your-belle · 11 years
3, 8, 20 (because you do!), 27, 28 and 47
Questions from: No limits
3. Had sex in public? Yes, in a park once. But it was late, idk, does that count??
8. Do you like bubble bath? Honestly, haven’t had one since I was a kid. Never indulged in one as an adult, I don’t have a nice big bath to relax in.
20. Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? Yes, and awww thank you bb ♥♥
27. First thing you notice to a guy/girl? Eyes, always the eyes :)
28. Do you sing in the shower? Sometimes, more so when no one is around though XD
47. what makes a great relationship? Honesty. That’s the biggest thing for me. I’ve been hurt far too many times in the past due to lack of honesty
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ahoycharnas · 11 years
Mmmm, that Cockles picture is a manip though (there's even a J2 version of it).
Really? Too bad.
Didn’t knew that, so thank you for informing me. Now I can finally stop being excited about this..though I wouldn’t mind if it was real.
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disney0verdose · 11 years
Hehe. It just struck me today, like, that although I always do an internal little dance when I see you in my dash, you didn't know how much I (we) appreciate it... and you should, you really should. So. Yeah. Keep rocking on, you wonderful human being. You are awesome. (๑╹◡╹๑) ((hugs))
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onamelancholyhill · 11 years
@Chico6 (CW Publicist) "#Supernatural fans! You will be happy to know we have a marketing shoot set up for Jared, Jensen and Misha. New promos, new pics!"
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acetracers · 9 years
JUST KIDDING, HA! “Kiss me.” Chris Pine/you
“Kissme,” he requests.
“Noooo,” she denies immediately, hands onhis chest to hold him away just in case if he tries to go for it anyway.
“Whynot? Just one little kiss?” He pouts, but she will not be swayed.
“Washthat gunk off your face first, then I’ll think about it.”
“Oh,come one, it’s just a little fake Gorn vomit. What’s so bad about that?”
“Everything.Now get your nasty ass face away from me.”
send me a pairing and a number
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acetracers · 9 years
“You fainted…straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.” Chris Pine/you (◡‿◡✿)
“You’re a captain, not a doctor, what is this?” she asks,chuckling to herself when he comes into his trailer in medical scrubs.
“It’s called my job,” he replies, dropping his script on thetable. “When did you get here?”
“As soon as I started getting dizzy. I thought to myself,what do I need? To get to my doctor, so, here I am.”
“Are there any other symptoms, ma’am?” he asks, playingalong for now.
“Well, it’s my heart, you see. It gets this way when my man’saway. Can you do anything for me, Doctor? It’s starting to make me feel faint.”She mocks the motion of putting her hand to her forehead but then loses her balance.Luckily, Chris catches her.
“Youfainted… straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’thave to go to such extremes.”
Shegrips onto him, a little startled but pleased she hadn’t hit the ground. “Iflew all the way out here, didn’t I?”
send me a pairing and a number
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acetracers · 9 years
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course I’m in.” Kirk and Sulu BFFs?
“Bones? What do you say?” Jim asks with a grin, his armsspread wide as if ready to welcome his friend into the plans. But he doesn’tlook surprised by the answer he gets.
“Not on your life.”
“You won’t be able to stay away and you know it. Scotty! Howabout it?”
“Er,” Scotty paused, looking torn. “Cap’n normally I’m allfor your ideas, you’re a mad bastard and a genius one at that. But this time Ithink you’re a wee too much on the mad side.”
Jim’s jaw drops, playing up on the shock he felt at Scottyof all people refusing. “All right then. What about you, Uhura? Not your normalstyle, I’ll admit, but I thi-”
“I decline, Kirk.”
“Of course you do. And I already know what you think aboutthis Spock so I’m not even going to ask. Sulu, my man!” Jim presses his handstogether in a vague gesture of prayer. “Give me some good news.”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had.”Jim starts to slump as Sulu breaks out into a grin. “Of course I’m in.”
Jim gives a cry of joy, jumping to Hikaru’s side and puttinghis arm around the Lieutenant’s shoulders. “I knew I could count on you. Okay,we’ll catch the rest of you sticks in the mud later,” Jim says in farewell asthe two make their way out.
