#always beemoov negativity
coracandy · 3 years
So. About that 6th wedding option.
Long post. Not sorry.
Trigger warning for #beemoovnegativity I guess. Probably throw that warning on everything I’ve posted since UL launched and everything I am likely to post for the foreseeable future because I hate beemoov. So much. I hate very nearly all of the writing choices that were made through LL, with everything surrounding Eric taking 2nd place on the worst story choices of the whole game list right behind the student falsely accuses their teacher of sexual assault plot. I just really hate cheating plots. I have also been obliquely accused of hating the Eric fans and I just want to clear up here and now that I only hate some of you. Most of you I am happy for. But man.. some of ya’ll have some utter garbage opinions and I’ve had a couple wine coolers today so I’m ready to no filter on all my own opinions about this whole mess. Click through if you want them.
Starting off.. Yeah, I said it would be funny if the wedding episode ended with Candy cheating on Eric and you know why I said that? Because if your Candy is with Eric in the first place it’s only because your Candy is a cheater. Canonically. In the real story of the real game. Not your fanfic version which we’ll get to in a bit, I promise, but in the actual game as it is actually written, if this is the path you chose then, canonically, your Candy is a cheater. She is selfish. She cares about no one and nothing but herself and what she wants in the moment. And, frankly, it seems like some of the players feel the same. I vividly recall many screen shot posts by Eric fans getting offended that their former love interests were angry about being cheated on. Citing that anger as justification for the cheating even. “This is how they react to the news? Ugh! I’m glad I cheated on them. They deserved it.” And that’s just.. reprehensible. Truly. Ya’ll remind me of beemoov, tbh. Treating someone’s anger at being stabbed in the back as a good enough reason to have stabbed them in the first place and an excuse to never have to apologize or even acknowledge the hurt.
So that’s Camp One of the Eric fans (probably the smallest camp tbh, but still very much one that exists) - the people who acknowledge the cheating aspect of the storyline but think it’s a good thing and yeah, I actually do just hate those people and their attitude. So to those people let me just say - 1) Monogamy isn’t sex negative. You’re ridiculous. 2) This storyline isn’t non-monogamous representation. It’s cheating. Those aren’t the same thing. 3)Betraying someone’s trust is always -always- a selfish, cruel, morally reprehensible thing to do. (And before anyone starts strawmanning at me about but what if that person was abusive - stop. That’s not what we’re talking about here, and you know it.)
So on to Camp Two of the Eric fans -  the drama addicts. The people that took the cheating route just because it was the first interesting thing to happen in the story in about 15 episodes. This is a camp I don’t hate but man oh man do I get frustrated by the way that all media and storytelling panders endlessly to them. This type of fan is the reason I can’t have nice things. The reason I can’t have a simply told story that builds to a narratively satisfying conclusion but instead get ass-pull twist endings that are exciting by dint of being unexpected but make no sense when you stop to think about them for five seconds. They’re the reason I get to be constantly frustrated by slow burn romances that last seven seasons and then end with the characters finally hooking up only for one of them to die two episodes later because happiness and contentment are boring. Heaven forbid a story ever slow down to focus on character development. If no one’s being killed, or cheated on, or getting pregnant without knowing which of three guys the father might be, or getting kidnapped, or diagnosed with a fatal disease, or lying to their best friend then there’s not even a story there. No tension. No drama. Why bother watching? Who wants to see characters being happy? I do. Please. For once. For more than a scene or two before something devastating happens to end it again. Just let me have nice things. For the most part this camp of players seems kinda meh about the idea of a wedding episode and would probably agree with me that Candy cheating on Eric during it would be funny. Feel like a lot of them meme on Eric as best LI because they like watching drama in the fandom as much as in the game. And I do genuinely hope they’re enjoying it while it unfolds. We have polar opposite tastes but I dream of someday living in a world where we can both have our own definition of nice things and both be happy.
