#Sadie and Caleb better get a raise
strawberrybyers · 2 years
you know how when you’re in a rough spot in your life and someone enters your life and you think you’re in love with them, but as time passes you realize you never were?? you just were so grateful to have someone there for you in a time of need that you’ve confused platonic vs romantic love.
when mike, dustin, and lucas found el in the woods, they were in the woods looking for will. later on, el reveals she can take them to will. the kids are relying on her to help them find their best friend. eventually she is able to help rescue him and save her newfound group of friends from a demogorgon. by the end of season 1, we are able to infer that all the characters in stranger things now all have a deeper bond because of their experiences.
now imagine being any of the kids and having your best friend go missing? and for him to go missing when you were the last group of people to see him? all of that is traumatizing. but then you stumble across someone who has now given you even more hope that they can help find your best friend. it’s understandable you’d develop a form of love and care for this person, but is it platonic or romantic?
now let’s think of it from el’s perspective. she was raised in a lab, was abused and exploited. she meets this group of kids who are treating her in a way she’s never been treated before. mike lets her stay in his house. he provides her with clothes. el has always needed stability, love, and safety. in a way she was getting that from him, but does this mean she feels romantic, familial, or platonic love? both mike and el needed each other in these moments, but just because you need someone or end up loving and caring about them doesn’t mean you should be in a relationship.
i think their age plays in as a factor as well, but more-so on mike’s part as he understands social dynamics better due to not being isolated from the world and knows that entering his teenage years must mean you start dating. el doesn’t know anything about that as we see in season 1 her being deeply confused and thinking mike is going to be her brother. also, mike feels extra pressure to be in a relationship with a girl due to heteronormative standards.
mike and el’s relationship just isn’t fair or healthy for either one of them. they don’t have the bond that a lot of the audience thinks they have. once again i understand these characters are currently 14/15, so their relationship won’t be established as if they’re adults, but look at lumax— they actually seem like a couple! with lumax we can see that they’re best friends AND a couple (caleb and sadie have even said this in a couple of interviews!). in regards to mikeven, their relationship reflects more of a platonic love from mike’s end—or in mike wheeler’s words “i care for you so much”—and a familial love from el’s end.
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ofviolentdeathmuses · 7 months
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name: Chance Morgan
what: Mostly keres
age: Appears mid 20’s
birthday: July 2
occupation: Serial Killer
location: New York
faceclaim: Alex Pettyfer
status: Single Verse
relationship: Widowed
parents: Britt and Tass (he does not view Tass as his father), Azrael (step-father)
siblings: Mortimer, Oona (gone), Jericho, Seraphine (deceased), Starla, Levi, and Sadie (mother’s side) Caleb, Aella and Aaron, Odessa, and Damien(father’s side) and Elise (not technically his sibling, but she’s close enough)
kids: Manson, Jack, Teddy, Dahmer, Gacy, Tyler, Berk, and Robbie ( biological) Kellen (step-son)
Chance had a pretty normal childhood, well, as normal as an immortal son of a necromancer and reckless daimon could have. Him and his twin sister, Oona, were raised with family always near and plenty of love, but it only says a lot on the argument of nature versus nurture.
While he has the general trademarks of the keres (talons, sharp teeth, and wings), he has a preference for using knives on his victims. Mostly, he just likes the blood and the screaming. His twin is his partner in all things nefarious.
Since the him and Oona first started having kids, they have been perfecting the best way to break those children and mold them into what they want them to be. Elizabeth was a complete failure, but they had gotten close with Manson. Richard was the one though, the one they finally got “right” until little Aella undid all of their efforts.
Chance is and always has been worse than his twin. While Oona was busy with the children, Chance was breaking and rebuilding their half sister, Sera, into something he wanted her to be. He broke Sera to the point of even getting her into bed and she bore a child from it. A son that Chance took away from her pretty early on. At first, Chance convinced her that her son was dead and then he began to twist it until she didn’t even believe the child had ever existed.
Chance raised Jack in secret, keeping the child away from anyone and torturing him for his own sick purposes. This included drowning the boy until he passed out, forcing him to a kill a dog he had tried to bring home, and cutting his wings off. He completely poisoned the boy’s mind agains the family and made him think that they would all hate him, much like he did to Jack’s mother.
Chance was finally dragged to the Underworld and locked in chains after he nearly killed his biggest obssession, his own mother. No one knew about his youngest son and Chance made sure the boy knew what to do when this eventually happened.
Since getting locked in the Underworld, all Chance had was anger and the hope that Jack would find a way to release him and that Britt would eventually choose him. When his mother finally did come to see him, a lot of that hope was shattered when she disowned him. She was the one thing he wanted and he lost her. This has only fueled his rage and he’s been seething, spending his time plotting the perfect revenge on her.
When Chance finally did get out of the underworld, it took a little while for him to adjust. Initially, he planned on fucking with everyone, starting with Jack’s medication and Sera. He hadn’t expected Sera to be a little more like her old self and even less so for her to have picked up on some of his traits. He made a deal with Sera which, in turn, led to deals with his mother and step father.
Everything had been going well enough. He and Sera married and had more children. He had been doing his best to be better for his younger kids and to reconcile with Manson (he knows not to reach out to Jack because that bridge was well and truly burned). He was even able to help one of his sons not become him.
And then he found out Sera was abusing Robbie, their youngest, after she had threatened Berk. When he confronted her about it, she threatened to kill herself and Robbie if he tried to take him, so he left with Dahmer and Gacy, who were the only other kids still living at home. He immediately went to Az and they were able to get Robbie out safely. When Chance went to serve Sera with divorce papers and the restraining order he had gotten on Robbie's behalf, Sera opted to kill herself.
Since then, Chance has allowed Robbie to remain with Britt and Az while he and the girls got a new place. He has also recently taken interest in another serial killer named Chloe, but it's still too early to know how things will go and he has had no thought of introducing her to any of his kids yet.
Other Info Threads Face Drabble
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smokeybrand · 2 years
Running Up That Hill
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I just finished part one of Stranger Things 4 and i am upset. This season was so f*cking good, man. Like, the first episode, alone, was better than the entirety of season three. Honestly, there as a noticeable decline in the narrative quality from season to season. The first one was epic as f*ck, everything a kid like me who was raised on Spielberg and King could want. The nostalgia hit hard, even though I'm a mid-Eighties baby, which is testament to the authenticity of that Duffer vision. Season two had it’s highs but some pretty disparate lows. Obviously, i love the fact the Max (she’s my favorite character) was introduced and the Mindflayer is a straight up menace. Season three was a goddamn mess. It was disjointed, felt rushed, and disappointed at the end. It remains to be seen if season four can stick the landing but, so far, this thing is the best the show has been since the first season, hands down. Now, this isn’t a proper review as we still haven’t seen the last two episodes but this is more just me gushing over what i love about part one.
Mad Max
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Bro, Max’s arc, so far, is everything to me! Maxine Mayfield is easily the most complex, complete, character in this show and you can fight me about that sh*t all day! The journey she’s been in part one has been a straight up roller coaster of emotion, something that has been missing from this show for years. It helps tremendously that Sadie Sink gives this character so much life. She’s a great actor and, after seeing her in Fear Street, i am looking forward to whatever she got in the pipeline.
Papa Steve
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Steve continues to the be GOAT of this show. He finally made his way into the Upside-Down and had a whole goddamn experience. Steve being the group dad is the perfect dynamic for him, one that i have been in strong support of since the second season where he took Dustin under his wing. That relationship, on it’s own, is the most endearing sh*t in this entire show.
New Blood
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I gotta say, i am absolutely taken with the two new cast members, Eddie and Argyle. Two completely different characters but, at the same time, absolute peaches. Argyle is the Spicoli Stoner archetype missing from this Eighties homage and Eddie is that weird outlier who has a heart of gold. I tend to gravitate toward those characters because that’s kind of who i was when i was in high school, more an amalgamation of the two.
Malice Incarnate
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Vecna is a whole as vibe. Dude really reminds me of the villain from The Keep, Molasar. Stranger Things has always had strong villains and monsters but this cat Vecna is on an entirely different level. He’s the Vader to El’s Obi-wan. She literally created this monstrosity be banishing Henry Creel to the Upside-Down where the Mindflayer was able to sink it’s tendrils into him. While I'm on the subject, as menacing as Vecna is, it’s Henry that really gets under my skin. That motherf*cker is a straight up ghoul and the way Jamie Campbell Bower plays cat is just... Insidious. F*cking brilliant but gross.
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The character work, so far, is the best I've seen in this show. It helps that the kids are all varying degrees of grown and can deliver solid performances among themselves. Millie Bobby Brown has always been pretty great at her job but Finn Wolfhard has come a LONG way. Noah Shnapp has finally been allowed to do more than being a Damsel in Distress and Gaten Matarazzo continues to shine as the best of the main cast. I already mentioned my love for Sadie Sink and even Caleb McLaughlin has gotten much better, though, he’s still the weakest of the main kids. Obviously, Joe Keery is the GOAT, but Maya Hawke, Natalie Dyer, and even Charlie Heaton, who i always thought was the weakest of the supporting cast, delivers the best work I've seen him do so far in his career.
Modern Mythology
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More than that, the writing is, for lack of a better term, pure kino. This season is easily the best written of all four and that’s saying a lot because i marveled at how well that first run went. To weave so many different narratives together, while carrying older characters and introducing new ones along the way, using real world events like the Satanic Panic to frame some of the best pathos I've seen out of a Netflix show, is a herculean task but the Duffers are delivering in spades. The sh*t with El, the sh*t with Max, Vecna running loose in the Upside-Down juicing people of their psychic energy, Eddie being framed for murders, the California Crew doing their thing on the other side of the country, that kind of half-baked Russia plot; To juggle all of these plot lines so well, and execute them with a confidence not seen in US film outside of the MCU, is f*cking impressive.
Again, this is not a review of the show as a whole, just my initial impression of Part One. We have to wait until the first of July to see if they can stick the landing but i am confident the Duffers will deliver. This season feels different, like they had the time to really create something special as opposed to chasing trends or popularity. Stranger Things is back in a big way and, if i have to wait another three years or so to get Stranger Things 5 after this season ends, so be it. If that sh*t is as tight as four, i will wait as long as necessary because i am reveling in this season right now.
