theoneofwhomisblue · 10 months
Fluffffffffffffff wunk
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paradoxxinvader · 2 years
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pairing :: maki (&team) x fem!reader
genre :: fluff
summary :: you and your boyfriend, maki, attempt to make a tray of brownies for him and his members to celebrate their debut. what they failed to realize that maki being sick limited his comprehension skills. but, hey. what could possibly go wrong?
word count :: 795
warnings :: fluff. fluffffffffffffff.
taglist :: @acousticking @jeonsy98​ 
lu speaks !! :: someone pls pray for me i’ve been retweeting maki-related things for the past 24 hours my friends are concerned i have swept the entire #&team maki tag on tumblr three times i need help
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“how about... this one! this recipe looks easy enough!” maki exclaimed, shoving his phone in yn’s face.
“maki, anata,” yn started, scanning the list of ingredients for vanilla cupcakes. “we don’t have pure vanilla bean. and don’t sit so close, you’re sick,”
“it’s okay, though!” she lean forward on the couch the both of them were sitting on, ruffling his hair a little. he scrunched his nose, tiny giggles escaping his lips. “the guys like brownies, right?”
“yea, i think so,” he replied, sitting up straight.
“well, there’s one recipe for chocolate chip brownies! look, you even add some black coffee in it, so k-ani is bound to like them!” the girl showed him the pictures on the website she were scrolling through.
“oooooh, these look good,” maki said, swiping left to see all of the pictures. “we have all the ingredients, right? let’s start now!” he exclaimed, seeing his beloved nod her head.
he jumped off of the couch, grabbing yn’s hand in the process, and running to kitchen. 
“okay what ingredients do we need?” he asked, hands on hips, his face supporting a large, toothy grin.
“right, so, we need cocoa powder, flour, eggs,...” yn started to list off all of the items needed to make the dessert, and maki had taken the duty of taking them out from the various different drawers and shelves. 
yn grabbed two mixing bowls, a whisk, sifter, and measuring cups and placed them on the counter, and maki started to read out how much of what was needed in which bowl after putting his group’s EP on repeat. yn told the boy that she’ll do the actual mixing and all so that the doesn’t make the brownies sick (yes because that last part totally makes sense, lu).
“ok, hanni, add a cup and a half of white flour, a cup and a half of cocoa powder...”
soon enough, the brownies were in the oven and the entire kitchen was a mess. flour and sugar covered the counter tops, yn and maki’s shirts (well, more like maki’s shirts) were covered in cocoa poder dust, and the chocolate chips were spilled all over the floor.
“should we, uh,...” yn started, making a sweeping-with-a-broom motion with her hands.
maki just nods quickly, grabbing a brush and dustpan for yn, and a rag for himself. “you start on the floors, i’ll get the shelves,”
after ten or so minutes, while buzz love was on repeat, the couple had managed to successfully clean up the kitchen, putting all of the dirty dishes in the sink, promising themselves that they’ll wash them in the morning (spoiler alert- they didn’t).
after about a half hour, the timer rang, signalling that the brownies were done. both of the teenagers hurried to the kitchen, and maki started doing a little-wiggly dance while yn grabbed a pair of oven mitts and opened the oven.
she slowly took the tray out, the aroma of... burnt brownies filling the air?
“uh... babe? how long did the recipe say to bake the brownies?” the girl asked her lover.
“uh, i’m not sure but i think forty-five minutes?” the boy shrugged, not noticing the smell because of his blocked nose.
“can you double-check, please?” 
the boy shrugged, grabbing his phone from his hoodie pocket, opening up the browser where the recipe lied. “oh, haha, it say’s thirty minutes, so i think i set the timer about fifteen minutes extra,” the boy chuckled. apparently his hazy brain also limited his ability to read the room.
“babyyyyy, we burnt the brownies,” yn cried out, setting the tray of the extremely dark baked good.
“i mean, it can’t be that bad, now can it?” he grabbed a fork, stabbing a little piece from the corner before popping it into his mouth. he chewed for a minute or two (more like five because he couldn’t chew the rock-like final product), then swallowed before speaking up.
“ok, it’s that bad,”
“broooooo, what do we doooooooo?” yn dragged out, grabbing a spoon and plate, piling the brownie into a plate so that she could put the tray into the sink. she threw out the burnt batter into the trash, leaning her head against the countertop.
“don’t worry,” maki started, grabbing his phone. “i have an idea.”
a solid hour or so later, the boys were set to arrive to your tiny apartment, a place that was not meant for ten people, but, hey. who were you to stop them from coming inside?
after greetings and hugs and long-awaited congratulations, yn and maki rushed into the kitchen, grabbing a box of brownies that arrived just a bit before the boys’ arrival, and quickly plated them, and maki grabbed a bunch of small plates. 
“guys! we made brownies!”
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nblesbianbenhanscom · 4 years
yesterday at work i was sitting and minding my own business when i stumbled across the cutest stuffed lamb, and immediately had feels. pre-slash, but fluff as hell.
Standing in front of the stuffed animals in the hospital gift shop, Mike kind of wants to cry. He has no idea what he is doing here. Not just here at the gift shop, but Atlanta itself. Surely the last person Stan wants to see just then is— 
Someone bumps his elbow and Mike lets out a small yelp. People turn to look and Mike ducks his head.
“Sorry,” Eddie whispers. He takes Mike’s hand and laces their fingers together. “Stan’s asking for you.”
Taking a deep breath, Mike swallows hard. “Does he even want to see me? I mean I am the one—” His throat tightens and the words get stuck.
“Yeah, he wants to see you.”
“Is he mad?”
“No, he’s not mad. He’s actually doing pretty good, considering.
Considering he tried to kill himself three days ago.
Mike sighs. He can barely look at Eddie, at any of them really without feeling this overwhelming sense of guilt and shame that makes his scalp tingle and his breathing erratic.
They had all almost died because he wanted them to help with some stupid promise they hadn’t remembered from when they were kids. Sure, he hadn’t made them promise, but he also didn’t have to call them back.
He glances at the bandage on Eddie’s cheek and shivers. Eddie squeezes his hand.
“No one blames you,” Eddie murmurs.
Letting out a small huff, Mike looks back at the stuffed animals. He wishes there was a bird, but he settles on a small stuffed lamb and walks up to the counter.
His head feels fuzzy, like it’s filled with static from a TV, and he doesn’t even react when the cashier tells him the ridiculous price, just hands over his credit card. He doesn’t get a bag, just holds the stuffie close to his stomach as he lets Eddie lead him up to Stan.
As soon as they enter, a hush falls over the room. Mike is the only one of the Losers who hasn’t seen Stan yet. Bill looks at him gently. He walks over and pulls Mike into a tight hug as the others shuffle away and out the door.
“It’s going to be ok,” Bill promises. “He’s ok.”
Nodding, Mike gives him a gentle squeeze and then pulls away. When Bill steps out, Mike and Stan are alone.
Staring at the edge of the bed, Mike holds up the lamb. “Hey, Stan. I— Uh— I got you this.” He looks at it and swallows hard.
“Mikey?” Stan says softly, and Mike looks up, right into Stan’s soft blue eyes.
“Come here, please.”
Nearly tripping over his feet, Mike stumbles to the side of the bed. Stan takes his free hand and squeezes tightly. Mike just stares at his friend’s heavily bandaged forearm.
“Look at me.”
Mike doesn’t want to, but he forces himself to. His heart races in his chest and he feels like his head might float away. Stan squeezes his hand.
Stan licks his lips and murmurs, “I missed you.”
And then Mike breaks down into sobs. He nearly collapses on top of Stan who just pulls him close, rubs his back, and kisses his hair as he whispers, “It’s ok. I’m ok. Everyone is going to be ok. I love you. It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault.”
Mike clings to Stan, his face shoved into Stan’s neck as he cries and cries, not just for the last few days, but the last thirty years too, and for all the countless people who had to die because a fucking clown had to come from fuck knows where to destroy them all.
He cries until he’s empty and then he just lays there curled up next to Stan listening to the steady sound of his heart. He’s nearly asleep when someone knocks on the door. Mike doesn’t move. He’s too tired and too sad. All he wants to do is sleep for about ten hours, so he just pushes his face a little more into Stan’s chest as he clutches tightly to the stuffed lamb.
