#amor doce looks
queenthevampire · 1 year
E la vem mais vestido
Não resistir e fiz uns lookinhos com o vestido Breathtaking que peguei a mais, esse traje é simplesmente lindo, um dos mais belos já entregues no jogo e eu não consegui escolher uma cor sequer como favorita mesmo que minha paleta seja vermelha e azul <3
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linory1 · 1 year
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Hate it when you leave me unattended 'Cause I miss ya, and I need your love When my mind is running wild Could you help me slow it down?
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ghoostrash · 1 year
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Happy Birthday to the Big Boss of MCL
Devon's Birthday was yesterday but i was really busy with uni work so yeah
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spencerdaze · 29 days
I was playing High School life yesterday and i'm already at the point were Sucrette finds out Nathaniel is being physically abused by his dad.
Tell me WHY the message Sucrette has is essentially 'hitting kids is okay but not when it leaves a mark' ??????? How about we don't hit children or anyone by that matter??? That part aged so badly lol...
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killeray · 10 months
The lyrics hit so hard for Kentin/Lysander/Armin routes, and would have been such a cruel irony if we didn't get Alternate Life
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otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
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"I love you, Candy. I wouldn't have ever dared to imagine a happiness like this one!"
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dollechan · 5 months
ruee, faz uma one com o yuta, onde a leitora eh mto ciumentinha e ele quer “tirar” esse ciúmes dela de outro jeito 🤓☝️
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❝ só assim 'pra tirar esse teu ciúme né? ❞
𖥔 ₊ ֗ yuta!friend x femreader, smut, reader meio ciumenta, br!au(?), yuta aquariano nato e meio problemático, eles são só amigos e essa é a primeira ficada deles, mirror sex, pet names, yuta!bigdick
a/n: eu simplesmente não sei mais escrever, mas fiquem com isso ai, e obgda pela paciência anonie
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– Não Yuta, eu não vou assistir o filme dos mamonas assassinas com você. – Para em frente ao espelho do seu guarda roupa, checando o look para o seu encontro. Ignora o japonês que está sentado na sua cama, bem atrás de você.
– Isso é algum tipo de vingança por ter ficado com sua amiga? Relaxa bebê, não foi nada. – Observa a postura dele pelo espelho, as pernas espaçadas, a calça marcando as coxas torneadas e os cabelos longos caindo nos olhos deixam ele muito mais atraente do que já é.
O único— ou melhor, maior — problema do seu melhor amigo alternativo aqui é que ele é homem puta, não sabe ficar com uma, quer todas. E só no tempo dele. Yuta não quer compromisso e sobra para você que tem que ficar amiga das ficantes dele, mesmo que depois de umas duas semanas ela não fale mais contigo. Yuta é bonito, muito bonito, mas ter um amigo com essa fama não era lá tão bom, ele era um puto e ele sabia que acabava com as estruturas de qualquer um, incluindo as sua.
– Olha princesa, tudo bem você não querer ver o filme comigo, mas e aquele show que a gente já comprou os ingressos? Vai me dar um migué e meter o pé que nem semana passada? – Ele se aproxima por trás, põe as mãos no seu ombro e sussurra no seu ouvido: – Tu não 'tá com ciúmes e pensando em não ir nesse show comigo, né? – Ciúmes o que, Nakamoto, eu lá tenho ciúmes de você? É com essas coisas que eu rio muito.
Acontece que você não sabe mentir para o japonês, não sabe disfarçar, e isso é um problema. Você limpa a garganta e faz menção de sair da frente do espelho mas ele te impede. Segura firme no seu ombro e sorri para o espelho, e para você. – Aonde pensa que vai? – 'Pro meu encontro?! – Não, não vai não.
Yuta te guia pelo seu quarto, te coloca sentadinha na sua cama, chega a ser engraçado como ele te manuseia como uma bonequinha. – Minha bonequinha. Ele lê tua mente e entende teus sinais como ninguém, Yuta sabe que seus olhos falam por si. Ele entende, vê o medo que está sentindo com a proximidade, vê o desespero por algo em você, dentro de você. – Sabe princesa eu sempre tive uma fantasia com você. – Ele continua ali, na sua frente acariciando seu rosto. – Não me olha como se eu fosse um lascado, eu só penso demais em você e em outras coisas também… Se senta do seu lado, te pega e ajeita para ficar certinha no colo dele. A sainha que você usa mal cobre sua bunda e ele tem a visão perfeita disso pelo espelho do seu guarda-roupa. – Te foder e poder ver tudinho dali 'ó, o que você acha? Não pensa, não responde e ele entende isso como um 'sim' para poder se enterrar em você. Então ele não perde tempo, não demora a tirar o pau pesado da calça e afastar sua calcinha, brinca com a sua fenda, o dedão pressionando o seu pontinho. – Já 'tá molhada com tão pouco amor? – Você chia, não consegue emitir mais nenhum som além de gemidos doces e chiados. Yuta te ergue um pouco só para poder entrar dentro de você, suas paredes esmagando a cabecinha gorda dele e por pouco não conseguiu levar tudo mas, você é uma "boa garota", iria conseguir. Fica parada por um tempo, abraça o japonês pelo pescoço, impedindo ele de ver seu rosto vermelho e seus olhos marejados. Mas Yuta olha pelo espelho, a saia, sua bunda e ele ali dentro, é a realização de tantas fantasias obscuras. Quando finalmente começa a se movimentar sente que ele vai te partir ao meio, o sobe e desce começa a ficar mais frenético assim como os barulhinhos molhados ficam mais altos. – Só assim 'pra tirar esse teu ciúme né. – O Nakamoto aperta a carne da tua coxa e em resposta você aperta ele mais ainda. – Porra vou ter que te fazer ciúmes mais vezes então. – Yuta, por favor… Eu… – Eu o quê? Fala princesa. – Dá um tapinha leve na sua bunda, te incentivando a completar a frase. – E vou… Ah!
