#anael!sister jo x you
thebiggerbear · 9 months
Writing Updates - Dec 2023
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Here's what I've got currently going on amidst the holiday craziness (meaning, yes I'm working on ALL of these):
Beau Arlen x Female Reader:
The Ghosts Are Coming For You Chapter 2
Only Ever Holding Onto You Chapter 4
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #1)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Unnamed (TBD) AU short story
Unnamed (TBD) AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) AU Prompt Response (which is looking like it may turn into either a one shot or short story depending on how long this continues to get)
Unnamed (TBD) s3 AU short story
Soldier Boy x Female Reader:
Keep Me Inside Chapter 1
Unnamed (TBD) post-3x05/AU one shot that I previewed in November here
Unnamed (TBD) post-3x04/AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) post-3x08/AU story that I previewed in November here
Unnamed (TBD) s3 AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #1)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Dean Winchester x Female Reader:
Follow Me Into the Dark s15/AU short story Part 1
Unnamed (TBD) s15/AU Prompt Response
Unnamed (TBD) s15/AU one shot (that may turn into a short story)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #1)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Unnamed (TBD) s10 one shot
Sam Winchester x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) s14 ficlet (may turn into one shot)
Alec McDowell x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) short story
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Tom Hanniger x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) post-movie short story
Unnamed (TBD) post-movie story
Jenny Hoyt x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) story that I previewed in November here
Unnamed (TBD) 3x11 AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response
Anael/Sister Jo x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) one shot
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #1)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response
Rachel Gatina x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) short story
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
SDV Leah x Female Reader:
Unnamed (TBD) Prompt Response (multi-character response #2)
Multiple Pairings:
Beau Arlen x Female Reader x Jenny Hoyt:
Unnamed (TBD) story
Beau Arlen x Female Reader x Jenny Hoyt x Cassie Dewell:
You Know What You're Here For (still determining if this will be a short story or full story but one thing it will be is absolutely filthy - I'm not much of a smut writer but I used this to practice with so yeah, absolutely filthy, I feel like I don't know if I need a shower or Confession or a cigarette, preferably one of the former two)
Breakdown of the Multi-Character x Reader Prompt Response Project:
Prompt 1:
Soldier Boy - Complete
Beau Arlen - Complete
Dean Winchester - in progress
Jenny Hoyt - in progress
Tom Hanniger - in progress
Jason Teague - Complete
Anael - in progress
SDV Alex - in progress
Prompt 2:
Soldier Boy - Complete
Beau Arlen - Complete
Dean Winchester - Complete
Jenny Hoyt - Complete
Tom Hanniger - in progress
Jason Teague - Complete
Alec McDowell - Complete
CJ Braxton - in progress
Anael - in progress
Rachel Gatina - in progress
SDV Leah - in progress
I haven't posted the completed ones yet because I want to post them altogether so they can all be linked together since they're responses to the same prompt.
As far as ships go here's what I've got in the works:
Beau x Cassie:
Their Silent Thunder Matches Mine Chapter 3
What Happened Last Night Prompt Response
No Warning Prompt Response
Traditions Prompt Response
Santa Beau Prompt Response
Unnamed (TBD) post-3x13 one shot
Unnamed (TBD) Halloween/AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) one shot
Cassenny (Cassie x Jenny):
Unnamed (TBD) pre-series/s1 AU one shot
Dean x Cassie Dewell:
Unnamed (TBD) s15/post-s3/AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) later season/post-s3/AU one shot (previewed here)
Destiel (Dean x Castiel):
Unnamed (TBD) later-season ficlet
Unnamed (TBD) post-15x19 ficlet
Unnamed (TBD) post 13x01 ficlet
Unnamed (TBD) AU/post-finale ficlet
Buddie (Buck x Eddie):
One Last Time s4/AU one shot (it's been in the works for the last two years at least but I'm getting that much closer to where I want it and can finally post it; we're on final approach, folks)
Unnamed (TBD) post-4x05 one shot (that may turn into a short story)
Unnamed (TBD) post-3x18 one shot
Jonsa (Jon x Sansa):
Unnamed (TBD) AU story
Unnamed (TBD) post-s6 one shot (that may turn into a short story)
Unnamed (TBD) post-s6/pre-s7 AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) one shot
Unnamed (TBD) AU one shot
Unnamed (TBD) post-finale one shot
Unnamed (TBD) post-finale one shot
Unnamed (TBD) post-finale short story
Daensa (Daenerys x Sansa):
Unnamed (TBD) modern/AU short story
Unnamed (TBD) s7 AU short story that I previewed in November here (that may turn into a story)
Unnamed (TBD) mid-finale one shot
Unnamed (TBD) s8 ficlet
Unnamed (TBD) AU Prompt Response
Bella x Jacob:
Take What You Need (possibly mid or) post-NM/AU one shot (I haven't decided which time frame fits the events better)
Unnamed (TBD) post-BD imagine
Unnamed (TBD) Thanksgiving/post-BD one shot
Other Things:
Game of Thrones story (post-finale) - contains OC's along with canon characters
The Walking Dead story (post-TWDDC season 1) - contains OC's along with canon characters
Dean Winchester x Female!OC story (post-finale)
Alec McDowell x Female!OC story (post-finale)
I'm currently outlining projects for the following:
Edythe Cullen x Bella Swan
Edythe Cullen x Jacob Black (one shot)
Rosalie Hale x Female Reader
Carlisle Cullen x Female Reader
Sebastian Sallow x Female Reader
Rip Wheeler x Female Reader
Dean Winchester x Jo Harvelle (one shot)
Maribel Garlick x Female Reader (one shot)
Sam Uley x Female Reader
Leah Clearwater x Renesmee Cullen?
