glittermemories · 4 years
“Rockcandy” MHA: OC Story
Okashi Shuga Hero Agency Internship
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Today the students were informed that they would be joining a Hero Agency for a week. Usually kept only to second and third years, the classes of 1-a and 1-b did such and outstanding job that many heroes wanted them over others. They received offers based on the way they performed in the Sports Festival and they chose from those offers. Though the students who didn’t receive offers were still required to participate from 40 other agencies, each with their own specializations in heroism. Before the students chose an agency they still had to choose their hero names. They also had to choose an agency within two days. Mr. Aizawa told the students they had to choose their hero names. All students had a whiteboard and marker in hand “So these names will probably be temporary, but take them seriously…” He was cut off by midnight walking in “Or there will be consequences. The name you pick today could be your name for life. You better be careful or you’ll be stuck with something utterly indecent.” Shuga just kinda cringed at her and mumbled “Aren’t you a little indecent????” She watched gagged a little as she saw Mineta jump up acting like a dog while Sero and Kaminari were drooling. The other girls slightly cringed as well. The class stated “It’s Midnight!”
 Mr. Aizawa looked bored as always “Yeah, she's right. Midnight will have final say over your names. That's not really my forte.” He pulled out his sleeping bag and went to take a nap. Shuga sighed at her uncle and giggled. Kirishima looked to her hearing her giggle “What is it Shuga?” She shook her head “Just my uncle, did he do that before I got here as well?” Kirishima laughed and rubbed the back of his neck “Yeah actually he did. He’s always trying to find some excuse to nap.” She laughed a little louder now “He looks like a caterpillar.” The redhead looked at the napping teacher laughing too “He does actually! I never thought about that.” As they were speaking amongst themselves and giggling the room turned and stared at them. Midnight made a cough sound “Ehem..Mrs. Okashi, is there a reason you and your boyfriend are disrupting class?” The two teens both jumped a little and she was still giggling “I-i’m sorry...pfft...Mrs. Midni-ght. It-it won’t happen a-agai-n..hehe!” Midnight smirked at her “Well I don’t think it will be too funny if I move you away from your what do you call him? Shark boy, and place you next to Mineta?” The girl immediately stopped laughing as she looked too Kirishima in horror. She heard the disgusting mumblings of the purple haired boy only to see that Kirishima had turned and threw a book at him “Stop being such a pervert and show her some respect you weirdo! Next time it won’t be a book, it will be my fist!” Shuga turned as Midnight continued to stare at her and let Mineta be hit by the book hearing an audible thunk “Well?” The pinkette blushing and feeling threatened just bowed and grabbed the back of Kirishima's head bowing him down as well “I-i’m sorry Mrs. Midnight! It- it won’t happen again! PLEASEDON’TMAKEMESITNEXTTOTHATPURPLEFREAK!” 
Kirishima removed her hand from his head and held it tightly still bowing “S-sorry Mrs. Midnight ma’am!” Midnight started laughing “PFFT You should see your faces. It's adorable, the fact that he defends you and demands respect for you is very admirable. I almost lost composure when Okashi forced you to bow as well after assaulting Mineta. You two really are a cute couple.” She stopped laughing “Anyway, I think that was enough embarrassment for you two for one day. Sit back down and lets continue class.” 
They both sat back in their seats still blushing “Y-yes ma’am!” After Shuga had calmed down she saw Kirishima was still blushing staring straight at his table. She squeezed his had a little and leaned on him like always. He gripped her hand back “I-i won’t let anyone say such disgusting things about you.” She smiled up at him “I know..” She slowly sat back up still holding his hand. They both put their attention back on Midnight. “I will give you a bit to come up with a name and I'll let you know if they are good or not. Then I'll let those of you who I think need to a change do so.” She sat there and the students chatted among themselves. Kirishima was talking to Bakugo and Shuga decided to stay to herself and pop her earbuds in. She put on some music and started mumbling to the song “You know who it is...I’m a goddess with a blade..”. She wrote a few names down still singing “So can you handle what were all about? Were so tough, not scared to show you up...up..” She didn’t like them so she erased it. “Can you feel the rush now?” She continued to write out more names “Ain’t nobody bringing us down...down, down, down, down,” she stopped writing part way through and did the hand movements to the song not paying attention to anyone else “they could try but we’re gonna wear the crown. You could go and another round, round, round, round. Wish ya luck but your not bringing us down, down, down, dow-” She looked up after realizing everyone was watching her again. 
Kirishima looked at her “SO CUTE!!!” He hugged her tightly and the rest of the class agreed “SUPER CUTE!!” She giggled but stopped looking to Midnight. Midnight was ogling her with heart eyes “NOW I SEE WHY THEY CALL YOU THE SWEETHEART OF 1-A!!” Bakugo scoffed “She’s not that cute...maybe just a little bit.....” Midnight calmed herself “OK! Enough excitement for now! Who wants to go first???” Everyone was nervous now but a light bulb went off in Shuga’s head and she quickly wrote down her name. First up was Aoyama. He walked up and everyone looked at him they mumbled among themselves once more “Hold your breath. The Shining Hero: I can not stop twinkling!” He held up his hands and Midnight agreed to the name but shortened it to “Can’t stop twinkling” Everyone just cringed at his name “Are you kidding?!” 
Next was Aishido she went with “Alien Queen” but Midnight cringed at the thought of the monstrous alien creature from that Scifi horror film “I don’t think so! Next!” Shuga just looked at her “You accepted Can’t stop twinkling but not Alien Queen...ok then..weird standards.” Everyone was slightly shaken by the first two names and decided that they all needed to come up with something good. The next one was Asui “I think I've got one! Mind if I try next?” Midnight agreed to her request “Come on up!” The green haired girl walked up to the front “I’ve had this one in mind since grade school “Rainy Season Hero: Froppy.” Midnight loved it “What a good name! It makes you sound approachable! What a great example of a name everyone will love!” Everyone cheered after that. Her name made everyone less stressed. 
