#my boyfriend knows that any time i say ‘i am going to kiss him/her/them on the mouth’ what i really mean is i’m on my knees mouth open wide
kentolove · 2 years
i love the tymps couple so well 😭😭 Tsukki is so cute in it, i love the way you wrote him 🥰 I was wondering, if youre willing to write it, how would tymps tsukki and the reader be during an arguement? I can only imahine how petty tsukki would be 😂
I don’t usually take requests but I had the perfect idea for this n I can’t get my mind off it 😭😭 thank you for this anon… I’m obsessed with them! Really! Truly!!
link to the og “tymps” couple fic!
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“I’ll sleep on the couch tonight.”
Tsukishima can’t say that he exactly remembers what this argument is about, all he knows is that you’re pissed, he’s pissed, and he just really wants to let this go. Let the disagreement roll over and just hug you, take you to bed and let you smother him with kisses like you do every night.
But he can’t back down, not when he’s so infuriated by your stubbornness that he can’t think straight. His hand in shaking from anger, and he can see tears tease your waterline. (Tears of anger, not sadness. Do not be mistaken, you like to remind him.)
“Don’t be stupid.”
You offered. You so politely offered to sleep on the couch and let your boyfriend wallow in his bitterness. You offered to leave him alone, and now he’s declining?
“I’ll do what I want. And right now, I want to sleep on the couch.”
You do not want to sleep on the couch. It’s as comfortable as a couch gets, scratches and dents to prove it’s years of usage. You love that leather couch, but it’s far too cold for you rest in.
“I don’t give a shit. I’ll die before ever let you sleep alone. You’re sleeping on the bed with me.”
“You don’t get to tell me what to do. You’re not my dad, fuckface.”
He rolls his eyes. You just never listen. You’re far too stubborn for your own good.
“You’ll freeze your ass off on that couch. Don’t make me tell you again.”
He walks off to your shared bedroom, leaving you in the small living alone. You turn your head and find your little kitten on the couch, sleeping soundly despite the storm surrounding her.
You sigh. “I hate him.”
You’re out of the shower some twenty minutes later, climbing into your bed angrily. You know Tsukishima is awake—his breathing is a clear sign—but you chose to ignore him. You wrap yourself in the warm sheets, turning your back on your lover.
Two minutes pass. Three. Five.
“Where’s my goodnight kiss, dumbass?”
It sounds silly, coming from the man who just spent the past hour angry at you, but he couldn’t be any more sincere. For every night that you’ve been with him, he gets a goodnight kiss placed on his cheeks, his forehead, and lastly, on his lips. You’ve never failed to do so, and he will not let a petty argument stop this streak.
“You don’t get one, you piece of shit.”
He chooses silence. He doesn’t speak, doesn’t move.
Thirty seconds pass. A minute.
The soft feeling of your lips is soon on his left cheek, then his right, the centre of his forehead, and finally, his lips.
“I hope the devil shows up in your dreams tonight.”
He laughs. A genuine laugh—he can’t believe how lucky he is to have you. Amidst all your anger, you still find a way to humour him.
He pulls you into him, and you don’t reject him. Your back to his chest, he places a sweet kiss at the top of your head.
“You too, Princess.”
He wakes up the next morning at 6:30 AM.
He finds you tangled in him: your legs on top of his, your arm somehow found its way into his hair, and there may be some drool on his chest (he doesn’t really care enough to confirm).
You look adorable.
But he is still annoyed.
So he swiftly jumps out of bed, careful not to wake you up, and heads to the kitchen. The coffee maker is turned on, just enough for two cups, and he gets breakfast ready.
He has to clock into work by 8:30 AM, giving him just enough time to prep breakfast and rush off for the day. He’s quick with his movements; your coffee is poured in a flask to ensure that it’s still hot by the time you wake up, your breakfast of pancakes is airy and light, and you have a bowl of fruits cut up and ready.
He leaves for work by 8, a sticky note taped to the flask.
It reads,
Do not skip breakfast. I’ll know. Eat everything I made. Lick the plate clean if you have to.
You’re a piece of shit, but have a good day. I’m still mad at you, but you drooled on my chest and you looked adorable doin it
i love ya (not rlly),
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takecareluv · 2 years
baby fever || vinnie hacker x reader
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vinnie’s periodic visits to his hometown were always a big deal in the hacker household. once his mom caught wind of his upcoming return to seattle, she immediately created a group chat with his relatives, inviting everyone to a family barbecue.
they were all quick to accept, excited to see the infamous hacker boy, and even more so his girlfriend, y/n. his whole family absolutely adored the girl ever since vinnie first brought her home with him a little over a year ago; and she loved them just as much. they were all so welcoming towards her even when she was incredibly nervous during their first encounter, and kind through all of the jitters that followed. if you were to ask her, she made an absolute fool of herself that entire day. however vinnie assured her a hundred times that was far from the truth and her “pretty little mind was playing tricks on her”.
the couple arrived in seattle much earlier in the morning than either would typically prefer to be awake for, greeted by the unvarying gloomy weather that comes with a seattle spring. immediately, the pair gravitated towards the bed as soon as they made it through the doors of their airbnb. the faint sound of rain tapping against the window lulling their already tired bodies right to sleep.
they napped for most of the day, tangled in each other’s arms, until both were abruptly woken up by the ringing of vinnie’s phone. reaching his arm out to grab the device, wanting to quickly put an end the loud noise, he answered the call.
“hey mom,” he mumbled.
y/n couldn’t hear what maria was saying on the other end, but based on vinnie’s responses she assumed it was something that would require her to get out the surprisingly comfy bed she was very much content in.
“mom wants us there in an hour for dinner,” he said after hanging up.
“noo, i’m too tired. i don’t wanna get up,” y/n responded, smushing her head further in the pillow as if that would hide her from going anywhere.
“i know. trust me i would much rather stay in bed with you all night,” he smirked. “but my whole family’s gonna be there.”
this instantly made y/n shoot up, slightly freaking out. “shit i forgot about that. i need to shower, i feel so gross after that flight. and what am i gonna wear?”
“baby calm down, it’s okay. it’s only a barbecue, you don’t have to dress up or anything. you could wear sweats and you’d still look perfect,” he replied, placing a kiss to her forehead, knowing that always calmed her.
“but it’s your family, vin. you know i like to make a good impression. i don’t want them to think i don’t care.”
“why? they already love you more than me,” vinnie joked, although he wasn’t so sure it actually was one. his family was utterly enamored with her, more so than he’s seen with any other girl he’d previously brought home through the years. but then again, he couldn’t blame them, she was perfect after all.
“you know that’s not true. now c’mon, let’s go shower,” y/n said, dragging her boyfriend out of the bed and into the ensuite bathroom, both shuddering at the contrast of the cool tile floor compared to the warm bed they were lounging in moments ago.
“damn if you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask.” vinnie teased, sneaking a grab at his girlfriend’s ass, making her jump.
“that’ll be enough out of you,” she deadpanned, despite the giggles that left her mouth.
as if by magic, the couple made it to vinnie’s childhood home precisely on time, even with the inevitable funny business that took place in the shower, adding more than just a few minutes.
they were instantly greeted with the loud welcome of the boy’s entire family, hugs approaching from all directions, including y/n’s legs, prompting her to look down to see vinnie’s baby cousin squeezing her legs, wanting some attention from the girl.
y/n bent over in attempt to get closer to the little one, “well hello there cutie. what are you up to?”
however the little girl didn’t answer. suddenly getting distracted when she saw the tall, messy haired boy standing next to y/n. “vinnie!” she squealed, reaching her arms out for him.
vinnie scooped her up in his arms. “what do you want, monkey?” he smiled, resulting in the small girl to burst out in a fit of laughter.
as vinnie continued to mess around with his adorable cousin, y/n was swiftly whisked away by his mom who wanted an update on anything and everything that’s happened since the couple’s last visit.
while engaged in a conversation with maria, along with a few of his aunts, y/n helped prepare the copious amount of food that looked as if it could feed an entire army. how many people were they expecting? she thought to herself.
although, the girl wasn’t much help. too distracted by watching vinnie play with his younger cousins across the room, she almost cut her finger chopping up some tomatoes. she decided then it was best to leave it to the professionals, instead doing what she does best: munching on some chips.
the kids were running around and climbing all over vinnie, but he didn’t seem to care; he was too occupied with the tiny two year old that laid in his arms who seemed to be just as infatuated by him as he was with her. y/n couldn’t help but smile at the sight, he was so gentle with the baby while also keeping the other kids entertained around him. she couldn’t look away, it might have been the cutest thing she had ever witnessed.
it had the girl thinking about how great of a father he would be to their own kids one day. even though she knew they were still very young, being only a couple years into adulthood with a lot of life left to live. seeing vinnie with the toddler made her want to forget all that nonsense and make a baby as soon as they got back to the airbnb that very night.
maria noticed y/n was in her own little world, having missed the last few minutes of their conversation. following her eyes to see what had the younger girl so dazed, she immediately understood. as her boys started to get older and mature into fine young men, maria began to get more and more excited about the idea of grandbabies in her future.
she didn’t say anything to the girl beside her, but only grinned, knowing she apparently had the same thing on her mind.
ten short minutes later, vinnie’s dad walked through the back door with two plates full of hot dogs, hamburgers, and one veggie burger made just for y/n. she thought it was so sweet how they always remembered to make something for her with no question about it.
“food’s ready!”
grabbing the specially made burger, a handful of fries, plus some yummy looking mac and cheese, y/n settled onto the couch beside her boyfriend. “hi bub.”
“hey baby,” he replied placing a kiss on her cheek. “what have you been up to? haven’t talked you all night.”
“i was helping your mom get dinner ready. although i don’t think i did much. i was a little distracted.”
“how come?” he said half paying attention, too busy shoveling food into his mouth.
“because of you” she simply stated, now gaining his full attention.
“oh yeah? why’s that?” he said with a smug look on his face.
“because you looked so cute playing with the kids. and don’t even get me started on you with the baby. i’ve never seen something more adorable,” y/n said slightly blushing once she glanced up to see vinnie intently looking at her. beginning to get shy, she quietly continued, “just had me thinking.”
he took the plate of food from her hold, placing it on the table in front of them before pulling the girl onto his lap.
since the couple’s first date, vinnie knew y/n was the one he was going to marry, the one he would have kids with. he knew they would eventually grow old together and stick by each other’s side through everything else life brought their way. with that being said, he always got extreme baby fever whenever he saw his girlfriend with kids. even just the way she was so nurturing towards his cat, hera, had him feeling domestic.
he was thrilled to know she felt the same way after seeing him with his baby cousin; but kept it cool, not wanting to overwhelm her.
noting how quiet the girl had become, he brushed some of the hair out of her face, placing a kiss to her forehead. “what are you thinking about in that brilliant mind of yours?”
“how much i would love to go back the airbnb right now and start a little family of our own.” y/n answered, not leaving room for hesitation, which had vinnie’s cheeks now turning red at her unusual bluntness.
“i mean i’m down if you are,” he smirked.
“baby i was kidding. as much as i would love a mini you or me running around, we’re too young. we got a lot of time left, plus i want you to myself for a little longer.” y/n giggled, leaning her head on the boy’s strong, but comfortable shoulder.
“well i guess we could always just practice for tonight,” he countered, a sly grin on his face leading y/n to roll her eyes.
the two cuddled on the couch for a little longer once they finished their food, discussing everything they planned to do while on their short trip.
feeling the couch shift under them, the couple noticed vinnie’s mom now sat next to them with a big smile on her face, happy to her son so in love.
“so when are you two giving me grandbabies?” maria asked candidly.
y/n and vinnie just turned to each other and laughed.
not soon enough, they both thought.
a.n. not sure how i feel about this one but it’s been sitting in my drafts for weeks so i figured it was about time i post it. hoping to start writing more again and get out of this rut i’ve been stuck in, but we’ll see how that goes… all my love 💌
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tasmparkerr · 2 years
Happy birthday ~
Peter Parker x fem!Reader
word count: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT!!! so much sMUt
Summary: it’s Peters birthday! And you’ve got a lil sumthin sumthin planned for him
A /N: please don’t interact if you’re a minor! Tysm <3
August 10th. Today was August 10th. Peter Parker’s, my boyfriend, birthday was today. And I had something special planned.
I had to get dressed, since we were having dinner at his aunts house, in something casual but still nice. I had piles and piles of clothes on the ground, shifting through them all to find something that would look nice.
I continued to pick up different clothes until I heard a soft knock on my window. Peter.
I couldn’t help but smile. I loved hearing that soft knock. I jogged over to my window where my Spider-Man was waiting. I swung the latch open to let him in.
“Why hello there, Mr. Spider-Man. I didn’t know we were working today?”
Peter pulled his mask off to reveal his own smile, his eyes gleaming. “Yeah well… us hero’s never really get a break.”
“Ah, you poor thing.” I said as he slid into my room, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Hi beautiful.” He whispered, leaning down to kiss me softly.
“Hi, birthday boy. You feel any older?”
He shrugged, “19 isn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. I can’t get drunk at Disney World or anything.”
I laughed, “We’ll add it to our bucket list for when we turn 21. Day drunk at Disney.”
“As long as your there, it sounds good to me,” he said, leaning down to give me another kiss but I playfully dodged it.
“Hey, I’ve got to get ready. We’ve got to be at your place in an hour and a half.”
Peter glanced at the time, “Shit… Aunt Mays gonna make me clean the whole place just because your coming over, as if you’re not always over.”
I rolled my eyes, “Well go make her happy, I need to pick out an outfit.”
Peter pursed his lips and thought for a moment. “Wear that skirt I like, the khaki one.”
I glanced behind me at one of the piles. I’d have to go digging again… “Okay, I will. Now shoo, go be with your family. I’ll see you soon. Oh! And please don’t let your Aunt make meatloaf again, it’s truly awful.”
Peter laughed, kissed my cheek, and said “I’ll try. I’ll see you soon.” and he was off. I sighed, shaking my head as I reclosed my window.
After awhile, I finally picked out an outfit. I wore the short khaki skirt (due to Peters request) and a cream oversized sweater that I tucked into the skirt. I threw on some brown flats, brushed out my long hair, popped on some mascara and lipgloss, and I was set. Underneath, however, I wore a sheer cherry red lingerie set that I had picked out a few weeks ago just for today. Red was Peters favorite color…
I said goodbye to my parents, hoping into my car to drive to Peters. He was only a few minutes away so I was there in no time. Being ten minutes early, as I always am, I almost skipped to the door. Before I could even ring the doorbell, Peter opened the door.
He was wearing dark jeans, a black t-shirt and a wicked grin. “Hi,” he said, taking in my appearance, “You look amazing.”
I rolled my eyes and stepped forward, kissing his cheek as I passed, “Happy birthday.”
“Is that (Y/N)?” Aunt May called from the kitchen.
“Yeah, she’s here!” He answered, guiding me in to say hello. I took a quick glance around the house, “You cleaned quite nicely,” I whispered and Peter just rolled his eyes.
The night went by quickly, since she did indeed make meatloaf and neither Peter or I really ate. We sat with his aunt for a few hours as she showed me baby photos I had already seen and went on about how much Peters grown and matured, and other things of that nature. I really didn’t mind Mays company, I was just itching to be with Peter.
After Peter opened his few gifts, some underwear and some money, from May and a new microscope from me, it was around 9 o’clock and that was her apparent bedtime. She told us goodnight, hugged me once, and went upstairs to her room, leaving us alone.
Peter took my hand and led me upstairs as well, sneaking into his room. We technically weren’t allowed according to May, but she never bothered to check unlike my parents, so we spent a lot of time at Peters.
Peter sighed as he tossed his new pack of underwear on his desk and shoved the cash in his wallet. He plopped down on his bed so he was leaning against the wall. His eyes traveled up my body as he reached out for me, whispering a soft “C’mere,”
I happily went to him, sitting next to him as he put his arms around my shoulder so I could lean into him.
“Did you have a good birthday?” I asked, glancing up at him.
Peter smiled and nodded, “Yeah. I could’ve gone without the meatloaf but she insisted because ‘she knows it’s my favorite’. I didn’t have the heart to tell her.”
I laughed, “Oh leave her be, she tries.”
“And she does great. She could just afford to watch the cooking channel a little more often”
I rolled my eyes and lightly nudged him. I glanced at the door, making sure it was closed before shifting to face Peter. “I do have one more gift for you.”
Peter raised an eyebrow, “Oh do you now? You really didn’t have to…”
I bit my lip, “It’s… not that kind of gift”.
Peter sat up more, running his hand through his hair, “Alright, let’s see it then.”
I took in a deep breath to control my nerves. I crawled over to him so I was straddling him. My shaky hands laid on his chest as we met eyes.
I wasn’t sure why I was so nervous, we had slept together before, so why was it so nerve racking? Maybe because I’ve never done something like this before… dressed up all pretty with a matching set. Plus Peter was usually the instigator.
“Y/N?” Peter asked, “You okay?”
I nodded, rolling my eyes “Yeah, I’m just nervous… so bear with me okay?”
Peter frowned but nodded. I leaned in slowly, softly pressing my lips to his. He kissed me gently, his thumb running across my cheek as he held my face.
I ran my hands down his chest, hesitating for a moment before taking the hem of his shirt and slowly lifting it up…
Peter pulled back. “Oh. You want…? Is that my gift? Birthday sex?”
I blushed heavily, looking down at our laps, “I- Well… yeah. Birthday sex. If that’s what you want-“ I was interrupted by his lips, a smile still on his face.
“Of course I want it. I always want you.” He said, kissing my nose before diving back into my lips.
Feeling slightly more confident now, I kissed him with more urgency, digging my fingers into his hair to pull him closer, deepening the kiss.
Peter was growing impatient, his fingers tracing down my sides to pull the sweater out of the skirt so he could lift it over my head and throw it to the side. In the brief moment our lips separated his eyes caught the red fabric, causing him to sit back.
He stared at my chest with wide eyes, making me squirm with anxiety. Just when I was going to ask if he liked it or not a huge grin came on his face as he said, “Did you get this for me?”
I nodded, “Uh, yeah… I bought it last week. I know reds you’re favorite so I gave it a shot… is it okay…?”
Peter reached out, cupping my breast gently, his thumb rubbing across the laces fabric. “It’s perfect” He mumbled, leaning forward to press his lips against my chest. He left gentle kisses along my collar bone and the top of my breast, making my breath quicken. He was taking his sweet time…
I gasped as Peter unzipped the top of my skirt, tugging at it to signal he wanted it off. I shifted to help him scoot it down my legs so I was only in the lingerie set as I straddled his lap.
Peters eyes gazed over my whole body, his face red and flustered. “You really are… so fucking gorgeous.”
I blushed, smiling as I whispered “Thank you” but Peter leaned forward again to give me a soft kiss, “No, thank YOU. This is the best birthday gift ever. Please wear this again for me… Is it okay if I take it off you now?”
I giggled as I nodded, “But I can’t be the only one without clothing.”
Peter rolled his eyes playfully and yanked off his t-shirt before reaching around to unclip the bra, allowing my breasts to fall out of the lace.
Peter took no time in leaning forward and latching his lips on my nipple, gently sucking. I gasped, my fingers digging in his hair. Peter reached up to gently massage the other mound, his thumb teasing the nub.
I moaned softly, remembering Aunt May was just down the hall. Peter continued to attack my chest as I felt his bulge underneath me grow, making me bite my lip.
“Peter,” I whined, rocking my hips against him, “Please?”
Peter laughed, looking up at me, “Be patient, baby.” He teased as he moved to the other breast. I groaned at his actions, making my desires much stronger. His hand suddenly left my breast to trail down my stomach to the top of my panties, making me suck in a sharp breath.
“Is this okay?” He asked, looking up at me. I nodded, giving him my approval to continue. He always asked for my consent.
His fingers slipped underneath my underwear, quickly finding the special spot. I gasped loudly, pressing my forehead against Peters as he began to rub in soft and slow circular motions. “O-Oh… Peter…” I whimpered, trying my best to keep quiet. Peter shushed me, brining his lips to my cheek, “You’ve got to be quiet, baby, you’ll wake May up.”
