#amber ardolino
macysparadeblog · 10 months
Amber Ardolino, a Broadway actress, performed in the Macy's parade in 2022 with the cast and crew of Funny Girl. In this clip, as she is getting ready to perform in the Macy's parade in 2023 with the cast and crew of Back to the Future, she shares this hilarious behind the scenes story of a technical malfunction during the performance of "Don't Rain on my Parade."
The 97th Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade begins airing on NBC and Peacock starting at 8:30 AM EST on Thursday, November 23, 2023
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rkdaily · 2 years
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The Last Match: A Pro Wrestling Rock Musical has been Nominated for 11 @officialbroadwayworld Regional Awards including “Best New Musical!”
click here to vote 💗
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This did make me cackle
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barbossas-wench · 1 year
Amber Gray is the only Amber I stan
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mrs-dr-reid · 8 months
Sparkling Diamond
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Pairing: Jason Sudeikis x Broadway!Reader
Summary: Jason goes to see "Moulin Rouge! The Musical", and Y/N just so happens to be going on as Satine when Karen Olivo suddenly calls in sick
Genre: Soooooooo fluffy
Warnings: Swear words, age gap (Jason is 43ish, Reader is early to mid 30s), slight jealousy, mentions of in-show death, spoilers for Moulin Rouge probably, potentially very incorrect descriptions about how celebrities going to see shows on Broadway works, Aaron Tveit, Karen Olivo, and Amber Ardolino being conspiratory little shits
A/N: This sucker came to me in a dream because I am VERY into Moulin Rouge and Jason Sudeikis right now, so enjoy my brain vomit that I did way too much research for. GIF isn’t mine, I got it off a gif keyboard
Word Count: 3509
When Y/N got the call that Karen Olivo was out sick and that she’d be going on for her, she certainly wasn’t expecting to meet her celebrity crush, nor was she planning on giving him her phone number, but crazier things had happened. Y/N arrived at the theater way before anybody else, mostly due to her nerves because it was only her second time going on as Satine instead of her usual role as one of the can-can girls, and she ensured she was completely warmed up before even thinking about doing anything else (she refused to get into costume until the actual call time so she wouldn’t completely sweat through it before the show even started). Since she was the only cast member there, she ran through her songs and choreography while waiting for everybody else to show up.
The first person to arrive was her fellow swing (and other Satine understudy), Amber Ardolino. She said, “Excited for your big night?”, as she put her bag down in their shared dressing room, so Y/N laughed nervously and said, “Yeah. But also scared shitless. It’s supposed to be a packed house tonight, and everybody’s gonna be expecting Karen. I don’t wanna let anybody down,” so Amber smiled and said, “You killed it last time, tonight won’t be any different. Plus, you’re getting paid to be serenaded by and make out with Aaron Tveit,” before wiggling her eyebrows suggestively, which made Y/N burst out laughing before she replied, “He does have a voice like liquid gold, but you and I both know he’s not my type,” and started getting into costume.
Amber started doing her makeup, and as the hair stylist Caitlin came in to help Y/N into her wig and mic, she said, “Hey, did you hear that a celebrity’s coming to the show tonight?”, which made Y/N raise a questioning eyebrow before saying, “I did not. Any idea who it is?”, so Amber replied, “Only that it’s a man, which does jack shit to narrow it down,” as she curled her eyelashes. Y/N nodded thoughtfully, then said, “What if it’s Ewan McGregor?”, which sparked a whole debate over which male celebrities could potentially be in the audience that night.
Jason was excited, to say the least. The second he heard Moulin Rouge was coming to Broadway, he got a ticket for the first show he could, which was about two weeks after it opened. He made it to the theater, and despite his best efforts, he stirred up a little bit of a ruckus with his presence. He found his seat with the least amount of disruption he could manage, and then opened his playbill to see a slip of paper that read “The role of Satine will be played by Y/N L/N”, which made him raise an eyebrow at the fact that an understudy was going on for the leading lady so early in the show’s run, but he shrugged it off since it wasn’t his place to judge someone’s misbehaving immune system or potential family emergency.
He flipped through the program until he found her headshot, and he let out a low whistle because she was beautiful, but he instantly felt guilty about it because she looked a lot younger than him. The lights started going down, so he closed his program and settled in for the show. Based on his precursory glance at the musical numbers, he knew Satine didn’t show up until “The Sparkling Diamond”, so he sat tight and waited.
