#am i delirious with sickness?????
inkykeiji · 2 years
hi hi i’m just stopping by blogging from my bed with a chest cold to let you all know that i’m going to marry dave bayley’s voice goodbye
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i fixed my meme maker B)
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wyverncult · 2 months
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say "i hate cigarettes". now replace cigarettes with women. not so funny now, is it? i have covid
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vidumavi · 9 months
i think part of why i like the idea of Maglor eventually getting his shit together somewhat and crawling back to a day-to-day status quo of moral decency (after a solid while of solitary beach dwelling) is that it takes all the social rewards out of adhering to a moral standard. the approval and forgiveness of the people whose opinions would matter to him are completely unattainable, so any good he does he'd have to learn to do for its own sake. this would require a lot of character development for someone who's narratively dead, but through his choice not to follow Maedhros' example he did leave that door open for himself. and i want him to do the arduous, miserable and unrewarding work of walking through it
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zestylemonsz · 2 months
my brain has to make the specific difference between "collapse" and "faint" because iron deficiency so silly
no I did not faint. I simply collapsed. was this early in the morning? yes. was I pretty delirious from waking up? yes.
did I faint? no. I collapsed because my iron was so low and instead of being smart I decided to not stop walking (with vision that was not visioning)
and I managed to somehow collapse in a way that I had no idea how I did it, how I fell, what made me fall (probably low iron) and yeah.
anyway. lesson of the day: don't continue to move with low iron when you can barely see and walk.
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unnamed-atlas · 7 months
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rottysphere · 1 year
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kill a man
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lumiereandcogsworth · 29 days
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barbwillbrb · 2 months
@ladyofcrowsandcoffee sent me this image, said Rackal is the one in the bee suit, and you know what? You’re 100% correct and it has given me ideas.
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The twins canonically take in Yenna and act as default caretakers, assuming big sibling roles. The fact the kid is trying to prove her worth to stay in camp breaks their heart; they shut that down and do their best to offer Yenna some semblance of hope/normalcy amiss the chaos by bringing her items back during their adventures and spending time with her in camp. Of the two, I think Yenna feels a little safer with Rackal, namely because he’s big/threatening but warm/comforting to his companions— big sheep-dog-protecting-the-flock energy.
Now with this and in reference to the image, I need you all to consider:
Clairice convincing Rackal to have a tea party with Yenna, getting him to wear the most ridiculous too-small costume because ‘hey, kids dig tea parties and costumes.’
The same night, Astarion’s siblings or Aradin’s gang attacks. Cue Rackal beating the ever loving shit out of someone in a tutu.
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lorelune · 25 days
can i get away with faux nursing in o4o
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echoes-lighthouse · 5 months
I’m writing my Hazbin Hotel s/i as a reader insert story with different chapters for different characters and I think I’m going to make it a readers request things on AO3 kind of deal, like you choose who hires the ‘reader’ next as a domme and then you get to read about it
I’m 11,000 words in and I started with Angel Dust because it made the most sense for my character’s starting point, and I’m having a ton of fun honestly (and also kind of traumatized myself but it’s ok that’s part of fanfiction writing)
I’m going to post the first chapter tomorrow: should I link it here as well or just post it on ao3 and see what happens?
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facesinthebloodstain · 4 months
did frank just casually drop that he has yet another band???
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callixton · 6 months
i could not. possibly fucking describe the night i’ve just had
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jadewritesficshere · 2 years
Eddie is the first to admit he isn't athletic. Sure, Eddie has a ton of energy (thanks ADHD) and he may run around and put on a show, but willingly exercise? Eddie would much rather curl up with a book, write a new song, or work on a new campaign than exercise. A shiver goes down his spine, because to him exercise reminds him of PE, which reminds him of getting bullied in high-school. Of course, half of his bullies never even left their small town; meanwhile, Eddie had started to make it big touring around Indiana with his band.
Eddie isn't the most athletic, but after their last show he thought he had some stamina (they had played for TWO whole hours and he had run around the entire time and sang, his voice was shot at the end but he still felt pumped and like he could run a marathon). The only reason he was in the middle of this forest was because their manager was trying to keep them from gaining a bad reputation (you ruin one hotel room in two cities and suddenly you're a terrible person. It wasn't Eddie's fault the stray cat he brought inside when drunk ended up pissing everywhere and scratching the furniture. The first hotel room was absolutely his fault). Their manager glared at them and cursed herself for getting into public relations instead of journalism. She told them to take a hike, which had Eddie chuckling, until she dropped them off at the state park they were currently in. "You are going to complete that trail and think about what you did! I'm going to go and try and salvage this situation," she had said speeding off, leaving them each with a bottle of water and a bag of trail mix along with one map.