I nodded, digging my fingers into his shoulder. “P-Peter,” I begged, “Please don’t stop.” and he didn’t. He continued his circular motion until my breathing went wild, signaling I was close. He whispered a soft, “Come for me.” and I exploded. I buried my face in his chest to suppress any noises of pleasure that escaped my lips, my chest heaving.
“God, you’re so gorgeous.” Peter said, moving my head so he could passionately kiss me. Without separating from me, he reached down and begun to undo his belt buckle.
The clicking sound got me excited all over again, my own fingers moving to slide my underwear off my legs. Soon enough, we were both bare. Peter looked at me one more time, his eyes full of lust, before shooting a web to grab his wallet. I giggled as he ripped open the condom wrapper and slid it on with ease. “You ready?” He asked softly, and I nodded. He began to move to get on-top if my but I held my hand up, pushing him back down into his sitting position.
“Let me be on-top?” I said, half asking half telling. Peter looked shocked, but didn’t protest.
I shifted so I was above him, slowly descending ontop of him, his tip pressing against my entrance. I took in a deep breath before letting his shaft slip into me, moaning as I felt him fill me up.
Peter hissed, his hands gripping my hips. “Fuck, you feel amazing…” he groaned, clearly fighting the urge to buck his hips. I didn’t respond, too scared another moan would slip out. Slowly, I moved up and down, the sensation almost immediate. I couldn’t help but whine at the feeling of Peters member going in and out of me, the pleasure fogging up my brain.
I met eyes with Peter, who looked at me with such intensity, as I sped up ever so slightly. Peter watched me as I moved, never breaking eye contact as I continued to bounce. It was clear I was nearing another orgasm, my noises getting more and more frequent. Peters began to help, his hands that were on my hips dug into my skin and helped my motions, using his strength to keep my pace steady.
“Come for me” he whispered for the second time, and once again, I exploded. His hands held my waist down so I felt his full length as I came, my legs twitching at the sensation. I fell against his chest, heaving as I came down from my high, listening to Peters quick heart beat. “Good girl…” he whispered, rubbing my back gently.
Slowly he laid me back, so I was laying flat on his bed. He leaned down and kissed my neck, whispering soft little comments like how beautiful I was and how much he loved me, things of that nature. I moaned as his fingers pressed against my entrance, slipping in with ease. “Mm, you’re very wet, my love.” He teased, making me blush as I wriggled around.
He slowly pumped his fingers in and out of me as the continued his kisses and praises. He kept going and going and going, speeding up, clearly shooting for another orgasm. I covered my mouth with my own fingers to conceal my sounds of pleasure, my legs shivering as I came from his fingers, my toes curling at the release.
Peter positioned himself between my legs, glancing at me once to make sure I was okay, and sliding his shaft back into me, making me whimper in anticipation.
Peter sighed, clearly happy to be back inside of me, his hands grabbing my hips as he gave me a wicked grin. “Try and be quiet okay? I don’t want to wake May. Just tell me if it gets to be too much, okay baby?”
I nodded, understanding what this meant. Peter let out a breath and began to thrust his hips. It started slow and soft, only soft moans leaving my lips, but it suddenly became not so slow. Peter thrusted into me hard, his grip on my hips pulling me into each thrust. One of my hands gripped his sheets for dear life while the other was locked over my lips to muffle my screams of pleasure.
Peter groaned a quiet “fuck…” here and there, but he was so wrapped up in my reactions he could barely focus. He leaned down, burying his face in my neck, suddenly grabbing both my arms and holding them above my head by my wrists. “P-Peter! I can’t k-keep quiet!” I said in a panic, getting close to my fourth orgasm of the night.
Peter just kissed my neck, “Then don’t. I want to hear you.” He whispered, his voice thick with pleasure as he continued to ram into me. I tried my hardest to stay quiet, but when I finally came, I nearly screamed Peters name, my back arching as pleasure seemed to explode throughout my entire body. Almost immediately after I felt Peter tense up, his fingers digging into my skin as he also had his release, and then he relaxed.
We laid there, naked and panting, as we came down from our highs. I glanced up at the door, wrapping my arms around Peters neck. “Did we…?“
“Surprisingly, no. She’s still asleep.” Peter mumbled, leaving soft kisses along my jaw. “You were perfect, thank you for my birthday gift.”
I laughed, rolling my eyes, “Yeah sure, anytime.”
Peter grinned, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
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fortuositywritings · 2 years
Terms & Conditions Ch 4
Series Masterlist
Summary: Can you convince Wanda’s friends that you are a couple?
“So how long have you been dating?”
Sam, Steve, and Joaquin have joined not so long ago and as expected, someone asks the question of how long you and Wanda have been together. It’s a simple question you and Wanda should be able to answer easily if either of you actually bothered to prepare at all. Luckily, you feel Wanda trace a 4 on your thigh, so you both answer confidently.
“4 weeks.” “4 months.”
“4 months.” “4 weeks.” You both try to correct yourselves. Double fuck.
“Sorry. I’m confused,” Sam says. So are Natasha and Steve if their confusion ridden faces are anything to go by. Joaquin on the other hand couldn’t be happier with your little slip up. 
“I think we all are. So which is it?” he phrases like he’s honestly confused as well but his faux sincerity couldn’t be less subtle, at least not to you. This man is praying for your downfall. He’s going to have to pray harder.
“Sorry, that’s my fault. We’ve been talking and going out for four months but I didn’t officially ask Wanda to be my girlfriend until four weeks ago. So it really depends on how you mean by dating,” you pull the excuse out of your ass, but your answer seems to please everyone aside from Wanda’s ex of course. 
And of course he has something to say. 
“Definitely don’t consider skinny dipping in hot tubs with other people dating, but maybe that’s just me,” Joaquin says, not so under his breath. Sam smacks his friend’s arm for the unprompted remark, meanwhile Wanda glares at him for bringing it up. Wanda explains for the rest of the group, “That was before we were anything serious. I don’t fault her for things she’s done before we were exclusive.”
“So what I am hearing is you are quite the player,” Steve gathers with a playful tone trying to alleviate some of the obvious tension at the table, which you are thankful for. You deliberate on a good response to that and decide on, “Must be. Otherwise, I don’t know how I pulled someone as beautiful as Wanda.”
Your cheesy response has the table groaning including Wanda who voices how terrible that was, but you have no regrets. As hard as she may try, she can’t manage to hide the blush on her cheeks from you. You decide to mess with her a little more by upping the physical touch and kissing her cheek fondly in front of everyone, which only makes her grow more red and Joaquin more green. He shifts uncomfortably in his seat, obviously displeased with your little display of affection, and you have to fight back a smirk. 
It is at this moment you discover that if you thought messing with Wanda was fun, pissing her ex boyfriend off takes the cake. Incessantly, he makes short remarks with obvious incentive to discredit or belittle your relationship. It’s nearly painfully awkward and if it were any other person meeting their partner’s friends for the first time and their ex was trying to pick them apart, they would have left a long time ago; but you aren’t any other person. You were born into a world where everyone makes comments about who you are and what you do, always poking and prodding. This is nothing new and if growing up in your world has taught you anything, it’s how to poke and prod right back without losing your cool. 
In this case, anytime Joaquin has something to say about you and Wanda, you come up with the perfect response, whether it be with a funny quip to ease everyone up or just ignoring his comment but being more touchy with Wanda knowing that he is looking right at you two. He tries to play it off, but you notice how he downs his beer in one go and how he clenches his jaw when everyone laughs at something you say. The jealousy is strong in this one and you eat it up.
Is it cruel to enjoy watching a man suffer through drinks with friends and his ex-girlfriend while they all take an earnest interest in her newfound relationship right in front of him? Maybe, but you don’t care, because in the end he’s the only one to blame for letting a catch like Wanda go. Wanda hasn’t told you the whole story about what happened between them two but from what you’ve gathered, he broke up with her and now wants her back. As Wanda’s fake girlfriend and real new friend, you are not about to make it so easy for him. 
You don’t go wild ordering drinks. If it were you and Harry hanging out, you would be at a club losing track of how many times you’ve gone to the bar to get another drink. Here with Wanda and her friends, you have three. You are trying to make a good impression after all. After Wanda’s first drink she shared earlier with you, she sticks to water and soda, although she has taken a sip of your other two just because you offer her a taste. 
This is the first time in a while that you have gone out for drinks with friends and are not stumbling by the end of the night. Your father would be proud. Shit. Your father. It’s getting pretty late. If this were a month ago, you wouldn’t have given a damn about the time but you are on thin ice, so you think it’s best if you got going. Wanda must think the same because she tells everyone she has to drive you home now. 
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Natasha and Sam, and nice to see you again, Joaquin,” you say as you and Wanda get up to leave. You so badly want to call Joaquin by a wrong name to bug him once more but that would have been too obvious. You think of something far better anyway. “And good to officially make your acquaintance, Steve. Sorry about the other night.”
It gets the reaction you hope for. Steve turns red remembering the circumstance in which he thinks he found you with Wanda. Wanda’s eyes widen in surprise. The other three people at the table look between the two of you clearly wanting an explanation. Nat asks, “You two met already?”
“Yeah, but it wasn’t ideal. Anyway, I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for letting me tag along. I hope to see you all soon,” you finish off, offering no further explanation. You know the others will demand one from Steve and one of them is bound to get the story out of him, as is your plan. 
 “Why would you bring that up with Steve?” Wanda chastises you in the car. “Sam is probably hounding him now about what happened and they’re all going to think we slept together that night.”
“Exactly! If your ex boyfriend doesn’t believe you when you tell him you’re with me, then who better to believe than America’s golden boy,” you reason. “How is he going to say we aren’t together when the guy who fights for truth and justice or whatever tells him he caught us in the bedroom?”
Wanda is silent, staring at you like she is trying to read you. It would intimidate many people into cowering the way she looks into your eyes, brows furrowed, but all you do is raise an eyebrow asking her to speak her mind. “Damn, you’re good.”
A smirk appears on your face. You can tell Wanda is impressed and you can’t say it doesn’t inflate your ego. “Not the first time I’ve heard that.” You wink at her, making her groan in annoyance. 
“If you say so,” she replies sarcastically. She turns away from you in order to reach for her seat belt. Movement in your peripheral vision makes you turn your attention to the establishment’s window. You see Wanda’s friends leaving the joint, making their way outside. They must have parked near Wanda’s car because they begin to walk in your direction. 
If they pass Wanda’s car they would be getting the full view of the two of you and you don’t think that is an opportunity you can waste. “Put your belt on,” Wanda demands. She’s not looking at you though. She is busy searching for a song to put on her phone, so it can be said she does not expect it when you lean into her space and plant one on her. 
Completely shocked, she drops her phone and pushes your shoulders to keep you away, but either she doesn’t push very hard or you are stronger than she thinks. You keep your face hovering over hers. “Woah! What are you doing?”
“Shh! Your friends are coming. Kiss me back,” you say. Wanda scrunches her eyebrows, wondering what the hell you are talking about. You motion with your eyes in her friends’ direction and she does a quick glance. Sure enough, they are nearing the car, and this time Wanda surprises you by taking initiative, boldly reaching for the back of your head, tugging on your hair and pulling you back in. If she heard you moan at the hair pulling, no she didn’t or so you’ll deny. 
Your lips taste sweet, Wanda thinks. It’s probably the drinks you had. She’ll blame it on that if you tease her about how she’s practically devouring your mouth, not that you are complaining. You never imagined kissing Wanda to be like this. You’ve imagined it loads of times since you met her, of course you have, but in all the scenarios you’ve built in your head, she always kissed you with a sort of timidness and it was you who would pick up the pace. 
This is beyond your wildest imagination. God, is she intoxicating, you think when she introduces her tongue in your mouth. You get so into it, you don’t hear Sam giggling outside. You both honestly forget the reason you are doing this until a knock on Wanda’s window startles you apart. You both turn to see Natasha leaning down with a smirk on her face. Wanda rolls down the window for her. 
“I thought you were already halfway to Y/N’s by now,” she teases. 
Wanda shifts in her seat, a little embarrassed. She clears her throat and answers, “We got a little distracted.”
“I can see that,” Nat laughs before relenting, tapping on Wanda’s door. “Drive safe. See you back at home.”
Wanda rolls her window back up, letting out a sigh. You both watch as Nat makes her way back to the guys. Sam is still cracking up. Steve is looking anywhere else and much to your amusement, Joaquin is throwing daggers at you with his glare. You give him a condescending little wave as Wanda reverses and pulls out of the parking spot. 
“Oh my god! Did you see his face?” you chuckle. “That was hilarious.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Wanda giggles, turning into the street to drive you back home. “Put on your seatbelt.”
You do so while continuing, “He was so mad. I think we really sold it there. I have to apologize. I didn’t think you could pull it off but that kiss!” Wanda’s cheeks flush thinking about it. “There is no way he doesn’t believe you now. Who knew you had that in you?”
This time she scoffs, “What are you trying to say? Did you think I would be a bad kisser?”
“Not at all,” you shake your head. “I just didn’t think you would kiss me back so… enthusiastically.”
“I- That was not enthusiastic,” she denies weakly, keeping her eyes on the road. 
You tease her, “I don’t know. Seemed pretty eager to me.”
“It’s called acting, Y/N.” You chuckle, not believing it for a second. Annoyed at hearing you giggling, she retorts, “It’s not like you were complaining at the moment.”
“Oh, no. I enjoyed it very much,” you admit candidly, enjoying the way Wanda’s face flushes and her eyes go round like she’s shocked you wouldn’t deny it. “If I ever gave you the impression that I wasn’t attracted to you, then I sincerely apologize. You, Wanda Maximoff, are very hot and I am not opposed to you kissing me like that again.”
“Oh my god. Shut up,” she groans, embarrassed by your teasing. You burst out laughing and Wanda can’t take it anymore, so she finally plays the music she had queued up on her phone and turns up the volume in the car in an attempt to drown out your laughter. 
Taglist: @scarletswandawitch @imdreamingblo @anxietyisgreat @xxromanoffxx @romanoffomixam @diaryoflife @natashasilverfox @harleyswanda @gimaximoff @simplysimping999 @cmaysf @frvny @olsensnpm @chaekhan @dumpaccdontmindme @iliketozoneout @why-31 @aawake-atnight @yelenabelov-ed @marrymemcgrath @btay3115 @alwaysgoodnight @darkangelxoxo @reereeineedtopee @mistyysmione @shortstoppan @didujustcallmedumb @pawiie @pleasantbearscissorstoad @lordesolddepression @splatalia-jumpanova @wandanatfan @pnsteblnme @hoeforwandanat @s1ut4nat @lametag-brockcity @mrscromanoff @hallefuckingluyah @daenerys713 @spongebobtentacles @when-wolves-howl
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thedaredevilsgirl · 2 years
Hello can you write more for andrew x reader like she is baking christmas cookies and it its fluffy but also turns into smut
Tastes So Good
Disclaimer: Fluff, Smut (Oral -F! receiving- fingering, sex without a condom -use a condom!!-) totally fictional story.
Word count: 1023
A/N: This is my Christmas present to you my dear readers, I hope you like it.
Love you.
Have a Merry Christmas.
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It all started innocently enough.
It was the 24th, Christmas Eve, and you and your boyfriend decided it was a great time to make Christmas cookies.
The problem was that neither you nor Andrew had any idea how to do it.
There were too many chances that everything would go wrong, the cookies would be too sweet, or maybe tasteless, or they would end up burnt.
Anyway, they were both willing to do it.
Andrew searched the internet for numerous recipes before finding the one they both liked best.
It didn't take long for the kitchen of his house to turn into a big mess started in his kitchen.
While there was a small amount of flour and sugar scattered on the countertop and her laughter mingled with his and filled the entire room.
Perhaps a little food war broke out when Andrew ran his dirty flour hand over your face leaving a smear on it and you fought back by doing the exact same thing and throwing some flour over his dark hair.
"That's going to be so hard to clean up" he says laughing.
"You started it, so take the consequences Mr. Garfield" you reply making him laugh even harder.
"OK miss" you say before you finally start actually preparing the cookies.
"Am I doing this the right way?" You ask as you stir the dough with your hands until it takes the shape it called for in the recipe.
He hugs you from behind, putting his head on your shoulder to see exactly what you were doing.
He can't stop noticing how beautiful you look wearing only one of his old sweaters to dress yourself in, with the hair you had tied up in a ponytail before you started cooking and a few strands already escaping from the simple hairstyle and a small smear of flour over your face.
"Yes dear, all right" you say leaving a tender kiss on her cheek before you step away to start making the frosting.
You finish cutting the dough into the shapes you wanted the cookies to be and place them on the greased baking pan, but before you can turn on the oven to put them to bake Andrew's voice calls you from across the kitchen.
"Babe" he calls again and you look up at him smiling "Taste this for me and tell me if it is good?".
"I think you could do it yourself love" you say moving closer to him.
"It's just that you have a much better palate than I do" he takes some of the frosting on two fingers "Unless we're talking about tasting you, because then I can tell you how tasty it is" he winks at you teasingly.
"Don't say things like that to me" he gives you a light pat on your arm.
"O darling, I know you love it" he says, and you just smile in response.
You hold his hand and bring your frosting honeyed fingers to your mouth, you moan as you taste it, incredibly good.
"Is that..." You don't finish your sentence because Andrew is soon on you kissing you as fast as he can " what is it?" you laugh half breathlessly.
"Nothing, I just need my girlfriend right now" is all he says before placing you sitting on the table, the only surface in that kitchen that wasn't dirty with cookie ingredients.
He kisses her again with intensity feeling the sugary taste of frosting still on her lips, his hands move up her thigh hooking his fingers over her panties and removing them quickly.
Two of his fingers find their way to your intimacy touching it only superficially so he can tease you.
"I've barely touched you and you're like this" he whispers against your ear "Always ready for me aren't you darling?" His thumb touches your clit moving slowly in circular motions "My good girl" two of his fingers enter you.
"Andrew" you sigh "Andy...please" you beg for him.
"You are lucky I am in my Christmas spirit today so I will give you exactly what you want" He says before kneeling before you and running tongue slowly over your intimacy "Like I said, incredibly tasty" he licks another long stretch "My sweet sweet girl".
His hand grips the edge of the table tightly while the other curls over your hair as he clamps your clit between his lips, he continued with both fingers inside you slowly taking them out and putting them in.
"Please please please" you beg when you feel he is close and he stops suddenly "Andy" whimpering "I need you".
"Don't worry baby" he leaves a little love bite on the back of your throat as he unbuttons his own pants "you have me" he says before penetrating you
You throw your head back, ecstatic with pleasure, your body falling onto the table as Andrew continued to touch you so intimately. He lifts up your -his- sweater leaving your breasts bare, he didn't want to take the huge sweater off your body, there was something primal inside him that loved to fuck you while you were wearing his clothes. He hooks his lips around one of your breasts making you even more desperate for him.
It doesn't take long before the two of you are so needy for each other and so close to climaxing, especially when he finds your G-spot and thrusts several times there leaving you almost at the point of crying with pleasure for him.
"Are you close honey?" He asks sweetly and you confirm "great, come to me".
It doesn't take long for you to cum clenching around him making him come soon after.
He helps you sit back down on the table resting your head on his shoulder and leaving a small tender kiss there as you both catch your breath.
"Good thing we didn't put the cookies out to bake, they sure would have been burnt by now" he says making her laugh.
"If I had known that baking with you would end up like this we would have done it long before now".
"Merry Christmas Darling" he whispers with his lips glued to hers.
"Merry Christmas."
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justmoonythings · 2 years
I never considered my coming out experience to be fortunate. I never thought I would look back one day and say “I was so lucky” But the last couple days have taught me that I was in fact lucky to have come out 8 years ago, and not today. Because seeing how some people treat questioning people, treat the lgbtq community as a secret club you don’t get to go in unless you fit a certain type, and can show for a specific experience you get shunned and kicked out and treated like garbage... I am lucky. Seeing the discourse happening on here, on twitter, anywhere really, made me realize that I would have not wanted to come out today. And not because I consider myself big or important enough to get hate, but because I came out back then, because I had a massive community backing me up for my experience and my choice and my lack of labels and my inability to be true to myself before I was ready.
I came out at the delicate age of 13. I knew I liked the same gender back then. I knew it then and I know it now. And nothing has changed except the labels I don’t wear anymore.
