coppercoil-creeper · 1 year
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are they really lore memes if they have no mention of lore? Scientists are still researching this issue today.
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sprachgitter · 4 months
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— “Ghazal For The Sky Over An Unstrung World” by Amogha in Fahmidan
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More on the Origins of Sun Wukong's Golden Headband
I've previously suggested that the Monkey King's golden headband (jingu, 金箍; a.k.a. jingu, 緊箍, lit: “tight fillet”) can be traced to a ritual circlet mentioned in the Hevajra Tantra (Ch: Dabei kongzhi jingang dajiao wang yigui jing, 大悲空智金剛大教王儀軌經, 8th-century). This is one of the "Five Symbolic Ornaments" or "Five Seals" (Sk: Pancamudra, पञ्चमुद्रा; Ch: Wuyin, 五印; a.k.a. "Five Buddha Seals," Wufo yin, 五佛印), each of which is associated with a particular Wisdom Buddha:
Aksobhya is symbolised by the circlet, Amitabha by the ear-rings, Ratnesa by the necklace, Vairocana by the hand ornaments, [and] Amogha by the girdle (Farrow, 1992, p. 65). [1] 輪者,表阿閦如來;鐶者,無量壽如來;頸上鬘者,寶生如來;手寶釧者,大毘盧遮那如來;腰寶帶者,不空成就如來。
Akshobya is known to have attained Buddhahood through moralistic practices (Buswell & Lopez, 2014, p. 27). Therefore, this explains why a headband would be used to rein in the unruly nature of a murderous monkey god.
The original Sanskrit Hevajra Tantra calls the circlet a cakri (चक्रि) or a cakrika (चक्रिका) (Farrow, 1992, pp. 61-62 and 263-264, for example), both of which refer to a "wheel" or "disc." The Chinese version uses the terms baolun/zhe (寶輪/者, "treasure wheel or ring") and just lunzhe (輪者, "wheel" or "ring").
One of the more interesting things I've learned is that these ornaments were made from human bone. One source even refers to them as "bone ornaments" (Sk: asthimudra, अस्थिमुद्रा) (Jamgon Kontrul Lodro Taye, 2005, p. 493, n. 13). [1]
Can you imagine Sun Wukong wearing a headband made from human bone?! How metal would that be? Finger bones would probably do the trick.
1) Another section of the Hevajra Tantra provides additional associations:
The Circlet worn on the head symbolises the salutation to one's guru, master and chosen deity; the ear-rings symbolise the yogi turning a deaf ear to derogatory words spoken about the guru and Vajradhara; the necklace symbolises the recitation of mantra; the bracelets symbolises the renunciation of killing living beings and the girdle symbolises the enjoyment of the consort (Farrow, 1992, p. 263-264). 謂頂相寶輪者,唯常敬禮教授阿闍梨及自師尊;耳寶鐶者,不樂聞說持金剛者及自師尊一切過失、麁惡語故;頸寶鬘者,唯常誦持大明呪故;手寶釧者,乃至不殺蠕動諸眾生故;腰寶帶者,遠離一切欲邪行故。
2) For more info on the association between Hindo-Buddhist practices and human remains, see "charnel grounds".
Farrow, G. W. (1992). The Concealed Essence of the Hevajra Tantra: With the Commentary Yogaratnamālā. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Jamgon Kontrul Lodro Taye (2005). The Treasury of Knowledge, Book Six, Part Four: Systems of Buddhist Tantra (The Kalu Rinpoche Translation Group, Trans.). Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion.
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talonabraxas · 20 days
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Maha Vairochana 'Cosmic Buddha' Talon Abraxas
Maha Vairocana Buddha of the 1000 Universes and Lotus Petals, Buddha of the Multiverse, Buddha of Light —
The thousand petals of Maha Vairochana’s appearing in statues and paintings of his lotus throne represent the 1000 dimensions and worlds — literally, the Multiverse. Shakyamuni Buddha is considered a nirmanakaya Buddha aspect of Maha Vairochana, born into just one of these thousand worlds — ours. Meanwhile, in countless times and worlds many other Buddhas emanated from Maha Vairochana. Vairochana wasn’t just the Buddha of the Multiverses — he is the essence of the Metaverses, and more.
