight, he’s a real ass that his death was catharsis. Pure catharsis. There was no a single moment that he showed any redemption. He was a cruel bastard that held no regard for human life. He was willing to make excuses for anyone under him to get in trouble. He lied to people to enslave them and work them to death. He dragged people into the desert to look for an impossible item and left them without resources to die. Fuck him so much. He might’ve been cartoonishly evil compared to some not nice guys but those actions translate to atrocities. 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
Selfish Coexistence (Basically the Berseria Party) - Their relationships seem so hard to define to me as they all use each other for various reasons. They also seem to develop care through their selfishness and all of the either are like *shrug* guess we’re doing this now or ‘what is this I’m feeling?’ ‘emotions?’ ‘disgusting.’ There’s an understood protection amongst all of them and then a fierce rationalization for their action rather than saying ‘because I like you okay!’ They’re very smart yet they’re all dumbasses and I love them all.
Ludju - You know what’s better than one adorkable dumbass? Two adorkable dumbasses. I like Ludger and Jude’s relation better than any I have unlocked during the story. Jude by nature is very caring but it just is different with Ludger? Main thing I can note is that Jude touches Ludger a lot. Like a firm, ‘I’m right here’ shoulder touch. A nudge in the arm. Catching when about to faint. And I just don’t see Jude do the same with anyone in his party in either game.  I just find their interactions from the extra scenes are really cute.
 Velvet/Niko - “If you were a boy, I think I’d be in love.” Gurl she don’t have to be a boy to kiss fall in love. Shipping a Main Character with an NPC? Is it madness? Absolutely. But I had feelings about that from the very beginning. Like this could’ve been so fucking sweet. Could’ve had it all. And then the Advent happened. 
Alvin/Presa - Oh man. Ooooh man. This was just a curiosity on the way of Tale’s of Xillia’s path. Like it was a lady that lent to Alvin’s skeevy or ladykiller vibe he gave off. And it was like was she just a jilted one-time or something else? And the answer seemed like ‘something else’ but didn’t know what. It was a little ‘wonder how that went...’ Then you do Tales of Xillia 2 and I thought I was wrecked. Because it reframes so much of their interaction to a really sad relationship that fell apart because Alvin was a coward. 
Flynn/Yuri/Judith - Haha! Didn’t expect the end part of this one did you? I think everyone knew I liked Fluri. Like their dynamics are so interesting. But I really do enjoy Judy being involved. I’m really sad that Judy and Flynn don’t get much interaction even in the PS3 version but I don’t find it hard for them to get along. But I do usually see that more times it’s Flynn and Judy dating Yuri and their relationship changes over time.  They can scrap together, they can travel together, and not needing as much talking to get what anyone means. I find it hard to describe this one but I feel it. 
Character I find most attractive:
Yuri and Velvet are like the reflexive thoughts. But I actually really also like Jude and Judy. I mean look at this cute little nerd, he’s adorable! And then there’s hot elf lady that she could kick me in the face and I’d thank her. In general you can probably guess my type from those four.
Character I would marry:
Probably Yuri. I’m sorry that this is my answer to so many but he is like my type to a T and it’s just ruined so many standards for me. Like a funny guy that is good at cooking (and has a sweet tooth!) and can go venturing with? What else is there? I mean yeah there’s the hair and voice but that’s like given. But yeah, I’m a basic bitch with that.
Character I would be best friends with:
Eizen, if that’s a bit surprising. Sure he’s a bit of an edgelord but I feel like I’ve never left it so he’s already doing better than I. But I like the idea of sailing on the ship with him there, probably not gonna be able to let me struggle for that long. He’s funny with a dry sense of humor to me and also he’s a low-key nerd that knows a lot of things and likes finding new and interesting things. So yeah. 
And as much as I give shit about him, I actually think I would be friends with Sorey. He’s the kind of excitable that makes others excited and that’s kind of what I do. So we’d kind of excite each other. And so long as it’s not spelunking, I’m down for going exploring. 
a random thought:
What defenses occur with the end of blastia? Barriers were what repelled monsters from most of the inhabited areas in Terca Lumireis. Dahngrest and Zaphias look to have fortresses that can hold back most land beasts. But there are other places. What stops the monsters now? Will they go towards more mana based works? 
Also, someone also mentioned, does ANYONE know how to do medical work? Like actually patching up injuries? How to care for someone in sickness? Healing artes were what were used! They can’t use blastia anymore! What happens now?
Can there be a history of how things changed from Berseria to Zestiria? Mainly the shifting of how malevolence works from turning people to reflect their sinister nature to straight up monsters with no sense? How the Shepherd thing went to include the malak as much as it does. The change from malak to seraphim. Just...how did we geeeetttttt heeeerrreeeeee.
An unpopular opinion:
I fucking hate that I had to be told from other friends that actually could find the material or read the fucking wiki to understand the dynamics of the Kresnik family. Ludger has a LOT of fucking baggage that we don’t even get to hear anything about! Partially because he’s silent and partially because ‘oh he was young so he conveniently forgot?’ And a lot of it was important to the last half of the story! That’s bullshit! And even further bullshit is that there was no reason they couldn’t have found time to put it in the game but they chose not to. 
Tales can’t make a fun last level to save their lives. I haven’t enjoyed a single final level in any of the games I’ve played. I don’t mind doing puzzles for it but straight up spiraling branches full of dead ends is frustrating. ESPECIALLY FUCK XILLIA 2′s! Randomly generated based off those in the party and then you can’t even see when a path is not truly there so you can follow the path and then all of suddenly blank ground, meaning dead end you have back up and retrace another path. And then like Berseria’s made me feel nauseous from the ‘ethereal’ look it was going for. And just made it hard as fuck to see. And more of this awful tower climbing. I just...mmmmmmm, I will probably always enjoy the game until the final level exists. I swear.
My Canon OTP:
Uuuuuuhhhhhh I don’t think I have one. 
My Non-canon OTP:
Most protags x happiness?
Most Badass Character:
Don Whitehorse. He was like definition of like ‘stubborn old man’ but man was he cool. He was staunch in the honor of the guilds under his control and was proud of what he and other had built up with their own hands. Also you don’t often see a man willing to sacrifice his life to right a wrong done by his own. 
Most Epic Villain:
Gaius. Like me and my friend were like ‘what the fuck’ when we were co-oping Xillia together. Like this was a king that meant business! Mhm. .
Pairing I am not a fan of:
Most of the pairings are fine to me. 
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Sorey. I’m sure I’ve gone on this so many times but I really hated that they kept alluding to him having to make hard decisions but whenever one was brought to him, someone else took it for him. Like if his job is that important and it’s expected to make these choices, THEN LET HIM MAKE THEM. I was so angry over that. I spent the entire game waiting for when they’d do a major point where Sorey had no choice but to step up. 
Favourite Friendship:
Alvin & Elize - I really like how much they have both grown from each other. And how when Alvin broke her trust that he had to live with her mistrust and work to earn it back. Their friendship had uneasiness that seemed hopeful at the end of the first game and turned to just banter and teasing by the second. Growth baby, it’s wonderful.
Character I most identify with:
Mmmmm, probably Ludger. Look at all that debt. Can’t do nothing but cry over it.
Character I wish I could be:
Yeah, no. JRPG rules means everyone has some fucked up shit in their past or coming for them. I’m fine over here.
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reviewsinfilm · 5 years
I have words for this one.
I enjoyed Yesterday (Danny Boyle, 2019) significantly more than I thought I would. That being said, I hate wasted potential. And I think there was a lot of that here.
This film was heavily advertised as being about a man, Jack Malik (Himesh Patel), that gets into an accident and wakes up realizing that he is the only one left in the world that remembers The Beatles. However, this isn’t exactly true. Jack ends up meeting two other people that also remember The Beatles. There are also things other than The Beatles that have ceased to exist, including the band Oasis, Coca-Cola products, cigarettes, and all things Harry Potter. I am still confused as to what the relevance/correlation is between these things.
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I took a bit of issue with the ending but I also didn’t totally hate it. Spoiler alert: nobody ever remembers. Life just goes on with three random people having memories that the rest of the world doesn’t. Throughout the whole film, I 100% expected it to end with everyone remembering or the entire thing to have been a dream while Jack was in a coma. I was surprised to see that the world just remained this way. The three redeeming things about everything not going back to normal were that (1) it wasn’t predictable, (2) John Lennon actually did get to live a full life, and (3) goodbye cigarettes.
Another thing I really hate when it comes to plot lines is forgotten characters. The two friends, Nick (Harry Michell) and Carol (Sophia Di Martino), disappear from the narrative about halfway through the film. They provided a few good laughs at the beginning and then really the only other time we see them is when Jack performs at the hotel. There was a lot of potential with them that was fumbled and not taken advantage of. Either write them out of the script or allow them to exist in it enough to be impactful.
My biggest complaint about this film was one wasted opportunity in particular: to have Jack sing Oasis’s “Wonderwall” to Ellie (Lily James). Jack performed this song in a talent show when he was young, which is brought up multiple times throughout the movie, and is also described as the moment that Ellie started believing in him as a musician. Considering Oasis was also one of the bands erased from the world, Jack could’ve easily made a grand gesture to Ellie by singing it to her. When Ellie expresses her love to Jack in his bedroom, she discloses her disappointment in not being one of the girls that he sings about. This could’ve been his moment to sing to her, letting her know that he cares about her. The film circles back to this single moment multiple times throughout for it to eventually have no real relevance at all. Why make Oasis cease to exist if it wasn’t going to have any point or relevance? Why put so much emphasis on the fact that he sang “Wonderwall”? Wasted potential.
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However, this may have created a plot hole in the narrative. Would the memory of Jack at the talent show singing a song by Oasis, a band that doesn’t exist to her, just not be a memory in Ellie’s brain, or would she maybe remember him singing a different song? This could also have led to an arguably better ending. In that moment of him singing “Wonderwall” to her, Ellie could have remembered the past and all the things that had been erased from the world. Then everyone at Wembley could start remembering everything, and sing along to one last song (preferably “Hey Jude”). Sure, this sounds a bit cheesy, but I’m sure it could be tastefully done on screen. 
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Another possible ending – or perhaps change in plot line. The film could have made a statement about how The Beatles themselves – John, Paul, Ringo, and George – were why their songs worked. Jack could have failed and learned that fame and success came to them not only because of their songs, but because of them, their image and their personalities. Granted, this story line probably wouldn’t have gotten very far, or maybe they could’ve had Jack form a band and pay tribute this way.
As for the actors, I have (almost) no complaints. I thought Himesh Patel and Lily James were quite believable and had good chemistry. I never could complain about Kate McKinnon – she was the perfect mix of serious and hysterical, as always. Ed Sheeran almost became annoying, seemingly a hub for cheap laughs, but I get why they included him.
Overall, there was no big moment for me. No one moment that gave me the chills, or had me lost in a scene, or brought me to tears. I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a Beatles fan. Not that I don’t like their music, I just don’t know enough about them or their songs to really consider myself a fan. However, I know enough of their songs to recognize that this wasn’t a good enough acknowledgement of their legacy. I’ve heard better renditions by cover bands. For a movie about some of the greatest songs ever written, the emphasis was never focused enough on the music. There was so much potential for Jack’s performances at the hotel or Wembley to be moving and impactful, but again, it was wasted. I don’t think he ever even sang an entire song. I think of Bohemian Rhapsody (Bryan Singer, 2018) and how beautiful and moving Queen’s performance was at Wembley. That wasn’t relayed here. It didn’t have nearly the same energy. It never felt special, never peaked. 