And now on to Camp Three -  the people I think this wedding episode is mostly for. This is the camp I have nothing but sympathy for. These are the people who just genuinely liked the character. He simply clicked with them more than the other LIs, was closest to their idealized partner. So they ignore the way he was used in the story, headcanon away the cheating or write in their own version where the breakup happened before the sex scene, or the original LI was abusive, or maybe they were just never in another relationship through LL at all in their version of events. They just really like this character and want to have their Candy get a happy ending with him. And I have sympathy. I do. I would have loved for beemoov to give an option to end up with Eric without being dishonest. But they didn’t. That version of the story is just fanfiction. And it frustrates me when people get so invested in a fanfic version of a character or story that they start insisting the canon version is wrong and that people reacting to the canon version are misinterpreting it. I sympathize. I do. As a Lysander fangirl, I understand very well the emotional attachment one can develop to a character and story you mostly had to invent yourself because the source material never bothered to. But you can’t get offended at people being disappointed or even angry that the cheating route got a happy ending just because your personal fanfic version of the story didn’t include the cheating. The anger really isn’t being directed at you but at the canon story choices you probably also hated. I wish the story had been different for you. I really do. And hey, you all get the last laugh, in the end, as it seems the story is getting whitewashed or retconned or just generally is planning to ignore the ugly parts of what happened to give you the big white wedding of your dreams with your perfect man. And I’m happy for you. We should all have had that chance.
But we won’t. Because beemoov still doesn’t care about a lot of us. That’s where this anger mostly comes from. And it’s why I can’t agree, even slightly, with the people who are pointing to this decision and saying “Look! They’re listening to the players finally. Maybe things will get better.” Because they’re only listening to some players. Some of us have been begging to be heard for years now and they still won’t listen. And they never will. Much as I'd love to be wrong about that, I’m not wrong and you all know it. I’m happy for the people who are happy right now. But I’m warning y’all.. Don’t get comfortable. Don’t ever trust them. They’ll rip your heart out, tell you you should like it, and turn their backs on you forever while you bleed out. Don’t think it can’t happen again. It can, and knowing beemoov, it probably will.
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meliona2 · 3 years
Writer of Eldarya have blog and his article about Eldarya is GOLD
Simply, for the first time in my life, I am on both sides of the fence: I can read readers' feedback knowing how the work they are commenting on was conceived.
For the first time? That’s explains a lot... Without feedback you can’t really make progress as an artist
We don't understand how works are made
Yeah, maybe. And what? When I see shit I can name it xD
Typically, I'm subject to a high constraint and a low constraint on the number of words I write per episode, and per line of dialogue. These constraints have excellent reasons for having been put in place, but they mechanically influence my way of writing, the rhythm of the episodes, etc.
That’s a excuse?  
In reality, yes, it is complicated. When I say, “Couldn't they make enemies with a less rotten AI? It must not be the sea to drink! ”, the fact is that I do not know how to code an AI, nor integrate it, nor test it, nor debug it… In fact, I use the expression not having the slightest idea of ​​what I am talking about . It's most likely more complicated than I imagine.
So... we shoudln’t comment because we are not eucated enough or what?
Let us be clear: I am not trying to say that we should not criticize the works on the pretext that they required a lot of work. It is not the amount of work that makes anything worthwhile. What I'm trying to say is that when we receive a work, whatever it is, we always underestimate how hard it was to bring it into existence, and the myriad things that got out of hand. of its creators. I think that's something to keep in mind when receiving it.
Ohhhh, so Beemoov put a lot of work in Eldarya! Oh ok. I think that they didn’t put enough though. 
We should approach the works with benevolence (a priori)
I don’t wanna
To put it simply, the principle of the first issue is to identify all the positive aspects of a film, and that of the second to identify all the negative aspects. 
Ok, so let me identify all the positive aspects of Eldarya’s New Era:
1. Nice sprites and backgrounds
Works exist because people make them
That’s really deep
Which of course implies that obsessing over a work is more or less like telling someone it sucks, which isn't very nice, but I'm not going to worry so much about it. dwell on it; everyone knows that saying: “The people who did that must be really dumb to have spawned such a rotten thing”, it's not nice.
You say that, not me! xD
Thus, to suppose that we ourselves, from the height of our great intelligence, would have done better under the same conditions is quite daring
I'm not interested in how I would handle it, because it's not my job
that really we hire anybody these days to write stuff
Again - you say that xD
  We don't know what we want
I know that when I’m playing otome’s game I want to have ROMANCE. 
they generally know what they're doing.
I’m looking at Eldarya and I have some doubts
A fairly common comment about Eldarya is that the game's story isn't "peaceful" enough.