Sam Uley x Renesmee Cullen (one shot)
Max Goodwin x Elizabeth Wilder (one shot)
Jenny Hoyt x Dean Winchester (one shot)
Jenny Hoyt x Soldier Boy
Clarke Griffin x Lexa (prompt response to a Clexmas '23 prompt that I won't make in time to post the response to but I'm still writing it!)
Dean Winchester x Buffy Summers (one shot)
Buffy Summers x Faith Lehane
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. CIX
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Dean, What Do You Want?
Hi everyone! We arrived to season 14. Is th season I started writing meta, so this is gonna be a resume of all my observations from these two episodes.
This season was the 'what do you want?' season, but it also was the Profound Bond season to me. And you'll see why.
Let's start!
All my metas from these episodes from season 14 can be found here: X , X, X, X. X.
Closing Arcs and the Phoenix Complex
At the beginning of the season, there was a lot of clues that led us to think the show was coming to its end.
The first character showing this, was Sam.
I started to elaborate the concepto of 'Phoenix Complex' in Supernatural characters.
This idea is based over that ability of the characters in coming back from death several times.
Like the Phoenix, they reborn from their ashes renewed. And that's the meaning from this.: "I'm giving you this so many chances to change your point of view, so you can see with new eyes."
Is the same concept with the breaking point trough lost, pain and tragedy.
Following this idea, we could say Dean and Castiel (and Sam) needed to go through their journey dying and resurrecting as many times as they needed to be renewed. Season 14 is the season of HEALING!DEAN and Castiel had his growth too.
Because they needed to love themselves, accept themselves, in order to freely love the other.
That's why this was the what do you want season.
But, I said before, Sam is the first one closing his arc:
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And how glorious way to closed that hateful destiny. He rules his own path. He says "ENOUGH!" To those demons, but also, to his past with them. We won't come back to those black days. He even saw his prison guard, Lucifer, dying in front of him. The victory is by his side.
This path of self knowledge and self acceptance is about to end. He's not anymore this guy with so many regrets and so many incomplete desires. He even had the opportunity of reconciliation with his mother, that profund wound, healing with forgiveness.
But now that we know about season 15, Sam's words here have an additional meaning to what I wrote. Because we know there wasn't a king, but a queen of hell right?
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What do you want?
The season starts with Michael asking everyone what do they want. When actually, he was trying to figure out what Dean wanted. It was an indirect question. Because Michael could have Dean's body but not his more deepest secret. (Just like the Qareen in season 11 remember? She couldn't decipher what was in Dean's heart)
Pay attention to this dialogue:
MICHAEL: Why are we here. I know why I’m here to ask you a question.
JAMIL: What question?
MICHAEL: The same question I’ve spent weeks traveling around this world asking all sorts of people. Holy men, leaders, killers. And now I come to you, Jamil Hamed. (pause) What do you want? (...)If you could have anything, name it.
JAMIL: Peace. And love.
Michael names three kind of people in his list: holy men, killers and leaders. The three characteristics that could apply to Dean. So, this question is maden for Dean. That's why no answer will satisfy Michael. Because the answers he is having are not enough to understand Dean completely.
MICHAEL: If you cared about peace, you never would have left Syria. You never would have ran and abandoned your friends to die – and they did die.
Imagine Michael saying this to Dean because is an indirect message for him. And he is trying to break Dean through GUILT. By saying YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALONE NOW AND THEY'RE GOING TO DIE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT THERE TO PROTECT THEM.
MICHAEL: And if you cared about love, you never would have gone into that broom closet with – What was her name?
The symbolism using the word closet, Dean inside the closet just dating women.
MICHAEL: And that’s the problem with you. You’re lost... And not worth saving.
Michael is talking about what he can read inside of Dean. His fears. But this is also a parallel to the Destiel first meeting in that barn where Castiel reads in Dean that he had not faith. We will have another reading of his fears with Kaia in episode 14x03.
Another clue of why Michael couldn't have access to Dean deepest secrets was when he faces Anael in episode 14x02 and mistook her for Castiel...