I was raised into religion. Into christianity to be exact. And I was raised protestant. I was raised by going to church once or even twice a week and when I found my sexuality to be NOT STRAIGHT I was at church four to five days of the week.
The first time I heard about homosexuality was through the F-word. My mother refused to address them any differently. My brothers bullied other boys for “appearing gay” and my little sister once told me the thought of two girls or two guys kissing made her want to throw up.
But I still told someone about my assumed sexuality, because I had people online who supported me in a way that I cannot express. They were here when needed and made sure that the lgbt space I learned about was a safe one that accepted everyone who did not consider themselves straight.
From my first girl crush, who I don’t talk to anymore, but still follow on instagram, to a guy I met through fanfics that told me about himself and his boyfriend. People called him a predator because he was older than me, but he has never made me feel anything but safe. He was the one who gave me my first online nickname, and was someone who taught a lot about bi-sexuality. I never met him. I don’t have contact to him anymore. I wouldn’t even know how to reach out to him at this point, but he was a big influence on my life as it is now.
And knowing how I cried myself to sleep for years because of me being queer, and the fight I had with my mother when I came out, and the fact that she still refuses to accpet my sexuality, stings. And I would have never in a million years considered this fortunate.
But here I am, at 22, witnessing as another 22 year old gets ripped to shreds because he does not have the “lgbt experience” or because he doesn’t fit your stencil of a “lgbt person”
Seeing someone my age get ripped apart like this over something that should be supported and celebrated, makes my heart ache. I know this would have ruined me at 13. I know if this is what I had witnessed at 13, I would have prayed to God every single night to make me not gay. 
I would have promised and tried my best to be as straight as can be.
So please, when you sit down and consider hating on someone for their sexual orientation, always remember: They might not see it, but your followers, who rely on safety, they will. They will see it, and read it and they will take it to heart. And you can ruin lives that way. 
And I wanna welcome Dream and everyone who is questioning or unlabled to the LGBTQ communtiy, you are valid and loved just the way you are. Your experience cannot be wrong and I hope you remember that labels are not a necessity.
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Mended. J.M.K
Author’s Note: This story holds alot of my own bullshit from my past and kind of my journey back to self acceptance and letting go of what had been done to me. I'm hoping you guys enjoy my story, I've been wanting to move this pain into art and something that doesn't just belong to me anymore.
From the prompts, can u do something with Josh using: “ when i am near you, i finally know how it feels to breathe without worry, without caution. i just feel safe with you… “Like the reader had been in a toxic relationship prior to meeting Josh and when she feels how comfortable he makes her feel she confesses this quote to him??? And the whole thing is all fluffy and heartfelt🥺🥰😍😭 thank u sis for feeding us so well😩😩😩
And this Anon as well, I sort of added them to the pot!
Anon:Ok I’m shy but here I go😭🙈
Can you do something with the prompt:
“Just do what feels good baby, there’s no rush…”
Like maybe it’s her first time ✨riding✨ him and he’s kinda helping her and encouraging her? Something along those lines🥰
I kind of combined both of these requests for this fic!
Synopsis: After being with your boyfriend for so long, the two of you find yourselves sharing a long awaited first time.
Word Count: 6.2k (bit of a breeze eh?)
Pairing: Josh Kiszka x Female Reader
Warnings: Warnings: 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. Very very fluffy, very sweet, very smutty. Foul language, oral, mentions of past sexual absuse and sexual trauma. (Wrap it before you tap your beautiful boyfriend)
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Mended. J.M.K
Guilt is the only word you can use to explain the feeling you're experiencing. Laying here in the dark of the shared bed of your apartment. The curly hair of your boyfriend between your fingers as you mindlessly run your hand over his head as he sleeps beside you, he is peacefully asleep as he faces you, he'd fallen asleep mid conversation, something about a camping trip he took in Tennessee.
You've been tightly wound, that much is for certain. The feeling of having a weight on your chest, unable to breathe freely without the tension in your lungs was no way to live. There was a time before Josh, but those times were not kind ones. You thank God for getting you out of the place you were in and finally into the solace of the warm and awaiting arms of a man who truly cares for you. Your ex had fucked you up in more ways than one, screwing with your perception of reality, love and your own self worth. He was also your first real boyfriend you'd ever had, how were you supposed to know that wasn't how relationships were supposed to be?
That was years ago, but now, even with Josh, you find yourself lost in your own mind. Worried about his words having double meaning, about texting him back promptly and accurately, not letting your guard down completely even though he has never given you any indication to be anything like your ex. What is wrong with me? You'd curse yourself, laying next to the man next to you, asleep and softly snoring beside you. You gaze at his sleeping form, chest rising and falling perfectly, his lips parted gently, eyes closed, lulled away in a dream. You've told Josh tidbits of your ex before, but never any of the real gritty stuff. He knows your intimate life prior was a bit messy, but he doesn't know the full scope. He's such a ray of pure starlight and the idea of even bringing in that rain cloud you’ve tried so hard to get rid of into this new relationship sounds like an actual nightmare.
He would never judge you, you know that, but would he see you differently? Like the broken doll you feel like? You've been dating Josh for almost a year now and you've hardly been intimate. You two just call it, "taking it slow,” doing everything but full on intercourse. He's incredibly patient and kind about it all, when he asks you if you want to keep going in the midst of passionate kisses and heavy petting, when you ultimately say "no," when you think you're ready but one slight pain or awkward angle that hurts, you break into tears, falling into a near panic attack, even through all of your obvious signs of sexual trauma, his expression never falters. He never sighs. Never complains. Never calls you a "tease" or tries to push you to "just do something for me." Instead he simply says, "Okay baby. You want to cuddle? We could watch a movie or something?" Or something along those lines. At first it shocked you, didn't all men get annoyed when you didn't want to fuck? Your heart would swell with love, like the idea of just understanding your withdrawl from sex without making you feel like shit was somehow so foreign to you, it felt like a rose in his hand rather than the dagger of what you've come to understand as basic human decency.
The thought of Josh leaving you for someone who would actually sleep with him broke your heart. He'd never do it, but could you blame him? Your eyes well up with tears. He chose a broken girl, unable of knowing how to love him because she's never known anything else. The past months feel like a lifetime of learning everything. He loves you with all he knows how but yet you cannot help yourself from keeping him at arms length, unable to give yourself over fully with your past holding you back. You sniffle a cry, staring up at the ceiling, heart racing as you can feel your face heat up with frustration and pain. Josh deserves better.
You choke on a sob too loudly, you can feel Josh stir next to you and you immediately wipe your tears away, hoping he falls back asleep, that you could disappear into the darkness of your bedroom. "Hey, hey what's wrong?" Josh's voice is like an arrow to your heart, he always brings you so much comfort but with your racing thoughts you can't help but feel the gut wrenching pain at the thought of him seeing you like this, weak and undeserving. All you can simply do is shake your head, wishing this whole scenario away, not wanting to fall into this deep pit tonight like this. "Baby, it's okay." His voice still deep and raspy from sleep, he caresses your cheek, swiping your tears away with the soft pad of his thumb. Your mouth waters from your state of anguish, searching for the words to say but you can't even look at him. "I don't deserve you." You choke out, staring at the ceiling hoping that avoiding his stare won't make you crack in half.
Josh sits up at your statement, you look at him fearfully, tears streaming from your face as you look at his beauty under the dark of your bedroom, the moonlight that peers inside coasting down his body, illuminating his face, he looks confused, hurt almost. "Why would you think that?" He says with almost a hint of amusement at how ridiculous the whole thing sounds. "I just don't think I'm worth your love. Like, I'm so far gone, everything I've been through has been too much-" "Stop, what are you talking about?" He cuts you off, his face scanning yours, looking for an answer. You sit up and just look at him with tears in your eyes. "You deserve someone who isn't broken." You whisper, your bottom lip twitching as more tears stream down your face. He only reaches his hands out and holds your face in his hands, "You are my everything. I don't want anyone else, baby. I only want you." He speaks so sweetly, almost as though he too is on the verge of tears, he's cradling you in his hands, his eyes big and brown, looking at you like he's holding the galaxy in his eyes.
You let out a shaky breath, sniffling and bringing your hands up to hold his hands on your hands, holding them against your face. "Why would you think you're broken?" His voice just above a whisper as he runs his thumb against your skin, catching a teardrop and running it across your cheek. You take in a breath, searching for the strength to speak, to say the ugliest parts of your history, of you. "You know that my ex put me through a lot." You start, looking to see if he understands, he simply nods, his brows knit, ready to solve whatever quandary you present. "You just show me so much love and kindness I've never felt before. When I am near you, I finally know how it feels to breathe without worry, without caution. I just feel safe with you. You are just too good for me, I feel like I'm holding you back, like you have to hold my hand through basic shit." You're voice catches and you're on the edge of crying again, "I just feel stupid, like I can't even have sex without crying or freaking out, like what the fuck is wrong with me?!" Josh's hands fall to your shoulders, holding you tightly, "Nothing is wrong with you baby-" "Yes, there is!" Your voice rings out, bouncing off the walls until the silence is too much to bear. Josh looks at you with a face of subtle shock, lips parted, brow knit, fearful of what comes next in your story.
"My ex, he, um… he just, he pressured me to do things I didn't want to. I thought I was ready but I wasn't, and he would just make me feel awful about it. Pushing through the pain even when I said-" your voice fails, you can't even say the words, and Josh's hands only run up your arms, patient as always, waiting for you to say only what you want to. "Like I should want to do these things, because if not then, I didn't really love him-" "I will always love you. You know I would never-" "I know you wouldn't. I know you would never treat me like he did. I just… I'm sorry I can't just be normal, I…" You can't find the words, you scan over his beautiful face, full of concern and worry over you. "I will wait until the end of time for you, to wait until you're ready. I will never grow tired of you, you mean so much more than just sex to me, and I'm so sorry you’ve ever felt that way. You never have to apologize for that." His eyes search yours, your tears dried by his hands, his voice genuine and kind as he speaks only makes your heart swirl with so much love, it's practically dizzying. "You are worth the wait. You are worth all of it."
You smile at him with tears in your eyes, all you can do is smile and look at him, he smiles back at you. His hand pushing a strand of hair behind your ear has you grinning like an idiot. He really is everything to you, not that you ever doubted it, he is just so full of love, you only want to show him as much love as he shows to you. He leans in and kisses your cheek, "I love you so much." He whispers against your cheek, you smile wide and hold him in your hand, he leans into your touch as you speak, "I love you so much, Josh." You whisper back, your hands bring him to you, kissing him sweetly.
His lips feel like they can erase all your pain by their plushness alone, his hands on you feel like they can set every broken bone with just his touch, his words waving away every insecurity with just a well thought out phrase. He is everything. The sun and the stars, the way you gravitate towards him like a celestial body, and celestial he is. Angelic in every way, the face of a cherub, body of a God, voice of a poet and hands of a sculptor, and in this moment, all you want is to be his clay.
He kisses you once more on your lips, a smacking smooch like a cartoon character, Popeye kissing Olive Oyl. His hands holding your face still as he places kisses all over your face, you grin at his kindness, his overenthusiastic pecks placed all over your cheeks, your forehead, your nose and the crown of your head, and all the while you can't stop the bubbling laughter in your chest that only Josh can bring out in you. He watches you with a softened expression and a smile that could melt any icy cold heart. "I love your laugh, I never want to be without your smile." He whispers, his thumb running over the apple of your cheek. "I love you." You simply reply, he beams at you, "I love you." He says just above a whisper, his eyes searching yours and just like that, the feeling in the air turns.
The mood shifts and it's like it's only you two together. Alone in the universe together while the rest of the world outside sleeps soundly. Nothing to do, nowhere to go and more importantly, nowhere else to be besides right here, sat crisscrossed on your bed with the love of your life. You let your hands travel to his face, mimicking the movement he made on your own skin, letting your thumb trace over his cheekbone. The air is tight with tension, threatening to crush you both. You watch as his own eyes watch you, taking in every crease, freckle, and scar, memorizing your face as though he were to turn around and paint it by memory. Your heart yearns for him, even with him this close to you, you want all of him, encapsulating your senses, overwhelming your mind and occupying every space you can offer for him, and him alone. The pull of your lips gravity has the two of you slowly leaning forward, achingly slow, moving into a kiss and even as your lips meet, it takes you by surprise. You could never forget what Josh’s lips feel like even in a million years, and yet, this kiss feels different.
It’s like moving in slow motion but in the best way, taking the time to feel him against your own lips, to breathe him in, to feel his curls in between your fingers, to feel the warmth of his body radiate into yours, the whole scene is unlike anything you two had ever shared before. You crave him, you want him like the earth needs the sun. Josh’s hands move to cradle the back of your head while his other hand maintains its hold against your jaw. Your hand in his curls grasp at his tresses, earning a low and unwithheld groan from Josh. Your hold on him leads him to lay back down to the sheets of your bed, he rests his body just over yours, lost in your kiss you begin to realize that the unwelcome anxiety you feel whenever you and Josh are intimate, has yet to show up. Instead, a sort of forward boldness takes over you, you bring up your bare leg over Josh’s hip, feeling already how hard he’s growing against you.
Your nails run over his back as you lay a hand on his shoulder, bringing him to lay more of himself on you. Josh pulls gently away from the kiss, “What do you want, sweet girl?” He asks in a husky tone, an iteration of the question he almost always starts with when things start getting sensual, always wanting you to know that nothing happens unless you ask for it, never wanting to push you. The question makes your heart flutter as you feel not even an ounce of worry, fear of embarrassment or nervous energy that usually clouds your mind. Usually your answer is very specific, never wanting to go too far as to save yourself from a panic attack or fit of tears. You smile against his lips, “I want you.” You say with a raspy tone of confidence, Josh smiles back at you, never having seen you this way, but he still knows to tread lightly. “You have me.” His voice rolls deeply and sweetly into the darkness of your bedroom.
He embraces you in a passionate kiss, his hand traveling up your sleepshirt, resting on your waist, his heat radiating into your body. You roll your hips against him, looking for some sort of friction for your already wet heat between your legs. He brings his hips down to meet yours, the thin material of his boxers and your panties leaving little for the both of you to imagine. His hand travels down your side and rests above the waistband of your panties. You moan breathlessly at just the feeling of his hand so close to you, his eyes look to you, searching for a sign to stop, but he finds only a simple nod from you, urging him to carry on. He kisses you on the cheek, his lips lingering on your blushing skin as his hand goes past the fabric and to your aching pussy.
His fingers run up your folds, accumulating your arousal on his digits, before coming to your clit, his middle and ring fingers slowly and gently swirl against the bud. You sigh at the sensation, "You like that baby?" Josh teases, gauging your reaction, still going easy on you. You smile drunkenly at the feeling, "Yes," your reply sounding more like a breath of air than your own voice. He smirks that ever stunning smirk, only making you wetter. He kisses your cheek, down your jaw and finally burying his face into your neck, placing wet and open mouthed kisses against your skin, hot against his lips. "You deserve it baby, to feel this good." He articulates between kisses, his voice and hand alone could throw you over the edge if he kept this up. You whine under him, so gentle and loving, thinking only of you. Your hand comes to the back of his head, holding him to you, almost praying he doesn’t move from his place, cradled in the crook of your neck beside you, his tongue teases at the muscle between your neck and shoulder
“I want your mouth, baby.” You whine into his ear, he perks up and looks at you, drinking in the look of bliss on your face. He hums out an answer against your lips, raspy and low as he kisses you, his fingers cease their movements as he begins kissing down your neck. He sits up a moment and pulls your shirt over your body, taking it off and exposing you to the warm air around you. He resumes his trek down your neck, your collar bone, down your chest, between the valley of your breasts, his hands lingering to grasp at them as he kisses over the expanse of your stomach, his lips kissing and licking just over the waistband of your panties. “Josh, please.” You breathe, your hand finding purchase in his hair. He grins up at you, looking as though he is savoring every single second of this moment with you. He pulls down your panties, tossing them aside, still taking time to kiss up and down the inside of your thighs. Your legs are covered in goosebumps from his tender touches and soft warmth of his lips, “So wet for me.” He says quietly, his observation sounded like it was almost just for himself, he meets your eyes, never turning away as he leans into your heat, his tongue slowly licking a bold stripe up your folds and landing on your clit. You moan, your eyes never leaving his as he begins a deliciously slow pace against your clit.
Your back arches as you melt into the pleasure, your hands balling up the sheets beside you to help you funnel the incredible sensation coursing through your veins. You can’t help the bucking of your hips up into Josh’s mouth, but he certainly doesn’t seem to mind one bit. You look back down to the beautiful dream of a man between your legs, his eyes closed in concentration and in sweet bliss, his lips and tongue lapping up your pussy with such passion and focus as though he were pouring his heart out to you, unable to speak with words, only his actions. He groans against you, his hips pressing into the mattress beneath him, his body begging for any stimulation makes you impossibly more turned on, the vibrations of his voice making you moan, “You taste so sweet.” He simply says between licks, he latches his lips to your clit, making you cry out in ecstasy, you bring a hand to his curls, pulling at them, earning a grunt from Josh. The look of him alone like this is bringing you closer to the edge, the blue light from the moonlight peaking through the curtains and illuminating his back muscles, rippling shoulders and elegant face as he kisses away your pain.
He begins to kitten lick at your bundle of nerves and the preassue in your lower stomach grows, “Oh Josh, oh fuck baby.” You cry out, your legs are shaking and you can’t hold back the way your thighs are tightening around Josh’s head, trembling at the way his tongue grazes against you in the best way. “Please baby, d-don’t stop, don’t stop.” You stutter out, both of your hands in Josh’s curls now as you thrust against his mouth. In a final brush of his tongue, your muscles seize up and your voice fails as your orgasm slams full force into you. You begin to quake and shudder at the feeling of his tongue, letting you ride out your orgasm. “F-uck.” You choke out before your whole body snaps, you exhale a deep breath you didn’t realize you were holding until you start panting and writhing beneath Josh’s mouth and his grip on your thighs. He slows his pace down to keep you from getting overstimulated and pulling you from the beauty of your climax, your body stills as you start to float back down to earth. Josh looks up at you, lips and chin covered in your arousal, wiping it off with the back of his hand, “You feel good sweet girl?” You grin at him with a lazy smile, eyes hooded with lust as you look at him, flooded with an insatiable need for him. “Come here.” You rasp, just barely audible, he crawls up your body, the outline of his hardened shaft evident from his desire for you.
He looks at you like he’s looking at a marble statue, completely in awe of you. You are his true muse. The object of all of his affection. “I need you.” You whisper as he looks you over, his face is flushed, his heart full and threatening to break free from his chest, allowing him to present it to you on a silver platter, yours completely and utterly for the taking as you speak in earnest, “Take me, baby.” You say, your hands framing his face like he were merely a spirit, a flicker of flame, as though he’d disappear into the night if he were to slip from your grasp. He comes down to kiss you, kissing you as though you had been away for thousands of years, like this was the first kiss you had ever shared, and in a way that’s true. Now that the two of you are completely exposed and vulnerable to each other, no more secrets, no more fear, he can see you for who you truly are.
Pulling away from your kiss, Josh looks you over. “Just tell me if you want me to stop-” “I know baby.” You remind him kindly, knowing all too well how many times you’ve retreated in moments like this, but something just feels different. Better. Right. Josh removes his boxers, his fully naked body bathed in the blue light of the moon peaking in, he looks unlike you’ve ever seen him before. Josh has always been beautiful to you, but you see him with a new sort of lens, he feels like your own personal savior. This man who is so patient and caring and kind, with eyes that look at you the way no one else ever has, never had he ever seen you as anything other than the perfect creature you are, despite all of your faults. The way his toned form is bathed in the light of the stars takes your breath away, a look of adoration in his own eyes mirrors yours, you can hardly stop the words that tumble from your own lips, “I love you.” You breathe, he stares back at you, sitting back on his knees looking at you, “I love you.” His voice as soft as his expression, he makes his way up your body, holding himself above you, “Let me make you feel good.” He says sweetly, you widen your legs more for him, letting him rest on you, his hardened cock laying against your core. Just the feeling of him like this makes your breathing hitch with excitement.