Shakyamuni Buddha was born to save the Earth — while countless other Buddhas arose in other worlds and universes. All of these 1000-plus emanations are none other than body-emanation aspects of Vairochana Buddha.
In the Dhayani Buddha mandala, Maha Vairochana is usually the centre deity, in keeping with his status as the Dharmakaya of all Buddhas. He is surrounded by Amitabha, Akshobya, Ratnasambahava and Amoghisiddhi in the four directions, who represent the other four aspects and wisdoms.
To demonstrate his Dharmachakra aspect, it is Vairochana who appears over the head of Chakrasamvara and Vajrayogini — the highest of the high in Tantric practices.
Just to make his multiversal persona even more “Quantum” he is the root of all the manifestations, including those of Vajrasattva, the Dyani Buddhas and most of the aspects of Enlightenment. He is the “Buddha of Light” and is visualized as made up of all the photons and particles of the entire Universe. Even his best-known mantra is called the “Mantra of Light”
The Mantra of Light
One of the best-known mantras from this Sutra is the “Mantra of Light”, which is also known as the “Vairochana Abhisheka Mantra”. This mantra is said to be the most powerful mantra in existence, and it is said that just by chanting it, we can connect with the Buddha of Light and begin to see things as they really are.
Tha Maha Vairocana “Mantra of Light”
The great Maha Mantra of Light is:
Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ
According to Visible Mantra, the Mantra has been translated as
Praise be to the flawless, all-pervasive illumination of the great mudra (the seal of the Buddha). Turn over to me the jewel, lotus, and radiant light –
Infallible brilliance of the great mudra! Creating the radiance of the Jewel and the Lotus –
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santoschristos · 1 month
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Vairochana the Cosmic Buddha.
From: Lama Thanka Painting School @ lama_thanka
Mantra of Light
Chanting the Mantra of Light is the same as chanting all the mantras of all the Buddhas at once, benefiting all sentient beings. The mantra, three times, is:
Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ
Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ
Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ
For precise pronunciation in Sanskrit, watch for our feature video with the Mantra of Light. His shorter mantra is simply:
Om Vairochana Hum
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iskconchd · 2 months
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Krishna takes special appreciation for His devotees who are engaged in risking for His preaching work, and He will give you special care and guidance at all times because you are sincerely trying to serve Him in this way. Letter to Amogha, August 09, 1972
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spacreative · 13 days
Exploring Study Abroad Options? Check Out the Best Consultants in Coimbatore!
Are you dreaming of studying abroad but don’t know where to start? Navigating the world of international education can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to do it alone. Coimbatore has some fantastic study abroad consultants who can guide you through every step of the process. Whether you're looking for advice on which country to choose, help with applications, or assistance with visas, these experts are here to help! Why Choose a Study Abroad Consultant ?Study abroad consultants are like your personal travel guides for higher education. They have the experience and knowledge to help you find the best universities and programs that fit your goals and interests. Plus, they take the stress out of the complex application and visa processes, so you can focus on what really matters—excelling in your studies! Top Study Abroad Consultants in Coimbatore Global Opportunities If you’re looking for personalized advice and a tailored approach to your study abroad journey, Global Opportunities is a great place to start. They offer expert counseling to help you choose the right university and program. Amogha overseas education consultation in coimbatore is known for its comprehensive services. From selecting the right course to handling your application and visa paperwork, they’ve got you covered. Their team is dedicated to making your dream of studying abroad a reality.