(Just a little reminder of why Dean said yes to Michael, it was because of FAMILY LOVE!)
Okay, now... That time when Michael thought Anael was Cas...
MICHAEL: I know about you, Jo. Because he knew about you. You're the rebel, the angel who doesn't like playing by Heaven's rules or whatever. You pretend to care about these things -- pretty things. But that's all it is -- pretending.
These trinkets, they don't make you happy. They just pass the time. They're not what you really want.
SISTER JO: And if you're so smart, what do I really want?
MICHAEL: Love. To belong, to have a place -- a home, a family. It's very very human of you. And so, so disappointing.
I can sense how many angels are in this world. There aren't many left. I thought... maybe I could help. But if they're all these sad, lost, fallen things -- things like you -- maybe they're not worth saving, either.
Don't you think is really weird? Yes, because Dean won't let Michael to have access to his feelings for Castiel.
That means the bond is not complete because Dean is already bonded with Castiel.
Bringing back the Profound Bond
At the beginning of episode 14x01 we had that random demon reminding us that Castiel and Dean are bonded.
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Yes... This was a good bait for us but it was too a reminder that DEAN AND CAS SHARE THIS PROFOUND BOND. And putting that in the first episode was like "You viewers keep this in mind".
This was important and it was put as a preamble for the whole season.
Depressed Castiel and the low grace
We will never know if these were plot holes and huge mistakes from Dabb or if it had to do with Castiel's depression.
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I wrote that in one of my metas, related to that time in season 10 (mostly episode 10x01) in which Castiel was so depressed, with low grace and letting himself die because Dean was missed.
But also this scene...
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Castiel is more emotional than in the previous seasons. We all know because he misses Dean, and he is here using Dean's words with Jack. Because Dean is his role model. We all know that. But this has to do too with Castiel closing his arc too.
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The dialogue he had with Jack was about that time when he became a human and how he learned he had Dean and Sam but mostly, he had himself.
This Castiel knows where he belongs. He knows his family are Dean, Jack and Sam. Being Dadstiel helped him to find his place. And this lead us to a closure of his character.
Michael bringing Purgatory vibes
Just a few words about Michael and monsters. He really thought there was PURITY about it. He is the one bringing back this concept we saw in season 8 related to Purgatory. It won't be the only clues he will show throughout the season about purity and monsters and Purgatory. In retrospective, there were foreshadowing Castiel and Dean coming back to Purgatory of Love in 15x09.
To Conclude:
Season 14 is the season of the profound Bond, the healing!Dean concept linked to the question 'what do you want?'
It's also a journey though the beginning of the closure of arcs (or an attempt of it).
Time for Dean to accept himself and love himself.
Hope you liked this first meta from season 14! See you in the next one!
Tagging @magnificent-winged-beast @emblue-sparks @weird-dorky-little-d @michyribeiro @whyjm @legendary-destiel @a-bit-of-influence @thatwitchydestielfan @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover @lykanyouko @evvvissticante @savannadarkbaby @dea-stiel @poorreputation @bre95611 @charlottemanchmal @neii3n @deathswaywardson @followyourenergy @dean-is-bi-till-i-die @hekatelilith-blog @avidbkwrm @anarchiana @dickpuncher365 @vampyrosa @authorsararayne @mybonsai1976 @love-neve-dies @dustythewind @wayward-winchester67 @angelwithashotgunandtrenchcoat @trashblackrainbow @deeutdutdutdoh @destiel-shipper-11 @larrem88 @charmedbycastiel @ran-savant @little-crazy-misha-minion @samoosetheshipper
@shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @mishtho @dancingtuesdaymorning @nerditoutwithbooks @mikennacac73 @justmeand-myinsight @idontwantpeopletoknowmyname @teddybeardoctor @pepevons @helevetica @isthisdestiel @dizzypinwheel @jawnlockwinchester @horsez2 @qanelyytha
@destielle @spnsmile @shippsblog @robot-feels @superlock-in-the-tardis @superduckbatrebel @2musiclover2 @madronasky @anon-non2 @cea1996 @lisafu02 @asphodelesauvage
If you want to be added or removed from this list just let me know.
Buenos Aires April 18th 2021 7:18 PM
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herstarburststories · 4 years
Meet Me In The Church
Kinktober day 18: Threesome
Suptober day 25: Villain
A/N: I know I'm a couple days late in kinktober, but I'll get there. A Very Supernatural Halloween is here! We are starting with @deanmonandnegansbitch 's request!
Pairings: Michael!Dean x reader, Anael x reader, Michael!Dean x reader x Anael
Warnings: fingering, playing with boobs, violence
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“So this is your plan? Just go around destroying things until God shows up?” A strident voice reverberated through the abraded church's walls, causing flinch of yours in response. This place was abandoned, and the maps that Alice, your friend, picked up online didn't mention anything about a room underground. Obviously, that only made you follow the stairs towards the noise. “And then what?”