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I will end on a positive note after all that. There were two redeeming scenes that stayed with me. When an elderly John Lennon opened the door, I got a rush of emotions. I hadn’t considered the possibility of seeing the lives of the band members in this alternate reality. It was a nice sentiment, to think he lived a long, happy life. Second is the scene when Jack meets the two other people that also have their memories intact. I was happily surprised when they told Jack that they were thankful, not angry. I think it really speaks to the legacy of their music – it doesn’t matter who’s singing it as long as people are hearing it.
P.S, The Summer Song. I don’t quite know how, but I know there is wasted potential there. Should’ve circled back around to that.
20 August 2019
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ryanmeft · 5 years
Ranking the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Part 1
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The culmination of the superhero ride that started with Iron Man back in 2008 is almost here. Avengers: Endgame tickets are selling out fast even though the movie is nearly three weeks away, and speculation as to how this stage of Marvel’s box office juggernaut will all end is at a fever pitch. What better time to rank the movies that have brought us here? Now, no one with even a tiny bit of objectivity sincerely believes Marvel had a ten year plan and executed it precisely according to a grand vision. Looking back through these movies makes it clearer than ever that, more often than not, they made it up as they went along. In fact, considering all the retcons, changed minds, dropped plot threads and unexpected surprises, it’s amazing the continuity holds together at all. It mostly does...but the bottom part of this list contains the few movies even Marvel’s PR team probably wishes they could have a mulligan on, as well as some good-but-not-quite-lighting-the-world-on-fire fare. Let’s get to it. Warning: this article contains spoilers for nearly every movie in the MCU.
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21. Iron Man 2
The red-headed stepchild of the MCU. After the surprise success of the original Iron Man, Marvel Studios apparently forgot that the strength of that film was allowing Jon Favreau and the writing team to put heart before brand synergy, and decided to make a movie that was half marketing for their planned Avengers crossover. Dropping Black Widow in here felt completely jarring, and it didn’t help that her role just added to the jumble of plot threads that didn’t seem to add up to anything; at the time, many saw it as proof that Marvel was putting a little too much faith in their ability to pull off this whole crossover thing. That’s only part of the sordid story, though, because the movie is also a mess in nearly every other way. Rather than the tight plotting of the original, this one sees Tony, Rhodey, Pepper and the rest speeding from random situation to random situation---a car race, an unhinged party, a spy caper---with only the barest of plot threads holding it all together. The movie’s only saving graces are the villains played by Sam Rockwell and Mickey Rourke. Each of them deliciously devours every scene they are in, providing the film’s lone moments of enjoyment, but they’re also squandered on what feels like an extremely low stakes plan. Iron Man so well proved that superhero movies can have a soul that it even managed to make some critical best-of lists for 2008. The sequel made us wonder if that might have been a tad premature.
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20. The Incredible Hulk
There are some genuinely creative moments in this action-oriented “apology” for the in-reality-pretty-good Ang Lee Hulk movie. The opening sequence showing how Hulk’s blood travels, a chase through a Brazilian favela, tossing Bruce out of a helicopter to incite his other half, and the almost-love scene aborted by the alter ego were signs of how clever the movie could have been if it were not focused on cramming in as much smashing as possible. Nick Nolte’s complex antagonist is replaced with William Hurt chewing a little too much scenery, the new super-villain played by Tim Roth is a dull waste of the actor’s talent, the finale is listless, and the entire movie is just one long excuse to show Hulk ‘roiding out as much as possible. The camera work of skilled action veteran Peter Menzies Jr. and some excellent CG on the title character make it more fun to look at than many of the tights flicks of the time, which is something. As a general rule, things that are made to chase fleeting audience sentiments don’t stand the test of time, and there’s been a quiet reversal since 2008 in which Lee’s more original and creative vision for the character has come to be re-evaluated, while this one has been almost forgotten and relegated to endless TNT re-runs. Maybe with Mark Ruffalo having one more movie on his contract, he’ll get a crack at doing it right post-Endgame.
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19. Thor: The Dark World At the time, this movie served as iron-clad proof that the only reason the Thor character worked at all was Loki. The god of mischief is at his delicious then-best here, conniving from a prison cell, partnering with his brother out of genuine concern, and eventually managing to actually take the throne. Sure, that latter development was quickly undone in the next film, but what a parting shot. He’s the only aspect of the movie that fully works, and if you pop it in today you sit patiently waiting for his scenes and snoring through the second, Loki-free half of the movie. Thor himself is lifeless when Loki’s not on screen. The Warriors Three are still nowhere near the right balance of humor and bravery. Natalie Portman remains wasted on a supposedly genius scientist who can nevertheless be stunned into immediate silence by Thor’s golden locks, while Sif is still 100% unnecessary in every way. Perhaps worst of all, the underrated Christopher Eccleston is miscast as a villain who always seems to be doing bad Shakespeare. We all tried hard to forgive it at the time (and director Alan Taylor claims it was made “a different movie” in the editing room, not at all implausible) but thankfully we’ve since admitted this is mostly a misfire.
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18. Ant-Man
If you were to judge Ant-Man entirely by the size-changing shenanigans, it would be one of the best Marvel movies. Peyton Reed, building off a script by departing director Edgar Wright and Joe Cornish (and tidied up by Rudd and Adam McKay) gets a ton of mileage out of the novelty of being the size of an insect, from outrunning a flood in a bathtub to that rather brilliant final confrontation in a child’s playroom, using toys as ammo. Further, Paul “I Am Immortal” Rudd is pitch-perfect in the title role, while Michael Douglas and Evangeline Lilly bring a lot to the picture. It’s in the details where Ant-Man falls a bit short (pun intended). To start, we have a single major Hispanic character in the MCU, played by the frankly more-legendary-than-you-think Michael Pena, and he’s reduced to a fast-talking stereotype. Judy Greer and Bobby Cannavale are also worlds better than their roles, which are, respectively, a cliche shrewish ex-wife and a cliche over-suspicious cop. What really drags things down, though, is the lackluster villain, who may be the most inert black hole in the MCU’s rogues gallery. He is neither good enough to engage us, nor bad enough to hate. He could have been played by a grip, for all the personality he’s allowed. The core of the film is delightful. The hill around it is crumbly.
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17. Captain Marvel
Marvel’s first female-led flick is understandably a phenomenon, pulling down the sixth-largest opening weekend of all time and serving as inspiration to young girls and target to the kind of people who don’t want women in their clubhouse. So what about the movie that’s causing all this hullabaloo? It’s pretty decent. The movie can be summed up very succinctly as “safe”. It takes few chances and is more like one small step than one giant leap for womankind. Had it been released during the early superhero boom, it would still be fondly remembered as a major link in the genre’s evolution. As it is, it borrows from the buddy-cop subgenre to create what is essentially an adventure/sci-fi movie between Carol Danvers and Nick Fury. It stands out more as a callback to the kind of action pics made in the 90’s (when it is set) than the heavily marketed shared universe of the MCU, and includes standout performances from Annette Bening, Jude Law and Ben Mendelsohn. It meets expectations; it does not exceed them, and if you are a fan of the distinctive style practiced by directors Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck, you won’t find it here. It’s only a month old, and it may be too soon to definitely say how it will be seen as time goes on. Right now, it feels more like a solid first step for the character than a fully realized final destination.
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16. Thor
The original Thor has some completely solid, indisputable charms. Chris Hemsworth does physical comedy much more skillfully than he is ever given credit for, it is the debut of Tom Hiddleston as Loki, the third act is a rare-at-the-time case of inventiveness in an MCU finale, and it’s always great to see Stellan Skarsgard in literally anything. I would watch two hours of Stellan Skarsgard eating lunch, with a clone of Stellan Skarsgard. His drinking scene with Thor is a seriously underrated bit of awesome. It helps make up for the fact that the movie has no idea what to do with most of the supporting cast, including in part Loki, who at this stage seems to flail around between personalities, having crazy forced on him in time for the final duel despite it not even being hinted at earlier. It’s as if director Kenneth Branagh just let him do his own thing, and Hiddleston’s not 100% sure what that should be yet. The mirror scene is objectively amazing, but he won’t really come into his own until Avengers. The Warriors Three are utterly wasted; Branaugh and the writers just never nail the right combo of comedy and camaraderie needed to pull them off. Sif is superfluous. Natalie Portman is one of the finest actors of our generation, here reduced to goggling over Thor’s pecs. It’s not bad, especially compared to some of the dreck that gets pumped out of the blockbuster machine. It’s just rather inert.
That’s it for part 1. I’m  going to be doing some Marvel/Superhero/General Nerd content leading up to Endgame’s release. Check back next Friday for part 2 of this list, and pop by Monday for part 1 of my predictions on the fate of each character in Endgame. Part 2: https://ryanmeft.tumblr.com/post/184208179827/ranking-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-part-2 Part 3: https://ryanmeft.tumblr.com/post/184372777282/ranking-the-marvel-cinematic-universe-part-3
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fyrapartnersearch · 5 years
run to me, lover.
★ hi and welcome to my search! i’m saint/jude/thad/whatever variant of saint judas thaddaeus you wish to come up with. i’m lonely, i have cravings, and i’m looking for partners. specifically i’m looking for original roleplays and original characters in fandom settings.   A B O U T ! ★ female or neutral pronouns (she/her/they/them) ★ old enough to know better (20s) ★ existing alternately between this dimension and the next, but often in EST ★ lawful neutral with aspirations of chaotic neutral ★ breaker of chains, mother of cats   R E A D M E ! ★ basically looking for active partners for casual word count rp’s and high emotional investment in characters and pairings. i roleplay over email and gdocs. i generally prefer to use discord for ooc chat/plot only, but if email and gdocs don’t work for you i will use it for posting as well. ★ i write multiple genders and prefer playing multiple characters (mains and otherwise) within a single rp. talk to me about your pairing and doubling prefs. i’m looking to play a lady in a m/f pair and happy to do whatever pairing my partner wants to double as. ★  talk to me about faceclaims (real life only; i’ll probably use whoever you want if you’re someone who likes specific fc’s), playlists, aesthetics, headcanons, hypothetical scenarios, etc. i love nothing more than getting super invested in characters, couples, settings, and so on. ★ since i’m an adult i expect that the people i roleplay with will also be adults (over 18 and preferably over 20). while i’m fine with mature themes, please, please do not solicit me for pwp or roleplays in which the main conceit is kink-fulfilment. i’m more of a ftb person anyway because i’m old and tired and the thrill of trying to describe someone’s ding-dong has largely worn off for me. all main characters will be over 18 (most of my oc’s are in their late 20s or in their 30s, and no, i don’t do major age gaps). let me know if you have limits, triggers, squicks, or anything you would like to avoid in the roleplay or ooc.   O R I G I N A L S ! ★ detective/police drama: i’ve been on a big big detective show/true crime kick lately. and by lately i mean for my whole life. give me your grizzled, beaten-down detectives and police chiefs, your femme fatales, your wide-eyed rookies, your nosy journalists, your internal corruption, and your most aesthetic settings. wanna head to the cliffs of dorset like in broadchurch? let’s go. wanna head down to the deep south like true detective? i’m on it. wanna go somewhere new and weird? pack your bags, we’re headin’ out. for reasons i’m specifically craving something weird and grim set in iceland or scotland. have i been to either of those places? no. but the heart wants what it wants and my heart wants missing persons cases set in beautiful but challenging landscapes. ★ victorian paranormal/occult detectives: does what it says on the tin! basically like sherlock holmes but there’s ghosts and summonings. not super into vampires and werewolves, but i can be reasoned with. ★ i dunno how to describe this one aside from something along the lines of brideshead revisited? a bunch of attractive young people spending a summer at some beautiful country estate in the 1910s-50s, being privileged hedonists and adding a homoerotic flair to everything they do.  ★ i’m also happy to talk about less conceptualised shit. general interests include troubled relationships in interesting settings with melancholy soundtracks. i prefer settings that aren’t quite modern (ie. 1990s and before). i’m not interested in stuff like high school/college/apartment/neighbourhood/etc., however. ★ i’m always 100% down for a good historical roleplay. give me a nice medieval war of succession, some grey, barren, windswept brontëan landscapes, a pristine austenian parlour or the glitz and fast cars of fitzgerald’s 20s and the smoke and sparkle of the golden age of film and i’ll be a very happy gal.   F A N D O M S ! ★ ok here’s the thing. there are a few fandoms i’d be happy to play in, but i’m not super keen on playing canons at the moment or canon/oc. more interested in just using the setting/universe for our oc’s. however, if there is a canon in one of these fandoms you are dying for, i will almost certainly be happy to oblige. ★ marvel cinematic universe: i’m interested in exploring the post-snap/decimation era. obviously the avengers are a little shorthanded and with all that chaos it’s prime time™ for criminal activity. some new vigilantes fighting some new villains in this setting would be pretty sick. equally happy to go down less grim plot avenues. ★ fallout: pretty self-explanatory? just throw our oc’s into the wasteland of our choosing. i’m most familiar with new vegas and 4, but i’m acquainted with the capital wasteland and appalachia. i’d be down to use a setting that hasn’t been featured in the main series (fallout alaska fallout alaska fallout alaska). ★ spider-man: into the spider-verse: more spiderpersons. ★ pacific rim: kind of interested in playing around with the first-gen jaegers and rangers? like, pre-pacrim 1. everything is experimental, the world still hasn’t come to terms with the kaiju attacks, and rangers are dropping like flies. i haven’t seen the second movie but i’d be down to do something set after the first one, too. ★ mass effect: listen. all i want in this world is to throw together a motley crew of alliance and non-alliance, multi-species personnel doing random, non-shepard related missions during the reaper war. getting up to stupid shit and kicking ass, you know? something during the first contact war would be cool, too.  ★ dragon age: basically the same idea as mass effect except a crew of inquisition and non-inquisition, multi-species personnel doing random, non-inquisitor related missions during the events of inquisition OR non-hero of ferelden-related wardens doing warden shit literally anywhere, anytime, any day of the week. if you can’t tell, i fucking love wardens.   C O N T A C T ! ★ if you’ve gotten this far and think we can work something out, hit me up. send an email to ghvstbaby (at) gmail (dot) com. from there i can give you my discord tag, should you want it. please tell me a little about yourself and what you want to roleplay when you message me. emails that just say “are you still looking for partners?” or “hey i’m interested in rp” tend to get put in the trash.
