#amelia and scout
bustedshit · 5 months
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She kissed it so it's hers ❤️💋
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Oh thank god they showed a small Amelia and Scout moment
I was starting to think Grey’s forgot she was his mother
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kirsty--cotton · 5 months
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" I loved him, for every second of his life. i loved him so much . "
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kaimelia · 1 year
Ring + Kaimelia
kaimelia + ring
“Scout asked me if you and I were married, and I said no, and he asked if you were married to someone else.”
“Is now when I’m supposed to fess up?” Kai chuckled, propping their phone up against the vase on the coffee table. “Where’d he get that from?”
“Well, he knows that people wear rings when they’re married, and you wore a lot of rings the last time you were here, so you’re definitely married.”
“Soon you’re gonna have to explain polyamory to him.” They raised their eyebrows as Amelia rolled her eyes. “What’d you tell him?”
“That people can wear rings without being married. But, I’m pretty sure he’s telling Link that you and I are married, which will be a super interesting conversation next time I see him.”
“You ever think about it?”
“Think about what?”
“Getting married.”
“No,” she chuckled, “because I know I don’t want to.” She paused, biting her bottom lip as she thought. “Do you think about it?”
“A little, but that’s mostly just because we’re constantly seeing things in the news about gay marriage, so it’s a little hard to avoid.” Amelia watched as they picked up their laptop and leaned back into the couch, her stomach sinking as she recounted their words.
“Do you want to get married?”
“Not particularly. I’m not opposed to it, but I don’t need to, and you don’t want to, so I’m fine with that.” They looked over at their phone. “Did I freak you out with that?”
“A little.” She pursed her lips. “That’s just how things ended with Link, and you said it, and it just,” she shrugged. “It brought back some not-so-great feelings.”
“Well, it’s not something I need to happen. We can get paperwork to do almost anything that a legal marriage would give us, and who knows if we’ll even be able to get married in a few years from now.”
“That’s a little dark.”
“I’m being realistic.” They shrugged. “But, we don’t need to be married to be with each other. Queer people have lived all throughout history without getting married.”
“Thank you,” she smiled. “How would you feel if I made you my emergency contact?”
“Do I get a ring with that?”
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oboevallis · 1 year
back to square one
TW/CW- relapse, feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness
This was the final straw, if things couldn’t get any worse, here she was walking away from the first person who truly got her brain. Lethargically she made it to her office and got prepared to leave, and then made the treacherous walk to her car. Her hand lingered on the door handle. Her brain feeling like it was encased in fog. Eventually she made her way back to her apartment. She couldn’t decide if it was good or bad that she didn’t have Scout tonight. After opening the door she dropped her keys in a small painted pottery bowl her and Kai made together at an art studio, everything in her life was tainted by Kai’s presence. She sighed as she draped her coat over the couch. After taking a look around the apartment she was once so happy in, she headed over towards the cabinet beneath the sink. As she sit down on the cool tile floor she felt as though she was gonna cry. She rummaged through the detergent bottles and toxic cleaners, until she found the bottle she was looking for. A wine bottle, one of her new neighbors gifted to her as a welcome present, unknowingly. Why she kept it she didn’t know, she said it was for any guests who may come, maybe deep down her knew this would happen. She held the bottle for awhile, contemplating. She’d been sober for so long, she couldn’t even remember what it felt like to be drunk. But it was the only thing she craved for, to forget, to drown out her thoughts, to not feel as lonely. Her mind was racing a million miles a minute, she knew this was wrong. After coming so far she owed her self more, but she couldn’t handle her mind. She hoisted herself up and poured the wine into one of Scout’s sippy cup cause children’s dish-ware was pretty much all she had. As she brought the cup up to her lips she hesitated, her conscious telling her to stop at all costs, but there was a voice begging her to just take a sip. That one sip because two, which became the whole bottle. Once realizing what she did she slammed the glass bottle into the sink and fell the the ground. How did this happen? How did she allow this to happen? She swore she was never going to touch alcohol after Meredith’s attack, and before that the death of her firstborn. Her firstborn, she swore she’d stay sober for him, now for her son. She just couldn’t do it anymore, neither of them needed her. She felt worthless, she didn’t matter to anyone in her life anymore. Everyone left her eventually, she should’ve know. Things were too good for too long. Eventually she went to bed, hoping to forget what she had done. The next morning she woke up with a terrible hangover, she forgot about this part. Not being able to stand the feeling a reality spinning back to her, she made her way to the nearest liquor store. After buying some hard liquor, she saw her phone. She totally forgot she was on call, her phone blowing up with pages. She stood there staring at her phone, before simply shutting it off. She couldn’t be bothered, Mr Mehta could take care of it, they didn’t need her.