Really that is France’s users main complaint?
There is always conflict, the main character is not supported enough by her friends…
Well. Erica LOST EVERYTHING at the end of Origins. She lost love of her life in two routes. So - when she isn’t supported by her so-called friends -  that can piss people, yeah xD
No one would play fifty episodes of a fantasy adventure series
So Eldarya isn’t otome? That’s explains a lot~~
Such film is less good than another, since it is less coherent.
Movie this, movie that. You know what I think? He wants to make movies, not otome games!
by looking for "flaws"
Oh, believe me, I don't have to look for Eldarya’s flaws to find them. I see them with the naked eye from a kilometer
we arm ourselves against the message that the work is trying to convey
Now I’m curiors what message Eldarya convey. Any thoughs?
But it's not the work's fault: it's ours.
One deliberately sought to sabotage one's own experiment.
If I wasn’t masochist I would stop playing this game long time ago
This is why I would suggest waiting to see where the work wants to take us before deciding on what parameters to judge it
Eldarya is halfway done and episode to episode is worse and worse. I think nothing will save this game at this point. 
But at least I did my part.
Let’s end here.
So... It’s mostly consumer fault that they don’t like a game. 
The end.
Link to full article - https://www.alexissevellec.com/article-retourssurmontravail
I autotranslate this, because I don’t understand french. There may be little misunderstandings as a result
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I hope Beemoov gives us a reason to keep L*nce away from the players who rightfully hate him. Like with Rayan there's a way to keep him in the negatives ALWAYS, so his stans can keep it and those who want nothing to do with him can enjoy having to see him as little as possible. Like in MCL when you only ever see your LI.
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neilada-d6-meghah · 5 years
My opinion on every route for episode 16
As usual Priya’s stuff came a day late, so today I finally found a playthrough. Now prepare for a long post.
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In general
I loved this episode, I liked the fact that almost everything was different on every route.
I don’t usually talk against the AP system, but this time I have to say it. Now we don’t waste AP for nothing, but we can’t have a long episode because that would be too expensive, and that’s a problem for Beemoov, but I can’t help to compare the sex scenes of this episode, to sex scenes in Eldarya. It was well written, but it was rushed, because of what I said.
Eldarya has basically the old AP system (you can think about episode 40 in HSL in the old AP system too, if you like), the first time there, when you meet your boyfriend, you have a really long scene with him awesomely described as it should be on their first time. This was the special “first time” in mclul, and the AP system cut it short because otherwise people would complain, and for good reasons. That pisses me off, because I want long episodes, I want informative long scenes, or having long pointless conversations with the crush, but we won’t have it because every single thing we say costs AP.
I did like that they included the condom on the scene, that was the right way to do it, unlike the dam thing. Just make it a part of the normal dynamic, don’t make a class out of it right on the scene, thanks.
Now, my thoughts on every route.
I worried at first when he got mad, I didn’t want to feel him as an overprotective boyfriend who feels like he is on his right to treat you badly just because he was worried. I actually took one of the negative answers for him on purpose, because I didn’t want to just go with it when he was talking shit about my hurted friend. But he stopped and properly apologized, at least for my taste, and actually went down to a cuter level of worrisome.
I loved that we are getting close to be the official girlfriend of Crowstorm’s Castiel. I’m a little surprised we’re not everywhere on internet yet, but well, we are being seen by his fans slowly.
I have mixed feelings on the text messages because of the damn translation. In Spanish server he said things that melted me, but they’re not on the English server, so now I’m waiting to see if he said it on French server.
The scene in the Snake Room got me a little awkward at first because I didn’t understand what was the point of it, but once I finished that scene I stop to analyse and I LOVED IT, it was such a sweet thing to do. It was Castiel introducing the love of his life to the other love of his life and I couldn’t think of anything more especial. Castiel opened up entirely this episode, and the talk about Demon was clearly a relationship development sign (remember when we had the chance to ask him about it in episode 5, I think, and the l’o’m dropped down?).
I found funny the freaking out over the lingerie thing because I thought it only happened in Castiel’s route if you were his ex, as a little wink to the pineapple incident (HIMYM flashback) in HSL, but turned out it happens always with everyone.