The next up was Kirishima “I’ve got mine too! The Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!” Midnight popped in “Red Riot? You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot yes?” Kirishima responded “Yeah, I want to be just like he was. He may be old school but Crimson was always my favorite hero.” She smiled “If your bearing the name of someone you look up to you have that much more to live up to.” He nodded “ I accept the challenge!” He went back to his seat as Jiro went up next. Shuga greeted him when he got back. She was fangirling, “Red Riot! Thats so...so dreamy!!” He blushed “Thanks Shuga.” She smiled brightly “It suits you so well! I just love it!” He ruffled her hair and kissed her forehead “I love you so much.” She blushed “I love you too!” Jiro walked up to the front with a small smile “The Hearing Hero: I’m Earphone Jack.” Midnight immediately approved “Now that's a good one!” 
Next was Shoji “The Tentacle Hero: Tetacole” Midnight went on to say that she liked the idea of his name and how it combined tentacle and tako(octopus). After him was Sero “The Taping Hero: Cellophane.” Then Oijiro “The Martial Arts Hero: Tailman.” Then Sato “The Sweets Hero: Sugarman” Next Aishido again she shouted “PINKY!” Midnight loved it. Next was Kaminari “The Stun Gun Hero: I’m Chargebolt! Electric don’t ya think?” Of course the ravenette swooned and agreed with his name. After him was Hagakure “The Stealth Hero!: Invisible Girl!” Midnight spoke up “That really suits you!” 
She asked more people to come up, Mr. Aizawa still napping in his sleeping bag “Now come on who’s up next!” Yaoyorozu went up “I hope I can live up to this name, I’m the Everything Hero: Creati.” Midnight gleefully spoke again “That puts the create in creative!” After her was Todoroki “Shoto.” The black haired woman was slightly disappointed “Just your name? That's it?” Todoroki just nodded “Mmhm.” Next was Tokoyami “Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi.” Midnight swooned once again “Oooh god of the night!” Then Mineta went up and everyone just kinda ignored him “Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice” Next Bakugo went. He slammed his board on the stand and shouted “King Explosion Murder.” Midnight didn’t like it at all “I’m gonna say that one is a little too violent.” Bakugo yelled back at her “HUH WHAT DO YA MEAN??” Kirishima spoke up mocking him, “Why don’t you be Explosion boy?” Bakugo snapped “QUIET WEIRD HAIR!” Shuga just giggled next to him.
 Ochaco was getting ready and went up as Bakugo still fought about his name. “Ok my turn. This is the name I thought of Uravity.” Midnight loved it and noticed that choosing the names went by faster than she thought it would “Ok all we have left is Bakugo who needs to rethink his, Iida, Midoriya aaaand OH Yes,  Okashi!” Iida sat there writing, he was going to choose Ingenium like his brother but opted not to “Tenya” Midnight was surprised but let it go she called up Midoriya and he went to the front, he had a determined look on his face as he set down his board to show everyone. The class was shocked Kaminari spoke up “Are you sure about that?” Kirishima agreed “Yeah man, that could be your name forever.” He spoke up “Right, I used to hate it, but then something changed. I guess someone taught me that it could have a different meaning, and that had a huge impact on how I felt, so now i really like it.” He paused “Deku, that has to be my code name.” Bakugo glared while Ochaco smiled brightly. Shuga nodded with a smile as well silently agreeing on the name. She thought it was a cute name actually.
 Next up was her turn she was a little nervous but quickly finished writing hers out. She slowly walked up to the front blushing, she put her board face down. Midnight noticed her sudden shyness and encouraged her “Its ok whatever name you chose will be perfect.” Bakugo yelled “WHAT?! WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HERS IS YET AND YOU ALREADY APPROVE? WHAT ABOUT MINE?” After that outburst the girl laughed “Ka-chan, your name...pfft..it sounds like a villain, of course you have to change it.” He just muttered and sat down in a huff. That was enough for her to gain her confidence back she held up the board “Ehem...I choose Magical Girl: Amaimaho.” The class was silent and Midnight held both of the girls hands “AHHHH “Sweet Magic” Its so perfect! I love it so much! Job well done I approve your name!” The class agreed and gained heart eyes everyone loved her name and told her what they thought. 
She thanked them and sat back down next to Kirishima. It was now his time to swoon over her “Amaimaho! Its so cute!” He hugged her rubbing his cheek on her head “So cute! So cute! I’m glad I have such and adorable girlfriend like you!” She giggled and hugged him back “T-thank you Eijiro.” Finally Bakugo went up again he only change one word “LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!” Midnight rejected his name for a final time stating that he only changed one thing. 
The students went to their respective agencies Midoriya to Gran Torino, Todoroki to Endevor, Bakugo to Best Jeanist, Iida to Manual, Ochaco to Gun Head, Asui to Selkie, Kirishima to Fourth Kind, Yaoyorozu to Uwabami, Mineta to Mt. Lady, Tokoyami to Hawks, Jiro to Death Arms, Tetsutetsu also to Fourth Kind, Kendo also to Uwabami, and Okashi also to Mt. Lady while taking special training with Mr. Aizawa. 
Everyone kept in contact through texts and emails if their cities were farther away then normal. While everyone was at their internships Shuga was doing both an internship and doing training early in the morning with her uncle at 5 am, which was not something she expected him to be ok with but it was his idea. The girl woke up and went through her normal routine but instead of leaving her hair down she put it up in a high ponytail. She noticed that despite it being early she was excited instead of tired. She threw on a tank top that said “Magical girl in training” on it and some black workout pants with some pink trainers. She grabbed a spare set of clothing and other things she’d need after training for when she headed to her internship. She grabbed her wand off its stand shoving it into the bag and noticed her little furball stretch and get up “Hmm up early i see? Going to training with your uncle?” the black cat waited for Shuga to clip her red bow collar on her. Once the girl was finished she scratched her cat behind the ears “Want to come with me today Sparkle?” The roomba she had in her room awoke and started to clean up the glitter trail as the cat jumped on top of it. “Sure!” As she walked out the roomba followed and stopped at the stairs, said cat jumped on the girls shoulder.
