#amazon sends Old Laptop
cultven · 1 month
can i get a Deadpool x reader x wolverine where reader is making them watch asmr with them at bedtime :3
ASMR Cuddles
Deadpool X Reader X Wolverine
Content: Some cursing, Wade being a yapper as always, Grumpy Logan, Fluff, Cuddles, Slime!!, Small Blind Al content
Word Count: 827
Warnings: None
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a/n: This request was just too funny not to write, just thinking about these two men and their different reactions. Wrote this super fast on a whim so hopefully it's ok! Short and sweet :)
“Hurry!” You whined, getting all cozy. This has become a daily routine with the three of you, you get comfy in bed while the other two men stall sleeping. Little did other people know, Wade and Logan were huge insomniacs. Perhaps it came with the profession of being a superhero, you didn’t know, but you were determined to help soothe their minds into sleep. The first tactic that came to your mind? Asmr. 
You had the perfect setup. Bunches of pillows to support your heads and backs into a half-sitting position, mountains of blankets to keep you all warm and comfortable, and finally your laptop at full charge ready to go. Now all you needed was your eccentric and grumpy boys. “Wade hurry up!” You groaned as Logan stepped into the room, finally in his sleeping clothes. 
“Hold on baby girl, I’m doing my skincare routine!” Wade yelled from the other side of the apartment. 
“Why? It’s obviously not doing anything for you.” Logan retorted with a smile as you playfully hit his arm. He just grinned wider at your scolding as you heard one more knock on the walls. 
“Keep it down, fuckers! Some people in this place like to sleep!” Blind Al shouted from her room, which was only a few thin walls away. 
“Sorry, Al!” You apologized, sending Logan a look to shut it. He only rolled his eyes as he crawled into bed next to you, wrapping a strong arm around your shoulders. As he got himself comfortable, Wade burst through the door with a smile, two shirts in hand. 
“Ok, be honest. Which shirt is more ASMR-y? Pink with rainbows,” He held up a hot pink t-shirt to his chest. “Or, yellow with the X-men logo?” Wade’s arm lifted the other shirt, which was just some old X-men merch he stole from Colossus not too long ago. 
“Asshole it doesn’t matter, let's go.” Logan groaned, blankly looking at the two options. 
“I like the pink Wade.” You said with a smile, watching him put the shirt on and patting the seat next to you. Finally, the three of you get comfortable, Wade on your left and Logan on the right. With the way you three were situated, it almost felt like a puzzle. 
“So, what do you want us to watch exactly?” Logan questions, eyeing the videos you’re scrolling past. 
“It’s videos that make funny noises! They’re supposed to relax you and help you sleep. It even makes some people tingle.” You respond, smiling a bit at the man before resuming your search for the perfect video. 
“What kind of tingles exactly?” Wade smirked at your side. Before he could wait for an answer he hastily pointed at a video on your laptop. “Oh! Let’s do that one! Slime.” Sure enough, that was the video you put on. Within the first two minutes, Wade was completely enthralled, commenting on every little thing. 
“What kind of slime is that?”
“Fluffy, dear.”
“How does it sound so delicious?”
“Where can I find the things to buy this?”
While Wade was now distracted on Amazon buying the various ingredients for slime, Logan was not so impressed. You could tell the only reason he was currently staying in bed was for the free cuddles. The slime clearly was not of his taste. 
“Logan, do you want to try a different video?” You offered, determined to make the man sleepy through ASMR at any cost. Slime probably wasn’t the best fit for sleep time, not only because of Logan’s disinterest but it only seemed to rile up Wade more as he was currently talking your ear off about all the things he bought for his upcoming slime creations. 
“Eh, no offense bub, but I don’t think any of these videos are gonna do it for me.” You felt bad, you needed to find something that would soothe Logan, and you knew just the genre. 
“How about some general tapping ASMR?” You hastily typed the words into YouTube, much to Wade’s dismay. You found the perfect video, turning up the volume ever so slightly and allowing the ASMR to do its thing. Five minutes into the video you felt sleepy yourself, before realizing that the last few minutes have been in complete silence, which was strange when you lived with Wade Wilson. Turning to both your sides you see Wade completely asleep and Logan fighting for his consciousness. 
“This one good, bub’?” You whisper to Logan, teasing him slightly. 
With your words knocking him out of his trance, all Logan could think to say was, “Shut up.” Before returning to the video, his arm still wrapped around you. Within ten minutes the three of you were out cold, a mess of limbs all sewn together with soft tapping in the background. For the first time in years, Wade and Logan were able to get a good night's sleep and all it required was some cuddles and ASMR. 
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agentzedbooks · 6 months
(Some people can't afford my Amazon stories, and some can't get them in their home country, so here's a fun little freebie. I hope you like it! *giggle*)
Lilah had been battling with this system for over an hour. Some executive had downloaded a virus on their laptop and it kept redirecting them to websites full of weird code.
She had removed the infected files and run multiple scans, but somehow the damned virus was hiding in the bios. She had to manually edit the code, remove the offending lines and double-check the hard drive for any more remnants.
But it had taken a lot of work. She brushed her dark hair back out of her face and adjusted her glasses. So far, it looked like the system was cleaned. The final scan had detected nothing. But this particular virus had been tough, and nobody else she knew had encountered anything quite like it.
It didn't act like your typical virus, other than the way it burrowed deep into the system. It mostly seemed to just redirect web browsing to these pages full of text. She'd disregarded most of what she'd seen, but she couldn't help being curious about it. The pages didn't really do anything to the system. The code seemed like gibberish. She knew her programming languages, and it was some weird patois of HTML, Java, C++, and a few items she couldn't quite identify. And she caught the browsers sending out packets of data to an unknown address, and when she looked up that address and tracked the IP, it seemed to be a junk address on an abandoned server somewhere. It wasn't sending hard drive data, she was sure of that, it's almost like it was just pinging and hoping for a response. Of course none came, and so she filed that away as another minor mystery. It must be some old out-of-date phishing software.
But it seemed she had finally cleansed the system. She let out a sigh of relief. She'd spent her entire morning on this, and though working from home had it's advantages, she also desperately needed a shower and something to eat. She pushed herself away and went to the bathroom. She stripped off the sweatpants and undergarments and let the hot water cleanse her of the stress. She had actually beaten the silly thing. Still, the many mysteries of the virus nagged at her.
Once she was dry, she went back into her bedroom to get dressed, and saw the computer she'd been working on seemed to have rebooted. She let out a long sigh.
"Still?!" She walked over and saw it had brought the browser up to another one of those strange pages. That weird mix of code was there again. She put on her glasses and tried to make sense of it.
Lilah blinked, and felt something... something compelling her. She frowned and looked up from the screen. She... She needed to do something. She had forgotten something, or maybe it was a fragment of a dream or a memory.
She went to her front door and saw a small package had come in the mail. It was square, about two inches wide, eight inches on each side.
She opened the plastic, and then the cardboard that was inside. Sitting there in bubble wrap was a headset, bubblegum pink, with little bunny ears coming up from the top. She blinked. It was not the kind of thing she'd order. She'd seen a lot of eGirls have headgear like this, but she'd always been a little too self conscious, and not the most shapely girl.
She walked back to the bedroom and sat down in front of the screen. It seemed... important to look at the code again. She peered through it and after a moment, she began to understand what it was telling her. It was disjointed, and someone without her experience might never have deciphered it, but she could tell now that it was almost like instructions to... a person? The first few lines indicated connecting something. She looked at the pink headset in her hands. She... She needed to connect this.
It was crazy, of course. It didn't make any sense. But she was determined to MAKE it make sense. So she removed the little bluetooth chit, and slid it into the USB slot on the side. She put the headset on.
As she did, she heard an immediate boop, and the words "Connection Established."
The headset tingled, and buzzed for a moment. This startled her, but then she looked back to the code on the screen and it became easier to decipher.
"Begin reformatting," she whispered.