The date was perfect, he buying everything because he wasn’t sure what did she like (as his ex I felt a little offended, but whatever), his stressfulness, the talk, the hot moment that he stopped was also cute. I like their dynamic when they are together for a long time, and him suggesting that she should stay in his apartment for the entire week was precious. The massage scene is gold, the sex scene was perfect, I loved that he finally said that he wants us to go with him on the tour, but Candy didn’t say a thing about it, and she really should have.
They had sex with the curtains open again, let’s hope there are no pictures this time.
Basically, on this episode I felt comfortable with him, and that’s pretty much all I was asking for this route in UL. I absolutely loved it, and I appreciate that they are making this so romantic now, because at one point it felt emotionless and all I wanted was to leave his route. I understand that he is a wilder, but he had a late entrance, and got together too fast, I wasn’t in love with him at all, that’s why I totally agree with them making his route so… tender? thoughtful? cute? you pick the word, but now they are making me fall in love with this guy, and it worked because I couldn’t be more sure that this is the route I’ll follow. Just give it some time and he’ll be the hottie he has always been again.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEIR FIRST MOMENT. It was SO heartbreaking, she just broke down in his arms in front of absolutely everyone, and he couldn’t do anything for her because that hug was already too much for a professor-student relationship. I would’ve like to see what did he came up with in the beginning to go with the group to look for her on the fair, especially because he went back home in episode 15. I picture his worrisome when he decided to go back for her when she disappeared. And it is funny to think that half of the group actually knew what was actually going on before the hug (Chani, Rosa and Leigh knew from us, and Castiel figured it out), and still Chani was shocked too.
It was gold, but then came the meeting in the library. I thought everything was going to be alright when she got there and asked him if she could sit there because it was the only free chair, because from that place they had complete control of who is coming close to them or who could hear them, but they didn’t took any attention to it afterwards, and it got risky because they are so obvious pretty much jumping away from each other every time someone got close and shutting up suddenly.
The visit to the apartment wasn’t that risky at all in comparison. I was a little annoyed by the fact that he didn’t even show her his beautiful apartment before having sex, they went straight to it, but then Irealized it makes sense since they don’t get to touch each other like the other routes, they always have to hold themselves when they’re together, and this was the very first time they could be physically expressive without worrying about anything else.
The sex scene was good, but I felt a little cringy reading it, but it was a personal thing, like I felt I made the right decision when I didn’t change my route when I wanted to. But, I totally approve this episode for his route.
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[x] Good for you, Beemoov, you didn’t rush it, I keep my faith.
It was a really sweet episode with him, it was really sad in the end. I was hoping more blood and drama in the beginning, but it’s fine, we got the drama in the end.
I like that Nathaniel didn’t steal the entire episode for people in other routes. I hope they keep it that way on the other arcs, because right now it feels like Nath is the purest love in the entire game, and I’m ok with it, because is his arc, and I hope they make me feel the same when we face Castiel’s.
The sex scene felt a little out of place, especially for someone with stitches, and because he was in pain with just a hug. I don’t know, I don’t understand how can you get in the mood for it in that situation, but for the dramatic touch, it was ok.
I know I’m not saying too much about him right now, but I feel like everyone already said all the good words for it.
I liked the fact that he cleaned up his room this time, and him living Candy his apartment and credit card was such a pure thing for me, I can’t even-
He was cute as usual. I laughed SO HARD at the little “cheating” text message-drama, because if there is anyone I wouldn’t EVER buy it, it’s him, it was hilarious.
I like how they are all confident to let his sisters get to know Candy.
The Toy Story thing was awesome, although I didn’t quite get if it was a joke from Morgan and Alexy or an actual mistake, since he mentioned that they were also going to see a movie, but I doubt it, I think it was just another mistranslate.
On the sex scene I definitely got surprised when he went wild on the table, I was expecting him to be more shy, but he wasn’t. On everything else… he was just cute, that’s it for him.
Now things with her are getting cuter too, but sadly, it’s still behind all the other routes.
I liked the fact that she didn’t agree with Castiel and actually tried to understand Candy’s decisions (I hope it wasn’t just to disagree with Castiel, it annoyed me that she is still not over his proposition in episode 11)
I hope she keeps calling Candy Pumpkin. I’m happy that she can take the exam, if I were her I would’ve been crying for those two whole days, she is awesome for that. I liked the fact that she was the only one to notice the necklace.
