#am I an asshole is there something I don’t know about using periods instead of commas in dialogue tags??????
amethysttribble · 5 months
I say this in earnest and as kindly as I can, but how has it become so common in fanfiction circles that people don’t know how to use dialogue tags correctly and that they require commas, not periods, that people who are /actively giving advice/ about fic formatting are making this mistake?
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
No blood in the water
written for @steddiemicrofic prompt: pool wc: 442 | rated: t | cw: mentions of menstruation, implied gender dysphoria | tags: trans Steve, coming out
Steve watched from the edge as Robin, Eddie, and the kids made the most of the pool. They were playing, shouting, and just generally having a good time. After everything, and over two years of avoiding it, he was taking every chance to make happy memories in his pool again. Even if it meant dealing with seven rowdy kids on almost every nice day of the summer. 
He had been slowly building up to getting back in the pool, from the pool chairs, to the edge of the pool with his feet in the water, to getting into the pool, to finally being able to spend time swimming again. But this time, no matter how much he wanted to, he couldn’t force himself into the pool, only sitting on the edge. He hadn’t even changed into swimming trunks, instead choosing a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.
It was one of those days he hated his body, where everything felt like a betrayal. He couldn’t go shirtless, because it felt like the scars under his pecs were too obvious about what they really were. Swimming trunks were also a bit of a no-go, because they would cling and show off everything that he didn’t have. They weren’t even an option, because he needed to wear briefs for somewhere to stick a fucking pad. Because his period had made a surprise appearance that morning, and he was out of tampons.
He was incredibly anxious about anyone finding out. Robin was the only one he’d willingly told, in a bathroom floor conversation a week after Starcourt. Dustin had found out by accident when he overheard Steve awkwardly having to ask Claudia if she had any pads or tampons he could use when he’d started unexpectedly during a dinner with them. Everyone else had no clue, and he wanted to keep it that way, terrified of what would happen if anyone else found out. Especially Eddie, who he’d flirted with, and made out with a few times, but never going further than light touches.
He managed to avoid the pestering of everyone to get in, but Mike’s words cut deep.
“You’re acting like Nancy when she’s on her period.”
Steve gave a thin excuse to go inside, feeling like he’d had a bucket of water thrown over him.
“Stevie?” Eddie followed him in. “Don’t listen to Mike, he’s being an asshole.”
“But what if it’s true?” Steve burst out. “What if I am on my period? What if I’m transsexual?”
“That’s why you’re not swimming?” Eddie kissed Steve’s neck. “I’d say you’re still the prettiest boy I know. Just something new I know about you.”
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puppyvenom · 10 months
crutchie - akb vs matthew duckett !!!!
alternatively titled - cast disabled people jesus christ
listen i am having so many thoughts and feelings about crutchie and at the risk of annoying the fuck out of my partner i am putting them on here instead!
prefacing this by saying:
i do not speak for all cripples
matthew’s duckett was my first real introduction to crutch and yes i am probably biased because of it (because matthew was an absolute sweetie when i met him)
i do not actually hate AKB as much as i dislike his crutchie
i think the main problem i have with his crutchie (and i understand that it is not entirely his fault at all!!!!) is that it’s so sanitised in so many ways. it is so of its time and not really in a good way, it came about in a period where representation wasn’t a big focus and i very much understand that, but i also hate it.
it’s so easy for disabled characters to fall into this weird ,sanitised, almost infantilising position, where their struggles are shown (abuse from the delanceys that was directly because of his disability, the fact he’s more likely to be put in the refuge because he’s seen as ‘weak’), but they’re bound by this kind of happy-go-lucky persona where they don’t show any real anger or upset. it’s fuelled by the abled need to see disabled characters as some sort of inspiration porn. “he’s crippled but look how happy he is despite that!!!!!! if he can do it i can too!!” he has this air of innocence and can-do-no-wrong that kinda falls a little flat compared to all his friends of the same age, and whilst this wouldn’t be a problem in itself, it fits a repeating pattern of the innocent, docile physically disabled person that is shown so much.
i loved matthew’s crutchie so much because he was so much more than that. he was happy, he was kind and an big laugh, but he didn’t shy away from being truly angry or scared (in the finale when he is brought back and cuffs snyder) and he was still a bit of a dick, he felt a lot more like he truly belonged. one of my favourite examples is at the start of the show the first time we see katherine, he helps one of the boys (i can’t remember which one) steal something from darcy and keeps it on him through the rest of the show. he’s as playful and annoying as the rest of them, shooting paper balls at them with his slingshot (especially during the finale, i love him so much for that). he has an attitude. he has the energy of a boy who was raised on the streets and knows what the fuck is what.
and thats what i think changes him the most for me. it’s all the same script (?) but it’s all so different when you think about how smart crutch actually is. i think the biggest change is my idea of him specifically when he’s being so nice to weasel at the beginning, when all the boys are being annoying and dicks, crutchie is so sweet. i don’t believe he’s doing that because he’s just such a nice guy who can look past weisel and the delancey’s being assholes to them, i think he realised quickly how to play the game. he’s gonna get sympathy, he knows that, and he knows if he acts all innocent and is overly kind, that they’ll somewhat pity him and he can use that to his advantage.
i hate being pitied by most people, i hate being looked at differently, like i’m almost helpless. but i also know how to use it to help myself, i know when i can play the poor little cripple card to my advantage. and i fully believe crutch does the same.
edited to add because i forgot to add this entire section in sorry!!
when i say sanitised i also mean literally. as in they made him cleaner. specifically in the finale again when he’s brought back from the refuge, broadway crutch looks way too clean. he’s a little bashed up but he’s not dirty. he doesn’t look like he’s been battered and then subjected to awful conditions. it takes away the impact of his time at the refuge. when he got back in the uk production they actively were disgusted by how much he smelled, because he’d just got out of a place where he couldn’t look after himself for a multitude of reasons. he suffered in there, mentally and physically, and in more ways than one. he was not given nice clean clothes and a pat on the back, he was taken out and put right back into the mess without much time to check himself over, without any time to process or heal.
i just think it has a much bigger impact when you can see, from his actual appearance and the other guys’ reactions, how much he actually struggled in there. they were glad to have him back of course, but it really drove home the point of how badly it affected him.
and once again in that scene, you could see the fear on his face and the anger when he faced snyder and when he made a move at him. he was fucking scared of the man that had subjected him to all of that. even when he was being a little goofy and put on the hat to handcuff him, there was still that fear, and there was evidence to why.
(end of edit)
but like i said, i don’t think it is entirely akb’s fault or his intention, he almost definitely wasn’t aware of the way it came off and how it perpetuates stereotypes. but it’s just another reason why giving disabled roles to disabled people is so important. plus we know how to use mobility aids properly
shoutout to my beloved partner who proof reads my shit and also is the reason i am into newsies . thank u babie @fizzloves-blog <3
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mrmaybank · 1 year
Fandom: TBP
Title: Jealous Much?
Character(s):Vance Hopper, Matty, Matt, Buzz, and Moose
Request: No
Genre: fluff,
TW: Use of the f-slur
A/N: Reader is Buzz’s older brother
Moose lightly shoved (M/N), which earned him a shove back. But instead of lightly shoving him like Moose had done to him, he shoved him so hard he ended up on the floor. Which caused Matt, Matty, Buzz, and (M/N) all to laugh.
Moose glared at (M/N) as he pulled himself up and back into his seat. “Asshole,” Moose mumbled but it was just loud enough for (M/N) to hear.
The boy in question but on a fake look of offense, “Wow, Moose and thought we were friends.”
“Well after that stunt were definitely not friends anyone,” Moose replied.
“Damn!” (M/N) exclaimed, “well guess I gotta send Vance after you.”
Moose laughed, “Like i’m scared of Vance.”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied.
“Speaking of Vance, Moose what did you do to piss him off today?” Matt asked.
Moose looked at Brunette confused, “What did you mean? I haven’t seen or talked to Vance since fifth period.”
Now it was Matt’s turn to look confused, “What do you mean? He’s glaring at you right now and Robin’s whispering something to him.” Moose along with Matty and Buzz turned to around to see Matt was telling the truth.
Though once Vance’s baby blue eyes locked with (E/C) ones his expression softened. (M/N) smiled at Vance and Vance smiled back. Buzz rolled his eyes, “Oh my god, can’t you two be fags somewhere else?” The ginger asked.
(M/N) quickly turned around to face his brother, “Oh I know you aren’t talking,” The (H/C) boy told his brother, “Because I think we all know what you and Matty are actually doing when you say your studying.”
(M/N) smirked as both boys turned a flushed pink color. “Yeah that’s what I thought.” Before either Buzz or Matty could reply the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. (M/N) quickly said goodbye to friends before making his way over to Vance.
The two walked side-by-side with each other, as they made their way to the cafeteria doors. Neither of them saying a thing until they were outside of the cafeteria, “Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance asked.
(M/N) couldn’t help but roll his eyes, “Is that seriously the first thing you say to me?” The (H/C) boy asked, “Wheres the ‘Hello, (M/N). How are you?’ or ‘Hey babe’?”
“Sorry. Hello (M/N), how are you?” Vance asked.
(M/N) smiled, “I’m good, how are you?”
“I’m good,” Vance replied.
“Good, now what did you wanna ask me?”
“Why was Moose sitting with you guys?” Vance repeated his question from earlier.
“Because he’s friends with Buzz, Matt, and Matty,” (M/N) simply replied.
“Well, I don’t like him being so close to you,” Vance told him.
That’s when hit (M/N) causing him to stop dead in his tracks and turn towards Vance. “You’re jealous!” (M/N) exclaimed.
Vance scoffed, “I am not jealous, I just don’t like Moose,”
“Mhm, sure you aren’t,” (M/N) replied as he started walking again.
“I’m not!” Vance insisted.
“Okay, so you wouldn’t mind the fact that i’m hanging out with Moose after school?” (M/N) asked.
Yes, Vance thought to himself, he would mind. He knew the (TALLER/SHORTER) male wasn’t going to drop it until he admitted so he sighed in defeat, “Fine, I’m jealous,” Vance admitted.
(M/N) smiled at Vance before taking there hands and locking them together, “Firstly, I knew it,” the (H/C) boy smiled at his little victory, “Secondly, you have nothing to be worried about. Nothing is going on between me and Moose, besides your the only guy for me.”
“Good,” Vance replied, “because how imagine how pathetic that would be going from me, a wonderful masterpiece, to whatever the fuck Moose is,”
(M/N) couldn’t help but laughed, “it would be a very extreme downgrade,” (M/N) eyes went wide as they landed on a clock, “shit! We need to hurry up we third seconds to get to the other side of building,”
“Do we really?” Vance asked.
“Yep, all race you there,” (M/N) told him, but before Vance could reply he took off.
Vance shook his head, “Asshole,” he shouted. One of these days that boy was gonna be the death of him.
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kariachi · 10 days
2 am fic! Oh look, Reboot!Kev pre-show! Featuring Kev being trans and his dad being... better than he could have been.
Warnings for shit parenting, transphobia, homophobia, misgendering, that sorta jazz. Kevin's dad's an asshole, people are assholes, Kevin deserves better.
“Eden’s been insisting on being called ‘Kevin’ for the past few weeks now.”
“Okay, and?”
“She’s been ignoring teachers when her name is called.”
“Does she answer to Kevin?”
“Then there you go, problem solved.”
“She’s also been getting into fights with other children for using her name and treating her as a girl.”
“They’re gonna wanna stop doing that then.”
“Mr Levin, I don’t think you understand-”
“I understand you’ve got so much free time rather than just calling my brat by a new name you gotta drag me out of work for a whole-ass meeting. Gotta whine to me about my kid being mean instead of telling these other parents theirs are fucking morons picking fights.”
“You said yourself, kid’s made it clear how he’s gonna be called, this point it’s on those other brats for pushing their luck.”
“Mr Levin, we can’t allow any student to just run roughshod over the rest of the school.”
“Well I don’t know what to tell you then, ‘cause I’m not telling my kid to kiss your ass just ‘cause you fuckers are too lazy to do your damn jobs. Now, if you don’t mind, some of us have shit to do.”
“Alright then. You should know Eden is suspended for the five days.”
“…” “…Kevin is suspended for the next five days. She won’t be allowed back in the school for that period.”
“Of-fucking-course not…”
“And don’t you think this is some sorta vacation, I expect the house to be damn spotless if you’re gonna be home all day!”
Clutching the strap of his backpack like a lifeline, Kevin slipped out of the car, the slamming of the driver’s door shooting up his spine. He said nothing, careful not to fall too far behind as he shut his door and followed his grumbling father up the front steps. There were plenty of ways to guarantee a bad day would get worse, and a top one was him having to come in and talk to the principal. To the point Kevin preferred to just get detention- nobody expected meetings over detentions, and it meant he didn’t have to go home for another hour or more. But then, that was also assuming it was the normal reasons his dad got called in. He was dirty, he was getting into fights, he used too many bad words or words he knew weren’t bad but that got the grown-ups all antsy anyway.