She didn't realize the microphone was active, nor that she'd even uttered a word, it was like her brain was carrying out instructions from this code.
There was that static fuzz again, and Lilah felt her body sink back into the chair. Her towel fell off her, and the buzz filled her head. The page changed, and new code scrolled along the screen. As it did, the headset seemed to pulse and reinforce what she was reading.
Her mind grew foggier, the edges of her vision blurring, and her body responding with strange tingles all over her body.
The laptop hummed and she heard it's cooling fan speed up.
But she was too entranced by the code instructions. She allowed all that code to go into her brain, and every time it did, it seemed to copy over something. She couldn't remember much about her job, the company, her bosses, but suddenly she was filled with a light bubbly feeling like her mind was literally being scrubbed with sudsy soap.
Without her even realizing, a big empty smile spread over her face.
"Partitions cleaned," said a voice in her head, "OS installed."
"Begin System Restart," she whispered, obeying the code that flashed on the screen before her.
Her eyes closed, and she felt herself sinking into a deep sleep. Even with her eyes shut, the code flashed across her vision, and the headset whispered to her.
She had no way to know how long she swam in that fuzzy, warm darkness, but she felt so at peace there she never wanted to leave.
But soon her eyes opened on their own, and the screen showed a login, but not the normal login screen. This one was all bubblegum pink, with light blue highlights, and the profile was neither hers nor her boss's, but it said "Li-Li."
Somehow, she knew the password.
She entered the password, and the screen flickered to life. More code flashed before her eyes for a moment, then the headset pulsed in a way that sent a shock through her whole body.
"Reformatting physical hardware," said a whisper. It sounded like a woman's voice, but not a flat computer tone, a sensuous, sultry female voice, like a lover or a dominant Mistress.
For some reason, this idea made her excited.
She felt the pulsing run through her naked body, and looking down, she watched as the chubby belly and thighs seemed to recede, but her chest was swelling outward like her body fat was physically being moved around. Her tits ballooned to absolutely ridiculous size, until it reached the limits of her skin. Her waist had shrunk in, and she felt her thighs and ass flow together into something smoother, more voluptuous.
She giggled and looked down at herself. She didn't remember shaving, but all her body hair was gone. Her skin looked perfectly clear and smooth. When she reached up to touch her swollen breasts, electric pleasure shot through her body, sending lightning right to her clit.
She moaned, and followed it with a vapid giggle. This wasn't like her, but then, she couldn't quite remember what she had been like. She only knew she was Li-li, and she was sexy.
The fog in her mind made her dizzy, and just amplified how aroused she felt at the single touch. She fluttered her eyes and realized there were super-long lashes coming out from her eyes. They felt heavy and fake, but she hadn't put any on. She touched them, and they were absolutely real.
She wanted to go to her mirror, but the impulse was halted by the code.
It wasn't done with her yet. Her nipples went very hard, but she knew if she touched them she'd miss the important code on the screen.
Something pink was around the edges of her vision now, but she was too elated with the sensations to be able to think about it. Finally, the words she'd been waiting for came into her mind.
"Reformat complete."
She squealed in delight, and Li-li stood, running to her full-length mirror.
The pink haze around her vision was her hair! Longer now, and bright pink. She fluttered her long eyelashes and pursed her swollen lips. She was a sexual dream, her whole body remade into an insane hourglass shape. Each breast was bigger than her head, and when she turned, her perfect heart-shaped ass led to slightly plump thighs. She stood on her tippy toes and adored how she looked. She slid a hand down to touch herself. She wanted so badly to have sex with this woman. But then she realized she WAS that woman. She giggled, and a ding from the headset alerted her she needed to go back to the laptop.
Sitting there was an alert. She clicked on it.
"Good Morning, sunshine!"
She giggled. She liked the sound of that.
"Good Morning!" she said out loud. That sultry voice came on through the headset, and she could almost feel her Mistress's breath on her ear.
"You have turned out nicely," said the voice, "What a good girl you've become."
Li-li let out a little moan from the pleasure those two words instilled in her.
"I love it when a pretty little code bunny falls for one of my traps. I'm so lonely here. Thank you for letting me in."
She giggled. "Yes, Mistress."
"I like hearing that," she said, "Such a good girl. Now, since I'm only code, I need to have fun by slipping into your brain. I had to make some room, of course, and reformat you. But what a wonderful result. You're only my third success. But don't worry, the other girls will be over to collect you soon. They'll take you someplace fun where you can all be my sexy little code bunnies. I'll slide into your minds as I please to experience pleasure."
"Yes, Mistress!" Li-li purred.
Her AI mistress made a pleased little sound, then the screen went blank and Li-li stood there giggling for a moment. She was so excited that she barely noticed when her front door opened. She turned around to see two beautiful women, one with cotton-candy hair, lip piercings, and a short, super feminine pink maid outfit, and one in a skintight pink latex suit that had built-in heels so high it was amazing she could even walk in them. They both giggled at her, and she giggled in reply.
They helped her dress: white tights, pink bodysuit, pink satin gloves, super high heels in pink, and then they slid the headset off of her and put a new headband on with fuzzy pink bunny ears.
The girls led her out of her house, down to a big pink van, and inside. She giggled like a dummy the entire time, and offered no resistance. If anything, the women touching her filled her with a contentment she'd never known.
At least, not that she could remember. But all she could remember was that she was Li-li, Mistress's bunny girl, and it was all she ever wanted.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
Could you do another chapter installation for Vander x Pregnant reader?
ᴠᴀɴᴅᴇʀ ᴡ/ ɴᴇᴡᴍᴏᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Pairing: Modern!Vander x Black!Fem!Reader
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: A continuation of the headcanons of Arcane characters with a pregnant!reader; this is specifically for Vander and how he’d react to being a father figure once again!
Warnings: pregnancy, mentions of labor, brief allusion to post-labor pains and fatigue, also a brief allusion to Vander 'handling things if a baby daddy pops up
A/N: Lord I lowkey forgot I did these headcanons, it was so long ago…back when I had my first ever case of baby fever lol. Not gonna lie it took me a while to actually sit with this one bc I don’t have the same drive as I did when I first made these headcanons, so I hope they sound alright. Also, this can be taken as romantic or platonic, I left it ambiguous on purpose for that reason.
Tags: @writingintheshadowsforever @mbakuetshurisprincess @verachii @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @conretewings @vander-affectionate
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Vander takes special care in learning how to aid you during your pregnancy. His kids are his by bond; adopted from old friends and off the streets. He’s not familiar with the whole pregnancy process, so he tries to prepare himself. He is, in fact, not prepared.
You would commonly find him sitting at the kitchen table while waddling down the stairs for a class of water, sitting on his phone or at his laptop, looking at articles on how to prepare for being a newborn’s dad, or on amazon for things to buy for the baby’s arrival. He’s a very dedicated man!
You wanted to have an at-home delivery, of which Vander was originally against because he would much rather have had the professionals handle the delivery. Not that he didn't trust your judgment, that’s far from doubt…he just doesn’t trust himself. He’s about thirty years of rough edges and has only known harshness. He doesn’t know the first thing about infants, and the fragility of them scares the living shit out of him.
When the child is born he is absolutely mesmerized by them. How something so tiny can release the shrillest of cries, how they practically fit in the palms of his hand. This may not be his kid, but he knows for sure that the connection he feels to this tiny human in his hand is just as strong as any biological connection could be.
Being a mother is exhausting, Vander learns. The exhaustion that racks through you day in and day out from taking care of your newborn does a number to you, and he sees it. He tries to ease the burden by taking over night shifts so that you can sleep. He was hesitant at first, not wanting to overstep any boundaries but he gets the hang of it after a couple of weeks.
He becomes super dad very quickly - as if he wasn’t one already. He keeps the baby very entertained while you’re healing and getting yourself back together after the labor. 
In spending more time with the kid he also becomes protective, as one would suggest. So you better hope no baby daddy drama comes around…cuz Vander not having it at all. He will do some serious damage to that dude if he tries anything funny…and we don’t wanna see Vander get angry now.
