#an excessively detailed answer ig
tiianwens · 7 months
29. Reaction to sudden interpersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies) --- for the excessively detailed hc meme !
the excessively detailed hc meme.
putting his heart under a thousand locks and doing what needs to be done, and then processing it much, much later. too many people died on him, and he's been hurt in other ways too many times (in both lifetimes), but any sort of disaster is usually a call to action. his skills are needed, so he has to stay level-headed and cool to make sure no one else gets hurt, and of course, the first instinct that kicks in is to protect his disciples. the aftermath will leave him shattered where no one can witness it, but on the outside he would usually appear so calm and unperturbed that it would be only natural to assume he doesn't care at all.
the same applies to conflict/interpersonal painful situations. if it's possible to leave and avoid, he'd leave and avoid. if it's not (e.g. in 0.5 verse where the discomfort is constant and escaping the situation physically isn't an option), he'll try to distance his mind and heart from it as much as possible, usually involving going nonverbal and avoiding any form of communication. the man is too proud to let his true feelings be known. he's not really used to anyone giving a damn either, so it's easier to just keep everything bottled up and slowly pull the thorns out one by one and assess the damage while no one watches.
but when i think of the worst case scenarios for him (big story spoilers ahead for those who are reading the book and don't want plot twists to be ruined!!), there are two amazing illustrations:
— the realization that he fucked up in 0.5 if he managed to a) allow his disciple to be affected by a horrible, irreversible curse that slowly but surely eroded and erased his entire personality and b) watch the man he loved turn into a monster and deem it the result of his own hatred rather than a curse. because when conflict occurred, CWN was the one to distance himself where he could've apologized (he wanted to apologize, yet he chose to do it by proxy who followed his instructions and didn't mention that he was the one who made the goddamn wontons).
and it left him with the horrible knowledge that he couldn't share with anyone, as he knew that whoever was behind it would be watching closely and things could become worse. it left him defenceless on so many levels because he couldn't do anything to help (as it was too late and he didn't have a golden core anymore) and he couldn't even hide behind the facade of resentment anymore — it's easy to hate a self-made monster, but not so easy to hate someone you loved and failed. when i say that sex scenes in 2ha aren't skippable because they contain essential character development, chapters 247-250 or around that are the ones on my mind. the realization left CWN in such an intense emotional disarray that he threw the remains of his dignity out of the window and for the first time showed that he wanted this too. and for him, in that verse, it's huge. and yet he collected himself and managed to come up with a plan to do something, even though he had nothing to counter with and the damage was irreversible.
— and secondly, having to deal with a massive calamity after losing many people he held dear and most importantly, Mo Ran. i can't think of anything worse than what he's gone through at that point. he watched the man he loved get destroyed by an angry mob, knowing that he wasn't guilty. he slaughtered his way through to at least give him some peace, while being very much aware that saving him was no longer an option. and after all that he knew he had to go on, he had to face the living corpse with the same face and the same memories, the twisted and distorted projection of his beloved.
but he managed to put that grief on hold and he almost single-handedly thwarted the big evil plan in action. he made sure that whoever wanted to be saved was saved, and only then did he ask to 'let him be selfish for once'. and that selfish want, to him, was to die with Taxian-jun (the wording still sends me, it's such an insane detail). so he locked that pain away, did what had to be done, and then allowed it to finally consume him.
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esta-elavaris · 5 months
I try not to shout it out tooo much because I know some folk are only here for the the fic and that is completely fine and lovely and appreciated, but given that some people have had to ask what my name even is, I don't think I've yet entered territory of over-recommending it -- SO I do have an IG that's focused around my original writing efforts (I don't explicitly talk about my fic over there, since I don't need folk from high school/my brother reading about how I think James Norrington would rail his wife, I just refer to it as 'side projects' and iykyk)
It's set on private purely so my estranged mother cannot stalk it, because back when it was public she'd appear every so often on new accounts, so don't let that be a deterrent unless you are Actually Her.
If you're interested in excessive story shitposting and general shenanigans, you're more than welcome to follow 💜 I also discuss my daily writing thing (now >1500 consecutive days deep!) over there more than I do here. And while I don't explicitly discuss fic, I still give updates on when chapters will be, and answer questions about them etc, I just cover up enough details that folk can't find it.
Link 💜
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nightcolorz · 11 months
Fuck marry kill Marius, David, Claudia
cw..I get very crude and make some really gross and insane jokes about ig canon typical terrible consent and abuse and stuff. Also if u like Marius or David Talbot u will not like this post 😭 I’m so sorry for this. When I first saw this ask I got SO EXCITED because I am such a huge fan of fmk especially with fictional characters it’s so fun it’s so silly it follows this train of thought that I love to go on. But then I registered who the characters were and I went “ah ok anon wants me dead” 😭😭. This is a pure nightmare scenario, this is a loss-loss, no matter what i choose it will result in me giving in to devastation and going into oncoming traffic. So bad, so bad. Anon what did I do to deserve this.. I live for it though, and tysm for sending this ask, even though thinking about this made sorrowful tears come to my eyes. Here’s my answer 😭
I think it’s really clever and uniquely cruel how you paired Claudia with these two because it forces me to choose either Marius or David Talbot to fuck (unless i want to publicly declare the character in the body of a five year old girl as the best bet for that) so thanks for that, really uniquely sadistic choice. This was difficult, it was really difficult, but I’m going to go with fuck David Talbot. We don’t have as many canonical records of his sex life as we do Marius, and the ones that may or may not exist I am blissfully unaware of because I skipped over the majority of Merrick since I can’t fucking stand David Talbot 😭 So yeah I’ll fuck him, only because I believe it would be significantly less scary then fucking Marius, who feasibly might start beating my ass at some point. I’d probably have to fake an organism if I gave a shit with David bcus he doesn’t know where the clit is (nor does he care) and would be just ramming into me like I’m his teenaged looking 1000 dollar sex doll he lost access to when he left the Talamasca that’s being studied for science now. He’d just looming over me in missionary going “oh blimey! Good god!” Periodically in between pig like grunts until he cums inside me (condom mysteriously breaks), cleans himself up while he doesn’t make eye contact, and leaves. Even still this is leagues better then fucking Marius, who has the threatening unpredictable sternness and barely restrained fury of your dad trying not to beat tf out of you while he explains your math homework to you, which honestly that energy would probably give me a panic attack half way through his sensual biting at my underarm and I’d burst into tears as he watched me with this vaguely infuriated expression at having to both decipher and comfort an inferior female if he wants to continue gyrating his tongue around my main arty until he cums his 11th pair of red pants without me kicking him in his stupid fucking high cheek bones and calling the cops. So yeah, David for fuck…
Marius I’d kill because this is something I often wish I could do in real life, and because marrying him is nightmare scenario of all time. I would literally rather eat my own ass hair. Imagine an existence of just, your freakish blonde man husband is furiously painting your asshole as your heart slams in your chest like a pray animal paralyzed in fear because if you say the wrong thing he may pull out the old whip and send u straight to god. These are the downs of your marriage, the ups are smiling and nodding passively as he explains to you in excessive but ultimately fruitless and dull textbook esc detail the complete history of Rome as your pretend that you care despite him not giving a single shit about whether or not you are enjoying this (he thinks you’re not smart enough to understand anyway). Then your nights end with a romp in the bath where he fists his entire clawed hand up ur puss as he grits his teeth and resists mauling you like an animal. You ask for him to please penetrate you so you might actually get smth out of this and he refuses and instead bitterly strokes your hairless genitals (he forces u to shave ur entire body so that ur baby smooth. he can’t be aroused by a body that looks too mature) until u miserably cum. I don’t know why anyone would want this, he’s not even hot enough to justify that. Oh god I’m talking about sex again. Anyways I’d kill marius and marry Claudia 🥰 yes I am choosing to marry the five year old die mad haters.