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yahnnieee · 3 years
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Part 2
I woke up the next day, the sun beaming out, the curtains are slightly open making the room lit up with sun. I sat down in the edge of the bed and drank some water from my tumbler. After I went to the bathroom to get ready. It was 7 am and I'll be meeting the cast on 8, after taking a bath. I took my luggage and took some Clothes. Black dress that is above my knee, black knee high boots, beige coat and black Gucci shoulder bag . I don't put makeup, just tint. I looked in the full body mirror. I took my phone and wallet and walked out of my room, I knocked in the next door waiting for Aidan to open it. After a few seconds the door opened and a head peeked out I tilted my head I opened the door and sat down on his bed.
"Are you gonna take like a whole Century to get ready?" I asked raising a brow, he looked at me his face scrunched up while taking a light washed polo.
"Shut up!" He whined and put on the polo, after a few minutes he was done he put on his shoes and we both head out. Walking out of the building we tried not to put all attention on us we saw Leo and Carson waiting for us they walked closer to us and escorted us to a car waiting, after a few we were on our way to the place where were going to meet up.
It was the day I'm going to be meeting the rest of the cast for 'Princess's secret Side' I knew Millie was going to be there along with Finn and some other friends, but we don't know who is going to be the Main starring cast along side me. I got ready wearing a black polo with black ripped jeans and hoodie over it. I went out while looking at Rianne's insta account. It's weird since she normally post new things everyday but she hasn't since yesterday. My sister greeted me before I completely got put of the house and hoped in the car. After a few we arrived in the place. I got out and walked inside and to the place where everyone was in. I entered the room and got greeted with chattering.
"Hey" I greeted and everyone looked at me. Millie smiled and got up wrapping her arms around me pulling me in a hug, Millie has always been this sister figure of mine, after a while the director of the film went inside and we all sat down in silence.
"So, you are all going to be part of our core cast alongside 2 of this actor and actress. So let me introduce you who is going to be the Brianna Wang" Our director greeted us and explained he looked at the man in black beside the door and said.
"They may come in" the guy opened the door and 2 figures came inside. My heart then started beating rapidly seeing the girl, it was Rianne... And her brother Aidan.
"The Gallagher siblings will be Brianna and Ace Wang" The director explained, everyone was silent for a sec but then Finn stood up, walk up to them and spoke.
"Hi! I'm Finn, it's nice to meet you" Finn introduce himself to the siblings stretching his arm out for a hand shake. Aidan took it and smiled, Sadie who was sitting next to me stood up and run towards Rianne smiling in the process. She stood infront of her and stretched it put for a handshake. Rianne took it and smiled.
"I'm Sadie... I know you.. I follow you in Insta" Sadie said and looked down.
"Nice to meet you Sadie.. I know you too, I watched Stranger Things and fell inlove with your character" Rianne replied, her voice calm and soft. Millie stood up and walked over to her too,
"Millie Bobby Brown, nice to meet you Rianne" Millie said smiling.
"Omg!! Hi Millie! I'm a fan by the way" Rianne said excitedly.
"Aww!! So sweet of you, I luv u too" Millie said pulling Rianne in a hug.
"Come on sit here" Millie said and walked over to me, Rianne then sat down in Sadie's previous seat her brother also sat down next to Jaeden. After settling everyone looked at our director as he speak.
"So since filming starts in a few weeks you'll be hanging out more so that you'll be closer and you know don't get akward, and also Louis and Rianne, try not to get akward. If you can" The director said pointing at me and Rianne. She nodded and looked towards her brother who was sitting across her. After a few more discussion our director said his goodbye and left us here. Silence creep out in the room making a thick air of akwardness.
"Wanna go get Starbucks?" Sadie asked braking the silence. Rianne nodded and they both stood making everyone look at them.
"What?" They both said in Unison making everyone grab there things and stand up. I stood next to Rianne, she was about until my shoulders since she was pretty tall, she looked up at me and blushed? Maybe I'm just seeing things.
"Let's go?" She asked Sadie
"Yeah Les go!" Sadie said and went out of the room followed by us, Rianne and my hands would brush from time to time making my blush really lightly. After a walking for a few minutes we were out of the building, we went inside a Limo that was waiting and hopped inside.
-20 minutes later
We got out of the limo and to the mall.
"So let's go in pairs?" Millie asked glancing at everyone, we nodded and started pairing.
Louis x Rianne
Millie x Sophia
Caleb x Sadie x Gaten
Jaeden x Wyatt
Jeremy x Chosen
Noah x Asher
Aidan x Avi
We then went our own ways, Millie and Sophia going in Louis Vuitton, Caleb, Sadie and Gatten went to get Starbucks for us, and the rest I don't know where they went. Rianne and I didn't really know where to go so we're just walking somewhere we don't even know.
"So?" I asked breaking the silence. She didn't answer
"Where'd you wanna go?" I continued asking.
I was lost in thought, till I heard Louis' voice I snapped out and looked at him.
"Yea? Sorry I was lost in thought, mind asking what it is again?" I asked.
"I said where do you wanna go?" He asked.
"Sketchers, I wanna look at some rubber shoes" I replied. He nodded and we both walked towards Sketchers.
"so you like rubber shoes too?" Louis asked out of nowhere.
"I mean yeah there comfy" I said smiling a little. After talking we continued walking and reached the store, I went inside and looked at the displays, I felt someone's eyes on me so I looked back and saw Louis staring at me. I walked closer to him and poked him.
"Hey, you good?" I asked poking him. He snapped out of his trance and looked at me.
"oh yeah sorry.. you done picking?" He asked, I shook my head and replied:
"Nah, half of the displays, I already have it... I guess we should find the others" I replied and started walking towards the exit, Louis catched up and started making jokes making me giggle and laugh. My phone then dinged making me pick it an spooked who texted me. It was Aidan, I opened the message and saw
'Girl,Where you at? Millie said we should meet up in Starbucks'
'K sure'
I put my phone back in my bag and looked at Louis.
"Who is it?" He asked.
"Brother, he said ' Millie told us to meet in Starbucks' and so we'll be able to order." I replied and started walking towards Starbucks. After a few while we reached the store and saw the others sitting in the couches. They waved at us and we started walking towards them.
"You guys ordered already?" Louis asked.
"No, you didn't give us what we should order" Sadie said making us thinks again... She was right we didn't tell them what to buy..
"what's yours, Girl?" Sadie asked looking at me.
"Oreo Frappe" I replied, Sadie looked at me and said:
"Is that Frappe with Oreos?" I nodded and she started asking the others. After she walked away with Caleb. I lay my head down in the table since I was tired, it was now 6:43 pm and I'll be going back to the hotel after 3 hours. after a few Caleb and Sadie came back with our drinks. We chatted and talked while drinking, after finishing our drinks we all went out and I thought no fans saw us... I was wrong. Teens started running towards us asking to take pics and autographs. I let them do there thing and after what seemed to be hours they were done. we all continued our way around the mall strolling and just talking about things and stuffs.
-After 2 hours
After 2 hours of walking and talking we were now finally going back to our hotels.
"Guys we'll get going now" Aidan said and stood next to me, since he was 2½ inches smaller than me I put my forearm in his shoulder. He looked at me and glared.
"You really are embarrassing me!" Aidan said and took my arm off his shoulder, we then heard giggling from the casts. I looked at them and smiled shyly then look away. After saying our goodbyes both Me and Aidan got picked up by Leo and Carson.
-After getting home
I got out and walked towards my room and plopped myself down the bed. I went to the bathroom to shower and do my skincare routine. Minutes after I was done, I walked out of my bathroom to my bed and got ready to sleep it was now 10 pm and I do normally sleep at this time and I was pretty tired. I lay down and play some water sounds and stared in the ceiling.
'Filming starts next week... Better not start falling more inlove with Louis' I said in mind and started slowly falling asleep.
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wolfiebucky · 5 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader Fluff
Part 1.
A/N So this is my first published imagine hope you guys like it :)
Plot: You were are introduced in the 2nd season as a love interest for Gaten's Character, but who really was crazy about you is Finn, and when during a promoting interview Finn accidentally confesses he has a crush on you the fandom goes crazy.
" Schnapp you better come here right now if you don't want me to kick your ass!" Noah and you were running around his dressing room while the others were out fixing their microphones.
Since season 3 was about to come out every single cast member was currently part of the promotion Tour, which was honestly your least favorite part. Yes you enjoyed spending time with the cast, they are like your second family, but infinite interviews and having jet lag is no fun at all for anyone. You're in Australia right now waiting for everyone to get ready and Noah had took your phone and was checking your DMs to the girls and the group chat that you guys have.
"Oh come on (Y/N) what can be so bad that you don't want to show me?" He laughed while trying to run from you, you went around the couch and snatched from his hand.
"HA!" You immediately turned it off and put it in your purse.
"What? you don't want me to see how much you talk about Finn with Mills?" He layed on the couch while eating some chips and taking out his own phone.
"I knew you were dumb but apparently you are crazy as well." you tried to ignore him while fixing your hair in front of the mirror and re-doing your lipstick.
Finn and you have been Best friends for almost 2 years know, your characters didn't talk much or even liked eachother, but out of the screen you guys were inseparable and had so much fun. He went to your house often he teached you how to play guitar, took you to many of his concerts and even let you appear in one of his music videos along side Caleb. You soon realized what you biggest fear was... you had a crush on him. Your first instinct was telling Sadie since she was the one you were closer with out of the girls. But slowly everyone started to realize and soon the fans did too starting the (YourShipName) Movement.
"Oh stop pretending, all of us know you're crazy for him, even Gaten! you know, he might be the one you kiss on TV but the way you look at Finney is no performance"
"So what if I have I crush on him?" You turned around and faced Noah "it's not like anything will happen, he doesn't see me that way and I accepted that".
Noah raised an eyebrow and sigh "You're delusional" he said smiling "Have you even asked Finn?!" he said frustrated.
"No but-"
"Ask me what?" There he was, standing right next you, you looked at Noah waiting for him to anwser but he just smirked and kept quiet. "Quick think of something (Y/N)" You thought for yourself.
"Uhmm...I...I-...I was just going to ask when do we have to be on stage?" You knew Noah rolled his eyes behind you and even heard him sigh, you gave him the middle finger behind your back and he laughed.
"Oh, right about now actually. They gave us a sitting order by the way , (Y/N) you're next to Gaten, I’m next to (Y/N), Millie is next to me and Noah next to Millie , I think they want to appeal to the fans and stuff ". he smiled.
You gave him a smile back "Cool see ya there toad" you said sarcasticly to Finn while he was exiting the room.
"Be there on time midget!" Finn said referring to your height and laughing while leaving.
You gave Noah a sign for him to get up the couch and looked at him with a cold expression.