The response came through a velvet voice, “Even God can die.”
You kept walking, the distinguishing sounds of your friends' laughters being replaced by a louder tone of the two unknown people behind the black door in the end of the stairs. You could see a big crucifix, some word craved in it — an old pray, probably.
You should turn around and call your friends. Maybe even the police. Those people were hiding in a secret room. Not that you and your group were right to break in the old church, but it was for fun and not to plan a murder of God. In the bare minimum, the pair was high, drunk, and wasted.
Yet, you kept walking to the black door. Your legs trembling as if some lasting animal instinct in your body knew that wasn't a good idea. But you wanted to know what was happening, give names to the faces and get a story out of them. Where they actually talking about God or were they using nicknames as a gang? Why they wanted to kill God? What happened to get them to the point of arguing about their plan in a church in the middle of Mexico?
You followed their voices like a sailor would follow a siren cry. You just begged to any holy divinity left in the forgotten church not to let you have the same destiny of the sea men.
You were close enough to hear the loud huff, the woman's next words tangled with incredulity. She laughed like she wasn't able to discern if he was kidding or not. “I thought Lucifer was reckless, but you're literally throwing tantrums to get God's attention and then try kill him.”
“Do not compare me to Lucifer.” He almost howled. Your fingers touched the door, pulling it carefully; you knew those sort of building had many noises. You breached, taling a glance inside the place. The room looked old and dusty, except for the two standing there. A woman and a man, just like you pictured from the voices. You were amazed by their apparency. Tall, beautiful, and dominant. You didn't know why, their postures simply exhaled power. “Pay me some respect. Remember that you didn't pick me, I picked you.” An echo of something being thrown against the wall could be heard next, her body was slammed as she was held by her neck. The mam with a hat didn't seem to care. If anything, the cocky grin on his lips reported his clear amusement. The girl put grabbed his arms, gasping a bit. You couldn't just allow that. “I can easily get another angel to do your job if I find you useless like my brother did. His only mistake was to let you live. Lucifer, always such a sentimental.”
Your dry tongue was capable of pushing a word out of your mouth. It was supposed to come out as a warning when you spread the door open, but the quiet unsteady tone beatrayed you. “Hey!”
Both of them turned to stare at the intruder. He threw her body away with ease, green eyes fixated on you. “It seems like we have a guest.”
“You can't just do that to a woman, you abusive asshole.” You said through your teeth, walking to her and getting on your knees. “Are you okay?”
He rolled his eyes at your worry, but the girl seemed to appreciate it: her glossy eyes by the lack of oxygen were wide as they watched you, mouth slightly open in surprise. Anael wasn't used to kindness of any being towards her. In heaven, she was just another angel. On earth, she was sister Jo, humans were nice to her because they wanted to be cured, and the angels were disgusted by how quickly she manipulated her nature to play among the weaker kind.
But not you... You got yourself in the middle of a argument to assist her. Someone you didn't even know!
Anael couldn't help but welcome the weird sensation through her vessel. She felt shy, but st the same time warm. Was this what being cared about felt like?
“She isn't a human, little one. She's just a weak angel trying to make some sense out of her existence by bring closer to a higher being.” Michael's utterly calm tone brought her back to reality. He scoffed, looking up and down at the both of you. “You're right. That sounds a lot like a human.”
“You are crazy.” You hissed, grabbing the other's arm to help her getting up. Your skins tickled each other together. Your eyes were amiable when observating. “You can come with me. My friends are downstairs, we can take you to the police station.”
“You'd be getting ride of a problem for me.” Despite the disinterest, Michael arched an single eyebrow. You weren't the only curious in the church. He wanted to know more. “But fulfill my curiosity: What are you doing here? Why would you help someone you don't even know?”
“We're leaving.” You said, pulling Anael to go with you. Although she was on her feet, she didn't make a move to walk away with you. “We can keep you good. You don't have to stay here with that crazy.”
She didn't want you to die, the first being that showed her kindness somehow, but she knew better than mess with Michael's ego. Anael had teamed up with Lucifer to keep herself safe. She was a survivor. She could adapt anywhere, in any situation. The angel had to do that here too.
“He isn't crazy. We are angels.” She said, eyes glowing white. You pulled away from her hold with a shocked expression, her human skin almost hurt in response.
“Anael is an angel. I'm Michael, the archangel.” He corrected her, smiling proudly at his title. Michael took steps closer to you. “You didn't answer me.”
His green orbs turned bright blue as he glanced at you. One of his tough hands raising to meet your cheek in a singele touch that didn't seem fitting him, at all. That man looked like danger, still you couldn't stop yourself from leaning into his touch. The magnetic pull of something graceful trapped with his gorgeous being.
“I helped her because I thought she needed help.” You answered. “And I came here with a group of friends. We heard about the abandoned church and just came around.”