Claudia would be a shit wife and she wouldn’t give a single fuck about me but I’d marry her in a heartbeat before David or Marius, Jesus Christ. She’d spend all night every night spending my money on excessive shit she doesn’t need and force me to go with her most of the time because as a five year old appearing women she wouldn’t be allowed to do most things without me being there. We wouldn’t kiss or hug or have sex because I’m not into five year olds and she’s not into anyone let alone me but she would cuddle me sometimes which would be vaguely nice in the way that cuddling a cat is until u realize the cat is only using u for ur bodies warmth and is not endeared to u at all in this moment, basically that’s Claudia. Like a cat with the labor of a child who u occasionally have very interesting and intellectual conversations with when she’s not passive aggressively glaring at you over her book (she takes after her twink ass father).
anyways I hope my answer was satisfactory 😁😁😘😘 fuck David marry Claudia kill Marius ❤️ I’m inviting anyone to send me tvc related fuck marry kills, plz do so because I find them soo fun and I’m basically invincible now that I got the worst one out of the way bless
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goodfully · 1 year
hello! so ive never done this before and idk if this would really reach anyone, but i would love to have a penpal? but i kinda want to make it a rule that we wont ever direct message each other nor ever follow each others social media... i suppose what i want to do is: get to know someone purely from their handwritten words.
ahh unfortunately... dont expect anything cutely decorated from me if we're penpals. your letters will most likely only be a plain envelope. i think id be writing excessively in detail about my day/life and my thoughts/feelings about anything, and when i receive your letter, i hope to get a long letter about details from your life as well. so... if you would be open to something like that, please let me know hahaha
uhm! ig if you want to know what some of my interests are, you could scroll through my account? however, the point is that we dont know anything about each other and that everything we do learn about each other is purely through reading our handwritten letters. id prefer someone about my age (22) but any age is fine really. im currently in america, but id be happy to send letters internationally. altho do note that i can only write/read well in english and in little trad chinese.
anyway if anyone happens to see this and is interested... please! let me know! ill answer any questions if you have any. ive never done this before but i wish it to work out with someone somehow. its such a huge desire of mine to try learning about someone deeply without physically meeting and without any social media at all. its kinda a personal project/experiment to befriend someone this way, but i also am excited for whatever may come out of this! i know there isnt much appeal to this... however, if only one other person is excited about this idea, thats all i need. :)
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velvetwastaken · 1 year
I spot another ask meme so you know what that means lol! 3, 4, 10, 16/17 (they're pretty similar so just choose what fits u more ig?) and 50 if you'd like!
well, I appreciate it! these ask games are my ego boosters lol
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Ough, this is a tough question. I'm bad at seeing these kinds of patterns in my own stuff. BUT I think all my fics are some form of friends to lovers or enemies to lovers (or they are intended to be eventually if the fic is pre-relationship).
I'm also pretty sure I use way too many idioms. Like excessively, problematically so. It’s also kinda how I talk though so that’s my excuse 😅
And I really hope that all my fics, even the angsty ones, have moments of humour in them. I know there's almost always something that’s made me laugh out loud while writing, and so I hope anyone reading it also finds it at least mildly amusing.
There's probably more, but I’ll leave it there for now.
4. What detail in [insert fic] are you really proud of?
Am I supposed to specify the fic? Let me know if you had a one in particular in mind for me to think about. I’ll just pick a couple off the top of my head for now.
I like the description in my levihan fic where Levi and his horse wipe out because I had a wreck almost exactly like that when I was working on a ranch. Actually that whole fic is just full of horsey details that please my inner horse girl to no end 😂
Specifically for ganqing, I’m actually really pleased with sneaking in the blueberry cookie detail in Must Love Cats 😂 It’s super minor, I know, but I had already written that part before I was educated about Keqing’s favourite cookie, so then obviously I had to intentionally go back and change it. It makes me feel like I know Keqing a little better now lol.
10. How do you decide what to write?
hmm. I feel like this is a deceptively tricky question, lol. Is it how do I decide what ideas to develop into a full story, or is it how I decide how that story goes? I think the answers to either will be less than satisfying since I barely know myself tbh 😬
For the former, usually there is a scene or image that sparks the initial idea. It might be from a legit prompt, but more often it's just a passing thought, probably inspired from something I saw or experienced at some point. Sometimes the process for writing the story is just getting to that scene, other times it's just starting at point A and seeing how far the idea takes me.
For the latter, I'm pretty bad for not outlining anything and just winging it, so I don't know that I 'decide' anything. It sounds hokey, but I do think I sometimes get to a place where I'm in the character's head enough that they are telling their own story and I'm just transcribing it (this was very much the case for Reversal). I am experimenting with outlining though, and it's been helpful to a point, but having decided what should happen next and actually writing the prose for it are two very different things and I am suffering 🫠
All that aside, there is a part of me that thinks nothing is really decided when it comes to writing, nothing is set in stone. Once I write something I can change it a hundred times after that. I consider everything to be a draft of sorts, even after it's up on ao3 or whatever. And in a way that's very comforting. Writing is flexible in a way that my life is not and I like that very much.
16. What's an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I love AUs. There are so many good ones! But for a current top three, let's go with University AU, Office AU, and Scifi/fantasy AU. I would read any of these AUs all day long 😂
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Okay! I’m going to pick #40 and answer that one for this freebie lol
Do you tend to reread fics or are you a one-and-done kind of person?
And the answer is a resounding YES! I reread fics all the time. I have some on rotation because they are just that good they demand to be reread regularly. I honestly love rereading and even rewatching anything that’s made me happy before. Just because I know what’s going to happen doesn’t mean I can relive those feelings again.