You move your legs to press him closer to you, silently signaling him to move. He takes himself in his hand, running up against your arousal. You moan at just the feeling of him, the look on his face asks you silently for your permission and you answer with a quick nod, lost for words as you take in this moment. The moment before is always one of pure exhilaration and quiet excitement, relishing in the feeling of each other as he first enters you, the both of you watching with bated breath as he pushes his cock deep inside of you until he’s buried to the hilt in you. Your lips part as you and Josh exchange a sigh, releasing a collective breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
"Oh fuuuck." You moan lowly, your eyes closing softly at the beautiful feeling. "You like that?" Josh asks, his voice trying to push past his own desire but it still shakes with pleasure, "Yes, please baby, give it to me." You say, you sound so sure, unlike anything had ever kept you from this moment, and you were damn sure nothing was going to keep you back now.
You'd been living with this pain for so long, a hold put over your own mind from a fear that had taken root long ago, and now it was no longer a part of you. You would never give up your own power or peace of mind ever again, that piece of shit couldn't control you anymore. You are free. Free to love and to live and to show Josh just how much love you have for him.
You pull him closer to you, his pace starting to increase, giving into the feeling of pure ecstasy the two of you had built in each other's bodies. You watch as his curls bounce, so perfectly in time with every stroke of his hips, the way he feels inside you, filling up your senses in the most perfect way. Your hands make their way to his hair, tugging to pull him by the back of his head, a moan rolling from Josh's lips like the voice of an angel. "Fuck baby, you feel so good." He groans, his eyes rolling into his head as he closes his eyes, falling into the beautiful rhythm.
"I wanna ride you." You whisper, his eyes open, looking at you with a mix of excitement and concern. "Are you sure?" He asks, still keeping his pace, voice faltering at the promise of seeing you bounce on his cock makes his brain dizzy, knowing you'd never done it before with him. You feel a nervous tinge blush your cheeks but push past it, wanting so badly to see him at your mercy beneath you. "Please baby, I wanna make you feel good." You whine, giving him your biggest doe eyes as you bring a hand to his cheek.
Josh slows his pace and comes to a stop, he gives you a quick kiss, "You always make me feel good baby." He smiles, assuring you that you don't have to prove anything to him. "I want to." You speak in confidence as you sit up, cueing him to lay down. He rolls onto his back, giving you a look that you wish you could bottle up and hold onto forever, a look that sees through you to your very core. You straddle him, your body shaking slightly from your previous orgasm and just a hint of nervousness.
You sit down on his hardened shaft, laying against his stomach, rolling your hips against the underside of him, just getting used to your position up here. The two of you sigh from the new sensation, the feeling of him against your warm wetness only makes your heartbeat faster. You lift yourself up from him, taking him in your hand and lining him up to your awaiting entrance. "Take it slow, it's alright." Josh chimes in, his hands coming to rest on your thighs, his voice and touch interrupting the anxious thoughts rambling in your head. You take in a deep breath, repeating his words in your mind as you lower yourself down onto him.
Inch by oh so sweet inch he fills you up, your legs slowly spreading to bring yourself down onto him. Josh moans out at the feeling, stretching you out in a way you've both never felt in each other before. You take a moment before sitting completely on him, his dick buried inside you so deeply you can feel him against your cervix. The feeling is as incredible as it is daunting and just a tad uncomfortable.
You let your mind wander to every porn you've ever seen, where the woman is bouncing tirelessly and effortlessly on the actor's lap, how the fuck are you supposed to do that?! "Hey," Josh's voice brings you back to him, his eyes housing a look of worry, "Just do what feels good baby, there's no rush." His voice reminds you, soft and sweet, your perfect Joshy. Never wanting to push you to do something you didn't want to do, always looking out for you. You give him a nod and try to center yourself, you start experimentally rocking your hips back and forth over him. The feeling makes you feel more full than ever before, so complete like this.
You bring your hands to lay flat on Josh's stomach, anchoring you to him, allowing you to move against him with ease. You lose yourself in the feeling, rolling your hips, his cock deep inside of you, up against your g-spot in such a beautiful way. Your eyes fall shut, your clit catching on the base of him in such a way that only makes you need more.
Josh's eyes are trained on you, staring up at you like he's holding an angel just beneath his touch. The way the light hugs your skin, the contour of your breasts, the smoothness of your skin, your throat exposed as you let your head fall back, watching the way your hair sways with you, falling in love with the way you feel and the way that you look all over again. His hands move to your hips, the feeling of his movement makes you open your eyes and look down at the beauty of the man below you, watching you like you just hung the moon. "Feels so good." Your voice falls like silk so easily that you hardly recognize you'd uttered those words at all. You shift up your motions, opting to bounce up and down slowly on his dick.
"Oh baby. Just like that, oh you're so good." Josh cries out, his voice so soothing it only makes you move more confidently, egging you on to move faster. His large hands rest on your ass, helping you bounce against him, his dull nails digging into your ass cheeks making you only need more of him. The up and down routine has the head of his cock running perfectly over your g-spot over and over, your moans falling from you before you can even process them. "Josh, oh Josh, oh fuck you feel so good baby." You whimper, he sighs, his perfect pink lips parted with sounds of euphoria flowing from him.
His hands on you start to feel more desperate, you lean into him, the feeling of your thighs burning from exhaustion doubling you over. You continue your motions this way, face buried into the crook of his neck, the change in angle making both of you cry out in pleasure. His arms hold you tightly around your waist, almost as though he were shielding you and not the other way around. He moves his legs up and begins to thrust into you, his pace unrelenting as he slams into you hard and deep, in a way he's never done before.
You swoon at the thought of it all, finally surrendering to him, letting him take you however he needs you without feeling on the edge of breaking in half from fear or pain, just living in this moment of the pure bliss and love he gives you, the love you are finally able to accept. He grips you tighter as he rolls the two of you over, skillfully bringing you to lay beneath him as he thrusts into you. You look up at him in surprise, never having moved you around like that before takes your breath away. He's chasing his high, his hand coming down to your clit, rolling it in quick tight circles in attempt to bring you with him. You cry out in delight at the attention to your bundle of nerves, the knot in your stomach beginning to tighten.
You catch his eyes and something in the room just shifts. The fast and passionate fucking turns into something more, something slower, more deliberate. Not any less intense, but somehow, more meaningful. He brings himself closer to you, lips just inches apart but you can't look away from the stunning amber of his brown eyes in the dark light of your bedroom. It feels as though you're pulled together like magnets, unable to be torn apart. Watching as the other is slowly coming more and more undone with every thrust.
You feel his breath fanning over your lips, as though the two of you are sharing a breath makes its all the more spiritual than just simply fucking. This is what sex is about, what love is about, what being human is. You can feel a connection within you two so strong and powerful it cannot be broken. Your hands come to his face, holding him to you as though your lives depended on it. He sets his forehead to yours, his hips and hand never ceasing their perfect routine that feels like a song playing through you.
His face says so much without saying a word, eyes bore into yours with such desperation and gentleness that you can feel tears pricking at your own eyes, threatening to spill over. Not out of pain, but from an overwhelming need to feel him all around you, to hold him fully in your heart, to want to be a part of the very core of his universe. "I love you." He pants, his voice faltering from need and desperation but also true honesty. "I love you." You choke out, a hot tear cascades down your cheek as you can feel the knot inside of you on the verge of breaking. He continues his thrusts, he bites down on his lip as a moan threatens to tear him apart.
You tighten your grip on him, pulling at his hair as the feeling of your orgasm creeps in. Your shared breaths increase until the two of you are shattering completely, cumming together, hard. His voice is fried as he calls out your name, his hands grip you tightly to him, as though you were the only lifeboat in the middle of the Pacific. You cry out his name and a string of curses are pulled from you as though you weren't even in control as your body quivers from your climax that slams through the both of you. Josh cums deep inside you, your pussy fluttering around him as your thighs press tightly to him, legs wrapped around his hips to have him as close to you as possible. The room falls still as the two of you hold each other in such perfect content.
You smile up at the ceiling as you pet his curls, running your hand over his head and bringing him back to you. Your smile is wide and your tears fall from your eyes as a light laugh bubbles from your chest. Josh brings his head up to look at you. You laugh again a little louder than before, half of pure anguish and the other in pure joy. "What's wrong, baby? Are you hurt?" "No, no," Your laugh interrupts your own statement. "I-I fucking did it… I did it and I feel… free. He doesn't own me anymore. I feel like I beat him. Like I won." You smile up to the ceiling, fearing how much you might feel if you look over at Josh.
He brings you to look at him, his hand holding your chin oh so lovingly. "I love you so much." "I love you so much, baby." You smile as the tears fall from your face, "You're my everything." He whispers with a smile as he brushes your tears away, giving you a kiss to your flushed cheeks.
It's a feeling you probably can't even explain. To feel so loved that you can't even begin to understand how you can contain it all. To know love in a way you've never understood before. To see that love laying beside you and holding you so close it makes your heart sore. To be loved in a way that you can close your eyes and sleep beside the person who is all you can think of. To feel finally whole again. "My sweet girl." Josh whispers in your ear, holding you tight against him in his arms that will only ever love and protect you. Your eyes flutter closed, feeling more free and more loved than you could have ever known.
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finerllines · 2 years
you in my jersey [football!harry]
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a/n: hiya this is a little check in with football!harry, i love their dynamic so if you have any ideas for them please lmk!! (based on this au)
summary: they both want her to wear his jersey, so why hasn't he given her a jersey
wc: 900
tw: none just fluff
Harry knows that something is bothering y/n. He intended to give her space and let her come to him when she is ready to talk, but her constant fidgeting and little sighs are starting to concern him. When they were just friends, he would force himself to mind his own business and not overstep boundaries. But now that he is officially her boyfriend, it is much harder to suppress the urge to wrap her in his arms and squeeze her until she felt better.
“Love, what’s wrong?”
“Hm?” she hums, not looking up from her screen, “Nothing’s wrong Harry.”
“Can you look at me please?” he tries again.
She timidly looks up to see him wearing a small frown, which immediately tugs at her heart. Her mouth opens and closes a few times as she tries to formulate words. Harry places his hand on her thigh, slowly moving his thumb back and forth to try and soothe her.
When she finally finds her nerve, she squeaks out, “Why don’t you want me to wear your jersey?”
He freezes, caught off guard. “Wha – what do you mean?”
She huffs. “The girls told me that because I’m your girlfriend I’m supposed to wear your jersey to your matches now but I’m going to a match tomorrow, but you haven’t given me anything to wear. So, now I don’t know what to do because the girls tell me that it means that we are not official yet but I already told everyone you are my boyfriend and if you haven’t told your friends it’s fine but I was just - ”
“Hey, hey, hey, slow down love.” He clasps her hands and presses little kisses on each of her fingers. “First of all, I have told all my friends that you are my girlfriend, and in case you forgot they barged in on us making out in my room last week, so they got the message loud and clear. Second, I wasn’t sure if you wanted to wear my jersey. You didn’t want to sit with my mum in the players seating area that time, so I thought maybe you don’t want all the attention of being associated with me.”
“Harry, of course I want to be associated with you, I basically cling onto you everywhere we go. I was just scared to meet your mum because I didn’t want her to think that we were dating and make you uncomfortable because I thought you didn’t like me then.”
“Does that mean you’ll want to meet my mum now? Ya know, because we’re boyfriend and girlfriend,” he says with a teasing lilt, loving the way y/n still shyly grins to herself every time he refers to her as his girlfriend.
“Why don’t we start with me wearing your jersey to your game. Then we can send a picture to your mum of us being all matchy.”
“Yeah? Mum’s gonna love the picture. She loves when I send her pictures of you, always tells me how beautiful you are.”
Harry tips his head towards hers to press their noses together and gazes at her intensely. When he successfully flusters her, he softly chuckles and kisses her nose, muttering “sweet thing” under his breath.
“If I wear your jersey you better score, if not everyone will know I am supporting a loser,” she shot back. Harry pulls away and gasps in mock offence, pinching her waist, causing her to squirm and giggle under his hold.
“Oi, s’not very nice to call your boyfriend a loser. You’re supposed to cuddle me and give me smooches when I lose.”
“As if I don’t give you cuddles and smooches all the time you big ole baby. I spoil you if anything.”
She quickly pinches his nipples, causing him to yelp and cross his arms over his chest. When y/n tries to sneak past his arms to pinch him again, he curls into fetal position on the floor.
“I take it back, I don’t want a bully to wear my jersey. My girlfriend is such a meanie.”
y/n bursts into a fit of giggles and lies stomach down on top of Harry, planting loud, sloppy kisses on his cheek. As hard as he tries, Harry can’t stop his fake pout from turning into a satisfied grin. He subtly tilts his cheek upwards to give her more space to kiss, basically purring when she gets the hint.
With one last peck on the edge of his jaw, y/n says lowly into Harry’s ear, “Try not to get too distracted when you see how hot I look with your name on my back.”
Harry’s mouth drops open and his cheeks flush. He was not expecting y/n to say something so bold.
“Now, that was mean. How am I supposed to focus tomorrow? How am I supposed to think about anything else?”
Satisfied with the reaction she got out of him, she sits up and pats his chest twice. “C’mon, you got work to do buddy.” She opens her laptop and starts working as if nothing had happened.
“Don’t call me buddy,” Harry grumbles under his breath but goes back to his laptop nonetheless.
They resume working in silence until it’s time to go for dinner. Just before they leave her flat, y/n gives him a quick hug and says, “Sorry for teasing you just now, I’m really excited to wear your jersey tomorrow.”
A comforting warmth spread throughout Harry’s chest and he couldn’t help but feel so lucky that she is finally his.
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milliedazzledust · 3 years
If A Look Could Kill (Bucky Barnes imagine)
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Words: 1429 words
A/N: this is literally a blurb from a scene in the 2nd episode of fatws when they're all in the car after they fought the supersoldiers
They had been in the same car for no more than ten minutes and Y/N was already holding herself back from punching the smug smile on the man pretending to be Captain America. Both fake heroes had showed up in the middle of their fight, throwing around Steve’s shield, acting like the world owed them anything.
Earlier that day, inside the comfort of the apartment she shared with Bucky, she had watched the cocky man parading in front of cameras, standing in a stadium. She had heard him talk about Steve like he knew him, like he had fought along side with him. And when he had compared Steve to a brother, when she had seen the look of hurt and betrayal on Bucky’s face, her heart had shattered.
She knew that sometimes grief could come like a runaway truck, that despite seeing it careening down the highway, we might not have enough time to get out of its way. And she had seen it that morning, that grief smashing Bucky right in the face when he had least expected it. She didn’t know the man the government had chosen to replace the Captain, but she already hated him for causing her lover pain.
"If you guys joined us we could …" The man pretending to be in charge started as the military vehicle was moving.
"No." Bucky hostly cut him.
There wasn’t a lot of space between the five of them. She had been forced to sit next to the man with the shield while her friends were in front of her.
The tension was almost palpable. Sam had his arms crossed and his lips pursed and Bucky was visibly clenching his jaw. Their patience was hanging by a thread and only she seemed to have notice.
Ignoring the conversation they were having, she exchanged a knowing look with her boyfriend. He had a short temper and habits he had picked up from his alter-ego that could potentially get him to explode. Judging by the side glances Sam kept giving him, she guessed she wasn’t the only one worried.
"What do you say, Y/N ?" She heard the man sitting next to her talk.
Unwillingly, she turned around to look at him.
"What was that ?" She asked him.
His smirk alone was enough to make her roll her eyes.
"We could use a … woman like you" He told her suggestively. She didn’t miss the way he looked her up and down, neither did Bucky.
"A woman like me ?" She repeated, raising an eyebrow and tilting her head to the side.
"Yeah, you’ve got potential, babe. So what do you say ?" He said in a seductive voice. "Interested in joining us ?"
A quick glance at her boyfriend was enough for her to tense when she saw him going from annoyed to seriously pissed off. He was scowling at the man with all his old ferocity, looking everything like the assassin he had once been.
"Does he always stare like that ?" Battlestar inquired, nodding toward Bucky.
"You do know your friend is disrespecting Y/N in front of her boyfriend who also happens to be one of the most prolific assassin on this planet, right ?" Sam ironically told him.
The woman narrowed her eyes at the man sitting next to her, irritated by his behavior.
"At what point did you decide we were close enough for you to refer to me as ‘babe’ ? Because I think I missed the memo between the need to punch your face and the craving to shove your ego up your ass"
Bucky’s chest swelled with pride at her comeback and he sniggered. He knew she was a strong woman and had always loved that feisty side of her. She was fire and he was ice, a perfect combinaison yet dangerous association. Even Sam seemed pleased when he noticed Walker growing uncomfortable next to her.
"Look, we know you don’t like us" The other soldier known as Battlestar answered.
"That’s an understatement" Sam muttered under his breath.
"We’re on the same team here" Walker added.
"No, we’re not" Bucky glared at him.
The soldier with the shield sighed. He pursed his lips, thinking for a moment before glancing at the men in front of him.
"I’m not trying to replace anyone" He started to explain.
"You couldn’t if you tried" Y/N mocked him.
"My point is, I know I’m not Steve and I’m not trying to be. But I am Captain America"
"Like hell you are" Bucky scornfully stated.
"It takes a lot more than knowing how to throw a shield to become a superhero" Sam reminded him.
"I am what the world need right now" He insisted.
"What the world want. Big difference" Sam continued.
"You were getting your ass kicked back there" Battlestar told them, helping his friend’s case. "We saved you"
"Should we say thank you ?" Y/N ironically threw at them.
"This isn’t up to you. Why are we even arguing about that ?" Walker was getting annoyed.
"Because you’re not even half the man Steve was yet you keep parading like a clown pretending to be someone you’re not" Bucky aggressively spoke with a cold voice. "You don’t get to mention his name, Walker, not when you’re destroying all he’s ever work for"
"Bucky…" Sam called him with a cautious tone, trying to get him to calm down.
The former assassin shut his mouth, refraining himself from saying anything more.
"Obviously there’s some issues you still need to work on" Walker spoke with a grin on his face. "But my offer still stands. We’d work better together"
"Keep on dreaming" Y/N expressed, rolling her eyes.
"If we’re being honest here, the only thing I dream about is you out of that suit" He forcefully flirted, looking down at her superhero outfit
She cringed at his useless attempt of seduction and missed the way Bucky’s expression turned dark in the split of a second. He clenched his jaw so hard his veins were visibly noticeable and his blue eyes were boring into Walker. If a simple stare could kill, he’d already be dead. He looked as menacing as can be with that hostile glare and his anger was reflecting itself through the way his muscles were bulging, ready to attack.
"Don’t do anything stupid" Sam warned him when he realized the man’s patience was running low.
Bucky growled and before any of them could react, the super soldier watched his newfound nemesis casually placing his hand on his girlfriend’s thigh. His entire body tensed and his blood ran cold.
"If you don’t take your hands off me in the next two seconds, you’re gonna lose both of them, Walker" Y/N threatened him.
"I’d take her word, Captain, ‘cause you’re about to be eaten alive" Sam advised him.
The soldier dismissed him and laughed, which only seemed to anger the woman and her boyfriend.
It all happened too fast for anyone to react. Just as Y/N was about to assault the man, Bucky decided to let his rage speak for himself and reached for Walker’s hand, twisting his fingers. He could almost feel the bones on the verge of breaking and his skin had started to turn red as the former assassin applied more pressure. The soldier grunted loudly in pain, trying to release himself from the tightening grip.
"Stop the car !" Bucky shouted.
The vehicle slowed down and he menacingly leaned toward Walker.
"If you so much as glance at her again, I will rip you to pieces"
Maybe it was the tone in his voice, or the serious promise of death he could see in his eyes, but the soldier bit back the lump in his throat, unable to answer. He looked terrified.
"Told you" Sam shrugged as Bucky released the man.
They both stepped out of the car, waiting for Y/N. The woman, still angry, turned to stare at the soldiers in blue and red.
"One more thing" She tilted her head.
Without notice, her fist collided with John Walker's jaw. The loud impact with his face was enough to almost knock him out and she smiled. Pleased with herself, she got up and followed her friends.
"Was that really necessary ?" Sam joked and they started walking.
