#amd of course its the day both my parents are out
k-white · 2 years
I am gonna make an Headcanon regarding Only Friends to cope with the fact that I will not have Khao and Neo make out in that show and I am sad about it!(like this is the second time this year that I have been robbed! first Earth and Khao in MLC and then Neo amd Khao in OF! Aof and Jojo I am disappointed! why can't I have my EarthKhao and NeoKhao! I want at least Khao and Book make out even as a revenge kiss or a rebound kiss to Top and/or San cuz if I am gonna get SanTop or NickSan at some point I also want RayMew!) So bear with me!
Ok so Boston and Ray! my HC is set before university when they were still in highschool, like 1st or 2nd year when they are still fairly yung and inexperienced, it is summertime Mew is away with his family for a trip(We know shit about their families and the only one we have context to is Ray cuz we know he is welthy so maybe with the show this will make no sense, I also think Ray could have a sister? in case in this she is older in Uni and is living alone in a flat not with Ray) and Rays ones are away for a business trip for a couple of weeks so they decide to spend tine at his house cuz it's bigger has a pool and they can do what they want cuz nobody is there, so they spend the days splashing in the pool eating junk food and watching TV, so one day they are watching a movie and it's a romcon and as the leads kiss Boston asks Ray if he ever kissed anybody and he says yes he kissed a couple of girls(for now I identify all the boys as gay cuz we only see them attracted to guys so in this hc they are realizing they both like guys and are not attracted to girls) but he didn't like it and Boston says that he as well kissed a girl he was dating in middle school but he didn't like it so they look at eachother and Ray asks if kissing boys would be different, so Boston suggest they try with eachother to try it out so they do and it works a lot more than with a girl even tho it's a bit akward and messy but they both liked it better, so they finish the movie keep hanging out like always and then B goes home.
A couple of days pass and they are still at Rays house, his parents wuold be back in 4 days so they decide to make them count, so Ray asks Boston if he wants to sleep there for the 3 nights he would love to but has to asks his parents for permission and they say yes, so the first night they decide to stay up late cuz of course they do! they are teenagers after all, they watch tv and late at night they stumble upon an R rated movie and decide to watch it, tho they are not really invested in it considering it is a straight couple and both boys are pretty certain they are gay, so Ray suggest for them to look up some movie with 2 male leads on his PC, they go in Rays room and look for a movie or a show with more explicit scenes(this in my head is set in 2016 so still no explicit thai bl have aired yet and Sotus still has to air cuz its july and it came out on september)
they find one and start to watch it and it is immediatly clear that they are a lot more interested, watching the leads interact and kiss and be together, they are not used to see this kind of representation and even in school the more out people are saw in a bad way and even bullied, so they watch engrossed the movie when suddently Boston asks Ray if he's ever done it, it took Ray a moment to understands and then he says that he never did it with neither girl or boy, so has Boston he only ever get to kissing, so he propose they do the same as with the kiss but with sex and to be each other firsts so that way if they ever got a boyfriend they would be more experienced and appear in a better way, "you know more cool"
Ray is a bit taken aback cuz this isn't just kissing his friend is talking about it's sex and even tho they wouldn't be able to do a lot on that first night it is still crossing an undrawn line that is still very present, but he also is very curious especially considering that he had this kind of thoughts for a long time and he never acted upon them because of societal pressure and the heteronormarivity still very present around him, and honestly Boston is a very cute guy and doing it with him would be no problem Ray believes
So he agrees and that first night they reserch a bit on gay sex together and decide they will go for only getting eachother off for now as they are still awquard and shy over it
they don't do much those 3 days just kissing and a bit of handjobs, then Rays parents get back and they ang out less at Rays house and more outside, and with sleepover be it at Rays ot Bostons they don't do much for fear of theire parents
so one weekend Rays parents have a small trip to make to assest some legal business on the same location of their business trip, and the boys decide to use the opportunity to practice what they have been learning over the weeks, they also have less time cuz Mew would be back soon and they want to get it over before their friend is back cuz otherwise they would have to excude him and make him feel not wanted
So that weekend they do a lot more and it is awquard and messy but they both feel like rockstars like they conquered mount Everest, this is what they want who they are! and they are not gonna be anyone else from then on, this was the first time they did it together but it wouldn't be the last, cuz they decide to keep practicing together to be better and cuz they really liked having sex even if it was a bit messy
When Mew is back they decide not to tell him cuz they are sure he would surely believe that Boston and Ray had some sort of relationship or have feelings for eachother cuz they know Mew is a romantic that loves the idea of love itself and of relationships amd casual sex would probably be the farthest thing from that!
cuz after all what the boys had did not involve feelings at all, they just liked doing it together neither started having a crush and what it was time to stop they did no question asked, they kept it up for the summer then come the school year they only did it for a handfull of times then got back a bit more in summer next year and kept like that untile the last year of highschool, then they webt on a summer trip before uni and met a couple of guys each and decided to stop cuz they started their agreement for this! being able to be with people and have more experience and it worked, so they remained friends and stayed friends until the last year of university... then a lot happened but that is for the show to tell not me cuz that is Jojo story and this is just a little something that I was thinking about for a wile now and wanted to word it out
thank you for those that took their time to read this, I know it's probably trash and when the show airs will probably make no sense, but hey this is what stories are for expressing our heart out unapolojetically even if it doesn't allign with canon and a lot of the time screw canon give me fanon all the way
thanks again and see you when the show start filming and then when it airs for the mess it will be! I am so exited!
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sp-ud · 2 years
My neighbor... does know that trimming the branches of our tree won't un-crooked his tree right? It will just not get more crooked.
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kaz11283 · 3 years
hellooooo! congratulations on 100 followers!!
i was wondering, if you could write one-shot with “Hey guys, it’s me! The biggest disappointment you know”, loki × reader? thank you!
Hey Guys, It's Me! The Biggest Disappointment You Know.
Characters: Loki, Thor, Tony, Pepper, avengers
(Tony, Pepper x Daughter! Reader, Loki x Reader, Thor X Platonic! Reader, Avengers x Platonic! Reader)
Warnings: None, humor
Summary: you've been dating Loki behinf everyones backs for a few months now, your dad and mom find out about it and they are not very happy with the decision that you've made
ANNOUNCEMENT: I have been enjoying doing these one-shots SO much! They have really been helping me branch out and giving me more stuff on my master and I am absolutely enjoying the feed back so much! Thank you to all of my new followers amd my old ones alike! Please keep the requests coming! Most of the time these are only taking a day or two to put out. FEED BACK IS GOLDEN, REQUESTS ARE OPEN. If you don't see something you want or you want to send a diffrent one in its more than welcome too! 💚💚💚💚
Loki Masterlist
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"Loki, stop." You laughed as he kissed your neck. The theater room was empty, the two of you had put a movie on to watch while the others were away on a mission. He had been left behind because the rest of the team still didnt trust him in the field. Of course if your dad had known that the two of you were a thinh he would have let him tag along.
"Why must I stop? No one is here for now, lets enjoy what little time we have together." He said kissing your neck causing you to giggle more.
"I cant wait till we can actually be open about this. I just wish they understood." You sighed playing woth the ends of his hair.
"One day my dove maybe your father will accept me. Until then I'm happy either way." He smiled down at you.
"I'm getting to the point where dad ca-"
"Where your dad can- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Tony had walked into the theater room. You and Loki sprung apart, Loki to the end of the couch, you had fallen to the floor.
"When did you get home?" You asked standing up.
"I asked first. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. On? Y/n." You could see his face turning red.
"Kissing, we were just kissing." You stumbled over your explanation.
"Ah brother, you have decided to court the young Lady Starkling." Thor smiled walking into the room.
"Oh my god." You mumbled placing your face in your hand. "Oh all nine realms." Loki made the same gesture as you rubbing between his eyes.
"NO! NO, NO ONE IS COURTING ANYONE!" Tony yelled turning back to thor
"You, room, now." He pointed to his ans your mothers side of the tower. "You, your just lucky I haven't decided to kill you." He said pointing at Loki.
"See ya later" you waved at Loki before following your dad down the hall.
"No she wont!" Tonys annoyed voice came after.
"Brother this is good, she is a beautiful woman for you. She will not tolerate you mischief, possibly even put you in your place." Thor saod happily slapping Lokis back.
"I am sure brother whatever we had will end tonight if Tony has anything to say about it." He saod getting up to walk to his room. Steve stood there with Bucky watchjng what had happened.
"But if you know y/n she wont listen and shes still gonna be with you if Tony like it or not." Steve shrugged.
"But if you hurt her." Bucky shrugged looking at Loki. "You know the rest."
"This is absolutely embaressin y/n, why? Why him of all people? Hes no good!" Your dad yelled stepping out of his suit.
"Your gonna give your self a heart attack screaming and getting yourself worked up the way you are." You said crossing your arms.
"Hes killed people, hes tried to take over New York, for god sakes he brainwashed Clint! Theres no telling what the psychopath will try to do next! Your not seeing him any more."
"Dad! He was brainwashed, he was tortured. You've never been told that you wasnt good enough, thrown to the side, lived in the shadow of your brother! What do you plan on doing to keep us away from each other? You won't let either of us go on missions. You don't trust him enough and your to afraid that I'll get hurt."
"You'll just stay locked up here with Pep."
"Great so I'm the modern day freaking Rapunzel. Thats not gonna happen."
"Tony," your mom came and put her hand on his arm automatically calming him. "I remember a certain someone that my parents didn't trust or want me to be around." She said calmly. "And you remember what I did? I went with my heart. And out of it I have a beautiful daughter, who tends to take more after her father, and another one on the way."
"Don't lie, I gave your parents a crazy amont of money for you." Your dad said rolling his eyes.
"Tony!" Your mother said smacking his arm.
"Your not dating him y/n, end of discussion. I am very disappointed in you about this, not because its him but because you kept it from us. Go to your room." Tony sighed.
"Its not your decision on who I date, besides do you blame me for keeping it secret? Look how your treating not only him but also me." You turned to walk back to your room on the other side of the tower.
The next morning you was in your gray sweat pants with a gray tank top on and a emerald green zip up hoodie, you smiled to yourself as you realized you had on his color. You shoved your hands in your pockets as you walked into the kitchen where everone was eatting breakfast including Loki.
"Hey guys, its just me, the biggest disappointment you know." You saos walking over to take a seat beside Loki.
"Is this smart?" He asked leaning over to whisper.
You turned your head toward him and placed your hand on his face. "Everyone knows, I don't give a rats ass about what dad thinks, I want to be open and be happy." You leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. He pulled back with a suprised look on his face.
"Oh Jesus Christ y/n, intold you la-" your dad started as he walked in the door
"And I told you I wasnt going to listen." You looked over at him as you took a bit of your eggs.
"Like father like daughter." Your mom laughed shaking her head.
"Young Lady Starkling! You are wearing my brothers colors! The courting continues then!" Thor laughed as he slapped you both on the shoulders, both of you groaned and put your face in your hands.
After Thor had fully embaressed both of you it took no time for the rest of the team to join in, your father still wasnt happy about it but he could get over it. This made you happy; he, Loki of Asguard, made you completely and utterly happy.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: I'm not gonna lie. I had this almost finished yesterday and for some reason the app gitched and erased what I had not saved (lesson learned) so I was honestly so irritated that I just left it to finish today. I am very happy with how this turned out. I am extreamly happy with all the feed back i am getting. Thank you guys so much! My tags are open as always! 💚💚💚💚
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chaeiimimi · 3 years
13 𝖍𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞
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Summary: you weren’t really sure how it happened, but an average student who wore glasses and spent all her extra time on bookstores and library managed to date your school’s volleyball club setter. On your 3rd year of law school, your ten years anniversary to be exact, he went home from Argentina and it was a week before he was going back, he broke up with you with the reason of he can't handle long-distance relationship anymore despite being at it for two years. You didn’t cry, you stood there as he was sobbing in front of you, you held his face in your palms and offered him a gentle smile, gentle enough to let him know you’ll support him and will always be watching him, together with the child in your stomach right now, but he doesn’t need to know that.
chapter: prev//next
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"i'm pregnant"
Oikawa looks back at her like its the most ridiculous thing she has ever said
"that has nothing to do with me, I never touched you" he says and was about to leave when Himari spoke
"yes it does Oikawa, I told the media you're the father"
"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE?!" he was angry now, as much as he wants to strangle the lady , it was below him to hurt women
"what do you expect? The media thinks we're dating" she says, eyes on the ground
"who's the father?" Oikawa asks as he pinches his nose bridge in frustration
"a barista, from Argentina"
"then tell the media that"
"You don't understand-my image Oikawa you gotta help me"
The audacity of this woman never fails to mesmerize him, after all she's done she still has the guts to ask hin for help
"you really had the guts to ask me that when you almost ruined my family huh?"