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thedetectiveofinaba · 2 years
Verse drabbles: twin AU, part 1/?
Title: Enforced Ankle Care
Word count: 536
Verse: Twin AU w/ @chibitantei (Naoto & Kazuki)
I was supposed to write a drabble for an icon thing but whoops, ig I wanted to write more for these gremlins. Here you go Liz uwu (the icon thing will appear today bc I am on a roll for Naoto toniiight)
“…I still cannot believe you just thought you’d be fine after you sprained your ankle.” The marginally older twin wasn’t fussing over the other in theory, in her eyes it was closer to making sure Kazuki wasn’t a dumbass and trying to walk right after the immediate pain on the ankle incident had faded away.
A reminder tor the future: never chase a criminal in a grassy path where there can be holes in the way and where you can trip if you can avoid that from happening. She sighed out of frustration and huffed on how at least the criminal was caught because they hadn’t assumed the other to throw them with a rock and cause them to trip. It had been really cathartic to see the bruise caused from him falling and arresting him right after from using physical force to an officer and suspicions of criminal actions.
Considering the current circumstances she’d probably get the question on her condition sooner or later, so she might just bite the bullet and ask a question neither of them wanted to really get.
“…Kazuki, are you sure you’re not needing more care on your leg? Basic First Aids is inevitable, but more than the fundamentals are likely to occur.”
“I’m positive on that. It isn’t that bad.” Naoto would’ve asked more on if it was wise to compare an ankle sprain to a worse injury like a bone fracture she had personally dealt with earlier that year but was interrupted by an officer from whichever PD had requested for the Shirogane-trademarked help. She didn’t even bother to remember that detail since in 24 hours they both would be back at the manor, trying to figure out how they’d micromanage a case while getting straight A’s from middle school exams.
“Hey, Shirogane – is everything OK there? The chase you had sounded and looked nasty.”
“We’re both fine. My brother merely needs an ice package for his leg and a possible health check-up if he thinks it is needed.” She looked at Kazuki and got the assumed answer of how it wasn’t a deadly injury.
“If you say so. Can you help him get to the station so the nurse at hand can check the ankle sprain you got? She can take a look at it while you’re double checking if we got all details right”. Naoto nodded and mused to Kazuki how those were the orders.
“Let’s get to it, Kazuki-san. Sooner we’re agreeing to their excessive documenting on events, the better chances are on us catching next train to Numazu Station.” With a resting bitch face, the other Shirogane leaned on the other’s shoulder and tried to limp towards the nearby building as quickly as possible. Naoto did her best to ignore the reluctance of her twin and how they both needed to play the part of professional male detective prodigies until this case was over.
Though, for now the biggest strike to both of their ego was that if not for the “cheap” tactics that guy would’ve gotten away and Kazuki would most likely complain how the ankle would be in the way of playing billiards to unwind from work against Yakushiji or her twin.
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nameification · 11 months
19, 20, 21, 29 for the artist ask game?
19. Favorite inanimate objects to draw (food, nature, etc.)
hm. very obviously stars but also harpoons. robotic parts are also up there definitely
20. Something everyone else finds hard to draw but you enjoy
hm. colors but I'm not sure if that counts. maybe like. wings and excessive detail
21. Art styles nothing like your own but you like anyways
3d, those really nice works by like. eastern artists with the super thin wispy lines, cartoony stylized lineart with clear line thickness for emphasis
29. Media you love, but doesn't inspire you artistically
im gonna take this to mean entertainment things I like so... technically chonny jash but like. that very much changed once I got an idea for a tse animatic. hm. you see this is a hard question for me to answer because something is going to inspire in some shape or form. if not in the story then in the world, if not in the world then with the characters. hell even the small literature pieces we had to read for english inspire me. so uh. no concrete answer ig. I guess this one tv show but like. I forgot what it even was.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Abrupt exposures
Arón Piper x Reader
Request by anon: one where the reader is also apart of the Elite cast and the fans suspect that she’s dating aron and it’s confirmed over an IG story accidentally because one of the cast members records them by mistake
Gif is not my own
Requests are open🤍
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“We’re just really good friends, nothing more,” You assure the interviewer in front of you, “We’ve been friends since the start of the show and we’ve just had the opportunity to bond ever since then. Arón’s my best friend.”
“Alright, thank you so much for your time (Y/n),” They smile as they dismiss you from the interview and you move onto the next.
Tonight was the season 3 premiere for Élite and you’d never been more excited to celebrate the release. This was your favourite season so far and the show had started to mean a whole lot more to you recently.
“Now I’m joined with (Y/n), tell me your thoughts on your character’s development this season,” The lady interviewer asks you over the loud noise of the waiting fans.
“I think this is where you’ll really see them go through the most progression. I think they’re learning a lot about themselves and learning to be a better person. They don’t always go about that in the right way but I think they’re really trying to navigate everything and trying to understand that they do sometimes need other people in order to do that. I was so excited to bring these storylines to life this season and I’m equally as excited for all of our wonderful fans to see it,” You smile proudly, glancing around at the cast that we’re completing interviews beside you.
“And what about your personal life? Did you draw any inspiration from that?”
“Yeah, certainly,” You nod, “I think mainly in how to use the people around you in such a mutualistic way where you can be there to support them as much as they support you. And becoming aware of those truly good people in your life that will really make a difference,” You’re thinking of one person in particular as you speak and it’s impossible to not smile a little at the thought.
“Now, final question and it was the question all of our fans wanted to know the answer to. Are we seeing an off screen romance between you and your costar Arón?”
You laugh lightly, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Arón is my best friend. He’s my support system and a wonderful guy. But there’s nothing happening between us.”
“Okay folks, thank you for that (Y/n), that was excellent,” The interviewer bids you farewell as you move to greet a few more fans.
As you do, you see Arón just nearing the edge of the line as he makes his way towards the doors of the theatre. You go about signing as much as you can and taking photos with everyone before sending them your love and making your own way towards the doors.
“All done?” Arón is waiting just inside the lobby as you walk in through the outside doors.
Your lips curl into a smile as you see him, “Yep.”
He pushes himself up from the wall and locks a hand with yours, “You look gorgeous tonight.”
“So do you,” You beam, leaning in to kiss his cheek as the two of you head through to the backstage of the theatre.
You’d been dating for almost a year now and had managed to always shut down any rumours that questioned otherwise. Any time you posted a story of the two of you or a photo on your Instagram, rumours spread like wildfire that there was something going on. You always managed to dismiss it or make a jokey post that made things seem like you were just friends and things calmed down. Only to be resurfaced again at the next opportunity.
