#am i an an angel or a monster
wolvesbaned · 10 months
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monster girls' night :^)
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Okay, a thought I've had is a scientist who doesn't understand sex and an angel who's never had it before.
The scientist dabbles in magic, in an attempt to understand things, but now is seeking to understand sexual pleasure. The scientist summons the angel, planning to use the inexperienced being as a biasless test subject. The scientist starts slow, fucking the angel themself, first with their fingers, than a dildo, a vibrator, nothing crazy. But to the angel, they've never even heard of such things! They're left reeling, gasping for air as they're forced through a realm of pleasure never before felt by such a heavenly body. But, if this scientist can summon an angel, why couldn't they summon something else? The angel getting absolutely fucked by a being from another realm, long rippling tentacles with suction cups along the underside. They stick to the angel's body as it wraps around them. It starts slow, a steady rhythm like the ticking of a clock, you could time yourself to the sound of that thick tentacle sinking into them. Then it goes faster, causing the angel to moan and whine, calling out to the scientist to make it either stop or make it never stop, the poor thing can't seem to decide. The tentacled beast finally comes, causing the angel to scream. The scientist stands above this all, unfazed as they take various notes.
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listranz · 4 months
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sonechkaandthedynamos · 6 months
i'm rewatching satc and i don't understand why carrie is seen as the only villain in her relationship with aidan for cheating on him, when he imposes his life onto hers without consulting anything with her, behaves like an asshole to her when he willingly gets back together with her and practically kicks her out (!!!) of her apartment when she doesn't want to marry him when he feels like it. just like mr big, he's the one making all the decisions for her and escalating their relationship on his own and carrie is the villain??
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nebulaeyedfish · 4 months
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Mikey, monster prom sprite sheet
This talk sprite, with 8 expressions and an outfit base, was a gift commission for @wheelie-butch (the worlds #1 Wolfpack fan). Mikey is a new exchange student to Spooky High!
Taglist: @swanofstorie @imflyingfish @raise-me-up-take-me-up
See pinned for commissions
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I was not put on this earth to love a mortal man 😡😡😡😡
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genderfluiduchiha · 13 days
I am not the one who say "kill yourself" ever in my life but if that post "man with long hair please cut your hair" end up in my dash i will end up saying things that i will regret forever and make me feel bad
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judasisgayriot · 1 year
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secret (sweet) (soothed) (smug) (shaky) (sad) little smiles.
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ravenmoodle · 2 months
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I might be a little obsessed with This Man.
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He's so cute, you could almost forget about the Human* Experiments!
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wingedarchivist · 13 days
Sometimes I worry my partner has a feeling like I am hiding something from them.
It is true, but I am not hiding anything bad, which makes me a bit sadder.
Being otherkin is so beautiful, it's unconventional, sure, but it doesn't have to be normal.
I just am like this and it's amazing! Wonderful! Great!
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dreamingofleon · 6 months
i always think about how brad did jennifer and i cry every single time they were so “perfect” together. the rise and the fall of a relationship that she was deeply in love with was destroyed by a selfish man. jenn was never the same.
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kageygreye-skies · 16 days
need to stop lurking and start posting my new dolls omg!!
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spacejellyfish3 · 1 year
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red-dragon-archfiend · 7 months
My Yugioh anime hot take of the night is Alexis Rhodes might've been the main character if Jaden wasn't set in stone as the protagonist
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levitanias · 4 months
thinking about frankenstein's monster again, not anything in particular just kinda brain rotating him like he's the well liked side character of a bad shonen anime
#i'm always thinking about jekyll and hyde though i've been obsessed with those guys since i was way younger#but mister frankenstein's monster has wormed his way into my heart#i'm much too sleepy right now to finish it but when i wake up i hope to continue a video i was watching about the original novel#the concept of frankenstein's monster itself just astounds me it's so great#just everything about it#it feels like a commentary of sorts and maybe it is maybe it isn't#i thought to be thy adam but i am rather the fallen angel#victor is his creator and while not necessarily his god the monster is HIS adam#while the monster had to learn the customs of man he did not truly have to learn how to be man itself#he was created with emotion and the abilities man posses#all he ever wanted was to live and as a creature born with the passion to live amongst men as much as any other man he couldn’t#a hell within itself#and a hell that he did not deserve#a tragedy he could not help and a series of tragedies that overcame him#to not be able to be loved by man and yet be surrounded by him is a worse fate than death#he surely would have rather never lived at all#or maybe been invisible to man entirely#i have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe#if i cannot satisfy the one i will indulge the other#he is a creature of emotion cursed to a life of blind rage#in any other world would he have met a different fate? not at all#man cannot change and he cannot change how he first perceived man and how he was perceived by him#maybe im crazy though#i am crazy im a crazy person!!!#nimposting
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judasisgayriot · 1 year
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(just realised there’s 2 angles of this hug, one in the actual scene and one in another episode’s ‘previously on’.)
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