Kevin knew perfectly well this hadn’t been one of the normal reasons. Some part of him had known it was coming ever since he’d taken those scissors to his hair. Since he’d gone to up Mr. Dilgard in homeroom and told him his name. Since Tina had called him a lesbian like she was calling him a worm and nearly lost a tooth. In all truth he’d been hoping that it all would just, never come up, that his dad would just completely miss the change.
His last birthday had included a new sweater that’d been at least three sizes too small and also Blue’s Clues themed- there’d been decent odds.
And instead there he was, shutting the door behind him, eyes on the floor as he turned inside. Catching sight of his dad’s worn work boots planted firmly in the middle of the entryway, gaze climbing up his jeans, passed the crossed arms to the cold, unimpressed frown on his face. Kevin could hear his heartbeat going too fast, his gut knotting, something lodging itself in his throat. It was always hard to tell just what was going to get thrown his way, from a half-hearted compliment to a cutting dismissal, waved off as not worth the time or insulted as a waste of it. The uncertainty hurt worse than usual.
“So, a boy, huh?” Cornered, he shoved the fear trying to claw up his windpipe as far down as he could. Drew himself up as large as possible, shoulders back, meeting his dad’s eyes. Clenched his teeth till they ached as he forced himself not to blink, not to waver. A silent dare even as something awful wrapped around his spine.
(He’d listened to all the horror stories, curled up under his covers at night. He’d still chopped off his 'pretty' hair until the word stopped ringing in his head.)
(He’d read all about the pros of sitting in the closet until you were far away from your family. He’d still thrilled at the feel of his name on his lips as he told all his teachers.)
(He’d never been made to feel or be by halves. Pretending to be somebody else damn well might have killed him.)
He wasn’t going to pretend to be sorry.
His dad huffed a breath of air through his nose.
“Well, at least you’ve got some balls on you,” he said. Some amount of weight fell off Kevin’s shoulders, he could almost hear it crashing to the floor. Still, he kept tight as a support cable as his dad’s arms dropped, the man turned and headed deeper into the house. He probably wasn’t going to get thrown out, or sent to some sort of asylum or something...
(Mr Levin didn’t do things by halves either, if he’d been angry there’d have been no question of it…)
“You wanna be a man then I expect you to act like it, no more crying, no more of that girly shit-”
It could have gone much worse.
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 29
Or maybe it is the knowledge that just three staircases below you and behind far too many doors, Taehyung was still standing chained up in a cold, lonely room. :(
Why does it feel like no time had passed and yet at the same time as if far too much time had passed? yeah i mean time skip exists lol but fr mood
Or maybe it is this dreadful smell, which has been ever so present in your room. Like oakwood and myrrh. You hate this smell. It is not a particularly bad smell as for example rotten eggs or spoiled milk, instead you really hate the memories you are starting to connect with it. where did we smell oakwood before
Maybe on other days you would have called it beautiful, but not anymore. noo :(
Running comes hard for you and yet that is all you can do right now. Run and run and run and run away from the heartbreak. everything hurts 😭😭 *plays life is worth living
oh kook is leaving 😭😭😭 our boi grew up and is now moving out
omg the dark voices calling us again, is it kook? or someone else? also why is that smell there? is one of them so upset to the point its stinking for a human like her? is it tae? another prisoner?
t is so quiet in this room that one could hear a needle hit the floor. teachers would kill for this
oh jin who was it? or do u not remember ? DID U FUCKING HURT TAE??? NO NO U DID NOT YOONGI U MOTHERFUKER *sighs *reads the list 3 times
PERIOD BOO WE ARE BITCHSLAPPING EVERYONE AT THIS POINT “His silence? That is all you had? Taehyung has been refusing to talk for weeks. His silence means nothing.” FUCKING REAL
HOBI I LOVE YOU PT2 (hold on i have lost count actually) at this point FUCK EVERYONE, hobi lets hold hands and walk into the sunset bye
“She is still alive. She begged them to turn her and so Jimin did.” LE GASP (totally didnt see everyone talking about emma, yeah never saw that) ok i knew she may or may not exist, but i didnt know she become a gluten
20 PEOPLE DAMN fuck they could have planned it better are we going to see her anytime soon?
huh whats going on? see for yourself??
You are on a dirty cobblestone street. It smells of rotting flesh and feces. You gag, covering your nose with your hand to fight off the stench. Gloves? You look at them, then down your body. A corset? A long dress? Why are you wearing clothes of a different century? ohh we are seeing memories SHE FOR THE COBBLESTONES (sorry i had to lol)
“Be grateful. You don’t want this burden”, Yoongi says coldly, is it referring to burden as in unable to forget bad memories and bad memories/nightmares being too realistic and detailed?
We remember things that are important to us, the rest we forget piece by piece until we wander on empty streets and pass by unknown shadows.” hmm guess there is a price to for soo many memories, even our memories become less detailed over time, videos turning into picture like memories, forgetting their voice, favorite stuff etc
why are we in a hurry? its ur memories right? does it do something to him? yeah hobi's right, where is our body and what is it doing?? is the smell coming from the dead people?
wow yoongi is immersed in the memory, no wonder he wanted to hurry It frightens Emma, forcing her to make one wrong move noo
NOO JIN LEFT WHATS GOES ON MAN “I don’t know. You always have an answer” fr mood, this reminded me of mom, cuz i always say this to her lol
“No you won’t”, Yoongi stops you FUCK OFF THIS HAPPENED CUZ U ALLOWED IT AND DIDNT SAY THIS BEFORE AND NO U DONT ALLOW HER TO TALK TO TAEHYUNG wow he really has the audacity to use tae as a leverage
“You’ll be grateful once you understand” yeah ik i will, and then i will simp over you at that time, until then let me be angry at you pookie
sibi what have you done to me why am i sweating over a fiction 😭😭 why am i seeing brown filters and balls in my dreams? why are you giving me mood swings from simping too hard 😽 to crying over cuteness overload😻 and angst😿 to pissed off 😾to happy happy happy😸
oh no we are at his wing 😭😭😭 is jimin coming back?😭when will he come back? i only got to cry over for him for a few paragraphs and then bam im crying over his death
Although the moon is the only thing illuminating your path this paragraph is so good, idk what to say cuz im busy being nostalgic over that stargazing night oh yeah the portrait 😭 THE BEIGE JUMPER 😭😭😭 u are really coming for my tears huh OH NO THE SURPRISE dont look LOOK AT IT dont look LOOK AT IT noo he painted her 😭😭fuck no
the date, its soo sweet and cute UFKC u should have written it before his death it would be more cute then tear jerker (but that was the plan huh? u cute lil shit i love you, my emotions are a mess and i love this universe soo much, i wanna exist in it, actually u write so well,it is easily able to feel like u are her, without being a personality less character)
It is just how you had imagined it. Taehyung remembered. no no no 😭😭 free him please
her outburst is truly understandable but some stuff is untrue, but again she is not in a good state of mind she is beyond pissed
wow im really sniffling
oh kook is leaving 😭😭😭 our boi grew up and is now moving out
like he is actually moving closer to us and yet it's so sad that he moves out :(
omg the dark voices calling us again, is it kook? or someone else? also why is that smell there? is one of them so upset to the point its stinking for a human like her? is it tae? another prisoner?
interesting questions indeed 👀
oh jin who was it? or do u not remember ? DID U FUCKING HURT TAE??? NO NO U DID NOT YOONGI U MOTHERFUKER *sighs *reads the list 3 times
lmaoao for real
“She is still alive. She begged them to turn her and so Jimin did.” LE GASP (totally didnt see everyone talking about emma, yeah never saw that) ok i knew she may or may not exist, but i didnt know she become a gluten
I'm sorry but fjadsjf "a gluten" fadsjf Emma be like 🌾
20 PEOPLE DAMN fuck they could have planned it better are we going to see her anytime soon?
mhhm god question 👀
“Be grateful. You don’t want this burden”, Yoongi says coldly, is it referring to burden as in unable to forget bad memories and bad memories/nightmares being too realistic and detailed?
I think it's a mixture of both 😭
We remember things that are important to us, the rest we forget piece by piece until we wander on empty streets and pass by unknown shadows.” hmm guess there is a price to for soo many memories, even our memories become less detailed over time, videos turning into picture like memories, forgetting their voice, favorite stuff etc
yes gosh :( I'm sad that they do :( especially my memories with my grandpa I would love to keep :(
why are we in a hurry? its ur memories right? does it do something to him? yeah hobi's right, where is our body and what is it doing?? is the smell coming from the dead people?
the smell is just London in 1800-something where sanitary systems were basically the streets and the Thames BHAHAHAH 💀 the bodies are currently passed out back in the estate 👀
“No you won’t”, Yoongi stops you FUCK OFF THIS HAPPENED CUZ U ALLOWED IT AND DIDNT SAY THIS BEFORE AND NO U DONT ALLOW HER TO TALK TO TAEHYUNG wow he really has the audacity to use tae as a leverage
YES THIS BUT THEN you rememeber that maybe he doesn't want her to see him right now because he doesn't want her to see him in a tortured beat up state and he wants to save her from that trauma and you just start crying 😭
sibi what have you done to me why am i sweating over a fiction 😭😭 why am i seeing brown filters and balls in my dreams? why are you giving me mood swings from simping too hard 😽 to crying over cuteness overload😻 and angst😿 to pissed off 😾to happy happy happy😸
ah yes my job here is done
oh no we are at his wing 😭😭😭 is jimin coming back?😭when will he come back? i only got to cry over for him for a few paragraphs and then bam im crying over his death
hahhahah I don't think that Jimin is coming back my dear 😔
the date, its soo sweet and cute UFKC u should have written it before his death it would be more cute then tear jerker (but that was the plan huh? u cute lil shit i love you, my emotions are a mess and i love this universe soo much, i wanna exist in it, actually u write so well,it is easily able to feel like u are her, without being a personality less character)
gaah that is very lovely to hear!! thank you so much heheeh 💜💜
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slashertalks · 1 year
You’re in a Blockbuster. It’s summer, you’ve got no responsibilities and your parents threw you some extra cash so you could rent a movie and buy some popcorn. You’re gonna go home, open that plastic shell case (remember the way the cheap ones would crinkle?) and plug the tape into your VCR for 120 minutes of fun. Or, better yet— you’re not in a Blockbuster. You’re at home, digging through your movie shelf for the one tape you want to watch. Your mom recorded it off the TV, so you’ll have to fast-forward through commercial breaks (and little do you know, it’s probably edited) but you love it all the same. It’s not as high a quality as what you could get from the local rental shop, but there’s something magical about it. The four and a half minutes of the end of whatever TV show was on before your movie started. Ads, captured from a specific time period in a specific region— ads you probably won’t ever see again. VHS artifacts— fuzz, lines. The colors are a little off, the images a little hazy. You’ve got popcorn in your lap and a remote in hand so you can always get to the good stuff fast when the commercials do start. You don’t realize it, but that tape, with the hand-written label already starting to wear away, is a time capsule of your youth.
Youth you’ll never get back. Youth you may not even miss, but which so many people will play up as the best time of our lives. Was it really, though? Teenagers are assholes. Times were different. People are hateful now, yeah, but people were hateful back then too. I miss grunge and Y2K fashion and idogs and inflatable furniture and the freedom of being able to go outside as a kid but I wouldn’t exactly want to live in the fucking 90s or early 2000s. I wouldn’t go back, even if I am nostalgic. And I think there’s some very potent horror in that nostalgia.
I’ve been hyping this up for a while and it’s finally time I tackle WNUF Halloween Special, V/H/S 94, and V/H/S 99 all together— splatterfests, sure, but all poignant time capsules of a specific genre of media: the home recording. Not family movies, though a variety of those certainly plays a major role in both of the V/H/S titles I’ve selected. No, instead I mean tapes copied from local TV channels, ads and all. There’s something very unique about the experience of watching a film on TV. I think few of us would actively choose that route these days, when films are available seamlessly at our fingertips (unedited and uninterrupted). Yet, there is something so universally nostalgic about both local TV channels and VHS tapes for a certain generation of us that all three of these movies capture perfectly (albeit some aspects are captured better than others in each of the films).
The first film chronologically for both release and setting is WNUF Halloween Special. A gem of a film set in 1987, it pretends to be a home recording of a local news channel’s Halloween broadcast. Segments about dentists buying back candy, about Christians protesting the holiday, and the grand finale: a longer special about a news reporter and a team of paranormal investigators exploring a supposedly-haunted house. Things go, unsurprisingly, haywire. The plot of the film is paper-thin and predictable, the acting is sublimely cheesy (exactly what you want and expect from smalltown news personalities), and the effects are alright. A little blood here and there, a dead cat— nothing beyond that.