Michael nodded, a smuh smile on his plump lips.
“Wrong time, wrong place.”
His hand swiftly went to your neck, trace of goshbumps left behind. Anael knew what was coming next; she could take a couple hints, but you were just a fragile human.
“We could use her!” angel attempted to intervene, hoping Michael wouldn't notice the despair in hee voice. Anael wanted more of the emotions you brought out hee vessel, she wanted to be cared for.
“And have another burden to carry?” Michael huffed, his fingers wrapped around your neck as you watched they speaking. God, how did you allow this to happen? “Anael, I keep you around only to have an eye close to the other angels. Why would a human be useful to me?”
“You think to much.” Anael said, her malicious grin exhibiting a confidence she didn't have. “She could be useful for another things.” Her scooted closer to you two, pressing hee body to your side and biting your ear. You pressed your legs together, trying to contain your arousal. But, how could you? He was marvelous and was holding your neck, and she was pressing her against you as if she wanted to make one out of you two.
“Carnal desires.” Michael stated, considering how your body reacted. Interesting but not peculiar, despite Dean's clear positive noise about it. “I'm not my vessel. I do not require sexual activities all the time.”
Anael managed to pull you to her, while Michael pulled away. “You work so hard to make a better world, Michael. You deserve a break.”
You glared at her breathlessly. All your emotions, all your body were a mess for both the victim and the villain; Anael and Michael. You wanted both.
Anael's lips were tingling as she leaned in, ultimately pressing them against yours. It was sloppy, hurried, and a mess. Obviously her first kiss. But that didn't stop her from grabbing your neck and pushing you against the wall.
She wanted more. Anael invaded your mouth with her tongue, whimpered to your taste. You didn't know how to reach at first, but soon your hands were on her hips. Her chest pressed against yours made you whimper, you could feel every inch of her body.
Michael licked his lips as he watched the scene. Dean's mind has a whole section dedicated to such acts, especially videos including more than one woman. The archangel hadn't seen the appeal until you. You and Anael, two puny creatures, were attacking each other only to make him keep you alive.
Anael pulled away from you, the slick in her panties demonstrating exactly what her vessel wanted, what she wanted. You were not far from that, so you didn't protest when she ripped your shirt off. Good day not to wear a bra.
She let out a whimper, eyes full of adoration when she looked at your boobs. Anael just followed what her body wanted to to, guided by her vessel's memories,— in some of them, the woman that once had control on this body was moaning, squirming even for someone called Yas. She'd moan and whine as her partner played with her breasts. — moving foward, her mouth around your nipple as she sucked it.
You shameful loud scream left your body as your pulled her closer to your chest. You eyes were on Michael, how he watched you both like a predator studying his prey. If Anael was so eager, so rough biting and pulling your boob, you couldn't wait to see how Michael would be.
“Michael—” You whined, the fear of his reaction only soaking your panties more. “Please. I need you too.”
Usually, it was easy to descry his emotion's and Dean's. Dean was often a loyal dog, surrounded by selfless feelings and necessity. Now, though, Michael couldn't tell if it was his vessel or himself that let out a hungry groan at your words. All he knew was that he approached to contemplate the way your expression contoured in pleasure.
Your aura was delivered into delight, beautiful noises that reminded him a lot of his enemies falling left your mouth. Your legs pressed together in a silly try for friction catching his attention. Michael slid his hand inside your panties, fingers in a clandestine meeting with your wetness. It was a pleasant situation for him.
The archangel, just like the angel that had went to taste your other boob, craved for what you could give him. It was almost worship, you offering your body as the ancients did before. Michael put a finger inside you, enamored by how you moaned and moved, how your wetness squeezed his digit so good. He couldn't wait to get his hardening cock there.
But first, he needed to do something else. You seemed worthwhile, but he wasn't one for blind faith anymore. Michael pulled his finger to his mouth, licking it.
You tasted divine.
“No carnal desires? Guess your vessel doesn't agree with you.” Anael pulled away from you to provoke Michael, nodding at the hardness in his pants. You winced in protest.
Michael's answer came as a groan: “Shut up or I won't let you touch her anymore.”
You just wanted them to touch you now, after, and forever. You needed them. You were made to be given to them, you knew it in your bones. And then, they did. And you couldn't ever believe you had actually found a purpose.
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clairenovvak · 4 years
Crossroads demon Bela Talbot x Con Artist Angel Anael/Sister Jo....
i support you but also if demon bela talbot is having sex with anyone it’s ME
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shirtlesssammy · 6 years
14x16 Bullet Point Rambles
Ah, making out in the car in the deep, dark woods. A very safe activity. Something mysterious whistles in the woods… I AM READY
Oh my god is it BIGFOOT (Boris: Bigfoot doesn’t exist!)
Sam’s still not sleeping. Poor Sammy
Cas isn’t there because he has wanderlust, hmm? (Or is there something else afoot? Methinks it’s the latter.)