 Shuga walked down the stairs yelling to her still sleeping parents that she was off and she locked the door behind her heading out of the house. She met up with her uncle who was in his sleeping bag waiting for her at the entrance of the school. She slowly crouched down moving some of his hair out of his face “Uncle, wake up. You can’t just sleep on the street, you look homeless.” He opened an eye lazily “Well I thought to rest before you got here.” She smiled sweetly at him “I know uncle you work so hard for the whole class, even if they don’t notice it. I know why you are so tired all the time…” She stood up brushing off her pants “BUT, this was your idea and I'm excited to get started!” She held out her hand for him. He looked up into her gold eyes exasperated “Your right Sweets, lets go.” He unzipped the bag and grasped her hand as she pulled him up “I can’t wait. So what kind of training will we be doing?” He was about to answer when they heard footsteps behind them the pinkette turned around to see a purple haired boy. He looked sleepy and slightly reminded her of Aizawa. She spoke “Hi? Hitoshi? What are you doing here? Uncle?” Hitoshi looked to Mr. Aizawa “H-hey I hope i’m not late. And hey to you too Okashi-chan.”
 Her uncle nodded and said “He will be training with you, we will focus more on hand to hand combat with you. Being a magical girl gives you a slight advantage, making you stronger but you have yet to have to use it, you have managed to keep enemies at a distance for an attack. This should help with close combat situations.” She nodded “Cool! This is exciting, I can’t wait to spar with you! Your quirk is so cool!” He blushed a bit and rubbed the back of his neck “Thank you.” They all continued on into an open field area by the school. She sat her stuff down by a tree, also pulling out her wand. Her cat walked up to the purple haired boy begging for pets. Luckily he loves cats. He was a little shocked when it spoke to him “Pet me! Pet me!” Shuga turned around, a ball of light surrounding her, then it dissipated leaving her in her purple hairstyle and ornament. “Give me the power of Cure Sunshine!” her ornament turned into a yellow flower with a small orange ribbon. 
She put her wand away and walked up to Hitoshi “You really are a magical girl!” She giggled “That's what everyone always says. Who’s to say if I am or not? All I know is that I'm going to kick your butt!” He smirked and put the cat down “Oh really? Well then I hope you know I won't go down without a fight.” She smiled “That's what I was hoping for.” Mr. Aizawa called them over to him and taught them the basics of hand to hand and close combat. Shuga was told that she would try a small spar with Mr. Aizawa then Hitoshi so they could both grasp her strength and see what to help with . She charged up her abilities as a golden aura surrounded body like a thin cover. She popped in her earbuds and stretched for a second then stood and faced her uncle, the music pumping her up . She put her fists up like he taught her. She ran at him Aizawa not expecting what she did “Sunshine Punch!” she aimed her fist but he caught her wrist and tried to block only for her to use her arm as leverage. She flipped her body over his, so she was now behind him causing him to almost fall backward but he let her go and somehow stumbled forwards. 
She used that opportunity and charged up another attack “Sunshine Kick!” He tried to use his quirk on her and erasure her quirk but it failed somehow and she landed a strong blow kicking the man a small distance away. She freaked out “UNCLE!” Hitoshi, who watched the entire thing was also shocked “His quirk didn’t affect her? Is it because they are blood related, no..could it really be…?” She ran over to help him up as he gripped his side “Uncle, your quirk! It failed? Why?” He looked as confused as she was, her cat sauntered over to her “Maybe you really are a magical girl. It could explain a lot actually.” She looked to her pet “Maybe i really am? Maybe this isn’t a quirk at all but something entirely different?” Aizawa looked a bit confused but then nodded “It's a great possibility at this point. But right now I think maybe we should call it quits for today I need to go find recovery girl…” She nodded worried, after the U.S.J. Incident he seemed more tired than usual. “B-but what about Hitoshi?” Said boy walked over to the two “I-it’s ok, I think Mr. Aizawa is more important at the moment. Plus its almost noon we’ve been training for a long time now.” 
The girls eyes widened like saucers “WHAT?!” She looked at her phone “UGH HOW COULD I LET THIS HAPPEN?! MY INTERNSHIP! I have to be there in 5 minutes!” the purple haired boy looked to her again “Its ok, you go. I’ll walk with Mr.Aizawa.” Her uncle was about to protest since he would rather just go back to his sleeping bag and nap. But she gave him a stern look “You go with him. I worry about you a lot uncle. I know you are a Pro-Hero but still.” He finally just relented and agreed “Good now I have to speed off.” She looked at her phone and grabbed her bag, her cat jumping on her shoulder “Hang on sparkle we have to rush.” she held up her wand “Pretty Cure! SHINING FORTISSIMO!” She was bathed in golden light that picked her up, she shot off towards the agency faster than regular Floral Fortissimo. 
She got there just in time, not even getting to change or get less sweaty. She looked kinda messy with glitter covering her body as she ran into the agency. Mt. Lady looked shocked and so did the small toddler like boy which Shuga failed to notice “I’M SORRY MA’AM I’M LATE!” The lady looked at her clock “Hmm a minute late, not too bad. But um why do you look like someone dumped a bucket of glitter on you. And where is your hero suit??” She blushed “u-uh i had special training with my uncle. Mr. Aizawa...Eraser Head. I don’t know if you’ve heard of him.” Mt. Lady laughed “Of course I know him. I’m guessing your Okashi Shuga? What's your hero name?” Shuga was blushing “Ah, its Amaimaho. And this glitter is a side effect of my quirk, so i’m sorry if I get glitter everywhere. I can bring my roomba from home next time.” The blonde laughed some more at the girls flustered state “It’s ok, how about you go get ready and come back we’ll wait for you.” The girl tilted her head to the side “We?”
 She turned as she felt something grab her leg it was Mineta. The girl screeched as she kicked him off of her and into the wall “AHH Oo-h oops.” She walked to him and helped him up “Sorry about that, that's why you just don’t grab girls like that. Gosh learn some manners Mineta. If Eijiro were here he would have done worse than that.” The boy held his nose “Worth it!” She just shoved him back down “Such a pervert. I’ll be back in a moment Mt. Lady.” The blonde nodded. Shuga got situated and went back to where the others where now not covered in glitter. Mt. Lady looked up “That's your hero costume? That looks like cheap workout clothing...” She looked down “Ah no actually this is.” She pulled her wand up and held it up a ball of light surrounding her again as usual. When she came out she was in her outfit and her hair changed it color and style. Her wand grew smaller and she put it in the pouch around her waist. “I hope this is more acceptable.” The blonde smiled “Perfect, it suits you. But today we are going to do something other than fighting villains. We are going to do chores, cooking, cleaning, basics for when Hero’s have down time.” Mineta inwardly cringed and outwardly cried “WHAT! CHORES!” The girl laughed at his pain but answered Mt.Lady “Ah this is great, I'm still kinda sore from my training this morning. I’m excited to cook! I got up so early I forgot to grab the bento I made for Eijiro last night.”