"Oh c’mon, you know you’ve been dying to punch the guy" She smirked.
Bucky placed his human arm around her shoulders and a sweet kiss on the side of her forehead, secretly satisfied.
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dcrkfics · 3 years
Stealing Watches
summary | When Rafe steals a watch and you take the blame Ward finds a way to punish you. 
warnings | smut, virginity loss, stepdad trope, stepcest, penetration, unprotected penetration, Daddy kink, dirty talk, fingering, degradation, humiliation, infidelity, orgasm denial, noncon or slight dubcon, and more. 18+, MINORS DNI! I am not responsible for the media you decide to consume!
word count | 5k+
pairings | Step Father!Ward Cameron x stepdaughter!Reader.
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A soft knock on your door prompted you to welcome whoever it was at the door. Of course it was Sarah and you already knew what she probably was going to ask you. “Y/n can you cover for me?” Sarah asked as she sat on your bed. She was younger than you but she was more outgoing than you ever were. She already had a couple of boyfriends and you hadn’t even had your first. Then again what did you expect from college full of guys like Rafe or even ten times worse. Not that you hadn’t had your first kiss because you had and even gone down on a couple of guys. “Going out with Topper again?” You smirked at her. “Yeah.” She smiled. “Have fun, don't worry I’ll cover for you.” You beamed. “Thank you, I love you so much.” She exclaimed before she hugged you and ran out of the door.
About twenty minutes later the sibling with no manners whatsoever barged into your room. “Hey y/n do you have $50 bucks I can borrow?” Rafe asked as he made his way into your room. “Why don’t you ask your rich dad?” You suggested. “He won’t give me any more money.” Rafe said as he sat on your bed. “Well don’t look at me I don’t have any money” You scoffed. “Ok well go ask dad? For me?” Rafe pleaded. “Rafe I can’t ask him for money if he won’t give you any I doubt he'd give me any.” You said. “He will because if he doesn’t treat you right I doubt your mom will give him any in bed.” Rafe said. “Rafe eww jesus you think I need that image in my head” You threw a pillow at him. “Fine, I'll do it but keep my mom's name out of your mouth.” You said as you got up. “Thank you.” Rafe said as he followed you out the door.
You softly knocked on Ward's office door before he yelled for you to come in. You don't interact with Ward much so every time you were around him he made you nervous. Something was off about him. Maybe it was his lingering looks or the way his eyes would darken for a quick second when he looked at you. He seemed like a man with secrets. Secrets so fuck up he has to pay money to hide them and he probably does hes the richest guy in all the outerbanks and as your friends say your mom is lucky that she was able to get her hands on him. While you were here having to put up with your new family she was in London probably enjoying herself.
“Everything ok Y/n?” Ward asked as he lifted his arms so he could rest on his elbows. You caught yourself staring at his toned arms and you slightly blushed as you realized what you had been staring at. “I umm I'm sorry to bother you but can I have $50 dollars?” You managed to ask without stuttering or your voice cracking. “You know you’ll have to pay me back.” He said something about the way he said it gave you goosebumps. “Ok” You squeaked out. He got up as he took out the money from his wallet. “Here.” He said as he handed you the money you reached out for it. “Thank you.” You said as he sat back down. He put his reading glasses back on as he looked at his mess of papers again. What an asshole you thought. He has millions and wants you to pay him back 50 miserable fucken dollars. You stared at him a bit expecting him to say something to you but when he didn’t you walked away and about 5 feet away from getting to the door Ward had called your name again. “Y/n '' Ward shot his head up to look at you. “Yes.” You turned around and made eye contact. You swear his eyes turned dark for a second. “Close the door on your way out.” He smiled. “Yeah sure.” You nod your head as you turn around. You were expecting more, you don’t why but you expected more communication. You don’t know if you were relieved or dissapointed.
When you left his office Rafe was standing there impatiently. “Here you go and you better pay me back because your dipshit of a father expects me to pay him back.” You grumbled as you threw the money at Rafe. “Pay him back? Why?” Rafe was confused because his fatherj could easily spend $10,000 dollars like if it was $10. “Maybe you guys are going broke or something.” You shrugged as you started going to your room. “Well I gotta go. You don’t want to come to this party or something Y/n?” Rafe asked.I'm fine Rafe.” you said. “Go have fun.” You continued walking until you got to your room.
After about 30 minutes of scrolling through instagram you couldn’t avoid it. All of your friends were literally posting about the party. Story after story, post after post, it made you want to go and enjoy yourself with them. But the thought of getting ready tired you already so you managed to muster up the energy to go downstairs and make yourself a sandwich or something to eat.
You walked to the kitchen bumping into Wheezie in the living room. She fell asleep on the couch watching her show. You put in some effort to be quieter in the kitchen. You didn’t want to wake her up. You got out all the things you needed to make a sandwich and began to prepare. While you prepared it suddenly you heard footsteps. Thinking it was Wheezie you turned around with a smile but when your eyes met Wards your smile faded. His mere presence made you extremely nervous. You still couldn’t wrap your finger around it. What exactly about Ward was it that would make your skin crawl and stomach turn? You don’t know and you hope you won't find out any time soon. You tried your best to ignore him politely. However he initiated conversation with you which made it much harder too.
“Why aren’t you at the party with the others?” Ward asked as he poured liquor into his shot glass. “What party?” You tried your best to play dumb. “I'm not an idiot Y/N I know your covering for Sarah.” Ward said, leaning on the counter as he shot down his drink. You continued to make a sandwich pretending that his last few words didn’t make your heart race. “You want one?” You asked, pointing at your sandwich. “Sure.” Ward chuckled in an obvious attempt to avoid the topic at hand. “Um, what do you like in your sandwich?” You ask. “Like yours but with pickles.” He said. “Okay sure.” You began to prepare it. Feeling like you're doing most of the housewife duties your mom should be doing. Lost in thought you almost finished the sandwich except you were missing the pickles. Ward watched as you made his sandwich. Your face… so focused on what you did. Your ass and boobs perked up whenever you reached to get something. Your hair was up and it showed your soft delicate skin. Your neck and collarbone are visible and that's when he noticed something. A mark… a hickey and when he saw that on you he felt a ping of jealousy. He knew it wasn’t the same type of jealousy he felt when he would see his little girl Sarah with a boy this was different but he decided at the moment to ignore that feeling and mask it as a jealousy a father felt towards a daughter.
You search around for the pickles not knowing where they were until you open the cupboard in front of you and notice they were on the top shelf. You tiptoed struggling to reach for the jar of pickles and that when you felt a body behind you. The body leaned closer and closer until it was pressed up against you. His arm reached up to grab the jar of pickles. You could literally feel your stepdad's crotch on your ass, however you decided not to say anything and hoped this awkward moment wouldn’t last too long. He placed the pickles on the counter. His body still pressed up to you. You could feel his hot breath on your neck and you swore you felt light feather touches on your side. You looked at him with an awkward smile before he nodded at you. You awkwardly thank him before he slowly begins to move away from you. You softly whimpered at his action. The whimper almost sounded like a quiet and short breath. Ward slightly smirked at the effect he had on you or your body while you hoped Ward didn’t notice. You were praying he didn’t.
After that he thanked you for his sandwich before he took it and walked away. Leaving you all confused and shaken up. Maybe you were exaggerating things. Maybe he was just trying to help you grab the pickles after all. You decided it would be best to think less of it and walked into your room.
The next day you were in the living room sitting on the couch messaging your friend when you felt someone's hand on your shoulder. “Jesus Rafe.” You smacked his hand shaking your shoulder so that he could get his hand off it. “I hate when people sneak up on me.” You whined as you shifted your focus back on your phone. In that short span of time your friend had already sent you multiple messages all ranting about her boyfriend. Relationships were so complicated that's why you didn’t have one at least that's what you’ll tell yourself until you could get one. For now your focus was on just chilling for the summer and relaxing before you had to go back to school.
The couch sank as Rafe sat next to you. His fingers tapping his leg he seemed nervous you weren’t sure about what. Rafe sat there for a couple of minutes trying to figure out the best way to ask you he didn’t know. “You ok Rafe?” You broke the silence you really just wanted to be left alone but it seemed like Rafe wasn’t leaving anytime soon. “I need your help.” Rafe said. “With?” You asked. “I need to break into my dad's office.” He said. “And you want me to help you with that?” You asked. “Yeah you know, be the lookout.” Rafe said. “If you want me to help you, can you at least tell me why?” You asked. “It's about my mother. When I asked my father about her he said she left us. The other day I heard him on the phone saying he would not let someone see us. I just have this feeling that maybe she didn’t leave on her own, maybe he forced her or something. He's hiding something but I'm not sure what and I want to figure it out.” Rafe looked at you worriedly and when you nodded your head agreeing to help him he was proud about how easily he could trick you not that what he said was a lie because it wasn’t he definitely heard his dad saying that on the phone but he could give zero shits about what his mother was doing he just desperately needed to pay Barry back.
“I just need you to look out and see if he comes…” Rafe paused. “What happens if he comes?” You asked. “Just say something like… peanut butter.” Rafe's face lit up when he said it. “Peanut butter.” You snorted. “Yeah because you can place peanut butter in any conversation.” Rafe said. “I don’t know if I…” You began but Rafe had already left the room.
About two hours later Rafe barged into your room saying that his dad had left and that now would be a good time. So there you went following him like an idiot and just standing guard by his door. You were growing impatient. Rafe had been in there for 20 minutes. Your heart was racing the longer he took the more nervous you got. Suddenly that's when you heard the sound of a car locking. “Peanutbutter.” You yelled and Rafe heard as he quickly grabbed what he needed from the safe and put it in his pocket and when he got closer to the door that's when he heard his voice.
“Hi Mr. Cameron.” You squeaked as he stopped in front of you. “I was just looking for you.” You smiled. “Oh why?” He asked. “Um, because there is something wrong with the garbage disposal.” You lied. “Well I guess it wouldn’t hurt to check it out.” Ward said as he followed you with his hand behind your back as you both walked to the kitchen. He turned it on. “It sounds normal.” He shrugged as he began to lift up his long sleeve and his hand went in the garbage disposal. You were practically drooling over his hand and arm. The veins in his hands made your body light up, causing both heartbeats to speed up. Ward took his hand out and turned it on again. “Everything seems fine.” Ward looked at you and you had a dumbfounded expression on your face. “Maybe Rafe fixed it.” You said. “Maybe.” He said as he eyed you suspiciously. That's when his brain clicked of course he knew what was up he knew why you brought him here in the first place. “Don’t think I don’t know what's going on?” He began. Your face went pale shit he discovered it he knew that you helped Rafe break into his office. “I know exactly what you want.” He crossed his arms and raised his eyebrow. You looked down not wanting to look him in the eye. He made you nervous already and now you were more as you were guilty of helping Rafe break into his personal office. “It's ok I understand.” He began. You looked up in confusion but tried not to show it. You wanted to see where he was heading because this is a weird way to confront you. He walked closer to you and you were already leaning on the counter so you couldn’t move back. Finally he put his hand on your cheek. Rubbing it with his thumb. Caressing your cheek he looked into your eyes. A cocky grin on his face. “Nothing to be ashamed about.” Ward reassured. Now you weren’t sure if he was particularly talking about helping Rafe or something else. “I want it too.” He whispered before he leaned into you. Pressing his lips into yours. Yep he was talking about something else. He pulled you closer as your lips began to move with most of you wanting to pull away but a small part didn’t let you.
Suddenly you heard the kitchen door swing wide open as Rafe walked in. You and Ward quickly disconnected but there was no way in hell Rafe could have missed that. “Well the garbage disposal seems fine Y/n.” Ward cleared his throat. “Thanks for fixing it, Rafe.” Ward said as he walked out of the kitchen.
Rafe eyed you suspiciously and you both waited a few seconds. You didn’t want to take the chance of Ward overhearing you guys. “Did you find what you needed?” You asked as you walked up to Rafe he was by the fridge. “Yep.” He smirked as he pulled out a gold watch. “Rafe what the fuck I thought you were going to look for clues about your mom.” You sighed. “This is a clue.” Rafe said as he put it back in his pocket. “So should I call you mom now?” Rafe grinned. “You saw that huh?” You put your head down in embarrassment. “I don’t care, you know. I just assumed if you were going to sleep with someone here it would have been me you know.” Rafe smirked. “In your dreams Rafe.” You rolled your eyes. “Yeah, it's a shame you like them older” Rafe said as he looked you up and down. “Stop being a pervert Rafe.” You joked. “Stop making out with my dad.” Rafe joked back. “I did it for you.” You said. “Sure.” Rafe scoffed. “Yeah I had to distract him somehow.” You said. “I better get some money from that watch.” You said as you walked out of the kitchen. “I didn’t make out with your dad for nothing.” You smiled as Rafe rolled his eyes. “Who made out with dad? What?” Sarah asked as she walked in with Topper on her side. “Oh I was just telling Rafe about what my friend texted me she caught her dad making out.” You lied. “Gross.” Sarah laughed. “Yeah” You chuckled awkwardly as you walked into your room and laid down and drifted off to sleep as you thought about Ward and the kiss.
You woke up about 3 hours later to a loud knock on your door. “Everybody out right now!” A loud scream soared throughout the house. You got up and put on your shoes quickly rushing outside into the hallway.
“What the hell is going on?” You asked as you looked at Sarah, Topper and Wheezie. “Probably dad being dramatic.” Sarah rolled her eyes. “Should I leave?” Topper asked. “No, I doubt it's anything too serious.” Sarah said. “Good cause I was woken up from a very deep peaceful nap” You groaned. “Everyone downstairs right fucking now!” You heard Ward yell from downstairs. “Shit he is really pissed.” Sarah chuckled, obviously not taking her dad too seriously.
You followed Wheezie downstairs to find Rafe and Ward standing in the living room. “Ok he looks really pissed so Im gonna go.” Topper said as he kissed Sarah goodbye before dashing out the door. “Dad, what's going on?” Sarah asked. Rafe gave you a look and it took you a while before you got what he was insinuating. Ward found about the break in in his office. He looked at each and every one of you as if he was studying you guys before he began to speak. “So I walked into my office today ready to start some work.” Ward began. “So I sat down, turned on my computer but suddenly I had this urge to check my safe. I get up I open my safe and guess what I find?” He paused and you tried your best to stay calm and not show any signs of extreme nervousness which you were clearly feeling. “That's right, a watch missing.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stared at each and everyone of you. “Now the question is who has my watch?” He raised an eyebrow as he glanced at all of you. His stare lingered longer at you he probably would have figured it was you. You had only been living here for the past two months if you were in his shoes you would also blame yourself. The newest member of the family. “Wheezie you can go upstairs I know it wasn’t you.” Ward slightly smiles at her and Wheezie runs out of there as fast as she can, you would too if you could.
“It wasn’t me dad.” Rafe said. “It wasn’t me I didn't go into your office” You say right after. “Dad it wasn’t me I swear. Sarah said seconds after. “STOP BULSHITTING ME!” Ward slammed his palm against the wall several times. He was clearly frustrated with you guys. Rafe had told you about hs fathers anger issues before how crazy angry he could get. Throwing and hitting things and though he had never hit his children Rafe mentioned how he feared that one day he would. As Ward openly presented his anger issues right then and there you were honestly terrified. You open your eyes wide and stare at Rafe. Rafe stared at you before quickly glancing at Sarah who had been giving him a look. Rafe looked down quickly when his eyes met Sarahs and Sarah knew it was him if it was anybody it was him. Rafe looked up quickly as tears formed in his eyes. You had heard arguments between Rafe and Ward. Ward had mentioned before that if Rafe fucks up one more time he would kick him out. Rafe has walked into your room ranting to you because frankly he had no one else and unlike Sarah you would listen although you could care less about it. Suddenly you were washed with sympathy. This would be Ward's last straw. He could easily kick out Rafe and although you weren’t very fond of Rafe you had lived with him for the past two months and had several conversations with him. You conversed with him more than you would Sarah probably because you guys were closer in age. Rafe was an ok guy he hadn’t done anything wrong he just needed someone to guide him in the right direction. As you saw Rafe’s expression turn into more worry you found yourself opening your mouth.
“It was me.” You whisper as you look down. Everyone's head turned to look at you. If anything you could payback Ward obviously Rafe would and you felt that maybe Ward wouldn’t be as harsh towards you than with Rafe. “Where is it?” Ward asked. “I um sold it.” You said. “We’ll talk in my office.” Ward sighed as he grabbed his wallet. “Money for dinner.” Ward handed some money to Sarah. “Please take Wheezie out for a while. I want to have a serious talk with Y/N and her mother and I really do not want to be disturbed.” Ward said. “Good luck.” Sarah mouthed as she called Wheezie to get ready.
You followed Ward into his office and watched as Ward sat down. You followed his movements pulling the chair on the other side of his desk to sit on until his voice startled you. “Did I tell you to sit?” He asks as the question echoes off the walls. “No sir.” You shook your head as you moved your hand away from the chair. You played with the hem of your shirt as you stared anywhere but at Ward. He sat in silence pondering his next move. He got up and your heart raced. He normally made you nervous but right now he was super angry and you were ten times more nervous. A harsh push made you trample towards the desk. You managed to prevent yourself from falling as you grabbed on the side of his desk. Ward’s hand grabbed the hairs on your head causing you to let out a small cry in pain as he pushed your head forward and your cheek was now being pushed upon his desk along with the upper part of your body. You kick your legs in an attempt to be let out of this compromising position but Ward was stronger and it didn’t work.
Wards hand gliding up your thigh pushing your skirt up. A tear left your eyes as you heard him opening the buckles of his belt. You always imagine how your first time would be and none of them looked like this. You always hoped for it to be romantic. This was far from it. You felt a finger wipe a tear away from your face. “Stop crying you whore... you wanted this.” Ward seathed. You shook your head no but there was nothing you can do now, he was much stronger than you there was no way you could get out of this. You couldn’t even scream no one was home. Ward kicked everybody out.
“Count for me.” Ward said before you felt a hard smack on your ass. “1…” You said in a shaky voice. “2…” You said when you felt another smack. “25…” You cried out in pain, you were sore, your ass was numb, Ward had a heavy hand that's for sure. Ward slowly began to slide down your damp underwear. “Look at you. Wet already? God you're such a slut.” Ward mumbled into your ear. “That innocent facade you build up is such bullshit.” Ward said as he easily slipped his finger inside you. “Look at you dripping wet.” Ward grinned. You whimpered as your walls clenched around his finger the new feeling foreign as you never masterbated with your fingers before you have masterbated on your teddy bear because you didn’t like the feeling of your nails scratching uncomfortably against your walls maybe you weren’t doing it right but when Ward did it it felt so good, amazing even, your head felt dizzy as he insert two more fingers pumping them in and out and you slowly grinded on them not even caring that he was your stepfather at this point you brain just focused on the good feeling and trying to get an orgasm. You knew you were close to your orgasm when your body tensed ready to release and that's when he stopped. He pulled his fingers out and placed them in his mouth sucking on them. His hand was long gone from your hair so you had the flexibility to look at him confused as to why he stopped, ready to beg him for more, you were desperate at this point.
Then your eyebrows furrowed. He was taking off his watch. “Did I give you permission to look at me?” Ward asked and you quickly turned your head forward and stayed bent over his desk. You jumped when you felt a cold item on your clit but Ward's hand was quick to go on your back and stop you from moving. The colder item became warmer the longer it stayed on your clit and you felt the item rub against you and your clit welcomed it. Your clit unnaturally stretches around the item, your walls easily flutter around it. “If you can steal my watches, sell my watches, then you can also fuck my watches.” Ward grunt as he inserted the watch deeper inside. Causing you to cry out in both pain and pleasure. The pleasure dominated the pain after a while and you started to grind against the watch to try and get more friction. “Look at you acting like such a desperate slut.” Ward chukled. “Heard you talking to Sarah about how your virgin, never been able to find the right guy. So I'm gonna show you that I'm the right guy. You take my watch and fingers like a good girl I know you’ll take my cock so perfectly.” You whimpered at his words, your walls clenched on the watch as you were grinding your hips. “Look at you riding my watch, I'm not even moving it anymore.” Ward smirked. You blushed in embarrassment, you didn’t even notice that he stopped moving it yet you didn’t stop. Chasing over the orgasm Ward denied you the first time. That's when you felt it again the pit in your stomach finally it was coming and Ward did it again. He pulled the watch away from your clit. You groaned in annoyance. The watch was coated with your juices. You couldn’t even see the time without wiping your juices away. “Look at the mess you made…” Ward put the watch on the desk and you blushed in embarrassment. Never had you felt so ashamed as Ward made you feel right now.
