#always aloneeeeeee
bunnihearted · 29 days
it hurts so bad !!!! i dont know what to do i feel like im freaking out it's like i need to scratch my chest and just keep scratching and scratching until i can crack my ribcage open and rip my heart from my chest im !! i cant calm down i can barely even breathe T-T
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bylertruther · 1 year
crazy how people will see you bring up literal scenes from the show, quotes by the duffers, actors, casting director, and costume dept, as well as the stranger things bible/first pitch, and be like "you're so dumb and offensive, that's NOT will, i'm so sick of will being babied and 'fEmiNizEd' blah blah blah" like girl maybe you just don't like women or will byers. have you ever considered that?
maybe YOU'RE the one failing to watch this show with your eyes and ears open if you're out here straight up denying scenes from the show itself. maybe YOU'RE the one failing to see that will has always been brave not despite his fear but because of it, and it's LITERALLY his bravery that inspires mike to start a search party and kickstarts the show. maybe YOU'RE the one that has super regressive, small-minded, and one-dimensional views on what bravery looks like, what strength looks like, and all the different ways there are to be not only a man, but a person in general.
like i just don't know how you can think you possibly know more than the actual people that make this show and dedicate literal years of their lives to making it the best it can possibly be and most accurate to their creative vision LOL like. sometimes you're just wrong!!! suck it up and go find another character that you'd actually like more instead of taking one that's impressively complex and cared for in ways that we seldom see in media!! much less media as globally popular and impactful as this one is, and esp not when it comes to gay male characters!!
will is complex and layered and beloved by many precisely because of that very complexity and capacity to be many things at once that you are so bafflingly intent on erasing!! if you find yourself disagreeing with canon & the creators to the point where you have to completely remove his most important traits and reject the literal show itself, then the fact of the matter is that you just don't like him!! AND THAT'S OKAY! but at least be honest with yourself instead of digging yourself deeper and deeper into a pit of denial and trying to make it seem like the duffers are the crazy ones here and not the fucking stranger things equivalent to flat earthers like 🤦‍♂️
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wikipediagf · 1 year
I hate the fact that I get so embarrassed whenever I get visibly excited over sport like can ppl just let me be a straight white man for like 5 seconds in peace
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star-bastard · 4 months
(coughing blood bruised and scratched clothes torn)
food service
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bitchiswild · 2 months
More goon central! More goon central! More goon central! 😸
More goon central? 😏
Lemme tell you the story of how the twins don't really like their younger brother Bart. 😒🙄
It all started when Lila @lilacura introduced Bartholomew to me saying how this was now our son and how she gave birth to him (of course i agreed) . During this moment she had also sent the pic to Jade @jade-jini and Keer @keervah oh my god they did NAWTTT like him and called him uglyyy😭 (LIKE DAMN LEAVE THE BABY ALONEEEEEEE HE DID NOTHINGGGGGGG). Everytime Lila and I bring up bart the twins were always like "ugh i thought you forgot about him" or "ugh he's not my brother" LIKEEEEEEE 🥲 ITS OUR BABY WHY WOULD WE FORGETTTTT AND WHY R U SO MEANNNNNNN!!! LIke they gotta learn to love him but they dont wanna CAUSE HE'S UGLY??????? LIKE BFFR. BUT GUESS WHATTTTT THEY ARE FINALLY GETTING USED TO HIM ( they still dont like him) BUT WE ARE FINALLY GETTING SOMEWHEREEEEE!!!!! jade is just being nice cause she wants fortnite things AND KEERRRR THE #1 BART HATER FINALLY COUNTS HIM AS ONE OF LILA'S AND I'S KIDS!!!!! (she was calculating how many kids lila and I have now and she was like 3) GUYSSSS WE ARE GETTING SOMEWHEREEEEEEEEEE🤪🥳🎉 but lila and I welcomed another baby a fur baby (the family pet) named riri :3 and shes is a little flirttttttt 😭 but lila and i love her cs she talks like us 😭. and when Lila and I were telling Jade and keer about their new sibling they were like ??????? ARE YOU A FURRY (like okay. what the actual fuck.) WE WERE GONNA ASK JADE AND KEER TO NAME RIRI BUT NooooOoOOoOOOoo THEY WANNA BE RUDE. so we asked sienna!! @kittyl1z she was no help at first, wanting us to name riri stephen curry🧍‍♀️like okay. no. BUT SHE GAVE US THE NAME RIRI SO WE TOOK IT AND RAN WITH ITTTT (we were gonna name riri Liyuh "Leah" but riri was too iconic and too good) But yesssssss lila and I now have 4 kidsssss. :3
I hope this was a fun goon central storyyyy!!!