 Mt. Lady giggled “Oooh Eijiro? Is that a boyfriend I here?” Shuga blushed “Y-yes..he is. We’ve been together for a while now. First name basis and everything. I usually make lunch for him but I forgot it today.” The blonde spoke up “Then I guess cooking is first. After you come back from your boyfriend's place we will continue.” She blushed like a tomato “O-oh I just have to bring it to the agency he’s working at. He’s interning as well.” Mt. Lady nodded “What agency?” She thought for a moment “I believe the agency belongs to a hero named...oh what was it...OH Fourth Kind.” She smiled “Ah a chivalrous hero. Fourth Kind, I met him before. If your boyfriend is the rowdy kind he’ll whip him into shape.” She thought for a moment “Rowdy, He’s not rowdy pfft. He's strong and kind. I think that should be a good agency for him.” Well we have a long day and it already 1:30. If you want to get to him before lunch is over we should get started now. Also Mineta you can start by sweeping and mopping the office.”
 The small boy cried over his suffering but went along anyways. Shuga had cooked her hardest, wiping the sweat from her brow, and admiring her handy work. It was just a basic two compartment bento. The bottom was half rice with steamed vegetables and the top was Karaage chicken, those little octopus hotdogs, rolled tomago and some fruit with a small cup of whipped cream on the side. She wrapped it up in a red flannel fabric pack and turned to Mt.Lady “Alright i’m going to head out now i’ll be back soon!” She walked out and wondered if she should use her quirk or if she should just walk there. She decided to just walk there instead. She texted Kirishima but he didn’t respond, so she sped up her walking a bit, worried that she might have missed him and he was already starting whatever his internship entailed
. Once she finally got to the Agency where Fourth Kind was she heard a small commotion inside. She slowly and quietly walked inside hearing something about idiots and tea. She saw the four armed man about to punch Kirishima which infuriated her “GOLDEN AEGIS!” she held up her one hand having to fight to hold the barrier up. Kirishima turned around “Shuga?!” Fourth Kind was shocked as he stared at the golden sunflower shield floating in front of him, “Who are you?” She glared at him “Get your meaty fists away from him! I’m Magical Girl: Amaimaho. And it looks like from what Mt. Lady said you aren’t as chivalrous as you look. Who goes around punching their interns!” Kirishima laughed and walked up to her at the misunderstanding “Shuga it’s ok. I’m sorry for the way this looks. Of course to someone who hasn’t been here it would look like he’s abusing us, but he only hits us with our quirks activated.” She walked over to him and hugged him “Sorry. I just got nervous since you didn’t answer your phone, and then hearing that I didn’t know what to think.” 
He hugged her back “Well i’m alright, I’ll make sure no matter what, I'll always be ok. I will always come back to you everyday.” She pulled away and smiled “Alright! I promise to do the same then! I didn’t mean to cause such a commotion.” He just admired her bright smile when Fourth Kind started to speak “I’m sorry little lady for the misunderstanding but I require no cellphones in the workplace. Besides…” She walked up to him, smiled, and bowed “I understand Mr. Fourth Kind Sir…” but her smile turned menacing and her anguish rivaled Bakugos “But if I catch you touching my sweet shark boy again i’ll break your hands…” He backed up nervously, Tetsutetsu slowly inched behind Kirishima “Dude, your girlfriend is really scary when she’s mad.” Kirishima called out to her to distract her “Shuga. Why did you come here by the way? I mean i’m happy to see you but what about your internship?” 
She immediately switched to being super sweet and she walked back over to him which in turn freaked out the other two people in the room. She held up the red flannel wrapped container “Oh! So with Mt. Lady she wanted us to focus on what to do when waiting to be called out. So basically chores. Plus...I always make you lunch…” She blushed “I-i kinda forgot about it this morning because of the early training with Eraser Head. I had to be up at 5am so I was going to grab it but rushed out of the house. I didn’t want uncle to have to wait.” He blushed as well “B-but we aren’t in classes at the moment plus you’d have to travel all the way here everyday. And if you have to be up early and then go to your internship and then come here your going to get so tired.” She looked down pouting “I always make lunch for you…always.” He hugged her giggling at her pouting face “I’m so lucky to have such a sweetheart like you. Thank you and if you ever get too tired its ok to take a break. Please promise me you will do so if that happens?” She nodded and hugged him tightly once more. 
He kissed her forehead “Ok, i’m sure you have to get back to your internship now. So I'll take the bento.” She pulled away and kissed his cheek “Here you go! I hope you like it! I made your favorite! Karaage chicken. I’ll be on my way now.” She gave him one last quick kiss on the lips and ran out “Bye Eijiro! I’ll see you tomorrow!” He blushed then shook his head “That silly girl.” The other two people in the room just stared at the doorway scared and confused. A few days later Mt. Lady sent Shuga out to Hosu city to pick up some special supplies and ingredients to cook with. “Why did I have to come all the way out here for Fish? A frying pan from Hosu? a red flannel...and jeans that have “shark boy” on the legs ...IS THIS A JOKE? Where am I even supposed to find pants that say that?” She called the blonde woman “Hi. Yeah. So, like wHAT the heck is THIS LIST? SHARK BOY PANTS? A RED FLANNEL? Where do i even find pants THAT SAY THAT!!?” Mt. Lady responded “I-i thought it would be cute! Also i found them at a store there. I don’t know why they had those but I was so excited and thought of you and Kirishima. Plus think of this as a slight vacation from all the hard work you’ve been doing.”
 The girl just sighed “Ok. Fine. I kinda will. I’ll be back soon though. But what is the store called anyway.” the blonde responded “It's literally called Shark Boy ...think of it sort of as Boy London but like they only have girl clothes and it's called Shark Boy. Anyway have fun byeeee!” The pink haired girl stared at her phone making a puffer fish face and then sighed and put her phone away. “Might as well get this over with.” She had acquired all of the other supplies other than the pants and a red flannel. She finally found the store and walked in looking nervous. She walked up to the counter the employee putting things in a box. She looked at him and he turned to her “Hello welcome to Shark Boy!” She gave him a strange look “Eijiro? What did you do to your hair? What are you doing in Hosu city? What about your internship?” The guy looked at her and blushed. He was the spitting image of Kirishima but with orange hair. He coughed “hehe sorry Dudette. My name is Kevin and I've like never seen you before in my life. I think I'd remember meeting a girl with pink curly hair.” 
