abanddreamer · 4 months
So Long, Evernote
Evernote (EN) was great.
I'd used it since 2010 when I was in University. A good friend recommended it to me.
At some point, I started paying for the service. It was about $3 a month, I think.
After half a decade, I took a hiatus to try out Google Keep. I survived for a year, because I initially didn't have much note taking requirements. But plain-text is messy. And my ideas and notes became more complex and needed some structure to sort it out.
So I went back to Evernote.
But recently there was a tremendous price hike. $10+ a month for US, Canadian, and European (western bloc) users!
If users from the English/Western market are the majority users and are frightened by the pricing, it is not good for the business.
I had to leave Evernote.
What are good choices? I offer you the following:
OneNote - free, traditional note taking app
UpNote - affordable app most similar to Evernote
NotesNook - affordable, privacy-focused app. But unstable and doesn't support checklists
AmpleNote - task / journal app that is v.responsive but doesn't support checklists
Craft - beautiful journal app
I had some additional requirements (which may not be applicable to you):
Web App
Offline Mode
Version History
Checklists which are not Tasks
So I narrowed it down to OneNote - which is my anchor app is everything goes wrong, and Craft - which is my aspirational app if everything goes right.
I'm still evaluating Craft!
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yuserizawa · 1 year
タスク管理はずっと、 2年ぐらい前からSunsamaっていうやつを使っていた。その前はScrapboxにテキストベースで毎日新しいページを作って、前日のやつからコピーしてきて管理するっていうのをやっていた。
最近Sunsamaがちょっと毎月20ドルかかるのは高すぎるっていうことで、別のやつをちょっと探し始めたんだけど、Amplenoteっていうサービスに落ち着きそう。これはPKMとかをよく紹介している。ShuっていうYouTuberが紹介していたサービスで、一見普通のnote takingアプリなんだけど、Markdown形式で書くことができて、そこでTodoリストを作ると、プライオリティーとか期限を設定することができて、それを抽出するビューが生えていて、その日やるやるべき順番に並んでいるっていう感じ。
Todoリスト以外は普通のnote takingアプリだから、なんでもかけるので結構Scrapboxと自分的には同じような体験。
これも。 Windows 11の日本語音声入力機能で書いている。
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I understand it's usual to talk about blorbo fixations here but I hope my homies that also get hyperfixated on new organization systems are doing fine today
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chronotopes · 1 month
did you ever find that Evernote alternative? Inquiring minds want to know (me. It's me I want to know)
Yes!!!! I use Amplenote now, it takes a bit of adjustment but it has nested tag systems and if you install evernote desktop and download your notebooks one by one you can import them from evernote to amplenote :)
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crella · 1 year
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endearmint-moved · 1 year
does anyone know of a planner/to-do/note-taking app like obsidian or amplenote? both of them look great but rn they're experiencing glitches rendering the apps unusable
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manipulacoes · 1 year
Das assinaturas de serviçõs
Tantos apps e serviços legais para os fascinados pelo mundo da produtividade pessoal, "note taking" e gestão da informação, mas todos com assinaturas cobradas em dólares, fica desanimador.
acredito que bons produtos devem ser bem pagos, porém o padrão de assinaturas dos bons serviços está girando hoje na casa dos $8 mensais, quando pago o ano inteiro de uma vez. Em dez/22 isso representa quase R$500, 40% de um salário mínimo brasileiro. Caro demais.
Testei esses dias um app chamado Akiflow que me ofereceu um desconto ao entender que eu usava o serviço do Brasil. Achei legal, me deu vontade de assinar só por esse cuidado.
Alguns serviços mais estabelcidos, como o Todoist e o Evernote, conseguem oferecer bons serviços a preços mais camaradas. Mas pq cresceram o suficiente. Os pequenos tem que cobrar caro.
Enfim, por enquanto vou ficar só na vontade de serviços como:
Akiflow (mesmo com descontos)
E outros.
E vou ter que contentar com OneNotes e G Keeps da vida :-/
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apkhay · 2 years
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Amplenote Amplenote   Ứng dụng Amplenote nằ... #apkhay #gameandroid #gameapk #gameupdate
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AO3 Year in Review (that's the ship stats one) is out and you guys got Alhaitham/Kaveh to position 5 on the ship's debut year! That is incredibly impressive, congratulations to everyone involved!
I mean you literally out-wrote the biggest fandoms out there, those that have only one or two big ships. It is impressive, is what I'm saying.