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In which Jade n Jake meet and both the similarities and differences are striking between them. @tallyhothere
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)Last Thursday at 8:36 PM
Your name is JAKE ENGLISH and you are currently galavanting around the not countryside at all. Is cityside a word? It is now! You are galavanting around the cityside as you explore the concrete jungle you find yourself in.
It's been exciting! It's been new! It's been thrilling! But most of all...its been COLD AS THE DICKENS.  So you have found a sneaky technique to beat the chill is to step into random shops and browse around a bit.  Marvel at all the knick-knacks, chat with the clerk a bit.  Then skidoo out for another block or two. 
At this juncture, you find yourself jingling the small shop bell and are greeted with perhaps the best shop you've seen yet! Plants! Flowers! A bona-fide jungle inside a box!  Wonderful!  And warm....very warm.
You step inside, coat a flashing eyesore blinking as you start to look over the various flora. @🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)Last Thursday at 9:05 PM
Your name is JADE HARLEY and you're in your flower shop again. You are.... well, not fine but you will. In time. For now you felt like taking care of your plants!   
You just need to keep your hands busy and well, you think you've done enough murders for the next couple of days. Also you still got orders to finish! Not a lot mind you, but you like to keep on top of things. 
 You're finishing up another bouquet when you hear the bell ring. Another customer maybe? Or a friend perhaps? You do love to chat when it's a dear friend!~ 
"Just a minute!!" You say, tying the final bow for the flowers. Aw, this arrangement is rather pretty actually. Blue's a calming colour.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)Last Thursday at 9:20 PM
Oh! A voice! Sounds like a lady, but who knows.  "Alright!" you call back.  "Take your time, don't rush?"  You aren't really sure what you are supposed to be saying in this situation.
Walking among the flowers, for the first time since you've arrived you actually feel a pang of homesickness.  The snow is a marvel, the city is fascinating, but...also so unfamiliar.  Being surrounded by greenery feels comforting in a way, even if it is an artificial jungle.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh! That's an odd accent; maybe a newcomer to the city? How fun! 
You set the lovely arrangement to the side and dust off your hands before walking over to where you heard the voice come--what on Derse is that weird light show coming from among your plant??? 
"Hello??? Sir??" 
No raves in your flower shop! Well at least there's no obnoxious music.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Your attention is turned to the voice as you try to make your way towards it.
"Hello! Sorry! Was distracted!  Quite a lovely shop you have heeeeee...."
Your words taper off as you round the corner and for a moment you are confused by the lady in front of you.  She looks like the old photos of your grandmother, down to the hair.  Age her up some and she'd be a spitting likeness.
You blink, shake your head, blink again.  Hwah...wow.  Weird.  Maybe she's related to the Jude Harley fellow?  It suddenly dawns on you that this is another realm alltogether...she could in fact be a daughter or a granddaughter in this time to your grandmother?  The sudden concept that you could have very well a timeline of family who never had to deal with the batterwitch's terrible undertakings leaves you a bit speechless.
So you just stand there flabbergasted.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You blink at him. And then blink again just as astonished.
You have absolutely no idea who his guy is before you, but he reminds you alarmingly quickly of your Grandpa. You don't have much in the way of photos, but you remember his eyes, and his voice and it just... leaves you speechless.
Almost choked up even. He looks like a young version of Grandpa--!
Actually the longer you stare the more you kinda see Jude in him. A cousin to him then?? Maybe you and Jude might be more related than you thought.
"Ah.... w-well... you're new!"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The vintage memory standing before you speaks, and you are reminded she is in fact a person and not just a surreal memory.  Right, she's....likely someone else entirely.  And you're here staring at her like a buffon.
You look away at the plants and give a laugh that is uncharicterisically shaken.
"Ahaha! I am! Right you are on that!  Bit of a newcomer to this city of Midnight!    Can sort of say I just dropped in really!"  Another laugh, a bit more comfortable sounding this time.
"I must say, been in and out quite a few shops but this one so far gets the egg!  Think I've seen more plants here than I have the entire time I've been here so far!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You pick up on that; his nervous laugh reminds you that this guy can't be your Grandpa. He's dead after all. But the way he responded to you... well. You definitely don't think he knows you but maybe someone similar?
"Well it is a flower shop." You smile brightly, gesturing around you. "There's not quite a flower shop like mine in Midnight City! It's my way of bringing a bit of colour to this city~"
You eye his rave coat. "Though I must say, I think you've gotten me beat! I'm surprised that the Fashion Police hasn't stopped you yet."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Well I'd have to say you've done a right good job of it.  Bang up to the elephant even!"
Some of the plants are not anything like you've seen, but there's a few that make you think of home.  You lean over to smell one of the more tropical flowers.
The comment about the coat gets a chuckle.  "You aren't the first person to say that...what even is a fashion police?  I've met one policeman so far and he seemed rather friendly.  I didn't think the coat is that bad...though I guess not being able to turn it off really does make it a bit rough on the totsies."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh god he kinda talked like your Grandpa that's so weird!!!
"Why thank you Good Sir!~" You giggle, hands clasped behind your back as you observe him. "The Fashion Police are exactly what they sound like; they're a whole division devoted to making sure we Derse citizens stick to wearing clothes of the 1920s."
You tip your head as you step a little closer to the Grandpa double. "An off switch would have been smart yes!~ Really, I can't imagine that you came to Derse the legal methods; not that I'd tell anyone of course! Promise!~"
You really do. He's only in his odd coat and short shorts! And it's winter!!! Just how the heck did he get to Derse???
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Huh....quite the oddity!  Wait....is it the 1920's?"  You suddenly look a bit confused. You thought this was just another planet.  "I swear this whole thing gets more and more tomfuddled the more I hear about it..."
Rubbing the back of your head, you think a moment.  "True.  Granted at this point not even sure if it does turn off. Been going for as long as I remember...but sheesh. I've yet to figure out what the legal methods are so not sure if I am or not? I suppose portal in sky meets ground is on the backlist of no-go.  I appreciate that though, last thing I came here to do was get arrested. Specially for coming here!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh. Oh dear. He doesn't seem to have noticed much since he got here! When did this guy even arrive to the city?
"Wait wait; first! Not actually the 1920s but because of Prospit winning the war against Derse, they implemented the Technology ban and thus life on Derse has been stuck in the world of Earth's 1920s; yes that does include the alcohol ban too."
"Secondly..."  You narrow your eyes, and place you hands on your hips. "You came here via portal in sky???" That sounded very much like Dirk, but more on purpose. "Where did you come from exactly?"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Prospit? War?  You read about the ban in Arq's files but huh...this all just sounded utterly silly.  Then again did you really have room to speak mister wearing shorts in the middle of winter?  Nope!  So you don't speak up on that bit at all.
At her gesture, you make a visible yerk as you are temporarily transported to a time when you were a child and your grandmother made that exact pose. The James Hamilton English what are you doing mister pose that causes the reptile part of your brain to immediately feel guilty over everything you have ever did in life.
"OH!  Well! Ah." You find yourself a bit more tongue-tied than you've been in years.  "It's a bit of a humdinger of a tale, probably going to make me sound more like I'm zozzled out of my gourd trying to sell you a dog."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You arch a brow, completely dissatisfied with that answer. He's kind of a dork, this double, but quite open about his expressions. Makes him pretty easy to read!  Poor sod; you hope he has friends that'll keep him from being manipulated then. 
"Well, good thing I already have a dog." Bec was the best boy hands down. "Now spill! If you came via portal, I'm guessing it had to be a very powerful portal to bridge you here from Earth. And since there wasn't any rips in the sky or blinding flashes of light, this portal had to be more discreet to not be spotted." 
All assumptions you make, but you say them to gauge.... this guy's expression.
....you should ask a name soon though.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
Well, she certainly seems sharp enough to know a bit about portals and things...so maybe this would be more believable.  If anything, worst case she'll think you're a nutter and that's that.
"I think it was discreet?  Hoo. Granted from my perspective I just felt like I was hurtling down from space itself for a bit, so not sure how big or small it was from the other end.   The portal my friends and I hopped through was about uhh....yey big.  Maybe the size of your shop window?"
You gesture as you speak, as if you're incable of speaking and standing still at the same time.
"As for where I came from! Well! From another planet it seems, in a whole other dimension!  Earth, though a different Earth. My friends and I came across time and space to find and rescue one of our dearest friends who vanished when we tried to transportalize him over!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
If you hadn't experienced Candy Hell and Horror Town you honestly would have thought him nuts! And yet you have and thus you believe him. He is also being openly honest about it too; there's nary a lie that you can see.
He's so innocent; untouched by the city and its own set of poisons and pain. He hasn't experienced what it's like to live in Midnight City, a world blacker than it's name suggests. 
You have a desire to protect that, but push it away. This wasn't like how it wa with Jay. You're both couldn't possibly be related!
"So... you came here. To my dimension. With other people. Just to find a friend??" You admire his loyalty.
Wait the only guy that he could be possibly referring to was--!
"You're here for Dirk!"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The idea that it seems odd or perhaps suspicious that a random flower shopkeeper would know Dirk and catch on so quick is completely overshadowed by how excited you are to talk about all of this to someone.