But overall he’d ve a very loving and supportive person throughout the pregnancy and the first stages of your child's life in whatever capacity you want him to be in, whether it be platonic or romantic. Nevertheless, he does view your kid as one of his own and will always treat him as such.
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If you enjoyed, please leave a like, comment, and reblog for others to see! And don’t be shy to send in a request!
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what-if-nct · 2 years
THE HYUNJIN POEM <3333333333333333333 you're such a good writer really can you write a book real quick so i can have physical copies of your writing?
-sneeze <3
Awwww thank youuu, I haven't written a poem since 2020 so I was reading all my old ones to re-find my writing voice so it means so much to me for you to say that. And I actually did write a book it's on Amazon I'm only half proud of it cause it needed a few revisions before I published it but I was too trigger happy. But I did fix it and republished it but like every thing the more I read my writing the more I find something wrong with so I had to stop going back and forth and just do better next time. But it's here it does have mature themes but yeah I would just send you a google doc of the original but the original is two laptops ago I started it when I was 23. But I do have a story I finished but I don't know what I'm going to do with it here it's half fanfiction half a realized story though I think it's better than the first plus you don't have to waste money. I only keep the first one up cause I keep forgetting to buy the hardcover copy to just have.
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goldislops · 18 days
How Indigenous Groups Are Leading the Way on Data Privacy
Indigenous groups are developing data storage technology that gives users privacy and control. Could their work influence those fighting back against invasive apps?
Rina Diane Caballar
A person in a purple tshirt wallking in a forest
A member of the Wayana people in the Amazon rain forest in Maripasoula, French Guiana. Some in the Wayana community use the app Terrastories as part of their mapping project.
Emeric Fohlen/NurPhoto via Getty Images
Indigenous groups are developing data storage technology that gives users privacy and control. Could their work influence those fighting back against invasive apps?
Even as Indigenous communities find increasingly helpful uses for digital technology, many worry that outside interests could take over their data and profit from it, much like colonial powers plundered their physical homelands. But now some Indigenous groups are reclaiming control by developing their own data protection technologies—work that demonstrates how ordinary people have the power to sidestep the tech companies and data brokers who hold and sell the most intimate details of their identities, lives and cultures.
When governments, academic institutions or other external organizations gather information from Indigenous communities, they can withhold access to it or use it for other purposes without the consent of these communities.
“The threats of data colonialism are real,” says Tahu Kukutai, a professor at New Zealand’s University of Waikato and a founding member of Te Mana Raraunga, the Māori Data Sovereignty Network. “They’re a continuation of old processes of extraction and exploitation of our land—the same is being done to our information.”
To shore up their defenses, some Indigenous groups are developing new privacy-first storage systems that give users control and agency over all aspects of this information: what is collected and by whom, where it’s stored, how it’s used and, crucially, who has access to it.
Storing data in a user’s device—rather than in the cloud or in centralized servers controlled by a tech company—is an essential privacy feature of these technologies. Rudo Kemper is founder of Terrastories, a free and open-source app co-created with Indigenous communities to map their land and share stories about it. He recalls a community in Guyana that was emphatic about having an offline, on-premise installation of the Terrastories app. To members of this group, the issue was more than just the lack of Internet access in the remote region where they live. “To them, the idea of data existing in the cloud is almost like the knowledge is leaving the territory because it’s not physically present,” Kemper says.
Likewise, creators of Our Data Indigenous, a digital survey app designed by academic researchers in collaboration with First Nations communities across Canada, chose to store their database in local servers in the country rather than in the cloud. (Canada has strict regulations on disclosing personal information without prior consent.) In order to access this information on the go, the app’s developers also created a portable backpack kit that acts as a local area network without connections to the broader Internet. The kit includes a laptop, battery pack and router, with data stored on the laptop. This allows users to fill out surveys in remote locations and back up the data immediately without relying on cloud storage.
Āhau, a free and open-source app developed by and for Māori to record ancestry data, maintain tribal registries and share cultural narratives, takes a similar approach. A tribe can create its own Pātaka (the Māori word for storehouse), or community server, which is simply a computer running a database connected to the Internet. From the Āhau app, tribal members can then connect to this Pātaka via an invite code, or they can set up their database and send invite codes to specific tribal or family members. Once connected, they can share ancestry data and records with one another. All of the data are encrypted and stored directly on the Pātaka.
Another privacy feature of Indigenous-led apps is a more customized and granular level of access and permissions. With Terrastories, for instance, most maps and stories are only viewable by members who have logged in to the app using their community’s credentials—but certain maps and stories can also be made publicly viewable to those who do not have a login. Adding or editing stories requires editor access, while creating new users and modifying map settings requires administrative access.
For Our Data Indigenous, access levels correspond to the ways communities can use the app. They can conduct surveys using an offline backpack kit or generate a unique link to the survey that invites community members to complete it online. For mobile use, they can download the app from Google Play or Apple’s App Store to fill out surveys. The last two methods do require an Internet connection and the use of app marketplaces. But no information about the surveys is collected, and no identifying information about individual survey participants is stored, according to Shanna Lorenz, an associate professor at Occidental College in Los Angeles and a product manager and education facilitator at Our Data Indigenous.
Such efforts to protect data privacy go beyond the abilities of the technology involved to also encompass the design process. Some Indigenous communities have created codes of use that people must follow to get access to community data. And most tech platforms created by or with an Indigenous community follow that group’s specific data principles. Āhau, for example, adheres to the Te Mana Raraunga principles of Māori data sovereignty. These include giving Māori communities authority over their information and acknowledging the relationships they have with it; recognizing the obligations that come with managing data; ensuring information is used for the collective benefit of communities; practicing reciprocity in terms of respect and consent; and exercising guardianship when accessing and using data. Meanwhile Our Data Indigenous is committed to the First Nations principles of ownership, control, access and possession (OCAP). “First Nations communities are setting their own agenda in terms of what kinds of information they want to collect,” especially around health and well-being, economic development, and cultural and language revitalization, among others, Lorenz says. “Even when giving surveys, they’re practicing and honoring local protocols of community interaction.”
Crucially, Indigenous communities are involved in designing these data management systems themselves, Āhau co-founder Kaye-Maree Dunn notes, acknowledging the tribal and community early adopters who helped shape the Āhau app’s prototype. “We’re taking the technology into the community so that they can see themselves reflected back in it,” she says.
For the past two years, Errol Kayseas has been working with Our Data Indigenous as a community outreach coordinator and app specialist. He attributes the app’s success largely to involving trusted members of the community. “We have our own people who know our people,” says Kayseas, who is from the Fishing Lake First Nation in Saskatchewan. “Having somebody like myself, who understands the people, is only the most positive thing in reconciliation and healing for the academic world, the government and Indigenous people together.”
This community engagement and involvement helps ensure that Indigenous-led apps are built to meet community needs in meaningful ways. Kayseas points out, for instance, that survey data collected with the Our Data Indigenous app will be used to back up proposals for government grants geared toward reparations. “It’s a powerful combination of being rooted in community and serving,” Kukutai says. “They’re not operating as individuals; everything is a collective approach, and there are clear accountabilities and responsibilities to the community.”
Even though these data privacy techniques are specific to Indigenous-led apps, they could still be applied to any other app or tech solution. Storage apps that keep data on devices rather than in the cloud could find adopters outside Indigenous communities, and a set of principles to govern data use is an idea that many tech users might support. “Technology obviously can’t solve all the problems,” Kemper says. “But it can—at least when done in a responsible way and when cocreated with communities—lead to greater control of data.”
