#ami writes 🖋
amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients: Katsuki Bakugou
Contains: headcanons, soft Bukugou, OOC Bakugou, love and sweetness, written on my tablet, self-indulged, my brain
couldn't think of proper grammar,
Type of order: Hot chocolate(fluff)
Summary: Just some headcanons about soft!Bakugou
A\N: It's around midnight and I needed to get this out of my head before going to sleep. Please enjoy.❤
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He will cook for you on his days off
On your bad days he will make your favorite dish
Cuddling with him until both of you fall asleep + pillow talks
Hums to you (especially when you're anxious)
When the two of you are alone he lets you do his hair (even braiding it)
Has an All Might Plushi
Back hugs, and when he gives them to you he nuzzles his head in the crook of your neck (when you're taller than him, he hides his face in your back)
Will take you on wholesome dates, like picnics or beach dates
Whispers sweet nothings to you
Loves leaving Hickey's on your stomach, color bone or in the crook of your neck. (If you don't like hickeys then ignore this pls)
Pillow fights until you both lay laughing on the floor
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mamzellemymy · 7 years
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Reprise de mes correspondances 🖋💌 • J'en profite pour vous montrer mes mignons stylos plumes que j'adore 💙⚓ Et mon stylo phoque trop chou que ma meilleure amie m'avait offert 😊 • #correspondance #lettre #plume #styloplume #anchor #cute #cutethings #feather #featherpen #pen #cutepen #happytime #write #ecriture #stylo #crosspen #zen #leschosessimples #correspondances (à Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France)
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amive2567 · 3 years
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A/N: I am not that great at comforting people, so I don't know if I wrote that realistically. We'll just see how it turned out. If something makes you uncomfortable while reading this (if it isn't stated in the warnings), please notify me so I can edit it. Please enjoy.
Characters: Shouto Todoroki x Reader (no pronouns mentioned)
Warnings: Flashback/nightmare ,kettle , Todorokis childhood, abuse, reverse comfort, a hint of angst,
Summary: Todoroki was used to having nightmares, but having you by his side was all he needed to get back to reality.
Quirk: not mentioned
Words: 590
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The young boy wearily rubbed his sleep-covered eyes as he entered the kitchen. Loud sobs had roused him from his light sleep. Fearing that his mother would be beaten again by his father, he decided to look for her. In the cold kitchen, he finally found her. She stood in front of the stove with her phone in hand. "Mother, I feel like I am going crazy. I can't take it anymore. Every day the children seem more like him, and Shouto, that child's left side, sometimes looks unbearable to me. All I can see in him is his father. I can't raise him anymore. I want to run away from this life." The little boy peered cautiously through the crack in the door. "Mom, what are you saying?" Frightened, his mother flinched and lowered the cell phone. The kettle on the stove began to whistle unbearably high. Hot steam rose. His mother turned in fear, and her eyes were filled with anxiety and dread. Without further ado, she grabbed the boiling kettle and poured the torrid water over him. A painful cry escapes his lips, which probably woke all the residents in the house.
Twenty years later, the same boy awoke with the same cry. After several years you got used to the horrible nightmares your husband has, although sometimes you had no clue what to do. He jerked up and desperately breathed in and out. It felt like he could still smell his burned skin and hear the shouted excuses from his mother. Slowly you sat yourself up. You waited patiently for him to return to reality. "You're safe here, Shou. No one will hurt you. You're at home. You're safe."
It really was home with you and your warm, loving manner your average apartment became an actual home. Slowly his face turned towards you. Even though your bedroom was pitch-black, you could see the dread in his eyes and even the tears that rolled down his cheeks. A lump formed in your stomach, it hurt you seeing him suffer like that. "We are breathing together like we always do, alright?" As an answer, he nodded half-indolently. With a wave of your hand, you signaled that he should inhale. Which he did haltingly. "Awesome." you encourage him. He exhaled and inhaled again. This time more oxygen was flowing into his lungs. With every breath you took together, he got more relaxed.
"Can I hug you?" you asked after he had calmed down a bit. He answered your questions with a short nod. You slid closer to him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. You slowly direct him towards your chest so that he could listen to your calm heartbeat. This action became a routine for both of you. Whenever the dark monsters of the past caught up with him, you made sure he could relax and feel safe. You rocked him back and forth in your arms in a steady rhythm. You started to hum in a soft tone. A melody that served as your wedding song at the time.