About the date, I loved her room, I loved that she put on her pajamas, that was a cute detail too, like a different kind of intimacy. When she falls asleep was a real plot twist, it would’ve been so funny if the episode ended there, and next episode started with the conclusion of the date.
About the illus
Rayan looks gorgeous and passionate, I love how his hair looks, but he looks a little too alive, I remembered him more grey than that, but I’m fine with it. Candy, on the other hand, looks awful, her face is drawn weird, she has one giant boob, and a nonexistent one. Well, that or she totally broke her shoulder. I’m getting a little annoyed by the way they shadow the muscles lately, makes it all confusing and unrealistic in my opinion.
Nathaniel’s illu is probably the best one, but I think Candy is a little too high up, and it’s weird not to see her nipple there since we’re seeing almost the entire boob. Now, my real problem with it is that they decided to make a sexual illu on every route, but on this one, it wasn’t the more important moment at all. I totally would’ve preferred a picture of them crying together, or Candy alone when she woke up, that would’ve been heartbreaking. Yes, some people could disagree with me, because it can be ‘unfair’ but nothing stops them from having a sexual illu on further episodes.
Castiel’s face looks weird, although every time I see it, it gets better. Is cute to see him blushing, but his body looks weird, especially in the shadows on his torso, and the perspective on his legs. Candy looks gorgeous, I think this one has been her best illu so far, I don’t quite get why people say she’s looking at us, but I can’t deny she has too many toes, lmao. This illus is the cutest one, the way Candy is looking at Castiel is so loving, and him looking straight to her face while blushing is so romantic. This one is my favorite.
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Hyun got the worst one. He looks weird, the position is weird, Candy looks weird. I think they should’ve gone for something more classic here. Although his left hand is getting brave.
Priya is a goddess, she is so pretty. The only thing that annoys me is how dark it looks for a morning, and Candy’s back is broken as everyone had mentioned.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
and that's my problem here- I don't think that depending on our response, the game should be divided on main/canon and alternative/non-canon story. I always explored all possibility and answers in game, because both negative and positive answers make up the character and thanks to that I could better understand what kind of person Rayan or other chars are. I agree, characters should be flawed, but I still don't get it why Rayan was written is such an odd way that he contradicts himself. 1/2
I feel like the negative answer is not in tune with him, and definitely is not in tune with his positive answer. 2/2
Because then it wouldn’t feel like a negative outcome? Maybe it wouldn’t give enough shock for, if this answer really has any future consequences, feel earned? 
It’s like the game is us a cue to justifying things like possibly cheating outcomes or near break up experiences before giving us our “happy ending”, because if you don’t choose to do a story replay and change what happened, then maybe this outcome will affect the future, then maybe will lead on more conflicts for that. 
It’s what I said before, maybe this is what beemoov meant with “different outcomes and endings”. It’s also a way to make us do a replay, besides making us lose an ilus. 
I said it make sense the feeling behind it because Rayan is ambitious. His career is important. That’s why when he says things like “I would give up this job for you” it feels so meaningful. So it’s not out of character for his care so much about his career, but it was out of character how the said it. 
The phrasing that the writing team (or his writer) went for was wrong for him, but his motivations were on point because it’s part of his character anyway. That’s what I meant. 
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the-mlog · 5 years
Well, this is my post from my russian group which I lead ( https://vk.com/wall-149873020_17440 ). I translated it into english because I was asked. My opinion may differ but this is my opinion and I will not change it. I will also reject all negative that will follow in response. I repeat, this is my opinion. And yes, there may be errors because english is not my native language. Enjoy.
Hello there. I kept to the last, so as not to take my point of view beyond my own consciousness but to close my eyes and silently swallow what we apparently have to see and go through I don't want to. Moreover, it seems to me that it is simply impossible to remain silent about this, otherwise we won't notice how our feet will be wiped out about us, they will also require money for it.
