gooreem · 5 months
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(via "The Amoeba Sisters : Amoebasisters" Graphic T-Shirt for Sale by Gooreem)
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monkpipos · 2 years
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gillianthecat · 1 year
ooh! I learned a new mnemonic for redox reactions!
Lose Electrons = Oxidized
Gain Electrons = Reduced
(thanks @amoebasisters!)
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thestorybotsfanlol · 11 days
The Medicine Trio
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I'm currently hyperfixating on them help me
(Not anymore😋)
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Credits to: @amoebasisters for these silly goofs
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amoebasisters · 3 years
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Do you, too, find bacteria fascinating? 🧫 Check out our newest YouTube Short! 🎉 ▶️ https://youtu.be/WfzehZx3yWI
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biolegend · 5 years
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We have a coffee for...*Squints* Eczema? Comic by @amoebasisters
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thinfatfit · 3 years
for anyone in high school/undergrad taking biology, i wanted to share this super cute & helpful youtube channel!! i know this is super super off brand lol but i’ve been taking an intro bio course this summer term while working (long story, maybe want to switch careers) & found their channel and it’s so helpful & fun so wanted to share.
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dykebluejay · 4 years
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bl4ckh0lecre4mery · 4 years
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Ever wondered what an itsy bitsy nucleus contains? As for the definition of nucleus, it is a "membrane-bound organelle" found in Eukaryotic cells. In easy words, it’s found in most cells except for the cells of bacteria & blue-green algae. It was the first organelle ever discovered by scientists.
There are a millons of cells in our body containing nuclei. It only occupies about 10% of a single cell. Though there are some exceptions, like the red blood cells which have no nuclei and this specific feature of RBCs allows them perform their function of transporting oxygen better.
But the most incredible fact of the nucleus is that it contains nucleic acids such as DNA🧬coiled up into compact chromosomes. The length of DNA in a nucleus totals 6 feet & if ALL the DNA in our body was to be lined up, it would form an extremely thin strand that would be about 6000 million miles long! These genetic materials play a significant role in determining who we are and ‘how’ we are. Starting from our eye colour to height.
The nuclei hold the responsibility of containing these important materials which serve to maintain the integrity of the cell by facilitating transciption and replication process in order to control and regulate the activities of cell.
Indeed, ‘with great power comes great responsibility’.
Art by @amoebasisters
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rainydayreadingblr · 4 years
A Compilation of Handy-Dandy Sources
Hello! I got a request to compile some of my favorite sources for research and post them here, so that’s what I’m going to be doing!
Sources For Readers. If you’re preferred method of information-gathering is to read about it, then check out some of these sources!
History.com. This is a mainly article-based website, but it does have some videos on certain articles as well.  Most of us recognize this one because we’ve used it in school. (https://www.history.com/) 
Encyclopedia Britannica. Another article based site, this one focusing on more than just one topic- some of the subjects on the site are Philosophy, Travel, and Literature. I mean, it’s an encyclopedia. It’s got everything. (https://www.britannica.com/)
Wikipedia. I know all the teachers are already yelling at me about this one, but I have never actually come across information on this site that wasn’t correct. They also require sources for all the information published on the site (another bonus! If you want more information about something you can look at the sources on the bottom of the Wiki article your’e reading). (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)
Teen Vogue. Before you brush this one off,  at least give it a try. There’s articles not only about fashion and music, but also about politics and self-help and identity. I’ve found it to be a very helpful site, and the articles are usually simple enough that I can understand them easily. (https://www.teenvogue.com/)
Live Science. Live Science focuses on more article-based pieces that read like snippets of news. It covers lots of topics, so you can find lots of information on the site. (https://www.livescience.com/)
Sources For Visual/Auditory Learners. If you learn best through videos, I got your back. Here are some of my favorite video sources!
Crash Course. Ok, everyone’s heard of this one. I’m mostly familiar with the history videos, but there’s also series on biology, politics, literature, etc. He’s a fast talker, but they’re very helpful videos. (https://www.youtube.com/user/crashcourse)
Amoeba Sisters. This channel is only about biology, but if it’s biology that you need, then these videos are some of the best out there. (https://www.youtube.com/user/AmoebaSisters/featured?pbjreload=101)
TED Talk. Their slogan, “Ideas Worth Spreading,” suits them pretty well. This isn’t an information channel as much as it is a compilation of ideas and opinions, but it’s a great place to start if you’re working on forming your opinion on something specific. (https://www.youtube.com/user/TEDtalksDirector)
These are most of the sources that I use. If you have other favorites, feel free to add them on! Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be trusting only on source; I usually consider something to be true if I can find it on several separate sites. Also, sometimes it’s more helpful to just run a Google search and browse a few of the options that pop up there- as long as you cross-check information on other sites as well. 
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juniorchemist · 4 years
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This is how the enzyme-substrate complex sort of works. Two substrates join the active site, undergo an enzyme-mediated reaction and then come out as something entirely different. Neat isn’t it? Credit to the @amoebasisters​ for their beautiful graphics!