Não termina a frase de novo, as pernas treme, a voz embarga mais ainda, e fica mais molinha do que já estava. Você tinha chegado no ápice.
– Muito bem princesa. Agora você me perdoa?
Não responde, ele sabe que você não lembra nem do seu nome agora mas Yuta também sabe que depois disso vai querer estar sempre com "ciuminho".
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a-boca-do-inferno · 10 months
beija minha boca até me matar (tony montana x reader) [request]
summary: Tony is stressed and you are tired.
warnings: angst, swearing, abuse and sort of fluff.
words: 0.8k
notes: this is small and very anemic plot wise, so im sorry for that. loosely based on doce vampiro by rita lee.
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Sometimes you wondered if your love would stop enduring at some point. If no matter how much you wanted to be with him, someday your body and soul would finally give in to the exhaustion, because that’s how you felt. Exhausted. God, what time was it? It felt so long since you’ve last rested. Insomnia was a big thing these days with all the chaos around you, the gang fights, the power struggles; you understood nothing of it, but at times you wish you did. Maybe you’d be able to help Tony in the slightest, offer him some comfort. And you tried, oh, did you try. But it was just to no avail.
He was as restless as you, although he tried to disguise it as his customary anger towards the world. You could sense it whenever he was close, when his hand would tremble just a little as he gulped down a glass of whisky in one go. When the crease between his brows would become only a little bit more noticeable. When he’d only swear once, as though not even those silly words were enough to somehow soothe him anymore. You did your best to try and give him some solace, but while your kisses pleased his face, his arms would fall coldly frigid at his sides. He wasn’t in the moment, and that was so uncharacteristic of him.  
You felt helpless at those times, often choosing to leave him in his office and go to your bed, crying in silence until the sun was up again. He would spend his nights away from your room, causing you to entertain thoughts maybe about you actually being the problem, not his issues in the drug business. You never dared touch anything other than alcohol and that was perhaps something that lingered in the back of his mind, still. Would he think you’d eventually turn on him, sell him out to the police? Sometimes he’d call you “good Samaritan”, because in his own words, “you’re too clean, too good, too uptight. What the fuck are you doing with me?”, and wasn’t that the million-dollar question?  
What the fuck, indeed? 
“You rely too much on people, Manny. That’s your fucking mistake”, comes his loud, deep voice from the corridor. You close your eyes in contempt, not really wanting to listen to one of his lectures again. God bless Manny for being able to do it more than you. “I say, fuck people. I can do anything by myself.” 
“Because it’s been working so well so far”, you let it slip out, causing him to give you a death glare. Tony didn’t scare you easily, contrary to popular belief, but he could become quite scary when he felt like it. This was one of those times. 
He huffs, walking towards you slowly, “what did you just say, princess? You think you can disrespect me in my own fucking house, drinking my own fucking whisky that I bought? Is that it?”
He’s agitated, and you unconsciously flinch when he sits beside you, like a lion cornering its prey. You can’t help but shake your head, looking away from his hard eyes. “You know I don’t like when you talk to me like that”, you say softly, albeit your words carry weight to them. You don’t say them to him very often, surprisingly, but when you do… He better watch his reply. Tony knows that.
So, he does. “Mi amor”, he coos immediately, his frown fading in a second when he seems to come to his senses. You are practically crawling on the couch, in fetal position, guarding yourself from his touch, and he notices this. Tony extends his rough hand and rubs your thigh gently, nuzzling your neck, trying to make you more at ease in his presence. “I’m sorry, baby. I’m fucking stupid, I’m a fucking jerk. I’m sorry”, he speaks quietly, but firmly, his deep voice vibrating on your skin.
Then, there comes your answer. No matter how many times he let stress get the best of him, and no matter how many of his motivations you simply did not understand: Tony was Tony, your Tony, and he would always be. So, you let yourself be wrapped in his big arms once more in silence, simply enjoying his warmth. He felt like home and he was home, as inhabitable as he could become at given times. It was like loving a vampire. Having your life be sucked out of you everyday, yet always craving for more. A delicious poison.
And somehow, all exhaustion dissipated when he got closer to you, serving like a long nap after a tough day. It seemed like you were the complement to one another. Maybe that was the reason you were still here, after all.
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iir-blog · 2 months
What I like about the new generation of sweet love, being a player of all beemoov games since 2015. -GIVEAWAY NG
I think that compared to the old one, the first thing that caught my attention was the layout of the game, the designs have evolved a lot and are simply very beautiful and detailed, the layout is incredible, super colorful, it attracts a lot of attention whoever played the original sweet love knows it well the difference in the look of the two, I really loved the new features added to the game by beemoov after listening to their players, they added things that would make our lives easier in sweet love, like the feature of going back to the last choice made which has already saved me a lot so as not to lose the image and not even the paw's costume after I accidentally clicked on the wrong choice, I also loved the calendar where now the countries increase according to their frequency in the game and this really helps to complete the episodes, it took me years and years to finish the first season of old sweet love but I can easily follow this one and even buy some clothes to participate in the competitions.