Okay, let's do it in order. The lack of customization is almost confirmed and I see no reason to hope for something and believe in beemoov who have not been interested in anything except money recently. ML is called the most ambitious project (at least on tumblr) but personally I don't see any scale, apart from, of course, costly features, from which we will blaze from ep to ep. Speaking of them. The episodes were always given beemoov with difficulty. Normal plot? Adequate dialogues? Disclosure of the charasters? Well, fuck off, it's better to rivet posters of 18+ of dubious quality and so they will. And considering that the ML is initially 16+ then such posters can be slipped to us from the very first ep. So that's what I'm getting at. If the ML world is so elaborated, then why does it taste like potassium cyanide? And everything is simple! We don't have customization. We will not have events. We will not look forward to any event. We will not have any mc battles. Our asset will simply slide and no epics (even in the spirit of events) can save the situation. And I as the administrator of this community are very disappointed that our expectation and the prevailing atmosphere just sink into oblivion. I absolutely don't want to let that happen. But bugmoov apparently does not give any chance to rectify the situation. All I expected without any expectations, firmly convinced that it would be, is customization and traditional events that are present in other games. And I can't imagine what the beemoov was counting on taking it from us.
Yes, it's too early to draw conclusions. We did not see the game, did not even pass the beta. But I don't count on the prudence of the bees, who finally did not give a damn about their audience. I'm so sorry that in principle we hoped for something, put forward theories and searched for the beemoov logic, which is not there. It is simply not there. And apparently it never was.
I like many of you accepted our vampires as they are, spit on the drawing style. They became closer to us and our general indignation turned into almost pity. Well, are the boys to blame for the fact that they were drawn in this way and not otherwise? No. The characters are not as bad as they seem. But even they will not be able to pull out the project. Neither they, nor the meager epics, nor the posters that we see only on the full moon will be able to stretch the project. It is simply not possible.
And on the basis of this, I ask myself, why do we need Eloise at all? Why is it needed if it is an ordinary otome. Let us players be the main character. So no, you slip us an unknown girl and even impose her appearance that does not coincide with the characters of many players (if not all). What were you thinking bugmoov?
I almost forgot. Beta testers were promised exclusive gifts! Wow, I wonder which ones? Let me guess, a couple of hundred AP? For three years of waiting? Is that all that was enough for you, beemoov?
You can talk about it for hours. And not only talk but also scream in a fit about what we lost. Lost without having. We had only the name of the game and a bluish banner on the site, which was launched on June 29, 2017. And all that we get in the end is spoiled nerves and empty wallets. I hope I'm wrong. Thanks for your attention.
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aokane-eldarya · 6 years
Opinions of former or current employees of Beemoov (translation)
What a good joke. So I said in my previous post that I found two reviews of employees or former employees of Beemoov and that it was about a year ago. Many of you have told me that you want me to translate these opinions. And strangely, one of the reviews has now disappeared while it was there yesterday and it was on the site for over a year.
I did not take a screenshot of this opinion, but I copied and pasted it to another player with whom I used to chat privately, so I could always rate it here. And I thought to make a screenshot of the other opinion, just in case.
I guess the person who left this notice saw my message here (I'm pretty sure of that actually). I just want to tell you that I find it a shame that you have removed your opinion. Not for me, but for you and for people who would work with the company. When something is wrong with a company, it's important to talk about it (just as it's important to talk about what's going well). That said, on this website where you wrote your opinion (which you removed today), there is interesting information that is always present. Some salaries have been recorded on the site (three to be precise). It is noted that on average, a manager of Beemoov is paid 1650 € per month, which is 22% less than the national average for this type of job in France. WTF. I wonder how much the other jobs are paid for, but that should not be better. For information, the minimum salary in France is about 1500 € per month
I'm sorry, but no. Do not ignore the negative points of a company. Even if it brought you something, you do not have to forgive it everything, accept everything. Come on, we are the French, we are the country that makes the most strikes in the world, we are the country that invented the modern protest march ! You have the right to ask to succeed to do your job in good conditions.
Ok, so now here is a translation of these reviews. Of course, these opinions only engage those who wrote them. I start with the first, the one that was erased but  I copied and pasted.
"The work is done a little in the way you want in the day, as long as the deadlines are respected. The problem is that the teams do not really have guidelines from the managers / bosses, they must organize themselves and do not really have the approval for the projects, they have to manage a little bit. The managers are clearly poorly organized and give important information, whether they concern games or the company itself, only at the very last moment, we feel quickly abandoned by them. Fortunately, the team is very close and there is a very good atmosphere that helps the good work.The salaries are however not up to the posts and everyone's skills, and we sometimes even have the impression that the bosses make fun of us when they tell us that our salaries will be increased or that we will evolve in the company. We feel we are a little in our own, in some aspects we even feel we are short of staff for some tasks that we are forced, sometimes, to rush. It's a shame because it's a great company, with a great team providing a fabulous job, and a company that has huge potential. "
And here is the second opinion, found on another site, with the screenshot for those who understand French.
