#amazing woman who deserves a fucking rest and be with her gentle giant
indigobackfire · 2 years
But I wanna say the good things cause I need to keep my blood pressure in check
So big spoilers in the tags
#first. Max is so brave. I love love love her. she fought and fought.#and I hope she wins#Dustin is still my favorite and the wag he was willing to fight to save Eddie#he's so smart and kind#I can't wait for him to have his reunion with Susie 🥺💕#this is the ship I living for#two nerds being nerds in love#Third. Joyce? with that electric thing????#amazing woman who deserves a fucking rest and be with her gentle giant#Fourth. Lucas? LUCAS DESERVES THE WORLD. I gonna throw hands if Max doesn't live.#I'm afraid she'll be blinded by the curse but she's still able to have a happy life with her friends#i hope she doesn't have to live through the world ending and wakes up when everything is already solved#like imagine having both your arms and legs broken + blinded. gives me absolute shivers#Will talking with Jonathan. not fully satisfying but a start#I did think they were doing Jonathan dirty. It was nice to see him talking to Nancy#i love Steve - who doesn't - but I don't want him with Nancy. he can be perfectly happy with someone else#i'm happy for Robin. she didn't do much these eps so yeah#and El 💕 she's gone through so much and there's still so much#they better keep her blood iron in check cause it's getting worse#and I cried so much in Max's scene like#Sadie and Caleb better get a raise#uh and Erica! Just 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 10 out of 10 powerful magical girl. I want more of her#And if Murray dies next season 🔪🔪🔪 😡😡😡#he's quirky and sarcastic and useful. just the character these shows loooove to kill#how they'll end the (basically) Apocalypse idk#but I hyper super excited to see#stranger things
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lonely-lost-soul · 4 years
Of Immortality and Nymphs
(Philza Minecraft x Reader)
Request 2: Just c!philza simping over reader!!
Requested by: Anonymous 
(Okay maybe I got a little carried away with this one...) 
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     He met her for the first time when he was a young man, who barely understood the world around him. Messing with things he shouldn’t was his specialty so when he heard there used to be Nymphs in the nearby forests, he just had to find out if they were extinct or not. Phil flipped through his worn journal and tapped his quill on the paper, he wanted to document his journey to finding the supposedly mythical creature. After all, this was one of his first real adventures all by himself he wouldn’t accept any form of defeat. He popped the cork off the invisibility potion he had and downed it with one swig. Phil, now hidden, wandered into the forest of the last known location, of the last recorded Nymph. Not being visible to the creatures in the forest allowed Phil to take in the beauty of nature around him, he could get close to the animals and see them in their natural habitat. The forest was beautiful, sunlight peeking in through the leaves of the trees, it was magical. He placed his hand on the trees running his hand over the bark with a smile, Phil heard a soft twinkling in his ear, and his head shot up. Always trigger happy he put his hand on his sword, in the middle of a nearby clearing stood a beautiful woman with gorgeous (h/c) hair. Flowers and leaves seemed to be interwoven within the strands, her ears were elf-like in appearance adorned with gold piercings. Her dress flowed in the wind, it was a soft almost translucent green decorated with leaves, in her hand was a baby chick. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, it was clear she was the Nymph that the old stories were talking about, thank god for the invisibility potion. 
Pulling out his journal once more he began to sketch a picture of the elegant woman, he didn’t want to forget her face. The man looked up once more to finish up the sketch and the Nymph was gone, he frowned sadly, he did hope he could get to talk to her. 
     “What’re you drawing?” Phil snapped his notebook shut letting out a startled yelp, he turned to look at the figure beside him. The potion must’ve worn off when he wasn’t looking, however beside him was said Nymph. His jaw almost dropped open, did she have no self-preservation? “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you!” She stepped a few steps back and he held out his arm to stop her. 
     “No! No, you’re alright!” He put his hand to his heart, “I’m Phil. and you are?” 
     “(Y/n). Are you human?” 
     “Tragically,” Phil gave her a little smile as she tilted her head curiously. “Are you a Nymph?” You looked a little hesitant, he watched as your ears twitched in an undeniably cute way. He felt himself melt a little as you gave a nod, 
     “A Meliae if you want to get specific,” you smiled fondly giving him a teasing wink. Opening his notebook again he scribbled that down next to the figure drawing of you, you sat down in front of him watching in awe, “Is that your language’s written system?” Looking back up at her curious expression Phil once again felt his heartbeat speed up in his chest. 
     “It is. You’re very clever,” He hummed and was delighted in the way you flushed up to the tips of your ears. You waved him off, 
     “I’m not that clever. When you’ve been around as long as I have you pick up on certain things,” He watched you carefully as you sat down beside him resting on your knees. Curiously Phil tilted his head,
     “How long have you been around?”
     “Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a woman her age?” She shot back a grin on her features, oh Phil was in love. Nymphs did tend to have that effect on people, people fall hard and fast for them, but Phil didn’t care. 
     “My apologies, that was rude of me huh?”
     “Very.” She teased with a snicker, “I’ve honestly lost count at this point.” 
     “You’ve lost track? So you’re immortal then?” Phil’s entire face lit up the excitement prevalent on his features, “Tell me everything.” He pleaded, with a soft laugh you began to share your tale with the man in front of you. Phil was enamored she had lived more lifetimes than he could begin to comprehend, what he wouldn’t do to have that gift. The duo talked long into the evening and well into the next morning, Phil knew he had to head home soon. Not that he had anyone waiting for him back home, but he couldn’t stay with her forever as much as he wanted to. “When can I see you again?” He whispered taking your hands within his own, he couldn’t help but notice how soft they were for someone living in a forest. You hesitantly pressed your finger to his earring, 
     “They’ll start to glow whenever I’m near. So you can always find me,” You whispered cupping his cheek in your hand, he felt himself lean into it. “I’ll see you soon Phil,” You leaned forward pressing a tender kiss to his lips before disappearing in a flurry of flowers and leaves. Phil let out a shaky breath bringing his fingers to his lips a wild smile appearing across them. He opened his journal one last time adding ‘great kissers’ to his list of things about the Nymph of the forest. 
They met many more times after that, and with each meeting, Phil only fell more and more in love with her. He wanted to protect you and keep you safe especially after telling him that Nymphs were hunted for their tears that give immortality but now without the expense of the Nymph. Yet even with his pleading, you wouldn’t leave the forest you called home. You told him maybe one day you could, but you were the only Nymph protecting the forest and you had to stay to protect your home. Ever the gentleman Phil would drop the conversation and steer it into another direction said direction ended with a lot of kissing. 
As the years flew by Phil found himself growing older and you remaining the same and as beautiful as ever, he wanted to be immortal with you. He never wanted to lose you, so he made a deal with the God of undying, sacrificing his three lives for one immortal life so he could remain by your side forever. He’d also have to give up part of his humanity, he was bestowed giant black crow-like wings. But he’d do anything so long as he got to be by your side for the rest of eternity. Phil didn’t want to tell you at first, afraid you’d be mad but it was hard to hide giant black wings and the man could never stay far away from you. When he finally saw you again you knew what went down practically immediately. Surprisingly you took it much better than he originally thought, you seemed to flattered beyond belief but also pissed as hell. Desperately you tried to explain to him that immortality wasn’t a gift but a curse, seeing the world change around you while you stay young forever wasn’t as fun as it sounded. The man scoffed, shooting back a comment of his own about how he didn’t want to imagine a world without you by his side. You didn’t deserve to lose someone you loved just because they were mortal and he stood by that.
He watched your face scrunch up, cheeks turning pink at his sentiment. Mostly because you were melting around his words and he knew it too by the smirk evident on his features. Phil locked eyes with you and smiled endearingly, 
     “I love you.” 
     “I’m pregnant.” 
     “Fucking what-” He choked on his spit any argument that started before fizzled out the minute you had told you said those two words to him. He felt his features morphed in surprise before wrapping you in a tight suffocating hug. That only solidified his choices, he made the right decision, he needed to stay by you and your child’s side so long as the universe allowed him to. 
However, things weren’t all peaches and rainbows as the world changed to a dark and dismal place once more. Forests were being burned and destroyed and humans once again discovered the existence of Nymphs and wanted to hunt them down for sport. Things were dangerous, way too dangerous for you and the newborn son you shared with Phil. Reluctantly you and Phil came to a decision, to protect your baby you needed to leave, it was the only way to keep them safe. You held the baby close to your chest, tears swelling in your eyes as Phil kissed your cheeks trying to shush you softly. “It’s alright…” His voice was gentle, his big hand caressing the boy’s chocolate brown curls. 
     “It’s not alright. Phil...I don’t wanna leave you or Wilbur.” Your voice quivered and Phil’s heart shattered in pieces, “But his safety comes first.” You brought the baby up to your lips and kissed his forehead, he giggled sweetly trying to squish his mother’s cheeks. You laughed as he did so, “My sweet, lovely boy. I’ll have to leave you for a while, I don’t want to but you need to be kept safe. I…” Phil frowned watching as you choked up once more, “I’m not safe.” Even through your tears, Phil thought you were beautiful, “You can’t tell him about me…” 
     “(Y/n) I can’t- That’s just not fair-” You shushed him with a kiss to his lips, passing Wilbur off to him. 
     “If he’s anything like his father he’ll lose his mind searching for his mother. He needs to live his life.” You reached up holding Phil’s chin on your pointer finger, “He has to live life to its fullest, Nothing can hold him back. It has to stay this way until I can come back. Which I will...hopefully it won’t be too long.” You smiled up at him and Phil took in a shaky breath, 
     “What if I ruin him.” His voice was painfully tight holding his grip on Wilbur tightening as well, it made the baby squirm. You shushed him softly, pressing a kiss to his lips, his scruff tickling your chin. To him the kisses always felt electric, never devoid of passion and adoration, he leaned forward to chase those addicting lips as you pulled away. 
     “You won’t ruin him, you’re the most gentle and kind man I’ve ever met. You took care of me all these years, you’ll be amazing for Wilby.” Phil watched as you kissed Wilbur one last time before stepping away with a shaky breath. “Just be as good to him as you are to me,” You both heard the crunch of leaves, it caused you to jump a little looking around the forest frantically. 
     “Go. We’ll be fine. Just stay safe and come back to us okay?” You could only nod at him before disappearing in a gust of leaves and flowers. Phil felt his heartache and he jolted as Wilbur began to cry seemingly already missing the presence of his mother. “Oh Wilbur hush, hush for me please,” His father pleaded as he began to rock him gently this was going to be a lot harder than he would ever anticipate, but to keep you safe he’d give up the entire world. 
Decades went by, Phil had not only Wilbur to watch over but three more idiotic kids, others adopted of course. Wilbur had grown up into a strapping young man, got married, and had a son, you would be so proud of him. You’d spoil Fundy rotten, he just knew you would, he was sure you’d also spoil Tommy and Tubbo. Not to mention you’d force your motherly affection all over Technoblade and he wouldn’t have a choice but to open up to you. 
However, none of them even knew you existed, lies were told about who Wilbur’s mother was when any of them asked and it killed him on the inside to lie about you. Eventually, Wilbur just stopped asking, most likely assuming something bad happened that Phil never wanted to discuss with him. Something far too painful to even tell his son about,
 Which was half right he supposed. 
It started like any other day, Tommy and Wilbur were messing around with Dream, something about discs and war that Phil didn’t particularly care about. Wilbur had come over once again to plead with Phil for aid in the war, but once again he refused him. This time he even brought Fundy along thinking that seeing his grandson might change the older man’s mind. However, he still refused knowing it wasn’t going to end well in the long run even if Wilbur did win. Sometimes kids had to make their own mistakes to learn about the future. It’s not like he hadn’t told Wil it wouldn’t end well, he did multiple times, but the kid was just as stubborn as he was and wasn’t going to back down. 
“Dad, please. If you’d just join in we’d slay Dream and his team, all the fighting will come to an end. The nation I’m trying to create would finally be free and safe. Just help me.” Wilbur pleaded, a small whine slipping into his voice as he followed Phil and his son into the forest, “We can establish our new nation and be free from tyranny. No more war, isn’t that what you keep advocating for?” Wilbur continued to rant, not helping at all with his chores, his voice grew soft suddenly, and Fundy grabbed onto the sleeve of his jacket. 
     “What is it, kid?”
     “Your earring’s glowing pops.” Fundy pointed to his ear and Phil froze in place the wood that he collected falling out of his hands, scattering all over the forest floor.
     “Dad?” Wilbur repeated his voice growing louder in concern, Phil looked around the clearing frantically before bolting in a random direction. 
     “Grandpa!?” Fundy yelled chasing off after him, his tail puffing up anxiously, 
     “Fundy don’t just run off!” 
Phil didn’t stick around to hear them, you were around here somewhere the question was where. His heart was beating erratically in his chest, please, please god let him find you. He didn’t have to wait long, he’d recognize you anywhere you still looked the same. Standing in the middle of a flower field you looked over your shoulder, “(Y/n)! Darling!” He called out choking a little on his words, your (e/c) eyes blew wide and he heard you laugh. You ran up to him flowers growing in your wake, you launched himself at the man and he lifted you in his arms. He spun you around laughing in disbelief, using his wings you both floated in the air, he cradled the back of your head with his hand, “I can’t believe you’re here.” Phil whispered, pulling away to cup your cheeks with your hands, “you’re real.”
     “Of course I’m here silly goose. I told you I’d come back didn’t I?” You laughed fondly as he began to pepper your face in kisses, “Even if it is way later than I intended…” You trailed off with a small wince, 
     “Who cares. You’re here now and you’re safe.” He landed a kiss on your lips as you kissed him back. You tasted just as he remembered like fresh air and oranges, he wanted to swallow you whole. He never wanted to let you go again, and he never would if he had a say in the matter. 
      “Dad? What the fuck?” Wilbur blurted as Fundy and he came upon the clearing, you pulled away from Phil. Tears filling your eyes, your hands coming up to cover your mouth, Phil rested a hand on the small of your back. 
     “Wilby…” She whispered, stumbling towards the man reaching out towards him, he raised an eyebrow and flinched away from your touch. You pulled your hand back taking a little breath,
     “I’m sorry. How do you know my name?” From behind you, Phil flinched; he knew that’s what you wanted, for him not to remember you. But, fuck he felt guilty about it, he was about to feel even more guilty in a minute. 
     “She’s your mom Wilbur.” 
     “Fucking WHAT.” Wilbur sputtered taking a few steps back from the woman, “You told me my mom was a fridge!”
     “You told him what.” You turned towards Phil, eyes blazing with annoyance, he held his hands up in surrender. “Why would you tell him his mother was a fridge! I know I told you to lie but a fridge! Phil that’s not even physically possible!” You scolded the man crossing your arms over your chest, his face flushed a bright red. He even missed you yelling and scolding him, he was down bad. 
     “(Y/n) I panicked-” Phil started to explain and you cut him off with an eye roll. “I’m sorry okay, I love you.” 
Meanwhile, Wilbur and Fundy looked in between the two adults rapidly as they talked. Both equally shocked and at a loss for words, Wilbur took a step forward and grabbed your wrist. 
     “Please continue your explanation,” He commanded softly, “If you are my mom why did you leave? Why haven’t you been here?” Wilbur frowned as he watched you look away from him, 
     “How much do you know about Nymphs Wilbur?” Wilbur turned bright red and the color reached up onto the tips of his ears, “What?”
“My mom’s a Nymph.” Fundy spoke up in place of Wilbur, “her name’s Sally. I...I’m Wilbur’s son.” He watched your face melt and mouth a broken ‘son?’, Phil noticed and walked up to squeeze your hand. You had missed so much, you hoped you didn’t blame yourself, you and Phil lived too long to live with that many regrets. 
     “What happened to her?” You asked tenderly, 
     “Killed.” Wilbur said bluntly, “by hunters. Don’t worry, I made sure to dispose of them.” 
