#am: 001.
flopbftheo · 4 months
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ct-anon · 1 month
Hello again, Rotomblr.
Let me say, I am very impressed at the amount of reception my prior poll got, I believe it’ll be good if I continue doing this.
For my second week poll, considering recent events with an old friend of mine.
(Reminder, I, nor anyone else, can see who responds in a poll. Respond truthfully, please.)
Feel free to answer, reblogging with an explanation garners more attention, which garners more answers. Reminder this is about your current region, though if you have anything to say about a prior region that’s also fine.
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yall ever think about how Jon becomes both the anglerfish and its victim
In reading the statement he locks himself onto the path to his own destruction but also to becoming the figure in the shadows waiting to ask a question. He will lure you in, unassuming, and then it’s too late. The anglerfish goes after smokers, like Jon, and becoming an avatar functions as an addiction metaphor… what a podcast
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drmikhailov · 1 month
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Dulce carnis - part 1
I ain't waiting another week to get to a scanner lmao, looks good enough when photographed with a phone
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realpontchartrain · 4 days
The biggest perk to my heart face tattoo is when my lovers kiss it. Out of all places they could kiss me on the face, it’s gotta be right here. On my cutie mark.
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bananasbyler · 3 months
(Fuck it, I’m not getting sleep anyway. OKAY so regarding my last post, I forgot the first episode is called The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler. Also pigtails… I’m an idiot sometimes.
Also, I haven’t been in the ST loop in a while because the fandom was so dead a few months ago 😭 I didn’t even know about the Holly recast or teasers or whatever.)
ANYWAY let’s get into it:
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Holly’s delivering a box of some sort in Vecna’s mailbox? My first thought was her being a girl scout but it doesn’t seem like the right outfit.
He’s looking normal, which must mean it’s a mind trick, deception, or upside down related of some sort since we know what happened to him physically in s4.
He’s wearing clothes typically worn in the 50s, when he was a kid, but in the role of an adult man or working father now. Again, another reason why this must be a “vision” or a new (?) power.
*I’d like to note the Poltergeist 2 nod as well, which is even more compelling.
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Why is she seen at a U.S. military base (?) with Mike and Will. Is it some sort of Hawkins or California protection for people who know more (like Will, Hopper, Joyce, etc. with Dr. Owens)?
Or something to do with Holly’s package? Possibly a school project, which is why Mike and Will accompany her? They all seemingly came from school, considering the backpacks. How do they go from all 3 of them at the military base to her being alone with Vecna?
Mike and Will could have an argument, leaving Holly to go off on her own while they’re not watching. Mike could also pull the older sibling threatens younger sibling to stay put/go away/keep a secret but the younger sibling doesn’t and goes off and gets into trouble trope. I’m not sure if that’s really his character, but he is pretty whiny and Nancy did the same to him.
*Side note: their arm bands read MP, idk if that’s important.
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Also, Mike is wearing the same outfit for the Holly scene and the one-on-one scene with El where he doesn’t seem upset or distressed. Meaning this is before or during when she disappears.
The bricks of the buildings look similar but not completely the same in the El photos and military photos. Top of the military base maybe? Or the radio station photos where the bricks seem closer in matching, and more weathered looking?
My best guess is Mike is already meeting up with El, (maybe at the base or station?) he tells Holly to stay with Will, then Will loses Holly somehow (maybe he’s blinded by a vision or feeling. Or just simply loses her?), Holly talks with Vecna and disappears, all the while Mike is having his talk with El. He might blame himself or… unfortunately… Will. Thus creating a weird full circle of the one who disappeared (The Vanishing of Will Byers) lost the new one who disappeared (The Vanishing of Holly Wheeler)
Alternative: He blames Holly? (Doubt)
Alternative: Will and Mike both go to see El, Will leaves earlier than Mike, Mike loses Holly.
Alternative: these events take place throughout the day rather than a sequence.
Alternative: the events of this storyline take place over a number of episodes but probably ends the first episode with showing Holly going missing.
Alternative: They’re all meeting up with the party at the radio place.
Alternative: ??? Tell me some theories in the replies bc I’m seriously interested :] :3
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bllshtbel · 10 months
tom blyth as coriolanus snow has the same energy as jamie campbell bower as 001. i don’t make the rules about slutty blonde psychopaths i just observe and then report okay?