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An unmanned company
"Positive points : A very good atmosphere, resulting from a golden past and a spirit of cohesion in the pain of daily work. A young state of mind and an interesting company to discover a fairly unusual sector. Interesting also to know what should not be done if you want to run a business or become a manager (I must admit that this last sentence made me laugh xD)
Negatives points : The management at the heart of the company would bring a lot. Moreover, the bosses being overwhelmed ? (he/she/they used a specific french expression that could be translated like that, but I do not know if that's what he/she/they meant, some French people sometimes use the expressions badly) and completely uninterested in the idea of ​​wearing a vision and a overall strategy for the company, I think it would be helpful to hire an operations manager as well as a CTO.
Advice to the company : It is necessary, especially for the superiors, to put aside one’s ego and to know how to respect one’s employees at their fair value. Know how to prove it, show it, give them importance and trust. Learn to be a leader, to manage.
Trust in management : no Recommend the company : no”
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royaljesster · 6 years
I understand the bullying. I get responses on here, which is why this is a side blog, from the Beemoov sympathizers negating my opinion. People telling me I’m wrong and how “they understand, but...”. But I’m wrong. I’m not French, I don’t know how things work in France. All I know is the English server has the least amount of players for a reason.
The fandom is the fandom. You find some nice people, but you also find a hell of a lot of psychos who treat the game like their life line. If you have been bullied or harassed by anyone in any fandom, know you do not deserve that. Nobody deserves to be treated poorly by anyone for just existing. Tumblr, facebook, twitter, social media have always been toxic. Each site is a new breeding ground. Having joined MCL in 2012, I’ve seen it all. I know how horrible the players can be.
I also know how horrible the staff can be. Waiting a full month for a response to one email only to be told they’d delete my accounts if I continued to complain. To be bullied by the same moderator across MCL and Eldarya. That only proved Beemoov supports a toxic fandom. I’ve had several posts deleted and been sent messages by mods because my forum posts weren’t applauding them. Never have I been vulgar, out of hand, or even slightly rude. 
I know saying the typical things won’t make you all feel better, but please know this...
If their life was satisfying to them at all, they wouldn’t dedicate their time to being negative or hurtful. No kind or happy human has the time to sit there and cause pain to others. If they gain value through hatred, their affection has no worth.
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eldaryanightmare · 6 years
Ok, so many of you say what a bad choices beemoov made, but are you really sure about it?
I'll tell you a story. There was an evil beemoov, who through for a long time how to fuck up players and get money from them. Finally they got a brilliant idea! Truly excellent one. First, they gave that boutique with high discount, so players get rid of their dolars. Then they show beta and new system, so players play their high school eps before they have to pay there for each dialogue. When they were left stripped of everything and they finally got the university, beemoov pulled ace from sleeve and waved with cool Nathaniel before them. Those more desperate rushed to bank right away, but some still had doubts and waited an hour. Or two. But even if they didn’t pay yet, beemoov can always lure them into buying by changing AP per price and making them think how smart they are, that they waited.
Story is ongoing, so i'm not sure what comes next.  I can see three possible endings to this. New users will keep up with paying enough to satisfy evil beemoov and you either pay or watch youtube. If we don't pay, then once money stops pouring from your wallets we might get to the point where beemoov actually rethinks system, and will expect players to be gratefull for changing it. Or they'll just close game due to negative feedback. 
All are bad endings for us, but that shouldn't surprise anyone, right?
They don't listen to all your crying because it's all according to the plan. There is no way they would be stupid enough to believe players are happy with those changes. They simply never wanted you to be happy ^_^
I registered into game many years ago, 29.02.2012, i started drawing humans while playing and i’ll never stop loving this pile of pixels called Lysander... but i think this game no longer deserves me. I think i like the idea of buying game on steam more than struggling with eps there.
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Another Ramble. Just thoughts, no anger, no hate. (damn, it’s long. Sorry guys!)
