#amibeingtested echooflight
Perception in transit.
Am I being tested, echo of light?
"Is this a test, universe?"
We are the present moment.
I could just say those words and let it sink in…
Or I could create a playlist of music that reminds me of it.
Music that reminds me to
Be here now: echo of light.
Echo of light is my nickname for the universe
And the universe, everything, is the present moment.
And WE are the present moment.
Our relationship to reality, life and love is all one.
Resulting in connection and non-dual awareness.
I pay as much care, attention and express my love, and compassion to every single person in my life, whether they be a life partner, recently acquired enemy, a pet, a customer I’m talking to at work or even tea or coffee cup I’m filling with ice cubes in a small kitchen.
It’s all just as wondrous and deserving of everything anyone can ever give to life.
I practice noticing this as often as I can.
It’s easier on long walks,
or peaceful moments of pause,
it is possible any other time too.
Love in action, working in the world, as it is, with love, is the highest practice.
These words have been the strongest teaching I’ve ever received.
Every interaction with someone can be a living prayer. Every action no matter how small, can be a reflection of this great love.
It will multiply. Even if you are not directly witnessing that. To me that represents faith. Seeds planted with intention grow, under your gaze or not.
What is true?
What is false?
Stay lucid - echo of light.
And find it for yourself.
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Be here now, echo of light.
Be here and practice mindfulness.
Be here, no matter where here happens to be. Be here, no matter how well you might be feeling today.
Be here with all of us, we are all missing you! Be here, All alone? Maybe most of the time (it’s best to keep things simple). Be here, with your tunes playing, as often as possible.
Be here for each other, whenever it’s viable, this is also important.
Be here, working diligently, as often as you can be. Be here, laughing till it hurts in your free time.
Be here now, echo of light.
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Early Morning met Late Night for a coffee one day. They got to know each other. Early Morning started spending more and more time with Late Night. The person who introduced them enjoyed being awake in the morning, and had fun being up late. The total number of hours of sleep available grew smaller though. No matter. There was so much to enjoy in the morning, so many productive things that could be achieved. There was mystery and hidden magic in the late night too. The middle of the day was fine too I suppose, it would unfold as it should no matter if the day started early or finished late. Early Morning and Late Night decided never to be apart, the person who introduced them would just have to adjust. Sleep would have to take his chances, settle for the occasional nap to make friends with on days that allowed it. The person enjoying all this smiled as they rolled out of bed when it was still quite dark, later that same day, adventures had, life well spent, they collapse much later than any guidelines about the perfect number of hours sleep would recommend. Nothing wrong with a bit of jet lag they thought to themselves.
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You can’t pour from an empty cup
I pause before a downpour,
All this. I’ve stored it up.
There’s only so many ways, if life has turned your cup…
Just left it upside down.
Held there, Empty.
Solid forces holding it down.
It can be abrupt.
There’s only so many ways to right things. Tightening up your puppet strings.
Get ahold of all your habits, Like a bundle of wild rabbits.
Knocking cups over everywhere, as they run in all directions.
You simply can’t pour from an empty cup.
I pause before another downpour
All this, I’ve stored up.
Tears flowing.
Tears of joy.
Tears of sadness.
Just releasing, just as long as I keep my cup full enough, to prevent the tears of madness.
You really and truly can’t pour from an empty cup.
Please do not try.
And if you’ve wandered a bit too far and now.. It’s low, getting lower, running down. Take your time, and just return.
Return your cup, upright and ready, Hold your favourite songs and past-times steady.
Fill your cup & drink it up & be there for yourself. Be there for anyone else ready. Anyone else who has looked after themselves enough to be able to be there. To be able to truly show up.
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Where has the time until now gone?
Like a forgotten dream we can never grasp in enough detail.
Not as a matter of regret,
as a path we’ve tread.
Pinball bounced at precise pinpoints.
The incredibly messy mess that’s led us here.
No matter. No one really minds.
What is here right now is true and kind.