“Come in,” Stan calls when it’s clear that Mike isn’t moving and whoever is knocking won’t come in without verbal consent.
The door opens and someone steps in.
“Hey, s-sorry,” Bill says. “I just wanted t-to check in and let you know Bev and Richie went to g-et food. You two ok?”
Rubbing Mike’s back, Stan hums a little. “We will be.”
Bill hesitates. “He’s been pretty— In pr-pretty b-bad sh-ape.”
“We all have,” Stan says. He sounds sad and Mike flinches. He doesn’t know if Bill sees, but Stan feels it. He kisses Mike’s forehead. “We just gotta focus on the fact that we have each other again, and this time we never let go.”
Bill clears his throat. “I love you guys.”
“Love you, too,” Stan says.
Taking a step back, Bill says, “I’ll come back in when the food gets here.”
“Sounds good,” Stan says.
When they are alone again, Mike lets out a breath and shifts so he can look up and see Stan’s face. Smiling gently, Stan gently strokes Mike’s cheek.
“Hey there,” Stan whispers.
“Hey,” Mike says. He holds up the lamb. “They didn’t have a bird.”
“That’s ok. I love it.” Stan takes it and pulls it close. “It reminds me of when we were kids and we would come visit you on the farm. The lambs were always so soft, and you looked so cute, and just—” He sighs.
“You’re really not mad?” Mike asks in a small voice.
Stan smiles a little sadly. “I’m really not mad,” he says in the softest voice.
Swallowing, Mike nods and puts his head back on Stan’s shoulder. They settle closer and look at the stuffed lamb, neither of them really saying anything. Mike feels better than he has in a while, and he has no interest in moving.
He doesn’t even move when the others come in, and no one says anything as they sit around eating pizza and talking quietly. Mike’s so tired, but he kind of believes that everything really will be ok.
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nakurumok · 7 years
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Happy Boxing Day and Happy Birthday to me! ;D
Wish you all all the best in the world and may everyday be a great gift to you ;D
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iruutciv · 7 years
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Concept: Victor kissing Yuuri’s forehead and calling him “moyo solnyshko”
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shakingshore · 7 years
seasons of love: winter
summary: fanny loved games, and giacomo was a trickster. they already knew they made a good team.
giac x fanny, part 2/4
part 1
It might not seem like it, but Fanny was quite the adventurer. She loved playing games and trying new things with new people, but she could never break out of the shell closed around her. At Mansfield Park, she had to find entertainment in the smallest activities.
Her family called her childish, and irresponsible, but the best thing about being a free spirit was that she didn’t really care. No, she did not want to disappoint her aunt and uncle because then she would never be able to leave the house ever again, but if they weren’t as concerned with status as they were she would not be contained.
Imagine their surprise when the infamous Giacomo Casanova stood at their doorstep, asking for her.
They’ve been seeing each other ever since the harvest festival and no one in her family knew, until now. There was something she found thrilling with all the sneaking around. She realized Giac could bring out the worst in her, and she loved it.
Contrary to his air of spontaneity, Giac had everything planned to every detail.
“I’ll come in the dead of winter, near the holidays,” he told her conspiratorially, “before noon but not too early. The snow would be falling quite heavily by then.”
“And how would you know that?” she challenged.
“I know a lot of things. Jack of all trades, me.”
“Master of none,” she finished.
He leaned in close. “I’m a master of something, that’s for sure.”
She smacked his arm playfully, ignoring the hint of truth in his dark gaze, and he continued with a laugh. “They’ll let me in, in the spirit of kindness at this time of year and because it will be bloody cold and they don’t want a draft to come in. And since it will be close to lunch, I can stay until the snow lightens up.”
“You’ve thought about this for a while, haven’t you?”
“I’m just that clever.”
And yes, he was very clever, because that was exactly how the day had played out. They ended up in the sitting room together, Giac and her uncle engaged in conversation while she and her aunt listened from the sofa. He was able to charm his way into the better opinion of her aunt and uncle, and he and Fanny were allowed to do as they pleased (yet still under a watchful eye). He bounded over to the window, moving the curtain with a finger to peek outside.
It was a known fact that Giacomo was a beautiful man, and Fanny admired him in the light reflecting from the snow outside. He was tall and lean, with sandy hair and blue eyes that could carry her over oceans.
And when he looked at her from across the room with that wide smile, she felt her heart stutter.
“Fanny Price, would you like to accompany me on a lovely stroll?”
“The snow is quite lovely, and I can keep you warm.” He stepped closer to her with a mischievous smile, which she returned wholeheartedly. She had no doubts as to how warm he could make her. 
Before he could react, Fanny ran out of the room and grabbed her cloak, laughing as she heard him chase after her. She made her way out the door but stopped at the porch, eyes lifting to the sky.
The snow fell lazily, an almost blinding white blanketing the ground. The trees were bare but not any less beautiful, and the sun peaked through the winter fog. She felt Giac bump into her back as he caught up with her.
“Blimey, it’s cold!” he exclaimed, which made her burst into laughter. She stepped into the snow, and her foot sank several inches. She didn’t even have to look at him to know he was scratching at his neck. “We don’t... I didn’t realize-”
Before he could continue his rambling, she grabbed the front of his shirt and tugged, falling backwards. Giac squeaked as the cold hit him, spinning them around and trying to save her from hitting the ground to too hard. He landed with a soft ‘oof’ as her weight pushed him further into the snow, and she only felt a little bit guilty. As cold as it might have been, he didn’t let her go or move to get back up.
“Come on,” she insisted, “you’ll catch your death if you stay buried there.”
“It’s quite nice here, now you’re the one keeping me warm.”
Giacomo stared up at her, and her smile softened. Despite everything against him, Fanny could only see the good in his heart and kindness in his smile.
At that moment she decided to take a risk and jump into something without caring about the consequences. With a hand on his cheek and his arm wrapped around her waist, Fanny leaned down and kissed him with as much heart as she could.
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leiathesleia · 7 years
A Date I mean Business Lunch in Drellin
Leia- @leiathesleia
Alvin- @broadswordandpistol
Guest Interruption Appearance by Jude- @honorsstudentjude
Leia: Did you have your scarf when you woke up? 😉”
Alvin: "Dammit, Leia!" And he hadn't slept that late.
Leia: “The cutest darn ninja you ever did see.”
Alvin: "You've made your point, can I have it back now, please?" He rubs at the back of his neck.  (Not in the mood to look like a goof chasing her all over this morning.)
Leia: "Haha. Oh okay then. I'm sure you have important mercenary/fruit guy things to do”
Alvin: "Just like you've got important stories to scoop, right?" And smiles to create — which she's actually been successful at, despite his complaining.
Leia: (Teehee. How did she get in his house anyways?)
Alvin: (Everyone seems to be able to break into my Alvin's place. Apparently he doesn't worry about it because the only valuables he has are basically the things he keeps on him.)
Alvin:( And generally the breaking-in consists of crashing on his couch or making him dinner. O.o)
Leia: (even though he can't seem to keep track of his own scarf, at least when Leia is involved :P)
Alvin: ("Hey." He knows exactly where it is, Leia has it.)
Alvin: "You like it that much, maybe we oughta get you one of your own." Teasing. He knows it's about the game, not about the scarf.
Leia: "That's right!" Though she won't turn the offer down.
Alvin: "I dunno, a gift from an older gentleman — your mom might take that the wrong way." Wink.
Leia: "I live on my own, travel from country to country daily, and work a full time job. I'm plenty grown up."
Alvin: "Yeah, but you'll always be her precious little girl, too. Despite being all grown up." He tugs at her cap brim playfully.
Leia: "Maybe so, but remember, I'm not a little kid!" She ruffles his perfectly messy hair and then darts away before he can catch her.
Alvin: "Hey!" He rolls his eyes and fixes his hair, still smiling. "Are you trying to make me late for work today?"
Leia: "Maybeeeeeeee"
Alvin: "That so? Any particular reason?" A wiser man might not take a step into her personal space. No one ever said Alvin was a wiser man.