"I am!  I am indeed! You're sharper than a tack!"  You smile wide.  "Days....I guess now months back?  Hoo time stuff. Time stuff I must say is the worst stuff.   Some time back Dirk vanished in our attempt to bring us all together at long last, and so the rest of us put our collective noggins together to find out he fell into some rift or wormhole that had unexpectedly shown up!"
You give a slight spin, coat flowing around behind you as you do.
"So we found a way to get here to find him! And I have!  Which is good, because hoo-diddy did I get very lost for a bit there.  But he's currently having a bit of a trouble spot with one of our other friends so I'm just...hm. Well I'm giving them some time and space to sort that barrel of figs out.  Gives me a chance to explore this whole city thing in all its delights and  marvels!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You smile back. My god this boy is too precious and he's probably the same age as you. You might be that sharp but him? Duller than a butter knife. Or maybe you're just jaded and you hide it smoothly with your bubbly personality. One or the other.
You mean, he just told his whole story to you, a complete stranger! You sincerely hope he only did that because you remind him of someone, or that his friends are smarter street-wise; this city will gobble him up otherwise!
"Well, I'm glad you found Dirk then. He's a lovely friend." Good kisser too. "Though I'm worried about this trouble he has..." You figure it has to do with the Felt and Arquius. You do hope they both will be alright, all things considered. 
"Though if you were going to go explore, I have to ask why you didn't put on something a little warmer??" You question, eyeing those booty shorts. If you didn't like wearing pants on principle, you could probably pull off a pair of those too.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"I'm glad too. I was expecting to have to search high and low for him in who knows what wilderness.  It didn't even dawn on me that he'd end up in a city, but perhaps for the best!  It's quite a nice place...full of people!"  you smile brightly.  "Did you know there are friendly trolls here?  Wait why am I asking that, of course you would.  Ahaha...sorry!  It's just been such a plum novelty since I arrived. Everything is so different, magical even!  Street lights, crowds of people, SO MANY PEOPLE, shops of just...things!  And snow!"
You look down at your outfit and chuckle.
"Yeah that was a bit of a blind-shot for me there, really should have thought of that one before I jumped.  It actually skipped my mind that of all the places to go, one may be a place that has more than one season that isn't tropical island. Hahahah...I mean I'm not sure I'll be here long enough to worry about getting pants."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh no he's ridiculous you want to protect this idiot child so much he rambles!!! You can't help but giggle in delight at his antics! 
"So I guess you were raised on an island then? A quiet one?" You tease just a little bit. "That sounds lovely; I think I used to live on one myself a very long time ago. I think that's partially why I have this flower shop. The city's not quite as colourful as an island!" Minus the red, black and pale light district of course.
"There's troll, humans and carapaces all living in Midnight City. Some are lovely people but others not so much. You best be careful when exploring; not everyone may take kind to you and your shorts~"
"....you know what? I don't think we ever exchanged names!" You can't keep calling him Dork in your head. "So sorry about that! I'm Jade! Jade Harley!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"A bit yes.  Though that's likely another long tale in and of itself. " You grin.  It's just so...novel to be able to talk to another person face to face.  Is this what it's like to have a normal world and normal life?  Is this...small talk?  "It's true...this city does seem to be a bit low on color. But the lights are remarkable!  Just everywhere sparkling like the stars came down to nest!"
The caution is noted...you did expect sooner or later someone was going to get a bit irate at the strange man running around in shorts and flashing lights.  Dirk had offered you some of his clothes but...that felt a bit odd.  Besides, may as well enjoy this chilling cold while you can.
Your smile goes wider at the mention of name exchange, but you can't quite hide the surprise when she introduces her name and you feel yourself once again thrown for a loop.  Ooh heavens to murgatroy, this just got weird again.
Maybe she's an alternate younger version of your grandmother...or maybe she just was named after HER grandmother who would have been your grandmother. Oh god, what if she's an alternate YOU.  There is a bit of resemblence there.
"Ah! Right right.  I'm Jake. Jake English.  Please do m-meet you  G-Miss Harley!  Don't suppose you are related to the Jude Harley fellow I met a bit ago?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"That's Midnight City for you! The city that never sleeps~"
Jake English; well not quite your grandpa's name but close! You're pretty sure his name could've been Jake too. Though you vaguely remember calling him Grandpa Harley.
"Please! Just call be Jade! Less I call you Mister English in turn!~" Oh he's met Jude?? He come to think of it, he kinda looks like Jude too! Hmm maybe in his dimension that Jude could've been an adult relative?? 
"So you've met him?? No, no relation of any kind! We just happen to share a last name. I don't have any blood ties." 
A small white lie, but you're not about to tell your possibly alternate younger grandpa about your illegally experimented dog gal sister when you've barely told anyone else.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Righto!  Jade it is! Pleasure to meet you Jade."  You give a good proper bow this time, realizing you should have done that earlier.  Human interraction is difficult.
"I have! I well, ran into the poor gent headlong when I shot into the brown on my landing here.  Still feel a bit bad for that really. Should make an apology proper before I leave.  Quite and alright chap!"
You listen to her speak and nod solemnly.  "The Harley name is quite the prolific one I daresay.  Was my grandmother's, though since she passed I think...well shoot maybe it's not that prolific at all now. Well that's a bit of a humdinger....SO! What do people here do for fun?"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Oh he's bowing; you let out a giggle and curtsy back. He doesn't have to actually but hey, you've always been a go-with-the-flow kind of gal~
"Oh! Yeah I think so; Jude's a sweet guy if a little shy." You like Jude a lot; you might not be related but he's a darling! Especially after learning he's not a stalker.
Ah; how odd! His grandma's dead, yours is too.... or maybe you're grasping at straws with that tidbit. "Well we are stuck in the 1920s so there's a lot of swing clubs and we still have movie theatres and casinos and the like! There's also bars if you know where to go; technically it's illegal to be drinking, but people love their drinks too much to really give it up."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The giggle she gives sounds so much like your grandmothers, it's uncanny.  If anything, there was a strange surreal comfort at the idea that perhaps this is another time and place where your grandmother is alive and gets to have a happy life running a flowershop versus well...what all happened in your time and place.
Your eyes light up at the concept of clubs, and theatres!  Casinos...eh not so much cause it isn't like you have any money to gain or lose.  "Fair fair.  Not much for the gigglewater myself what with the whole island thing....though Roxy is quite fond of it.   She'll be glad to hear there's that."
You chuckle, not showing any opinion on the legality of things.  Not like that kind of thing is really your concern.  "A theatre sounds nice though! I don't think I've ever been to one before so I should definitely try to get to do that!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"Roxy? Is she another friend of yours that came to find Dirk??" You wonder how many that makes; currently that's four people from the same different universe. How are they going to go home? Would they even make it back successfully...?
"There's are a lot of fun! I don't go often but sometimes it's nice to go watch a movie with some friends and popcorn. I very much recommend the theatre on Main and Bayview; they always get the newest movies first~" 
Honestly that sounds fun; you should probably go see a movie when you get a chance.
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"She is! She's the smartest most talented church-bell I've ever met!  One of my best friends!" One of your only friends, but you aren't going to let that detail get you down.  "Her, Hal and myself all jumped through and here we are. Though I guess Hal is now Arq?  I have noticed people sure love their name changes when coming over here. "
You laugh and then listen, nodding enthusiastically. 
"That sounds perfect!  I'll get to try popcorn for the first time! I've read about it, it sounds delightful!  Thank you for all these suggestions."
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
Awww she sounds wonderful. Maybe with your luck, you might run into this Roxy lady too. She sounds very pretty! And sweet~ "I think that's because there exists in this world a Hal? He's... he's very neat all things considered, but he was here first before your Hal~"
You laugh and smile back. "It's not any trouble Jake! Just be safe! The city is wonderful but it can be dangerous; not everyone is a sweetheart like you!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"True true. I've noticed there seems to be a bit of a double up.  Wonder if there is another of me out there on adventures.  Maybe I'll get lucky and run into him before I have to go."  You like to assume that he is somewhere out there...doing some grand escapade.  Probably is really cool.
"Well if this city is half as pleasant as you are, I can't imagine it being anything but a paradise!  But I shall do my best to stay safe.  I hope I can meet you again before I go though, this has been the most delightful of meetings."  It's true, and admittedly you'd like to see this place once more before you stop off and away.  It feels so much like home, and she looks so much like her that it kind of recalls old feelings you wouldn't mind having at least once before you lose any chance again.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
"Maybe!" You doubt it, if his counterpart was indeed your grandpa. Who is very much dead. Definitely not alive anymore.
You give another bright smile and before you know it, you're giving him a warm, patented Jade hug. "I concur!  You have been the most interesting person to enter my shop today! You're welcome back any time! You can bring your friends too it would be nice!~"
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
The hug is a surprise, but a welcome one.  Goodness, it's been so long since you've been around people in general. But then you got hugs from Roxy, and Dirk, and Arq, and sort of one from the little green fellow, and now this!  Hands down, this is your best city experience ever.
You are already starting to miss it.
But for now, you smile bright!  "Oh! Definitely! I'll make sure to bring them as well! I expect they'd love this place, and be glad to meet you too! Thank you so much Jade. You've been the jammiest bits of jam!"
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You give the best hugs! You've been told this many times so it must be true.
"You're very welcome Jake!" You let go after a few moments, hands clasped behind you once more. "You are also quite the darling! I hope you all get home safely. And uh," You eye his coat and shorts, amusement all over your face. "Try to find something warmer okay? City winters can be harsh, too harsh to wait it out."
Mabs (PI/02/gT Jake)01/19/2019
"Can do!" You give her a salute and a smile.  No sense bringing up the whole what is money and how you have none of it, the last thing you want is to come across as a nose bagger.
"Until next time!  Tally ho!"
And with that, you turn and make your exit.
🌺 Shadow 🌺 (Jade/Skylla)01/19/2019
You smile and wave him off, watching as he steps out of your shop and braves the cold once more. What a curious individual! And so very, very trusting. Too trusting even.
You pull out your phone and stare at it a little. Telling the bosses about people apparently dimension-hopping into yours would be pretty important you feel. You'd rather not give those Felt bastards any more potential help if possible. Hmm.... yeah, you should let others know.
Though you do hope Jake goes home. He would be safer that way.
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insomniac-arrest · 7 years
Prompt- a werewolf is romping around in the city and is mistaken for a dog and taken in by a well meaning rescue organization. they come to check him in the morning and find that he is not in fact a doggo.
ooh, nice
Bite Mark Blues
genre: urban fantasy, meet-cute
words: 6k
summary: a werewolf gets trapped at a dog shelter as an attendant tries to help him home
Ronnie woke up with a ringing in his ears and a taste in his mouth somewhere between sulfur and purell disinfectant. He groans as light streaks over his closed eyes and pounding fills his head, his thoughts swimming around in mental mash-potato soup.
The cold ground itches across his skin and Ronnie feels uselessly around him as he tries to squint his eyes open. “Fuck.”He could already feel that he had a very eventful night.
The concrete floor sent shivers up his spine as he makes out a mesh wall to his right, and then his left. He rubs at his eyes again as his senses come marching back to him one by one. His inner ear was busy equalizing and sense of smell trying to make sense of itself. He smells fur.
He feels a very wet, mildly cold object nudge his shoulder, “Whoa,” he jumps and blinks his eyes again as he takes in a very small dull room. He looks back down and makes out a sad looking pair of brown eyes. And a snout. And two floppy long brown ears attached to a stout little beagle.
Ronnie tries to sit up on the cold concrete, “Hello.”
The beagle nudges him curiously again and he stares back down at her, “good morning darlin.” She looks up at him with drowsy big sad eyes and he looks around, “are we…” He looks at the cage walls, “holed up together I see.”