Dean is a terrible liar to the people he cares about. Good lord. They tell Jack to take care of the bunker while they head off to hunt
Dean’s got cat-like reflexes as he leaps away from the corpse (Boris: he always lands on all fours - insert Tobias gif)
Meanwhile, the Local Teens ™ watch Ghostfacers and greet Jack, who’s standing gormlessly outside of the closed grocery store
“What’s a ghost?” Goddamn it, Jack, this clumsy dissembling is why we love you
The Local Teens ™ watch Jack shop and wonder about his life with the Winchesters. “Their whole place must smell like beer, kleenex, and Old Spice.” Lesbians FTW
Hey, look at Jack being extra cute so as to injure us more grievously later
IMPORTANT FACT Movie nights are Thursday and Dean loves Lost Boys
Sam found info on the potential monster - a kohunta (sp?), a legend of the local tribe that loves to eat sweet human flesh.
Oooo it’s like a tree bark monster! It drips bile onto an unfortunate victim’s face. Boris is HEAVILY INTO the X-Files jam
The Sheriff calls off the emergency crews, ordering them out of the woods and thereby confirming our theory that he’s covering for something
At the cabin, the Local Teens ™ are adorable. Jack brings Eliot a ton of lore books from the bunker. Backpack Jack settles in and asks a succession of sweet, clueless questions
This segues into Jack hauling out the ol’ angel blade to teach these kiddos how to hunt, like ya do. We are SO worried for Eliot’s survival at this point
Boris: Hey Jack, if you wanna impress seventeen-year-olds then you should really just buy them beer. None of this weapon-wielding stuff
Meanwhile, Sam and Dean get themselves cornered by the Sheriff in the woods. Dean interrogates him about the monster
Back with the Local Teens ™, Jack starts using his powers to swirl the angel blade around and NOW WE ARE VERY CONCERNED
Jack accidentally stabs one of the girls NOOOOOOOO
He tries to heal her and I am very concerned
She survived! Phew!
Jack gets spurned by the Local Teens ™ and has trouble understanding why he can’t hang out with them anymore
Welp. Cue Jack’s self-loathing arc. (If he can experience self-loathing on account of the ol’ soul.) (Boris: He’s a Winchester. Self loathing comes with the package.)
Over the commercial break, we discuss Cas and his approach to humanity and powers, versus Jack. Cas has a lot of experience backing up his choices, whereas Jack has been established this whole episode as being just a wee baby who knows nothing of the world
Back with the oh-yeah-there’s-a-monster-of-the-week, the Sheriff recounts his own experience witnessing the kohunta.
Backstory: the first white settlers encroaching on the land had a hard winter and the boy ate his family, then tried to eat the people of the local tribe. In retaliation, the tribe cursed him to roam the woods, hungry and monstrous forever. Cursed to eat other people, or else digest itself. They marked the forest to keep people out, the monster in, and starve the monster, but people forgot and...well...here we are some 50+ bodies later
(Boris: Oh hey a cursed boy trapped in a box, you say?)
The Sheriff asks why the Winchesters aren’t running around recording monsters and putting stuff on YouTube. Oooo, this is a great juxtaposition to the GhostFacers snark about the Winchesters from earlier
Sam insists that informing the public is a sure-fire way to see everyone dead. Intriguing
Our other troubled teen heads into the woods to hunt the monster. OH NO
You can kill the monster with a silver blade through the heart. That’s so common, Sam and Dean just have it in their back pocket!
Meanwhile, the whistling draws ever nearer. It is so delightfully creepy the way it echoes through the dark woods. And that still-as-a-tree trunk monster stalking! YIKES
This is a good monster fight with some good teamwork with the Winchesters and Sheriff. They stab it and the monster just melts into…stomach acid, I guess
“Whoa, that’s like full on Raiders!” Dean. Bean
Later in the Impala of Feelings… Dean questions Sam’s suggestion to the Sheriff to tell the truth about the monster to his son. Dean thinks lying is the better approach but Sam pulls out the big guns. When they were kids, they lied to their dad all the time about how they were doing, just to make him happy. Let us all now fall into the quagmire of John Winchester’s A+ parenting feelings
Sam and Dean talk to Jack about how worried they are about his powers. They caution him against using them, and tell him they lied because they care, but they’re telling him now because...they still care. Jack stares into space, then promises not to use his powers. No "oops let me tell you how I almost killed someone” stories here. The music turns grim, so we’re all fine. Everything’s fine
Hey! Lies, lies and omissions. Who’s got ‘em? Jack and his power play, Cas and the Empty, Cas and his secret trip to (as the next trailer showed) talk to Anael/Sister Jo, Dean and his denial… Anyone else get the feeling that mounting lies are gonna crush all the fragile peace they’ve managed to paste together?