Himari looks at him with pleading eyes
"look, I'm not going to play as the father of that child, y/n and my twins, it's going to hurt them" he says as he takes a deep breath
"then I'm just going to keep telling the media that you're the father who refuse to take responsibility then"
"you dont wanna play this game with me Himari, for a fully grown adult with a successful modeling career, you're still a child throwing a temper tantrum" and with that he left the house
He was shaking in anger, he needed you to be there with him, he needed you to calm him down
That night Oikawa wenr home to you crying on the couch while the twins were fast asleep
He slowly walks up to you "bubs the rumor- Himari she's- I'm not"
You sush him as you pulled him close and hugged hum tightly
"I know Tooru, you maybe an ass but I know you won't sleep with your ex's cousin" you say in between sniffles, Oikawa chuckles
"especially with someone as ugly as Himari"
The next few days was hell, you couldn't bring yourself to go to work due to the humiliation, you stayed at home watching over the twins
Every single day, Himari would just come out with fabricated receipts and false statement
She even acused you of always trying to steal Oikawa away from her since high school
The comments were tormenting to read, a lot of hateful and death threats on there, it was so disturbing
Oikawa's two week vacation was cut off as he was working with a company to arrange a press conference
The Aoba Josai former volleyball club showed their support, they constantly visited you and the twins especially Maki who had a lot of time on his hands , by now they already know they are Oikawa's sons
His team from Argentina heard about what was happening and some of them decided to fly to Japan to show their support
Iwaizumi and Akira came to your house practically everyday and brings good food
Honestly, you felt quite assured that a lot of people really care for you amd you weren't fighting this battle alone
Your parents even went to the hometown of Himari's parents to talk to them about the situation and they said Himari wouldn't listen to them
After a week of non-stop lies from Himari, it was time for Oikaw to step on the podium in front of flashing cameras
Some of his teammates and coach were there to show support, Iwaizumi, Issei and Maki were also there, they were both holding the twins, which has been the center of the attention for a while now
In the matter of seconds, the press conference has already begun
Akira was with you at home since you couldn't go to the press conference, the media was just going to crush you and your sef confidence was deteriorating because of all the hate you were recieving
"as you all know about the issue between me and model Sato Himari, first thing's first, me and her are not a thing, we are not lovers, we are not exes, I have been single for two years and the last girl I've dated is her cousin l/n y/n, who I'm currently dating again now"
There were a lot of murmurs going around the room but Oikawa was quick to silence them
"Y/n and I have been dating ever since we were in second year of high school, we dated for nine years and broke up two years ago, because of Himari slandering her in front of our head coach and I have proofd for that"
Oikawa clicks the little remote on his hand as the huge projector showed screenshot of Humari's and his Coach's messeges, it also showed a lot of pictures of you and Oikawa from Hugh School, contradicting Himari's statement that you tried to steal him in higgh school
"we are now back together and sharing our lives with our children who are twins Haruto and Hayato"
The press whipped their heads towards the twins who were pointing at Oikawa and giggling, the media awww-ed at the sight
"handsome aren't they? Yeah my lovely girlfriend gave birth to them" of course he was Oikawa
"as for Himari's pregnancy, I am positive that I am not the father of that baby, she told me that herself, if she denies it I'll gladly take a dna test when the baby is born so that I can expose more of her lies"
There were a lot of whispers going around, his teammates, ex-teammates and coach gave him a thumbs up
"I have been talking with my lawyers and I will be taking legal actions regarding this, that is all, thank you"
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So I decided to post the last chapter tomorrow because I am going to change it, yes, that's how impulsive my ass is BSBSHSHSH anyways thank you so much to those who supported this until the end, I love y'all💖! Stay safe and happy luvs!
@heiressofdexter @artsamber @seashellmichellee @meri-soni-meri-tamanna @misssugarless @minnieminnie00-got7  @karakento @maizumis @torus-wiife @fiaesco @stormcastello @tintina365 @sakusasimpbot   @falconfeather23435 ​ @jojowantstocry @pluviophilefangirl ​ @qualitygiantshoepsychic
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artreider · 3 years
Let's try to get this final live blog on my station 19 rewatch done. I'm currently laid up on my couch in mild pain but unable to do anything else.
I don't really like flashback episodes but i want one for the premiere since we are jumping so far ahead. I hate that this episode starts with a fight. But damn knowing what the fight is over, i love how loyal andy is to maya in this episode. Something ive wanted for her and the team. Qnd also jaina looks gorgeous.
The fire scene yay another fire on the fire show lmao. Feel like we missed some last year which im sure was covid related.
The marina scene ugh chefs kiss. I love how happy and giddy they are. I do wish we couldve gotten to see some of their month apart communication and their quarantining apart those two weeks when carina got back. I wrote a little something related to that and i may share before the premiere of season 5.
The quiet moment between carina saying her morning was better than those 6 weeks and then asking about mayas folks was a beautiful and real moment and i love it. So brief it could be overlooked but great choice for team.
The little bit of danielle and stefania that was them and adlibbed in this episode was so great also.
I love that rhey addressed how everyone was able to attend maskless and how safe the wedding was keeping the real world element in. Also vic love you and your chicken dance comment makes me sad that we didnt get it.
Vics parents trying to talk to her about theo is so cute.
Poor lawyer she'd be good for dean.
I understand some people dont come out until late in life but that is hard to hear that you havent loved the person youve been with for decades like you do this new person. That would hurt me so much to hear, like i couldve been with someone who is my great love if youd told me sooner. I love/hate this storyline for travis family.
Ugh if this fire had gone on any longer those poor kids and elderly couple.
Haha andy you should wait until someone answers the door for you when visiting almost newlyweds or people who've been seperated for 6 weeks lmao.
Also maya's excuse and none wet (shower) sex hair i love it.
Ugh sullivan trying to defend himself makes me so upset.
Bailey giving ben hell about second and third opinions is funny, like i figure shed be all for it.
Inara and marcus leaving jack is sad. I hope we still get to see marsha in season 5. Also if they do pair jack and jo itd be a bit ironic. I mean jo too had an abusive ex like inara.
Also jack and his marsha have similar eyes, itd be something if it came out she really was his mom.
I dont understand how maya hadnt settled on what to wear she's queen of the clipboard lmao. Just goes to show how some things throw us off course. Also i totally get her saying her outfit choice will define her forever. I judge my look in my wedding photos all the time and feel like other people do as well.
Why do i feel like this exchange between maya and carina was mostly adlibbed? It just feels so fun.
This poor family and ugh i couldnt imagine having to make the tough calls of firefighters/fire captains.
Love that all the fire crew helped put the wedding on.
I understand travis emotion here.
How'd this conversation about maya's folks get started with andy???
I love that maya and andy's friendship is restored. Also famous last words maya, dont speak the bad juju into existence.
Dean you shouldve spoken up there.
Why the chief there? I live in a city and the chief aint showing up for a house call that needs a few units. At least not until fire is out of they for some reason cant get it out.
Lmao maya freaking out about wearing the same thing as carina. Andy therapizing maya is funny.
That poor boy.
The dad comments to ben are beautiful. Also love that so many of the team know how dean feels about vic.
So why is travis getting dressed separately than the rest of his team. I mean i know its because he doesnt know about Dean's feelings and pushes vic to give theo a chance as well as allow theo and travis to talk but come on. He wouldnt get ready separately.
Also what was the point of theo going to that room if not to get ready. Sorry just annoying.
I wish carina had had someone mention andrew to her. Whether ben, bailey, maya or even any of the fire team who worked on the call with him during the crossover awhile back. Her grief during this day of happiness should've been acknowledged, even with just a remembrance table for him amd other family she lost to covid.
I do love this beautiful moment with vic though saying this isnt all just for maya.
Oh my how i love the maya confronting her father. She is the brave i want to be. Also what she says to her mom, yes chefs kiss. However when her mom shows up at the wedding, really the woman couldnt grab a nice shirt or dress to wear on her way out or on her way to the wedding.
I also love the look of pride on maya's moms face both at the house and the wedding.
Im sad we probably wont get any moments of her living with marina due to the time jump.
Ugh the choice that cost maya her promotion but ahouldnt have.
Also with all maya's options for clothes, couldnt they had dressed her mama in something borrowed from maya. Lol im sorry it bothers me so.
Vic's song for the intro is beautiful. Barrett has a beautiful voice.
Maya is so happy her mom is there and i love it. Also in my head at least one person videoing is doing it for the greys family who couldnt make it to the wedding for carina.
I also love maya singing along with vic to carina.
Queen of the clipboard forgetting to write her vows is special and funny. I love carina talking her down from a panic attack. Also her simple vow is beautiful and how carina who probably did write her vows saying we're good instead of reading them after seeing maya's mom in attendance and the look shared is everything.
I truly believe that was the moment she 100% knew maya had changed from end of season 3, was definitely all the way in. She knew what it meant for maya's mom to be there.
Love the dance montage and improved marina kiss.
Another healing theo and travis talk.
Sullivan just cant let it go and ugh trying to justify it. I just cant, still not over it. Even if he isnt captain in season 5 it still isnt right.
Sullivan you cant say you have the teams back then saying you can control them and throwing maya under the bus. Those are contradictory.
This jack and andy conversation is interesting.
This marina conversation is funny but sad when you know the end of the episode.
Its so funny that so few people know about Miller's feelings at this point.
It'll be interesting to see the travis, vic and theo in season 5.
Ben and bailey are so cute.
Wish we couldve had conversations at the wedding with maya and her mom or carina and maya's mom or the 3 of them.
Inara is so wise. I hate this for all 4 of them.
Gotta love the ole grab em and pull em back to kiss them and let them know how you really feel tremmett moment.
Too late dean, they tried to tell you.
I love marina dancing in the background ugh sullivan and the surrera rehashing.
Time for the horrible news ugh.
Everyone just looking at marina and knowing is horrible.
Great season, great episode and im looking forward to whats next.
Thank you to everyone thats been following my rewatch blogging, and for all the kind comments. I appreciate it so much, made the summer so fun.
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rated-thoughts · 3 years
Hellloooo! I love love love your page! Is there a way you can write a Yuto smut? He’s daddy asfff.
Hiiii! Omg its been ages since I last posted here but since im back in the fandom, i'll present to you a Yuto smut as a comeback ^^
Please enjoy this short Adachi Yuto smut 😈
TW: degrading and edging
It's been a year since you last saw your boyfriend. You understand that it's because he's an idol but you still can't help but to miss him so badly and wish he never entered the kpop industry so you can keep him by your side. But what can you do? It's his dream he's a little kid.
As you patiently wait for his call, you heard your mom call you to eat dinner. Since there's an unspoken rule in your house that no gadgets are allowed in the dining table, you decided to just leave your phone on your bed.
"What's for dinner, Mo—" your eyes widen when you saw your boyfriend, Yuto, beaming at you. Literally brightening the whole dining with his smile.
"Yuki-san," he called while walking near you "how are you?" he continued, still with a wide smile plastered on his face.
Too overwhelmed with emotion, you just hugged him tight. Earning a chuckle from the younger.
"Yuto, when did you arrive?" you said, cupping his face in your hands. "You should have told me you'll be coming home so that I could have waited for you at the airport."
He chuckles again. "Then that would have ruined the surprise, silly." You mom answered for him. You knew your father's disappearance early that day was suspicious.
"Now, I know you miss each other but I'm hungry. Can we please eat now?" everyone laughed at what your father said.
The dinner went well, it's filled with laughter as Yuto share what have happened in the last year he stayed in Korea. He said they finally had their first win and how many people recognize them now.
Your parents went home after dinner, saying they'll just visit again after a week and that you two should enjoy your time together before Yuto comes home to his family.
You stared lovingly at your boyfriend as he sat on your bed. Soaking in his presence, making sure you're not dreaming.
"You know there will be a big hole in my face by tomorrow if you don't stop staring at me" and that made you come to your senses.
"Well I'm sorry sir but I just miss you very much. I've been waiting for you to call all day since I know you don't have any schedule." you jokingly throw a small stuff plushie and then rolled your eyes on him.
"Oh, you were waiting for my call, huh?" he smirked, and you definitely know what he meant with that.
You turned red and his smirk grew bigger.
"Of course, I wanted to see your face and hear your voice." you stood up from the bed, walking to your big glass window. The city lights twinkles, lighting up the busy roads.
Getting distracted with the cars and people, you didnt realize that Yuto got up from the bed. He gently kissed your exposed shoulder, sending shivers down your spine.
"I miss you." he whispered. "I miss you so bad." his kisses are light as a feather as he move to your neck.
"I miss you too." you said back, almost breathless.
He made you face him, too impatienly. You lost your balance but he caught you. Pinning you now on the window, kissing you too aggressively.
Your apartment's on the 8th floor, not that high from the ground that its possible that if you have sex with him right there, people will see you. With that thought on mind, aroused you even more.
As he move to kiss your neck and leave his love marks, he didnt even bother to remove your shirt. He carelessly tries to remove your pants. Too desparate to think properly.
You help him with his pants too, unbulking amd unbottoning it in a swift move.
When he moaned in your mouth from being free, you took that chance to let your tongue inside his mouth. Accidentally biting on his lower lip when he inserted two fingers inside you.
"Oh fuck." he hissed, licking the part where you bit him. "I'm sorr— AAAAAAAAAH" you screamed, he didn't even let you finish apologizing when he pumped his fingers inside you fast.
"What the fuck did I tell you about biting me?" he looked angry. "I— I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. Please." you said, voice shaking.
When he felt your walls tightening around his fingers, he slowed down. Earning a whimper of dissatisfaction from you.
"How could you forget that? Was it because you have been punished?" he continues with his slow pace, looking at your face for reaction. He went faster again, slowing down whenever he'll see a satisfied reaction from you.
"Yuto, please." you begged, hoping he's listen to you.
"What did you just call me? Yuto? Who am I if we're alone?" you gulp, you shouldn't have called him by his name especially during times like this.
When he didnt hear any answer from you, he removed his fingers inside of you.