“Where’s Dr Shepherd?” Webber asked as he handed his iPad to the nurses station.
“Not sure but she hasn’t been answering her pagers, I mean I may have to suspend her she’s on call.” Teddy sighed as she filled out a chart.
“That’s not like her.” He could now feel his anxiety bubbling. Amelia always answered her pages.
“Well Im sure shes upset about Meredith and Maggie leaving, and now on top of that Kai is doing research in London.” Teddy explained before she walked away leaving Richard in his thoughts. This was not a good mixture, he immediately texted her inviting her to a meeting. No response. He was gonna give her a couple of days to mope before checking in on her.
“Damn it.” Link said with frustration, he’d been trying to contact Amelia all day, he hadn’t heard from her since last week which was their last exchange. It was her day to take Scout, and he had planned a big night for him and Jo, he was gonna confess his love to her. But those plans would be squashed if his ex wouldn’t pick up her damn phone.
“Everything okay?” Webber asked as he stepped into the attending’s lounge.
“Yeah, it’s just Amelia isn’t answering and it’s her night to take scout.”
“Haven’t heard from her all week?”
“No, but we don’t really talk. Haven’t heard from since our last exchange, but that’s not out of the ordinary I want nothing to do with her.” Webbers suspicion was proving to be true.
“You should give her a bit more grace, she never intended to hurt you like this.”
“Well she did.” Webber was debating whether or not to unleash all the things he never said to him.
“You know, she was drowning and you just stood there watching. While you were around the house drinking she was barely holding on. And after everything she’s been through with Christopher I wouldn’t be surprised if her grief wasn’t over taking her. She had a newborn and 3 other kids in her hands within 10 minutes of getting home from the hospital. If you really loved her as you say you did you would’ve been there to help her. But you never checked in.”
With that Webber left the room and made his was to the parking lot. He had to go check in on her. He was giving her a couple of days to mope, but it’d almost been a week since he invited her to that meeting and was met with no response. He was being optimistic, she’d been through worse and stayed sober, she was probably just in her bed closing out the world. He knocked on the apartment door, but there was no answer, now he was thinking the worst. He kept vigorously knocking until the door opened a crack.
“Can I help you?” Amelia simply stated barely showing herself.
“You haven’t been to work and I haven’t seen you at a meeting.”
“I know.” There was uncomfortable silence for awhile until she spoke up again. “I was suspended for a little bit for not answering my pages.”
“And why weren’t you?”
“I’m sad Richard, please just leave me alone. I’m gonna be okay.”
“I can see straight through you shepherd. And don’t think I can’t smell the alcohol on your breath.”
“I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“How about ‘Come on in, I’ll make us a pot of coffee’.”
“It’s a mess in here.”
“I’ve seen worse.” Slowly she opened the door and let him in. He hadn’t been in the apartment yet, it was cute. Seemed like a place Amelia would live. His eyes were then drawn to the bottles on the counter and the smashed one in the sink. He watched as she walked over to the coffee machine. He then realizes he’s never seen her drunk before. She’s tripping over herself and is slurring her speech. “So what’s the plan here? Are you gonna get up and clean yourself off? Or are you gonna stay like this forever?”
“The latter.”
“I heard it’s your night with Scout.”