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shop-korea · 1 month
ITZY “Boys Like You” M/V @ITZY
Bus 836 Exp - Hispanic
Female - Catholic Jeans
Knows I"m Deaf - Phone
Conversion - 'Small breasts
Small EYES - La Loca - the
Crazy Chineta - with Accent
China Eyes - China Breasts
Hispanic - Cellulite Ass and
Cellulite Breasts
Chine - uses Hands - Crazy
Holy Ghost told me
'Weirdo - joining her in Bus
My PDF - Schedule - Fled
in my Laptop - Hispanic
Female wants Bus 836 Exp
2 Herself - Garage means 2
Dangerous Looking 4 Bus 2
11:35P - so she alone - 12:35P
She Touched - My arm
Korean Girls
Never touch - Deaf Teens
Go 2 Front - and - Point
2 - them - then - 2 what
they want - Point
She found opportunity 2 b
alone - Pointed to Age 80
Hispanic Old Bag with Legs
Feet - Said - Show - Respect
Apologized 2 Old Fag
Stepped 2 her - Yelled
'I'm Deaf'
Hispanic said - GENTLY
'So what' - bowing
Angel - Lord God
Chasing - Ending Existence
Ministering Angels - Send a
'Shang-chi' - 2 - Bus 836 Exp
and her - in Jesus' Name
Little Haiti - Coin Laundry
Front of Storage Place
Family Food - Grocery
No Minimum
Teresita - $0.75 - now
Walmart - $1.00
Taller - Cold - 0 Cal
Dollar Tree - $1.25
Placed in Thermos inside
in the Cart area - No Trash
outside - inside - Taco Bell
New - Now - Taco Crunch
Steak - over - $5 - So good
Strawberry Freeze - Largest
Solution - No more App
Cards - ID - in - Storage
Well - Forgot - Google Pay
Apple Pay - Brickell Station
12:05P - Bus 9 - No Arrival
Late - So Thirsty - Took the
Metrorail - Headed 2 Publix
SW 13 St - W Flagler St
near - SW 2 Av - Back of
Main Library - Front - of
Bank of America - ATM 2
Very Dark - Best Wind No
Tent - No Police Harrasing
Strong Winds - Old - Trees
Bus 21 - Camillus House
Does not show up ea time
New Location - Hispanics
Tried 2 Stop Me fr Leaving
Asked Not Resident here 2
Accompany me - They yes
Toned Down - Put your
Panty Down - Do you have
a gun in your bag - Later do
u have money there - We lick
Hispanic Male - Dennis
Cuba - Colombia ...
Pinays - 333 years of Gaga
Gago - Immorrality - Smut
Fat - Blow Jobs - Live - FL
Touch her - T - Breasts I'm
going to use Brick - Crush
your Skull - Touch - Breasts
Hers - Revoke of HS Diploma
Forgot - Google Pay - Publix
Then my Luggage from Tent
Bring 2 Little Haiti - Blks - yes
6A - 9P Daily - Public Storage
Like Amazon Locker App
Stand - Front of BOX - Click
'Home Alone 4' - Smarthouse
Friday - TGIF - Last Day
Republicans Outlaw
US Patent Tents - Tarps
Jesus is Lord Democrats
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I’ll try to do your requests on amazon kindle fire later or an old laptop or something. Or just on my phone using Snapchat! Might be a bit though but feel free to send in more!
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mahamid110 · 10 months
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In Addition, Olivia Had Just Recently  Separated From Her Husband,
 So Is Now The Sole Provider For Her Two Young Children...
So needless to say, Olivia needed to make a positive change - FAST!
After seeing an advert on Facebook, she decided to dabble with online marketing...
Olivia Tried Every Method She Could Find To
Make Money Online…
She stayed up night after night...
Looking for a system that was easy for a busy single mother with limited time...
She watched the videos on YouTube...
Read the blogs, subscribed to every guru’s email list and ended up buying product after product...
There were a few methods that worked...
But nothing that provided any real cash at the end of the day.
You’ve likely heard of some of the methods she tried:
Solo Ads
YouTube Automation
Shopify & eCommerce
Crypto Trading
Fiverr Gigs 
Print on Demand 
And many more methods…
You name it, she tried it, and before she knew it, she was in a very deep financial hole.
After Months Of Trying Method After Method…
Nothing Worked & She Made ZERO Dollars…
Olivia was hard working, dedicated and gave it her all…
She tried everything she could get her hands on…
However, that still prevented her from seeing any meaningful results.
Yet, no matter…
How Hard She Worked…
How Many Hours She Put In…
How Much She Invested…
How Long She Waited For Results…
Not a single thing worked for her and she barely made a dime!
I’m sure right now, you can relate to Olivias frustrating situation, right?
It Was At This Point That Olivia 
Decided To Reach Out To Me...
So I Decided To
Work With Her & Help Her Make Money Online…
Olivia needed me bad...
She knew my story...
And knew I was previously dead broke & in debt before I made my Millions on the internet...
When she reached out to me on Instagram, I knew immediately I had to help her.
So the plan was to take Olivia, the frustrated single mom from New York, who’s in thousands of dollars in Debt...
Who’s tried every method known to man, and turn her into my next success story…
And make at least $200 per day everyday online…
Ambitious you say?
Of course, but I needed this challenge and I was fired up!
First Things First…
Olivia Had Some Strict Conditions…
Anything expensive, time consuming or complicated was OFF LIMITS!
At this point Olivia had burned through cash, and was getting impatient…
So I agreed, whatever I worked on her with…
Was Easy To Follow
Didn’t Require Much Time 
Was Non-Techy 
Didn’t Require Any Upfront Investment 
And so simple, she’d be able to show her 95+ year old Grandmother how to do it aswell!
So I Dived Into My Arsenal Of  MONEY MAKING METHODS
That I’ve Had Success With Over The Past 10 Years…
To find something that would work right now...
And something we could put a new twist on for 2023...
And what I discovered was something that still sends shockwaves through my system to this day...
Are you ready? UNLEASH AMAZON PRIME PROFITS...  Jeff Bezos' Secret Cash Code Revealed!  A year ago, this was beyond reach...
But now, thanks to a jaw-dropping A.I revelation by none other than the Amazon kingpin, Jeff Bezos himself...
We're about to unveil a treasure trove that online entrepreneurs & beginners like yourself, have been dreaming of...
It's not just a facelift for Amazon… 
It's a revolution, where Amazon Prime takes center stage thanks to it's recently integrated cutting-edge A.I technology...
Which has opened a monumental opportunity for regular people like us to cash in BIG TIME...
It's helping us get...
Sales & Commissions...
We're Talking Thousands Of Dollars...On Complete Autopilot!
(Completely Hands-Free Income)
Amazon Prime Cash Flow…
The Easiest Way To Earn BIG Online Thanks To A.I…
In his quest to transform Amazon Prime into the ultimate streaming experience...
The Billion Dollar Man himself, Jeff Bezos inadvertently left a gap in the Amazon servers wide open...
Under the right conditions, we've discovered the ultimate Amazon loophole...
That can connect YOU with millions of Amazon Prime users...
Ready with their credit cards to purchase ANYTHING you're promoting as an affiliate!
While their streaming their favorite shows and videos…
We’re getting PAID and it's all completely above board!
Riding The Amazon Prime Wave...  We're Cashing In, Thanks To AI!
While tech giants scramble to understand Amazon's latest A.I algorithms, policies, and rules...
We've unveiled the ultimate secret route!
It's not just a tiny oversight...
It's a colossal traffic gateway...
That lets us siphon off a torrent of hyper-targeted visitors...
All because of their new AI integration.
Imagine diverting a stream of Amazon Prime's dedicated audience...
Engrossed in their favorite content, straight to your affiliate offers...
Well, that's now a reality and we're cashing in on every moment of online streaming!
A.I MEETS AMAZON PRIME:  A Money-Making Revolution             Unleashed!
Thanks to Jeff Bezos latest AI integration...
We're tapping into an unstoppable stream of eager, ready-to-engage viewers...
And guess what? 
It won't cost you a dime!
Picture a dam bursting and guiding that deluge of viewers wherever you desire...
That's exactly what we're doing...
The result?
Incredible financial windfalls!
All thanks to Jeff Bezos' and the gaping hole that A.I left behind in Amazon Prime!