"I guess I should go. If you won't act properly, then what's the point huh?" he started wearing his pants again. You stopped him, grabbing his hands.
"Daddy, please. Don't go. I'll do anything." you said, still holding his hands.
"How can I not go when you're like that? It's like you're forgotten who I am."
"No, please. You're my master. I'll be a good girl, I'm sorry. I'm sorry." tears almost rolled down your eyes while saying that.
Even though you are older than him by 3 years, you are well aware that Yuto likes it when he feels dominant. Especially when it comes to this type of situation. He likes to be praised how good he is and how you'll do anything to satisfy him.
He smirked, a thought playing in his head.
"Why don't you removed your shirt and press yourself on the window? Show how much of a whore you are. Show them what you wsnt me to do to you." he sat down on your bed again, watching your every move.
You sighed when the cold air hits your exposed nipples, hardening visibly.
You faced the window again, pressing your upper body on the glass and spreading your legs apart.
Yuto can see your ass hole as you spread your ass cheeks apart before proceeding to play with your pussy.
He unconciously licks his lips, feeling out of breath.
You screaming his name, when you inserted three fingers inside you. Yuto was amazed at how wet you look. Pumping three fingers inside you with ease.
You repeatedly call him daddy, really feeling yourself.
His pants are now too tight for his liking so he just decided to come behind you and pressed his clothed cock on your area. He's humping even in the slightest collision. Your soft moans are too much for him that he impatiently freed himself, immediately thrusting into your wet cavern.
You screaming because of how sudden he entered you, you bet your neighbors heard you.
His thrusts are fast and deep. As if he's trying to reach a certain part inside of you.
"Daddy, please. Harder." with that, he slowed down but his thrusts are harder. You can feel the window glass almost vibrate from the impact.
"Open your eyes, look down below. People can see how much of a slut you are." he said as he grabs your hair. You just replied with a moan.
"Whose slut are you? Huh? Who owns you and your filthy body?" you didn't answer, instead you just moaned louder. "Fucking asnwer me you bitch." his fasten his pace and even hsrder than earlier pinned you more on the window.
"Yours! I'm— am fucking yours! I am Adachi Yuto's." you moaned screamed. "You'll always be my daddy and I am your little slut" with that Yuto felt your walls tighten around his cock.
He slowed down his pace again, making you cry. "Please, I'm cumming. Let me cum, pleade." You begged but he didnt listen. He just continue fucking you slow but harder. His low grunts adding to how horny you are.
One last hard thrust before he went crazy. His pace is almost animal like and both of you are a moaning mess.
Almost at the same time, both of you came. Yuto not stopping to ride your high, making you continuesly scream his name and ask him to stop.
When he felt his last seeds inside you, he finally stopped. He let his cock rest inside you as he kiss your back. Feeling your chest go up and down in a steady breathing pace.
After a few seconds, he pulled himself out of you. He picked you up bridal style and laid you down on your bed.
He lays next to you and smiled at your lovingly. "I'm sorry if I was too rough. I love you." you shook your head and peaked his lips.
"It's okay. I missed you so much and I love you more." he kissed your forehead and pulled you closer to hug you tighter.
The end.
Omg, it's longer than what I expected but please tell me what you think. It's been a while since i last written especially smut so I am rusty asf.
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cu-sidhe13 · 3 years
Hey guys, so as I said on my last post I'm really behind on 9-1-1 Lone Star because aI've been so busy with work and moving house. I've just posted my thoughts on 2x10 so if you'd like, you can go read that first. I'e only just watched 2x11, and unfortunatly I have to say I have some mixed feelings about this episode, but this still has to be one of my favourites. If you are like me and your are behind on the show, this will contain !!!spoilers!!!
My thoughts on this episode:
-I'm glad Owen actually decided to go through with the surgery, I really wouldn't have been surprised if something happened to stop it, like Owen changing his mind again.
-Owen, seriously it's 3-4 weeks, just take your time and rest. This obsession with work will get you killed or in serious trouble *foreshadowing*
-Carlos and TK are now a couple who give joint gifts and I love that. And that was a very nice box for a jigsaw, It seems like something Carlos would pick out more that TK. But it was an adorable jigsaw.
-So much for resting Owen, for the love of god. But that was a very nice montage. Love how they're showing how bored he is by taping up thing to the point of unnecessary. But there was a suspicious lack of my favourite bernese mountain dog.
-As soon as I saw Billy, I knew everything was going to go downhill. I was right.
-I can understand Owen running into the burning building, he is a firefighter after all, it's his instincts. But Owen sweetie, Judd is acting captain, let him be acting captain.
-Owen speaking to the arson investigator and giving a profile that describes himself was just a facepalm moment.
-Loved the truck rescue with the young couple, but I was so heartbroken for Marjan.
-Oh my god. The Tarlos cow eyes scene absolutly killed me, I had to rewind it like 5 times to rewatch it. Carlos turning from confused to smug and sexy in 2 seconds and TK blushing and being unable to look at him in the eyes was heart stopping.
-"Absolutly wrecks people" Yeah we know who those eyes wreck TK. But seriously I have never seen a more accurate description of Carlos' eyes that this. And this show that TK thinks about Carlos' eyes so much he's given his looks names.
-I'm so glad to see Nancy at the gathering this time, even if we didn't get to see much of her,
-loved that they used Tarlos in the actual episode. And Tarlos being a great team and wrecking everyone at Catan was incredible.
-I felt so sorry for Marjan, that she did eveything she could to save the womans husband and she goes and posts that video. Then for Marjan to get so much hate to the point she starts to doubt herself. My poor queen.
-I absolutly adored seeing Paul and Marjan together and Paul being agood friend for her. Its great to see the other characters get more screen time.
-OWEN!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAN!!??! This guy really thought, 'I know the best way to prove there is an arsonist going around, I'm going to buy lots of different accelerants and wiring and preform experiments in my back garden in full view of my neighbours. This won't at all look suspicious' The man has really lost the plot.
-When Owen started showing Billy what he's been doing, I started to get a really bad feeling. We all know Billy is the one who shows the arson investigator the photo of Owen at a scene of a fire, and now I don't know whether Billy is the one setting the fires or he genuinely believes its Owen after seeing his experiments. I hope it's the latter as I feel the former is just lazy writing.
-Carlos and TK having dinner with Carlos' parents is something I've been waiting for, for ages.
-Marjan and Paul visiting the widow and Marjan's speach was incredible, it showed so much emotion and really got me tearing up. Then finding her in her bath tub made me tear up more. I like that Marjan also made sure the paramedics and police wouldn't post anything about her attempt on her life.
-I really loved the different interactions Carlos has with his parents, like his mother he seems much more open with, hugging her and fully smiling at her. But with his father, you can tell he's much more nervous with him, not fully hugging him amd giving him more nervous and wary smiles. After all this is someone who has been questioning his choices and putting him down for years,
-Andrea calling TK handsome was great. And I like her appologising for calling him TJ at the market. I loved that 'had a talk about that' between Carlos and TK for him not correcting his mother and the fact that it can be joked about between them. Andrea and Gabriel's look towards them though was adorable and just showed that the approved of TK.
-Carlos' panic at forgetting the limes was adorable, and I was not prepared for his wink towards TK after he called his dad to pick up the limes.
-I've said it before and I'll say it again. OWEN!!! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING MAN!!!! Way to make youself look more guilty. Breaking and entering, tampering with a crime scene, and trespassing, is a surfire way to get yourself arrested or hurt. And look you achived both. I swear this man has no brain cells left.
-Of course the man gets knocked out. Now he's gonna miss the dinner. I also really hope we continue the dinner scene in 2x12 otherwise this will be another Tarlos moment we've missed.
All in all, I greatly enjoyed this episode except for a few Owen Strand bumps. And I am counting down the days until I can see 2x12.
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lostonehero · 3 years
Ok siren maxie
Age 25
He watches a numel on the beach and it's trainer force it into the water over and over with two other pokemon attacking it
Maxie furious grabs the numel into the water making sure she can breathe above the water until the trainer leaves
Maxie hoists himself on land letting the wet barely conscious numel on land next to its pokeball which Maxie doesn't knkw what that is yet
It seems to push Maxie on the edge and he comes to the surface naked stumbling on the beach he brings the numel to the building with the red roof where she is brought back to full health
Time passes and Maxie sits in a tide pool debating his options, he could leave try to be human 30 years didn't sound bad then he would be entirely human, he didn't have to deal with the abuse from his parents anymore, but he would be abandoning his older siblings. It was worth it.
Maxie takes numel again out of the water. "You are a fire type water is bad for you, no you can't go back in the tide pool with me."
Maxie seems to have a water obsessed numel on his hands
Years go by and the red orb in his hands only 6 months away from fully becoming human instincts over run his mind thanks to groundon in his head and the sea surrounding him and he can see Archie, his Archie, his omega... amd with the screaming in his head to stay out of the water and the burning in his hands from the red orb he jumps in the raging sea to save Archie.
Maxie unlike Archie would have zero memory of what happened that day all he knows is that he woke up naked on a rock face with the taste of blood on his lips and a deep hunger.
Archie wakes up with a bite mark on his waist that seems to be a pattern in itself, and what kind of scar turns black.
Maxie's birthday comes around and he realizes two things one his hunger is back full force and two he is starting to look younger with a haunting realization he thinks he may have gone back into to ocean during the time he has no memory.
Archie makes some sort of comment about Maxie turning 55 he looks younger then ever and tries to ask him out again
Maxie relents and says yes of course it's after several bottles of liquor and they are both half naked in a closet when Maxie sees the marking on Archie's side and he sobers up almost immeditaly
Archie is annoyed Maxie stops but then sees the look on Maxie's face
"Fucking your my omega? You're the man I marked, you're the man I ruined nearly 30 years on land for." There wasn't really any bite to his words more of the holy shit his admins were right he did have a hard on for Archie and his instincts over ruled his rational mind.
Granted the lull.was cut off by Maxie jumping up and reigiting the flame it was a night of passion
The morning came and the two somehow ended up in Maxie's bedroom Archie was the first to wake up
He wasn't as drunk as Maxie was, and so he remembered all of what happened. For one how the fuck was Maxie that strong and two why was Maxie babbling about humanity? Either way Archie was happy they finally did it, but he thought he would be the one on top but Maxie had a lot more bite then he was expecting and his body seems to kneel to the red head every desire which somewhat frustrated him. Why was he weaker then a newborn mareep when it came to Maxie. He unconsciously rubbed the bite on his side and thoes frustrations fade almost instantly when Maxie wrapped his sleeping form around the pirate.
Ok now Archie had more questions but he couldn't bare to wake up... a word rang out in his mind and he refused to acknowledge it he wasn't a pokemon, and he wasn't going to say it especially in regards to that hot head Maxie.
"Morning my omega " Maxie spoke in a tired haze not really registering what he was saying.
Archie wanted to argue and yell he wasn't some pokemon he didn't have that instinct, but as soon as Maxie nuzzle his face into Archie's shoulder thoes thoughts disappeared leaving him content. Granted only for a short period before shooting up.sitting up straight. "Maxie what the fuck."
Maxie now more awake as the hangover begins to hit him rubs his temples "what? Oh fuck what did I do last night." He looks back over to Archie then to the mark on his side and starts to put the pieces together. "Oh fucking hell I thought that was a bad dream."
Archie offended. "Excuse me you're the one who couldn't keep his hands off of me."
Maxie rubbing his temples "that was not what I was referring to." He huffs pointing to the black tattoo like bite mark on Archie's side. "I can't belive I did that "
"Wait that was you?"
"It has to be me but I can't remeber anything from that day." He sighs and sits up. "Mmh sorry about that Archie."
"Why is it black?"
"Its a marking "
"Maxie it's a bite mark and last time I checked they scar over not turn black as night."
"Its a bond marking, I marked you Archie. " Maxie groans "I'm not human your my mate now I called you an omega " he sounds mortified. "Next years mating season I need to lock myself uo or I'll knock you up. Fuck I have to prepare things." He was starting to have a panic attack
Archie lept into action grabbing on to Maxie. "Shit uh fuck I always wanted kids of my own Maxie and uh I'm cool being with you I've always had a crush on you. Just what are you anyhow, I mean I'm drawing the line at vampires "
This earned Archie a half hearted laugh as Maxie got out of bed. "I'll show you but don't tell anyone, promise."
Archie nods as confusion fills his head as he hears the bathtub begin to fill.
Archie gets up and watches from the doorframe as he watches Maxie get in his legs vanishing replaces with a tail almost double the length ruby red scales with black accents cover his tail and his freckles seem to light up across his chest hus ears are now fins and a large sail fin goes across his back as he sighs sinking deeper into the water. Archie can see slits across both sides of Maxie's neck and abdomen which he can tell fairly easily are gills.
"Ironic bastard you are "
Maxie splashes water at Archie. "Shut up you wanna be pirate."
"Maybe if you sing me a song siren."
"I'm not going to alert the entire base to satisfy your need Archie."
"Wait that's an actual thing?"
"Yes Archie siren songs are a thing "
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kyloxox · 5 years
𝕀 𝔽𝕠𝕣𝕘𝕠𝕥 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝔼𝕩𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕕 (James Potter x reader)
Summary: you and James had a complicated history. You wanted to forget he existed. But you just couldn’t.
AN: this went in a complete different direction then I attended but hope you guys like it!
Lover Series Masterlist
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Laughed on the schoolyard. As soon as I tripped up and hit the ground, ground, ground.