Where is the time ahead?
Goals, wants, aches and riches, sew some stitches instead.
No one really minds. The water is pure.
The tolls are fair, you and I are sure.
Mixed with the possibility of lost life restored.
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"Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering it's a feather bed." - Terence McKenna
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Adjust the settings on these setbacks. Like pulling an arrow, just far enough back. Understated sources of strength.
This shared sense of humour, a magic bullet to stress less, and the work ethic and fire to make do with whatever is left.
Rust forming handles at heights unexplored, nights feeling low like weeks underwater.
Understated moments referencing trust.
The water recedes all at once.
Muscle memory mixed with minor burns in the kitchen. Holding a presence inside, pausing to listen.
Resting carefully, checking the important stuff.
We have nothing to prove, the arrow knowing only a direction. We focus on the right amount of strength to keep it steady.
Ready? Ready.
Adjust the settings on these setbacks.
Air like a stone resting where it should.
It’s nice to see you.
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Totally Impossible. That’s how some days can seem.
There are days I feel like I’ve stepped into a place so far beyond the usual that it must be a separate dimension entirely.
Everything seemed to be turned up to eleven as I made my way through my day.
My Spotify on my phone was glitching. Tracks skipping between songs mid-way in a way that seemed to hold a hidden message. One moment I’m listening to my music. Then I swear I hear a voice saying:
“Hey… today is not what it seems!“
Then my music starts playing again.
As I walk through the CBD, all these elements suddenly felt like they had been dropped in all at once in unison. All synchronised, numerous people, strangers to each other, in matching outfits, complimentary colours. A hundred separate strangers body language in unrelated moments across a ten-minute walk through a busy city are somehow in sync. Not a single sight or sound out of place from where it should be. And yet, at the same time, nothing was making any sense. Why were so many people saying things that felt like some kind of reference to something I should know? Why did it feel like everyone was following some kind of master set of instructions?
A bus turns a corner in front of me. The words ‘THE REAL WORLD STARTS HERE printed in giant font on the side of it. Just an ad for QUT but ominously timed, nonetheless.
My work day goes by in a blur of what feels like coded messages from my supervisors or anyone else I am speaking to.
On my way home I briefly see Auras appear from people’s bodies on the bus, multi coloured patterns full of meaning and information.
I finally got home. As I look around my house I suddenly notice a disturbing figure at my lounge room window. Something truly hard to describe.
Human shaped, tall, pale, and with demonic, ghoulish features. I stare face to face with this thing momentarily. I leave the room.
The impossible visuals disappear.
I am NO CLEARER on why such an impossibly strange day could have just occurred.
Then… I remembered something.
I had some pretty intense neck pain recently and in desperation I had done something PRETTY stupid.
I had 'borrowed' some extra strong Painkillers that belonged to my partner.
They were some kind of whiz-bang muscle relaxants she was swearing by when she was in too much pain, so I couldn't resist.
What I should have done was a quick google search… for possible drug interactions
It turns out it is a VERY BAD IDEA to mix these particular tablets with the antipsychotic meds I already take every single night.
So lesson learned:
If you check whether two medicines can be taken together
and it says “DO NOT MIX THESE!” -
Then trust me: DO NOT take them at the same time.
Nobody needs their Spotify talking to them between songs,
or for an entire city to feel like a never-ending flash mob, or for literal demons to appear at their lounge room window.
Just don’t take extra medicine without checking first.
Trust me.
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Early morning met late night for a coffee one day. They got to know each other. Early morning started spending more and more time with late night. The person who introduced them enjoyed being awake in the morning, and had fun being up late. The total number of hours of sleep available grew smaller though. No matter. There was so much to enjoy in the morning, so many productive things that could be achieved. There was mystery and hidden magic in the late night too. The middle of the day was fine too I suppose, it would unfold as it should no matter if the day started early or finished late. Early morning and late night decided never to be apart, the person who introduced them would just have to adjust. Sleep would have to take his chances, settle for the occasional nap to make friends with on days that allowed it. The person enjoying all this smiled as they rolled out of bed when it was still quite dark, later that same day, adventures had, life well spent, they collapse much later than any guidelines about the perfect number of hours sleep would recommend. Nothing wrong with a bit of jet lag, they thought to themselves.