So... I watch the part of episode 4 that has to do with Nathaniel and... It’s good. I saw some screenshots of what happens between Rayan and Candy and... It’s sweet too. And THIS is why I’m so sad about Beemoov’s decision. MCLUL isn’t a bad otome game. The characters are interesting, the storyline is too. You want to know what’s going to happen and from what I see from the lo’ms going up rapidly and Rayan’s conversation, it seems like it’s gonna go faster than HSL. That’s exciting!
BUT in order to enjoy the game, you have to play as a newbie (and check the “no boyfriend in high school” box) because the difference between the Castiel that talks to his ex and the Castiel that talks to his high school friend is HUGE. The former is cold and bitter and hurtful (to me at least), the latter is kind and charming and you want to spend more time with him. 
The former was painful to watch because WE DIDN’T CHOOSE TO BREAK UP. The latter was fun to watch because it’s nice to see how he evolved and you want to be friends (LOL) with him again. (Friends... Right)
The first few episodes (1 and 2 mostly) where everyone scolds Candy for leaving and playing dead for 4 years were frustrating because it was constantly rubbing in a painful to accept decision for which the player had no say in. Once, the characters stopped doing that and just moved on, the game started to be enjoyable. Almost as enjoyable as HSL (almost, don’t get me started on the new AP system)
The thing is, the “I never played HSL” option makes for weird conversations at first. Everyone remembers Candy but she doesn’t remember ANYONE, that’s just unrealistic. You always remember at least 1 person. Hell, I’m 32 (on sunday) and still remember people from my 6th grade class. 
So basically, you have to grit your teeth in both cases (I-had-a-boyfriend case and I-didn’t-have-a-boyfriend case) for two episodes. About 1500 AP each. Let’s be honest, that’s a hard thing to do. If you watch 2 movies from the same director and their both painful to watch, would you pay to watch a third one? I wouldn’t. 
Bottom line? In my humble opinion, Beemoov should’ve made Campus Life a spin-off of My Candy Love and accepted to end HSL on a happy note. 
They could’ve made a different Candy, maybe one who use to live in Sweet Amoris in elementary school and went there with Rosa. If recreating 5 new crushes was too complicated or too time-consuming, they could’ve dyed Nathaniel’s hair black and given him a new name to make him a different character. Same goes for Castiel. They could’ve used the “fake crushes” (aka Dake or Dajan or the green-haired garden guy I forgot the name of). In that spin-off, Amber, Alexy, Melody and Kim could’ve stayed. It would’ve been fun for old players and it would have given a good excuse to see the HSL crushes. Beemoov could’ve given us the option to say with who our High-School-Candy ended up with and have him pop up to say hi to Rosa and co. They then could’ve thrown in a line such as New-Univesity-Life-Candy saying to Rosa “Oh, *insert old crush* is hot!” and Rosa could’ve said “Forget it, he’s been with my best friend from high school for 4 years!” We could even had had a scene where we saw our old crush with our old Candy. This too would have been fun to watch for old players. It also would’ve given us closure and a confirmed happy end, allowing us all to move on to a new story, light-heartedly. It would’ve also given new players some context and might have made them want to try HSL. 
Seriously, right now, why would new players try HSL? If you knew a relationship was bound to fail, from the very start, say you had a cristal ball, would you risk it? Be honest. You’re not in love with the guy yet. You just see a dude, think he’s hot and want to get to know him and Agatha comes around and shows you that as hot as he is, your relationship is bound to fail. Why would you go there? You wouldn’t. And that’s what Beemoov did to new players. They said “yeah, Lysander, Kentin, Armin, they’re all hot, but the relationship will fail.”
Not to mention, their decision to be half and half (half a season 2/ half a spin-off) divided the fandom and brought a lot of negativity to it. People are upset and angry and others are upset and angry about the formers being upset and angry. Who would want to be part of such a fandom? If I was a newbie player and I saw the comment section of the forum or the social media one, I’d run for the hills. NO ONE WINS. NOT THE FANDOM, NOT THE POTENTIAL NEWBIES AND NOT BEEMOOV. So, yeah maybe I’m part of the problem. Maybe I should just stfu and stop talking about Beemoov altogether but I still hold some (stupid and childish) hope that things can change for the better. That’s why I keep updated with the storyline and that’s why keep talking about it. Sue me. 
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