But what I'm liking most so far is the story of the character and the crushes, skins and ethnicities that are much more diverse than in the first game, a more engaging story even though it's still at the beginning, the special scenes with your crush are very cute and powerful. I always play them (although this option is bugged for me) very interesting characters in such a way that I personally can't decide who my crush will be.
I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for our dear new girl after having followed the entire story of the old girl for so many years and the affection I have for my account. @tetrakys
Em portugues:
O que eu gosto na nova geração de amor doce, sendo uma jogadora de todos os jogos da beemoov desde 2015.
Acho que em comparação com o antigo a primeira coisa que me chamou atenção foi o traço do jogo, os desenhos evoluiram muito e ficaram simplesmente muito lindos e detalhados, o layout esta incrivel super colorido chama muita a atenção quem jogou o amor doce original sabe bem a diferença do visual dos dois, eu amei muito novos recursos adicionados no jogo pela beemoov apos escutarem as suas jogadoras adicionaram coisas que facilitaria nossa vida no amor doce, como o recurso de voltar na ultima escolha feita que ja me salvou muito para não perder a imagem e nem o traje da pata apos ter clicado sem querer na escolha errada, tambem amei o calendario que agora os pas vão aumentando conforme a sua frequencia no jogo e isso ajuda demais a completar os episodeos, levei anos e anos para conseguir termina primeira temporada do amor doce antigo mas esse estou conseguindo acompanhar tranquilamente e ainda comprar algumas roupas para participar das competições.
Mas o que eu estou gostando mais ate agora e a historia da personagem e dos paqueras, peles e etnias muito mais diversificadas do que no primeiro jogo uma historia mais envolvente mesmo que ainda no inicio, as cenas especiais com seu paquera são muito fofas e poder jogar elas sempre (apesar dessa opção estar bugada pra mim) personagens muito interessantes de tal forma que eu pessoalmente não consigo decidir qual vai ser meu paquera.
Estou no aguardo para ver o que o futuro esta rezervando para nossa querida newcete apos ter acompanhado toda a historia da docete antiga durante tantos anos e o carinho que tenho pela minha conta.
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lanitaminaj · 7 months
lolita ౨ৎ
in which the reader finds herself crushing on her dad's best friend, miguel o' hara.
cw: sexual themes
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the first thing you noticed about him was how beautiful he was.
he was tall, for one. his body length towering over the silver-shining refrigerator in the kitchen. although he was fully covered, you could see the indentations of his pectorals and his abdomen muscles peeking through his royal-blue pressed t-shirt.
he was talking with your dad in the kitchen, the two men hunched over the marble-designed island as they casually talked. they held corona bottles with limes on the rims, the men occasionally taking sips in between their words.
they hushed, however, when they heard you pad across the sycamore-wood flooring as you halted just ten feet away from them.
"papi," you voiced to your father, yet your eyes took frequent glances of the taller man. "can i go out tonight?"
"en español, mi amor."
"ugh," you huffed, rolling your eyes right after to further show your annoyance. your father exchanged an "ay," but you didn't yet notice how your dad's friend's eyes darkened at your action.
"jessica quiere que yo salgo con ella." jessica wants me to go out with her.
"y tu tarea, te acabas?" your dad asked, taking another swig from the bottle. and your homework, did you finish it?
"si, papi," you nodded your head cheerfully.
your father sighed, another swig from his corona taken. "bien," he spoke, waving his hand as a dismissal. "pero te quiero que tu regresar a las doce. tu me oyes?" but i want you to return at twelve. you hear me?
you squealed, sprinting over to hug and kiss your father's cheeks. "gracias, papi!" you sung, practically running out the door as you heard your father screaming at you to "tranquillate!" calm down.
your father sighed once again, the man downing the last of his bottle as he looked up to stare his smirking friend in the eye.
"hijas," your dad said, shaking his head with a hint of a smile on his lips. "tú sabes cómo es, miguel."
miguel's eyes, which were mischievously squinted, had suddenly softened. his smirking lips pressed against the lip of his corona bottle had then been pulled into a frown.
"si, chamaco," miguel responded, his hand gently placing the half-empty glass bottle on the marbled island. "yo se cómo es."
yes, kid. i know how it is.
the second time you've seen him was on a hot summer day in queens.
you were sitting on the porch outside of one of your friend's houses, eating from a melting vanilla ice-cream cone as you watched the men at work. they were pouring and flattening cement on the potholed-filled road, the men all sweaty and gross and dying.
you, on the other hand, was adorned in the cutest outfit as you rested; a floral-printed sheer tank top, a sky-blue denim mini-skirt, and a pair of strapped white sandals.
miguel took a peak at you from across the street, a smirk growing on his lips as he watched the angelic vision of you resting peacefully on that porch. he approached you, the bubble of his gradual form growing closer and closer was obscured by the darkness of your blackened sunglasses.
"chamaca," he greeted once he approached you, a friendly smile growing on your lips. "what you doing here?"
"my dad didn't tell you?" you responded, taking another lick from your ice cream. miguel's eyes were trained on your tongue. "i'm grounded."
those words made miguel's eyebrows shoot into his wrinkled forehead. "grounded?"