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cracked-out-rock · 2 years
Jasper x depressed Human reader
Tbh I wrote this just to comfort myself it's almost 1:00am lol kill me /hj
Tw: sh mentions, Ed mentions, smoking,
You felt tired, really really fucking tired. Your entire body felt soar as fuck. You felt like you couldn't move... So you didn't. You just stayed there, on your couch, under a blanket as some weird as show Played in the background. You felt like you couldn't focus.
You just layed there, you looked to your phone and debated if you should call someone, but decided against it. I mean they all have there own stuff to bother with, plus it's not like they would actually pick up anyway.
Your brain brought back some memories, not happy ones. Specifically last week when you were hyperventilating at 1:00am, you couldn't even cry no matter how much you wanted too, you kept dragging the box cutter across your shoulder, not cutting yourself but just keeping the blade there.
You almost completely trashed 3 months. I mean it's not like anyone really knew about your habits, none of them knew that you used to hurt yourself, we'll technically you still do hurt yourself. But not with cutting anymore.
No you didn't do that anymore, no matter how persistent that "itch" became. No now you only smoked, which made you caugh a lot and made it difficult it walk and run long distances because you can never get enough air.
Now you simply don't have anything but a cracker for a week, and that simply just made you clumsy and tired, and also made you pass out while walking to the bathroom but that doesn't matter.
Now you simply punch your wall and bang rocks against your arm and hand. Your knuckles and arm have small dark purple bruises on them but it's fine. It's not self harm. Your still 3 months clean.
Okay no, stop lying to yourself. You aren't 3 months clean from self harm. No just from cutting. Stop lying.
You blinked, attempting to shake your head from your thoughts, you we're starving, your body felt so weak, your mouth felt dry and everything hurt.
You just curled up more into a ball on your couch, which has just become your impromptu bed for now.
Suddenly, your front door slammed open, we're you gonna die? Are you getting robbed? Are you gonna get shot a die. Good. Make it fucking fast jerk off.
"Oi y/n, what the fuck." Jasper said as She eyed your cocoon of blankets and sadness.
You let out a grumble in response as you buried your self under the covers more and more. You didn't want to do anything.
Heavy footsteps coming over to you, and a large hand moving away the blankets, you tried to pull them back but Jasper wouldn't let you.
"Leave me aloneeeeeee" you mumbled out as Jasper looked at you more, her eyes questioning but also a bit concerned.
"Y/n, no one has seen you in fucking weeks. People are getting fucking worried." she said as she stood in front of you.
"Oh cmon I'm fine just let me be-" you we're going to politely tell her to fuck off but she picked you up, she didn't even need both hands, just one.
Here you were, in her hand, she held you for a second before speaking.
"You feel oddly light. Humans arent supposed to feel that light." Jasper said as her voice darkend slightly.
"Jasp I'm fine really-" she cut you off again with rolling up your sleeve, there were your scars, to be put on display for everyone, but also the Skinnieness of your arm. It was fucking concerning.
Jasper sighed before setting you back on the couch, "don't fucking move, just... Wait here okay?" she said as she stalked off to the kitchen.
And so you waited. And as you waited your thoughts began to drift.
While Jasper was normally angry chaos, you and her had a specific dynamic. She would always be a bit more calm and caring around you for whatever reason, and you didn't feel pressured to be the chaotic fool who makes a fool of themselves for other people's happiness. If was a mutual understanding between the two of you.