She just licks his arm politely and he manages a smile at her, color flushing back into the world in bits and pieces, seeing the blue of the table across from him and orange of the light through the window.He looks to his left and right and sees a German Shepherd mix and a yellow lab, a small pomeranian was to his left. He heaves another sigh, they were all in pretty little box cages.
“A shelter. Of course.”
He looks down at his hands, they still had stiff dark hairs covering the very front like the teeth of a hard comb springing up. His feet also had the same course hairs,  “Great job Ronnie man. Fucking perfect.”He concluded he had been a bit of running last night. Dirt was under his nails and he could almost taste the chilled wind in his lungs. He looked back to the beagle, “would you happen to know a way out of here sweetheart?”She just looks at him and Ronnie concluded this is just what happens to stupid blokes who don’t watch the moon cycle. Stripped, lost, and buck naked in a dog pound.
He wobbles unsteadily on hands and knees toward the chain-link door, his new skin itches and balance teeters back and forth. He crawls to the side and paws at the latch to his door and finds, to his chagrin, a special little lock. It wasn’t a fancy one, but it had a series of numbers nonetheless.
He’s not done cursing when he plays with the numbers back and forth, his hands were still shaking a little bit. His bad luck was finally catching up to him.
He’s tearing at the lock when he hears a silver sound, a whistle that carried through the air, sweet and musical like a flute. His eyes go wide, someone was banging doors open in the other room.
Ronnie gulps, his hope rise for a moment before being admentally squashed. He had shifted outside of the compound, being caught now might not be very pretty.
He scrambles away from the door and tries to cover himself, a naked boy in place of a large black dog was not going to look good. He backs himself into the corner and ducks his head down.
Someone’s light footsteps echo and the whistling picked up, a light and jaunty tune that reminded him of some sea shanty his uncle would sing to his aunt to make her smile.
The person blithely opened the far cage, “Good morning Sam.” The voice greets the first dog and Ronnie hears the clatter of pellets dumped into a bowl.
His thoughts race as he tries to come up with a way out of this. He was two doors away from the dog-feeding boy and had a limited amount of time to either hide, talk, or flirt his way out of this.
He gulps, the boy’s head bobs as he moves onto the cage right next to theirs, with the German Shepherd mix and yellow lab. “Hello Nancy, hello Jude.”
It was a warm sound and under different circumstances, Ronnie might have found it endearing, but he was busy being naked and cold in a dog cage. He considers tapping into some wolf and breaking through the mesh door, he flinches, but that could take hours to shift back from.
He’s trying to become part chameleon instead when he lifts his eyes and sees a pair of pale eyes already staring back at him. Time was up.
Pale eyes under floppy silvery blonde hair and dusty light brown skin. He had smattering of fine freckles across his nose and a Hollywood-sweet face, high cheekbones and a small frame.
He was wearing a green smock that read ‘Happy Friend’s Animal Shelter,’ his expression was slack.
Ronnie holds his gaze for a very long moment as neither of them seem to know what to do. Finally, Ronnie rearranges himself on the floor and clears his throat.
“Good mornin mate.” He tries to greet as warmly as he can, “nice, uh, shelter you have here.”The boy’s eyes go even larger somehow, his mouth completely open and Ronnie spies an odd blue jewel shimmering on his tongue. He frowns decidedly.
“Don’t need to gawk darling.”
He shook his head, “what are you doing in there?” His voice was sharp and reminded him of a tuned piano key. Feather-light and strangely lyrical.
“Er, woke up in here.” He says simply and almost goes to stand up, he looks at him hopefully, “I wouldn’t mind being let out though.”The kid’s hands fall and Ronnie sees a name tag that says ‘Nick.’
“Nick,” he says slowly.
Nick shakes his head and reaches for the lock, “what happened to the-” he pauses and then glances down at Ronnie’s hands and feet, still covered in thick wire-stiff hairs, Ronnie sighs back him. “Dog.” Nick finishes roughly.
“About that,” he replies slowly as he rubs the back of his head.
Nick drew himself all the way up, “I knew that wasn’t a normal dog.” He seemed to be speaking to himself. “You’re-”“That dog, yes.” He confirms quickly, “and now I am currently less dog soooo.”“Right right.” Nick nods quickly and turns to the lock to open it, “are you,” he blinks, face suddenly pinking. “Do you need help getting out?”Ronnie realized that he had shifted up and put himself on full display, Nick’s face had flushed a deep red against his freckles and Ronnie just tugs on his own hair. Figured it would be like this.
“Pants might help,” he said easily, “anything really.” Side effects of being a were included: headaches, special attention to squirrels, and being used to waking up naked. Though waking up in the pound was a new one.
Nick nodded quickly, “be right back.”Ronnie tries to cover himself as he sees the other young man scurry back out the front door, forgetting his food bucket behind him. Ronnie eyes it carefully and he wishes he wasn’t considering what he was considering.
He apparently hadn’t hunted very well last night.
He scratches the beagle behind the ear again as he waits for the kid to come back, he hears some banging around in the other room before the red-faced lad comes back. He’s holding another smock in his arms.
“I’m sorry, this is all I could find.” He holds out the green volunteer’s apron without meeting his eye.
Ronnie shrugs, “better than nothing.” He slips out of the open cage and takes the apron, slipping it over his neck and tie it around the waist. He is acutely aware that his ass was on full display, but there are worse things in this world.
He smiles lightly, far worse things.
Nick seemed to still be in shock but quickly went on filling the bowl of the next cage, “an eventful morning.” He says softly to the beagle as he feeds her.
Ronnie smoothed out his apron and waited for him to finish, “thanks for this.” He finally says as Nick attempts to look him in the face. “Could you tell me where I am? I’ll be out of your hair in a lick.”
Nick’s mouth was a pursed squiggle, he was thinking. “This is Guilford Animal Shelter.”Ronnie stands up straight, “where?”“Guilford.”“Guilford? UK.”“Guilford, yeah.”“I’m south, I’m fuckin so south,” he pulls at his hair, “beautiful!” He says loudly as he walks around in an angry circle, “just great.”Nick creeps up next to him, “where are you from then?”“London!” He could see the headlines now: lone werewolf travels 60 kilometers to completely random city, gives attendant a fright and shows everyone his bum.
Nick was looking him up and down, “you were pretty tired when you got in last night…aren’t were’s supposed to…?” He was still examining him.
“Yes, not shift outside, yeah.” He messages the bridge of his nose and then looks back to Nick, “would really appreciate this if you didn’t mention it to anyone.”Nick gulps and nods at him, “I wouldn’t, I won’t.”Ronnie takes a deep breath, “now… just need to get back.” He murmurs to himself and wishes his wolf self at least had some pockets. A phone.
“Wait,” Ronnie pauses as Nick calls to him, “wait there.”“What?” Ronnie turns around slowly. “Promise I’ll return this when I’m done with it.” He tries to give a reassuring smile, “After I get a little more pants on myself.”Nick bit his bottom lip and glanced toward the door, “there are people out there.” He puts his bucket down, “you might.” He frowns, “it might be a surprise.”Ronnie stands up straight, “no worries mate, I really can take care of myself.” He winks and turns to leave again. “I’ll just be in and out.”
He can hear distant voices from what must be a room over.
Ronnie feels a light hand grab his wrist, it sends a strange tingle up his arm. Nick earnestly looks at him, “they’ll remember bringing a dog in last night.” Nick glances down at the fur still on Ronnie’s hands and feet.
Ronnie lifts his eyebrows, “I take it they’re not as, hmm, open to this sort of thing?” Nick was practically chewing through his lip, he just ducks his head, “I could drive you… the van’s free today.”Ronnie’s brow folds in, “I don’t want to be too much trouble.”Nick just shakes his head frantically, “No, no. Not too much trouble. I just, I know what it’s like.”Ronnie raises both eyebrows and opens his mouth to ask him about that, but Nick was already slipping past him and peeking out the door. “I’ll go get them into another room. You can then follow and take the back left door out. It will lead to the truck.”“Uh,” Ronnie hums, “to the truck?”“Yeah, it will be big and green with two dogs on the side. Smells a little like old ranch, but it will get us there,” Nick was looking decidedly out the door now, thinking.“To London?” Ronnie was feeling more out of sorts by the second. Most people don’t have much sympathy for were’s shifting outside of designated facilities, much less helping them.
Nick just nods, “it’s been a slow week anyway.” He gives him a half-smile that makes Ronnie’s stomach flutter a little, it wasn’t a bad smile.
“We should be quick,” Nick was turning back to business.
Ronnie was leaning in over him, he had a good head over the other boy. “It’s a long trip, I mean,” he tries to sort through what he means.
Nick just waves his hand in the air, “I was the one that helped bring you in. It’s only right I’ll help you out.”He chuckles, “if you say so.” Ronnie wasn’t going to protest too hard against a free ride, one with this boy didn’t seem so bad either.
Nick strips his plastic gloves off as his he nods behind him, “follow once you hear the voices fade out.”
“Right.” He replies back a little dumbly.
Nick dips out the door and closes it behind him, Ronnie here’s some noises faintly through the wood.
“Have you all seen the new vending machine? It has moon pies.”
“What? No shit.”Ronnie chuckles and hears a few more indistinct voices followed by more doors banging shut, he takes that as a sign to get his mostly-exposed self out the door. He creeps into a large lounge area with bags of dog food and leashes on the wall.
He considers just searching the drawers for some car keys and clean this whole mess up himself, but he figured Nick could get in trouble for a missing dog-shelter car. He locates the back left door, smelling of trees and mud outside.
He looks both ways before taking the first out, seeing an empty lot with just one large dog-catcher truck in the back, he wrinkles his nose at it.
“Sweet irony,” he tastes the words before letting the door swing closed behind him, he could use a bit of luck around then. Just in and out like he didn’t run hog-wild around the countryside for a night.
He runs quickly with the breeze licking at all his edges as his bare feet pound the pavement to the other side of the lot. He rips the door open to the van and jumps in.
He shudders slightly as he feels the harsh fabric of the chair against his backside, it was rough and course and he wishes not for the first time that dogs wore underwear.
He looks up at the ceiling and counts back from ten, thinking about the club girls the other night that said he was about to face trouble in a week’s time. But partial-witches were always spouting nonsense like that on the dance floor, thought it was sexy.
He sighs, but this is trouble enough.
His stomach sinks as he looks out the window and sees dreary gray spring morning with a squat pound facility in front of him. There was no fair-haired boy in sight.
Ronnie clicks his tongue and tries to remember how to hotwire a car, they did it in the movies, it couldn’t be that hard. He’s digging into the dashboard for a loose crisps bag when he hears footsteps.
He perks up as he sees Nick fast-walking toward the car, a pair of keys clutched in his hands, something in Ronnie exhales and he threads a hand through his short hair. He tells himself that it’s just cause he’s a good kid.
Nick flings the door open and jumps into the driver’s seat, “you made it! Fantastic.” He was jamming the keys in the ignition as he wiped his brow.
“Honestly, I owe you mate, this is the nicest thing someone’s-”“Wait on that,” Nick was waving his hand in the air, “oh shite.”Ronnie sits all the way up and Nick gestures for him to get down, “my coworkers. Get down.”Ronnie hears some crunching gravel and curls himself up below the dashboard, he wasn’t that lucky he concluded.
“Oi, pretty boy!” He hears two sets of footsteps approaching.
“Whatcha doing with the van?” A second voice asks lightly.
Ronnie watched Nick’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, rolling down the window slowly, “just got a call. Pound wants to give us another dog for the day.”
Ronnie can barely see two heads at Nick’s window as they leaned toward him.
“All by yourself?”“Just a routine pick up. The pound is going to put the dog in themselves,” Nick says assuredly, “you know they’re full up right now.”One of the young voices chuckles, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you drive the van before.”