“Yeah he doesn’t need me, I mean he has a new mother who’s ten times better than me.”
“Jo is not going to replace you.”
“Richard I don’t really care. Scouts better off without me, he doesn’t need a spiraling mother in his life.”
“It’s just a slip up.”
“I’m too old for this. I don’t have the strength to get sober again.”
“You are way younger than me when I got sober the last time. I know you Amelia, you are stronger than this disease.”
“No I’m not, I’m nothing.”
“The Amelia Shepherd I know, fights for the her loved ones and her patients, her kindness is indescribable, she’s stronger than this.”
“I can’t I just can’t.” She’s starts to feel tears welling up in her eyes. She doesn’t want to cry in front of him. “It’s too much.”
“We’ll take it one step at a time. First let’s clean this place up and get ourselves to a meeting.”
“Thank you.” Amelia whispered quietly as the older man started to dump out the remaining liquor.
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yokyopeli · 5 months
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Lucas Adams (Niko Terho) Grey’s Anatomy 19x5 When I Get to the Border (2022) 1/ 9
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strawbrryrush · 6 months
closed starter for mom !! @flyaboveitall
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"-holy crap- were you always this short?" scout asked; innocently- not knowing it might be taken as an insult.. "i could've sworn you were taller, mom. I mean- not next to dad, but to me at least."
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Light trails ✨
Happy Tuesday! These are my photos from my light trails photo shoot. Do you create these photos we went to a dark room and put the camera on a slow shutter speed, we then put coloured tissue paper over our phone light. and drew shapes in the air.  I was really surprised with how well it came out, and I wish to do this again sometime soon!
Comment what you want me to try and draw in the air with a light and I’ll try it out !
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crazy-dog-lady-81 · 2 years
I long to be Close to You
Lot’s of things had changed in the time that they had been together. The Parkinson’s project had been successful and had culminated in David Hamilton undergoing a groundbreaking new surgery, which seemed to be continuing to pay dividends for his wellbeing. Meredith’s house had sadly burned down and soon after she had moved to Boston with her children for a new start. Teddy Altman had become the new chief of surgery at Grey-Sloan. Scout had turned four last month and Kai Bartley had moved to Seattle.
How however, it frustrated Kai greatly that some things also still remained the same. For example, Amelia still lived with Scout but now in an apartment, not far from the hospital. Kai still did not live with them and that sucked because they really wanted to.
Their relationship with the small, brunette neurosurgeon had been going on for over a year and a half now and they were in love. They loved each other deeply and saw a future together. And yet, despite the depth of emotions they felt for each other, they still hadn’t moved in with each other.
Kai had always known that they faced an uphill battle on that front and it really wasn’t as if Amelia hadn’t been clear about her thoughts on that subject from the very beginning. When they had first gotten together, Amelia had just come out of a relationship with Link. He had wanted the white picket fence, 2.4 kids, and the domesticity that went with marriage. Amelia had not wanted any of those things. She had run and luckily for them, had found her way into Kai’s arms.
And then they had foolishly almost destroyed the whole relationship. They had told Amelia that they didn’t want kids. Again, it wasn’t as if Amelia had hidden the fact that she was a mother from Kai. On the contrary, she had told them about Scout before they had even been a thing. Kai had pursued her despite knowing this about her, and then used it against her when the reality of the situation had threatened to overwhelm them.
Kai had endured the worst month of their entire adult life after that. They hadn’t been able to sleep, eat, or function and had ultimately come back to Amelia begging for forgiveness and a second chance. She had been willing to forgive Kai and their relationship had only gotten better since.
Still, even though things had worked out, Kai often spent sleepless nights wondering if their bombshell had made Amelia wary of taking things further.
Despite their worries, they had spent time with both Amelia and Scout, falling head over heels in love with them both. Initially, they had been willing to do the whole long – distance romance thing. They’d text, call, and FaceTime each other multiple times a day, and had clocked up thousands of air miles flying to Seattle to see her whenever they possibly could.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, of that they had no doubt. They had lived that truth for a year before the leaving them behind and missing them had become too hard. Without a second thought for their own career, they had quit their job in Minnesota, got an apartment in Seattle and moved there.