"You're a chicken (Y/N)" You smiled and hit his shoulder "UH OUCH?" You smiled "That's what you get idiot, come one we can't be late"
"Today we are welcoming a couple of young talented actors who had made their way through success for the last couple years with their successful show avilable on Netflix. Please welcome the cast of 'Stranger Things', Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown, Gaten Matarazzo, Caleb McLaughlin, Sadie Sink, Noah Schnapp and (Y/N) (Y/L/N)!"
The moment you heard your name you entered the stage, you saw this big crowd screaming and applauding while you were walking next to Gaten and waved to the people while you were walking to your sit.
"Hey guys , first of all welcome! thanks for coming" Said the host, she was a 20 maybe 25 year old blonde woman greeting you with a big smile " I am so exited to meet you and we have some questions for you that are from your fans all over the globe so if you guys are down we can get right into it!"
"Of course go ahead" Said Finn with a big smile.
"So the first question is for Caleb from Jean all the way from the UK, and it's about your character 'Will Lucas stop being underrated and have some badass moments?". The audience cheered and applauded.
"I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks my character needs some justice" We all laughed "Definitely Lucas will get to prove how badasd he is so don't worry" The audience applauded.
"Awsome!" Said the woman.The next questions were more Mileven related than anything or about Funny stories that happend during filming, you weren't really paying attention anymore your feelings were all over the place Finn wise. Maybe Noah was right maybe you should tell him what you feel, but what if by saying it you ruin everything? what if he rejects you or say that he looks at you just like a friend?!, or sister?! or-
"How do you feel about that (Y/N)?" You heard you name all of the sudden, they asked you a question and you didn't heard it.
"Im sorry?" You tried to played it off, Finn and Gaten laughed at you, and you gave them a cold stare.
The interviewer smiled "How does it feel being a newbie to the cast? considering that your character "April" was introduced along side Max. Have you had any issues or do you think you fit right in?"
"Oh no no, I definitely feel at home. When I started this i was definitely scared, and the biggest helpers were Finn and Winona they just took me under their wing and will forever be thankful for that." the crowd went awwww and Finn out of nowhere grabbed your hand for a second and whisperd "Thank you" while smiling.
Your heart was beating so fast and your face was as red as a tomato, you couldn't help it you were crazy about him and to not be able to tell him drove you insane.
"So Finn and (Y/N), you guys are very close everyone knows that, you always post pictures on instagram while you hang out, and do lives together tell us about that!" She had a smirk on, like she was trying to find something out, something that you won't allow the world to know.
"Well..." Finn started "i don't really know what to tell you, we are just, really close and i feel comfortable around her and how she is" he makes a pause and looked at you "How her Jokes are so bad they make me laugh" You can hear the audience laugh but you don't laugh, you just pay attention to Finn's eyes and lips "How she's always supporting me, my band, my projects...How she lights up the set when she arrives and How she laughs when she says the wrong line...She's just amazing"
Everything was quiet, it felt like it was only you and him at that moment, he looks at you with the sweetest smile you've ever seen coming from him "is this really happening?" You thought "He thinks I'm amazing!" you really couldn't believe it. He basically admitted he likes you in front of thousands of people.
What broke the silence was the applause coming from the crowd, you had to stop looking at Finn, the cast were looking at eachother laughing and smiling but you could notice how Finn turned red and tried to hide it.
After a few more questions the interview was over and you were happier than ever, after you guys walked out you could've swear you heard someone screaming "YourShipName!", and you couldn't be more happy about it.
Part 2 comes next if this gets to 5 notes :)
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ECCC 2019 Day 3- (Part 2)
I thought the Stranger Things kids deserved their own little section cause despite not buying a photo with them, they were a highlight of my convention experience.
Things got a little better when the Stranger Things kids came in for there photo op. They were all really great to work with. Sadie and Caleb first up and they were adorable. They both had solos, but she immediately went in to see him after her session, like awwwww. Then, Finn comes in, arms raised, walking in a line with the agents  yelling, “STARLIGHT EXPRESS! STARLIGHT EXPRESS!” over and over and I just cracked up laughing, like what a weirdo. He’s pretty funny. I never saw Gaten come in. I think he tried to sneak up on them from one of the curtains, but failed. We’ll get em’ next time. I got to talk to them a little before they were hauled away. The boys are so tall now like what the heck.
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hangjie · 6 years
behind the scenes. [ finn wolfhard ]
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summary: reader and finn are planned to have a kiss scene and they both freak out
warnings: a bit of swearing, hangry mike, and awkward/nervous finn (aka finn being mike irl)
word count: 3,412
author's note: i would honestly also freak out if i were in a film and i have a kiss scene (either my crush or not lmao) but i succ at acting and i stick to sound and lights committee (even tho i don't get credited by the teachers ESP DURING OUR SCHOOL PLAYS GRRRR). this was so fun to write!! heheh but i still succ @ writing tho lmao
(y/c/n) - your character’s name
(y/l/n) - your last name
─── • ° *。✧ ───
being an actor can be fun, but it's hard at times.
it's really fun when you enjoy acting at the current movie or tv show that you're starring in. some scenes take a lot of time to master and nail, like fight scenes and emotional scenes, but the scene i was given was so simple, but made me nervous as hell.
"what?!" finn and i yell, our eyes going wide in surprise. "you're both getting a kissing scene," the duffer brothers say, calmly. i place a hand on my forehead and i try to calm myself.
it's not like i don't like finn or anything. we're the best of friends and we're like two peas in a pod. gosh, i even have a crush on him. it's just that this is going to be my first kiss and it's going to be with the guy i like, so i can't mess this up and i can't let finn know because i doubt that he shares the same feelings. i bet that he sees me as a sister.
a million thoughts ran through my head and i glance at finn, who paced back and forth with panic striken on his face. "and mind telling us why do you want us to have a kissing scene?" he asks.
"for character development!" matt says then they each give us a script. i read over it and then they wink at us, ross saying, "you better start practicing because we're filming the scene later." finn and i look away, blushing. him, scratching the back of his neck nervously whilst i cleared my throat and adjusted the collar of my turtle neck. they chuckle at us before waving us goodbye and walking away.
once they were out of our sight, finn turns to me and clears his throat, making me turn my attention towards him. he stumbles over his words and stutters before managing to say, "are you okay?" i nod and sigh, looking down at the ground, trying to let my nerves calm down. "i'm just nervous and surprised, that's all." i turn towards him and noticed the pink tint on his freckled cheeks. "how about you? you okay?"
"y-yeah and i feel the same." he sighs. "this is just so sudden."
"yeah, but that's acting, i guess."
something comes up in my head and i debate myself whether or not i should say it, but i just decided to just do it because i'm really sure that he doesn't share the same feelings. "i'm honestly really glad that out of all people, i'm the sharing the scene with you."
finn turns to me and coos, wrapping his arms around my shoulders, hugging me. "aww, i'm flattered and same." i smile and melt in his arms, but i know that this is nothing more than a friendly hug. he pulls away from me and we both smile at each other. 
i look on to his brown eyes, him doing the same. i smile as i feel him slowly put his hand on my cheek, cupping it. he quickly glances at my lips and starts leaning in, me following along.
his hand moves from my cheek to my hair, brushing it away lightly. i feel my cheeks warm up and my heart thump faster inside my chest as he gets closer and closer to me. i could feel his hot breath fanning over my lips as our noses touched.
right before our lips could touch, the door burst open and came in ross duffer, saying, “hey, i forgot my phone in here. have you guys seen it?” finn and i jump back away from each other with red faces and feeling embarrassment inside us.
“oh, we haven’t seen it.”
“we were just talking and we didn’t get a chance to look for it.”
finn and i murmur, avoiding each other’s gaze and nervously laugh. ross raises an eyebrow at us and then quietly says, “okay,” before leaving.
after ross left, the awkward silence between finn and i grow. i think of something to break the silence, but when i open my mouth to say something, my mind goes blank and i close it.
“uh . . . h-hey, i better get going,” finn says, clearing his throat and nervously rubs his arms. “o-oh! yeah, sure.” i nod and wave goodbye at him. he does the same whilst bidding goodbye and then leaves the room. after the door closes, i place my hands over my face and groan out loud. i move my hands to my hair and pull at it, frustratedly.
i'm so stupid.
"you guys did what?!" millie shouts, shocked. i hold up my index finger, shushing her. “millie, can you please be quiet?” she nods and apologizes for her burst. i groan and take a seat on the couch in our ‘chilling’ room, placing my hands over my eyes.
thankfully, when i texted millie to meet me in my trailer to tell her what happened between finn and me earlier, no one was in it. when she finally arrived, i told her about finn and i nearly kissing and hence, her shouting ‘you guys did what?!’
millie takes a seat beside me and rubs my back, comfortingly. “don’t you like him?”
“yeah, i do. a lot.”
“then why are you acting like this? aren’t you happy that you nearly kissed your crush?” 
“that’s the problem, millie.” i sit up, uncovering my eyes and placing the palm of my hands on my lap. “i like him, but he doesn’t.” millie coos and pulls me in a tight hug. i wrap my arms around her torso and bury my face in to her shoulder, hugging her tightly. after some time, we pull away from each other and millie smiles genuinely at me, making me smile back at her in return.  
i feel my phone vibrate inside my pocket, making me fish it out. i glance at the screen and see my reminder of my call time for hair and makeup. i turn towards millie and inform her that i have to get going to hair and makeup. “oh. which reminds me, i have to go see the duffer brothers about the script.” millie stands up and offers her hands for me to take. i take her hands and she hoists me up to my feet, walking us to the door. we walk out and before go to our separate ways, i tell her, “please don’t say anything to the others about–" i lean towards millie’s ear and whisper, “–finn and i nearly kissing.” she chuckles and nods her head, crossing her heart. “cross my heart,” she says and bids a ‘see you later’ before walking away.
after hair and makeup, i quickly change into my character’s costume and head to the set. as i was walking to the set, noah and sadie catch up with me and circle in front of me, blocking my way. 
“woah, hey guys. what’s up?”
“we heard that you and finn are getting a kissing scene?!” noah exclaims with surprise. i roll my eyes and cross my arms around my chest. “yes. now will you guys please let me go by? we’re shooting that scene today.” i try to go around them, but they quickly step in front of me, keeping me from walking away. 
“guys, please. i’m already anxious to shoot that scene. don’t add to my anxiety.”
“just tell him how you feel (y/n)! it’s the perfect time.”