Jasper came out with a plate, it had a sandwich on it, she placed it in front of you. "Eat it". She said simply. Jeez if only it was that easy.
You stared at the plate in front of you. While he's you we're hungry enough to the point it hurt you just couldn't bring yourself to eat it.
"Jasper... I cant.. -" you said softly hoping she wouldn't be angry at you.
Jasper sighed before turning your head to look at he before she spoke again. "Y/n I know that it's hard but I'm not stupid, humans aren't supposed to be that skinny, and you need food so you can be strong. Please."
So, with the gentle encouragement from jasper you picked up the sandwich in front of you and took a bite. You wanted to vomit it up already.
After about 45 minutes you finally finished it, and you were fucking sobbing hysterically. Jasper held you in her arms, constantly saying the words 'I'm sorry' over and over again. And jasper stayed there comforting you, and holding you.
An hour passed now, and you were finally a bit more calm. You were breathing now and you were still in Jasper's lap but neither of you minded.
Jasper hugged you closer to her body, being careful not to accidentally hurt you. "So..."
"So..." you said in response, neither of you were really sure how to continue this conversation, but one of you had too.
You decided it was going to be you, so you told jasper everything, you told her you fears, you told her your problems, you told her what has been crawling through your head.
And she stayed there, listening to every word. By the time you we're done talking she and you were wrapped in blankets and cuddled into each other on your bed.
She ran her fingers through your hair before speaking again.
"Listen, i know shit is hard for you right now, but itll get better. Everything will. No matter how hard shit is it can always get better. So you just need to keep trying, no matter what. I promise" she said as she pulled your body closer to hers.
You smiled and kisses her gem, a small gesture you did to show intamanicy.
"Thanks jasp."
"No problem hun"
And soon you drifted off to sleep as she kept you cradled and hugged in her arms, safe and loved.
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painsandconfusion · 1 year
“Need a Ride?”
May 2nd
[Wrench | Paranoia | Club] (tw: kidnaping, alcohol consumption, manhandling, alcohol)
[The Merry Whump of May Masterpost]
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Whumpee wrenched their elbow out of the stranger’s - Whumper, they said their name was? - grip. “Leave me aloneeeeeee. I’m fine-!”
Whumper tisked, pulling them toward the door again. “You’re not fine. You’re drunk and you don’t have anyone else to drive you home. I’m taking you.”
Whumpee whined as their dink sloshed and splattered onto the club floor. “Nooooooooooo I don’t wanna go home yetttttttt-”
“Too bad. You need a ride and I’m leaving now.”
Whumpee shoved at their chest. “I don’ even know you- you c-ould be likeeee a serial killer or somethin’g-!”
 Whumper rolled their eyes, taking Whumpee’s glass and setting it on a random table, then got a better grip. Whumpee found themself suddenly cloaked in Whumper’s jacket and stumbling toward the door again. “…nnnnno-”“Quit being so paranoid. Just trust me.”
Shoutout to @themerrywhumpofmay for this event!
[The Merry Whump of May Masterpost]
(tags: @prisonerwhump @whumpawink @mabledonut @happy-little-sadist @paleassprince @distinctlywhumpthing @wibbly-wobbly-whump @batfacedliar-yetagain @suspicious-whumping-egg @wormwriting @villainsvictim @throwawaywhumper @wild-selenite-caffine @whumpasaurus101 @thecitythatdoesntsleep @whumpworld @pinkieglitterheart @whumpberry-cookie @rainbows-and-whumperflies @a-galactic-fox @shywhumpauthor @cyberneticwhump @bumpwhump @hold-back-on-the-comfort @veyroswin @whumping-seven-days-a-week @whumpingisfun @suffering-and-misery @definitely-not-a-seagull-i-swear @yetanotheraltwhumpblog @whump-queen @a-whumped-tea @whumpsday @sonder35)
As always, lmk if you want to be added or removed from any tag lists!