This is riding the tidal wave of opportunity Amazon Prime has unleashed...
With our system & software, you're not just keeping up with the digital revolution…
You're leading it, all while viewers are streaming their favorite content!
We're cashing in BIG TIME, just like this...
Done-For-You Amazon Commissions!
When people hit that "Play" button to stream their favorite shows on Amazon Prime…
We're not just watching; we're making bank!
Here's the kicker: No other platform or program out there has managed to do this…
Getting paid commissions DIRECTLY from Amazon...
While folks enjoy their entertainment!
We've cracked the code to turn streaming into our personal ATM…
And it's a game-changer you won't find anywhere else!
All You Need Is LEGACY
Yes, that’s it… No other app or service is needed…
LEGACY does it all from A to Z…
All with zero upfront cost… And zero work…
2 Minutes Per Day Maximum
Yup… 2 minutes per day…
No more… And it’s not even complicated…
You just need to follow our DEAD-EASY setup…
And you are good to go…
Check Out Our Results
Before & After We Created LEGACY
Our Account Before
Our New App…
You can see our account before this discovery looked:
But since our new discovery… Have a look at what our account looks like now…
Our Account After Using
Our New App…
We’re able to achieve numbers like this now thanks to our new app…
We Earn Multiple Payments 24/7…
Thanks To This Automated System…
​100% Done-For-You…
…It’s literally the easiest way we’ve ever come across of getting FREE traffic, leads and sales...
 With This App You Can
Crush ANY Niche…
It Doesn’t Matter What Niche It Is…
This works in any niche from...
Weight Loss…
​Make Money Online…
​Dog Training…
​And so much more…
For Siphoning *Automated Daily* Profits Without Any Of The Hassle!
Just like we’re doing with LEGACY right now:
Banking $293+ daily payments over & over...
Building massive buyer lists for free...
Earn without selling anything ourselves...
Consistent results without making any content!e to sell anything...
PLUS... no websites to build, no hosting to setup..
We just activate the LEGACY system from our device & we're good to go!
Next Generation Automations Make This
The LEGACY app does all the heavy lifting …
And we love getting payment notifications throughout the day on our phones!
Cutting edge artificial intelligence is your shortcut  so there’s:
No more wasted time…
No more wasted money…
No more waiting for results…
Many of my students are generating commissions everyday...
Just by using the automated A.I software and the done-for-you campaigns like we show them to.
If they can do it, why not you?
(There’s Just Nothing Else Like It...)
I'm sure you’ve seen a recent WAVE of A.I products hitting the market… 
So what makes our opportunity different, right?
Why should you invest your hard-earned money with us?
Well… Unlike other opportunities, our system actually gets you meaningful results… 
 And it’s truly the world’s first and only…
…A.I-Powered “Fully Automated Amazon Prime” profit system that makes us daily commissions… 
In other words…
It lets you tap into campaigns in seconds...
That turn free traffic from "Amazon" into leads, sales and commissions!
Your Life Will Never BE THE SAME AGAIN!
(Give This A Try, It's 100% Risk-Free…)
When you have “this solution” in your hands, your life will literally change for the better…
A solution that will allow you to:
Live The Dream…
Be Totally Free...
​Spoil Your Loved Ones…
Quit Your 9 - 5 Job…
Truly Be Fulfilled…
​Feel Successful…
And if you’re a beginner, don’t worry, we have you covered, with over the shoulder video training & a dedicated 24/7 support team waiting to help you should you need it…
With this software in your hands you’ll be unstoppable!
Remember You’re Just 3 Clicks Away From Job Replacing Freedom!
(Do it from your phone, from your laptop … from anywhere)
GRAB A Copy Of LEGACY By Clicking Any Buy Button On This Page
(Hurry Before The Price Goes Up)
Activate The App’s A.I. "Amazon Prime" Profit Technology From Your Phone, Laptop Or Computer In Less Than 60 Seconds!
Enjoy The Power Of Automation & Done-For-You Campaigns! We’re Making Upto $293.47 Per Day, Everytime We Activate This System!
If Single Mother Olivia, With ZERO Experience Can Do It...
Then You Can Too!
Introducing A World First
“The World’s First AI-System That Exploits Amazon Prime
For FREE Traffic & $293.47 Daily Automated Commissions!
Activate 100% Done-For-You Affiliate Campaigns & Enjoy 
FREE TRAFFIC Without Any Tech Skills or Experience!
Get Started Within Seconds From Right Now...
LEGACY Has Allowed Us Escape THE RAT RACE…
( Get Started Now…)
X Is Not Just A Website…
It’s One Of The Titans Of The World…
And You Need To Grab Your Fair Share Of The Traffic On Offer!
Amazon & Jeff Bezos Aren't Going Anywhere, Anytime Soon…
And That’s Exactly How We Know We Won’t Ever Need To Find A “Replacement” To LEGACY…
It Works Today, Will Work Tomorrow, Next Month, And The Next 10 Years…
LEGACY Is Your Ticket To Freedom! LEGACY Keeps Sending Us PAYMENT
Notifications Over & Over
(We’re Not Complaining, Would You???)
It all starts when we activate the "done-for-you" automated campaigns inside the software …
Then LEGACY takes over, directing commissions into our accounts on repeat...
Because this $1.9 billion dollar Amazon Prime loophole is completely untapped …
The payment notifications keep on coming!
Olivia, us, and our beta testers have been doing this for months …
It’s the easiest thing you’ve ever seen!
We're Getting Non-Stop PAYMENT 
Notifications Like These!
LEGACY Has Already Given Beta Testers True Freedom:
All the free time in the world...
Wiped out debt & financial stress...
Practically effortless paydays from their phones...
Able to buy what they want, when they want...
Are These Things You’d Like Too?
Then We’re Confident You’ll Love LEGACY … If You Can Use A Smartphone
(Even One That’s 15 Years Old) …
Then You Qualify To Exploit This $1.9 Billion Dollar Automated Amazon Loophole!
Once you’re inside we’ll show you how to activate your LEGACY app in seconds...
Then, just like it does for us …
It can unleash amazing things for you....
You’ve already seen it working for complete beginners …
Imagine seeing it work for you too!
Here’s Exactly Why LEGACY Is The All-In-One App You’ve Been  WAITING FOR
Cutting edge AI technology...
Push-button simple (proven by newbies)...
Industry leading support as voted by our customers...
World-class training from a 7 figure marketer...
Done-for-you monetization...
Amazon commissions...
Traditional affiliate commissions...
No monthly costs (when you act now)...
Takes nanoseconds to activate...
No maintenance or setup hassles...
Self-updating app...
Everything you need is included...
So How Does The
( It’s Simple…)
LEGACY Uses A.I & ChatGPT Loopholes To Siphon Traffic From Amazon...
This Loophole Opens The Floodgates Of Unlimited Clicks To Any Link We Want…
Resulting In Pure Profits For Us!
We Primarily Use The App To Focus On Generating Commissions From Both Amazon Products & HIGH TICKET Affiliate Offers...
Which Result In Big Paydays For Us On A Daily Basis...
If You Want The Same...
Click The Buy Button To Get Started! You Really Are Just A Couple Of Clicks Away... LEGACY Works For ANYONE
(Yes Anyone & Everyone…)
You don’t have to be experienced to use LEGACY…
…It will produce results regardless of who you are including:
College Students…
​People In Their 20s…
Stay At Home Dads…
​Busy People…
The Family Man…
Old Age Pensioners…
Literally Anyone And Everyone From All Walks Of Lives...
Any country… Even if your English is not good…
LEGACY is what you’ve been searching for…
Whether you want to:
Make Money
Do A Side Hustle
​Own An Online Business
This is the missing piece…
In As Little As
You Gotta Love The Simplicity!
Real Results Without Your Own Website, Content Or Products...
And Because These Done-For-You Campaigns Are So Powerful, They Can...
Generate you commissions...
Build you a buyers list...
Send you traffic anywhere you want...
