wandamaximoffbae · 10 months
Tea or coffee? I’m tea all the way
I love me a good tea, but im coffee!
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dangerously-human · 10 months
I was tagged by @alyss-mainwarning for a song shuffle game (I always enjoy these!). Putting in a separate post instead of reblogging because I'm old-fashioned, and I think it's just easier to navigate.
rules: shuffle your “on repeat” playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag 10 people
I think we're probably not surprised at this point that it's pretty much all stuff off Ghostbustin' With the Buds, right?
Fairlies - Grian Chatten: Contribution from @womaninwinter's sickos playlist and it's a great THB sound from LW's self-denial POV, especially "Do you miss the days before hope knocked on your door? But you went and fell in love, and into love you fell, and it made you feel unwell, oh well" (Ah. Ow.)
House a Habit - We Are the Guests: I can't remember whose playlist I got this off of, but wow, VERY Lucy leaving vibes, especially the way the narration goes back and forth between the man and woman singing in the second verse. But seriously, this is just painfully on the nose, with lines like "I don't know if I should stay or should I go, he told me this house would always be our home… Everyone tells me to just stay the same, but it's not like that, no it's not like that, oh, tell me someone's out there listening to me 'cause I wanna know that like I wanna know you, oh, stay with me… Everyone tells me you're fine, don't be in love, let's make this house a habit… Oh please don't imagine a life without me, at least not yet, this house is a habit and it's lovely to live in it… This head is a hospital, someone please tend to it" (!!!)
Waking Up - We the Kingdom: I've talked about this one before multiple times, the victorious declaration of returning from the Other Side ("I am alive in the land of the living") as well as something that captures my own healing after the depression years.
Summerland - half•alive: Captures the temporary elation of the warmer months in a way I think vibes well with how Lucy describes that season for the Portland Row trio, the way it's the cycle of it all that even makes it meaningful, and the hope of it all in the ups and downs! "Whatever ain't golden now will only come back around." I'm particularly attached to this for the unseen summer between TCS and TEG. (Also this has been stuck in my head for at least the last week.)
Hot Tea - half•alive: Freaking cute Locklyle vibes! Especially fitting considering all the waxing eloquent about the comforts of good hot tea in these books. "Hold you in my hands like hot tea, knowing I'm safe 'cause you want me," the adopted feral cat energy, it's perfect.
Tip Toes - half•alive: Okay well, I guess this answers the question of what artist is most represented in my L&Co playlist. 😆 (They're actually in second place for that distinction, it's just that I'm also new to their music and so least likely to skip.) This song is SO Lockwood coded, especially the way his desire to make his family name immortal can blur the lines into pride, even the misplaced sacrificial nature and the way he needs to frequently reassess his priorities as a leader. "I'm on my tiptoes, trying to see past my ego, reaching for something more than this feeling of being important, leaving my hear behind is bleeding, but still my pride is screaming, my future will listen to me, will I always know this divide, living most of this war inside, take the ghost of me with the tide to die and release my heart to come alive" - like!!!
Dancing in the Minefields - Andrew Peterson: Used very recently for fanfic title purposes (That's What the Promise Is For), this one just screams Locklyle, married young and facing life's challenges together and helping each other remember the light in the world when the dark closes in. Literally could quote the entire thing for them and struggled not to when I posted the fic, so to choose something I didn't put there, can we just all shriek about that third verse/bridge, especially "So there's nothing left to fear, so I'll walk with you in the shadowlands till the shadows disappear, 'cause he promised not to leave us and his promises are true, so in the face of all this chaos, baby I can dance with you," together?
still feel - half•alive: At any given time having exclamation point variety thoughts about these lyrics, especially as applied to Lockwood, or Kipps, or tbh just broadly across this series. "To realize the hand of life is reaching out, to rid me of my pride I call allegiance to myself… Oh I am not a slave, can't be contained, so pick me from the dark and pull me from the grave, 'cause I still feel alive, when it's hopeless, I start to notice, oh, and I still feel alive" I AM FEELING THINGS!!