You joined the rest of the cast backstage so you could all prepare to go on stage before the premiere of episode one where you’d chat a little bit about the upcoming series and thank everyone for being there. Arón leant back against the dressing table and reached out his arms as you walked to stand between his legs and wrap your arms around him.
“How many times did you get asked?” He mumbles, burying his head into your shoulder as he peppers you with kisses.
“almost every interview,” You laugh, “I nearly gave up.”
“Me too,” He comments, “Somebody asked me about being proud of the cast and I didn’t stop talking about you,” He admits it so bashfully, his introverted personality shining through.
“You’re so cute,” You beam, holding his chin to turn him towards you as you kiss him softly.
He hums against your lips and deepens the gesture.
“Fuck! Do you want everyone to find out you’re dating?” Miguel laughs as him and Mina walk into the room.
“Shut up Miguel,” Arón rolls his eyes as you turn around to face them and he keeps his arms around you.
“Seriously, with the way you were looking at each other out there? You weren’t being very secretive,” Miguel jokes, coming over to clasp both of you on the shoulder, “But your secrets always safe with me.”
“We should probably get going right? I think everyone’s seated by now,” You point out, checking the time on your phone.
The screen flashes alive with a photo of Arón you’d taken only a few weeks ago. He was sat on the balcony of your apartment with his ankles crossed and his legs resting on the stone railing around the balcony. He’d been laughing at something you said and you snapped the candid photo before he could blush and cover his expression with a mocking middle finger. He looked stunning.
“Yeah, can’t be late! They’ll be asking a thousand questions more if we’re late,” Omar jokes and jabs Arón in the side.
He hits him back jokingly as all of you check your mics before walking out through to where you’d go on stage. Arón walks with his hand effortlessly locked with yours as the cast all start being introduced to walk on stage. Your name is called and you reluctantly let go of your hand, letting the applause warm your face with a bright smile as you step out.
- - - - - -
The after party was always the most fun part of the premiere, where all of you got to let loose and truly celebrate yourselves and the project more than ever. You made sure to all get a few drinks in and toast to each other, the venue already bustling with people.
“Danna!” You grin as you see her, wrapping her in a long hug, “You look stunning!”
“Ahh thank you so much!” She beams, “Lets get a photo!”
You two pose for a photo together which she instantly posts to her Instagram story. You go to take another as a pair of arms wrap around you and pull you into their chest.
“I missed you,” Arón mumbles into your ear, kissing just below it as he speaks.
“You were gone for five minutes,” You laugh, turning in his arms to face him, “Am I just thay missable?”
He jokingly looks as though he’s pondering the thought before his lips curl into a smile, “Dance with me, you love this song!”
It’s impossible to say no to him as he buries his face in your neck and the two of you sway far too slowly to the upbeat track.
You’re so lost in each other that you don’t hear when Ester starts filming for her Instagram as they all sing along to the music. And you certainly don’t pay attention to the fact that you’re right in the background of the video...
- - - - - -
The next morning, the lasting effects of the alcohol mean it takes you longer than usual to get up at all. You’d had a lazy morning alongside Arón in bed, both of you ignorant to everything else around you. You hadn’t thought too much about how much your phones were buzzing - expecting it to be the typical aftermath of the premiere hype that had caused it.
“Fuck! They don’t want to leave us alone this morning,” Arón grumbles as you bury your head into his chest.
“Ignore it,” You mumble as your phone buzzes another two times and his starts to ring.
“Alright, alright, give me two minute,” He confirms, shuffling out of the bed and reluctantly out of your grip as he stands up to find his phone in his jeans from the night before.
He’s completely naked and still half asleep as he tries to read what had been coming through on his screen.
“What?” He frowns, “Miguel’s just said ‘I promise it wasn’t me’.”
You push yourself to sit up in the bed, tucking the sheet under your shoulders to keep you covered, “What wasn’t him?”
He laughs a little, “Well, fuck.”
“What?” You frown, reaching to grab the phone from him.
“Alright but before you see it,” He holds the phone up high to stop you from grabbing it, “I want you to be sure that this doesn’t change anything. We’ll make it work and we’ll just have to figure out a way of-“
“Arón!” You exclaim, “Let me see the phone!”
He chuckles and hands it over so you can see the video replaying on his screen - the video Ester has taken. With a clear view of you and Arón cosying up in the background.
“Holy shit,” You let out in an exasperated breath, “Everybody’s seen this?”
“Pretty much,” He says with a smirk playing on his lips.
“What do we do?”
“What do you mean?” Arón laughs, “Does this change anything?”
“Well, no. But it’s a lot harder to manage a relationship when you’re in the public eye...”
“Yeah, but we don’t have to share excessive amounts. We’ll continue doing as we are now, just stop lying in interviews now,” He jokes, “They don’t need to know every detail about our relationship just because they’ve seen us together.”
Just like that, he’s said the words suitable for calming your nerves.
“And nobody gets to see us like this, other than us,” He comments as he clambers back Into bed with you, “I think we’ll both just be glad to not have to lie anymore, you’re a terrible liar!”
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werewolftiddy · 3 years
For the "Random Ask" Game :)
that's difficult to answer! realistically i only need 3 pillows to sleep with (one for head support and one on either side to hold) but all excess pillows get thrown onto my bed so i actually have 10 lol.
yes! i play minecraft, stardew valley, overwatch, galactic civilizations 3, sims 4, pokemon x & sun, spore AND MY ALL TIME FAVORITE: DRAGON AGE!!! i play more games than just that but those are the main ones! i love things that allow for both romance and violence :] + i love intricate and well written plots.
yes!!! i have a bunch of cats but only three of them i can say are mine, the rest are either family cats or owned by someone else. ideally, when i move out, i'd like to have 3-5 cats, a dog or two, and some rats!
and uh. i'm not 100% sure what i really want to do with my life? on one hand i want to be a zoologist/wildlife biologist and research animals like hyenas and west african crocodiles, etc! but on another hand, i really love goats and i love interacting with them and i really like the idea of having a (dairy) goat farm so in that case i kinda do want pet goats in the future but idk man. i know the rats, cats and dog/s are definitely happening but i'm not sure if i'll farm goats or not. i didn't mean to type that much oops.
that's difficult! most of the time when making plans i usually have no idea what's going on and what all the details are and such! so when idk wtf's happening i go with the flow but in the rare times i do know everything about the situation and what's happening, etc, i strongly prefer taking charge and organizing things myself.
actually just a week ago ! i finished reading The Great Gatsby in my english class and i had no idea i was actually good at understanding and recognizing symbolism. like. idk. ig i always thought i was just awful at understanding symbolism but no i just understand it without having to think about it and having to explain my "thought process" is what i struggle with. it helps that i had a cool teacher who i'm vibing with (she actually pointed out to my class that you can read Nick Carraway as being bi or gay)
also didn't mean to ramble again but i'm not going to delete any of it so i hope you like my answers! ^^;;
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quirrrky · 4 years
hello ! i would like to order a matcha ice cream, any gender 🧞‍♂️ (idk if pronouns r relevant but i go by any pronouns so it’s chill!)
i’m introverted and can come across as kinda blunt and aloof ig? but when i’m with close friends im rly sarcastic and joke around a lot. my hobbies are guitar and reading! my likes are going to the movies, the beach, mbti, space and video games. my dislikes are children, overly emotional ppl, pda and excessive physical affection in general. i’m an intp 5w4 😏 and i don’t know much about zodiac but i’m a taurus sun & moon and sagittarius rising ...😟
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At first, the similarities between you are just off the bat that you both might find hard to start. You’re blunt and he’s very oblivious. Both of you are quiet and keep a lot to yourself. However, the very fact that you’re almost strikingly alike makes it inevitable for you to come together.
