#amphibia core
puppy--jam · 8 days
Favourite animated show: 023
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created by Matt Braly (2019-2022)
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wixelt · 7 months
Btw, I've been working to flesh out characterization and worldbuilding for the Player Culture AU but, due to that technically being a mostly completely seperate AU from Hermitphibia, I'm probably only going to update you where it's relevant as to not flood your inbox with unrelated lore. I've been mostly going through SMP's to see if they have anything lore relevant and seeing where it would apply.
So anyway, Pirates SMP Scar is almost explicitly HC8 Scar and also shares the name of his previous sailing ship with New life!Scar's plane and I think The Hermatrix may have done essentially the same thing to the Hermits' memories The Core did to Marcy's memories to ensure they were for the most part versions of themselves that wouldn't catch on to being in a simulations, with the exceptions of Doc and Ren, who were made into versions of themselves that would catch on quick. Yes, this is rather the big assumption to make based just on Scar having continuity, but it's either this or decanonising The Hermatrix.
It also goes to explain some of Season 8's weirdness as a whole and opens the season's lore up to be used again... just not in it's surrounding context. Mumbo is probably a formless shapeshifter with half a soul, but it probably isn't Grian's and he's probably been that way since before joining Hermitcraft. The reason The Hermatrix accounted for Pearl's connection to the moon is because of the subconscious memories she still had but hadn't recalled. Impulse eats rocks because he both is and isn't a dwarf due to existing in like two or three points of his life simultaneously. Pearl's megabyte resembles the human settlement in S9 because, well,
Tl;Dr: either The Hermatrix is explicitly noncannon or it was fucking with the hermits' memories to make them relive moments of their pasts because otherwise I can't see how the entrepreneur who traveled by wagon went on to become a pirate and possibly later an air pilot.
Also Pirate!Scar's pirate hat is in Scar's room in Scarland and Pilot!Scar's head is in Cub's meuseum if I'm remebering correctly, both shown in Sausage's world tour.
(Glad to hear your culture interpretation's going well. Always interested to hear about it in relation to the Hermitphibia AU.)
I like the idea that the Hermatrix fundamentally shifted the Hermits' inherent selves to keep them safe (& that it echoes Marcy in canon/False in the AU), though I imagine its less making them different in personality & more unconsciously nudging them away from certain lines of thought they'd usually have.
The idea that this process embellishes or reinterprets certain traits of each Hermit is fun, too.
I don't know if some of the specific interpretations line up with the way I view things, though, but lets work through them one at a time:
Scar's timeline in my mind happens as released & I don't think too much Hermatrix shifting would be needed, nor would it be non-canon. The Hermits take on personas all the time (RenTheKing, etc.), & Scar of all people is very inclined towards that.
I don't know where the interpretation of Mumbo as a half-soulless shapeshifter comes from (aside from the potato thing, maybe), but I'm not sure if I buy it over, say, the view of him as a vampire. I'd be interested in hearing more, though.
Pearl's connection to the moon in the sim - name aside - stemming from her past lives is something I like. Makes it more than just a symbolic connection, & that'd be especially important in the AU as unless Pearl chose her name (which is plausible), Grian's surname would also be Moon.
Impulse eating rocks coming form his dwarf phase is something I'm going to steer clear of, unless we interpret that the Hermatrix was somehow predicting the future as well, since that was still a season away.
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anon-art · 15 days
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theeeveefan · 2 years
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Here’s a drawing of Darcy from amphibia that I drew on my tablet, this is my first time drawing her, and since Halloween is coming up soon, I decided to draw her holding a jack-o-lantern that looks like the core, and I think she turned out really good.
Just so you know Halloween is my favorite holiday and it’s also the day Luigi’s mansion 3 released.
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alexriesart · 1 month
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High above Amphibia.
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cyra-kingg · 7 months
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see no evil
(id in alt)
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spadenlionelnbee · 11 months
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Here's some Darcy art
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arcadiii · 4 months
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sorry marcy, you’re just so easy to angst
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trsn1030 · 11 months
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lionfission · 1 year
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drawings that started off as one of those angsty AUs and somehow became... whatever this is
Part 2 / Part 3
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wixelt · 3 months
So I had two thoughts
While it doesn't change the final outcome for her, I imagine one of the newt ladies would have hidden False away in a spare room in the castle and bandaged her up rather than leaving her to lie on the floor until the king decides he has a use for keeping her alive. It also leaves the possibility open for Andrias to menacingly show up to the room they thought they had her well hidden in and 'take pity' on False and have her moved to a healing tank. This could lead directly into The Scene when they get to the basement, or that could wait a bit until False has been healed a bit more, it doesn't really matter. This series of actions is more so because I felt them just leaving False there would be a bit out of character for the ladies.
The other thought was what if The Core decided it wanted to hijack The Hermethius as another contingency, but I realized that wouldn't work because of Grumbot... but reconnecting Grumbot to the Grumbot hivemind would arguably be a better contingency than simply weaponizing The Hermethius, and realized there was a really easy to go about making that possible, that being Grian's Jrumbot wrist computer. Maybe it studies the AI in the lead up to True Colors, but, more plausibly, the strap snaps durring either Grian's failed attack on Andrias, or the fight with Anne or Andrias after that. He doesn't realize it's missing in the chaos or even after until much later, but The Core certainly does.
It'd be in-character for Olivia & Yunan to want to help and/or hide False away now Andrias has shown his true colors. What follows with his "pity" & False's subsequent possession by the Core will do well to show they were right to fear the menace both he & the Core might bring, & variations of the scenes we all know & dread would likely follow.
This would be regardless of any conflict the king might have over this. Despite the doubts the Hermits - notably Joe - placed in his mind, such thoughts would not be as strong with False as they would be if Marcy or even Mumbo - whom he got to know more on a personal level - were in her place.
On the Hermithius, meanwhile, Grumbot - in all his depth & variation - would in theory put a stop to the idea of a hijack, especially as its unclear how much intel the Core would even have on the ship, no matter how much Andrias probed before the mask slip. Even if he knows the hive contingency exists as a nuclear option, that doesn't guarantee the Core can plan around it.
That is until he finds the wrist unit for Jrumbot lost amidst the ruins of battle whilst hunting for where Olivia sequestered False's wounded form in the wake of True Colors. From that point, the poor AI becomes a focus for military research. Such technology will be a boon even if they don't manage to hack the Hermithius.
Meanwhile, hiding in a cave somewhere between Newtopia & Wartwood as the escaped Hermits & Amphibians attempt to regroup, Grian's hand goes instinctively to his wrist, eyes widening in alarm as he finds it bare.
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snoozemoose · 1 year
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buttercupart · 26 days
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yknow, like Dark Marcy
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theeeveefan · 2 years
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This is a drawing of Darcy from amphibia holding a pokeball, it’s been a while since I’ve drawn her, anyway she knows a lot about being a Pokémon trainer by searching Marcy’s memories about her Pokémon and let’s just say Marcy’s pokemon are also Darcy’s pokemon.
More amphibia drawing coming up soon.
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jailofmonkeys · 6 months
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Corias and Darcy because they could make for a crazy evil father and daughter dynamic
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