It was better once they were physically closer to her and to begin with, it had been enough to scratch their itch. But the fix didn’t last for long and soon that old aching need to be even closer to Amelia was back causing them trouble and keeping them up.
They knew that the honeymoon period of their relationship were coming to an end. When Kai had first met Amelia, every thing had been exciting and fresh. They had soaked in every little detail about her that they could. Within two hours on their first day working in the lab, Kai had known her coffee order, the names of her sisters, and about Scout.
She was intoxicating and they hadn’t been able to get her out of their mind. On a night when they couldn’t sleep for missing her, they’d written her a love song. The sex had been electric, still was if they were being quite honest. They walked on air because she was their girl and were proud to have her on their arm when they went out together.
It is normal for relationships to lose some of their intensity over time. Theirs was in this place now. They knew each other, the rhythms, and the routines of each others life. Kai knew Amelia hated strawberries, her favorite color was blue, and her favorite band was The Academic.
Their love had not diminished but it was rooted in this sense of comfortable familiarity. Kai felt that being with her, living with her and loving her was the right thing to do given where their relationship now stood.
They knew that they needed to speak to Amelia and to sit down with her to figure this whole thing out. However, knowing that Amelia hadn’t wanted to share domesticity with Link, they had convinced themself that she wouldn’t want it with them. That was the dark side of familiarity, it tricked you into thinking that you knew what the other person was thinking.
Still, their heart wanted what their heart wanted and they had finally plucked up the courage to talk to Amelia. It was a glorious summer day and a Saturday to boot. They were both off and had decided to take Scout to the park for a walk.
He toddled ahead of the couple, who were strolling along hand in hand, enjoying the day. Amelia was asking what they wanted to do for dinner and in whose place they’d eat that evening. It had become their habit to decide where they’d eat. They often stayed over in each other’s places too. It was a complicated arrangement.
Kai took a deep, steadying breath, and told Amelia that they wanted them to live together. Amelia surprised them with her reply. “Well, it’s about time Bartley. I thought you’d never make up your mind. I kinda’ thought you would come live with me when you moved here. I wanted you to but didn’t push it when you got your own apartment.”
Kai’s jaw dropped. They were stunned. “l thought that you didn’t want to live with me. The Link thing and all.”
It was Amelia’s turn to be stunned. “Wait. What? You thought l didn’t want to live with you because l didn’t want to marry Link? It’s different with us”. She stopped walking and checked to see that Scout was okay. He was sitting on a seesaw, playing with a child of a similar age.
“Kai, l never loved Link like I love you. We wanted different things. But us, we’re on the same page. Scout’s our kid and we don’t want another. Plus, we didn’t want to get married. At least not right now. You’re respectful of me, and you treat my son like he is a Prince.”
A goofy grin spread across their face. “ Your sure? You really wanna do this?”
“Yes, Bartley, I really want to do this. With you.”
They bend their knees and kissed her.
“So, when are you moving in?”
Kai looked confused. “Shouldn’t I be asking you that question. My place is better and there’s more space.”
“Yeah but mines closer to work.”
A new argument but a good one. Kai took her hand in theirs again and scooped up Scout, who came bounding up to them, declaring his feet were sore.
“Let’s talk more over milkshakes and fries?”
“Yummy plan, Kai. What do you think Kiddo?” Amelia asked her child.
He nodded and the trio left the park, in search of food, with the adults all the while still debating the merits of each others places.
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odthecryptid · 2 years
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Doodles Doc || March-May 2022
More Shadowrun stuff, OCs, and tabletop/RP related doodles!
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bustedshit · 5 months
There's a fun little reason why I gave Scouts ma, Amelia, A gold tooth.
Before she settled down for the family life she was an boxer in down town Boston. Going by the name of " Scarlet Knuckles ". And she was damn good at it too.