Eventually, you discover life together and figure things out as it happens, enjoying the walks around the beach and expanding your ideas about space. Since Gaara is interested in how relationships work, he’s also as invested as you are in MBTI thinking that he can improve how human connection works by understanding their personality and the way their minds work. 
Your sarcasm is amusing to him. He constantly asks you questions while at the movies trying to find answers in the character’s reactions. Plus, he also love seeing yours too. At the same time, you like how clueless he looks like whenever you tell him a really funny joke he doesn’t get. You really love teasing him about it. He never gets offended though, since he doesn’t even get it as expected.
The feeling of sameness makes it comfortable for you to be around each other. Your love languages are very similar in a way. Gaara isn’t very familiar with the cheesy way of showing affection and doesn’t get why it’s necessary and you fully appreciate the lack of PDA in your relationship. 
Nevertheless, you’re both there for each other when you needed someone to talk to and you’ll try your best to give the best advice to provide solution. Just read him a good book or play your guitar and he’ll give you the softest smile you can ever see. 
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A/N: Hi anon! Just like you I’m super engrossed with MBTI too! Plus, I really love INTPS. I hope you enjoy this! ♡
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☾ COLLECTIONS: Gaara ✧ Naruto (Series) ☾ ✧ DAYDREAM MUSEUM ✧
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ooops-i-arted · 4 years
Omg what if one of (or multiple) Yodito(s) gets a cavity?
Most of the kids were outside playing, safe under the supervision of IG-11, but Din had the ten infants curled up asleep in their cribs and the ten youngest toddlers safely corralled in their playpen, cooing at each other and playing with their toys.  That left Din with Yod’ika 71 curled up in his arms, fussing and whining like crazy.
“What’s wrong?” Din asked for the dozenth time, still in vain.  Yod’ika 71′s speech had been coming along nicely and he’d picked up several more words in just the last week, but right now he was refusing to talk.  He kept gumming on his fingers, drooling excessively, but then stopped and whimpered and grabbed at his cheek, the same pattern over and over.  Din had hoped he’d get Yod’ika 71 to tell him what was wrong, but it looked like once again he would have to get Omera and ask for her expert opinion.  He’d be grateful for the advice, as he always was, but it was still another reminder that he had so much yet to learn about being a parent.
The door opened of its own accord and Yod’ika 72 toddled back in, his eyes lighting on his brother and father and his little feet carrying him right over.  “Vod, vod,” he chirped, reaching up and trying to pat Yod’ika 71 in vain.  “Vod, pway.”
Din wasn’t surprised; all the kids were close but these two were particularly inseparable.  “He can’t play right now, ad’ika.  He doesn’t feel good.”
Yod’ika 72 resolutely set to climbing the chair; Din spared him the effort and hoisted him up.  “You pway, vod,” insisted Yod’ika 72, patting his sibling, but Yod’ika 71 only whimpered plaintively, reaching out for his brother.
Yod’ika 72 looked up, his eyes widening.  “Teef, Dada!”
Din blinked.  Yod’ika 72 had little vocabulary and what he did have was often garbled and mumbled; Din had gotten pretty good at understanding his dialect but this was a new word.  “What?”
“Teef, Dada!”  Yod’ika 72 whined when he only got a blank look.  “Teef!” he insisted, patting his cheeks, and when he got no reaction he reached up to slap the side of the helmet.  “Teef!”
He was reaching down for his brother, who flinched and cried, when Din got it in time and snatched Yod’ika 72′s hands away from Yod’ika 71′s mouth.  “Teeth!  I got it, ad’ika.”  Of course, how did he not figure that out before?  “Let me see, ad’ika.”
Absently murmuring something soothing, Din carefully pried open Yod’ika 71′s mouth open and nudged Yod’ika 72 aside when he tried to peer in too.  It was hard to see inside the miniscule mouth, but Yod’ika 71 held mercifully still and Din could see a dark mark in the back on one of the tiny teeth.
“Jate, jate,” Din told them both, holding a fussing Yod’ika 71 close and patting Yod’ika 72′s head.  “Don’t worry, we’ll get it sorted out.”
“Sorting it out” ended up meaning a talk with Omera, as it usually did when it involved one of the many, many new things Din had to learn when it came to fatherhood.  It turned out that his only option on Sorgan was a medical droid programmed for dentistry on the next continent.  Din balked, but the knowledge that finding a living dentist would mean leaving the planet and taking a crying child with him, as well as the fact that poor Yod’ika 71 was already in enough pain and didn’t need to have it prolonged, forced his hand.
He supposed it was for the best, he thought as he watched the damn droid like a hawk as it filled the tiny cavity on the minuscule tooth in the sedated child’s mouth.  No human, at least would be able to do the delicate work on such a small scale.
Din made it home late - it was daytime where the dentist was and nighttime on this side of Sorgan - with Yod’ika 71 peacefully sleeping in his arms and new knowledge about not using a bottle in bed to soothe the little ones to sleep overnight.  He couldn’t say it pleased him to lose that particular strategy, but it was better than potential tooth decay.
Boga Jr. was the first one to greet him from her spot at the door as Din stepped inside, sparing her a few scratches on her head and chin before she shot off towards his room, the tail whipping through the doorway before he heard the sound of the varactyl pouncing onto his bed.  Otherwise there was only the faint rumble of 100 baby snores and the soft whirring as IG-11 powered up, his red eyes glowing disconcertingly in the dim light.
“It’s creepy when you do that,” Din told him.
“Apologies.  It does not bother the children.”  The droid gestured at the innumerable beds on the wall and the cribs on the floor before Din could make a snide remark back and said, “They are all asleep, though they made many inquiries about you and Y-71 and would not be satisfied with the answer that you would be back before they woke up.  They were resistant at bedtime.”  The head swiveled, the red eyes fixing on Din and the little one in his arms.  “What are the details of care?”