Where the film shines is its dedication to capturing the experience. The sound of the tape being pushed into the VCR, the blue screen— local commercials, and fast-forwarding through ones you’ve already seen or segments you find boring. “Kids, ask your parents permission before calling!” “Playing with drugs... is playing with DEATH.” “All the rock you could want, on the QUARRY!” — It’s truly a masterpiece. I feel like a little kid sitting too close to the TV screen with my bucket of Halloween candy next to me every time I watch this movie. It has its flaws, sure, but there is something so tangibly charming about a window into my childhood now preserved only on old Between The Lions tapes, captured here in a film released in 2013. I remember that broadcast on my TV. I remember my old Halloween costume, and my orange plastic pumpkin. I was that kid, watching in awe and horror was my local TV anchor hosts a call-in seance live. We all have, I think, if you grew up in that wonderful window from the late 80s to the early 2000s. It’s delightful, and WNUF Halloween Special has cemented itself as one of my favorite holiday films of all time.
V/H/S 94 is second, again for both release and setting (and isn’t that perfect?). Overall, this film takes itself the most seriously. While WNUF is not an anthology film, both of the V/H/S entries are. Our frame story here, Holy Hell, follows a SWAT unit on a drug bust that turns into a snuff film ring bust that quickly goes sour. As the film progresses, so to does our little unit— deeper and deeper into the facility, uncovering more and more eyeless bodies and strange TVs, until it’s finally revealed that the two female officers were the leads of the snuff film cult all along. The take a camera to the head of the final SWAT officer; lenses shatter and brain chunks splatter.
 Overall, the shorts in this film are delightful, and all in various ways. Storm Drain is most similar to WNUF, as it also parodies a news broadcast. Being a direct broadcast from the mid-90s, the camera quality has improved distinctly— only to drop again for the next short, The Empty Wake. After all, a funeral home certainly wouldn’t have the same quality cameras as a news station. You could (and people certainly have) argued that The Empty Wake is middling at best; a simple and obvious story that excels mostly with its use of effects and occasionally with its building of tension. Yet the use of three fixed cameras calls back to early survival horror in a delightful way. It feels almost Poe-esque, a sort of 90s Gothic I’ve never really seen before. Overly-haunting funeral music, a raging storm and a sea of brown. Brown chairs, brown carpet, ugly light fixtures that constantly threaten to go out. Its delightfully evocative of the sort of empty beige wasteland of many Midwest baptist churches. The only things unique here are the girl and the casket— and whatever monster lurks inside.
The third short, The Subject, is my second favorite. The effects are stunning and CGI is used sparingly, and I’m a sucker for mad scientist/Frankenstein’s Monster stories. Though it makes the least effort to maintain an “authentic” appearance, the creature and set design elevate it. There’s also a delightful emotional core; the girl becomes a monster of the soldiers’ own creation, and it is Jono’s kindness that helps re-ground her. I can only say it’s unfortunate Jono died, considering they each save the other (and he’d only ever been kind to her, trying to protect her from the start and even lying to his commander about seeing her crawling away before they run into each other again in the midst of her killing spree). I’m not sure whether I would’ve preferred that they both died together, or both escaped together, but having only the girl survived feels... odd. Especially considering the world she is escaping into is likely to hold little kindness for her.
Interestingly, the fourth short (and by far my favorite) has a similar sort of “monster of your own creation” through-line, though with a distinctly more serious twist. A white supremacist extremist group is preparing for a domestic terrorist attack, using vampire blood as a bomb. It’s got the grittiest, most low-quality footage of any of the shorts (which, again, makes sense — they’re using cheap, handheld cameras) and feels the most real to me. It’s set near Detroit, but the snowy wilderness is familiar as someone who grew up in the northern midwest. Each day, at a certain time, the militia members shoot the vampire in the head. One such scene opens the film— the vampire pleads for his life. Each subsequent time, the vampire pleads less and less, until he simply kneels in silence and accepts a bullet through the skull. At the end of the film, through a series of drunken mishaps, the vampire is released and all of the militia members are killed. The vampire uses the militia’s fail-safe to open a large window and expose himself to sunlight, killing himself and destroying the compound. It feels less tragic than The Subject, but remains very understandable. When you’ve spent most of your life being demonized, sometimes you do just want to let yourself become the demon.
The third and final film, V/H/S 99, is more consistent aesthetically than V/H/S 94, as it leans almost entirely into handheld, home movie style film-making. It is also mostly focused on teens suffering the consequences of their actions. There was certainly a specific brand of mean-spirited, Jackass-style “prank” content prevalent in this era alongside the blossoming newgrounds community of shock animations and flash games. All that to say, teenagers of this era fucking sucked.
Shredding, the first short, features a group of irreverent douchebag punks who break into an abandoned music club only to mock the deaths of Bitch Cat, the last band who played there before a fire broke out inside the building. Only one of them shows any concern for their actions, but all of them die gruesomely— and in a delightfully gory bit of effects work, their dismembered corpses are reassembled and puppeteered by the zombified ghosts of Bitch Cat to perform one last song.
This is followed by Suicide Bid, pivoting from punks to bitchy sorority girls who decide a great hazing prank would be burying a desperate girl alive for a night. Of course, as shitty as that would be on its own, there also has to be a ghost involved. The ghost of Giltine attacks Lily as the coffin slowly fills with rainwater after a storm starts, and the sorority sisters come back to a mysteriously empty coffin the next day. Lily gets the last laugh by trapping all the other girls in their own coffins, having made a deal with Giltine to offer the sorority girls in exchange for her own soul.
Ozzy’s Dungeon pivots from revenge against shitty teens to revenge against shitty adults— all while parodying Nickelodeon game shows. It’s gross, it’s sleazy, and it’s wonderfully demented in a SAW-esque way. It’s also an interesting look at failed child stardom. Donna was supposed to be the one who got out, the one who made it big, but now her leg is mangled. Her own mother says it looks like dog meat, goes on this revenge crusade that Donna barely takes part in. When she does, her mother takes over for her. Her father makes token protests but ultimately lets the mother take the lead— and the game show host was always more worried about appearances than anything else. At the end of their little vengeance plot, the host helps Donna and her family sneak back onto the set of the show to meet the titular Ozzy and get a wish granted (the promised prize of the show which no one ever won). Donna’s mother prompts her to wish for for a new car, for 15 million dollars— Donna wishes for everyone who used her to die.
The frame story of this film, stop-motion animated segments of a teen’s home movie made with toy soldiers, feeds directly into the fourth short, The Gawkers. We’ve returned again to the world of shitty teens— this time, to popular teen boys. They think they’re hot shit and treat women as objects, trying to sneak panty shots of girls in a park before being chased off, and later spying on Brady and Dylan’s neighbor. It’s hardly the most enjoyable watch, but it is quite gratifying. The teens who treated women as nothing more than sexual objects are themselves turned into literal objects. It turns out the neighbor is a gorgon, and she caught the boys spying on her through her webcam thanks to Brady’s programming skills. She attacks them all and turns them to stone for invading her privacy, betraying her trust and sexualizing her without her consent. This is the short that relies most heavily on CGI (to create the Gorgon) and it does feel extremely weak. The gorgon doesn’t seem to have any weight to her and the snakes on her head do not move naturally in the slightest— budget constraints are understandable, but this is why I much prefer The Subject’s merging of practical and digital to elevate the practical and execute what couldn’t be physically built.
Last, but certainly not least, is To Hell and Back, a short following to videographers recording a Y2K party hosted by a coven of witches as they attempt to summon a demon into the body of a willing host. A lower demon crashes the party, and as the witches banish it back to hell it grabs onto the two cameramen and drags them to hell with it. The only short that has nothing to do with vengeance (or teens), the two men must instead venture through the pits of hell in an attempt to find the demon being summoned and catch a ride back to earth. They succeed, but ruin the coven’s summoning and are killed for it (one of them using his blood to write the name of another lower demon who had helped them escape in the witches’ book before dying). The film closes as the videographers’ camera runs out of battery.
Each of these films captures a very specific era in the lifetime of VHS as a medium, and captures it extremely well. From the image and color distortion of WNUF’s faux home recording to the differences in camera quality to match the shorts’ settings in V/H/S 94 as we transition from newscasts to funeral homes, to amateur documentaries. V/H/S 99 is more consistent than 94, as stated, but this is inherent to all of their shorts being filmed by amateurs— the most polished segment is the beginning of Ozzy’s Dungeon while the actual show is being filmed. It’s an excellent depiction of the astounding jump in technological quality in such a brief time. At least in what was available to professionals. Perhaps the most charming part of this era of VHS is that while technology got smaller and cheaper for consumers, it did not necessarily get better. A cheap, handheld video camera is still a cheap handheld video camera.
In their commitment to this horror time capsule project, WNUF Halloween Special and most of the shorts from the two V/H/S films rely heavily on practical effects. It is, at times, bad-looking. You know it’s a guy in a rubber suit. The leech-like vampire isn’t really chewing a guy’s face off. Giltine is... well, an unarticulated latex mask with equally unarticulated hands. These monsters are fake and you know it, and that is part of the charm. It is a low-budget 90s film you picked up from the bargain bin, a home-burned DVD your friend gifted you of their high-school slasher created during summer vacation. It’s a guy in a mask, and it might be a guy you know, but you’ve got to suspend your disbelief. You’ve come home from Blockbuster with every intention of seeing that guy in a mask and believing he is a monster out to torment assholes, and it’s golden.
I’ve said it before, seen it said by others, and will absolutely say it again: bad practical effects will always be better than bad CGI. I don’t care how cheap it looks— if there’s a real, tangible thing in front of the actors I’ll buy it so much more than PS1 graphics slapped against the background. Something with weight, something the actors can really react to. A good performance can make bad practical effects passable and passable effects amazing. You forget you can see the wire in certain shots until some dude on IMDb points it out in the trivia section. The actors sell it. The film scares you. You’re 14, 15, 16 and you snuck a horror movie out of the rental place your parents would never let you watch normally. You’re tuning into the late-night broadcast of Ghoulies or Reanimator or Killer Klowns from Outer Space. It scares you because it’s not something you’re supposed to see. None of these tapes were something we were ever supposed to see, but here they are.
Here’s death, here’s gore, here’s horror. Here’s a man in a mask. Here’s a cheap video camera and here’s the nostalgic sound of your tape thunking into place in your VCR, whirring to life as a commercial flickers across the screen as that home recording of your favorite movie comes on. The one you were only supposed to see once, that Halloween night, preserved carefully now on your shelf lined with hand-labelled tapes. Maybe it’s not as scary as it used to be, but it’s joyful! It’s a trip down memory lane, an experience not many of us will get back (at least not the way we all individually remember it), but we can still plug in any of these masterfully crafted movies and get a dose of nostalgia whenever we want. They’ll always be there— and you can always be a friend.
Just remember to rewind when you reach the end.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 years
Helluu beloved please give us 2, 16, 44, 48 for John and Jessie aaaaand 9, 18, 33, 38 for Jenna and Faith <33
THANK YOU BELOVED!! sorry for the lengthy answers, below cut for that + wildfire spoilers on the johnjess ones!
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2. What is something that they gave one another that has a lot of meaning?
several injuries traditional gift giving is... not exactly their primary love language. sticking to wildfire canon, the one time john tried to give jessie flowers she rebuffed the gesture so effectively he said “well they are for the dead body you invited me over to bury actually not you, and i hate you!” their most meaningful transfer of items tends to be more in the vein giving/holding onto/returning possessions the other already owned.
for example (spoilers for to current chapter wildfire) john takes the time to pick up and hangs onto jessie’s signature jacket after it falls off while she’s swinging at everyone and bleeding out at her flop baptism, takes it home and cleans the bloodstains off of it, and later returns it to her.
(spoilers for to current and a little future yet unwritten wildfire) john “gives” jessie his watch in the sense that he puts in her pocket for temporary safekeeping and then “forgets” to get it back before they mutually “agree” to go their separate ways “forever” and then drives off when she attempts to flag him down and give it back. instead of immediately throwing it in the river, jessie hangs onto it, takes care of it, periodically wears it, and eventually returns it in good condition when they reunite. (sorry again for the spoilers i know everyone is shocked they didn’t actually manage to stay away from each other.) i don’t want to be too specific about this one because it involves revealing major way in the future spoilers, but she also retrieves and brings to him a fairly sentimental item in the future. which is very intended to act as a contrast to how she treats material items (particularly of emotional value) that belong to non-john individuals — blowing up grace’s dad’s grave, kicking mary may’s bar until her family photo falls over and breaks, etc. things she writes off and her just not being materialistic but hm maybe she’s just an asshole.
16. What do they say to one another before they go to sleep?
ha well wildfire canon the one time they went to sleep together the last thing said was jessie saying to john “let’s make it an hour of silent reflection.” (and so he was silent, which i intended to be as mundanely miraculous as it sounds. the real sign he’s got it bad.)
...and you know, that’s probably about how it goes down most nights. even when they’re in a more openly “i love you” stage they’re not really the type to say it per reflexive routine versus spontaneous emotional declaration, so goodnight rituals like that aren’t really their thing. more likely typical pattern of john (despite jessie being the night owl who has had to be coaxed to bed in the first place) rambling on about something and jessie saying “shut UP i am trying to SLEEP.” they’re in love.