     “I-I’m so sorry.” You spoke and Wilbur couldn’t help but feel compelled into your arms. Something about you just made him want to melt into your body, he knew Phil was right in the end. You were his mother through and through, I mean the shared pointed ears said enough. 
     “Is that why you left?” Fundy asked walking over to stand beside Wilbur, Fundy’s ears pressing against his head. They both watched you nod and Phil tightened his grip on your arm, you took in another deep breath. His hand moved to wrap securely around your waist, he was here for you. He’d always be here for you.
     “When you were born, the hunters were far worse, there were much more of them. Greater numbers and they sniffed out Nymphs like hunting dogs to a rabbit. I couldn’t keep a newborn baby safe, especially one that was half Nymph...Which probably explains why Fundy’s part fox, he has more Nymph in him.” The fox hybrid seemed to light up at even the inclination that he was special in any way, shape, or form. “It was safer for me to be as far away from the both of you as possible, and I was right considering you grew up into a handsome young man with a family of his own.” You chuckled fondly leaning into Phil’s touch. “But I can understand if you don’t trust me or want to get to know me,” You smiled sadly at the man Fundy spoke up before Wilbur could. 
     “No! We want to get to know you grandma!” He blurted taking your hands in his own, you melted at the adorable way his eyes lit up. You glanced up at Wilbur who Phil totally wasn’t threatening with his eyes, 
     “I…” The man looked hesitant, but as he stared into your warm eyes once more he felt encapsulated within them. His longing for a motherly figure in his lips came back at full force and washed over him like a tidal wave. He had a mother and she was safe and here and willing to come back into his life if he was ready. 
Was he ready? Why did he feel ready?
     “Fuck that hesitance she’s grandma,” You let out a delighted laugh ruffling up Fundy’s hair, his tail wagging elatedly behind him. 
     “Don’t spoil him, love.”
     “Fuck you, I’m spoiling the hell out of my grandson. Gotta make it up to him somehow.” Fundy’s tail only wagged harder as he wrapped you in a tight hug, you hugged him back just as tightly. 
     “Hey, Hey move over champion. I get to hug my mom now.” Wilbur snapped defensively, as Fundy snickered only looking up at him mischievously hugging you tighter. You laughed in delight seeing Wilbur huff, Phil melted against you in relief. Wilbur’s face was scrunching up the exact way you do when you’re pissed, he smiled against the side of your head. Wilbur pushed his son to the side gently and wrapped his arms around you in a hug, he towered over you but couldn’t help but bury his face in your neck. You cooed softly and ran your fingers through his hair, he was gone the moment you did so, melting in your arms completely. 
Without you noticing Phil took a step away from the group just to admire the moment from an outsider’s perspective. For what felt like the hundredth time that hour Phil felt light, he felt like the weight of the world was off his shoulders. Everything was right in the universe again, you were finally holding your not-so-little boy in your arms again after all these years. Even if you did have a fox hanging off you as well, Phil let out a soft chuckle looking at the three with adoration. A long time ago he gave up his mortality and humanity for you, after you left he had pleaded to the gods once more, he swore he would give up anything for just one more day with you by his side. They had ignored his wishes, they knew without a doubt you’d be back in his arms again, and this time he wouldn’t have to give up a single thing. 
Okay but actually I had so much fun writing this??? Maybe even a Pt. II?
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star-labs-intern · 4 years
Serendipity: A New Year’s Kiss harrisco fic
A/N: This is super late but it is for @heckyeahharrisco ‘s beautiful Harrisco New Year’s Kiss Anthology! Happy almost- New year! 
Summary : Harry and Cisco have a one night stand the night before NYE and then find themselves at the same New Year’s party.
The date was December 30th and Cisco was out at the bar, drinking. The holidays had been stressful to say the least and he deserved some proper rest and relaxation. He was hoping for someone to flirt with, so Cisco wasn't at his usual haunt tonight. He was at a place a little further across town that was usually very busy but tonight, looked like a ghost town. He looked up when a tall, lanky man of ambiguous age came to stand near Cisco.
“So...Do you come here often?" Harry Wells found himself asking, aloud. 
Cisco barked a laugh. “That line ever worked on anyone before?”
Harry chuckled and reddened a little. “Honestly haven’t used it on anyone in a while. But I’m truly curious. You don’t exactly strike me as a regular.”
Cisco nodded at the drunks asleep at the counter. “No, I am certainly not a regular.” 
“So that means, young attractive man, not at his usual neighborhood bar… looking to get into trouble tonight?”
Cisco found himself laughing for the second time. “You’re the one calling me attractive without even buying me a drink, let alone introducing yourself.” Cisco smirked at this handsome stranger. “And I’m the one looking for trouble?”
“Harry Wells. And I’d love to buy you a drink, even if you don’t tell me your name.” Harry leaned closer to the man with the beautiful curly hair, anticipating his response.
“My name’s Cisco. Cisco Ramon. And, yes, I think I’ll let you buy me a drink.” Cisco sized Harry up for a second.
“Oh, you’ll allow me to buy you a drink? How kind of you.” Harry quipped.
They decided to move to a table to talk. One thing led to another and suddenly Harry was asking Cisco to come home with him. Then, before they knew it, Harry and Cisco were two single people heading home together on a cold New Years Eve, Eve, intent on having some fun with no expectations.
Cisco always buzzed with nervous energy before moments like this and Harry could feel it radiating off of him. 
“Relax,” Harry cooed as they got out of the taxi. They stood at the bottom of the stairs that led up to Harry’s apartment. It was bitter cold but Cisco stared up at the door and then looked sheepishly back toward Harry. 
Cisco couldn’t help feeling a little bit of hesitation. Harry was an older man, a stranger, bringing Cisco into his home, after all. 
“Hey,” Harry stopped Cisco by gently grabbing him by the shoulders. “You good?” Harry asked seriously, instead of complaining about the cold or rushing Cisco inside. 
“I’m so good,” Cisco nodded, suddenly back in the moment with refreshed enthusiasm. 
Harry grinned and pulled Cisco to him, kissing him slowly. Cisco felt lightheaded.
"Let's go inside. I'm cold." Cisco complained when they parted. 
"Hmm, I think I may be able to help with that," Harry replied cheekily as they ascended the steps and disappeared into the apartment  
The next morning Cisco was up cooking breakfast, even though it was Harry’s home. 
Harry grinned waking up to the smell of food. “I don’t remember telling you to get out of bed,” Harry teased as he came into the kitchen. 
Cisco blushed, “Good morning! I think we both deserve some food after last night,” he deflected the flirtation but looked at Harry under low lids. 
Harry came to kiss Cisco squarely on the mouth. “You are amazing. Thank you for such a wonderful evening.” 
“I certainly enjoyed myself,” Cisco grinned and kissed Harry back before breaking away. “Now! Unless you want burned eggs to ring in the last day of the old year, I suggest you stop distracting me,” 
"Whatever you say, Cisco," Harry grinned
Later that day, Cisco was at home preparing for his New Years Eve party. He was going to Mercury labs with his best friend Caitlin Snow. He was going as “back up”, as moral support for Cait, who worked there, and he had to start getting ready. 
His phone vibrated and, expecting a message from Cait, Cisco opened his phone. What he found was Harry’s apparent phone number, saved under “That Hot Guy” and a new message saying “Had a blast with you. Hope to see more of you in the new year.” 
Cisco rolled his eyes and quickly texted back “You saw plenty of me last night. You’re so corny”
After hesitating for a moment, Cisco texted again, “But I also had a blast and we should def do it again soon” 
“Sounds like a plan” Harry texted back and Cisco bit his lip, thinking of another night promised with Harry. He was a little bit irritating, for lack of better word, and there were moments where Cisco kind of wanted to strangle him, but boy did they have chemistry…
With another twist and turn, Cait was picking Cisco up for the party.
“What did you end up doing last night?” Cait asked, in the car. 
“Honestly, I went out to the bar and had a one night stand,” Cisco winced as he told Cait. 
“Did you really??” Cait grinned. “Give me all the details, why didn’t you text me where you were?? What if he had been a murderer?”
Cisco laughed. “I have my pepper spray, don’t worry. I can handle myself. He was… very smart. A little older than me. Kinda sarcastic in this really annoying way.” 
Cait was looking at Cisco. “And how was it?”
Cisco rolled his eyes. “It was really nice and I had a really good time.” He said, looking out the window again and avoiding Cait’s reaction. 
“Did you get his number??” 
“Oh my god, Cait, enough of the third degree!” 
When Cisco peeked at Cait, she was still grinning from ear to ear. Cisco groaned and filled Caitlin in on the rest of the details. 
“Wow, Cisco. Good for you!” Cait complimented as they got to the party and started getting out of the car. 
“Thank you, it was fun, yes, and hopefully I will see him again, but now it’s time to enjoy this party! So please, no more Nancy Drew-ing my love life, okay?” 
Caitlin pretended to zip her lips. “Time to party,” 
Cisco smiled. “Thank you!”
Cisco had tried his honest to god best, to continue and forget all about Harry. 
They had been at the party a little over an hour, when Cisco spotted him. “Oh shit. I’ve gotta be fucking dreaming,” Cisco muttered to himself. 
“What are you doing?” Cait asked as Cisco was suddenly hiding behind a waiter holding a tray of appetizers. 
“Nothing,” Cisco replied, stealing a glance from behind the waiter, to see if Harry had noticed him. He was a little ways away, standing profile, speaking with some woman in a fabulous pant suit, and it didn’t seem like he had spotted Cisco yet. 
“Are you hiding from Dr. McGee? She adores you, she wants you to come work with us.” Cait asked, narrowing her eyes. 
“That’s who that is. Nope. Actually, yes, I am hiding from Tina McGee, I don’t want her to see me in this hideous tie I picked out with champagne glasses on it.” Cisco lied, poorly. 
Cait rolled her eyes but then narrowed her eyes at Harry. She was starting to put the pieces together. 
“Listen, Cait, I think I’m gonna have to go home early, I’m getting a terrible stomach ache…” 
“Cisco, is that the man you slept with last night??” Cait whisper yelled at Cisco, pulling him out from behind the waiter with the appetizers and dragging him to the entrance. 
“What? Where would you get a crazy idea like that?” Cisco laughed, nervously this time. 
Cait looked at Cisco and blinked, waiting for him to come clean. 
Cisco pursed his lips. “Not gonna buy the stomach ache story, huh?” Cisco asked.
Cait laughed. “You’re the worst. Just go over and talk to him. Just say hi and make it not awkward, and then come find me. I’ll be mingling.”
“Fine.” Cisco grimaced. “I can’t believe I told you any of that. This is the worst New years party ever,” Cisco whispered to Cait before going off to find Harry. 
Cisco spotted his tall demeanor at the drink table. He was grabbing another glass of champagne. Cisco took a deep breath and approached Harry. 
“So… Do you come here often?” Cisco asked, mirroring Harry’s words from the night before.
Harry glanced up at Cisco. His eyes were wide. He took a swig of his champagne before he answered. 
“That line ever worked on anyone before?” Harry asked with a tight lipped smirk. They smiled at each other, in shared loaded silence for a moment.
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Cisco asked, eyes narrowing slightly. 
“Did you know I was going to be here?” Harry turned it around.
“Touché.” Cisco commented, grabbing a champagne glass and offering Harry a toast. Harry tipped his glass to clink with Cisco’s and they shared a drink.
“Well, I just wanted to say hello. Enjoy your evening.” Cisco said.
“Alright, Cisco. But I have to warn you, these things are dreadfully boring,” Harry commented. 
Cisco laughed and headed back off to find Caitlin. 
“All sorted out?” Cait asked.
“Easy, peasy,” Cisco said in reply.
“I don’t even want to know.” Cait said. 
Forty-five minutes later and Cisco was starting to get what Harry meant. This was a giant party but people kept going in and out, finding different groups to linger in, it was impossible to keep track of who you had and hadn’t met yet. All these academic types started to blend together after a while. It was honestly starting to give Cisco a headache. 
Cisco gave a sharp gasp when someone grabbed his arm, suddenly. 
“Sorry, did I scare you?” Harry’s rasp was soft in Cisco’s ear and his fingers were tight but gentle holding Cisco’s arm. Where had he even come from? 
“A little,” Cisco admitted, looking up at Harry.
“Aren’t you bored yet?” Harry asked again, soft this time leaning all the way in, to whisper in Cisco’s ear. “If you’re as bored as I am, you should meet me up on the rooftop in fifteen minutes.”
Cisco felt shivers up and down his spine, and said, “Make it ten,” 
Harry grinned and walked off. Cisco was thankful that Cait was otherwise occupied talking to a gaggle of her coworkers. 
Cisco waited four agonizing minutes before nodding at Cait and then walking off down the hallway to find Harry.
He took the elevator up to the top floor. He followed the signs for the staircase. Cisco went up a half flight of stairs and found a door which was propped ajar with a rock. On the door it said, “Roof access, CAUTION”
Cisco slipped through the door careful to keep the rock propping it open. 
He looked around, “Harry?” He whispered. 
“Over here,” 
Harry was draped in shadow, leaned against a chimney. He held open arms to Cisco.
“You’re not worried we’re gonna get stuck up here?” Cisco asked as he got slowly closer
“You saying you wouldn’t want to be stuck up here with me?” Harry teased 
Cisco laughed and then, finally, he was close enough that Harry pulled Cisco to him and they kissed, gravitating together like magnets.
Cisco returned to the party a little while later looking very red and with very messed up hair. 
Cait quirked her head at him when he returned. “Where have you been? You look like you’ve been in a fight.” 
Cisco gave her a small grin. “You should see the other guy,” 
Cait narrowed her eyes at Cisco. 
“You’re lucky you made it back in time for the count down.” 
Harry and Cisco made eye contact from across the room. They were each pretty happy that they had gotten to steal away for a little while. 
Cait and Cisco tried to maneuver themselves closer to where the action was happening. 
Cisco lost sight of Harry in their move. 
Suddenly they were counting down from thirty and Harry had come up right behind Cisco.
When the clock struck zero, Harry took Cisco by the arm and swung him around to face him. “Happy New Year, Cisco,” Harry whispered, and suddenly dipped Cisco low, kissing him deeply.
Cisco gasped but was thrilled by the most exciting New Years kiss he could imagine.
Harry stood them both back up and when they broke apart, he chuckled sheepishly as anyone who saw them, wolf-whistled and shouted. “I thought you were my secretary from behind! Your long hair!” Harry winked at Cisco who bit his lower lip, shaking his head at Harry’s sneakiness and terrible excuse.
Cisco touched his lips where they had kissed, only seconds before. “Honest mistake,” He said, eyes glaring daggers at Harry and Harry grinning like a lunatic. Halfway across the room Christina McGee looked a fraction more stressed out than she had already.
“Happy New Year, everyone!” Harry shouted and made off into the crowd.
Cait leaned over to whisper to Cisco. “He is something else.”
Cisco smiled and touched his lips, where Harry’s had just been. “You’re telling me.”
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thedyingmoon · 5 years
💚 See Me Now 💚
XVI. Storm
That morning, everyone stayed indoors for their well - deserved break. It's not that the weather was quite bad, to begin with. They just needed to relax.
(F/N) was on her way to Levi's office when she heard a familiar voice coming from it.
It was too familiar,...
"...so, I hope that you're doing well." she heard him say. (F/N) was having doubts whether to open the door or not. But, what's the point in delaying their reunion? 
She opened it, and was greeted by the man, himself.
She timidly entered the room, and when he noticed her, he smiled from ear to ear in delight.
"Mr. Ral?" (F/N) choked the words.
"(F/N)!" the man ran to her and hugged her tightly like someone who had just gotten out of prison and saw his child for the first time in many years. "How have you been?"
Levi watched in horror as the father of the woman he loved launched himself to the girl he hates and hugged her like she was his own child.
(F/N), however, noticed the look on Levi's face and tried to wriggle herself free from the gentle giant's grasp. "I'm good. Are you here to visit the Captain?"