Which is why Eddie was now cursing his athleticism, or lack there of. Eddie also believed the trail was cursed, whether before he started cursing it or after he wasn't sure. The trail they were on was deemed "rugged", and they had laughed and thought they could take it. It could connect to other trails, but the one they were going to go on was a simple loop. At first it was fun, an adventure! Jeff was the one with the map, and Gareth was pointing out flowers he knew from working at a florists for a summer. Eddie was imagining himself as Aragorn, walking across Middle Earth. Until they got to a ladder ("Uh why the fuck is there a ladder in the woods?" "Well, according to the map we go down it." "We WHAT?"). It was just a wooden ladder. It seemed pretty sturdy. Eddie, being the brave leader he is, took a step onto the ladder.
And then they climbed down the ladder. It was actually fine, until Gareth slipped on the ladder and got a splinter. Then they somehow lost the map. Then they climbed back up a ladder, which Jeff had slipped on and almost fell off of. This caused Jeff to pull a muscle in his shoulder, which was not good for the band. Eddie had been making jokes about being the accident prone one when his boot slipped in the wet dirt and he fell face first into the trail. Not only was his shirt covered in mud, he had leaves in his hair, but his ankle was stinging something fierce.
Eddie was cursing his lack of athleticism and this trail. He couldn't walk, his ankle was swollen. He had taken his shoe off and was sitting on a rock. Jeff was leaning against a tree, and Gareth was sitting on a log. "Well, we're gonna die out here." Gareth finally said breaking the silence. "Man shut up, we aren't gonna die!" Jeff paused and looked at Eddie," We aren't going to die...right?" "Nah, someone is gonna come along..."
Two hours later, they had eaten all of their trail mix and almost finished their waters. Gareth had offered to go try and find help, but Eddie had scolded him saying you never split up. Sure, he may have learned that from horror movies and not the boy scouts, but surely it still applied? Eddie was laying there, thinking about horror movies, when the sound of a snapping branch scared him. Eddie jumped, cursing and looking towards the sound.
And suddenly, all curses fell out of his mouth. This trail had been hell, and suddenly there was an angel before him. Eddie's eyes slowly raked up the angel's body. Brown hiking boots and cargo shorts that showed off those hairy, muscular legs. There was a belt around a nice waist that was perfect to hold onto. The polo shirt that had a DNR logo on it indicating this was a park ranger. The beautiful pale face that had a smattering of freckles across it. The luscious pink lips he couldn't help but think about kissing. The gorgeous floppy brown hair he wanted to run his fingers through.
Eddie wasn't sure if it was the heat getting to him, or if he was burning up from how hot this ranger was. "You fellas need some help?" The ranger asked. He knelt down next to Eddie and inhaled a sharp breath looking at Eddie's ankle. Eddie also inhaled a sharp breathe as those beautiful brown eyes met his own. "Oh thank God, we thought we were gonna die here!" Eddie heard Gareth's voice, but all he could focus on was the man who was gently touching his ankle. It was painful, but Eddie didn't want to say anything to cause the man to stop touching him (he was so pathetic but he never claimed to be a strong man). "Well, this place wasn't called the Shades of Death for no reason," the man chuckled before noticing everyone's panicked looks," That...that was a joke. I mean yeah it's called that but uh...nevermind."
Eddie no longer was cursing his athleticism and was no longer cursing this trail. If none of this happened, he never would have met this beauty crouching next to him. Eddie was suddenly thanking this trail, the universe, and his manager. "What's your name?" Eddie finally asked. "Huh? Oh, I'm Steve."
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OOH YEAH this ones a lil old (also traditional art AND ONLY PEN) i was just tryinta remember how to draw these looooovely super boys. some of them are bits from an episode.
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flowercrowngods · 7 months
who's gonna come sit on my desk with me and listen to all time low just loud enough so we don't have to make conversation, but not too loud we can't sink into our own heads just a little bit but we won't get too lost bc we got each other, hm? who?
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