44. What do they love about each other the most?
jessie loves that john is passionate (emotionally volatile enough she can think of herself as cool and level-headed in comparison) and devoted (clingy and obsessive enough she can think of herself as detached and uncaring in comparison). i kid, but these are qualities she originally appreciates primarily out of a drive to explore her own toxicity reflected in more extreme degree and with safe distance that gives her a very rare feeling of genuine moral superiority, but they eventually become things she begins to admire and love in earnest. jessie never allows herself to experience these things to the point of actual vulnerability, and she loves that john is willing to, and for her sake.
john loves that jessie is clever and quick-witted, its the first thing he’s impressed by that drives his attraction towards her past an intense but would-have-could-have-been fleeting “she’s hot” to a more personalized fixation. he loves her willpower and resilience and, frankly, absolute self-destructive stubbornness. he says she’s the most difficult person on the face of the earth with hearts in his eyes. her willingness to always, no matter the situation, find a way to spite him and make his life harder genuinely reads to him as its own form of devotion (it is) and well it simply makes him feel very, very special. again, something that eventually grows from a very selfish form of appreciation to something more earnest, as he learns more about her past he begins to admire her self-sufficiency and tenacity outside of its attachment to himself. he also quite adores her unending cynicism at the world, is somehow shocked when it’s also directed at his brother’s claims of prophecy.
48. How would each of them explain how they met?
hm, you know that scene in killing eve where someone asks how they met and they say “oh, she stalked me. she ruined my life.” “she stalked me. she sent me to prison.” then they laugh and say haha just kidding:)? well that’s essentially how new dawn era johnjess answering the how they met question from anyone would go. “oh, he hunted me down and threatened to lob my skin off. he held a town full of people hostage to force me to have dinner with him. he shot me, drugged me, and drowned me.” “she hunted me down. she threatened to behead me. she demanded i meet her to bury one of my allies she murdered, and then used the opportunity to assault me with the shovel she used to bury the man.”
but also it is a real eventual dispute between them as to what actually counts as the moment they met. jessie genuinely did not notice him at the church on arrest night and swears up and down that means he simply wasn’t there and the first time they saw each other was at the outskirts of the valley near orville creek as she fled into the woods. besides the first time they really talked was when she callled him to chat while she took out his militia stationed in fall’s end, so that counts as when they met. john says he was at the church on the first night of the reaping, he saw her, he remembers her to a t, and besides if they’re going off conversations she technically radioed him to interrupt his broadcast around the time she passed the tunnel cave-in alex corpse art before the fall’s end slaughter over flirtatious small talk debacle, so that would be when they met by her criteria — but really the dinner date was the first time they were in person, mutually aware of each other, and spoke to each other, so that should count. they argue about this for hours.
they dodge the question with the children for years with some equivalent of [pleasant smile] “we met when your mother was a police officer. back in the world before you were born, that’s someone who used to...” but this usually leads to enough bickering over backdrop details even as they avoid the real issue that it isn’t hard for the kids to piece together what happened once they’ve been full-time above ground enough to have context about pre-collapse society.
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9. What is something small that they would randomly pick up for one another?
faith likes to pick up wildflowers while she’s out to bring back to jenna, she’ll ask her to identify them and then listen to her talk about them. she also has jenna’s tea order memorized and will randomly drop by the lab with a cup, or sometimes send a project member along to deliver it if it’s on her mind but she doesn’t have the time. jenna is aware when faith is busy on her own end she will often neglect meals, or other aspects of personal care, so she’ll often make a point when she has a spare moment to pay her a random visit to drop off some homemade baked goods, or gift her a nice lotion set she happened to find.
jenna has passive aggressively gifted faith a non-zero number of shoes. she packs an extra pair on long nature walks to “randomly” surprise her with halfway through their trek. it has never worked.
18. If they were to have matching pyjamas, what would they be?
their matching pajama sets tend to be more “single pajama sets that have been split up because faith is a thief so they’re matching now.” jenna tends to favor loose satin cami and short sets for her sleep and lounge wear, many of which have matching robes, and faith likes to steal the robe so they’re matching. so things like this:
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but faith steals the robe to split the set and jenna ends up wearing a mismatched robe if she wants a robe on. it doesn’t bother her at all, really. smiling. she very politely suggests that she’s happy to buy her her own robe if she would like. faith says no, no, don’t trouble herself she doesn’t need all that!
if they have real matching pajamas it’s because jenna starts buying two of everything in anticipation of stealing.
33. Who would they love to go on a double date with?
both of these freaks would pick their exes and a partner of their choice. jenna casually went out with dr. sarah perkins during her early time in hope county and things ended on pleasant terms due primarily to schedule incompatibility, she still enjoys her company and would love to do brunch. and faith of course loves tracey she would love to go on a double date with her no hard feelings she’s just mature and at peace like that:) love and light. tracey and sarah set up on a blind date with faithjen mayhaps.
for what it’s worth, for all their own brand of mutual toxicity faith and jenna would genuinely be pleasant brunch companions, unlike. you know.
38. Can they name each other’s favourite food? 
they could! jenna enjoys cooking as a hobby, and they spend a decent amount of their domestic time together making food together (read: jenna making food while faith sits on the counter and watches). faith naming jenna’s favorite foods would be more of rolling off a long list, jenna genuinely can’t decide for herself an absolute favorite. jenna is more aware of the preferences faith voices about what she’s cooking up (“can you make some of the meringues the strawberry ones this time?” “would it be okay if we didn’t put cilantro in the salad tonight?”) than her standalone favorites, but she has a short list of things she’s learned are the foods and flavors faith loves most. she’s also learned faith gets an occasional nostalgia craving for shitty cheap greasy hangover food from her bender days, and while she doesn’t understand it on a personal level she does indulge it with a trip to aubrey’s diner or the grill streak.
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enneamage · 2 years
what sort of crisis of conscience do you think tommy might be experiencing or about to experience?
I can’t know how it’s going to manifest, or if maybe he’ll turn it into a kind of positive productivity and ride through it, but I see some of the bits and pieces that seem to point to one.
The first thing is he’s either started to independently question or has been called out on his more ‘manipulative’ YouTube tactics, making him more uncomfortable with them. I’m using the word manipulative because even his friends call what he does manipulation; he knows how to drive for a result in an algorithm and he knows how to use people to do it. Tommy can be very tactical when he’s got a motivation and knows the ins and outs. The thing is, his aggressive algorithm wrangling (on top of a global pandemic) has already brought him a fortune and blown his fame sky-high, so he isn’t fighting as single-mindedly for that goal anymore. Usually when someone achieves a decade long hunt for something they can be kind of vulnerable to feeling aimless or disoriented. While Tommy does seem to be holding onto his motivation, he seems more open to criticism on how he got to the top to begin with.
It's interesting because right now he seems to be in two places at once—he’s wary of the Mr. Beast-ification of online content because the sameiness is boring and he says he understands that working to conform to a formula can be uninspiring. At the same time, he’s sticking to what he knows works (which is at least somewhat formulaic) and is branching out slowly, save for his experiments this year. I don’t blame him for being afraid to loose what he has, but it does make me wonder which instinct is going to win out, and how he’s going to feel about it as he works.
(There’s a pitfall here that I’ve been eyeing, he might start to make the 'artist' mistake of getting frustrated that the audience doesn’t change their preferences to make better-smarter-different-ect content absurdly popular instead. If he puts the responsibility on the audience to change their behavior rather than giving himself permission to do less popular stuff, he could get very resentful.)
The most obvious tell (for me) is that Tommy will ask “am I a bad person” without much prompting, or say offhanded lines that suggest that it’s a question that’s been on his mind. That’s pretty heavy stuff, but it’s a sign he’s been self-reflecting. He’s talked about watching video essays about himself and has implied that they’re less than flattering, at least sometimes. He jokes about being an above-the-law asshole over-wealthy youtuber in his kind of inscrutable way where you can’t quite tell if it’s genuine arrogance or if he’s setting himself up for failure as an absurd joke. He’s got at least one story where he said he laughed a bit too hard and a bit too long at jokes about him being depressed. He’s adopted Bo Burnham, and lord knows the baggage that comes with that—Bo knows how to do social critique, but he’s also lost in the sauce of his own shame & self-loathing.
I can’t know what exactly he’s thinking or where he’s headed next, but I think he’s heading into a questioning period in his life, and there’s a lot of room for that to develop into questions about what his ethics really are.
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strang3lov3 · 3 months
Here we go Bug 🩷
It’s Crazy how many of my panties have been ruined by blood stains, so much so that I only wear black or red ones 🫠🥲 And the worst part I get so mad like I literally yelled because someone was honking outside of my apartment too many times, that’s it and now there’s some asshole yelling 😡😤
Also the people who have the audacity to ask “oh are you menstruating?🤗” yes bitch I am what a stupid question 🥳
“You look at Joel, sleeping peacefully like a baby, and yet you wanna beat the living fucking crap out of him.” Yes been there done that( not the beating part but the annoyance at literally anything part 😂)
“I didn’t ask you to do that,” you mumble. “The bleach you used makes my head hurt worse.” Ahhh Joel what a rookie mistake, you shoulda know better 🥸
“If looks could fuckin’ kill, Joel thinks. You’re glaring at him.” With me he would probably 24/7 think I want to kill him because no matter if I have my period or not, I always look like I want kill you It’s the resting bitch face the universe gifted me. 😒🤣
“You’re crampy, but you’re also probably hungry. He’ll make you breakfast, something with protein because he knows you need it.” I can feel it, this will be his next mistake uhhhhh poor Joel 🥸😂
“Your face is contorted in disgust and you’re not eating. “What’s the matter?” He walked right into the trap ouch 😣
Very sweet of him to make the scrambled eggs and being so nice while reader is not being so nice but i get her but then again I also love my Joel. I would be very happy to have someone to take care of me instead it’s just me myself and I. 🥲🫠
“No. I don’t care,” you interrupt, which hurts Joel’s feelings a little.” Don’t worry Joeliiiiii you’ll get to punish us for being so mean 🥵😏
Love how she basically tells him to get away from her because he’s too close but then she’s like “come back my pillow” 😂
“He goes upstairs to get his rice sock from his nightstand, then comes back downstairs and heats it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.” Idk why but this line is super funny to me…yes Joel get your rice sock!!! 😂😂🥸
I love the way you write them bantering 🤩🙌🏻
The whole back and forth about the water I cannot 🤣🤣
Now we broke his glasses oh that poor old man is really fighting for his life.
“Joel puts on the movie, grabs his bent glasses from the end table and heads out to the garage without saying a single word to you. You wonder what bug crawled up his ass.” Dear Bug did you write this because you want crawl up Joel Miller’s ass?👀😍😏
No but seriously we are the bug that crawled up his beautiful butt 🤗😅
“Looks like your legs are workin’ now,” Joel replies, without looking at you. “S’a miracle. Means you can follow me around now, terrific.” Sassy pissed of Joel…I love him ☺️
“Joel’s large, warm hand suddenly covers the lower half of your face, silencing your argument. “If the next words outta this mouth aren’t thank you, then I don’t wanna hear ‘em. In fact…” Yes it’s happening now we get our bratty ass rocked I’m so ready 🙏🏻🥳
“You can walk the fuck away from me, or you can get on your knees. Whichever you choose, you do so silently. Nod if you understand.” I would be on my knees in an instant, shatter my own kneecaps who cares for him it’s worth it
(As I kinda predicted, I fell asleep but I’m back up and I couldn’t stop thinking about continuing so let’s go 😅)
“Heard fuckin’ enough outta you today. You keep quiet.” Yes sir I’ll shut up 😏☺️
Joel Miller wherever you may hide please come over and cum inside my mouth without a warning I’m begging you🙏🏻
Now up to the bedroom 😏🥳
“An orgasm should set you straight, or two or three. Whatever he feels is necessary.” It would absolutely set me straight. I’ll take whatever he deems necessary 🙌🏻
“I’ve got a half a mind to take my own hurt out on you, y’know.” His voice is dark and angered, but he speaks calmly in a way that contrasts the darkness but maintains his authority all the same. “And I think I’m gonna.” I’m screaming a very clear yesssssssssss, please take it out on me. I offer myself willingly to volunteer 🙏🏻
“S’right,” he says. “Good girl.” Stfu I’m down bad for being called good girl 😍😌
“It’s all ya needed, isn’t it? The whole goddamn time,” he pants. “Didn’t need to go an’ bitch me out all day if you needed lovin’ like this. Woulda been nice f’ya just said so.” Sometimes communicating is hard Joeliiiii next time I’ll just immediately go for the belt, that will send a message right? If the words fail me🤣😉
“Oh, my sweet girl. What am I gonna do with you, hm?” I want him so much it’s unreal 😵‍💫🩷
“Focus right here. You’re gonna come with me, keep your eyes on me…” Funny how 3 words can make me think of a very specific scene 😉
I case I haven’t made it clear…. The smut absolutely rocked my world and then sweet aftercare perfection. The entire 6K rocked my world so beautifully. I thank you so much 🩷🙏🏻
Aww look at those beautiful fur babies…these fuzzballs 😅😍
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Best part of my day begins NOW
1. I don’t think i own pair of underwear that doesn’t have period stains. It just happens. Is what it is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ one time in high school I wore light jeans and started my period unknowingly and walked through the busy halls with a huge stain on my ass and when I realized what happened I backed against the wall and made my friend give me her hoodie - it was super cold this day too. My pants and undies were ruined so I went home and left this poor girl freezing her butt off but she was chill 😭🩷
2. OKAY BUT HAVE YOU EVER LOOKED AT A MAN SLEEPING PEACEFULLY AND THOUGHT I could beat the daylights out of you. There is a war inside my reproductive organs right now and you’re sleeping.