She looked at him closely, she didn’t see the scar that Kirishima has over his eye and she saw he had straight teeth like Sero instead of sharp ones. She quickly bowed “I-i’m so sorry. You look almost identical to my boyfriend, but his hair is red and he has a small scar over his right eye. He also has sharp teeth because of his quirk. A-anyway, um could you help me find a red flannel and jeans that say Shark Boy on them.” The boy told her it was ok and proceeded to help her shop around she found the items needed. The flannel had a picture of a shark on the back, the pants were skinny jeans that had the word “Shark” on one side and “Boy” on the other with a small shark on the back pocket. She paid, thanked the boy and left. As she was walking back she noticed it was getting dark. “Oh i should probably hurry and get back to Mt Lady.” As she was walking to the train station, she saw a familiar hero.
 Well in her eyes a flaming trash bag. It was the number two hero Endeavor. “Oh what the hell is this?!” She inwardly cringed as she despised this man so much since she learned what he did to Todoroki. She tried to walk past only to see a girl in front of him holding what appeared to be a flaming baseball bat with nails in it. The girl seemed to be trying to threaten him. She had on a white hoodie that basically looked like a dress on her small figure. She had on those black cat tights and a tail was slowly swaying behind her. The girl also had a white mask that was cat shaped and covered her whole face. It had a poorly drawn on face. Shuga stopped “HEY! WHat do you think your doing?!” 
The girl turned to her “AMAIMAHO...Shuga?! This doesn’t concern you leave! What are you even doing in Hosu City?!” Endeavor folded his arms and huffed this was clearly going to be pointless. The pinkette noticed the short girls stature “Caturnity?..Neko? Why are you trying to attack Endeavor? I mean I don’t like the human dumpster fire either but he’s the number two hero you’ll get killed!” the short girl pointed the bat at him “That...ThAT THING..HE’S A MONSTER!! I don’t even know where Touya is anymore! I can’t find him no matter how hard I try, I...I thought I had found his trail...but really it was this foul creature!” Endeavor was about to protest at them “I told you Touya is de-”  but the shorter girl turned “SHUT IT FIRE BOY!” She looked at her old friend “Look I know how much Toya means to you. I know how hard you’ve searched. But this is not the way to do it and you know it!” The white clad girl snapped her fingers putting them in an alternate universe where time seemed to take an eternity. The world looked like it was in an apocalypse a flaming trash can nearby. Endeavor was frozen but could hear everything the strange girl said. The girl took off her mask to reveal her one green eye and one yellow eye both of them cat-like, the pupils slits. She removed her hood and growled lowly as tears streamed down her face, her furry ears on the top of her white hair laid flat as she gave in and dropped to the ground throwing the bat away from her. 
“Touya...he was all I had besides you. But you got into UA because of your uncle and then I never saw you again. I saw him years ago. I followed him everywhere, keeping a distance, sleeping in alley near buildings he stayed in, I didn’t want to scare him away and lose him again. I knew he ran away because of that flaming jerks stupid mad desire to be number one.” Said man looked surprised and was about to say that it was impossible that whoever she followed was Touya but the cat girl gave him a look that could kill and yelled  “YOU! You can never be number one, not with your sick attitude towards your own children…” She screamed “YOU CALLED HIM USELESS GARBAGE. WELL GUESS WHAT IF ANYONE IS USELESS IT'S YOU! I…..I can’t stand to look at you. HE WAS ALL I HAD AND YOU TOOK THAT FROM ME.” The man just stood there unable to move, and now unable to speak as a black creature crawled up his back and covered his mouth from behind. 
The girl sat there sobbing as her head started to hurt. Shuga was kneeling next to her and hugged her tightly “Look, Don’t you worry. We’ll find him again one day trust me we will.  You can come with me, mom loves you. She’ll definitely let you stay with us and i’ll convince Uncle and Mt. Lady to give you recommendations, i’m sure they’ll let you in the hero course, with your cat reflexes and alternate reality quirk i’m sure they’ll let you into U.A.” The girl looked at her “Please don’t leave me. Please! I can’t deal with anything alone anymore!” Shuga hugged her just as tightly “Never again. Now come on let's go. Can we get out of here?” Black figures started climbing on Endeavor the one covering his mouth was whispering horrifying things in his ear. The smaller girl snapped her fingers again releasing them from the scary alternate reality. Endeavor jumped slightly when he was among the regular world. He quickly regained his composure and looked at the girl “Your quirk is strong i’ll give you that. I’ll even give you a recommendation letter.”
 The girls stood up and started walking past him ignoring him. The cat girl made sure she shoved him out of the way with her shoulder “I would never accept a letter from the likes of you. Your a monster.” They both walked on with Shuga carrying her bags. Unbeknownst to her that she got a text from Midoriya calling for help. The girls were unaware of the hero killer, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida fighting until she got on the train heading from Hosu. She read the text and immediately called her uncle “Uncle! Its Midioriya! He’s in trouble. It's the He-” He cut her off already knowing of the situation. “I know, your in Hosu right now right?” She responded “I’m already on the train! I saw the message too late…” He heard the worry in her voice “It’s ok Sweets, it can’t be helped. We already have pros and proper authority on the way. Just come back home and we’ll get it all sorted out.” She agreed with a sigh “Of course. A-also Uncle…” He didn’t respond he just waited for her “I have someone...I need your.. she needs our help.” He just said “Ok. Get home safe and we’ll take care of that too.” Shuga responded “I’m a hero in training remember? I’ll be ok. I’ll be home a bit late. Can you let mom know too please?” He agreed and they both ended the call.
 Her friend was watching her. Shuga noticed her friend staring and looked back at her. The cat girl looked so tired, her clothes were clean though due to her quirks. She looked so broken. The pinkette leaned over and pet her friends head “It will be ok Neko. We’ll figure everything out. Your life won’t be so hard anymore, I promise.” The girl nuzzled her friends hand and hugged her. They rode the rest of the way home talking and catching up on the years they missed together. They got off the train, Shuga holding Neko’s hand “I have to go back to my internship for a second to drop off some stuff. Then head to my boyfriends internship he should be getting off right now so I usually walk home with him. 