“Hey are we gonna meet up later in the library to prepare for the transfiguration exam?” You asked.
“Sure.” James briskly said as he looked over you to see behind you.
“Sirius! You got them! This is going to be perfect.” James held up a bag full of pop its. “Bye y/n!” James said as he walked with Sirius into the classroom, talking to him whatever god knows what.
“Bye.” You said huffing and walking away to your next class.
“Miss. L/N.” You felt your whole body go numb. Of course Mcgonagall chose you first. She placed an apple on on table, gesturing you to stand up and go to the front of the class. As you stood up your chair made a loud shrieking sound. And throughout the quiet classroom it was even more noticeable. You heard some giggles from a pair of boys but you didn’t notice who’s they were. You walked up to the front, your hand gripping your wand.
“Alright Miss. y/n.” She moved out of your way. You shakily held up your wand.
“D-duro.” You tried to say as loud and clear as possible but nothing happened. You heard some giggles behind you but ignored it.
“Duro!” You said more confidently. But still nothing. As the giggles still ensued you gripped your wand tight. “Duro!” You tried one final time. Finally the apple started to turn but instead of to stone it turned into a mush.
“Thank you, Miss L/n, you may sit down.” As you walked to your seat you were finally able to see who was giggled. James and Sirius. Your heart froze. Your best friend was laughing at you, mocking you.
While trying to hold back your tears you sat back to your seat, who now had Lucius Malfoy preoccupying the seat that was empty.
“At least you’re not doing as back as Weasley.” You turned to the front of the classroom to see Arthur’s apple grew wings.
“Shut up Malfoy.” He laughed a little.
“You coming to the slytherin party tonight?”
“No why would I go to that?”
“Cause I want you to.” He looked you up and down.
“Shut up.”
“Whatever worth a try. It’s not like you’ll be over Potter in a night.”
“Excuse me? What did you say?” You turned with a concerned look.
“Everyone knows you’re like obsessed with potter, I mean even he knows. You follow him like a lost dog.”
“I’m not obsessed with him. He’s my best friend.”
“But are you his?” Your lips parted. You never thought of it that way. “Listen come to the party tonight. It’s only slytherins so maybe you can have friends in your own house.”
“Fine, I guess.”
Your name on my lips, tongue tied. Free rent, livin’ in my mind. But then something happened one magical night. I forgot that you existed. And I thought that it would kill me, but it didn’t. And it was so nice. So peaceful and quiet.
It was the first day back for your 7th year. Your last year before leaving your childhood behind. Over the summer you and your dorm mates hung out almost every other day. They showed how wonderful life was in the world of rich purebloods, especially the shopping weekends in paris.
And your life back home had gotten better. Your parents were happy that you stopped talking to James. They believed as he grew older he became the prime example of a blood traitor. And they were more than happy to pay for your expenses. Along with getting better along with your parents they forced you to get a dark mark and join Voldemort.
“You won’t be a main member, just a follower.” They told you. It still felt wrong. But when everyone around you was doing the same thing, it help fizz that tension.
Over the course of the summer you had almost completely forgetten about James and his immature behavior. You barely tried to contact him over the summer and if he wanted you to he could have done it himself, but he didn’t. And you weren’t surprised.
So now as you were walking into the great hall, trying to act like everything was fine with your fellow slytherins you couldn’t help but feel the lingering eyes of James and his friends. Sure you changed a lot of the summer, including a new hairstyle, no more braces and new expensive diamond earrings banging from your ears. But it wasn’t like James should care.
“Bloody hell. It looks like those slytherins corrupted her.” Sirius joked as he saw you. James just slowly nodded his head as he looked at you awestrucked. You changed. Changed a lot over the summer. New confidence. New hair. New friends.
James would be lying if he said he wasn’t sad you guys didn’t hang out over the summer. I mean it was tradition for you guys to spend the first day of summer together, but James was too busy getting drunk with Sirius to notice.
But the fact that you didn’t even acknowledge James was the saddest for him.
It isn’t love, it isn’t hate. It’s just indifference.
“Hey y/n….”
“Ouch denounced to Potter.” He smirked at you playfully
“Yep…that’s what I denounce blood traitors as.”
“Damn.” He continued to smirk.
“Bye Potter.”
“Wait y/n!” James said as he graded your arm. In that process your sweater as riden up amd your mark was revealed. You quickly gasped and pulled your sleeve down.
“Y/n? What the hell is that?”
“Nothing!” You swiped her arm away from him.
“I knew your parents were going to corrupt you! But I always thought you’d ignore their efforts. Now with your new friends I’m not surprised.”
“Maybe if you were a good friend I wouldn’t have to become friends with the people who you think are “corrupting me.”
“Okay y/n! I’m sorry! I’m sorry for being such an idiot! I’m sorry for acting like an asshole to you for years.”
“I don’t care James! I don’t care anymore! You’re the only one obviously phased by this!”
“Because we used to be best friends! We used to do everything together.”
“Well, people change James and I think we both know who’s the one who did.”
“Says the one who’s a death eater now!” The moment he said that you turned around and slapped him in the face.
“At least I don’t go behind my friends back and treat her like shit!”
“Oh really? Then what do you call this!” He grabbed your arm and forced your mark in your face.
“It’s called being loyal to my parents! My legacy!”
“Legacy? Y/n, are you hearing yourself?!? Two years ago you made fun of this stuff?!”
“Well I grew up. Obviously you haven’t.“
With that you rushed out of the room. Leaving your childhood behind. Leaving your friendship behind. Leaving your best friend behind.
One year later
You barely knew where you were going. All you had was an address scribbled on your hand that was smudged. But it didn’t keep you from briskly walking through adandonded streets.
You managed to find the tiny cottage at the end of the lone street. You quickly looked out as you banged on the door. A few seconds later it was opened by James. He looked aged from the stress of the war but he still looked the same.
“James please! Just listen to me! Voldemort is going to come here. He’s going to kill you! He’s gonna kill you!” You shrieked trying time get him to listen to you.
“Please listen to me! Peter he’s….he’s a death eater now-”
“Please y/n, Peter isn’t you. He would never do that.”
“James!” You shrieked again. “Please believe me!”
“How do you even know where we’re hiding out!” He roared at you.
“Peter told her…” Sirius finished before you could finish “Prongs. I think she’s telling the truth.”
“James please.” You looked into his eyes, as glossy as ever. “Lily, Marlene, Mary has already been killed by him, I don’t want to see you with them.” He looked into your eyes deeply. He knew you were telling the truth and he couldn’t risk it.
“We have to evacuate.” James stated to the rest of the members hiding in the small cottage.
“Well?” James raised his eyebrows, holding the door open. You noticed you were the only one left in the room.
“Are you gonna come?” He said amused.
“Haha very funny.” You deadpanned.
“I’m serious. If he sees you here, he’ll kill you.”
“Maybe it’s what I deserve.”
“Don’t say that.” You both stood silent for a moment. Letting the feeling of childhood nostalgia sink in.
“I’m sorry-” you both say at the same time. God another cliche. Your life was such a cliche.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry for doing this. God I hate myself so much with this, this thing on my arm.”
“I’m the one who drived you to it.”
“No, no it was me. I thought getting it would be pay back to you. A kick in the chest to you. But I was wrong I was stupid.”
“I’m still in that equation. If I hadn’t treaten you like an asshole you would never have felt the need to do those things.”
“Yea but maybe I should have acted like tha-”
“Shhh.” James said as he moved closer to you. “It my fault. I was afraid. I was afraid of what people would think if I dated you.” He paused for a second.
“I was afraid they would think I was insane for liking a slytherin. So I acted like an asshole. To get you away from me and god was that stupid. Cause it worked. You were smart enough to get away from me. I thought you would just kept clinging, and that’s what I wanted.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that you treated me like garbage-"
“I know... and it was the worst mistake of my life. Cause I lost you, during the time I most needed you, cause I was selfish.”
“James please, I get you’re trying to apologize but we need to leave.”
“Yes, we.”
“Just promise me one thing.” He moved closer to you.
“After the war is over, we forget everything. The war, 7th year and we become best friends again.”
“Yes I promise.” You said and not being able to hold back you grab his face and smash your lips into his.
“Bloody hell.” You whispered.
“Wow just like I imagined.” James smirked holding onto your waist.
“Shut up now we really have to go.” You said grabbing his hand and rushing out the door.
“You two are finally done in there?” Sirius snickered to you guys.
“Don’t worry you’ll have your seven minutes in Heaven with someone soon.” James said over to him with a cocky smile. You just laughed, realizing how much you missed this.
taglist: @accio-rogers @llamaluverlizzy @arianna-17-11 @peasantview @girlyisthatweirdkid @timeladygallifrey @malina4ka @outrodaylight @emcchi @sophisticatedslytherin @thatharrypotterfan13
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It’s in his DNA
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Summary: You would think that being the cousin to Jason and Cheryl Blossom I would love always being in the spotlight just like them right. But I really don’t. I rather not been in the spotlight. But nonetheless Jason and Cheryl are very protective of me. Jason always made sure non of the guys tried to take advantage of me. While Cheryl made sure no girl even breathed the wrong way in my direction. But since Jason is now dead everything is about to change.
Great it’s time for school to start. Every since Jason’s death Cheryl has had me attached to her hip. I’ve been at her house since it’s happened. Which I guess is a good thing for both of us. Since my parents are never home. Now it time to go back to school and time to go back to hell. I was currently back at my house getting ready and Cheryl would pick me up. polyvore.com/riverdale_story/set?id=234680053. I heard the honk of Cheryl horn. I grabbed my backpack and left my house and climbed into her car. “Black is still your color dear cousin but you obviously need a wardrobe update.” Cheryl said. “No thanks C I’m good.” I said. “Well I heard something about you from a certain guy.” Cheryl said. “Good or bad?” I asked. “Depends I heard that Reggie Mantle wants to ask you out.” Cheryl said. “Last year he wouldn’t even look at me. What’s changed his mind?” I asked. “Oh dear cousin just look at you. What guy wouldn’t want you.” Cheryl said. “Well maybe a guy who isn’t obviously wanting one thing.” I said. “Oh trust me he wouldn’t I already made sure of that.” Cheryl said. “So Reggie actually likes me?” I asked. Cheryl smiled at me and nodded.  “I better nodded regret this.” I said. “That’s my girl.” Cheryl said and drove off to the school. Once we got there of course Cheryl minions were waiting. “I’ll see you inside C.” I said. Cheryl nodded. I grabbed my backpack and with inside the school and went to my locker.
To only find Reggie standing there. “Hey Reggie.” I said walking up to him. “Hey Kelsee. I’m sure Cheryl told you.” Reggie said. “She did and my answer is yes.” I said. “Wait really?” Reggie asked. “Yes but you better not make me regret this.” I said. Reggie quickly put his leatherman jacket around me. So I guess it’s official now I’m Reggie girlfriend. "I'm going to go say hi to betty." I said. Reggie nodded and kissed my cheek. I walked away from reggie and went to go find betty. She was showing a new girl around. I soon found her with a girl with black hair. "Hey betty." I said as I walked up to the two. "Oh hey kelsee. Nice jacket." Betty said. "Thanks." I said. "Kelsee this is Veronica Lodge. Veronica Lodge this is Kelsee Blossom." Betty said. "Nice to meet you. Reggie huh? Who's that?" Veronica asked which caused betty to look at me. "Reggie as in reggie Mantle?" Betty asked. "Yes Reggie Mantle. We're dating now." I said. "Who's Reggie Mantle?" Veronica asked. "He's a football player." I said. "You go girl." Veronica said. "Let's continue. Riverdale High school firt opened its doors in 1941 and." Betty said before Veronica interrupted. "And hasn't been redecorated since apparently. Honestly I feel like I'm wandering through the lost epilogue of Our Town." Veronica said. "Uh-huh." Betty said as both of Veronica and I both giggled. "So what's the social scene like here? Any night clubs?" Veronica asked. "A strip club called the Ho Zone and a tragic gay bar called Innuendo. Friday nights football games and then tailgates parties at the Mallmart parking lot. Saturday nights movie night regardless of what's playing at the Bijou and you better get there early because we don't have reserved seating in riverdale. And sunday nights thank God for HBO" Kevin said as he came up behind us than putting his arms around betty and I. "Veronica Lodge Kevin Keller. Veronica's new here. Kevin is" Betty said before again Veronica interrupted her. "Gay thank god. Let's be best friend." Veronica said shaking kevin's hand. "Is it true what they say about your dad?" Kevin asked. Which made me and betty to look at him. "That he's the devil incarnate? I stand by my father. Does everyone here know?" Veronica asked. Betty amd kevin gave her this look. "Wonderful ten minutes in and I'm already the blue jasmine of riverdale high." Veronica said walking away. Betty glared at kevin before following her. "What?" Kevin asked as he watch betty leave. "Way to make the new girl feel weird there Kevin." I said. "Where did you get that jacket and why does it say reggie on it?" Kevin asked. "Yeah about that." I said. "Oh my god you're dating Reggie Mantle. He's so hot honestly how did you land a guy like him?" Kevin asked. "Meaning?" I asked. "I didn't mean it like that. I mean last year he wouldn’t even look at you. Now you're dating him." Kevin said. "I know. But could you not say anything right now even though it would be all over the school before the end of the day?" I asked him. "You're secret is safe with me." Kevin said. With that the bell rang. "See you later kevin." I said walking away to my first class which ironically I had with reggie.