He boogied in his seat slightly during the opening number and "Truth, Beauty, Freedom, Love", then “The Sparkling Diamond” started, and Jason was practically on the edge of his seat with anticipation. As Y/N was lowered onto the stage on a trapeze in her glittery costume, Jason’s breath was taken away by how much more gorgeous she was in person. She began to sing, and Jason thought the world had stopped spinning, because not only was she beautiful, her voice was too.
He couldn’t help but feel a (frankly unwarranted) spike of jealousy every time Aaron put his hands on Y/N, whenever she clung to him, and whenever they kissed, which was ridiculous because he didn’t even know this woman and he was feeling so many emotions due to her frankly phenomenal acting. When intermission arrived, Jason was thankful for the little bit of respite it gave him, even though his mind raced with plans to somehow get the chance to meet his sparkling diamond as he took pictures and made small talk with some of the people around him.
Backstage, Aaron and Y/N were getting a drink of water and chatting when Amber came speeding around the corner and exclaimed, “GIRL! You are going to DIE when I tell you who came to see the show tonight!”, so Y/N put down her water and said, “Okay, now I’m curious. Who?”, which made an almost manic grin spread across Amber’s face (and a barely imperceptible smirk flash across Aaron’s) before she grabbed Y/N’s shoulders and said, “Jason. Friggin. Sudeikis.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped, and she said, “No. You’re shitting me!”, so Amber said, “I am 100% not shitting you! Davin saw him taking selfies with people near the back of the house,” which only sent a spike of anxiety through her body. She said, “And I’m only being told about this now?!?!”, so Aaron piped up, “Well, you’re basically in love with the guy. If you knew before the show, you’d have gotten all in your head, and maybe even have refused to step foot on stage,” but he instantly regretted saying anything because Y/N turned her scorching gaze on him and said, “YOU KNEW MY CELEBRITY CRUSH WAS GONNA BE IN THE AUDIENCE, AND YOU DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING?!?!”, actually starting to panic now.
Amber quickly stepped in and said, “Hey, hey, hey, you’re spiraling. You kicked ass out there, and after intermission is over, you’re gonna kick even more ass,” Aaron adding, “Exactly. I’m honored to have a love interest as talented as you,” in an attempt to suck up to her so she wouldn’t hurt him. Y/N glared at both of them for ten seconds, then she let out a groan and said, “Okay, fine. Let’s go kick some ass. But don’t think I won’t get you for this later, Pretty Boy,” before hitching up her skirt and storming back to the stage to get ready for Act II. Amber said, “I’ll say some nice words at your funeral,” then scurried off to take her place, making Aaron let out a groan before following behind her.
Jason watched with rapt attention as the show reached its climax, and he actually shed a tear when Y/N pretended to die in Aaron’s arms. He was the first person on his feet for the standing ovation, and he’s sure he cheered the loudest when Y/N took her bow. After the encore, everybody started filtering out, so Jason went to follow them when a young woman wearing all black and a headset came over to him and said, “Hi, Mr. Sudeikis. I’m with the production team, and a couple of our cast members wanted to invite you backstage as a surprise for our Satine, Y/N. She’s a big fan of yours. Totally up to you, of course,” which made his eyebrows fly up to his hairline before he said, “Yeah, absolutely!”, and allowed her to lead him backstage.
Meanwhile, Y/N was in her dressing room having a mini-celebration with Amber because she somehow managed to not fall flat on her face for the remainder of the show despite knowing her celebrity crush was watching her every move. Aaron knocked on the door and said, “Oh, Ladies!”, in a sing-song voice, so Y/N said, “Yeah, Aaron?”, but all he did was grin mischievously before the stage manager Davin appeared in the doorway and said, “Oh, good, I found you. Aaron, Y/N, Jason Sudeikis is coming backstage to meet you guys,” which made Amber squeal in delight while Y/N just froze in place.
Y/N said, “He is?”, trying and failing to conceal her nerves, so Davin said, “Yeah, a couple of the cast members invited him back. Let’s go,” before bustling off again. Y/N shot dirty looks at Amber and Aaron, then said, “If I survive this, I’m gonna murder you both,” before stalking out of the dressing room to catch up with Davin, choosing to ignore the high-five her co-stars exchanged behind her.