“I think you're ready now.” Ward grunted as he pulled his length out red and leaking. He aligned his tip with your clit and soon you felt the head rub against your clit. Slowly he starts pushing his way home and you start to whine in pain grabbing on to the desk. The stretch is very painful. You want to push him away but his hands are holding you down. “Come on, you can take my watch. I know you can take me.” Ward growls as he struggles to fit. He pushes a bit more and at first you feel an ache on your clit however it slowly starts to disappear and turn into a buzz as Ward strokes lightly at your clit. “Knew you could take your daddy.” Ward breathes your walls flutter with those words. “Always imagine fucking you never thought you’d be this tight.” Ward admits as he moves the other hand that is not rubbing your clit to your hip and lifts you up a little. He slowly starts thrusting, causing you to moan in pleasure. “Who do the watches belong to?” Ward asks as he continues thrusting. “You.....” You groaned as he thrusted painfully slowly. “Who..?” Ward asks as he smacks your ass. His smack caused it to sting again causing you to remember the pain from before. “They’re yours daddy.” You moan as he begins to thrust faster. “Who does this office belong to?” Ward asks. “You daddy.” You repeated as he sped up. “Who does this house belong to?” Ward asks. “You daddy.” You moaned loudly as he thrusted faster, you continued to hold on the edge of the desk. You could hear Ward's grunts, your moans, and the skin slapping echo off the wall. Good thing no one is home cause you guys were making quite the noise. You felt your body slowly tensing up as another orgasmed form. “It's ok sweetheart you can cum all over daddy…” Ward reassured you and you managed to push your hip back, you moaned loudly as your orgasm crashed over you, your body trembled, your eyes rolled to the back of your head, your brain fogged, your toes curled and your nails scratched the wooden polished desk. Ward followed as he pulled on your hips closer to his. His hand found his way back to your hair and he pulled, causing your back to arch “Who do you belong to?” Ward asks as you both were riding out your orgasms. “You daddy, only you.” You pant as he lets go of your hair collapsing on his desk.
You felt Ward's body bending down towards you. “That's right you belong to me, only me, no more covering for Sarah or helping Rafe break into my office. From now on you do everything I say because you belong to me.” Ward’s hot breath lingered in your ear for a bit. “Yes daddy.” You squeaked. He got up and lifted you up, turning you around and placed a messy kiss on your lips. “Get dressed and go to your room we’ll talk to tomorrow.” He demanded before walking out of his office leaving you all naked and shaken up. Although he could make your back arch and toes curl like never before he still made your skin crawl and stomach turn unfortunately now you know why.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
Pairing: Tom Holland x actress!reader
Synopsis: any chance he gets, Anthony teases you and Tom about your relationship
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Anthony Mackie was onto you.
It all started when he realized you and Tom weren’t actually dating, like he thought you were.
“Which Avenger would you sleep with if given the chance?” The journalist asked you, Brie, and Scarlett during a junket.
“Tom Holland.” You answered immediately. “Oh, did you mean the character?”
The girls laughed at your answer as you shrunk down in your seat. Everyone else answered with Thor, making your answer stick out even more.
“Wait, did they ask the guys this?” You wondered. “And follow up, did Tom say me?”
“I can ask.” The journalist chuckled and pulled out her phone. “My friend Jack is interviewing them in the other room.”
“Oh My God.” Brie groaned. “Now I want to know.”
You held your breath in anticipation as you waited for Jack to text back. Finally, the journalist felt a buzz and checked her phone.
“Tom did in fact say your character.” She laughed as she showed you the text.
“He did?” Your eyes widened. “Oh my God. That’s it. We’re having sex tonight. I’m telling him right now.”
The cast laughed at your antics as you sent Tom and quick text and shut off your phone to pay attention to the rest of the interview. You knew it was a joke, but you forgot that Tom didn’t know the context of your text. So when he checked in phone in the room where the boys were being interviewed, he was quite confused.
“I just got a text from Y/n saying “we’re having sex tonight” in all caps.” He laughed in shock. “What is going on?”
“Damn.” Anthony stated. “She texts you in advance?”
“No.” Tom blushed. “We’re not even together.”
“What are you talking about?” Anthony asked. “I thought you were?”
“We’re not.” Tom insisted. He always hated when he was reminded of the fact that you and him were just friends and he didn’t want to stay on the topic.
Anthony, on the other hand, wasn’t as inclined to let it go. He leaned back in his chair and stared at Tom, always looking for new ways to bother his younger cast mate.
“Hm.” Anthony drawled. “Interesting.”
A few months later, Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian were invited to a comic con in Chicago. They were known as one of the more chaotic pairings of cast members, so the interview consisted of constant digs at one another. And of course, Anthony took any chance he got to tease you and Tom.
“You must spend a lot of time together when filming these movies.” The journalist said to the couch. “Do you guys hang out off set too? Are there any Avenger pool parties we don’t know about?”
“Look, Toms a little asshole.” Anthony began. “Him and his little girlfriend are absolute children on set. We can’t take them anywhere.”
“His girlfriend?” The journalist asked.
“I mean Y/n.” He corrected, making the audience cheer. “They say they’re not dating but we all know.”
“We’re not.” Tom whined into his mic. “Stop saying that. People are gonna start believing you.”
“Because it’s true!” Anthony insisted. “You should see the two of them on set. They’re always touching and hugging. And I’m pretty sure I caught them in the dressing room one time. I won’t say what they were doing, but I could hear the bed creaking.”
Tom turned bright red and covered his face. He knew Anthony was just teasing, but it still embarrassed him. He collected himself and held his microphone up again, ready to dish it back to Anthony.
“You’re just mad because she likes me more.” Tom said, eliciting cheers from the audience.
“Uh uh.” Anthony shook his head. “Shes loves me. All the ladies love me.”
“Not Y/n.” Tom shook his head. “She loves me.”
“I think we can all agree Y/n loves me the best.” Sebastian cut in smugly. “It’s fairly obvious.”
“Did someone say my name?” Your voice sounded from a microphone, making everyone scream. Tom, Anthony, and Sebastian looked at each other in confusion upon hearing your voice.
“Wait, what?” Anthony laughed into his microphone as he looked around. Suddenly, your characters theme song came on the speakers as you came out from backstage.
“Hi!” You came out onto the stage waving. The crowd stood up upon your arrival and became deafening. Tom turned around, caught sight of you, and bolted out of his seat.
“Y/n?” He asked as he ran towards you. He immediately scooped you up in a hug, lifting you off the ground to spin you around.
“Hi Tommy.” You mumbled in his ear as you squeezed him back. Tom set you down but continued hugging you, kissing the side of your face multiple times. The audience went wild at this display of affection, prompting you to kiss his cheek back. You walked back to the couch hand in hand, taking a seat next to each other.
“I didn’t know you were coming.” Tom said into his mic as he picked it back up.
“I wanted it to be a surprise.” You laughed, earning more cheers. “I’m filming something in Toronto but I wouldn’t miss a convention for the world. And I wanted to see you.”
Tom pouted and pulled you into another long hug. It had been a few weeks since you’d seen him, so you pressed a long kiss to his cheek.
“Do we all get kisses or just Tom?” Anthony asked, interrupting the moment.
“I was thinking the same thing.” Sebastian spoke up.
“Seb can have one but I’m not coming near you.” You teased as you walked over to Sebastian. You bent down to kiss his cheek before sticking your tongue out at Anthony.
“You look so pretty, darling.” Tom said once you sat back down.
“Please.” You rolled your eyes. “I’m so jet lagged.”
“I don’t look nearly this beautiful when I’m jet lagged.” Tom complimented you.
“Oh, I beg to differ.” You complimented back.
“Kiss kiss kiss kiss.” Anthony chanted into his mic while pumping his fist. The crowd roared as you and Tom rolled your eyes.
“Don’t start, Anthony.” You told him. “He does this all the time.”
“So I’ve heard.” The journalist laughed. “How was your flight, Y/n?”
You settled into Tom’s side as you talked about your flight and other random things. When the attention was off you, Tom slipped his arm around you and let it rest on the back of the couch. He felt you shiver at one point and realized you were sitting right under the air conditioning.
“Are you cold?” He asked you, making the audience laugh.
“A little.” You said sheepishly. He immediately took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders, making the crowd go wild.
“Thanks, Tommy.” You chuckled as you slipped your arms into the sleeves. They were warm from his body heat and his cologne was lingering on the collar.
“Wow.” Anthony started up again. “You guys look like a couple.”
“A couple of besties.” You said quickly, making Tom shake his head.
“Uh huh.” Anthony said sarcastically. “If you guys aren’t dating, then why are you two always touching?”
“Because we love each other.” Tom snapped playfully. “You just don’t understand because girls don’t want to touch you.”
“Damn.” Anthony laughed. “Y/n, are you gonna let your boyfriend talk to me like that?”
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You replied. “We would make a terrible couple. I still haven’t forgiven him for the stamp act and I don’t see us getting past that.”
“Baby, it wasn’t me.” Tom played along. “It was my ancestors. I’d never tax your stamps.”
“Uh Uh.” You rolled your eyes. “That’s what they all say.”
“I’m gonna move on before I break you guys up.” The journalist teased, making you and Tom roll your eyes. “You guys have been playing these characters for a while so you must know them pretty well. What is something you have in common with your character?”
“That’s easy.” Anthony answered. “We’re both a cool black dude.”
“That’s exactly what I was going to say.” Tom joked, earning some laughs.
“Easy there, wonder bread.” Anthony laughed. “Don’t get ahead of yourself.”
“What about you, Y/n?” The journalist asked. “What do you have in common with your character?”
“Something my character and I have in common is that we both fuck this man.” You smiled as you clapped Tom on the back. Everyone on the couch’s jaw dropped as the crowd became deafening. Tom looked at you incredulously as you laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” You laughed into your microphone. “Um, I don’t know. We’re both pretty passionate about what we believe in. And we both wear a lot of black.”
“What?” Sebastian laughed. “You can’t just say that. That was a total 180.”
“I’m sorry.” You whined playfully. “It was a perfect opportunity and I had to take it.”
“I am literally speechless.” Tom said into his mic before breaking down into laughter. You leaned into each other as you laughed, not caring if no one else found it funny.
“I’m sorry.” You giggled. “Can we move on? Next question, please.”
“All right. Let’s talk about this kiss between your character and Loki.” The journalist began.
“Uh oh.” Anthony stirred the pot again. “Toms not gonna like this.”
“I don’t care.” Tom shrugged, but it was obvious that he was lying. You rested your hand on his shoulder to reassure him as you turned to answer the question.
“I actually had a lot of qualms before filming that scene.” You replied.
“Yeah.” You nodded. “I’m good friends with Taylor Swift so the first time I met Hiddleston, it was as her boyfriend. So the whole thing gave me serious qualms. I felt like I was breaking girl code.”
“That’s surprising since you improvised one of the kisses.” Sebastian, also looking for drama, cut in. “I remember you were only supposed to kiss once and you went in for second.”
“Well that was after a few takes and my qualms had dispersed.” You shot back.
“You hear that?” Anthony smirked. “She had no qualms.”
“I still felt so bad but those thoughts were soon replaced by “oh my God, I’m kissing Tom Hiddleston.” My qualms didn’t stand a chance to him in that wig.” You chuckled. You felt Tom tense up under your hand so you squeezed his shoulder.
“I know.” The journalist agreed. “He’s very dreamy.”
“Exactly. We were three takes in and my pussy starts screaming, “get help! Get help!”” ,You mimicked Thor’s voice, “so I knew my qualms were gone.”
You once again had all the jaws dropped with your words. Tom buried his face in your neck as he laughed, his whole body shaking.
“That’s one way to put it.” The journalist said as he wiped tears. “I have to ask. Which Tom did you like kissing more?”
“I liked kissing Tom H the best.” You said cheekily.
“Ooo.” Anthony started again. “Are we about to witness a couples quarrel?”
“I think so.” Tom played along. He pretended to look annoyed with you so you cupped his face.
“I’m kidding.” You assured him. “It was so you.”
“It better be.” He insisted. “Remember you kissed me after we shot the swinging scene and we weren’t even filming?”
“Yeah.” You chuckled. “I was in love with you that day.”
“What happened?” The journalist wondered.
“Well, I grew up loving Spiderman.” You explained. “So spending the day swinging around in Toms arms while he was in the suit meant so much to me. The second Tom took his mask off, I just kissed him.”
“Is that when you started dating?” Sebastian asked.
“No. It is not.” Tom shoved him playfully.
The rest of the convention went by in a similar fashion, with Anthony taking every opportunity to tease you. Once you said your goodbyes to the crowd, you and Tom walked back to your dressing room with your arms around each other.
“I can’t believe Mackie still thinks we’re dating.” Tom sighed as he shut the door behind him.
“I know.” You chuckled before an idea came to you. “Wouldn’t it be funny if we actually started dating and didn’t tell him? Like, as a joke?”
“That would be hilarious.” Tom nodded too many times. “Like, I could ask you out right now and he’d have no idea. We could go on dates and make out and stuff and just not tell him. That’ll show him.”
“We should totally do that. As a joke.” You quickly followed.
“We should.” Tom nodded. “Imagine his face when he finds out we started dating and didn’t tell him? It’ll be priceless.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait.” You sighed happily. “He would lose his mind if he found out we finally started dating.”
“Did you say finally?” Tom asked with a coy smile. Your face fell when you realized you had said a little too much.
“I did.” You said softly. “Because it’s something I’ve been thinking about for a while.”
“So have I. In that case,” Tom smiled shyly, “Y/n would you like to go on a d-“
“Yes.” You cut him off before he could even finish. “I would.”
2 years later
On a rare day off, you and Tom attended a barbecue in Anthony’s backyard with a few of the other cast members. You were sat on Tom’s lap, full off food and contently listening to the ongoing conversation.
“These burgers are great.” Chris said as he patted Anthony’s back. “Thanks for barbecuing.”
“I got you, man.” Anthony nodded. “I actually got the recipe for the blend from one of the caterers on set. Remember that place that catered lunch with the really good cornbread and burgers?”
“I do remember.” Scarlett smiled to herself. “The filming schedule worked out so all got to eat together that day. That was so nice.”
“It was nice.” Anthony agreed. “Just sitting in the sun in our costumes and bibs. We had some fun conversations going on. I’m pretty sure that was the day Tom and Y/n started dating.”
“No.” Tom rolled his eyes. “We started dating after that one convention. Remember the one where Y/n surprised us on stage? We started dating that night.”
“Wait, you guys are actually dating?” Anthony sat up in his seat. “I was just playing with you.”
“We know. So we played with you right back.” You shrugged smugly. “We started dating to get back at you for all the jokes.”
The rest of the cast exchanged confused looks as you and Tom relished in your victory.
“But....” Anthony blinked in confusion, “you didn’t tell me until two years later.”
“Yeah. Because we were committed to the joke.” Tom said like it was obvious.
“Duh.” You added.
“Let me get this straight.” Antony rubbed his temples. “You started dating as a way to get back at me for teasing you?”
“But you didn’t tell him you started dating.” Scarlett continued.
“So you’ve been dating in secret for two years without him knowing.” Don went on.
“But....you see this as revenge on me?” Anthony asked with a tilted head.
“Yep.” You laughed. “In your face.”
“In my face?” Anthony raised his eyebrows. “How so?”
“Because we totally got you.” You bragged. “Look at your face right now. You had no idea we were actually together.”
“What an idiot.” Tom shook his head. “This guy, am I right?”
The cast exchanged another look as you and Tom continued not to understand why dating in private didn’t exactly count as revenge against Anthony.
“Okay.” Anthony said skeptically. “So let me ask you this. Now that I know about the joke, will you stop dating?”
You and Tom quieted down as Anthony brought up something you hadn’t thought of.
“Well, no.” Tom began as he looked at you. “We like dating each other.”
“So essentially, this had nothing to do with me.” Anthony concluded. “You two just wanted to date each other but used me as an excuse.”
You and Tom opened your mouths to defend yourselves, but shut them when you realized he was right. You looked at each other sheepishly before shrinking down in your seats from embarrassment.
Anthony Mackie may have gotten the better of you.
Tag List 🏷
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mcyt-peach · 2 years
Hi so me again
I read this really cute Drabble of what candy mcyt like….but I don’t like candy in general and I am allergic to chocolate so (if that’s not a problem) could you write something for dream, sapnap, Karl or Wilbur where they react to reader that doesn’t eat/is allergic to chocolate?
Cuz sometimes people are really harsh with words and the things like “so you are on a diet?” Can really hurt
Also I feel like you match the energy of our boys so I am asking here a lot 😅
If possible 🎧anon (I already asked to be this anon in previous request :3
mcyt with an s/o who doesn't eat chocolate
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⋆。˚ summary: when your loving boyfriend offers you the one food you don't eat, chocolate, you have to find a way to let him know
⋆。˚ including: cc!dream, cc!sapnap, cc!karl and cc!wilbur
⋆。˚ warnings: mentions of allergies (no reaction), swearing, reader uses they/them pronouns
⋆。˚ note: welcome back lovely 🎧anon <3 I tried to have a mix of the reader being allergic or just not eating chocolate to be more inclusive but I hope this is good and I'm sorry people say mean things about your allergy :(
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Sapnap’s tendency to snack on whatever’s laying around was never a problem
that is, unless he brings home chocolate or Dream decided to bake something out of boredom
when you walk into the kitchen, he’s absentmindedly scrolling on his phone, snacking on some cookies still warm from the oven
he lights up when he sees you, opening his arms so you can settle into his arms as he leans against the counter
“Want a cookie? Dream’s mom sent over her recipe. They’re pretty good.”
you turn your head to inspect the baked good, spotting chocolate chips peeking out of the top
“Mmm, they’re chocolate chip. No dice.” you lift your head up from his chest, only to see him grinning down at you
“I’m pretty sure I can give you something sweeter...” he leans down to catch your lips in his but you’re forced to push his face away
“Sap, I’m allergic. You could literally kill me with your kisses.”
he pouts a bit as you emphasize the words by squishing his face between your palms
“What if I brushed my teeth?” you have to shake your head, knowing the allergens can stay on him for hours
he huffs before burying his head against your shoulder, before making exaggerated kissing noises and letting the kitchen devolve into stifled laughs
Dream absolutely loves his family and because he absolutely loves you, that means you spend a lot of time with them
any celebration or holiday meant it was time to spend the day at his parents’ house, sometimes even staying the night and waking up to some homemade delicacy
Dream’s mother was an amazing cook and she was an even better baker
she constantly made an event out of her baking escapades
she would crowd the kitchen with Dream, Drista and yourself, though there were still times when she shooed the three of you out and took over the room to herself
today she produced a large chocolate cake, all from scratch, and while you’d heard Dream and his sister rave about it, you only sat watching them eat
“You don’t want any? Is my culinary opinion not enough to entice you.”
he waggled his eyebrows at you and he’d look pretty handsome if he didn’t have brown crumbs covering the corners of his mouth
“No, remember that story I told you? I had a chocolate cake as a kid when I had a stomach bug and I threw up. I thought it was the cake, but ever since, no chocolate for me.”