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Wooden curves cradle my bare feet.
A landscape of clouds above us.
Like a ceiling If we were in a massive room.
The shapes bathed in light are high enough to make you wonder how far you can see.
It's just you and I.
Whoever you are today.
For a few calm moments feel as powerful as a star. It's just me, and everything in existence that doesn't speak.
A force of nature rests their head in the voids lap. She exists endlessly, in billions of ways outside of anyone’s control.
The void comforts her by saying nothing.
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Perception in transit:
Am I being tested, echo of light?
"Is this a test, universe?"
Let go,
And then what happens?
Reset, refresh and continue.
Coexisting peacefully (as often as possible) with the multitude of elements of everything around me.
Stay lucid echo of light.
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Shadows holding me here.
Holding me in place.
When I feel most free,
there’s no time or space.
A few seconds of pause.
What I’m seeking is,
the opposite of a race.
It’s a quiet walk,
With trees passing overhead.
The point of view,
outside my head.
holds my attention.
Which way to go?
Not the right question.
More like a have a radio
tuned to a witches station.
Echo of light,
hold me in place.
When I feel most free,
there’s no time or space.
There’s no separation,
And all is love.
So below, as above.
It’s a quiet walk,
With trees passing overhead.
A few seconds of pause.
Intuition, Countless things unsaid.
Yet we know which way to go.
Towards what is meant to be.
So mote it be.
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Love this book.
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In the beauty of stunned silence
a moment can be bold
nothing being bought
nothing being sold
sing it simply
say it softly
I can
Any number of years later.
A circuit breaker.
A decision here, now.
A new dimension opens up.
An alternate path.
A week plays out,
a twist on what was set to occur
just a moment before.
Sometimes these moments
matter more than we realize.
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10,000 wonderful songs
Feel free to dip in and find something you might also like to listen to.
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I woke up with a voice repeating to me the following two words over and over this morning
“Divine timing”
Life has in it, some truly beautiful errors.
As planets wonder to themselves, what does it mean for me to be in retrograde? All manner of mix ups, misunderstandings, double payments of the wrong amount via direct debit, and misfortune fall down around us.
As we navigate ‘Where to next?’, after any event, catastrophic or otherwise unimportant, we find our way forward.
And here is the beauty, the joy of finding out something by accident, by exploring through experiment, by doubling down on excellent ideas only available in hindsight, and finding some quite magic reason in the chaos.
The error that leads me into my next day, a little nervous and extra ready, is the energy I actually want and need. These errors are the always available details that makes life real.
Something I find myself asking myself, is ‘how connected are you to the universe surrounding you?’
Some days I feel like part of the background noise. Absorbed by inaction and blandness.
On a day like today I decide to feel like the main character of a thrilling series of music videos on a tv station no one has ever seen.
Turn up the music.
“Let’s do this.”
What makes all the difference doesn’t have to be anything massive.
Deciding to play competitive pinball followed by karaoke until 11.30pm on a Tuesday night when you have work again at 8am the next morning can be enough.
Busting cycles and exploring the universe in small ways can be as simple as noting a thought down for later, especially if it’s speaking to you directly in the hours before you wake up. Urging you to consider that everything that happens is just right, and it’s time to enjoy your travels...
‘Enjoy your travels’
That’s the way my first housemate always used to sign off a conversation before we’d head our seperate ways
He died in his twenties in a car accident.
I’ve had another almost 20 years so far to
‘enjoy’ and I really think I ought to actively enjoy
every part of it.
Every beautiful everyday detail.
In all it’s divine timing.
Enjoy your travels, echo of light. Beautiful errors, with divine timing.
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