3. The bleach part is inspired by my lovely fiancé who fucking hates whenever I clean our bathrooms with bleach because he hates the smell LOL
4. I also have a bitch face. It’s not RBF, it’s an active facial expression I make when I’m pissed off and apparently it’s just like my little brother’s.
5. About the scrambled eggs, I thought about adding details of her not even eating them 😭
6. THE RICE SOCK EXISTS and my grandpa calls it the royal sack. It is exactly as described and works like a charm. I’ll probably end up using it today!! I wanted a legit heating pad one time but couldn’t find one so royal sack it is.
8. I love how the rest of this ask is you thirsting 😭 Mina, I fucking mean it that the asks I get from you after every fic. Make. My. Day. They make what I do so worthwhile. You are the type of reader that makes this such a gratifying hobby, and I know I’m not the only one getting this lovely treatment, I see you in others’ inboxes and comments being nothing short of kind and enthused and encouraging. I’m lucky to have you in my corner but so is everyone else!! You are the type of person we need so thank you for being here 🩷 you are a such a beacon of love and light
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heartspiked · 2 years
video games | mike wheeler + jason carver
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pairing: mike wheeler x cheerleader! reader x jason carver
he holds me in his big arms
there was never a moment in the day when you weren't orbiting around your boyfriend. during his morning practices, you would sit on the bleachers and do your homework, in the first period you volunteered at the library where he took his dual credit literature class, at lunch, you sat opposite of him, and in passing periods you made sure to hold his hand till the last second before the bell rings. giggles and sweet cooings of how he’d see you later. he’d protect you from anything if he thought you needed it.
drunk and i am seeing stars this is all i think of
swirling your beer around and staring daggers across the room at jason with a surly expression isn’t how you planned on spending the evening. why were there so many girls gathered around him? why was he so comfortable being nice to them? you worked hard to get to where you are. you fought hard yo get rid of the nerd title in middle school and made friends with the worst type of people. this was every girls dream, so why weren’t you happy? you had the title of being the affable basketball players cheerleader girlfriend. it didn’t feel like enough.
watching all your friends fall
there was no arguing with jason. not because he would lash out or ignore the problem but because he was sweet in every way. he was understanding and caring beyond belief and that annoyed you to no end. why couldn’t he just argue and tell you that you’re crazy? instead, he’d kiss your temple and assure you there was no competition. you’d whine and beg him to only treat you with kindness. “you shouldn’t worry about that you know i only have eyes for you.” you were prone to jealousy and rumors always hurt you. you wish he was mean so you felt less selfish and terrible.
he crosses his arms and gives an expression he reserves solely for you. “you know that i love you, right? so i don’t get why it matters if we don’t kiss you in public. that stuff is just for us.” and like how all these arguments conversations end he hugs you. though nothing ever changes. conversations about his asshole friends and their girlfriends breaking up always seem to change the subject until the next week. why did it seem like every week was the same boring thing? so of course you wrap your arms around his neck and mutter i love you too in his neck.
this is my idea of fun
mike ‘frog face’ wheeler is hovering over you in the men's locker room. mere minutes until basketball practice is done. you push him away from you and onto the bench. maybe you were crazy or he’s an acquired taste but there was something about how puffy his lips got after making out with him that made you feel insanely attracted to him. “you have a boyfriend.” he was about to go on about just like always. you left kisses on his ghostly white neck. his skin blotchy and covered in hickies the way you liked. “so do you want me to stop?” he shook his head quickly and nuzzled his nose against yours. he looked so desperate and he wanted you to kiss him back so badly. why did you love the rush you got from doing something so reckless and dumb?
playing video games
“when are you going to tell him?” you look up from your book and at mike who’s sitting in front of a paused gaming console. “what are you talking about wheeler?” mike stares at the floor for what felt like an eternity before speaking again. “when are you going to tell him it’s over?” you make your way out from under his covers wearing the lace underwear he likes. you hold his face in your hands and give him a big kiss. he told you he likes the way your lips feel like how he always imagined them. he shakes his head and you sigh, “soon. okay?” but you lied. continuing to avoid him in every hallway, never looking in his general direction, and refusing to acknowledge his existence at school.
it’s you, it’s you, it’s all for you
it’s the last game of the season and everyone who cares about basketball is on edge. except for mike of course who really does not care one bit. everyone stared at him when he refused to clap after the three pointers jason made back to back. why would he? instead he opted to clap for the opposite team who’s player elbowed jason and received a personal foul. mike watches sourly as you run to jump into jasons arms. why did you make him feel this bad? he made you feel good in ways that jason couldn’t. mikes eyes linger on you at how you’ve been pushed to the side by everyone who wants to see the captain. you look into the stands and your eyes meet. no matter how much you changed your hair and your makeup you’d always be on the sidelines. the expression in your eyes. the posture and look of defeat plastered on your face reminded him of middle school. maybe things would’ve been different if you just accepted the simple fact: once a loser always a loser.
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thehmn · 3 years
This post is inspired by a friend of mine who belongs to a couple of queer groups and expressed worry about younger people who react with hostility to people who don’t know enough about the queer community and accidentally say harmful things, but doesn’t want to educate people in a gentle way because “it’s not their job”. My friend worried people expect outsiders to be too aware of communities they’re not in and told me “You’d be a perfect example. Not even people in the queer community know much about you”
What they mean by that: I’m intersex. My body is much closer to a mix between the standard “female” and “male” than the large majority.
What does that make you think about me? What do you think my gender experience is like? What did you think I had to go through? Did you for a fleeting second wonder what my genitalia looks like? How I have sex? What kind of sexual partners I have?
Now, how many of your thoughts and assumptions do you think are wrong or maybe even harmful? Are there questions you think are okay to ask and others that would be offensive? How do you know? Maybe the questions you think are tame touch on something that’s a major hot-button issue for intersex people. If I reacted with hostility to you simply asking if it is okay to ask questions at all, how would you feel about that?
This is all meant to be hypothetical questions. It’s just to give you an idea of what it’s like to be on the outside. And of course no one should be expected to conform and be the perfect poster child for their group or hold everybody’s hand, sit them down and gently explain everything to them. There’s a lot of assholes who don’t deserve it, but I think there’s even more people who accidentally say stupid shit because they don’t know any better. I’m very grateful for all the people who didn’t attack me when I was being stupid but instead educated me. It’s thanks to them I’ve improved and continue to improve. They’ve inspired me and I try to follow their example.
So if you care to know: Intersex people are diverse like everybody else, so what is offensive to some is a-okay to others.
Physically I lean closer to female than male, but it’s common for children to ask if I’m a boy or a girl. Some adults get confused too. Depending on how I dress or how far away I am people have assumed I’m a butch lesbian, a transwoman, or a transman. Because my fat deposits are very masculine it’s very common for people to think I’m a pregnant woman because I get the classic male “beer belly”.
I personally don’t have a strong gender identity but prefer female pronouns because that’s what I’m used to. Other intersex people have very strong gender identities and might even get angry if you ask if they are gender queer in any way. To many it’s considered extremely offensive to use intersex people to make a point about the fluidity of gender so it’s probably best to avoid that comparison unless you are intersex.
I’ve gone through a lot of phases where I either tried to be more feminine to feel less like a freak or own my masculine side. If the internet had been more common when I was a child I might have convinced myself that I was trans just to find a label and an identity (I hope people understand that I’m not saying trans people are delusional, just that I was in an unusual situation)
People have asked me if it’s offensive to use intersex people for erotica but characters they call intersex are always more like futanari with fully functional penis, balls and vagina. Intersex genitalia is often more of a mix. You might not even be able to tell from the outside but on the inside they might have an extremely shallow or non-existent vagina or no uterus. There’s a lot of possibilities that are usually not considered all that sexy. I personally have a jotun character inspired by the jotun Ymir from Norse Mythology who had both male and female genitalia and had children with himself. I call that double-sexed instead of intersex.
For years it was assumed that I had PCOS because as the doctor said “You don’t have any of the things we usually use to give the diagnosis but you have the symptoms so you must have PCOS?” The symptoms being a lot of male characteristics. I was put on hormone therapy to correct it. One gynecologist asked if I had been mutilated during a cancer operation a few years earlier because my downstairs didn’t look quite right. I only found out I was intersex a few years ago when another gynecologist asked if I got periods. Confused I said yes to which he responded “Oh okay. It’s just that I can tell you’re intersex and you often don’t get periods” Let’s just say we had a long talk after that.
So for me it was just a nagging feeling that something was off, especially after sex education in school because I didn’t quite fit the diagrams and some of the things the teacher said were impossible and if we experienced those things we were probably just doing it wrong. Well, they fit me and for years I was wondering what I was doing wrong.
For other people they find out later that they were operated on as infants to fit into a gender that they may or may not identify with later in life and they fight for children’s right to not be operated on.
For that reason some intersex people want to be included in the queer community while others want to be left out because they consider it a “body thing” more than a “brain thing”
So like I said, we’re diverse but I hope you feel a bit more informed. If you set out to learn more, just know that few things are a universal experience so just because I’m okay with telling you these thing, any of them could be super touchy for another person.
And as you can probably tell, I very much agree with my friend which is why I made the post. You do you, but I do believe it’s worth being patient with people who don’t seem to have bad intentions. And a big thank you to those who were patient with me.
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
+warning/s: cursing, oikawa and yuuji kinda being dirty little shits
+word count: 965
Wouldn't really be fazed.
Asshole would smirk real big.
Loves it.
Flexes his ass just cause.
Would hold your hand through his pocket so you wouldn't pull it away.
"You wish you could have an ass like this" He smirks, keeping your hand in place in his pocket as he continues looking around the store.
"Pfft, we both know I have a better ass"
He looks at you with a look of amusement. He then extends his arm behind you and puts his own hand in your back pocket.
He squeezes lightly which makes you jump a little. "I mean... you're kinda right" He muses, making you hide your face a bit as it heats up.
Y'all ended up having a hand shove in each other's pockets.
Would go 😳
Cause why?
Would try wiggling away from you, but you just shove your hand even deeper into his pocket.
bb would be kinda shy. like can u not? hng
"Y-Y/n, we're in public." He said quietly. Making sure to keep his voice in a whisper to not catch attention.
"No shit. So what?" You grinned at him.
He gives you a pleading kind of look while he slowly turns into a tomato.
"Are you shyyyyy?" You teased. When he gave you a glare you just squeezed his ass making him jump.
"Stop it!" He whisper-yelled, but his eyes are still pleading as he forces your hand out of his pocket. "Act right, missy" he said like a parent.
"Pfft, party pooper." You sulked, as he dragged you around the mall prohibiting your hand from making any contact with his ass.
He'd look back at you and give you the warmest smile ever.
Wouldn't mind it at all since you do be always kneading his dough.
He's used to it by now cause there's not a day wherein touching his ass isn't in your agenda.
"What's up baby?" He asked, thinking you need something.
"Damn you got some serious cake, Bo" You exclaimed, winking at him making him a giggling mess.
He burst into laughter, pulling your free hand and yanking you to him. He wrapped your arm around him, making you put your other hand in his other pocket.
"Meghan Thee Stallion could never" He muses, bumping his nose with yours making you laugh as he hugs you.
"No ass compares to yours"
"Damn right!" He giggled.
That's the face he'd give you
Gives you teasing looks
Another one who'd love it
Wiggles his non-existent ass
Asshole would fake moan
"Yo stop" You whispered, trying to pull your hand away but he wouldn't let you.
"Grab it harder" He'd fake pant, biting his lip, making you wanna smack his stupid face.
"Can you stop? Oh my gosh, have some shame we're in public, idiot!" You scolded, still pulling your hand but this time he lets you as he laughs at you.
"Says the girl who buried her hand in my pocket" He jokingly sassed, pulling you close to him putting his hand in your pocket instead. "This is how you do it, pretty" he said, before squeezing your ass earning him a solid smack on the head.
"I mean...how am I even going to do that when there's literally nothing there?" You gave him this look 😳
"You little piece of shit--"
No reaction whatsoever.
Would look back at you for a little bit, giving a look like he's just done with you but would go back to what he's doing.
Would kinda get weirded out about it.
Like what's up? Do you need anything?
"Can I ask why your hand is buried deep within the depths of my back pocket?" Ushijima asks, not even looking at you as he continues looking at some vball stuff in the store.
"I just like having my hand here cause it's warm, don't mind me" You give him a smile.
He looks at you, trying to read your face to see whether you're up to no good or you're good today. But he just eventually nods and goes back to what he's doing.
