#an english guy doing a scouse accent doing an american accent
enter-drfrog · 1 year
I still have so many other notes from Peter Pan Goes wrong the other night, but one of my favorite things in the preshow was Trevor making fun of American accents. He was looking for the hammer and I think a little kid said something about the way he said it so he corrected himself in an American accent and then said it sounded ridiculous
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branmer · 1 year
maybe her problem is that she always tries to go posh. petition for cynthia nixon to try a regional accent next time
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sothischickshe · 4 years
What’s the dumbest thing an american has said to you? (and tag other non-americans)
Oh aNON, this is such a great question 😂
I feel like whatever the true answer is, I've repressed it deep deep down but some highlights which spring to mind:
Very politely attempting to convert whatever measurements they're speaking of to metric bc I am an european™️... Except im English, and I feel like if you thought about it for a second, a glimpse of world history would suggest from whence the imperial system came...
Just absolute full on fucking hysterics at Britishisms, like I think this chick mightve done herself permanent damage cackling when I said 'corridor' one time...? Like yes I might snort at a couple of Americanisms but it's not THAT funny, ppl call things different things, chill down
Pronunciation of French loan words (croissant, nougat, niche etc). Ouch.
'we say cheers to mean thanks too.' ???? You do not??? Not sure what was going on here, trying to seem cool??? (Lord that guy was hot, but also big dumb)
Just anything that implies a complete lack of understanding that the rest of the world, like, exists
No you HAVE to try this it's a pumpkin double ipa (???? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮)
Taking me to weird fast food versions of European food and insisting they know everything about the cuisine based on this (um)
Referring to like the 24 hour clock as military time (????)
Assuming American sign language is universal (honey the clue is in the name)
Assuming that when we tic on 'if that's all right?' to statements that we're actually asking that question and require a response (????)
'ew this pasta isn't even cooked' (sweetheart this is al dente.... Maybe don't bother going to Italy if this upsets you)
Trucking with ridonculous national stereotypes, like OBVIOUSLY I love queueing n talking bout the weather, but no it's not downtown Abbeyville or whatever
'are they speaking english?' in response to like a scouse or Scottish or whatever accent
Insistently referring to ppl or things as 'british' (sometimes it's appropz, but a lot of the time you probs mean English, or indeed perhaps scottish or welsh or whatevs)
Not believing in prawn
Tagalagging @jazillia007 @bourbon-ontherocks @missmaxime @riosnecktattoo @jade-marie @bathroombreaks & anyone who wants to play!!!!!
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fairycosmos · 4 years
do you understand spanish when you hear it? i understand english when i hear it just fine except when ppl speak too fast OR WHEN THEY'RE BRITISH LMAOOOOOOO i can't understand a word you're all saying i'm convinced it's just gibberish to fuck with me sadajskdasd i love you but why are you guys like this
it highly depends on the situation fhjdksdksz like ok so i understand enough to watch youtube in spanish right. but then sometimes when i watch documentaries in spanish and its just normal ppl talking to each other without a mic its hard to understand. just noises and the rolled rrrrr and it’s so fkn fast 😭 and theres sooo many different words for the same thing bc of the different dialects and countries. chilean accents r difficult to grasp love them but idk what the fuck is going on!! spanish from spain is also p insane with the lisp first time i heard it i had no clue what was happening. i would prob have to go really slow talking to a spanish speaking person irl, but i would mostly understand and get the gist i think. if they were patient w me lmfao. GOD jdkaksz i can imagine how crazy the english accents sound to non native speakers. we must sound insane?? idk i cant even conceptualize it.  search up a strong scouse accent if you really want to lose it. i am so sorry i have legit no explanation lmfaoooo other than maybe the US american accent sounds more normal to you bc you were exposed to it more in the media. i’ve had ppl think i’m speaking norwegian with my accent even other english native speakers 😭 sometimes i hear myself speak and im like this is not english is it. we’re just making things up i reckon
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weston-hcs · 7 years
who would you cast as voice actors for the weston boys? or maybe just what kind of voices would they have?
Let me just say, that I despise most of the voice actors that were cast for Black Butler since apparently Funimation only has 50 voice actors for every single project they work on. Maybe they should cast people who can do proper accents cause you can hear when all the actors slip back into American. I did this more for accents but I do just see a lot of them with variants of Londoner accents.
Lawrence: Someone who’s tried to keep up the pretence of the Queen’s English with ‘received pronunciation’ that keeps on slipping into the rougher London accent. Lawrence seems to be the kind of guy that had to fit in with all the others in the public school, having gotten in with his amazing academics. In terms of pitch, someone that’s about the same level as how Charles Grey was.
Clayton: Though I don’t see him as a noble, I do think that the strong stereotypical Londoner accent would fit him. He’s not a rough speaker by any means, but you can feel that he’s grown up a Londoner with less annunciation and more general sounds like “yer,” rather than “you’re.A somewhat nasally voice is what I first imagined him with, but not over emphasised. 
McMillan: He probably has a bit of a squeaky high pitched voice, something that matches up with his energy. While there’s the stereotypical British accent that makes you think of the queen, McMillan sounds far rougher with dropped off letters, taking of t’s and h’s cause that’s what all the cool kids on the block sounded like.