With a brassy ringing, your alarm clock roused you up less gently. You both must have fallen asleep again, no wonder after all this stress. Annoyed, you hit the alarm clock. It gave in and switched to sleep mode. "Duty calls."You sighed and softly brushed Todoroki's crimson and white hairs off his forehead. He grumbled briefly but got up anyway. And like every day at five in the morning, you made your way to your hero agency.
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x !femReader
Quirk: Not mentioned
Warning: Fluff, no extraordinary manga spoilers, some clichés, platonic but with attraction towards each other,
Summary: After the war the hero commision had to renew their principles. Every hero was now forced to take therapy and take a certain number of self-care hours. This contained deals for spa weekends, 1 day holiday, or yoga lessons. Izuku Midoryia doesn't thaught much of it, but when he spendt the yoga classes with you, his mind changed.
Words: 1.474
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He was slightly annoyed by the new rule of the hero commission. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, but criminals could be up to mischief in his self-care hour. The faster he was done here, the faster he could save people's lives. Since he skipped the last few appointments in the yoga studio of Musutafu, he had to take extra lessons. If he didn't take them, the hero commission would withdraw his hero license. So here he was, standing at the entrance with his gym bag in one hand and a yoga mat in the other. He had never thought that yoga would be his new hobby.
"Do you have an appointment, Sir?" asked the receptionist of the yoga studio. Everything inside of the building seemed so calm and relaxing. Incense sticks scattered a pleasant smell, and soft music was playing in the background. "Yes. I am Izuku Midoriya. I have an appointment at three o'clock." he answered friendly. "Ah, I see. Our yoga instructor (L/N) is already waiting for you. You can find her in room three. If you want, I can lock up your personal belongings." "That would be nice. Thank you." he smiled at the older lady and handed her his gym bag. She stored the bag inside a locker. The green-haired hero thanked her again and made his way towards room three.
A (h/c) woman left the room energetically. "How could I have forgotten about the infused water?" you mumbled as you walked into Midoryia. "Oh, I am so sorry." "There is no need to apologize. I wasn't watching out either." spoke the green-haired man. You noticed this voice immediately. Too many times, you heard him talking on TV. Your eyes widened. "He looks a lot better in real life," you mumbled under your breath. "You think so?" answered Midoryia surprised. Through the slight blush on his cheeks, you could tell that he was flattered. Your cheeks turned slightly red as a result of the awkward situation. "I actually said that out loud? Oh, that's so embarrassing. I am so sorry." You gesticulated wildly with your arms until you finally took a deep breath and calmed down.
"I only need to prepare the infused water. Please wait with the other heroes," you explained, now sounding more professional. With a polite smile, he disappeared into the room. You exhaled deeply, and the tension in your shoulders dissipated. Since the hero commission sent you weekly some heroes to participate in your famous yoga lessons, you got used to the well-known individuals in your establishment. However, Deku, the number one hero, confused you. He seemed so happy all the time, although he experienced horrible things. With a shake of your head, you got rid of your thoughts. Now is not the time to wrap your head around someone you just met. With quick steps, you disappeared into the kitchen to finally get the infused water for the heroes in your yoga class.
Sharp at three, you entered the room. A bunch of intimidating, brawny heroes stood in your yoga room. It was funny that so husky man had to do yoga and actually enjoyed it. They always seemed like they only would enjoy spending their free time lifting fifty kilograms of dumbbells. "Hello, guys. Are you ready to relax?" "Yeah, sensei." exclaimed the heroes, except for the number one hero Midoryia. He was new here, so it was no wonder he had no idea how to start your yoga class. Everyone positioned themself on their yoga mat. With a smile, you watched how the strongest hero struggled to find his place among the other heroes.
You started the lesson with a gong. "We start cross-legged." you began. "Place the backs of your hands on your knees. In this position, you mindfully breathe in and out." Everyone started to breathe. "With every breath you exhale, bad energy leaves your body and makes room for positive, new energy," you said with a soothing voice.