“the perfect time to humiliate myself in front of him and make things even more awkward between us?” i sigh. “i appreciate you guys trying to get me to come out of my shell, but please let me do this on my own.” i sadly smile at the both of them before finally walking away without them trying to block me for the third time.
i approach ross and matt who were standing behind the scenes, talking to the cameramen and the people in charge of the audio. when they spot me, they quickly tell them their final instructions and they nod then leave.
the duffer brothers approach me with a smile, a high five, and a loud “hey (y/n)!” i high five them back, greeting them with a laugh. “you ready?” matt asks, making me nod. 
right before i leave them, matt calls me and i whip back around, asking him what’s up. “did you and finn practice?” i feel a blush creep on to my cheeks and i hit him playfully on the shoulder, making him wince.
 “ow! i was just kidding!” i smile smugly. “serves you right,” i say before leaving the laughing brothers.
as i stood in front of the camera and was mentally preparing myself, finn appears and approaches me. “hey, wheeler,” i greet him jokingly. “hey loser.” 
“hey, this is stranger things, not it.” finn laughs and punches my arm gently and jokingly. after the laughter died down, we both take deep breaths and exhale them. everyone around us starts to prepare for the scene and out of the corner of my eye, i see gaten, caleb, sadie, noah, millie, and joe (a/n: bc mama steve has to check that his children aren’t making children on their own) crowd behind the cameramen, eyeing us with amusement and excitement.
“ready, (y/l/n)?” i sigh. “ready as i’ll ever be.”
“i hope that you won’t think of me as a bad kisser after this,” finn says and i scoff, smirking. “we’ll see, wolfhard.”
“mike and (y/c/n), take one. lights, camera, action!”
the hoots of the owls around us, the sounds of the crickets, and the crunching of leaves beneath mine and mike’s shoes are the only sounds i hear as i angrily catch up with mike who was stomping away to the woods.
“mike!” i call for him, but he ignores me and continues walking away. 
still no answer. 
i feel myself getting even more frustrated and irritated, so i grip his arm and pull him towards me harshly, making him face me. he faced me with an angry expression and annoyingly says, “what do you want?”
“what is your deal with me, mike?! do you have a problem with me?” mike rolls his eyes and scoffs. “i have a shit ton of problems with you, (y/c/n). i could enumerate them all to you, but it would just waste my time.” mike pulls his arm away from my grasp. “actually, you’re wasting my time. as always,” he says and walks away from me.
i hold the urge to punch him right in the face and i grab his arm again. mike sighs frustratedly and says, “you just don’t know when to give up, don’t you?” 
i don’t say another word and turn him around, grabbing him by the collar. “listen to me, wheeler. i don’t know what your deal with me is, but whatever it is. i’m sick of it,” i manage to say through gritted teeth. “you’ve been an asshole to me ever since we met and i know for sure that i haven’t done anything to you.” 
i could feel the adrenaline inside me pump and i could feel my heart thumping frantically inside my chest. “you’re a rude, irritating, annoying, egotistical, hot-headed douche and i’m so tired of your bullshit.” i lean in close to him, glaring at him. “i hate you, mike wheeler. i hate you so damn much.” i let go of him and walk away with my back turned.
when i was a few feet away from him, he calls out for me and loudly says, “then why did you run after me if you ‘hate me so damn much’?”
i stop in my tracks and i feel my breath catch in my throat. “i-it’s none of your business,” i stutter, making me mentally face palm myself.
i hear mike’s footsteps approach me slowly. “no, it’s my turn to ask. why did you come out here and run after me when you claim that you ‘hate me’? you’re not making any sense, (y/c/n)–”
“it’s because i care, okay?!” i snap, turning towards him. mike stops in his tracks and looks at me with his mouth agape. “w-what? (y/c/n), what do you mean?” 
“i care about you, mike. i like you and i hate you for it.” i could feel the tears coming. “i understand that you’re still broken about eleven and that you hate me, but i-” mid sentence, mike runs over to me and pulls me in for a kiss. he cups my cheeks and quickly pull me in, making our noses bump harshly.
“ow!” finn and i both wince, pulling away from each other, rubbing our noses. “cut!” we hear the duffer brothers call out, making everyone snap out of their focused stance. “finn, easy there, buddy. take it nice and slow,” matt says and finn holds his thumb up whilst continuing to rub his nose.
two makeup artists runs up to me and finn, touching up our faces and after they were done, they quickly leave.
finn turns to me and apologizes multiple times for bumping our noses. i laugh and reassure him that it’s fine. “seriously, finn. it’s no problem at all.”
“no, you’re hurt and it’s my fault. plus, it’s not my first kissing scene, so i shouldn’t be bad at this.”
“you’re not bad at this.” i place a hand on his arm, rubbing it lightly. “by the way, that’s a point on the ‘bad kisser’ title.” i laugh and finn shouts a ‘hey! not fair!’ before we hear, “mike and (y/c/n), take two. light, camera, action!”
when finn pulls me in for the kiss, he sneezes right before our lips could touch. "cut!" finn scrunches his face up and rubs his nose. "hey finn, buddy, are you okay?" finn nods and holds his thumb up.
i turn to him and cast a worried look. "are you sure that you're okay? i can get you something to make you feel better."
"no, no, no! it's fine!" finn protests, holding his palms up to indicate me not to move. "you're already here anyways," finn mumbles mostly to himself, but knowing how close we are to each other, i hear it. "what was that?" i act like i didn't hear it. "n-nothing!"
"mike and (y/c/n), take three. lights, camera, action!"
mike runs over to me and cups my cheeks, placing his lips on mine before i could say another word.
i stand, shocked and startled that michael wheeler, the boy that has been a total dick to me since we met and the boy that i like, is kissing me.
despite my confused thoughts and my mind running all over the place, i kiss back.
i gently cup his cheeks whilst his hands moved to my waist, pulling me closer to him.
“and cut! great job, guys!” i hear matt say, but finn and i continue to kiss. the kiss was gentle and sweet and i could feel the eyes of everyone on us. i could hear my fast pulse and my mind screaming that this was happening. 
we hear someone clear their throat, making finn and i pull away from each other with red-tinted faces and awkward smiles. i looked at the faces of our other cast mates who wanted to witness the scene and they all had smirks on their faces.
they catch my eye and gaten, joe, and caleb made kissy faces while noah, sadie, and millie made hearts with their hands. i roll my eyes with a smile on my lips and chuckle quietly.
finn and i turn towards each other and i could feel the sweat building up as he looked at me. "great job," finn complimented, laughing awkwardly. i nod and laugh nervously, flashing him a thumbs up.
"okay. mike and (y/c/n), take four. lights, camera, action!"
as soon as we finish filming, i head towards my trailer without another word. when i was inside my trailer, i head towards the couch and flop on it. "oh my gosh, i cannot believe that heppened," i say, though my voice was muffled by the couch.
i close my eyes and all i could see were the big brown eyes of finn before he kissed me. i mean, yeah, it was acting, but that was still my first kiss, acting or not.
i hear someone knocking on the door of my trailer, making my head snap up. i sigh and ran a hand through my hair exhaustingly before walking towards the door and opening it. i expected to see either millie or sadie, but there stood finn with a small smile.
"oh! hey finn," i greet him, feeling the anxiety build up again inside of me. "can i come in?" i nod and step aside so he can come inside the trailer. i close the door as he takes a seat on the couch and i sit beside him.
"what's up?"
finn sighs. "it's not my business and i definitely wasn't looking at you and noticed that you weren't around and went to look after you–" i chuckle at finn's rambling, but he turns to me and looks at me deep in the eyes. "why did you instantly leave after we finished filming?"
i look at him confusingly and he immediately continues rambling. "you usually hang out with the others after filming, but today, you just vanished immediately, which isn't a problem at all, but we were all just curious and worried. i was worried that i was a bad kisser for you and honestly, i was only nervous because of what gaten and caleb said to me before–" finn realizes what he just said and closes his mouth, cursing under his breath.
"what did gaten and caleb say to you?"
"i-it's nothing. it's stupid." he looks down at the ground, sadly.
i take a deep breath and debate inside my mind whether i should use this moment as an opportunity to finally tell him.
you know what? fuck it.
i take his chin between my fingers and turn him towards me, making him look back at me. "finn, please tell me. sadie and noah also said something to me before filming." before he could open his mouth to say something else, i say in a somewhat convincing voice, "i'll tell you if you tell me." (a/n: legit everyone during grade school "hEY, whO's YouR CRUsh? i'LL TeLL yoU If YoU teLL Me!!1!2!2!1!2!2'") finn sighs. "i don't know, (y/n). you might get mad at me.” i frown and move my hand to his shoulder. “i won’t. i promise.” finn looks down, making me frown even more until an idea pops into my head.
“hey, why don’t we say it together?” finn looks up with a confused expression. “what? won’t that make things confusing?”
“well, i’m open to suggestions.” finn sighs once more before giving in. “okay, on three?” he nods and takes a deep breath.
one . . . 
i feel finn gently take my hands and hold it, tracing patterns on the skin of my hands, making me smile.
two . . .
my heart races faster and faster and i feel my neck starting to sweat and my breath become heavier.
it’s now or never.
“they said to tell you that i like you!”
“they tried to convince me to admit my feelings for you!”
we both look at each other, mouths agape, confused and shocked eyes wide, and faces tainted red. “w-wait? you like me?” finn asks, slowly lacing our fingers together. i nod multiple times. a small begins to grow on our faces and finn begins laughing, making me laugh also.
while laughing, he gently grabs my face and softly presses his lips against mine. though this wasn’t our first kiss, it felt like it. like the kiss earlier, it was gentle and sweet, but this kiss feels more real. i smile into the kiss, making him pull him away. we both chuckle and i peck his lips, a big grin on my face.
“our practice is a little late,” finn says, chuckling. “who says we can’t practice for the future scenes?” i smirk and stand up, pulling finn along with me to outside and immediately when we step out, we hear gaten shouting, “not only is mike and (y/c/n) canon, but also (y/s/n)!”. finn and i laugh and happily announce our relationships to our friends.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Finn Wolfhard x Reader: First Appearances
Part 1.
It was the night season 3 of Stranger Things went up on Netflix. The Duffer Brothers were throwing a party in celebration, with the entire main cast invited. You were fairly new to the cast, but decided you might as well go anyways.
You knocked on the front door and Matt Duffer opened it after a moment. He smiled, before telling you that most of the cast was already there and in the backyard. You hesitantly walk out the sliding glass door to see half the cast hanging out by the pool deck.
You stepped out onto the grass, the springy green blades grazing the sides of your sandals. As you set the small cloth bag you brought down by the table, Sadie noticed you and walked over. 
You and Sadie had become fast friends after meeting. After all, you were both relatively new and the original cast had a different bond. You two were of course friends with them as well though. Your other closest friend on the cast were Noah and Gaten.