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elkdiaries · 1 year
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excuse me.
for reference, these photos are taken from the opening scenes of season three episode one, and then from the final scenes in season four episode nine.
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livwritesstuff · 11 months
2002, established relationship, dads!steddie living in boston with their 1yo daughter, another excerpt of this bc i think it's my actual fav part
“I’m done with this goddamn city,” Ed yelled up the stairs, “So fuckin’ serious, Steve. I’m out.”
Steve sighed, well-acquainted with this one of Ed’s many tirades.
Just as he was standing up from where he’d been sitting at his desk looking over some notes and prepping for a counseling session later that afternoon, he heard the door shut loudly (though not a full slam, he noted, because Ed had Moe with him). He headed out into the hallway in time to see Ed coming up the stairs, Moe balanced in one arm.
“What happened now?” Steve asked.
“An idiot BU kid driving Daddy’s Lexus almost T-boned me with Moe in the backseat because — apparently — red lights are just a fucking suggestion here.”
“I mean…I’m pretty sure you ran every red light in Hawkins when you were nineteen.”
It wasn’t a helpful comment, per se, and Steve knew that, but when Ed was riled up like this, there really weren’t any helpful comments available.
“That’s entirely different,” Ed countered, passing Moe over to him so he could pull off his own jacket, “There’s, like, six people on the road at any given moment in Hawkins, and two traffic lights.”
“Okay, well, we can move, love,” Steve said tiredly, steadily approaching his limit for how many times he could listen to Eddie rant about this particular issue without taking any sort of real action to solve it, “Nobody said we had to stay in Boston. Also — we can actually afford to buy a house now, so…”
“Wha— we can?”
“A down payment, yeah.”
“The fuck is a downpayment?”
“Uh…” Steve paused. He’d long since become comfortable with his role in his and Ed’s finances — being that he’s almost entirely in charge of them. He knew that Ed had grown up worrying about money in a way that Steve never had to so he actually liked being able to take over that part of their life together. He liked being able to let Ed not think about it (even though sometimes it meant that his thirty-five-year-old life partner asked him what a goddamn down payment was), “It’s kind of like putting a security deposit down on an apartment, except instead of for securing a lease, it’s for securing a loan — sort of. That’s…there’s better ways of explaining it, and there’s a lot more to it, but it’s sort of like we’re paying a certain amount of the mortgage upfront to prove that we’re committed to paying it off month-to-month.”
“How much is it?”
“Depends,” Steve shrugged, running a hand over Moe’s hair as she started to doze off, her head drooping down to rest on his shoulder, “Pretty sure twenty percent is considered, like, ideal, or something, so it all comes down to what our budget is.”
“What’s our budget?”
Steve leveled an eyebrow at him.
“What?” Ed asked.
“Do you actually wanna know? Because when I tried to show you our electric bill last week you pretended to be asleep.”
“Uh — buying a fuckin’ house together is totally different from you reprimanding me about leaving the heat on too long.”
“I don’t think I’d have to reprimand you anymore if you saw the electric bill.”
“Okay — yes, Stevie, I actually would like to be involved in our finances just this once because I care very, very deeply about us buying a house. I really do.”
“Alright,” he replied, knowing he still sounded a tad skeptical, “I mean, if you actually wanna know about this stuff, I’ve got some spreadsheets I’ve been using to keep track of that kind of thing, and we can—”
“Baby, if you wanted to talk about spreading sheets, all you had to do was ask,” Ed grinned wickedly, an expression that slowly began to fade as his eyes slid off of Steve’s and onto the opposite wall, probably as he considered how wise a comment that had been to make.
Steve stared at him for a long while.
“Okay,” he finally said, “I’m gonna go put our child down for a nap. If in that time you decide you can be a grownup while we talk about spending a fuck-load of money on property we’ll own and be entirely responsible for, let me know.”
“You got it, man.” 
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vampiricgf · 1 month
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gellertalbus · 2 years
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Jamie Campbell Bower → I am
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flopbftheo · 2 months
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via swofthemoment
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Full video of me asking a question and Jamie answering!!! (Cut out Tom’s answer due to the fact it was too long! I’m forever grateful!!)