"yeah," you waved your hand nonchalantly. "for some dumba- for some stupid reason."
"no, i mean, aren't you an adult?"
"what? oh, yeah," a hint of a laugh escaped your ice-cream coated lips. "i'm in college and everything but, you know my dad. he still thinks i'm still a little girl."
miguel's smirked softened into that of an endearing one.
"speaking of your dad," miguel crossed his arms across his chest. "you know he's not here, right, chula?"
the way he pronounced the nickname, like velvet slipping off his tongue, made a shiver go down your back.
"i know," you answered, your legs bouncing off of the porch as your shorter frame stood to meet miguel's impossibly taller form. "i'm not allowed to walk home alone for a while by myself, so..."
miguel laugh-snorted, before pointing his head towards the direction of her home. "cmon, kid," he spoke, his lengthy legs striding down the street as you followed behind him. "let's get you home."
you trailed him, the slightly-heeled soles of your sandals slapped against the concrete-pavement of the sidewalk. you burned your eyes into the back of miguel's figure. your eyes entranced by how built and muscular his trapezius muscle was. you felt yourself blush a bit, your conscious forcing you to blame it on the hot weather.
"how's school?" miguel questioned, an attempt on his part to stifle an awkward walk home.
"it's okay," you shrugged. you managed to catch up to him, the pair of you walking side by side now. "i finished my prerequisites, so now i'm just waiting on the next semester to start."
"congrats, kid," he spoke, a sincere, closed-mouth smile on his lips caused you to smile again.
it was there when you really took in his features. you could tell he was older, the subtle wrinkles on his forehead and the hints of silver-streaked tresses peaked through his cocoa-brown hair. but, that didn't take away from how beautiful he truly was. his hair had volume and was pushed back, reminding you of a 1960's hollywood actor. his eyebrows were thick and long, and sometimes they furrowed when he was heavily focused in a game in dominos with your dad. he had prominent cheekbones, and his nose. your favorite part about him was his nose. you loved how long his bridge went, and how slightly wide his nostrils were. you told him once that he had a nose "como una zanahoria," a carrot, but you hoped he knew you were just joking. and his lips, his full, salmon-pink lips.
you wondered if miguel knew how beautiful he was; how his chestnut-brown eyes could make grown women swoon at him, or how his voice could make even the most menacing tiger bow to him.
he watched you stare at him, not realizing how the both of you had stopped walking. you both stood in place, his almond-shaped, tired eyes meeting with your sparkling, adorning pair.
"what you thinking of, hm?" miguel muttered. you could see the playful twinkle in his eyes. "i got something on my face, nena?"
"no," you retorted, your voice barely above a whisper. you made yourself shake your head, an effort to shake off whatever trance miguel had unknowingly put you in. "it's just..."
"just what, chula?"
you stayed silent for a few beats, before you averted your eyes to look at the pearl-white straps on your shoes. "nothing," you eventually said, your legs resuming the stride to your home with miguel hot on your tail.
at last you made it to your house, your hand dumping out the little remainder you had of your ice-cream cone out in the garbage can just outside the buildings home.
"thank you, migs," you thanked the man, your body already ascending up the porch's stairs.
"no problem, mama," he shrugged off. "just be good." taking off, the man halted just as you inserted the key to the door.
"hey, kid. what exactly did you get in trouble for?"
with the most delinquent smirk on your face and an inkling of a laugh about to escape your lips, you answered miguel in the sweetest voice he'd ever heard.
"neighbors caught me fucking their son in their yard and told my dad. how stupid is that?”
the sexual thoughts didn’t arise until july.
your uncle, your father’s brother, was hosting his annual summer party at his long island home.
your father, your uncle, and some other men were gathered around the backyard’s pool. while your dad was grilling some hot dogs, you could see your uncle, from your inside view of the glass-pane sliding door, smoking weed on his pool-side chair.
meanwhile you, sitting inside the air-conditioned living room with your cousins, ate your cherry-flavored popsicle as you listened to them gossip about some recent family drama. you froze, however, when your bambi eyes landed on him.
apart from the maroon-red swimming trunks he wore, he was bare from any other clothing. the protruding abs that always peeked out from underneath his thin shirts were on display now, his stomach shiny from the pool water and from the sharp ray’s of summer’s sun.
he held a cigarette in his fingers, his canine-teeth on display as he laughed at whatever joke your uncle had made. telepathically, his cocoa-brown eyes seemed to find yours, a glimmer in his irises as he did so. he winked at you, the corner of his lips pulled up as he watched you shudder from his simple action.
“y que pasó, mami?” your older cousin, giselle, noticed the sudden shiver racing down your spine. “too cold?”
“no,” you shook your head, your eyes facing your ruby-red polished toes before they glanced up, miguel’s backside facing you as he conversed with another one of your uncle’s guests.
mariana, your second older cousin, trailed your sight of vision before she cracked a smile on her pink sugar summer friday’s lip-balm adorned lips.
“que guapo,” she purred, her tongue poking out from her teeth as she laughed. “wait, he’s not one of our uncles, right?”
“no, stupid,” giselle smacked her knee. “that’s the guy her dad brought. he is mad fine, though. where y’all found him at, hm?”