"No, sweetheart! I came to visit you." he said.
Levi felt that a bomb just went through his ceiling and landed right on top of him.
How could,... ?
What in the world is his connection to this girl?!
(F/N) was visibly sweating too hard. She was totally taken by surprise by Mr. Ral's sudden visit.
"Thank you for visiting me, but I'm sure you're very busy. If you want, you can leave now - "
All of a sudden, a flash of blinding light streaked across the cloudy sky, followed by the sound of thunder.
So, it's gonna rain, Levi thought as he went to his window to close them. He was distracted from doing so when he noticed (F/N) on the floor, curled up into a protective ball and covering both ears with her hands. Her face was as pale as death and she looked really afraid.
What in the -
(L/N),... is afraid of thunder?
"(F/N)!" Mr. Ral was shaking the girl, trying to get her back on her feet. It was no use. The man turned to Levi. "Mr. Levi, my daughter is deathly afraid of storms. When she starts acting like this, it would be difficult to coax her to relax!"
The hell,... daughter?! "What do you want me to do, then?!" he almost screamed. He doesn't want to get involved with her. Not even in this kind of situation. But, (F/N) had begun shaking uncontrollably the moment the rain started pouring outside.
"(F/N), shh, it's gonna be just fine,..." Mr. Ral desperately cooed her, rubbing her back and trying to make her look at him.
Another batch of lightning and thunder danced across the sky, making (F/N) even more afraid.
Fuck this!
Levi had no choice but to go along with Mr. Ral and try to calm the girl down. He knelt beside her and tried not to gag at the closeness of their bodies. "Brat, look at me,..."
"T-t-t,..." the girl stuttered.
"What?" Levi tried his very best not to sound annoyed. He just didn't expect that someone her age would still be frightened of lightning or thunder.
Such a fucking weakling!
"They are c-coming,..."
What? "Who?"
"T-them. They're gonna - "
The rain poured relentlessly, followed by another batch of lightning and thunder.
Okay, that was a pretty loud one, Levi admitted. He was about to give the girl the greatest wake - up shake of her life when she suddenly stood up and ran away from them.
"(F/N), wait!" Mr. Ral called. She didn't hear him.
"Tch!" Levi clicked his tongue and went after the girl, followed by Petra's father.
Or was he (L/N)'s father, too?
"I didn't know Petra has a sister." Levi confessed to the man. "Tch! Where did you go, brat?"
"No. Petra was my only child."
"What? You just said that she's your daughter."
"Yes, I did. My late wife adopted her when she was still young."
Oh? "Petra never told me about her."
Mr. Ral looked at him in confusion. "That's strange. She adores (F/N), and considered her as her own sister."
The two of them turned around a corner. No sign of (F/N).
"Shit!" Levi cursed. "That brat ran too fast. Where did she go?"
Mr. Ral noticed the Captain's unwillingness to look for the girl. He smiled and just gave him a hearty pat on the shoulder. "It's okay, now, Mr. Levi. I'm disrupting your work. I will go look for (F/N), myself."
The shorter man suddenly felt guilty. Yes, he hated (F/N), but he could never deny the truth that he was his beloved's father. So, for the sake of Mr. Ral, he'll look for the girl. 
"We'll find her. Don't worry, Mr. Ral."
"Thank you so much, Mr. Levi."
They looked for thirty more minutes. Still no sign of (F/N). Levi was about to give up, as the fatigue was catching up to his still weak body, when a girl from Hange's squad, namely Nifa, ran towards them in such a hurry. She saluted Levi, ignoring Mr. Ral, and wasted no time in delivering her message.
"Captain Levi, were you looking for (F/N)?"
"Yes! Yes!" Mr. Ral said excitedly. "Where is she?"
"Right this way."
She led the way towards the third floor of the building.
The rain was getting even stronger, the lightning and thunder more relentless. They must find (F/N) soon.
Nifa turned around a corner, stopped at the third room, and cautiously opened it. It was (F/N)'s old room before she moved next to Levi's office. The room was dark, save for the small, lit candle which stood on the floor near the closet. The door of the closet was ajar. And inside it was the girl, herself, still cowering in fear.
"(F/N)?" whispered Mr. Ral.
"I found her here when I was about to change." Nifa said. She turned to look at Mr. Ral. "She used to be my roommate, sir. She also went here when,..." Nifa stopped, bit her lip, and slightly looked at the stoic Captain. "I-i guess I'll leave you here, then."
"Thank you, Miss."
Nifa saluted Levi and hastily went out of the room.
Mr. Ral tried to enter the closet, but he was just too big. He just knelt at its entrance and tried talking to (F/N) from there.
"(F/N), listen to me, they're all gone. They're not coming to hurt you."
Levi watched as the old man talked to the girl. His efforts were still fruitless. He shrugged and finally stood up in defeat. "At times like this, (F/N) would stay hidden, curled up like that. She would stay like that until the storm finally stops." he whispered.
The Captain raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl. He took the candle with him and entered the closet. He sat there near the girl. The smell of old clothes started assaulting his nostrils.
"Bi - brat,..." he began, almost calling her bitch right in the presence of Mr. Ral. "Whoever you are scared of, they're no longer here. They don't have the power to hurt you. I'm here, (F/N). No one will harm you." Fuck, why am I even doing this?! "So, you can come out of here, now."
Levi wasn't honestly expecting the girl to budge even for a little bit, but she suddenly stopped shaking at the sound of his voice. The girl slowly removed her hands form her ears, cautiously opened her eyes, and carefully looked at him. He was so surprised at what he saw in her them. But, what surprised him even further were the words that came out of her mouth.
"Y-you saved me?" she whispered, her voice sounding so childlike and cracked. "Y-you saved me! You saved me!"
What is happening to her, now?
"Listen, brat, I - "
For some weird reason that Levi could not comprehend, the girl gently smiled at him, her face emanating an aura of peace. Her eyes slowly closed, then she finally lost consciousness. Levi caught her just in time before she hit the floor.
"Mr. Levi?" said Mr. Ral, who was still watching silently outside the closet. "How is she?"
"Not good. She just collapsed." he answered. He gave the candle to Mr. Ral and decided to just carry (F/N) to one of the beds. He really wanted no more of her weirdness and he desperately needed to go back to work. He'll do this, then, Mr. Ral could take care of the rest. He carefully lifted (F/N), and he was very surprised to know that she was actually not that heavy. Thank God,...
In less than a minute, (F/N) was lying peacefully on the bed. Mr. Ral was looking at him in amazement.
"If I may ask, sir, how did you do that?" the older man said, to which the Captain replied with a shrug.
However, despite his negative reply, he still wanted to know even a bit of information about this very mysterious girl, especially the reason for her seemingly irrational fear.
It seemed that he suddenly wanted to know more about her ever since that punching thing a week ago. It was very subtle but, there definitely was something inside him that urged him to know her.
But, one thing's for sure; it wasn't because he's going soft on her. He knew it in his bones.
So, he asked the older man, "Why is she so afraid of the storm? Or was it only the thunder and lightning?"
"She's afraid of the storm, yes. Maybe because the day we adopted her, it was raining so bad, it almost flooded the town. But, what really concerned us was that one particular day four years ago."
Levi was getting more and more curious. "What happened?"
"We actually don't know. I remember that it was just like this day. It was raining really hard and there was also the occasional thunder and lightning."
As if on cue, another batch of those flashy and noisy nature displays invaded the dark sky, once more. Mr. Ral flinched with the horrific sound, sighed and thanked that (F/N) was already asleep, and went on with his story.
"She didn't go home early that day. We went searching for her everywhere. We couldn't find her. Six hours had passed. The rain had already ceased, but there was still no sign of her. I was about to get the aid of the Military Police, when she finally came home, soaked to the bone and shaking uncontrollably. I was so worried about her that I almost got angry with her. But, she's safe. However,..."
Levi watched patiently as the man recalled those painful events he doesn't seem to want to disclose on him. He placed the candle on the table near the bed and continued.
"Her clothes were torn. There were lots of bruises and small slashes all over her body, and her nose and mouth were bleeding. I asked her what happened, she wouldn't answer. She just went to her room like nothing happened. The next day, she had fever. It lasted for a week or two, and it almost killed her. I almost forced her to tell me what really happened to her and who inflicted all those wounds on her body. She still wouldn't talk about it."
The Captain stared at the older man, unable to believe what he just heard. "Was she,... violated?"
Mr. Ral covered his eyes with his large hand in an effort to stop his tears from falling. "I don't know, Mr. Levi. Until now, she never talks about it. I don't want to ask her again, because, oh, my God, it pains me to see her like that. I may not be her biological father, but I do came to love her as my own daughter. As much as I loved Petra.
"I observed her for possible changes which would confirm my suspicions. On her body, there was none. But, after that night, whenever it rained hard or if there's thunderstorm, she would return to that state of trauma. She would cower in total fear, and she would go hide somewhere. It became a cycle. In time, her physical wounds healed. She joined the Trainee Corps the year after so she could be with Petra."
"'You saved me', that's what she said to me earlier." said Levi. "Was she really saved by someone?"
Mr. Ral shrugged, unable to say any more in fear of shedding tears in front of a Scouting Legion officer.
The way she looked at him and said those words, it really felt like he was the one who saved her from whoever beat her that day four years ago. Which would be impossible, since he couldn't remember saving her, at all. Then, what made her think that he was her savior? Mr. Ral looked as though it was the first time he saw the girl calmed down by someone. Come to think of it, the girl clung to him like a creep. She could've simply said no to Erwin that day when he asked her to watch over him. Hell, he hurt her both physically and mentally many times, and she doesn't even seem to mind,...
You keep pushing her away, and she knows it. And yet,... I don't know if she's just plain obsessed with you, or she just had a deep reason for hanging around you long enough,...
He remembered Hange's words to him that day when she treated his knuckle injury.
So, she really thought it was him who saved her! That's why she was so patient and obedient to him! And she doesn't even have the slightest idea that it was not really him who saved her. And whoever that may be, he doesn't really care anymore.
He found out enough about her, it's time finally drop his quest of knowing her better, for, after all, she was just another stupid girl who was blindly obsessed with him.
End of story.
Mr. Ral was about to place the white sheet over (F/N) when he finally noticed the scarf around her neck.
"What's this? It's suffocating her." he said and removed the scarf.
What Mr. Ral saw on her neck turned his face red. He put the scarf back on and said, "My goodness, I have no idea that she have a boyfriend. Do you happen to know who her boyfriend is, Mr. Levi?"
"No." Levi said. "I don't."
Really, he didn't know. He was certain that she doesn't have a lover. It's impossible in her state and appearance. Unless it's someone with a very terrible eyesight. (L/N) having a lover is very unlikely and simply atrocious. Balderdash.
...who gave her that love bite?
~ @levi4mikasa , @yepps , @clovemcpandas , @shewolfofficial , @unhappysap , @shortbty14 , @fangurl-ontgeside , @super-peace-fangirl , and @emilyackerman78 . 💚
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kenzieam · 6 years
Druid - Chapter Four
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Rating: M (smut, language, violence, mature themes, potential major character death)
Genre: Drama/Angst
@captstefanbrandt @iammarylastar @kiiiimberlyriiiicker1995 @notimetoblog @captain-ariel-barnes @jaamesbbarnes @lancefvcker @bitsandbobsandstuff @softlybarnes @lovelybbarnes @buckitybarnes @bucky-plums-barnes  @moonbeambucky @badassbaker @citylights221 @empress-of-boujee  @shynara51 @diinofayce @casestudy-mw  @jewels2876 @damnaged-princess @everythingisoverrated @allmyfanficfaves @melgoodwin @clarabella960 @curvybihufflepuff  @angryschnauzer @wowspideyholland @sergeantwhitewolf @smilexcaptainx @plaidcat4815 @shirukitsune @chook007
If you want off this list, send me a DM
Thank you, my lovelies, for your kind words and support XOXO
For a long time, I just stand there in the kitchen, stunned.  
My lips tingle and my body throbs.
Bucky’s kiss was so unexpected, so far out of left field that I can’t even fully process what just happened. One second, he’s glaring at me (nothing new there), then he’s looking like his world just collapsed and he’s suddenly in front of me, capturing my mouth in what I can only describe as both the most unanticipated and incredibly passionate kisses I’ve ever had.  
What the fuck just happened?
And why, instead of being outraged, am I fighting back clawing desire, why are my thighs practically trembling?
What the FUCK?
Have I been that incredibly fucking clueless? Was there more to Bucky’s glowering than simple anger? Was it... jealousy?
I can’t even... no.  
Then why did it feel so right?
Why is my body yearning to follow him? My mind conjuring up images of him nude beneath me while I ride him, impaled on his cock? Under him, feeling him split me apart as he groans in the crook of my neck, filling my willing body with his seed?
I jump, half in surprise, half in guilt. Here’s the man who’s been nothing but worshipful to me, gentle and kind and yeah, an amazing lover, and I’m standing here fantasizing about his friend.  
How fucked up is that?
I turn, fighting back a grimace.
“You okay?” Thor’s voice is deep and sleep-roughened. He wears nothing but boxers but the sight doesn’t fire me up the way it did even a few short hours ago. All I can think of is Bucky’s massive chest; his thick, corded muscles, the scars that don’t detract but add to his beast-like beauty, the velvet texture...
“Sorry, I was hungry.”
His face relaxes, he was probably thinking I was sleep-walking or some shit, and he moves closer, pulling me into a warm hug. I collapse against him. “You want me to make you something?”
I shake my head, I’m too confused to be hungry now.
“Come back to bed, then.”
I let Thor lead back to his bedroom, let him lay me down and curl me into the protective warmth of his body. Within minutes, his breathing is slow and even.
I lay awake for hours.
My mind races, it won’t stop. In the morning, after he woke, I asked Thor to drive me home. He frowned in confusion and I babbled something nonsensical about checking on the house and maybe finishing up the mass-exodus of stuff Dad was in the middle of when he sat down and fell asleep for the last time.
I’m on edge the whole way, surely Thor can sense something is different about me, can he smell Bucky on me? Do I have a giant neon sign blinking on my forehead? TRAITOR, CHEATER, I LOVED IT WHEN YOUR BROTHER KISSED ME.
He smiles at me when I peck his cheek goodbye, faint confusion darkening his beautiful eyes. He’s being careful, not pushing me, giving me space; thinking its Dad’s death that has me acting funny and I’m grateful for the reprieve. I need to get my head on straight.
What the fuck? I need to come to my senses!
I launch myself into cleaning, but there’s precious little left to do. Finally, I collapse on my old twin bed and drop my head into my hands.  
I can’t stop thinking about Bucky, about the kiss.
About the way his touch ignited my body, my blood. How something just clicked last night. He’s been constantly watching me, was I just as constantly watching back? Am I not as over my high school crush as I thought?
Is this way more than a crush?
Jesus Christ, how could everything fall to pieces so goddamn fast?
I lay back on my pillow, eyes feeling like thousand-pound weights.  
When I wake later, my phone is buzzing. I grab it and wince at the screen. It’s Thor, and it’s his fourth unanswered text.
Darlin? Are you okay? You’re still not answering me. If I don’t hear from you in ten minutes, I’m coming over.
Shit. I pound out a response.
Sorry, I feel asleep. I’m okay.
Do you want me to come over?
Feeling like a million different kinds of shit, I reply. No, it’s okay. I’m tired, I’m going to eat and go back to sleep.
The ‘typing’ dots jump for a long time before he answers.  
Okay, I’ll call you in the morning.
Tears start to fall as I drop my phone to the nightstand. I don’t need to consciously do anything; unconsciously I’m pushing Thor away just fine.  
A sharp pain builds in my chest. The answer is right there, I just need to have the ladyballs to face it.  
The very fact that I’m even still thinking about Bucky’s kiss is all the answer I need.
Thor has been there for me from the start. As soon as I arrived here, ready to nurse my terminal father, he was there; giving me attention, love and devotion. He's been nothing but kind and gentle. The sex has been amazing, the best I’ve ever had. He’s been my rock. I owe him so much.