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amoghaoverseas · 24 days
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amitabhabuddha · 3 months
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fo,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Fa,
Namo Changzu 10 Fang Shen,
Namo Ben Shi Shi Jia Moni Fo x 3 times
Wu Sharng Sen Sen Wei Miao Fa, Bai Chien Wan Jie Nan Zhou Yu, Wo Jin Jian Wen De Shou Ze, Yuan Jie Ru Lai Zhen Shi Yi.
Chan Kui Wen.
Life's Main Reason Is Suffering (Sen Ming De Benze Se Tong Ku)
Life's Main Purpose Is To Seek Liberation (Sen Ming De Mu Ti Se Jie Toh)
Life's Main Motivation Is Compassion (Sen Ming De Yi Yi Se Chi Pei)
Bao Ji Ru Lai
Start - Basic (10.30 am)
Xu kung jin, Zung sherng jin, Niet pan jin, Wo yuan nai jin.
Hui hung zhun, zhung sharng jun, nit pun jun, ngo yun nai zhun.
<Not measured: Mouth (om soli soli..), Body (om sowa..) x3
Multiplier mantra 1x108 per day
Om Ram (use jixiang yin, thumb at 4th finger, use chanting beads x 108)
Om Chrine (7 times, one protect your house, three protects whole place, seventh protects the country, use jinguang yin, thumb closed by all fingers, use chanting beads x 108.
Earth Gods of Five Directions mantra
Namo Samanta Buddhanam Om Dulu Dulu Di Wei Soha) x3 per day>
Stupa mantra x3 per day, Done 230
A va la ka kia, 0.25 per day x108, Done 13
Sakyamuni Buddha mantra, 0.25 per day x108, Done 18
Om Mani Padme Hum, A Ah Sha Sa Ma Ha 1x108 per day, Done 52 days
Usnisa Vijaya mantra, Om Bhrum Soha - 1x108 per day, Done 52 days
Cundi Bodhisattva Mantra
(Namaḥ Saptānāṃ Samyaksaṃbuddha Koṭīnāṃ Tadyathā Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī) 0.25 per day x108, Done 25
Oṃ Cale Cule Cundī Svāhā 1 x 108, Done 96 days
<Om Bhrum 1x108 per the chanting bead>
Part 1 (11.30 am)
Om Vasudhare Svaha 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Namo Samantha Buddhanam Om Mahakalaye Svaha 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Om Mahakalaye Svaha x1080 per day, Done 50 days
(20x27x2 = 1080 or 60 x small beads)
(7x per day)
Zambala of Five Directions (Om Zambala Gari Zanayeh Soha), Done 359
Yellow Zambala (Om Zambala Zalendraye Soha), Done 359
Om Samaya Cha, Done 359
Part 2 (12.30 am), Lunch @ 1.30 pm
Medicine Buddha long mantra x3 per day, Done 154
Namo bhagavate bhaiśajyaguru vaidūryaprabharājāya tathāgatāya arhate samyaksambuddhāya tadyathā: oṃ bhaiśajye bhaiśajye bhaiśajya-samudgate svāhā.