Spy had gone to all of her matches and even bought her a gold tooth once she retired.
Scout also stole the word "BONK" after watching his moms old fights on the vhs as a boy.
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scouts-thingsandrps · 2 years
It was hard to breathe through the mask, but Elijah had to push through.
After all, he was close to catching the Sparrow, a rogue wild witch that was causing issues with Belos’ campaign and needed to be dealt with.
Now, he actually had the chance to close in on them as he darted through the trees with ease, eventually being able to move ahead to knock the wild witch off their path.
A silver bird-like mask locked eyes with the brown ‘eyes’ of Elijah’s own, though he had to suppress a shudder.
“Under the authority of the golden guard, you’re not going anywhere, wild witch.” With that, Elijah quickly removed the mask that the other witch was wearing with the brunette’s face dropping once he noticed a pair of familiar and now cold brown eyes.
“Amelia?” Those were the only words that could escape his mouth as he froze.
Big mistake.
His old friend quickly threw some dust into his eyes, reigniting the chase again as Amelia ran towards the coast with Elijah quickly trailing behind her until the two fell through some kind of hole.
Ameila took the opportunity while Elijah just froze, trying to get a gauge on his surroundings.
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scorpiolight-madd · 2 years
ignore this im just organizing tags rq
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kaimelia · 1 year
kaimelia + flower
this is so awkward I wrote this without realizing I wrote a diff version but uh enjoy<3
"I'm gonna have to wash my hair tonight," Amelia chuckled, shutting her eyes as Kai brushed the front strand of her hair behind her ear. "Unless you want to be sneezing from pollen all night."
"I'll help you wash it." They kissed her forehead and set another flower in her hair. "Stay still, because these are gonna start falling out."
"Here!" Scout shouted, running over with a fistful of dandelions.
"Thank you," Kai grinned, turning to Scout and holding their hands out for the flowers. "You wanna get some of those pink flowers?" They pointed towards a tree, and Scout ran back into the grass.
"Please don't put those in my hair," Amelia muttered, taking one of the dandelions.
"Yeah, we just gotta get rid of them before he gets back." They held out their arm, shaking the flowers until all the seeds blew away in the wind. "We're not about to have these spread throughout the house for the next month."
Kai tossed the stems into a nearby patch of taller grass, brushing off their hands before returning to Amelia on the picnic blanket.
"Make a wish," she smiled, holding up the dandelion she'd taken from them.
"You better turn because the wind is going to blow these right into your face." She leaned to the side, and Kai blew onto the flower.
"What'd you wish for?"
"I'm pretty sure telling you would go against the rules of dandelion wishes."
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liver-f4ilure · 2 months
The Charleston Church Shooting: Dylann Roof
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*NOTE! This is a repost! And it will look familiar CAUSE IVE POSTED IT ON ANOTHER ACCOUNT!! Is it the best? No.*
Early life/ Prior convictions
Dylann was born April 3rd 1994 to mother Amelia and father Franklin with 2 sisters Amber and Morgan. During early childhood his parents would divorce and his father would later remarry. His stepmother accused his father of abuse. He would beg his step mother to let him live with her but she wasn’t able to. Dylann would be described to have obsessive compulsive tendencies with germs. In middle school he would stop caring about school and started smoking weed and drinking vodka. In nine years he would have attended seven schools. In 2010 he would drop out of Highschool and continue playing video games and smoking weed and drinking.
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(The Roofs home)
In 2015 he was caught with an invalid prescription for suboxone at a mall to which he was banned from for a year. Later that year he was caught loitering in the mall to which they searched his car finding a forearm grip for a AR-15 semiautomatic rifle and six unloaded magazines capable of holding 40 rounds each but was let off it was legal in the state. Roofs Suboxone charge was mishandled and a system error took it as a misdemeanour instead of a felony. Which would have possibly prohibited him from purchasing the firearm.