But he deserves more than my obligation.
After I finish ugly-crying, I text him again, asking him to come over because we need to talk.
The door is still vibrating in the frame as Thor’s bike screams away from the curb.  
It was ugly, but I didn’t expect nor deserve a beautiful ending.  
Thor’s cautious when he arrives, for what is more frightening than ‘we need to talk’?
The look in my eyes seem to confirm some suspicion he has and he sighs as he sits beside me on the couch.  
“Thor, I-”
“Did he hurt you?”
“Cannon, did he hurt you?”
“No, I-”
Thor cuts me off. “I see the way he looks at you, it’s not just anger, right?” At my beseeching look he continues. “And it’s not one-sided either, is it?”
I drop my head.  
He sighs, powerful forearms resting on his thighs, his hands clasped together, head bowed. “How long?”
I stumble to answer. “Just last night, I walked into the kitchen and he was there.”
“And he looked terrible, like he’s tearing apart inside... and then he kissed me.”
Thor’s growl sends a shiver of fear through me.
“Until then, I thought he was just an asshole, I didn’t realize-”
“And now?” Thor snaps.
And now comes the hard part, the part I’m still not sure about, but know it’s the right answer because it hurts so much.
“And... now I don’t know.”
Thor’s growl now has a tinge of pain and I rush to continue.
“And you’ve been so good to me, Thor. I... I’m not worthy of you. You deserve someone who is one-hundred percent here with you.” I bit my lip so hard I taste blood as I spit out the rest. “I can’t give you that while I’m still so confused.”
Thor lifts his head, fixing me with a penetrating stare. Could you, his eyes ask, when you’re not confused, give me everything?
One answer isn’t fair to Thor, the other isn’t fair to me. I could save Thor heartache now, but the long-term damage isn’t worth it. Will I be over Bucky in a year, five years, ten? I don’t know, and it’s not right to string Thor along with maybes.
“No.” I murmur. “I don’t think so.”
He sighs, a harsh and rough sound. His fists flex and a new thought occurs to me.
“Shit, are you going to kill Bucky?”
He smirks humorlessly, a wry twist of his lips. “Oh, we’re going to talk alright.”
“Please don’t. I’m leaving. Don’t let this hurt the club. I’m not worth it.” I’m devastated, guilt so thick in my throat I can hardly swallow.  
“That’s between me and Cannon now.” He pauses, tensed to stand then glances at me. “I would’ve given you everything I had, Levi. I would have tried to give you the world.”  
Tears burn like acid down my cheeks. “I don’t deserve that. Find a woman who does.”
The sorrow in Thor’s face disappears, and his jaw ticks. He’s Hammer now and he whirls away, boots booming on the floor.  
The door slams and he roars away.
I’ve been through shit before, but never like this. I’m so goddamn twisted up in knots I can hardly breathe. My body’s been a powder-keg since I tasted Levi’s sweet lips. I’m so fucking hard it’s downright painful and I ache to have her, to bury myself inside her.  
I can’t stop thinking about her, I can’t turn this off and I have to leave the clubhouse before I do something stupid, like challenge Thor to a duel for Lev’s hand.  
For hours I ride aimless, no direction in mind except away.
But fate is inexorable and I find myself parked in front of Levi’s house.  
I need to know how she feels, if this anguish I’m in is terminal or not. I take a few deep breaths before knocking tentatively at the door.  
When she opens the door, I see shock in her vibrant eyes, and her jaw drops before she snaps it closed again.
“Bucky, I...” She trails off, face going adorably red.
“Can I come in?” I’m desperately, painfully hopefully; one word from Levi can save or break me.
After a heart-stopping pause, she nods, stepping back and pulling the door open wider.  
The house is almost empty, devoid of signs of life. I’ve never been here before, but it looks like it was a beautiful home.
Levi stands a few feet away, hands twisting nervously and I want nothing more but to gather her close and take away that pain.  
“What did you want, Bucky?” Her voice struggles to be even.
“I...” What do I want? I want you Levi, with me... forever.
“I’m leaving.” She says abruptly.
“I’m leaving. I can’t stay here anymore.”
“What about Thor?”
“He’s not coming with me.”
I freeze, heart pounding. Is she saying what I think she’s saying?
“Why did you kiss me?” She asks, but there’s no accusation or anger in her voice.
“I’ve wanted to for years.”
“Why didn’t you sooner, then?” Now there’s a hint of anger. “No, never mind. It doesn’t matter. I broke up with Thor and I’m leaving; none of this matters.”
My chest threatens to explode. She broke up with Thor? Because of my kiss? A desperate, clawing hope grabs me. Maybe I do have a chance. Before I realize I’ve done it, I’m right in front of her again and her head tips up to meet my gaze.  
A myriad of conflicting emotions is swirling in her eyes. She wants both to kiss me and slap me. Her eyes drop to my parted, panting lips and I can’t wait any longer.  
My second taste of her is even sweeter and she moans against my mouth, clawing her hands into my hair, down my shoulders and around my back, yanking me closer. We slam against the wall behind her, frantic; crazed and scratching at each other. We’re pressed so tight together we can’t breathe, and it’s still not close enough.  
“Fuck,” I pant, my cock straining, unbearably hard and scraping against my zipper. Lev grinds her hips against me and I nearly lose it right there. I’m tearing at her pants even as she’s yanking at my belt and zipper. I hear cloth ripping as I pull them from her and toss them away, my hands grabbing her sweet ass and lifting, wrapping her legs around my hips just as she manages to push my jeans down. I reach between us, growling with barely-leashed violence, like a rabid wolf and yank my suffering cock free.  
“Yes, do it. Bucky, please!” She moans against my mouth and I groan, long and low as I push inside her.
She feels better than I could have ever imagined, my thighs shake with the effort of holding back. I’m rasping against her throat, my entire body convulsing with need. I’m like a rank teenager again, threatening to spill at my first glorious stroke; my balls pulling up tight, a lightning bolt of ecstasy crawling my spine.  
I shudder, fighting for control.
“James,” she moans and I’m gone. Her back arches as I start to thrust, slow and deliberate at first, then faster and rougher as sensations crash over me. She’s squeezing me, her walls fluttering around me, drawing me deeper and I’m not going to last long.  
My fingers find her, circling her clit. I need her to come, I need to feel her fall apart around me; I’ve been fantasizing about this for so goddamn long.  
“Come on, baby,” I groan, burying my face in her hair. “Come for me, sweet.”
She goes rigid, clamping around me and a strangled cry tears from her throat.  
Unbelievable, mind-blowing ecstasy.  
A guttural roar claws from down in my chest and then I’m slamming into her sweet heat once more, exploding deep inside her, pulsing my seed into her womb. She keens against me, milking me for everything I have to give her and my hips shudder and flex against her in residual spasms. I feel my seed trickle out and coat our joined bodies; then I’m withdrawing reluctantly, panting, letting her feet hit the floor but holding her for balance, both hers and mine. For long moments we only stand there and gasp, shiver and moan.  
I burrow my face deeper in her neck, tighten my arms around her. Rather than sating my desire for her, this first taste has only stoked my appetite.
I want her, now and forever, in every way possible.  
“Fuck, Levi. God, baby, stay with me.” I moan, not above begging to keep this woman at my side.
She tenses and fear struggles to break through my all-consuming pleasure. She pulls away and desolation like I’ve never felt before threatens to tears me asunder.
“I can’t.” She whispers. Carefully she extradites herself from my grasp and I’m too stunned to move. No, this can’t be happening. I need her.
“Get out.” Her words are final, even as her voice shakes.  
Something flares in her eyes. “Go, James. I need time, I need to think.”
I see it clearly. If I push her now the only direction she’ll go is away, permanently.
I can’t lose her, but I also can’t make her stay.
She snatches up her torn clothes then disappears into another room and I’m numb as I slowly pull up my jeans, reorganizing myself inside them. The door opens and she steps back into view. She’s changed and is holding a suitcase.  
Her eyes say everything.  
I leave but stay standing beside my bike.
I watch as she locks up the house, then walks to her car.  
I watch as she leaves, and the last pieces of my heart shatter.
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nialledfromfics · 6 years
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chapter twelve
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“I wanna take ya somewhere,” Niall casually mentioned. Chloe flicked her eyes up from her task of folding Fionn’s shirt to peer over at him as they both sat in the middle of Niall’s large bed. She was being a dutiful girlfriend, with no complaints from her, and helping him fold up some of Finny’s freshly cleaned clothes. “You and Fionn.”
Her lips briefly parted as Niall kept his stare focused on matching a pair of small white socks. “What do you mean...where do you wanna take us?”
Her head toppled to the side as she narrowed her eyes, Niall finally peeking up at her. He gave her a coy smirk. “Just up to the cabin for the weekend. I already asked Jack, he was fine with it.”
“Okay...so, when did you wanna go?”
“This weekend?” he shrugged.
Shifting her dark eyes across the small piles of clothes that were spread out over the duvet, Chloe thought for a moment, chewing lightly at her bottom lip. “It’s just,” Niall continued causing her to shoot her eyes back up to his, “I-I told Fionn I’d take him before it gets super cold, ya know, he loves it up there and with everythin’ that happened last week–….I just thought it’d be good to get away for a bit. Just the three of us.”
Just the three of us. The words slipped past her ears and resonated in her head, swirling around and around until the only other thing Chloe could think of, the only other thing that connected, was family. It would be a first for them going away together like that, just the three of them. A big step. A giant step, if she was being honest with herself. Like a real...family. It was something that she hadn’t even put much thought into up until that moment. And now it was all she could think about.
Breathing out a soft smile, Chloe finished folding the shirt that was in her lap and set it down on top of one of the piles. She glanced up at Niall and gently darted her eyes over his. “That sounds perfect. Just what we need.”
Finny was incredibly excited from the second Niall and Chloe told him what their plans were for that weekend, he was practically non-stop bouncing off the walls. Asking them repeatedly over the course of the following week when exactly they were going to leave, had his Pokemon suitcase packed nearly four days early–though it only contained a toothbrush, one pair of underwear and an Ironman figure–and even made a list of the activities he wanted to do:
1. Swim with da
2. Play a game wit Cloe and da to
3. Eat lot of food like smors and ice creem
4. Wacth scary movie wit the fire on
Of course, a few of those activities needed a bit of modification from Niall and Chloe, but they were just happy that he was excited for their trip.
They left that Friday afternoon as soon as Finny got out of school, Niall having packed up all of the little boys’ things and had them ready to go when they picked him up. It was pouring rain, nothing new for Seattle, but they made do with the hour and a half long drive with all of them chatting and laughing about the fun stuff they were going to get into that weekend and playing a rousing game of I-Spy.
It had started to grow dark by the time they arrived at the cabin, well into the later fall months and with the frigid rain mixed in, it was more than just a bit cold out. Niall went right to work building them a nice fire in the small fireplace of the cabin, Chloe helping Fionn put away his things before making her way into the kitchen to whip up some sandwiches and chips for dinner. They had a fun night hunkered down inside as the rain pelted against the log cabin walls; making some S’mores for dessert and then watching a (non-scary) movie together before it was more than time for Finny to head to bed.
He whined a bit as Niall walked the little boy up the stairs, Fionn’s little hand waving goodnight to Chloe. And it wasn’t but fifteen minutes later before Niall had emerged back downstairs and him and Chloe scampered off to bed themselves.
They all awoke the next morning to a chilly but beautiful sun filled day, their morning routine going on as usual before Niall decided to take Finny out on the lake in a small row boat for some much needed ‘guy time’. It was way too cold to swim, Fionn devastated by the news, but he had pretty much forgotten all about that fact by the time Niall had rowed them out in the middle of the water and was just as happy to have his dad teach him how to fish. The boys stayed out on the lake for a good few hours as Chloe took the uninterrupted quiet time to thoroughly relax back at the cabin. She enjoyed a much needed hot bath and then cleaned up the house a bit before settling on the front porch with her phone as she waited for her boys to return.
Fionn came bounding down the long wooden dock up towards the house while Niall carefully tied up the boat, his tiny voice going a mile a minute as he told Chloe all about the three fish he caught and how one had giant whiskers on its face. He was also quick to mention how his father had shown him how to stand up and wee off the side of the boat, and Niall couldn’t help but chuckle under his breath as he sauntered up the porch stairs and overheard Finny’s story, his obnoxiously proud grin met with a sarcastic eye roll from Chloe.
The rest of the day went on smoothly; the atmosphere mellow and the smiles easy to come by. They all went for a long hike along the mountain side; Finny’s mouth never stopping, along with the trampling of his little feet, as his excitement for their trip ceased to wane, before they all headed back to the cabin for a nice dinner. After Niall had given Finny a warm bath and gotten him snuggled in his pajamas, he took the time to show the little boy how to properly start a fire. Chloe had already been seated on the couch with a magazine and a glass of red wine and her eyes flicked over to the two boys as they both crouched down and stared wide-eyed into the fireplace, Niall teaching him how to stoke it with a metal poker to get the flames to grow.
She let out a gentle sigh, one that only she could hear as her gaze swam over the near idealistic sight of them. Slowly dragging her brown eyes down the slope of Niall’s rounded back and over to the shaggy mop of Finny’s dark hair, it really did amaze her how much alike they were and how much she enjoyed spending time with them, both of them. Chloe brought her glass up to her lips to take a sip of her wine and her mind tried to contemplate how she had ever let Niall slip by her for so long, how his time and love was wasted on someone who didn’t really care about him, who didn’t deserve him. He was just so wonderful in every aspect, so amazing and generous and loving and Chloe simply couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that he wasn’t hers years ago. She wanted to kick herself for taking so long to see it, to see him. But instead, she decided to just quietly sip on her wine and happily watch her boys smile and giggle as they chatted about the fun filled day over the sparking fire.
After getting the fire going to a roaring full blast and setting Finny up with a snack and a few of his toys on the floor, Niall came over and plopped down on the couch next to Chloe. She swing her legs up to lay across his lap, facing her upper body towards him as his wide palm gently came to rest on the top of her thigh. “Havin’ fun?” he asked her with a playful squeeze, his thrown back head rolling over to glance at her.  
“I am actually, it’s peaceful here,” she said, giving him a slight grin as she held out her half empty glass of wine towards him. “I’m happy.”
Niall lifted his head from the back of the couch and grabbed the glass from her fingers, taking a small sip before handing it back to her. “Good, ‘cause I’m happy when you’re happy,” he said, flicking his stare over to Finny who was pushing some cars around on the wooden floorboards.
Her head tilted to the side. “Well, I’m happy when I’m with you.” Peeking over at her, Niall breathed out a soft smile as he rubbed his palm up and down her thigh. She gave him a timid smile back, reaching up to wrangle some of her dark wavy hair behind her ear. “Ni?” she faintly asked, his brows raising in silent response. “What did you think of me the first time you saw me, like, when we first met?”
“The first time I met ya?” he repeated, wrinkling his brows.
“Uh...oh geez,” he muttered with a sigh, his light blue eyes shooting up to the ceiling as his hand raised up to thread through his hair. He faintly shrugged and peered back over at Chloe. “I think the first time I met ya, the moment I saw ya, I–…that’s when I really started to question everythin’ I felt about Rachel.”
Chloe’s brows pulled in slightly. “Really? That was so long ago...”
“Yeah,” he told her, licking across his lips as he spoke, “I mean, at least subconsciously I did, ya know? I was kinda like ‘whoa! There’s this gorgeous woman and I shouldn’t be thinkin’ about her when I’m supposed to be thinkin’ about me girlfriend’, and it was just–…that’s what got me thinkin’ about everythin’ else.”
“So, you thought about me, like...that, even back then?”