It was so quiet that you could hear the calming music from the speakers. After some deep breaths, you carried your yoga group through the different Asanas.
At the end of the exercise, the heroes thanked you politely for the lesson. "Thank you for the class today, Sensai," they shouted synchronically. "I have to thank you for the great participation guys." You thanked them too. "I wish everyone a great weekend. See you next week. Even you Deku." You look intently at the green-haired hero. He visibly swallowed and nodded, a little bit frightened. Your gaze must have been a little too intense. Once again, the number one hero confused you. Not even the most threatening villain could scare him, but his yoga instructor could?
In the next few weeks, the heroes came to your yoga lessons, even your favorite. He had new scratches and bruises, even more than in the past few weeks. As always, you led the heroes through the lesson, but today was a little different - they all looked so exhausted and drained that you almost stopped in the middle of the lesson. Still, they relied on going on. Reluctantly, you accepted their wish and continued.
Except for one, they all stumbled home slumberous in the end. It was too much for Midoriya, after all. He must have fallen asleep in the deep relaxation. Warily you woke him up. It didn't need much that he opened his eyes. Merely the light touch at his shoulder startled him. Anxiously, the man looked into your eyes. However, that expression quickly passed and was replaced with an embarrassed one.
“I am sorry I fell asleep. We have had a bunch of crimes to fight recently, and I wanted to deal with everything. I always forgot the time and worked through it. I didn't want to fall asleep in your yoga class. That's so embarrassing. I hope you can forgive me. I am also happy to make amends. " He started to apologize frantically. "All good. I'm bringing you home. It doesn't seem like you still have enough strength to go home. ” You suggested him with a smile. He thought for a moment but had to agree with you.
Together you got into your little car. "Where do you live?" you asked him. Yawning, he gave his address, and you entered it into the GPS. Carefully you drove through the hectic afternoon traffic. It took a while until you reached his small apartment house. Therefore the journey was quite relaxing. Sometimes the silence got interrupted by a yawn from Midoriya since the stubborn guy didn't want to sleep in your car. Even after multiple times of assuring him that it would be alright, he kept his eyes open. "We're there," you said quietly. "Oh, thanks." mumbled the hero next to you. "Could I still accompany you? I just want to make sure you don't fall asleep in the stairwell. ” You smile at him, and he nodded.
In front of his door, he searched for his keys."You have already taken out the key in the car." You pointed out, and he laughed a little. "Oops, how embarrassing." He scratched the back of his head.
"Why do you have such a small apartment, shouldn't you as a hero..." You took a deep breath. "have a more respectable home." “No, it's a good thing. I don't spend a lot of time at home anyway, and besides, I live alone. "
"That could be changed." The words slipped out of your mouth unintentionally. Great, now he must think that you are one of his crazy groupies, well done Y / N, you thought, and you gave yourself mentally a slap in the face. Midoriya only laughed, but by the reddish color of his cheeks, you could tell that it hadn't left him that cold. "I think we don't know each other well enough for that." He said. "But ... um ... If you'd like, I would invite you for a drink." Perplexed, you blinked a few times.
Completely taken by surprise by the directness of the tired hero in front of you, you nodded. "I would love to. Here is my number. When you found a free gap in your busy schedule, contact me." You gave him a little piece of paper with your number. You could never know when you might need it. "Thanks. Then goodbye. ” “Goodbye. Have a good rest. ”He opened the apartment door and disappeared into the dark hallway. He turned around again and smiled at you before closing the door behind him.
You stared at the door in disbelief until you finally realized that you are going to have a date with the number one hero of Japan. Before you could squeak and jump like a teenager in love, you first had to get into your apartment.
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Character: Momo Yaoyorozu x reader
Order: drabble, fluff
Ingredients: Momo and you dance through your kitchen.