Herman: A much deeper voice would suit him. He’s in a permanent state of loudness so an actor who isn’t afraid to shout in the booth would be really great. Imagine like a booming teacher’s voice. I have no idea why I imagined a West Country accent but I did - that’s how Mey Rin speaks - since I do headcanon that Greenhill’s family has a lot of farmland in their estate.
Edward: A very neutral voice is what I expect from him. Preferably, I’d like to hear a voice I haven’t heard before, since I don’t really associate Edward with any actors. He’s gotta have a voice with a lot of intonation and is very expressive, since Edward goes from calm to shouting in an instant. I did once think that Greg Ellis was a good neutral kind of voice for him.
Edgar: The most pleasant and calm voice that’s a bit breathy. It’s a voice that’s honeyed yet penetrating; Edgar’s voice makes you want to listen to him forever but you can’t really trust the words he says. He’s somewhere in the middle, not too deep and not too high.
Joanne: It’s hard to think about how to cast Joanne because a lot of young boys in anime are cast by women. Yes, a soft spoken voice is okay, but his voice shouldn’t be overly feminine. Doll’s voice actor was actually the kind of pitch I would expect from Joanne, but the accent should be more refined and he’d be more soft spoken.
Maurice: A voice that’s similar in pronunciation with Edgar’s is what he’d use when he keeps his deception up. Yet, I do see him being sharper with his consonants than him. Maybe heightened received pronunciation that you'd get on Downton Abbey.The pitch would be somewhat like Dagger’s was, since it was high pitched enough without making him sound like a child.
Gregory: I do hear a mix of Irish or Highland, but not too far from typical English. He’s got a breathy voice but you can feel the poetic and almost wise nature of his voice. Of course, this voice is pretty hard to get down when Gregory’s voice seems to be quite quiet, but it’s still the voice I see him with.
Cheslock: He’s probably got an accent that isn’t the typical English - as Americans seem to think - but instead has a Northern accent mixed with London, since I do believe that he grew up there. The fluid sound of Lancashire would be great, but not heavily scouse. He doesn’t stress each syllable strictly either.
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weeklyhumorist · 5 years
Questions that I, an American, have about the British “WAGatha Christie” Scandal
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Q. Wait, what is this? Ooh, is it a mystery solved by a clever Golden Retriever?
A. Unfortunately, it is not (wouldn’t that be great, though? Are there any dog-detective shows out there? Netflix? Hulu? Anyone?). This scandal involves two women who bang English football stars for a living, and thus are also social media, uh, “stars.” WAG stands for “Wives and Girlfriends”; you can do the math on the rest.
  Q: And by football you –
A. Yes, I mean soccer. Don’t get cute.
  Q. So… is this like a football hooligan thing, or…
A. Yes and no. The aggrieved party, Coleen Rooney, claims that Rebekah Vardy leaked information about her to the (gleefully vicious!) British tabloid press, a conclusion to which she came after a clever (I guess?) bit of Instagram sleuthing, a sentence I found profoundly exhausting to type. While this has yet to come to physical blows in the sense of the classic hooligan fight, the ladies are slugging it out in the press in a way that could be described as brutal if it weren’t so obviously mutually beneficial.
  Q. Coleen?
A. Yeah, I know, that’s totally not how you spell that name.
  Q. And their husbands are –
A. Soccer guys. Not David Beckham. Doesn’t matter.
  Q. Would it be accurate to describe this as a modern-day War of the Roses?
A. I see you trying to show off your cursory familiarity with British history, but no.
  Q. What about the Hundred Years’ War? Or something-something Boudicca –
A. Please stop. The only cultural antecedent that’s relevant here is the Real Housewives franchise, a thing about which you know more than you’d like to admit.
  Q. Touché. But I thought the English were made of better stuff than –
A. You’re either being willfully obtuse or you’re easily swayed by accents. The British are 100% as trashy as Americans, it just comes out sounding better in pretty much any English accent (even the shitty ones, and yeah, I’m looking at you, Scouse-brows) than in our own flat American drone. Remember that Irish bartender you let treat you like absolute garbage? Translate the things he said to you out of that irresistible lilt and into the nasal blatt of someone from, say, Skokie. See? It’s like an optical illusion, but for your ears.
  Q: But doesn’t Britain have other things to worry about right now? Brexit, Boris Whatsisname, etc?
A. The world is currently on fire, and you baked a pie for the sole purpose putting it on Instagram. Mountains of ludicrous, distracting bullshit are the only thing keeping us from losing our collective minds.
  Q. But shouldn’t we be –
A. Shhhhhhhh, look at this picture of Trey Gowdy’s ridiculous hair and see if you can’t craft a pithy Tweet around it.
  Q. My god, that hair is really –
A. See?
  Q: So what’s the takeaway from all this?
A. There are a few. First, despite their aforementioned basement-level trashiness, the English have a real knack for the witty portmanteau, which doesn’t even begin to make up for their reign of terror as a colonial power, but is a minor delight. Second, no matter how many waves of feminism the Western world experiences, there will always be a collective bloodlust for hot-girl catfights, and third, *shrug emoji.*
  Q: Late-stage capitalism, am I right?
A. You are right.
Questions that I, an American, have about the British “WAGatha Christie” Scandal was originally published on Weekly Humorist
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