She turned the corner and almost stopped breathing because Davin was making small talk with THE Jason Sudeikis. Davin saw her standing there gawking, then said, “Ah, there they are. Mr. Sudeikis, allow me to introduce our Christian and Satine, Aaron Tveit and Y/N L/N,” which made Y/N jump slightly when Aaron materialized next to her and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” while going over to shake Jason’s hand.
Jason took it and said, “Yeah, great to meet you too. You did a heck of a job out there. Best show I’ve seen in a while,” which made Aaron bow his head appreciatively before he looked over his shoulder and said, “Sparkles, get over here,” so Jason followed his gaze to where Y/N was standing with a nervous look on her face. He smiled reassuringly at her, so she steeled herself and said, “Hi. Big fan. I loved you in Tumbledown. And 30 Rock,” while walking over to shake his hand. He chuckled and said, “Now those are ones I don’t hear very often,” so Y/N smiled shyly and said, “What can I say, I like the deep cuts,” while playing with the skirt of her costume.
Aaron said, “You should have seen her when she found out you came to see the show. I thought she was gonna explode, she was so excited,” which made Y/N elbow him in the ribs and turn redder than the velvet dress she wore earlier in the show. Jason smiled and said, “Well, I’m flattered. And might I say you give Nicole Kidman a run for her money, Miss L/N. I could listen to you sing all night long,” before shooting a wink at her, which made her eyes widen before she giggled nervously and said, “Oh, I don’t know about that,” which made Aaron scoff and say, “Sparkles, come on, we’ve been over this. You’re crazy talented! Own that shit!”, while wrapping an arm around her shoulder and jiggling her playfully.
Jason felt the spike of jealousy surge through him again, but Y/N just shot Aaron an exasperated look and said, “I’m not above kicking your ass, Pretty Boy,” which made Jason chuckle slightly and Aaron raise his hands in mock surrender. Jason said, “Alrighty, well, it was great to meet you both. Before I get out of your hair, would you mind signing my playbill?”, and pulled a pen out of his pocket, so Aaron said, “Absolutely! But you have to sign the stair wall before you go. Theatre tradition,” before accepting the pen and playbill from Jason and using the nearby wall as a makeshift clipboard.
He passed them to Y/N once he was done, and she had no idea what possessed her to do this, but after she’d signed her name, she wrote her phone number underneath it and drew a heart next to it for good measure (she refused to acknowledge Aaron’s suggestive eyebrow wiggles). She handed the pen and the playbill back to Jason, said, “Thank you again for coming to see the show. I gotta get out of this getup, so bye!”, then waved quickly and scampered back to her dressing room. Aaron shook his head affectionately, then turned to Jason and said, “You didn’t hear this from me, but you’re her celebrity crush, and we couldn’t let you leave without giving her a chance to meet you. Thanks for making her day, man,” before playfully saluting with a wink and walking back to his dressing room.
Jason was speechless, but he still accepted the Sharpie Davin handed to him and signed the wall with the date. He exited the theater after thanking the production crew for the chance to meet Aaron and Y/N, and as he walked down the block, he opened his playbill to where their autographs were and stopped dead in his tracks, because while Aaron had simply signed his name, Y/N had written a series of numbers that could only have been her phone number beneath hers with a heart drawn beside them. He physically turned to look back at the theater, and he said under his breath, “That was bold. I like it,” before resuming his walk.
Meanwhile, Y/N was removing her makeup while Amber basically interrogated her about her interaction with Jason. Amber said, “Was he nice? Did he like the show? What did he think of you?”, so Y/N said, “Amber, for the love of god, breathe. Yes, he was very nice. He said it was the best show he’s seen in a while, so I think he liked it. And he said I give Nicole Kidman a run for her money,” which made Amber let out a crow before she said, “Oh my god, he was flirting with you!”, making Y/N’s cheeks flush bright red again.
She exclaimed, “He was just being nice!”, then Aaron’s voice said, “No, he was definitely flirting with you, Sparkles,” which made both women turn to see him leaning against the doorway of the dressing room in his street clothes. Y/N scoffed and said, “And what makes you say that?”, so he raised his eyebrows incredulously before saying, “For one, he complimented your voice and compared you to Nicole Goddamn Kidman when all he told me was that I did a heck of a job. For two, he winked at you like three times and only looked at me when I talked directly to him. And for three, he went stiffer than a board when I put my arm around your shoulders then instantly relaxed when you told me to shove it. He was super into you,” which made Y/N have to pause and think about it.