Addition: not prof read,
Pastry chef's notes: I have no clue what I wrote.😅
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The smell of sweet pancakes buzzed into your nose, but you didn't care a bit. You had already lost yourself in her black eyes, and the world around you disappeared. There were only the two of you. You had your hands on her hips, and the two of you are surging through the kitchen. The old record player, which Momo had received from her parents for your wedding day, played old songs. The sun got reflected on the polished parquet, and the dust of your kitchen swirled up through your dance performance. Even the smell of the burnt pancakes didn't bother you anymore because the only thing you noticed was the wonderful woman in front of you, which drove you out of your mind
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amive2567 · 3 years
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A/N: Since I got sick, I needed some comfort, so I have written some headcanons. My head is all mushy, so I really don't know if I wrote it well. Enjoy ❤
Characters: Kirishima x reader, Bakugou x reader, Midoriya x reader, Shinsou x reader, Todoroki x reader
Pronouns of the reader: none
Warnings: fluff, comfort, mention of sickness, reader has flu, a bit short, bad writing because my brain is full of spit 😅, not proofread
Quirk: not mentioned
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emotional support buddy
cuddles you, doesn't even care that he will probably get sick too
takes your temperature and cares endlessly for you
is a pro at making you laugh so hard that everything hurts, and then he will apologize multiple times
takes little walks with you through the neighborhood, if you feel well enough
a lot of kisses in between
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definitely cooks you the best soup on earth
forces you to take medicine
teases you in a loving way
every time you groan in pain, his gaze snaps to you, controlling if he needs to do something to ease the pain
won't admit it but has painkillers and a cold spray with him
his tactic is to sweat the cold out, so he will cover you in all of the blankets you own
"But it's sooo hot." you grown. "I know, but that's how you can get well soon."
makes you tea with honey, even if you dislike the honey he gently reminds you that the honey has an anti-inflammatory effect
in conclusion, he does everything in his might to get you back on your feet, healthy and happy
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will do everything for you
cooks, cleans or whatever you need he will do it for you
asks his mother for a chicken soup recipe
hero work is now placed second
"How are you feeling?"
"The headache still hurts," you answer sniffling.
After that, he is off to prepare a cold, wet cloth, to reduce the headache
cuddles with you, even when you decline his offers
"Zuku, I don't want you to get sick."
"I don't care," he says and lays next to you.
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lets you take a flu bath
makes sure you don't drown, but also doesn't look when you don't want it (he drinks his respect juice)
prepares towels and tea after your bath
makes sure you drink and eat enough
can't make a soup for god's sake, but he will order a healthy soup from his trust worthiest delivery service
he even skips his patrols with Aizawa to spend his time with you
"You need to take your medicine."
"I don't want to."
"Should I make you." he raises an eyebrow, and you give in.
his cat will also help to make you feel better, it will rub his furry cheeks against your hot ones
cuddle times with him and his cat, more often than ever
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has aroma sprays, to breath well or even to cure nausea
has no clue what to do, but he tries some things his mother did when he was sick, like stroking your back, stroking through your hair, or cuddling you
when the heat gets too much for you, he will use his right hand to cool you down
if it's too cold, he will use his left hand to keep you warm
will read you stories to distract you from your sickness
makes sure you take your medicine and rests enough
because he wasn't allowed to rest properly when he was a child he insists that he will do all the housework so you can rest. He doesn't want you to overwork yourself
takes days off of work, to take care of you and to be there for you (and maybe to get some extra cuddle hours)
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amive2567 · 3 years
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A/N: Happy birthday to the greatest hero. 🎉
Reader info: no pronouns mentioned and no appearance described
Warnings: fluff, birthday, I guess that's it
Quirk: Control ~ Can control different objects to do what the owner wants.
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"Where are we going?" questioned Midoriya, confused. "Do you trust me?" you asked him the counter-question. "Of course." "Good, then you only have to be a bit patient." A smile of anticipation spread across your face. With that said, you navigated him further down the street. It was like a dream that the both of you lived so far outside of Musutafu. It was not only quieter but also simpler to access the deserted areas. That's where you had found the best place for stargazing.
This was your approach to your present, even though you previously had a smaller one, but Izuku deserved more. He just deserved all the good things in the world. Even if the idea only occurred to you last night, you managed to execute your plan on time. Gladly the weather also played along. Unfortunately, you couldn't stop your husband from working. Evil never sleeps he had argued and left for work. He was so stubborn sometimes that it took a toll on you. Still, it gave you all the time in the world to prepare your plan.