The cat girl blushed “Boy-friend...thats cute.” She giggled as they arrived at the first building. She took out the spare key and opened the door. She flipped on a light as she still held the cat girls hand “You can sit over there for a sec. I need to put this stuff up and then change really quick.” The girl nodded quietly and sat down awkwardly *this is a heros office? WOOW!* The pinkette came back fully changed, her hair in a ponytail and wearing the clothes she bought earlier. The cat looked at her “W-whats up with the shark-s?” Shuga blushed “U-uhh..it..ya see..it's just a long story but you’ll see soon why. Let's get going though. He’s probably waiting for me.” Shuga held out her hand and the white haired girl took it slowly. They both left and headed for Fourth Kind’s agency.
 While walking she handed her an earbud “Here, let's listen to some music together. I know that used to help you calm down.” The cat girl took it happily “Is-i-s this BlackPink?” The girl nodded singing along she walked down the street dancing the moves “Boombayah!” They both laughed at her antics. When they made it to Fourth Kinds agency Kirishima was in normal clothing waiting for her. He turned as he felt her jump at him “Eijiro!” He hugged her catching her “Shuga! Hehe. I was waiting for y-Woah.” He looked behind her “I-is this...who is she? I’ve never seen a cat girl before.” The girl stood up and helped him up “Well i’d actually like you to meet my best friend. We got separated for a couple years but we ran into each other while I was in Hosu City.” Kirishima looked concerned for a moment “Hosu City? Are you ok?! I saw Midoriya’s sos.” She smiled and kissed his cheek “Yes I'm ok. We weren’t in that area of Hosu. By the time I got the sos I was already on the train with her.” she grabbed his hand and walked up to the shorter white haired girl, her ears twitching and tail moving slowly in apprehension “This is Genjitsu Neko. She’s my best friend and she’s lucky because she has two quirks. Her cat senses and reflexes. She also has an alternate reality quirk where anything can happen in there but she can only be in there for 5min at a time or it will start to affect her psychologically and mess with her cat senses” the girl shook his hand while he smiled showing his shark like teeth “Now I know why you have that attire Shuga. He’s adorable, you say I'm lucky but you have him...and i…” Her friend walked up in front of her and hugged her “Hey, hey it’s ok. Everything will be ok, we will find him ok? Meanwhile guess what?” The girl looked at her friend as her bicolored eyes watered “What?” 
Shuga smiled “Shoto is in my class, soon to be our class. He goes to U.A.!” Her friend's eyes went wide “R-really! that-s ...i..” She started bawling “I’m so happy now.. Thank you Shuga…” The girl smiled at her friend as Kirishima looked at her noticing the outfit “Shark Boy?” She blushed “I-it's a long story but I hope you like it because I bought this outfit for you.” He said “You brought that to impress me?” She nodded. He laughed “Ah I might as well marry you right now.” The girl stared at him wide eyed “Do- do you mean...?” He blushed “W-well we should probably wait till we graduate. But let's think of that later.” He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder running past the white haired girl “CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!” The girls eyes go wide her instincts kicking in as she laughed chasing after them “NO PROBLEM SHARK BOY!” 
After the internships were over the class returned to normal except with one new person. Mt.Lady had agreed to give a recommendation and after talking more with her uncle he gave one too. Evern Kirishima managed to get Fourth Kind to give the cat girl one. She was transferred into class 1-a without a hitch. Shuga walked in with a smaller person behind her. The class turned around and was about to greet her when they noticed a white tail. “HEY WHEN DID YOU GROW A TAIL SAILOR MOON?” Shuga just huffed “You know Ka-chan, as your friend I love you so believe me when I tell you, that you have the absolute worst timing when it comes to being a asshole.” The boy just looked at her “WHAT”D YOU SAY?!” 
Mr. Aizawa slammed his had on the desk which was new given his regular demeanor “Hey Bakugo Shut it! Your scaring the poor girl.” the shorter girl hiding behind Shuga was shoving her face into her friends back while her tail hid between her legs. Bakugo was confused “EH STUPID. OKASHI ISN’T SCARED OF ME. I KNOW THAT FOR SURE. SO WHO ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?” Mr. Aizawa looked him in the eye “If you stop yelling we can introduce her.” Shuga turned to her friend “Look it’s ok you’ll do fine. I even got uncle to switch seats around so you can be near Shoto, and me. I have to go sit down now, but you got this.” She hugged her as her flustered friend was left to the class. The short cat girl opened her eyes slowly the green one first then yellow. Her ears lifted themselves and twitched at small sounds while her tail went back to normal. She relaxed a bit as she took in her class. They all stared at her in shock. Todoroki’s eyes widened and he sat up not believing what he was seeing. 
She spoke softly “M-my name is..Genjitsu...Neko. It's nice to meet you all.” She wrote her name and its meaning on the board Genjitsu(Reality) Neko(Cat). “My quirk.. If you can’t tell is being part cat...but also..this…” She snapped her fingers and the classroom was now a field of flowers outside with a tree above for shade. The class was surprised but they liked it and cheered “Wow this is so cool!” She responded “I can put myself or others in an alternate reality for a little while. My limit is 5min and then it will affect me psychologically and mess with my cat senses. My hero name is Caturnity” She snapped her fingers again and the class went back to its normal state.
 With that Todoroki stood up abruptly, everyone was shocked. The small girl saw him and teared up “Shoto!” Her quickly ran to her embracing her in tight hug. “I-i..I tried my best to find him...I found him for a while that's why I was gone for so long..but I lost him ...one day. Then I thought I picked up on his trail again...but it-it was Endeavor..” Todoroki just shushed her and walked her over to the empty seat next to him “It’s ok Neko. I know you tried your hardest.” Mr. Aizawa let the class talk among themselves to catch up and he took a nap. Somehow Bakugo’s hair stayed in that strange smoothed down style but Kirishima and Sero laughed at him making him angry enough that it went back to normal. The girls except for Genjitsu talked about their internships. Aishido is amazed by Jiro helping in a hostage situation and the rest of the girls are amazed that Asui helped take down a drug smuggling ring. Asui asks about how Uraraka and Shuga’s training went. Uraraka talks about how she has found her fighting spirit. Shuga explains that while she didn’t train under Mt. Lady for her internship she instead trained separately with her uncle and Hitoshi Shinsou. She also gives Mineta a look and he cowers in fear “Also me and Mt. Lady spent the time torturing that pervert with chores the entire time. Now he thinks girls are evil.” All the girls laughed at him. 