There was a seat right beside him open. Which I'm guessing he made sure stay open for me.  "Saved you a seat." Reggie said. I smiled at him. "Thanks." I said taking the seat. Class started andd it was pretty much the usally first day stuff after saying what we wpuld be doing the school year we were allowed to have free time. I got up and went over to reggie's desk and sat on top of it which caused reggie to wrap his arms around my waist. Then I could here the whispers start. I knew what they were talking about. "Let them talk." Reggie said to me. I just smiled and put my hands in his hair. "So are you still going to be a vixien?" Reggie asked. "Of course I am." I said. "You think the dance will still be happening?" Reggie asked. "Honestly I don't know." I said. "I should be asking how you've been?" Reggie asked. "I've been surviving. I mean I am the black sheep of the Blossom family. Only Jason and Cheryl has cared about me." I said.  "What about your friends I'm sure they care about you." Reggie said. "Not the way Jason and Cheryl does." I said. Then were called out for the assembly about Jason. "You ready?" Reggie asked. "No." I said shaking my head which made hair fall in my face. "If you want to leave anytime we will." Reggie said brushing the hair out of my face than lifting me off of the desk and setting me to my feet than grabbing my hand. I gave him a small and as we started walking to the gym hand in hand. Once we got into the gym reggie found moose and Archie. "Woah.!" Moose said as reggie and I sat down beside him.  "Woah what dude?" Reggie asked. "When did you two become a thing?" Archie asked. "This morning." I said. Archie gave me this look which I meant he wanted to talk later. I felt reggie arms go around my waist and I saw Cheryl walk up to the podium. I took a deep breath. Here we go.
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dr-habit-b · 4 years
Pesky pups and pretty ladies
No application, no warning, heck, not even an email! Kamal was already working on two other applications from the other night, and before he knew what was even happening, from the corner of his vision through the window he saw some Habititans gathering around the entrance to the ‘carnival’ area. 
He didn’t think much of it at first, maybe the kids were trying to mess with Ronbo, he was the clown after all, but when he poked his head around the office’s big, clunky computer he saw-
He bolted up from his chair and ran out to the balcony, gripping the railing as he leaned forward, squinting to see what was happening. In the middle of a few of the residents was definitely a new person, no doubt. Ohh god oh GOD what the heck? They definitely weren’t expecting anyone today, who..??? Geez, aw geez.
“Haaaaaabit! We got a! Thing!!!!” He called out from the balcony, his voice creaking with anxiety. He didn’t want to deal with this today!...
Kamal was staring down into the carnival area, rubbing his temples as Habit came up behind him, peering around to see his assistant’s face.
“Kamal? Whate’s the matter?”
He watched with curiosity and confusion as his assistant just gestured frustratingly down to the carnival, following his gaze. Oh! There was a little group down there, now what were they doing?
“Eye.. do’nt understand, whate is happening?”
He frowns a little bit as Kamal drags his hands down his face with a big sigh, looking up at him. The anxiety and worry was very apparent on his face... his hand twitches a little, wanting to hold his face, but he doesn’t.
“I dunno if you can see or not, but uh. The Habititans? Are? Around a. Uh. A kid. New kid. Like, ah, no application or anything I didn’t recognize them Habit oh my god what are we gonna do?!”
Kamal starts running his fingers through his hair and curling it around his fingers as he starts rocking on his heels a little. If this kid just showed up, without parents, or, hell, even with parents but no application, ohhh they’re gonna get in so much trouble.
He jumps a bit feeling big hands on his shoulders, looking up at Habit. 
“Kamal. It iz o.k. We wille figure thise out! Let us go ande greete theme!”
Kamal forces a little bit of a smile, taking a deep breath as he pats Habit’s arms, shaking his head as those big hands remove from his shoulders.
“Y.. yeah, yeah. Okay. That’s probably for the best anyways, uh, lets! Lets just go, yeah?”
Habit gives him a smile, just barely showing his teeth, and pats Kamal on the back as the two of them head down the elevator. They don’t say much, but Kamal can feel Habit staring down at him as he nervously fidgets and messes with his hair. He’s still really worried, but! But it’ll be fine, right? Right. They wont get sued, I mean, its not like Parsley is hanging out in the carnival. Its not like he’ll see this kid, coming in unannounced and unplanned, and think to sue them. Haha, right? Right?? That wont happen.’
Kamal doesn’t notice the elevator ding and open up at first, not till Habit pats his back and coaxes him out. Geez, okay, he needs to just. Breathe and take a moment to get out of his own head.
He takes their long walk down the long hallway to the boiler room to do just that, holding his hands together in front of them and staring down at them. He feels a hand on his back, Habit making sure to guide him and keep him walking. Its appreciated, to say the least.
By the time they exit that big door in the back of the boiler room, Kamal is at least calm enough to not be almost pulling out his own hair.
“Are u o.k?”
He didn’t jump at least, but as Kamal looked up at his boss, he took a moment to take in the worried expression on his face. They both stopped, just a few feet shy away from the door, just staring at each other. Kamal let out a weary sigh before finally answering.
“I.. I’m worried! A lot, but... but it’ll be fine, right? We’ll... figure it out... probably.”
A smile creeped up on Habit’s face and he nodded, giving Kamal’s head a little pat pat.
“Yese it will! Do note worri, if it go-es bad, eye will handl it. Thise is mine Habitat, after all.”
Kamal manages a smile back for him, but. His words both comfort and continue to worry him. But they weren’t going to figure out just standing here, so he decides to lead the way this time, with Habit following just a touch behind him.
The gathered Habitians had moved from the carnival gates into the middle of the courtyard, it looked like... Ronbo, Mirphy, Tiff and Jimothan were gathered by the new kid, talking amongst themselves and looking rightfully worried. They all turned their heads hearing Kamal and Habit approach, which made Kamal feel incredibly small.
Thankfully Habit took charge and stepped in front of Kamal, smiling with open arms.
“Hell-o evry-one!! I hear thate we have a new visitor two-day!” He clasps his hands together, gazing down at the awkward-looking teen in the middle of the adults. “Amd who mite you be, younge man?”
The boy just stared at him for a moment, probably taking in the height difference, before shaking his head and grinning wide with teeth covered in braces. He was a nerdy looking kid, to say the least, dressed up far too warm for this summer heat. But, Habit supposed he used to dress in a very similar way in his teen years...
“O-oh! Uh!” Wait, he clears his throat a bit, trying to keep his voice from so obviously cracking. “I’m Trevor Garbo! And I heard from a...” He gets all shifty eyed for a moment, before looking back to Habit with squinty eyes. “Reliable source, that you guys might have a Vampire lurking around here!! I had to come see for myself!”
Habit just blinked down at the kid, and he could feel how dumbfounded his expression looked. He glanced over to the adults around Trevor, who all seemed just as exasperated and confused. O-key... um. Hmm..
“Weel! I amn not knowing about thise, but... ah.. Trevor, did you come here... a-lone?”
He didn’t turn around, but he could feel Kamal behind him grabbing nervously at his coat. He could practically feel him begging for the answer to be no. And, well, Habit was hoping for that too of course. But if this kid did come here alone....
“..Oh, nah! Uh, actually. My mom dropped me off.”
Relief. Kamal practically melted into a puddle, and Habit felt a little weight off his shoulders too. Although...
“Dide she? Ah, iz.. she stille aroumd?”
The blank stare Trevor gives him does Not inspire confidence.
“Uhhh, nah? Nah, she left, for like. Work stuff I dunno. She heard me talking about this place and thought it’d be a nice place to drop me off while she did work stuff. Uh, that’s like. Okay, right? I mean, this is already way better than being alone at the house for weeks!”
....Oh god he’s sweating. What the heck? Okay. O-key, o.k, umm...
“Did... yew happ-en two fill out a app-licaton? Ate all?”
He’s trying not to seem too nervous, but he gets the feeling Trevor can tell anyways.
“Uh, nah. Was I.. ‘sposed to?”
A. Perfect.
Before he could even think of what to say next he felt movement behind him, and when he turned to look he saw his assistant hurriedly making his way to the carnival.
“Ah- Kamal! Waite!”
He started to follow only to stop, looking back at Trevor, who was starting to look just as worried as the adults. No, no that wont do. He squats so he’s not looking down at the kid, giving him a big, closed smile.
“Oh, do note worri, маленький, you hav no-thimg two be a-fraide of. We wille handle every-thing! Juste be nice two the others, o.k?”
When Trevor relaxes Habit stands tall again and gives him a pat on the head before turning quick and rushing after Kamal. He catches up with a few strides of his long legs and grabs him by the arm, stopping him for going further.
“Kamal. Pleaze, re-lax. Whate are you ev-en planning?”
His grip isn’t tight by any means, and he still feels badly about it, but he doesn’t let go. He can take a pretty good guess at what Kamal is wanting to do, but.. He doesn’t need to see his face to see how stressed out and worried he is about this situation, he can feel it in how Kamal trembles.
“If... if I can just. Just talk t-to, to Parsley, and.. and explain! What. Just happened! I’m.. I can fix this, and.. and get a handle on, on the situation, before... before it gets worse, so.. s-so let me go, doc, I can.. I got this.”
“No, Kamal, you do note.”
Habit jumps slightly, hearing Kamal raise his voice like that, but he does his best not to waiver.
“Be-cauze you are verry stressed, rite now.” He feels Kamal start to tug his arm, just a little, and he reaches over to turn his assistance’s face to him. Once they’re looking at one another, Habit tries to give him a little smile.
“Liek I said, it iz o-key. Lemt me talk to Parslm. Parsm... Parsley.” He scrunches his face a little. Why did he have such a hard time with that name... regardless.
“Yew should staye and talke two Trevor a bit! Eye will handl the issue. Be-sides, we have an-other guest a-riving soon! U need to be calme so you can greete her, yes?”
Kamal’s intense gaze is able to make even Habit a little nervous, despite the disparity in their height, but he relaxes when he sees the other let out a tired sigh.
“I... okay, okay. Yer right I’m. Super messed up about this right now... I just... dont want you to get in trouble for this, y’know? You.. yer a good guy and this place is like, your dream! Sow hat.. what if...”
He gets cut off as Habit pats his head with a little laugh, blinking up at him in confusion.
“Welle! Thate is for me to worri about, note you. Go see Trevor, waite for our new Habitians, I will talk with Pars. O-key?”
Kamal just stares up at him for a second before letting out a little laugh, some of the tension ebbing away. He nods, patting hand still holding onto his arm till Habit lets go.
“Y.. yeah, ‘o-key,’ I’ll do that. Just uh... if! If you need me, I’ll, uh. Be.. not that far away, I guess, hehh...”
His face flushes a little as he starts to walk back towards the courtyard, but he tries to shake it off. That was a dumb thing to say...
Habit watches him go with a smile before sighing himself, looking over to where Parsley was hanging out. He was sitting by that little tire fire.. wonder why he liked that area so much. But, well, not the time for that. He makes his way over, giving Parsley a wave when he notices him coming. Parsley doesn’t get up or anything, just stays sitting and hugging his suitcase. That’s fine, Habit will walk right over and squat beside him.
“...So, uh. Whats up, Mr. Habit? You and your assistant get into a ‘lovers quarrel’ or something? Haha.”
Habit shoots him a frown, and Parsley gives him an apologetic smile.
“Eye dont knowe if you saw, but... we got a new Habititian, a bite ago.”
“Oh? Sounds uh, fun. Why... are you telling me, exactly?” He cant help but frown a little at the nervous expression on this big man. Doesn’t sit well in his stomach.
“Weell.... He is younge, amd.. he tolde us thate, ah... his momther, juste dropped him off and left. We were work-ing on two applications a bit a-go, but.. they were note his. She didmt e-maile or anything, we have noo paper-worke for him.” His gaze drifts away from Parsley as he talks, and he rubs the back of his neck with one of his hands.
“Kamal is verri up-set. Worried thate eye will get in-two trouble for thise.. we were ho-ping yew could help us? You’re are a lawyer boy, amd may-b you could help make an application for him?”
He finally glances back over at Parsley, only to wince a little at the look of disbelief on his face.
“Ah... do you note truste me? We can go-”
“Oh, no no, you’re fine. I cant believe the nerve of that kid’s Mom!” He groans, and rests his forehead against his suitcase, grumbling to himself. Something or other about child negligence, and custody cases..
“Okay, OK, yeah. Okay. Dont worry, uh, doc, I got y’alls back. I aint no evil lawyer or anything, heh... Whats the kid’s name again?”
“Ah, I thimk he said... Trevor! Trevor... Garbo?”
Parsley hums a little bit, thinking for a moment as he drums his fingers against his suitcase.
“Hmm, Garbo, Garbo... Man, I think my firm dealt with a divorce with that name. All the applications are the same, right? I’m sure I can call someone, and get a hold of his information pretty easy.... Oh, uh, y’know. If thats all good with you and- uh...”
He looks up at Habit, whose looking right back at him with big teary eyes. Before he knows whats even happening he’ lifted up like a Child and hugged by this big crying green doctor, and. Well. Sure, why the heck not. It only lasts but a moment and when Parsley is put down Habit apologizes while wiping his eyes with his sleeve.
“Aw, uh, no worries. No harm. I’ll, uh! Get to you, when I get the information and stuff, kay? I’d uh, do it now, but...” He glances over to the other side of the carnival, past the gates where the small group of adults and Trevor were still located.