"You know I can just hold your hand if it's cold."
"No. Just pretend I'm not here, I'm just an imagination, Ushi."
"That's kinda hard when your whole hand is literally in my pocket squeezing my ass y'know?" He deadpanned, making you chuckle.
Another one who wouldn't give much reaction.
He'd be a little surprised at first, sure.
Would blush for like .5 seconds
But would immediately get over it.
He'd just shake his head at you.
"You really just can't keep your hands to yourself huh?" He teased lightly.
"You know I don't have 'personal space' in my vocabulary" You pouted, making him chuckle and pat your head.
"Yup, that I know really well"
"You love it though" You teased, poking his side with your free hand.
He swats your hand away as he laughs.
"Hmmmm maybe?"
This guy is all about it!
He does it to you often, so you doing it this time around made him so happy.
Almost jumped at you when you did it.
"AHHHHHH~ do this more often" He turned to you, looking at you with doe eyes.
"I think you're loving it a little too much bud" You said, pushing his face away from you.
"Duh" He rolled his eyes at you.
"Okay sassy ass. Drop it or I'll pull that tongue piercing of yours" You threatened.
Dumbass gave you a smirk in return. "Pull it with what? Your mouth? Well then, if that's the case, by all means please do it. I'm all yours ma'am!"
"I hope you get hit by a volleyball in the face tomorrow, dummy"
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Shut Me Up
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A/N: Here’s another smutty one-shot. I felt like something a little cliche so here it is. This was so fun to write! I’m still finding my footing in this fandom as a writer but I think I wanna start taking requests, the next fic I have coming out will be a request and I’m having fun with it so shoot me a message if there’s something you wanna see. I’ve just put together my Masterlist so you can check out my other fics there :)
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
Summary: Spencer and Y/N don’t exactly get on well. Will they be able to work out some of their frustration when they’re forced to share a room for the night?
Category: Pure smut baby
Warnings/Includes: smut, graphic descriptions of sex, dirty talk, oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, name calling, light choking, hair pulling, scratching, please let me know if there’s anything I’ve missed!
Word count: 3850 words
The hotel is somehow worse than usual. It’s got so few rooms that they just narrowly grab enough for the whole team. But few enough that they have to bunk. Y/N didn't love sharing a room but it was better than having nowhere to sleep at all.
Prentiss tosses her a key, “That’s you and Reid” she says it so nonchalant that Y/N almost doesn’t notice it. Once in clicks in her head though she races down the hall.
“Hey, hey wait!” She calls out, a little too desperate, “Emily you can’t put me with Reid. We’ll kill each other.”
She laughs at that, it was on open secret amongst the team that Y/N and Spencer had something of a rivalry going. Bitter sworn enemies apparently. No one really bought it though. People who really truly hated each other would be a lot better at avoiding one another. But Y/N and Spencer could never seem to keep apart for very long.
“I’m sure you’ll be able to put your differences aside for a night.” she waves Y/N off as she heads into her own room, leaving her stranded in the hallway. Contemplating if the reception area might let her crash on the couch, she could even spend the night in one of the SUVs, the seats reclined far enough.
But that was stupid, why should she be the one who had to be uncomfortable, why not Spencer.
When she arrived at the door of her own room Spencer was slumped up against it, he stood up straight once he saw her coming.
“Took you long enough” he spat, reaching to take the key from her but she pulled it back before he had the chance.
“I was on the hunt for alternative sleeping arrangements” she huffs, unlocking the door.
“To no avail I presume?” he jokes but he’s just met with an eye roll.
“I’m taking the bed by the window” she stakes her claim before they even get through the door. Once they’re inside he lets out a chuckle.
“You’re welcome to the side of the bed by the window?” he jokes.
This was infinitely worse than she thought it was going to be. Where there were usually two generally uncomfortable twin beds in these standard small-town motels, instead there was a queen sized bed, staring at them as they stood at the foot of it.
“I get the bed” she says like she’s calling shotgun.
“Bullshit you get the bed, there’s nowhere else to sleep!” he complains.
She takes a second to scan the room, no sofa, no arm chair, the floor is a scratchy carpet. There’s no real option here. “You can sleep on the desk?” she suggests, and she’s not serious about it, but she wouldn’t say no if he agreed.
“Are you kidding me?” he almost shouts.
“Soft mattresses are bad for your back! Maybe it’ll sort out your posture?” she adds.
“There’s nothing wrong with my posture” he groans, massaging his temple.
“Okay sure, you tell yourself that”
They don’t say anything more about it as they unpack. Showering and changing for bed in silence. When Y/N comes out from he bathroom, Spencer is sitting up on one side of the bed, reading through case files by the light of the bedside lamp.
“Are you serious?” she whines.
“Look, we both need rest, just shut up and get over yourself” he says it without looking up from the file in his hand, his finger running over the lines at speed.
She doesn’t respond, she just climbs in on the other side, keeping herself as close to the edge of the mattress as possible to keep the distance in between them.
She lies like that for about 45 minutes but sleep’s just not coming.
“Are you ever gonna turn off that fucking light, I thought we ‘needed rest’” she mocks, turning over to look at him, still combing through the files, mumbling to himself every once in a while.
“We’ll both be useless tomorrow if we don’t get any sleep” she tries to convince him with a slightly more sincere tone.
This case wasn’t easy, the unsub had been abducting victims he’d met in online BDSM chatrooms. Bodies had been turning up murdered in ways that the victims had previously expressed were turn-ons. Suffocated, whipped, tied up in peculiar ways. There wasn’t much information to go on now, they just had to wait for the next body to turn up but that didn’t keep Spencer from pouring over everything a hundred times.
When he wasn’t being purposefully irritating Y/N honestly admired his work ethic. Just not when it was interfering with her much needed sleep.
“The bare minimum of sleep most humans need to live is just 4 hours in a 24 hour period” he blurts out, still not looking up.
“Well I’m not most humans, so knock it off”
He finally concedes, chucking his files onto the bedside table and shutting off the lamp. It’s now eerily quiet, and all she can hear is the steady breathing coming from the other side of the bed.
Enough time passes that she really should be asleep but it’s still not happening. So she’s already beyond irritated when she feels a slight shove against her shoulder.
“Hey, you still awake?” he sounds mischievous, she knows that tone of his voice and she doesn't like it.
“God! I am now! What do you want?” she mumbles into her pillow.
“I’ve just got a question” he says defensively.
She hums and rolls over to face him, he’s wide awake, “Well? Out with it” she encourages, the sooner this is over with the better.
His mouth twists into a smirk as he takes a minute to study her face, “What turns you on?” he asks it sincere, and she has no idea what to do with that.
Rolling her eyes on instinct she groans, “Ugh, are you serious? I was so close to getting to sleep, goodnight asshole.” she turns back around to end the conversation but he can’t leave it there.
“I’m serious actually, just all the talk about it earlier, I wanna know”
She doesn’t move as she speaks, remaining with her back to him in a bid not to engage, “You couldn’t handle that information.” She deadpans.
“Try me” he antagonizes, and that’s enough to set her off. He just didn’t know when to quit.
This could be a fun new way to tease him, is her first thought. Turn him on, leave him wanting, yet another game to add to their repertoire of spite.
“Fine I’ll give.” she turns back to him, staring intently this time, “Here’s one, I really get off on having my hair pulled” she scoots closer so she can lean in and whisper the next part, “like when I’m getting fucked from behind, or I’ve got someone’s cock down my throat. I love having my hair pulled, just the short sharp pain of it.” she sort of moans the last little bit right by his ear before settling back on her own pillow.
“That good enough?” she asks, and she can practically see his breath catch in his chest.
He takes a steady gulp, “Yeah, that was, informative” he breathes.
“And what about you?” she poses, he’s not getting out of this one so easy. He looks shocked, like he didn’t see this coming a mile off.
“Me? Uh—” he stutters, “My back, I get really— I get turned on when someone digs their nails into my back, like scratching and marking” something about seeing him flustered like this is almost endearing.
“I guess we’re both suckers for pain” she winks as she says it, making a move to turn around again in a bid to let the conversation die but he doesn’t give her the chance.
“Tell me another” he pleads, and she’s not sure what his expression means but she might just draw this out, see how far she can can tease this.
“Hmm, nosy aren't we?” she smirks, he doesn't respond, just waits for an answer. She thinks for a moment, “Have you ever choked anyone Dr. Reid?”
His breath hitches, and he shakes his head. She likes this new Spencer, the one that doesn’t seem to have some quip for her every two seconds.
“Well I think you might like it, you’ve got nice strong hands, long fingers too. I feel like they might make it the whole way round my neck if you tried?” her voice is soft like velvet as she speaks. He lets out a short pant, and she can see his eyes flicker down to her exposed throat before quickly coming back to her eyes.
“Does the idea of that turn you on Doc?” she teases.
“I— um—” he’s at a loss for words yet again.
“That’s not an answer now is it?” She taunts him, and moves to turn around once again. Feeling accomplished in her goal, finally about to get some sleep. But she’s barely closed her eyes when she can feel him move. He’s so close behind her that she can feel the heat radiating from him. His hand slowly reaches around and grasps her throat gently, she moves herself further into his grip on instinct and he runs with it. Using the leverage to pull himself right up behind her, and she can feel it. He’s hard, and she can feel him pushing himself right up against her ass.
“Is this a satisfactory answer?” he moves in close and whispers against her ear. She’s changed her mind, maybe this is her favorite Spencer.
“Mmhmm” she hums in response, and his fingers tighten around her neck. She pushes her ass further back, moving it up and down slightly to create some friction and she can feel him twitching through the thin layer of her nightdress. He starts to move with her, grinding against her, his other hand resting on her hip, fingertips digging in so that he can pull her closer.
She tries to moan when she feels his nails dig into her but it gets stifled in her throat.
“You sound pathetic” he whispers, “I’ve barely even touched you and you’re whining like a little slut” her hips buck involuntarily at that. “You like it when I call you names?” he teases.
The hand on her hip starts to pull at her nightdress, inching it up higher and higher until his fingers are on her bare skin. He digs his nails in just slightly and drags them around her thigh, letting them settle right at the hem of her panties.
“I bet if I put my fingers in here I’d find you soaking wet for me already?” When she doesn’t answer he tightens the hand around her throat so that it’s almost cutting off the air supply, then loosens immediately. “Answer me” he demands.
“Yes! Yes!” she moans, anything to get his hands to move where she wanted them.
“That’s what I thought” he laughs and lets go of her completely. Her dress hiked up, breathing ragged. She snaps back around to look at him and he’s already curled up on his side of the bed as though nothing’s happened. Left in shock she sits upright, crossing her arms across her chest.
“What the fuck was that?” she has to stop herself from outright shouting at him.
He turns back to look at her, taking in her sullen expression, “Disappointed are we?” he teases with a smirk. And that look makes her want to kill him.
“You’re such a dick” she huffs, and he sits upright next to her.
“You say that like I didn’t just beat you at your own game?” he tries to fight back.
“You didn’t beat me!” she protests
“Oh really, and how’s that?”
“I could feel you, you were rock hard before you even touched me” she spits it out, because if she turned him on first then somehow this didn’t feel as embarrassing.
“Yeah! Because you were teasing me!” he looks frustrated now,
“Exactly! Because I was teasing you, and you fucking liked it” he just rolls his eyes at that, pretending like it’s somehow not true.
“Shut the fuck up” he groans, running his hands through his hair and letting his head fall back against the headboard.
She quirks an eyebrow and looks straight into his sleepy eyes, “Make me.”
In less than a second his hands are on her again, grabbing and pulling her into his lap. One hand is firmly on her back, holding her tight against his chest, the other is tangled in her hair already. Grabbing fistfuls as their lips work against each other.
It’s heated, and ferocious, full of pent up aggression, or tension, or both.
As his tongue works against hers, she lets her own hands wander over him, finally coming to rest at the back of his head, tangling in his curls. When she grinds down into his lap she can feel his cock still hard beneath her, straining against the fabric of his boxers. She thought it was impossible but it felt harder than it had been earlier.
He breaks apart the kiss and they both take in wrecked breaths, chests heaving. He pulls at the hem of her nightdress, pushing it further up her thighs, grabbing a rough handful of her ass as his hands find the exposed skin there.
“We gotta get this off” he whispers, and she nods, pulling it off over her head so that she’s exposed now. Perched in his lap in nothing but her panties. “Fuck” he moans at the sight. His hands come straight up to grab her tits, rough and exited for a moment before easing up, kneading them, getting used to the weight of them in his hands. He brings his mouth down, leaning in so that he can place sloppy open mouthed kisses along her neck and collar bones, trailing down to the valley between her breasts. He takes one of her nipples in his mouth, sucking on it gently then teasing the bud with his teeth. When he releases it and looks up at her his eyes almost look glazed over, dreamy.
“I’ve always had a thing for your tits” he confesses, his lips coming down to repeat the action on the other nipple.
“Your turn to take your shirt off” she whines as he removes his lips, the cold air hardening her nipples now that he’d teased them. He drags his eyes away from her for a second so that he can peel his shirt off over his head.
