#aminita muscaria
the-wizard-in-blue · 2 years
Mae'konda Weaver
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I have been writing up the combat statistics for this creature here. They are a species of sentient fungus that have evolved over time. There's three types. Ones that appear as amanita panthera that are the warriors and produce spores that make enemies weak physically (and is used medicinally to as a muscle relaxer). Others that appear as hericium erinaceus (commonly called "lion's mane") that are the workers that gather dead vegetation for the "feeding gardens", and produce spores that heal other mycelial creatures (and is used medicinally as a disinfectant). Lastly are the ones that appear as our friend above, aminita muscaria (the "magic" mushroom) are the Weavers of the community, stitching spells together to protect the community with strong magics, producing spores that makes enemies even more susceptible to magic (and is used socially like drinking or smoking weed). I find them very adorable. I will be drawing the other two types and posting them soon.
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sspacegodd · 3 years
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Shroom with a view.
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divinemushroom · 5 years
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appleandelder · 5 years
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c0unter-cultured · 6 years
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theheroofthepeople · 7 years
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Shroom Hobbit. Digital drawing/painting, Photoshop CC.
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bluesunsandmoons · 7 years
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If anyone has insomnia or troubles sleeping this is a wonderful, and legal, Fungi. Amanita muscaria aka fly agaric. There are a few ways to consume it, I recommend doing some research on the chemical changes it needs to go through and the interesting history of it. ♥️🍄♥️
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barefootlivin710 · 7 years
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Behind the cabin, down by the river, where the fungi grow 🍄🌿
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luasworkshop · 3 years
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Arcana MC: Lua (they/them)
“The shape-shifter magician afraid of emotional intimacy”
Favorite Food: Mango
Favorite Drink: Peach Bellini
Favorite Flower: Aminita muscaria
Birth Date: October 1st (Libra)
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Ice Cream: Double Chocolate
(Second) Favorite Fruit: Peaches
- They are bilingual (fluent in Vesuvian and the language of their country of origin). They have snatches of other languages from they and Aleis’ travels (varyingly useful, but nothing approaching fluency).
- They have a lovely singing voice (an alto) if they don’t get too anxious. They can play the harpsichord (and by extension the piano) decently though not expertly. If warmed up and thinking about it they can sight sing/sight read reasonably well. They do not like to perform for others.
- They are about the same age as Nadia and Aleis.
Continuity: A blend of the through-line and conclusion of all upright plot lines and then some – all people have been freed, all villains have been defeated (or redeemed), everybody’s pretty much happily in love with everyone else. Lucio is still living (albeit having served out punishment for his misdeeds). Julian can… probably die now and has his own practice. Nadia is countess instituting major, positive social change with Portia at her right hand (serving as a major diplomat). Muriel lives quietly and peacefully and no longer so scarred. All five of the Courtiers have been freed of their bonds to the devil and have had some career changes. If it’s good, it’s probably happening. Lua, Aleis, Asra, Aisha, and Salim serve as court magicians in turn with each other or based on their skill set. Morga is still living… somehow. Tasya sails the seas. Lua, Aleis, and Asra still live in and run the magic shop, when they are not away on other business – their friends and lovers are all welcome by and come and go, and they come and go at their own places too.
Background: Lua is incredibly quiet about anything involving their origin, family, childhood, and background. The had been rather distant from their family prior to their death, and their death became a clean break. They do not concern themselves with familial affairs and no one seems to ask after them. This is not a litany of trauma and sorrow, but something where Lua simply never really fit. There are hints about the pressures of a gifted child, the difficulty of fitting in with an accepting enough but never truly understanding and accommodating family, and the nature of simply not being ‘right’ for those around you. They have chosen to move forward, and love those they have found along the way.