Jimmothan was one of them...
“Ah, do note worri a-bout it. Eye understand.” Habit gives Parsley a pat on the back as he gets up, giving him a smile.
“You juste re-lax, amd I will come check-in later. I wille go see how Trevor is doing.”
They wave at each other before Habit starts heading back over to the courtyard, feeling lighter and more relieved. That went. MUCH much better than anticipated! Thank goodness. Though.. one of Parsley’s comments did plant a pit of worry in his stomach, but. Well. Nothing he could do about it, Parsley was the lawyer, not him.
If Kamal wasnt so stressed out right now, he’d be very entertained by how Trevor just kept going on and ON about vampires. It was impressive, actually, even if he had no idea what the heck he was even on about. But as it stood he was passively listening to keep the kid happy, all while his worries covered him like a heavy, heavy blanket. He keeps glancing over to the big front doors of the Habitat, keeps listening for a knock or the sound of a bus or something. It feels like time is going agonizingly slow.
“...your name again?”
“Huh?” Oh, shit, he stopped listening. He looked back to Trevor, giving him a nervous smile.
“Uhh, sorry pal, didn’t catch that. Whats up?” 
“What’s your name again? And, uh, the tall guy?”
Good, good, just a question. He lets out a sigh and tries to relax again.
“My name’s Kamal, and that big lug you saw was Habit. He’s my boss, and the guy who runs this place. He, uh... I mean, we’ll need you to fill out an application, later, since. Since yer mom kinda just... y’know.”
“Ohh.. I uh, yeah thats! Fair, probably, sorry about that.”
“Nah, kid, dont even worry about it. Not your fault. Is, uh.. the only reason you came cause of the. Vampire thing?....” Where did he even hear that? Far as he’s aware none of these other folk are really internet people. “You know this is a place for like. Sad people, right?”
“Really? Well, honestly, I wasn’t sure. I mean, I did look at the website, but...”
Trevor shrugs, and Kamal gives him another nervous grin. Maybe he should look at that website... Habit put it together when they were first getting things running, he cant actually remember whether or not he checked it before hand. Maybe he should... go and make some edits. Or at least add some information. Or just look at it- whatever that was for later.
His attention went back to the front doors, while Trevor went back to talking about vampires to the other few adults around, who were listening to him with confused but endeared expressions. He was a little weird, but hey, whatever makes this kid happy right? After he was just dumped off by his mom, it was the least they could do.
Kamal found himself just staring at those doors, everything else out of his focus falling away. He started sort of bouncing one of his legs anxiously, starting to fiddle with his hair with one of his free hands. He was so out of it that he let out a very undignified squawk when he felt something touch him, turning around only to be met by his tall boss. They stared at each other before laughing a bit, Kamal giving an embarrassed apology before straightening.
“S.. so, uh, how’d it go with-” Ah. He glances over at Jimothan, who was talking with Trevor, before looking back to Habit.
“How’d it go?”
“Goode! Eye thimk it went good. He said he would help! Help two get Trevor’s in-for-mation, for an application. He is, thamkfully, on oure side withe this. There is no-thimg to worri a-bout, Kamal.”
He holds his arms out a little, an offered hug, and Kamal is quick to take it. God he was so relieved he could melt into a puddle right then and there.
But there was still more to do. They all chat for a fit, and the others disperse as Kamal leads Trevor up into the apartment area, practically hugging the wall all the way up while Habit followed behind with Trevor’s bit of luggage.
With the weight of all that legal stress off his shoulders, Kamal was a lot more lively. That was good, Habit liked to see that. Seeing his assistant so consumed by stress and anxiety.. really hurt, but he knew the feeling.
Once Trevor was shown his room, he was eager to have everything set up and decorated just how he wanted, so they left him to it. Still had to wait for the new Habititans to show up... hopefully nothing happened, but those worries were ditched quickly as they got to the bottom of the stairwell.
“Ohhhh heyyyyyyyy!” A woman in a green dress and frizzy looking hair waved over to them, accompanied by a.. well, to put it bluntly, another very sad looking woman with long teal hair.
Kamal let out a breath of relief seeing them and straightened, putting on a big smile as he and Habit approached the two.
“Hello! And, welcome to the Habitat! We’re very pleased to have you both, you didn’t have any trouble getting here did you?”
“Ohh not at all! Hahaha, wowww, you’re soo sweet! I met Lulia here the the busss stop and we chatted so much we forgot the bus! Soooo we had to wait for the next one, but itssss okay, no worries.” 
She ruffles Kamal’s hair, which gets a nervous laugh out of him. Was.. was this woman. Drunk? She, uh, she was sure acting like it. Well its a good thing she said they took the bus cause Kamal wasn’t sure how he’d feel if she drove here.
“Okay! Okay, thats... thats good to hear, at least.” At least, he thinks so. “You’re.. Jerafina, right? And I suppose the other woman is Lulia?”
“Ding diiiiiing! Hahaha, I alllllmost forgot you knew my name, I was totally shocked at first.” She turns to look at the other woman standing behind her. “Yooour name is Lulia??? Thats sooooo pretty!!”
Lulia just sighs, brushing some hair behind one of her ears. It looks like she’s blushing, but Kamal cant tell what exactly from. She really did look sad, and, well... her application had him figure as much, really. She was probably the worst case here right now, and honestly, it... made him nervous! What a shocker, but really. She would have to be someone they keep an eye on, for sure...
While he was lost in his thoughts Habit approached them, giving them a friendly smile and offering his hand for handshakes. Jerafina took it and shook maybe a little too eagerly, while Luila just turned her face away from the offer. She didn’t seem like one to talk, even though Jerafina mentioned them having a conversation... though, maybe Jerafina was just talking at her. Who knows.
“Weel! You two muste be tired, yess?? Let us go two you’re rooms! I cam carry your thimgs!” Habit beamed as they both gave him their respective suitcases, and he thought it was cute how each one matched its owner so perfectly. He glanced down at Kamal, who was looking at the stairs rather nervously, and nudged him with his elbow.
“Do note worry, eye can han-dle theme from hear. Yew go back two the office o-key?” He doesn’t give Kamal the chance to answer, actually, and turns a heel and walks towards the stairs with the two women following suit.
Kamal watches them go, hand partially raised like he was going to say something, but after a second he drops it and makes his own way back to the office. Come on, its okay, everything worked out fine. Nothing to stress about.
Jerafina continued to chat up Lulia the whole way up the stairs and to the apartment rooms, up until she was shown her own room and given her suitcase. She pouted and whined about leaving Lulia behind, but eventually left to her own devices after a moment. Habit was thankful when she did, letting out a little sigh. She definitely reeked of alcohol. Well! Good thing they the lounge, and Jimothan.
His walk with Lulia was significantly quieter, and Habit all too quickly missed Jerafina’s mindless chatter. He never knew what to say to people who didn’t want to talk, so... they didn’t. Lulia didn’t seem to mind at least. When they reached her room Habit set down her luggage and looked over to her, offering a little smile.
“Do note worry, miss Lulia. Yew can take as much tiem here as you neede. If there is any-thinge you neede, let me knowe.” His smile strains a little bit as she nods and continues to stay quiet, watching her step into her room. He lets out a quiet sigh through his nose. Well... he cant blame her. These sorts of things arent easy for everyone. Admitting you’re in a bad place, and need some kind of help..
“...You are a-mong friends, here. We are alll deal-img withe pro-blems. Big! Or small. Do note be a-fraid two talke to some-one. O-key?” He stares at the back of her head for a long time before smiling a little when she finally nods. He wishes her a good rest of the day and makes his way back down the stairs, and towards the boilers.
He hopes Kamal is okay. Today piled a lot of unexpected stress onto him, and Habit knew just how anxious he got about things... Well! No matter, he would make sure things ran smooth as they can go. Tomorrow he’ll check in with Parsley, and get to work on all of Trevor’s papers. Maybe see if... Parsley can get a hold of his mom. Or... something. Anything. That whole situation didn’t sit right with him..
When he reached the elevator he hit the up button and waited patiently for the ding, listening to the hum of the machine as it whirred to life. He was still lost in thought, but didn’t miss the quiet sound under the mechanical hum. He lifted his head a bit to listen more intently, looking around the empty room.
Empty? No, that wasnt right. His eyes widened a bit as his gaze landed on one of the corners of the room, where he spotted a small form, pressed against that corner and looking very small. His expression fell and his chest tightened painfully.
“Oh, лилия....” The words slipped out, just barely audible, and Habit turned to make his way over to that small form as the elevator dinged and opened behind him. He stopped just shy of the other, and slowly sat down on his knees in front of him.
Kamal was sat so tucked into that corner and into himself that he looked so, so much smaller than normal. Habit could see the way he trembled, even in the dim room, and could see the uneven rising and falling of his breathing, despite him being utterly silent. He reached out to him, only to stop just shy of touching his head. He hesitated for a long while, thinking over what to do.
“Is touche o-kay?”
For a while, Kamal didn’t give him a response, verbal or otherwise, but he eventually nodded. Habit breathed a sigh of relief and started to gently stroke the top of his head, lightly dragging his finger tips through his hair.
“I ame... so sorry, Kamal... I should note hav left you a-lone.” Especially when the way up to the office was so... dark and spooky. He should really try getting some lights down here sometime, he thinks, but- no no. That wasn’t important right now.
What was important was the fact that he let his assistant, his friend, get so anxious like this. He’s sure he could have done... something better along the way.
He continues to comb through Kamal’s wavy hair with his fingers, not sure what to say next. Not sure what would or wouldn’t make it worse.. but he knew being down here wasn’t going to make it any better, thats for sure.
Gently he started to coax Kamal into uncurling.
“Here, lemt me carry you two you’re room. Yew wille be more comfy there.”
Eventually Kamal let Habit pick him up, but he hid his face in his hands the whole time. That made Habit giggle a bit, which seemed to relax Kamal a little. Good! That was... a little progress, at least. He carried him up and into the elevator, pushing the up button. Kamal, being his assistant, shared a room right across from Habit’s. Easy to get to and from the office quickly.
As the elevator came to a slow stop and dinged, the doors sliding open, Kamal finally found his voice as Habit stepped out.
“Imm.. ss-sorry...” His voice was quiet and cracked easily, giving away his crying. It really tore up Habit from the inside out, hearing him like that.
“Kamal no no, you do’nt haf two be sorre for an-y thimg....” He nudged Kamal’s door open as he reached it, thankful it wasnt closed all the way, and went to go sit on the bed. Still holding him close.
“Bu.. but I. I-I didnt... ee-even help!.. I was,, ss-so useless...” And that was it, wasn’t it. He tried so hard all the time, he worked so hard, all the time. Did everything his parents wanted him to, studied and made perfect grades even at the expense of his well being, got into a good college, then went to a good dentistry school, kept studying hard and making perfect grades-
But god, god, life throws one unexpected thing at him and he totally falls apart. Just one! And it wasnt even that bad! So- why??
He flinches a little bit as his hands are pulled from his face, and he stares, teary-eyed up at his boss, who looks back down at him with worry and pain.
“You are Not use-less. Kamal.” Habit closes his eyes for a second to take a breath, and when he opens them again, his gaze is much softer.
“Yew are wonderful. So.. smarte, and hard-workeing, all the time! Even whene you do’mt haf to be. You check and re-cheke ev-ery-thing so thate you are sure it is all in-order! Thate everything is o-key! Yew hav re-membered manee little de-tales I do not, and have fixed mine mistakes thate I missed. Ande yew care a-bout the Habititans as much as I do.” He gives Kamal a warm smile, gently wiping a few tears away with his thumb.
“Far from use-less, in mine o-pinion.”
Kamal cant help his face flushing as Habit speaks, glancing away when he starts touching his face. It does bring a little smile to his face, and he cant help but.. laugh? Just a little bit.
“Y... yer.. such a sofie, y.. y’know that?” He doesn’t look back up at Habit, but he does put a hand over top the one still touching his face, as if to say ‘keep it there.’
Habit just stares down at Kamal with a little smile on his face, staying quiet for a bit before letting out a little laugh of his own.
“Hah, may-b! Thate is a good thing, no?”
Its only now that Kamal finally looks up at Habit, giving him a small smile of his own.
“Yeah... yeah I, I think so.”
They stay like that for a long while. Habit moves so that his back can lean back against the wall, and Kamal stays in his arms. He feels like this should be... way more weird, I mean, he was. Being held by his boss? After having a mini breakdown. In his own room??? On his bed??? But... it was just. Nice.
They talked about nothing in particular for what felt like hours, till Kamal stopped getting answers back. He glanced up, only to see that Habit was starting to doze off. He felt his face flush again along with this warm, but also nauseous feeling in his chest. At first he thought he might be about to have a panic attack, but this feeling still felt more.. pleasant than anything, pleasant and nervous.
...Wait a second.
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Weird things Me and Dad said while talking about RWBY:
Dad: Here's my theory.
Me: Take two.
Dad: Ruby. Silver eyes. Summer realizes this and goes to Ozpin. Ozpin tells Summer about Jinn.
Me: So Summer and Raven join forces?
Dad: Not unlikely. Raven would want something in return tho.
Me: Raven is like "Ya ok but what do I get out of this" and Summer goes "You'll get answers." And Raven says "Sounds sus but ok."
Dad: Ya. So they go to Mistral, open the vault, ask Jinn about why Silver eyes are being hunted, and get their answer.