“Oh, fuck yeah,” Niall grunted out, the response so earnest and heady that it caused Chloe to burst out a giggle. Niall rolled his eyes as she crossed her ankles on his lap, both his big hands dragging down the skin of her bared legs. “That was a bit overzealous there, excuse me, but yeah, you’d pop into me head every once in awhile.” Niall paused with a smirk before he lifted his shoulders and dropped his stare to watch his fingers circle along the skin of her calf. “When I wasn’t dealin’ with baby stuff and weddin’ stuff and shit. And then as the years went on…it just kinda overtook me, I guess.”
He glanced back over to Chloe. “Did ya ever think of me?”
Chloe bit down on her bottom lip. “I did,” she softly admitted.
“You did?” Niall shot back, his voice raising as he seemed surprised.
Chloe pushed out a chuckle and gave him a nod. “I mean, I always...I guess, I always kinda had a little crush on you. But I think...there were those moments when we’d really kinda flirt and laugh with each other and you’d smile at me, or look at me in that way that you do–just like you’re doing right now,” she said, pointing at him and making him chuckle, “and it just made me…”
“What?” he asked as her voice trailed off.
Squeezing her eyes shut tight, Chloe shook her head and slapped her palm to the front of her face. “I can’t...I can’t tell you.”
Niall threw his head back in a bubbling laugh and Chloe shook her head more. “Why?”
“I can’t!”
“Shit, ya gotta tell me now,” he said, his deep voice laced with his held back cackles as he reached over and tenderly pried her hand away from her face, “ya got me all intrigued, ya can’t back out. Gotta tell me.”
Breathing out a sigh, Chloe cocked her jaw to the side as she looked over at him, fighting to keep her gaze on him although it felt almost unbearable. “Sometimes,” she struggled to say, pinching her eyes closed for a half second and rolling her lips in her mouth in preparation for the embarrassment she was about to cause herself, the action causing Niall to chuckle. “Afterwards, after we...would flirt a lot and stuff, I…would...think about you and…you know...”
Niall’s stare narrowed at her, a slight confusion written across his face. She let out another sigh at her dismay. “You know, I would...go home by myself….or if I was with a guy that I didn’t really like, I would...think about you…”
Darting her eyes over his, Chloe held her breath and watched Niall’s stare go wide as her confession clicked in his head, his lips falling to a part. “Oh, God,” she mumbled, dropping her chin to her chest.
“No, no,” he chuckled, reaching over and slipping his fingers through her hair to bring her attention back to him, “darlin’, it’s fine...it’s, it’s flatterin’, I promise. I like knowin’ that ya thought about me like that, in that way. You wanna know a secret of mine?”
Biting at her bottom lip, and gave him a nod. “I did the same thing when I thought about you.”
Chloe’s eyes glanced over at Fionn on the floor, none the wiser to the quiet discussion being held on the couch before she narrowed her eyes at Niall. “You’re lying.”
He raised his brows, shaking his head. “I’m not lyin’, I swear it,” he said, tipping his head to the side as he stared at her. “Remember that time, like, three years ago, we all went to that outdoor music festival and you were wearin’ this, like, um, purple crop top bikini thing, I dunno, but you looked fuckin’ amazin’ and you were just dancin’ around and it was just so fuckin’ sexy watchin’ ya and I couldn’t take me eyes off ya,” Niall admitted to her, leaning in closer and lowering his voice, “when me and Rachel went back to the hotel that night, I…I had to go straight into the shower and, um, relieve meself ‘cause….I couldn’t get ya off me fuckin’ mind.”
“That...was the first time,” he finished, slumping back into the couch as his stare sat locked with Chloe’s.
Scraping her teeth across her bottom lip, Chloe knitted her brow as a thought shot through her head. “Did you...did you ever feel bad?”
“For jerkin’ it to ya?”
Chloe chuckled at his frankness. “Nah,” he said, peering down at her long legs that were laid across his lap, “I mean, ya know the shit with Rachel was already goin’ down hill at that point and, to be honest, that was the first time in a long time, I had felt somethin’...anythin’ really.” Niall stopped, looking back up at Chloe and holding her gaze as he swallowed hard. “And it felt good. It felt good thinkin’ about you.”
“You know, Rachel would have murdered me on the spot had she ever found out I was thinking about you like that,” Chloe mentioned, huffing out a breath.
“We would’ve both been dead,” Niall said, “But luckily, we don’t gotta worry ‘bout that nomore. And now ya don’t even have to think about it, ‘cause I’m here.” Niall paused and slipped his touch from her legs, stretching his arms out at his sides. “I’m here for your pleasure, my love.”
Toppling her head back in a laugh, Chloe reached out and playfully slapped him across his chest. “Babe, you’re such a dork.”
Niall’s head rolled back into the fluffy couch cushion as he slung his one arm around Chloe’s shoulders and tugged her small frame down against the side of his body. She nestled into his warmth, her legs curling up by her side and her dark eyes settling on Fionn as he popped a few fruit snacks into his mouth and crawled over to pick up his Ironman figure from in front of the fireplace. “So,” Niall whispered, his cheek pressing into the top of her head, “what’d ya think of me the first time we met? Like, initial reaction.”
“Well, the first time I met you, you were twenty years old,” she began, her hand splayed out on the front of Niall’s chest, her fingers fiddling with the seam on the pocket of his t-shirt, “you dressed like this California skater kid who had got kicked out of his frat house with this God awful bleached blond hair–”
Chloe giggled, twisting her head to look up at him. “But you were cute and sweet and a good guy and…none of that has changed.”
Niall smiled down at her. “Ya know, I could bring back that skater look, think I could pull it off, to be fair…”
“Oh God, please don’t.”
A laughed rumbled up from his chest. “Noted.”
“Hey, Ni?”
“Yeah, Chlo?
Her head snuggled back down into his chest, her eyes growing heavy. “I’m glad you’re mine.”
Feeling his chest rise with a deep breath, Niall pressed a tender kiss to the top of her head. “I’m glad you’re mine, too.”
A little bit later Niall shuffled off to put Finny to bed, tucking the little boy under the warm covers and pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. It was only a matter of minutes until the lad was fast asleep, the busy day having completely worn him out, and Niall made sure to flip off his light and ease the bedroom door closed before walking back down the stairs to where he had left Chloe on the couch in the living room. Much to his surprise as he rounded the corner into the cozy space, she was nowhere to be found. Her magazine and her empty wine glass were sitting on the coffee table, and for a moment, Niall thought that maybe she had grown tired herself and went on to bed. But as he wandered further into the open area, his brows furrowed in perplexity as he came to a stop right in front of a pile of clothes that was heaped in the middle of the floor.
His stare narrowed slightly as he peered down at them before he bent over and pinched a piece of the thin fabric in between his fingertips. Standing up, he dangled them up in front of him and let his eyes curiously dissect what he was holding. Definitely a pair of panties. Flicking his eyes over his shoulder to glance into the empty kitchen, he could feel the heavy thumping of his heart as he frantically began to search for Chloe, his mind going crazy with the thoughts of what she might be up to just as a faint movement of something outside on the front porch caught his attention.
Dropping the underwear back into the pile, Niall stepped towards the front door and slowly opened it, catching the sight of Chloe as she stood at the edge of the porch with a heavy wool blanket wrapped around her body, just staring up into the dark star-speckled sky. His eyes were instantly glued to her; enamoured with the way the thick blanket hugged her frame, how gorgeous her dark wavy hair looked hanging down the length of her back as she peered up into the night sky, the sliver of her soft skin that was showing at her ankles between the end of the blanket and the tops of her socks. There was just something about seeing her like that, seeing her surrounded by that crisp mountain air and bright glow of the moon as her warm breath billowed out in front of her and a serene, almost eerie, quiet pierced past their ears, it rendered him absolutely speechless.
Niall had never felt that way about anyone before.
He wasn’t sure if Chloe had heard him step outside with her, if she did, she didn’t make him aware of the fact, but it was the second that she felt the heat of his body press up against her back and his fingers gently pull down at the top edge of the blanket to dot a few tender kisses to her bare shoulder, that made a knowing smile sweep across her lips. Her eyes melted closed as the slight scratch from his beard slide over her soft skin and she tilted her head ever so slightly to the side as his mouth lightly traced up the curve of her throat.
Opening her eyes, they shifted back up into the night sky, still captivated by how richly littered it was with the bright twinkling stars. “You can see every single star in the sky up here,” she whispered, her delicate words easing Niall’s lips away from her neck, “it’s so beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful,” Niall complimented, not missing a beat. Chloe breathed out a smile and turned her face to look back at him over her shoulder. His blue eyes, heavy lidded and sparkling under the light of the moon, locked in on hers and she watched as the corners of his mouth tugged up just enough to press that tiny hidden dimple into his left cheek. It made the flutters go wild in her belly, the blush rushing to her cheeks and she slowly spun herself around, slipping her arms away from her chest to peel open the fur-lined blanket.
Niall felt the air punch from his chest, his blue eyes going wide as they inched down the length of her completely naked body, the only thing left was the pair of grey cotton socks she had on her feet. He couldn’t control the rampant pounding of his heart as he continued to soak in the magnificent sight of her, the raging heat pumping wild through his veins and begging to fill the parts of him that only she could satisfy. “Jesus,” he mumbled, bringing his hands inside the openness of the blanket and snaking them around the small of her bared waist. “Not even any knickers, eh?” Chloe bit at her bottom lip and gingerly shook her head as she slung her arms up around his neck, wrapping them both in the warmth of the blanket as her naked body pressed firm to the front of him.
She could feel the tickle of his fingertips dragging along the curve at the top of her bum as his arms eased around her, the sensation sending tiny shockwaves of shivers over her already chilly body. Niall barely had time to catch her stare before Chloe had grabbed at the back of his neck and hastily pulled him into a kiss. Her full lips moved over his, like a swallow of a current that was coaxing him under and Niall gripped around her hips, pushing his nose into her cheek as he eagerly kissed her back. “I want you,” she sighed out, barely pulling away as her hands cradled the sides of his face.
Niall’s stare met hers, watching the hazy lust glaze over the dark brown as she rolled her naked lower half against his, hungrily licking across her lips. His fingers dug into the soft skin of her hips and she rose to her tiptoes, barely skimming her parted mouth at his. “Out here?” Niall questioned with a light-heartedness in his tone.
“Wherever,” she whispered back, “I just want you.” Her eyes briefly fluttered closed, Niall tugging her body further into him by the tightness of his grip, wanting her to feel just how much he wanted her in return. Chloe could feel him, feel how swollen he was in his pants for her and she smiled at the thought as her mouth pushed to his.
It was another deep, toe-curling kiss shared between them before Niall slipped his lips from hers and caught her darkened stare. “You’re gonna be too cold out here, love,” he told her, already noticing the trembles from the chilled night air that were coursing through her overly exposed body.
“I got a blanket. And you.”
Niall chuckled lightly at her quick-witted response and sweetly pecked a kiss to her lips. “You’ll still be way too cold, Chlo,” he said, cocking his head back and raising his brows at her, “c’mon, let’s get ya back inside where it’s warm.”
Chloe rolled her eyes, but heeded his advice, dropping her arms from his shoulders and following him back inside. He reached over and grabbed her hand in his as they stepped back through the front door, a wave of cozy warmth hitting both of their practically frozen skin. The fire had dwindled to a low burn by that point in the night and Niall made sure the door was locked behind him before playfully spinning Chloe around in his arms. Soft giggles filled the air as he pulled Chloe into his embrace, cupping her frigid cheeks in his palms and planting his mouth to hers. He kissed her as hard as he could, swallowing her tiny giggles as she slowly wrapped her arms back around his neck. Niall’s tongue swept into her mouth, licking at her sweet taste and their feet stumbled beneath them as they began making their way back towards their shared bedroom.
Before they made it to the door, Niall pulled away from her with a smack of his lips. She was left stunned, her brows knitting as he grabbed Chloe’s hand and instead of guiding her into the bedroom, he wordlessly began to lead her up the windy wooden staircase. She was more than confused at that point; their bedroom was on the main level with Fionn’s bedroom being on the upper level and Chloe honestly had no idea where Niall was taking her, both of them quietly tiptoeing up the stairs as they tried to keep the wood from creaking under the press of their feet.
With her fingers laced with Niall’s, Chloe was about to lean in and ask Niall what he was up to when she felt him turn and start to climb the very last staircase–the one that led straight to the small bedroom in the attic. Her eyes shifted from the back of his head down to her feet as she followed, biting off the smile that was growing on her lips as she watched her socked toes silently bound up each step.
Reaching the top of the narrow staircase, Niall slowly opened the door and ushered her in with a hand to her back and very quietly shut the door behind him. “Remember this room?” he asked her, Chloe curling the blanket around her naked frame as she peeked over her shoulder at the very familiar double bed.
A tempestuous smirk crept over her lips and she looked back over at him. “I remember it’s the room we didn’t have sex in,” she teased.
Rolling his eyes, Niall gave her a breathy sarcastic ‘ha ha’ in response before reaching out and grabbing a handful of the blanket, pulling Chloe towards him. “Get the fuck over here…”
Chloe sighed out a smile as she dropped the blanket and let her needful body careen into him, her fingers immediately tangling into the back of his brown hair as her lips smashed to his. Niall’s big hands slid around to cradle the curve of her lower back, dipping her slightly as he kissed her more vigorously, his feet bumping with Chloe’s as he walked her backwards towards the bed. A sweet-sounding giggle burst past her lips as they toppled to the mattress, Niall sprawled out on top of her. Chloe desperately held onto him, urging him with deeper kisses and subtle moans, and she rolled her tongue in his mouth, licking over his teeth as she savored in his warm taste. Between the frantic kisses and soft whimpers, the desperate rocking of hips and greedy sucks to damp skin, Niall had shed himself of his t-shirt and pants, his fully naked body slotting back between Chloe’s spread legs right where she needed him to be. Right where he wanted to be.
She fought the smile that was tugging at her lips as he hovered above her, her eyes dancing over the sharp lines of his face as the dim glow of the moon casted shadows through the large attic windows. Her heart was racing out of her control, her chest rising high with each of her ragged breaths and she just barely lifted her hips up off the bed, so desperate to feel his swollen length that was resting at her dripping center. He hadn’t pushed himself inside her, hadn’t rocked himself against her, he hadn’t even kissed her again but just stayed hovering over her as his half-lidded eyes darted with hers. Chloe slowly reached up and combed her fingers through the side of his hair before locking her small hand around the back of his neck, attempting to pull him down in a kiss.
Niall didn’t budge; his arms locking at her sides and his lips turning down in a smirk as Chloe eased her head back to the bed and gave him a puzzled look. “I just wanna look at ya for a minute,” he sweetly whispered to her, his soft stare pouring over her face.
Chloe took in a jumbled breath at his words, the dank air seemingly fusing in her lungs as she shakily licked across her lips and let her fingers slide over to trace along the dark scruff of his jaw. There was something about him in that moment, something that wretched at her heart and caused a flurry of knots to invade her tummy with each pass of his blue eyes over her. She wasn’t nervous, she was scared, but the simplicity of it. The intimacy. It was the billions of emotions that she could feel racing through every single fiber in her body.
Niall though, Niall felt as if he was soaring through the clouds. As he peered down at the magnificent woman laid beneath him, feeling the rapid thump of her heart against his chest, seeing the soft sparkle in her eyes as she gazed up at him, the gorgeous intricacies and supple lines of her naked body that he adored so much, all in that moment, he knew. He knew that what he had with Chloe, what he felt for her, was something entirely different than anything he had ever felt before. He knew that was it. He knew she was it.
With time standing still between them, their eyes locked and bodies heaving as they silently stared, everything else in that moment just seemed to all...disappear. Everything but Niall and Chloe. She could feel his hot breath blowing out in erratic pants over her exposed skin and it was only a matter of another few drawn out seconds before he was leaning down and finally meeting her lips in a soft kiss, his slim hips lifting slightly as he lined himself up with her waiting center and slowly–ever so slowly–entered her.