Jude: As everyone seems to be able to get into Alvin's house, same goes for  Jude's office
Alvin: (Alvin points out that it's not like Jude locks his office, sooooo)
Leia: Leia blushes now she's embarrassed "Um, b-because you are so perfect and adorable!" -Tries to flee-
Jude: "Even if I did, you'd all probably get in any way!"
Leia: "Jude?! When did you get here?" “Can't you see we are having a private conversation?" Leia pushes him out the door.
Alvin: Wait what Jude's here. Alvin stuffs his hands in his pockets and tries to look innocent. Fails entirely because he's never mastered that skill.
Leia: "Alvin, don't you ever lock this place?"
Alvin: "I did. My lock's as bad as Ludger's." Whose is notoriously unreliable; Alvin can pop his door open with a flick of the wrist.
Alvin: (casually all nope nothing to see here not flirting with your childhood best friend kid)
Leia: "You're gonna be late for work Jude! Byeeeee!" Jude didn't even seem to care what was going on. Just wanted to remind us that we bust in on him too. "And he says pride is my downfall. Ha!"
Alvin: "You mean you don't have work this morning too?"
Leia: "I'm a journalist! I set my own schedule. When there's a scoop, I'm there!"
Alvin: He laughs. "The scoop this morning is: "Journalist steals ex-mercenary's scarf. What happens next will shock you!" huh?"
Leia: "And what will happen next Mr. Ex mercenary? Hmmmmmm?"
Alvin: "That's a good question. Maybe the journalist oughta stick around for an in-depth interview." Did we mention that wiser men would not take another step into her personal space, and no one had ever claimed Alvin was a wiser man?
Leia: "Okay and what is this interview about? How you can't seem to keep track of your precious scarf ?" Hopefully Alvin didn't think she was ignoring him all this time. She was just on her GHS. He should've been able to see that clearly.
Alvin: "Heh. Riveting. How about a color story on the good and bad points of Elympian/Rieze Maxian business relationships, done over lunch in Drellin?"
Leia: "Now you're talking!" Leia loves food. "But I'm not able to pay for the food of the people I interview so you're on your own there! Now let's go! I'm starving!"
Alvin: "Hey, I wouldn't invite myself to eat on your nickel." He lets her lead, which gives him an excuse to hide the shit-eating grin.
Leia: -Leia skips along ahead of him towards the train station- "Come on! I'll race ya there!"
Alvin: "You're not getting my scarf as a victory prize." He doesn't wait for her to say "ready, go" — he's already off and running because he's definitely slower than she is.
Leia: Before she could say another word Alvin had started running ahead of her. "Oh no you don't!" She darts after him, jumps high in the air (does a few aesthetically pleasing midair flips) and lands—right on his back. He's not getting away.
Alvin: Apparently this kind of thing doesn't happen in Trigleph every day. Heads turn, but he laughs and grabs ahold of her legs as if he gives her piggyback rides all the time. She's not getting away, either. They slew into the train station at Alvin's top speed, which admittedly is nothing impressive, but faster than everyone else who's walking.
Leia: "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" This was way better than walking to the station. Even though they weren't going that fast, she still was enjoying the ride. They went past Technology drive where they received some strange looks but she didn't care. Finally they arrived at the station. Leia hopped off Alvin's back. "Thanks for the lift!" -wink-
Alvin: "My pleasure." He elbowed her gently in the side and went to pay for train tickets.
Leia: "Hey that tickles!" Leia realizes now that she should not have given up that information. She was sure she would pay for it later. Alvin came back with the tickets. "Okay let’s go!"
Alvin: Yep, she definitely should not have given up that information. He filed it away for later. He let her have the window seat; he was tall enough to lean over and look out, anyway, and it wasn't long before the bare Elympian countryside was zipping by.
Leia: Leia gazed out the window at the scenery. "Not too much longer to Drellin! I haven't been here in a while actually. What about you?" Heck yeah. Leia loves the window seat.
Alvin: "Last week, actually. I've been working a deal with that restaurant to bring in napples and poranges for their breakfast and dessert menus. Took some convincing, but it worked out okay."
Leia: "Oooh. That sounds good! You know, you can mix fruit with a lot of other foods and have it still taste pretty yummy!" Leia had a habit of putting two really great foods together and expecting something really great to come out of it. She has some success but more often than not it was a disaster.
Alvin: "Mhm, and real fruit makes a big difference. You know most of the fruits and veggies in Elympios are grown in a vat, right?"
Leia: "Oh wow! That's so different from Reize Maxia! I guess before the schism was gone Elympians didn't get as much nice produce." Leia shudders imagining her life without good quality fruit every day.
Alvin: "Everything was so depleted by the spyrix that getting things to grow was hard.  No blessings of Gnome and Undine here, remember? Which meant that a lot of stuff got grown in factories, using more spyrix. It's an ugly cycle, but hopefully things will turn around. You can't keep chewing up spirits to feed humans in the long run."
Leia: "Oh yeah. I'm glad things seem to be getting better. And I'm really glad we got to be a part of it too, you know? It feels really good having done something to help!" The train screeched to a halt. Startled, Leia grabbed Alvin's arm to steady herself. "Looks like we're here!"
Alvin: Her fingers on his arm should not tingle, Alvin reminded himself sharply. "Yeah, it does," he admitted with a small smile. "Have to admit I never pictured myself doing this a year ago." He backed up to let her off the train ahead of him before falling into step with her again on their way to the cafe. "Hope you're hungry, those portions are pretty huge."
Leia: "Heck yeah I am!" When wasn't she hungry? Leia was excited to be in Drellin again. It was so much different than Trigleph. There were a lot more food options and it had more of a natural feel to it as well rather than the big city vibe. "Hey there it is!" Leia grabbed Alvin's arm and pulled him towards the cafe.
Alvin: He obligingly allowed himself to be dragged, noting that despite his own internal protests, that small tingle had not gone away. Oh boy. A wink at the receptionist earned them a table outside with a great view of the plaza, and they settled in with menus and drinks. "Whatcha in the mood for, Sunshine?"
Leia: Somehow Alvin managed to get them a great seat outside. The view of the plaza was spectacular! Leia sipped on her lemonade. She got distracted for a moment by the view. Then she heard Alvin ask her what she was having. "Huh? Oh right! I think I'll have a large French Toast and a Small Fruit Salad. What about you?"
Alvin: "Hmmm. Man does not live on steak alone, despite the temptation. Curry for me." ... Which ... still had beef in it. What could he say, he was predictable when it came to food. "Theirs is good. Not as good as your dad's, though," he added, when the waitress was out of earshot.
Leia: -Leia giggled.- "You don't have to try so hard to get on my good side Alvin. But I mean, yeah of course. Nothing is better than my dad's, well, everything! You should really come have dinner at the lodge sometime! I'm sure dad will make you all kinds of delicious food!" Leia took another sip of her lemonade. "Hey, you really like steak right? Dad makes a really good one with a peach glaze. Mmmmm."
Alvin: At that, he cracked into a chuckle. "And you don't have to, either, Sunshine. But it does sound pretty good." Better than soda rice, for sure. "Wouldn't mind seeing your folks again. They're good people." Assuming, of course, that Sonia hadn't found out about what had happened in Hamil. Then he was a dead man. Urk.
Leia: "Yeah! Maybe next time we can go there and see them!" Wait. Next time? Did that sound like a- a date ? "I mean, we could invite the others too?" Phew saved yourself on that one, I think. (No you didn't Leia) "I don't think Jude has been home in a while and I know Ga- I mean Erston was eager to see my mother again. Something about comparing sparring tactics? Oh look! The food is here!"
Alvin: Did that sound like a date? ... Maybe, but it could have been purely innocent. Alvin could convince himself of that; he was all too good at lying to everyone, including himself.
"Heh, that's a fight I'd pay to see from a safe distance," he chuckled, digging into his curry. "It'd probably do Jude some good to get out of the office anyway. I swear he's turning into a mushroom, never seeing the sun."
Leia: Leia chuckled at the thought of the King and her mother sparring. "Haha yeah, I wonder who would win though!" Leia poured some syrup on her French toast and cut a piece to take a bite. "Mmmff thith ith tho good! Althin thu need th twy thith!" She swallowed her food and then held her plate up to him. "Come on, try it!"