Those looking at the right clues will notice that they must have come from a reasonably well-off family (as their musical knowledge implies a relatively expensive instrument and long-term training, in addition to other clues that imply implicit familiarity with courtly business.) They generally require no briefing on how to behave in a passably polite and formal way. Their abilities to ride, swim, and sail taken all together with these other small clues imply that their family had the means for training in areas where one either gains skill through work or has means, time, and opportunity to train. Valerius is pretty sure that despite them being from another nation, they couldn't be from a major aristocraticfamily or he’d already be aware of them, however the fact that they came from some means is clear. Others might notice they dogive off strong ‘only child’ vibes.
Lua is not originally from Vesuvia (neither is Aleis, and they are not from the same nation), and they and Aleis moved around quite a lot after getting married in their 20s (they have known each other since their teens and been through a lot. Aleis respects Lua’s desires for privacy regarding their family). They went place to place making their way as magicians (honing their skills, making commissions, doing odd jobs), until eventually deciding to settle in Vesuvia. An extended relation (referred to as their “Aunt”, but not actually related to Aelis or Lua) took a shine to them and eventually left Lua and Aleis their shop (when she retired to travel the realms), and the two have been comfortably settled there for quite some time.
Personality: Lua is fine… until they overthink things, which, inevitably, they will. This is Lua, as they are now (reincarnated, and post main story), in a nutshell. They are nearly always confident in their work, skills, and knowledge (apart from the usual human foibles there, we all have our days), but they are very anxious about themselves, personally. They are good… until they think about the fact they’re squishy and weird and full of feelings. They might be described as shy or anxious, and they definitely are leery of social situations. This doesn't mean they’re deeply fearful or difficult to communicate with, but they can be guarded and come across as aloof. They can also come across as a bit cranky or crabby. When at their lowest they tend to think of themselves as ‘old, crabby, and boring.’ At their best they think of themselves as ‘clever, fluid, and tender.’
They are comfortable and confident in their gender identity.
They are by nature introverted and private and always have been. Their social anxiety can be a problem now, but they’re never going to be tremendously outgoing if they overcome it. Still, they’re not impossible, and will have fun with the right people at the right time when all is going well. At functions, balls, galas, masquerades, etc. they tend to stick to Aleis or another more extroverted friend, or hang around quietly as they can with the other introverts.
They dress in a way that might generally be considered ‘modest’ however this is less from any sort of dysphoria or shame and more of a preference of being generally unknowable (also, they run cold). They favor soft, natural fibers in loose, but practical, cuts over their body, primarily in earth tones with jewel tone highlights. They like to wear large earrings, and often other pieces of quite decorative, but earthy and natural, jewelry (shell, stone, wood, etc.). They tend to wear flat, comfortable shoes that are easy to walk around in (they’ll switch to boots if hiking or doing other more physical activities). They don’t tend to wear makeup unless dressing up for something, and they rely on Aleis’ artistic eye to help with that. They’re a bit shy about ‘dressing up’ more formally but they do ‘clean up’ nicely.
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I had a dream I was walking through the woods and found a small, delicate, golden wreath like thing in the middle of an Aminita muscaria fairy ring. I picked it up and put it on like a crown bc I immediately thought "Ooh crown!" And as soon as I put it on, a door appeared in a tree trunk with a glowing light behind it and my clothes turned into shimmering red robes.
I opened the door and was lead down a path to a castle. The guards bowed down and one said, "My Lady, we are so glad to see you." He then escorted me into the palace which was more like if a cottage was bougie and on steroids. There I was greeted by my court. "Hail the Mushroom Queen, ruler of the forest. We've waited for your return."
There I learned of a great magic I was entrusted with as the new Mushroom Queen and was tasked with protecting wildlife in all the great forests of the world.
Dreams are cool.
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Who do you think lives here? @hightechhippiestore #hightechhippiestore #pschedelicart #shrooms #aminitamuscaria #aminita #muscaria #psychedlic #trippy https://www.instagram.com/p/BrByJt5Dmiy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qp6o27zaxldk
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divinemushroom · 5 years
#magicmushrooms #amanita #amanitamuscaria #soma #ambrosia
#shaman #shamanism
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