Me: Raven just nopes out of there like "I ain't ever going back" while Summer goes "Welp. Time to get myself killed."
Dad: Ya, probably. Raven leaves and Summer tries to Kamahamaha Salem with her silver eyes but dies trying.
Dad: Winter is going to kill Ironwood. Sword right through the throat.
Dad: Teah brought something up earlier-
Me: Was it the taco thing?
Mom: Taco thing?
Dad: It was not the taco thing.
Me: Oscar uses the staff and says "Spooky Spooky give us back the husband" to bring back Ozma. "Please help we have your wife and we don't know what to do with her we are sorry."
Dad: If anyone hurts a hair on Penny's head I will kill everyone and them myself.
Dad: Kill off Qrow. And Robynn. Just for the shock value.
Me: Do it infront of the kids, cause they see him as a father figure.
Dad: Yes. Do it at the end. Right after Salem is purged of her Grimm self by the silver eyes-
Me: -if the group is smart enough to figure that out-
Dad: -and have it happen unexpectedly.
Me: Do it right at the end of the volume. Have everyone's shocked faces and then cut off the season. Have Raven and Tai and Zwei portal in to and watch Qrow die. The Happy Huntresses are there for Robynn.
Mom: No! Dont kill off Qrow.
Me: Or wait for Qrow to die. Do it after Vacuo when he's adopted CFVY and the Beacon students there.
Dad: No, because, as much as I love Qrow, he's had his arc now its death time. Just have the fandom cannibalize itself.
Dad: Ozpin is hiding much more then we know. He knows too much.
Me: Is that part of the reason why he lied about the no more lies amd halftruths things? Because he knew Yang and everyone else was keeping lies and telling half truths?
Dad: Yes!
Me: Listen, Robynn has fingerless gloves. Who else has fingerless gloves? Coco and Yang. What do Yang and Coco have in common? Theyre both lesbians. Therefore, Robynn is Lesbian.
Mom: I still headcanon they are both bi.
Me: Robynn litteraly runs an army of women, Mom.
Dad: Alright, I'm not gonna interfere with your shipper logic.
Dad: I headcanon Hot Chocolate was invented during the Great War and the King of Vale tried it and was all like "This is good. I'm gonna drink it for the rest of my life." And when he was put into Ozpin Ozpin was "I have the sudden urge for Hot Chocolate."
Me: Poor Oscar.
Me: I still like your theory that Oscar has a mimicry semblance.
Dad: If they don't unlock Oscar's semblance as the ability to act as someone else and no one says "Give this man an award" I will riot.
Dad: Oz is going to have his ideal happy ending, right? What does he want most in the world? Death.
Me: Ooh, fun.
Me: I never understood why heroes do the motivational speech. Like, if someone went up to me and said "Hey wanna fight an evil organization and stop the end of the world for the good of humanity" I would be like "No thanks." But if someone came up to me and said "Wanna go fight a guy?" I would immediatly say yes.
Dad: See, that's the same thing. You just worded it differently. You got to appeal to your audience. In any case, Ruby isnt going to be able to unite humanity against Salem. Salem, however, could do something so bad that humanity turns agaisnt her without leadership. Because when someone gives a motivational speech there is always that one person that goes "BuT wHaT iF-" or when the fight begins someone says "wElL aCtUaLlY-" like no shut up.
Dad: Salem is going to be taken care of this season, and Cinder will go in Volume 9. The bad guy if Volume 10, in Vale, with be the Brothers.
Me: Figures.
Me: The staff of creation just summons a bunch of ghosts in suits discussing how to take down Salem.
Dad: a staff meeting, ha!
Me: Like Summer and Pyrrha are there in suits-
Dad: And all of the Oz incarnations. Just like "you got them in your head to?" "Yep." "Same."
Me: Do you think after they free Salem of her Grimm self she'll join the gang?
Dad: No-
Me: That's sad.
Me: *trying to explain the Oz timeline and where the Infinite Man fits in*
Dad: *nodding in obvious confusion*
Dad: Did Ozma 2.0 and Salem have a son?
Me: Diggs and Salem had four daughters. One for each season. Spring, Winter, Summer, Fall. Color coordinated and everything.
Dad: They arent going to have a happily ever after. What's going to happen is the brothers are going to view humanity as a disaster. With 3 out of 4 of the nations being in ruin, they won't see humanity as being united even if everyone worked together to defeat the final boss. So they are going to let Oz and Salem die and then send RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, ect. back to before Salem went batshit crazy-
Me: The first time or Atlas?
Dad: The first time. So they are going to stop Salem from jumping into craziness. Get it, because she jumped into the pools-
Me: I get it.
Dad: It wont be a HAPPY happy ending but there is no saving Remnant. It was a punishment anyways and Salem already won.
Me: Why cant they just put Atlas on top of the Pools of Grimm?
Dad: Because then Salem will have a giant flying castle.
Me: She already has a castle. And she has a flying whale Grimm. Just put the castle on top of the whale and BOOM! Flying castle.
Dad: I still think Jaune's sword is the Sword of Destruction. Nothing in this show happens without purpose.
Me: No, everything has a purpose, just some things get forgotten and/or ignored.
Me: The group is going to be those parents that when their kid says they don't want to do homework go "When I was your age-"
Dad: Like "When I was your age I stopped an evil monster!"
Me: "I killed my Collage Professor's evil ex wife!" Nora is going to be telling her and Ren's kids the battle of Atlas. "We were alone facimg against an army of Grimm!"
Dad: Its going to play out as Nora telling the group the Beowulf story with Ren correcting her. "We were hopelessly outnumbered." "We weren't." "Surrounded by an army of Beowulfs." "There were two."
Me: "The middle of the night!" "It was the afternoon."
Dad: Ren just resigns himself to spending his life correcting Nora's story telling.
Me: She's telling her kids stories-
Dad: And Ren is just in the kitchen making tea.
Me: Nora goes "Our teacher's wife invaded mantle with thousands of Grimm! The Jellyfish were invading Mantle!" "They were floating in the sky." "We were farther apart then ever-"
Dad: "We were a block away."
Me: "The General.... Was Ironwooding." The rest of the group comes over with their kids. Nora is screaming about the story and Ruby and Yang join in. Ren and Weiss correcting them.
Dad: Blake is in the corner drinking tea.
Me: She looks up and goes "This is great tea." Meanwhile Ren is still busy correcting Nora.
Dad: "But they didnt know we had a secret weapon... A 20 foot laser eyed robot!" "She was 4' 8""
Me: Oscar comes over one day and says "Remember that one time I was shot off Atlas by James and fell and broke my aura falling down to Mantle." And everyone is like no??? Cause with the way things are going, he's not going to tell them.
Dad: Qrow is just upstairs banging his cane on the ground like "Keep it down I'm trying to sleep!"
Me: I love how we assume Qrow lives with them.
Dad: Of course he does. Where else would he stay?
Me: Tai.
Dad: Qrow is that old nuisance who lives with them.
Me: He's an old bird half the time just chilling on everyone's shoulders. How would the rest of the group be paired up? The only canon ship we got is Renora.
Dad: What Salem did with bringing back Ozma was essentially the 'Go to ask Dad. Dad gave you an answer you did not like. Go to Mom. Mom says yes. Parents start fighting and punish the kid."
Me: If Salem had gone to the younger brother, or in this case, mom, she wouldve gotten what she wanted and there would be a war on the Brother's hands cause the older couldn't punish Salem and could only argue against the younger.
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gtseven7 · 4 years
Seven Princes
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Seven handsome travelling entertainers capture hearts of the crowd by their amazing voices and artisic dancing as they slowly drain their audience's inner soul magic.
I dont really have anything to say aside from thank you for reading this story! Please enjoy!
Mark to simply say is kind. That Jinyoung knows very well and they had just met a few hours ago. His hyung was sleeping soundly on the bed, snoring a bit. The other boy's silence was comforting to Jinyoung at least. The doctor who treated Jaebum said that he'll be fine. A much needed rest and good food when he wakes up and he'll be good to go. The guilt surged when he remembered eating the bowl of soup for himself. He's angry at himself. Jaebum took care of him and this is how he repays him? What an ungrateful person he is. He should've just died in their town. He's a burden. He- "Hey. Stop beating yourself. It wasn't like you wanted this to happen right?" Mark is kind except he's still a stranger. But it doesn't mean he doesn't get comforted by the hand that rubbed his back warmly. "Of course not."
"See? Don't think bad of yourself. Let's just be glad he's fine."
Jinyoung only nodded, wanting to believe his words. Looking at the window, he noticed that the sun was setting. It was beautiful. The yellow and orange hues, like a painting in the sky. Then he remembered, Mark had been with him since morning. "Ah! It's getting late, your family must be looking for you. You should head back." When he said the word family, both recoiled a bit. Him recalling his lost parents and sisters. As for Mark, he smiled ruefully. His eyes were sad as he avoided Jinyoung's gaze, only looking at the sun slowly setting. Its dimming light illuminates his auburn hair.
"I don't have a family to come back to."
Mark is kind. He's also an orphan. Just like how Jinyoung and Jaebum are now.
"I never knew my family. The earliest memory I have is me in a cold cell. I was probably five back then? The guards said my parents sold me in a black market in Goasa."
The young one felt his heart ache for the other. That was cruel. Having literally no memories of your parents? Growing up in a harsh place. Jinyoung couldn't imagine what Mark had experienced. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."
"It's okay. You didn't know."
Goasa is a prominent place for underground businesses. Illegal activities are done there, dark magic were also sold, that's what Jinyoung knew. Mark stayed in that same cell for five more years. He sees people walking by, sometimes they toss him coins. The guards give him bread three times a day; one in the morning, in the afternoon amd at night. When a riot took over the biggest market in Goasa, Mark had the chance to escape. He fled the place and had wandered around for a few months until he came to Enre. There he worked as a helper in the restaurant by accident. He still have no family, the owner of the restaurant was a bit heartless and doesn't pay him much even if he worked his bone tge whole day. But that's okay, said Mark solemnly. "At least I have somewhere I kind of belong to."
It was then when he saw the two of them walk inside the restaurant he worked at. Shy and unsure. "I saw my old self in you. So I kind of followed you around, intrugued who you two are. Enre doesn't get much visitors, you know. So a new face stands out."
"I...I maybe wanted to get to know the two of you. Get some real friends?"
The two young lads were too absorbed talking that they did not hear the rustle of sheets when Jaebum sat up on the bed. He was listening as well. Fate can be cruel, but sometimes it can be symphatetic. Hearing Mark's story tugged on Jaebum's heart.
"Want to be friends?" he asked all of a sudden. The two boys jumped when they heard his voice. Mark's face lit up just like the moon up above shines. His face was genuine. "I'd love to."
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ladylillianrose · 4 years
Episode 17 Thoughts
I think Aydan is going to be the one to tell Eda the truth eventually. She wants to tell her so badly!
Serkan honey she deserves the truth and you know it!
Oh Eda you are such a fibber. The fact that you know you need to dig is only going to make you more determined to get to the bottom of it!
I love Engin! Hes still pulling for EdSer regardless. He knows things will work out in the end.
Oooo both Eda and Serkan beating out all their frustrations.
Of course you're feeling sick Eda, you're working out a ton, you're pissed off a.d probably dehydrated.
Grrrr Efe, still don't trust you at all. Even if you are working for Eda's grandma you're still shady as hell 😡😡😡
Having hoped i was pregnant several times (i wasn't any of them), you can be nauseous and sensitive to smells and other pregnancy symptoms and not be pregnant at all.
Ooo bitchy assistant is not gonna fly with anyone in that office.
Serkan has wanted to scrap that car and buy her a new one since day 1, but Eda would never allow it.
Yaaas sassy Leyla! Put Erdem in his place!
Lmao baby Serkan!! Omg Engin trying so hard not to laugh at his joke.
Engin's face when Eda is suggested to work with Serkan. He's like "I couldn't have planned it better myself."
Lmfao their faces when she said she would be alone with Serkan!
Ha! I knew that she would be pregnant again. Breast feeding doesnt always prevent pregnancies, i know a few people who it happened to and they ended up with 2 under 2!
Using Leyla to spy on Eda tsk tsk Serkan. Although considering her symptoms I can understand why he might have suspicions of pregnancy later on.
Serkan i think you would enjoy Eda beating you up far too much 😈😈
Somehow i imagine the valet is very invested in their relationship and hopes everything turns out okay with them lol
Always worried and taking care of Eda when shes ill 😍😍😍
Ferit and Celin fighting over dog custody, *sigh* just give the dog to Ferit, Selin. You won't have time for it anyway
Lmao his face when the dr asks if she could be pregnant. He's like "No...No...No?" 🤣
Lmfao Serkan, why is the first thing you mention nausea canbe a symptomof Ebola 🤣🤣🤣 This man and his overreacting
I love the mimosa plant! Lmao Eda calling Serkan out, saying he's cowardly and preferring solitude like the plant.
Oooo the husband is pissing me off, and clearly upsetting his wife too.
Serkan you should know by now that telling Eda not to do something is a sure fire way to get her to do exactly that.
Perfect response from Aydan about why she makes video calls 🤣🤣
Eda saying if she didnt want Aydan to call she would say so🥰
Lmao Aydan's face at not only a baby but him being called Little Serkan
Lmao I'm dying at the mischievous look on Eda's face when she suggests that they could take care of Little Serkan. And Serkan's look of "God help me with this crazy woman I'm in love with and can't say no to!"