“ask my dad,” you simply shrugged, swallowing the rest of your cherry-flavored popsicle that you had left.
eventually, the three of you joined the men in the pool, laughter and screams erupted from each other’s lips as you splashed at each other all afternoon long. after the sky began to turn a shade of tangerine-orange, however, the party was soon called to an end.
your older cousins had disappeared somewhere upstairs, a majority of the guests all thanking your uncle for the party as they ventured away in their ford trucks and honda’s.
your father and uncle were conversing about whatever inside the house, while you leisurely laid underneath a baby-pink towel on the lawn.
“hey,” a familiar velvet, resonant voice called out from above you.
laying on your back, you pulled down your raven-black square-shaped sunglasses just to fight back a gasp.
there was miguel, of course, standing above you with an amicable smile on his full, pink lips. his abs were regrettably concealed by a baggy, white shirt. he was still wearing the maroon-colored shorts, but now there was an obvious, huge tent in them.
diós mio. you were sure from his smirk he noticed how your neck bobbled as you swallowed. he moved toward your side, crouching as you rested up on your elbows to meet his eyes.
"you tanning?" he questioned, an eyebrow raised as his eyes drifted towards the becoming sunset.
"drying off," you shrugged. "i'm working with what i got here."
he chuckled, before his eyes found themselves glancing at your father and uncle. he got up on his feet, the sudden action causing you to get up yourself.
"you're leaving already?" you slightly pouted, an act you didn't realize you were committing but an act that miguel's eyes refused to unrecognize.
"party's over, cariña," he uttered, his fingers slipping a piece of loose hair behind your ear. "and your dad and i got work in the morning."
"i know," you whispered. miguel's rich voice whispered back little shh, shh, shh's, the same fingers trailing from your ear down to your chin. he held your gaze, his eyes narrowing while your own pair softened.
"no te pongas así, mamita," he purred. don't be like that. "what's got you upset, hm?"
"i'm not upset," you let a little laugh escape through your teeth. "i'm just used to seeing you around now."
"yeah?" miguel puffed his own laughter out through his lips. "don't worry, nena. you'll see me around more."
"really?" your eyes twinkled. he playfully flicked your chin before he smoothly pulled away.
"really," he parroted. his towering frame strode toward's his navy-blue chevrolet truck. "tell your dad i said thanks for inviting me. see you, chamaca."
"bye," you waved off, watching him get into his truck as he drove off.
your dad came out from behind you, his hand shutting the glass door behind him shut.
"hey, amor. ready to go home?"
that night, after your long shower, you laid peacefully still on top of your bubblegum-pink silk bedsheets. your hands were rested on your slightly bare stomach while your legs were crossed.
you thought about the events from today. the party, your cousins' gossip, miguel.
the memory of his abs shining from the sunshine, his bare shoulders and chest, his hardened print protruding from his swim-trunks.
you couldn't help it. it was all too much.
you didn't realize when your fingers started to trail downward, the tips of your nails trimming the pear-white lacy ending of your olive-black cami-silk top. your fingers slipped underneath your matching silk shorts, a quiet gasp escaping your lips.
the thought of miguel left you soaked, your mind racing with the reminders of the little nicknames he gave you, the way his voice deepened when he spoke to you.
your fingers traced the growing bud that was between your thighs. little breaths left your mouth as you circled around it, carefully applying pressure as you did.
blood rushed to your ears, your cheeks glowing in a hue of rosy-pink as your eyes squeezed shut. your thighs spread wider, your fingers rubbing faster as your unoccupied hand pulled down your cami top to let your tits be hardened by your room's cool air.
your mind was racing with pictures of you and miguel. you thought about his lips on yours, your hips sitting on his lap while his hands caressed your side. you thought about his mouth on your tits, the way he'd groan and curse when your cunt squeezed around his cock.
"coño," he'd whisper in your ear. "como una pinche zorra."
harder, you'd rubbed. your other hand raised up to play with your tits, your bottom lip caught between your teeth as a beg to yourself to not make any noise.
it didn't take long for you to unravel; slipping your middle and ring finger inside of you, your eyes went lax as your lips formed a little 'o'-shape. you pretended they were miguel's cock instead, his dick fucking roughly into you as he filled you up completely.
"take it," you pictured him growling to you. "eres mía."
"eres tuyo," you'd whine, your body going rigid as you came around your fingers. your chest heaved as deep breaths puffed out your lips, your thighs fluttering as you came down from your high. pulling your fingers out from you, you saw how they were coated with a mixture of an iridescent-shine and an eggshell-white cream.
you didn't realize how bad it would hurt.
since your first trimester of your second year in college began, you've found yourself talking to this boy from your english class. he was sweet, of course, the boy taking the time to court you with baby breath flowers and two tickets to watch priscilla. you thought all was good, even taking the time to get dressed in a cute two-piece outfit; a linen-white skirt and cropped-vest top which you styled with a white bow in your hair, ankle socks, and some academia-inspired onyx-black loafers.
you found out just this morning, however, that he'd gone back to his ex.
you should've know. you should've know since he mentioned he just got out of a relationship, how he couldn't stop talking about his ex for fifteen minutes straight. but he was so sweet, so you overlooked the possibility of him seeing you as just a rebound.
so of course, it stung.
walking home, you opened the front door with tears prickling in your waterlines as you were consumed in your thoughts.