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atc74 · 6 years
Heaven & Hell Bingo
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I Wanna Go Back - Joshua - Dean x Reader AU
People Skills - Castiel - Detective!Cas - no pairing
Hell on Earth - Vessel -  Maggie OC - angst - TRIGGER WARNING MAJOR CHARACTER SUICIDE
Making Circles -  Dean x Reader flangst series
Month Three - Case Fic
Month Five - Castiel
Month Six - Smiting
Epilogue - Hurt/Comfort
Honey Bee - Michael!Dean - Michael!Dean/Daddy!Dean, Daughter OC sfw
I’d Rather Be Blind - Rogue Cupid - Dean x Reader flangst sfw
Watching You (Epilogue) - Michael - Sam x Reader AU angst CONTAINS TW
A Whole New World - Free Space - Sam x Reader nsfw
The Perfect Vessel - Lucifer!Sam aesthetic 
Anael’s Faith - Sister Jo - aesthetic w/ ficlet no pairing
Take Me Home - The Beginning - Apocalypse - no pairing PLEASE HEED TW
A Whole New Experience - Grace Kink - no pairing really nsfw
An Enlightening Experience - Missing Scene - Sam x Reader x Cas, Sastiel, if you squint nsfw
**updated 1/5/2020
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Divinity (Lucifer x Reader)
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(Gif credit to owner)
Fandom: Supernatural
Character: Lucifer
Persona: Female
Word Count: 491
A/N - I love Luci, thinking about making this a mini series? what do y’all think? this will first be set during the episode the truth about sister jo <3
Lucifer, the greatest and most powerful archangel, lay slumped on the bed. He tried his hardest to relax as Anael returned from the errand run. When the door opened and Anael walked in, he smiled although it quickly turned into something sour when he saw that she was accompanied by none other than Dean and Sam. Lucifer watched the Winchesters with his cool, blue eyes. He smirked at them, something that caused them to frown, as he thought about what things they could possibly try to kill him with now. There’d been many attempts on his life, and even though he was currently a bit low on juice, he was sure he could take them.“Hi boys, long time no see. Did ya miss me?”, he asked cheerfully, rocking back and forth on his heels. His attempt at feigning confidence was coming off well. 
The Winchesters said nothing but advanced towards the Devil, Castiel flanked from the side surprising the older angel. Scowling, Lucifer flicked him away but quickly regretted it as he instantly felt weaker. It all happened so fast, the Winchesters had Lucifer and Anael cornered and just when the Devil thought his day couldn’t get any worse, a familiar face walked through the door.
It was said that angels were as emotionless as stone and that their hearts were just as hard. Lucifer liked to believe that, he preached that, and he would never believe anything otherwise. That was until he saw you again.
As his eyes met yours he couldn’t help but feel like he was in Heaven again. The warmth they held made Lucifer feel that everything was right in the world, everything was good again, everything was perfect. You were perfect. His world, his perfection, his temptation and his own little slice of Heaven. The smile on his face was one of blissful satisfaction, the kind only lovers feel. 
But his reality shattered when the smile wasn’t returned.
“(Y/N)”, the tone of his voice was apparently much softer as even Dean shot a questioning glance towards Sam who merely shrugged in response.
“Lucifer”, you stated, the harsh austere felt like a slap in the face to the Devil. Aneal reached for his arm and gripped it slowly, the action did not go unmissed by you. Lucifer noticed the already stoic expression turned more unpleasant, causing more discomfort within him. “Aren’t you gonna come and give me a hug?”, he opened his arms to welcome you into the embrace as he took a small step forward, only to stop when the Winchesters moved defensively towards you. 
A quiet, metallic sliding noise was heard as an archangel blade slipped from your sleeve into your hand, “Go to Hell, Lucifer”, you hissed.
Before the Devil could counter with his wit, Ketch burst into the room throwing a bomb dispersing Lucifer and Aneal, leaving behind Cas, Ketch, the Winchesters and you, all who had questions, Dean started:
“What the hell?”.
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katehuntington · 6 years
C - A pairing you have never liked and probably never will A - Your current OTP and J - Name a fandom you didn’t care/think about until you saw it all over tumblr
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J: That’s gotta be Sherlock. I hadn’t seen it, never even heard of it, until I drowned in it here on tumblr.C: I never liked Sam with that girl who’s dog he hit. I disliked them so much I can’t even remember her nameA: My current OTP… well that was a long pause. Ooh! I know! Michael!Dean x Sister Jo/Anael. Oh, I would love for that to happen!
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galaxystiel · 7 years
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Sister Jo/Anael Icons
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laurenpandora · 7 years
Devil’s Bargain
So I just spent a good half an hour writing out my post and I went to a different tab and Tumblr refreshed, and I lost it all.
So this is my second draft, which I'm typing out in notepad because seriously I'm not losing another draft. I’ll add screenshots and some more comments in when I can rewatch it, the site I use to rewatch episodes is being a bit slow to upload this one so I have to wait.