On pure instinct she rakes her nails across his now bare chest, leaning in close to place kisses into the crook of his neck, moving up painfully slow, kissing along the column of his throat, landing on the soft skin beneath his ear. She can feel the moans rippling in his throat against her lips. While he’s stilled beneath her she takes the opportunity to tuck her hands in behind him, digging her nails into his back and dragging them across the skin with force. Certainly leaving harsh red lines in their wake. The noises that escape him might be the best thing she’s ever heard.
“You like it when I mark you up?” she moans into his ear, “When I make you mine?” she can feel wetness pooling between her own legs as she says the words. The very thought of it turning her on more than she ever thought it could.
Clearly he feels the same, something erupts in him and the hands that had been resting on her hips were now lifting her up and laying her down on the bed. He was on top of her now, his hair framing his face as he looked down at her, and she was biting her fucking lip in anticipation.
He almost can’t even look directly at her so he snakes down her body, littering her torso with kisses and licks. Once he lands at her hips he takes the elastic of her panties between his teeth, pulling it up and letting it go so that it snaps against her stomach. She lets out a low moan.
“Let’s see if I was right earlier, how wet are you for me?” his voice is low as he places small kisses over the cotton, making his way right in between her legs. He pulls back for a second to inspect the fabric, there’s a damp patch covering the majority of the area, as if he didn't know already. “You’re fucking soaked Y/N” he groans and presses his fingers right up against it, forcing the fabric between her folds so that it soaks up even more, “Such a needy little thing aren’t you?”
She can only let out a small whine in response, her teeth biting into her lip so hard she was afraid she might start bleeding.
“Better get rid of these, don’t you think?” he hooks his fingers into either side of her panties, sliding them down her legs. He takes them and places them on his pillow before returning to his position between her legs.
He’s slow and deliberate in his actions, teasing painfully as he places sloppy kisses on the delicate skin inside of her thighs. Stopping right at the top to nip and suck enough to leave a bruise. Taking the time to stop and leave a matching bruise on the other thigh.
She was starting to grow restless, she felt like she was literally aching for any stimulation at all.
“Spencer” she whines, “Please, I’m so fucking turned on already”. She can feel him chuckle, his exhale sends a burst of cold air right against her pussy.
“So impatient” he chastises, but gives in anyway. Laying his tongue flat against her, taking a moment to taste her before he starts to move. Licking deft strokes along her folds, alternating with sucking softly on her clit.
“Spencer, fuck, oh my god” is all she can muster as her back arches up off the bed, her hips squirming as he pins them down. “You feel so fucking good”
He takes the encouragement and brings a finger to her entrance, pushing it in at an agonizing pace, curling it upwards against her once it’s fully inside. “You’re so fucking tight Y/N, do you think you could even handle another finger?” he has to take his mouth off of her to speak but it’s worth it for the downright filthy sounds she makes in response. He takes that as a yes and slowly pushes two fingers in this time. Bringing his lips back down to wrap around her clit and suck.
Her hands fly down to his curls as he works his fingers in and out of her at a relentless pace. She grabs handfuls of his hair and pulls them harshly, not knowing where else to put the energy. “Fuck Spencer, feels so good, don’t stop” she mutters between gasps.
He continues his ministrations and he would be lying if he said the feeling of her hands pulling at his hair weren’t doing something for him.
A moment later and she’s barely able to control her movements, thrashing in the bed as he continues to work his fingers in and out of her, relishing the feeling of her walls tightening around him. Once she’s relaxed again he takes his fingers out, bringing them up to her lips, without telling her to she opens her mouth, taking the two fingers in, letting her tongue move around them to taste herself.
It’s one of the many memories from tonight he knows he wont forget anytime soon. Or ever.
“I can see why you like it” he says, leaning over her, talking into the crook of her neck, “having your hair pulled, feels fucking amazing” she lets out a weak laugh, regaining her strength.
“Told you you liked pain” she reaches down between them, grabbing his cock through his boxers, “You must’ve really liked it” she teases, squeezing as his eyes flutter shut and he nods.
He maneuvers a little so that he can take off his boxers, and finally she gets to see it. It’s perfect, bigger than she expected, it looks painfully hard, precum leaking from the tip. He moves back to hover over her, lingering for a minute to take her in. She thinks there might be something almost sweet behind his expression.
“Just fuck me already” she smirks up at him and he rolls his eyes without even meaning to.
“Will you ever stop antagonizing me?”
“If you fuck me maybe?”
With that he leans down to capture her lips in a heated kiss, she can taste herself on his tongue as it tangles with hers. She can feel him push up against her, the head of his cock just teasing at her entrance before sinking in so slowly she was almost angry.
“Fuck Y/N, you feel so good, so fucking tight, so fucking wet for me” he’s whispering right into her hear and she can barely string together a sentence.
“Spencer, you’re so big, fill me up so good with your fingers, with your cock, fuck” as he starts to move they both start to lose it, her hands digging into his back, her nails sinking into his shoulders leaving small half-moons in his skin. He finally starts to build a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of her, filling the room with the pornographic sounds of skin on skin, coupled with their moans.
Once she can feel the familiar feeling building within her again she starts to lose control completely, her nails scratching marks into the expanse of Spencer’s back, hearing the little breathy gasps he lets out each time she does might be enough to make her cum all on their own.
“I’m close” she mewls, letting her head fall back against the pillow, exposing her neck, eyes screwing shut.
“Fuck, me too” he takes the opportunity presented to him, and wraps one of his hands around her neck, squeezing ever so slightly.
“Ahh, fuck” she breathes out with the little air that she has, “gonna cum” and she does, he can feel her tighten around his cock, her body writhing beneath his and arching up off he bed as he continues to fuck into her.
He’s following behind just a second later, spilling into her as he collapses back down, releasing his grip on her throat completely and settling on her chest.
They both take a moment. Melting into one another, steading out their breathing.
It’s Y/N who breaks the silence, “So you’ve always had a thing for my tits then?”
He cranes his neck up to look at her, “Shut up” he breathes, laying his head back down on her chest. She cards her fingers through his hair, smoothing it back down.
“Now you know how to make me.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
Sometimes I forget that Leo is 19 and can’t drink in the states. I think he would get away with stealing drinks from the boys or having someone on the team order for him in public for a while but once the season’s started and people are actively watching the games, the bartenders and wait staff start to figure out who he is and catch him being sneaky
I only write drunkenness on a case-to-case basis because it squicks me out sometimes, but something about this ask really stuck with me. To @lalalasocks, I hope your sinuses feel better! Have some outside perspective of Coops to soothe the soul <3 SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for a drunken rookie (no explicit alcohol)
“Pots and I are going to take it up the left,” Sirius said, never taking his eyes off his whiteboard as he drew out the lines of the play. iPads were generally the more conventional tool, but he had a thing for tradition and Sirius Black’s flair for the dramatic never ceased to amaze. “Knutty?”
Leo nodded and leaned forward, swiping a drop of sweat off his temple with a glance toward the game as Talker flew past. “I’ll be in for the rest of the period as soon as Coach calls it.”
“Bien.” He tapped Remus’ shoulder pad with the end of his pen and marked a path up the other side. “Loops, the puck is coming to you fast, so you need to keep eyes on us. Once you get it, turn on the jets and get it in. Good?”
“Good,” Remus confirmed, bumping fists with James. Leo watched them with no small amount of surprise—even though Remus had only been a player for six months, their line was rock-solid. James was the powerhouse while Remus flashed down the ice; Sirius counterbalanced them both in the middle. He was grateful he wasn’t the one to see them coming at him on plays.
“1, 6, 7, 12!” Coach barked. Leo clenched his teeth around his mouthguard and got ready to hop the boards. A swish of skates, a bump of Kasey’s shoulder, and it was game time.
“I love you,” Leo hiccupped, plopping himself down in Logan’s lap and tangling a hand in his dark curls. He went to kiss his cheek, then frowned. “Oh.”
“Hi,” Sirius laughed with a gentle pat his side. “Good night so far, Knutty?”
Leo made a face. “Where’s my Canadian?”
“I have no idea.”
His lip slid out even further into a pout. “He told me I could sit on his lap,” he whined plaintively, resting his head in the crook of Sirius’ shoulder with a heavy sigh. The bar was warm—a little too warm, actually—but it felt nice to be sitting on something soft rather than feeling the sticky floor under his sneakers. And there was one more reason he needed to find Logan, one other highly important thing… “An’ I gotta give him a kiss.”
“Do you want to go look for him?”
Leo made a noncommittal noise and swung his leg under the table absently, letting the alcohol in his system lift all his post-game tiredness away. His head hurt a little from being awake so long. “How ‘bout I stay here and wait?”
“I think it’s about time to get you home.”
Leo sighed again, picking at a string on the knee of his ripped jeans. “Am I squishing you?”
“Mmkay.” A bright square of light half blinded him and he squinted. “Who’re you texting?”
“So that he can pick you up and get you home before you fall asleep on me,” Sirius said, quite amused for some reason. “Comfy, rookie?”
He shifted even closer into the warmth and closed his eyes. Usually he got horny when he drank, but that feeling had already passed and a nap was sounding awful nice. “I like it when you call me that. Hate when other people do it, but it’s different with you.”
Sirius gave his upper arm a light squeeze. “Glad to hear it.”
“Used to drive me nuts,” he snorted. “Those first couple’a weeks on the team were rough.”
“Cause I had a huge crush on you.”
Cozy silence fell between them until Sirius moved to look at him. Leo blinked sleepily. “You what?”
“Well, Kasey was my first crush, right? I had his jersey an’ his poster an’ he’s fucking hot, but you’re the captain.” Sirius was so nice to him. Not everyone would have let a 6’4” hockey player sit on their lap and wait for their boyfriends. At the moment, though, Sirius looked a bit like Leo had thrown ice water in his face. “And obviouslyFinn and Logan are my boys and I love them so much and they were sopretty when I met them but, y’know, it’s the thrill of the captain vibe.”
“Am I interrupting something?” a new voice asked through poorly-suppressed laughter.
Leo turned his head to look up with a smile. “Hey, Loops, how’re you?”
“Pretty good.” Remus shared a look with Sirius, grinning, before taking the seat next to them. “You two look…content.”
“Oh, fuck off,” Sirius said immediately, though Leo felt his chest hitch with a laugh; he tapped Leo lightly on the elbow a moment later. “Finn’s heading over, d’accord?”
“But I just got here,” he mumbled.
“You’re in my spot,” Remus teased, sliding a glass over. “Drink up, bud.”
Leo narrowed his eyes. “What is it?”
He thought for a second—he wasn’t thirsty, but his mouth was getting dry—and yawned, sitting up enough to stretch before grabbing it. In two gulps, it was gone. “Aw.”
Remus bit his lip and passed a different glass over. “You can have mine too, it’s okay.”
“How are both of you so nice?” he asked, looking between them in something like distress. The music was getting too loud, but they were both watching him intently. “It’s not even fair, man. Can’t you just be an asshole for once so the rest of us don’t look bad?”
Sirius shook his head and pressed the water cup into his hand. “Been there, done that. Do not recommend. Besides, the designated drivers don’t get to be mean.”
Leo felt a little better once the water was gone; he blinked slowly, scanning the crowds for any signs of Finn’s hair or Logan’s ass. Both were identifying features he would never get tired of. “Loops?”
“Why is your hair soft?”
“I—” He tilted his head to the side in confusion. “Have you ever touched my hair?”
He leaned back against Sirius, stretching his legs out until his knees popped. “No, but it looks soft. Like Finn’s, if Finn was blonder and had curls. Fluffy.”
“It’s very fluffy,” Sirius confirmed, pulling him up a little more.
“Hey!” Leo protested. “Watch the hands, your boyfriend is right there!”
Sirius rolled his eyes with a huff. “I was making sure you didn’t slide off the bench.”
“Sure,” Leo said with a suspicious glare. “Just ‘cause I won MVP for this game—”
“Okay,” Sirius groaned, standing and detangling his limbs to transfer Leo’s weight onto Remus. “I’m going to go get your boyfriends from wherever they got distracted, and then you’re going to go home and sleep so you’re not dying at practice tomorrow. Oui?”
He disappeared into the mass of people without giving Leo time to respond, wiping his hands on the thighs of his jeans as he craned his neck to see over people’s heads. “Rude,” Leo sulked, cuddling up into Remus’ side instead.
“I know, right?” He took a sip of something lemony and Leo pulled a face. “What?”
“Aren’t you DD?”
“Last I checked, DD’s are allowed to drink lemonade,” he laughed, patting the top of his head. “That was an awesome save in the third, by the way. You could’ve got the hat from that one alone.”
“Which one?” Leo yawned again, licking his lips to rid them of the stickiness he could feel forming.
“The splits one.”
“Mmm, yeah, that was pretty badass.” More people darkened his periphery and he scooted over to make room. “Hey, mes amours.”