Medicine Buddha heart mantra, 0.25 per day x108, Done 19.5
Makura (Buddhist Patron protector of the zodiac sign monkey), 7x per day, Done 555
Bhaisajya-guru-vaidurya-prabha-raja Tathagata
Akshobhaya (Pudong Rulai) x3 per day, Done 149
- Namo bhagavate Akshobhaya, tathagataya arhate samyaksambuddhaya
Tadyatha Om kamkani kamkani, Rochani rochani, Trotani trotani, Trasani trasani, Pratihana pratihana, Sarva karma paramparanime sarva sattvanancha svaha
(0.25 per day x108)
Manjushri mantra, Done 14.25
Om Avira Hum Kachara Mum Soha, Done 12.5
Earth store mantra (Om Pra Mani Dani Svaha), Done 12.5
7th Past Parents mantra (Namo Mi Li Duo Duo Poye Soha), Done 12.5
Long life mantra (Om Sam Mei Duo Fa Chi Lai Yu So Wa He), Done 12.5
Om ye ye nan, Done 17.5
Food mantra , Done 17.5
Water offering mantra, Done 17.5
Liberate small water being mantra, Done 17.5
Om Bo bo Ti li, Cher (li) To li, Dan tuo ye tuo ye, Done 17.5
Om Maiyura Krante Svaha, Done 17.5
Om Ah Hum, 1x108 per day, Done 57 days
Part 3 (3.30 pm)
Amitabha (Nian Fo) 1x108 (6 syllable), 2x108 (4 syllable) per day, Done 49 days
Avalokiteśvara 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Mahasthamaprapta 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
Om Maitri Maha Maitri Maitriye Svaha (7x per day), Done 557
Ksitigarbha 1x108 per day, Done 49 days
[Yeok Yan Yuk Liew Ji, Sam (3) Sai Yat Cai Fatt, Yin Dong Yu Si Kun, Sum (heart) Zhou G Yu Loi.]
Heart sutra x3 per day, Done 225
Tadyatha om gate gate paragate  parasamgate bodhi svaha x108, Done 12.5
Compassionate mantra x3 per day, Done 225 Om Du lin, Du lin, Jia Du lin Soha x108, Done 12.5
Om Ji zhi ya Soha 0.25 per day x108, Done 14.25
7 Buddha Names x3 per day, Done 68 days
Eliminate karma by 7 buddhas mantra 0.25 per day x108, Done 13
Pureland rebirth mantra 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Pureland Mantra (Om Pu Kam), Light mantra (Oṃ Amogha Vairocana Mahāmudrā Maṇipadma Jvālapravarttaya Hūṃ) 0.25 per day x108, Done 12.5
Acala Heart Mantra (Namah Samanta Vajranam Ham) 0.25 per day x108, Done 14
<Oṃ Bodhicittam Utpādayāmi>
Part 4 End (6.50 pm), Dinner @ 7.30 pm
(0.25 per day x108)
Tara mantras
- Green, Done 12.5
- White (Om Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ayuh Punya Jñana Pustim Kuru Svaha), Done 12.5
- Red, Done 12.5
Om Kurukulle Hrih Svaha, Done 365
Setrap mantra, Done 12.5
Dorje Shugden Mantra (Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha), Done 12.5
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Shanti Siddhi Hung ~ peace, Done 12.5
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Ayu Siddhi Hung
~ health, Done 12.75
[(7x per day)
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Punye Siddhi Hung
~ increase, Done 365
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Washam Kuru Ho
~ control, Done 365
Om Benza Wiki Bitana Rakya Rakya Hung
~ protection, Done 365
Namkar Barzin (Om Biyada-Par Dhama-Dhara Soha), Done 365]
~ Shize,
During pandemic, Om Benza Wiki Bitana Chintau Kuru Ye Soha, Done 12.5
~ Gyenze
(Om Benza Wiki Bitana Soha, Tseso Paljor Long Cho, Thamched Putrim Kuru Om), Done 12.5
Om Benza Satto Hung, Done 13.5
During 8 Kwanzai
(7x per day)
Surangama mantra, Done 365
Om Amarani Jivantiye Svaha, Done 365
Om Alolika Svaha, Done 365
Mahapratisara Bodhisattva
(Om Bhara Bhara Sambhara Sambhara Indriya Visudhani Ha Ha Ru Ru Ca Re Svaha), Done 365
Oṃ āḥ hūṃ vajra guru padma siddhi hūṃ, Done 365
Je Tsongkhapa/Jungkapa, Done 365
(Om Ah Guru Benzadhara Sumati Kirti Siddhi Hum Hum)
Om Garbe Ragam Soha, Done 365
Hum Mama Hum Ni Soha, Done 365
Target: Min 49 to 60 per month with 5 to 6 days of 8 kwanzai. Each time 26 to 34, each day 10 to 15 times until reached 49 to 60 or more.