Aaron made a “you see what I mean?”-type face, then tapped the doorframe two times and turned to leave, but not before he said, “And in case you forgot, you’re the one who gave him your number without being asked,” which made Y/N shoot a death glare at his back and Amber let out a squeal before she exclaimed, “WHEN DID YOU GIVE HIM YOUR NUMBER?!?!”, with an incredulous grin on her face. Y/N said, “He asked us to sign his playbill, and when I was signing my name my pen slipped and I wrote my number underneath it,” making Amber let out a shocked laugh, then Aaron called from the hall, “And she drew a heart!”, which made Amber let out an even louder shocked laugh before Y/N yelled, “SHUT IT, TVEIT!”, and went redder than a tomato.
Her phone lit up with a text from an unknown number, and she opened it to see the words, “Do you give all of the celebrity audience members your number?”, which made her eyes practically bug out of her head as she let out a tiny, “Holy shit,” before wordlessly holding her phone out to Amber so she could see the message. Her jaw dropped, and she whisper-yelled, “Is that him?!”, so Y/N whisper-yelled back, “Who else would it be, Michelangelo?!”, before she texted back, “Only the ridiculously good-looking ones,” and chucked her phone into her bag before she could regret it.
Amber said, “You are BOLD, Girl!”, which made Y/N say, “Hey, you can’t say I didn’t shoot my shot,” while grabbing her coat, then she said, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” before grabbing her bag and walking out the door. As Y/N walked back to her apartment, her phone buzzed with another text message from Jason that said, “Well, now you’re just fluffing my ego,” which made her giggle and respond, “It’s not ego fluffing if it’s true,” with a wink emoji before adjusting her bag on her shoulder and continuing her walk.
The next day, Y/N arrived at the theater at the normal call because she was back to being a can-can girl, and while she was doing her makeup, Karen poked her head in the door and said, “Hey, I heard it went really well last night. Congratulations!”, with a big smile on her face. Y/N turned around in her chair and said, “Yeah, thanks! Turns out I was super nervous for no reason at all. Looks like you’re feeling a lot better today,” so Karen said, “Yeah, I am. It must have just been something I ate, because I felt right as rain by the time I got Aaron’s intermission check-in text. He said that Jason Sudeikis came to see the show last night. Did you get to meet him?”, with a knowing smile on her face.
Y/N turned pink, then said, “Yeah. And I gave him my phone number because I’m an idiot, but he ended up texting me, so it worked out,” before going back to doing her makeup. Karen said, “Oh yay! If he plans on coming to see the show again, let me know and I’ll make sure I’m sick again for you,” then scurried off, and it took Y/N about 20 seconds to process what she said before she whipped around and yelled, “DID YOU FAKE BEING SICK SO MY CELEBRITY CRUSH WOULD SEE ME AS SATINE?!?!”, but Karen was already gone.
Y/N let out a groan, then Amber came strolling through the door while saying, “Heyyy, Glitter Girl!”, a little too casually, so Y/N said, “Amber, I’m only gonna ask this once. Did you know Jason was gonna be at the show ahead of time, and did Karen fake being sick so I’d be the one going on for her?”, which made Amber freeze before shooting her a guilty smile and saying, “Kind of?”, earning an incredulous glare and a, “What do you mean, ‘kind of’?!?!”, from Y/N.
Amber let out a sigh and said, “I overheard the box office people talking on Wednesday, and one of them said ‘Sudeikis’ followed by ‘tomorrow’, so I put two and two together. But Karen was genuinely not feeling well after the show on Wednesday, so I told her about what I overheard. She said that she was planning on calling off, and when I mentioned that Jason may or may not be your celebrity crush, she said she’d do her best to make sure you were the one going on for her and not me, and Aaron said he’d do the same thing. Please don’t be mad!”, before steepling her hands in a pleading gesture.