“He got a filling, and the droid gave me some special toothpaste to use,” said Din, fumbling it out of a pouch on his belt to show IG-11.  “But it should be all right.”
“Fluoride is beneficial for many species, including humans,” said IG-11, studying the toothpaste tube before Din put it back.  “Shall I put Y-71 to bed?”
“Stop calling the kids that.  They’re not droids,” said Din sharply.  “It’s fine.  I’m going to keep him with me, so I can keep an eye on him.”
“Then I will see you in the morning.”  Din watched the droid head out, to return to Kuiil’s dwelling.  He wouldn’t stop calling the kids that; he’d explained before it was simply a more efficient way to name them when there were so many to name.  Even if he understood the reasoning, Din didn’t like it.
Sleep was dragging at his eyelids, so Din decided to be annoyed about it in the morning and simply carried Yod’ika 71 to the crib he kept in his room for anyone he needed to monitor more closely.  Fortunately his first son hadn’t decided to camp out in it, as he was wont to do whenever someone else was claiming the majority of Din’s attention, although the messy bedding indicated he had probably tried.
Din tucked his little one into bed as Boga Jr. circled the crib, checking on the baby before returning to Din’s bed to make herself a nest out of the blankets.  Din gently eased his child’s mouth open to check on it one last time before he retired.  The tooth looked good as new, the white filling indistinguishable from the original enamel.  He’d been so brave.  He’d clung to Din, whimpering, the whole way there but hadn’t tantrumed, and didn’t even cry when the droid had sedated him.  He’d woken up on the way back and been disoriented and a little crabby, but rocking him and holding him had been enough to keep him content.  The dentist droid had said some rest and he would be good to go, and luckily it looked like that was going to be the case.
Din checked the chrono.  With luck, he might squeeze in four hours of sleep before his clan woke up, maybe four and a half if they’d really fought IG-11 and gone to sleep later than usual.  He knew they’d all want reassurance their brother was okay and extra attention from him tomorrow, so he needed to grab what rest he could.  Boga Jr. thrashed her tail from where she was waiting on his bed as if to encourage him.
He did brush his teeth before he went to sleep, though.
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Do you know if there are any known numbers of what top female footballers earn? It's not as much as the men, that we do know. I would assume it's like a "normal" decent salary. But are any numbers known? And are there large diffrences? With top players earning much more than others? And all those "partnerships" with certain products they promote on their IG for example: What do you think they get for that? Like: A lifetime supply of the proteinbar in question or actual money? If so: how much?
there are some numbers that are known, but it’s quite a shady business in the fact that most player’s don’t have their salaries released which doesn’t help us and I also think doesn’t help either them or the game either. I’d recommend checking out these posts for extra details on that. Also my tag here holds the discussions we’ve had about this before. I’d expand more but i’m a lil tired and my brain power is decreasing so if you want more info than what I’ve given you here then I’d be happy to answer in more detail tomorrow! Long story short though, yes there are huge differences between payments, especially in leagues where they’re not fully professional and even in those that are salaries can range from the bare minimum to a very comfy sum which although a tad excessive is a drop in the ocean of men’s salaries.
As for partnerships with products I think it depends on what type of one it is. This is only with my minimum knowledge of this kind of thing coming from friends of mine but idk if it works the same with these players. The kind of partnerships where they’re like ‘hey look at this amazing product, you can get a 10% discount using my code!’ probably means that they’ve been gifted that product and will earn a small sum every time anyone buys the item using their code. For ones where they just tag a business and show off an item then they’ll have gotten those products as freebies in return for shouting them out on social media. Basically the real brand money comes in from sponsorship deals, mainly but not limited to clothing. Again the money earned from this will differ greatly but I wouldn’t be able to give you concrete sums I’m afraid
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migleefulmoments · 5 years
Abby is the 1 who needs a reading comprehension lesson. An anonymous person said 'You're a narrow-minded fool if you actually put any stock in whether or not a married man is wearing his ring.' Abby's reply was 'Never once did I or anyone I know say that a married person has to wear a ring.' Am I crazy or is that totally 2 different things? Sometimes Abby is so blind it makes me crazy. Also, if u could do a follow up to her blatherings re her post it would be great. I'm just gobsmacked over it.
I see you wrote another post clarifying it was Cassie who made the comments you quoted but the entire coven’s comments after Cassie just get more ridiculous- “fact” after “fact” of lies and nonsense comparisons.  It’s batty that they believe any of the lies- but they believe them all! 
Anonymous asked: My grandpa doesn't wear his wedding ring because he used to work as an AC/heating repair man (he even taught college courses on fixing heaters at one point) and then was just not in the habit when he retired. That doesn't make his and grandma's marriage less valid. Rings are a symbolic thing that most cultures don't even do. You're a narrow-minded fool if you actually put any stock in whether or not a married man is wearing his ring.
cassie1022 answered: Oh yay, fun. (Cassie -always so charming)  My dear Nonnie, once again, reading comprehension eludes someone that believes in the Miarren myth. Never once did I or anyone I know say that a married person has to wear a ring (and yet Abby pops in below to claim the same but then argue that it IS the ring coming and going that looks suspicious. Let’s pretend that cc rings were real- he didn’t wear them every day regardless of what Abby claims.). Some people don’t wear them because they work with their hands, like your grandpa, and some just don’t feel comfortable wearing them. Let’s be real though. D has never shown an aversion to wearing rings. He’s worn them quite often, even while playing a show (yes, but he also took them off.  It’s his prerogative.  Until he says he’s getting divorced, it’s none of our business). There was a time when the only time he DIDN’T have a ring on was while he was in character (so what? He has had his wedding ring on most times we’ve seen him. You are counting individual photos as entire days and that isn’t accurate)
That being said, let’s examine. When was the last time you think D fixed a car, operated heavy machinery, or, like your grandpa, fixed an AC unit or heater?  (You have no idea what he does in his spare time.  This is a gross comment-some people do things with their hands -build things- because they enjoy it)  (Maybe if he could do that, people wouldn’t be making their own sweat gravy when they go to TSG.)(So now we start with the lies and mischaracterizations. FUN. There are two comments from TSG claiming A/C was broken. Since likely Mia doesn’t own the building, she has no control over the A/C being broken). 
As I’ve already said, rings aren’t for everyone, but I’ve also pointed out that D has been an avid ring wearer most of his life, and there is more than enough photographic evidence to support this. Also, most couples that exchange rings don’t usually stop wearing them in the first year of marriage.(And he hasn’t stopped wearing his now has he?) That’s when it’s usually a point of pride and you want the world to know you are someone’s spouse. (Does Darren seem like the kind of person who is worried about “the world knowing he’s someone’s spouse”? He’s pretty open about his relationship and taking his ring off for an hour or two isn’t indicative of anything).