49, 147, 343, 686, 1323, 12.25 (Jul 8th)
45, 135, 315, 630, 1215, 11.25
44, 132, 308, 616, 1188, 11
43, 129, 301, 602, 1161, 10.75
41, 123, 287, 574, 1107, 10.25
40, 120, 280, 560, 1080, 10
39, 117, 273, 546, 1053, 9.75
36, 108, 252, 504, 972, 9 (Jun 22)
35, 105, 245, 490, 945, 8.75
34, 102, 238, 476, 918, 8.5
33, 99, 231, 462, 891, 8.25
31, 93, 217, 434, 837, 7.75
30, 90, 210, 420, 810, 7.5
29, 87, 203, 406, 783, 7.25
28, 84, 196, 392, 756, 7
27, 81, 189, 378, 729, 6.75
26, 78, 182, 364, 702, 6.5
25, 75, 175, 350, 675, 6.25
24, 72, 168, 336, 648, 6 (Jun 15)
22, 66, 154, 308, 594, 5.5
20, 60, 140, 280, 540, 5
19, 57, 133, 266, 513, 4.75
15, 45, 105, 210, 405, 3.75
14, 42, 98, 196, 378, 3.5
13, 39, 91, 182, 351, 3.25
11, 33, 77, 154, 297, 2.75
10, 30, 70, 140, 270, 2.5
9, 27, 63, 126, 243, 2.25
8, 24, 56, 112, 216, 2
7, 21, 49, 98, 189, 1.75
6, 18, 42, 84, 162, 1.5
5, 15, 35, 70, 135, 1.25
4, 12, 28, 56, 108, 1 (May 25)
3, 9, 21, 42, 81, 0.75
2, 6, 14, 28, 54, 0.5
1, 3, 7, 14, 27, 0.25
Mantra of Ferocious Eating 殘食咒為(Namah samanta vajranam, trat, amogha canda, maha rosana, sphataya, hum, tramaya, hum trat ham mam)
+ Others:
Cui sui chow
Om tore tore cha tore so po ho
Om Am Bi Chanaga.
Om da de da de mohe dade svaha.
Om mani facili hum
Om Ami Dewa Hrih
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gameshowquickies · 4 months
J! Quickcap: 6/7/2024 (SPOILER)
Last challengers this week -Amogha Tadimety, a biotech startup founder from Cambridge, MA -Kevin Stuhlmann, a pastor from Rochester Hills, MI Going for a champion sweep: Adriana Harmeyer (7-day: $155,700) Correct/Incorrect: 50/6 Rebounds/Rebound Attempts: 1/1 (Adriana) Unplayed Clues ($ left on the board): 0 ($0) Coryat Score: $38,800 (+$800 vs. yesterday) Lach Trash: $9K from 8 triple stumpers…
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sprachgitter · 3 months
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— from “notes on anticipation” by Amogha in The Seventh Wave “On Rivers” anthology ed. Patrycja Humienik
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prabhupadadasi · 5 months
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tvam — yourself; ātmanā — by your own self; ātmānam — the Supersoul; avehi — search out;amogha-dṛk — one who has perfect vision; parasya — of the Transcendence; puṁsaḥ — Personality of Godhead;paramātmanaḥ — of the Supreme Lord; kalām — plenary part; ajam— birthless; prajātam — have taken birth; jagataḥ — of the world; śivāya — for the well-being;tat — that; mahānubhāva — of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Śrī Kṛṣṇa; abhyudayaḥ — pastimes; adhigaṇya-tām — describe most vividly.
Your goodness has perfect vision. You yourself can know the Supersoul Personality of Godhead because you are present as the plenary portion of the Lord. Although you are birthless, you have appeared on this earth for the well-being of all people. Please, therefore, describe the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Śrī Kṛṣṇa more vividly.
Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 1.5.21
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talonabraxas · 20 days
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Maha Vairochana 'Cosmic Buddha' Talon Abraxas
Long before Quantum Physics was even a “concept”, the Buddha of the vast Multiverse was Maha Vairochana. Two thousand years (or so) before the theories of Quantum Mechanics — and well before Marvel comics — Maha Vairochana already ruled over the boundless Multiverse. He is sometimes called the Buddha of all the Buddhas, and in Japanese he is called Dinichi Nyorai. In Vajrayana he is often called Vajradhara or Samantabhadra, other names for the primordial Buddha.
Maha Vairochana, whose name means Great Buddha of Light, is also boundless love and compassion. It is through his vast, unimaginable compassion that he emanates in countless Enlightened forms to help sentient beings in all worlds. His manifestations are as vast as the worlds in the multiverse. In the Brahmajala Sutra, he describes his symbolism this way:
On a thousand flowers surrounding Vairochana are a thousand Shahkyamuni Buddhas. Each flower supports a hundred million worlds; in each world a Shahkyamuni Buddha appears. All are seated beneath a Bodhi-tree, all simultaneously attain Buddhahood. All these innumerable Buddhas have Maha Vairochana as their original body.
Mantra of Light
Chanting the Mantra of Light is the same as chanting all the mantras of all the Buddhas at once, benefiting all sentient beings. The mantra, three times, is:
Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ Oṃ amogha Vairochana mahāmudra maṇipadma jvāla pravarttaya hūṃ
His shorter mantra is simply:
Om Vairochana Hum
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iskconchd · 1 year
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Krishna takes special appreciation for His devotees who are engaged in risking for His preaching work, and He will give you special care and guidance at all times because you are sincerely trying to serve Him in this way. Letter to Amogha, August 09, 1972
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chaitanyavijnanam · 7 months
శ్రీ శివ మహా పురాణము - 857 / Sri Siva Maha Purana - 857
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🌹 . శ్రీ శివ మహా పురాణము - 857 / Sri Siva Maha Purana - 857 🌹 ✍️. స్వామి తత్త్వ విదానంద సరస్వతి 📚. ప్రసాద్ భరద్వాజ 🌴. రుద్రసంహితా-యుద్ద ఖండః - అధ్యాయము - 33 🌴 🌻. శంఖచూడునిపై శివుని యుద్ధ సన్నాహము - 2 🌻
10. శత్రువులను అణచివేసే శంఖకర్ణుడు కోటి గణాలతో కలిసి వెళ్ళాడు; కేకరాక్షుడు పది కోట్లతో, వికృత ఎనిమిది కోట్లతో వెళ్ళారు.
11. అరవై నాలుగు కోట్లతో విశాఖ; తొమ్మిది కోట్లతో పారియాత్రిక; ఆరు కోట్లతో సర్వాంతకుడు, ఆరు కోట్లతో మహిమాన్వితమైన వికృతాన్నుడు కూడా.
12. గణాల అధిపతి, జాలక పన్నెండు కోట్లతో వెళ్ళాడు; దివ్యమైన సమదా ఏడు మరియు ఎనిమిది కోట్లతో దుందుభ వెళ్ళాడు.
13. కరాలాక్షుడు ఐదు కోట్లతో వెళ్ళాడు; ఆరు కోట్లతో అద్భుతమైన సందారక; కుందుక మరియు కుండక ఒక్కొక్కరు కోట్లాది గణాలతో వెళ్లారు.
14. గణాల నాయకుడు, అందరికంటే శ్రేష్ఠుడు, విష్టంభుడు ఎనిమిది కోట్ల పిప్పలతో వెళ్ళాడు మరియు సన్నదుడు వెయ్యి కోట్లతో వెళ్ళాడు.
15. ఆవేశన ఎనిమిది కోట్లతో వెళ్ళింది; ఎనిమిది కోట్లతో చంద్రతాపన; వెయ్యి కోట్లతో గణాలకు అధిపతి మహాకేశుడు వెళ్ళాడు.