She also explains that while she was there for the Hosu incident she was not actually there. She was doing other things when she stumbled across her old friend and only got the sos after they were both on the train. Kaminari talks about how he fawned over his Internship. Then everyone talks to Todoroki the cat girl lightly napping next to him. As well as Midoriya and Iida about the Hosu Incident. They spoke about the Hero Killer and Midoriya said he was cool, then apologized to Iida. Iida told him it was ok and that Stain’s actions were wrong despite his tenacity. He vowed to continue from then on to walk the true and proper path of a hero. Everyone started to talk in their own smaller groups. Todoroki held a small ghost of a smile as he slowly ran his hands through the cat girls hair giving her all his attention after they were separated for so long. She smiled at him lazily happy to be with her friends again, she still had a small pang in her heart for Touya. She knew they would find him again one day. And boy was she right. 
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healbuffs · 8 years
I just wanted to let you know you're definitely one of my biggest fashion inspirations!! Your outfits are so cute and I hope I can gain the confidence to wear similar outfits one day ^w^
aaaaa wow thank you so much cutie!! i’ve actually been feeling pretty down and self conscious lately but this made me feel rly happy!!! ♪♡
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nenekobasu · 7 years
amaimahou replied to your post “my search for good pokemon let’s plays has gone from speedrunning to...”
If you're looking for nuzlockes, I also recommend PeanutButterGamer's! It kept me on my toes the whole time haha
i’ll check him out too, thank you!
0 notes
burgermiester · 6 years
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@kunoichi-of--destiny thank you! Curating my collections is one of my biggest passions so I really appreciate the compliment! Though in the case of the Final Fantasy collection this time my wife @amaimahou organized it! @sasielle thanks! ...but you really shouldn’t be, two of them are broken so badly they need to be replaced and two more are held together with glue. Fortunately for both of us these figs are still pretty cheap and easy to come by if you ever want to try to collect them for yourself!
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enjeru · 7 years
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Hey guys I just reached 7,000 followers not too long ago and decided to make another Follow Forever because I was bored...but really thank you all so much for enjoying my blog and supporting me for so long! I’d love to talk to some of you even though I’m really shy and not very talkative, but feel free to message me anytime or ask for my Skype or Discord if you want! I love you all~ Also please check out my GoFundMe if you don’t mind helping me out, but please don’t feel obliged to: https://www.gofundme.com/StrawberrySana  
Hopefully Tumblr lets me tag everyone this time. Thank you @shiintan​ for the gif again! Here are all my lovely mutuals (let me know if I missed anyone). (◕‿◕✿) 
Edit: I couldn’t tag again -_-
♥ # - I  ♥
@2ddies @2d-injection @adelvina @aegao @amaimahou @angelmeido @arisupng @a-titty-ninja-with-a-water-gun @ayumi-bear @azu-nyaan @besho-san @blushbunni @boku-no-hime @catgorl @chibisenpai @chilly-ashiteru @chocolatt @chu-bura @cinbaby @confusedunicorns @creamy-san @cresciento @dannykazari @darkchunni @dokoro-chan @elusivekatlewdist @emiria @froslasss @fuyuko @glammeow @glowaru @goth-waifu @haasegawa @hakujiin @heroichelmsman @himecheese @homucchi @hottoite @ichigo-sundae @iicloudydreams @illy-von-einzbern @imoutoswag @i-post-cute-anime-girls @ishidazero
♥ J - O  ♥
@jyoshikausei @kagarino @kami-monogatari @kami-sarna @kananchans @kishinjou @kohailicious @kotoha @kurisu-no-monogatari @kv3dia @kyoanishaft @laceedin @lilsiscon @liltokki @love-hospital @maddie-neko @madokaspantsudesu @magicprincess @magical-sugar @maijime @marshmallow-palace @matsuba-sama @mimi-pearlbaton @mochi @mokabun @momodreamy @mou-mantai @myazunyan @mystybunny @neko-mom @nobues @nokatzu @nyaaadere @ogatas @omgitsapanda @onee-samaaa @onyasumi @oreki @ourbreathingceases 
♥ P - Y  ♥
@pantsura @pastel-rainbow-galaxy @peachi-bun @persocum @pinkmoonkitty @p-o-c-k-y @purinccess @purin-cup @rikorin @riseken @rnelonbread​@robolord @royalkitty @sachi-komine @sakuraa-doll @sakurakissesxo @shigatsuneko @shiintan @shironomi @simplykasumi @sleepynippy @strawberry-parfait @space-funerals @spawn-senpai @squishymoomoo @sugoihime @sunfowa @takanashit @that-puckerd-my-butt-hole @thegoodluckkitty @tippy-the-rabbit @tsunderealien @tsutsumin @unagiexpress @underthekotatsu @usaei @usagipng @uuexkull @vanillabell @vvampyrehimee @yakisobagirl @yasumono @yurimanga @yuyunyan​
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mbzwaa6 · 8 years
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with Omaima and Amaimah – View on Path.
0 notes
pacificpikachu · 9 years
Hey! I've really been enjoying the Play with English book scans you've been posting on Poke Scans! I was wondering where you purchased the book/the best way to search for it on Yahoo!JP and whatnot? I just think it's so cute and would be fun to have! :)
I’m glad you’re enjoying it! I think it’s a really adorable book as well~ I got mine off Y!J.
Here’s the Japanese title for searching: ポケモン えいごであそぶモン
And the two ISBN numbers are:
ISBN-10: 4097271377
ISBN-13: 978-4097271376
Hope that helps!
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burgermiester · 7 years
Tagged by @demoiselledefortune
Rules: List ten of your favorite characters, from any medium such as literature, movies, television, etc. Then tag ten people.