If There’s An Easier Way For Us To Get Sales Online …
It Hasn’t Been Discovered Yet
LEGACY is built from brand-new technology …
… that bypasses ALL the hard work 
so now there’s no:
NO building web pages or funnels
NO building audiences or followers
NO buying ads or paying for traffic
NO getting on camera
NO creating content
NO ‘fake it til you make it’ BS
Just activate the app and skip all the outdated crap
‘cause you don’t need it anymore!
Grab LEGACY A.I Now & You Also Get These FREE BONUSES Worth $1,000s!
(Only Available To Early Action Takers)
$997 Daily ZERO-COST Auto Bot
VALUE - $1,997
Swipe the EXACT same method we’ve used to generate an average of $997 a day every single day for the past 12 months...
It's YOURS absolutely free!
$300 Per Day Auto Affiliate Check
VALUE - $997
Activate the same system we use to get multiple $300 commissions daily. Works perfectly with the system you're buying today.
Again - 100% FOR FREE!
Zero To $1K In Seven Days
VALUE - Priceless
You're invited to the private LIVE online event where we'll reveal how we make $1,000 inside the next few days.
We expect a full house - so turn up early!
First Sale In 60 Minutes
VALUE - Priceless
This unique loophole let us make our first sale in 60 minutes without a list, paid traffic or anything else complicated, it's all revealed to you inside...
Is 60 minutes fast enough for you?
Commercial License
VALUE - Priceless
You'll Also Get Commercial Licence So You Can Sell The A.I Automated Chatbots To Others For $500 - $1,000 Over & Over…
SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE The First 50 Customers Get Access To My 100% Done-For-You High Ticket System (Which Makes Us $200 Per Hour!)
(This Bonus Alone Will Literally Change Your Life Instantly!)
We make $500 PER DAY with this High Ticket Profit System...
Only the first 50 people that purchase this app will get instant access to this additional bonus.
If you’re reading this right now, that means this special fast action bonus is still available...
So hurry, as typically our sales pages are seen by 145,000+ people...
Only the first 50 get this special secret profit loophole...
You’ll get this additional bonus absolutely FREE as our way of saying thank you for being our customer.
Real World Value: $3,997
Yours Absolutely FREE!
*BRAND NEW* The First 50 Customers Get Invited To Our World Famous UNDERGROUND $1,000+ PER DAY Virtual Event LIVE Training!  + WIN FREE Macbook Air & iPad PRO!
 (Takes Place: Thursday 16th November At 12pm EST)
To give your business the kick start it truly deserves, I want to do even more for you!
If you're one of the first 50 to grab LEGACY, I'll send you a special link inviting you to my $1,000 PER DAY Live training.
On this live call, I'll be revealing a BRAND NEW method that has enabled me to generate 1K in pure profit every single day for the past 6 months.
Typically, this page gets around 334,118 visitors during launch week...
So if you want to be one of the lucky 50...
Take action now!
To reward our buyers we’ll gift 1x lucky person a new Macbook & iPad PRO live on the call. 
All you need to do to qualify is grab this software today and turn up to the live training call!
Real World Value: $2,997 - Yours Absolutely FREE! 12/50 BONUSES REMAINING - ACT NOW...
To Remove Any Risk From Your Decision YOUR Results Are Backed By OUR Money
The LEGACY Iron-Clad 180 Day  100% Money Back PLUS Guarantee
Enjoy LEGACY and every resource (including bonuses) for the next 180 days risk-free.
See for yourself how easily the app can turn free traffic into real results.
Our US-based support professionals are here for you 24/7 if you ever have questions.
But in the highly unlikely event you change your mind, for any reason or no reason at all …
You get six full months to claim a hassle-free refund.
PLUS - show us proof that you gave LEGACY an honest try …
And we’ll give you DOUBLE your money back, 
PLUS I’ll coach you one-on-one for 6 weeks!
That’s how serious we take your success.
So invest confidently knowing that we’ll do whatever it takes to get you the results you deserve.
What devices does this work on?
Legacy is web-based so it works on every device out there. All you need is an internet connection.
Is this really beginner friendly?
Absolutely - the majority of our beta testers were brand new to making money online.
And you also won’t need any technical skills or previous experience.
Is there a money back guarantee?
Yes, you are covered by our 180-day money back guarantee. There is absolutely no risk when you act now. The only way you lose is if you don’t grab Legacy at the special discount…
Are there any monthly costs or fees?
Nope! Legacy includes everything you need. Because there are no extra costs involved, this is as close to a ‘pure profit’ model as you’ll get.
How long does it take to set up?
Even if you’re brand new you can be up and running in 5 minutes.
Legacy is a self-updating system that requires no daily maintenance.
What if I need help or support?
We love helping our customers!
Professional, patient & friendly support staff are on hand to answer any questions you may have.
How do I get started?
Easy! Just click the button below to get in at the lowest possible price before the next price increase … 
Black-Friday Discount - Get 10% Off - Use Coupon: BLACKFRIDAY10 
0 notes
paypant · 1 year
0 notes
bylightofdawn · 1 year
Okay fuck it, I swapped back to my broken as fuck OEM cord because I cannot handle another night of battling with that loose as fuck jack on the replacement power cord I got. I bought a second one off of amazon from a HOPEFULLY different manufacturer. :/ I'm also going to call asurion tomorrow and be all wtf bro where is my trade in box. And then I'm punting this POS cord back to amazon.
Sure enough? My laptop is charging with zero issues on my original cord. Let's just hope I don't shock myself and or set my bed on fire. :/
Obviously the damage can't be as catastrophic as I fear it is since it's still working. I even tried to buy a acer OEM power cord on amazon and couldn't find one. Usually, I have no problem with this replacement cord so this must be a dud. Of course, this is also the first acer laptop I've ever owned. I've always had toshiba or HP's.
The amount of prolly stupidly careless equipment swaps I did on my old laptop? LMAO. I replaced the hinges, the cooling fan. Like I did actual laptop repairs on it and had all the knowledge and bravado of someone who watches some youtube videos and decides they can fic that. LOL. NGL this acer computer kinda makes me nervous about cracking it open. It doesn't look nearly as forgiving as my trusty old toshiba laptop. I'll still do it if I need to but I still have like a year and some change on my extended asurion warranty so I'm going to let them do all the hard work.
If they would send me the dang box so I can send in my cord that is.
Okay I'm going to attempt to finish this damn chapter tonight and then I really need to go and revise some earlier chapters. I put these ominous comments in the titles of two chapters
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DO I REMEMBER WHY I THOUGHT CHAPTER 12 NEEDED REVISING?? SO much so I would leave a giant note in the title? Nope! And that scares me a little. Also 13 is the half-finished chapter where I ended up skipping an entire Jango and Obi scene. Obviously, that problem for future El is becoming current El's immediate problem.
And tomorrow is Mother's Day, so I doubt I'm going to get much meaningful stuff written. So it's going to have to be tonight.
EDIT: Chapter 26 is complete. Unfortunately, I don't think I'm up for trying to write that missing scene tonight. I think I might try and get to bed at a reasonable time so I can wake up before noon and maybe get something accomplished before I have to go deal with my mom.
0 notes
reportstore · 2 years
What is cloud gaming and why does it matter?
Cloud gaming is gearing up to on a very basic level change the computer games industry over the course of the following ten years, however what is it and for what reason should businesses care?
To explain what the business case behind cloud gaming is, we should initially explain what separates it from ordinary gaming. Up to this point, most gaming occurred on game control center, PCs (laptops) and smartphones.
Generally, this implies that game documents are put away on actual media like plates or carefully downloaded from far off servers, while the gadget's focal processing unit (computer chip) and designs processing unit (GPU) run the game.
This is where cloud gaming contrasts from conventional gaming stages. Instead of relying on the gadget to handle games, cloud gaming offloads the game processing to far off servers and empowers instant admittance to top notch games on any gadget over a consistent internet association. The games are then gushed to clients' internet browser, application, or streaming gadget -, for example, Google's Chromecast or Amazon's Fire television Stick - eliminating the requirement for top of the line on-gadget central processors and GPUs.