She gasped into his open mouth, her hands curling tight around his sticky neck as he buried himself all the way inside her. Her eyes squeezed shut as he began to thrust, so slow and so deep it made the breath practically knock from her lungs as his wet and greedy mouth trailed over her slackened jaw and latched onto the side of her throat. He sucked harshly at her dampened flesh, feeling her heavy pulse against his tongue and Chloe tipped her head back as soft drawn-out moans edged past her parted lips, the sweet sounds riddled with a few squeaky whines. Her fingers dug into the blistering hot skin of his neck, her nails scraping over the flexing muscles of his shoulders as he slowly–so agonizingly slow that Chloe swore she might burst–thrust his hips to hers.
Shoving an arm under her arched lower back, Niall grasped around her side and yanked at her body, sliding her bottom up the span of his thighs as he knelt back just a bit. The new angle at which he was deeply sinking into her caused a shattered cry to escape from Chloe’s bared throat, Niall dragging his eager mouth down to explore her chest. He licked across her breasts, sucking over her pert nipples for only a moment before his frantic motions ceased and he softly rested his forehead at the top of her sternum. His skin was clammy and warm, sticking to hers as he continued to roll his bum up before easing back down, slowly stretching her swollen inner walls with every perfect inch of his thickness as his fingers dug into her side to hold her in place. He roughly panted against the balmy skin of her chest, the sweat pooling fast between them as his thrusts slowed even more, Niall just barely rocking himself inside her. He would sink deep, filling her completely and just hold himself there, the faint taunting circle of his hips nearly making Chloe go mad. She couldn’t take it anymore, she wanted to feel him fuck her, she needed to feel him fuck her.
Trying her best to move her hips up from the bed to meet his lazy thrusts, Chloe shot her eyes open and reached down to gently cup her hands around the sides of his face. “Ni?...Baby?”
It was the muted whisper of her voice that barely wafted between them as she carefully lifted his face to hers and she choked back a breath the second his stare locked deep to her own. There was something about the heavy look in his eyes, the glassiness that was filling them, and the way he was looking at her, it made her heart skip in her chest and an ache tighten deep in her belly. His brown hair was a mess atop his head, plastering to his sweaty skin, and his cheeks mottled red as his lips sat in a soft open pout, but the look in his eyes, those hypnotizing baby blues, was what made Chloe realize that something was different. Something felt...different.
Her eyes lightly fluttered as he kept his stare darting over hers and Niall began to move his hips a bit faster, the muscles of his rounded back tightening with his thrusts as he slid his arm out from under her and draped his sweat-coated body over hers, cradling both of his big hands around her head. Chloe whimpered between her manic breaths from the overwhelming intensity of how he was making her feel, her eyes straining to not roll back and stay solely focused on his as Niall lightly tangled his fingers in her hair, inching his face down to sit just flush to hers.
Tiny breathy moans etched past his lips and saturated Chloe’s tongue, and as Niall continued to push himself inside her, his watery all-consuming stare so deeply fixated onto hers, she could feel the hot tears start to build and cloud her eyesight. She wasn’t sure what was making her feel that way, what was making everything with Niall in that moment seemed so heightened and vivid to the point that her heart was wanting to erupt out of her chest and her tensed body over run with uncontrollable trembles, but she was in no way to fight it. She didn’t want to fight, she wanted to be at his mercy, to let it ravage her, devour her, let him devour her and she could do nothing as she felt herself starting to give way to him.
Pinching her eyes closed, she shook her head within his grip and wrapped her arms all the way around his neck. “Ni…” she choked out as he buried himself deep inside her. Feeling the throbbing clench of her center around him as her quivering body hit its peak, Niall tucked his face down into the side of her clammy neck.
“God, baby....I–”
A mangled cry left Chloe’s lips, her arms squeezing tight to Niall as she held onto him for dear life, and it was only another few perfectly languid seconds of their molded bodies moving as one before they were both recklessly coming together. Niall released himself inside her with a few deep moans and the tender whisper of her name as Chloe sweetly gasped for air, her love-wasted body slowly writhing beneath him. His strong arms curled tighter around her, the intoxicating heat of him fully encompassed her and Chloe let the waning movement of his skilled hips and the sensation of his sticky warmth inside her, gently ease her down from her nearly paralyzing climax.
Gathering her breaths as best she could, Chloe held Niall close as he pressed soft kisses to her neck, neither of them uttering a word, but just remaining huddled in each others warmth and quietly relishing in what had just happened between them. Chloe wasn’t even sure what it was, but as she gently wiped away at a tear that had slipped down her cheek from the outer corner of her eye, she knew in her heart it was truly something special.
They had fallen asleep in each others arms up in that attic bedroom mere minutes after being together, Niall cradling Chloe from behind and neither one of them moving an inch the entire night. It was her that awoke first, the bright crisp morning sun filtering in through the blind-less windows as she heard the faint sleepy grumbles of Niall in her ear. Taking in a deep breath, Chloe slipped her hand down his forearm that was slung over her middle, her fingers tracing the lengths of his before she curled them around and brought his hand up to her mouth. A contented smile pulled at her lips, the dreamy thoughts of the night before flashing through her head and she softly pecked across the bumps of his knuckles.
It was then that she heard what sounded like the pattering bare footsteps of a small child over wooden floors and she tried to contain her quiet giggle before slipping herself out from under the covers and Niall’s warm embrace. She was still completely naked and Chloe made sure to snatch the woolen blanket from off the floor and wrap herself in it before she very quietly opened the attic door and made her way downstairs. Glancing into the living room as she came to the bottom of the steps, she could see Fionn sitting on the floor playing with his toys and she ducked herself down the small hallway and into the bedroom she was supposed to be in with Niall and shut the door behind her.
Changing into a pair of knit shorts and a t-shirt, Chloe tied her dark curls up into a knot before finally making her way out into the living area where Finny was. She stopped as she came into the threshold of the joined living room and kitchen, her hands perching on her hips as she glanced down at the little boy that had yet to notice her. Tipping her head to the side, she watched him pretend jump his Ironman figure off the edge of the coffee table before she cleared her throat, a big smile slipping on her face as an angelic pair of blue eyes shot up and looked over at her.
“Chloe!” Finny called out, hopping up off the floor. He weaved around the living room furniture as he came running towards her, throwing himself into Chloe’s body with a tight hug.
She laughed at his energetic hello and wrapped her arms around his tiny frame before he tossed his head back to peer up at her. “Morning, Fionn,” she said, “hope you slept good!”
“I did,” he mumbled, stepping back and dropping his arms down at his side.
Chloe reached out and ruffled her hand through his brown mess of bed hair. “Good,” she replied, “but guess what? Your dad is still sleeping, so I thought it would be fun if we cook him some breakfast together as a surprise, what do ya think?”
Grabbing Finny’s little hand in her own, Chloe led him into the kitchen and sat him up on one of the stools at the island countertop before walking around to the other side, grabbing a few mixing bowls from the cabinet on her way. Finny quietly watched as she got the griddle ready on the stovetop and even helped her to stir the eggs into the pancake mix and when she was half way through cutting up the bananas to add to the batter, Fionn decided it was the perfect time for him to speak up. “Chloe?” he asked, her dark eyes staying fixated down at the cutting board.
“Do ya love me Da?”
Her fingers instantly stalled their movements, the knife in her one hand halting right as it had sliced through the banana. Swallowing hard, Chloe eased her stare up to Fionn. “I…” The purely innocent look on the little boy’s face was wrecking her, and Chloe knew that in no way–absolutely no way–could she even think of lying to him. So she said exactly how she felt, exactly what her heart was feeling, and her stomach involuntarily twisted into the biggest knot she had ever experienced. “I...I do, Finny, yes.”
Chloe sucked in a shaky breath after the words left her lips, a revelation she wasn’t sure she had been ready for but instead of feeling a worrisome heaviness inside her as she had anticipated, she actually felt as if a weight had been lifted. It was the first time she had ever admitted her feelings for Niall out loud, or even to herself, to be fair and in that second as she watched a dopey smile curl over Fionn’s small mouth, she couldn’t help but smile back at him. “Does he love you?” the little boy quickly followed up with an inquisitive furrow of his brow.
Chloe shrugged her one shoulder in reply, her brown eyes falling back down to her task of scooping the cut bananas into the batter. “I don’t know,” she honestly answered, “I haven’t asked him.”
“I think he does.”
“And why do you think that?”
“ ‘cause he’s always so smiley.”
It was the small boy’s simple wide-eyed sincerity that sparked a giggle in Chloe. “He’s smiley?”
Fionn nodded, his eyes following the circular motions of Chloe’s hand as she stirred the batter in the mixing bowl. “Yup, all the time he’s smiley. ‘Specially when ya have sleepovers.”
Throwing a hand up to cover her mouth, Chloe choked back a laugh and shook her head. “Well, I’m glad I make him smile more.”
Finny let out a tiny giggle, his entire body shaking in the chair as he raised up on his knees. “And he said it.”
Harshly knitting her brows at his comment, Chloe paused as she was about to pour a cupful of batter onto the hot griddle and glanced over at him. “What? When–…did he tell you that?”
Finny raised his shoulders to his ears. “I dunno, he told mummy when they were fightin’.”
With her lips falling open, Chloe’s eyes darted around the room and it felt as if all the air had been forcibly wretched from her lungs. “Fionn, I–”
She really didn’t even know what to say, how to even respond to what he had just told her and she said the only thing that popped into her mind as she flicked her eyes back to the face of the little boy sitting at the countertop. “You know, that moms and dad’s fight sometimes…and they say things...” She didn’t know how to finish.
Finny nodded as her voice filtered off, his fingers curling over the edge of the counter as he leaned on his elbows and pulled himself closer to watch. Chloe cleared her throat and shot her eyes down, pouring a few cups of batter onto the hot griddle. “I’m happy you and Da don’t fight,” he spoke up again, tipping his head to the side as he watched the bubbles form in the tops of he pancakes, “that means ya love him back, huh?”
Chloe breathed out a short chuckle and nodded her head. “Yeah, yeah, that means I love him back.” With a grin spreading on her lips, Chloe bit back her growing smile as she flipped the pancakes and glanced up at the little boy. “Do you know who else I love?”
Fionn’s brows pulled in. “Who?”
His eyes went big. “Me?!”
Chloe laughed out loud, her eyes pinching shut as she nodded her head. “Yes, you silly!”
“I love you too, Chloe,” his little voice said, gaining a smile from her in return, “you’re my best friend.”
“And you’re my best friend, Finny,” she quietly told him.
He gave her a wide toothy grin. “We can’t tell Da that though–”
“Tell Da what?”
Both of their eyes shot to the open doorway, seeing Niall standing there in his clothes from the previous night and a thoroughly disheveled head of hair. Chloe smirked at him as he caught her stare, Niall giving her a wink as he walked over towards Fionn. “Nothin’ Da, it’s a secret.”
Bending over, Niall pushed a kiss to the little boy’s head. “What’s your secret?”
“That Chloe’s me bestest friend and she loves me.”
“Finny!” Chloe shrieked out with an amused chuckle, placing a few more blobs of pancake batter onto the griddle. “You just gave our secret away!”
The little boy giggled and Niall peeked over at Chloe. Catching his glance from the tops of her eyes, she lifted her shoulders in a faint shrug. “Cats outta the bag again,” she mumbled with a snark, flipping the pancakes over.
“Should I be worried?” Niall responded, flicking his stare between his girl and his son, “You two gonna run away together and leave me all alone?”
Fionn giggled again and shook his head. “Maybe…” Chloe spoke up, lightheartedly scrunching up her nose at the little boy.
With her stare shooting over to Niall who was stood next to Fionn, she watched as he huffed out a smile and began to make his way around the countertop, easing himself up behind her. His arms wrapped around her middle, his nose pressing into the back of her neck. “Not if I have any fuckin’ say in it,” he whispered as he pressed soft teasing kisses to her skin.
Chloe faintly giggled as his warm breath tickled her. “Fine, you can come with us,” she offered.
“Hmm, now that sounds like a good plan.”
Niall gently tugged her backside against his front, playfully nipping at the bit of exposed flesh that sat at the base of her neck. It sent a shiver down her spine. “Ni,” she softly chided, leaning forward to get away from the wrath of his mouth, “I’m trying to cook breakfast here!”
He rumbled out a laugh. “Sorry, sorry,” he said, backing away from her and peeking around to look at the pancakes cooking on the griddle, “this looks good.”
“It’s for you, Da!”
“Oh, is it?” Niall shot back, bouncing around the end of the island again to make his way back over to Fionn, “Well, aren’t I special!”
He grabbed around the tiny boy’s torso and began to tickle him, a raucous uproar of high-pitched cackles quickly filling the space. Chloe laughed as she slid some pancakes onto a couple of plates and served them up on the counter in front of the boys, Niall sitting himself down onto the stool next to Fionn. Peeking up at her, Niall gave her a sweet lopsided smile, one that she had grown to adore more than anything and once again, Chloe felt the butterflies going wild in her tummy.
After they had gotten breakfast cleaned up, Finny begged to go on one last boat ride before they had to pack everything up and leave to head back home. Niall agreed, asking Chloe if she wanted to join, but she politely declined, telling him that it was a father/son bonding thing and she wasn’t too keen on going out on the cold water anyway. Niall pressed a kiss to her cheek with a smile and they took off, Finny jumping right down into the boat from off the side of the dock.
But if Chloe was being honest with herself, there were other things that were preoccupying her mind other than it being too cold out and it was something she just could shake. What Finny had told her at breakfast and everything that had happened between her and Niall the previous night, the thoughts just continuously rolled around in her head and she wasn’t sure what to make of it all. She knew that her and Niall had shared something special between them the night before, a moment, and by the time she awoke that morning she had just chalked it up to an overdrive of emotions but what Fionn had told her, what Fionn had said that Niall said…she wasn’t so sure anymore.
Did Niall really love her? Was he in love with her?
She knew her feelings for him were deep, deeper than she had ever felt for anyone before and when Finny had asked her...she said what her heart was telling her to say, what her heart was feeling, and that was the she loved him. She loved Niall. But what the hell was she supposed to do now?
Chloe rushed back down the little hallway into the bedroom, heading right towards the small end table by the side of the bed. Unplugging her phone, she quickly dialed Liz’s number and sat down, her teeth clamping into her bottom lip as she listened to it ring.
“Liz, um, hey…” Chloe mumbled, her eyes drifting down to settle in her lap.
“Chloe…hey, what’s up? How’s the trip going?”
She pulled in a shaky breath, flicking her stare up to peer out of the window across from her. “Liz, something happened…”
“What?” she gasped out, an urgency in her voice, “Are you okay, what happened?”
“Niall, um...I think he made love to me last night.”
There was a snort on the other end of the line. “Okay,...well, I’m sure that’s not the first time…”
“No, but,” Chloe paused to swallow, squeezing her eyes shut as she reached up and swiped some wisps of hair off her forehead, “it was different, something felt...different between us. It felt deeper.”
There was a stinging bout of silence in that second and Chloe huffed out a breath as she pulled her phone away from her cheek to check the signal, afraid that her call had dropped. “Liz?”
“You love him,” her friend calmly said, “you’ve fallen in love with him.”
Chloe’s eyes pressed closed as she struggled to catch a needed breath. She knew that she loved Niall, and she seemed fine admitting that to herself, but to hear her own best friend say it aloud? It felt like her lungs didn’t want to work properly. “What–...what do I do? What do I s-say?”
She heard a cackle come from Liz. “Okay, first of all, weirdo, take a deep breath, you’re going to be fine,” she suggested, Chloe heeding her friend’s advice and forcing herself to gulp back a nice long breath. It didn’t help much. “I know this feels like a lot, maybe something you’ve never felt before, but I promise you’ll be fine. Just tell him how you feel.”
“What if he doesn’t–”
“He’s not said it?”
“No,” Chloe mumbled, peering down in her lap to watch as her fingers tugged at the hem of her shorts, “I kinda thought he was going to last night, ya know when we were–... but, I don’t know, he didn’t.”