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This week is a bit of a doozie. Hopefully in a good way. Stephanie and Jordyn brought their husbands in for a visit and it is absolute pandemonium. Editing this episode was nuts. 
We talk about all sorts of things, including the @amoebasisters, the best science YouTube channel out there. Check out their stuff if you’d like to know more about biology in a fun, easy to understand way. 
I probably cut out all our Trump ranting, but if there happens to be a reference to the “Sun god” that slipped through, we’re referring to him because he is obsessed with sunlight and we figured out why he’s so ridiculous, but the levels of sarcasm that emerge when we discuss him are not fit for public consumption so I took it out. Next month we’re going to be discussing Video Game stories with the guys, so hopefully you enjoy their addition to the group! 
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mishystudies · 4 years
high school advice from a senior
1. grades matter
if your goal after high school is going to college or community college, then getting good grades matters. your freshmen year grades are going to be super important so please don't slack off. grades can help you get more money for scholarships, opportunities, etc.
2. don't be afraid to ask for help
at the beginning of high school, i was afraid to ask for help and sometimes i still am. but, you should never let yourself be confused during class, or else you won't succeed in that class. if you don't like your teacher, then try to see if your school offers free tutoring by upperclassmen. also, ask upperclassmen or friends that have taken the class before for help.
3. join extracurricular activity like a sport or a club
not only do clubs help you fill you after school time but they help you met new people in the process. by joining clubs, it will help you stay active in the community and help you when you are applying to colleges. ALSO, join a club that interests you not because someone forced you to do it because you will enjoy it if you want to be there.
4. be yourself
in high school, you will lose a lot of friends during your transition to middle school to high school. please don't change yourself for anybody and make sure to stand your ground. people will try to be fake and do things just because it is popular but in the end, it will cause more harm than good. please don't do anything stupid that could be used against in the future._
5. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH is more important than your grades
please, please, please listen to me when i say this. i have worked hard during my past for years of high school. there have been a couple of times where i pushed myself to the max and didn't allow myself to have any time for myself. i got really anxious and my mental health was not good for a year so please don't try to push yourself too harder because of school you need a good balance.
6. balance is key
for you to be successful in high school, you need to find a way to balance homework, an after school activity and your social life. life can run its course and turn haywire if you decide to procrastinate and wait till the last minute. try to start to plan out your day when you are at school by using a planner or using google calendar available online.
7. enjoy every moment as if it is your last
i can tell you what the first day of high school felt like and the feeling of excitement in my stomach. i remember thinking i can't wait till i graduate when i was a freshman and now i am a senior. i can't believe everything went so fast so please enjoy the moments you have. have a dance party with your friends! tell your crush you like them. go to prom. go to a party and be responsible. go to a football game. just enjoy every moment you have because you don't know when it will end.
ONLINE RESOURCES I RECOMMEND FOR EACH SUBJECT -math & physics: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEWpbFLzoYGPfuWUMFPSaoA -chem: https://www.youtube.com/user/tdewitt451 -bio: https://www.youtube.com/user/AmoebaSisters -english: https://www.noredink.com/ -helps with writing essay and finds more errors than google doc https://www.grammarly.com/ -ap us history: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC223Rd7yCfDo9fv6ENdNp9Q
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bujobionerd · 6 years
Studyblr Intro
Hola! I’m super excited to start posting. I’ve thought of doing this for a little while now so here’s me shooting my shot.
about me:
I’m Puerto Rican 
Florida native 
Graduated from USF with a Molecular Biology degree and a mathematics minor 
Lab manager in a cancer research lab
Currently in the process of applying to PhD programs (*begins sweating)
I have a cat named Mila 
I’ve been bullet journaling for about 3 years now and it was really helpful during undergrad! Ready to take my favorite ideas and use them in grad school  
LOVE HORROR FILMS (please recommend your favorites)
Studied math and biology
BIO INTERESTS: autophagy/mitophagy, lipid biology, cancer biology, neuroscience, proteomics/lipidomics, cell signaling
I’d like to learn cool new techniques in grad school like immunofluorescence, mass spec, immunoprecipitation, and others (there are sooooo many things to learn)
ANIMES! One Punch Man (my favorite), Seven Deadly Sins, HunterxHunter, Backstreet Girls: Gokudolls, The Disastrous Life of Saiki K, Deathnote, Kakegurui, Attack on Titan! 
House music (Oliver Heldens, Tchami, Jauz, Skrillex). Haven’t been to a festival in forever ): 
I love TedEd videos and Numberphile videos
Ping pong and Tennis
Super Smash Bros! (Ness and Zelda are my mains<3)
Coffee! Worked in 2 coffeeshops and make cold brew at home when I have the time (: 
Love a good science meme
tumblrs i enjoy:
2019 goals: 
improve my calligraphy
improve my photo-editing (my pics look like trash haha)
Come up with science related spreads for my bullet journal
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amoebasisters · 3 years
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It's like they don't even care!
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biolegend · 5 years
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Go, Larry, go! Comic by @amoebasisters
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