"hey, chamaca," you heard a voice call out from your dining room, but you were too distraught to even face the owner. you plopped your bag down near the sofa, rushing to your room as the same tears threatened to fall.
you practically jumped on your bed, not even bothering to kick off your shoes or unclip the bow which was stabbing the back of your head. you sobbed, your arms cradling your cotton-soft lacy trimmed pillow as you buried your face into it. faintly, you could hear rushed footsteps approaching your door, the sound suddenly halting before they resumed their way to you.
"oh, nena. qué pasa?"
you felt a dip on your bed beside you, a sudden warmth masking you as you felt yourself being rolled onto your back. through your watercolor eyes, you could see the silhouette of a familiar figure with broad shoulders and that signature pushed back, somewhat curtain-styled chestnut-brown hair.
"miguel," you hiccuped, letting yourself be pulled into the man's lap as his strong arms held you.
"what's wrong, baby?" he let slip, the affection going unnoticed by either of you. "what's got you crying?"
"a boy," you cried. "why are you here, where's my dad?"
"your dad's at the corner store and he told me to wait here until you got back safely. now tell me, a boy hurt you?"
"mhm," you whimpered. "he left me for his ex. i thought we were so good."
"i know," he soothed. his arms rocked you seamlessly, the action bringing him memories of him from a different life. "let it out, chiquita."
for a beat, you allowed yourself to be calmed in miguel's thighs, his arms lulling you to sleep as he hummed sweet lullabies to you. your tears subsided, your breath evening out as your heavy gasps came to a stop.
"i just wished they wouldn't leave me," you confessed, your voice minimized to a whisper. "no matter what i do, no matter what i give them, it's never enough."
miguel's rocking ceased.
you peered up at him, your doe, watery eyes pierced into his softened eyes. "please don't leave," you begged him, your wobbly, clear-gloss coated lips pleated. "i don't want you to leave."
for miguel, looking down at the little bunny in his lap; your cheeks warmed from crying and your body shaking in his lap, his answer came from that of his utmost sincerity.
"i won't leave, cariña."
"you promise?"
without missing a beat, "te prometo."
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rosedorada · 2 years
IN THE MOONLIGHT | neymar jr
neymar jr x fem!reader
lowercase intended || warnings : fluff, cursing
wc : 1222 words (masterlist)
valentine’s day special | also this is set in paris, i wanted to clear things up because i know it’s summer in brazil rn
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neymar’s first date with a paris lady doesn’t go as planned, soon realizing that his heart belonged to his best friend.
translations at the end :)
“i need this to be perfect.” neymar paces around the room and i sit on his bed.
“what does she like?” i cross my legs and he stops to look at me. “are you serious?” i blankly stare at him with a flat tone.
“it- it’s the first date, if that helps.” he starts to talk with his hands, getting progressively nervous and sweaty.
“it’s fine, but why valentine’s day for a first date?” i mumble and neymar goes to sit next to me.
“i’m fucked.” he puts his head in his hands.
“no, you’re not.” i put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and he tenses up. “it’s normal to be nervous.” i slowly take my hand off and put it in my lap.
“it’s not my first date, doce. it’s just,” he pauses for a second to look at the tv in front of us. “i can’t screw this one up.”
“you won’t, i’ve known you since we were 14. when have you, the ladies man, fucked up a first date?” i smile at him and bump into his side. “well, except for gabriela matos sophomore year.” i let out a chuckle and neymar groans.
“you said you’d let that go!” we both start to laugh. “thank you, though. i really appreciate you.” neymar hugs me before going to his closet. i pat his back with my hand.
i really appreciate you.
“you promise that she won’t like… run away or-“ neymar was religiously fixing his hair.
i had to cut him off, “you’re being destructive. you’re an easy person to talk to, everyone loves you. you’re gonna be fine.” i get up off of the couch to stop neymar from fixing himself in the reflection of a metal bowl.
i grab his hands and take them out of his hair, fixing it one more time. “hey, i was fixing it.”
“you’re making it more greasy by doing that.” i let go of his hands, putting mine in my hoodie. “isn’t it time?”
“sh- yeah.” he kisses my forehead before leaving. “bye amor!” he runs out the door. my heart started to race, i got a little too caught up. he’s been doing stuff like that since we were 16, that’s normal for neymar.
i couldn’t help but let my heart race, my face heat up, and get all giddy like i have since he’s started doing it.
it felt like i was developing my teenage crush on him all over again and i knew that was gonna end terribly.
i jump off of the couch once i hear the door open, screaming trying to find something to throw.
i grab the remote and chuck it at the wall, “god! fuck! why’d you do that?”
“woah! doce, christ!” neymar puts his hands up, “you almost hit me.” he bends down to pick up the remote.
once i see him in the glow of the tv, i realize that he didn’t seem too happy. “oh, neymar. what happened?” i soften my gaze and he scratches his arm.
i see his frown start to turn into a smile, soon going ear to ear. “HAH- sorry.” he clears his throat.
“not funny.” i blurt out.
“it went good, i’m just leaving my coat here and we’re gonna go to a show.” he hands me his coat. “she said it was good. i’ll see you later?”
it came out as a question, since i had a house not too far down the street. “oh- oh! yeah, i’ll see you later. bye, belo.” i wave my hand.