Nick frowns slightly, “I have my license.” The unsaid threat was under the surface, Ronnie had a feeling the road laws from ten years ago applied to Nick.The redhead clucks, “and what if the dogs get in a howl? Who’s supposed to soothe them.” The fellow was reaching into the car, Ronnie tenses. “We’ll need a sweet face.”
“I’m sure you can handle it Jack.” Nick was batting his hand away, “just take them outside for a run. Whistle at them.”“Come on,” The other one laughs, “we all know your type are best with their mouths.” They were laughing now, “real nice with it I hear.” It sounded lewd and it was.Ronnie felt his blood boil as he sees this type of treatment, the two were laughing and pushing on each other.
Nick just grit his teeth, “I’m sure Bob would be happy to hear you saying that to me Ed.”“Don’t get your magic panties in a twist,” Ed said nimbly, “pretty boy like you I’m sure has heard worse.”“We’re joking,” Jack was peering inside the van, Ronnie shrinks back, “Look, I’m just saying we always take the pick ups, I don’t really think you’re…so much for it. These fellows can get nasty.”Nick just shook his head, “I’ll soothe them then, you just said I was good at it.” He said defiantly, “now if you excuse me,” he revved the engine, “I have a pickup to do.”
“Now now,” A hand reached in, “I know you might like working heavy machinery,” another laugh, “but it’s not your job.”“Last time I checked I was a handler too,” Nick starts backing up and Ronnie could have clapped, “good bye.”“Nicky-”“Gotta go.” Nick swerves hurriedly out of their reach as the men try to grab at the keys again. Nick was fast and already waving, “Tell Bob I’d like to talk when I get back.”Ronnie peaks his head up slightly over the dash and sees two slack-jawed figures disappear as Nick easily turns them onto the road. “Sorry about that.” The boy’s face was still very pink. “You can come up now.”Ronnie scoots his way upright in the seat and peers out on the thick trees on either side of them with little houses dotted in between. He balls his fists up, “I can go back and kick their ass if you want.”Nick doesn’t look at him, “I’m used to it.”“I’m serious, assholes like that need to get their faces dented in now and then,” he smacks his palm, blood boiling. “Bastards.”Ronnie was shaking his head, he stuck his tongue out tentatively, “Trust me when I say they didn’t want to hire me in the first place.”Nick glances over at him, the blue gem perched in the middle of his mouth, “Veela?”“Siren.” Nick says with a sigh, chin tucked down as he watched the road. “They think it’s funny.”“That you’re sexy fish people.” Ronnie was still broiling.He hears Nick cough loudly beside him, and the car jerks a little bit, “sexy fish peo…”“Sorry, sorry, right,” Ronnie puts his hands up, “I know you live on land too, dammit. Didn’t mean to sound ignorant right after those pustule-shaped lads opened their mouths.”Nick laughs and he was smiling crookedly again, “It’s alright.” He snorts, “Though, for the record. We’re not really fish people. I don’t even have gills.”Ronnie smiles back at him, “I know.” He sniffs, “And I don’t have a tail.” He winks, “all of the time.”Nick’s dimples came out as he looked over to him, “I’m glad they sent you to my shelter then.” Nick sits up straight, “or, er, might have been trouble.”Ronnie nods, “not everyone is as nice as an amiable siren like yourself.”Nick just shrugs and doesn’t look at him as he makes a left turn, “like I said.” He sighs, “I know how it is.”Ronnie pats his shoulder and they share a shy look before Nick clears his throat, “where am I taking you in London?”
“Down at West Brompton,” Ronnie says as he tries to situate himself again, “flats there.”Nick just nods and gets them into the morning traffic headed to London, Ronnie can’t help but study his profile. He guiltily thinks that he is awfully pretty, siren-shaped in all the soft, dangerous ways.
“Can I ask how you got down here?” Nick finally asks as they sit on the backed up roadway with some sort of pop music playing softly in the background.
Ronnie picked at the furs on his hand, “don’t remember most of it.” He says loosely, “lot’s of running though.” He groans, “60k, lord.”Nick chuckles, “that is pretty impressive. We found you digging through an old junkyard when we caught you.”Ronnie covers his face, “I ate trash. Great.” He rues his other half as he makes sense of the reason why his mouth tasted like a fire pit this morning.
“I think you were just digging,” Nick says thoughtfully, “but you were very cooperative when I got to you.”Ronnie glanced over, lifting his eyebrows, “Was there singing involved?” Nick was working on his lip again.
Nick pauses and then nods shortly, “it’s what they hired me for.”
“I’m sure it was very nice, would have liked to hear it.” He gives him a thumbs up.Nick rolled his eyes, “yes. Right before you lose your head.”
“And then?”Nick flashed him a sharp grin, “eat you. Obviously.”Ronnie laughs and tries to keep his apron in place, “obviously.” He pushed his hair back, “though I’ll warn you I’m mostly just fur and chewy bits.”Nick nods back and Ronnie’s chest feels a little lighter, “I’ll bring utensils.”Ronnie laughs, “I see you don’t need my help kicking those blokes in after all.” He tilts toward him, “a live-wire.”Nick tenses and his mouth twists slightly in place, they both look out at the low hovering sun just behind the clouds.
“I’m afraid that’s not how the story goes.” He grips the steering wheel, “they live to fight another day.” He glances over at him, “It would make the dogs sad if we were even more short-staffed.”Ronnie’s chest flutters a little bit as the light catches in this stranger’s eyelashes. A siren. “I’m sure you’re very good with them.” He replies softly.
Nick flashes him a grin, “I’m sure your better.”Ronnie elbows him, “Cheeky! I’m perfectly average with dogs. Even my shifted form only sort of likes me.”
“I see.” Nick crawls them forward on the road as a semi tries to cut them off in the heavy traffic.
“If the wolf really liked me he wouldn’t go romping up and down the countryside and leave me buck naked in a cage,” Ronnie laments, “I warned ‘em, we’re becoming a vegetarian if he keeps this up.”
Nick snorts and looks back over to him, the same considering look as before. “Will you get in trouble?” He asks tentatively, “for being outside I mean.”Ronnie rubs his eyes and looks back up, “The census is a little shoddy for the most part.” He picks at the edge of the apron and then looks over at Nick’s face. “So as long as no one tells…”Nick put a finger up to his lips, eyes shining, “I won’t say anything.”Ronnie puts a hand on his shoulder and shakes it fondly, “I really did run into the best type! I should be kissing a leprechaun or something for my luck.”“Ugh, don’t even try, you’ll be missing your wallet by the frenching part.”Ronnie laughs in delight, “do tell.”Nick’s face managed to only turn slightly pink this time, Ronnie thinks it’s a shame he didn’t get to make it a shade of fire-hydrant all over again. He should try.
“First of all, never go to a unicorn dust party, it’s going to be bad on all accounts-”“Try a witches raver mate. They’ll fuck you up two times to sunday.”“I almost lost a kidney.”They start to chat and Ronnie feels a little warmer as the sun peeks out behind the clouds and they finally start to reach the de-congested part of the ride. He somehow almost wishes the traffic was back.
His name was Nick Belmonte, he was originally from Crete but his dad was Italien. He grew up in South Guilford but lived with his grandparents every summer. He had terrible handwriting and a phobia of heights, he had been avoiding doing choir his whole life but liked musicals.
He was studying on the side to be a dog breeder, but hadn’t built up much of client base yet.
He thought Scottish Deerhounds were beautiful creatures, he gave Ronnie a pointed look at that and Ronnie just shifts in place. He wished dearly for a moment that he was wearing pants, or some sort of cool pair of sunglasses.
Ronnie told him about the last couple parties he went to, that his favorite color was red and that he had three little sisters that he tried to visit every weekend to help them with their homework. He didn’t like EDM much but had a soft-spot for electronic, he had wanted to be a DJ growing up, but now he just wanted to get through each day without losing his shit at a customer.
They were on the outskirts of the city by the time Ronnie felt almost a little satisfied, the young man was easy to talk to.
“Wait, what type of restaurant is it?”
“Fancy french one,” Ronnie wrinkles his nose, “They swear they’ll fire me if I get any more dog hair on their suits they make us wear.”“Suit, huh,” Nick looked him up and down and Ronnie puts his hands up.
“I swear I regularly wear clothes.” He winks, “you caught me on an off day.”He hears Nick mumble something to himself, in Ronnie’s head he says something like ‘sounds like a good day to me,’ but Nick was pointing up ahead. “Is that a checkpoint?”
Ronnie swivels front-ward and lifts his eyebrows, he sees cars stopping up ahead of them. There was a little yellow checkpoint booth right over the roadway entering London.
“Bloody hell,” he curses to himself, of course they’d run into one of these.
Nick scrambles through his pockets, “it’s okay, I have my license and ID. They should be okay.”“Uh,” Ronnie looks down at his lap, “should I do something about this?”“One sec,” Nick looked both ways, “Hold the wheel.”
Ronnie shifts over to grab the steering as Nick dives into the back of the van, “should have given this to you earlier.”He mumbles as he shifts through something in the back and Ronnie keeps them headed slowly forward. He knew for a fact they would see Nick’s ID and they’d be chosen for ‘random questioning.’
He remembers his mom saying siren’s ran both the brothel’s and the crime network in this city and nothing good came out of their oil-slick mouths. Ronnie tries to shake loose that cigarette and ash filled memory.
It wasn’t like that anymore.
He sees Nick jerk back into his seat as he holds out a patterned green and black blanket, “it’s old, but it should help.”Ronnie takes the blanket to fold over his lap and pretend he wasn’t an oddly practicing nudist. He hides his hands next.
“Sorry. I know it smells like dog.” They are one car away from the booth, he could see Nick visibly sweating, beading on his forward as he took a deep breath.
“Just between you and me love,” Nick raises his eyebrows at him, “That’s how I usually am.”Nick gives a little hoarse laugh and he’s happy to see him relax slightly.
“We’re just two guys going into the city. No big deal.” Nick breathed in through his nose and Ronnie is tempted to squeeze his knee. Feed him warm milk or something.
They drive up to the booth.
“License and ID,” a bobby was adjusting his cap as he puts out his hand. Nick gives him the documents quickly, notably keeping his silvery eyes downcast.
Ronnie feels another stem of anger building in his gut, but it’d be more trouble if he said anything.
The officer glances at the license before pausing and having his eyes flicker over the ‘species’ section no doubt. Eyes lingering and then scraping up to Nick’s face.
“Could I just ask you boys some questions?”Nick tensed and Ronnie wanted to knock someone’s teeth in, of course this.
“Go ahead.” Nick was trying to smile but it looked more like a wince.
“What’s your boys business in London?” He asks coolly, obviously examining Nick’s pointed teeth.
“Just driving my friend here home.” Nick said as he flashed a small look over to Ronnie.
The officer eyed him, “Where’s he live?”
“Walham Grove SW6. West Brompton.” Ronnie contributes forcibly, his nostrils flaring. The bobby ignores him.
“Where are you coming from?”“Just my work,” Nick points at his ID again, “Guilford animal shelter.”“That’s a long way.”“It’s not too bad,” Nick’s knuckles were bleaching on the wheel, “a nice drive really.”
The policemen’s eyes narrow and he leans into the vehicle as he notices Ronnie again, “what is he doing with your hands?” The policeman stiffens as he sees Ronnie’s hands under the blanket, his eyes snap up. He looks at him with a discerning metal edge.
“Where is your shirt son?” The bobby was reaching for his radio, “get your hands out.”
Ronnie gapes and slowly tries to extract his hands so that the officer doesn’t call in backup right then, he’d surely be put down in the census as ‘unsubordinate werewolf. Unfit for life with the general public.’