“Hi Y/N! I’ve been waiting for you since I got here” She said, smiling. Her fiery hair was tied back in a ponytail, which she had over one shoulder. “Caleb and Gaten have been having a weird pun war for the past 10 minutes”
You laughed, and headed over to the two boys. They sat hunched forward in the poolside chairs, facing one another. Millie sat with her feet in the pool, laughing as she watched the two boys try and out-pun each other.
After watching the two boys fight for a few minutes, Gaten turned to you. “Y/N, tell this fool that my puns are obviously better than his” he said, and Caleb opened his mouth in protest, but you interrupted before he could say anything.
“Sorry Gaten, but I have to say that Caleb might be better” you said, and Gaten looked at you with a look of disbelief on his face. Caleb laughed before saying “Told you so!”
As Gaten moved on to asking Sadie and Millie who they thought was better, you turned and saw Noah and Finn walking through the sliding glass door. The two boys had on swim trunks and T-Shirts, but as you watched them walk over to Joe and Dacre. who were sitting at a table on the opposite side of the pool deck.
You kinda liked Finn. A lot. But then again, who wouldn’t? It just sucked that the boy seemed to dislike you for some reason, even though you only interacted with him in interviews and scenes you had together in the show. He just always seemed to ignore you, and only talked to you if he had to.
You watched for a moment as Finn said something to Joe, and took something off his plate of food. Without even looking up Joe picked up his waterbottle and lightly splashed his shirt. Finn started back, and you heard him shout “That’s cold!”
Joe laughed and said something and Finn motioned with his hands, before tugging his shirt off and throwing it aside. Immediately after you saw this you felt a blush creep across your cheeks, and turned back to Sadie and the others before anyone noticed you staring at him.
An hour later, after eating and talking with the cast, Matt and Ross Duffer had the idea to take a picture of everyone jumping into the pool together. Everyone was excited and agreed to do it.
Soon, the actors walked to the edge of the pool. You had on a dark 2 piece, and stood awkwardly beside Sadie and Millie, who both looked amazing. Sadie had taken her hair down and it flowed around her shoulders in gorgeous fiery waves, and Millie looked as amazing as always with her dark hair falling to her shoulders.
Ross was near the other side of the pool, camera in hand, telling everyone to get into a line. You obliged, standing on the end with Sadie next to you. As you two chatted, Noah walked over, Finn following. As Noah stood, leaving a gap between you an him for Finn to stand, Finn turned and said “Never mind, I’ll go to the other side”
As he walked away, his dark curls bouncing slightly, you noticed her shot you a look. It looked like a look of annoyance, but it was hard to tell as it lasted only a moment.
Noah watched him, and sighed. “What was that?” Sadie asked him, peering around you. She couldn’t help but notice what had happened. Noah shook his head. 
“He hates me is what happened” You sighed, and looked down. Noah immediately looked at you in surprise. 
“He hates me. Or at least dislikes me” You said again. 
Noah laughed, and moved so the sunlight reflected across his bare torso. “What makes you think that?” he asked, but you didn’t have time to respond as Ross began a countdown to jump.
“Tell you later” you said quickly, and turned to face the iridescent surface of the water. 
“3! 2! 1!”  
You sat on the stairs in the shallow end of the pool. You swished your legs underwater, watching the little rainbows and reflections under the surface. Sadie had gone to the deep end and was talking with Millie and Finn, hence the reason you were alone.
As you watched Sadie say a sarcastic comment, followed by her splashing Finn with a handful of water, you couldn’t help but smile. Suddenly a body jumping into the water a foot in front of you made you jump. You hadn’t noticed Noah as you were too busy staring at Finn.
Noah broke the surface of the water, and laughed at the look on your face. He brushed his sopping hair back with one hand and sat on the step next to you.
“So why do you think Finn hates you exactly?” he asked after you shot him a look that plainly said ‘shut up’
“Well he always ignores me. And only interacts with me when he absolutely has to. I don’t even know what I did! Plus you saw what happened earlier” you complain. Noah ponders this for a moment, his hazel eyes unreadable.
“I-I’ll....talk to him” he said, a small smile on his face. And you instantly became suspicious.
“You know something” you said, narrowing your eyes. Noah just smiled and insisted he didn’t, but you hung out with him enough to know something was up.
After a few minutes of him insisting he knew nothing, you gave up and he suggested a game of Chicken. You were hesitant to agree, but the more he asked and tried to persuade you the funner it sounded.
“Fine. But only if Sadie plays” you eventually agreed.
Since apparently it was “unfair” if you and Sadie were on the same team, you paired up with Noah while Sadie got Joe. 
“Hey! That’s not fair” Noah shouted as Sadie brought him over, but as Joe started saying he wanted to be on her team, he gave up.
You got onto Noah’s shoulders, and Sadie onto Joe’s. Then the two boys started moving towards each other and you and Sadie started awkwardly shoving each other, water droplets flying through the air as the boys struggled to maintain balance.
Eventually Sadie succeeded in pushing you backwards, with the help of Joe being much bigger than Noah. You splashed under the water, and came to the surface gasping.
“we are the champions!” Sadie exclaimed, a victorious smile playing her lips as she raised her hands above her head. Noah muttered something under his breath about her only winning because of Joe, and you laughed. 
“I’m gonna go dry off now” you said, and turned only to bump into Finn. He turned and looked at you before you narrowed your eyes. He looked startled for a moment, but you turned and swam towards the steps on the opposite side of the pool before lifting yourself out of the water. 
two can play at that game
You were inside now. You chatted with Millie beside a bowl of chips. You had just asked how things were with Jacob and she had smiled and blushed, and pulled out her phone, revealing he had been texting her at that very moment. You smiled. Despite the media and fanbase always saying how much they despised Jillie, you couldn’t help but think that it was almost cute how happy he made her. In the end it was her decision, wasn’t it?
As Millie showed a picture of her and Jacob at the beach, you looked behind her out the door and saw Noah walking Finn across the grass. Noah had a towel around his shoulders, and Finn had just put on a shirt. Noah appeared to be encouraging Finn, making hand movements and talking. Finn had an almost nervous expression on his face, and his eyes were focused on the ground. 
Then they opened the sliding door and Noah pushed him in, giving him a quick thumbs up, and looking over at you. When Noah said you looking, he hastily pretended to be doing something else. 
You focused back on Millie, only to realize seconds later Finn was walking towards you two. He tapped Millie on the shoulder and she stopped talking. “Um Millie? Do you mind if I talk to Y/N for a moment?” he said. Millie raised an eyebrow.
“Sure” she said, and waited for Finn to speak. He awkwardly coughed. “Actually...I was wondering If I could talk to her alone...” he trailed off, and you realized this was the first time you had seen the curly haired boy like this. He seemed nervous, his dark eyes flickering from you to Millie.
“Oh. Sure!” she said, and backed away, shooting you a confused glance and mouthing “whats happening”. You simply shrugged and turned to Finn.
There was silence for a second until Finn awkwardly began. “So, Noah said you think I dislike you?” he started, and you instantly regretted telling Noah. If you knew he was going to tell Finn, it would have saved a lot of awkwardness to just be quiet.
“well, not so much as dislike as hate, but sure. Yeah, I do think that” you mumbled. And Finn searched your face with concerned eyes, before taking a deep breath.
“Well, I don’t just to be clear. In fact, things are almost the opposite” he said, and your eyebrows shot up in a look of surprise. What was going on? Was this some type of prank?
“I actually really like you Y/N. I see you on set with Sadie and Noah, and how  you are always so amazing. You are super pretty and smart, and I just didn’t know how to go about it” he said. Your eyes widened. You were speechless for a moment before you realized he was waiting for you to say something.
“Oh! I-What? Then why would you always ignore me?” you stuttered. Finn nervously messed with his hands. 
“Well I had never really felt this way for someone before. Sure, I had a tiny crush on Millie when we started, but by time Season 2 started that had ended. This is nothing like that” he began. “I originally asked Noah for advice but he didn’t really know what to say, and I knew Gaten and Caleb might tell you. So I asked Joe and he said I should just...play it cool. Seem ‘uninterested’” he finished, and you inwardly thought that it was a tiny bit funny to see how flustered he was.
“That doesn’t mean completely ignore though” you pointed out and he nodded. 
“I know, that was really stupid of me” he admitted. “Anyways, I guess what I’m trying to say is....would you-”
Finn was cut off as Millie shrieked from outside. She was talking to Noah and was looking inside with a look of shock on her face. 
“Really!?” she exclaimed, before looking inside and realizing that both you and Finn were looking at her. She looked at the door she had forgotten to shut all the way and flushed, tugging it shut. Noah was face palming next to her. It was obvious what Millie had just found out, from the way she was looking at Finn.
You looked back to see Finn’s face completely pink. “I-I think I’m gonna go outside now. Talk to you later Y/N” he mumbled, and walked away into the house before you could reply. 
You stood in shock for a moment, and grabbed the table for support. There was no way that had happened. No way in hell. What was he going to say? 
You sat down and put your head in your hands, your heart pounding. What was next? 
Okay so I don’t even know what that turned into. I was originally planning on writing a short but found it too fun writing smaller scenes, like the chicken fight and the pun-war. I’m going to continue this, but as of right now I have no idea how long it will take for a second part. Please let me know if you want more and feel free to leave ideas and suggestions. Also let me know if you like it because I will work harder to continue it if I know people actually like it.
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fight-me-wyatt · 7 years
Finn Wolfhard ~ Mistletoe ~ part one
Request/Prompt: Nope. Just a special since its Finns birthday on the 23rd and Christmas on the 25th. 
Ship:  Finn Wolfhard x fem!reader 
Summary: (for part one) Finn and the reader are childhood friends but kinda drifted apart. Finn invites her over for his birthday/Christmas party with all his cast mates. 
Type: Fluff! 
Warning: Only warning would be swearing, I think. 
 Word count: 2356 (including A/Ns) 
Hope you enjoy it. Let me know! I'm going to be doing something a little different for this, and I'm going to post each day for them on the actual day (New Zealand time), so it'll be split into 5 parts. If that makes sense. Hope you guys don't mind me doing it this way! Tbh im not sure if ill be able to write it all in time, but might as well give it a shot!
Gif credit goes to @shitposting-tozier
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2 1 s t   D e c e m b e r . 
"Y/N pleeeeeaaassseeee" the muffled voice of Finn Wolfhard begged through the phone, "everyone's dying to meet you!" 
 I sighed and plopped down on the couch, spinning so I was upside down with my legs over the top and my hair brushing the ground. 
I loved talking to Finn and hearing his voice, but right now I was ready to end the call. 
"I don't know Finn... They're probably just saying that for your sake." I mumbled, staring at the world from an upside down point-of-view. 