Alvin: "Heh. Good question. Erston might have had a real fight on his hands had they met in the Coliseum." He waved her plate down so he could cut off a bite, and chewed appraisingly. "Hm, not bad," he agreed thoughtfully, and passed his plate back in turn. "Try this, see what you think."
Leia: Leia grabbed her unused spoon and dipped it in the curry. She took a bite "Mmmm. That's pretty good! Not too spicy, and, is it beef curry? I'll have to remember to order that next time!" Next time again?! Leia you've got to stop saying those things it's going to be taken the wrong way....
Alvin: "I could take it a little spicier, but the balance is good." Alvin caught himself winking at her. Had he intended to do that? He hurried past that traitorous thought and settled down with his food again. "So overall, Miss Reporter, what do you think about those complicated international business relations?" Yes, apparently he had intended the wink; that question came out playful and maybe a touch more loaded than he wanted.
Leia: "Huh? Wha?" Leia had been spacing out. What was he saying? Relations? She snapped back to reality. "Business relations? Oh! The interview!" Of course. That was the whole reason they were having lunch in the first place. Or was it? Also, did he just wink at her? I mean it was something he did often enough but why was he doing it this time? Whatever, she needed to respond. "Well it seems that there is still some tension between both Rieze Maxia and Elympios. They don't entirely trust each other, right? Do you think they ever will?"
Alvin: "A tricky question." Alvin chewed thoughtfully and set his fork down. "Suppose it's hard for either side to trust each other. Their cultures are pretty different, and it probably didn't help when Elympios attacked Rieze Maxia out of the blue." He flicked a glance at her from under lowered lashes, a cautious smile lingering on his lips. The parallels to their own situation had not escaped him. "But I think with some time to get to know each other, things'll work out in the long run, as long as no one gets too hasty."
Leia: "I hope so too. And I think it will also really help once Jude perfects his spyrite research. He's going to help so many more people someday!" She glanced up at Alvin and smiled before she went to take a bite of her fruit salad. "It seems like we have a long way to go still, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to bring both of these sides together! I'm hoping my articles are helping a bit too. I want people to see both sides of the situation and not just their own"
Alvin: "He and Balan really have been burning the midnight oil on that one. I just hope they get it done in time." The fresh growth in Elympios with the Schism down was both exciting and worrisome; Alvin could see where people would resist the new technology, refusing to understand that what they had now was only there because of the fresh infusion of mana from the Schism.
Hopefully that wouldn't happen.
"Hey, I think you're doing a pretty good job of it," he teased. "All those articles you've been getting published, and I saw the guest column they let you write the other day. People can tell this is an important thing." He flicked her a teasing smile. "Not just a job but part of your personal life too." There was a subtle, lingering question in that sentence, and the gleam in his eye was not entirely innocent.
Leia: Hearing Alvin's sweet words caused Leia's cheeks to turn a light shade of pink. "Oh, y-you read my articles? Thank you Alvin, you don't have to do that just because I wrote them though. I don't want you to be biased." She looked up at him but once she saw him looking back at her she quickly looked down and twiddled her thumbs. "But really, thank you. It really means a lot to me that you care so much about my work."
Alvin: Alvin shook his head. "It's not like that. You know I don't waste my time, right, Sunshine? What you're doing is important, and how people are reacting to it is important. It's good to have that perspective. It's not just about finding out what you're up to." Not that that didn't factor in. It was hard to keep track of everyone when he was always on the move. Leia's articles were a touchstone that he deeply appreciated when he was on the far side of Elympios or deep in Xian Du.
Leia: Leia perked up at Alvin's response. "Yes, exactly! I want to continue sharing with both sides about everything that's happening! Someday we will have peace. I'm sure of it!" Leia smiled at him. Her emerald-green eyes beaming. "Now then, there are important matters to discuss." She looked up at him with a serious face. "Are we getting dessert?"
Alvin: "That's a matter of serious international relations. One poor dessert choice could lead to a war over Gaius dumplings versus Drellin gelato." Alvin put on a mock-serious face. "I don't know how anyone could survive that catastrophe. Better get two and share, just to be on the safe side."
Leia: Leia laughed so hard she snorted a little. "Hahahaha!" Two desserts?? Leia liked the sound of that! "Okay, that sounds like a good idea. I wouldn't want to start an international war or anything!" she said as she winked at him with a playful gleam in her eye. She picked up the dessert menu and looked it over. "Oooh! I think I'm gonna have a chocolate parfait! What about you Alvin?"
Alvin: "Hmmm." Alvin pored over the dessert menu, upside-down from his angle. "I'm thinking that blackberry cobbler sounds good." Nothing wrong with chocolate, but he'd never lost his appetite for the fruits that were so rare in his childhood. "Maybe a little ice cream on top." Yeah, that'd do the trick.
Leia: "Oh yum! That sounds so good! You know I can't say no to fruit!" Leia delicately set the menu back on the table. "I'm having a really great time Alvin! Thank you for suggesting we do this!" I am having a really great time. Who knew Alvin and I could hang out like this. It just feels so right . "And thanks to you I also got some great information for a future article! I'll be sure to credit you of course."
Alvin:  He flashed her a grin, a shade on the smug side. Truth be told, Alvin was having more fun than he'd initially bargained for, too. "Heh, thanks for taking me up on it." A year ago, even the thought of doing something this simple and (mostly) innocent would have been next to impossible. "Any time you wanna work on those pesky Elympian-Rieze Maxian relations questions, I'd be glad to." Another wink.... y'know, he pointed out to himself, the odds were good that he was headed to a very special hell.
-End (for now)
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baeksooficrec · 8 years
Toi Et Nul Autre
Author: sunlit
Genre/Rating/Length/Wordcount: Romance, Fluff / PG-13 / Oneshot / 8,1k
Additional Tags: non au, established couple
Summary:  Kyungsoo comes to the realisation that the only way he can fall is in love.
read [ AO3 | LJ ]
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softxsuki · 3 years
hey uhm this is random but can I make an urgent request? I haven't been well mentally bc finals are coming up at uni and I feel overwhelmed. Just wanted to kindly ask you if you can make a drabble with Denki since he's my comfort character, I don't want the exams topic to be mentioned just some fluff with Denki. It could be anything like spending the day together, playing video games idc I just want some of the fluffiest fluff with my baby denks🥺❤️❤️❤️
Playing Video Games With Kaminari
Pairing: Kaminari x Gn!Reader
Warnings: bit of brief description of kissing lol
Genre: Fluffffffffffffff
Post-Type: Drabble
Word Count: 780
Summary: In which you and Denki play video games in his dorm room together
[A/N: Hello lovely! Of course I can write this urgent request for you. I wish you the best of luck with your finals, I know how stressful they can be :/. Sorry for the delay with this request though! I hope I'm not too late D: Hopefully Denki can cheer you up with all the fluff in this drabble <3. Thank you for all your support and make sure you take breaks in between studying so you don't feel so overwhelmed. You got this!]
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“Oh come on! I was so close!” You hear your boyfriend, Kaminari, yell from his dorm room as you walk by.
Having nothing else to do for the day, you creak his door open and make your way inside, closing it behind you.
As soon as he hears your voice, his head whips around. At the sight of you, he pauses his game and sends you a huge smile. Kaminari is the epitome of an excited puppy whenever he sees you--he’s immediately jumping up from the floor to greet you.
“BABE!” He cheers, wrapping you in his arms and drowning you in kisses, making it nearly impossible to escape his arms–not that you were complaining.
You end up having to push him away to get some air, laughing at his cuteness; he certainly knew how to make you smile straight away.
“I heard you yelling from the hallway. What were you playing?” You ask as he reaches for your hand.
“Just this new game that I got, it’s a lot of fun.”
“Can I play?”
*Insert excited noises* You don’t even need to repeat yourself, he’s already dragging you over to where he was sitting earlier, placing you between his legs and passing you a remote. He doesn’t care whether his solo game saved or not, he quits immediately, goes to the home screen, and loads up the multiplayer version of the game and helps you connect your controller so you could play together.
His arms wrap around your waist as he holds his own controller in his hands, explaining each of the controls you’d need to use for the game, along with a brief summary of what the mission of the game was. Luckily you pick up on how to play fairly quickly and even end up surpassing Kaminari’s skills.