Y/N let out a long sigh, then said, “I’m not mad. I’m just a bit peeved that you guys went behind my back like that,” which made Amber let out a huge sigh of relief before borderline tackling Y/N in a hug. Her phone buzzed on the table, so she picked it up to see a text from Jason that said, “Break a leg tonight, Twinkle Toes!”, and she must have blushed, because Amber nudged her and said, “You can’t be too mad at me because now your celebrity crush is crushing on you too,” earning a playful swat on the arm from Y/N before she said, “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Get ready, Dollar Store Cupid,” and shooed her away.
Y/N thought for a second, then opened her camera app and took a selfie of her making a silly face in just a wig cap, her stage makeup, and a ratty “I ❤️ NY” tank top to send to Jason with the words “Thanks, Cowboy!” accompanying it. She finished getting into her costume, then right as the five minutes to places announcement went out, Jason texted her back saying, “Yep, that’s your contact photo now. Here’s an equally silly picture of me so you don’t feel left out,” with an attached picture of him with a pencil mustache and crossed eyes.
She giggled, then changed the boring “J” icon her phone automatically gave him to that picture and sent back, “Excellent. About to take places, so I’ll talk to you at intermission,” and the last text she read before she stuck her phone in her bag was a thumbs up and the cowboy emoji. What she didn’t know was that Jason was dangerously close to picking the heart emoji instead, but he figured he had all the time in the world to get to know her enough to finally be able to use that emoji whenever he wanted.
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brent's audition for the first shadow was incredible 😭 but if he lands the role, would he leave before his contract is over for the outsiders? Bc performances begin march 28th and his contract ends march 16th i don't think thats enough time for rehearsing
so there’s a situation that’s usually referred to as “double duty” on broadway when you’ve booked a new show, but are still finishing your time with your current show. i don’t think emma and daryl did this while in BTTF b/c they left early enough, but amber ardolino is a great example!
she booked a beautiful noise while finishing out her time at BTTF, so she would go to rehearsal for ABN in the mornings/afternoons, then perform in BTTF at night time. so it’s a really wild transitional time. you also can do what emma & daryl did and leave a show earlier to devote all the time to the rehearsal and development of the new show (especially when opening a brand new production).
since the first shadow is a play, don’t know if that would really work? and especially since it’s stranger things IP im assuming its still pretty confidential LOL. and yes you can leave a contract early if you book another project, don’t know the ins and outs, but it can be done!! ….lets remember this is an extremely hypothetical situation LOLOLOL
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ivalice-tifalucis · 7 months
Gosh, I know the drama about Lea Michele and Glee and then the drama surrounding Funny Girl revival which is such a hot mess. Beanie Feldstein shouldn't have gotten the job but nepo baby everyone!!!! Everyone raging over eventual Lea Michele casting is also woww especially because the Glee behind the scene problem was still quite fresh on public's minds.
After watching POTO then I also know Ramin is the male lead. Man, I keep gasping and wtf-ing watching the recap of the drama (as in the drama surrounding not the musical itself) on youtube videos and then reading through comments and threads on reddit. I feel slightly bad that people especially on reddit were gossiping everything about Funny Girl and they open every Ramin's cards there including the Rierra thingy which I honestly wanna know more and now I sort of know more but at what cost (sigh). I still have so many questions though but I don't know who to ask or even to talk about Rierra. Ugh, Amber Ardolino for fucks sake, I know she's an influencer but of all pics she could use as her pfp it's gotta be when she watched Harmony...haaa ofc. No wonder he took the Italy job, good for him. He looked so knackered.
I'm glad at least now it's over by the time I arrive to the fandom. He got booked af too, maybe thanks to this(?). Also, this is why you don't ship real person (but I already did anyway, several times hehe).
Rierra...ugh, I give up. I need someone to talk to. Please!!! What the hell is going on??? This is beyond the "shippers are crazy and things got blown out of proportion" problem because I've been in situation where I am the crazy shipper (and later realize it), I've also seen people crack shipping real people to disturbing level, I've shipped RP and saw it crumbling before my eyes too, and then I also in the position where I feel vindicated that my RP ship is real and going stronger and stronger whether it's right in my face or through something cryptical or easy to miss unless you look deeper. This is something different.
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lightleckrereins · 4 months
Question about Moulin Rouge costumes. I’ve heard that Satines blue Elephant Love Medley dress changed. Not sure when it would have. I saw 3 times on tour in 2022 and 2 times last year in NYC. Once each from front row, but I don’t remember any differences. Have you heard this? I assume they’re more small minor changes vs. drastic ones.