Finn groaned through the phone and I rolled my eyes at his over-dramatising. It was cute, but extremely annoying. 
"Pretty please, Y/N?! I really want you there, I feel like I haven't seen you in ages! It'll just be like when we were younger and had family Christmas parties." He offered, trying to get me to come. 
He wanted me to agree to go to a Birthday/Christmas party he was having with all his cast mates and stuff. And as someone from his past, not really his present; I wasn't very keen to go. 
 Our families used to live next door, so Finn and I grew up together. We were best friends and we did everything together. Every year we had a massive neighbourhood Christmas party. But since the Wolfhards moved away, and with Finns acting, it got harder and harder trying to catch up. We kind of drifted apart, despite both of our efforts. 
I sighed, closing my eyes. 
The more we talked, the harder it was to say goodbye. The more I saw him, the harder it was to deny my feelings. 
"I don't know Finn. You'll be fine without me, you've got all your new friends there. I really wouldn't fit in. I'd be the only non-Cast mate. It would just be me sitting in a corner while everyone else has fun. I appreciate the offer, dude, but it's a no." I said softly, chewing my lip anxiously just thinking about the situation.
The more time I spent with him, the more likely it was for him to find out. 
On the other side of the phone there was quiet. Maybe he had finally given up? 
"Y/N/N, I wouldn't want to be there without you. You're my oldest and bestest friend, and I want to introduce you to my other friends so that all of my friends can be friends! I know for a fact you'd fit in. Josh will be there as well, so you won't be the only non-cast member! And if you end up sitting in a corner, I'll come sit with you. But, I guess, if you really don't want to go and it'd just going to make you uncomfortable, you don't have to come...." Finn said reassuringly. 
I pondered for a long moment, thinking through my options. 
Surely I could manage an hour or so... Just for Finn.. And he was right, we hasn't seen each other in ages, and I missed him so much. It was only one night, right? It wouldn't be that hard to act like the me that he knows, the one that was completely and utterly his platonic best friend... Right? 
"Fine. But only for you, asshole." I sighed. 
I heard a loud cheer from the phone, and laughed. 
Shit. What have I gotten myself into. 
"You weren't gonna give me the option to not go were you?" I asked, knowing the answer. 
"Nope. I was gonna keep bugging you." Finn said in a very happy voice. 
I simply laughed and wrote down the details of the party, not really listening. 
23rd. Finns house. Sleepover. Ugly Christmas sweater. 
"Okay, see you later, Finn" I said, wanting to get off the phone before ten minutes turned into two hours. 
"See ya, Y/N/N!" He responded. 
We hung up and I sighed, slowly sliding off the couch like a snake. My heart was pounding even from just hearing his voice.
I was screwed royally. 
Finns POV 
I put my phone down, letting out a sigh. I lean my head back against the couch and smile. 
It wasn't a great execution, but I got the intended end result, so that's all that matters. I sat up and opened my eyes to see the boys grinning at me expectantly.
I rolled my eyes and nodded, sending them up into cheers. Nic and Wyatt both slapped my back in congratulation and Jaeden wiped away a fake tear. 
"Guys, it's not that big of a deal." I groaned, running my hands through my messy hair. 
I mean, it was a big deal, but I wasn't going to tell them that. I had to act normal. Might as well get some practice in at it before Y/N came over for the party. 
Chosen scoffed and looked at me with raised eyebrows. 
"Dude, you've been spending all morning freaking out and writing a script for what to say to her, just to invite her to your party, despite knowing each other since forever." He teased. 
"And when you finally actually called her you couldn't stop blushing, and stammering and biting your lip." Dustin piped up. 
"Oh, and when she agreed to come you cheered as if you won a gold medal at the Olympics." Caleb said nudging me. 
I could feel my face heat up but I just rolled my eyes. 
"Whatever" I muttered sheepishly, glad that they had finished attacking me. 
Sophia walked in then, having gone shopping with my mom for some 'much needed girl time'. 
She looked at all the boys surrounding me, the blush on my face and the phone beside me, and quickly realised what was happening. 
"Oh, and don't forget about how he never shut up about her on set." She teased, one hand on her hip, the other holding a Starbucks coffee. 
 I groaned and buried my face in my hands as they all went around the circle, saying something I had said or done that gave it away. 
Everyone except Millie and Sadie added something in, and that was only because they hadn't arrived yet. 
Soon, Josh was telling them stories about times I had made an idiot of myself in front of her, since the three of us used to spend a lot of time together. 
Eventually, when my face was as red as a fire truck, I spoke up. 
"Okay. Fine. You got me. I have massive fucking crush on my best friend, Y/N, but there's no point. She only likes me as a friend, barely even that I think. Besides, I don't want to ruin the friendship, so please don't mention it to her?" I sighed, giving up. 
Jaeden rolled his eyes, but nodded. "Took you long enough to admit it, dumbass." He said grinning. 
"And we won't tell her. Yet. We have to actually meet her first and see if she's right for you, then we'll think about telling her." Jeremy grinned, winking. 
Sophia plopped down onto a spare chair, sighing. 
"I just can't wait to be the only girl. I mean there's gonna be three other girls here. That's like three more than I'm used to" Sophia grinned, changing the subject, thank god. 
 "Speaking of, when does Millie and Sadies plane arrive? I wonder how their holiday was..." Noah asked, checking his watch. 
"9pm tonight," I replied nodding, looking at my own watch. 
It was only mom and I that went to pick up the girls, since we wouldn't all fit in a car, and needed space for their luggage. 
It gave me a good opportunity to think. 
How was I gonna greet Y/N? Should I play it cool? Or act like I used to when my feelings were purely platonic? Or should I go out on a limb and flirt with her? 
I decided on acting. I was good at acting, I could do that easy. Just act like I didn't get butterflies whenever I see or hear her, act as if the way she would grin at me expectantly after telling a shifty joke, didn't effect me at all. Act like I didn't care whether or not she noticed me. Act as if she didn't make me feel weak in the knees or make my heart flutter whenever she looked at me with her gorgeous eyes.... Act like I didn't want to kiss her on those cute lips of hers that seemed to draw my eyes in like a magnet. Easy. 
I sighed deeply, wiping my face with my hand as if this would wipe away my thoughts. 
My mom looked at me concerned, before turning her attention back to the road. 
"Are you okay, honey? That was a big sigh. Do you still want to have the party? It's not too late to cancel." She said, her voice thick with concern and love. 
I shook my head simply. 
"Yeah, I'm fine. I still want to have the party, it's just..." I trailed off weakly. 
 "It's just, what? You can tell me, Finn, it's okay." She prompted. 
"It's just that I have this... This crush.. On this girl whose coming to the party, and I don't know how to act around her. I really, really like her, mom, but I don't want to ruin our friendship." I sighed, letting it all out. 
It felt good to vent. 
Mom smiled, quickly glancing at me. 
"And this girl, are we going to pick her up right now?" She asked, curiosity getting the better of her. 
"No, mom." I glared at her. 
She nodded, slowly. 
“That Sophia is a very nice girl, Finn, and I think-" 
"It's not Sophia either." I mumbled, cutting her off. 
She gasped, her eyes widening. 
"You like Y/N! Oh, Finny! Aw, wait until I tell Y/M/N! We've been waiting for this since you were just kids!" She squealed uncharacteristically like a schoolgirl. 
My eyes widened in alarm. 
"Mom! No! Both Y/N and her mom are not finding out about this! And that's really weird." 
 She simply shrugged, and reached over to ruffle my hair. 
"Okay, Finny. I just think you two would be adorable together." 
I rolled my eyes and slumped into the seat of the car, wanting to melt into it. 
"Honey, just know that if your friendship is important enough to the both of you, even if she doesn't share the same feelings about you, as you do for her, your friendship will stay the same. It might be awkward at first, but she's not worth it if she can't keep the lifelong friendship you guys have, just because of a crush." Mom said calmly and reassuringly, smiling at me gently, "but something tells me that you guys will figure it all out." 
I nodded, smiling softly, hoping what she said was true. 
 Millie and Sadie both fell asleep in the car on the way home. 
The reunion between me and them must've taken up what little energy they had left after a long flight from London, where they had flown to from Mexico. 
 Millie and Sadie had run to meet us, and engulfed me and then my mom in a big hug each. 
When Millie gave me a hug, she whispered in my ear, "I can't wait to meet her." 
I had groaned, responding, "they told you already?" 
She had laughed and nodded, "texted me just as the plane landed." 
When Sadie had given me a hug that seemed to have way too much strength from someone her size, she whispered, "Sounds like you're head over heels from what I've heard, Finn." 
Unable to stop the blush, I just laughed nervously. 
She grinned at me before going over to give my mom a hug. 
“Thank you so much for letting us stay with you, Mrs. Wolfhard." I only just heard the girls say. 
I was too busy caught up in my own thoughts. 
Slowly, I walked to the car behind the others. 
Everyone, apart from Y/N -hopefully-, knew that I was crushing on her, hard. Would someone let it slip that I liked her? Or, more likely, would they hint at it very heavily until she caught on? Would she, then, laugh at me with everyone about how stupid I was? Would she- 
"Finn!" Mom said loudly and I snapped out of my thoughts. 
"We're at the the car, sweetie." 
She gestured to the car, the girls in the backseat, giggling. 
I smiled sheepishly. 
"Oh, yeah, right, sorry." I said and jumped in the passenger seat. 
"Daydreaming about someone were we, Finny?" Millie teased as Sadie made kissy faces beside her, teasing me. 
I rolled my eyes and pulled the finger at them before focusing ahead. 
When we reached home, everyone else was asleep. I guess all of the reunions were going to be tomorrow morning. 
I showed the girls their bedroom where Sophia was already sound asleep and said goodnight, before retreating to my own room. 
I almost stepped on a snoring Jeremy, and Chosen muttered in his sleep, worrying me that I had woken him up. 
I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. 
There's part one! How was it? Good enough to make you want to read part two, hopefully! Let me know how I can improve etc!
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heckin-harrington · 7 years
The Cool Uncle / j.k.
“joe keery imagine where you’re dating and you meet the cast and eventually become like the uncle and aunt they never asked for (cause we all know he’s that one cool uncle”
Request?: @orangepegacorn-blog Pairing: Joe Keery x Reader (f) Warnings: swearing but nothing too crazy Word Count: 1101
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*gif is not mine*
“Hey,” Joe placed his hand on your shoulder as you two sat in the parking lot of the studio where they filmed Stranger Things. You had never been to set before but today, for some God knows reason, Joe decided ah what the hell, I’ll bring Y/N today so she can meet the cast making you pretty nervous. 