You turned out of the city into the field. "What do we want here?" "You will see, darling." You gave him a peck on his cheek under the sparkling light of the last lantern. After that, you turned on your flashlight and dragged him out on the field. Anyone who isn't involved would probably assume you wanted to kill him.
It didn't take you long to reach your destination. You'd spread a picnic blanket on an even meadow that was lighted by a warm chain of lights, the only source of light other than the moon and stars. You borrowed a good telescope and a star map from Uraraka to make this night even more intriguing. "We are there." You proudly put your hands on your hips. His eyes begin to sparkle with happiness, and he looks at you in disbelief. "Wow." He cast a wide-eyed glance between you and the arranged picnic blanket. "And, do you like it?" “Do I like it? Absolutely. Thank you, darling." he said. He grabbed you and spun you around. He distributed kisses on your face, overcome with ecstasy. "Thanks," he whispered again in between two kisses. He let you down again. You drew him to the blanket, completely irritated but yet delighted.
“There is Andromeda,” you said, pointing to a brightly glowing constellation in the sky. "a constellation in the Milky Way." "How do you know all this?" Izuku asked, impressed. "Ochako gave me a crash course this morning, and this map has a lot of information." You laugh, embarrassed. You snuggled closer to him, and he wrapped his arm around you.
"Oh dear, I nearly forgot." Just as you stung by a tarantula, you jumped up and searched for the small package you hid this morning. You discovered the box under the blanket after much digging. "Ah, here it is. Happy birthday, babe." The box was a little crushed, and the wrapping paper you had wrapped around the box got torn. Your happy smile turned into a frown, and you looked a little disappointed at the package. "I am sorry," you mumbled and gave him the demolished box.
Izuku took the package out of your hands. He opened it and took out the self-made All Might scarf. Although you didn't have any knitting skills, with the help of your quirk, you could instruct the knitting needles to do their job perfectly. Despite the darkness, you could see how Midoriya's eyes lit up with joy. "Thanks." He hugged you tightly. "I love you." "I love you more," you whispered back.
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amive2567 · 3 years
See you again
Summary: Soulmates are the people that truly belong to us, but sometimes life is not grateful, and we have to wait for a life where we can meet them again.
AUs: SoulmateAU ReincarnationAU ProHeroAU
Warnings: fluffier than the others, OOC Todoroki (i guess), talk about death, the end of the series,
Words: 383
Quirk: not mentioned, but it would be the same as the two chapters before.
A/N: This epilogue took so long, but I had no clue how I should end this series, so it's pretty bad. I am so sorry for this. If I waited any longer, it would be even worse.
previous part
Grand Masterlist
Series Masterlist
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The warm evening sun shone on your newly painted veranda and let it shine in its color. It was a long way until the two of you could simply sit here and watch the sunset. You carefully balanced the small tray with the lemonade. "Can I help you?" Your husband's voice remarked from one of the rocking chairs you bought when you last renovated the porch. "I can do it on my own, but thanks, honey." Shivering, you put the heavy tray on the small glass table. You sat next to him on your rocking chair, which swung slightly back and forth.
In delightful silence, you watched how the sun slowly drifted from the horizon only to turn the country into a reddish color. "Looking back, we had our perfect life now, if you could call it that." You broke the silence and siped your lemonade. Shouto gave you an approving hum. "I only wished we hadn't had to have such troublesome lives before, only for this perfect life," he admitted. "I guess we had to fight for our perfect life. But without a challenge, it would have been boring, don't you think?" you half-joked. It went quiet between you again.
"This life was so good. I don't want that it will end soon," you complained and laid your head on his shoulder. He kissed you on your forehead. "I don't want that it ends, either." He mumbled. "It still has to, but until then, we will have a wonderful life. After that, we will join our friends." You looked at him with a comforting smile on your face. He grabbed your hand and kissed your knuckles. "I am so happy that you are my soulmate and that we could spend our long life together." These were the words he whispered into your ears. "My love, I hope we will see us then." Your lips landed on his. The two of you shared a passionate kiss, and even after centuries of loving each other, the sensation of his hot and cold lips produced butterflies inside your stomach. Without him, these lives wouldn't be as good as they were. You were sure that the two of you, will be soul mates forever. You were sure that you would meet again at this special terminus.