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ludencore · 8 months
Closed starter for @cherryblossommuses
The scrawny teenager launched herself at the fence, fingers scrabbling for purchase. As she got a tentative grip she pulled her knees high, trainers squeaking in protest when they slipped against the smooth, cool metal. With one final heave, she managed to get herself over the fence, and she collapsed onto the ground on the other side. Her calves ached sharply and there was a searing pain in her chest as she struggled to bring air into her burning lungs.
Ryan knew she had to be quiet now. The cop hadn’t been far behind her - getting into the backyard of one of the many houses lining the street was her last chance to shake him. The fresh evening breeze was a welcome distraction, cooling the sweat dripping from her face. She closed her eyes, focusing on keeping her breathing shallow and quiet. It was only a moment later that she heard the cop’s footsteps, heavy on the pavement in the laneway. He didn’t stop near her, but she did hear him hesitate as he reached where the lane opened to the road. He cursed, and Ryan let out the breath she’d subconsciously been holding.
The small girl had woken not even an hour ago in a bedroom that didn’t belong to her. Ryan had no idea how she’d ended up there, but she’d noticed how wrong everything was. Colours looked off, the air tasted strange. She’d only had a moment to try to orient herself before the door had opened, followed quickly by the ear-piercing scream of the teenage girl who stood in the doorway. A huge man had come running, grabbed her by the bicep, hauled her into the kitchen and pushed her down onto a chair. He’d demanded to know who she was and why she was in his house, but even if Ryan had known the answer to his questions she was still too disoriented and confused to speak. The policeman had arrived ten minutes later, and when he tried to lead her to his car, Ryan made a break for it.
That was how she found herself now in a strangers backyard, back pressed against the fence, desperately trying not to panic. If she let herself think for too long she started to spiral into what would be a total breakdown, and she knew she couldn’t let that happen until she was safe.
But how would she know when she was safe? She hadn’t had a real sense of safeness ever in her whole 16 years of life. Still, she pushed the thoughts away, needing to keep herself grounded so she could figure out what the hell to do next.
Ryan allowed herself one minute to sit there before she finally looked up and examined her surroundings. Nothing unusual, just a normal looking yard. Luckily no people.
When she stood up, though, a light flicked on, illuminating the whole yard and momentarily blinding the girl. Panic again filled her chest, but this time Ryan could do nothing but freeze in place. It was lucky she did, as a few moments later the light flickered off again.
Uncertainly, the teenager lowered herself back into a crouch, ignoring the way her legs felt like jelly beneath her.
Had someone seen her?
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it’s taking if forever but I’m doing it
I’ve got so many freaking ideas on what I’m gonna do when this thing is done
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wrldofmyown · 6 months
continued. || @elpida
Isabella had just put his kid to bed and dozed off for what felt for ten minutes at the most but turned out to be nearly an hour and was woken up by the sound of running water and some clinking sounds, like someone was fumbling and stumbling around with things. Quietly exiting the room, she made her way towards the source of the sound and the image she stumbled upon was enough to well up her eyes with tears. Her voice was trembling and her steps towards Cade were hesitant.
" 'is alright' -- Are you serious?" Isabella tried to keep her voice low in volume to not wake up his child, but it was full of anger and concern. And then he turned around and her heart sank but at the same time a knot formed in her throat as her hand covered her mouth. "How on Earth did this happen?" Isa took a step in his direction and her hand reached for his, her eyes traveled his bruised and bloody figure, and it might've lingered a little longer on his chest despite how poorly he looked.
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The woman pulled him but only so she could make room for herself to take the first aid kid stashed inside the cupboard. "I know you're tough but that doesn't give you a pass on comin' home like this! What if it hadn't been me who heard you? What if your kid had seen the state you're in?" Granted, she shouldn't be reacting this way. Without any context, Cade was only paying Isabella to babysit his kid when he wasn't home and with added context, Cade was an old friend of her family and so she was entrusted with his kid while she didn't have a job. Izzy instructed him to take a seat and she prepared a few things to clean him up and patch him properly.
"This is gonna sting like hell but you signed up for it," she warned as she gently tapped the cotton ball around the area of his cuts. Her fingertips very gently traced his features as she wiped away the dried blood stains. "You're gonna have to take a bath after I'm done with you." The man was stunning and it was proving difficult to stay focused but she was more worried about making sure he was right that it looked worse than it actually was.
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