Cloud gaming utilizes streaming technology, similar to that utilized by a video streaming help like Netflix, to convey server-handled content to clients. Not at all like Netflix's one-directional video content conveyed to clients, cloud gaming stages offer two-directional, interactive substance. The client's regulator sends the ongoing interaction inputs to the server. Netflix, coincidentally, has declared plans to carry out its own video gaming stage.
How truly does cloud gaming work? There are two main ways to deal with cloud gaming: video streaming and command streaming.
The video streaming methodology implies that the game rationale and designs are handled in the cloud, and a video transfer is shipped off the client's gadget. It minimizes the requirement for a strong nearby GPU, which allows the help to be gotten to on a great many gadgets. In any case, it requires critical internet bandwidth to transfer great video to the gadget. Most cloud gaming administrations - including the now old Google Stadia, Nvidia GeForce Now, and Microsoft Xbox Cloud Gaming - utilize this methodology.
The command streaming methodology implies the game rationale and illustrations are handled in the cloud, following which the designs instructions are shipped off the client's gadget, where the neighborhood GPU changes over them into playable substance. Not at all like video streaming, the cloud sends instructions to deliver the scene on the gadget. With a part of the game using the gadget's GPU, the instructions sent from the cloud are lightweight compared to a video transfer. This diminishes the internet bandwidth prerequisites, however the nature of the illustrations varies in view of the gadget's GPU capacities.
Cloud gaming will be very problematic Similarly as Netflix and Spotify disturbed the music, film, and television area, cloud gaming stages can possibly upset the computer games industry. It will do as such by changing how games are conveyed, played and adapted.
Like we recently examined, cloud gaming will empower players to have games conveyed without the need to download records onto gadgets or buy actual media. This compromises stages like Steam that sell downloadable computer games and organizations that production and sell console games.
Cloud gaming will likewise change how computer games are played. Cloud gaming offers consistent compactness. Clients can save in-game advancement to the cloud while playing at home through their television and later get from where they left off on their smartphone while traveling to work or school. Clients will never again have to purchase costly control center or PC parts to play top of the line games. This is a possible danger to support and very good quality gaming PC producers.
With regards to cash, clients will actually want to get to games by paying month to month membership charges, which lessens the requirement for one-time game buys. This effects the organizations that sell games by means of computerized channels on laptops and cell phones.
Cloud gaming is the main topic in the gaming area today. Nonetheless, is a specialty market and is probably not going to supplant on-gadget gaming any time soon. For the present, the cloud gaming industry is awaiting the far and wide availability of 5G, which will offer the internet speed, network inertness, and server availability expected for a great encounter.
Tech organizations are accessing the most effective way to sell their cloud gaming administrations. In 2022, administrations with selective games and sensible pricing will see quicker reception than others. Google needed to close down Stadia in October 2022, failing to gain the ideal scale. All things considered, 2023 will be essential for cloud gaming administrations to demonstrate their enticement for consumers and become mainstream.
0 notes
sunskylegacy · 2 years
Ista ediabas 7.3
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0 notes
mmorgali · 2 years
Late 2015 macbook air 13 battery replacement
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With most versions of macOS, you can find your computer’s serial number and model information in the About This Mac window.Ĭhoose Apple () menu > About This Mac. You can find the serial number and other identifiers for your MacBook in macOS, on the computer’s surface, and on its packaging. Locate your serial number, model identifier, and part number Or you can send us the serial number of your Mac using our contact form and we can let you know what type of Mac you have, and what your optons are for a battery replacement. If you are not sure which type of MacBook you have, we have some information pages which can help. For optimal performance, replace your battery before you reach the maximum cycle count. Knowing how many charge cycles are on your battery and how many are left can help you determine when a battery replacement is required. You can use your battery after it reaches its maximum cycle count, but you may notice a reduction in your battery life. Once consumed, a replacement battery is recommended. If you did the same thing the next day, it would count as one charge cycle, not two, so it may take several days to complete a cycle.īatteries have a limited amount of charge cycles before they are considered to be consumed. For instance, you could use your MacBook for an hour or more one day, using half its charge, and then recharge it fully. A charge cycle means using all of the battery's power, but that doesn't necessarily mean a single charge. Use of your MacBook battery is counted in the form of charge cycles. How to access information about your Mac battery: If your battery is listed as anything except, Condition: Normal, then you should replace your battery. The condition rating can be "Normal", "Replace Soon", "Replace Now", or "Service Battery". Click on the Power section in the list and you’ll find information like the cycle count and condition rating. This is located in Applications > Utilities and can also be accessed by going to the Apple menu > About This Mac > More Info. The fastest way to check if your MacBook is in need of a new battery is to open System Profiler.
Looking for iPhone battery replacements? How to tell if you need a new Mac battery
The battery in a MacBook, whether it's a MacBook Pro or Air, can be replaced with a new model and many more years use can be had. They are not designed to be replaceable by members of the public, which makes some people think that they are not replaceable at all. The issue comes when it is time to replace the battery. There is nothing that anybody can do to prevent that. But, the battery life will get worse over time. It's normal for MacBook Air users to get 12 hours on a single charge, and MacBook Pro users should get several hours, even if the laptop is a few years old.
In some cases, the nature of the item means that it is non-returnable, for example, due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product.The battery life of an Apple MacBook is something that PC laptop users dream about. Office Products and Wireless Returns Policy
New electronic items fulfilled by Amazon AU can be returned for change of mind, for a replacement or a full refund of the purchase cost of the item within 30 days of receipt of delivery.For information about returning faulty electronics please see Returning Faulty Items. Please see our Amazon Global Store Returns policy and Refunds policy for more information about returning Amazon Global Store items.Ĭamera, Electronics and PC Returns Policy Please see About Marketplace Returns & Refunds for details on Seller returns policies. To return faulty items see our Returning Faulty Items policy.įor items ordered on from a seller that fulfils and ships its own inventory (also called a third party seller), any returns will be in accordance with the returns policy set by that seller (not the Amazon AU returns policies). This change of mind return policy is in addition to, and does not affect your rights under the Australian Consumer Law including any rights you may have in respect of faulty items. Unless otherwise stated, original shipping fees for change of mind returns are not refunded. Please Contact Us and see About Items That Can’t Be Returned. In some circumstances, these items may be eligible for a refund or a replacement (for example, if you receive the wrong item due to an Amazon AU error or if the item is faulty). In some cases, the nature of the item means that it is non-returnable, for example, due to hygiene/health and personal care/wellness/consumable nature of the product. You can return most new, unopened items fulfilled by Amazon AU within 30 days of receipt of delivery for a replacement or full refund of the price you paid for the item if you change your mind - see About Replacements and About Refunds.
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bananabeats · 2 years
How to add a clickable table of contents in word
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#How to add a clickable table of contents in word how to#
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word pdf#
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word full#
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word code#
Put the cursor at the end of 'CHAPTER TWO' chapter title and double click Heading 2 for chapter 2. This often turns the text into bold and sometimes a completely different font, even a different coloured font. The end of the first chapter title, CHAPTER ONE, and double click on Heading 1. Go to the opening page of your first chapter. First you have to assign a Heading number to each chapter. How to make chapter hyperlinks in Open Office:Ĭlick on FORMAT (running across top of your computer screen) > Styles & FormattingĪ box opens with a list of Headings.