Your mind was swimming with thoughts, basically drowning you. What if they don’t like me? What if they think I’m annoying? What if they think Joe deserves better? You just couldn’t get your mind out of the mud on this one. You felt stuck. After all, you just wanted to be accepted by the Stranger Things kids, as stupid as it sounds. But, they meant the world to your boyfriend so you hoped for the best.
You looked over at Joe, your eyes meeting his soft chocolate brown ones. He brought his hand up to your cheek, his thumb lightly grazing over your bottom lip. “They’ll love you. Trust me, babe.” He assured you to which you just smiled small and blushed at his touch.
“C’mon. Finn said he brought Nerf guns for when we’re on break.” Joe grinned, kissed your nose and got out of his car. You quickly followed suit, not wanting to be left behind at any point today. You grabbed Joe’s hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
As Joe lead you two back to the hair and makeup trailer, y’all ran into a few of the older cast members which made you hold back your inner fangirl. David Harbour smiled kindly as Joe introduced you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, David.” You awkwardly held out your hand for him to shake to which the older man chuckled lightheartedly.
“You don’t have to shake my hand, sweetheart. I’m a hugger.” You beamed at David’s words, hugging the man. “Joe talks about you all the time.” He stated as you pulled out of the embrace.
“Oh really?” You looked back at your boyfriend who scratched the back of his neck, shrugging. “All good things I hope?” You asked David.
David crossed his arms over his chest, chuckling. “Nothing but good things. He adores you, kid.” You bit your lip at the words. The feeling of knowing Joe spoke so highly of you to people you’d only ever seen on tv make you glow for some reason. An ego thing perhaps or maybe just the thought of knowing he loved you just as much as you did him.
“Joseph David Keery!” You hear someone yell. Joe immediately turns his head, rolling his eyes playfully at the person who shouted.
“Didn’t realize you were my mother now, Millie.” He chuckled, motioning for you to follow him. You nodded, saying your goodbyes to David before rushing back to Joe’s side. “Y/N, this is Millie. Millie, Y/N.” He introduced. “Now why exactly am I being shouted at like I’m seven and broke something important?” He questioned the smaller girl.
Millie scoffed, placing her hand on her chest as she exclaimed, “You didn’t tell me your girlfriend was coming! I would’ve made her something to make her feel welcome! Now I feel bad, Joe.” 
Joe gasped playfully. “I did so tell you!” You laughed, shaking your head. You patted Joe on the cheek and turned to Millie.
“It’s okay, I didn’t know I was coming here either.” You smiled. Millie giggled at your remark before looking at Joe then back to you. “Oh my goodness! You must meet the rest of the party!” She told you, grabbing your hand and pulling you towards wherever the rest of the group was. You smiled brightly at her. “C’mon Joe!”
He grinned as he caught up. “Ah, Gaten! My man!” Joe said high-fiving the younger curly haired boy. Gatan threw his hand down to his side, rejecting his friend’s gesture. Joe furrowed his eyebrows, “What?”
“Um, who’s the girl?” Gaten asked making Joe roll his eyes opening his mouth to explain yet again before being cut off by Millie who squealed excitedly.
“She’s Joe’s girlfriend!” You sheepishly waved. “Hey.” You said, Finn shrugging at you.
“That’s cool but the real question is, are you good at Nerf wars, Joe’s girlfriend?” The boy questioned and raised an eyebrow, holding a plastic gun in his hands.
“Um, excuse me but she has a name you shithead.” Joe scoffed, crossing his arms. “Y/N.” He shared, Caleb shushing him. “Why does everyone hate me today? Jesus.” He sighed.
“Because you’ve downgraded from group mom to lame uncle.” Sadie explained. “What the hell? I’m the cool uncle if anything!” Joe yelled making you snort, earning a glare from him as you throw your hands up in defeat. “Why am I lame now?”
“Because you didn’t tell us that Y/N even existed!” Caleb told him. “He told me that he told you guys.” You shared making all the kids scoff and mutter things under their breath.
“That’s exactly why you’re now the lame uncle.” Sadie shrugged. “You can earn your title back though. Maybe not your mom one but I’ll let cool uncle slide.” She offered. “You win this nerf war, Y/N on our team, and you get your title back. Deal, Keery?”
Joe rolled his eyes, grabbing a Nerf gun from the pile by Finn’s feet. “You’re on you little shits. I can win this in my sleep.”
Finn tossed you the gun he was holding, you catching it and looking over to your boyfriend. “Well, you might not be the cool uncle anymore but I’m most definitely the bitchin’ aunt.” You smirked at him.
“Hell yeah!” Gaten cheered at your words earning a light shove from Joe. “Hey, don’t get pissed at me because your girlfriend is cooler than you.” 
“Alright ladies,” Noah quieted the group down. “Myself, Caleb, Finn, and Gaten are a team. Sadie, Joe’s girlfriend and Millie are a team.” He explained Joe waving his hands.
“Wait-- what about me?” He asked, Noah looking over at him and shrugging. “You go solo. That’s how you make your come back.” Joe gasped at the younger boy’s words.
“I’m calling bullshit on that logic.” Joe stated. “Call bullshit all you want, Keery. Doesn’t change the rules.” Gaten stated. “Alright, everyone ready?”
Everyone nodded collectively, you nudging Joe’s shoulder making him nod too. “You’ll always be the cool uncle in my books.” You whispered to him.
“Don’t make this weird, sweetheart.” Joe kissed your cheek. “Hey!” Finn snapped. “No flirting with the competition!”
“Ready to get your ass whooped, Keery?” You looked back at Joe who smirked at your threat.
“Bring it.”
not too shabby for my first have at it in a while :) I hope you enjoyed it, darling!
requests/rules here!
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kimshinegyu · 7 years
Eleven was being a a hole too. Having tantrums at Hooper in the cabin because she missed Mike (Though Hooper deserved some of that too), and being jealous of Max without context and hurting her. Mike and Eleven are the main couple but that doesn't mean they aren't flawed or their relationship isn't flawed (they're really possessive about each other.) they'll have to learn how to be more mature
That's actually why Lucas and Max have a great relationship. It's not an epic drama like Mike and Eleven but they at least communicate and are mature with each other. It's no wonder she took to Lucas. Mike was an a hole, Dustin was hot and cold with her, trying to impress her. Will had his own shit to deal with. Lucas was straight up honest with her.
tbh i don’t blame hopper or eleven for how they acted when in the cabin. i have a lot to say so i’m gonna put this behind a read more.
eleven had been held captive and used her whole life, then she escaped and had one week of relative freedom and then spent about a month hiding in the woods. so when hopper brought her to his cabin it wasn’t under the same circumstances as being at hawkins lab but she still couldn’t leave. that frustration added with wanting to see mike and her being an emotional teenager is what caused her to act the way she did. she’s a kid. a kid with a unique upbringing but a kid nonetheless and i can’t fault her for not heeding certain rules or getting emotional. 
for us viewers we instantly saw the connection to hopper raising eleven and his dead daughter sara. we saw that while eleven isn’t a replacement he’s just as protective of her because he doesn’t want anything to happen to her. this is the same reason he goes with joyce and will whenever will has an appointment. he’s just looking out for the kids well-being. that’s the same reason he made the deal with dr. brenner to give him eleven’s location while ensuring that he and joyce can safely retrieve will and that the boys will be left unharmed. he’s a cop for a reason and the hollywood version is to serve and protect. when eleven finds out about sara she instantly understands hopper being overprotective. 
the being jealous of max thing was straight up bs and i blame the dumber brothers for that bullshit. i know she was watching soaps which i guess would influence her but the dumber brothers wrote that shit in so it’s their fault.
eleven and mike is cute until you sit back and realize that she’s the kiddie version of born sexy yesterday. i hate saying that because creeps sexualizing the children but i do because she’s ignorant in the ways of being a regular child because of her very restricted childhood and she latches onto the first boy her age who’s nice to her and that’s that whole trope right there. if she hadn’t spent her time with hopper pining for mike (mike alone not all 3 boys who were people she considered her friends) and mike had not been a clearly depressed mess, i would like it a lot better. 
as for lucas and max i agree. they are both mentally in the same age group and they can make decisions based on that. (idk if that makes sense but that’s literally the only way i can say it.) 
the way the other boys acted definitely had a hand in how she saw them. dustin was nice until she was seen with lucas which was a big red flag for her, we don’t know that her stepdad doesn’t hit everyone in the house and not just billy. mike was an ass from jump street for no reason whatsoever. will was nice but he also had his own issues which she didn’t understand though she wanted to. lucas while keeping secrets was actively trying to include her into his friend group. i like the lucas and max relationship but i also like caleb and sadie’s realistic take on that these are kids in the 8th grade and that they might not even last that long. it’s a cute ship imo.
well... that was a lot and idk if i even stayed on topic to what you were addressing but here it is.