Last night's episode was awesome. Absolutely epic. The ending had me staring at my screen for a good few minutes before the adrenaline kicked in and I just started panic typing at anyone who would listen. Including several people who don't even watch Supernatural and had no idea what i was talking about.
But ok I'm gonna need to post about this in some kind of order so we'll start from the beginning.
What on earth happened to Castiel? The last we saw, he was stabbing Lucifer with an angel blade, and suddenly he's injured and passes out? Did we miss something? I'm so confused. Kids poking Cas with a stick because they think he's dead is such a cliche, but still pretty funny. Imagine auditioning for that. Here kids, go poke Misha Collins with a stick.
Immediately knew the cheesy couple set up scene was caused by a Cupid. There was no other way, nothing else is that tacky. I kinda thought that Lucifer might leave the poor guy alive after taking his grace, but I guess that would have been too nice? Lucifer's hand-through-the-chest thing is unnecessarily disgusting though.
Arthur ketch is really irritating. I'm not sure if I'm just biased because of how much he's screwed them over, but I really want to slap that stuck up look off his face.
Asmodeus suggests Ketch stabs Luci with an angel blade. Yeah sorry Asmodeus, Cas already tried that one. But feel free to send Ketch off to kill Lucifer, get himself smote. I'm down with that.
Lucifer being homeless is interesting. I was kinda hoping maybe he'd learn some stuff about humanity, a bit like Cas did, but then that's probably not really Lucifer's style. He is a very complex character. When the homeless man started talking about Sister Jo and her faith healing, it instantly reminded me of Emanuel!Cas, so I figured she had to be an angel.
Dean yes you should have known it wasn't Cas. We've all been saying this for weeks. You've know him how long now? This was a nice scene though because Dean apologises and of course Cas instantly forgives him. <3
Donatello is a great character, I'm glad they've brought him in to help. His explanation about how much fried chicken he's gonna need was brilliant XD
So Sister Jo is an angel named Anael, not too shocking. She seems very smart, and also kind of a jerk. Not the way I was expecting this to go to be honest, I heard Daneel Ackles was playing a character named Sister Jo and was sort of expecting a friendly good character, not rogue Businesswoman Angel, which is much more interesting.  Not sure if I like her or not at this point, maybe we'll get some character development and figure it out. I hope she's in more episodes.
Why does Sam have a photo of Lucifer in his phone? Did he take this picture? Did Lucifer send him it? That's a really weird thing to have.
"Oh. It's only you..." Erm, *only* them? Ketch are you okay? Honestly, Sam, Dean and Cas turn up your first thought should be 'oh crap i'm in trouble now'. Castiel's Bitch face at Ketch is the best thing I've ever seen, and the way he just stylishly knocks him out is seriously cool.
So we kinda guessed that the Lucifer x Anael thing was gonna get a bit more.. personal. But it does seem super weird to give Satan a 'love interest'? Not sure how this is gonna go but I'm not expecting her to survive it.
Donatello goes to get his fried chicken and meets Casmodeus. Seriously he should have twigged that it wasn't Cas the minute he said about Michael rather than about saving Jack. I also want to make a comment about the fact that Evil Colonel Sanders is outside a Fried Chicken place. Too good.
Ketch thinks he's saved the day but really he did basically nothing. They honestly don't need him but he's really trying to stay relevant.
So now, surely 'Don't trust Lucifer' is in the angel handbook somewhere? You'd think it would be on page one, right? But no apparently the angels want leadership and don't give a damn who it is.  What happened to all that mistrust? Back when they were fighting Amara, Cassifer really had to try hard to convince them to help out, and he had God on the team then. But now, they suddenly want to follow him blindly just because he promised their wings back. Seems a bit weird to me.
Donatello has a case of the Kevins, with the whole 'I must translate this tablet and get super stressed about it' thing. At least he's eating though, hopefully he doesn't end up the sleep deprived mess that Kevin was.
And suddenly Asmodeus conveniently has this Archangel Blade that had never been mentioned before? I mean, I guess it makes sense that you'd need something more powerful to kill an archangel.. because otherwise... that would be pretty.. impossible.. wait..
This was the point where I honestly could not speak. I was just sat staring. The entire fandom went crazy. All I could do was type 'OH MY GOD' at the people I was watching it with.
So unexpected!
Half of us were like 'HE'S STILL ALIVE WE FREAKING KNEW IT!' and the other half were like 'WHAT THE HELL? HE KEPT THAT BLOODY QUIET!', because honestly almost every other return this season has been spoilered beforehand, and Gabriel is a major character and a fan favourite, but somehow Richard Speight Jr coming back to the show hadn't even been hinted at before this episode.
And now we have to wait until March 1st to see the next episode! What am I going to do??(That's a silly question, of course I'm going to rewatch the whole season so far, but still..)
Still so hyped from watching this!
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