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cruisercrusher · 9 months
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chappellrroan · 1 year
you ruined everything good always said you were misunderstood made all my moments your own JUST FUCKING LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEE
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puppygirl-milf-cock · 28 days
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desolationlovers · 2 years
apparently wamlart actually called me yesterday but i thought it was a spam call or smth and i need to call them today by three. i changed my mind i dont want to do this anymore🤗
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ishenwulf · 5 years
once again picking up the phone when it rings has proven to be a mistake
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harryfeatgaga · 2 years
Yeah it really really REALLY upsets me bc l*rries are a huge part of the group that has zero respect for him so ik they're all listening and sharing and they're going to come up with their disgusting fucking theories this whole month and it seriously makes me so fucking mad. Like they're always going to make theories but at least like with AIW they were hardcore flailing for a couple hours trying to explain stuff away until they came up with a theory but they literally have a whole month to come up with and spread their narrative bc most of his normal fans are actually fucking respectful and not listening to it so there's no one to counter their bullshit
no literallyyyy and their dumb ass theories are so easily accessible to new fans and its so easy to see all that first and get sucked in to their crazy fucking cult GOD I HATE THEMMMM THEY LITERALLY HATE HARRY LIKE I NEED THEM TO LEAVE HIM ALONEEEEEEE
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peculiar--princess · 3 years
I always try to be nice but if u post nsfw & kink content pls leave me aloneeeeeee. I feel so annoying always saying it but it makes me uncomfortable and can trigger me when small & I’d rly appreciate it if no one w a nsfw account or kink account messages me, follows me, etc
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assim-eu-sou · 3 years
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Bia 2:55-56
- Let’s talk about Victor recognized her but Bia didn’t
- Perhaps because he was older
- Súper fuerte…..
- Pixieleste :)
- Aw Bia, my sweet summer child…
- BeU is more than a building for sure
- Come on Guillermo…. just leave… just leave.
- Dang Manuel is slamming that piano
- LMFAO why is Pietro antagonizing Manuel
- Well, at least it made him smile for a second
- I did not expect Pietro to be the one who is talking Manuel down but… why not?
- Poor Manuel babey… already feeling remorse
- Aw they still are willing to give him a chance
- And now, Helena explains
- Hearing her referred to as Helena is interesting
- Damn… “I thought you loved me” whew
- I don’t believe Helena can hold a grudge forever, if I’m being honest, even for something this awful.
- The Girls Get Therapy
- Tchau panuelos
- Please this is so cute :’)
- Love to see my girls happy
- Dang Victor is about as traumatized by that meeting as one would expect
- Thiago is so stressed
- Poor Ana… :’(
- Antonio…. I’ve had enough
- Nooooooo not the packing
- Victor stays going through it
- I think Alex will think. something. Lol.
- Got himmmmmmmm
- Alex will protect his mother over anything..
- Oh this Alex… renovado
- I like to see smiles :’)
- Not the FRIENDS jacket ughhh that show tormented me my freshman year because my roommate would always watch it on full volume with no headphones
- Awww Bia made a little character… Abi is Bia rearranged
- LMAOOOOOO Daisy is stressed by luan’s old tech
- Oooooooooh what is Thiago’s idea??
- Victor in the Fundom??
- Uh.
- The struggle Victor must be having rn not to tell Bia omgggg
- Contagious smiles… Disney Bia my beloved
- RIP Guillermo
- Carmilex returning after all this time
- Is this Alex backstory? I… kinda do feel bad actually.
- Aw…
- Omgggg Cuando Pasó Manuel????
- Victor needs at least one person’s forgiveness or he’s gonna just. Ugh
- Bad timing for that promise I think
- William in Spanish is Guillermo… I didn’t know that….