“I hear you were bothering our dear captain?” Finn asked, kissing his cheek with a grin. There was no alcohol on his breath, only the mint from the peppermint candies he always stole from the little container by the bar. “Come on, baby, time to go.”
“But Loops and I were talking,” he whined, though it only took a small tug on Finn’s part to get him to snuggle up into his soft shirt. “He was telling me how good I did in the game.”
A warm hand stroked his hair out of his eyes; warmer lips brushed his forehead, and he felt Logan’s hand on his knee. “Bedtime, love,” he said in a quiet voice, almost too soft for Leo to hear over the noisy bar. “Wanna be in the middle?”
Leo looked up in hope. “Really?”
“Ouais. C’mon, Knutty, up you go.”
He wobbled a little as he stood, but got his feet under him within a few moments with the help of Finn’s arm around his waist and waved off everyone else’s offered help. “Gonna be fine for practice,” he promised, patting Sirius’ hand with a nod. “Totally fine, don’t worry. Go—hic—go grind on your boyfriend, ‘kay? You both need it.”
“Sweet Jesus,” Sirius muttered. “I pity your head in the morning.”
“I’m fine,” Leo scoffed. He was already sleepy—there was no way he would have a headache, not after he had two whole glasses of water. “G’night.”
“Drive safe,” Sirius and Remus chorused as Logan fit himself under Leo’s other arm to kiss his neck twice, sending butterflies through his stomach. The outside world was nice and quiet; Leo barely got himself buckled into his seat before dozing off with his head against the cool passenger window.
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unwantedtomost · 3 years
the night before — sebastian stan
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sebastian stan x fem!reader
word count: 2,644 words
summary: you were invited to your ex’s wedding and despite all logical reasoning, you decided to go. now it’s the night before the wedding and you’re in the same night club with your ex. time to make some more mistakes.
warnings: angst, crying, cheating, oral (fem receiving), unprotected sex.
a/n: i am going to make a part two because i want to explore this more. also, thank you so much for almost 500 notes on my first one shot! enjoy :)
The love of your life was getting married and it wasn’t to you. When you heard the news, you laughed out loud, a bit too loud for being in a quaint cafe. You thought that the girl Sebastian was dating was going to be nothing more than a rebound from you, even when you heard the news that they were engaged, you thought that it wasn’t serious. But now it’s the day before their wedding and you’re pretty sure she’s not a rebound anymore.
You wish you didn’t know what day the wedding was, but you did because you were invited. Sebastian invited you. What kind of asshole would do something like that? You know he saw it as taking the high road, being a bigger person, but it just came off as a pretentious douche bag move to show that he could be happy too. Without you. And how did this get past his fiance, Lauren? Did she want you to come?
You planned on not attending because why the fuck would you want to go? But then your friend, Emerson, talked you into it. “It’s in Hawaii,” “It’ll show him that you can still be friends,” “Rub it in their faces that you don’t care anymore.” They were all very shitty reasonings but you were drunk when you RSVP’d and even drunker when you booked the plane ticket. You had been drinking a lot in the weeks leading up to the wedding, it was the only thing that made all the nerves go away. You promised yourself that you would stop drinking so much after they were married and you intended on keeping that promise.
You had been trying your best to stay as far away from Sebastian as possible in the three-day period leading up to the wedding. It had been working well so far, until tonight. You and Emerson decided to go to a nightclub away from the resort you were staying at because you heard that that’s where the bachelor party was being held. Much to your surprise, that was false information. Now you’re starring at Sebastian from across the room with eyes wide and a jaw down to the floor.
“I thought you said they were gonna be at the resort!” You yelled at Emerson over the loud music.
“That’s what the bridesmaids told me,” she defended. “But it doesn’t even matter, we came out to have a good night. Fuck him! You can be nice tomorrow.”
You quickly started to regret every single one of your decisions you had made in the past three months. Accepting the invitation, booking the plane ticket, and leaving your hotel room tonight. You knew you shouldn’t be here but you were and you hated it.
“This was a mistake. I’m booking a plane ticket and I’m going back home. Tonight.”
“What?! You can’t do that.”
“The hell I can’t.” You grabbed your phone from your purse only to get it grabbed from your hand and shoved into Emerson’s pocket. “What the hell!”
“You’re not just going to leave.”
“Why not?”
“It’s been two years, y/n. You have been telling me that you’re finally over him for a year, that’s why we’re even here, right? Because you’re over him?”
You took in a shaky breath. No, you weren’t over him. You knew you should be, but you weren’t. You thought seeing him say “I do” would force you into moving on, finally letting him go. Now, you wanted to slap yourself for being so stupid.
“Yes,” you lie despite yourself.
“Good, so let’s go get you a drink and a hot piece of ass! And in the morning we’re going to watch as he gets married and you’re going to finally let go of him, okay?”
“Okay,” you nod.
You had to get over him, it had been two years. This was the way to do it. You would force yourself to let him go and be happy. That would make you happy … right?
You and Emerson walked to the bar, ordering shot after shot until you were dizzy. Then you ordered a long island ice tea which you did not need. After you basically chugged the drink, you made your way to the dance floor.
You changed from grinding on Emerson to random individuals and you couldn’t have cared less. Everything about tomorrow and moving on left your mind completely. Right now you were living in the moment, something you were always working to do. You could tell that the individual dancing behind you hadn’t switched for four songs, so you decided to turn around. You were hoping for it to be someone cute and nice. Someone to take you somewhere and fuck the worries away. Instead, it was Sebastian.
Your smile faded and so did his. You went still, your eyes trained on his. It felt weird to be the only people in the crowd not moving. You had lost all sense of anything, you didn’t know if you stood like that for seconds or for hours.
Something in your jumbled thoughts forced you to speak. “Hi.”
“Hi,” he yelled back. His face was unreadable at that moment, you blamed it on the alcohol but you weren’t sure if you could have deciphered what it meant even if you were sober. “I haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Yeah, a few months, I think.” You were sure, it had been four months prior, right before you heard about the engagement. You ran into each other at a red carpet event and you tried your best to act normal.
“Do you … uh—do you want to go get a drink?”
You stood still again, silent. Your brain needed a minute to process the request. You definitely did not need another drink. “Sure.”
You followed behind Sebastian to the bar, a trip you had made with Emerson no less than an hour ago. He ordered himself a Screwdriver and you a Sex on the Beach, your favorite. You had both sucked down half of your drinks before either of you spoke.
“How are you?” He asked.
“Fine, I guess,” you replied. “How are you?”
“Good, good, really good.”
“That’s good.”
It went quiet again and even though the music all around you was blaring, it sounded only like white noise at this point. A thought came into your mind “tell him how you feel.” In a sober state, you would have shut down the thought immediately, but now it played on a loop. The chant continued to play in your head as you finished the last of your drink. You felt the tension in your body rise from your feet to the pit of your stomach, up past your throat, and to your head, making you dizzy.
“Can I tell you something?” You blurted out.
“It’s loud in here.”
Sebastian chuckled, almost in relief. “Is that what you wanted to tell me?”
“No,” you said, too unaware to get how cringe-worthy you were being. “Can we go somewhere, uh, quieter?”
He nodded and you took his hand and went to go find a secluded location. You weren’t going to be that asshole who jammed the bathroom door shut. Also, you were pretty sure you’d get kicked out if you did that. It took a few minutes but you finally landed your sights on a room. The door was unlocked and you realized it was a coat closet, so you picked it as your location. You closed the door before turning back to Sebastian.
The music was quieter in here, it was muffled and far away. It smelled vaguely of cigarettes but you didn’t mind too much, it was dull.
“What did you want to tell me?” Sebastian asked, voice louder than it needed to be due to how unexpectedly quiet it was.
This was it, your one time to speak your mind. You might never get another situation like this ever again. You needed to let it all out.
“I don’t think I’m over you,” you confess. “And I really don’t know if I will ever be. I know it’s been two years and you’re getting married tomorrow, but I’m still not over you. I’ve been telling myself that when I see you at that alter tomorrow, everything is magically going to go away, but I don’t know if it will.”
“Why are you telling me this, y/n?”
“Because this is the one-shot I’m gonna get. You’re getting married tomorrow morning and you need to know this. Well, actually, you probably don’t, but I need to tell you. I need to let it out or otherwise, I think I might actually fucking explode.” You took a deep breath before the words started pouring out again. “When I heard you were engaged I laughed. It was funny that you were getting this poor girl’s hopes up when we all knew that you were just going to call it off. But you never did, and I was the only one laughing. I’m pretty sure that you were my person. And I think the only reason I accepted that we were done was because I didn’t think we were actually done. I thought you were gonna come back to me. I thought one day we would look back on this and laugh because it was so stupid.”
As you talked, your throat began to feel sore, your eyes stung from the tears forcing their way down your cheeks.
“I’m sorry about everything. I should have fought for us when we had the chance and I should give up right now and—”
Sebastian cut you off by cupping your face and wiping the tears away. “Hey, hey, hey,” he cooed softly, pulling you into him. You buried your face in his chest as he softly rubbed the back of your head. “It’s okay, you’re okay.”
His sweet tone made you cry harder. You wished he would have been mean. You wish he told you to get over it and move on. But he was sweet and consoling you because that’s the type of guy he was. He was the girl who consoled his ex-girlfriend on the night before his wedding. That’s the kind of guy girls want to marry, that’s the kind of guy you should have married. At least if he was an asshole, it would have easier to move on. No one gets hung up on the asshole, they get hung up over the good guy.
You pulled away from him, wiping the tears away with the back of your hand.
“Do you still love me?”
“Y/n…” he sighed.
“Tell me you don’t. God, please tell me you don’t. Tell me that you moved on and that you love her. Could you tell me that? Tell me that you never think twice about me and that you only invited me to your wedding because you honestly think we can be just friends. I need you to tell me you still don’t care. If you tell me that, I’ll walk out the door right now and you don’t ever have to see me again. I’ll wish you good luck on your marriage and I’ll be gone. Can you just tell me that? I really need you to tell me that.”
You looked up to him with pleading, puppy dog eyes. You wanted him—you needed him to tell you that it was never going to happen. You needed closure to move on.
“I-I can’t,” he confessed. “Not honestly.”
You let out a breath you were holding before pulling him closer. You kissed him deeply and passionately, you needed him. He pulled you closer, melting into your mouth. This was it, this felt right. You didn’t think about the repercussions, you couldn’t. All you could think about was his mouth on yours, his hands on your skin.
He backed you up so your back was flat against the door. The hand that wasn’t pulling you closer by the hip locked the door. He hoisted you up, seemingly with no effort as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You made haste with his button-up as he started to push your dress up your thighs. You stayed like that for a while, tugging, kissing.
After a while, Sebastian put you down. This made you nervous, was he going to leave you here? Was the kiss just one dumb, hot mistake?
Instead of walking away, he knelt down in front of you. He grabbed your panties and pulled them down your legs. You looked down at him and let out a moan at the sight of him; lips read and raw from kissing, eyes blown out with lust. He hiked your right leg over his shoulder before looking up at you, asking you if you wanted him to continue. You nodded aggressively, letting out a few whines of anticipation.
He dived in, sending you into a state of euphoria. You pressed your head against the door as your hands tugged at his jet black hair. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth, trying your best to keep in whatever moans he coaxed out of you. You felt you were nearing your high, but he pulled away before you could get there.
You let out a cry at the loss of contact. You tryed your best to pull him back to you, but he instead pushed your hands away, pinning your wrists against the door. He stood back up, form towering over your own.
“You’re so fuckin’ needy,” Sebastian stated, voice low and raspy. He undid his pants before hosting you up against the door again. He pumped his member before putting the tip at your entrance, teasing you. “Are you sure?”
You nodded, pulling him closer by his shoulders. “Please, fuckin’ need you.”
With that, he pushed in, both of you letting out loud wanton moans. You forgot what is was like to be with him. He was on the bigger end of the men you’d been with and he was by far the best. As he thrusted into you, you started to realize how much you missed him every sense of the word. You missed the way he would kiss you in the morning, you missed the way he said he loved you in the middle of a fight, and you missed the way he grunted in your ear when you would have sex.
You both held each other close as he continued to snap his hips against yours. One of his hands reached down to rub your clit, making you let out another moan. You knew you were close again and you wondered how you could finish so fast when you were with him.
“I’m so close,” you warned.
“I know baby,” he cooed. “Wanna watch you.”
You leaned your head back so you could now see each others faces. He admired how you looked all fucked out and needy. He loved how your eye brows knitted together when you were trying not to cum and he loved the way you bit your lip every time he stared into your eyes. And he loved you.
“I love you, y/n,” he accidentally said, thoughts slipping into words.
Your eyes went wide but you couldn’t help but smile. “Fuck, I love you too, Seb.”
The confession brought you closer to your high and before you knew it, you were clutching his shirt in your hands as your legs cleanched around his waist. You both moaned loudly as you came, holding each other as close as possible. You stayed against the door, holding onto him tightly for a while. Then he slipped out of you and set you back down on shaky legs.
“Did you mean it?” You asked after minutes of staring into his eyes.
He hesitated, “yes.”
“Now what are we gonna do?”
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