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(The flag of Rhodesia)
Later Dylann would look into the Trayvon Martin case and from an unknown article concluded Zimmerman was in the right. He then fell down a rabbit hole of black on white crime and misinformation. He then found 4chan and would find even more misinformation and hard right ideologies Dylann states he hasn’t been the same since that day. Which leads to his manifesto titled ‘The last Rhodesian’ Rhodesia being the African state founded in 1965 ran by primary Europeans and a white supremacy ideology before being abolished in 1979. The term now sticks with white supremac!sts like Dylann had became, as he also used the flag on his jacket. In preparation before the attack he looked up black churches and found the Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church and would scout the area and ask around about mass times.
The shooting
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(The Emanuel Methodist Episcopal Church)
June 15th 2015 somewhere around 8:00pm Dylann entered the church, once he did he was greeted by Rev.Pinckney and given a bible to study with. Roof was sat next to Pinckney as the study continued. As the study closed and the ending pray started Roof stood up and pulled out his Glock 41 .45 calibre handgun and began shooting. Killing Pinckney first. Then 26 year old Tywanza Sanders stood up to plead with Dylann before he said ‘I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country and you have to go’ he then shot and k!lled Sharonda Singleton, Dr. Daniel L. Simmons, Ethel Lee Lance, Cynthia Hurd, Myra Tompson and Tywanza Sanders. Dylann would reload 5 times that day. Polly Shepherd was spared when he asked her if he shot her yet to which she replied no he then told her ‘good cause we need someone to survive because I’m gonna shoot myself and you’ll be the only survivor. He then turned the gun on himself realizing he was out of ammo. He then left the church to the surprise there wasn’t anyone outside. The next day the police confirmed the gunman was 21 year old Dylann Roof with witnesses reporting they saw him drive towards Shelby, a town close to Charleston. At 10:44am Roof was arrested at a traffic stop in Shelby where it was then confirmed he worked alone.
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(The victims)
The Trial
Five days after the shooting the grand jury announced that Roof was being indicted for 33 federal charges.
12 counts hate crime against black people
12 counts obstructing the exercise of religion
9 counts murder using a firearm.
On June 6th Roof reportedly did not want to be trialed by jury and instead let the judge decide if he was guilty and if the death penalty was reasonable. August 23rd Roofs lawyers called the motion of death penalty unconstitutional and asked to reject the motion. On September 1st an on camera hearing was held in case of outbursts. December 7th 2016 the trial started. During a survivor statement Roofs mom collapsed as she had a heart attack. After 3 days of the trial FBI played a video on which he admitted to laughing and drinking while describing to friends how he’d shoot the church. To which his friend didn’t report to police and said he was drunk and took his keys and Glock that was on him. After 2 hours the jury found him guilty on all 33 charges. Roof wanting to plead guilty but told not to by lawyers.
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(Roof at his video hearing)
January 10th 2017 Roof was sentenced to the death penalty,death by lethal injection.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 4 months
amelia shepherd x fem!reader that’s an intern or resident who keeps logging in hours on neuro when they aren’t really interested in it just to see amelia. and eventually amelia noticed and asked why. i don’t really have an idea for an ending but like fluff
Summary: They’re so pretty it hurts.
Pairing: Amelia Shepherd x female!reader
Warnings: my medical knowledge is zero, Scout doesn’t exist
Word count: 911
a/n: Amelia is keeping the whole show together
masterlists | guidelines
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“Y/N.” Amelia smiles as she sees the woman she has gotten to know well these past months. “More neuro hours, huh? Should I feel threatened you’ll take my spot as the head of neuro one day?” She grins, holding onto the tablet with all of her patients’ information.
Y/N laughs, following Amelia as they start walking. “No way. I don’t think you should be threatened by anyone.”
“I agree.” Handing the tablet to Y/N, Amelia opens the door to a room full of MRI scan images. They stand there for a moment, watching the images. “What do you see?”
Straightening her posture, she clears her throat and stares at the pictures more closely. “Uhm…a brain tumor?”
“Are you asking me?”
“No.” Y/N shakes her head quickly, turning her gaze to Amelia. “It’s a brain tumor.”