You know what DOES make a marriage less valid? No legitimate officiant.(LIE)  There are only a handful of states where you can officiate your own marriage, and guess what? Louisiana isn’t one of them.(He didn’t, Joe did)  You need an ordained minister and in addition to that, the minister must register in the parish where the marriage is taking place.
So, if this makes me a “narrow-minded fool,” so be it. I’ve been called worse. (It definitely does).  
ajw720 I needed to laugh this morning, thank you nonnie.(I would imagine you need to laugh a hell of a lot more than you do Abby)  You people really don’t get it (Oh lord).  Also, it isn’t JUST the ring (which is very suspicious especially as he deliberately takes it off at random times, there one minute gone the next) (Here abby argues it isn’t the ring.... except it is the ring) , it is as @cassie1022 pointed out, no officiant (LIE) , weird wedding algorithm (the fact that Abby truly believes there was a guest algorithm says everything there is to say about Abby’s judgment and the cc nonsense)  is FAMILY HONEYMOON (a joke)  constant babysitters (LIE) d’s complete lack of enthusiasm (he practically said he was bored and realized at the last moment that that was bad) (Desperate Abby, you're so desperate) , talked about pooping exes as opposed to how life changed with his bride (and you don’t get that this is was keep from speaking about his personal life? How long have you been a fan? Joking about something to distract from having to answer something private is spot-on Darren), speaks more passionately about his jacket then his wedding (we done got hitched) (This means nothing Abby...NOTHING. He wrote a boring post about his jacket and you’ve been losing your shit over it ever since. IT meant nothing...it was a coat he wore to an event. You only like it because he was boring and serious. It was the farthest thing from Darren I’ve ever read.), announced the engagement using a reference to the wrong freaking franchise (I can’t...this is one of your dumbest arguments out of a lot of arguments. It was a JOKE Abby, a joke.  He used the franchise that made the joke funny. Darren doesnt’ own a franchise)   , FIVE FUCKING encagement rings (LIE), the last of which is an advertisement that she is paid to wear and they haven’t even tried to hide this fact (LIE), utter lack of chemistry (again desperate Abby) , the weirdness with his non-relationship but clear friendship of sorts with his ex co-star (It’s not “weirdness” it’s a nonrelationship-you said it yourself). , the way she is promoted that is beyond excessive for someone who isn’t famous (This entire rant is unhinged. Nobody is promoting her, he’s living his life with her.  Like we expect he would with his wife. There is nothing untoward with their behavior together.  The fact that you have to label it “promotion” says that it worries you a lot). the fact that the sold their entire wedding to about 100 sponsors )(LIE) (I am sure there are more than we even realize), the clear references to fandom at the sham mockery (OMG Abby, give it up. Nobody cares about you), and that this allegedly private couple also released 85% of their wedding for public consumption (They released 27 photos. That is HARDLY 85% of their wedding. You saw a lot of the same photos posted by their friends and it upset you but they didn’t release 85% of their wedding. It was a 4-day event and the wedding events started at around 3 pm and lasted until after midnight -27 is not 85% of 10-ish hours of celebration).  
If it was ONLY that he randomly took his ring off depending on how the wind is blowing, fine, that is evidence alone of nothing.  All of these things, and hundred and hundreds of other facts (which are ALL LIES). (inconsistent timelines (Darren doesn’t owe you a “consistent timeline” that’s asinine)   they don’t know where they met each other RC handshakes (You know that isn’t a handshake- they were photographed together right before the “handshake’ you won’t let go of and he’s heard introducing her as his girlfriend ), D running from her every moment he can, etc, etc)(Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night), are clear evidence it is fake that is beyond a reasonable doubt (Bwahahahahaha you are conning yourself Abby) .  Him kissing her in her bar is his job.  I suggest nonnie you pay attention to the details (Which ones- your lies or the real details?) And please pay attention to the captain, he hasn’t even been subtle lately, he has been fairly blatant (Le sigh, he isn’t the captain.  He’s a dude who loves his boyfriend Will and writes children’s books that are not cc Bibles) .
Happy Thanksgiving Nonnie!  I hope you can tear yourself away from reading blogs you disagree with long enough to enjoy your friends and family! Cheers!
notes-from-nowhere What love are you talking about, anon? M doesn’t love D and she makes this clear every chance she get (LIE- there is nothing that suggests MIa isn’t in love with Darren). Do I have to remind you how she denied to D’s mom one red carpet to celebrate her son? (LIE Abby fabricated)  Or to D’s dad to be honored for his military past?(another LIE Abby fabricated)  But why listing all of her actions when you know very well this is only the surface.
Btw, I still have to know a singer/actor lost a finger because of a wedding band. Anon, try again, this attempt failed. (SMH)
leka-1998 You know what I like about this instance in particular? Apart from the fact that the ring isn’t off the whole time, he’s still wearing the other one here.
After 284719 years, she should also know what the language D’s mom speaks is called. Seems she doesn’t care enough. (Another LIE that Abby fabricated) 
Also, former platonic roomie says hello. (LIE) 
They still can’t explain away B/enny, the man D just praised for his new album yet D hasn’t even mentioned his brother’s (I can’t explain it but it has nothing to do with Darren and Mia.  You’re the one making it a problem) .  The man that mocked fandom on his IG by referring to M/oulin R/ouge when posting about the fraud in NOLA (Nobody-especially Ben Hudson- gives a shit about fandom Abby. You’re a nobody)  The man who seemingly officiated the wedding (Again a LIE)  And the one who appears to have a dog (yes he does, he lives with his girlfriend, Joanna, and their two dogs) . Hey remember just a few weeks ago when PBB dropped her teeth in the dog’s bowl? Funny as we know she and D don’t have a dog (Nope, they clearly don’t- stop trying so hard).…
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xtrapapers6 · 2 years
How I Achieved 3 A*s At A-Level
In the event that you're going for the gold Level grades to meet your offers and get into Med School, it can feel overwhelming - yet with difficult work and association, it's reachable! This blog has three supportive A-Level prep tips from Rachel, who figured out how to get A level maths Past papers, Chemistry and Maths.
Ace Time Management And Tricky Topics
One of the main things in your A-Level prep is great using time productively. I know that in any case, I observed it threatening to take a gander at how much happy I expected to cover in not seemingly forever period - however trust me, it's conceivable assuming you plan your time admirably.
I suggest making a correction plan or schedule where you can incorporate all of your impending test dates and different responsibilities. Then, at that point, you can work out how long you really need to overhaul before your tests. Make a rundown of all that you want to amend for each subject, and apportion days and time allotments to ensure you can cover all that you really want to. You could have a ton to overcome, yet don't be too aggressive in what you can do in one day!