“Babe you just walked right past me! Why didn’t you revive me!?” He whines behind you, pointing desperately at his fallen player that was crawling towards your own player for help.
You laugh, but quickly revive his player, “Did you really die again?”
“Stoppp don’t laugh, it’s not funny,” he pouts.
“Okay okay I’m sorry,” you quickly turn around to kiss his pout, which instantly cheers him up.
Gaming is one of Kaminari’s favorite things to do, so being able to play games with you brought him a new level of happiness that he could hardly contain. Everything was perfect at that moment. He found himself just admiring your profile–the concentration in your eyes was captivating as you focus on the screen, trying to avoid the enemies in the game. He watches the way your eyes widen whenever you spot an enemy, and smiles at the little shrill screams you let out whenever an enemy manages to hit you–he was whipped. It was part of the reason why he kept dying and why you had to keep reviving him.
“Babe, you’re so good at this,” he praises you, squeezing you tightly in his arms.
“Well, I had the best teacher after all,” you say with a smile, turning around to look at him.
He can’t help it anymore, the way you look at him with the most appealing smile on your face made him weak. He leans in to connect his lips to yours, his game controller now abandoned on the floor beside him. He grabs both sides of your face and gently caresses the soft skin, continuing his attack on your lips, savoring the taste and feeling of them. Your own hands find their way around his neck, now fully on his lap as you lean into his touch, completely consumed by the way his lips felt on your own, moving together in sync.
“Game-Over,” the game says from the TV making the both of you pull away with a laugh.
“Guess we failed,” you say, leaning your head on his forehead.
“Eh it was worth it,” he shrugs, leaving one last peck to your lips before bringing you both to your feet.
“We’ve been playing for a while, why don’t we head to the kitchen to see if anyone’s cooked yet?"He suggests with the tilt of his eyebrow.
“Mmm, yeah. Good idea.”
He shuts his console and TV off before sliding his hand into yours, intertwining your fingers together as you both make your way to the kitchen to join the rest of your class. The small bubble you had both created, a world of your own, was now long gone, but the happiness you felt together carried all the way to the kitchen.
Neither of you really realized how happy you made each other, but you’d have plenty of time together to figure it out.
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Posted: 1/17/2022
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skinnyducky · 3 years
 hey I was wondering if you could write something where Vinnie is only with the reader to make nia  jealous. When he falls in love with her she finds out and angst,fluffffffffffffff
I GOTcHU !! :)))
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otp-promptly · 4 years
there's so many times when i will see an angsty otp prompt on my dash and my brain will just go "lol nope" and make it fluffy somehow and. idk why. my brain just wants fluffffffffffffff.
Haha I was the same way for a loooong time
Idk somewhere along the way I just?? started liking angst?? and something stopped making it fluffy?? Ig my mind was like “oooo yay pain”
But if you could turn the one I just made fluffy I’d love to hear how you did it! If you wanna share ofc
I tried to think of ways to make it fluffy and I came up with nothing haha you must have an incredibly soft/fluffy mind ☺️
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ramblingaboutthings · 4 years
Real love pt.1| James Potter
pairing: James potter x reader
word count: 3342 words 
a/n: I know I LOVE James, but idk why he’s the only character I can write for right now. Also; this part  was inspired by another imagine but I can’t find it anymore, so if you’re reading this and this looks familiar please tell me!
This is going to be a two parts story, tell me what you think about it! <3
Summary: James asks you to be his fake girlfriend during the holydays to convince his mother that he’s completely over Lily. What happens if the relationship turns more real than they’d ever imagine.
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That morning had started in the most boring way possible. No marauders in sight, no pranks, nothing, everyone had completely disappeared. It was almost Christmas break and like every other year, the exams were killing every student who studied to try and not fail anything.
Maybe the marauders were just studying. You shook your head and chuckled. No. there was no chance they were actually learning something without some cheating. 
You and the four boys – plus Lily – were good friends, mostly 'cause you and Sirius were the strange Blacks, the pair of traitors of your family that spent every summer at the Potter’s, because you couldn’t stand to be with a family that barely talked to you, only to repeat how you’d betrayed them.
You walked, slowly, toward the common room, maybe they were there. Maybe they were waiting for you. However, when you got in the room, no one was there.
“Black! Just the girl I wanted to see.” You gasped at the sudden voice that came from behind you, turning around, you saw a tall messy haired boy leaning on the doorframe.
“You gave me a fucking heart attack Potter” You scolded, crossing your arms on your chest and raising an eyebrow at him. James’ lips curved up into a smile, “forgive me, love”, your heart stopped at the nickname, you loved when he called you like that.
“What do you want from me, today?” he smiled, at your sudden question.
“Can’t a poor guy visit his best friend just because he’s a beautiful person?” you raised your eyebrows again 
“No, if the poor guy is you” He narrowed his eyes at you playfully. “Fine… I have a plan”
“I don’t want to hear it, last time you had a plan you transformed my cat into a fucking paintbrush” you shifted the weight of your body on your left foot. “That was an accident! But I swear this plan is even better. I want you to date me.”
“Oh c'mon, please? It’s not like it’s real, you just have to pretend. My mom always complains about how single and determined to get a girl who hates me, I am. She wants me to open my eyes and search for someone who actually wants me. And the only girl who would spend the rest of her life with me, is you” James explained proudly, giving you a grin once he’d finished talking.
“And why would I do that?” you asked, throwing yourself on the couch.
 “Because you’re beautiful and my mom loves you.”
“Still no.” you ignored the feeling of dizziness that he caused you.
“Y/n, you’re breaking my heart!” James flung his arms in the air dramatically. “Fine, hypothetically speaking, if I was to help you out… what’s in it for me?” You asked.
 “Well you know I’m an extremely handsome and good looking guy, with an amazing personality and incredible eyes” “Incredible eyes” You laughed. Your comment was loud enough to let James hear what you’d said.
 ”my eyes are beautiful, and you know that” he made his way to you and pinched your nose playfully; you crunched your lips, and looked at him with an are-you-actually-kidding expression on your face.
“Fine, if you were to date me, we’d be the talk of the school, you seem to need some popularity,” He sang, looking at you hopefully and a cheeky smirk making its way onto his face.
“I’m friends with the marauders, I’m not exactly unpopular”
“Well then, I could help you get with that Daniel boy”
Your cheeks flood red. “I don’t like Daniel!” It wasn’t a lie. Sure, Daniel was quite handsome, and perhaps you didn’t mind looking at him when he was around, but you didn’t like him, in a romantic way. He was a friend, and you were sure you were in love with someone else. Namely the boy in front of you.
"Hmm sure. So will you do it?”
Nothing good could come from this, you knew that, but just the idea that you could possibly receive an insight into what it would be like to date the James Potter had you convinced. You knew it would crush you if the plan worked and he still ended up with Lily after the break, but… you’d get to ‘date’ him first right? And possibly kiss him. And besides, it wasn’t like his parents didn’t know you, so it wouldn’t be that bad.
"Fine, I’ll do it.”
"Y/n, you are the best! Thank you!” James grabbed you and pressed a lingering kiss on your cheek, shooting you a grin and a wink before sauntering off. Your heart sped up as you felt tingling where his lips had brushed your skin.
"I fucked up… yep.” You mumbled to yourself glancing at the door that was now closed.
The next morning you felt someone fling an arm around your shoulders as you were walking towards the Great Hall. "Y/n, love, how are you this morning? Are you ready to make Lily jealous?” James asked. “James that’s not part of the plan!” you said.
“It’s a bonus” you elbowed him in the stomach making him flinch and loosen the grip around your neck.
“Lily is one of my best friends, I won’t risk losing her just because you can’t accept the fact that she doesn’t want you,” you explained.
“Okay! But did you really have to hit me?” he whimpered holding his stomach with his arms. You just ignored him.
The Great Hall bustled with students, all eating the food set out on the long tables, or chatting with their friends. James intertwined his fingers with yours, and gave them a gentle squeeze, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before leading you over to the Gryffindor table.
"Prongs!” Sirius’ happy voice rang out as you made your way over, “And Y/n! my dear sister, What a nice surprise.” “Hey Sirius,” you shot him a smile and grabbed some toast to put onto your plate. 