King Stannis Baratheon, A Song of Ice and Fire
Wallace, Fire Emblem
Jecht, Final Fantasy X
Porthos, The Three Musketeers
Superman, DC Comics
Ryfia, Arc Rise Fantasia
Micaiah, Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn
Zack, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core
Starfy, The Legendary Starfy
Boromir, The Lord of the Rings
Tagging: @vanilleoneal, @evanstumbletown, @amaimahou, @ladyduomaxwell, @rapididous, @dancerladyaqua, @love-lucina, @swagustus-caesar, @almostinhuman, @yuki-bushido, @mrolau
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enjeru · 8 years
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Hi everyone! I just reached over 6,000 followers recently and felt like making my first Follow Forever! I’d like to thank you all for following and supporting me for so many years whether you’ve been following me ever since I started using Tumblr or you just now found my blog. It really means a lot to me. If you would ever like to chat feel free to send me a message, although I’m pretty shy and busy at times so I’ll try my best to respond. I’m not too sure how these things work but I guess I’m supposed to tag all of my favorite mutuals or something lol. I love all of my sweet followers and mutuals, especially those porn bots jk. Anyways here’s to more cute anime girls and shitposting~
Thank you @shiintan for my Gabriel banner!!!!! (´• ω •`) ♡ (There’s a lot of you so sorry if I accidentally missed anyone or a URL change.)
Edit: Omg Tumblr isn’t letting me tag people properly????
♥ A - J  ♥
@aegao / @adelvina / @ahi-ru / @animedoll​ / @amaimahou​ / @arisupng​ / @ayumi-bear​ / @azu-nyaan​ / @beilun-blog​ / @besho-san​ / @blushbunni​ / @blushing-bun​ / @boku-no-hime​ / @chibisenpai​ / @cherrilamb​ / @chocolatt​ / @chu-bura​ / @confusedunicorns​ / @creamy-san​ / @cresciento​ / @dannykazari​ / @dokoro-chan​ / @eggplxnt​/ @emiria​ / @elsa-granhirte​ / @elusive-kat​ / @faereie​ / @faerietypes​ / @froslasss​ / @fuyuko​ / @giggle​ / @glowaru​ / @gonaxva​ / @goodnight-homura​ / @gyalko​ / @hailandrain​ / @heroichelmsman​ / @himecheese​ / @homucchi​/ @honeyscone​ / @hoshikoo​ / @ichigo-sundae​ / @iicloudydreams​ / @illy-von-einzbern​ / @imoutoswag / @ishidazero / @jougasakis / @jurimain / @jyoshikausei
♥ K - P  ♥
@kagarino / @kami-monogatari / @kananchans / @kishinjou / @kitsunebis / @kohailicious / @koishiteruu / @kosaki-san / @kurimi-pantsu / @kurisu-no-monogatari / @kv3dia / @laceedin / @literally-the-best-onii-chan / @lunchler / @maddie-neko / @madokaspantsudesu / @magical-sugar / @magicprincess / @maijime / @marshmallow-palace / @matsuba-sama / @meguune / @melon–bread / @minty-moon-bunny / @mochi / @mokabun / @momodreamy / @momokisses-blog-blog / @mou-mantai / @myazunyan / @neko-mom / @nxcosdaddy / @nyaaadere / @ogatas / @omgitsapandax / @onee-samaaa / @onyasumi / @ourbreathingceases / @oreki / @panzoom / @pastel-rainbow-galaxy / @peachi-bun / @pinkmoonkitty / @p-o-c-k-y / @pretty-prima / @princess-chan / @prinnydood07 / @purinccess / @purin-cup
♥ Q - Y  ♥
@qt-anime / @riniibunny / @riseken / @robolord / @rurori / @sachi-komine / @sakura-channn / @sakurakissesxo / @senjougaharakilledmydad / @shigatsuneko / @shiintan / @shironomi / @simplykasumi / @sleepynippy / @spawn-senpai / @squishymoomoo / @starnightpenguin / @strawberry-parfait / @sugoihime / @swiggity-swaggity / @thatprettypagan / @that-puckerd-my-butt-hole / @thegoodluckkitty / @the-lostmemory / @tippy-the-rabbit / @tsukiko-snow / @tsunderealien / @tsundere-neko / @tsutsumin / @underthekotatsu / @usaei / @ushinaki / @uwushi / @vanillabell / @vvampyrehimee / @warmporkbuns / @yasumono / @yurimanga / @yuruguu / @yuyunyan
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burgermiester · 8 years
supportive and rally spectrum?
Supportive– Who did you S-rank and why? 
@amaimahou because shes a cutie pie.
RallySpectrum – What is your most favorite/preferred stat? 
Move for sure.  Nothing is quite as exciting as getting a new pair of boots and then making a horse wear them.
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burgermiester · 8 years
11 Facts about me
tagged by @loptyrofjugdral
1. I live in North Carolina.  Ive never left the country but when I was younger I visited Hawaii. Otherwise I rarely find myself anywhere other than NC and Virginia.
2.  I studied Roman history at university. I still love talking and reading and learning about it.
3. I love candy.
4. I am left-handed.  If you are right handed go ahead and unfollow me now because I dont like associating with your kind.***
5.  I won a triathlon (for my age group, 14-17 year olds, iirc) when I was 16.
6. I’m a big fan of DC and Valiant comics and the Halo series, though it never really comes up on the blog for some reason.
7.  My favorite movie is It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World; my favorite book is The Three Musketeers; my favorite game is Radiant Dawn; my favorite show is Seinfeld.
8.  I enjoy cleaning and organizing and taking care of people.  I’d like to be a stay-at-home dad some day. 
9.  I started playing Fire Emblem and Final Fantasy at about the same time in 5th grade and they became my favorite series. Ive been playing ever since. 
10. I am happily engaged to @amaimahou.  Hopefully the wedding will be this year but we are both being very lazy about wedding planning.
11. I love the water.  I grew up very close to the Albemarle Sound as well as the Atlantic Ocean and living inland makes me feel a bit sad.  I used to satiate that feeling by watching the fishing channel on TV, but we got rid of cable to save money so now I watch documentaries about aquatic life on netflix.
Tagging: @spack-smack @vanilleoneal @for-nohr @beserkercharlotte @demoiselledefortune @klefkitoyourheart @lethalityy @dwyerdea @mirrorsofsilver @mechblade007 @mariyekos @genocidaltophattedoharo and anyone else who is interested.
*** Please dont actually unfollow me. I will tolerate your disgusting right-handedness.
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mbzwaa6 · 8 years
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😂😂😂🦉 with Amaimah – View on Path.
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