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The Three Girls In Cabin Five
Day One - Red Hair Millie's POV "Have fun!" I waved at my mom while she drove off, turning to the, by now familiar, main building of the camp to tell them I'd arrived. "Millie! Back again?" Matthew yelled, looking up from his computer. "Yup, what cabin do I have this time?" He scrolled through a document for a bit. "Cabin number five." I nodded. "Is Maddie here yet?" "Oh you don't know yet..." "Don't know what?" I asked, frowning. "Maddie won't be here this year, you have a new roommate, Sadie Sink. She's new here so be kind. She's already here, by the way." I tried to hide the disappointed look on my face. Maddie and I both started coming to this camp in the same year. For the past four years we've always shared a cabin. "Okay, thanks!" I walked out and towards the blue cabin marked 5. Before opening the door I inhaled deeply. Change wasn't my forte and I was honestly quite nervous about meeting Sadie. But I knew she'd be more nervous, first years always are. I knocked, hearing a muffled "one second" coming from inside. The door opened and I was face to face with an angel. Her red hair was like winter fire, her eyes shone like the moon on a lake, her beautiful face stunned me in place, her sweet voice when she asked me if I was Millie made me melt. I nodded, probably looking like an idiot, and walked in. "So, which bed do you want?" She asked, snapping me from my daze. "I don't care, you choose." I replied, to be honest I wanted the one on the left but if she wanted that, it'd be no problem. "So how about I take the one on the right and you take the left, is that okay?" She asked, sounding quite unsure. "That's perfect." I replied, still feeling like I was floating because of her. She started unpacking some stuff and I did the same. She absentmindedly started to hum and it only took me a few seconds to recognize the song. "Oh miss believer my pretty sleeper your twisted mind is like snow on the road." I sang and she turned around instantly. "Wait you like Twenty One Pilots?" I nodded and she smiled a smile that could light up a room. I'd gotten to know Sadie a bit better in the hour leading up to lunch. I'd found out that her parents were getting a divorce so they shipped her off to a camp for the summer to work everything out, she was a dog person, she leaned more towards Fall Out Boy while I preferred Coldplay, her favorite Twenty One Pilots album was Vessel, mine was Blurryface, she liked theatre, I'm more interested in on-screen acting, and she's a dog person. Finally the lunch bell was heard all over the grounds and we walked towards the main hall, chatting about Josh Dun on the way. We walked in and I immediately spotted my friends already sitting at our table. Caleb and Gaten had started going to the camp two years before me, Finn one year before me, and Noah one year after me. I dragged Sadie over to them and we sat down. "Where's Mads?" Noah asked, biting into his sandwich. The food was served to the tables which was pretty cool. "Mads isn't here this year, meet Sadie, my new roommate." I replied and she waved at them lamely. They quickly introduced themselves and I zoned out while eating my lunch. Turned out I was staring at Sadie, only stopping when she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Millie! Are you even paying attention." Finn yelled from the other side of the table. "Yeah, stop staring and answer the question." Gaten backed him up. "What question?" I asked, frowning at them. "Oh well I made a joke about being gay so now Sadie wants to know our sexualities." Noah answered. I swallowed nervously. "Please don't hate me but I'm pan, like Finn." I said, looking at Sadie like I expected her to yell at me. Instead she held up her hand. "High five, I'm gay." She replied and I quickly complied. "Mills, did you have to out me like that?" Finn asked me, pointing at me with his straw. "You would've outed yourself by pointing at a frying pan and saying 'me' eventually anyways." I said, rolling my eyes at him. "She has a point, you do do that." Caleb backed me up. Finn got up, rolling his eyes but smiling at us. "I'm gonna go sit with my friends now." He announced, walking over to a different table. He did this every lunch, spend the first half with us and the second half with Wyatt, Jaeden, Sophia, Chosen, Jeremy, and, most importantly, Jack Dylan Grazer, the boy he'd had a crush on since he met him. "I'm sorry did I say something wrong?" Sadie asked, looking at Finn's back. "Nah, it's an inside joke, you're good. He just likes to sit with the Losers every now and then." Caleb replied. "So what do you guys do all day?" Sadie asked while we were walking towards the woods. "There's this spot in the woods, we usually hang out there, especially on the first day. It's a tradition, kind of like our talent night." I replied, stepping over a hole in the ground. Last year a few younger kids dug it and multiple people fell in, one even broke a leg. "Talent night?" She asked, eyebrows raised. God, she was pretty. "Yeah, it's a bit of a joke. The Losers and the Strangers get together and we just kinda do stuff. Finn usually brings his guitar and for some reason Jack always has a flute. Jaeden and Wyatt always write some overly dramatic and accidentally romantic play. Gaten, Caleb and I sing, rehearsing starts tomorrow, you should join us. If we get Finn to join we can do "One Day More". Noah and Chosen both do comedy, Jeremy always hosts, and Sophia is always a surprise." She nodded. "I'd like to join. I love musical theater." I laughed. "I know, you ranted about how Eponine deserved better, remember?" "She did though!" She replied, sounding slightly offended at my laughing before joining me. "Oi! Lovebirds! Hurry up!" Gaten yelled and we joined them again. "You think the Losers are there yet?" Noah asked me. "Probably, how much you wanna bet Jaeden and Wyatt are touching in some way and Jack is in Finn's lap." "I'm not gonna bet against that." He replied, laughing. I was right. Sophia was sitting on a rock rolling her eyes at Jack and Finn, who for some reason weren't dating, and Wyatt and Jaeden, who both claimed to be straight. Chosen and Jeremy were talking about the talent night. "Hiya, Losers." I greeted them, sitting down next to Sophia. Sadie waved and quickly joined me. I touched her arm reassuringly. "So, Mills, you gonna introduce us?" Sophia asked me. "Oh right," I was so lost in staring at Sadie that I'd forgotten, "Sophia, this is Sadie, Sadie, Sophia." The waved at each other. "Oh great now I have to compete with another redhead." Sophia joked and they both started laughing. I gotta admit that I felt a little jealous. "So, have any of our ships sailed yet?" I asked Sophia, cutting off their conversation. "No, all of them are still denying it." She groaned. "Not denying anything, just not gay!" Jaeden yelled from the other side of the circle we were sat in. We all started laughing, including Wyatt. "Wyatt, why must you betray me like this." Jaeden said in a mock-offended voice. "Shut up, you love me." We all held our breaths. "As a friend!" Jaeden yelled, making us laugh again. We hung out for a few hours before the bell sounded, signaling that it was time for dinner and introduction night. "First day is macaroni day, so I hope you like mac and cheese." I said, walking next to Sadie towards the main building. "Hell yeah, Kraft Mac and Cheese is my life, my love, my religion." I snorted at her comment. "I see you've been talking to Gaten." We both started laughing. "Y'know, he once threw a bowl of it to his sister because she wouldn't stop annoying him." She burst out laughing again. "Wait really?" I nodded and she pulled Gaten next to us by by his shirt. "Yo." "Is it true you once threw a bowl of the holy food to your sister?" Sadie asked him, trying not to laugh. "Millie!" He annoyedly exclaimed before starting to laugh. We joined him and we were still laughing by the time we reached the building. We usually called the main building The Hall (yes the capital letters are important). "So, who's ready for some mac and cheese and gayness." Finn said, pointing at Wyatt and Jaeden who had been walking behind us holding hands. We all raised our hands and Jaeden raised his middle finger. "Leggo." Caleb said and we all walked in and sat at our usual table. During dinner the tables were pushed together and all the Losers and Strangers fit at one. "So what you're trying to tell me is that you bought an actual okay-quality trumpet for fifty bucks?" Finn asked me, his eyes nearly falling out of his head. "The cheapest trumpet I've ever seen was 350 bucks and that was a shitty one." He continued. Finn's parents ran a music shop in Toronto. "But really, fifty bucks?" I nodded and he turned back to his food with a shocked expression. We sat next to each other in silence for a good five minutes. "Fifty bucks?" "Yes, Finnley." I laughed. "Damn." Immediately after everyone had finished eating their dessert, which was chocolate pudding, we were ushered outside and all two-hundred and thirty six of us sat around the unlit campfire. "What's happening?" Sadie asked to my left. "It's this lame-ass tradition. You'll see." I replied just as I saw Matthew taking the torch from a running David and continuing to sprint to the pile of wood. "Oh no, don't tell me it's like the Olympics." Sadie groaned next to me. Matthew was already standing in front of the pile with his arms raised triumphantly before throwing the torch into the wood. It quickly caught fire and we all cheered. He took a bow and joined David at the edge so Winona could welcome us. "Welcome everybody, I'd like to first say the names of the first years and the ones that won't be coming back this year before officially starting the evening." She started like that every year. "First the newbies. Joining us this year are Henry McBersley, Alexis Linetti, and Lisa and Frank Duke." We didn't get a lot of new people each year but the people that did join usually stayed for a long time due to the camp being amazing. "The ones who have unfortunately left us are Maddie Ziegler, Sidera Hoying, and Polly and Cas Howell." I liked Sidera, she was really creative and we hung out every now and then. Polly and Cas, the twins, were a bit weird but always happy and smiley. "Now let's get to the fun stuff." Winona announced and Matthew and David started throwing bags of marshmallows around. "Is every night gonna be this fun?" Sadie asked me that night while laying on her bed on her back. Her long red hair was in a messy bun and her eyes stared at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I'd never been that jealous of a ceiling before. I laid down on my own bed and nodded before realizing she couldn't see that. "Yeah, the camp is awesome. We have rehearsals for the talent night tomorrow, so we gotta be up early. We should expect the boys here by 6 am." I mumbled, turning off the last light in the cabin. "It's already 2 am!" Sadie near yelled. "I know, go to sleep." I still wasn't asleep by 3 am but that was okay. If I had some coffee with breakfast it should all work out. "Millie." I suddenly heard Sadie whisper. "Yeah?" I whispered back. "Are you awake?" "No, I have a hidden talent where I can have entire conversations in my sleep." "Fine, I'll just go back to sleep then." Her words were serious but her tone was joking. "Noooo, what was it?" I asked her. "Wanna go prank the guys?" She asked. My face lit up but she couldn't see. "Uhm yeah!" I said, turning on the lights. "What do you plan on doing, I'm on board whatever it is." I said and I saw a mischievous glint in her eyes. "I say some classic shaving cream and a feather, maybe some makeup and a sharpie." She said, pulling out her makeup bag and her pencil case. "I can get us shaving cream and feathers." I said, putting on a bra, flipflops, and a hoodie, over my sweatpants. "Let's go." She replied, also getting "dressed". "Are you sure he won't be mad?" Sadie asked me for the nth time. I shook my head. "He won't be, if anything, he'll give us a camera to film it." I replied, knocking on the door. "Millie? It's 3 am." Shawn Levy said as soon as he opened. "I know but I need to borrow some feathers from one of the old pillows and your shaving cream." "I'm not gonna ask, one second, I'll throw in a camera too." I smiled at Sadie and she smirked back. "Thank's Shawn." I said when he handed me the bag before running off towards the green cabin number 9 with a neon pink door. "Let me guess, they asked for this cabin?" Sadie asked, eyeing the four-person cabin. "Oh definitely, I totally didn't bribe Matthew to give them this." I replied and she started laughing. I quickly slapped my hand over her mouth. "Sorry" she whispered when I let her go. "Could you hold this?" I asked Sadie, handing her the bag before pulling out the key David had borrowed me. "Where did you get that?" Sadie asked. "I know a guy." I replied and she kissed my cheek. "Hallelujah." She whispered, I was too shocked to say something. I grabbed the sharpie and started attacking Finn's face with it, carefully drawing some things like the phrase "I love JDG." And a couple of dicks. Also a pan pride flag which I filled in with eyeshadow, Sadie and I worked together like we'd been doing it all our lives. We were finally done drawing on all of their faces and decided to give Noah and Caleb a hand full of shaving cream. "Ready? Three." I mouthed, getting ready while the camera filmed from an angle that they were both in shot. "Two." Sadie and I both got ready. "One." We both started tickling them with the feathers and they woke up almost at the same time, smacking their hands into their faces. Sadie and I ran out of there with the camera while it was still dark. Even outside we could hear a loud "what the fuck." from Caleb and Noah remembering he spoke French a little and just yelling out "merde." We silently laughed on the way back to cabin number 5.
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