There was indeed a change but I think the timing of it prevented you from seing the old dress. And the change was major. But we have photos of both (below)
If we get really technical the dress has been changed twice. One for the broadway opening and one after reopening. The relevant one here is the second one but I mention both because there is at least one photo lying around of the boston tryout one.
The original broadway dress (left) was worn only by principal KO, alternate Ashley Loren (who kept it until the end of her principal run) and understudy Amber Ardolino. Everyone else since has worn the new dress (right). The tour always had the new dress and last time it was worn on broadway was early april last year. So if you saw the show on broadway after that you would have seen only the new dress.
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Also you might see mentions of the new dress being designed exclusively for the australian production. Thats inaccurate. A lot of things were redesigned or altered for the australian production and later used for all others. I have no clue why they insisted this dress specifically was an australia only thing but its the normal one.
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broadwayworld · 8 months
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Photos: First Look at Amber Ardolino & Nick Fradiani in A BEAUTIFUL NOISE https://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Photos-First-Look-at-Amber-Ardolino-Nick-Fradiani-in-A-BEAUTIFUL-NOISE-20240118
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sonyclasica · 2 years
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Los productores Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani, junto con Gemini Theatrical, Accidental Jacket y Sony Masterworks Broadway, se complacen en anunciar el lanzamiento en CD de FUNNY GIRL - New Broadway Cast Recording, el viernes 20 de enero de 2023. Ya disponible en formato digital.
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Los productores Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani, junto con Gemini Theatrical, Accidental Jacket y Sony Masterworks Broadway, se complacen en anunciar el lanzamiento digital de FUNNY GIRL - New Broadway Cast Recording, que saldrá a la venta mañana, viernes 18 de noviembre de 2022, a las 12:01 AM ET. Producido por David Caddick y David Lai y que incluye la partitura clásica de Jule Styne (música) y Bob Merrill (letra), el CD físico saldrá a la venta el viernes 20 de enero de 2023. Además, el álbum ha sido producido por Evan McGill y coproducido por Brian Gillet, Huck Walton, Sean Keller, Marc Levine, Michael Mayer, Sonia Friedman, Scott Landis y David Babani.
FUNNY GIRL está protagonizada por la nominada a los premios Emmy Lea Michele como Fanny Brice, el nominado a los premios Tony y Olivier Ramin Karimloo como Nick Arnstein, el nominado a los premios Tony y Drama Desk 2022 y ganador del premio Chita Rivera Jared Grimes como Eddie Ryan, y la cuatro veces nominada a los premios Tony Tovah Feldshuh como Mrs. Rosie Brice en el August Wilson Theatre (245 West 52nd Street). Les acompañan Peter Francis James como Florenz Ziegfeld, Ephie Aardema como Emma/Sra. Nadler, Debra Cardona como Mrs. Meeker, Toni DiBuono como Mrs. Strakosh, Martin Moran como Tom Keeney, y una compañía de actores que incluye a Miriam Ali, Amber Ardolino, Daniel Beeman, Colin Bradbury, Kurt Csolak, John Michael Fiumara, Leslie Donna Flesner, Afra Hines, Masumi Iwai, Aliah James, Jeremiah James, Danielle Kelsey, Stephen Mark Lukas, Alicia Lundgren, John Manzari, Liz McCartney, Connor McRory Katie Mitchell, Justin Prescott, Mariah Reives, Barbara Tirrell, Leslie Blake Walker y la suplente de "Fanny Brice" Julie Benko, que interpreta el papel todos los jueves.
El ganador del premio Tony, Michael Mayer, dirige esta nueva versión de FUNNY GIRL, con la clásica partitura de la ganadora de los premios Tony, Grammy y de la Academia, Jule Styne, y letras del nominado al premio Tony y ganador del Grammy, Bob Merrill, (con canciones adicionales de Styne y Merrill). El libro original de Isobel Lennart, a partir de una historia original de Lennart, está revisado por el ganador del premio Tony Harvey Fierstein.