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients:Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya
Contains: heavy angst, major character death, sad boys, not really prof read,
Type of order: Coffee (angst) and Macarons (headcanons)
Summary: Like the title says ;)
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after he received the news from the hero commission to help out on a deadly mission, everything in his mind went blank
he instantly agreed to do this, to keep the citizens safe and to keep you safe
the hero commission wasn't heartless, so they gave him the last weeks before his departure off
on his way home, he made plans to go with you to a lovely holiday spot to spend your last days together
it was his job, so he was always somehow prepared to die and to sacrifice himself for the nation
he knew you couldn't accept it, so he told you nothing about this mission
he didn't want to tell you about it, but after seeing you after this horrible day, he did
you deserved to know the reason behind all of this and what is happening in the future
"Y/N, love, next week we have to go on a mission, and I won't come back here alive," he told you bluntly.
You stared at him in disbelieve and asked if he could repeat what he just said
After your soul processed the words, you broke down
"They can't do this."
"You can't leave me here."
"I need you."
You cried loudly, and Todoroki hugged you to provide comfort
"How could you agree to this?" you sobbed and punched against his chest
"I need to keep you safe, my love," he whispered in your ear
He teared up, of course, he didn't want to leave you, but he had to provide the safety of all people that was what he signed up for
He let you let out all your emotions and then told you about his plans
"Alright. We can do this."
You two had the greatest holidays of your lifetime
But when the last day arrived, the reality kicked in
Before his departure, both of you didn't sleep
You talked, cried, said everything you wanted to say to each other
"One day I would have married you. Please find someone that can."
"I don't want anyone else than you."
Hours before he had to go, you hugged him tightly
"I don't want to let go." you cried once again
"I don't want to either, but I have to," he said, while hot and cold tears streamed down his rosy cheeks
"I love you more than anything else. Someday we will meet again, love." he sniffed as he kissed you on your forehead.
After he closed the door behind him, your whole world shattered
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He was the number one hero by now, and you thought that this day would come
But you never thought it'd come so early
Izuku didn't tell you right up after he received the news
He wrote you a letter
The paper had wet spots, and the ink of his pen was smeared
The last days before he went on this mission, he made a lot of things that you wanted to do your whole life
It was odd, but he often surprised you to show his love for you
On the day he left, you slept peacefully next to him
He watched your sleep, and as the sun beamed through the curtains, he started to cry silently
With a small kiss on your forehead, he vanished to prove that he really was the greatest hero of all time
the news praised him for sacrificing his life for humanity, but you could only press the letter to your chest and cry
My dear Y/N,
words can't describe how much I love you. God, I wish we could have spent eternity together, but this mission was too important. I needed to make sure you and the other citizens are safe. I was the only person that could've saved you. I am deeply sorry for not telling you this, but I didn't want to worry you even more. It was to keep you safe. With your stubbornness, you probably would have tried to replace me or to help with the mission. I couldn't risk your safety. I hope you understand this.
I need to say goodbye to you. Every fiber of my being protest against my next words, but I love you even if I am not around anymore. Please find someone better than me. Someone that makes you smile every day, from sunrise to sunset. Eventually, we will see each other in another lifetime. For now, I have to say goodbye. Never forget that I loved you more than everything else in the world.
Your beloved Izuku Midoriya.
"Oh honey, there will never be anyone that makes me smile as you did. There won't be someone better than anyone. You were the best that ever happened to me." you mumbled quietly into the silence of your house.
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amive2567 · 3 years
How Todoroki would comb through your hair after a horrible day. You both are laying on the cold leather couch in your house. Everything is quiet, the only thing that you can hear is his comforting heartbeat. He isn't a man with words, so he just holds you in his arms and rocks you back and forth trying to ease the stress, the pain, anxiety, and the sorrow of the day. "In our home, nothing can harm you in any way." He mumbles and kisses you on the top of your head.
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Ingredients: Shouto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya, Katsuki Bakugou and Hitoshi Shinsou
Contains: ikea furniture and the semi-complicated instructions, swearing, frustration, domestic fluff, violence towards furniture, Shinsou's is a bit short, not proof read
Summary: Just some headcanons about shopping and building Ikea furniture.