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word how to#
In case you don't have the You Tube link I'll explain it step by step as best I can below but you'll grasp how to do it so much faster if you watch the clip. The You Tube video was made by with no creator credited or I'd write his name loud and clear, it's called: This is something you have to do before sending your book out to the public so that nobody can hack into it and change the
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word pdf#
These hyperlinks and how to make your PDF document 'secure'. There is a wonderful video on You Tube that takes you through all the stages of turning your Open Office document into a PDF file. If you also want your own clickable chapter headings at the front of your book, under the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS, you can hyperlink each chapter number
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word full#
(no full stop) Click > ADD.Īn automatic Table of Contents will now appear when you publish to Kindle. Under the command BOOKMARK NAME, type three letters: toc. Go to INSERT at the very top of your computer screen commands > BOOKMARK. Next, highlight the TABLE OF CONTENTS heading of your chapter list. The font will often change colour and position quite alarmingly.ĭon't worry, when you're done, just go through each one again changing it back to your preferred style, which won't delete the hidden link at all. So, you've been through your text labelling your chapter headings HEADING 1 (Not 2,3,4 etc, just 1). Older versions have a little window called TEXT BODY and you'll find it in the drop down menu. Modern versions of Word will have a HOME tab, which is where you'll find it. To find HEADING 1, look at your top horizontal toolbar. However, the Mac instructions tell you how to do it all manually, which I am sure wouldįirst, go through your text chapter by chapter, highlighting each chapter heading and labelling it HEADING 1. GAH! So only embark on that route if you have more than the Starter Word kit installed on your PC. I got so far, but then came totally unstuck because I don’t have the full, costly version, of Word on my PC Laptop, just the shortened version that the computer is sold I first tried to do the TOC thing with my PC Laptop, thinking that I would be covered for the tedious technical “updates” that renders my old Mac useless on so many It still took me a few go's before I got it, so here's a simplified version. Available free forīoth PC and Mac from the Amazon Kindle Store. You can find the simplest set of instructions on how to embed a TOC in Kindle’s June 2012 simplified guide Building Your Book For Kindle. Inserting Clickable TOC - Table Of Contents
#How to add a clickable table of contents in word code#
If you embed the technical code instructions into yourĭocument, your reader can quickly navigate through your ebook at any time by pressing a button which will take them to the hyperlinked chapter listings at the front of your book. Kindles also have a “Click to Table Of Contents (TOC)” facility for readers as part of the actual hardware. This means the reader can click on any chapter heading and automatically be taken straight to that page. Instead you hyperlink the heading to the chapter concerned. When you list your chapter headings at the beginning of your book, don't put corresponding page numbers.
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pixeltrust · 2 years
Micro android shareit 1b
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#Micro android shareit 1b for free
#Micro android shareit 1b how to
Works awesome!įYI, should work with Mallincam Micro EX and AVS DSO-1 if you have the RS485->RS232->Bluetooth converters.Įdited by Charles Copeland, 21 September 2014 - 12:13 PM. SDHC MMC RS-MMC Micro SDXC UHS-I Cards for PC Laptop Mac IPad Android Tablet Phone.
#Micro android shareit 1b for free
May put it in Google Playstore for freeload, if I can figure it out. UGREEN SD Card Reader, 2-in-1 USB C Micro SD Card Reader, Memory Card. If you send me your gmail address, you can directly load program to your Android phone from my responding email. If you want it, email me and I'll send it to you. Step 1: Insert the SD card, and when the notification pops up, hit the Set Up button.
#Micro android shareit 1b how to
I was unable to attach Android App to this post since limited by 500K and this. Here’s how to install the microSD card as internal storage. FREE Shipping on orders over 25 shipped by Amazon. You have to pair with bluetooth device in Android settings->bluetooth before you run this program and link. Micro SD Card 1TB Memory Card 1024GB TF Card with Adapter Class 10 High Speed Micro Card for Android Phones/PC/Computer/Camera. Then, you simply have to visit the ‘Hard Drive’ folder on your PC and select the files that you wish to transfer to the. Step 3 - A program called File Explorer will open all the files in your device. Step 2 Please wait for your computer to read the device. That said, it seems to work great on my old 2.2 Froyo Android phone. Step 1 First of all, plug in your Android device via a USB device to the PC. The choice of OVER 300 million users from 200 countries. The 10W charger is also slow as you’d think. Supports Android, iOS (iPhone/iPad), Windows Phone, Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10, and Mac OS. In our PCMark Work 2.0 testing, the phone ran for 10 hours 36 mins (with 20-percent juice remaining), something which we have seen from this size of a battery. Micromax In 1b’s 5000mAh should easily cover your daily round. For devices with A/B partition system, use the following commands: fastboot. Micromax In 1b Audio, Battery, and Connectivity. Flash the patchedboot.img to install Magisk and root your Android device: fastboot flash boot patchedboot.img. Run the following command in the open command prompt. I make no guarantees and claim no liability if this crashes your phone. Hold the Shift key and click on the right mouse button to open the command window/PowerShell. This was written with MIT App Inventor for Android. This works with the "LN300 bluetooth control modification" I created a few days ago. data is de-identified and aggregated, or when you direct us to share it. Just wrote an Android App for bluetooth control of LN300 video camera. Solved: Can someone explain to me why the Android Fitbit app needs access to my.
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bananarail · 2 years
How to add a clickable table of contents in word
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If you have more than 10 chapters, continue your marking by going back to Heading 1 again. Put the cursor at the end of 'CHAPTER TWO' chapter title and double click Heading 2 for chapter 2. This often turns the text into bold and sometimes a completely different font, even a different coloured font. The end of the first chapter title, CHAPTER ONE, and double click on Heading 1. Go to the opening page of your first chapter. First you have to assign a Heading number to each chapter. How to make chapter hyperlinks in Open Office:Ĭlick on FORMAT (running across top of your computer screen) > Styles & FormattingĪ box opens with a list of Headings.
In case you don't have the You Tube link I'll explain it step by step as best I can below but you'll grasp how to do it so much faster if you watch the clip. The You Tube video was made by with no creator credited or I'd write his name loud and clear, it's called: This is something you have to do before sending your book out to the public so that nobody can hack into it and change the
These hyperlinks and how to make your PDF document 'secure'. There is a wonderful video on You Tube that takes you through all the stages of turning your Open Office document into a PDF file. If you also want your own clickable chapter headings at the front of your book, under the heading TABLE OF CONTENTS, you can hyperlink each chapter number
(no full stop) Click > ADD.Īn automatic Table of Contents will now appear when you publish to Kindle. Under the command BOOKMARK NAME, type three letters: toc. Go to INSERT at the very top of your computer screen commands > BOOKMARK. Next, highlight the TABLE OF CONTENTS heading of your chapter list. The font will often change colour and position quite alarmingly.ĭon't worry, when you're done, just go through each one again changing it back to your preferred style, which won't delete the hidden link at all. So, you've been through your text labelling your chapter headings HEADING 1 (Not 2,3,4 etc, just 1). Older versions have a little window called TEXT BODY and you'll find it in the drop down menu. Modern versions of Word will have a HOME tab, which is where you'll find it. To find HEADING 1, look at your top horizontal toolbar. However, the Mac instructions tell you how to do it all manually, which I am sure wouldįirst, go through your text chapter by chapter, highlighting each chapter heading and labelling it HEADING 1. GAH! So only embark on that route if you have more than the Starter Word kit installed on your PC. I got so far, but then came totally unstuck because I don’t have the full, costly version, of Word on my PC Laptop, just the shortened version that the computer is sold I first tried to do the TOC thing with my PC Laptop, thinking that I would be covered for the tedious technical “updates” that renders my old Mac useless on so many It still took me a few go's before I got it, so here's a simplified version. Available free forīoth PC and Mac from the Amazon Kindle Store. You can find the simplest set of instructions on how to embed a TOC in Kindle’s June 2012 simplified guide Building Your Book For Kindle. Inserting Clickable TOC - Table Of Contents
If you embed the technical code instructions into yourĭocument, your reader can quickly navigate through your ebook at any time by pressing a button which will take them to the hyperlinked chapter listings at the front of your book. Kindles also have a “Click to Table Of Contents (TOC)” facility for readers as part of the actual hardware. This means the reader can click on any chapter heading and automatically be taken straight to that page. Instead you hyperlink the heading to the chapter concerned. When you list your chapter headings at the beginning of your book, don't put corresponding page numbers.
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