“It is.” Amelia takes down the pictures. “What do we have to do?”
“Do a biopsy to figure out what type of tumor it is.”
Nodding, she puts the pictures aside and gestures for Y/N to follow her. They walk through the hospital hallways, all the way to the patient’s room. “Good morning, Mrs Noceda”. Amelia smiles as they settle into the room. She gives Y/N a look, giving her the moment to present the patient.
“Mrs Noceda, 53 years old, came to the hospital yesterday due to multiple complications, a MRI scan was made and a tumor was found.” Y/N lists, her eyes staying on the patient and Amelia. “Today’s agenda will be biopsy, which will tell us how to proceed.”
“Does that sound good?”
“Of course, you know best, Doctor Shepherd.” Mrs Noceda has a gentle smile on her face despite everything going on.
“Then we will get you into biopsy right away. Y/N will come and prepare you in just a moment.” Amelia takes the tablet from Y/N after they walk out of the room. “Make sure we have an OR ready soon, then prepare Mrs Noceda for the biopsy.” She writes the new information down on Mrs Noceda’s file.
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.”
“You’ll join me on the biopsy.”
Y/N’s eyes widen momentarily, but she manages to keep herself in check. “If you wish so, Doctor Shepherd.”
“If you wish so?” With furrowed brows and a confused grin, Amelia turns her attention to Y/N. “A little more excitement would be great.”
“Sorry, I truly am very excited to be in this with you.”
She doesn’t look convinced, but there’s no time to dwell on the details. “Alright. Go get everything ready.”
“Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” With that, Y/N is off to book an OR and prepare Mrs Noceda for her biopsy.
After the biopsy, Y/N and Amelia are waiting to hear back from the lab to get the results. The latter is tapping her fingers against a table as she moves back and forth on the chair. “Y/N.”
“Yeah?” Y/N is sorting through papers. They’re cases from different branches, ortho, peds, general, cardio, and so on.
“Don’t take this as an attack,” now Y/N’s attention moves to Amelia, “why do you keep logging hours in neuro? You don’t seem too interested in it. Which I don’t get, neuro is easily the best and you’re really good at it.”
”Oh.” Y/N avoids eye contact. She didn’t think Amelia would notice her lack of interest to neuro despite the many hours she spends with the doctor. “Well…” she searches for words, though it’s clear she isn’t finding any.
“Are you here because of me?” Amelia has a playful grin on her face, which changes immediately as she notices Y/N somehow becoming even more uncomfortable. “You are?”
She lets out a breath, her cheeks puffing as she nods. “Maybe.” Her voice is a quiet mumble.
Amelia doesn’t know how to answer, not expecting this to be the actual reason for Y/N’s decision to spend time in neuro. She sits up straighter, pulling the chair closer to Y/N with her legs.
“I understand if you wish me to stop doing neuro.” Y/N says quickly.
She shakes her head. “I want you to do neuro if you enjoy it. I don’t want you to be here while wishing to log more hours into something else.” Her voice is gentle and comforting. “You are an intern, and I am in a position of power,” Y/N opens her mouth, but Amelia raises her hand to stop her, “however, I would be lying if I said I haven’t gotten…attached.”
“Yes.” Amelia smiles when Y/N’s whole face brightens. “Don’t get too excited. All of this, whatever it is, has to happen slowly and discreetly, preferably out of the hospital.”
“I understand.”
“And you have to start logging hours into the branches you’re actually interested in.”
Y/N’s face falls momentarily, but she smiles quickly. She knows it’s for the better, she won’t become a good doctor by pining after someone while doing something she isn’t interested in. “Okay. I’ll start logging hours on other things too.”
“So…” Y/N fidgets with her fingers. “Does that mean we could go on a date?”
“We’ll go on a date. After we help Mrs Noceda with her tumor.”
She giggles in excitement. “Yes, Doctor Shepherd.” Amelia rolls her eyes with a grin, patting her arm before moving her chair right next to Y/N, curious with the other cases she’s studying.
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