A\N: I redecorating my room at the moment and these furniture instructions are the living hell. So I am sitting here and write some headcanons 😭😁
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The two of you needed a new bookshelf
Since you bought a crazy amount of books in the last few years, your bookshelf was too full for any new books
It was Ikea so you didn't get away with just one bookshelf
"This candle smells like heaven, can we buy it?" You said with gleaming eyes.
Shouto couldn't deny your question, you were just too happy that he didn't want to let it vanish
This scenario repeated itself a lot
"Look this plant is nice" or "This little baking tin looks cute."
At the end of the shopping trip, you came home with more than just a bookshelf, but the two didn't care
At home, you clean out your newly bought stuff and started to build the bookshelf
At first everything was relaxed and fun
A bit of music played in the background and you both counted the supplied utensils
Then you started to build the thing
Everything was fine until you noticed the back wall was missing
"Shouto we forgot the back wall." You said frustrated
"How could we have forgotten this, we followed the instructions?"
You took the instructions and scrolled through the papers
There you found the missing page
"We forgot one page." You were at the edge of throwing the shelf out of your window
You build hours and now you had to rebuild it
Shouto only stared confused at the page
"Alright then we will start again."
You asked yourself how he could be so calm and collected at the moment
It was devastating and he took it like it was nothing
In the evening you both crashed down on the sofa a looked up to your new, slightly slate bookshelf
The shelf was already filled with the books that once laid on the ground
"We should treat ourselves after that horrible building experience" you said and dialed the number of your favorite delivery service
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You just had moved into your new house and needed some new furniture
Ikea was now the place to go (This sounded kind of an advertisement. It's not. 😅)
You even wrote a list with things that you needed and to your surprise you only bought this
Maybe it was also because of the squeaking girls that noticed the green hair under Izuku's hat. After that, you needed to flee. Sometimes it was quiet a hassle him being the No.1.
You drove home faster than you should, still in the mode of fleeing from the fangirls. Luckily, no one noticed your risky driving style.
At home, you carefully cleared out the furniture of your car.
After a refreshing drink, you started to build up the furniture
Just to clear things up neither of you had experience in crafting
"Izu, do you somehow know what this is?"
"I have no clue, honey."
He counted the pieces of the screwers, and the other stuff that got send with the furniture
In the meantime you called someone to help you with the crafting tools
You went into the basement and tried to get all the tools your person told you on the phone, but then you noticed that you didn't had all the tools
You had to drive to the supermarket to get your stuff
When you came home you got greeted by a mess and a distressed Midoriya
"What happened?"
"I somehow broke the new closet"
He wanted to surprise you, so he tried to build up the closet on his own using his quirk, but he ended up breaking the closet, now you had to buy a new one
It took you weeks to finish your "little" project
And in the end, you didn't break more furniture
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He didn't let you buy unnecessary things
"But this candle smells so gooooood! Please, Katsuki." You whined.
He actually gave in and let you choose three more things that you didn't need.
You were here for a new bed and not an excessive amount of useless things
He refused to go to buy a bed with you at first
It just had to be functional and not fancy
But you could convince him
"Do you want me to choose a pink princess bed?"
"Hell no, dumbass"
With that said you drove to Ikea
After you got the perfect bed (after 1 hour of choosing) you went home
You unpacket the individual parts and went onto building the thing
Bukugou didn't even wanted to read the instructions
"It's easy. I don't need them."
With that, the instruction landed in the trash
"I don't think this fits, Katsuki?"
"It will."
With determination he went on
At the end you had a perfectly fine bed in your bed room
"See I told you it was easy" he said and crashed onto the bed
Only to lay on the floor afterward
"I told you, you missed something," you told him, laughing
He grumbled and picked you up
"Whoa, what are you doing?"
"We will build the bed with your stupid instructions and then we will use it."
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I think he will be the one that spends hours there and choosing between different mugs
You only went there for a small stool and a cute cat bed
You got your things and a lot of mugs because someone couldn't choose one
He is the one that really gets the instructions and manages to build it up
You once build up this complicated closet and everyone told you not to buy it because your relationship will suffer, they were so wrong. Shinsou built the whole thing himself and didn't even need you
You were there to hand him the tools
"Thanks, love."