16. వీర కుండకుడు మరియు మంగళకరమైన పర్వతుడు ఒక్కొక్కరు పన్నెండు కోట్లతో వెళ్ళారు; కాళ, కాలక, మహాకాలాలు ఒక్కొక్కటి వంద కోట్లతో వెళ్ళాడు.
17. అగ్నిక వంద కోట్లతో, అగ్నిముఖం కోటి మందితో, ఆదిత్యుడు మరియు ఘనవాహుడు అరకోటితో వెళ్లారు.
18. సన్నాహ మరియు కుముద ఒక్కొక్కరు వంద కోట్లతో వెళ్లారు; వంద కోట్లతో అమోఘ, కోకిల, సుమంత్రక వెళ్ళారు.
19. కాకపద మరియు సంతానక ఒక్కొక్కరు అరవై కోట్లతో వెళ్లారు: తొమ్మిది కోట్లతో మహాబల మరియు ఐదు కోట్లతో మధు పింగళ వెళ్ళారు.
20. నీల, దేవేశ మరియు పూర్ణభద్ర ఒక్కొక్కరు తొంభై కోట్లతో వెళ్లారు; ఏడు కోట్లతో శక్తివంతమైన చతుర్వక్త్ర వెళ్ళారు.
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
🌹 SRI SIVA MAHA PURANA - 857 🌹 ✍️ J.L. SHASTRI, 📚. Prasad Bharadwaj 🌴 Rudra-saṃhitā (5): Yuddha-khaṇḍa - CHAPTER 33 🌴 🌻 March of The Victorious Lord Śiva - 2 🌻
10. Śaṅkhakarṇa the suppressor of enemies went, accompanied by a crore Gaṇas; Kekarākṣa went with ten crores and Vikṛta with eight crores.
11. Viśākha with sixty four crores; Pāriyātrika with nine crores; Sarvāntaka with six crores and the glorious Vikṛtānana too with six crores.
12. The chief of Gaṇas, Jālaka went with twelve crores; the glorious Samada seven and Dundubha with eight crores.
13. Karālākṣa went with five crores; the excellent Sandāraka with six crores; Kunduka and Kuṇḍaka each went with crores of Gaṇas.
14. The leader of Gaṇas, the most excellent of all, Viṣṭambha, went with eight crores Pippala and Sannāda went with a thousand crores.
15. Āveśana went with eight crores; Candratāpana with eight crores; Mahākeśa the chief of Gaṇas with a thousand crores.
16. The heroic Kuṇḍin and the auspicious Parvataka went with twelve crores each; Kāla, Kālaka and Mahākāla with a hundred crores each.
17. Agnika went with a hundred crores, Agnimukha with a crore, Āditya and Ghanāvaha with half a crore.
18. Sannāha and Kumuda went with a hundred crores each; Amogha, Kokila and Sumantraka with a hundred crores each.
19. Kākapāda and Santānaka went with sixty crores each: Mahābala with nine crores and Madhu Piṅgala with five crores.
20. Nīla, Deveśa and Pūrṇabhadra each went with ninety crores; the powerful Caturvaktra with seven crores.
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cgbalu · 9 months
Verse 17 Sahasranama.
The little Vamana to Big Trivikrama.
🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Upendro vamanah pramshuh amogha shuchi roorjitah | Ateendra sangrahah sargo dhrutatma niyamo yamah || “17”🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Namas from 153 to 164 praise the Vamanavathar of Vishnu.🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟153) உபேந்திர : தேவேந்திரன் தம்பி.Upendra : Devendra’s younger brother.154) வாமன: திருமேனி ஒளியால் நன்மை அருள்பவர்.Vamana: The bestower of goodness with divine light155) ப்ராம்ஷூ : உலகெங்கும்…
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