Dream gives you a solemn nod, closing his eyes and wiping down his face before calling out for his mother
every so often, when the morning starts off with rain before you can even wake up, Karl calls for a lazy day
whether that means staying in bed until noon or building a pillow fort in the living room, it’s safe to say no one’s leaving the house
when he’s all snuggled up with you, he gets in a very snacky mood
Karl is a firm believer in treating yourself, so when he tells you he’s gonna go get a sweet snack, you don’t think anything of it
but when he comes back with two cups of steaming hot chocolate, you visibly stiffen
because Karl is the wonderful person he is, he catches on to your discomfort easily
“Did I do something wrong? I just thought you’d like some too...”
he deflates in front of you, worrying that he made you uncomfortable in some way
“No, no, Karl, it’s ok. I’m just allergic. Sorry, I should’ve told you.”
you stare awkwardly at your hands in your lap, fearing he’d make some comment
when you do look up, he’s darting off the kitchen, only to slide back into the living room with a bag of your favorite snack
“Well then, I’ll trade you for your cup of cocoa for this big bag of delicious snackies.”
his teasing smile eases the tense atmosphere and you lean back into his shoulder, mumbling out a small “Deal.”
living with Wilbur means half of your free time is spent wandering the city and cafe-hopping
more often than not, your coffee shop visits are spontaneous, but sometimes Wilbur will find some aesthetic post and turn to you with puppy eyes until you agree to go with him
this time, it was some new pop-up shop not far from your apartment, so you threw on a jacket and started on your journey downtown
when the two of you finally arrived at the store, you were in awe of just how big the menu was
coffees, teas, pastries, you name it, they’ve got it
before you can excitedly point out the items that caught your eye, Wilbur’s already at the counter
he orders two drinks and then tacks on a pair of chocolate croissants that the cafe was known for
the cashier begins to plug in the order and while part of you doesn’t want to make a scene, you decide to speak up
“Could I actually have a plain croissant?”
with a nod the cashier changes the order and moves to grab the drinks and pastries from the display
“You don’t want the chocolate one? You said it looked good when I showed you that post. That’s the whole reason we came here.” Will swipes his card with his brows slightly pinched together
“I didn’t drag you along, did I? You don’t have to come just because I wanted too.”
you smile at his question, ever the thoughtful one, before you reach up and ruffle his hair
“I’m just not a big fan of chocolate. Don’t worry, I wanted to come with you.”
he lets out a little “Oooh, ok.” and takes the drinks from the counter, pausing as he goes to grab the pastry bag
“Wait, is this because I said I want to fuck the brown m&m?”
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rafescoke · 3 years
Jealous ; Rafe Cameron
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary: Rafe finds himself being jealous over his friends with benefit flirting with a certain blonde boy
Warnings: Straight smut, angst, cursing, alcohol consumption, jealous Rafe
A/N: i am so sorry JJ for making you the second choice for almost every fic ever i still ly :( anyways thank you for 380+ followers wtf you guys are beyond amazing <3 here’s the smut you guys have been craving for:
“You’re handsome.”
“Oh yeah?” JJ smiled, showing her his pearly white teeth. “You’re not too bad, (Y/N).”
“Just not too bad?” She glowered, and leaned closer onto the blonde boy. He stared into her eyes, feeling her body heat now that she was too close to him, and he could smell her sweet scent. She reminded him of an ice cream during a hot day.
“Fine,” he huffed, and watched as her mouth morphed into a smile. “You look hot, (Y/N).”
“Thank you,” she giggled, placing a soft kiss against his cheeks as he laughed along with her, putting his arms around her.
(Y/N) never really had anything with JJ, being friends with him since god knows when, but she wasn’t cool with his other friends. He was there for her, and she was there for him, but they weren’t what people would call as best friends.
“Where’s the boyfriend?” JJ asked, a glint in his eyes. (Y/N) rolled her eyes at this, being done explaining to him that she’s not dating Rafe Cameron and will never be. They were the total opposite; he’s a kook, and she’s a pogue.
“JJ, I don’t know what to explain anymore,” she grunted, resting her back against the lawn chair as she watched the partygoers dancing to the booming music. “He is not my boyfriend.”
“You’re always out with him,” he shrugged, and (Y/N) gulped before she could answer him. After being Rafe’s friend with benefits for 5 months now, she didn’t think anyone would notice their relationship. They did everything in their power to keep themselves lowkey, but here JJ was; spilling everything.
“I won’t judge, you know,” he said, and gave her a sly smirk. “I get it if you like a kook.”
(Y/N) laughed nervously, and then proceeding to cup his face in her small hands. Her breath hitched at how adorable he looked in her hands, and she felt the urge to kiss his cheeks.
“I’m not even friends with him,” she rolled her eyes, and JJ swung his arms around her one more time, this time pulling her close. They stayed in silence for a few seconds before JJ pointed to a couple by the fire, saying a joke, and (Y/N) had laughed from the punchline.
She didn’t know it was the humour or the alcohol taking over after how many shots of vodka since the start of the party. Whatever it was, she truly enjoyed JJ’s presence; her childhood friend.
Rafe Cameron entered the party with a brunette girl he owed his father to bring, and he had never looked so miserable being in a party before. People looked at them as they made their entrance, and Rafe almost let out an annoyed groan knowing that people will talk about him and whatever the name of the girl was.
His eyes swept over the swarm of dancing bodies to look for a particular (H/C) haired girl, but she was nowhere to be seen. He sighed, continuing to walk to where they served the drinks.
“Thanks for bringing me here, Rafe,” the girl said, and Rafe nodded, not wanting to make any unnecessary conversation with her. He tried to negotiate with Ward, saying how the business will still go on without him having to take whoever this girl is to the party, but Ward had insisted him to do so, saying how he should think about making his family proud.
Rafe grunted, and his feet moved towards the backyard. He was glad the girl didn’t try to follow him after seeing her friends, and he didn’t think he would even talk to her if she did. He didn’t know what he want; he was just as confused as everyone else.
“You think so?”
His head perked up at the sound of her familiar voice, and Rafe found himself searching for her small figure. His eyes passed the couple making out by the fire, some pogue munching on a burger, someone preparing to jump into the pool and then -
Her. And JJ.
He crossed his arms, his eyes not leaving her as he watched her laughed again, her head tilting to one side. Every time Rafe would tell her a joke she would do the same thing, and Rafe felt a minor pang of hurt across his heart after knowing that she did the same with JJ as well.
“You know I would love to, J,” (Y/N) said, running her fingers through his blonde hair. “But your friends just don’t like me.”
“They do!” JJ insisted, “They just think you’re too intimidating. I don’t know what they’ll think about you if they know you’re with Rafe.”
Rafe raised his brows at the sound of his name, but before he could express a proper reaction, he heard her speak.
“JJ, enough with his name,” she groaned, “I don’t like Rafe, and I will never like him.”
Rafe almost laughed at this because god, who does she think she is? She was begging for him every time they did the ungodly activity, pulling his hair and leaving scratches behind his back. Rafe had to explain to Topper and Kelce how it was Sarah’s new kitten that had scratched him when they went out for surfing, and they didn’t even have any pets.
He listened intently again, getting more amused every second. Although he wanted to hear more of their conversation, he couldn’t deny the hurt coursing through his veins at the sound of her voice practically hating on him. He didn’t know if it was an act or if it was the truth, but he didn’t like anything about it.
“Then be with me,” JJ mumbled, and Rafe watched as she nervously laughed as if that was the funniest thing in the world. Rafe stayed quiet, wanting to hear her reply to that plea, and his heart was beating so fast.
“You’re cute,” she suddenly said, pressing a slow kiss against his cheeks again. “I’m so glad I have you in my life.”
Was that a yes? Or was that a no? Rafe cursed in his mind, not having a clue about the truth behind what she just said, and before he could process it further, the girl that he came here with tugged on his arms, catching his attention.
He clicked his tongue, “Yeah?”
“I want you to meet my friends,” she smiled, and proceeded to pull him to her group of friends who were waiting by the corner. Rafe tried to maintain his grim smile, trying to figure out how in the hell this girl did not notice the obvious signs that he was trying to show;
He was not interested.
“Here’s Rafe,” she exclaimed to her friends, and continued to introduce them to him. He smiled weakly at them, not really hearing their names, his mind wandering to a certain girl a distance away.
“Huh?” He looked at her again, “What is it?”
“They’re asking if you’re joining the truth or dare game in a few minutes,” she replied, and she had a look that wanted him to say yes.
“No,” he shrugged, and he watched as her shoulders slump. “But we can stay, I guess.”
She cheered, and Rafe used almost all of his energy not to mutter anything back, and followed her to the middle of the party where everyone started to gather for whatever middle school games they were planning to play.
He sat right next to hear, flicking his lighter on and off, not paying any attention towards his surrounding until she heard the familiar laugh again.
(Y/N) giggled at something JJ had said, walking towards the circle and sitting opposite of Rafe. They didn’t notice his presence, being too caught up with each other, and Rafe watched as she laughed again. He gritted his teeth.
“Who’s playing?” A voice suddenly spoke, and Rafe assumed him to be the host of the party. He thought of how the party sucks and he could hold a better party than this, but when she saw (Y/N) saying that she will be playing, he knew he had to be in the same game as her too.
“I’m playing,” he said, and watched as the people around him stared at him. (Y/N)’s eyes widened at the voice and she quickly looked at his direction, and he watched as she tried to contain her shocked expression.
“Okay, we have enough people playing,” the host said, “We’ll start with. . . John B, wanna choose first?”
“Yeah,” John B sat up straighter, looking around the circle until his eyes landed on his best friend. “JJ, truth or dare.”
JJ put on the smirk Rafe hates, “Easy. Truth.”
The crowd groaned and some booed, but JJ still had the smirk on his face, yelling to the crowd that he was just trying to calm everyone’s nerves.
“Okay,” John B rubbed his hands together, “Who would you like to fuck in this room?”
The room fell silent as their attentions were on JJ, and JJ laughed before replying the question.
“Seriously? I thought you’re going to ask for my bank account or something, not that I have money in it. But (Y/N). I’ll fuck (Y/N).”
Rafe found himself gritting his teeth, staring straight at the girl who was also staring back at him. She had a teasing smile on her face and Rafe had to stop himself from pulling her out of this goddamn party and into his car.
“I’ll go with (Y/N). Truth or dare?”
He watched her again, his heartbeat quickening.
“Dare,” she shrugged, and the crowd cheered, finally getting any actions they were craving since the start of the party. Rafe sat up straight, wanting to see to what extend she would do something, and he would be lying if he says he wasn’t nervous.
“I dare you to kiss the hottest person in the room.”
(Y/N) stood up from her seat, walking away from JJ and towards Rafe. He widened his eyes, not sure if she would actually do it or if she was messing with him, but she was clearly walking towards him and everyone knows it.
She leaned onto him and Rafe swore he could feel his heart stopping. He could smell her scent now; that goddamn cupcake smell he loves so much.
“You’re drooling,” she whispered, and turned on her heels.
She proceeded to return back to her position and kissed JJ with all of her heart and the crowd cheered, but Rafe was trying to calm himself down. He felt his anger rising, being humiliated just like that in front of everyone.
He stood up, ignoring the girl beside him’s questions and continued to walk upstairs, leaving the stupid game downstairs to smoke and probably snort some coke in his pocket. He didn’t know anyone here that much, being in a party outside of Kooksville and only knowing the pogues, but he’s not friends with them so he was totally alone in this case.
He entered a guest bedroom and proceeded to climb onto the bed, taking out his stash and unfolding a dollar from his back pocket.
Rafe jumped to his feet, shocked to his core from the sudden voice, but he relaxed when he saw (Y/N), though he didn’t show it. He continued to separate the powder into lines, rubbing his nose a few times.
“Where’s the boyfriend?” He asked, sniffing and lowering his head to inhale the intoxicating substance. He threw his head back, feeling warm, and looked at her again.
(Y/N) rolled her eyes, being questioned with “where’s the boyfriend?” almost two times now on the same night, and crossed her arms.
“You have no power to be mad at me, Rafe,” she said, and walked closer to him. He watched as she leaned onto him like she did downstairs a few minutes ago, “You’re not my fucking boyfriend, and you know it.”
Rafe laughed, his head getting woozy, but he couldn’t deny the amusement he was feeling at that time, and god he felt like doing the most filthiest things to her.
“And if I want to fuck JJ,” she continued, her face so close to him that her voice was just above a whisper, “Then I’m allowed to.”
“Oh yeah?” He raised his eyebrows, and he stared into her eyes with a smirk tugging on his lips. “You wanna fuck him? He can fuck you better than I can?”
Her breath hitched as he trailed his pointer along her soft cheeks from the temple, and he whispered again, this time with his face so close she could feel the heat from his breathing.
“I’m asking, baby, can he?”
One thing that (Y/N) hate was being challenged, and the look that Rafe gave her fit that exact meaning.
Before she could mutter anything else he attached their lips, moving so fast she didn’t have time to catch a breath. He pushed her over so her back was against the bed, her chest heaving, and Rafe had never looked prouder when he saw her in that state.
“Wanna be a bitch again?”
“Maybe,” she answered, with that twinkling in her eyes.
“Wrong answer,” he replied, and kissed her roughly again, hearing her moans and her fingers pulling on his already unkept hair, making them more messier. He groaned when he felt her biting on his lips, knowing that he would have to create a new lie to Topper and Kelce on why his lips are all bruised.
He pulled her apart again, this time with both of their chests heaving, and Rafe swore he had never looked at someone more beautiful than the girl before him. His eyes trailed down to her chest, seeing her breast all pushed up and her nipples hard against the cold air.
He licked his teeth, “No bra?”
“No-pe,” she giggled, emphasising on the ‘ope’. She inched closer to his ear, “Making it easy for you.”
“Thanks, baby,” he replied before kissing her fully on her lips again, and slowly going down to her core. He placed his wet kisses from her neck to her stomach and down to the aching heat as she arched her back from the tingling feeling, placing her palm against her mouth to silence herself.
He continued to place soft kisses on the outer side of her pussy, his member hardening when he could see the wet mark on her panties. He watched as she bit her lips, closing her eyes from just the kisses.
“Beg,” he whispered, and (Y/N) looked up from her laying position, feeling like dying at the slow reaction from him. She groaned, desperate for her release, and bit her lips.
“Please, Rafe,” she begged, withering as he ran his fingers along her thighs. “Please, baby, I’ll do anything.”
Before she could prepare herself he dipped in, collecting her juices with hid tongue and flicking back and forth on her clit. She couldn’t contain her voice anymore, whimpering and moaning his name as he continued to please her, liking the way she was so submissive under his touch.
Just like putty.
“Oh my god, you’re amazing,” she gasped, gripping onto the sheets with her fingers. “I’m close, Rafe, oh my god.”
He chuckled against her core, sending vibrations throughout her body and causing her to yell from the overwhelming pleasure, gripping on the sheets even harder she could feel it coming undone from the mattress. She could feel the familiar euphoric feeling inside of her stomach and arched her back to reach it, until-
“Huh?” He looked up to her, innocently wiping his mouth with the back of his hands as he crawled back go her. He gave her a smile, “What’s wrong baby?”
“I was so close,” she answered, with tears in her eyes. Rafe tutted, using his thumb to wipe a tear that escaped, and proceeded to press the thumb on her clit, causing her to jerk upwards in shock.
“You’re okay, baby?”
“You’re a dick,” she answered, and jerked again as he pressed his thumb into her one more time. “The biggest dickhead I’ve ever met.”
“Yeah?” He raised his brow, and placed a soft kiss against her lips. “Should I go then?”
He made a move to go away and without any shame she pulled his by his wrist back, not letting go until he chuckled, placing himself before her again.
“Answer me one question,” he whispered, and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Me or JJ.”
“You, Rafe.”
“Not my name,” he said in a sing-song voice, and proceeded to fake-yawn.
“You, daddy.”
He watched her with a smile on his face, leaning closer and pressing a kiss ok her cheeks one more time. “And will you be good to me?”
“Yes, daddy.”
Rafe was harder than ever, he could basically cum just by seeing her all worked up under him. His breathing was heavy, and he wanted nothing more than to fuck the girl before him.
“Okay, then,” he sighed, and before she could process anything he turned her over, exposing her ass to the air as the skirt she wore rode up to her waist, and (Y/N) felt a rush of cold against nipping on her skin.
She yelped as she felt his palm made contact with her cheeks, spreading his fingers and massaging them right after. He liked the colour of her skin now, all red, just because of him.
He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled his boxers down, letting his member springing free and watched as his precum pooled on his tip, and quickly positioned himself before her.
“Please,” she begged, and that was enough for Rafe to push into her, closing his eyes and muttering a curse word while he felt her closing on him.
“Fuck, so good for me, baby,” he swore, fastening hid movements. The girl was practically screaming under him, and he had to place his hands against his mouth to keep her shut. He groaned, feeling the warm feeling inside him growing.
“Shut up, you bitch.”
She moaned at his words, taking a liking at the way he downgrades her since the first they had sex, and pulled on his hair as she tried to comprehend the euphoric feeling inside her.
“I’m close,” she warned, tugging on his back as he pushed into her, this time with a faster speed than before. “Fuck, I’m so close, baby-”
“Cum and I’ll fucking kill you,” he groaned, pushing himself into her that he ended up balls-deep, watching her scrunched up face trying to take his full length. He grunted, feeling his own end nearing, and getting ready to pull out.
“Fuck!” He yelled, aiming his penis at her face as he shot his load, and she could feel the hot leaks dripping off her face down to her neck. She didn’t reach her high, not wanting to disobey Rafe before, and she felt like crying her hardest.
“You’re crying now?” He laughed, cupping his face with his hands and watched as his cum dripped from her eyebrows down to her eyes, and he took the chance to clean them using his fingers before placing them before her eyes.
“Fuck you,” she said, her eyes glassy.
“I said,” he leaned closer, placing his knee against her core and watched her jerked again, “Suck.”
She gritted her teeth and took his fingers into her mouth, tasting him and making lewd noises. Rafe watched her with his mouth slightly parted, his eyes a shade darker.
“You’ve been a good girl, princess,” he smiled, and made a move to hold her. She pushed his hands away and he laughed, “Tell me what do you want.”
“I want you to fuck off.”
She bit her lips, not wanting to answer his question. In truth, she wanted nothing but for him to fuck her like it was their last day on earth.
“You still want me to fuck off when I do-” he inserted a finger inside her and she grunted, “This?”
“Y-yeah,” she answered, biting her lips.
“Are you sure? Even when I do-” he inserted another finger, “This?”
“F-fuck, yeah,” she gripped the sheets, feeling the familiar feeing knotting in her stomach again for the third time.
“Really?” He sighed, and took his fingers out, pretending to wipe them on his shirt. “Guess I’ll go. Respect the lady, you know?”
“Fuck you,” she said, and Rafe chuckled when she took ahold of his fingers and inserting them into her by herself, arching herself at the feeing she’ve been craving since forever.
Rafe bit his lips, watching her guiding his fingers and he wished he had his phone with him so that he could record this moment and watch them over and over again.
“Close, baby?”
“Mhm,” she hummed, thrusting against his fingers. Rafe sucked in a breath, hearing her moans, and before he knew it she released himself against his fingers, screaming his name as she reached her high.
He laid himself beside her, staring at the ceiling as they tried to catch their breaths again. (Y/N) turned to look at him, and when he noticed she was looking at him he turned his head to her in the same way, so they were both staring at each other.
“You’re still an asshole.”
“I know.”
“And I hate you.”
“I know,” he smiled, and god, (Y/N) never had a stronger will to slap that stupid smile from his face.
“You love me though,” he suddenly said, and (Y/N) turned to look at him again.
“God, you’re full of yourself.”
“You just don’t want to accept the truth, (Y/L/N).”
“Whatever,” she got up, searching for her discarded panties and fixing her fallen top and skirt. She ran her fingers through her hair to disentangle them before making her way towards the door, only stopping to look at him before she could return to the booming music.
“See you tomorrow?”
“See you tomorrow.”
add yourself to the taglist!
i couldn’t tag more than 50 users, i’m so sorry :(
@okayshoto @joselyn001 @onceuponateenagetrash @dyingsleeping @im19yearsold @iwannabeapogue @meaganjm @rafesobxs @flossy2929 @drewstarkeyluver @unfortunatekiwitrash @Mellifluouszayn @hhishho @hvrcruxes @scottybitch @asimpwriter @starxqt @amaya124 @Made212 @adriee16 @eggirl @tommy-tommo @thatshithurted8 @beyatch012 @fallincindy @marvelwhor3 @rafeswh0ree @kookap @supernaturallydc-blog @blank-velvet @alaniskauany @lumzs @kiiim8 @witchywrter @kaitlyn2907 @heyimflo @overcookedpastasauce @tsukkiswifeey @spidey-d00d @anonymousobxfan @gotmeinloveagain @chicagoblackhawkslover96 @lexi-writes @Emmalvei_03 @classydragonthingknight @belongtoyou-u
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writer-akihiko · 3 years
Hi, I wanted to request a scenario for the dorm leaders separately where him and S/o are dating. Grim comes running to find him and tell him Crowley was sending S/o back to their world. So the dorm leader goes running into Crowley's office and plead S/o to stay in twisted wonderland, telling them how much they love them and admitting they want to get married when they graduate. S/o agrees to stay, but explains that Crowley only gave the option to go back and Grim just assumed they were leaving.