"Why are you two so cute and cuddly this morning?” Sirius asked, looking between you and the messy haired boy that sat right beside you, his arm wrapped around your waist. “I’m with Y/n now. It kind of started out of nowhere, that’s why I didn’t tell you Padfoot. I just realised how beautiful your sister was, and all of a sudden there we were, snogging in the library,” James said with a smirk. He didn’t lie, he really found you beautiful. 
You almost choked on your water as Sirius glared at him, “James, don’t you dare play with my sister or you can consider yourself a dead man” 
You received a couple of strange looks but ignored them, instead you continued eating your breakfast, trying not to pay attention to how good it felt to have James’ arm wrapped around you as he kept you close to him. 
It wasn’t until you noticed Lily staring at you and James with furrowed eyebrows that James started to get really close to you, not giving you the space to breathe.
 A couple of days later, you saw James walking down the hallway, an arm flung over Lily’s shoulders as she laughed at something he said.
 On one hand you felt happy for James - he was finally getting somewhere with the girl he liked. On the other hand, you could feel your heart dropping, clenching in your chest as you turned to look away. With James getting closer to Lily, it would only be a matter of time before he “breaks” up the fake relationship you had, and honestly you didn’t know if your heart could take it.
You turned away before they saw you, forced you into a conversation, and hurried back down the corridor you came from. If James had to end up with Lily, then you wanted to refrain from seeing them together for as long as possible.
“Y/n! You won’t believe it!” “What’s up James?” You asked with a small smile as he sat down beside you, pressing a kiss to your forehead, though you noted that no one was actually around to see.
 “Lily actually spoke to me properly today, she used my first name and everything, isn’t that great?” James gushed, his eyes shining and a big goofy grin set on his face.
 You could feel your heart shattering as you heard him talking about Lily once again, but you knew that you signed up for this. It was only fake dating, nothing more; his heart still belonged to Lily.
“Yeah that’s… great! I’m so happy for you,” you feigned happiness for him.
 “Hey Black, have you finished the Charms homework?” A voice whispered. You looked up to see Daniel, whom you were quite good friends with.
“No not yet, we have the whole break to finish it,” he smiled “can I sit with you in this compartment?”
“Yeah of course”
You moved a little towards the window to give him some space. You continued writing the essay you were working on as Daniel started on with Charms.
“What are you doing here?” You looked up just as James sat himself down purposely between you and Dani, and wrapped an arm around you. You glanced up at the boy confused, but answered anyway, “Oh it’s nothing. Just trying to start with the homework because I’ll be staying at your house for two weeks.” James nodded, his eyes fixated on the boy sat on the other side. 
“Oh um… James this is Daniel. Dani, James.” “Hey,” Daniel smiled as he looked up from his homework. “Yeah, hey,” James said bluntly. You gave James a questioning look, but he just ignored you. 
“So Daniel,” James began. “Yeah?” he looked up at James. “What are your intentions from this little study date? Because you should know that Y/n is mine, and I don’t share,” James all but growled, clenching and unclenching his jaw. 
“James!” You scolded; your jaw dropping.
“I-I well I mean I just want to finish my homework is all, but if you have a problem I’ll just leave if you want,” Daniel stuttered out, gathering his belongings. 
“No wait Daniel!” You tried to keep the Hufflepuff from leaving, however he just shook his head with a small smile, “I’ll just see you after the holydays Y/n. Thanks for your help today.”
“Yeah okay, see you then.”
You made sure he has left before turning back to a smug looking James Potter, anger written into your facial features. “What on earth did you do that for Potter? ‘Y/n is mine’ are you kidding me?! We’re not even dating you dumbass!”
Sirius interrupted your discussion by entering the compartment, his gaze was intently set on James, as he took a seat right opposite from you. You were sure he’d noticed the tension between you and the boy beside you. If you’d grown accustomed to the feeling of being his fake girlfriend, now it felt completely awkward.
“What’s up with you two? James’ never told me he liked you” there was a long pause.
 “He doesn’t like me, we’re just fake dating until we come back to school” you noticed the breath of relief coming from your brother’s mouth. You glanced up at James and noticed he had a blank expression; he was lost in his own thoughts. 
“Jamey, are you okay?” you asked waving a hand in front of his eyes. He opened and closed them a couple of times before setting his gaze on you.
“Sorry” he simply said. There was a pause but he spoke up again. “I mean, I just thought maybe Daniel isn’t the right boyfriend for you. Maybe there’s someone else that’s waiting for your attention, really close to you. 
Your heart fluttered at his words, even though you knew he probably didn’t mean them to sound like he was talking about himself. “It’s okay Jame” You railed off, not wanting to let yourself cling onto false hope, when you knew any day now James would be with Lily, if her sudden interest in him was anything to go by. James nodded, putting his head on your shoulder.
 Eventually even Remus, Lily and peter joined your little compartment and started chatting while you and James had drifted off to sleep.
 “He likes her. Doesn’t he?” Lily asked, watching the two of you, as you were now fast asleep on each other. Remus looked down before responding, “He does, I could see it wasn’t just a brotherly love”
 Sirius’ eyes widened in shock, “I knew she liked him, but I didn’t think he liked her back! I mean he was all focused on you Lily” the redhead girl on his right laughed softly, “Sirius, you’re really blind. Aren’t you? He’s stopped pining over me a long time ago, when he found out Y/n had started liking that Daniel guy,” she explained, her voice low so you wouldn’t wake up.
 You, your brother and James had finally arrived to his house. When you got in, decorations invaded the whole house. Euphemia was quietly humming to a wordless tune while she prepared dinner, while Fleamont opened the door for you.
“Hey Y/n you’ve grown quite a lot since last summer, you’re even more beautiful! Oh Sirius, my precious boy, stop being so handsome, every girl in school will start to drool over you” A smile made its way onto your face involuntarily. “James, son, what’s up?” his father simply greeted him like that, and even if he faked some offence, his lips slightly curved up into a smile.
Euphemia stopped with everything she was doing, glancing in your direction. “Didn’t I tell you to bring a real girlfriend this year, James, dear?” you blushed heavily while James snuck an arm around your waist, this was the time. You had to start pretending in front of the people who knew you the most.
 “Mom, I did bring my girlfriend”. His mom noticed how he looked down at you, as if you were some kind of rare stone and grinned proudly “I knew you were going to end up together sooner or later.” Your heart skipped a beat; did that mean that she knew that you liked his son? No way.
 You smiled kindly at the woman that had been taking care of you for the past two years, ignoring the burning sensation of James’ hands laying on your side, as your fake boyfriend positioned you right in front of him so you could lean on his chest. 
“Can I help you with anything Euphemia?” you asked, the heat radiating from James body becoming suddenly unbearable, as your heart raced in your ribcage.
“Oh don’t worry dear, go to your room and relax, Sirius, my boy, you can go too” she stopped and looked to her son “James, my dear, you’ll stay with me” she stated with a smirk plastered on her wrinkled, but still beautiful, face. 
You turned around, grinning as you expected some remark from the boy, but he just smiled and kissed your nose, “go, mom is going to interrogate me like I’m some kind of criminal and I want to save you from that” he whispered onto your ear, sending shivers all down your spine. You nodded and followed your brother to the second floor where all three of you had your rooms.
“I hope he’ll keep you this happy forever,” Sirius said alluding to the bright, wide smile that was on your lips.
You smacked his shoulder playfully “it’s fake, Sirius, this smile is going to disappear soon” you said, earning a tired huff from the dark haired boy next to you “I promise you, you’re not going to get hurt, I know James” you shrugged and opened your room’s door, when you got in, and closed the door, you remained immobile.
Your room was like the one you had when you lived with the Black’s, there was a queen-sized bed right in the middle of the room, and the walls were covered in constellations to let you study the sky without going outside. Sometimes you would ramble about it in front of James as he sat on your bed on late summer nights, listening to you even though he could not understand a single word.
You’d missed this house, it was the best thing that had happened in a while—beside James, he was the number one— and you liked to call it home, because it felt like it. Here you were treated like a family member by everyone and you were grateful for it.