Assuming there are explicit points or subjects that you see as more enthusiastically, permit more opportunity for them. For instance, I invested more energy in Biology and Chemistry, as I found those subjects significantly more enthusiastically than Maths. Likewise, ensure you incorporate a lot of time for breaks and different exercises like side interests and seeing companions. It's similarly essential to have a good time and unwind ahead of the pack up to tests, in any case you risk getting excessively focused and wearing yourself out.
I would inform you to go through all with respect to the substance well ahead of the tests. Thusly, you will have a period nearer to the tests to see past papers and return to any areas that you are less sure with.
Get Smart In The Exam Hall
At the point when you get to your real tests, attempt to remain as quiet as could be expected - which I know is easy to talk about, not so easy to do!
As you go through the test paper, in the event that you go over an inquiry that you don't know of, leave it until further notice and put an imprint close to it. Whenever you've addressed all the other things, return to any inquiries you passed up a great opportunity, attempt to concentrate however much as could reasonably be expected, and give a valiant effort to respond to them.
By following this method, you can ensure you right off the bat answer the inquiries that you make certain of, and abstain from with nothing to do attempting to interpret any inquiries that you are more uncertain about. Toward the finish of the test, you ought to feel a smidgen more loose and things might return to you, giving you a superior mentality to return and address those trickier inquiries.
For More Details, Visit us:
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Edexcel Maths Past Papers
O level English Past Papers
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mmegarderobe-blog · 7 years
1, 2, 3, 18, 21, 46! (excessively detailed headcanon meme!)
1) What does their bedroom look like?
In my main verse for her, her bedroom in the suite that she shares with her husband in the castle is clean, neat, and incredibly femme. She has lace coverings over the tops of her tables and flowers in vases all around the room. It smells faintly like the lavender perfume that she wears and the bottles themselves are lined up in a row against the looking glass of her vanity. The bottles are in different shapes and sizes and although they all have a lavender base, each one is unique for the different over- and undertones that are in the liquids themselves. She’s converted some of her favorite empty bottles into miniature vases that she uses around the suite. The sheets on her bed are standard issue from the castle’s staff, but she does have a blanket folded over the end that’s been hers since she left the orphanage. It’s faded with the years, but the embroidery are careful vines and well done by her own hand. Compared to other rooms in the castle, it’s incredibly bare. One reason for that is that she doesn’t actually sleep there. She sleeps with her husband in his room in their suite using this room more as a larger dressing room. In his room, but thought of more as their room, her sheet music is usually stacked atop the harpsichord that’s in the corner of the room. It’s not an instrument as grand as the one in the ballroom or the music room, but just one to practice on in the middle of the night when the muse strikes either of them. Her robe is over the back of the dressing table and their wash basins are side by side. Frou Frou’s bed is by the window so he can laze in the sun on afternoons when it pleases him with little toys in a pile. There’s flowers here too, but flowers she thinks they’d both enjoy. The ones in her room were chosen specifically for herself. There’s more trunks in this room than in one that’s designated as hers and it feels a little more cozy with everything in it, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. 
2) Do they have any daily rituals? || ( answer! )
For modern Allegra: one of the first things she does in the morning while eating breakfast is nearly obsessively checking the weather so she can plan the perfect look for whatever Mother Nature throws at her. She’ll also scroll through her IG feed for inspiration and take her outfit of the day picture as well as update Frou Frou’s account with his schedule. Before sleeping she’ll look in on her shoe collection and make sure that all is well with her little beauties.
3) Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
The concept of exercise is foreign to Madame, and isn’t quite sure why someone would put themselves through specific tasks to ensure their health when they could just live the life they have. A modern Allegra on the other hand goes out jogging in the park or around the neighborhood. She absolutely hates to get sweaty in this way, but she does it to counteract the way she eats. It’s around 3-4 times a week that she’ll go running, but she does yoga every day and actually enjoys that.
18) Favorite beverage?
Champagne, but she does love a wonderful cup of soothing tea!
21) Turn-ons? Turn-offs? 
Turn ons: Musical talent. She absolutely loves music and you’ll be one of her favorite people in general if she likes your music. Having her spine stroked is a more sensual turn on for her. From the nape of her neck to the small of her back if you stroke her spine - long and heavy strokes, feather light strokes - she’ll melt. It’s difficult for her in the mornings if she’s in her lover’s arms and they start to stroke her spine because it’ll get her flustered. Another turn on is her lover’s sleepy voice. Right in the morning or way late at night, she loves hearing the way her lover’s voice will change with how tired they are. 
Turn offs: People assuming that she’s ~interested~ in them when she was only being her normal, incredibly friendly self. She absolutely hates when someone speaks around her. Allegra hates not being considered and when people do that to her face, she starts raging - which says a lot since on the usual you can’t get her angry.
46) Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds? || ( answer! )
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csa-suggestions · 7 years
(father dream anon) hi! thank you very much for answering. so umm about other symptoms... im not sure what are symptoms and what aren't? i go to therapy for ptsd stuff + depression/anxiety/etc. ive never felt safe in this house, though i had a dog that would bark at my father when he was being mean so she was the only one i considered family. umm i have nightmares pretty much every night but have had only about two like that... theres stuff from when i was like 6 but idk if it's important tbh..
(father anon again, sorry!) when people talk about sexual abuse irl i get really uncomfortable and my ears buzz and my head hurts and idk i just want to cry a lil but?? thats not so bad ig?? ive cried multiple times because of older men touching me (doctors tbh) and it’s just really scary and feels dirty dirty so dirty im sorry- um. ik my father used to bathe me til i was like…8? maybe? and it made me uncomfortable but he got so mad when i told him i could do it alone but idk its probs normal?
its okay! first i do think the bath thing is weird considering your age and his reaction. im going to list some more symptoms below
Eating disorders such as anorexia or bulimiaVague complaints of stomach pain or headachesSleep problemsBowel disorders, such as soiling oneself (encopresis)Genital or rectal symptoms, such as pain during a bowel movement or urination, or vaginal itch or dischargeLack of self-esteem / self-destructiveness – the child may make statements that they are worthless, harm themselves or even exhibit suicidal ideationAdvanced sexual knowledge – the child may possess knowledge beyond his level of development, specifically detailed sexual information.Being depressed, withdrawn or excessively fearfulDrop in school performanceSexualized behavior – such as dressing seductively or acting sexually through dolls, around peers or adults. The child may also masturbate excessively.Distress around a particular person – the child may not want to spend time with a particular adultSeeking excessive time with an adult – he may also be given extra attention, gifts, privileges, etc.AggressivenessHigh-risk behaviors or drug use
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