The stool was build in no time
The two of you enjoyed the rest of the day
You drank cool lemonade and you rested your feed on the small stool
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amive2567 · 3 years
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Characters: Ochako Uraraka x Reader, Tsuyu Asui x Reader, Momo Yaoyorozu x reader, Mina Ashido x Reader, Kyoka Jirou x reader.
Reader info: no pronouns used
Warnings: fluff, mention of food and eating,
Summary: Just some scenes of what the girls would do with you if you date.
Here is some music for each character:
Ochako, Tsuyu, Momo, Mina, Jirou
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~ will work on the weekend so she can take you out to a nice, cute cafe
~ You have the urge to repay her, but she waves it away
~ She orders a simple cappuccino, and you a latte macchiato
~ After you finished your hot drinks you walked through the park near the cafe
~ Holding hands and talking about everything that comes to your minds
~ After some time you sit down and watch the clouds passing by
~ You take turns pointing to certain clouds and explaining what they remind you of
~ "They look like your wrist on your costume." the two-round clouds moved away and deformed.
~ "You're right. I never thought that you would notice it."
~ You smiled at her and tapped her nose.
~"I am full of surprises." you whisper in her ear.
~ her cheeks turn beet red, and she tries to hide it with her hands.
~ You giggle and kiss her on the cheeks
~ Uraraka.exe has stopped working now
~ She just loves you so much
~ more than just to the moon and back
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~ Will take you on active dates
~ like hiking or swimming
~ but if you are a lazy bug (like me ;) she will find a way to get you out of the house
~ this girl wants only the best for you
~ she will do everything in her power to see you smile
~ on rainy days she will cuddle up with you in a huge blanked fort you build
~ a hot chocolate with marshmallows and wiped creme is a must for those days
~ sometimes you even try to bake a small cake for the both of you. Unfortunately, the oven was quite weird to handle so you burned the cake.
~ After that event you agreed on leaving the baking only to Sato
~ In summer you both spend your time at the swimming pool in the school.
~ Of course to train for hero school and not to splash each other with water and play water polo ;)
~ you two laugh so much together
~ Every date you have is just so fun that you couldn't wait for the next one
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~ spends a lot of money on you
~ the one she loves deserves everything she could think of
~ picnic dates are her forte
~ eating cake in a wine glass and feeding each other with strawberries
~ also making each other flower crowns
~ when it's hot enough you both go to the lake and swim
~ floating next to each other while holding hands to not drift apart. (like cute otters)
~ She thought of everything, so she prepared the softest towels for the both of you
~ after that, you both lay on the picnic blanket and read a book
~ you just enjoy being together on a sunny day
~ on rainy days you may go to some fancy restaurants or discover some new variations of street food
~ connecting your pinkies while walking through the streets is just the most adorable thing the two of you could do
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~ dances with you through your home or the streets
~ sometimes she has crazy ideas
~ you stole a caddy and drove down a hill
~ it was so much fun, driving in this small caddy into the sunset
~ it wasn't funny anymore when the police caught you
~ as fast as you could the both of you ran away, laughing
~ on other days, she took you to the skating park
~ at first, you only watched her doing cool trinks
~ but then she offered to train you
~ so you learned how to do cool stunts on the board
~ after some time, you got confident enough that you could drive along the beach.
~ holding hands and trying to avoid the big rocks on the sideway
~ in the winter times you just cuddle up on the couch and watch movies
~ from action to cheesy romance, you watch everything together
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~ to get a bit more confidence she takes you to sing karaoke
~ the both of you rock the mic, and everyone is impressed
~ on some days she teaches you an instrument when you want to
~ or you go outside at night and watch the stars
~ talking about the different constellations you could find
~ when you are up for it, she will take you to a diner, and you eat a great burger together
~ It's so funny because everything fell out and you had to collect it from your plate
~ she needed to laugh so hard that she spit out her coke again
~ the both of you had to laugh so hard that someone called you out
~ You didn't care and just laughed more
~ On the way back, you put up the music in the car
~ The both of you sang loudly to the songs that played on the radio
~ You felt like you were at a concert
~ In the middle of a sappy romance song, you stopped her singing with a small kiss on the lips (pls don't kiss while driving. Stay safe!)
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