Liz let out a sigh. “Well, sometimes guys are…weird like that, I don’t know,” she started, Chloe listening intently, “if I were you, I’d just grow some balls and tell him myself. Maybe he thinks that you don’t feel that way for him, which is absurd. But I know he feels that way for you.”
She wrinkled her brow. “How do you know that?”
“Just...believe me, okay?” Liz said, “I’d never lie to you.”
Feeling her heart sink in her chest at her friend’s words, Chloe gathered a breath to gear herself up for what she was about to say. “Liz, I, um,…I wanna apologize…”
“For what?”
“For...not telling you...about what Rachel was talking about at Niall’s party, about what I did–”
“Chlo, you don’t have to–”
“No, I should’ve told you,” Chloe shot back, swallowing hard before she went on, “you’re my best friend, you’ve always been my best friend...and I’m sorry I kept it from you all this time.”
A sigh fell from Liz’s lips. “You don’t have to tell me everything, Chlo, you’re allowed to keep some things to yourself, it’s okay.”  
“I need to tell you this, Liz, it’s important to me that you know.” Chloe paused, chewing on the inside of her cheek before swallowing hard. “Right before Rachel and Niall’s wedding, I got pregnant…”
“Oh, Chloe…”
“And I had an abortion. I asked Rachel to come with me, and I’m not sure why, I guess because she was already pregnant with Fionn and I thought she’d understand what I was going through,” Chloe gently sighed, “I don’t know, it was a stupid mistake asking her to go with me instead of you.”
“Chlo, I love you, you’re my best friend for life,” Liz explained, “You did what you thought was right at the time. I would never hold that against you.”
Chloe pressed her eyes closed. “Okay.”
“And I’m not mad that you never told me, I’m just...I’m glad that you are okay, that everything turned out okay,” she said, “that’s all that matters.”
“Thanks, Liz.”
“Of course!” she chuckled. “Now get off the phone with me and go tell that man of yours that you fucking love him!”
Breathing out a soft laugh, Chloe shook her head and peeked down at her lap. “I’ll try.”
It was mid afternoon by the time the boys had returned from their boating trip and the three of them were able to get everything cleaned up and packed. They all stepped out of the front door together, Finny zooming past Niall and Chloe as he took off to run a few laps around the grass covered yard. Pulling the rolling suitcases behind him, Niall turned around to lock up the door, Chloe waiting patiently beside him. She quietly watched as he turned the key and heard the lock click into place, Niall letting out a low hum as he flicked his blue eyes over to Chloe.
She gave him a sweet smile and he reached over and grabbed her arms, gently bring her into a hug. With her cheek resting right at the front of his shoulder, she snaked her arms around his middle and a slight shudder rampled through her body as a chilled breeze blew past. Niall tightened his arms around her in attempt to ward off the cold and Chloe’s eyes fluttered closed as she pulled in a deep settling breath, drowning in that musky scent of him she loved so much. “Don’t wanna leave,” he softly mumbled into the strands of her dark hair.
A smile pricked across her mouth and she nestled her face further into the round of his shoulder. “Me either,” she quietly said back to him, “it’s so peaceful and quiet here, just the three of us….” Ticking her head back to look up at him, she caught his stare, his soft eyes focused down at her. He looked so handsome, the afternoon sun piercing over his profile as it had almost started to set and as Chloe dragged her eyes along the freckled slope of his nose and down to his bearded jaw, she could feel her heartbeat start to pick up in her chest. Chloe swallowed hard, her fingers curling around the material of his shirt at the bend in his lower back and she promptly licked at her lips. “Ni, I…I, um...” She struggled to get the words out, the words she so desperately wanted to say to him, that she wanted him to know but they felt like thick tar sticking to the back of her dry throat. “I...I think I left something in the bedroom.”
Niall wrinkled his brows slightly at her statement before he breathed out a chuckle. “Okay…”
“I better go check.”
“Um, yeah, sure,” he said, slipping his arms from around her and handing her the keys to the house. “I’m just gonna go put the bags in the car. I’ll meet ya out there?”
Chloe quickly nodded, her fingertips nervously twiddling together in front of her as she watched him grab the handles of the suitcases and walk towards the front steps of the porch. “Just make sure ya lock it back up when ya come out or Jack will kick me arse from here to next Sunday.”
She huffed out a smile at his joke, her brown eyes fixating on the way the muscles in his back were flexing with each movement as he carried the bags down the steps and made his way out to the car. Spinning around to face the door as Niall called for Fionn to help him, Chloe dropped her forehead in the cup of her hand and pushed out a heavy breath as a million curse words flew through her head at her own damn stupidity. She was right there, it was right there...and for some reason she was just too scared to say it.
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jesbakescookies · 7 years
Rear Window: Chapter Twelve Excerpt
I felt like revisiting some Rear Window smut. What can I say, I like reading about Negan tugging his trouser snake. 
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He felt his chest pounding an erratic rhythm, the faltered thud catching his breath and dizzying his head. The sight of Kayla pulling her shirt from her petite body had Negan swallowing thickly, his hooded eyes sliding over the newly exposed skin. She wore a navy colored lace bra, something feminine and delicate. It gave him a roaring thrill to think she'd chosen it, thinking he may end up seeing it. Licking his lip, Negan felt his eyes drawn to the dusty pink showing through the floral transparent fabric. He could feel himself being consumed by the desire to taste, lick and bite every square inch of her silky skin. His dick ached to the pace of his heartbeat, the sensation heady and intoxicating.
Kayla's hair fell across the scarred cheek, the woman acquiring the habit of hiding the healed wounds, ducking behind a wall of thick locks. Reaching out, Negan combed the fallen strands from her face, his thumb dragging subtly across the scars.
"Don't hide from me." He rasped quietly, the coarseness of his voice contrasting with his gentle tone.
"I hate them." Kayla confessed, leaning into his palm, while avoiding his eyes. Negan stepped closer, his other hand resting on her hip as he sank his fingers into her hair.
"You're beautiful." He rasped, his eyes tracing over every curve of her face and jagged edged scar that graced it. "Nothing will change that."
The feeling of both her hands touching his waist and stomach jolted him into motion. Shifting her face upwards, Negan brushed his thumb against her bottom lip. He growled as they parted and her wet, pink tongue darted out to touch his fingertip.
"Wanna taste me, darlin'?" He drawled gravelly, his blown pupils soaking up the sight of her wantonly panting.
"Yeah." She gasped, her fingers curling into the waist of his jeans.
"Fuck." He grunted as she tugged him closer, his hard dick pressing into her stomach.
"Kiss me."
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Leaning forward he sucked her bottom lip into his mouth, his teeth teasing the soft skin. He had to stop himself from drawing blood; the feeling of the plump flesh between his teeth had him ravenous.
Kayla's hands sunk into his hair when he tried to pull back, the tiny brunette affixing her mouth to his, demanding entrance almost immediately. He was surprised at her enthusiasm but dove to meet her needs.
The taste of her flooded his mouth, causing him to salivate greedily. His body took over, as his mind spun out like a top. Negan had no fucking idea how he went from drinking himself to death, to ravaging Kayla's mouth and neck with glutinous vigor. Whatever serendipity was at work, the desperate man was not passing it up by asking why the girl was doing what she was doing. Who the fuck was he to question her?
"Fucking. Fuck, doll." He growled when Kayla's hands tugged at the button on his pants in frustration.
"Off." She demanded with a huskiness he'd never heard from her swollen lips.
"Easy, beautiful. Easy." Negan calmed her, a teasing grin sliding across his face with no subtlety. "Don't rush a guy. Where's the foreplay?"
Her laugh rung out and eased the pounding of his heart. Things were moving faster than he thought possible. Negan didn't want to fuck anything up again.
"Is this considered funny business?" He asked, while silently begging all fucking things holy that she wouldn't change her mind.
Shaking her head, Kayla smirked playfully. "I'm not fucking laughing." Thumbing the button open, he watched as she licked her lips before biting down hard. She liked watching, he could see her rising chest quicken as he dropped his jeans. He stood in front of her wearing a pair of gray boxer briefs, the giant hard-on unavoidable. Testing his theory that Kayla was just as big of a voyeur as he was, he grabbed the source of his throbbing ache and rubbed it through the cotton. Negan watched as she swallowed, her hands clenched against her thighs. Her greedy eyes flickered over his body and face but kept focusing on his hand, the flexing forearm and clutching fingers had her attention completely.
"Like that?" He rasped, reaching out with his free hand to unbutton her pants. "Wanna watch me tug one out?"
"Yeah." She panted, chewing on her lip as she stepped out of her jeans. "In the shower. I wanna watch you... cum."
"Jesus fucking Christ, princess. I'm gonna blow in my shorts if you keep talking like that." Negan huffed, his eyes shutting as he grasped himself tighter. When his heavy eyes fluttered open, Negan peered down at her in the tiny underwear and bra. "You gonna leave those on?"
"I don't know, you leaving yours on?"
Negan smirked at her nervous shuffling, her thighs squeezing together as he slowly dropped his boxers. He feigned confidence while standing buck ass naked, his dick literally bobbing to his heart rate, as the woman he was head over heels with, slowly peeled off her last flimsy scraps of clothing.
He hissed a breath through clenched teeth as he watched the expanses of smooth silky skin exposed, inch-by-inch. She had perfect little handfuls, topped off with tight little rosy nipples. His mouth watered at that sight alone but when her panties dropped, he saw god in that bare cleft between her supple thighs. Negan wasn't positive because he hadn't buried his face between her wet lips… yet, but he was fairly certain her pussy deserved to be worshiped liked the deity it was.
"Fucking Christ." Negan cursed as she cupped herself and asked in a husky voice belonging in his dirtiest of dreams. "Do you wanna watch me too?"
"Yes. Fucking hell. Get in the goddamn shower." He ordered, pulling the stall door open and following her inside with little patience or control.
For a moment they only stared at each other with nervous eyes but as Negan's hand returned to the pulsing heat between his legs, Kayla was instantly enthralled.
"You like watching." He rasped, his head rolling back some as the lazy strokes took the edge off. Kayla bit the corner of her lips, as he groaned at his movements.
"Are you wet?" Negan asked breathlessly.
"I'm in the shower aren't I?"
"Don't be a smartass." He grunted, his hand sliding along his cock with ease, while he watched her squirm under his gaze. "Fuck, you're getting a little antsy darlin'. Maybe you should slid those little fingers down there."
The sight of Kayla's hand trailing down her stomach, her fingertips dancing along her smooth abdomen to the promise land, had Negan panting heavily. He'd never seen something as erotic as Kayla propping her leg on the shower ledge while she curled her fingers through the soaked folds between her thighs.
"Fucking hell." He groaned, his hand tightening around his hard prick as she swirled two fingers around her swelling hood.
"Have you watched me before? Fucking myself?"
"Jesus Christ." He moaned, his head shaking slightly. "No I… fucking fuck, you look hot as shit right now."
"You what?"
"I thought once you were but it was dark." He offered tightly as he fought cumming from the sight before him. Kayla's fingers moved further down, the tips disappearing inside her before retreating back to her clit.
Negan's hand was working a faster rhythm, his breath catching as she started to unravel in front of him. Her bare chest was rising rapidly as the sensations and sight began to push her towards an orgasm also.
"You're so fucking gorgeous fucking yourself right now." He commented, licking his lips as her fingers sunk deeply inside her. "Jesus, can I kiss you?"
Nodding without halting her movement, she tilted her head back as he stepped in close. Their wrists were bumping as they both worked themselves over, their eyes drilling into each other greedily.
With his free hand, Negan cupped her neck and tilted her head back, aligning his mouth with hers. Pausing before he kissed her, he hovered just a hair's breadth away and whispered, "are you soaked, baby girl?"
"Fuck." He growled before attacking her mouth and pressing her into the wall. Their hands were pinned between them, both of them too gluttonous to stop fucking themselves. Kayla's tongue was twirling a hot path around his mouth, as he groaned like a virgin. Her tight nipples were brushing against his chest hair, the hard little nubs flushed pink.
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Sliding his mouth along her jaw and neck, Negan nipped his way to her ear and rasped, "Wanna taste your tight little pussy. Bet you're as sweet as honey."
"Negan." She gasped, her head going back as her hand worked faster. Using his free hand, he cupped her breast and squeezed her nipple, plucking at it with teasing fingers.
"Sexy little tits. Fucking hell, I wanna fuck them." He growled, biting at her neck and shoulder as his hand tightened around his dick. The head of his cock ached and pulsed, the skin turned darker as he held a tentative grasp on his control.
"Want you to cum on them." Kayla replied, her voice hoarse and out of breath.
"Jesus Christ. M'gonna cum soon, doll. Fuck. Are you almost there?"
"Yeah." She panted, her eyes dropping to watch his hand. Her lips parted as she gasped, watching him tighten his fist and work the heated flesh faster.
"I'm gonna paint you, sweetheart." He growled, his dark eyes watching the way her lungs caught at the words. "Fuck, you want me to. Goddamn you're amazing."
"Oh fuck." Kayla gasped her thighs quivering as her hand began to lose coordination. Her orgasm hit her hard, giving the man a vision of heaven. Throwing her head back, a low moan echoed against the tile walls as her hips rocked into her palm. He could see how slick her fingers were despite not being anywhere near the steady stream of water.
He watched her breasts heave as she continued to push herself through her orgasm, her eyes fluttering before returning to his rapidly increased pace.
"You gonna cum for me?"
"Yeah." He panted, his eyes flickering over her body and face. "Let me taste your pussy."
Sliding her fingers from her core, Kayla brought them to his lips with a smirk. "Pervert."
"Takes one to know one." He growled before sucking her fingers into his mouth aggressively. The deep chest rumbling moan that emanated from his throat was muffled some by the digits stuffed into his mouth but it was unmistakable how much he enjoyed her taste. The flavor of her coated his tongue and slicked his throat, the musky sweetness exactly what he was picturing but so much more. His hand rolled over the top of his dick, the head weeping profusely at his actions.
When Kayla's nails scraped along his abdomen, brushing through his happy trail, Negan's control broke. Pressing her into the wall, he rut his dick into her wet skin like an animal in heat.
"Fuck." He grunted as the head of his dick expanded once more before the tension in his entire body broke. Moaning so deeply, he imaged he was hurting Kayla's ears, he came all over her stomach and the underside of her tits. He barely locked his knees before collapsing under the weight of his orgasm.
Pressing his forehead into the tile next to her shoulder, he panted against her neck. Kayla's arms wrapped him up, tugging him closer for support. He felt her hands stroking up and down his back but could barely focus on breathing let alone speaking.
It was damn near five minutes before he pulled back to look at the mess he made. Smirking at the sight of his cum coating her smooth stomach and dripping from the subtle curves of her breasts had him aching again.
"You look hot covered in me."
Smirking at his words, Kayla replied, "You look hot all weak kneed and flustered."
Feeling his neck heat at the comment, he muttered, "I'm only weak kneed because I busted it."
"Excuses, excuses. Just admit it, I make you quiver." She teased, her fingers dancing along his ribs.