“bye, doce!” he closes the door and locks it before i hear his car speed out of the driveway. after zoning out for a few seconds, i realized i was clutching the coat he had given to me.
it smelt like him, or the cologne he really only wears when he’s in paris. he warrants being here a special occasion. i hear a crinkle in one of the pockets and decide to take the piece of paper out.
a bunch of random scribbles, probably to calm himself down. i flip to the back, it seemed like a draft of a love letter.
the jealousy sat in when i realized it was to the girl he was on the date with, though her name was written over another one. i don’t know why i’d be jealous. it’s not like neymar was gonna miraculously, automatically fall in love with me once i realize my own feelings.
“do i really want to know what this says…” i mumble to myself, biting the skin around my thumb. “yes, yes i do wanna know.” i unfold the paper to read it.
it was half finished, hearts bordering the page. he put a ton of thought behind it, and not gonna lie, it was sweet. i fold it back up and put it back in the jacket pocket.
i feel the couch sink in next to me and i wake up. “hm?” i look up and see neymar smiles at me. “oh!” i sit up, “was it fun?”
“yeah, miss you though.”
“why’d you miss me?” i yawn and neymar puts his arm around my shoulders.
“she wouldn’t stop and enjoy the silent parts.” he pauses for a second. “like natural silence. she’s nice though.”
“awww, neymar is in looovvee.” i smile and he rolls his eyes.
“i might be.” he smiles and we sat in silence for a few minutes. “wanna do the tradition?”
“really? i would love to.” the valentine’s day tradition was a special one, in my opinion.
we’d sit where we can see the eiffel tower and talk for hours. i didn’t know he’d be up for it after being out.
“yeah, i’ll bring snacks. go to the car.” he hands me the keys and i get my shoes on.
once we got situated, i admired the beauty of the symbol of france. i loved how it over-shined the city around it, how it glowed almost as bright as the moon.
“so, what do you wanna talk about?” neymar opens a bag and starts to eat.
“maybe your date?” i smile and he shakes his head.
“it really didn’t go too well. she was a great person, just not the right one for me.” my ears perk up when he said the last thing, he didn’t seem too sad about it.
“oh, well there’s always someone who is right for you.” yeah, me. i was talking about myself. i hope he got the hint.
“yeah, i’m just glad we got to keep this up.” he scoots closer to me. “i enjoy spending time with you.”
his words made me subconsciously smile, “i enjoy hanging out with you, too, belo.” i put my hand on his cheek.
leaning into my touch, neymar looks into my eyes. the lights from the tower made him look angelic, “y/n-“ i think we both realized what was about to happen. i could see the shift in his eyes, and i could feel the shift when he said my name. “- i can’t.”
he leans in quickly, taking me by surprise. i kiss back, the 15 years of pent up feelings finally came out.
“eu te amo.” he whispers to me and i smile.
“eu também te amo.” i kiss him again and he rests his forehead on mine.
͟͟͞͞➳❥ ͟͟͞͞➳❥ ➳❥
belo : beautiful
doce : sweet
amor : love
eu te amo : i love you
eu também te amo : i love you too
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queenthevampire · 2 years
O evento de Eldarya começou ontem e depois de meses tendo eventos chulos finalmente nos deram um belíssimo com trajes digníssimos e dois mascotes que são uma graça, um deles sendo do medido coletivo.
O mini game para ganhar os trajes é o mesmo dos eventos de escolha anteriores sendo preciso ir na exploração recolher os itens, jogar e fabricar, assim tendo direito a uma peça de cada traje em cada etapa e o bug que acompanhava esse puzzle permitindo continuar as jogadas mesmo após chegar a zero tentativas não está mais funcionando.
Vou começar pelo traje do banco Seductive Charmer (pele,olhos e boca da imagem não inclusos)
Apesar de belíssimo deixou muito a desejar no quesito cores e principalmente na parte da calda e orelha, pois, quem não usa cores padrão, como eu por exemplo, não conseguirá combinar com os cabelos, já que só há 10 opções na loja em comparação com os 26 de cabelo, algo bem desproporcional.
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Disponível de forma 100% gratuita temos o Volatile Wish, Gradient Heart e o Slow Affection e todos possuem dez opções.
Sendo o Volatile mais fácil de se conseguir já que os outros demandam do joguinho.
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Gradient Heart, esse traje tem uma pegada rainha de copas maravilhoso que não sei explicar.
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 Slow Affection esse traje ao meu ver parece ter sido inspirado em uma porcelana detalhada tão bonito devido aos efeitos
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E claro que não poderia faltar o look de dia dos namorados ♥
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A imagem infelizmente é um harém padrão e sem graça com contexto repetitivo ao invés de algo individual, poderiam explorar outros lugares de Eel e nos dar imagens belíssimas de casais.
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Amor Doce
Em amor doce eles também trouxeram trajes ok's exceto o do banco que vai dar pra criar diversas fantasias e todos são bonitos e para mim o ponto alto desse evento foram as lembranças do que ocorreu entre as duas temporadas ♥
Abaixo a respostas para pegar a peça\imagem com cada paquera
O dente-de-leão!
Claro, foi num bar.
Meu buquê?
Vou dar uma olhada no quarto…
Peixe? Dito isso, faz uma eternidade que ela não come.. Você falou de flores…?
Você falou de uma noite inesquecível a dois?
Vamos ser paparicados com tratamentos à base de plantas?
Preciso ir na casa da Chani!
É Snake Room!
Foi no parque!
Claro, nunca vou esquecer… Foi no coreto!