He’d never leave the compound.
Ronnie’s heart races and he feels his fangs wanting to poke out, to shift with the full moon out though hidden by the sun.
He feels another hand come down around his, covering the wire-black hairs with his palm. Hiding them. Nick was still smiling, he held Ronnie’s hand tightly.
“My boyfriend just has cold hands.” He says fiercely, showing the officer that Ronnie wasn’t holding anything. He feels the light tingle of Nick’s skin against his. “We had a, uh, long night.”Both the policeman and Ronnie pause at that and focus on him. Alright then.
“His shirt got lost at my place and he doesn’t fit in any of mine,” Nick sang on blithely, “I was just taking him home.”
The bobby seemed to be processing that very slowly, the siren boy holding Ronnie’s hand as he sat shirtless in the van. They freeze there for another long moment until finally the officer takes his hand away from the radio.
He adjusts his cap, “The curfew here is at ten.”“I know officer.” Nick said lightly.
“Well,” he clears his throat, “report any suspicious behavior to the local precinct. You know the city’s on red.”“I know officer.”
He hands him back the license and ID as the bobby doesn’t look them exactly in the eyes. Ronnie reflects that Nick had pretty much declared that they had a one-night stand and now he was returning him. That at least didn’t make the officer want to pry anymore.
They both keep a placid expression for the next couple meters or so until they both slump down heavily in their seats, Nick wiped his face, “he bought it.”
Ronnie threaded his hand through his hair and closed his eyes for a moment, “that could have gone south.” He glances over wearily, “quick thinking mate.”Nick gave a nervous smile and they both glance down at where their hands where they were still touching, Nick puts both his hands back on the wheel. “It was the first thing that popped into my head.” His eyes were intent on the road as they entered a roundabout just inside the city.
“It was clever as hell,” he clapped him on the shoulder, “Makes more sense than my nonsense I got into last night.”Nick was grinning widely now, “don’t mention it.” He bit his lip and Ronnie observes his curly bangs falling into his face.
He sinks lower into his seat again, “I know forgetting the moon cycles is rubbish.” He says as he looks up wistfully, “but,” he hums slightly, “this was the best outcome honestly.”
He reaches out and almost touches the other boy’s leg, “So thanks.”Nick’s face had reached another layer of pink again, finally, Ronnie thought to himself. Nick turned loosely toward him, “how did you not get caught anyway? I mean, before we caught you.”Ronnie traces his eyes on the ceiling, “I was walking home from my friend’s, we were mixing together. Then, I felt the changing coming, almost spat out my whole drink and sprinted into the nearest park.” He shrugs, “must have just run wild after that.”
Nick checks his GPS before focusing back in with him, “Well,” he shifts back and forth, “it is the most interesting thing that’s happened to me this week.” He looks up, “month really.”Ronnie snickers, “interesting am I?”Nick leaned in and wet his lips, “fascinating.” He pronounces each syllable.Ronnie stretches and meets his eyes confidently, “I’ll try to keep your attention then.” The air almost shimmers between them and Nick took a noticeably sharp breath. He looks back to the road.
“I should be a couple more blocks down.” Ronnie says smoothly, Nick nods jerkily, ears burning slightly. Ronnie taps his fingers on the armrest between them, “I should pay you back.”Nick just shakes his head vigorously, “No need. Like I said, this is the most interesting thing that’s happened to me in ages.”Ronnie’s fingers ghost over the tips of his pale hair, he doesn’t touch it though, “would beating up those blokes help?”“No way,” Nick wrinkled his nose. “They’re not worth the effort.”Ronnie glances up, “I’m the apartment on the left. With the white door.” They slow to a crawl and Ronnie wonders what the siren’s thinking.
“I sort of want to use one of their lines is the thing.” He says lowly, heatedly, all those nights practicing in the mirror for dates might finally come in handy.
“Which one?” Nick says dryly, “because calling me a sea fairy is already taken.”They are sitting outside his apartment now, Ronnie shifts as he takes the blanket in hand to return it. “Pretty.” He grins, “a very pretty boy.”Nick ducks his head and looks like he’s trying to hide his face, “I honestly don’t what to say to that.” He begins to chew on his lip, Ronnie reaches out and touches his chin, lifting it up slowly.
His mouth falls open this time.
He searches his eyes, “come to drinks with me.” He smiles broadly, “I’ll pay you back for all this.”Nick stares at him widely, eyes like saucers, “I suppose I will need to get the apron back.”Ronnie lifts up, “I can give it back now!” He goes for the bow around his waist.
“No no,” Nick grabs at him, holding his wrist back. Ronnie gives him a wry look, Nick lifts his eyebrows, “arsehole.”Ronnie chuckles, “your face was priceless.”
“Ugh, make it two drinks.”“I’ll get you whole round if we add in dinner.” Maybe wolfing out for a night improved his game.
Nick doesn’t hide his face this time, the light plays across his cheek as his features soften, “deal.”Ronnie pumps his fist in the air, “God looks after fools, drunkards, and dogs apparently.” He laughs and goes for the door, waving hugely, “I’ll actually wear something next time.”“Not too much I hope,” Nick says mildly and Ronnie’s mouth falls open.
“Scandalous!” He cackles.
Nick covers his eyes, “I’ll see you then. After you forget I said that.”Ronnie squeezes his hand and jumps out of the car, “write down your number.” He goes to the driver side window. “Or address, email, and mom’s maiden name.”Nick was flushed and laughing again, “one thing at a time.”If Ronnie had his tail he would have been wagging it. Instead, he takes the small piece of paper and whoops. “Mark off your calendar! I’m taking half those nights.”Nick rolled his eyes as Ronnie cheered as he got to his door, “put on some pants Ronnie!” One of his neighbors angrily yelled at him but he just waves. He’d have to do some sweet talking with his landlord to get back into his apartment, but that didn’t seem so daunting at the moment.
“Wait,” he hears a voice call to him before he enters the house. “Wait.” He turns around just as Nick was clambering out of his van toward him.
Ronnie cocked his head to the side, “what can I do for you.”“This.” Nick got up on his tiptoes and Ronnie feels the light touch of lips to his cheeks. His whole body starts to tingle. Nick presses his mouth sweetly there, “thank you.”Ronnie touches the part that he just kissed on the cheek, “damn.”Nick smiled shyly and waved, “for next time.”“A preview.” He says brightly and Nick just winks at him. It was Ronnie’s turn to blush slightly.
He watches him retreat, looking over his shoulder with each step, they were both smiling and looking each other over. The boy in the apron with the dog shelter attendant, he waves as he leaves and Nick promises to come back.
He does.
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tren-fraszka · 6 years
Parallels 2018 letter
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
I like humor and tropes, which is probably the only thing you really need to know about my general likes.
I’m very picky about sex tropes, so generally I would be grateful for no graphic sex (unless specified otherwise). Also, if you go for a shippy fic, I don’t want any stuff happening without consent. I like consent a lot. Other dislikes include ABO, mpreg, soulmates, and situations where stuff is happening because destiny said so and nobody questions it.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon or I have not mentioned in those sections.
While I will be first person to admit that this series really could have had a better plot I loved the characters and would enjoy seeing more of them.
Mordred | Saber of Red (Fate/Apocrypha)
I love angry girls with gender issues, so I knew I would love Mordred and boy do I. There’s just something refreshing in seeing characters like her having a healthy amount of anger at the bullshit the world throws at her.
I really enjoyed her interactions with Shishigou, but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing her interact with other cast members. Her specific circumstances make her a good foil for a lot of characters.
Additional info
I would be very okay with AUs, both Plot Divergences and complete setting changes, since as I mentioned I’m not overly attached to Apocrypha’s plot. So feel free to play with the idea of Mordred being Shishigo’s actual adopted daughter in a modern AU or some interesting what if scenario. Maybe Mordred getting her wish upon the grail, only to discover how terrible the life of a king is.
I’m okay with pretty much any pairing except Sieg/Jeanne (but if you went for an AU where Jeanne and Leticia are not sharing the body I would be pretty okay with Sieg/Leticia). Also, no shipping Shishigou and Mordred, because I much prefer them as a found family. 
Out of things I actually do ship I have a very soft spot for Shirou/Semiramis.
I played Zestiria, so you are free to throw some references to it if you want.
You don’t have to include all the characters I requested, please feel free to concentrate on just one of them.
Eleanor Hume
I really like how much Eleanor changes during the course of the game. And how sincerely she approaches everything. It’s refreshing to see a character who is willing to judge things on her own. Sure, she’s slightly stubborn at first, but Eleanor had really grown on me over the course of the game.
I would probably be happiest with a fic that tracks just how much her attitude changed. It can be about her general attitude or about her relation with someone else in the party. I’m not picky. I just want to see Eleanor discovering that the world is bigger and much less black and white than she thought. But at the same time, even if there are cruelties she was not aware of, there is also kindness she had not seen before.
For some other random ideas: Eleanor helps Laphicet make a present for Velvet (or they outright collaborate on it), or Eleanor has a moment when she realizes just how much the whole party grew on her and how much she enjoys being with them..
Rokurou Rangetsu
I would love any look at Rokuro’s life. I love how it is slowly revealed that he was a very terrible human being, that it is no wonder that he turned into a deamon as a result. The pre-canon look at his life in Rangetsu family and how he turned into a daemon would be great (bonus points for including his mom if you decide on this). As would be his perspective on canon events with some more interactions with any party members. Or post-canon and Rokuro’s journey in search of stronger and stronger foes, during which he meets lots of colorful foes.
Velvet Crowe
Velvet Crowe is one of the most enjoyable Tales protagonist I have witnessed yet. She’s a complicated mess of emotions and trauma, barely held together by her drive for vengeance. Seeing her struggle with all the tragedy, while desperately pushing forward, and waiting to see whether she cracks under the pressure of it all or not was much more interesting than standard Tales hero journey.
I would enjoy an introspective piece for her, since she hides so much of her emotions. That being said, Velvet interacting with other party members is fun too! Whether it be her being demonic bros with Rokuro, butting heads with Eleanor or not having patience for Magilou’s antics, Velvet has an interesting relationship with all of them and I would be happy to see any of those connections explored.
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I would be pretty okay with the AUs, both Canon Divergence and setting changes. In case of canon divergence, please, just don’t save Velvet with deus ex machina. I’m not opposed to her being saved, but please build that plotline properly. The game sets her demise very strongly throughout the whole game and I need to be properly convinced that there is a chance for her to live through this without becoming a miserable malevolence factory. This is not a problem in different setting AUs.
As for the ships. I do ship Elanor and Velvet, so if that’s you jam I would be happy to see them getting together or just enjoying being together. They have very interesting dynamics throughout the game and I would love to see some more romance in it. I would also be okay with more risque content for this ship.
Who loves Tales series more with each new game they play, this gal over here. Also, I’m currently playing Xillia 2 and while I’ve gone through most of the game, I may not be able to finish it before this exchange ends due to the real world responsibilities. So while referencing Xillia 2 would be okay with me, please avoid endgame spoilers for it.
As previously you don’t have to include all of the requested characters.
Jude Mathis
Jude is one of my favourite protagonist for being just plain relatable. I love how he develops through the story and how much his issues rule over his decision before he gets his act together.
I would really love a look at Jude’s life before the game. I find his relationship with his parents very interesting and would love to see it explored more deeply. How did he go about applying to Talim and how his parents reacted? What about Leia? How did Jude manage in Talim?
I’m also very okay with a more indepth look at his journey. What were his feelings at the beginning? How did he feel revisiting his hometown and having to face his parents to be able to help Milla? Any and all snippets from this time are fine by me.
Elize Lutus
The best child character in video games I’ve seen in a long time. I would love to see more of her adventures and how she learns to open up to other people.