The room is silent,the remainder of the crew looking to each other.
“We have to go with them, don’t we,” Uhura says eventually.
“I had already resigned myself to this fact the moment thecaptain started on this idea,” Spock replies. “You are all welcome to comeassist me.”
She sighs, standing up to follow him out.
“Damnit, Jim,” Bones mutters, racing off to get his kit.
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acetracers · 9 years
"That's one hell of a mess." Chris Pine/You 😋
“That’s one hell of a mess,” Chris manages finally, staring atthe kitchen. Bowls, sprinkles, whisks and spoons are spread everywhere. Whenshe proudly holds out her hands he sees that they are stained by food dye, making her skin morecolourful than a rainbow.
“Maybe,” she says. “But it is one hell of a cake.”
send me a pairing and a line of dialogue and i’ll write you something
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acetracers · 9 years
"Don't make it into a big deal." John/Dorian
“Don’t make it into a big deal,” John warns.
“But John,” Dorian protests.
“I said don’t.”
“John, you finally admitted you loved me and you have yet tolet go of my hand. I reserve the right to make a very big deal out of this. A very,very, big deal.”
send me a pairing and a line of dialogue and i’ll write you something
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acetracers · 9 years
"Are you flirting with me?" Kirk/Sulu
“All right then, Mr Sulu,” Jim says, balancing the weapon in his hand. “Show me just how well you can handle a sword.”
Sulu gets into position before freezing as he notices his captain’s smirk. “Are you flirting with me?”
“You’d better put on a good show, Lieutenant.” 
send me a pairing and a line of dialogue and i’ll write you something
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acetracers · 9 years
I love you. You're adorable and I want you to be happy and safe.
Anonymously tell me how you feel about me. I can’t reply, I just have to read it and post it.
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acetracers · 9 years
what about comfort food? . 3 .
ermm it really depends what i’m feeling like. i dont have a go to food? 
but at the moment i am loving my poppers/juice boxes and got some samboy bbq chips bc i was really wanting them. 
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acetracers · 9 years
tell me about your pets . u .
rn I only have my Siamese cat, Jynx, who is precious and lovely u.u We’ve probably had her about nine years now and shes always been an indoor cat. She really loves her food, and is known to try and steal any kind that is left out. So when you’re baking you have to keep an eye out ^^; she’s cheeky.
I’d always wanted a cat and my father would use one as a bribe whenever he made us move. He was annoyed when she was given to us by a friend and didn’t like her roaming about. But when she was little and it was cold I would sneak her in to my room and she’d sleep with me. Now she doesn’t sleep with anyone else. And she likes getting under my doona for naps in the day. I’m also her favourite lap to sit in when we’re in the lounge now. It used to be Mum. We don’t know what happened there. 
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acetracers · 9 years
ryan and michael; gta au where ryan takes michael as his protegee?
“So,” Michael says as he pushes the guy he had just strapped explosive to down the elevator shaft. “Will you agree to train me now?”
It is not lost on Ryan that the currently plummeting guy is also the one who almost shot him right in the back of the head. Ryan had been out numbered, something his intel had not prepared him for. He looks at Michael, this kid who wanted to go by Mogar, the Vagabond’s protegee, as they both put parachutes on. 
“Sure. I think you have potential,” he says before jumping out the window. Michael gives a whoop before following him. 
give me a pairing and au for a 3(ish) sentence fic
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acetracers · 9 years
how about star trek unpopular opinions . u .
oh man what even is an unpopular opinion? i want more diversity, and crew as family, and development of the characters and plot to go back to those tos ideals. but thats not unpopular. 
i didnt like khan in stid. lots did but i think for some thats because they really didnt show his background at all? like who he was in history and the wars with him? also bc it was BC playing him. and i cant ship him with jim
sleepover saturday/sunday
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acetracers · 9 years
favourite breakfast? . u .
its got to be the blood of my enemies. nothing can wake you up faster in the morning than a good ole mug of that
Anti-honesty hour. Ask me anything and I will respond with blatant lies.
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