You laid down on your bed, sinking in the soft and recently washed blanket. Your eyes set on the dark grey ceiling as you started thinking straight once again. You liked being James’ girlfriend, but you totally already knew he was trouble and you were well aware of what you were getting into, but you still couldn’t help but think of the possibility that maybe James liked you too.
Your thoughts were abruptly interrupted when a hazel-eyed boy opened the door of your bedroom and threw himself on the bed with a little “oof” making you bounce on the mattress. His lips were curved up in a small smile that still managed to make you feel dizzy, and his eyes were now set on you, the pair of hazel eyes you’d grown to love watched you like his only goal in life was to love you, and you were completely oblivious to that.
 “She believed it!” he exclaimed. You faked a smile, you didn’t want him to think you didn’t want to do all this fake dating thing, but you surely didn’t want to get hurt at the end of it. “What did she tell you?” you asked referring to why his mother had kept him from going to his room like you and your brother did.
 “Oh she just told me how much she loves you and me and how we’re so cute together” you were sure his smile faltered for a split second, but you weren’t sure about the reason. “Oh, so we’re cute” you stated, your smile growing genuine at the thought of the two of you being a real couple. James chuckled. 
“we are” he whispered, more to himself that to you, but you smiled nevertheless because that meant he had thought at least one time about you and him dating.
He sneaked an arm around your neck and brought you closer to him so that now your head was laying on his shoulder. It was a feeling that you couldn’t quite place, but it was so relaxing and comforting. His heartbeat was steady and it almost lulled you to sleep.
“Y/n?” he mumbled “yes?” he grinned playfully “what do you want to eat for dinner?” you couldn’t help but laugh at the question, “what about something Italian?” you asked, your love for Italian food was well known by everyone in the family. You heard him giggle at you “mom doesn’t know how to make Italian dishes, you know that” you put an arm around his torso and chuckled “I know, I know, I was just kidding, anything Euphemia wants, is okay with me. She’s an amazing cook.” 
“About that, do you want to invite someone for the famous Potter Christmas party?” James changed the topic. Honestly you hadn’t really thought about the party yet, last year you went with lily—mostly because James wanted her there—but this year was different, you were his “girlfriend” and Euphemia would’ve gotten suspicious if the girl that his son had pinned over for an awfully long time came to the party.
 “what about Marlene?” you asked “Sirius already asked her” you huffed stopping for a second to think who could come, then you thought about Deneb, your cousin and best friend since you were little “Deneb! She doesn’t want to spend Christmas with our family either” you exclaimed. James chuckled at your enthusiasm and nodded “send her an owl, the party is in three days”
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gubler-me-up · 4 years
Oh no fluff is loosing by quite a bit. I vote for FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Fluff is not playing with y’all smut voters no more!!
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jamies-overalls · 4 years
maybe a oneshot on agentcorp adopting a teenager angsty at first but then fluffffffffffffff
YESSSSSSSSSS. I love this. Also, I will add more to this/write more oneshots if people want more from this particular universe and want to see how they met him, etc. DISCLAIMER: I know very little about adoption and have taken many liberties for the sake of this story.
“I’m sorry, what do you mean we can’t adopt him?” 
The woman at the adoption agency just sighed, looking at the two furious women sitting across from her desk.
“Ms. Danvers, we appreciate how much you and your wife want to help him. And we’re glad he has people that he trusts. But he’s been through quite a lot, and your high risk job combined with Ms. Luthor’s reputation will only make things harder for him.”
Alex was fuming. “I promised Jacob that we would adopt him. That it would be us. He said he didn’t feel comfortable with anyone else.”
“You have to understand, it’s for his own sake. Maybe once things have calmed down, but not right now.”
Lena sensed the intensity between the two women and cleared her throat. Both women turned to look at her. She took a breath and spoke as calmly as possible, even though she felt every bit of anger that Alex did.
“If we wait until things calm down, he could very well age out of the system. He’s sixteen. He needs to spend his last two years as a minor with people who can provide for him and take care of him. We can do that. Alex’s own sister is adopted and had to adjust from traumatic experiences. Alex knows better than anyone how to handle those sort of things. Not to mention, our friend group is practically a family. No, it is a family. He’ll have more than just us.”
The woman sighed softly. She could tell that neither of them were about to give up. And, frankly, Lena had made some good points. But there was still almost an hour of discussion until she came to some sort of compromise.
“You may foster him for now. But that means keeping track of all the details of his care. If all goes well and he is well taken care of, then we’ll review your case for adoption.”
After going over the details, Alex and Lena were brought to Jacob. He’d been anxiously waiting for the results of the meeting. He stood up when he heard Lena’s heels clicking down the hallway. He was just a little bit taller than Alex, but they knew he’d get even taller in the coming months.
“Well?” He asked, his eyes shifting back and forth between the two women. 
“They are allowing us to foster you for now.” Lena said gently. Her heart broke to see the disappointment in his eyes. It wasn’t a full adoption, it wasn’t official. “We still intend on adopting you. But they seem very sure that we can’t take care of you. And we will prove them wrong.” 
Jacob gave nod, sighing softly. “What do we do now?” 
Alex, who had been quiet and serious, suddenly broke into a wide smile. “Now, we go get some ice cream to celebrate. Because this is still a victory.” 
“You know me too well.” He managed a small smile.
“I even know your favorite flavor to have when you’re upset.”
“Which is...?”
“Cookie dough.”
“Damn, you’re good.”
“Watch your language.”
Jacob gave her a look and Alex just laughed. 
“Okay, okay. I have no right to criticize anyone about language.” She nodded. 
“You really don’t, darling.” Lena smiled. “Let’s get going before Alex tries to fight the entire adoption agency again.”
The three of them walked out of the building, Alex and Lena holding hands, and Jacob cheerfully walking beside them. It wasn’t perfect, not yet. But they’d work hard to get there.
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weirdochick56 · 5 years
Gentle Notes- Dean Winchester One Shot
Dean Winchester x reader
Warnings: None. Explicit language maybe? FLUFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
Disclaimers: I don’t own any SPN characters/plots mentioned.
Word count: 1, 796
Summary: In which the reader hides the fact that she can sing from Dean and is one day caught doing exactly that by the eldest Winchester.
Listen to Kina Graniss’s version of “Can’t Help Falling In Love” Here!!
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You look around your dull room in the mostly-vacant bunker with disdain. The boredom was overwhelming you so much, you had begun spacing out. And the book wasn’t even boring!
The Winchester brothers were probably on an adventure hunting down some monster, meanwhile here you were, practically chained to your bed reading a book.
And not even a lore book, mind you, but a romance novel. And it wasn’t the book itself that had you so jittery, it was the fact that you were reading a book for the first time in well, decades, for the purpose of entertainment and not research. 
You sigh, the small book feeling completely unsuitable in your lap in sharp contrast to the normally-heavy old, dusty books you were forced to go through. 
Closing your book shut and looking down at your cast-clad leg with hatred seemed fitting at the moment, though. Stupid leg, you grumble mentally. 
Getting it broken and being unable to complete the normal kick-ass, monster-hunting activities you were used to was one thing, but having Dean Winchester practically order you to stay home like a good girl and do mundane things while he and his brother got to go out and fuck up some demon was entirely different. 
Painfully different. 
Aggravatingly different. 
I’m-gonna-kick-your-ass-if-you-speak-like-that-to-me-again-Winchester different. 
So here you were, attempting with all your might (which wasn’t very much at the moment) not to scream in utter frustration. Hunting was your life. Hunting was the only thing you knew how to do. Well, as far as everyone knew. 
And sure, you’d gotten a few scrapes here and there, but nothing so serious you couldn’t hunt. Until now, that is. And until now, you hadn’t felt so...incapacitated. 
Shit, you frown. I need to do something. Researching was out of the question as Sam had somehow managed to scrape up all the necessary information up on his own. Cleaning? No, you’d already picked up after the messy brothers the night before. There was nothing to pick up. Sleeping? Nope, not tired. Eating? Not hungry. 
And then suddenly, it hits you. How about covering?
You grin broadly, leaning over the side of your bed with a tiny groan when you accidentally twist your leg the wrong way and promptly tugging your old guitar from beneath your bed. 
Not the best option to keep your most prized possession, but enough to hide it from prying eyes. 