No parque?
No apartamento!
Queda livre!
Winged Skull?
Eu sei. É um instrumento de navegação!
…que vem do oeste
Amor verdadeiro e sincero?
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Minha ideia de look para esse evento de maneira simples:
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ghoostrash · 2 years
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Holiday's after the break up
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otomelavenderhaze · 2 years
Cute flirt scene with Nathaniel ~ Armin's AL, ep 5.
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"Also I need to say that, working with Armin, there's not much time to get bored!"
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"How about you? Is the Cozy Bear fine?"
Candy: Is doing... fine. Let's say that, if Eric stop drinking coffee, I would've to close my doors.
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"Don't worry. Everything seems to suggest that you won't be having to face that risk!"
Candy: (Nathaniel's stare stopped at our computers screens).
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"Ah! Are you guys playing? What it is?"
Candy: (Very curious, he stepped closer to our computers).
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"It's nothing. It's just a game that a friend of mine did, it's on beta test..."
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"Cool! What kind of game it is? Can I play too?"
Candy: (He got even closer to our computers. Armin pursed his lips.)
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"It's a RPG... Candy and I are right on the middle of our run..."
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"If you want, we could test it together later."
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"Later... You used to always play games with me on the spot..."
Candy: (He turned to face Armin, show off his most exaggerated puppy sad face.)
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"In the past, you would've called me as soon as you heard about a new game..."
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"Are you really pretending to be jealous, eh?"
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"I'm not pretending! I'm deeply disappointed and wounded!"
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Candy: (Nath let out a deep sigh, dramatic.)
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"Well, okay, I won't insist!"
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"Being said that, Candy, if you got some time, I also would want to play that game with you."
Candy: Look at this! It didn't took you long to turn on Armin!
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"That's true... All is left for me to beg for a little bit of attention from anyone who's open to give me some..."
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"Poor guy, what a miserable life you must have!" (you didn't hava to slam on him that hard, bruh)
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"Yeah. Said that, anyway, I still have work to do for today."
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"I need to change into my costume and assume my Sherlock character!"
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"Yeah, go do that."
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"You guys hit me up if you got any time for another run..."
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No worries! I will call you."
Candy: (Nathaniel said his goodbyes, and Armin took him to the door.)
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candysweetposts · 5 months
Omg how did you manage to get all the assets? I’m trying to figure it out but STRUGGLING
Basically, you follow what I said in one of my last posts but for the two-piece clothing, you add these in the URL.
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What you do is when you see the tiny line there, you add another one. Now you have 2 of them. Between them add the word "front" or "back".
That's all apparently. I found this looking through amor doce new gen wiki. You can check them out as well. They started posting some of the outfits from the game.
I hope this helps!
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1vidapoeticando · 1 year
Desejo a você as melhores sensações da vida...O amor mais intenso verdadeiro...As mais lindas e doces palavras...Que se sinta feliz ouvindo suas músicas favoritas, e experimente comidas típicas de outros países e lugares...Que possa caminhar pela manhã, ou andar de bicicleta, ou apenas se sentir bem onde estiver...E se possível, que você viaje, passeie muito, e curta as viagens ao mundo, ou país com quem você ama e quer bem...Te desejo o céu mais lindo e azul, que você possa apreciar o nascer e o pôr do sol...Sentir o aroma das flores, e a brisa tocando em seu rosto...Que você viva os seus melhores dias com paz, saúde e tranquilidade... Que ame seus amigos(as) e familiares e animais... Que olhe com ternura e paixão pra todos que precisam... Que nunca se esqueça que temos a maior de todas as riquezas concedida por Deus, a nossa vida!!!.... Te desejo o melhor sempre!!!!
Te deseo las mejores sensaciones de la vida... El más intenso amor verdadero... Las más bellas y dulces palabras... Que te sientas feliz escuchando tus canciones favoritas, y pruebes comidas típicas de otros países y lugares... Que puedas caminar por la mañana, o andar en bicicleta, o simplemente sentirte bien estés donde estés... Y si es posible, que viajes, camines mucho, y disfrutes de los viajes por el mundo, o país con quien amas y quieres pues... te deseo el mas hermoso y azul cielo, que puedas disfrutar del amanecer y atardecer... Siente el aroma de las flores, y la brisa tocando tu rostro... Que vivas tus mejores dias en paz, salud y tranquilidad... Que ama a sus amigos ya su familia ya los animales... Que mire con ternura y pasión a todos los necesitados... Que nunca olvide que tenemos la mayor de todas las riquezas dada por Dios, nuestra vida!!! .... Te deseo lo mejor siempre!!!!
I wish you the best sensations in life... The most intense true love... The most beautiful and sweet words... May you feel happy listening to your favorite songs, and try typical foods from other countries and places... May you can walk in the morning, or ride a bicycle, or just feel good wherever you are... And if possible, that you travel, walk a lot, and enjoy trips to the world, or country with whom you love and want well... I wish you the most beautiful and blue sky, that you can enjoy the sunrise and sunset... Feel the aroma of flowers, and the breeze touching your face... May you live your best days in peace, health and tranquility... Who loves his friends and family and animals... May he look tenderly and passionately at everyone in need... May he never forget that we have the greatest of all riches given by God, ours life!!!.... I wish you the best always!!!!
Fonte: 1Vidapoeticando 🌺 🍃
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