Knowing that centreoftheselights focus her stats on ship growth I was stunned to find out Tartaglia/Zhongli lost 20 positions and both of my beloved ships that were ranking last year are just gone.
So of course I spent the whole afternoon collecting data to see what happened. Who do you think I am? A person without a completely unrelated essay to write?
Proceed beyond the cut if you want to see some Genshin Impact ship data.
So I had a question: what happened with our ships' growth this year? Time to do some data collecting!
So here's what I did. Knowing that several writers have opted to archive-lock their fics in order to stave off the bots, I chose to collect the data manually, with my logged-on profile, and using the search operator created_at:["2023-01-01" TO "2023-12-31"] to restrict the search to works created in that time period.
This means backdated works don't make it in, but it may also mean that works which were fully written in the drafts before being posted at a later date count as being created in 2023 even if you posted it in January 10th 2024.
I'm not citing names here but I see you there and all I can say is please don't write directly in your drafts. There's no guarantee your fic will survive there. Have backups. Please. If you can't download an app/software, then at least use Amplenote. It's free, online and supports formatting of all kinds.
Method (really now)
Using the archive's filters set to all languages and the period up to December 31st 2023, I pulled the list of the top ten tagged relationships. Then, setting the period from January 1st to December 31st 2023, I did the same. With that data I graphed the growth pattern.
The data
As of my cut-off date, December 31st 2023, there were 163,902 works under the 原神 | Genshin Impact (Video Game) tag in AO3. The top ten relationships tagged were:
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli: 14571 works
Alhaitham/Kaveh: 9645 works
Diluc/Kaeya: 7295 works
Diluc & Kaeya: 6077 works
Venti/Xiao | Alatus: 4870 works
Albedo/Kaeya: 4442 works
Aether/Xiao: 4127 works
Tartaglia | Childe/Lumine: 4046 works
Chongyun/Xingqiu: 3524 works
Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche: 3432 works
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59,092 of those works were posted between January 1st and December 31st 2023. During the year, the top relationships were:
Alhaitham/Kaveh: 8591 works
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli: 3513 works
Alhaitham & Kaveh: 2446 works
Cyno/Tighnari: 2342 works
Neuvillette/Wriothesley: 1950 works
Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche: 1810 works
Diluc & Kaeya: 1721 works
Diluc/Kaeya: 1551 works
Venti/Xiao: 1106 works
Aether/Xiao: 1101 works
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Now, that's impressive growth, isn't it? Here's how that tracks over the historical number:
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Just look at that bar. That was a single year! And Tartaglia/Zhongli had a nice amount of growth, more than any other ship besides Alhaitham/Kaveh.
So there it is, what happened. You guys are just absolutely amazing :)
Side notes:
1. Hm, what about Neuvillette/Wriothesley?
A fairly new ship that showed up on AO3 Stats ranked 68, with 1938 works. On my counts (with the locked works) the number goes up to 1950. So, not a small ship at all but also not close enough to enter our top ten.
At least not this year.
2. Is it all about smut? I bet it's all about smut!
It is not. When you exclude the Explicit tag there are still 46,001 works created in 2023. And, honestly, the Explicit tag can be used for gore and violence as well, so even that isn't a solid way to exclude smut from the count.
But if you're wondering how the ranking goes without the Explicit fics, here is the data for the works up to December 31st 2023:
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli: 10406 works
Alhaitham/Kaveh: 7330 works
Diluc & Kaeya: 5761 works
Diluc/Kaeya: 4651 works
Venti/Xiao: 4253 works
Albedo/Kaeya: 3759 works
Aether/Xiao: 3441 works
Tartaglia | Childe/Lumine: 3216 works
Chongyun/Xingqiu: 3165 works
Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche: 2785 works
And this is the data for just 2023:
Alhaitham/Kaveh: 6545 works
Tartaglia | Childe/Zhongli: 2534 works
Alhaitham & Kaveh: 2115 works
Cyno/Tighnari: 1885 works
Diluc & Kaeya: 1645 works
Neuvillette/Wriothesley: 1467 works
Kaedehara Kazuha/Scaramouche: 1397 works
Diluc/Kaeya: 1057 works
Venti/Xiao | Alatus: 937 works
Aether/Xiao: 911 works
If this tells you anything, make it that people will tag a ship and either fade to black or just not put any sex at all in the story.
3. So, no love for gen fics?
No, no, no, lots of love for gen fics! Immense love for gen fics!
I'll talk about that in another post, though, because I have more graphs to make before I can post it.
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