It’d been a while since you’d been able to string the guitar. To sing your heart out. Being with the brothers on the road constantly left you no time to listen to your own music, much less play it yourself. Not to mention you flat-out refused to let anyone hear you sing. Not because you were bad, because you knew you could sing, but because it just wasn’t something you were ready to share. Singing and playing the acoustic guitar was your thing. You weren’t sure if you were ready to let anyone know about it.
So confident that the brothers wouldn’t be back for another day, you decide to tune your guitar first and warm up your vocals. Then you press your back to the headboard, sitting up and letting your arm muscles relax onto the large instrument.
It had most certainly been a while since you’ve felt the familiar weight of your guitar and even longer since you’d open your mouth to so much as hum along to a song in fear of getting caught. 
You tested out the six strings on your guitar before settling for “Can’t Help Falling In Love” by Elvis Presley. It was your favorite to play on guitar and you’d sung it before. 
You cleared your throat, letting your fingers ghost over the strings before you let your let your eyes flutter shut and play the first chords. Then you opened your mouth. 
Wise men say only fools rush in But I can't help falling in love with you Shall I stay? Would it be a sin If I can't help falling in love with you?
The lyrics that come out of your mouth are breathy and slow at first. Raspy and barely audible, but sweet and smooth as honey. Full.
Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you
You keep the strumming of your fingers over the guitar consistent and accurate, the familiar warmth of singing and playing the guitar flooding the pit of your stomach, wrapping around your whole body and shining through on your voice. 
You sounded magnificent. Full of emotion but still keeping your voice controlled. The pitch was strikingly on point and your mouth moved softly, encasing each soft murmur from your lips with full intent. You felt so happy.
Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too-
You immediately stop strumming, your voice getting caught in your throat and your eyes flying open. As soon as you do, you see Dean standing near your doorway, a wince clearly inscribed on his beautiful face and your alarm clock lying in pieces on the floor. 
Dean looks up at you with wide eyes and a sheepish smile. “Uh...sorry?”
Your breath gets caught in your throat as you stare at him. Oh no. Oh no. The cat was out of the bag! 
Then you groan, your cheeks flushed. “Oh God. I’m- when did you get here Dean?”
He smirks, regaining his composure almost immediately and approaches you with a smug jerk of his broad shoulders in his step and you figured a shitload of teasing was going to be coming your way which induced a grimace on your face almost immediately. 
 “I don’t think that matters much now, does it miss I-have- a-secret-singing-talent?” He raises his brows and you flush shamefully. By then he grins so wide you have a hard time figuring out how his face wasn’t split in half. “I mean, Goddamn, you have a set of pipes in you sweetheart!”
You groan again, covering your flushed face with your hands.
“Oh god. No one was supposed to know!”
You can hear him let out a surprised sound and cautiously take your hands off your face. He was looking at you like you’d grown two heads. “What?” 
Dean sits next to you, a soft smile gracing his perfectly-sculpted lips instead of the condescending one from before. “Nothing. I just can’t seem to figure out, for the life of me, why someone with such a beautiful voice would ever want to hide it away from anyone. From me.” He looks at you pointedly.
Your blush intensifies and you can’t help but smile at him shyly. “I just- I don’t want people to look at me negatively, ya’ know? For having my own thing, I mean.” Your voice is far too low. 
Dean sighs with exasperation and takes your face in his hands softly, forcing you to look into his absurdly bright green eyes. 
“Sweetheart, no one’s gonna look down on you for singing like a fucking angel.” He pauses to chuckle a little and you’re left a little breathless at the sound. “And not the asshole ones either, the naked babies with halos and shit.” He beams. “I mean, hell, you have the goddamn most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard!” he bites his lip in order to contain his excitement but fails miserably. 
You forget how to breathe for a second. He’s being so supportive and his face is so close to yours and suddenly you have this overwhelming impulse to kiss him senseless.  
You gulp, chuckling softly. “Uh, yeah. Thanks, Dean.” 
His face turns serious and he looks scrutinizingly into your eyes. “Y/n, I’m fucking serious. You might be a great hunter, but with talent like that, you could become a star or something.” 
You laugh a little at his words and blush once more. “That’s not really my thing, D. Hunting is my life. And singing is only a passion. I can’t have both.”
His lips twitch at the corners a little and his eyes are sad when he leans in and kisses your forehead. You suck in a sharp breath and your chest feels warm with adoration.
Then he looks at you, eyes soft. “Y/n, I’ve never seen you so engrossed in something. You looked so...so beautiful. The most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” 
You scoff, hiding a blush, and shake off his hands gently. “You’re just saying that,” you mumble.
He cups your face again, forcing you to look at him once more. Your breath hitches at the look he’s giving you. His sparkling green eyes glimmer with pure, sheer -almost overwhelming- adoration. He looks at you as if no one else mattered in the entire universe. Your noses brush and his gaze flickers to your lips, bright green irises darkening to dark shimmering emerald. 
“I’m not, sweetheart. Trust me when I tell you that you’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
You blink a few times, your cheeks blushing and your head unable to wrap around the thought of someone as devastatingly handsome as Dean thinking you were attractive. Gorgeous.
“Dean-“ you go to protest but Dean effectively shuts you up by placing a finger over your lips.
As he shushes you, his eyes never part from your lips as he licks his own subconsciously.
“Y/n. I’m going to kiss you now. I think you should know this because I’m giving you the chance to back out.”
Your breath hitches and your heart races but you don’t move an inch. Dean seems to understand your approval as he slowly leans in, eyes fluttering shut. Your eyes fall shut too and you can feel his warm breath fanning your face as your stomach knots in anticipation.
He hovers over your lips for only a few seconds before leaning in and pressing them firmly to yours. 
Your breath catches and you lightly part your lips, enveloping his passionately and cradling his face caringly in between your hands. His stubble tickles your fingertips and you shiver lightly at the sensation. 
The kiss is gentle, sweet, bit filled with obvious craving and your head spins at how good he smells and feels like this. 
It’s over sooner than you expected and your eyes flutter open. 
“Dean-” you breathe. 
He smirks softly, caressing your face lovingly. “You didn’t back out.”
You blush, leaning into his touch. “Why would I?”
Here’s an olddddddd one shot I wrote and had in my drafts hope you enjoyed.
A Special thanks to my forevers:
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sunghoonied · 5 years
Dec.2nd - The First Noel - Choi Jongho
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genre : fluffffffffffffff
words : 353
part 2 of the Mingix’s Advent Calendar!
side note : inspired by Rousseau’s The First Noel video
“It’s finally snowing! Jongho, come outside!” you exclaimed while taking a coat, shoes, gloves, a scarf, and a beanie. He watched you run out the house, a fond smile plastered on his face, before following you, letting the excitement get to him. 
Snow had started to fall during the night, making the ground entirely white, which meant you could start making a snowman together with Jongho.
“We should make a very tall one, and a smaller one next to it! It needs a friend.” you stated, ending with a pout.
“You sound like it already exists.” Jongho chuckled.
“It does! In my head.” you retorted, making him scoff.
You spent two hours making the first snowman, occasionally throwing a snowball at each other. 
“It’s not as tall as I wanted.” you pouted.
“Come on, at least it’s beautiful. Plus, we spent two hours making it, so accept its height.” Jongho pinched your cheek, making you groan from the coldness of his hand.
“Don’t touch me!” you shoved him away, earning a laugh from him, before gathering some snow in your hand, and throw it at him. The snowball landed on his arm, making him stare at you with a look of betrayal.
“You shouldn’t have done this.” he said through gritted teeth.
You grinned then started to run.
Jongho chased you, one snowball in each hand, for a minute before he managed to block you in a corner of your garden.
“Please don’t throw them at my face.” you pleaded.
“Don’t tell me what to do.”
You closed your eyes, waiting for the impact of the balls, but you felt nothing. Instead, you heard footsteps getting closer to you.
You opened your eyes to see Jongho staring at you with a small smile. The snowballs had disappeared from his hands.
“What are you doing?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Playing in the snow made me fall in love with you even more. I’m so excited to spend Christmas with you this year.” he said, speaking as low as you did.
You grinned, giving him a small kiss.
“I love you.”
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