FUNNY GIRL cuenta con la coreografía de Ellenore Scott, la coreografía de claqué de Ayodele Casel, el diseño escénico del ganador del premio Tony David Zinn, el diseño de vestuario de la ganadora del premio Tony Susan Hilferty, el diseño de iluminación del ganador del premio Tony Kevin Adams, el diseño de sonido del ganador del premio Tony Brian Ronan, el diseño de peluquería de Campbell Young Associates, la dirección musical y la supervisión del ganador del premio Emmy Michael Rafter, el reparto de Jim Carnahan, CSA y Jason Thinger, CSA, la orquestación de Chris Walker, los arreglos de danza, vocales y de música incidental de Alan Williams, y los arreglos adicionales de David Dabbon y Carmel Dean.
Esta comedia agridulce es la historia de la indomable Fanny Brice, una chica del Lower East Side que soñaba con una vida sobre el escenario. Todo el mundo le dijo que nunca sería una estrella, pero entonces ocurrió algo curioso: se convirtió en una de las intérpretes más queridas de la historia, brillando más que las luces más brillantes de Broadway. Con algunas de las canciones más emblemáticas de la historia del teatro, como "Don't Rain On My Parade", "I'm the Greatest Star" y "People", la nueva y audaz producción de Michael Mayer es la primera vez que FUNNY GIRL vuelve a Broadway desde su debut hace 58 años.
Las entradas para FUNNY GIRL están ya a la venta hasta el domingo 28 de mayo de 2023 en https://seatgeek.com/funny-girl-tickets. Los precios son a partir de 69,00 dólares.
El día de la función, si se agotan las entradas de pie, habrá un número limitado de ellas en la taquilla. Las entradas de pie son por orden de llegada.
FUNNY GIRL está producida por Sonia Friedman Productions, Scott Landis, David Babani, Roy Furman, No Guarantees, Adam Blanshay Productions, Daryl Roth, Stephanie P. McClelland, Lang Entertainment Group, Playing Field, Gavin Kalin, Charles & Nicolas Talar, Fakston Productions, Sanford Robertson, Craig Balsam, Cue to Cue Productions, LenoffFedermanWolofsky Productions, Judith Ann Abrams / Peter May, Hunter Arnold, Creative Partners Productions, Elizabeth Armstrong, Jane Bergère, Jean Doumanian, Larry Magid, Rosalind Productions, Iris Smith, Kevin & Trudy Sullivan, Julie Boardman / Kate Cannova, Heni Koenigsberg / Michelle Riley, Mira Road Productions / Seaview, In Fine Company, Elie Landau, Brian Moreland, Henry R. Muñoz III & Kyle Ferari Muñoz,  MaggioAbrams / Brian & Dayna Lee.
Los productores asociados de FUNNY GIRL – New Broadway Cast Recording son Joanna Drowos, Abby Green y Pickelstar.
SONY MUSIC MASTERWORKS es una compañía global de entretenimiento especializada en música grabada y experiencias en directo. Entre nuestras producciones teatrales y álbumes de reparto se encuentran  Almost Famous, KPOP, Lempicka, Macbeth (Daniel Craig), Back to the Future, Sing Street, SpongeBob, Harry Potter, Flying Over Sunset, Hello, Dolly! (Bette Midler), Kinky Boots y Once. Para actualizaciones por email y más información, visita www.sonymusicmasterworks.com/.
ACCIDENTAL JACKET ENTERTAINMENT es una productora creativa que combina el cine, el teatro y la música. Hacemos anuncios, películas, vídeos musicales, producciones en directo y álbumes, todo ello con el impulso de contar historias convincentes. Nuestro álbum más reciente fue The Music Man, protagonizado por Hugh Jackman y Sutton Foster.
Sigue a FUNNY GIRL en Facebook, Twitter & Instagram @FunnyGirlBway. www.FunnyGirlOnBroadway.com
Sigue a SONY MUSIC MASTERWORKS en Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & YouTube. www.masterworksbroadway.com
Sigue a ACCIDENTAL JACKET ENTERTAINMENT en Facebook, Instagram & YouTube. www.accidentaljacket.com
Gracias a Lucky Seat, habrá un número limitado de entradas disponibles para cada función de FUNNY GIRL por 47,50 $ la entrada. Las loterías digitales comenzarán cada lunes a las 10 AM ET y se cerrarán el día anterior a la actuación a las 10:30 AM ET. Los ganadores serán notificados aproximadamente a las 11 de la mañana, hora del este, del día anterior a la actuación, por correo electrónico y por SMS. Una vez informados, los ganadores tendrán un tiempo limitado para reclamar y pagar su(s) billete(s). Los participantes en la lotería deben ser mayores de 18 años. Los billetes son intransferibles. Todas las ventas son definitivas. No hay cambios ni devoluciones. Los límites y precios de las entradas son a discreción del espectáculo y están sujetos a cambios. Para ver las reglas adicionales e información sobre cómo participar, visita: https://www.luckyseat.com/shows/funnygirl-newyork.