Out of the Dark - Tritonal, EMME: I've had this one on repeat while driving a lot lately, it's a great sound, and also a very fun Locklyle song post-THB. Obviously "I know you're scared of diving deep, afraid of what's just out of reach… Sometimes the weight's too much to carry, when it gets heavy, feels like everything's falling apart, so unsteady, you'll be the light to get out of the dark" is delightful imagery for our beloved burdened ghostbusting duo, but also the dual meaning of "There's an end in sight, just hold on tight, you'll make it to the other side" is chef's kiss, they're going to make it to their hash-it-out conversation on the Other Side in TCS and also make it to the other side of the dark in terms of emotional context and setting. Obsessed.
Twenty Something - Nightly: I've already said a few times this is my best inspiration for writing introspective angst lately, used for a Fringe WIP in addition to being on repeat for the writing of Living With the Ghost of You, especially the Lockwood POV chapter. The lyrics are only right at a slant but the vibe is perfect.
I just did one of these so I'm not going to tag anyone this round, but if you happen across this and want to join in, please do say I tagged you!
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locklyle1kanij · 10 months
@alyss-mainwarning maybe i’ll eventually remake this but with your part of the song and with the scenes you had in ming but no rn, Thanks for the help tho <333
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emqraldrxses · 9 months
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Idea from @alyss-mainwarning
I couldn’t find small photos but this was fun still
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wandamaximoffbae · 9 months
Also Merry Christmas if you celebrate!!
Omg lol ur good! I should prob put this in my pinned
Merry Christmas to you as well!
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 4 months
welcome to my blog 🌱 -formerly alyss-mainwarning
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• I go by Alyss or Violet. I am a Christian (part of the reformed Presbyterian gang) and abolitionist. I love plants, photography, and all kinds of animals.
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• I block NSFW blogs immediately
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• Fandoms I post most about are: Lockwood and Co, The Grishaverse, Agents of Shield, Agent Carter, Daredevil, Other Marvel, Lord of the Rings, The Queen Thief, The Artful Dodger, The Count of Monte Cristo, The Scarlet Pimpernel and The Hunger Games trilogy
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• Sideblogs: @arista-essendon for everything related to Michael J Sullivan books @imyourwishinggirl just lovely things i want to save
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• Sometimes I post my fanfics, photography, and moodboards
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 3 months
Answer the Questions and Tag 5 Fanfic Authors
I was tagged by @dangerously-human for a fanfic writer tag game, which was quite fun to do! (idk if i qualify for this buttt)
1 . How did you get into writing fanfiction? Brainrot. A lot of Brainrot. And reading a lot of amazing fics which inspired me. Also having too many thoughts while falling asleep
2. How many fandoms have you written in? uhh only 3 published ones. But like 5 if you count ones in my docs.
3. How many years have you been writing fanfiction? Only about 1sh.
4. Do you read or write more fanfiction? I read WAY more.
5. What is one way you’ve improved as a writer? I haven't really improved yet, I really need to stop crying while writing things. It happens every time (I'm not kidding I cry buckets no matter the topic)
6. What’s the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project? Probably uhhh....hmm actually i don't think I've yet to research anything too weird.
7. What’s your favorite type of comment to receive on your work? Any. Literally any. I treasure comments like they're rubies and emeralds. @igotthisaccountunderduress left me some really sweet ones and likewise with @dangerously-human
8. What’s the most fringe trope/topic you write about? Hmm I honestly don't know.
9. What is the hardest type of story for you to write? Copying prev's answer to say, anything with significant plot. I can't write long fics either. I really want to try though.
10. What is the easiest type? Hmm something that i've already gotten a good plan for and don't have to wrack my brains to come up with one.
11. Where do you do your writing? What platform? When? I write on google docs, publish on AO3 and i do it whenever i can force inspiration into my sluggish brain (which is rare sadly)
12. What is something you’ve been too nervous/intimidated to write, but would love to write one day? Anything Agent Carter. I LOVE Agent Carter. Agent Carter fics are my most bookmarked fandom. I think about Agent Carter every night and yet i am too scared to actually start. I would love to write a post-canon peggysous with kids fic someday.
13. What made you choose your username? Alyss Mainwarning was my OG Tumblr username, and I loved lilacs and Lilac_Alyss sounded pretty so i just went with it. Plus my first fic was for Rangers Apprentice to it worked well
Tagging: @clawedandcute @igotthisaccountunderduress @fourwingedsnake
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 11 months
How’d you choose your username? I get the Alyss reference, but why Warning?
Alyss Mainwarning is actually her full name! I choose it bc
a) I look kinda like her (tall and blonde)
b) I am also in love with Will Treaty
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