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hellokafkiana · 7 years
Jacque (or “It Won’t Happen Again p5”)
“Jacque should return today,” Porthos said casually to his wife while she was cuddling their two years old son, but the woman wasn’t paying much attention “Who?” she whispered in return, not really focused on the conversation since her child was laughing with his most precious smile, but her husband insisted “Jacque. One of our best cadet’s and also Anne’s…” he hesitated some seconds, clearly unsure on which words to use, then, eventually he went on “Ex-boyfriend, I guess.” “Oh,” Elodie replied giggling “That Jacque.” “That Jacque?” “The pretty young thing” she explained herself, but her husband’s shocked expression made her roll her eyes “Don’t give me that look, he WAS gorgeous.” “He was young, yes.” he agreed with her “Embarrassingly young, he could have been her son, but I thought Anne… liked him” “She did” Elodie confirmed, “He was handsome, tireless and he cared about her.” “With tireless you mean…” Porthos started, but his wife’s smutty smile was more than an adequate explanation “Oh…” “He was gentle but firm. He made her laugh and…” “She seemed happy; I thought she was happy” Porthos insisted “She was happy.” “No,” Elodie said interrupting him  “I mean… yes, she was, but it was not that simple.” “She was…” he started, but the words died in his mouth. Porthos had to admit that had no idea why Anne had done what she had done, what she had been doing and what she still was “SHE” his wife explained “She was punishing… someone else.” “Athos?” Porthos supposed, and when Elodie nodded he continued “Why?” At that moment she let her younger child go and watch the little Jean-Louis taking some steps towards his elder sister’s room. After some seconds she turned in her husband’s direction and answered: “She had found out his child’s name.” “Oh.” “Anne was mad” she hissed and after that Elodie made a short pause, remembering that strange encounter they had near the doctor’s house “Incredibly mad” she continued “And desperate. She wanted to hurt him, at least that’s the impression I got” “You’re right.” Pothos agreed after some seconds “How have I not thought about that? It was so…” “So?” “Crystal-clear” he replied remembering some episodes, episodes that back then had seemed irrelevant, but that at that moment suddenly made sense “He hated Jacque” Porthos whispered, lost in his thoughts. “Oh, yes of course he did” Elodie answered, but her husband still had difficulties in accepting the truth “Jacque is such an amazing swordsman, I just… thought he felt threatened.” “He did felt threatened in a way.” “Because he was screwing his wife.” “Because” Elodie corrected him “He was a young version of himself who was screwing his wife.” “Those two…” Porthos started, and his wife nodded in return “Yes, they are a mess.”
Those words haunted her for another couple of hours. The last time he had seen Anne, no longer than a week before, she had been pale, so extremely pale, and even before that, her friend had been feeling unwell for… days and that was not something that usually happened to Anne. In the end, Elodie decided it was about time to pay a visit to her friend, even though she decided to leave her younger child to Constance, even though Anne was becoming softer, it would have been an excessive risk to dare her patient with two young, rowdy children.  
When, sometime later, she and her daughter arrived at Anne’s place she found her friend resting on her bed, her face once again pale, her face exhausted.
“Anne…?” “You really can’t live without bothering me, can you?” Anne whispered, slowly opening her eyes, trying to focus on her friend. “No, I can’t” the other woman replied amused “Still in bed?” “Obviously,” Anne remarked annoyed, but then she saw the little Marie-Cezette hiding behind her mother “Is my little niece there?” “Auntie!” the little girl screamed reaching for Anne, who hugged her tight, all of that until the attentive gaze of the child's mother. Elodie smiled gently. For reasons she could not fully understand Milady de Winter, the Queen’s personal assassin had developed a weakness for her little daughter.   “Don’t give me that look” Anne warned her “I’m not softer.” “Yes you are” Elodie insisted with her victory smile and at that moment Marie-Cezette separated from her so strange adoptive aunt “How are you? Mom’s worried.” “She always is” Anne replied “Now go to play with my jewellery before I change my mind” she concluded and the child left in a hurry incredibly excited.
Only once the little girl was out of their reach Anne spoke again “Why are you here, Elodie? And where have you left the other one?” “I left my son with Constance, and I’m here because…” she hesitated for some seconds, unsure how to bring the subject up “I was talking to Porthos this morning, Anne” she took a small breath before finishing the sentence “Jacque should return today.” There were some seconds of silence, seconds to which Anne nodded impassively; then she hissed “I wish him all the best, but…” “Athos is not the man for you,” her friend said interrupting her “He has a family, and he’s an old drunk…” she continued exasperated “And Jacque…” Elodie said rolling her eyes “He was perfect for you.” “Perfection is boring.” “Maybe.” Elodie acknowledged “BUT don’t tell ME that YOU have never thought about how much easier your life would be if you just give up on the foolish idea that you and Athos might…” “Don't.” “… and accept that someone like Jacque could make you happy, so happy… You know he loves you.” “Well, he shouldn’t” Anne replied annoyed “I’ve never asked him to.” “But it happened anyway.” Elodie insisted “Let yourself be loved, Anne. You deserve that. You deserve that more than anyone” “That ship has sailed” the other woman insisted harshly but not harsh enough to convince his friend to leave her alone. Porthos’s wife, in fact, smiled once again to her before saying “If you say so. But don’t say YOU never think about what Jacque could give you because that would be a lie. A giant lie.”
And at that moment Anne looked away, knowing that her annoying friend was right. She HAD thought about how much easier would have been to allow herself to love and to be loved by that young, charming, gentle boy, but that was not the road she had chosen. It had been funny at the beginning, almost regenerating, she was drowning, Athos was slowly killing her, and that boy had been air, fresh air, but SHE had chosen another path.
And yet she had liked the way he used to… care for her. The way he used to look at her like she was the Queen of France or the most beautiful woman on the planet. And also she liked the way he used to hold her, the way he used to kiss her hand and touch her body. But what she liked the most was that everyone knew it. That Athos knew it, that she was doing that right in front of him, of his friends. He had hurt her, and she was hurting him back, and in that, she had been trying so hard to find a strange and perverse sense of satisfaction, never finding some peace.  
But there had been a time when she had succeeded, a time when she simply knew it, a time when she had seen how much her actions had hurt Athos.
The Musketeers had organised a special drill in the forest, the cadets had been divided into two groups, and some of the older soldiers had been assigned to supervise them. During the training, Anne had appeared from nowhere, and she and Jacque had vanished, with the intention of enjoying their time together.
Once they had been out of everyone’s gaze, Jacque had started to kiss her hungrily, pulling her into him and crushing her against a tree, not that Anne had any intention of complaining. She could still remember how reassuring and yet hungry his lips had been.
And she could still remember the greediness with which he had touched her thigh, pushing her her skirts up around her waist with a roughness that had made her laugh, happy to feel his hands on her skin. Then she had seen him, Athos, who was watching them, paralysed with a shocked glare. Maybe he had there for a while, maybe he had just arrived, Anne was not sure, but at that moment she saw his despair, his bitterness. She saw how his eyes had narrowed, trying to contain his rage, his disappointment, his pain and she had hugged Jacque in return, and she was still doing so as he was sinking inside her, pushing her up against the tree, his breath against her neck, Athos’s eyes on them.
Anne could still remember how she had gasped watching the man that used to be her husband. Watching him, watching his face, his eyes, watching him while HE was watching the woman that used to be his wife fucking her young lover. Anne kept watching at him and then suddenly pleasure became something else. Her body was feeling an orgasm rising inside her, her body was meeting his thrusts, urging him for more, but her chest suddenly hurt, and some tears fell silently but unexpectedly on her face. Before she knew it, she had cried so much that she could barely see.But at that moment Athos was already gone.
Anne could still remember how Jacque had just continued, without even noticing that she was crying and she could still remember the moment he had moved off of her and how his worried voice had sounded “Milady…? What…” he had started hesitant “Did I hurt you?” and she could still remember how fast and energetically she had shaken her head, the way she had readjusted her skirts, avoiding his face “No, you’ve done nothing, that’s…” But Anne couldn't go any further. Not that any words were needed, not to him, Anne’s expression was clear enough “It’s about your husband again, isn’t it?”  he had suggested, and Anne had nodded in return “I’m sorry” she had hissed, and Jacque had smiled sadly “So am I”, and those were the last words he had said to her.
The following day Jacque among with other cadets and Musketeers left on a mission. He had left Paris, and he had left her.
“Anne?” Elodie called her, forcing her friend to go back to the present time “Anne..?” “I… I don’t…” Anne started, touching her belly “I don’t feel well” she grunted and so Elodie touched her forehead, worried “I think you could have the fever” she whispered, but Anne was already loosing conscience and Elodie decided to leave, she decided to leave with the need to make sure that the doctor would visit her friend “I’ll come back soon, ok?” Elodie said “I’ll call someone to stay here with you, while we are gone, just don’t…” and she kissed her friend’s forehead before leaving the apartment.
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queercapwriting · 8 years
Do you have any fics dealing with feeling worthless as a bottom? I'm very femme-y and I love being taken care of in bed. Being aggressive and dominant don't come naturally to me. I've accepted that I'm a giant softie who likes a more dominant partner. The problem is THEY do the work. I can initiate a kiss and fondle and go down on a girl and all that stuff, but I'm truly in my element under a nice pair of breasts, feeling safe and taken care of. It feels selfish/greedy, though. :/
Maggie absolutely loves topping her.
She loves how pliant her body is underneath hers, loves the sounds she makes, loves the way her eyes flutter closed, the way she scratches at her back, the way her own back arches helplessly. The way she screams her throat raw on Maggie’s name.
She loves the way that badass, take-no-prisoners, ruthless, perfectionist, take-care-of-everybody-and-what-do-you-mean-I-have-needs-too DEO agent Alex Danvers surrenders to being worshiped by her. Submits to her love. Writhes and begs and whines and lets everything go for the prayers she plays out on Alex’s body.
The way Alex trusts her.
Fully, completely.
The way Alex gives her everything by taking everything: the way Alex gives her everything by letting her love her, by letting her adore her, by letting her be trusted.
But the first time Alex’s eyes flash and she asks with her eyes, with her gentle touch, with her body, if she can put Maggie’s wrists above her head and return every bit of worshiping she’s gotten in their first times, Maggie doesn’t hesitate.
Because Alex’s desire to please her, to touch her, to do everything with her, to her, is palpable. Is radiating.
And god, does Maggie want her.
Want to be taken by her.
And god, does Alex take her.
She makes sure Maggie’s head is resting perfectly on her favorite pillow and she kisses every centimeter of her face and she takes her time stripping her naked, and every time Maggie tells her that she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to, that they can stop whenever Alex wants, that she doesn’t owe Maggie anything, Alex pffts and Alex rasps, “do you want me to stop?”, and Maggie splutters – no woman has ever made her splutter before, and she wonders if she picked it up from Alex or if Alex was just always fated to have that effect on her – and she shakes her head and Alex grins and Alex continues.
Alex is a quick study – of course Alex is a quick study – and she takes her time bringing Maggie to orgasm after orgasm after orgasm, her mouth exploring her breasts, figuring out exactly what rhythm of her tongue over her hardened nipples makes her whine loudest, pant hardest.
Takes her time figuring out which spots on her stomach make Maggie giggle and which spots – when Alex’s teeth gently, and then at Maggie’s desperate urging, not so gently, graze her skin – make Maggie unravel.
Takes her time figuring out that Maggie has no problem keeping one leg up on Alex’s shoulder so Alex can fuck her deeper, can fuck her harder, can reach deeper inside her, touch places in her body, her soul, that no one has ever bothered to explore.
Takes her time figuring out that if she puts her thigh between Maggie’s legs and arches to take one of Maggie’s nipples into her mouth at the same time, it won’t take her long to cum. Hard. Again.
And because Alex is a quick study, Alex imitates Maggie’s constant checking in, her constant questioning – “are you sure, babe?” “do you want this, Maggie?” “all good?” “like that?” “do you need a break?” “do you like when I lick your clit like that, or like that? Both? Mmm, excellent” – and Maggie is so swept away, so caught up, in being the center of this gorgeous woman’s attention, the sole focus of this brilliant soldier-scientist’s incredible brain and body power, that her answer, truly, madly, deeply, is always yes Alex, please, god, don’t stop, Alex, Alex, Alex.
But when Alex wipes her mouth on her bare shoulder and kisses the insides of Maggie’s thighs, a satisfied, deeply affectionate but also deeply smug grin on her face after making Maggie cum for the upteenth time, Maggie panics.
Panics because it’s almost sunrise, and she’s done nothing for Alex all night.
She can’t count the number of times she’s cum, and the only thing she’s done has been begging Alex for more.
The only thing she’s done has been selfish preening and worthless whining and god, how can she be this self-involved, this lazy, this unwilling to work for such a gorgeous, perfect, dedicated woman?
How can she have let Alex dedicate herself solely to her pleasure and offer her absolutely nothing in return?
So she panics.
She panics, and shame sweeps through her stomach because maybe this, this, this is why she’s never truly bottomed for anyone before, because she isn’t lazy, she isn’t selfish, she isn’t worthless, she isn’t greedy, she isn’t… except she is. Because the last few hours – god, the last few incredible hours – prove that she is exactly those things.
“Hey, hey, hey, I’ve got you. I’ve got you. Did I hurt you, are you okay?”
And suddenly Alex is out from between her legs and crawling up to where she could cradle her body, hovering because she’s unsure of whether to touch her, but concern is radiating from her eyes – genuine, full-throated concern – and that concern just makes the shame sweep harder through Maggie’s stomach.
“You didn’t hurt me, I’m fine. It’s nothing, it’s whatever, it – “
“No, Maggie. It’s not whatever. Your whole body tensed up, you… it matters, Maggie. You matter.”
Alex’s face is a map of confusion, a map of worry, a map of god please tell me I didn’t hurt you.
Maggie makes a futile grab for the covers – being naked right now is just a reminder of how selfish she is  – and Alex immediately lunges down the bed to get them and tuck Maggie in.
“No, no, you don’t have to… see, that’s just it, Danvers, I…”
“I’m sorry – “ Alex drops the sheets and holds up her hands immediately in soft surrender.
Surrender. Surrender.
“No, Alex, I’m sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong, I just…”
She looks away and she clenches her jaw and she can feel Alex staring down at her, can feel Alex thinking, can feel Alex calculating.
“We’ve never had sex quite like that before,” Alex observes softly, so softly, after a few long, silent moments.
Maggie still won’t look at her, and she desperately tries to control the burning in her eyes, the churning in her stomach, but she tries to remember the trust that led her to let Alex top her to begin with, so she nods.
“I’ve never really… taken the lead.”
Maggie nods again.
“Was it bad? Was I bad? Because I can get better, I – “
“No! No, Alex, you were… you were amazing, it…”
“You can tell me if I – “
“No. You were perfect, Alex, I promise, it’s not that – “
“Then what is it, Maggie? You can tell me.”
A long silence. Alex rests her body down on one elbow and holds out a hovering hand, a question in her eyes. Maggie nods again and Alex strokes her hair softly.
And that’s exactly what Maggie needs, which is exactly why Maggie breaks.
“Why would you… what did you get out of all that, Alex? I just… I just laid there, I didn’t do anything for you, I… how selfish could I be, it… I didn’t do anything for you, Alex, all night, I just – “
“Maggie, wait. That’s not… are you kidding? Do you seriously want to feel how wet I am right now?”
Maggie pffts at Alex’s earnesty with wet eyes. “Nerd.”
Alex smiles with relief and kisses her forehead.
“Maggie, I… I’m so glad you let me… top you? Is that the way to say it? I…” Alex pauses and searches Maggie’s face for the right words. “Maggie, you’re always in control of everything. You’re always responsible, you’re always making decisions. Life and death decisions! And you… you always take care of me, you always just… you make me so happy, Maggie, and I… you deserve it. You deserve to be taken care of. You deserve to lay back and let me worship you, because you… you’re amazing, Maggie, and you deserve to let go, you deserve to be cared for. And – and… it’s giving me a gift, Maggie. You trusting me like that. You letting me lo… letting me care for you like that, that’s a gift, Maggie. It’s perfect. You’re perfect, and you deserve to be shown that. And, if you’re worried that you weren’t doing anything for me… you’ve gotta be kidding. That was the… sexiest, hottest… thing I’ve ever done… the… you… I came, you know. A bunch of times, not that that was the point, but I’m just saying, feeling you like that, touching you like that? Listening to you like that? I came. Because it was so incredible, I just… I didn’t make a big deal out of it, because I wanted to focus on you. You deserve to be focused on, Maggie. I promise I love…d it. I promise.”
Another long pause, another thick silence.
“So you’re saying you liked it. Cause that’s… that’s what I’m getting.”
“Oh my god, you’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
“Not a chance, Danvers. Not a chance.”
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