1. Overture
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
2. Who Are You Now?
Lea Michele
3. If a Girl Isn't Pretty
Tovah Feldshuh y Toni DiBuono
4. I'm the Greatest Star
Lea Michele
5. Eddie's Tap
Jared Grimes
6. Cornet Man
Lea Michele, Kurt Csolak, Justin Prescott
7. His Love Makes Me Beautiful
Lea Michele, Daniel Beeman y la compañía
8. I Want to Be Seen with You
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
9. Henry Street
Tovah Feldshuh, Toni DiBuono, Debra Cardona, Jared Grimes, Martin Moran, Lea Michele y la compañía
10. People
Lea Michele
11. You Are Woman, I Am Man
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
12. Don't Rain on My Parade
Lea Michele
13. Sadie, Sadie
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
14. Who Taught Her Everything She Knows?
Tovah Feldshuh y Jared Grimes
15. Temporary Arrangement
Ramin Karimloo, Daniel Beeman, Kurt Csolak, John Manzari y Justin Prescott
16. Rat-Tat-Tat-Tat
Lea Michele y la compañía
17. Who Are You Now? (Repetición)
Lea Michele y Ramin Karimloo
18. You're a Funny Girl / Beekman Call
Ramin Karimloo
19. What Do Happy People Do?
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
20. The Music That Makes Me Dance
Lea Michele
21. Dream Ballet
Nuevo reparto de Funny Girl en Broadway
22. Finale Act 2
Lea Michele
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rkdaily · 2 years
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olympain · 2 years
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muellermagic · 2 years
bootleg hunting
hello! i’m quite new to the bootleg world and was wondering if anyone would be generous to gift some boots ◡̈ here are some of the boots i’m looking for: - Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (OBC) - Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Abby Mueller as Carole King) - Beautiful: The Carole King Musical (Kara Lindsay as Cynthia Weil) - Carousel 2018 Revival (OBC) - Carousel 2018 Revival (Previews) - Funny Girl 2022 Revival (Julie Benko as Fanny Brice) - Guys and Dolls (w/ Jessie and Abby Mueller) - Guys and Dolls (2022, Kennedy Center w/ Jessie Mueller & Phillipa Soo) - Hamilton (Amber Ardolino as Peggy/Maria) - Into the Woods Revival (OBC) - Kinky Boots (Taylor Louderman as Lauren) - Mary Poppins (Kara Lindsay as Mary Poppins) - Moulin Rouge (Ashley Loren & Aaron Tveit) - Moulin Rouge (Derek Klena as Christian) - On A Clear Day You Can See Forever 2011 Revival (OBC) - SIX (OBC) - The Great Comet of 1812 (Phillipa Soo as Natasha) - The Minutes (OBC) - Waitress ART - Waitress (Oct. 26th, 2016) - Wicked (Kara Lindsay & Caroline Bowman) or literally anything with Jessie/Abby Mueller 🫶🏼
i have very few boots for those who might be interested ☺︎ (very willing to gift them as well!!) audios: - Company - The Band's Visit videos: - Moulin Rouge (Amber Ardolino as Satine) - Wicked (Aaron Tveit as Fiyero) - Wicked (Jennifer DiNoia & Kara Lindsay)
and a few unlisted videos on youtube, but i’ve heard many people would prefer Google Drive/MEGA links.
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ascoopatalamode · 3 years
title pretty much says it all. karen, amber, and natalie’s vocals are isolated and the music follows ashley :)
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helenaredamancy · 3 years
amber ardolino is leaving MR so here's just some shots of her as satine because i loved her satine so much
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meandmypagancrew · 3 years
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Burn, Hamilton -> Satine and Christian, Moulin Rouge!
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