Dorm Leaders + MC's Chance To Leave
So I have to be honest, this was a little challenging for me since I didn't want to repeat the same scenario, so some scenarios turned out a little more angsty than the others, so please be warned of that
Besides that, I had a lot of fun on the reactions of the Dorm Leaders! Please enjoy! Cut for length
"Hoi! Dorm Leader!!"
A furry cat ran up to the Dorm Leader, in full panic as his swishing tail flickered anxiously.
"Listen here!" Grim pawed at the student's feet, the mention of your name catching his attention. "YN's leaving! You have to go and stop her! I overheard her in Crowley's office!"
Malleus Draconia
He summoned as much magic as he could, transporting him to the principal's door and blasting the door open
He was truly scared, and his fear translated through his own magic as the whole school felt the earthquakes
The draconic fae hugged you tight, his much larger frame engulfing you completely. "YN, please don't go… I don't know what I'd do without you so please…"
"No, please let me finish," He said, his finger silencing you. "YN, I love you. I love you my dear, more than you'd possibly know. I want to do so much with you. I want to marry you once I was done with school, and I was hoping to take you to the Valley of Thorns!..."
"My Queen, please consider staying with me."
Despite his desperate grip, you patted his head, giggling at the confession.
"Tsunotarou… I'm not going anywhere."
Crowley coughed, "M-My my… What a passionate proclamation of love…"
Malleus was utterly confused, but all he understood was that you weren't leaving him
You explained the whole situation, although you had to tease your precious fae for overreacting
"Tsunotarou~ Should I prepare my wedding dress now?"
The Prince of the Faes has never blushed harder…
Riddle Rosehearts
He hoped he wasn't too late, as he raced down the halls, abandoning every rule he himself established in the dorms
"YN! You're not allowed to leave me!"
His face reddened with rage and despair, anticipating for the worse as he fell to the ground
He felt the familiar touch of you, as you held his cheek
He reached out to you, confessing his worries
"YN, if you really leave me... I don't think I can handle it anymore. You mean so much to me... If you're leaving me, at least know that I love you to the point I want to have a wedding right after graduation!-"
"R-Riddle... you really want to marry me?" You shied away, hiding your face in your hands
"Of course!" He protested. "You're the only one I'd be on my knees for, so please... don't leave."
You couldn't help but let out a laugh at such a serious moment like this. "Riddle... I never planned to. I turned down Crowley's offer. I'm staying here... with you. So don't cry, Riddle."
He felt like an utter idiot for believing Grim
"O-Of course! I'm... Thank you for staying with me, YN."
Kalim Al-Asim
He dropped everything he was doing, racing to the principal's door
Jamil was the unfortunate soul who had to clean up after him
Kalim didn't want to miss you, he just had so much so say to you
When he burst in the room, Crowley protested the sudden interruption
He was quickly silenced by Kalim throwing a pillow at him
"YN! My beautiful Zahra!" He proclaimed, getting on one knee. "My Zahra, will you marry me?"
"If you marry me this instance, you'd consider not going back!" He cried, the tears soaking his shirt. "YN, I don't… Don't go… What am I supposed to do?"
You wiped away your lover's tears, kissing them away
"Kalim, I never planned to. I'm staying here with you, my sweet prince, even if I can go back," You said, brushing the ends of his hair
You nodded, your cheeks warming at the thought of Kalim's sudden proposal. "Y-Yeah… Did you mean to marry me though?"
"YN, I'd propose to you over and over again if that's what you want."
Azul Ashengrotto
Azul snapped, crushing the contract he was preparing for some student that harassed you the other day
He was in denial at first, but he wasn't about to take any chances
If he had to keep you here by a contract, he'd do so
"Crowley! What is the meaning of this?!"
He protectively pulled you into his arms, stating his purpose. "YN, you are not going back," He turned to you. "You don't know if it works! It could be a scam! You're safer with me-"
"Azul, you're-"
"YN," He faced you, bringing his gloved hand under you chin. "Don't underestimate my love for you. If Crowley… If he didn't step in, I'd propose to you by graduation and I'd bring you the Sea to meet my parents and-"
"Azul, my adorable octopus. I didn't agree to go back," You said, setting your boyfriend straight. "I'm not going anytime soon, not away from you that is."
Most would've expected him to be in tears when hearing you were leaving, but Azul was a sobbing mess hearing that you stayed
"R-Really? YN… Thank you, thank you my Angelfish for staying with me…" He sobbed into your shirt, swaying into the hug
"You shouldn't underestimate my love for you either, my future husband."
Idia Shroud
Idia almost broke the game controller in his hands, his jaw agape at Grim
"Extra… You shouldn't be telling me lies…"
Idia, of course had to set out on a quest to reverse the fate of this story!...
He rushed to the den of the wicked, and there the trickster principal was tempting you to go back!
"YN! Don't fall for his schemes!" He cried, his hair of flames burning brighter than before. "I… I won't let you go back home!"
Ortho, at his side, dutifully restrained the crow from retorting anything as Idia tried to convince you to not leave
"YN… Just say anything and I'll give it to you. Just don't go!!" He said. "Is it because you thought I was hiding something from you? If it's that, I'm willing to show you!"
He rustled a paper out of his jacket, unfurling it to reveal a design of a ring…
"Here!" He presented, at this point quite desperate to keep you here. "I-It's the ring I plan to propose you with! It was supposed to be after my graduation, where you could be next to me all the time…"
You cupped the face of your frantic boyfriend, hushing him
"Idia, sweetie, I agreed to stay even before you came," You explained, telling him that you never planned to leave as well how you appreciated his notion of marriage
Idia pulled you into a tight hug, happy that you never gave up on him
"YN, I'll try to make you as happy as I can!"
Leona Kingscholar
To everyone's surprise, Leona's first instinct wasn't a fit of rage. Instead, the second prince went into a burst of tears with hits frustration
"YN… There's no way she would…"
He had to prove himself wrong. He had to
Otherwise he'd might just break then and there
"YN! Where are you?..."
He almost worried if he were too late
He couldn't explain the bloom of relief that swelled in his chest as he saw you still in this world
He grabbed you by the shoulders, unexpected words spilling from his lips
"YN, did I mean nothing to you? Was I nothing when you showed me love?!" He cried out, his tears flowing freely. "Was… Was I even worth it? Was I?"
He sunk to his knees, as he gave up all hope for you to stay
"I wanted to make you mine… I wanted to marry you and live with just the two of us…" He sobbed, his claws digging into his own skin
"Was I that easy to forget?"
He didn't expect the warmth of your hug comforting him. "No Leona," You said, shedding a few tears yourself. "I could never forget you, which is why I chose to stay. I'm never leaving you, not even for my old life."
"YN… you really scared me, y'know?"
Vil Schoenheit
Vil wanted to crush that cat under his heels for bringing such dreadful news to him
He made his way to the principal's room, voicing his very annoyance the moment he barged in
"Principal! How dare you manipulate my sweet potato!"
He cuddled you in his arms, lulling sweet words into your ears in hopes of driving whatever rubbish you had to hear from Crowley
"My sweet potato, I… Please consider staying with me," He said, his hands ghosting over yours. "I… Just let me give everything to you if that's what you want! You can do anything, I just want you…"
You were about to say something, but Vil thought it was a retort of protest
"I had been planning everything for the moment I propose after graduation! I can't let that bird ruin that!" He cried, trying to hear a word of approval from you. "My… My beloved. Please stay with me."
You nodded, bestowing a kiss on your lover
"Vil, I'm flattered," You admitted. "But I was already planning to stay. I could never consider letting you go."
Vil couldn't stop himself from lifting you up and twirling you around. "Oh, my beloved! You're staying with me!" He repeated over and over again, enjoying the giggles that came from your lips
He set you down, realising your furry companion lied to him
"YN, I really want to crush that furball that tails you…"
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shangchiswife · 2 years
nwh villains and peter parker living with you and doing different things with you (1)
summary: in general just a couple of different scenarios lol
also this includes the tom holland peter parker!
nwh villains and peter parker x gn!reader
warnings: cursing, sexual innuendos
word count: 934
inspired by @mobiusismyfav and this entire concept
Introducing them to Taylor Swift
Y/N: *starts playing blank space*
Everyone else: *confused*
Peter: *rushes over to the other room where you are and starts singing along with Y/N*
Otto: Good lord what is this?
Norman: *is still confused and just drinks his water*
Max: Hey I know this song, Taylor Swift right?
Curt: I thought she only wrote songs about her ex-boyfriends?
Y/N and Peter: *have offended looks on their faces and then start beating him up with pillows*
Curt: STOP!
Peter: Have you heard any song from folklore you jerk?
You: Yeah, she's in love now she's been with her boyfriend for five years! And your plan to turn people into lizards failed.
Curt: I was in jail how am I supposed to know what goes on with a pop singer while I'm in jail
Y/N: It's Taylor Swift you have to know
Otto and Norman: *scared in the corner*
Y/N: Peter turn on the Blank Space music video. You know what let's watch all of the music videos starting off with Our Song and then we'll build our way up to Willow
Peter: Aye aye captain *is a proud boy and then cues up Our Song*
Time skip and you finish all the music videos
Everyone: completely shook by Taylor Swift's presence
Otto: She's a very talented songwriter and lyricist and I think you see that especially in cardigan and willow. And I think her song Blank Space is used in a satirical and brilliant way and shows how this is how the public portrays her.
You and Peter: *extremely happy and run up to him and hug him*
Max: That's crazy, the last song I heard from her was Shake it Off and she came up with those songs. And she's been with her boyfriend for five years...good for her.
Cue you and Peter's happy faces again.
Curt: Hmm I guess she doesn't write all her songs about her exes *returns to his book*
Y/N and Peter: *give him suspicious looks*
Max: You know MJ kinda looks like that girl in the Bad Blood music video
Peter: *little cheeky bastard moment* I know right
Norman: Her cardigan looks comfortable
Y/N: Funny you should say that because not to brag but I have one of those
Peter: *grumpy because all the cardigans sold out when he wanted to get them* I think you are bragging Y/N
Norman: Can I borrow it some time I like the stars on it
Y/N: Of course!
Flint: *sobbing in the corner of the room* That was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. We just watched her grow up right in front of our eyes.
Y/N: is everyone ready? wait where's Curt?
Norman: *clearly disgusted by his own costume* he's getting his absurd dinosaur costume finalized
Y/N: what's wrong?
Norman: did I really have to be the Joker?
Y/N: *fixing his makeup a little* yes it fits you so well!
Norman: gee thanks
Y/N: you look hot stop complaining
Norman: i always look hot
Y/N: shut up old man only i get to say it so quick being narcissistic
Norman: oh you want to play games, hm? we'll see how old i am when i get into your bed
Otto: *very annoyed* quit it you two! and i agree with Norman...not about the hot part
Norman: *raises his eyebrows* liar
Otto: look point is why did you choose our costumes because Ursula would be the last person I'd dress up as for a holiday
Y/N: because you have the tentacles and she has tentacles and you both are good at singing
Otto: *mumbling* well if you're going to flatter me then that takes away my anger
Y/N: *kisses his cheek*
Max: hey look at me I'm Thor look at my muscles *shows up the costume he got from walmart*
Y/N: *snaps a photo of him*
Max: I hope you made me look good
Y/N: you're Thor of course you're going to look good and you're hot in general so
Max: *all smiley*
Flint: *is very unhappy and comes in the room all stiff* I liked this costume but it's very tight
Everyone else: *starts laughing*
Flint: what's so funny?
Otto: nothing you're a good looking spongebob
Curt: *stumbles in the room wearing a huge ass dinosaur outfit*
Everyone else: what the fuck
Max: there is no way I'm going out to trick or treat with a grown man dressed like a dinosaur
Everyone else: *agreeing*
Curt: your loss I think I look great
Peter needs help with his homework
Everyone: *watching tv in the living room*
Peter: hey guys I had a quick question on this one biology thing-
Everyone: *drops everything and takes his body and goes to his room to help him out*
Otto: so what did you need help on?
Peter: *sort of giddy because everyone dropped everything to help him*
Curt: go on there's no reason to be embarrassed we're all scientists or are equipped with science we can help you out
Everyone: *nods*
Flint: I'm not!
Norman: well then you can go back down and watch twilight with Y/N
Flint: i'll pass, i'm sick of all that vampire sexual tension
Max: true
Peter: anyways i just needed someone to just explain the process of transcription and translation-
Everyone: *gets into a huge argument because they want to help him*
Peter: *tries to speak up* guys!
Flint: this is so dumb you all are such nerds
Max: i'll help you out, Peter!
Otto: no me!
Norman: no me!
Y/N: *comes in the room* what the fuck is going on?
Everyone: *stops arguing*
Peter: i wanted someone to explain transcription and translation to me and they got in this big fight
Y/N: well then since you all got into a huge fight i'll be the one to explain it
Norman: but that isn't fair!
Y/N: shut up or i'll take you to jail
Y/N: *explains it to Peter*
Peter: *all happy* okay thank you!
Y/N: c'mon everyone let's go back down and watch twilight!
Everyone: *groans*
Max: *secretly happy*
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
I am so glad there’s a new black writer writing for my sexy criminal men! I love it😍 Could I request baby daddy rio reacting to the kids letting it slip while they’re at his place that mommy has a new guy friend she hangs out with a lot & they like him?😂 you know that’s not gonna sit with his possessive self! Thank you love!
Aww thank you love.!!
Warning(s) / Excuse any errors. I did not proof read or edit this. But will redo it again once I get off work later today. I stayed up late to get this out, brainstorming. And decided I’ll work on part two when I get off work. Or while I’m at work. 🍷
Here’s Part One…..
Taglist: (to be apart, comment below)
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You and Rio were together for years. After him and his first wife and baby mama broke up, you thought this was a forever thing, a sure thing but it wasn’t. After three years together, you finally ended things.
Of course Rio didn’t take it well, and he was furious. But he let you go.
Together you have three children, twin girls who are the age of three and a one year old son. He was never sentiment on naming the kids after him, but each had his last name. To you, he was Christopher. To the world, his ex wife and his flings.. it was Rio.
You and Rio had been friends since you were teens and he came around your uncle's gym. He had become intrigued with her and he’s wanted her, ever since.  But after their not so mutual break up- they rarely speak unless it’s something to do with the kids or his occasional pop ups to see how you’re doing or try and get you in bed.
But you’ve recently put your foot down, after getting in bed with a whole other man. A man that Rio would put two slugs in without even hesitating. He was just that possessive. To him, you were his. His only. His prized gym. And no one else could have you. Not to hold, not to kiss, touch or have in bed. None of it. Hell, he was so possessive that you knew he linked your number to his phone just to check in and see if there were messages from any man so of course you had a second phone.
You didn’t know how much longer you would be able to keep this relationship a secret, considering you were in deep now. You might be falling for this guy.
“Mmm, we have to stop meeting like this,” you grin from ear to ear, pecking the lips of your boyfriend.
He chuckled, hugging your waist, picking you up. “But I like meetings like this.” You grin, “Oh yeah?” You smirk, “As much as I want to get in it with you, I can’t. I gotta release the babysitter and take the kids to see their dad, it’s his weekend.” He pecked my lip unzipping my blouse, “Oh come on, a quickie,” You bit your lip at the charming and good looking man that stood in front of you, he was just perfect to you in every way, and this suit was making him ten times more attractive.
Rio wouldn’t be caught dead in a suit.
This man was completely different from Rio, in more ways than one. You shook your head. “As much as I want to baby, I can’t go home smelling like you. The kids met you once and that was by accident, I’m not tryna introduce you to them until I know this thing is real. And let’s say, my girls are very noisy.” Your girls knew way more than the average three year olds. They were very smart. Like super smart. They would probably be in Harvard by the time they get eleven years old. They got that from you.
But of course, Rio swears they get his smarts.
“Alright,” he sighed deeply. He hated the fact you wouldn’t let him in, no matter how hard he tried. You wouldn’t let him in. But if he only knew, no matter how hard your feelings were growing for him, you were still very much in love with your first love. Rio.
God, although this man was good in bed. He wasn’t as good as Rio. Not nearly. Was he as big? Maybe, maybe not. But Rio could have you orgasming in your sleep. That’s how good of a love maker he was. Rio showed his love through sex, hell, lots and lots of sex. He did this little trick in the bedroom that would send shots down your spine, just one touch from him…
You feel it. That was Rio.
“Talk later,” you kiss his cheek walking out his office
Fixing yourself as you stepped onto the elevator. You made sure you were straight. Putting your Prada hand bag over your shoulder, you proceeded off the elevator. Putting on your shades, you walked out, your valet brought you your car. You walked around and got in your jaguar and drove home.
“Hi, Anne. Thank you.” You smiled at her.
She nods. “Yes ma’am. Anytime,” handing her pay, she left. “Mommy!” The girls came running to you, you smiled hugging them back. “Hi my beauties. Are you all ready for a stay with daddy?” They grinned nodding. “Mommy, you look so pretty.” You smiled from ear to ear, Kids always had a way of putting a smile on your face, no matter when or where. And they always told the truth.
“Thanks baby, so are both of you. Come on, get ready. Don’t want to leave your dad waiting.”
You rang the doorbell, looking around waiting for someone to answer and he did. The girls grinned from ear to ear. “Daddy!” They ran and hugged his neck. He lifted them both up kissing their cheeks. “Hi mamas.”
“Alright girls. I will see you all later.” I kissed their cheeks looking at Rio.
As you walked away, you could feel his stares. “No kisses?” You heard him shout, throwing up your middle finger, you got in the car and left to do your daily routine whenever you didn’t have the kids.
While you did your thing, he was back home with the kids. “Marco, son, take your brother and put him in the bed, make sure you put pillows behind him like I told you.” Marco took his baby brother and went upstairs, he smiled watching his girls play with the dolls he had recently got them to play with, sitting on the floor with his back against the couch.
“Mamas, I've been missing you two.”
They looked over at him. “We've been missing you too.” They smile at him before returning back to their dolls, “How your mom been?” Rio couldn’t deny how much he still loved you and hoped you two would get your shits together and get back together, but you never agreed with what he did for a living. At least not since you started having kids with him. Afraid that your kids would be without a father and that was always your biggest fear.
“Mommy’s good, she has a new boyfriend. He seems nice,” Y/F/D/N spoke.
Rio’s eyes shot up, anger built up in him and all he wanted to know was more. Who was this guy? Where could he find him? How long had you been seeing him? How come he never found out about him.
“Oh? She does?”
They both nod their head. “Yeah, he’s nice. But mama doesn’t bring him around much, she says he’s just a friend but we know better.” They giggle, he slightly clenched his jawline than laughed it off. “And you two seen him? What does he look like?” They continued to comb their dolls' hairs. “Mm, he’s tall, a little taller than you. He looks black. He has this weird hair do, and sometimes he wears suits.” He brushed his jawline, texting someone he trusted to watch the kids. His ex wife. He knew she would do right by them and make sure they were straight until he returned home.
“Thanks for doing this.” He nods.
She nodded while walking in the house. He looked back at the girls. “Daddy has to step out for a little bit, give me some kisses?” They ran and kissed them. The entire drive to your house. He tried to keep his composure. Keep calm so he wouldn’t say something that could tick you off, the both of you were stubborn and had a mouth on you. One of the reasons you two broke up.
He pulled up in your yard, your car was parked. You couldn’t been too long got home cause your hood was still not, he peeped inside trying to find any clue on this mysterious man you were seeing, walking around the side of the house; the wrap around sidewalk, he finally made it to your front door, he knocked and rang the door bell at the same time, hearing your shouts. “I’m coming! I’m coming, damn!” He chuckled low. The door swung open,
“Hey mama.”
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