I probably would love a post-canon story the most with Elize trying to fit into a normal school. I would love to get a glimps at her attempts to make new friends and not appear to be too weird. I would especially love if Elize and her friends ended up getting into some sort of trouble. Maybe they decided to investigate some rumours and run into a monster or bandits and Elize saves the day with things she learned while travelling with the team. Bonus points if the knowledge from her travels is very questionable.
Just like with Jude, I would also be very open to some insights into her feelings during the plot of the game. Especially, how she slowly starts opening up to others after joining the party.
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I’m okay with AUs, both canon divergence and setting changes. Given that Xillia 2 enables any and all divergences you really, really shouldn’t hold back in that regard. On that note I would be very partial to any member of Chimeriad surviving, because they all deserved better. For setting changes I don’t have any specific.
I’m okay with ships: Jude/Alvin, Jude/Milla, an OT3 involving all of them, Leia/Agria and Gaius/Wingul.
I will be honest. I have a lot of complaints about the characterization of some of the characters and the plot of this game, it gave me one thing I really love and damn do I want it.
Jeanne d'arc | Ruler (Fate/Extella) & Gilgamesh (Fate/Extella)
The interactions between Jeanne and Gilgamesh gave me life, watered my crops and made me laugh a lot. Those two get along in that they reinterpret each other’s words completely whenever they interact. It’s incredible.
I love the grudging respect they have for each other, because while they both heavily don’t approve of each other’s worldview and lifestyles, they can’t dismiss the will and dedication the other has.
Additional info
I’m okay with AUs and canon divergences. The subscenarios for both of them were painfully short in the game, so I would definitely be up if you expanded on them or just had some wacky adventures involving both of them. Just please don’t include Titan!Altera, Charlot!Tamamo or Elizabeth acting like she did in that game. I still have trauma from their characterization. Servant!Altera, and Elizabeth&Tamamo with characterization from Extra or Grand Order will be very okay. If you really need one of those characters with the characterization from this game, then I understand, but please, don’t linger on the scene where that happens. Just get it done quickly.
As I said, I’m not a big fan of Extella’s plot, so if you want to throw it all away and just have fun with the characters I will definitely approve. Gilgamesh and Jeanne meeting during a Grail War could be interesting. As well as, some Grand Order shenanigans if you played that game.
If you want to just have fun with their characters without the whole Servant stuff then, I’m also very open to it. The idea of Jeanne and Gilgamesh as childhood friends who are now forced to share a flat as students is an idea that I absolutely love, because they would find those arrangements very challenging and definitely have a lot of complaints about each others’ lifestyles.
I will limit myself to the ships involving the people I requested, which means absolutely no ships for Jeanne. For Gilgamesh I’m okay with shipping him with both Enkidu and Kirei, but well, we all know how he is, so feel free to have him sleeping around if it fits your fic.
Yamo Konami
I found Konami’s misadventures very amusing. I love how completely mismatched his position and goals are. I would love to see more of his shenanigans, whether it be him making terrible management decision during the canon or him “repenting” after the canon. Maybe he attempts to become a mascot, because what better way is there to express his passion for magical girls? I also wouldn’t mind a pre-canon look on how he came to love magical girls as much as does.
All ships are crazy in this series so I’m okay with whatever direction you want to spin them, as long as you acknowledge the canon crushes the characters have. By which I mean, if the character has a canon crush make sure to do some build up so that it doesn’t feel strange if they find a new object of affection.
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readatmidnight · 5 years
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It’s been a while since my last update since most of April and May left me with very little time for blogging. I just wanted to do a quick catch up on what I’ve been reading and what I plan to read in the coming month.
What I’ve Read
Almost 100% of the reading I’ve done in the past two months have been done via audiobook. Bless them for enabling me to finish all these novels while I completed my chores or during my morning commute, I would have fell into a book slump without them. I know at the beginning of the year I said I would cancel my Scribd account, but since I read so much via audio now, the set up is working great for me.
These aren’t even in chronological reading order because I am a Mess.
Daisy Jones and The Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid ★★★★☆ This novel is best enjoyed via audiobook, sorry I don’t make the rules. TJR has a way of making her characters feel so raw and real, if I didn’t know any better I would have been searching for the discography of Daisy Jones & The Six after completing this novel. Epistolary novels don’t always work for me (see: Illuminae), because I sometimes find it hard to connect to the story. 100% not the case here, and I loved how utterly flawed everyone was allowed to be. To tell the truth, I didn’t like most of them, but they sure captured my imagination.
The Dragon Republic by R. F. Kuang ★★★★ HELLO IS ANYONE SURPRISED I AM COMPLETE TRASH FOR THIS BOOK. NO? OK. Ahem. With complete objectivity, this book was a stunning follow-up to The Poppy War. It’s more introspective, it deals with PTSD, it brings in all of the threads that complicates and muddies the war Rin is waging on Nikara and with herself. The ending left me literally reeling and screaming in random DMs for weeks. I still have not completely stopped and I fear I will never be coherent again. Give me book three or give me death.
Magic for Liars by Sarah Gailey ★★★★☆ I finished this book about two hours ago and edited the post to include it. Although it contained the familiar tropes like a magical school, a jaded private detective, a dark prophecy, a hidden world of mages, a murder mystery – Magic for Liars combined them in a way that kept the plot fresh and engaging. Imagine if Aunt Petunia never married Vernon Dursley but instead became a private investigator – who’s then called back to Hogwarts to unravel a murder, with Lily as one of the professors on tenure. Except better, because the character work in this book is freaking top notch. Just go read it OK, this is the gay and messy magical school we all deserve.
The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman ★★★★☆ Billed as The Raven Cycle meets Stranger Things, this is one of those rare instances where the book matches the comp perfectly. While I found the pacing to be slow, I thought it suited this character-driven story. It’s all about families and legacies and finding your own paths despite the weight of all that history. I adored all of the characters, especially Harper – my sworld-wielding warrior queen. I cannot wait to see the sequel and watching how entangled relationships will develop.
Wicked Saints by Emily A. Duncan ★★☆☆☆ I love the idea of hate-to-love, especially with a villain love-interest, so that’s what initially drew me to this book. When I learned that the heroine could converse with the gods, I got even more excited. Alas, it was a bit of a missed opportunity. I saw shadows of a fanfic-worthy broody bad boy in every scene with Malachiasz. I can understand insta-attraction, what I can’t understand is how poorly the character and relationship development was done. The stars are wholly reserved for Serefin, my drunken drama-queen and the only part of this novel I enjoyed.
We Hunt The Flame by Hafsah Faizal ★★★☆☆ I expected this to be a five star read, so while it was good, I am disappointed I didn’t love it more. The prose were gorgeous and I am definitely checking out whatever Hafsah Faizal writes next. However, the writing style’s penchant for beautiful metaphors sometimes felt jarring with the pacing of the book. While I liked the characters indivdually, I didn’t feel compelled by any relationships aside from the one shared between Altair and Nasir in the beginning. I’m definitely in the minority with my lukewarm response to this title, though – there are tons of fans so don’t be put off by my review.
Verity by Colleen Hoover ★☆☆☆☆ The sole star is for the fact that while the plot of this book was so improbable it veered into farcical, it was a page-turner. Toxic relationships is the bread-and-butter of crime, but there was something particularly tasteless about the way adultery and marriage was depicted in this book. Partly due to the casual nonchalance that CoHo tends to dismiss cheating, but also because even with my few remaining brain cells I could still figure out the plot was BS. The way disability was handled in this novel also left a lot to be desired, and the ‘twist’ at the end disappointed me so much I wanted to hurl this book into the sun. This was 7 hours of my good life wasted.
The Bride Test ★★★★★ I cannot remain calm or objective about Helen’s books, I love them completely – because they’re unabashedly Vietnamese, because they’re proudly diasporic, because they’re filled with characters who feel so real I’m mildly miffed we’re not invited to their weddings. Khai and Esme slowly but surely stole my heart over a course of a long haul international flight. I laughed and cried and went through all of the emotions of first love. Along with its powerful emotional resonance, The Bride Test also offered sharp societal critique on the accessibility of the American Dream. These books are so special to me and I am so glad we have more Helen content to look forward to for years to come.
Ruse ★★★★☆ This is the second and final instalment to Cindy Pon’s high-octane and prescient eco-dystopia – if you haven’t read Want, go visit your local bookshop right now and change this immediately. The bar is raised with Ruse, from the character development, the scope of the world, and the ever heightened stake. I loved seeing the gang again, even though Cindy did not pull any punches when it came to making my children suffer. It was such a satisfying and well-earned conclusion.
Wilder Girls ★★★★☆ Whew, this book was harrowing and intense. It felt dangerous and unknowable, with the plot constantly shifting right under my feet – just as the physical world in the book warps and distorts everything from plants to landscape to school-girls. I read it in a rush over two days because I could not put it down. If you’re after a novel with ride-or-die friendship and sapphic romance, this is one to keep an eye out for.
Red, White, and Royal Blue ★★★★★ I am completely bereft that Alex Claremont-Diaz and Prince Henry of Wales are not real people – for these two I would take up reading gossip magazines again. This book was rambunctious and as irrepressible as the passion that drives its main characters. The supporting cast are equally impressive, and I love the chemistry imbued into the various relationships in this novel. I can’t remember the last time I rooted so hard for fictional characters to overcome and triumph. Although we can’t have Claremont 2020, can we please please please get a Jude and Nora spin-off instead?
Looks like romance is my new favourite genre, judging by my latest two five star reads. Please give me all the recs, but no mayo toxic romance please. I feel like whenever I stray from the usual diet of speculative fiction, I become very picky in which books I read – which tends to mean that I end up loving the ones I do pick up.
What I’m Reading
I usually have numerous books on the go because I have no self-control. I have two going at the moment, but this number will undoubtedly multiply before I have the chance to publish this post.
Foundryside by Robert Jackson Bennet – I am about 5 hours into the audiobook and I am already completely charmed by this world and its characters! The rogue-archetype has always been one of my favourite fantasy trope, and to make it even better Santia comes with a snarky talking key. The world building is a marvel, especially the magic system and how it is manipulated by the characters and governing bodies within the novel. I also heard there is a budding sapphic romance in this one – I think I just met the love interest and I already love her as well. Very excited to continue on!
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong – I am three chapters into this novel and it’s already taken my very soul apart. Written by a Vietnamese-American son for his illiterate mother, it’s part-meditation and part-confessional on PTSD, inherited trauma, and how a you learn to communicate with a mother-tongue you can barely speak. I am ready for it completely wreck me.
I forgot that I am technically still reading The Priory of the Orange Tree but I am so exhausted with this brick at this point in time, I’m not sure I will ever finish it. The world building (West and East dragon mythology), and the characters (sapphic Queens and her bodyguard) had so much potential – but I kept feeling like an emotional weight was missing.
What I’m Planning to Read
I am an expert is making up TBR and then not sticking to them. So to save myself the embarrassment here’s two I am definitely reading this month, the rest is c’est la vie.
Sorcery of Thorns by Margaret Rogerson I know y’all keep saying that Enchantment of Ravens is lame because it has no plot but I loved Rook and Isobel with all my heart OK. I know nothing about this one except that it has a librarian babe (maybe?). Therefore, I am very excited.
Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim This is part of the Caffeine Book Tours that Shealea organised (thank you!!). This is one of my most anticipated read of this year because fashion and East Asian fantasy? Relevant to my interest. I think we can all agree that this is the best cover of 2019. I want this illustrator to draw my life.
What are you reading and what are you all up to? I miss you!! Hope you’re going to have an amazing month and Happy Pride everyone!!
June Reading Updates It's been a while since my last update since most of April and May left me with very little time for blogging.
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