- HAHA the way Bia and Celeste are side-eying Chiara
- I love these three so much
- I wish there were more Thiagos awww
- Cringe Moment
- Come on come ON your family deserves to finally see you :’)
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merakiplant · 3 years
,,,what’s the best way to tell your followers you’re alive? by writing a terrible shitpost and proceeding to post it- anyway,,, i’m back,,, here we go, this is the terrible thing that my friends have forced me to write,,,! ;w; also do read the tags and the important note right below it if you want a vague understanding of the terrible thing i wrote-
IMPORTANT: it curses and if that effects you in anyway,,, please do not read! also, there is a mention of a “Jesus simp” and i am not trying to make fun of any religion! please do not take it seriously, my friend just had an encounter with someone and wanted me to write a terrible fanfiction,,, haha this was terrible-
[ there is also context under the cut, after the shitpost! ]
shitpost under the cut! vv
  When I opened up Tiktok, I wasn't expecting him. He was what I would call a Jesus simp, which I almost found hilarious. As I scrolled through Tiktok mindlessly and made ridiculous comments, he replied. He once commented that people should love Jesus, to which I easily responded with, "I honestly preferred girls more."
  To my surprise and almost horror, he responded to me, "Jesus loves you." There was an emoji of the cross and a red heart, which almost made me want to bend over and wretch. But I did no such thing as I returned with, "welp he's about to get friend zoned cuz that relationship is one sided", followed by a hand and a neutral face. I thought that would be the end of that, but it was only the beginning.
  He had the audacity, the gall to say, "Jesus still loves you" followed by the same cross emoji and red heart, which made me widen my eyes with shock. Any normal person would ignore my comment, but he seemed determined to tell that Jesus loved me. Perhaps, that was his way of telling me that he loved me. That warmed my cold, dead heart. Not. It didn't at all, and it really made me want to torment this Jesus simp. Perhaps if I got him to leave me alone, he'd shut up.
  With a quick response of "LEAVE ME ALONEEEEEEE" with no emojis and all caps, it was sent. It was quiet, and I thought that I had gotten that Jesus simp off my back. I placed my phone down, seeming to have achieved victory. Only thirteen minutes later, my phone buzzed and the notification on my home page was about the Jesus simp, who had responded with "I am leaving you alone" with an emoji that had an eyebrow raised. That wasn't all, however, as the dreaded "Jesus loves you" followed after with those same emojis. I wanted to concede defeat, but I was already so emotionally invested with confusing this Jesus simp that I decided that I simply could not end it there.
  I shook my head, quickly typing onto the thread, "NOOOOOOO FUCK OFFFFFFFFFFF", before considering that this Jesus simp might like me, but is too shy to say so and used his role model to express his love. I comment right after, "but hey....... you seem really persistent about Jesus loving me... does he really?" A minute later, my phone pinged me and I saw a sweet and short "Yes lol" from that Jesus simp. I doubted it; either this simp believed it or was playing a trick on me, to which I could easily believe it was the former.
  Perhaps if I were to say something scandalous, the Jesus simp would stop pursuing me, so I asked, "are we about to kiss RN" accompanied by a flushed face emoji. In reality, I did feel a bit embarrassed that perhaps this person I perceived as an enemy might be a friend, or perhaps even more. That line of thinking was shut down as that goddamn Jesus simp answered with "Nope" and the infuriating response of "Jesus loves you" that was always followed by the same cross emoji and red heart, which either mean that this Jesus simp was dedicated into saying Jesus loved me, or that it was a copypasta. I hardly cared to differentiate the two, at this rate.
  To be extra dramatic, I cried, "I've been rejected" tailgated by a whole bunch of blowing nose emojis, confounded emojis, and crying emojis. For good measure, I wrote, "guess you'll just miss out on this WAP" which was followed by a good amount of pensive face emojis. Wet ass pussy, worship and prayer, what was the difference? I followed that up with "worship and prayer" with a sprinkle of weary face emojis.
  He didn't respond, and I almost felt genuinely hurt. I wanted to cry. I liked this Jesus simp, even if I didn't want to admit it. So at the last moment, I wrote, "I think im falling for you..." I felt serious at that moment. I really did like this guy's persistence. I waited and waited and waited for my perhaps lover's response, only for there to be none. I slumped over, mulling in my defeat. I got him off my back, but was there a price to pay? Of course, there was, and it was my one-sided love, the same way how Jesus had a one-sided love with me.
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