His face when he overhears them talking! Omg Serkan sweetheart, deep breaths.😂😂😂
The fact that he keeps looking at Eda's stomach has ne dying 🤣🤣🤣
Kerem honest to god has the best facial expressions for everything, i cannot with this man's talent🤣🤣🤣😍😍😍
Lmao looking at the pregnancy test in the trash and just having his brain go 🤯🤯🤯🤣🤣🤣
Aydan immediately going to wild theories of running out and adopting a baby. Sure she couldnt have been pregnant and had a baby because of the timing, but they could just run out amd adopt?🤣🤣🤣 Even with all the Bolat $$ it would still take longer than one day to do an adoption!
Serkan is totally the helicopter husband 🤣🤣🤣
Serkan always has to explain to Engin when he needs him for stuff other than what he is saying lol.🤣🤣🤣
Ooo Engin you need to make it clear that you are off the market!
SIRIUS!!!! He's so cute in his little jacket!😍😍😍 Omg the thought of Serkan putting it on him to keep him warm and dry 😍😍😍
I've missed our sweet boy! And he has missed his Mama!!🥰🥰🥰🥰
Engin's pure joy at being an uncle😍😍😍
And rightly pointing out that Serkan and Eda need to talk!!
He found a house and is moving in!!! Tell me its the doctors house!!
What is Efe plotting now, and why is he telling Selin....🤔🤔🤔
Lmao he is so panicked about little Serkan its adorable🥺🥺🥺
Omg telling little Serkan he's luckier than other Serkan's cause he got to spend all day with Eda🥺🥺🥺🥰😍😍😍
Also side note, that baby shouldnt be sleeping in a hat, blanket and coat! Too many layers and its dangerous to sleep in a hat (can get caught over their nose, mouth or throat) (Sorry I have a degree in child development and I worked with infants for 3 years, so i know a lot about babies!)
Lmao omg telling baby Serkan about architecture and the Roman Empire (the Roman Empire is something i could totally see my husband telling a child about lol)🥰🥰🥰🥰
Serkan saying the baby is a business man like him 🤣🤣
Omg Ayfer and Aydan being so confused about the baby and possible pregnancy lmao🤣🤣🤣
Serkan's face at having to burp the baby🤣🤣🤣
Lmfao Efe that is the best thing you have ever said 🤣🤣🤣
Ooo jealous Serkan is back!🤣🤣🥰🥰
Im so glad that Ayfer and Aydan's talks with Eda and Serkan cleared everything up😂😂😂😂😂
Selin you need to stop being such a bitch to Ceren. And Ceren has every right to stand up for herself and Eda.
Ugh hes so proud of her, and he loves to watch her work and be herself.🥺🥺🥺
These two I swear! Just kiss and make up you are killing me😭😭😭😭😭
The sudden💡 as everything becomes clear to Serkan. 🤣🤣
Eda is going to kill him for his assumptions, and not coming right out and asking her.
And yet despite everything Eda wants to help Aydan.
The poetry 🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭💔
Efe causing trouble of course!!😡😡😡
Omg i love that Eda did the VR visit to London for Aydan❤❤
I would like Ceren and Ferit to end up together but they need to give it some time before they start a relationship.
Lmao Eda and Aydan shushing Serkan during the play🤣🤣
Oooo Efe holding that meeting when Serkan said they didnt need one.
Ceren taking Ferit to get a new dog 🥰🥰🥰
Lmao oh Engin, honey you are just so clueless with women.
Serkan and Ferit teasing Engin 🤣🤣🤣
Efe what the hell did you do to the attic!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
The truth has to come put about Efe, Eda's parents and everything!!!
Omg what if whoever Efe is working for isn't grandma, but instead the person responsible for Eda's parents death? And that wasnt an accudent, but was someone trying to get revenge on Alptekin? Perhaps Kaan's father?
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sleepyxdarling · 5 years
It’s been too long since I requested I’ve been thinking so ryuji is a kindergarten teacher what if the darling was a single parent. Yo get the kid to call him dad 😂 missed ya hun ❤️
Heck yes! Let ryuji play prince charming!
This got really dark at the end I dunno why..
This story contains obsessed behavior
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It was the end of the day when he saw that one kid sitting at the steps waiting for their parents. He recalled them being a student of his..they had these cute big eyes and the cutest smile he ever seen and he has seen some cute smiles. The male walked over before sitting beside them and placed a hand on their shoulder.
"it's okay Ariella..they will be here" he said softly to tje girl who looked like she was going to be in tears. Soon enough there you were running up to the school like a chicken with it's head cut off. Ryuji stood up and he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of you...oh you were amazing.
Ryuji adored that adorable flustered expression as you apologized to your daughter who ran into your arms. Ryuji clears his throat and extended his hand out "I'm mr. Tanaka..ah ryuji. We met at open house? I'm Ariella's teacher." Ryuji was very friendly with his tone and sweet smile but his mind raced as he noticed it was only you.
"excuse my rudeness...but are you married? Sorry for asking."
"oh..it's been just me since Ariella was born..sorry for being late work kept me a little late"
You were just too cute for ryuji to handle and he felt the need to protect both you amd Ariella..he always wanted a daughter. A sweet daughter who would call him daddy and would jump into his arms when he comes home..or he could be a stay home dad..he would do whatever he needed for his family.
he had dazed off and before he knew it sweet Ariella was waving at him while you held her in to arms.
"byebye Mr. Tanaka!"
Oh no Babycakes it was merely see you later.
The next day at school ryuji had made it his mission to be such a father to Ariella that she would beg you to make him her daddy. The male had brought snacks for the class but Ariella had got to have two cookies instead of the others..but that wasn't all.
He prepared activities he knew the little girl would adore if she like to color then that's what they will do whatever his angel wanted.
While everyone was working he went to Ari who was focused and he tried to talk to her
"daddy! I'm busy!"
She Huffs out before realizing what she said and she got really embarrassed but ryuji was grinning as wide as he could...he called her daddy.
He wanted to hug her and kiss those adorable chubby cheeks but he merely cleared his throat and petted her head.
"I'll let you keep working.."
When the day was nearing its end ryuji was excited to see you once more. He smiled when he saw you weren't there yet so he took the time to talk to Ariella more and see what were his chances.
Ryuji asked what she liked, what you liked, if you liked pets, If she liked pets. The more ryuji heard the more he felt inlove with both you and Ariella. You both were perfect so he knew he had to slide into your life fast.
It didn't take long for you to arrive and this time you brought some candy as a bride which the girl easily took. Upon seeing ryuji you smiled and waved at him
"i swear this wont be a habit.."
"oh it's fine...must be hard to raise Ari by yourself.." he said softly and petted the girl on the head though she was more focused on stuffing animal crackers in her mouth. Ryuji laughs softly before looking towards you "hey..you looked stressed..how about I take you and ari to get food? How bout it little princess..?" Ryuji kneeled down towards ari who gave a happy nod
"will there be ice cream? Ooh or milkshakes!"
"if you eat real food then yes.."
Seeing ryuji and ari act so warmly to each other made you happy and plus it wouldn't hurt to accept the offer. After saying yes and going with ryuji you all stopped at a diner that had a very cozy feeling.
Ryuji sat in a booth and you and ari sat on the same side together. That's when the chitcat started between you two. You both talked about your passions and life in general. You felt like ryuji would never judge you and was so understanding and ryuji was already crazy about Ari and you.
One hangout turned into two which turned into many and before you knew it ryuji was making house visits ans the two of you had moments where you shared wine and talked intimately though of course nothing romantic happened. This made ryuji happy...but he wanted so much more.
He wanted to be your boyfriend..no he wanted to be your husband so he knew his next visit he would ask you to be his.
His next visit came and he used the key you gave him to let himself inside but his heart stopped at what he heard...giggles..sounds of passion. The hallway had a line of clothes and he could assume Ari was either asleep or with a babysitter. Ryuji felt his entire world shatter and something inside him just snapped so he did what any reasonable person would do.
Ryuji creeped towards your room but as the sounds got louder ryuji felt more and more upset but he played the out in his head..no..he couldn't barge in there and cause a mess. The male leaned against the door and his eyes widened as tears ran down his face while he waited for this nightmare was over.
He wasn't sure how long he stood outside that door but soon everything was so quiet that he could hear his own breathing. Ryuji let's out a low sigh "it's okay...thy just wanted pleasure..I can understand that..it just have been a long time. This won't happen again..they will learn." He whispers to himself before he stepped into that room and he saw your sleeping form into is arms.
You looked so peaceful..such an angel. He walked to the car before placing you in the passenger seat and strapping you in before going back into the house amd packed a few bags for both you and Ari..after all you both won't be back.
Ryuji looked at the naked stranger in your bed and he decided the house has to go so he set the home aflame before getting into his car. You were still sleeping to he leaned over and kissed your cheek before driving off.
You told him all about your life..he knew who Ari's babysitter so that's his destination to grab his daughter. He was also calling your job and the school to tell them that you quit and Ari will be homeschooled..it is the best choice as a father and husband..his sweet family.
You won't leave like his last family he'll make sure of that.
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artreider · 3 years
Station 19 returns in a little over 2 weeks so im going to try to finish my rewatch this week.
Im doing todays rewatch while my daughter plays we'll see if i can work this out.
This is one one of my favorite episodes but im liable to cry watching it again.
Ugh dixon why cant we have lost him this season.
I love the family talks between the crew to start the episode and jack with his seemingly random trivia/information that he just feels like educating his team about.
Poor vic you can see how much she is struggling as the news is on and her crew discusses protesting and police brutality.
I love what Montgomery says that things felt different right after george floyd and breonna taylor were killed, like something was going to change. But now a year plus out i cant help but feel like nothing is really changing, like we all forgot what we saw.
I do love their shirts.
Oh maya trying to navigate being there for her team, doing whats right and whats expected of her. I don't envy her. Also its all in vain and she came so far and is the best captain.
Hughes wanting to change the subject and celebrate marina's engagement, i love her but my heart hurts for her. I also love the support for maya from her team.
I know some fans take issue with vic calling it a lesbian wedding but im onebof those who isnt. That comes from a bisexual woman married to a bisexual woman who normally just tells people she is gay or a lesbian because ita simpler. And also because you can sometimes avoid the inevitable question of why did i choose a woman instead of a man.
I love the i could barely agree to get carina to marriage line and i dont know why.
There's hererra eating away lol; either they just had fun messing with fans or really planned the long game pregnancy. Is it possible we'll see glimpses of her pregnancy in flashbacks this season and then she'll have a baby in present day. This could've been their way of getting around having to film a pregnancy over the course of a season and keeping andy in the action. Hmmm
Vic and travis, i love them. Im glad travis trying to get vic to open up. I just want to hug vic so much, i cant imagine what she's going through.
Barrett kills this episode.
Bishop is right, vic cant be objective she needs to foucs on her family and trust her team.
I love watching maya captain.
Asshole kids.
Vic talking about her team is love. In light of the following episode i wish we could've had them all be introduced to her folks on screen. Also i need fics of how the wedding came to be at the restuarant and just marina month apart after becoming engaged.
Ugh between the popo and news its like vultures outside the fire. Also the portrayal of the news pisses me off as a news producer. Thats not to say some news stations may have agendas or some reporters an inability to seperate themselves from the story but in my experience that is few and far between.
"Fire" "whatever your question is the answer is fire and we are working to put it out" ugh i love the bde and quote from maya. And the "buhbye" so much love here.
These officers are out of line, if you cant do your job properly then hand in your badge you pos. Love the female officer here, ill take more of her. Clearly she has no issue with the station or the lawsuit.
Im glad dean listened to maya and didnt question her. I also just realized she said "ill deal with pd", such a good captain putting herself between the pos and her team.
As maya watches vic and her family you can just see her heart going out to them.
Ugh vic you need all the hugs, also mama hughes is so stubborn lol but i love her.
I love them ribbing on andy about eating and her choice of food as well as her loud stomach rumbles.
Too much bad news delivered by emails/texts to the team.
Its not fair the team seems upset with maya about the city's decision.
Perv andy lol also totally pregnant. Also the look she gave sullivan when they were on their way to the fire just screamed i know im pregnant and love my baby daddy.
Theo means well and im glad travis is letting him help.
Sometimes moms say things and mean well but they just dont come across right.
Stupid news reporter.
I love this scene and mama hughes. "Let it burn" so succinct. She is an icon. The recitement of the names never fails to bring tears to my eyes.
That her parents know the names rings differently for vic, its like she feels seen amd that maybe they werent as unaware as they came across.
Jack seems so lost and is just trying to understand the world and himself. I just want him to find his purpose and happiness. I swear it just seems like he'll be the next person killed off after finding his happiness.
I love the boards dedicated to vic, just goes to show sometimes parents care more than they seem and are just not good at showing it. They are so proud of her.
Them both telling just a second made me chuckle so much.
The apology may not bring back michael but its important none the less.
Im glad maya checked on dean. And the solution they came up with. Side note danielle looks so good in this scene, i may have a crush.
Fhe breath she takes when he stops her from leaving, it hurts me. I take it as she is bracing herself for the worst especially when he says he doesnt want to be disrespectful. Its still hard for her to believe she has the teams unwavering support. I love dean telling maya to have a wedding for her station.
The breaking the plates scene i love it. Love the conversations between vic and her mom.
The breaking of the plates, such love.
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